题型四任务型完形填空话题1事物介绍Passage1 [2017安顺]use,find,them,idea,an,have,on,when,real,butIamfullyconvincedthatyoumusthaveheardaboutChinesepaper-cutting,haven'tyou?Paper-cutting is1._______important art forminChina. Paper-cuts wereusedfor manypurposes,andeverythingcanbecomethetheme( 主题)ofpaper-cuts,frompeopletothethingsthatcanbe2._______ineverydaylifesuchasbirds,flowersandanimals.Each paper-cut brings out the personal 3. _______ of the writer. Peopleexpresstraditionalcultureor4._______ownfeelingswithdifferentstylesofpaper-cuts.Forexample,5._______someonemarries,weputupsomeredpaper-cuts6._______thewall,dressingtableorotherfurnituretoexpressourbestwishes.Itiseasytolearnpaper-cutting7._______verydifficulttomakeitperfect.Weneedalong-timepracticetolearnhow8._______thescissors( 剪刀)andhowtopaint.Moreover,we9._______needtolearnsomecuttingskills.Fromhistoryuntilnow,inmanypartsofChina,paper-cuttingskill10._______becomenecessaryforwomenandasymbolofaclevermind.Passage2 [2017泰安]place,share,important,end,because,influence,successful,across,trade,likeAroadisabridgebetweentwoplaces.TheSilkRoadhasbeenabridgebetweenEastandWestformorethan2,000years.TheSilkRoadhasbeen1._______includedintotheUNESCOWorldHeritageList (世界文化遗产名录)atthe38thsessionoftheWorldHeritageCommitteeinDoha.Butdidyouknow:theSilk Roadisnotasingle route(路线)!It isaseries of2._______andculturaltransmission (传递)routes.Itbegan duringtheWesternHanDynasty.The traderoutestartsfromthecityofXi'aninShaanxiProvinceand3._______inEasternEurope,neartoday's TurkeyandtheMediterranean Sea.TheSilk Roadwasabout6,500kilometers long.Itwent4._______one-fourthoftheplanet.TheSilkRoadgotitsname5._______Chinesesilkusedtobecarriedalongthisroad.Apartfromsilk,jade,ceramicsandironwentwesttoRome.Fromthewestcameglass,gemsandfood6._______carrotsandsesame (芝麻).TheSilk Roadwasvery7._______to bothChinaandtherest oftheworld. Besides trade, knowledgeaboutscience, arts andliterature, aswell ascrafts andtechnologies was8._______ acrosstheSilk Road.Inthis way,languages andcultures developed and9._______eachother. Today, 10._______alongtheSilk Roadaregreattraveldestinations (目的地),suchasalone, it, works, becauseof, friend, they, that, infrontof,seven,andHaveyouevergotyourlunch, butnotknownwheretosit? Youdon't wanttosit 1._______.Butyouarenotsurewhowouldbefriendlyandletyousitwith2._______.Tosolve theproblem, Natalie Hampton,16,madeanappcalled Sit with Us.It makesfinding3._______intheschoolcanteenveryeasy.NatalieisfromShermanOaks,California,US.ThefreeappwentonlineonSeptember9th.Studentscansignupas “ambassadors”(大使)foraclub.Thentheycanpost “openlunch”eventstoinviteotherstojoinin.Nataliegottheideatocreatetheappaftersheatealoneather4._______gradeyear.Theexperience madeherfeel sad5._______shewasevenbullied (侮辱).Herparents decided tochangeherschool6._______that.Peoplemaywanttoknowwhyyoudon'tjustasktositdown.Nataliesaidtheappstopskidsfrombeingrejected (拒绝)7._______others. “Thiswayisveryprivate.8._______isthrough themobile phone.Nooneelse hastoknow.Andyouknow9._______you're notgoing toberejectedonceyougettothetable, ”sheto ldNPR.Sofar,theapp10._______well. “Ihadmyfirstclubmeeting,andeveryonewasveryexcited. Peoplearealready posting openlunches atmyschool. SoI'm veryexcited,”NatalietoldNPR.话题2故事类Passage4[2017陕西改编]clear,doctor,happy,raised,find,parents,she,share,well,hopesAlicewasbornwithastrangedisease.Shewastakentomanyhospitals.Noneofthe1._______knewthecause( 原由)ofthedisease.Theytoldherparentsshewouldgoblindanddeaf.NowAliceisfifteenyearsold.Hereyesightandhearingaresopoorthatshecan'tseeorhear2._______.Butsheisabright andhappygirl.Shesaysto 3._______,“Whateverhappens,Iwillnevergiveup.”She4._______toenjoyherlife.Withher5._______help,sheistravellingasmuchasshecan.Sheisalso6._______theinterestingthingssheexperiences alongtheway.Shealsowantstohelppeoplelike her.Herdreamis tohelp researchers7._______amethod forherdisease.Ifshecanget8._______,people whohavethe samedisease mayalsobecured (治愈).Infact,shehas9._______moneyforafoundation(基金会)fighting thediseasesinceshewasinGradeTwo.Untilnow,shehasgotover$150,000!Alicethinkshelpingotherscanmakeher10._______thanhavingfunalone.Sheisdoingherbesttoliveherlifewithoutanyregret.Passage5I, goback,stay, vegetable, one,set, lucky, create, good,writedownWhenIwasaboy,Ihadabigappetite (胃口).Iwas1._______enoughtohavemygrandma,becauseshealwayscookeddeliciousfoodforme.Atthattime,Ilivedatschool.Icouldonly 2. _______homeonvacation.ButwheneverIgotthechancetogobackhome,Iwouldliketo3._______inmygrandma'shome.When4._______grandmacookedinthekitchen,Iwouldliketohelpher.Ihelpedherwash5._______,cleandishesandsoon.ThenI6._______thetableandwaitedforhertoeattogether.Itwasreallyawarmmemory (回想)forme.Mygrandmaalwaystried to 7._______newdishes. Everytime after shecookedanewdish,shewouldletmetry8._______.Thenshewouldwaitformycommentsforthedish.Afterfinishingthedish,ItoldherhowIlikedthedish,andshewould9._______somenotesonasmallnotebook.WhenIgrewup,Iwenttoanothercitytowork.AlthoughItriedalotoffoodinmanyexpensive restaurants, inmyeyes,mygrandmawasthe10._______cookintheworld. A lthoughshehaspassedaway,Iwillrememberherforever.Passage6clear,sudden,idea,lead,under,pickitup,tail,jump,climbup,whereAlongtimeago,therewasasmallcityinasmallcountry.Outsidethecitytherewas alargeforest1._______500monkeyslived.Onenightthe500monkeyswalkedaroundandcametoabigtree.Adeepoldwellwas2._______thetree.Thewaterinthewellwasvery3._______andreflectedthefullmooninthesky. The4._______ofthesemonkeysbentoverwell andwatchedit carefully for awhile.Thenitjumpedontotheedgeofthewellandsaidtotheothers, “It'sbad!Todaythemoonhasbeendeadandfallenintothiswell.Letus5._______together,orthenightswillbedarkforever. ”Allthemonkeyssaid, “Thewellissodeep.Howcanwepickupthemoon?”Thele aderhadagood6._______andsaid, “Ihaveit!Iwill7._______thetreeandgraspabranch,thenanotheronegraspsmytailoneafteranother.Sowecanreachthesurfaceofwater.Whentheothermonkeysheardthat,they8._______withjoy.Sotheylinkedtheirheadsand9._______together,becominglongerandlongeruntiltheyalmosttouchedthesurfaceofthewell water. Atthat moment,thebranch10._______brokeandall 500monkeysfell intotheoldwell.”Passage1【要旨粗心】本文是一篇说明文。
2020年中考英语重难点专练七 完形填空之记叙文(含答案)
重难点07 完形填空之记叙文【命题趋势】中考完形填空抛弃了传统的语法知识型”命题模式转变成,情境能力型”的命题趋势。
【满分技巧】1. 完形在"填空"的时候,切忌用中文的"搭配"去感觉,也就是所谓三大出题技巧之一的"中文代入"。
2. 首段首句不出题,是主旨句(2001年除外),除首句外基本每句话都要出题,首段首句没有读懂就不要做下去。
3. 考研完型填空里面名词、动词、形容词,这些实词的考点往往被给出明确的线索,存在于改填空的前后,对该填空进行前后联系(名词前面adj。
4. 如出现陌生的选项词汇,而我们又不认识的时候,这里注意,蒙也有技巧,一般来说选择相对简单的词汇,不要选择偏的怪的词汇。
【限时检测】(建议用时:30分钟)A【2019 • 湖南省益阳市】话题:就业,暑期工作难度:★建议用时:6分Cindy was just seven years old when she started going on walks. Since then, she has joined a sports club with her 1 , Kevin."We started walking around the countryside," 2 Cindy. "There are a lot of paths near our house, and now we go walking all year round, even 3 winter. My first 4 was 2 kilometers away. But we did it little by little over quite a long time. After I 5 the sports club, I became more and more energetic(精力充沛的). Walking has made me much 6 . I think it would be a really good idea to 7 other kids of my age to walk because many kids are getting fat nowadays."Cindy’s father, Kevin is really8 of his daughter’s opinion of walking. "I wish we could get more kidsout walking. 9 now lots of children are busy with TV programs and computer games, so it’s not 10 for them to go out. But I think I should try my best to help them." 1. A. father B. friend C. teacher 2. A. speaks B. says C. talks 3. A. in B. on C. at 4. A. run B. change C. walk 5. A. joined B. left C. attended 6. A. richer B. healthier C. shorter 7. A. need B. order C. encourage 8. A. kind B. afraid C. proud 9. A. Unluckily B. Happily C. Easily 10. A. difficultB. easyC. important【文章大意】本文是记叙文。
专题11 完形填空【复习课件】-2023年中考英语二轮复习
• Bella arrived home late from school that day. When she walked past her mother’s room she found her mum was __1__ in bed, and seemed to be very weak.
• When she got out of the room, she saw her __5__ sitting at the kitchen table, lonely and tired.
• ( D )5. A. brother
C. mum
B. sister D. dad
• 【解析】 语境推断。根据“that her father”可知,她看到了爸爸 疲惫地坐在那儿,故选D。
B. table
C. dinner
D. present
• 【解析】 语境推断。根据“I guess making meals is just what I can do to help.”及“went into the kitchen and began peeling
• 【解析】 语境推断。根据前文“seemed to be very weak”可知, 妈妈身体很虚弱,爸爸应该是担心的,故选B。
• Then she heard a deep voice from her father, “Make the __8__,will you, Bella?”
• ( C )8. A. bed
• ( C )11. A. simply
【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文。生活中处处充满欢声笑语,但却不能总是给予 我们希望和帮我们实现梦想。而当我们心怀爱心,爱满人间,一切都将会与众不 同。
1. and【解析】句意:我们并不总Biblioteka 得到希望和梦想我们并不总是随心所愿。分
析句子结构可知此处应填能够连接两个句子的连词。故填and。 2. give up【解析】句意:但是不要希望。根据句子结构可知本句缺少谓语,结合 备选词汇可知give up符合语境,意为“不要放弃希望”。故填give up。 3. smile【解析】句意:你会在一个,一个善意的词或者一只援助之手中发现爱。 分析句子结构可知此处缺少名词,且由后句的“a kind word or a helping hand”和 备选词汇可知填smile。
4. is【解析】句意:爱周围……。分析句子结构可知此处缺少be动词,由空格前
的“Love”为不可数名词可知此处谓语应用单数形式。故填is。 5. look for【解析】句意:……如果你恰好它。根据上下文,可知此处意为“如 果你恰好寻找爱,爱就在周围”。故填look for。
6. your【解析】句意:展示出爱。由空格后的名词love可知此处应用形容词或 形容词性物主代词。根据句意并结合备选词汇可知,应填you的形容词性物主 代词your作定语。故填your。 7. happiness【解析】句意:你会发现生活中的欢乐,,耐心和理解的力量。 根据句意可知此空应填和“joy,patience,understanding”表示并列的表达情感
8. can【解析】句意:爱给你带来希望并且战胜一切。根据句意及空格后的动 词原形“bring”可知此处应填一个表示能力的情态动词。故填can。 9. to change【解析】句意:甚至当你感到没有太多你可以做的不愉快和问题, 你总能做一点事(改变)。分析句子结构可知此处应填动词不定式表示目的状语。 根据句意并结合备选词汇可知填to change。 10. finally【解析】句意:每次做一点事,大有不同。根据句意及空格后的动
中考英语复习《任务型完形填空》备考精编(含解析)I am sure you are familiar with the art of Chinese paper-cutting。
It is a significant art form in China。
with paper-cuts being used for XXX。
and animals can be the theme of a paper-cut.What makes each paper-cut unique is the personal touch of the artist。
People express XXX different styles of paper-cuts。
For instance。
when someone gets married。
we put up red paper-cuts on the wall。
dressing table。
or other furniture to express our best wishes.While it is easy to learn paper-cutting。
it is challenging to perfect it。
It takes a lot of practice to learn how to handle the XXX。
one needs to learn some cutting skills to create beautiful paper-cuts.Passage 2[2017绵阳]famous。
todayThe wheel is one of the most XXX in human history。
It is so 1._______ that we still use it today。
教育引导类Cloze 1It was the end of the term and time for the final exams. I didn’t want to do 1in English, so I decided to find a way. Finally, I made a small cheat sheet(作弊纸条).The whole week, I studied really hard and I almost thought I didn’t need it. But anyway, I put it in my pocket. 2 the English teacher came, I put the small cheat sheet under my paper. I didn’t use 3 at all during the exam. But at the end of the exam, when I 4 it back in my pocket, the supervisor(监考老师) saw me with it. I 5 to meet Mrs Liu, my English teacher. I was always a good student, and my English teacher always liked me. However, after I 6 the disappointment on her face, I really wanted to cry and tell her I was sorry.She sent me to the head 7 office. When I was sitting there, I felt so sorry and began to cry. 8 a while, the head teacher told me, “Eddie, your English teacher liked you a lot. We decided to give you 9 second chance.”I learned a lesson by the hard way. My English teacher helped me, and so 10 the head teacher. No one had ever done that for me.1. A. bad B. badly C. good D. well2. A. Though B. When C. Because D. If3. A. it B. its C. itself D. it’s4. A. put B. is putting C. was putting D. will put5. A. sent B. was sent C. will sent D. will be sent6. A. see B. saw C. am seeing D.will see7. A. teacher B. teachers C. teacher’s D. teachers’8. A. Before B. After C. Of D. With9. A. an B. a C. the D. /10. A. does B. do C. did D. done【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。
(完整版)九年级英语专项复习一、完型填空I was bored. I sat on the sofa eating popcorn and looking for something ____1____ on TV. I stopped to watcha show: a boy about my age was hypnotizing(催眠)a man and having him do all the funny things. ____2____, I came up with a plan. “I bet I could do that,” I thought.I jumped up and raced to the dining room to get some string and a spoon. I tied the string to the spoon. OK! I was ____3____. I couldn’t wait.I ____4____ into the kitchen , where my mom was preparing dinner. I asked Mom ____5____ she wanted to be hypnotized. Of course, my mom agreed.As I started to swing the __6__slowly in front of my mom’s face, I said, “You are getting sleepy, you are getting very sleepy.”After ____7____ it a few times, I told her that when I counted to three, she would become Elvis, a pop singer.I counted, and at that very moment, Mom started to ____8____. I could hardly believe that I was able to hypnotize Mom on my first try. I was____9____. This was soooo cool! After a while, I decided that it was time to _____10_____ Mom. I could hardly wait to see Mom’s reaction(反应)when I told her _____11_____ we did it!“When I clap my hands three times, you’ll be back to your usual self,” I said confidently. I clapped loudly as I counted the numbers, _____12_____ Mom continued singing as if nothing had happened. What was wrong? I started to feel ____13____. I didn’t know what to do. It looked so easy on TV. I started to cry. Just then, my mom realized I didn’t know _____14_____ had only been pretending(假装)to be hypnotized. She stopped and hugged me.To this day, Mom and I _____15_____ laugh about the day I hypnotized her.( )1. A. interesting B. educational C. important D. traditional( )2. A. Luckily B. Recently C. Suddenly D. Certainly( )3. A. active B. free C. popular D. ready( )4. A. entered B. walked C. go D. walking( )5. A. whether B. / C.when D. how( )6. A. coin B. pencil C. spoon D. ring( )7. A. dropping B. swinging C. fixing D. washing( )8. A. draw B. sing C. dance D. write( )9. A. excited B. exciting C. worried D. worrying( )10. A. look after B. play with C. listen to D. wake up( )11. A. when B. where C. why D. how( )12. A. and B. or C. but D. so( )13. A. angry B. pleased C. calm D. worried( )14. A. she B. I C. he D. you( )15. A. even B. more C. still D. also二、任务型阅读Colors make the world more beautiful and our life more interesting. However, not everyone can see colors normally. Some people are suffering from (患……病) color blindness. This kind of illness always keeps some people from telling the differences between some colour. They always mistake one color for the other when it comes to certain pairs of colors, such as red and green, or blue and yellow. It can bring them many challenges of doing everyday things that are very simple to normal people. Here are some examples.Picking the right food can be difficult when different foods look like each other, such as broccoli and cauliflower. Also, people with color blindness will find it hard to choose fruits, like deciding between red and green apples. These difficulties may lead to a bad-tasting dish. But, in fact, cooking meat can be dangerous. If one can’t tell the difference between raw (生的) meat and well-cooked meat, the result may be badly harmful to health.Color blind people have no exact idea what color their clothes are. And it’s nearly impossible for them to choose one color that looks good with another quickly. They may need to put labels (标签) on their clothes to remind them of the colors.Color blindness brings trouble to students during classes, especially in the early years, when many courses have something to do with colors. Moreover, adults will find they are the wrong people for many jobs, and that they don’t have the chance to do something. For example, in many countries, color blind people aren’t even allowed to drive.There hasn’t been any good way to solve this eye problem completely till now, but color blind people can wear special glasses to weaken the problems in daily life. The most important thing is that their needs should be cared for and met by society.Definition(定义):Some people have 1)______________ telling thedifferences between certain colors.三、语篇填空Sarah Chang loves playing the violin very much. She says that the violin is one of the1)_____________(close) music to the human voice. Sarah was three years old when shelearned how 2)_____________ (play) the violin. Her parents helped her a lot. At the age of five, she 3) (accept) as a student at a famous music school calledJuilliard. Her parents were amazed!Sarah’s father was her first teacher. He taught Sarah 4)____________ (he) and often took her to the concert. Sarah’s mother is 5) music teacher and she helped Sarah learn to read music. She also wrote music6)___________ her free time.Sarah’s whole life has been wrapped up in her musical talent. She started to play with 7)__________ (music) when she was eight years old. So far, she 8) (record) some of her music on CDs. A famous musician named Ychudi Menuhin said that Sarah was the most perfect violinist he had ever heard.Sarah 9)_____________ (usual) travels to play with different people. She says that her whole life is planned. Sometimes, she doesn’t like that. She wishes that she had more free time. However, she also says that10)___________ she doesn’t touch a violin for a few days, her fingers will miss playing. For her, violin is the most important thing in life.四、阅读理解Can you write the Chinese characters “ganga” (embarrassment) correctly? Do you know how to write characters like “gala” (the corner of walls)? If you can’t, you are not alone. “Now most people are typing into computers instead of writing on paper. We type Chinese characters mainly according to their pronunciation. The result is to recognize(认出) characters without remembering how to write them. China Youth Daily did a survey of 2,517 people, in which 90 percent said they had once forgotten how to write a common Chinese character.Compared to adults, teenagers are better at writing Chinese characters because they spend more time learning and practicing at school. However, the influence of digital (数字的) technology cannot be left out, according to He Yu, head of a research team for Chinese teaching.“Many students are obsessed with digital tools such as mobile phones and computers, they spent too much time on these tools. As a result, too much use of the tools will make students too lazy to think and write.” he said. 2)_____________ to solve the problem:·Color blind people wear special glasses.·Society 3)_____________ for their special needs. Examples of its bad 4)____________________ On 5)_____________: ·making it hard to pick the right food from foods with 6)____________ appearance ·making it hard to choose the right fruit from those of its kind ·making it hard to decide7)____________ the food is cookedwellOn clothing:·causing difficultiesin 8)_______________ clothes wellOn school and careers: ·troubling students in some courses, especially when they're 9)_____________ ·10.________ adults away from certain jobs or activitiesSuch worries have brought about a popular TV show titled Chinese Spelling Hero, which pays attention to Chinese character writing among teenagers.In April, the Ministry of Education called for better calligraphy (书法) education in schools. Organizations like the China Calligraphy Association are also working to train more teachers in calligraphy. Interestingly, calligraphy teachers can’t always avoid the influence of modern technology. Shen Bin is a calligraphy teacher at a primary school in Beijing. She said that it’s common for teachers like her to forget certain words. “The calligraphy class is also a good chance for me to remember how to write.” she said.( )1. We type Chinese characters mainly according to their ______.A. meaningB. pronunciationC. spellingD. shape( )2. Why are teenagers better at writing Chinese characters than adults?A. They have a good memory.B. They know more ways in learning Chinese characters.C. They play mobile phones less.D. They study and write Chinese characters for a long time.( )3. The underlined phrase “are obsessed with” means ______.A. are tired ofB. lose themselves inC. are afraid ofD. are used to( )4. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Calligraphy teachers are not influenced by modern technology at all.B. Adults are better at writing Chinese characters than teenagers.C. Students will be too lazy to think and write if they use the digital tools too much.D. The TV show Chinese Spelling Hero pays attention to Chinese writing among adults.( )5. In which part you can find the article in the newspaper?A. Education.B. Fashion.C. Lifestyle.D. Culture.五、专题:冠词(中考真题)( )1.China’s panda Ya Ya finished ________ 30-day stay in Shanghai after landing in China and then was sent to Beijing Zoo in ________ May.A.a; a B.a; the C.the; a D.a; /( )2.Father’s love seems like ____ mountain. He always hides love deep at _____ bottom of his heart.A.the; a B./; the C.a; the D.a; /( )3.I usually have ________ lunch with my classmates at school.A./B.a C.an D.the( )4.—Excuse me! Is there ________ university in this town, sir?—Yes. Go along the Dong Street and you will find it.A.不填B.the C.a D.an( )5.As a student in modern China, everybody should work hard to live ________ meaningful life.A.a B.an C.the D.不填( )6.It is said that Panda Ya Ya will live ________ rest of her life in her hometown, China.A.a B.an C.the D.不填( )7.—Tony, what’s ________ matter with you? —I have ________ toothache.A.a; the B.the; a C./; the D.the; the( )8.—Have you heard of Xu Fengcan, ___________ excellent pilot?—Yes, she made every effort on ___________ way to growing into a real pilot.A.the;/B.the;a C.an;the D.an;/( )9.—What do you think of the guide book Lonely Planet?—Oh, it is really ______ useful one. You can always find ________ information you need while traveling.A.a; a B.an; an C.a; the D.an; the( )10.—Huang Wenxiu is ________ good model of the new age.—She was great! People all over _________ country should learn from her.A.a; /B.an; the C.a; the D.an; a( )11.Judy read ________ unusual report from Kaili Evening on June 10. ________ report was about the doctors and nurses assisting(援助)Shanghai in the fight against COVID-19.A.a; A B.an; The C.a; The D.an; An( )12.China has helped end 70% of poverty worldwide since ________ late 1970s, according to ________ World Bank.A.a; a B.the; the C.a; the D.the; a( )13.I have _________ European pen friend, and he likes playing ________ guitar.A.an; /B.an; the C.a; /D.a; the14. The students in Class One are planning _________ one-day holiday now.15. I prefer playing _________ guitar to playing __________ Chinese chess.16. China, ________ Asian country, has _________ population of 1.3 billion.17. Swimming is _________great fun in _________summer.18. I caught __________bad cold and stayed in _________bed yesterday.19.Do you know _________ president who is giving a speech?20.—What’s the most important tradition in a Chinese family? —We must care for _________ old. 21.Hangzhou will hold ________ 19th Asian Games in 2023.22.My headteacher always teaches me to be ________ honest student.23.Autumn is ________ best season to visit the Great Wall in China.24.Travelling to Yancheng, ________ beautiful seaside city, is a fantastic experience.25.Dinner will be served in ________ hour. Would you have a drink first?答案:一.1-5 ACDBA 6-10 CBBAD 11-15 DCDAC二.1-5 difficulty/trouble; How; cares;influence(s);food;6-10 similar; if; matching; young; Keeping三.1-5 closest;to play;was accepted; himself;6-10 a; in; musicians;has recorded; usually四.BDBCA五.专题(冠词) 1-5 DCACA 6-10 CBCCC 11-13 BBD14. a 15.the,/ 16.an, / 17. /,/ 18. a, / 19. the20.the 21. the 22.an 23.the 24.a 25. an。
中考英语《完型填空》复习专项练习题(含答案)Last summer holiday, my family had a wonderful trip in the south of China.It’s far from Beijing to Nanjing. So we went there by 1 . It took us about two hours to get there. We had an exciting day. The 2 day, we went to Wuxi and Suzhou. The houses there are along the river and women always 3 clothes on the bank (河岸). On the 4 day, we went to Hangzhou.There we went to visit the west Lake. It’s very beautiful 5 the water is very clean. As we all know, Hangzhou is famous for silk and 6 . So we bought some beautiful silk and famous tea. Finally, we visited Shanghai. We also 7 the Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower (东方明珠广播电视塔). When we stood at the top of the tower, we 8 the whole city. At night, we stayed in a 9 with 25 floors. We were all very excited that evening.This trip made us very happy. I thought the time was too 10 but we had to leave. We expected (期待) the next trip.1.A.plane B.bus C.bike D.ship 2.A.other B.another C.next D.every3.A.sell B.see C.buy D.wash 4.A.second B.third C.fourth D.fifth5.A.so B.if C.but D.and6.A.water B.tea C.coffee D.milk 7.A.visited B.looked C.got D.arrived 8.A.liked B.walked C.saw D.flew 9.A.library B.hospital C.school D.hotel 10.A.short B.long C.much D.manySam is a 12-year-old boy. He likes 11 very much and plays basketball very well. He is so 12 at it and he always practices it after class. He is very 13 and seldom goes to the doctor. He doesn’t like studies, so his gra des are not good. His teachers tell him that Chinese and math are useful but he still doesn’t study hard.One afternoon, he is very 14 to see his father waiting for him after school when he comes out of the classroom. “Let’s go,” says Dad, “I will 15 you to dinner and then you can do your homework. Mum is busy and doesn’t go home.”After hearing that, Sam shakes(摇摇)his head and asks, “Dad, I don’t want to go home. I just want to play basketball.” “No, you must finish your homework 16 .”On their way home, Sam sees some boys 17 in a park. “Can I go and learn skating (滑冰), D ad?” asks Sam. “I’m sorry, my boy, you have to go home and do your homework,” answers his father. “But I can 18 you an ice cream”.Then his father buys an ice cream 19 him. When Sam wants to eat it, a fly flies to20 ice cream.“Drive off the fly, “says his father, “It’s very dirty. “But Sam says with a smile, “You don’t let me skate, but can you let him skate for a while?”11.A.sports B.colors C.fruits D.music 12.A.well B.good C.fine D.interesting 13.A.long B.nice C.healthy D.sure 14.A.happy B.sorry C.welcome D.free 15.A.bring B.take C.get D.meet 16.A.second B.third C.first D.fifth 17.A.shopping B.swimming C.skating D.fishing 18.A.show B.make C.have D.buy19.A.in B.with C.for D.to20.A.the B./ C.an D.aEnglish names and Chinese names are quite different in some 21 ways, but it’s not hard for us to know.Unlike Chinese, most English people have 22 names. One is their family name, both of the other names are given names. Their family name is 23 the given name. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the 24 name, but they never use 25 first name. For example, we can 26 a man named James Allan Green Mr Green, 27 we can’t callhim Mr James or Mr Allan. People usually use Jim 28 James. Jim is short for James because it’s 29 to remember.But Chinese names are the opposite. A girl with the name Han Limei 30 her family name Han first. Of course, she can be called Ah Mei for short in China if you wish. 21.A.another B.other C.others D.the others 22.A.one B.two C.three D.four 23.A.above B.front C.back D.behind 24.A.last B.given C.middle D.full 25.A.their B.them C.its D.it26.A.ask B.say C.call D.write27.A.so B.or C.and D.but 28.A.instead of B.for long C.so far D.next to 29.A.important B.easy C.difficult D.interesting 30.A.put B.putting C.puts D.was putA 6-year-old girl had been shopping with her mom in the supermarket. It was raining hard at the moment. We all stood 31 the door of the supermarket and waited quietly. The girl’s sweet 32 broke the silence.“Mom, let’s run through the rain,” she said. “No, honey. We’ll wait 33 it slows down a bit,” Mom replied. The girl waited about another minute and repeated, “Mom, let’s run through the rain.” “We’ll get wet if we do,” Mom said. “No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said. “This morning? When did I say we 34 run through the rain and not get wet?” “When you 35 with daddy about his illness in the hospital, you said, if we can get t hrough this, we can get through anything!” We all stood quietly. 36 left in the next few minutes.Mom thought for a moment about what she would say. “Honey, you are 37 . Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we just need washing,” Mo m said. Then they ran 38to the street. We all stood and watched 39 run past the cars. Although they held their shopping bags over their heads, they 40 got wet. Then they were followed by a few whoscreamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.31.A.inside B.against C.opposite D.towards 32.A.smell B.voice C.dream D.smile33.A.if B.until C.after D.though 34.A.must B.would C.could D.should 35.A.said B.talked C.told D.fought 36.A.Nobody B.Anybody C.Somebody D.Everybody 37.A.right B.kind C.careful D.patient 38.A.sadly B.suddenly C.happily D.nervously 39.A.it B.her C.him D.them 40.A.only B.also C.even D.stillAs we all know, Chinese students are hard-working. But they’re 41 at the same time.At school, they have to follow the strict school rules. For example, they 42 have long hair or wear strange (奇怪的) clothes.And at home, they’re busy with their homework and they don’t have any free time to do what they like. 43 they don’t do well in exams, their parent s will be angry with them.On weekends, they are 44 than on weekdays. Their parents take them to have different classes they don’t like. They 45 feel tired and bored. They 46 interest in school things slowly. Some students can’t stand it and leave home. Because their parents only care about children’s study and they never mind what children 47 this.“In their parents’ mind, 48 is important except (除了) children’s study. Many students study all day. Some students even don’t know how to get on well with others and 49 to take care of others,” said a expert.“This is a serious problem. It’s necessary 50 us to think it o ver and solve it well,” said another expert.41.A.glad B.unhappy C.kind D.healthy 42.A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.shouldn’t D.may not 43.A.After B.Before C.Because D.If44.A.funnier B.busier C.lazier D.earlier 45.A.never B.ever C.always D.hardly 46.A.have B.show C.lose D.take 47.A.make up B.think of C.find out D.fall down 48.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing 49.A.how B.where C.why D.whether 50.A.with B.at C.in D.forIn the summer of 1965, the University of Florida football coach was worried about his team. After a hard game, his players lost a lot of 51 and hardly needed to urinate (排尿). He wanted to know 52 .Dr. James Robert Cade found out the answer. The players were sweating(流汗)53 that they didn’t have enough fluids(液体)left in their bodies. Their blood sugar and electrolyte (电解质)levels 54 to be very low.Dr. Cade’s team decided to make a drink to solve this problem. They added sugar and salt to water to get carbohydrates(碳水化合物)and balance electrolytes. 55 , the drink tasted bad and players refused it. Dr. Cade’s wife 56 adding lemon juice. The football team started drinking it and won all of its following games.Sports drinks have become a more and more welcome type of drink. At the same time, “ Are you getti ng enough electrolytes?” has similarly become a 57 question. Electrolytes are found in many fruits and vegetables. 58 a balanced diet, the body keeps electrolyte levels right. In a healthy body, electrolytes 59 be at proper levels, but sometimes the body loses a lot of fluids really quickly. When that happens, headache, tiredness and other 60feelings may follow. Then more electrolytes can keep the body in good condition. 51.A.weight B.enemies C.moods D.worries 52.A.what B.why C.who D.where 53.A.such little B.such much C.so little D.so much 54.A.worked out B.tried out C.turned out D.broke out 55.A.Instead B.Moreover C.However D.Otherwise56.A.wished B.represented C.imagined D.suggested 57.A.popular B.wide C.strange D.basic58.A.By B.Through C.About D.For 59.A.should B.might C.could D.can 60.A.worried B.fixed C.suitable D.unpleasantIn learning English, one should pay attention to listening and speaking. You’d better 61 speak while listening. Don’t be 62 to make mistakes. But be careful not to let them63 you improving your English. While you are doing this, a good way is 64 a diary. When you write, you will easily find many mistakes in speaking. Then if you can, ask some65 to go through(浏览)what you have written and 66 you where it is wrong.If you are slow in speaking, don’t 67 about it. One of the helpful ways is 68 . The important thing is to choose something 69 . It mustn’t be too difficult for you. When you are reading in this way, don’t stop to 70 the new words in the dictionary if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences.61.A.let B.make C.cry D.try62.A.tired B.proud C.afraid D.good 63.A.help B.stop C.decide D.start 64.A.keep B.keeps C.kept D.to keep 65.A.other B.the others C.another D.others 66.A.talk B.tell C.ask D.say 67.A.worried B.think C.worry D.speak 68.A.listening B.spelling C.reading D.speaking 69.A.special B.interesting C.exciting D.surprising 70.A.find out B.look up C.find D.look forLi Jun is a middle school student. He is now studying in Grade 8 in a middle school in Nanan,Chongqing. He has had lots of 71 since he was little. But as time goes by there is only one dream still in his mind.Li Jun says when he was a child, he heard about rockets and spaceships. 72 , he didn’t know what they were. From his father, he started to know that scientists make 73 to carry people and things into space. From then on, he became very interested 74 space. Every time he sees beautiful stars and the moon in the sky at night, he gets very excited. He is always dreaming that he can fly to space to 75 the earth one day.In school, Li Jun learned that the first man flew into space in 1961, and later, 76 astronauts made it successful to travel into space. Some astronauts even landed on the moon. His teacher always tells him to learn more. He knows not 77 can travel into space. More importantly, 78 he can fly to space, he must be trained specially.Li Jun knows it’s not easy to make his dream come true, but he decides to try 79 best. He says, “I’ve had this dream for many years. It brings me a lot of happiness and always makes me study harder. Even if it doesn’t come true in the end, I 80 be sorry.”71.A.jobs B.dreams C.friends D.teachers 72.A.Such as B.Of course C.At first D.At last 73.A.trains B.bikes C.cars D.rockets74.A.in B.on C.of D.about 75.A.take up B.look up C.arrive at D.look at 76.A.fewer B.stronger C.more D.worse 77.A.everyone B.anyone C.someone D.none 78.A.when B.before C.after D.as79.A.her B.his C.my D.their 80.A.don’t B.didn’t C.am not D.won’tWhen I was a teenager, I did a six-week summer learning program at a college. It helped kids get a 81 of what college is like. We had classes in the morning and the evenings were filled with 82 activities like ball games. We did have a break in the afternoons, however. One afternoon, my friend Claude and I found an old 83 . We went to an outdoorbasketball court for a game of one-on-one.At the time, Claude was 84 than me. He was also better at basketball. I fell behind fast. I was determined, though, so I drove hard to the basket—and missed it! The ball bounced off the rim(从篮筐弹回) and I jumped 85 to catch it. Just as I was about to catch it, I saw an elbow above my face.As Claude grabbed the ball, his elbow came down hard, right into my eye. I saw stars86 . Claude kept saying “sorry” over and over. Although th e pain was terrible, I 87 through the pain.I spent the next few days walking around with a 88 eye, but it was worth it. For years afterward, I also laughed whenever I told the story and joked about Claude’s elbows of death.In this life, we all get an elbow to the eye sometimes. Our plans 89 . Things work against us. Our ups become downs. When this happens, it’s best to face it with laughter and forgiveness(原谅). In this way, you can turn your pain to 90 and you can learn and grow. 81.A.smell B.taste C.sound82.A.fun B.boring C.private 83.A.basketball B.volleyball C.football 84.A.shorter B.weaker C.stronger85.A.up B.down C.far86.A.nowhere B.anywhere C.everywhere 87.A.laughed B.cried C.shouted88.A.big B.black C.green89.A.fail B.succeed C.change90.A.pride B.pleasure C.regretSam, Molly, and Mom decided to have a surprise birthday party for Dad. They were getting 91 for it when he was at work.They 92 Uncle Mel, Aunt Carrie, Aunt Joanna, and their cousins, Noah and Kayla. Sam called them all on the phone and said, “Please arrive by 4:30. Dad will be 93 at 5 o’clock.”Mom put a(n) 94 in the oven, and then made some snacks (点心) for everyone to eat. Sam was making a birthday card. Molly ran to buy balloons (气球) and birthday candies. “We’d better make sure the house is 95 before everyone comes,” said Mom. Molly cleaned the living room and Sam swept (打扫) the kitchen.Mom took the cake out of the oven. Molly put some cream and fruits on it. Sam 96 balloons and hung a banner (横幅) on the wall that said, “Happy Birthday!All of the guests 97 on time for the surprise party. Everyone hid (躲藏) in the living room. 98 Dad walked into the house, they jumped out and shouted, “Surprise!”“Wow,” said Dad. “This is a real surprise!” Thank you for remembering my birthday and doing so much 99 me!” Then they 100 wait to have fun. They ate and sang and danced and played games happily. It was a great day for everyone.91.A.serious B.rich C.ready D.close 92.A.invited B.visited C.answered D.expected 93.A.around B.out C.forward D.back 94.A.sandwich B.cake C.hamburger D.egg95.A.tidy B.quiet C.full D.new96.A.cut up B.took up C.made up D.blew up 97.A.stopped B.arrived C.finished D.replied 98.A.When B.Though C.Because D.If99.A.with B.on C.to D.for 100.A.wouldn’t B.shouldn’t C.couldn’t D.needn’t“Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting influence in the lives of their students,” a US politician once said.That’s true, at l east for me. Mrs. Gao is my former(曾经) chemistry teacher. She is like101 in my senior high school life.Mrs. Gao is a responsible teacher who always takes her work 102 . Whenever I walked into her office, I always saw her preparing for her classes.She is always patient to 103 answers carefully. Her dedication(奉献) has helped us understand and solve problems more easily. One day, I asked her, “104 can you keep your patience with students all the time?” With a smile, she answered, “I a m glad that they are active to ask for help. Why would I criticize(批评) them?”Mrs. Gao is also willing to provide useful advice on learning 105 , which helps me a lot. For example, she 106 taking quick notes. After I learned this skill, I would take key points from teachers’ lessons 107 listening in class. After all, it’s quite difficult to remember everything in a short period. However, this 108 , can help me easily catch up with key points during the review.With such an easy-going personality, Mrs. Gao is 109 among students. She never stops 110 herself. She takes part in different seminars(研讨会) and shares her ideas with other teachers.Her motto(座右铭): “There is no best, only better.” encourages every one of us. 101.A.sunshine B.present C.poem D.mystery 102.A.politely B.normally C.seriously D.exactly 103.A.notice B.raise C.repair D.explain 104.A.What B.How C.When D.Where 105.A.methods B.examples C.experiences D.forms 106.A.practices B.suggests C.allows D.considers 107.A.if B.because C.while D.until 108.A.lesson B.mind C.plan D.skill 109.A.meaningful B.successful C.popular D.understanding 110.A.improving B.overcoming C.trusting D.risking参考答案1.A2.C3.D4.B5.D6.B7.A8.C9.D10.A11.A12.B13.C14.A15.B16.C17.C18.D19.C20.A21.B22.C23.D24.A25.A26.C27.D28.A29.B30.C31.A32.B33.B34.C35.B36.A37.A38.C39.D40.D41.B42.A43.D44.B45.C46.C47.B48.D49.A50.D51.A52.B53.D54.C55.C56.D57.A58.B59.A60.D61.D62.C63.B64.D65.D66.B67.C68.C69.B70.B71.B72.C73.D74.A75.D76.C77.A78.B79.B80.D81.B82.A83.A84.C85.A86.C87.A88.B89.A90.B91.C92.A93.D94.B95.A96.D97.B98.A99.D100.C 101.A102.C103.D104.B105.A106.B107.C108.D109.C110.A。
中考英语《完型填空》复习专项选择题复习资料(含答案)The 15th day of the first month of the lunar calendar in China is the Lantern Festival (元宵节).It’s an important 1 in China. Chinese people celebrate it in many ways. In the evening there are different 2 shows in parks and streets. Lanterns (灯笼) are often red,3 the Chinese think red stands for happiness and good luck. People4 different lanterns out of paper and other things. Some are in the5 of rabbits, birds and boats. Some are in the shape of dragons (龙) and cartoons stars. There are6 lanterns here and there. In some cities, such as Suzhou, there is7 a big lantern show at night and many people come to enjoy it every year.Sweet dumplings (元宵) are traditional 8 for the festival. Families always get together and 9 a big meal. After that, people usually go out to 10 . They often sing and dance happily with their family.1.A.meeting B.festival C.month D.week 2.A.flower B.fashion C.lantern (灯笼) D.food 3.A.because B.before C.after D.when4.A.do B.paint C.cut D.make 5.A.colour B.size C.shape (形状) D.name6.A.few B.many C.little D.much 7.A.maybe B.never C.often D.sometimes 8.A.drink B.food C.vegetable D.fruit9.A.save B.play C.plan D.have 10.A.watch films B.enjoy lanterns showsC.watch the moon D.read booksLast weekend, my sister and I went to visit our grandparents. They have a 11 in the countryside.In the morning, the weather was hot and sunny. We wore big hats, but we 12 sweated (流汗) a lot. There were many 13 on the farm, such as cows, horses, chickens, sheep andhens. I 14 all the animals on the farm, and my sister collected (收集) eggs from the hens and 15 the cows.In the afternoon, we picked apples and helped my grandparents take these apples to their home. We felt 16 after the one-day work, but we were quite happy to help them. At night, it was 17 and kind of cold, so we made a campfire in the yard. My grandparents, my sister and I sat 18 the campfire and told each other some funny stories. Then my sister sang songs and danced for us. The next morning, when we 19 , we heard the songs of birds.After breakfast, we took the bus home. On the bus, we ate the cakes from my grandmother. They 20 very delicious.We really had an unforgettable (难忘的) weekend.11.A.cinema B.forest C.farm D.museum 12.A.again B.still C.yet D.quite 13.A.animals B.things C.gifts D.meat 14.A.grew B.taught C.followed D.fed15.A.flew B.milked C.moved D.ordered 16.A.special B.excited C.tired D.surprised 17.A.dark B.fast C.sunny D.slow 18.A.along B.around C.down D.up19.A.got lost B.woke up C.ran away D.got popular 20.A.sounded B.looked C.tasted D.feltA 6-year-old girl had been shopping with her mom in the supermarket. It was raining hard at the moment. We all stood 21 the door of the supermarket and waited quietly. The girl’s sweet 22 broke the silence.“Mom, let’s run through the rain,” she said. “No, honey. We’ll wait 23 it slows down a bit,” Mom replied. The girl waited about another minute and repeated, “Mom, let’s run through the rain.” “We’ll get wet if we do,” Mom said. “No, we won’t, Mom. That’s not what you said this morning,” the young girl said. “This morning? When did I say we 24 run through the rainand not get wet?” “When you 25 with daddy about his illness in the hospital, you said, if we can get through this, we can get through anything!” We all stood quietly. 26 left in the next few minutes.Mom thought for a moment about what she wou ld say. “Honey, you are 27 . Let’s run through the rain. If we get wet, maybe we just need washing,” Mom said. Then they ran 28to the street. We all stood and watched 29 run past the cars. Although they held their shopping bags over their heads, they 30 got wet. Then they were followed by a few who screamed and laughed like children all the way to their cars.21.A.inside B.against C.opposite D.towards 22.A.smell B.voice C.dream D.smile23.A.if B.until C.after D.though 24.A.must B.would C.could D.should 25.A.said B.talked C.told D.fought 26.A.Nobody B.Anybody C.Somebody D.Everybody 27.A.right B.kind C.careful D.patient 28.A.sadly B.suddenly C.happily D.nervously 29.A.it B.her C.him D.them 30.A.only B.also C.even D.stillA little boy invited his mother to attend his school’s first teacher - parent meeting. He was very 31 to hear that she agreed to go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher met his mother and he felt sorry for her 32 . Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a serious scar (疤痕) 33 her right face. The boy never wanted to talk about34 or how she got the scar.At the meeting, the people were impressed by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother 35 she had the scar. But the little boy was still embarrassed and hid 36 from everyone. Just then, he 37 a conversation between his mother and the teacher.“How did you get the scar on your face, Madam?” The teacher asked carefully.The mother replied, “When my son was a baby, hi s room caught fire one day. Everybody wastoo scared to get into his room, but I did. When I was running towards his bed, a long piece of wood 38 down and I put myself over him. Finally, when I woke up I found I was in the hospital.” She touched her right face. “The scar was left on my face, but I have never 39 what I did for my son. You see, he is strong and healthy now.”Hearing that, the little boy cried sadly and ran to his mother. He hugged his mother and felt great 40 from his mother. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day. 31.A.interested B.surprised C.interesting D.surprising 32.A.clothes B.expression C.build D.look33.A.on B.in C.at D.over 34.A.when B.what C.that D.which 35.A.unless B.because C.though D.whether 36.A.him B.her C.himself D.it 37.A.made B.exchanged C.had D.heard 38.A.felt B.fell C.lay D.cut 39.A.regretted B.forgot C.recalled D.forgave 40.A.sadness B.love C.patience. D.pityOnce there was a famine (饥荒) in the town. A rich and kind baker sent some bread to the poor children. He said to them, “In this 41 there is some bread for you. Each of you can have one loaf every day until the hard days end.”The impatient children 42 to the basket. They shouted and fought for the bread43 each wished to have the largest loaf. At last they went away without thanking the good gentleman. But Shirley, a poorly-dressed little girl, did not join them. Instead, she 44 standing quietly. When the other children had left, she took the smallest loaf in the basket, 45 the gentleman’s hand and went home.The next day the children were as 46 as before. Poor shy Shirley still took the smallest loaf. When she got home, her mother cut the bread open. Many new shining pieces of silver fell out of it. Her mother said 47 , “Take the money back to the go od gentleman at once, for it must have got into the loaf 48 . Be quick. Shirley! Be quick!”But when the little girl gave the rich man her mother’s message, he said, “No, no, my child. It was no 49 . I put silver pieces into the smallest loaf to reward you because you are a kind and 50 girl. Go home and the money is yours now.”41.A.basket B.fridge C.kitchen42.A.failed B.rushed C.supposed 43.A.unless B.though C.because 44.A.remained B.regretted C.avoided 45.A.washed B.kissed C.tasted46.A.helpful B.impolite C.intelligent47.A.sadly B.gradually C.surprisedly48.A.on time B.in person C.by accident 49.A.mistake B.trade C.secret50.A.local B.honest C.painfulMrs. White has a lovely young cat, and it is the cat’s first winter. One evening, it is 51 outside when it begins to snow. Mrs. White 52 everywhere and shouts (呼喊) its name. But she can’t find it. So she 53 the police, and said, “I 54 a cat. Does anyone find one?” “No, Madam.” answers the policeman at the other end. “I will ring you up if someone finds it. What 55 is your cat?” “White.” “I think it may be in the snow. But don’t worry. I know cats are really very 56 animals.” “They sometimes live for a few days in the snow, and until it melts (融化) or somebody finds them, they’re quite all right. “Mrs. White feels 57 when she hears this. “Yes, yes. I think you are 58 ,” she says, “and my cat is very clever. She can almost talk.” The policeman is getting tired. He says, “ 59 don’t you p ut down your telephone? Perhaps (或许) she is trying to 60 you now. “51.A.cold B.hot C.sunny D.dry52.A.puts B.stands C.sits D.looks 53.A.telephones B.tells C.asks D.speaks 54.A.buy B.want C.lose D.have 55.A.name B.face C.size D.color56.A.happy B.big C.strong D.nice 57.A.sad B.happy C.interesting D.tired 58.A.right B.wrong C.easy D.hard 59.A.How B.Why C.When D.Where 60.A.call B.catch C.kill D.meetThe Brown Clothes Store is on sale(大甩卖). I want to buy new clothes. Let’s 61and have a look. They sell all clothes at very good 62 . 63 are the shirts? The green shirts are $ 15 each(每一), 64 the yellow ones are $ 20 each. What about the sweaters? They 65 brown sweaters for $ 22. They sell trousers and shoes, too. They have black trousers for children for only $ 13. They have shoes 66 white for only $ 28. Oh, the yellow hat looks 67 . I like it very much. How much 68 it? It’s only $2. I’ll take 69 . What do you want to buy? I really have 70 good day here. Come and buy! 61.A.go B.to go C.going D.goes 62.A.price B.prices C.a price D.the price 63.A.How many B.How much C.How old D.How long 64.A.and B.or C.because D.so 65.A.have B.has C.are have D.to have 66.A.on B.to C.in D.about 67.A.nicely B.nice C.nicer D.nicest 68.A.are B.do C.does D.is69.A.it B.them C.they D.its70.A.the B.an C.a D./In learning English, one should pay attention to listening and speaking. You’d better 71 speak while listening. Don’t be 72 to make mistakes. But be careful not to let them73 you improving your English. While you are doing this, a good way is 74 a diary. When you write, you will easily find many mistakes in speaking. Then if you can, ask some75 to go through(浏览)what you have written and 76 you where it is wrong.If you are slow in speaking, don’t 77 about it. One of the helpful ways is 78 . The important thing is to choose something 79 . It mustn’t be too difficult for you. When you are reading in this way, don’t stop to 80 the new words in the dictionary if you can guess their meanings when they have nothing to do with the sentences.71.A.let B.make C.cry D.try72.A.tired B.proud C.afraid D.good 73.A.help B.stop C.decide D.start 74.A.keep B.keeps C.kept D.to keep 75.A.other B.the others C.another D.others 76.A.talk B.tell C.ask D.say 77.A.worried B.think C.worry D.speak 78.A.listening B.spelling C.reading D.speaking 79.A.special B.interesting C.exciting D.surprising 80.A.find out B.look up C.find D.look forThe school is a place where students learn, make friends and grow. But for someone, school can be far from these things. Here is Becky’s story at her middle school.Through her first year in middle school, she had to do a lot of work because her parents81 her to be a top student. 82 there was so much pressure (压力) for her to do well in all her exams and keep improving.83 , when she went into Grade 9, her worries became greater. It was becoming more and more 84 for her to stay focused (专注的). She started seeing the school doctor. However, a big problem 85 . She had to leave lessons to see the doctor. Every time she left, her 86 would ask, “Where are you going?” She couldn’t talk to many people about her feelings.Becky got some 87 from an expert. “Deep breaths, Becky.” she thought to herself when she got 88 . And also, she learned to give herself a small gift when she made a little progress (进步).If you are a teenager who often feels 89 about schoolwork, do something to help yourself. 90 that schoolwork is important, but your mental (精神的) health comes first. 81.A.expected B.helped C.chose D.invited82.A.If B.But C.Or D.Unless 83.A.Firstly B.Unluckily C.Finally D.Probably 84.A.necessary B.dangerous C.difficult D.important 85.A.appeared B.solved C.deleted D.prepared 86.A.parents B.guests C.students D.classmates 87.A.experience B.advice C.reason D.hope 88.A.worried B.angry C.careless D.poor 89.A.good B.upset C.surprised D.excited 90.A.Trust B.Think C.Remember D.ExperienceAs we all know, Chinese students are hard-working. But they’re 91 at the same time.At school, they have to follow the strict school rules. For example, they 92 have long hair or wear strange (奇怪的) clothes.And at home, they’re busy with their homework and they don’t have any free time to do what they like. 93 they don’t do well in exams, their parents will be angry with them.On weekends, they are 94 than on weekdays. Their parents take them to have differen t classes they don’t like. They 95 feel tired and bored. They 96 interest in school things slowly. Some students can’t stand it and leave home. Because their parents only care about children’s study and they never mind what children 97 this.“In their parents’ mind, 98 is important except (除了) children’s study. Many students study all day. Some students even don’t know how to get on well with others and 99 to take care of others,” said a expert.“This is a serious problem. It’s necessary 100 us to think it over and solve it well,” said another expert.91.A.glad B.unhappy C.kind D.healthy 92.A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.shouldn’t D.may not93.A.After B.Before C.Because D.If 94.A.funnier B.busier C.lazier D.earlier 95.A.never B.ever C.always D.hardly 96.A.have B.show C.lose D.take 97.A.make up B.think of C.find out D.fall down 98.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing 99.A.how B.where C.why D.whether 100.A.with B.at C.in D.for参考答案1.B2.C3.A4.D5.C6.B7.C8.B9.D10.B11.C12.B13.A14.D15.B16.C17.A18.B19.B20.C21.A22.B23.B24.C25.B26.A27.A28.C29.D30.D31.B32.D33.A34.A35.C36.C37.D38.B39.A40.B41.A42.B43.C44.A45.B46.B47.C48.C49.A50.B51.A52.D53.A54.C55.D56.C57.B58.A59.B60.A61.A62.B63.B64.A65.A66.C67.B68.D69.A70.C71.D72.C73.B74.D75.D76.B77.C78.C79.B80.B81.A82.B83.B84.C85.A86.D87.B88.A89.B90.C91.B92.A93.D94.B95.C96.C97.B98.D99.A100.D。
2020年中考英语完型填空专题练习【名师精选全国真题,值得下载练习】话题1事物介绍(8年4考:2018、2017、2013、2012)Passage 1(2019宜昌改编)The Chinese high-speed railways have a quality all on its own. Tier 1 (一线) 1.like Beijing have a couple hundred high-speed trains stopping at the city every day.China's 2.on building the railway is leading the rest of the world. There is no sign that any other country could be 3.than China in the near future. I had my first opportunity4.the high-speed trains last week when I had a business meeting in Zhengzhou.5.someone who grew up with a disdain (偏见) for public transportation (not sure why the US hates it so much), I was afraid6.the experience. I hoped to fly, but was told that it would be much better if I7.the train.The train was amazing. I had traveled on a train before in the US, and hated how 8.it was and how many stops there were. Chinese high-speed trains are on a different level. The trains are clean and the seats are huge. You can't even 9.how fast the train is moving. If there were no windows, I wouldn't be 10.to tell when we were stopped or when we were traveling at 300 km/h — it is that smooth.I'm traveling again this week by train and I'm excited.Passage 2China's largest inland saltwater lake is expected 1. a large number of tourists as ice begins to melt (融化) on the lake 2..The Qinghai Lake, located in northwest China's Qinghai province, goes into a “frozen period”every mid-December and 3.melts in mid-April.“The west side of the lake and 4.rivers to the lake's north are beginning to melt,”said Wu Yonglin, with the protection station of the southern bank of the Qinghai Lake National Nature Reserve.5.the frozen period is over, the lake surface's ice begins to thin, break and melt, and the lake typically turns itself from an icy land into vast green water. As temperatures 6.,some icy layers (层) are broken by 7.winds and pushed to the shore. The view often attracts many 8..Dubbed as (被称为) “the most beautiful lake in China”,Qinghai Lake 9.an important role in the ecological security of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The lake had been shrinking 10.the 1950s, but combined effects of conservation and changes to the regional climate turned things around in 2005.Passage 3Big Shopping Day in the USYou probably know about Single's Day (Nov. 11) in China, when people stay up very late at night to shop online in order to 1. a lot of money. Well, the US has something similar 2.Black Friday.Black Friday is the Friday after Thanksgiving. This year it will 3.on Nov.27. It's the start of the holiday shopping season 4.most people don't have to go to work that day. So people start to think about what 5.they want to buy for Christmas.The name Black Friday comes from ink. A long time ago, shops used ink for book keeping all their sales. So when there was a lot of black ink on the page that meant the business sold a lot.While Single's Day is 6.for online shopping, a lot of shopping on Black Friday is done at actual stores. Shoppers look for deals especially on electronics like televisions, computers and video game systems. These things typically have high prices, but on this day, there are only a few available at the very 7.sale prices. So people sometimes fight over these things.Some people will wait in line for hours before 8.when stores finally open. People camp out in the cold and sometimes get hurt when the doors 9.and people rush in.But lately a few stores have been starting sales even 10.on Thanksgiving Day. Stores do this to hopefully get more shoppers and stay ahead of the competition.Passage 4(2019长沙改编)Do you enjoy hitting the books? It doesn't mean you enjoy beating your books 1.your hand. Hitting the books just means that you are studying hard. You can learn a lot when you hit the books. Especially before exams, most students spend a lot of time hitting the books 2.good grades.This is just one example of expressions that can't be 3.by taking them apart word by word. 4.like this are called idioms(习语). Languages and cultures are 5.connected. One example of an idiom in the Chinese language is “dui niu tan qin”,or “to play the lute(拨弦乐器)to a cow.”It means someone speaks or writes without considering 6.listeners or readers.Let's get back to idioms that 7.with the word “hit”. There are many of them in English, but it's not that easy for you to understand.One common idiom you may hear in English is “hit the road”. It means to leave or to go. You can say, “Hey, I need to hit the road. Can we talk about this another 8.?” Or simply, “It's time to hit the road.” 9.you are tired and you want to go to bed, you can say, “I need to hitthe hay (干草).”It means you want to go to sleep. That's because a bed was often a 10.bag with hay inside in the past.话题2文化风俗(8年2考:2016、2015)Passage 5(2019嘉兴改编)Cooking was once regarded as a necessary part of education in England. But in recent years, it has become less important in schools. As a result, 1.cooking and food preparation skills are being lost. It is also making more children overweight, 2.parents use too much fast food that is harmful to their health.The government is worried and is looking for ways 3.the problem. A new law has been passed. All secondary schools should offer cooking 4.to students aged from 11 to 14 years old. They hope that this will encourage people to cook instead of eating 5.meals, fast food and snacks.Students will learn to cook for one hour a 6.for one term. They will learn to use simple and fresh ingredients (原料) to prepare healthy, tasty food, following instructions. These cooking skills will be 7.in their future life. Schools are also setting up cooking clubs all over the country. The clubs will provide more children with the chance to learn to cook.There are still difficulties. Head teachers are worried about the things they will 8.for the cooking. And about 15% of schools do not have kitchens and there are not 9.teachers.The speaker from the government 10.to train 800 teachers and to give schools 2.5 million pounds a year to help children from poorer families to pay for ingredients.Passage 6(2019宜春二模)Maybe the subway is not the right place to read, 1.it must be the right place to wake up people to read. New York Public Library is ready to build “Subway Library”,which 2.passengers with free e-books. People of all ages can read 3.on subway trains.To read the e-books, subway passengers can connect their 4.to the free WiFi. After connecting 5.,passengers need 6.the steps on their phones to download (下载) the e-books. Then they can read the books they are 7.in on subway trains. In order to get the passengers' 8.,New York Public Library turns the inside of the train into a library.A worker in the New York Public Library said, “We hope people can 9.this kind of reading form that we offer. And we hope everyone in our country can form the good habit of reading.”Some passengers said, “It is a very great way of reading. We 10.hope that the net speed (网速) is fast enough.”Passage 7In the town of Lampang in northern Thailand, there is an unusual group of musicians. They 1.many different kinds of music —from traditional Thai songs to music by Beethoven. Both children and adults love this group. What makes them so 2.?Is it their music? Their looks? Yes, it's both these things, but it's also something else: they're 3..These musical elephants are from the Thai Elephant Conservation Center (TECC) in Lampang. The TECC protects elephants. It teaches people to understand and care for these huge 4.gentle animals. And, like many zoos around the world, the TECC 5.elephants to paint.Richard Lair works for the TECC. He knew that elephants 6.better than they see. Sohe had an idea: if elephants are intelligent and they have good hearing, maybe they can play music. To test his 7.,Lair and a friend started the Thai Elephant Orchestra. During a performance, the elephants play a variety of instruments, including the drums and the xylophone(木琴). The animals also use their voices and trunks 8.sounds.But can elephants really play music 9.?Yes, says Lair. They are very creative. Humans may encourage the animals to play instruments, but the elephants make their own songs; they don't just copy their trainers or 10.people. There are new CDs of the group's music, which earn money for the TECC. And the music these artists create is pretty amazing.话题3咨询建议(8年2考:2019、2014)Passage 8As students, you may have to take tests from time to time. How should you deal with important tests and do better on them? Here is some 1..When the test day comes, give yourself enough time to do everything: have breakfast but don't drink too much; go to the toilet; 2.on time, but not too early or you will find yourself getting more and more nervous while you 3.to start.During the exam, calm yourself down by 4.deeply.Read the questions carefully and find out how the questions should be answered. Don't get 5.when everyone around you seems 6.writing straight away.If possible, start with the ones you can do 7.to give you confidence. 8.spending too much time on any one question. You need to plan your time well so that you have enough time to answer every question.Finally, after the exam, don't join in those 9.about how everyone else did, or you will lose self-confidence for the next exam. Above all, remember that exams are not created to find out your mistakes, 10.to find out what you know, what you understand and what you can do.Passage 9Sometimes you feel busy and worried. You maybe have a lot of things to do, but there isn't enough time. You may wonder “Where does time go?”Here is some 1.to help you make use of it and find more free time 2.life.Plan ahead of time. It's necessary for you to 3. a plan at the beginning of a week or a day. Think of what you really need and don't need to do. Spare (抽出) some time to have a 4.rest and look back on what you've done. You may have a sense on success.Say no to yourself. If you are not excited about 5. a social activity, then don't go. If you plan to go to a supermarket but it is raining 6.,why not stay inside? It's fine to change your mind and do your shopping another day.Change your pace (节奏). If you usually go shopping on Saturday, choose a weekday night to go instead.The 7.are less crowded on Wednesday evening than Saturday afternoon. You can feel better if you regard your way home 8.taking a free walk after supper.Focus on (关注) simple pleasure. When your day's work is done, it's time to get yourself 9.. A pleasant bath, a cup of coffee or a gentle song can be enough. 10.expensive relaxation is nice, you can also get more on simple pleasure.Passage 10Remembering things is a skill that you can make it better or worse. Here are some memory-improving 1.everyone can learn.Use the power of musicWe forget names or numbers so easily. 2.lyrics of our favorite songs from childhoodseem to remain for long. Singing is good for our brain. Music helps us to 3.things. If you want to learn a foreign language, you can try training with music videos or even Karaoke. Lyrics Training is a website 4.music videos of popular songs on YouTube to provide language learners with a fun way nguage skills.Repeat people's namesOf all the annoying (使人烦忧的) times our 6.fails us, forgetting someone's name might be the worst. However, if we try to connect the name with the person, it will be7.possible for us to remember the name. For example, try asking a person that you just meta question (to give yourself time to repeat his or her name in your head), 8.the person to someone else (to repeat their names) and repeat the person's name at the end of the conversation.Take care of our health and learn new skills9.,our memory becomes worse as we grow older. So, take care of our basic health by reducing (减少) the stress in our daily lives, exercising and staying 10.. We can also keep our brain healthy by learning new skills.参考答案Passage 11.cities 2.technology 3.better 4.to ride 5.As 6.of7.took8.slow9.feel10.ablePassage 21.to attract 2.surface pletely 4.several 5.As 6.rise7.strong8.visitors9.plays10.sincePassage 31.save 2.called 3.fall 4.and 5.gifts ually7.low8.midnight9.open10.earlierPassage 41.with 2.to get 3.understood 4.Expressions 5.closely 6.his 7.begin8.time9.When10.bigPassage 51.basic 2.as 3.to solve 4.lessons 5.ready 6.week7.helpful 8.need9.enough10.promisesPassage 61.but 2.provides 3.them 4.phones 5.successfully 6.to follow 7.interested8.attention9.enjoy10.onlyPassage 71.play 2.popular 3.elephants 4.but 5.encourages 6.hear 7.idea8.to make9.properly10.otherPassage 81.advice 2.arrive 3.are waiting 4.breathing 5.nervous6.to start7.easily8.Avoid9.discussions10.butPassage 9 1.information 2.to enjoy 3.make 4.short 5.attending 6.heavily7.stores8.as9.relaxed10.AlthoughPassage 101.skills 2.But 3.remember ing 5.to practice 6.memory 7.quite8.introduce9.Unluckily10.fit。
九年级英语语法复习技巧总结完形填空题50题(带答案)1My School LifeI am a student in Grade Nine. My school life is very busy but interesting. We have many subjects to learn, such as English, math, physics and so on. I like English best because it is useful and fun. Our English teacher is very kind and patient. She always helps us with our study.In our class, there are many activities. We often have discussions and make presentations. Sometimes we play games to learn English. It is a good way to improve our English skills.1. I am a student in Grade Nine. I am very busy but also very _______.A. happyB. sadC. tiredD. bored答案:A。
B 选项sad 悲伤不符合语境;C 选项tired 累只是一方面,没有体现整体感受;D 选项bored 无聊与文意不符。
2. We have many subjects to learn, such as English, math, physics and _______.A. historyB. geographyC. chemistryD. all of the above答案:D。
杭州市2024年中考英语专题复习完形填空(11-14年)(2024年杭州市中考)At a day care centre in Texas, Jessica McClure was playing outside. Jessica’s mother, __1__worked at the day care centre, was watching her. Suddenly Jessica__2__ and disappeared. Jessica’s mother cried and ran to h er.The well in the yard was only eight inches across, and a rock always__3__it. But children had moved the rock. __4__ Jessica fell, she fell right into the well.Jessica’s mother ran to a phone and called 911 for __5__. Men from the fire department arrived. They __6__that Jessica was about 20 feet down in the well. Then they told Jessica’a parents their__7__. “We can’t go down into the well” they said,” It’s so small. So we are going to dig a hole ___8___well. We’ll dig down about 20 feet. Then we’ll dig a tunnel(通道) across to Jessica. When we reach her, we’ll bring her through the tunnel. Then we’ll bring her up through our__9__.”The men began to dig the hole on a Wednesday morning. Two days later, on Friday morning, they were__10__digging. And Jessica McClure was still in the well.All over the world people waited for news of Jessica. They read about her in newspapers and watched her rescue(营救)on TV. Everyone__11__ the little girl in the well.At 8:00 p.m. On Friday, the men__12__ reached Jessica and brought her up from the well. Then doctors rushed her to the hospital. Jessica was badly injured but she was still__13__. A doctor at the hospital said, “Jessica is lucky, she is very__14__. She’s not going to remember this very well.”Maybe Jessica will not remember her days in the well. But her parents, her rescuers, and many other people around the world will not forget__15__.After Jessica’s rescue, one of the rescuers made a metal cover for the well. On the cover he wrote, “To Jessica, with love from all of us.”1. A.she B.who C.whom D.which2. A.fell B.slept C.stooped D.rose3. A.broke B.hid C.covered D.opened4. A.Because B.Although C.If D.When5. A.advice B.money C.help rmation6. A.promised B.discovered C.hoped D.agreed7. A.dream B.study C.lesson D.plan8. A.next to B.along with C.far from D.out of9. A.well B.tunnel C.hole D.yard10. A.still B.already C.always D.almost11. A.looked after B.worried about C.made friends with D.stayed away from12. A.immediately ually C.quickly D.finally13. A.alone B.asleep C.alive D.afraid14. A.young B.popular C.clever D.pretty15. A.it B.them C.him 1.[答案]:B[解析]:依据句意“在日间护理中心工作的杰西卡的妈妈在照看着她”,结合此处选一个引导定语从句的连词来修饰先行词Jessica’s mother,而且在从句中作主语,故用B。
人教新目标中考英语《完型填空》专项练习题(含答案)(一)Hi, I’m John. I’m in Class Two. My good friend is Sam. He’s my 1 , too. We have the same classes from Monday to Friday. 2 me, I like science. I think it’s 3 . But Sam doesn’t like 4 . His favorite subject is math. 5 thinks it is interesting. Of all the subjects, we really like P.Е., 6 we like playing ball games. It’s great fun to do sports. 7 do we have P.E. then? Only on Wednesday and Friday. So we like these 8 days.In my free(空闲的) time, I 9 watching TV. But Sam doesn’t like watching TV. He thinks it’s boring and not healthy. He’s right. On Sunday, Sam always 10 me to do sports.I think he’s a really good friend.1.A.teacher B.student C.classmate D.school 2.A.With B.In C.For D.On3.A.last B.useful C.difficult D.boring 4.A.science B.English C.math D.P.E.5.A.She B.He C.I D.You6.A.but B.or C.although D.because 7.A.When B.What C.Where D.Why8.A.five B.two C.three D.four9.A.like B.likes C.don’t like D.doesn’t like 10.A.thinks B.asks C.looks D.finds(二)Here are some things(东西) on the desk. They are for middle school students. 11can get them?This is a red schoolbag. It is for Nancy. We know Nancy likes 12 best. That is a13 . It is 14 Dale. Dale is always late for school, and the clock can 15 him. Oh, it is a black 16 . Eric can get it. He can listen to English on it. Is the green pencil box nice? Gina’s pencil box is old, so the green pencil box is for 17 . That is a blue ruler. Paul asks the teacher 18 it. Because he 19 his ruler. Here is the 20 thing. Is it an English book? No, it is a picture book. It is for Amy.11.A.Where B.What C.Who D.How 12.A.brown B.black C.green D.red 13.A.ruler B.clock C.schoolbag D.notebook 14.A.of B.on C.about D.for15.A.help B.come C.find D.see 16.A.watch B.model plane C.radio D.computer game 17.A.she B.me C.her D.you18.A.for B.of C.about D.in19.A.look B.lost C.found D.get20.A.last B.next C.first D.middle(三)I am a new student in Class 6. I’m from the USA.My 21 name is Sally and my last name is Smith. I am very happy to 22 two good friends here. One is a boy. His name is He Dong. His father is a 23 in our school. The other one is a girl. 24 name is Zhou Mei. Zhou Mei is very nice. She always 25 me with my Chinese. So my Chinese is very good now. And I know much about China. Look! It is a photo 26 mine. You can see27 people in the photo. The man in a 28 jacket is my father. Yellow is his favorite color. The girl in a black hat is me. 29 is the woman next to me? It’s my mom. They always 30 to China to see me.21.A.middle B.next C.first D.last22.A.call B.have C.lose D.excuse 23.A.player B.model C.teacher D.friend 24.A.My B.Your C.His D.Her 25.A.helps B.finds C.says D.looks26.A.at B.for C.to D.of27.A.two B.three C.four D.five 28.A.brown B.yellow C.white D.blue 29.A.How B.Where C.What D.Who 30.A.come B.know C.think D.ask(四)The elephant can’t find his room keys. They aren’t in his bag. He comes to Rabbit’s Lost and Found and 31 for help.“Welcome to the Lost and Found office,” the rabbit says to the el ephant. 32 can I do for you?”“I lost a 33 of keys just now. They’re important(重要的), so I must 34 them,” the elephant says.“Oh, are 35 your keys?” the rabbit asks.“No, my keys aren’t orange.”“What about the red key?”“No. I have36 keys. One is blue and the other three are yellow.”The elephant’s keys aren’t in the office, 37 two books and a red quilt are there.Then a bat flies into the office with a set of keys. “The keys are 38 !” the elephant shouts(喊叫).The bat found those keys in the library.“You found my keys. 39 ,” the elephant says happily.“That’s OK,” the bat says. “My friend! You 40 take care of (照看) your things well.”31.A.meets B.asks C.thinks32.A.How B.Where C.What33.A.map B.set C.picture34.A.find B.meet C.think35.A.this B.that C.these36.A.three B.four C.five37.A.now B.and C.but38.A.mine B.his C.yours39.A.I see B.I’m sorry C.Thank you40.A.can B.must C.be(五)Do you like to 41 many beautiful colors round you? If you 42 , you should 43 Xiangshan during the 44 . The Weather 45 to get cold and most of the46 on tree change color. And the wind blows the leaves 47 the trees. In summer they are green,48 in autumn they turn red, yellow, orange and brown. Every autumn people come to see the beautiful colors. All the 49 and stores there are crowded (拥挤) with visitors. They come to 50 the colorful leaves.41.A.sound B.see C.book D.Smell 42.A.have B.do C.are D.wants 43.A.go B.do C.visit D.goes 44.A.spring B.summer C.fall D.winter 45.A.beginning B.leaves C.colors D.begins 46.A.flowers B.leaves C.colors D.animals 47.A.out B.of C.off D.away48.A.so B.and C.but D.or 49.A.shops B.book shops C.hotels D.hospitals 50.A.look B.like C.enjoy D.look like(六)China has become stronger and stronger in recent years. Many foreigners can’t believe that China has developed so fast and feel 51 . They see high-speed trains, Alipay, shared bikes and online shopping as the 52 Four Great Inventions of China. Some of them 53the influences (影响) of the new inventions. The following is what they said.Justin: I’m from Romania. The highspeed trains are very 54 , convenient and tidy. It takes me only about five hours from Beijing to Shanghai by train. It 55 a lot of time.Yala: I’m from Nepal. Bicyclesharing system allows people to get a bike from point “A” and56 it at point “B”. It’s convenient, and it’s also a lowcarbon (低碳的) and healthy way of life.I like it very much.Arcbana: My life in Beijing is quite different from that in India. Here in China, I 57take notes (纸币) with me when I go out. I can pay with Alipay most of the time. It’s amazing. However, in India, if you don’t take 58 with you, you’ll be in trouble.Bond: I find many 59 between China and Thailand. We don’t have Taobao or other online shopping apps in Thailand. With these apps, I can 60 easily without stepping out of the doors in China.51.A.surprised B.nervous C.sad D.angry 52.A.old B.new C.young D.small 53.A.depended on B.looked for C.talked about D.gave up 54.A.fast B.short C.slow D.heavy 55.A.takes B.saves C.changes D.works 56.A.borrow B.buy C.keep D.return 57.A.seldom B.sometimes C.often D.usually 58.A.water B.money C.rubbish D.food 59.A.promises B.connections C.differences D.problems 60.A.run B.swim C.read D.shop(七)My cousin Sandy is an English girl. Her 61 name is Sandy Smith. She is 12. The girl is 62 . In her room, her books and tape player 63 in the bookcase. Her schoolbag is on the 64 . Her pencil box is on the desk, too. Some pens and a set 65 keys are in the pencil box. A baseball is under the desk, 66 it’s not Sandy’s. It’s her brother Sam’s. Sandy 67 a computer. It’s on th e table. Next to the computer is a 68 . Two girls are in thephoto. Do you know 69 the two girls are? Well, 70 are Sandy’s good friends, Mary and Anna.61.A.first B.English C.last D.full62.A.tidy B.fine C.green D.welcome 63.A.am B.is C.are D./64.A.chair B.bed C.sofa D.desk65.A.in B.of C.on D.to66.A.and B.to C.always D.but67.A.has B.knows C.finds D.thinks 68.A.clock B.photo C.radio D.model 69.A.what B.how C.who D.where 70.A.these B.that C.those D.they(八)Tips for Writing Better ArticlesMany of us don’t 71 a lot of time improving our writing skills.This can be a problem when we hand in our articles. Good writing skills will help us improve our grades and benefit us later in life. The following tips can be 72 .Make good word choices. When we’re not sure which word is the right one for a sentence, 73 in a dictionary. Many of us choose words in a hurry and don’t take the time to deci de if they’re proper. Good word 74 are necessary for good writing.Check facts. If we want people to believe 75 we write, we must make sure our facts are true. We should use dependable(可靠的) facts.Rewrite. A common problem is that we don’t like to rewrite. 76 , rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes, like grammar and spelling mistakes. Rewriting makes our writing better, though it takes more time and more work.Read aloud. Sometimes it’s easier to find problem with spelling, word usage(用法), and grammar when we read aloud. Reading aloud helps us 77 find out our problems 7 develop our writing.Preparing a list. Preparing a list is 78 for writing a good article. Such a list includes: Is there a proper title? Have we explained every point? Are all the parts of the article included? This can help us to make sure that we have covered 79 .It is not easy to become a better writer. But 80 a few simple steps, we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles.71.A.spend B.take C.cost72.A.useful B.special C.unusual73.A.look it up B.make it up C.pick it up 74.A.chances B.choices C.challenges 75.A.which B.what C.that76.A.As a matter of fact B.As a result C.As well as 77.A.either...or B.not only…but also C.neither...nor 78.A.true B.complete C.necessary 79.A.something B.nothing C.everything80.A.in B.for C.with(九)We often see the UK’s Queen Elizabeth on TV. What is her 81 like every day? Do you know?The Queen starts her day at 7: 30 a.m. with a cup of milk tea. 82 is at 8: 30 a.m. At the table, the Queen usually read newspapers. The first to catch her eyes is the news about horse racing. She 83 it.Most 84 at her age have a lot of free ti me. But there’re a lot of things to keep the Queen 85 in her sitting room. There are about 300 letters waiting for her every day. She 86 some of them herself. She also has work about the country.The Queen 87 takes a walk in the garden af ter lunch. It’s her thinking time and no one can talk to her. At 5: 00 p. m, high tea 88 . It’s time for her to meet different 89 and enjoy nice food with them.In the evening, the Queen likes to watch TV or play puzzle games. She 90 at 11 p. m. after writing a diary.What a busy day she has!81.A.life B.time C.home D.dress 82.A.Breakfast B.Lunch C.Dinner D.Supper 83.A.knows B.lives C.dreams D.loves 84.A.children B.women C.teachers D.members 85.A.worried B.tired C.busy D.happy 86.A.says B.reads C.tells D.looks 87.A.always B.seldom C.never D.once 88.A.stops B.ends C.begins D.wakes 89.A.problems B.activities C.animals D.people 90.A.gets up B.goes to work C.goes to bed D.has lessons(十)We wish that we could be better at sports or more attractive. We wish we had nicer clothes or more money. Everyone likes to feel that he or she is special. 91 , many of us grow up believing that we’re not special at all. We believe we are not 92 enough just as we are.Most parents want us to be the best we can be. Very often, they 93 us to others. By doing this, they try to encourage us to do better. They mean well, but the message we often get is that we’re not good enough. We begin to believe that the only way we can be special is by being better than someone else, but we are often 94 . There will always be someone out there who is better than we are at 95 . Plenty of people around may not be as smart as we are, but they are better at sports. Or they may not be as 96 , but they have more money. It is 97 for us to be better than everyone else all the time. We all want the things that we believe will make us better people. But very often we don’t realize that we already have 98 usthe very things that we want. These things make us different from others. When we are growing up, 99 sometimes forget to tell us that we are special, that we are good enough. Maybe no one told them when they were growing up. Anyway, it’s up to us to 100 them from time to time that each of us, in our own way, is special. What we are is enough. 91.A.Again B.Next C.Besides D.However 92.A.good B.beautiful C.strong D.pretty 93.A.describe B.compare C.introduce D.prefer 94.A.lonely B.forgetful C.disappointed D.nervous 95.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything 96.A.good-looking B.bad-looking C.big D.rich 97.A.helpful B.impossible C.necessary D.unfair 98.A.inside B.among C.around D.for 99.A.friends B.scientists C.parents D.doctors 100.A.forget B.call C.remind D.help(十一)When I was young, I didn't use to help others. 101 what my mom did last year changed my thoughts and my life.I worked in a middle school near her house, so I 102 with her. During that time, I helped her do some housework and buy some food. After the first week, I noticed that the food was 103 very quickly. Then I began to keep 104 eye on my mom. I found that she would put some food into a paper bag and took it out at about nine every morning. I decided 105 her to see what she would do. I saw her taking the food to the street children.Later I talked to a neighbor and knew that my mom was helpful in the area. The children loved her very much. Then it hit me. She didn't tell me 106 about it. Was she 107 that I would stop buying food if I knew the whole thing?When my mom got home, I told her that she didn't need to keep it a secret to me. Then she told me something about 108 . For years, she was helping the poor street children109 giving them food. She helped others in need. As her son, I was so proud of her. Now Icontinue to buy food for my mom and take 110 as a lifelong thing.101.A.So B.But C.Before D.When 102.A.live B.living C.lived D.will live 103.A.eaten up B.eating up C.ate up D.eat up 104.A.a B.the C.an D./ 105.A.following B.follow C.followed D.to follow 106.A.everything B.something C.nothing D.anything 107.A.worried B.worrying C.required D.requiring 108.A.how she did B.how did she C.what she did D.what did she 109.A.at B.by C.from D.in110.A.its B.it C.their D.them(十二)Coronaviruses (冠状病毒) are a large family of viruses (病毒). It can cause disease (疾病) in animals. It can cause sickness from the 111 cold to much more serious disease like SARS. Experts still know little about the new coronavirus.The disease is called a “novel” or new coronavirus because it is 112 for the first time in humans. It is said that the virus has spread to humans from wild animals. Chinese officials say the disease is able to spread from one person to 113 . This makes it especially hard to 114 .Signs of the patients have included (包括) fever, cough, shortness of breath and general breathing 115 . In more serious cases, the virus can cause pneumonia (肺炎). Some people report few or no signs. 116 others have gotten very sick or even died. It is reported that signs of the virus may appear between 2 and 14 days after being near someone who is ill.There is no special treatment for it. 117 , many patients can get well, as long as they’re in good 118 . Because the virus is so new among humans, no available vaccine (疫苗)is 119 to protect against the disease. But the WHO (世界卫生组织) advises people to avoid close touch with anyone showing signs of a breathing disease, such as coughing. It also sayspeople should wash their hands often and pay attention to the food safety.The government also gave some helpful suggestions. It says washing your hands for at least twenty 120 with soap and water, avoiding touching your face with unwashed hands, staying at home when you are sick, and cleaning objects and surfaces that are touched often. 111.A.everyday B.heavy C.common D.mobile 112.A.told B.found C.described D.processed 113.A.another B.other C.the other D.the others 114.A.play with B.deal with C.talk with D.connect with 115.A.products B.courses C.requests D.difficulties 116.A.or B.so C.since D.while 117.A.Instead B.So C.However D.Recently 118.A.health B.ability C.background D.service 119.A.bought B.produced C.sold D.studied 120.A.seconds B.minutes C.hours D.years参考答案(一)1.C2.C3.B4.A5.B6.D7.A8.B9.A10.B(二)11.C12.D13.B14.D15.A16.C17.C18.A19.B20.A(三)21.C22.B23.C24.D25.A26.D27.B28.B29.D30.A(四)31.B32.C33.B34.A35.C36.B37.C38.A39.C40.B(五)41.B42.B43.C44.C45.D46.B47.C48.C49.C50.C(六)51.A52.B53.C54.A55.B56.D57.A58.B59.C60.D(七)61.D62.A63.C64.D65.B66.D67.A68.B69.C70.D(八)71.A72.A73.A74.B75.B76.A77.B78.C79.C80.C(九)81.A82.A83.D84.B85.C86.B87.A88.C89.D90.C(十)91.D92.A93.B94.C95.B96.A97.B98.A99.C100.C(十一)101.B102.C103.A104.C105.D106.D107.A108.C109.B110.B(十二)111.C112.B113.A114.B115.D116.D117.C118.A119.B120.A。
【中考英语总复习 考点专项练习】35 完形填空之记叙文(原卷及答案)
专项35 完形填空之记叙文一、命题趋势完形填空是英语考试中一项重要的考查内容。
其考查点有:1. 能够掌握足够的词汇量,正确运用词类和词语的正确搭配。
2. 基础语法知识。
3. 还应具有一定的语言运用能力、阅读能力、理解能力、综合分析能力和逻辑判断能力。
① 以语篇为载体,测试语言知识和语言能力。
① 以意义填空为主。
① 降低对单词本身词义的考查要求,注重考查对全文意义的理解。
① 考点分布符合考查目的。
有些完形填空题全部舍弃了学生们平时接触较多的"四选一"形式,而改之以"自由完形填空"形式,除了要求填入单词外,有的还设置了要求填入词组三、命题特点1. 选文特点:① 以叙述文体的小故事为主;① 篇幅一般在200~300词之间;① 难度略低于阅读理解中的短文;① 所选短文语言地道、纯正,结构严谨,层次分明,逻辑性强。
初中英语中考总复习完形填空专项练习20篇附答案一Jackson Mann is a 16-year-old boy from Milford, UK. He has been interestedin 1 since he was a child. When he grew up, he began to care about animals around him and endangered wild animals. He even worked with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to 2 SOS, a card game about endangered wild animals.The idea for the game came by accident. Four years ago, Jackson and his family went on a trip to...Costa Rica. During the 3 , he saw many wild animals and found that many children were interested in playing card games. Thenhe 4 to make a card game about endangered wild animals. Jackson received lots of 5 and help from WWF.SOS is for kids over 7 years old. It introduces not onlysome 6 information about wild animals, but also some ways to save them when they are in danger. Jackson 7 that young people can learn about endangered wild animals while playing games.8 , great achievements have been made by SOS. Since its launch (发行), the card game has been quite 9 . Lots of kids buy it. “I will 10 all the money to wildlife protection organizations and will continue to work in the field of en dangered wildlife protection,” Jackson said.What a great boy and a great card game!1.A.flowers B.animals C.books D.planes2.A.create B.change C.describe D.report3.A.training B.exam C.journey D.meeting4.A.waited B.refused C.failed D.decided5.A.support B.tricks C.ceremonies D.space6.A.private B.basic C.junior D.medical7.A.hears B.worries C.remembers D.hopes8.A.Luckily B.However C.Hardly D.Again9.A.easy B.boring C.popular D.expensive10.A.throw away B.look for C.pay for D.give away二The sports cartoon Slam Dunk has been a common childhood memory for a generation of Chinese audience. It first 11 in 1990 as a cartoon, and now it returns with an all-new lovely film. The film Slam Dunk will come to theaters in Japan on Dec. 3 and in some other 12 later.Hearing the news, many cartoon fans are 13 and have written on the internet, “My youth is back!”Zhang Chao, an internet engineer from Shanghai, is one of them. “My heart is always 14 with righteous ardor (热血),” the 26-year-old said, describing his feeling 15 he reads the cartoon.The series, including the cartoon and the new movie, shows the audience a group of young boys who go after their 16 dreams. Hanamichi Sakuragi, a teenager, plays one of the leading roles. He works out many problems and gets to show his 17 in basketball after working hard on the Shohoku High School basketball team.“As these boys 18 the ball, nothing can stop them from enjoying the fun and hunger of every win,” added Zhang. “Sometimes, you can recall back your old days playing with your friends, 19 with each other and shooting hoops.”According to the Screen Rant website, as a sports cartoon series, the storyof Slam Dunk also shows friendship that develops 20 the players on the team.11.A.broke out B.came out C.found out D.put out12.A.cities B.theatres C.countries D.towns13.A.excited B.interested C.bored D.disappointed14.A.blowing B.bleeding C.breaking D.burning15.A.when B.until C.unless D.before 16.A.baseballB.volleyball C.basketball D.football17.A.tastes B.talents C.troubles D.tours18.A.watch B.reach C.match D.catch19.A.cooperating B.connecting C.discussıng D.greeting 20.A.between B.against C.among D.about三Every year on March 5, China celebrates “Lei Feng Day”. It’s a dayto 21 community service and volunteering.Lei Feng was a 22 in the People’s Liberation Army. He died in 1962, aged 22. His short life was filled with “selfless (无私的) service for the people”, reported China Daily.As a non-Chinese person, I learned about Lei Feng once I came to China. The lesson was quite 23 .One day, I was riding my bicycle down the street and a tire burst (车胎爆裂). A passerby asked if I needed any 24 . He kindly guided me to a nearby bike stand for 25 . Once we got there, I thanked him and asked whathis 26 was in Chinese. He said, “I’m Lei Feng.” Not knowing who Lei Feng was, I replied, “Well, thank you, Lei Feng.” He and the others at the bike repair stand began 27 . I stood there confused (困惑的). Why were they all laughing?A few months later, our Chinese teacher told us about Lei Feng, this hero of small acts of kindness and community spirit. I 28 the man who helped me with my bicycle. Then it was my turn to laugh.After this, I began to notice Lei Feng’s image (形象) on 29 souvenirs (纪念品) in local tourist shops. We need people to lend a(n) 30 and show the “Lei Feng spirit” now more than ever.21.A.encourage B.ask C.order D.stand22.A.director B.soldier C.leader D.speaker23.A.unimportant B.unsatisfactory C.unforgettableD.unacceptable 24.A.advice B.money C.information D.help25.A.rest B.prepare C.repair D.visit26.A.name B.address C.number D.community27.A.crying B.laughing C.guiding D.thinking28.A.talked to B.looked for C.thought of D.called on 29.A.cultural B.environmental C.popular D.fashionable30.A.idea B.dream C.spirit D.hand四At the age of nine, Kelly dreamed of being a basketball player. But one day when she was playing basketball, she hurt her left leg 31 . The doctor told her she could no longer play basketball. What was worse, she needed help doing 32 , including going to the bathroom.Thinking that her dream could never come true, Kelly was in low spirits and gave up her studies at school. Her mother did all she could to cheer her up, butKelly 33 to change. She even took out all her anger and 34 on her mother.Then one day Kelly’s friends introduced her to the gym. Kelly 35 that she should turn her attention to what she co uld do, not to what she couldn’t.Posting 36 story online, she was inspired. As she was encouraged by the kindness, she returned to school for two half days a week. And withthe 37 of a bodybuilding trainer, she trained hard and soon found herself on stage performing 38 a bodybuilder. Her mother was truly 39 and proud.Today, Kelly is studying to be a life coach. She is at peace with what happened to her, not just physically, but mentally (精神上). “Sometimes you mustexperience 40 things to come out stronger on other side,” said Kelly. 31.A.badly B.slowly C.easily D.hardly32.A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything33.A.reduced B.regretted C.remembered D.refused34.A.fun B.pain C.love D.worry35.A.realized B.warned C.suggested D.advised36.A.his B.my C.her D.their37.A.need B.help C.promise D.hope38.A.as B.to C.for D.about39.A.angry B.calm C.happy D.upset40.A.little B.difficult C.nice D.happy五than a meeting hall. Also, there was a huge box of balloons placed at the center of the hall.The team leader asked everyone to pick a balloon from the box and asked them to blow it. Then they were asked to write their name on their balloon 43 so that the balloons didn’t blow up. Not everyone was 44 . Those who failed to mark their names were ruled out of the game. Then all the balloonswere 45 and then put into a room.The team leader asked the young men to go to the room and pickthe 46 balloon that had his name on it. Also, he told them that noballoon 47 blow up and warned them to be very careful!All 25 young men reached the room, where the balloons carrying their name were thrown here and there. It was almost 15 minutes and 48 was able to find the balloon carrying his own name. All of them were very sad.Now the lender asked the young men to pick any balloon in the room and give it to the person whose name was on the balloon. 49 a couple of minutes all balloons reached the hands of the young men and everyone reached the hall.In the end, the team leader said, “Many times, 50 and cooperation (合作) give you the way to solve all the problems.”41.A.passed B.entered C.locked D.left42.A.more B.larger C.less D.smaller43.A.normally B.completely C.exactly D.carefully44.A.painful B.harmful C.successful D.thankful45.A.collected B.prevented C.remained D.produced 46.A.ideal B.lively C.same D.light47.A.would B.might C.should D.could48.A.nobody B.anybody C.somebody D.everybody49.A.Beside B.Except C.Within D.Against50.A.training B.sharing C.traveling D.arguing六“How did you do it, Dad? How did you manage not to drink alcohol (酒) for almost 20 years?” It took me years to have the courage to even ask my father this very personal question.When Dad first 51 drinking, the whole family was on pins and needles (如坐针毡). We were afraid that he would start drinking 52 .“I had a little poem what I would recite (背诵) to myself 53 four to five times a day,” my father said. “The words were a big 54 . It told me that things were never too hard to deal with.”And then he shared the poem with me. The poem was simple 55 very beautiful. I don’t know the name of it, but I really like it. About a month afterthis 56 with my father, I got a gift in the mail from a friend of mine. It was a list book of the important events for each day of the year. I know that when we get something with days of the year on it, we often 57 the page that lists our own birthdays first.I quickly 58 the book to Nov 10 to see what words of wisdom (智慧) this book had for me. I was so 59 that tears (泪水) dropped down my face. On that page, I saw the same poem that had helped my 60 for all these years! It is called A Father’s Promise for a Daughter.51.A.gave up B.put up C.looked up D.got up52.A.once B.again C.just D.still53.A.at last B.at least C.at most D.at first54.A.help B.story C.joke D.mountain55.A.or B.but C.so D.if56.A.fight B.meal C.match D.talk57.A.turn out B.turn on C.turn to D.turn up58.A.started B.sold C.sent D.opened59.A.sad B.angry C.touched D.sorry60.A.friend B.family C.mother D.father七Named after the ancient city of Xi’an in Shaanxi Province, which served as the capital of the Tang Dynasty for over 280 years. The Chinese movie brings to life some of the most famous 61 in Chinese literary (文学) history.62 July 8, the movie has garnered a rating (斩获) of 8.1 out of ten on Douban, receiving the highest 63 from the public and being one of the most popular animated (动画的) movies of the summer season.Despite Li Bai and Du Fu having been 64 in many movies and TV shows in past years, the movie make it shown from an unusual perspective (角度), starting with the memories of Gao Shi and his good friend Li Bai, to tell Li’s life.65 Li Bai and Gao Shi, the movie features (刻画) some of the most famous poets and artists of the Tang Dynasty, including Wang Changling, Zhang Xu and Li Guinian.The film also shows the amazing scenes (场景) of the Tang Dynasty, such asthe 66 streets of ancient Chang’an and the city ofYangzhou, 67 the windy and 68 borderlands (塞外之地) in northwestern China.69 this work, director hopes we can know about these historical poets and classic works by the way of animation (动画片), and to 70 more foreigners to understand Chinese poets such as Li Bai.61.A.poets B.paintings C.songs D.books62.A.Before B.After C.Since D.As63.A.pride B.price C.prize D.praise64.A.described B.talked C.explained D.told65.A.Beyond B.Besides C.Between D.Because66.A.narrow B.clean C.untidy D.dirty67.A.as well as B.as soon as C.as long as D.as good as 68.A.cloudy B.rainy C.sandy D.sunny69.A.As B.For C.By D.Through70.A.ask B.attract C.let D.increase八When people talk about air pollution, they are usually thinking about outdoor air pollution. But do you know that there is also air pollution inside homes, 71 , hotels and other buildings? The air in your home can be 2 to 100 times more polluted than the air outdoors! According to some American 72 , 50% of the illnesses have something to do with the polluted indoor air.A lot of pollution 73 indoor activities such as smoking and cooking. We know most people 74 about 80%-90% of their time inside buildings. So it is important to take indoor air pollution 75 , too.Air pollution influences our health in many 76 . When the air is polluted, it does harm to not only the young people, but also the 77 people with health problems. Indoor air pollution can 78 people’s eyes, noses and throats. Air pollution, both indoor and outdoor, can also cause 79 lung (肺) and heart disease! In the Great London Fog in 1952, 4, 000 people 80 away in a few days because of the pollution! It is said that half a million young children and women die each year in India because of indoor air pollution!71.A.offices B.playgrounds C.parks D.streets 72.A.teachersB.farmers C.doctors D.workers73.A.gets to B.comes from C.changes into D.turns into74.A.take B.cost C.spend D.pay75.A.luckily B.happily C.rapidly D.seriously76.A.ways B.activities C.games D.places77.A.rich B.poor C.young D.old78.A.beat B.stealC.cause D.hurt79.A.nice B.good C.terrible D.happy80.A.left B.passed C.died D.went九In a fun class activity, Mr. Li gave each of us a balloon. He asked usto 81 them up and then write our names on them. It was so cool to hear the balloons getting bigger and see everyone writing their 82 with colorful markers. Then we were asked to put them into the hall.After that, Mr. Li mixed up all the balloons, and the 83 turned into a rainbow! Then he told us the 84 : Find the balloon with our name on it in just five minutes. We all started looking really fast, moving balloons all around, but it was 85 , and no one could find their own balloon.But guess what? Mr. Li had a smart idea. He told us to pick up any balloon we found and 86 it to the person whose name was on it. Suddenly, we all started working together, helping each other find our balloons. The hall turned intoa 87 place with many laughs as we shared and gave balloons to each other. And guess what again? In just two minutes, every student had their own balloon back! Such a little change had 88 a great difference!Back into the classroom, our teacher shared a special 89 with us. He said,“The balloons are like happiness. When we’re only thinking about ourselves, it’s hard to find happiness. But when we share happiness with others,it 90 comes back to us.” We really had much fun and learned a lot at the same time. It was the best class activity ever!81.A.cut B.blow C.turn D.pick82.A.names B.ages C.wishes D.addresses83.A.sky B.hall C.office D.classroom84.A.wish B.joke C.task D.question85.A.right B.wrong C.easy D.difficult86.A.give B.lend C.sell D.teach87.A.happy B.silent C.strange D.boring88.A.told B.made C.avoided D.imagined89.A.reason B.duty C.lesson D.project90.A.never B.seldom C.sometimes D.always十One day, Sarah came back home from school, looking kind of down.Her 91 noticed that and asked her if something was troubling her. At first, Sarah didn’t want to talk about it, but 92 , she opened up to her mom.Sarah 93 her mother that she was going through some hard times. She felt like she didn’t fit in with her friends and was 94 about what they thought of her. Her mother listened to her patiently and told her it was 95 to feel that way at her age. She said everyone goes through hard times and then found a doctor to help with Sarah’s 96 . Sarah was nervous at first, but the doctor was kind and understanding. She taught Sarah how to 97 her worries and helped her work through her feelings of not fitting in with her friends.Over times. Sarah started to feel 98 . She learned that it’s important to be true to herself and she didn’t have to 99 herself to fit in with her friends. She also learned that it’s OK to get 100 when she needs it. She knew she might still have some hard times someday, but she felt more confident. 91.A.father B.mother C.brother D.sister92.A.finally B.mostly C.quickly D.suddenly93.A.asked B.heard C.thanked D.told94.A.happy B.excited C.worried D.sorry95.A.difficult B.normal C.interesting D.wrong96.A.problems B.dreams C.lessons D.wishes97.A.cheer up B.care for C.deal with D.think of98.A.better B.sadder C.shyer D.worse99.A.afford B.stop C.remain D.change100.A.hope B.help C.pride D.time十一Jack and Paul were neighbors. Jack was poor while Paul was rich.Although Jack had to work hard every day to make a living, he felt relaxed and happy. He 101 had to worry about anything beyond himself. Every night he had a sound sleep.Paul, on the other hand, was always anxious (焦虑的). He 102 to close the doors and windows of his house at night. When in bed, he still could not sleep well. He was always worried that someone might break into his home and steal his money. He envied (嫉妒) the peace Jack 103 .One day, Paul went to Jack and gave him a box that was full of 104 , saying, “Look, my dear friend, I have a lot of money. I can see that youare 105 . Take this box and live a rich life, so you don’t have to work hard for food and clothes.”Jack was very 106 to take it. However, when night fell, Jack went to bed as usual 107 found himself unable to sleep. He remembered to close the doors and windows before bedtime, but once in bed, he started to doubt whether they were 108 closed. As a result, he got up to double-check. Even so, he still could not sleep well.As soon as the day 109 , Jack went to Paul. He gave him back the box, sa ying, “Dear friend, I may be poor, but your gold took away my 110 . I have found that I would rather sleep at night and enjoy my days.”101.A.once B.always C.never D.sometimes102.A.made sure B.set out C.lay down D.pulled down 103.A.won B.enjoyed C.stole D.discovered104.A.food B.clothes C.books D.gold105.A.in use B.in need C.in public D.in danger106.A.polite B.cruel C.wise D.happy107.A.so B.or C.but D.and108.A.quietlyB.truly C.heavily D.easily109.A.broke B.counted C.dropped D.continued110.A.goal B.weight C.courage D.peace十二We returned to McDonald’s and bought her dinner 119 then brought it back to her. Her son called me that evening and thanked me 120 his mother. My son was so sweet and told me that he was happy that we could help the lady. 111.A.hungry B.thirsty C.tiredD.sleepy112.A.happy B.quiet C.worried D.pretty113.A.my B.her C.your D.his114.A.to catch B.to hold C.to push D.to buy115.A.when to use B.why to use C.where to use D.how to use 116.A.called B.warned C.wrote D.made117.A.since B.as C.because of D.while118.A.breakfast B.lunch C.water D.dinner119.A.and B.or C.but D.even120.A.seeing B.helping C.realizing D.saving十三On my first day in the middle school, I was shy and quiet. I was afraid that I couldn’t do a good job in the middle school. I never got a letter from my teachers or my classmates before I went to a middle school, so I was 121 that there was an envelope on my desk one morning. From the envelope, I could see it was from one of my teachers.When I opened it, I found a note and it read, “You can do a good job. Come on! Where there is a will, there is a way! (有志者, 事竟成! )”The note was 122 by Mr. John, my headteacher. As I was new here, his words made me 123 . After that, I kept the note in my schoolbag. Whenever I doubted whether I had the 124 to be a good student, I would read John’s note and become sure again.Later, when I made friends with Mr. John, my headteacher, I learned that he often wrote notes to 125 his new students. “When I make others feel happy,” he told me, “I feel happy, too.”However, why are there few note writers like John in our life? Inmy 126 , many people are afraid that they cannotbe 127 understood. Also, writing takes more time and it is 128 to pick up the phone. The problem with phone calls is that they cannot 129 a long time, but a note is a good way of record and our words can be read more than once.So, when you find some people around you need help, please write a note of encouragement to bring them more 130 Maybe, you are not sure what will happen, but remember Mr. John’s words: making others feel happy makes you happy, too.121.A.certain B.sure C.surprised D.frightened122.A.signed B.picked C.copied D.practiced123.A.unhappy B.sleepy C.excited D.sad124.A.power B.reason C.chance D.ability125.A.encourage B.describe C.introduce D.expect126.A.opinion B.advice C.idea D.decision127.A.wonderfully B.well C.happily D.beautifully128.A.better B.harder C.easier D.worse129.A.wait B.last C.stop D.rest130.A.confidence B.relaxation C.luck D.work十四According to a new survey, students' safety has become a big problem. Many students are injured or killed in 131 kinds of accidents.Here is some advice for young students on how to 132 danger:If you are robbed (被抢劫), keep 133 . If you cannot cry for help or run away, give the robber (强盗) your money. Try to remember what the robber looks like and tell the 134 later.Suppose you are in a traffic accident. If a car 135 you, you should remember the car number. If it is a bicycle,try to call your parents before you let the rider go. This is 136 you don’t know how seriously you are hurt.If it is raining heavily and there is lighting (闪电), don’t 137 in high places and stay away from trees.When there is a fire in a building, get away as fast as you 138 , put wet things on your body and try to find an exit(出口). Don’t take the 139 .If someone is drowning(溺水)and you swim, don’t get into the water. Try your best to ask for help.Remember that danger is 140 as far away as you think. Take care of yourself at all times!131.A.difficult B.different C.terrible D.unusual132.A.think of B.think about C.deal with D.put up133.A.calm B.wild C.quiet D.patient134.A.classmates B.teachers C.parents D.police135.A.hits B.wins C.kills D.misses136.A.unless B.why C.because D.before137.A.live B.stay C.walk D.keeps138.A.can B.may C.must D.need139.A.bus B.entrance C.lift D.exit140.A.sometimes B.always C.often D.never十五At the end of my first year of high school, I realized I needed to find a summer job. I was tired of having to ask my parents for money. I wanted to go to the shopping center or movies with my friends 141 having to ask for $20 from my parents.I imagined having a job at a store or a summer camp where I could play games with children. But what actually happened was 142 . The only job I managed to find was cleaning up tables at a local restaurant.At first, the idea of clearing table upset me. The thought of getting up at dawn (黎明) to go clean up after people made me 143 ever asking for a job. The firstday was terribly busy. I was running around, racing to get a table ready forthe 144 customers. I’ll never forget 145 tired I felt that day, but I’ll also never forget sitt ing down for lunch with my co-workers for the first time. People of my age or ten years older all sat together and talked about their days. All of a sudden I was a part of that, and it felt good to be so 146 .I’ve now worked at the restaurant for almost one year. I’ve learned to be happy about getting up so early, because I know there are going to be a fewgood 147 every day there.From starting there was a shy student, I’ve been able to grow into a person that can go up and 148 anyone, at work or anywhere else. I’m also not as sensitive (敏感) as I used to be — getting an impolite customer might make me feel bad, but very soon I can laugh it off with my 149 . The little job has given me so much, a nd I can’t wait to go back and continue to 150 from my experience.141.A.with B.without C.for D.against142.A.exciting B.encouraging C.confusing D.disappointing 143.A.forget B.enjoy C.regret D.imagine144.A.waiting B.eating C.going D.leaving145.A.what B.how C.where D.when146.A.loved B.missed C.needed D.included147.A.dishes B.choices C.moments D.customers148.A.find B.greet C.push D.stop149.A.customers B.friends C.co-workers D.boss150.A.grow B.stand C.rest D.hide十六I was born in a big family. My elder brother, Eddie and I looked much the same because our 151 were the perfect combination (结合) of our Mom’s and Dad’s. However, I did feel 152 .My eldest brother, Tony was humorous. He could tell a funny story that keptyou 153 all the time. And Eddie was 154 . He was good at football and often entered competitions. His gift helped him be a good football coach.However, I was quiet and not so outgoing as my 155 . I just wanted to learn everything so I spent more time 156 . I was usually left behind for I was much younger than the two boys. For most of the time, I played alone. But I was not so 157 as you thought. My imagination was a great friend and in a way I liked the loneliness.Looking back now, I can see that although I was different, I enjoyed the difference instead of worrying about it. As a result, I became the person I wanted to be. My reading 158 me to start writing. It also helped me solve the biggest problems about love, kindness and happiness and find great pleasure.The 159 in my quiet life made it easy for me to work at home and take care of the family at the same time.We all have something 160 in our life. We only need to find it, to live it, and to love it.151.A.hobbies B.ideas C.faces D.voices152.A.angry B.different C.pleased D.excited153.A.laughing B.waiting C.thinking D.worrying154.A.warm B.active C.brave D.strict 155.A.friendsB.classmates C.parents D.brothers156.A.listening B.talking C.reading D.singing157.A.lonely B.serious C.comfortable D.careful158.A.wished B.asked C.led D.warned159.A.pleasure B.job C.book D.problem160.A.funny B.wrong C.boring D.special十七Memorizing class notes is a good way to learn English. But what isthe 161 way for you to memorize class notes? The question is difficultto 162 , because different people learn in different ways and there are really too many ways. It also has 163 to do with the material to be memorized.I 164 a very good way to memorize class notes before. I typed the whole term’s hand-written notes into a computer. 165 it took a lot of time, it was a good way. It made me 166 about the material again. This way of memorizing class notes could also make me feel 167 , because it was an easy way. I just needed to start at the beginning of my notes and type to the end.There are many other good ways to memorize class notes. 168 , you can underline the important parts of your notes using different colored pens. Whenyou 169 the notes, you will pay more attention to these parts. You canalso 170 an outline (概要) of your notes, and then you will have a better understanding of each lesson.161.A.best B.newest C.busiest D.cheapest162.A.find B.solve C.answer D.discuss163.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything 164.A.used B.forgot C.needed D.believed165.A.If B.Unless C.Because D.Although166.A.ask B.talk C.think D.worry167.A.lucky B.safe C.afraid D.relaxed168.A.After all B.For example C.In total D.So far169.A.report B.review C.retell D.replay170.A.make B.require C.explain D.divide十八Why do you need hobbies? A study has found that people are more positive (积极的) when they take part in a 171 activity. Other studieshave 172 that hobbies can give you a sense of achievement. Scientists also think they might be good for your brain.How do you choose the right hobby? Start with what you enjoyed in the past. Did you once play football? 173 again or start something else. If you find it isn’t for you, stop and turn to 174 . Probably joining a class or a team will give you a 175 to meet other people.Which relaxing activities are good for physical health? It’s clear that exercise is going to be good for your body, such as walking. 176 is wonderful exercise.A review of 94 studies found that dancing three times a week 177 balance in older people. Getting out in nature is helpful, 178 you’re hiking or doing something less active.Which hobbies keep your mind active? Learning an instrument and reading are the best 179 . Playing the piano or listening to your favorite band can help you make it. Researches have found reading is also good for your brains.Hobbies let you 180 you r worries and have fun. So let’s take up great hobbies.171.A.surprising B.relaxing C.moving D.boring172.A.shown B.told C.made D.heard173.A.Put it up B.Think it up C.Take it up D.Look it up 174.A.something old B.something new C.anything new D.anything old 175.A.hand B.hug C.try D.chance176.A.Singing B.Swimming C.Dancing D.Running 177.A.improved B.guided C.stopped D.fought178.A.whether B.so C.or D.for179.A.places B.choices C.gifts D.ways180.A.find B.kill C.forget D.wash十九Yue Fei was a hero who lived during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). As a general (将军), he 181 his army to win many wars. In 1125, the Jin army from the north fought against the Song kingdom and tried to take 182 of its central lands. Yue decided to fight the enemy in order to protect his country and the people.Before he 183 , his mother asked him, “Right now the country is facing great 184 . What exactly do you plan to do?”“Serve my country with all my heart,” Yue said.Tha t was what Yue Fei’s mother hoped her son would do. It wasnot 185 for Yue Fei’s mother to encourage her son to do something so dangerous. She decided to tattoo (纹身) the words onto her son’s back so that he would not 186 them.His mother asked,“ My child, tattoos are very painful. Are you 187 ?”Yue said, “Mother, a little needle (针) is 188 . If I was scared of it, how could I face going to war on the front lines?”Keeping these words in mind, Yue beat the Jin army many times. 189 , Yue Fei was killed by the emperor later because of Qin Hui’s action, buthis 190 was passed on to later generations. We need to respect and learn from Yue Fei.。
From my second grade on, there was one event I feared every year: the piano recital(独奏演唱会). A recital ___36__I had to practice a boring piece of music and perform before strangers. Each year I ___37__ask my father if I could skip the recital “just this once”. And each year he would shake his head, muttering(嘀咕) ____38_____about build self-confidence and working toward a ____39____.So it was with really great___40___that I stood in church one recent Sunday, video camera in hand, and ___41___my 68-year-old father sweating in his shirt ___42___rising to play the piano in his very first recital.My father had longed to play music since childhood, but his family was poor and couldn’t _____43____lessons. He could have gone on regretting it, ___44____too many of us do. But though he was rooted in his past, he wasn’t ___45_____there. When he retired three years ago, he ___46__ his church music director to take him as a student.For a moment after my father sat down at the keyboard, he ___47___stared down at his fingers. Has he forgotten the ____48__? I worried, remembering those split seconds___49___ago when my mind would go blank and my fingers would ___50____. But then came the beautiful melody(旋律),from the ___51__fingers that once baited(装饵于) my fishing lines. And I___52___he had been doing what music teachers always stress:___53_____the music and pretend the others aren’t there.“I’m ____54____of him for starting something new at his age,” I said to my son Jeff.“Yeah, and doing it so___55____,” Jeff added.With his first recital, my father taught me more about courage and determination than all the words he used those 30-plus years ago.36. A. reflected B. explained C. meant D. proved37. A. would B. could C. might D. should38. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something39. A. goal B. stage C. journey D. chance40. A. trouble B. satisfaction C. strength D. disappointment41. A. kept B. sent C. watched D. felt42. A. through B. from C. against D. before43. A. miss B. afford C. select D. understand44. A. as B. once C. if D. while45. A. educated B. protected C. stuck D. spoilt46. A. allowed B. invited C. inspired D. persuaded47. A. roughly B. simply C. merrily D. curiously48. A. words B. videos C. notes D. lessons49. A. decades B. weeks C. hours D. moments50. A. play B. freeze C. click D. adjust51. A. same B. warm C. different D. dirty52. A. predicted B. realized C. imagined D. insisted53. A. pass over B. turn up C. bring in D. concentrate on54. A. ashamed B. aware C. tired D. proud55. A. casually B. anxiously C. nicely D. frequently【考点】考察故事类(记叙文)完型填空【文章大意】我的父亲小时候因为家境贫穷无法学习钢琴,但是他没有父亲梦想。
中考复习完型填空——记叙文类专项练习〔一〕Charlie is twenty-three now. He1a university(大学) and found work in a factory last year. It’s2and there are no more than fifty workers in it. And only he3in a university. So he looks down upon his 4 . He always thinks he’s right and never agrees with5. He likes to say, “I’ve never made a mistake!〞But once the young man couldn’t6 a foreign instructions 〔说明书〕. An old worker studied it for two days and7Mr. White, the boss of the factory,8it meant. The boss asked Charlie why. He made a few excuses to say for9. And he didn’t agree with the old man. The boss became angry and asked, “ Is it10 that you’ve never made a mistake?〞The young man wouldn’t make Mr. White11 and had to say, “No, it isn’t, sir.〞Having12 this, the workers were happy. One of them asked, “It means that you also make some mistakes!〞Charlie13 his mind at once and said, “ I made only one mistake in my14 !〞“When?〞 the boss asked in surprise.“Just now, sir.〞 Answered the young man. “When Mr. White15 me acknowledge 〔成认〕I was wrong!〞1.A. visited B. left C. built D. reached2.A. small B. big C. new D. old3.A. lived B. traveled C. arrived D. studied4.A. parents B. teacher C. workmates D. classmates5.A. another B. other C. the other D. others6.A. see B. write C. understand D. read7.A. told B. asked C. teached D. laughed at8.A. when B. what C. how D. where9.A. him B. himself C. them D. themselves10.A. clever B. sure C. true D. able11.A. sad B. sadder C. angry D. angrier12.A. heard B. listened C. guessed D. reported13.A. lost B. hated C. changed D. thought14.A. life B. office C. family D. bedroom15.A. helped B. made C. watched D. asked〔二〕This is a true story . One evening a woman was 36 home when she saw a truck close behind her . She drove more quickly to be far away from the truck , 37 when she sped up (加速〕,the truck did ,too. The 38 she drove , the faster the truck drove . The woman felt afraid , so she drove onto a main street , hopingto 39 the truck in a traffic . But the truck jumped a 40 light and went on running after her .Finally the woman drove her car into a service station ,and got out of her car ,shouting for 41 . The truck driver didn' d leave , instead he went outof his car . He 42 the back door , and pulled out a man hidden (藏〕in the back seat . The woman was running from the wrong person .the woman was 43 atlast .From the place where the woman stopped her car , the driver 44 a criminal (罪犯〕in the woman' s car . The driver drove after her not to 45 her but to help her .16.A. running B. walking C. driving.17.A. but B. though C. or.18.A. bigger B. faster C. happier.20.A. black B. red C. green.21.A. advice B. suggestion C. help22.A. cleaned B. opened C. bought.23.A. safe B. healthy C. free24.A. forgot B. found C. put.25.A. harm B. visit. C. save.〔三〕One day, some old men were sitting together again and talking about young people in this world. They all agreed that the old people were 43 than young people. Then one of the old 44 said that young men were stronger than old men.45 of them agreed that this was true, 46 Mr. Black didn’t. He said, “No.I am as strong now as when I was a young man.〞 His friends were surprised 47 what he said.“Well,〞 said Mr. Black, “Near my house there is a big stone. When I was a young man, I used 48 to move it, but I couldn’t because I was not 49 . I am an old man now, and when I try to move it, I still 50 . So, I am as strong as whenI was young.〞26.A. many B. a lot C. lots of D. lot27.A. talked for B. talked to C. talked with D. talked about28.A. clever B. cleverer C. cleverest D. a clever29.A. man B. woman C. men D. women30.A. All B. None C. Both D. Neither31.A. so B. or C. and D. but32.A. at B. to C. of D. on33.A. trying B. try C. to try D. to trying34.A. strong enough B. enough strong C. weak enough D. enough weak 35.A. can B. can’t C. could D. couldn’t〔四〕When I was a teenager growing up in France, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way I could 1 this was to work in the local paper factoryin my town, or get married. I was very nervous when I told my 2 I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say, “ 3 You are going to college (大学).〞 I was very 4 when he said, “OK. Let’s go to the pa per factory.〞Two days later, 5 took me to the factory. I imagined everyone to be friends 6 together and having fun. I even imagined there would be music and singing. I 7I had watched too many movies as a teenager.When we 8 the factory gate, my father spoke to the guard (门卫) and one minute later we were 9 . I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was 10 . I ran back to my father and said, “I want to go home.〞He asked me, “What d o you think of the 11 ?〞“Too bad,〞 I answered.“And marriage(婚姻) is even 12 !〞 he said.I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard 13 I could get into a good college. I 14 studying English so I decided to major in languages at college. Thanks to my father and our 15 to the paper factory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the factory!36.A. say B. do C. receive D. find37.A. teacher B. friend C. father D. husband38.A. Yes! B. No! C. Really? D. OK?39.A. angry B. tired C. nervous D. surprised40.A. he B. she C. it D. they41.A. working B. studying C. singing D. farming42.A. guess B. mean C. say D. hope43.A. looked at B. returned to C. arrived at D. left for 44.A. outside B. inside C. back D. away45.A. terrible B. wonderful C. funny D. special46.A. workers B. guard C. building D. factory47.A. better B. harder C. worse D. easier48.A. but B. if C. so D. or49.A. enjoyed B. stopped C. disliked D. minded50.A. way B. idea C. plan D. trip〔五〕Jack arrived in a big city of China. When he got off the train, he felt very hungry (饥饿的〕 and wanted to ___1___some food. But he didn’t know___2___to get to a food shop, so he bought a___3___of the city.Jack read the map carefully. Then he walked along Heping Street and ___4___right when he saw the traffic lights. But he was___5___ . He didn’t find any food shops there!Jack went to ask a policeman___6___help. He couldn’t speak any Chinese, so he ___7___ a piece of paper and drew a food shop on it. The policeman was___8___and he knew what Jack wanted to do. He told Jack to go___9___the bridge and then walk on for about ___10___The food shop was next to a big hospital.Jack found the food shop at last.51.A. bring B. catch C. make D. have52.A. how B. what C. where D. when53.A. map B. ticket C. photo D. calendar54.A. moved B. stayed C. turned D. got55.A. good B. bad C. right D. wrong56.A. of B. for C. with D. from57.A. put away B. came out C. put up D. took out58.A. clever B. lucky C. interesting D. happy59.A. past B. across C. through D. above60.A. 100g B. 100 cm C. 100 m D. 100 km〔六〕Mum was happy that I had made new friends but she wanted to know what kinds of 19 they might be.When Mum asked me about this, I said, “I know that too. But do you know that their mom has to make all clothes because it's 22 difficult to find anything to fit them? They're also good 23 .That day, Joe, the one on the right, made me noodles for lunch."When Mum saw the twins, she must have thought how strange they 24 .But to me,what I cared about was that they had difficulty——25 clothes and they were good cooks.61.A. supermarket B.post office C. factory D. bank62.A. find B. make C. manage D.eat63.A. at B. for C. after D. before64.A. men B. women C. boys D. people65.A. and B. but C. or D. so66.A. surprised B. excited C. interested D. disappointed 67.A. so B. very C. too D. really68.A. friends B. singers C. workers D. cooks69.A. smelled B, looked C. felt D. sounded70.A. selling B. making C. wearing D. buying〔七〕Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb (哑的) 51 he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to 52 , but with no success.When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town 53 him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he 54 spoke. "There might be something wrong with his 55 , and he doesn't know he's able to speak," one doctor said."But he can read and write," said Mr. Green. "We've written him notes, telling him that he can speak.""It's certainly very 56 ," another doctor said. "Perhaps he'll be able to speak some day."57 passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a 58 word.Then one day, Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 59 and said, "Pass me the salt, please."Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. "You spoke! You spoke!" they cried, "Why have you 60 so long to speak?""I didn't have anything to say," he said. "Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes."71.A. because B. when C. though D. before72.A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh 73.A. taught B. found C. examined D. asked74.A. never B. often C. usually D. always 75.A. back B. hair C. face D. mind76.A. unfair B. strange C. noisy D. quiet77.A. Hours B. Weeks C. Months D. Years78.A. good B. right C. single D. new79.A. chair B. meal C. hands D. books80.A. slept B. walked C. served D. waited〔八〕Last Saturday, Tony went to see Benny. But he didn't know 26 Benny lived. 27 the way, he stopped in front of a yellow house, and asked an old woman the 28 to Benny's house. "His house is not far from my house," said the woman. "It's behind the trees. But you can't get there 29 You can go there by bus. It'll 30 you hours to get there 31 foot. " "What's 32 with her?" Tony thought, "I can see Benny's house from here now. It's behind the 33 ."Then Tony walked to the other side of the trees. He found the old woman was 34 There was a river in front of him, and he couldn't see a boat. The house was on the other side of the 35 .81.A. what B. where C. how D. why82.A. By B. On C. Near D. In83.A. place B. house C. bus D. way84.A. well B. now C. easily D. hurriedly 85.A. spend B. take C. bring D. carry86.A. in B. on C. by D. with87.A. matter B. trouble C. wrong D. right88.A. houses B. rivers C. trees D. boats89.A. right B. good C. wrong D. fine90.A. road B. street C. tree D. river〔九〕It was June. The sun was in the sky. It was very hot. Jim was tired of school. He wanted to be at the beach. He could not stay in his 1 . He could not 2 talking. While the teacher wrote on the board, Jim got up and talked to a friend. The teacher, Mr Smith, heard the 3 and said: "Jim, sit down and be quiet. "Jim sat down. Mr Smith 4 his lesson. Jim got up and talked to another friend. "Sit down and be quiet," said Mr Smith. He was very 5 ."All right," 8 Jim. He came to the front of the classroom and said:"Quiet, 9 . I am the new teacher. Class is over now. Let's have a 10 "91.A. office B. home C. seat D. room 92.A. stop B. enjoy C. forget D. finish 93.A. news B. story C. fact D. noise 94.A. got ready for B. went on with C. went over D. was interested in95.A. angry B. sad C. worried D. afraid 96.A. again B. also C. then D. next 97.A. hear B. find C. ask D. be98.A. asked B. agreed C. guessed D. laughed 99.A. anyone B. someone C. everyone D. no one 100.A. lesson B. break C. try D. meeting参考答案1.B2.A3.D4.C5.D6.C7.A8.B9.B10.C11.D12.A13.C14.A15.B【解析】试题分析:这篇短文主要描述了一个自高自大的大学生不肯成认错误的故事。
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中考复习完型填空——记事类专项练习(一)Music can spread across everywhere and narrow the distance (缩短距离 ) between people of different countries. 1 . NBA star Kobe Bryant worked with music super-star Jay Chou to create a song 2 .The Heaven and Earth Challenge{(天地之斗)}. The song is used in the recent advertisement 3 the soft **pany Sprite, and the two superstars shot ( 拍摄 ) the advertisement 4 on TV.The song was written by Jay, whose favorite 5 is basketball. It expresses the love for basketball and 6 encourages young people to be more confident(信心) about them selves. Jay 7 that he learned a lot from Kobe’s sports spirit8 creating the song. He does most of the singing part while Kobe 9 the role as a rapper ( 说唱歌手). The basketball star is very confident with his play. "I love 10 …My part is talk, it's very relaxing and I did a 11 job, it must be A﹡.''Kobe was very happy to 12 with Jay. "1 fell in love with Jay's music since first 13 his songs," Kobe added.People can download the ring tone (下载铃声) of the song from the Internet. All 14 from the downloads will go to Project Hope, a charity (慈善 ) that helps improve educational facilities (设备) in 15 areas in China.1.A. American B. Canadian C. Japanese D. British 2.A. shown B. named C. used D sold3.A. with B, on C, for D. from4.A. as usual B. at last C, luckily D. together 5.A. time B, sport C. thing D. play6.A. also B, then C, still D, soon7.A, told B, spoke C, said D, talked 8.A, why B, whether C, unless D, when9.A, gets B. sees C, thinks D, sends 10.A, you B. them C, it D. myself 11.A. common B. great C. little D. important 12.A. live B. go C. stay D. work 13.A. trying B. knowing C. hearing D. writing 14.A. songs B. money C. papers D. wishes 15.A. poor B. rich C. famous D, good(二)In Britain, people have different attitudes(态度)to the police. Most people generally 1 them and the job they do, but some people said that the police shouldn’t have special 2 .What does a policeman actually do? It is not a(n) 3 job to describe. After all,a policeman has a number of jobs to do. A policeman often has to 4 traffic, either on foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed,in Britain,he might be in the Traffic Police and spend a lot of time 5 up and down main roads.A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving,stop speeding cars and help when there is a(n) 6 .A policeman has to help keep the 7 ,too. If there is a fight, we 8 the police to come immediately. And they often have to deal with situation at great risk of their own 9 .We want the police to solve crimes,of course,so an ordinary(普通) policeman, 10 he is not a detective,he will often have to help 11 criminals. And 12 do we call when there is an emergency—an air crash,a fire or an earthquake?Of course the police. So a policeman has to 13 to face any terrible emergency that may happen in the modern world.The police do a 14 job,they do it so well that I support them. But I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could 15 do the job of a policeman.16.A. dislike B. protect C. admire D. suspect 17.A. power B. thoughts C. knowledge D.abilities18.A. funny B. difficult C. attractive D. easy 19.A. control B. stop C. remove D. break20.A. walking B. driving C. marching D. searching 21.A. murder B. robbery C. accident D. theft22.A. peace B. balance C. situation D. rule23.A. order B. encourage C. allow D. expect 24.A. family B. safety C. future D. work25.A. only if B. as C. since D. even if 26.A. interview B. notice C. arrest D. warn27.A. how B. where C. what D. who28.A. hope B. promise C. prepare D. decide 29.A. comfortable B. hopeless C. necessary D. meaningless 30.A. hardly B. ever C. forever D. never(三)The Cowboy without a HorseA cowboy rides into a town and stops at a café for a drink. ___1___ he finishes his drink, he finds his horse is stolen(偷窃). He ___2___ back into the café, holds his gun up into the air and "fires a shot (开枪) ___3___ even looking. ”Which one of you stole __4____ horse?” he shouts loudly.___5___ answers. “Alright, I’m going to have ___6___ beer, and if my horse isn’t back outside by the time I finish, I’m going to do __7____ I did in Texas! And I don’t like to have to do it.”Some of the people in the town are very ___8___. After the cowboy has one more beer, he walks outside. His horse is back! He ___9___ his horse and starts to ride off.The waiter goes __10____ the café in a hurry and asks, “Say, before you go, whathappened in Texas?”The cowb oy turns back and says,” I had to walk home.”31.A. Because B. When C. While D. If32.A. goes B. rides C. flies D. drives 33.A. with B. for C. without D. of34.A. his B. my C. her D. your35.A. Somebody B. Everybody C. Anybody D. Nobody36.A. other B. another C. none D. no37.A. that B. which C. what D. when38.A. happy B. excited C. relaxed D. afraid39.A. gets on B. gets off C. gets up D. gets down 40.A. out of B. into C. in front of D. behind(四)It is interesting to visit another country, but there are some problems when you don’t know the 31 very well. It may be 32 to talk with the people there. We may not know how to use the telephone in the country that we are visiting. We may not know how to buy 33 we need. In a 34 country we might not know where to eat or what to order in a 35 . It is not easy to decide how 36 to tip waiters or taxi drivers. When we need help, we might not know how to ask for help. It is not pleasant to have an experience 37 that. 38 a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to 39 . We learn to enjoy life in another country and then we may be 40 to leave.41.A. language B. people C. words D. country42.A. tired B. happy C. difficult D. easy43.A. something B. anything C. things D. shopping44.A. good B. strange C. old D. young45.A. shop B. school C. hospital D. restaurant46.A. soon B. many C. much D. often47.A. as B. like C. for D. with48.A. After B. In C. Before D. For49.A. talk B. tell C. speak D. say50.A. glad B. worried C. sorry D. interested(五)Do you like watching TV? Do you know the 31 (A family with kids) (家有儿女)? Did you see it? Many people 32 it. Do you like this. sitcom? I like it very much. There are 33 kids in this sitcom, two boys and a girl. Liu Xing is a (n) 34 boy, and he likes fashion. Xia Yu is heavy, and he 35 ice cream. Xia Xue is a beautiful girl. She likes studying and she can study 36 . They live in a 37 . But they have the same (相同的) parents. There are many 38 among them, and they are very interesting. What do you think 39 the sitcom? Maybe (或许) you like it, maybe youdon't mind it, or maybe you can't 40 it. I like it, and I think the sitcom is pretty good. "51.A. sports show B. sitcom C. game show D. talk show 52.A. see B. is seeing C. saw D. sees53.A. one B. two C. three D. four 54.A. cool B. ugly C. scary D. shy55.A. doesn't love B. doesn't mind C. loves D. can't Stand56.A. good B. nice C.OK D. well57.A. house B. school C. library D. hotel 58.A. subjects B. stories C. languages D. newspapers 59.A. of B. for C. out D. in 60.A. buy B. watch C. talk D. stand(六)A boy lost his arms in an accident and his father lost his life. Since then, he had to 31_ the arms of his younger brother. Except for writing with his toes(脚趾头), he could hardly do _32 in his life.As the two brothers grew up together, they had lots of 33 and they often argued(争吵). Then one day, his younger brother 34 him. So he was very sad and didn’t know35 to do.A girl lost her hands because of a fire. Though her elder sister wanted to 36 her, she decided to be completely independent (独立的). At school, she always studied hard. Once she wrote the following in **position, “I am 37 . Though I lost my hands, I still have legs. Though my wings are bro ken, my heart can still fly.”One day, the boy and the girl were both invited 38 a television interview program. They both were asked to write something on a piece of paper with their toes. The boy wrote “My younger brother’s arms are my arms” 39 the girl wrote “Broken wings, 40 heart”.61. A. go on B. work on C. look for D. depend on62.A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything63.A. questions B. hobbies C. problems D. differences64. A. hit B. left C. loved D. hated65. A. who B. where C. what D. which66. A. leave B. take care of C. write to D. forget67. A. sad B. lucky C. excited D. shy68.A. to B. on C. for D. from69.A. as B. so C. while D. when70.A. jumping B. broken C. beating D. flying(七)1 Miss Gao’s class there are2 students. There are twenty-four boys, and twenty-two girls.3 of the boys is4 . His name is Jim. All5 boys are Chinese . All of the Chinese students are Young Pioneers. In the class there aretwo 6 girls. They are 7 . 8 names are Lily and Lucy. The other girls are Chinese. We are 9 friends. There’s 10 difference, American-English-Chinese. 71.A. In B. At C. On D. About72.A. forty six B. forty and six C. fourteen six D. forty-six73.A. A B. An C. One D. Ones74.A. England B. English C. Englishes D. Englandman75.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others76.A. America B. american C. Americas D. American77.A. twins B. twin C. twines D. twinies78.A. They B. Their C. Them D. theirs79.A. All B. all C. alls D. Alls80.A. not B. Not C. no D. No(八)One night, Mary heard some big 36_ noise. “Doh, Doh, …” It 37 for a few minutes. Mary went out of her bedroom to search everywhere. Her parents were sleeping and there were no 38 people in the house. Mary 39 _ to her bedroom.Mary heard the noise again. She thought, “Is it a cat? Mike has a cat. But cats miaow. They don’t make such noise.”“Maybe it’s a bird 40 around and looking for a place to rest. No! That doesn’t make any noise.”Maybe it’s the whisper of my parents. They _41 be 42 in their room. Butthat noise wasn’t a whisper at all.”Mary went to bed again but she heard the noise again. She was 43_ and fell44_ her bed. Her legs were 45_ and she could not climb up any more.81.A. strongly B. strange C. frightened D. loud82. A. sounded B. went about C. went on D. went away 83.A. any B. other C. the other D. others84. A. went B. ran C. returned D. walked 85.A. going B. flying C. jumping D. running 86.A. should B. may not C. must D. mustn’t87. A. sleep B. talking C. talk D. sleeping 88. A. frightening B. frightened C. amazed D. amazing 89.A. down B. from C. off D. in90.A. weak B. strong C. sick D. ill(九)Mr. Strong is a London taxi driver. The following talk is given by him.“I have been a taxi driver 36 nearly ten years. It’s a nice job most ofthe time. You meet a lot of people. I always work at night, 37 there is too much traffic during the day. I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon, and I usually38 between 2:00 and 3:00 in the morning.”“Some 39 things happened late at night. 40 day I was taking a woman home from a party. She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her 41 . So I waited in the car 42 she climbed in through the windows.”“I waited and waited. After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out 43 was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to 44 in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief.”“Luckily the woman came downstairs. She 45 have gone to sleep and forgotten me and the dog!”91.A. in B. for C. before D. after92. A. if B. so C. though D. because93.A. go home B. go shopping C. do sports D. do housework94. A. sad B. good C. strange D. disappointing95. A. The other B. Another C. The others D. Other96. A. money B. bag C. box D. key97.A. until B. while C. since D. as soon as98. A. what B. which C. who D. that99. A. drive B. walk C. climb D. run100.A. will B. can C. may D. must参考答案1.A2.B3.C4.D5.B6.A7.C8.D9.A10.C11.B12.D13.C14.B15.A【解析】试题分析:这篇短文以周杰伦和科比合作创作歌曲《天地之斗》的故事来告诉我们,音乐可以缩短人与人之间的距离。