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1----判例的名称或抬头case name or caption
2---案例编号case number or citation
3--判例总结syllabus or prefatory statement
4----分类标题及法律摘要topics and head notes
5--钥匙序号和定位数字key number and location number
6---代理律师的姓名names of the attorney who represented the parties
7---主审法官presiding judges
8----法庭判决意见the opinion begins
1 案件的起诉和上诉历史discussion of the procedural posture of the case
2 事实概要summary of the case
3 待决法律争议legal issues before the court
4 法庭判决结果court's decision/holding in the case
5 判决理由court's reasoning
6 判决产生的法律规则rule emerging from the decision
7 后续诉讼程序指示procedural decision
8 另类判决理由concurring /dissenting opinion or both
原告的诉求被驳回dismissed 诉讼送达被认定无效quashed 申请被拒绝denied 法院撤销已有判决vacated 上诉法院维持下级法院的判决affirmed ,上级法院推翻下级法院的判决reversed 上诉案件被发回原审法院继续审理remanded 具有强制力的法律依据mandatory authority
多数法官的意见majority opinion 同意多数法官意见,但有不同理由的称为concurring opinion 反对的dissenting opinion
一总结并研究所有重要相关事实(relevant and determinative facts)
界定具体法律争议(defining the legal issue)
为法律争议的正反双方提出所有可能的辩护(formulating arguments for both sides of the legal issue)
分析和比较所有法官的意见(analyzing both both majority and dissenting opinions of the court)
评估所学判例的具体适用对象和范围(evaluating the impact of the court's decisions) 解决所有法律英语语言方面的难点和疑问
怎样研读案例的事实部分--------- 发生了什么what happened -------有谁涉案who are the people/organizations /companies involved?------涉案人的行为动机为何what motives of the people involved--------------如为上诉案件,原审法院如何认定争议事实how did the lower courts find for the case ----------------哪些属于关键事实which facts are the material/key facts-----哪些属于辅助事实which facts are supportive but non-determinative 哪些事实缺失但你认为对断案有帮助which facts don't you have but you would like to have ----法庭在描述关键事实时都选择使用了什么样的词汇和语句,你理解吗how did court describe the key facts
如何彻底理解法庭在描述关键事实时所使用的词汇和语句:找出并列出案件中所有和关键事实有关的用词-----查找权威词典找出关键用词的所有同义词和类似表达----------比照同义词和类似表达对关键事实用词进行分析:如,案件涉及到卡车truck 和自行车bicycle相撞,而法庭却频繁使用车辆vehicle 来指代卡车,就必须加以分析。名词有抽象名词和具体名词,抽象名词会对事实起到弱化的作用,而具体名词会对事实起到强化作用,再加上感知的形容词,强化作用更强。同样的,动词也有具体动作的动词和抽象动作的动词。具体动词强到相关的事实,而抽象动词弱化相关的事实。名词化的动词也会弱化事实。
如何界定具体法律争议---------可以通过回答四个问题达到这个目的:1 who was the actor (who did sth ) 2 who was the recipient of the action (to whom was it done ) 3 what was the action that caused the controversy (what was done ) 4 what law or specific part of the constitution/statute is involved )
法律英语词典----black's law dictionary -----------www.
一级依据---primary authority/primary sources 英美法系承认判例有binding force 大陆法系不承认
已经生效的判决被推翻--overruled 或被限制be restricted 或被分类be distinguished
联邦最高法院u.S state supreme court ---联邦上诉法院或联邦巡回法院u.S state courts of appeals /u.S circuit courts------{1 联邦地方法院u.S district courts {2 联邦专属法院{(1)联邦国际贸易法院 {(2)联邦破产法院
联邦国际贸易法院---u.S court of international trade
联邦破产法院-------u.S bankruptcy court
联邦知识产权法院-----u.S court of intellectual property
美国法院判例汇编缩写---美国判例汇编 u.S
---最高法院判例汇编 s.ct.(supreme court reporter)
----美国判例汇编律师版L.Ed(lawyers edition)
Charge sb with some crime 指控某人犯有某罪