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1一个书虫的告白confession of a booklover 2感到脱胎换骨似的feel renewed
3在书页上写下批注make notes on the pages 4突然间all of a sudden
5高中文凭secondary-school diploma 5陷入爱河fall in love
6主要职责main responsibility 6牢牢抓住take hold of
7快速翻阅书本thumb through one’s books 8敞开心扉open oneself up to scrutiny
9不再做该节目retire from the show 9引起(某人的)好奇心arouse one’s curiosity
10一直不停地转台keep zapping 11风水轮流转Everything comes in circles
12完全没意识到(be/become) totally unaware of
13逃离尘世的机会opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life
14尽情地to one’s heart’s desire 15看上去好像是look as if
16最新的畅销书the latest best-selling book 17图案精美的well illustrated
18淡忘生活中的不平等brush off daily injustices 19家中一贫如洗a home laced with poverty 20注定be destined to 21把他带到一个完全不同的世界transport him to a different world 22生活经历life experiences 23实习老师a student teache
24在桌子旁磨蹭了一会linger at one’s desk for a while
25一摞皱巴巴的纸a handful of tattered papers
26把作品投向各个杂志社submit one’s writing to various magazines
27以写作谋生make his living as a writer 28领悟一个道理learn a lesson
28足以移山分海enough to move mountains and part seas
29一种广泛的文化现象a pervasive cultural phenomenon
30在无穷无尽的岁月长河中in the immeasurable length of time
31呈现各种形式take a variety of forms 32抓门scratch at the door
33挥手拦下的士hail a taxi by holding up 34语言的起源the origin of language
35最广为接受的推测the most generally accepted speculation
36与……密切相关be closely connected to…37非正式民意调查informal polls
38传统年龄的大学新生traditional-age college freshmen
39一种有意义的生活哲学a meaningful philosophy of life 40经济宽裕financially comfortable 41充分利用make the fullest use of 42提供服务render service 43销售代表sales representative 44教育体制的缺陷a fault of the education system
45超越职业的局限beyond the confines of our occupation
46难以置信的知识量an incredible amount of knowledge 47从长远来说in the long run
48各种智慧diverse wisdom 49 底线the bottom line
50 满足学生职业教育的需求answer the students cries for career education
51个人道德水准 a personal standard of morality and ethics
52面对个人压力in the face of personal pressure 51广告公司advertising organizations
53诚实的重要组成部分powerful components of integrity 54换句话说in other words
55腹部手术abdominal operation 56 短缺in short supply 57 至今to this day
58等着瞧wait and see 59团结在一起stick together 60 化妆wear make-up
61银丝眼镜silver-rimmed pince-nez 62往昔美好时光good old days
63入伍enroll in the army 64渐渐地little by little 65收起put away
66珍惜记忆cherish the memory 67与众不同stand out 68上交turn in
69冲动on impulse 70生日礼物a birthday present 71摆饭桌set the table
72眼里噙满了泪水eyes filled with tears 73临时工temporary employment
74寄宿学校boarding school 75盼望look forward to 76皮夹子leather purse