
abandon v。
抛弃,舍弃,放弃 abandoned adj。
被抛弃的 abandonment n. 抛弃2.ability n。
能力;才能 able a。
能够;有能力的 unable a. 不会的,不能的3.disable v. 使残废,使丧失能力 disabled adj。
残疾的 disability n。
无能,残疾4.absence n。
不在,缺席 absent a. 不在的,缺席的5。
absolute a。
完全,全部,绝对的 absolutely6。
accident n. 事故,意外的事 accidental a。
事故的,意外的7.accomplish v. 完成 accomplishment n. 完成,成就8.accuracy n. 准确,精确 accurate(ly) a。
achieve vt。
达到,取得 achievement n。
成就,成绩,功绩10.admission n. 准入, 接纳 admit vt。
advertise vt. 为……做广告 advertisement n. 广告12.affect vt。
影响 affection n。
aggression n. 侵略 aggressive (ly) a。
agree v. 同意;应允 agreement n。
同意,一致;协定,协议 agreeable a。
agricultural a. 农业的 agriculture n. 农业,农学16.ambition n。
目标,野心,雄心,抱负 ambitious(ly) a. 有野心的,雄心勃勃的17.analyse/ze v. 分析 analysis n。
anger n。
怒,愤怒 angry a。
生气的,愤怒的 angrily19。

1. 一般情况。
- 规则:在名词后直接加 -s。
- 示例:book[bʊk](n. 书)→books[bʊks];pen[pen](n. 笔)→pens[pens]。
2. 以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词。
- 规则:加 -es,读[ɪz]。
- 示例:bus[bʌs](n. 公共汽车)→buses['bʌsɪz];box[bɒks](n. 盒子)→boxes['bɒksɪz];watch[wɒtʃ](n. 手表)→watches['wɒtʃɪz];dish[dɪʃ](n. 盘子)→dishes['dɪʃɪz]。
3. 以辅音字母 + y结尾的名词。
- 规则:把y变为i,再加 -es,读[z]。
- 示例:baby['beɪbɪ](n. 婴儿)→babies['beɪbɪz];city['sɪtɪ](n. 城市)→cities['sɪtɪz]。
4. 以f或fe结尾的名词。
- 规则:把f或fe变为v,再加 -es,读[vz]。
- 示例:leaf[li:f](n. 树叶)→leaves[li:vz];knife[naɪf](n. 小刀)→knives[naɪvz]。
但也有一些直接加 -s的情况,如roof[ru:f](n. 屋顶)→roofs[ru:fs]。
5. 不规则复数形式。
- 示例:man[mæn](n. 男人)→men[men];woman['wʊmən](n. 女人)→women['wɪmɪn];child[tʃaɪld](n. 儿童)→children['tʃɪldrən];foot[f ʊt](n. 脚)→feet[fi:t];tooth[tu:θ](n. 牙齿)→teeth[ti:θ];mouse[ma ʊs](n. 老鼠)→mice[maɪs]。
二、动词第三人称单数(v - s/v - es)变形。

1. book - books.- 发音:[bʊk] - [bʊks]- 词性:名词(单数 - 复数)2. box - boxes.- 发音:[bɒks] - [ˈbɒksɪz]- 词性:名词(单数 - 复数)3. bus - buses.- 发音:[bʌs] - [ˈbʌsɪz]- 词性:名词(单数 - 复数)4. watch - watches.- 发音:[wɒtʃ] - [ˈwɒtʃɪz]- 词性:名词(单数 - 复数)5. tomato - tomatoes.- 发音:[təˈmɑːtəʊ] - [təˈmɑːtəʊz]- 词性:名词(单数 - 复数)6. potato - potatoes.- 发音:[pəˈteɪtəʊ] - [pəˈteɪtəʊz]- 词性:名词(单数 - 复数)7. hero - heroes.- 发音:[ˈhɪərəʊ] - [ˈhɪərəʊz]- 词性:名词(单数 - 复数)二、动词第三人称单数变形及发音。
1. like - likes.- 发音:[laɪk] - [laɪks]- 词性:动词(原形 - 第三人称单数形式)2. play - plays.- 发音:[pleɪ] - [pleɪz]- 词性:动词(原形 - 第三人称单数形式)3. go - goes.- 发音:[gəʊ] - [gəʊz]- 词性:动词(原形 - 第三人称单数形式)4. do - does.- 发音:[duː] - [dʌz]- 词性:动词(原形 - 第三人称单数形式)三、动词过去式与过去分词变形及发音(规则变化)1. work - worked - worked.- 发音:[wɜːk] - [wɜːkt] - [wɜːkt]- 词性:动词(原形 - 过去式 - 过去分词)2. look - looked - looked.- 发音:[lʊk] - [lʊkt] - [lʊkt]- 词性:动词(原形 - 过去式 - 过去分词)3. play - played - played.- 发音:[pleɪ] - [pleɪd] - [pleɪd]- 词性:动词(原形 - 过去式 - 过去分词)四、动词过去式与过去分词变形及发音(不规则变化)1. be - was/were - been.- 发音:[biː] - [wɒz]/[wɜː(r)] - [biːn]- 词性:动词(原形 - 过去式 - 过去分词)2. go - went - gone.- 发音:[gəʊ] - [went] - [gɒn]- 词性:动词(原形 - 过去式 - 过去分词)3. see - saw - seen.- 发音:[siː] - [sɔː] - [siːn]- 词性:动词(原形 - 过去式 - 过去分词)五、形容词比较级与最高级变形及发音(规则变化)1. big - bigger - biggest.- 发音:[bɪg] - [ˈbɪgə(r)] - [ˈbɪgɪst]- 词性:形容词(原级 - 比较级 - 最高级)2. small - smaller - smallest.- 发音:[smɔːl] - [ˈsmɔːlə(r)] - [ˈsmɔːlɪst] - 词性:形容词(原级 - 比较级 - 最高级)3. fast - faster - fastest.- 发音:[fɑːst] - [ˈfɑːstə(r)] - [ˈfɑːstɪst]六、形容词比较级与最高级变形及发音(不规则变化)1. good/well - better - best.- 发音:[gʊd]/[wel] - [ˈbetə(r)] - [best]- 词性:形容词/副词(原级 - 比较级 - 最高级)2. bad/badly - worse - worst.- 发音:[bæd]/[ˈbædli] - [wɜːs] - [wɜːst]- 词性:形容词/副词(原级 - 比较级 - 最高级)3. many/much - more - most.- 发音:[ˈmeni]/[mʌtʃ] - [mɔː(r)] - [məʊst]- 词性:形容词/代词(原级 - 比较级 - 最高级)。

1. -tion结尾。
- communicate [kəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt](v. 交流) - communication [kəˌmju ːnɪˈkeɪʃn](n. 交流;通讯)- educate [ˈedʒukeɪt](v. 教育) - education [ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn](n. 教育)2. -ment结尾。
- develop [dɪˈveləp](v. 发展) - development [dɪˈveləpmənt](n. 发展)- improve [ɪmˈpruːv](v. 提高;改善) - improvement [ɪmˈpruːvmənt](n. 提高;改善)3. -er/or结尾(表示人)- teach [tiːtʃ](v. 教) - teacher [ˈtiːtʃə(r)](n. 教师)- invent [ɪnˈvent](v. 发明) - inventor [ɪnˈventə(r)](n. 发明家)二、形容词变副词。
1. 一般直接加 -ly。
- quick [kwɪk](adj. 快的) - quickly [ˈkwɪkli](adv. 快地)- slow [sləʊ](adj. 慢的) - slowly [ˈsləʊli](adv. 慢地)2. 以辅音字母 + y结尾的形容词,把y变为i再加 -ly。
- happy [ˈhæpi](adj. 高兴的) - happily [ˈhæpɪli](adv. 高兴地)- easy [ˈiːzi](adj. 容易的) - easily [ˈiːzəli](adv. 容易地)3. 特殊变化。
- good [ɡʊd](adj. 好的) - well [wel](adv. 好地)- fast [fɑːst](adj. 快的;adv. 快地),形容词和副词同形。

Group 11.action n. 行动act vt. 做事,表演,演出active adj. 积极的,主动的actor n. 演员activity n. 活动2.African adj. 非洲的, 非洲人Africa n. 非洲3.apologize v. 道歉apology n. 歉意4 . angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的angrily adv.愤怒地anger n. 生气,愤怒5.agreement n. 同意agree v. 同意6.anxiously adv. 焦急anxious adj. 焦急的,忧虑的anxiety n. 急于,不安,忧虑7.attend vt. 出席,关心,照料attention n. 出席,关心,注意attentive adj. 专心的attentively adv. 专心地8.achieve vt. 实现,取得,达到achievement n. 成功,胜利,目标9.absence n. 缺席,不在absent adj. 缺席的10.arrival n. 到达,来到arrive v. 到达,来到11.basic adj. 基础的,根本的base v. 以...为基础base n. 基础,根本,基地12.bath n. 洗浴, 洗澡bathe v. 洗澡, 游泳13.beautifully adv. 美丽地,漂亮地beautiful adj. 美丽的,漂亮的beauty n. 美丽,漂亮14.breath n. 呼吸breathe v. 呼吸15.believable adj 可信的believe v. 相信belief n. 信仰Group 21.chemist n. 化学家chemical adj. 化学的chemistry n. 化学2.correct vt. / adj. 改正, /正确的correction n. 正确,改正correctly adv. 正确的3.conclude vt. 推断, 总结conclusion n. 结论,总结4.connect v. 联系,连接connection n. 联系,连接fort vt. 安慰comfortable adj. 舒适,舒服comfortably adv. 舒适地,舒服地6.choose vt. 选择choice n. 选择7.celebrate vt. 庆祝celebration n. 庆祝8.centre n. 中心,中央central adj. 中心的,中央的plete vt. 完成complete adj. 完全的,完整的completely adv. 完全,完整10.cross v. 横过,跨越crossing n. 路口across adv. 横过,跨越11.certain adj 肯定, 当然,有把握certainly adv. 肯定, 有把握12.die v. 死death n. 死亡dead adj. 死的dying adj. 將死的deadly adj. 死一样的, 致命的13.distant adj. 遥远的distance n. 距离,遥远14.dirt n . 脏, 灰塵dirty adj. 脏的15.develop vt. 发展,进展,培養development n. 发展,进展developing adj. 发展中的developed adj. 發達的16.defend v. 保卫,保护,捍卫defense n. 保卫,保护,捍卫17.dark adj. 黑的,黑暗的darkness n. 黑暗darken v. 使變黑18.direction n. 方向,指向,指示direct adj. 直接directly adv. 一直19.danger n. 危险dangerous adj. 危险的dangerously adv. 危险地20.discuss vt. 讨论,谈论discussion n. 讨论,谈论21.discover vt. 发现discovery n. 发现Group 31.excite vt 激动,兴奋excited adj. 感到激动/兴奋的exciting adj. 令人激动/兴奋的excitedly adv. 激动地,兴奋地excitement n. 激动,兴奋2.exact adj. 精确的,准确的exactly adv. 正是,就是, 确切3.enter vt. 进入,走入entrance n. 入口,入学4.express vt. 表示,表达expression n. 表示,表达5.easy adj. 容易easily adv. 容易地6.electricity n. 电electric adj. 电的,( 由电带动的) 7.explain v. 解释,说明explanation n. 解释,说明8.expect v. 期待,预计expectation n. 期待,预计9.favor n. 好心,偏爱favorite adj. 最喜欢的10.fail v. 失败failure n. 失败11.freeze v. 冻,冻冰,结冰freezing adj. 冻的frozen adj. 感到凍的,12.fright n. 惊吓,害怕frighten v. 吓唬frightened adj. 感到害怕的frightening adj. 令人害怕的13.free adj. 免费的,自由的free v. 解放freedom n. 自由freely adv. 自由自在地14.fool n./v. 傻子,愚弄,欺骗foolish adj. 愚蠢的foolishly adv. 愚蠢地15.fly v. 飞flight n. 飞行16.great adj. 伟大的,巨大的greatly adv. 非常,十分17.g raduate v./ n. 毕业,毕业生graduated adj.大学毕业的,研究生的graduation n. 毕业gradually ad.逐渐地2.invent v. 发明,创造18.gentle adj. 和蔼,温和,高雅,温柔gently adv. 和蔼,温和,高雅,温柔gentleness n. 和蔼,高雅,温柔19.happy adj.幸福的,高兴的,快乐的happily adv. 幸福地,高兴,快乐happiness n. 幸福,高兴,快乐20.high adj/adv. 高,高度highly adv. 高,高度height n. 高,高度21.health n. 健康healthy adj 健康的healthily adv. 健康地22.harm v./n. 危害,损害harmful adj. 有害的harmless adj. 无害的Group 41.importance n. 重要important adj. 重要的importantly adv. 重要地10.lead v. 领导,领先,首先invention n. 发明,创造3.interest v. /n.使发生兴趣,兴趣,利益interesting adj. 有趣的,引起兴趣的interested adj. 感到兴趣的4.imagine v. 想象,设想imagination n.想象,设想,想象力5.ill adj. 病的illness n. 疾病6.kind adj. 善良,好心kindly adv. 好心地kindness n. 仁慈,和蔼te adj. /adv. 迟,晚later adv. 后来lately adj. 最近,最新8.live v. 生活,谋生,居住lively adj. 生动的,活泼的live adv. 現場living adj. 活的,活着的life n. 生命9.love v. 爱,喜爱lovely adj. 可爱的,好看的,美好mistaken adj. 错误的leader n. 领袖,领导人leadership n.11.long adj. 长,长的length n. 长度lengthen vt. 加长12.luck n. 运气,好运lucky adj. 幸运的,侥幸的luckily adv. 幸运地unluckily adv. 不幸地13.major adj. 主要的,多数的majority n.大部分,主修课程,多数人14.main adj.主要,主要部分;主要的mainly adv. 主要地,大部分15.manage v. 管理, 经营, 设法完成management n. 管理, 经营manager n. 经理,管事人16.mean v. 意义,意思是mean n. 方式meaning n. 意思meaningful adj. 有意义的17.medical adj./n 医学,医疗medicine n. 医药18.mistake v./n. 错误,弄错19.mix v. 混合,搅和mixture n. 混合物20.mountain n. 山mountainous adj. 多山的21.most adj./n. 最,最多,大多数mostly adv. 主要地,大部分22.move v. 移动,搬动moving adj. 感人的moved adj. 感動的movement n. 活动,运动Group 51.nature n. 自然,本性,天性natural adj. 自然的, 天生来的, 天然的naturally adv. 自然地,天生来地,天然地2.nation n. 国家national adj. 國家的nationality n. 民族,国籍3.noise n. 噪音,嘈杂noisy adj. 喧闹的4.near 附近,近的nearby adv. 在附近5.operate v. 动手术,操作operation n. 手術, 操作,开动6.outward(s) 外,在外outside adj. 向外的out 出外outer n.7.office n. 办公室,职务,职责officer n. 军官,官员official adj. 官方的,正式的8.open v. 开,开着的,开放的opening n. 口,缝隙,开始openly adv. 开放9.perfect adj. 极好,完美perfectly adv. 完全地, 完美地10.physics n. 物理,物质physicist n. 物理学家physical adj. 身體的,物理的physically adv. 身体11.piano n. 钢琴pianist n. 钢琴家12.plastic adj. 塑料的plastics n. 塑料,塑料制品13.please vt. 使人高兴pleasure n. 愉快pleasantly adv. 高興地pleased adj. 高兴的pleasing adj. 令人高兴的pleasant adj. 令人高兴的14.poison n. 毒药Poison v. 毒死poisonous adj. 有毒的15.polite adj. 有礼貌的,有教养的politely adv. 很有礼貌地,有教养politeness n. 礼貌,有教养16.political adj. 政治的politics n. 政治17.pollute v. 弄脏,污染pollution n. 弄脏,污染18.possible adj. 可能地,或许possibly adj. 可能,或许possibility n. 可能性19.power n. 力量,能力,权力powerful adj. 有力的,强大的powerfully adv. 強有力地20.practice n. 实际,练习practise v. 实践,练习practical afj. 实用的,实际的21.press v. 压,挤,按,pressure n. 压力22.pronounce v. 发音,读音pronunciation n. 发音,读音23.person n 人personal adj. 个人的,私人的personally adv. 个人認為personality n. 个性,個人24.peace n. 和平,平静peacefuladj. 和平的,平静的peacefully adv. 和平地,平静地25.punish v. 惩罚,惩处punishment n. 惩罚,惩处26.pain n. 疼痛painful adj. 疼痛的painfully adv. 痛苦地Group 61.real adj. 真的really adv. 真正,确实reality n. 现实realize vt. 实现,认识到2.recent adj. 新近的,近来的recently adv. 近来3.reason n. 理由,原因reasonable adj.合情合理的reasonably adv. 合情合理地4.revolution n. 革命revolutionary adj. 革命的,革命者5.Russia n. 俄罗斯,俄国Russian adj./n. 俄国的,俄语,俄国人,俄语的,俄国人的6.sad adj. 难过,悲哀,悲伤sadly adv. 难过,悲哀,悲伤sadness n. 难过,悲哀,悲伤7.safe adj. 安全,平安safely adv. 安全,平安safety n. 安全,平安8.satisfy vt. 使满足,满足satisfying adj. 令人满意的satisfied adj. 感到满意的satisfaction n. 满足satisfactory adj. 令人满意的9.science n. 科学scientists n. 科学家scientific adj. 科学的10.secret n./adj. 秘密,秘密的secretly adv. 秘密地secretary n. 秘书11.separate v. 使分离,使分开slightly adv. 轻微地,微小adj. 分离的,分开的separately ad.单独地,各自地separation n. 分离,分开,单独12.serve v.服务,服役,开(饭),上(菜)service n. 服务,服役servant n. 仆人,佣人13.short adj. 短,矮shortly adv. 缺,缺点,短处shortcoming n. 立刻,不久shorten v. 缩短14.shy adj. 羞涩,胆小,腼腆,不好意思shyly adv. 羞涩,胆小,腼腆,不好意思shyness n. . 羞涩,胆小,腼腆,不好意思15.silent adj. 寂静的,安静,沉默silently adv. 寂静地,安静,沉默silence n. 寂静,安静,沉默16.simple adj. 简单的,简朴simply adv. 简单地,简朴17.slight adj. 轻微的,微小18.social adj. 社会的society n. 社会主义socialist n. 社会學家19.soft adj. 柔软的,温和softly adv. 柔软,温和地soften v. 使柔软20.strong adj. 强壮的,结实的strongly adv. 强烈地strength n. 力量,力气strengthen vt. 加强,增强21.succeed v. 成功,继续success n. 成功,成就successful adj. 有成就successfully adv. 成功地22.sudden adj. 突然的,忽然suddenly adv. 意外23.suffer v. 遭受sufferings n. 痛苦,苦难suffering 受苦24.sure adj. 确信,有把握surely adv. 确实,一定,当然Group 7 1.technique n. 技术,技能,工艺technical adj. 技术上的united adj. 统一的,联合的2.telegram v. 打电报telegraph n. 电报3.terrible adj. 可怕的,恐怖,害怕terribly adv. 可怕地,恐怖,害怕terrified adj. 感到可怕/恐怖/害怕的terrifying adj. 可怕的,恐怖的4.thanks n. 谢谢,感谢,感激thank v. 谢谢,感谢,感激thankful adj. 感谢的,感激的5.tight adj. 紧,紧绷tightly adv. 牢固,满满tighten v. 加牢,加固6.tire v. 使劳累,使疲劳tiring adj. 劳累的,令人疲劳的tired adj. 厌倦的,累的tiresome adj. 令人讨厌的7.trouble n. 困难,麻烦,烦恼troublesome adj. 令人烦恼,讨厌8.true adj. 真的,真实的,真正的truly adv. 确实truth n. 真理,真相9.unite v. 联合,团结,统一,和并,联合会e v. 使用n. 用途,使用useful adj. 有用的useless adj. 无用的used adj. 用过的ual adj. 通常,平常usually adv. 通常,平常unusual adj.不平常的,异常的12.value v./n. 价值,益处,重要性valuable adj. 有价值的,值钱的valuable n. 值钱的东西13.visit v./n. 访问,参观,看望visitor n. 访问者,参观者14.vary v. 不同variety n. 种类,种种various adj. 各种各样的15.weak adj. 虚弱weaker n. 弱者weakness n. 虚弱weaken v. 使变弱16.weigh v. 重,称...的重量weight n. 重量17.wide adj. 宽的,宽阔的,广的widen v. 使变宽widely adv. 广泛地18.wind n. 风windy . adj. 有风的19.wonder v. 想知道,对...感到疑惑wonder n. 奇迹,奇观wonderful adj. 极好的,精彩的wonderfully adv. 极好地,精彩地20.worry v. 担忧,焦虑,着急,为...担心worried adj. 担忧,着急21.worth adj. 值得...的,有价值的,配得上的,价值worthy adj. 值得...的,有价值的,配得上的,价值22.young adj. 年轻人,年轻,年青的youth n.. 青年Group 81.able a. 能力的,有能力的,ability n. 能力unable a. 不能的,不会的,无能力的disabled a. 残疾的disable vt. 使无能,使残废2.absolute a. 专制的,完全的absolutely ad. 完全地3.accept vt. 接受,认可acceptable a. 可接受的,合意的acceptance n. 接受,认可4.add v. 增加,添加addition n. 加,新增部分additional a. 附加的,另外的5.admit vt. 允许…进入, 接纳, 承认admission n. 允许进入, 接纳, 承认6.advance v. 促进, 提升, 前进advanced a. 先进的, 高级的7.advrtise v. 登广告, 通知advertisement n. 广告, 公告8.affect v. 影响, 感动, 侵袭effect n, 影响affection n. 情感, 爱情9.amuse vt 给……娱乐, 逗…… 乐amusing a. 逗人笑的amusement n. 娱乐, 乐趣10.ancester n. 祖先calculation n. 计算ancient a. 古代的, 古老的11.announce vt. 宣布, 通告announcer n. 播音员announcement n. 宣告, 通告12.apply v. 应用, 申请, 请求applicant n. 申请人application n. 申请, 应用, 运用13.brave a. 勇敢的, 无畏的bravely ad. 勇敢地bravery n. 勇敢, 大胆14.bright a. 明亮的, 聪明的brightly ad. 明亮地, 闪烁地brightness n. 明亮, 聪明brighten v. 发光, 发亮15.build v. 建造/筑, 建立Building n. 建筑(物), 房屋16.busy a. 忙的, 战线的Business n. 业务, 生意, 商业Businessman n. 商人, 企业家Group 91.calculate v. 计算, 估计calculator n. 计算器/者pete vi. 竞争, 对抗, 比赛2.care n. 小心, 关心, 照顾v. 关心, 照顾, 喜欢careful a. 小心的, 仔细的carefully ad. 仔细地carefulness n. 细心careless a. 粗心的, 随便的carelessness n. 粗心大意3.celebrate vt. 庆祝, 举行, 颂扬celebration n. 庆祝(会), 庆典4.challenge vt. 向……挑战challenging a. 具有挑战性的,挑逗的5.child n. 儿童, 孩子children(复数) n. 孩子们childhood n. 童年, 幼年时代6.colour n. 颜色, 色彩colourful a. 色彩丰富的colourfully ad. 色彩斑斓地,丰富多彩地colourless a. 无色的,苍白的municate a. 交往, 交际,传达commuication n. 交际, 交流, 通讯15.difficult a. 难的,不易的competitor n. 对手, 竞赛者competition n. 竞争, 比赛9.confident a. 自信的,有信心的confidently ad. 自负, 自信地confidence n. 信任, 信心, 把握10.consider vt. 考虑, 细想considerable a. 值得考虑的considerate a. 体贴的. 周到的consideration n. 考虑, 体谅11.correct vt 改正, 修改a.正确的,恰当的correctly ad. 正确地,正当地correction n. 改正,修正incorrect a. 不正确的,错误的12.crowd n. 人群v. 拥挤,挤crowded a. 拥挤的13.culture n,. 文化,文明,修养cultural a. 文化上的,文明的culturally ad. 文化上,文明地14.curious a. 好奇的curiously ad. 好奇地,奇妙地curiosity n. 好奇心,求知欲difficultly ad. 费力地difficulty n. 困难,难事16.appear vi. 出现appearance n. 出现,面貌disappear v i. 消失disappearance n. 消失17.courage n. 勇气discourage vt. 气馁,使泄气encourage v t. 鼓励encouragement n,. 鼓励Group 101.edit vt. 编辑,校订editor n. 编辑edition n. 版本,版cate vt. 教育,培养educated a. 受过教育的,有教养的education n. 教育,培养3.employ vt.雇佣employer n. 雇佣者,老板employee n. 雇员employment n. 雇佣4.engine n. 发动机,引擎engineer n. 工程师;技师5.equip vt. 提供设备;装备equipment n. 装.备,设备6.exist vi. 存在existence n. 存在;存在物7.family n. 家庭;家族familiar a. 熟悉的8.fortune n. 财产;运气fortunate a. 幸运的; 侥幸的fortunately ad. 幸运地,侥幸地unfortunately ad. 不幸的是9.friend n. 朋友friendly a. 友好的friendship n. 友谊,友情10.forget(forgot,forgotten) vt.忘记forgetful a. 健忘的,不留心的unforgettable a.,难忘的unforgettably ad. 难忘地11.grate n. 感激grateful a. 感激的, 感谢的gratefully ad. 感激地12.help n./vt. 帮助helpful a. 有帮助的, 有益的helpless a. 无助的13.hope n./vt. 希望hopeful a. 有希望的;有前途的hopefully ad. 满怀希望地hopeless a. 没有希望的14.hunger n.饥饿hungry a. (饥)饿的15.introduce vt . 介绍;引进introduction n.引进,介绍16.invent vt.发明,创造invention n. 发明,创造17.invite vt.邀请,招待invitation n. 邀请,请帖18.judge n. 裁判;法官vt. 判断,断定judgement n.判断,断定ugh n.&v. 笑,大笑;嘲笑laughter n. 笑;笑声20.learn vt.学,学习,学会learned a. 有才华的; 博学的21.loud a. 大声的loudly ad.大声地Group 111.obvious a. 显然obviously ad. 显然地,明显地2.passage n. (文章等的)节,一段;通道;走廊passenger n. 乘客,旅客3.patient n. 病人a.有耐心的patience n. 容忍;耐心4.perform vt. 表演,履行; 行动performer n. 表演者performance n. 表演,表现,行为5.serious a. 严重的; 认真的seriously ad. 认真地,严重地,。

1.apology→v.apologize2.describe→n.description3.expect→n.expectation4.prefer→n.preference5.begin→n.beginning6.able→n.ability7.absent→n.absence8.achieve→n.achievement9.adjust→n.adjustment10.admit→n.admission11.permit→n.permission12.press→n.pressure13.culture→a. cultural14.hunger→adj. hungry15.apply→n.application16.angry→n.anger17.approve→n.approval18.argue→n.argument19.arrive→n.arrival20.possible→adv.possibly21.basic→adv.basically22.survive→n.survival / survivor23.breath→v.breathe24.beauty→adj.beautiful25.behave→n.behavior26.believe→n.belief (pl. beliefs)27.benefit→adj.beneficial28.celebrate→n.celebration29.center→adj.central可编辑版30.child→pl.children31.choose→n.choice32.cloud→adj.cloudyfort→fortablepete→petition35.conclude→n.conclusion36.consider→n.consideration37.convenient→n.convenience38.day→adj.daily39.danger→adj.dangerous40.die→n.death41.decide→n.decision42.deep→n.depth43.long→n.length44.strong→n.strength45.high→n.height46.determine→n.determination47.develop→n.development48.differ→adj.different → n. difference49.difficult→n.difficulty50.discover→n.discovery51.dust→adj.dusty52.east→adj.eastern53.elder→adj.elderly54.employ→n.employment55.energy→adj.energetic56.enter→n.entrance57.equal→n.equality58.equip→n.equipment --equipped59.Europe→adj.European可编辑版60.examine→n.examination61.exist→n.existence62.explain→n.explanation63.explore→n.exploration64.face→adj.facial65.fail→n.failure66.fish→pl.fishes67.fly→n.flight68.fog→adj.foggy69.fool→adj.foolish70.foot→pl.feet71.foreign→n.foreigner72.fortune→adj.fortunate73.free→n.freedom74.full→adv.fully75.gentle→adv.gently76.gift→adj.gifted77.goose→pl.geeseern→ernment / governor79.grow→n.growth80.guide→n.guidance81.hard→n.hardship82.hope→adj.hopeful83.ill→n.illness84.impress→n.impression85.injure→n.injury86.instruct→n.instruction / instructor87.introduce→n.introduction88.invite→n.invitation89.knife→pl.knives可编辑版90.major→n.majority91.marry→n.marriage92.mean→n. meaning →adj.meaningful93.sure→adv surely94.simple→adv.simply95.happy→adv.happily96.fluent→n.fluency97.except→n.exception98.easy→adv.easily99.mix→n.mixture100.mouse→pl.mice101.month→pl.months102.music→a. musical103.反身代词:you→ yourself / yourselveshe→ himself she→ herself they→themselvesme→ myself we→ ourselves104.noise→adj.noisy105.office→adj.official106.paint→n.painting107.passer-by→pl.passers-by108.patient→n.patience109.perform→n.performance / performer 110.person→adj.personal111.practice→adj.practical112.prepare→n.preparation113.proud→n.pride114.pronounce→n.pronunciation115.race→adj.racial116.require→m.requirement117.safe→n safety----safely可编辑版118.satisfy→n.satisfaction119.science→adj.scientific120.serve→n.service121.starve→n.starvation122.success→v.succeed123.thief→pl thieves124.tooth→pl.teeth125.true→adv.truly126.true→n.truth127.toy→pl toys128.win→n.(赢家) winner129.academy→adj. academic130.access→adj. accessible131.accurate→n.accuracy132.act→n.action / actor / actress → adj. active133.adapt→n.adaptation134.add→n. addition →adj.additional135.agree→n.agreement136.agriculture→adj. agricultural137.analyse→n.a nalysis →pl.analyses138.announce→n.announcement139.anxious→n.anxiety140.applaud→n.applause141.appoint→n.appointment142.appreciate→n.appreciation143.arrange→n.arrangement→n145.assist→n.assistance146.assume→n.assumption147.astonish→adj. astonishing / astonished →n. astonishment可编辑版148.athlete→adj.athletic149.attract→n.attraction →adj.attractive150.bacterium→pl. bacteria151.base→adj. basic →n. basis →pl.bases 152.belong→n.belonging153.blood→v. bleed →pt/pp.bleed - bled- bled二、动词的过去式和过去分词。

常用单词词形变化归纳一.名词(一)-ment1. employ v. 雇用→employment n. 工作,职业2. treat v. 治疗;对待→treatment n. 治疗3. entertain vt. 使愉快→entertainment n. 娱乐;款待→entertaining adj. 有趣的,令人愉快的4. govern vt. 统治,治理→government n. 政府5. develop v. 发展,培养→development n. 发展→developing adj. 发展中的→developed adj. 发达的6. establish vt. 确立;建立→establishment n. 确立;建立7. punish v. 惩罚→punishment n. 惩罚8. adjust vt. 调整→adjustment n. 调整9. appoint v. 任命,委派;约定→appointment n. 约会,预约10. commit v. 犯(错误,罪行),使承担义务,承诺→commitment n. 承诺11. accomplish v. 完成(任务等),取得(成功)→accomplishment n. 成就,完成12. invest v. 投资→investment n. 投资→investor n. 投资者13. disagree vi. 不同意;意见不合→disagreement n. 不同意,争执14. encourage vt. 鼓励→encouragement n. 鼓励,激励15. achieve vt. 取得(成就)→achievement n. 成就,功业,伟绩16. announce v. 声明,宣布→announcement n. 声明,公告→announcer n. 播音员17. retire vi. 退休→retirement n. 退休18. settle v. 解决;定居→settler n. 移民,殖民者→settlement n. 解决;协议19. amuse vt. 娱乐;使快乐→amusement n. 娱乐,游戏,文娱活动20. require vt. 需要→requirement n. 需要21. arrange v. 安排→arrangement n. 安排22. improve v. 提高,改进→improvement n. 改进,改善,进步23. judge v. 判断n. 裁判;法官→judgment / judgement n. 判断;意见24.argue vi. 争论→argument n. 争论(二)-tion●1. instruct vt. 指示,指导→instruction n. 指示,说明2. correct vt. 改正adj. 正确的→correction n. 改正,纠正3. react vi. 反应→reaction n. 反应4. attract vt. 吸引→attraction n. 吸引→attractive adj. 吸引人的5. construct vt. 建造,建设→construction n. 建造,建设,建筑6. protect vt. 保护→protection n. 保护7. invent vt. 发明→invention n. 发明8. addict n. (对药物等)上瘾的人→addiction n. 瘾;入迷;嗜好→addicted adj. 有瘾的;上瘾的9. connect v. 连接;联系→connection n. 联系,关系,关联10. direct vt. 指挥adj. 直接的;径直的→direction n. 方向→director n. 指挥11. predict vt. 预言,预料→prediction n. 预测12. collect v. 收藏→collection n. 收藏;收藏品→collector n. 收藏家,收集者13. interrupt v. 打断→interruption n. 打扰,打断15. suggest vt. 建议→suggestion n. 建议14. extinct adj. 绝种的;消亡了的→extinction n. 消失;灭绝16. intend v. 打算→intention n. 打算,目的,意图17. attend v. 出席,参加;照顾;注意→attention n.注意;照顾●1. situate vt. 使位于,使处于…地位(位置)→situation n. 情况;形势,处境;地理位置→situated adj. 位于(某处)的2. locate vt. 把……设置在;把……建造在→location n. 位置→located adj. 位于3. relate v. 联系→relation n. 关系→relative n. 亲戚,亲属4. accumulate v. 积累,积聚→accumulation n. 积累,积聚5. regulate v. 规定,管理,整顿→regulation n. 规则,条例6. educate vt. 教育;培养;训练→education n. 教育→educated adj. 受过教育的,有教养的7. congratulate vt. 祝贺→congratulation n. 祝贺8. graduate vi. 毕业n. 毕业生→graduation n. 毕业9. liberate vt. 解放→liberation n. 解放10. imitate vt. 临摹,仿造,模仿→imitation n. 临摹,仿造,模仿11. decorate vt. 装饰→decoration n. 装饰物→decorative adj. 装饰的12. indicate vt. 象征;暗示→indication n. 指示;象征13. hesitate v. 犹豫,迟疑→hesitation n. 犹豫14. appreciate vt. 感激;欣赏→appreciation n. 感激;欣赏15. create vt. 创造,发明→creation n. 创造力→creative adj. 创造性的16. concentrate vi. 集中(注意力、思想等)→concentration n. 专心,专注,注意17. participate v. 参加,参与→participation n. 参加,参与→participant n. 参与者,参加者18. communicate vi. (用语言、信号)传递信息;交流→communication n. 交流,沟通19. celebrate vt. 庆祝→celebration n. 庆祝;庆典20. accommodate vt. 容纳(乘客等)→accommodation n. 住处;住宿,膳食21. immigrate v. 移民,移居→immigration n. 移居→immigrant n. 移民,侨民22. migrate v. 迁移,迁徏;移居→migration n. 迁移,迁徏;移居→migrant n. 候鸟;移居者23. desperate adj. 绝望的→desperation n. 绝望despair n. 绝望●1. adapt vi. 适应;适合→adaptation n. 适应→adaptable adj. 适应性强的2. inform vt. 告知→information n. 信息3. consider vt. 考虑→consideration n. 考虑→considerate adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的→considerable adj. 相当多的,相当大的→considering prep.鉴于4. expect vt. 期待,期望;料想,预期→expectation n. 期望;预期5. interpret v. 诠释,解释;翻译→interpretation n. 解释,演绎→interpreter n. 口译员6. relax v. 放松;(使)休息→relaxation7. explain vt. 解释→explanation n. 解释8. invite vt. 邀请→invitation n. 邀请9. examine vt. 检查→examination n. 检查;考试10. determine v. (使)决定;确定→determination n. 决心→determined adj. 坚决的11. combine v. 结合,联合→combination n. 联合12. imagine vt. 想象→imagination n. 想象,设想→imaginary adj. 想象中的,假想的,虚构的13. organise vt. 组织→organisation n. 组织14. explore vt. 探索→exploration n. 探索→explorer n. 探险者15. declare vt. 宣布→declaration n. 宣言;声明16. prepare vt. 准备→preparation n. 准备17. observe vt. 观察→observation n. 观察→observatory n. 观察台18. starve vi. 饿死→starvation n. 饥饿19. reserve v. 保留;预约,预订n. 保护区→reservation n. 保留;预订20. preserve v. 保护;保存→preservation n. 保存;贮藏21. register vt. 记录;登记→registration n. 执照;登记22. qualify vt. & vi. (使)有资格→qualification n. 合格;资格→qualified adj. 合格的,称职的23. occupy v. 占领→occupation n. 职业→occupied adj. 被占领的,忙于24. apply v. 申请;应用→application n. 申请;应用●1. contribute vt. 贡献→contribution n. 贡献2. distribute v. 分发,分配,分送→distribution n. 分发,分配3. exhibit vt. 展览→exhibition n. 展览4. recognise vt.认出;认识到;承认→recognition n. 认出;承认5. oppose vt. 反对→opposition n. 反对→opposite prep.在……对面adj. 相对的;对面的;6. compose vt. 作曲;创作→composition n. 作文;作曲7. compete vi. 竞争→competition n. 竞赛,比赛→competitor n. 竞争者→competitive adj. 竞争的8. describe vt. 描述→description n. 记述,描述9. solve vt. 解决→solution n. 解答;答案10. produce vt. 创作;生产→production n. 创作;生产;产量→product n. 产品11. introduce vt. 介绍;引进→introduction n. 介绍;引进12. destroy vt. 破坏,毁坏→destruction n. 破坏,毁坏→destructive adj. 破坏性的,毁灭性的(三)-sion1. impress vt. 使印象深刻→impression n. 印象→impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的2. express vt. 表达→expression n. 表达3. depress v. 使沮丧,使意志消沉,使心灰意冷→depression n. 沮丧,消沉4. possess v. 拥有→possession n. 所有物,财产5. admit vt. 承认→admission n. 承认;进入许可;录用6. permit vt. 允许n. 许可证→permission n. 许可7. conclude vt. 得出结论→conclusion n. 结论7. decide vt. 决定→decision n. 决定8. explode vi. 爆炸→explosion n. 爆炸9. invade v. 入侵,侵略→invasion n. 入侵,侵略10. collide vi. 碰撞→collision n. 碰撞11. tense adj. 紧的;紧张的→tension n. 紧张(四)-ence / -ance●1. intelligent adj. 聪明的→intelligence n. 智力2. patient adj. 耐心的n. 病人→patience n. 耐心3. silent adj. 安静的;沉默的,不说话的→silence n. 安静;沉默,不说话4. different adj. 不同的→difference n. 差异,区别5. independent adj. 独立的→independence n. 独立6. violent adj. 猛烈的,激烈的,强烈的→violence n. 暴力→violently adv. 猛烈地,激烈地7. convenient adj. 方便的→convenience n. 方便;便利→inconvenience n. 不便;麻烦8. confident adj. 自信的→confidence n. 信心→confidently adv. 自信地9. absent adj. 缺席的,不在场的;缺乏的→absence n. 缺乏,不存在10. present adj. 出席的,在场的→presence n. 出席,在场11. distant adj. 遥远的→distance n. 距离12. important adj. 重要的→importance n. 重要性13. significant adj. 重要的→siginificance n. 重要性●1. perform v. 表演;运行;表现→performance n. 表演;表现→performer n. 表演者2. assist vt. 帮助,援助→assistance n. 帮助,援助→assistant n. 助手,助理3. resist vt. 抵抗,忍耐;抵制→resistance n. 抵抗→resistant adj. 有抵抗力的,抵抗的4. appear v. 出现,露面→appearance n. 外貌,外观;出现,露面5. insure v. 给……投保→insurance n. 保险6. guide v. 指导,引导→guidance n. 指导,引导7. ignore v. 忽视;不理,不管→ignorance n. 无知,愚昧→ignorant adj. 愚昧的,无知的8. enter v. 进入→entrance n. 入口9. exist vi. 存在→existence n. 存在→existing adj. 存在的;目前的10. refer vt. 谈到;提到;查阅→reference n. 参考,查阅11. prefer vt. 更喜欢→preference n. 偏爱;偏爱的事物12. defend vt. 保护,防卫→defence n. 保护,防卫13. offend vt. 触怒,得罪,冒犯→offence n. 冒犯,触怒;1. safe adj. 安全的→safety n. 安全2. honest adj. 诚实的→honesty n. 诚实→honestly adv. 诚实地3. modest adj. 谦虚的,谦逊的→modesty n. 谦虚,谦逊4. real adj. 真的→reality n. 现实5. equal adj. 平等的vt. 等于;比得上n. 同等的人或物→equality n. 平等→equally adv. 平等地6. similar adj. 同样的,类似的→similarity n. 相似,类似7. major adj. 主要的;多数的→majority n. 大多数8. minor adj. 较小的,少数的→minority n. 少数民族;极少数9. generous adj. 慷慨的,大方的→generosity n. 慷慨,大方10. curious adj. 好奇的→curiosity n. 好奇心→curiously adv. 好奇地11. active adj. 积极的,活跃的→activity n. 活动12. diverse adj. 完全不同的;各不相同的→diversity n. 多样性13. secure adj. 安全的→security n. 安全14. possible adj. 可能的→possibility n. 可能;可能性→possibly adv. 可能地15. able adj. 有能力的→ability n. 能力→disable vt. 使伤残→disabled adj. 残疾的→disability n. 失去能力;伤残16. responsible adj. 尽责的;负有责任的→responsibility n. 责任17. anxious adj. 焦虑的,不安的→anxiety n. 焦虑;不安18. vary vi. 变化→various adj. 各种各样的→variety n. 种类19. poor adj. 贫穷的poverty n. 贫穷(六)-ness1. sad adj. 悲伤的→sadness n. 悲伤→sadly adv. 伤心地;不幸地2. ill adj. 生病的→illness n. 疾病3. sick adj. 生病的→sickness n. 疾病4. weak adj. 虚弱的;无力的,软弱的→weakness n.弱点,缺点;软弱;弱,虚弱5. dark adj. 黑暗的;乌黑的n. 黑暗;暗处→darkness n. 黑暗6. conscious adj. 意识到的;自觉的→consciousness n. 意识;知觉→unconscious adj. 无意的;不知不觉的7. aware adj. 意识到的,知道的→awareness n. 意识,认识8. forgive v. 原谅,宽恕→forgiveness n. 原谅1. warn vt. 警告→warning n. 警告2. suffer vi. 遭受(痛苦)→suffering n. 痛苦;苦恼adj. 令人痛苦的→sufferer n. 受害者,受难者;患病者3. spell vt. 拼写→spelling n. 拼写4. mean vt. 意思是;意味着→meaning n. 意义;意思5. greet vt. 问候→greeting n. 问候6. feel vt. 感觉→feeling n.感觉,知觉;感情7. train vt. 训练→training n. 训练,培训(八)-th1. strong adj. 坚强的;强壮的→strength n. 力量;力气2. warm adj. 温暖的→warmth n. 温暖;热情3. deep adj. 深的→depth n. 深度;深处4. long adj. 长的→length n. 长度5. true adj. 真的,真实的→truth n. 真相6. young adj. 年轻的→youth n. 年轻;青年时期7. grow v. 生长,成长→growth n. 生长;增长(九)其它1. fail v. 失败→failure失败2. press v. 按下,压下→pressure n. 压力3. mix vt. & vi. (使)混合→mixture n. 混合物4. furnish v. 为(房屋或房间)配备家具→furniture n. 家具5. sign vt. 签署→signature n. 签名6. inhabit v. 居住→inhabitant n. 居民7. apply vi. 申请→applicant n. 申请人→application n. 申请8. migrate v. 迁移,迁徏;移居→migrant n. 候鸟;移居者→migration n. 迁移,迁徏;移居9. immigrate v. 移民,移居→immigrant n. 移民,侨民→immigration n. 移居10. arrive vi. 到达→arrival n. 到达11. survive vi. 幸存,存活→survival n. 幸存,存活12. propose v. 建议,提议→proposal n. 提议,建议13. believe vt. 相信→belief n. 信念,信条→believable adj. 可以相信的14. relieve v. 解除,减轻,缓和→relief n. (痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻,调剂15. free adj. 自由的;空闲的;免费的→freedom n. 自由16. wise adj. 聪明的,明智的→wisdom n. 智慧17. injure vt. 伤害→injury n. 伤害;损伤;受伤处18. brave adj. 勇敢的→bravery n. 勇敢19. breathe vi. & vt. 呼吸→breath n. 呼吸20. bathe v. 沐浴,洗澡→bath n. 沐浴,洗澡;浴缸21. unite vt. 联合→union n. 联合;团结;公会→united adj. 团结的22. fluent adj. 流畅的,流利的→fluency n. 流畅,流利23. complain vi. 抱怨;发牢骚→complaint n. 抱怨24. just adj. 公正的→justice n. 公正25. lose vt. 失去;丢失→loss n. 损失26. compare vt. 比较→comparison n. 比较;比喻27. expose v. 使暴露→exposure n. 暴露;显露28. champion n. 冠军→championship n. 冠军地位;锦标赛29. affect vt. 影响→effect n. 影响,效果→affection n. 爱,慈爱;情感30. apologize vi. 道歉→apology n. 道歉31. choose v. 选择→choice n. 选择32. contain vt. 包含→container n. 容器→content n. 内容33. laugh vi. 笑→laughter n. 笑,笑声34. proud adj. 骄傲的→pride n. 骄傲35. think v. 想;认为→thought n. 想法36. weigh v. 称重;重量是→weight n.重量(十)具有不同形式和词义的名词1. architecture n. 建筑学→architect n. 建筑师2. art n. 艺术;美术→artist n. 画家3. crime n. 罪行;犯罪行为→criminal n. 罪犯4. dance n. & v.舞蹈→dancer n.舞蹈者,舞蹈家5. design n. & v. 设计→designer n. 设计师6. engine n. 发动机→engineer n. 工程师7. novel n. 小说→novelist n. 小说家8. piano n. 钢琴→pianist n. 钢琴家9. poem n. 诗歌→poet n. 诗人10. prison n. 监狱→prisoner n. 囚犯11. rule n. 规则→ruler n. 尺子12. village n. 村庄→villager村民13. host n. (男)主人;vt. 主持,主办→hostess n. (女)主人14. actor n. (男)演员→actress n. (女)演员15. waiter n. (男)侍者,服务员→waitress n. (女)侍者,(女)服务员(十一)以or结尾的名词actor doctor inventor investor collector creator conductor director editor educator monitor visitor competitor sailor survivor professor author governor ancestor emperor ambassador bachelor sponsor navigator commentator mediator二.形容词(二)-al / -ial1. origin n. 起源→original adj. 原来的;最初的→originate v. 起源2. tradition n. 传统→traditional adj. 传统的;习俗的3. option n. 选择→optional adj. 可选择的4. continent n. 大陆,大洲→continental adj. 大陆的,大洲的5. environment n. 环境→environmental adj. 环境的6. coast n. 海岸→coastal adj. 沿海的7. convention n. 惯例,常规;习俗→conventional adj. 按惯例的;传统的8. universe n. 宇宙→universal adj. 宇宙的,全世界的;普世的9. globe n. 地球;地球仪→global adj. 全球的10. culture n. 文化→cultural adj. 文化的11. nature n. 自然;天性,性格→natural adj. 自然的→naturally adv. 自然地12. agriculture n. 农业→agricultural adj.农业的13. centre / center n. 中心→central adj.中央的,中心的;重要的,核心的14. economy n. 经济→economical adj. 经济的;节约的→economist n. 经济学家15. politics n. 政治→political adj. 政治的→politician n. 政治家16. history n. 历史→historical adj. 历史性的→historic adj. 有历史意义的17. geography n. 地理→geographical adj. 地理的18. intellect n. 智力;思维→intellectual adj. 脑力的;思维的;需用才智的19. finance n. 财政,金融→financial adj. 财政的,金融的20. face n. 脸→facial adj. 脸部的,面部的21. race n. 种族→racial adj. 种族的22. society n. 社会;社团;交往→social adj. 社会的23. influence vt. & n. 影响→influential adj. 有影响的24. benefit n. 好处,利益→beneficial adj. 有益的,有用的25. industry n. 工业→industrial adj. 工业的(三)-ful1. colour n. 颜色→colourful adj. 彩色的2. thank n. &vt. 感谢→thankful adv. 感激的→thankfully adv. 感激地3. hope n. & vt. 希望→hopeful adv. 满怀希望的→hopefully adv. 满怀希望地4. pain n. 痛,痛苦→painful adj. 痛的;痛苦的5. peace n. 和平;平静→peaceful adj. 和平的;平静的,安静的6. stress n. vt. 强调→stressful adj. 紧张的7. power n. 力量vt. 供给动力→powerful adj. 强有力的8. success n. 成功→successful adj. 成功的→succeed vi. 成功9. doubt n. & v. 怀疑→doubtful adj. 怀疑的10. regret v. & n. 后悔,悔恨→regretful adj. 后悔的,遗憾的→regretfully adv. 后悔地,遗憾地11. respect n. & vt. 尊敬,尊重;遵守→respectable adj. 值得尊敬的→respectful adj. (充满)尊敬的12. skill n. 能力,技能→skilled / skillful adj. 熟练的(四)-y1. noise n. 吵闹声,嘈杂声→noisy adj. 吵闹的,嘈杂的2. rain n. 雨→rainy adj. 下雨的3. wind n. 风→windy adj. 有风的,风大的4. snow n. 雪→snowy adj. 下雪的5. fog n. 雾→foggy adj. 有雾的,雾大的6. cloud n. 云→cloudy adj. 阴天的,多云的7. dust n. 灰尘,尘土→dusty adj. 布满灰尘的8. mud n. 泥,泥浆→muddy adj. 泥泞的9. salt n. 盐→salty adj. 含盐的,咸的10. health n. 健康→healthy adj. (反义词)健康的11. wealth n. 财富;财产→wealthy adj. 富裕的;有钱的12. luck n. 运气;好运→lucky adj. 幸运的→luckily adv. 幸运地;幸亏13. risk n. 危险vt. 使遭受危险;冒险→risky adj. 危险的;冒险的14. mood n. 心情;心境→moody adj. 喜怒无常的15. hill n. 小山→hilly adj. 多山的;丘陵起伏的16. hunger n. 饥饿→hungry adj. 饥饿的17. taste n. 味道v. 品尝;尝起来有……味道→tasty adj. 美味可口的(五)-ed1. balance n. 天平;平衡→balanced adj. 平衡的2. talent n. 天分,天赋,才华→talented adj. 有才能的3. abandon v. 放弃,抛弃→abandoned adj. 被放弃的,被遗弃的4. crowd n. 人群vt. 聚拢→crowded adj. 拥挤的5. experience vt. 经历n. [C]经历[U]经验→experienced adj. 有经验的6. limit vt. 限制→limited adj. 有限的→limitless adj. 无限的7. devote v. 为……付出时间/努力/金钱等→devoted adj. 专心的8. marry v. 结婚,娶,嫁→married adj. 已婚的→marriage n. 婚姻9. wound v. 使受伤→wounded adj. 受伤的(六)-ous / -ious1. mountain n. 山;山脉→mountainous adj. 多山的→mountaineer n. 登山运动员2. humo(u)r n. 幽默→humorous adj. 幽默的3. poison n. 毒,毒物→poisonous adj. 有毒的4. mystery n. 神秘的事物,谜→mysterious adj. 神秘的5. ambition n. 志气,抱负,雄心→ambitious adj. 有志气的,有野心的6. harmony n. 融洽,一致→harmonious adj. 融洽的,和谐的(七)-ic1. symbol n. 象征;符号→symbolic adj. 象征的,象征性的;2. art n. 艺术→artistic adj. 艺术的3. energy n. 能量;精力;能源→energetic adj. 精力充沛的(八)-able1. honour v. 尊敬,敬重→honourable adj. 可敬的2. suit v. 合适;适合→suitable adj. 合适的,适合的3. vision n. 视力,视觉→visible adj. 看得见的→invisible (反义词)adj. 看不见的4. remark vi. & vt. 说起;评论n. 评论;讲话→remarkable adj. 显著的,非凡的5. value n. 价值→valuable adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的6. reason n. 原因,理由→reasonable adj. 合理的;讲道理的(九)-ly1. day n. 天,日子→daily adj. 每天的2. week n. 周,星期→weekly adj. 每周的3. month n. 月→monthly adj. 每月的4. year n. 年→yearly adj. 每年的5. friend n. 朋友→friendly adj. 友好的6. love n. 爱→lovely adj. 可爱的7. order n. 秩序→orderly adj. 有条理的8. lively adj. 生动的,活泼的9. likely adj. 可能的10. lonely adj. 孤单的,寂寞的→alone adj. 单独的,独自的adv. 单独地,独自地(十)-en1. wool n. 羊毛→woolen adj. 羊毛的2. wood n. 木头→wooden adj. 木制的3. gold n. 金,黄金→golden adj. 金色的;珍贵的4. east n. 东方adj. 东方的adv. 在东边;朝东边→eastern adj. 东方的5. west n. 西方adj. 西方的adv. 在西边;朝西边→western adj. 西方的6. south n. 南方adj. 南方的adv. 在南边;朝南边→southern adj. 南方的7. north n. 北方adj. 北方的adv. 在北边;朝北边→northern adj. 北方的(十一)反义词1. aim n. 目标;目的→aimless adj. 无目标的;无目的的2. end n. 末端,最后部分→endless adj. 无限的;无尽的3. breath n. 呼吸→breathless adj. 气喘吁吁的,喘不过气来的4. useful adj. 有用的→endless adj. 无用的5. hopeful adj. 有用的→hopeless adj. 无用的6. helpful adj. 有帮助的→helpless adj. 无助的;无能的;无用的7. harmful adj. 有害的→harmless adj. 无害的8. careful adj. 有用的→careless adj. 无用的9. tasty adj. 美味的,可口的→endless adj. 无味的10. polite adj. 礼貌的→impolite adj. 无礼的11. proper adj. 适当的→improper adj. 不适当的12. regular adj. 有规律的;平常的→irregular adj. 不规则的,无规律的13. responsible adj. 负责任的;负有责任的→irresponsible adj. 不负责任的,不可靠的14. legal adj. 法律的;合法的→illegal adj. 违法的;非法的(十二)其它1. freeze vt. 冷冻→freezing adj. 冷冰冰的;极冷的→frozen adj. 结冰的;冻结的2. surround vt. 围绕;环绕→surrounding adj. 周围的→surroundings n. 周围环境3. refresh v. 使恢复精力;使凉爽→refreshing adj. 令人耳目一新的4. remain v. 仍然,有待→remaining adj. 剩余的→remains n. 遗迹;遗体5. favour n. 恩惠;善意的行为→favourite adj. 特别受喜爱的6. evidence n. 证据→evident adj. 显然的,明显的三.副词fortunate→fortunately immediate→immediately safe→safelywide→widely polite→politely complete→completely entire→entirely rare→rarely close→closely extreme→extremely strange→strangely large→largely relative→relatively effective→effectively sure→surelybrave→bravely fiece→fiecely absolute→absolutely definite→definitely mere→merely true→truly possible→possibly probable→probably terrible→terribly comfortable→comfortably simple→simply四.动词(一) -en / en-1. deep adj. 深的→deepen vt. 加深2. broad adj. 宽阔的,广阔的→broaden vt. 拓宽3. wide adj. 宽的→widen vt. 加宽4. sharp adj. 尖的,锋利的→sharpen vt. 使锋利,削尖5. bright adj. 明亮的→brighten vt.(使)发亮;(使)生色;(使)快乐6. threat n. 威胁→threaten vt. 威胁7. fright n. 恐惧,害怕→frighten vt. 使……恐惧,使……害怕8. strength n. 力气→strengthen vt. 加强9. large adj. 大的→enlarge vt. 扩大10. rich adj. 丰富的→enrich vt. 丰富11. courage n. 勇气→encourage vt. 鼓励12. danger n. 危险→endanger vt.危及,使遭受危险;(二) 其它1. identity n. 身份;特性→identify vt. 确定;辨别2. class n. 等级,类别→classify vt. 将……分类3. simple adj. 简单的→simplify vt. 简化单词词形变化拼写规则总结一.名词的复数,动词的一般现在时第三人称单数1. 直接加-s。

高中英语常用单词变形高考词汇变形总汇A1.abandon v抛.弃,舍弃,放弃 abandonedadj.被抛弃的 ,放纵的 abandonment n.抛弃2.ability n. 能力;才能disability n.无能,残疾able adj. 能够;有能力的be able to do sth. 能够做某事unable adj. 不会的,不能的enable vt. 使能够3. absence n.不在,缺席(presence n.出席 )absent a.不在的,缺席的(present adj.出席的 )4.absolute a.完全,全部,绝对的 absolutelyadv. 完全地,绝对地5.accident n. 事故,意外的事accidental a.事故的,意外的6.accomplish v. 完成 accomplishment n.完成,成就7.accuracy n.准确,精确accurate(ly ) a. 精确的8.achieve vt. 达到,取得 achievement n.成就 ,成绩 ,功绩被??录取9. admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会)be admitted to/intoadmission n. 准入 , 接纳10. advertise vt. 为??做广告advertisement n.广告11. affect vt. 影响effect n.影响affection n. 喜爱,钟爱affective a.情感的12. agress v.攻击,侵犯aggression n.侵略aggressive (ly) a.侵略的;咄咄逼人的13. agree v. 同意;应允agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议agreeable a.使人愉快的,惬意的14. agriculture n. 农业,农学agricultural a. 农业的15. act n.&v. 行动;表演action n.行为actor n.男演员actress n.女演员active adj.活跃的,积极的activity n.活动16. ambition n.目标 ,野心 ,雄心 ,抱负ambitious(ly) a. 有野心的,雄心勃勃的17. analyse/ze v.分析analysis n. 分析,分析结果18. anger n.怒,愤怒angry a. 生气的,愤怒的angrily adv. 生气地19. announce vt.宣布,宣告announcement n.通告,通知20. adapt v.适应;改编adaptation n.适应性;改编21. anxiety n. 担忧,焦虑anxious a. 忧虑的,焦急的22. apologize vi. 道歉,谢罪apologize to sb. For sth. 由于?.向某人道歉apology n. 道歉;歉意23. appreciate v.欣赏;感激I ’ll appreciate it if ?如果??我会非常感激你appreciation n. 欣赏 ,鉴定 ,评估appreciative a.欣赏的,感激的24.approve v. 赞成 ,同意 ,批准 ,通过 approvaln.赞成 ,同意 ,批准 ,通过25.arrive vi. 到达;达到arrival n. 到来,到达26.associate v.联想,联系 association n.协会,社团,联系27.assume v.假定,假设 assumptionn.假定,假设28.astonish vt. 使惊讶astonishment n.惊讶astonishing/ed a.29.attract v. 吸引,引起attraction n.u 吸引,爱慕 ; c. 吸引人的事物 /景点 attractive(ly )a. 迷人的,有吸引力30.automatic a.自动的,机械的automatically adv. 自动地、机械地31. aware a. 知道的,意识到的,发觉be aware of 意识到unaware a. 没发觉的awareness n.知道,晓得32. access n.接近accessible a.易接近的33. afford vt.负担得起 (?的费用 ) afford to do sth. 负担得起做某事affordable a.负担的起的34. allow v.允许,允许?进入allowance n.恼怒,烦恼35. amaze vt.使惊奇,惊叹amazing a. 令人惊奇的(-ly)amazed a. 感到惊奇的amazement n.惊讶,惊愕to one’s amazement令某人惊奇的是36.annoy vt.打扰,打搅,使烦恼annoyance n.恼怒,烦恼annoyed/annoying adj.37.appear vi. 出现;显得,好像 appearance n.出现;外表,外貌disappear v.消失38. apply v.申请;使用apply for 申请apply toapplicant n.c. 申请人application n.申请书;适应;应用39. appoint vt. 任命;约定appoint sb. To do sth.appointment n.约会disappointment n.失望to one’sdisappointment适用于,应用任命某人做某事令某人失望的是40.atom n.原子 atomic adj.原子的41. argue v.争论 argue with sb. about/over sth. 与某人争论某事 argument n.争论42.arrange v.安排,布置 arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事 arrangement n.安排B1. base n.c. 根据地vt. 基于;以??作根据basement n.地下室basic adj.基本的basically adv. 基本上;从根本上说basis n.基础;根据2.beauty n.美;美人beautiful adj.美丽的;漂亮的3.behave v. 守规矩,行为behaviour n. 行为,举止4. belief n. 信条,信念believe v. 相信,认为(un)believable a. (不) 可相信的(un)believably5. benefitbeneficial n. / v.优势 ,益处 ,使?受益a. 有利的,有帮助的,有用的benefit from 从??受益be beneficial to 对??有好处6.bore vt.使厌烦bored adj. 感到厌烦的 boring adj.乏味的,无聊的7. breath n. 气息;呼吸hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸take a deep breath 深呼吸breathe vi. 呼吸breathless a. 气喘吁吁的,上气不接下气的8.build v.建筑;建造(built, built)building n.c.建筑物,房屋9.bury vt.埋葬 burialn.葬礼C1.care n.u.照料,保护 v. 介意,关心careful adj.小心的,仔细的carefully adv.careless a.粗心的,漫不经心的carelessness n粗.心2.caution n. 谨慎,小心,警告cautious (ly) a. 小心的,谨慎的3.celebrate v.庆祝 celebration n. 庆祝;庆祝会4. change n.零钱;找头v. 改变,变化;更换;兑换(un) changeable a 易.变的,变化无常5.choice n. 选择;抉择 have no choice but to do.. 别无选择做某事 choose (chose, chosen) vt.选择6. cheern.&v. 欢呼;喝彩cheer up振作起来cheerfuladj.令人愉快的;兴高采烈的7. classic a.一流的,典型的,有代表性的 classical a.传统的;古典的 8.classify v. 分类,归类 classification n.分类 classifieda. 机密的9. coincidence n. 巧合,巧事 coincident a. 巧合的 ,同时发生的10. cloud n.云 cloudy adj.多云的 11.communicate v. 交际;传达(感情,信息等)communicate with 与?? 交流 communication n.交际 ,交往 ;通讯12. compete vi. 比赛,竞赛competence n 能.力 ,胜任 ,管辖权competent adj.有能力的 competitio n n. 比赛,竞赛 competitor n. 竞赛者,比赛者competitiv e adj. 竞争的;比赛的13. (un) confident a. 自信的confidentia l a. 机密的,保密的confidence n.信心14. confirm v. 证实,证明,确认confirmation n.证实,确认15. conserve v.保存,保藏conservation n 保存;保护,管理 conservative a.保守的,守旧的;16. consider v. 考虑considerate a. 体贴的;考虑周到的consideration n. 考虑;关心considerable a. 相当的,客观的;相当多的considerably adv. 相当地17. contribute v. 贡献contribute to 贡献于;导致contributio n. 贡献ncontributor n. 贡献者18.(in) convenience n.(不) 便利( in)convenient a.便利的,方便的19 create vt.创造;造成creation n. 创造creature n.生物,动物 ;creative 创造性的,有创造力的。

中考英语词汇变形一、动词---名词(v.-n.)1.v.+mentachieve (实现)-achievement(成就)agree-agreement(同意)treat-treatment(治疗) encourage-encouragement(鼓励,激励)develop-development(发展)excite-excitement(兴奋)manage(管理,设法做成)-management(管理)improve-improvement(提高,改善)argue-argument(争论。
争执) require-requirement(要求)2.v.+tion(sion,ion)attract-attraction(吸引)celebrate-celebration(庆祝)decide-decision(决定) collect-collection(收集)educate-education(教育)explain-explanation(解释) connect-connection(联系)imagine-imagin ation(想象) direct(指、引)-direction( 方向)require-requirement(要求)graduate-graduation(毕业) discuss-discussion(讨论)impress-impression(印象)creat e-creation(创造)express-expression(表达方式,表情)suggest-suggestion(建议)communicate-communication(交流)invent-invention(发明)introduce-introduction(介绍)congratulate-congratulation(祝贺)pollute-pollution(污染)imagine-imagin ation(想象,想象力)3.v.+anceappear(出现)-appearance(外貌) perform(v.表演)-performance(演出)4.v.+ingfeel-feeling(感受)train-training(培训)say-saying(说法)mean-meaning(意义)end-ending(末尾)hike-hiking(徒步)build-building(建筑物)meet-meeting(会议)begin-beginning(开始)5.v.+er/ordance-dancer design-designer(设计师)visit-_______ (游客)drive-driver own-owner(主人)invent-_______ (发明家)win-_______(赢家)play-player(运动员,演奏者,比赛者,direct-________ (导演)1播放器)report-reporter(记者)wait-______-________(服务员)act-_______-________(演员)6.特殊:choose-_______ (选择)die-death(死亡)marry-marr iage(婚姻)think-thought( )decide-decision(决定)mix-_______ (混合物)weigh-_______ (重量)behave-_______ (行为)press_______ (压力)二、名词-形容词(n.-adj.)1.n.+y:cloud-cloudy(多云,阴天的)sun-sunny(阳光明媚的)anger-_______ (生气的)rain-rainy(下雨天的)snow-snowy(雪天的)hunger-_______ (饥饿的)fog-_______ (有雾的)wind-windy(多风的)taste(n.味道)-______(美味的) wealth-wealthy(有财富的)health-healthy noise-_______ (喧闹的)sleep-sleepy luck-lucky(幸运的)salt(盐)-salty(咸的)2.n.+ly:friend-friendly love-lovely( )day-daily (日常的)week-weekly live-lively( ,)pain-painful(痛苦的)home-homeless(无家可归的)end-endless(无尽的)beauty(美)-beautiful power-powerful(有力量的)cheer-cheerful(愉快的) success-successful thank-thankful wonder-wonderful(精彩的) color-colorful peace-peaceful(平静的,和平的)use-useful-uselesscare-careful(细心的)-careless(粗心的)shame-shameful(羞愧的)-shameless(无耻的)4.n.+alenvironment-environmental(环境的)culture-cultural(文化的) education-educational(有教育意义的)person-personal(个人的)practice-practical(实际的,实用的)nature-natural(自然的) tradition-traditional(传统的)nation-national(国家的)music-musical(音乐的)2magic-magical(有魔力的)5.n.+ern(方向)east-eastern(东方的)west-western(西方的)south-southern(南方的)north-northern(北方的)6.n.+en(材质)wood-wooden(木质的),wool-woolen(羊毛的),gold-golden(金色的,黄金的)7.n.+ablevalue(n.价值v.珍视)-valuable(宝贵的,有价值的)knowledge-knowledg eable(知识渊博的)fashion-fashionable(时髦的)reason(原因)-reasonable(合理的)8.n.+ousdanger-dangerous(危险的),fame(名声)-famous(著名的),humor-humorous(幽默的)9.特殊: energy(能量)-energetic(有能量的)三、动词—形容词(v.—adj.)1.v.+ableenjoy-enjoyable(令人愉悦的)suit-suitable(合适的)avail-available(可获得的)comfort(安慰)-comfortable(舒服的)believe-believable(相信的)-unbelievable(难以置信的)2.v.+ed/ing -ed(人)感到。

青岛二中高三英语静悟资料——词汇变形A组单词v.n.adj.adv.academy academicactual actually appoint appointmentdisable enable ability disability able unabledisabledabsence absentabsorb absorbedaccept acceptance acceptableaccess accessibleaccident accidental accidentally accomplish accomplishmentachieve achievementact action activityactor/actressactivate activity activeaddict addiction addictedadd addition additionaladjust adjustment adjustableadmire admiration admirableadmit admissionadvance advance advancedadvantage disadvantageadvertise advertisementadvise adviceage age agedagree agreementagriculture agriculturalallow allowanceamaze amazement amazing/ amazedambition ambitiousamuse amusement amusing/ amusedanalyze analysisanger angry angrily announce announcementannoy annoying/annoyedannual annuallyanxiety anxious anxiously apologize apologyappear appearanceapply applicant/applicationappreciate appreciationapprove approval disapprovaldisapproveargue argumentarrange arrangementarrive arrivalassist assistant /assistanceassociate associationastonish astonishment astonished/astonishingattract attraction attractiveaffect〔影响〕effectathlete athletics athleticawareness awareaccuracy accurateaccount accountantadapt adaptationalcohol alcoholicB.C 组单词v.n.adj.adv. balance balance balancedbase base basis basic basically bathe bathbeauty beautifulbelieve belief disbelief believableunbelievablebenefit benefit beneficialbravery brave bravely breathe breath breathlessbehave behaviorbore boredom boring boredcheer cheer cheerfulcuriosity curiouscalculate calculation calculatorcare care/carelessness careful/carelesscaution caution cautiouscelebrate celebrationcenter centralcharacter/ characteristic characteristicchoose choice chose chosen 过去式 /分词cloud cloudycollect collectioncomfort comfort comfortablecompete competition / competitor competitiveconcentrate concentrationconclude conclusionconfidence confidentcondition conditionalunconditionalconsciousness consciousunconsciouscongratulate congratulationconnect connection connectedconsider consideration considerateconstruct constructioncontribute contribution(in)convenience convenientinconvenientcorrect correction correct incorrect(in)correctlycreate creation/ creator/creativity creativecasual casually challenge challenge challengingchemistry chemical chemicalclarify clearcity citizencombine combinationcommit commitmentaccompany company companioncompose composer compositionconcern concern concernedconfuse confusion confusingconfusedconsist consistency consistentconsult consultantconsume consumer consumptionconvention conventionalconvince convincingconvincedcrime criminalcrowd crowdedculture culturalcycle recycle cyclistD. E 组单词v.n.adj.adv.endanger danger dangerousendangereddarkness darkdecide decisiondecorate decorationdefend defense defencedelight delight delighted delightfuldepend independence independentdeepen depth deepdescribe descriptiondetermine determination determineddevelop development developing /developeddevote devotion devoteddiffer difference differentdifficulty difficultdirect director directiondisagree disagreementdisappoint disappointment disappointed/disappointingdiscourage discouragement discouraged/discouragingdiscover discoverydiscuss discussiondisgust disgust disgusting disgusteddistance distantdiversity diverseeagerness eagereast easterneasy easily excite excitement exciting/excited excitedlyextreme extremely educate education /educator educatedaffect effect effectiveemploy(un)employment unemployedemployer/employeeencourage encouragement encouraging/encouragedenter entranceentertain entertainment entertainingequal equality equal equally equip equipment 不可以数equippedexamine examinationexhibit exhibitionexpect expectationexperience experience experiencedexpense expensiveexist existenceexplain explanationexpress expressionenjoy enjoyment enjoyableenergy energeticexplode explosionextend extensionexplore explorer explorationFG组单词v.n.adj.adv.face facialfail failurefairness fair fairlyfaith faithful faithfully fall fall falling, fallenfamiliarity familiarfame famousfantasy fantasticfascinate fascination fascinated;fascinatingfashion fashionablefavour favour favourable favoritefear fear fearful; fearlessfeel feelingfight fight, fighterfinance finance financial financiallyfirm firmlyfix fixedfluency fluent fluentlyfog foggyfool fool foolish foolishly forget forgetfulness forgetfulunforgettablefortune fortunate fortunately free freedom free freely freeze freezing 冷的frozen 冻住的冻僵的frequency frequent frequently frighten fright frightening,frightenedfurnish furniture furnishedgather gatheringgift giftedgold gold, goldengood goodgovern governmentgrace graceful gracefullygradual gradually graduate graduationgreed greedy greedily greet greetinggrow growthguarantee guaranteeguide guide 导游 , guidance 引导guilt guiltyH---L 组单词v.n.adj.adv. identify identity/ identificationignore ignorance ignorantillness illimagine imagination imaginative/imaginaryimmigrate immigrant/ immigrationimpress impression impressiveimpressedimprove improvementincrease increase increasing increasinglyindustry industrialinfect infection infectious/ infectedinfluence influence influentialinform information informedinjure injury injuredinnocence innocentinspect inspectioninspire inspiration inspiring/ inspiredinstruct instruction/ instructor instructiveinsure insuranceintelligence intelligentintend intentioninterrupt interruptioninterpret interpreter/ interpretationjudge judg(e)mentjustify justice justkeep keeperkindness kindking/ kingdomknowledge knowledgeablelack lackinglate/ later/lately/latestlaugh laughterlaw/ lawyerlead leader/leadership leadinglearn learner/ learning learnedlecture/ lecturerlength longliberate liberty/liberationlibrary/ librarianlimit limitation limitless/limitedliterature literarylocate location locatedlogic logicalloosen looselose loss lostluck lucky luckily M —R 组单词v n adj advmadness mad madlymagic/ magician magicalmajority majormarket/ marketingmarry marriage marriedmean meaning meaningful/meaninglessmemory/memorial memorialmental mentallymercy merciful/mercilessmess mess messyminority minormiss missing 失散的,缺失的misunderstand misunderstandingmonth monthlymood moodymoral moral morally motivate motivation motivatedmotivatingmouth/ mouthfulmoving/movedmud muddymurder murder /murderermusic/musician musicalmystery mysteriousname namely 即narrow narrow narrowlynation/ nationality national/nationwidenature natural naturallynecessity necessary necessarily negotiate negotiationneighbor/ neighborhoodnerve nervous nervouslynoise noisynormal normallynorth northernnotice notice noticeablenovel/ novelistnutrition nutritiousobject objection objectiveobvious obviouslyoccasion occasional occasionally occupy occupation occupiedoffend offence offensiveoffice official officially operate operation/operatoroppose opposedoptimism/ optimist optimisticorder orderlyorgan organic 有机的organize organization/organizer organizeddisorganizedorigin original originallyoutdoor outdoors pack packagepain painful painfully paint painting/painterpark parkingparticipate participation/participantpart partlypeace peaceful peacefullyperfect perfectly perform performance/performerpermit permissionperson/personality personal personally persuade persuasion persuasivephilosophy/philosopherphysicist/physical physicallyphysics/physicianpiano/pianistplease pleasure pleasant/pleasing/pleasedpoet/poem/poetry poeticpoison poisonouspoliteness polite impolite politelypolitician/ politics politicalpollute pollution pollutedpoverty poor poorlypopularity popularpossess possessionpossibility possible possiblypotential potentiallypower powerful powerfullypractice practical practically pray prayerprecise precisely predict prediction predictableprefer preference preferredprepare preparation preparedpresent presence出席出席present/presentation演示,展现prevent preventionprevious previouslyprice priceless 无价的print printing/ printerprivacy privateprobability probableproduce product/productiveproducer/productionprofession professionalprogram/ programmerpromise promising 有前途希望的promote promotionprove proofproper properly propose proposalprosper prosperity prosperousprotect protection protectivepride proud proudlyprovince provincialpsychology/psychologist psychologicalpublication public publicly publish publisherpunish punishmentpure purelypurpose purposeful purposely puzzle puzzle puzzling/puzzledqualify qualification qualifiedquicken quick quicklyquiet quietly quote quotationrace racialrain rain/ rainfall rainyrapid rapidlyrare rarely react reactionrealize reality realistic realreason reason reasonable reasonablyrecent recently receive reception/ receptionistrecognize recognitionrecommend recommendationrecord recorderrecover recoveryreduce reductionrefer referencereflect reflectionrefresh refreshment refreshing/ refreshedregulate regulation regular regularly reject rejectionrelate relation/related/relevantrelationship/relativerelax relaxation relaxed/ relaxingrely reliability reliablerelieve relief relievedreligion religiousremain remains remaining剩下的remove removalrepeat repetition repeatedrepresent representativerequire requirementreserve reservationresign resignationresist resistance resistantrespond responseresponsibility responsiblerestrict restrictionretire retirement retiredrevise revisionrevolution revolutionaryreward reward rewardingrichness rich richlyripen riperisk riskyrough roughlyrudeness rude rudelyrule rulerS组单词.v.n.adj.adv.sadness sad sadlysafety safe unsafesatisfy satisfaction satisfying satisfactorysatisfied unsatisfiedsail sailorscare scared scaryscience scientist scientificsecurity secureself selfish selflesssense sense sensible理性的sensitive 敏感的silence silent silently specialize specialist special speciallyspirit spiritualstability stablesurround surroundingssafety safesharpen sharpener sharp sharply 急剧地shame shameful可耻的ashamed 内疚的settle settler settlementseparate separation separatedserve service/servantsignificance significantsign signaturesimilarity similarsimplify simple simplysleep sleep sleepysociety socialism socialsocialistsorrow sorrowfulstarve starvationstrengthen strength strongsucceed success successful successfully suggest suggestionsuit suit suitablesurvive survival/survivorsuffer sufferer sufferingT.组单词taste taste tasty tastelesstalent talentedtechnique technicaltend tendencytension tenseterror terrorist terrorism terrible terribly thank thank thankful thankfullythief - thieves thefttheory theoreticalthirst thirstytire tired tiring tiresometolerate toleranttradition traditionaltrain trainingtranslate translation /translatortreat treatmenttype typist typewriter typicaltruth true truly U——Z 组单词unable ablebear unbearable不可以忍受的universe universalusual unusual usuallyunusually urge urgency urgenturban suburbanuse use user useful useless usedconsciousness unconscious/consciousvalue value valuablevalueless没价值vary variety variation various variedviolence violentviolin violinistvisit visitorvolunteer voluntarywait waiter waitresswarn warningwarmth warm warmly weaken weakness weak weaklywealth wealthyweek weeklyweigh weightwear wornwest westernwind windywin winnerwill willing unwillingwisdom wiseyouth young。
必修一 单词变形汇总

For personal use only in study and research; notfor commercial use必修一单词变形汇总Unit 11.add v.增加;添加✍addition n.添加;增加物2.ignore v. 忽视;忽略✍ ignorant adj.无知的;愚昧的;ignorable adj. 可忽视的;ignorance n.忽略;忽视3.concern v.关心✍ concerned adj.关心的4.German adj. 德国的;德语的;德国人的n. 德语;德国人✍ Germany n. 德国5.thunder v.打雷n.雷声✍ thundering adj.如雷鸣般的;非常的n.打雷6.entire adj.整个的;完全的✍ entirely adv. 整个地;完全地7.power n.力量✍ powerful adj.充满力量的powerless adj. 无力的;无能力的;8.dust n.灰尘✍ dusty adj. 布满灰尘的9.settle v. 安定;定居✍ settlement n.安定;定居10.suffer v.遭受✍ suffering n.磨难;苦难11.loneliness n.寂寞;孤单✍ lonely adj.寂寞的alone adj.独自的12.recover v.恢复(健康)✍ recovery n.恢复(健康)13.pack v.打包n.包裹✍ package n.包裹;包;程序包14.teenager n.青少年✍ teen n.青少年15.exactly adv. 准确地✍ exact adj. 准确的16.disagree v.不同意✍ agree v. 同意disagreement n.不同意17.dislike v.不喜欢✍ like v.喜欢18.crazy adj. 疯狂的✍ crazily adv.疯狂地craziness n.疯狂19.generous adj. 慷慨的✍ generosity n.慷慨20.careful adj.小心的✍ careless adj.粗心的carev.关心;关怀21.selfless adj.无私的✍ selfish adj.自私的22.consider v.考虑✍ considerate adj.体贴的23.help v.帮助✍ helpful adj.乐于助人的helpless adj.无助的;无能的Unit 21.official adj. 官方的✍ office n.办公室2.actually adv. 确实地✍ actual adj. .确实的3.base v.以…为基础✍ based adj.有根基、基础的basis n. 基础;主要部分basement n.地窖;地下室4.gradually adv. 逐渐地✍ gradual adj.逐渐的5.enrich v. 使富裕✍ rich adj.富裕的6.spell v. 拼写✍ spelling n.拼写7.fluent adj.流利的✍ fluently adv.流利地fluency n.流利8.frequent adj. 频繁的✍ frequently adv.频繁地frequency n.频率age n.用法✍ use v.使用n.使用;用途10.expression n.表达;措辞✍ express v.表达11.African adj.非洲的;非洲人(的) ✍ Africa n.非洲12.Spanish adj.西班牙人(的)n.西班牙人✍ Spainn.西班牙13.recognize v.辨认✍ recognition n.辨认14.different adj.不同的✍ difference n.区别15.neighboring adj.邻近的✍ neighbor n.邻居neighborhood n.街坊;附近16.move v.移动✍ moving adj.令人感动的moved adj.感到感动的movement n.活动;运动Unit 31.journal n.日记✍ journalist n.记者2.prefer v.更喜欢✍ preference n. 偏爱;倾向;优先权3.disadvantage n.缺点✍ advantage n.优点4.cycle v.骑单车✍ cyclist n.骑自行车的人bicycle n.自行车5.graduate v.毕业✍ graduation n.毕业6.finally adv. 最后✍ final adj.最后的n.决赛;期末考试7.fond v.喜欢;爱好✍ fondness n. 爱好;溺爱anize v.组织✍ organization n.组织9.determine v.决定;决心做✍ determined adj.有决心的determination n. 决心;果断10.boil v.沸腾✍ boiling adj.正在沸腾的boiledadj.煮沸的11.insurance n.保险✍ insure v.确保;保证ual adj.往常的✍ usually adv.通常13.reliable adj.可信赖的✍ rely v.信赖;依靠reliance n.信赖;受信赖的人或物14.feel v.感觉✍ feeling n.感觉15.encourage v. 鼓励✍ encouragement n.鼓励16.fun n. ;乐趣;玩笑;有趣的人或事✍ funny adj.有趣的Unit 41.smelly adj.难闻的;有臭味的✍ smell v.闻;嗅lion n.百万✍ millionaire n.百万富翁3.nation n. 国家;民族✍ national adj.国家的;民族的4.dirt n.污垢✍ dirty adj.脏的5.suffering n. 磨难✍ suffer v.遭受6.injure v. 受伤✍ injured adj.受伤的injury n.伤害;受伤处7.survive v. 存活;幸存✍ survivor n.幸存者survival n.幸存;生存eless adj.没用的✍ useful adj.有用的9.shock v.震惊✍ shocking adj.令人震惊的shocked adj.感到震惊的10.rescue v.援救✍ rescuer n.救援人员11.electricity n.电(流)✍ electric adj.电的;发电的12.mine n.煤矿v.开矿;采矿✍ miner n.矿工13.reporter n.记者✍ report v.报道n.报告14.frighten v. 使惊吓✍ frightened adj.感到惊吓的frightening adj.令人感到惊吓的15.congratulate v. 祝贺✍ congratulation n.祝贺16.judge v. 判断n.评判;法官✍ judgment n.判断17.sincerely adv. 真诚地✍ sincere adj.真诚的sincerity n.真诚;诚挚18.express v.表达✍ expression n.表达;措辞19.breathe v. 呼吸✍ breath n.呼吸20.wonder v.想知道n.奇迹✍ wonderful adj. 奇妙的21.invite v.邀请✍ invitation n.邀请22.proud adj.自豪的;骄傲的✍ pride n. 自豪;骄傲Unit 51.active adj.积极的✍ activity n.活动2.self n.自身✍ selfish adj.自私的selfless adj.无私的selflessly adv.无私地3.devote v.奉献✍ devoted adj.献身的;忠诚的devotement n.献身;奉献4.invade v.侵略✍ invader n.侵略者invasion n.侵略5.nationalism n. 民族主义✍ nation n.国家;民族national adj.国家的;民族的6.live v.生活;居住✍ living adj.活的;n. 生活;生存livelihood n. 生计;谋生7.peaceful adj. 平静的;和平的✍ peace n.和平;宁静wyer n. 律师✍ law n.法律legal adj.法律的9.guidance n. 指导✍ guide v.指导n.导游10.hope v.希望n.希望✍ hopeful adj.有希望的hopeless adj. 没希望的11.youth n. 青年时期✍ young adj.年轻的12.violence n.暴力✍ violent adj.暴力的13.equal adj. 平等的✍ equality n.平等14.will n.意愿✍ willing adj.乐意的15.fair adj. 公平的✍ unfair adj.不公平的fairnessn. 公平;美好16.escape v. 逃跑✍ escapement n. 脱逃;逃亡的出口cate v.教育✍ education n.教育educatedadj.受教育的18.beg v. 乞求✍ beggar n.乞丐19.relative n.亲戚✍ relate v.联系related adj.有关联的20.terror n.恐怖✍ terrible adj.恐怖的terrorist n.恐怖分子terrorism n.恐怖主义21.cruelty n.残忍;残酷✍ cruel adj.残忍的;残酷的22.sentence v.判决n.句子 sentenced adj.被判决的仅供个人参考仅供个人用于学习、研究;不得用于商业用途。

英语高考词汇变形总汇下面是一些常见的英语高考词汇变形总汇:1. 名词变形:- 动词变名词:communication → communicate, conclusion → conclude, addition → add, introduction → introduce, production → produce- 形容词变名词:real → reality, happy → happiness, difficult → difficulty, certain → certainty- 副词变名词:quickly → quickness, slowly → slowness, quietly → quietness2. 动词变形:- 名词变动词:communication → communicate, conclusion → conclude, addition → add, introduction → introduce, production → produce- 形容词变动词:real → realize, happy → make happy, difficult → make difficult, certain → make certain - 副词变动词:quickly → hurry, slowly → slow down, quietly → be quiet3. 形容词变形:- 副词变形容词:quickly → quick, slowly → slow, quietly → quiet- 名词变形容词:strength → strong, knowledge → knowledgeable, success → successful, power → po werful - 动词变形容词:communicate → communicative, conclude → conclusive, produce → productive, contribute → contributive4. 副词变形:- 形容词变副词:quick → quickly, slow → slowly, quiet → quietly- 名词变副词:strength → strongly, knowledge → knowledgeably, success → successfully, power → powerfully - 动词变副词:communicate → communicatively, conclude → conclusively, produce → productively, contribute → contributively注意:这只是一小部分常见词汇的变形总汇,实际情况会更复杂。

英语高考词汇变形总汇一、名词变形1. 形容词变名词形容词可以通过在前面加上定冠词“a/an”或不定冠词“the”来变成名词,表示一类人或事物。
例如:a poor(可怜的人)- the poor(贫困人群)2. 动词变名词动词可以通过在前面加上不定冠词“a/an”或定冠词“the”来变成名词,表示某个动作或状态。
例如:play(玩耍)- a play(戏剧)3. 形容词或动词的变形形容词或动词可以通过在后面加上后缀“-ness”来变成名词。
例如:happy(快乐的)- happiness(幸福)二、动词变形1. 名词变动词名词可以通过在后面加上动词化后缀“-ize/-ise”来变成动词,表示使成为某种状态或行为。
例如:modern(现代的)- modernize(使现代化)2. 形容词变动词形容词可以通过在后面加上动词化后缀“-en”来变成动词,表示使成为某种状态或行为。
例如:soft(柔软的)- soften(变柔软)3. 副词变动词副词可以通过在后面加上动词化后缀“-ize/-ise”来变成动词,表示使成为某种状态或行为。
例如:slowly(慢慢地)- slow down(减慢速度)三、形容词变形1. 副词变形形容词可以通过在后面加上副词化后缀“-ly”来变成副词,表示程度或方式。
例如:quick(快的)- quickly(快速地)2. 名词变形形容词可以通过在前面加上名词化后缀“-ness”来变成名词,表示某种性质或状态。
例如:happy(快乐的)- happiness(幸福)四、副词变形1. 形容词变形副词可以通过在后面加上形容词化后缀“-able”或“-ible”来变成形容词,表示能够或可能性。
例如:possible(可能的)- possibly(可能地)2. 动词变形副词可以通过在后面加上动词化后缀“-ize/-ise”来变成动词,表示使成为某种状态或行为。
例如:slowly(慢慢地)- slow down(减慢速度)五、其他变形1. 反义词有些词的反义词可以通过在前面加上前缀“un-”来变成反义词。

高考英语高频词汇变形汇总(一)1.argue v.争论;论证.争辩argument n.争论2.arrivevi.到达;达到 arrival n.到来.到达者3.arrange v.安排.布置arrangement n.安排4.asleep a.睡着的, 熟睡sleep n./v.睡觉 sleepy adj.困倦的.想睡的5.assist v.援助 assistance n.援助 assistant n.助手6.associatev.联想.联系 associated adj. association n.协会.社团.联系7.assumev.假定.假设 assumption n.假定.假设8.astonishvt.使惊讶 to one’s astonishment; astonishingly adv.令人惊讶地astonished adj.astonishing adj.9.attractv.吸引.引起 attraction n.吸引.爱慕 .吸引人的事物/景点attractive a.迷人的.有吸引力10.automatica.自动的.机械的 automatically adv.自动地、机械地11.avoid v.避免, 躲开, 逃避avoidance n.避免.回避unavoidable adj.无法回避的.不可避免的12.awarea.知道的.意识到的.发觉 unaware a.没发觉的 awareness n.意识13.balance n.平衡 balanced adj.平衡的 unbalanced adj.不平衡的14.base n.根据地vt.基于;以…作根据basic adj.基本的basically adv.基本上;从根本上说 basis n.基础;根据 on a regular basis 定期地 ; basement n.地下室15.bath n.洗澡;浴室;澡盆bathe vi.洗澡;游泳16.bear v.承受, 负担, 承担;忍受;容忍unbearable adj.无法忍受的17.beauty n.美;美人beautiful adj.美丽的;漂亮的beautify v.美化18.behavev.守规矩.行为 behavior n.行为.举止19.beliefn.信条.信念v.beliefs (复数) believe v.相信unbelievable adj. 不可置信的20.belong vi.属于, 附属于belonging n.归属belongings n.所有物(二)1.benefitn./ v.优势,益处,使…受益 benefit from从……受益 beneficial a.有利的.有帮助的.有用的2.blood n.血, 血液bleed vi.出血, 流血stop the bleeding止血3.blind a.瞎的.盲目的v.使看不见.使失去判断力blindness n.失明blindly adv.4.bore vt.使厌烦bored adj.感到厌烦的; boring adj.乏味的.无聊的 boredom n.无聊5.brave a.勇敢的v.勇敢地面对bravery n.勇气 brave the weather 不顾天气恶劣6.breathn.气息;呼吸 breathe vi.呼吸 breathless a.气喘吁吁的.上气不接下气的breathtaking adj.激动人心的;惊人的7.bury vt.埋葬burial n.埋葬.葬礼 be buried in his work埋头工作8.calm a.镇静,沉着的 v.镇静沉着calmness n.冷静.平静calmly adv.冷静地9.care n.u.照料.保护 v.介意.关心careful adj.小心的.仔细的 carefullyadv.careless a.粗心的.漫不经心的 carelessness n.粗心10.casual adj. casually adv.随意地11.cautionn.谨慎.小心.警告 cautious a.小心的.谨慎的12.celebratev.庆祝 celebration n.庆祝;庆祝会13.certain a.确定的 certainty n.必然.确实的事情 uncertain a.不确定的14.challenge n./ v.挑战(性)challenging a.具有挑战性的15.changen.零钱;找头;变化v.改变.变化;更换;兑换 unchangeable adj.不可变的16.cheer n.&v.欢呼;喝彩cheer up 振作起来 cheerful adj.令人愉快的;兴高采烈的17.choicen.选择;抉择 choose vt.选择18.classifyv.分类.归类 classification n.分类 classified a.机密的.分类的19.collect vt.收集, 搜集collection n.收藏品, 收集物collector n.收藏家bine v.使联合 combination n.联合(三)1.affectvt.影响, 感动,侵袭 affection n.喜爱,钟爱 affectionate a.深情的2.afford vt.负担得起affordable a.负担的起的 affordability n.3.age n.年龄, 时代 v.(使)变老at an early age; in the information age aged adj.年迈的;...岁的4.agreev.同意 agreement n.同意 agreeable a.使人愉快的 disagree v.不同意disagreement n.分歧5.agriculture n.农业,农学 agricultural a.农业的6.allow v.允许,允许…进入allowance n.津贴,零用钱7.amaze vt.使惊奇,惊叹amazing a.令人惊奇的amazed a.感到惊奇的 amazement n. amazingly adv.8.ambitionn.目标,野心,雄心,抱负 ambitious adj.有抱负的9.amuse vt.(使人)快乐amused adj.感到有趣的amusing adj.有趣的,引人发笑的amusement n.10.analyse/zev.分析 analysis n.分析,分析结果(pl.复数)analyses11.angern.怒,愤怒 angry adj.生气的 angrily adv.12.announce vt.宣布,宣告 announcer n.广播员announcement n.公告,通告13.annoy vt.打扰,打搅,使烦恼 annoyance n.恼怒,烦恼 annoying adj.令人恼怒的annoyed adj.恼怒的14.anxietyn.担忧,焦虑 anxious a.忧虑焦急的 anxiously adv.15.apologizevi.道歉,谢罪 apology n.道歉apologetic adj.道歉的 apologetically adv.16.appear vi.出现;显得,好像appearance n.出现,外表,外貌disappear v.消失17.apply v.申请;使用;将……投入application n.申请(书),应用,努力 applicant n.申请人 appliance n.工具,器械be applied to doing专心致志于...18.appoint vt.任命;约定appointment n.19.appreciatev.欣赏;感激;鉴别 appreciative a.欣赏的,感激的 appreciation n.20.approvev.赞成,同意,批准,通过approval n. approving adj.赞许的,满意的disapprove v.不同意(四)1.abandonv.抛弃,舍弃,放弃 abandoned adj.被抛弃的2.ability n.能力;才能disability n.无能,残疾disabled adj.残疾的able adj.能够;有能力的 unable adj.不能够的enable vt.使能够3.absence n.不在,缺席 absent a.不在的,缺席的present adj.在场的,出席的presence n.存在,出席4.absolutea.完全,全部,绝对的 absolutely adv.完全地,绝对地5.accept v. 接受acceptance n.接受 unacceptable adj.6.access n.接近 accessible a.易接近的accessibility n.易接近,可达性7.accidentn.事故,意外的事 accidental a.意外的 accidentally adv.8.academy n.学院 academic adj.学院的,学术的9.accomplishv.完成 accomplishment n.完成,成就10.accuracyn.准确,精确 accurate a.精确的 accurately adv.11.achievevt.达到,取得 achievement n.成就,功绩 achievable adj.可达成的12.act n.&v.行动;表演actor n.男演员actress n.女演员activity n.活动activist n.活动家,积极分子 activate v.激活,使活动interact v.互动active adj.积极的 action n.行动13.adapt v.适应 adapt (oneself) to;改编adaptation n.适应性;改编14.add vt.添加, 增加in addition =additionally adv.此外,又additive n.添加剂15.adjust vt.调整,(使)适应 adjustment n. adjustable adj.可调整的16.admire v.羡慕 admirable a.令人羡慕的 admiration n.钦佩17.admit vt.承认,准许(入场/学,入会)admission n.准入, 接纳18.advance v./n.推进, 促进;前进advanced adj.先进的,高级的19.adventure n.冒险; 奇遇adventurous adj.爱冒险的;充满危险的adventurer n.冒险家 advertisevt.为……做广告 advertisement n.广告20.advisev.建议 advisable adj.明智的,可取的advisor n.顾问 advice n.[U]建议。