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1. “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” is an epigrammatic line by ______.

A. John Keats

B. William Wordsworth

C. Percy Bysshe Shelley

D. William Blake

2. I Wandered lonely as a Cloud is a ________.

A. lyrical poem

B. lyrical prose

C. romance in prose

D. sonnet

3. At the turn of the 18th and 19th century, ______ appeared as a new literary trend in England.

A. Renaissance

B. Reformation

C. Romanticism

D. Sentimentalism

4. The Glorious Revolution in 1688 marked the beginning of

a (n)_________.

A. absolute monarchy B, constitutional monarchy

C. military dictatorship

D. democratic system

5. The poetic view of _________ can be best understood from his remark about poetry, that is, “all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.”

A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge

B. John Keats

C. William Wordsworth

D. Percy Bysshe Shelley

6. In English poetry the ______ is regarded as the most common foot.

A. iamb

B. anapest

C. trochee

D. dactyl

7. The Romantic Period in English literature began with the publication of _________.

A. Songs of Innocence

B. Pride and Prejudice

C. Lyrical Ballads

D. A Red, Red Rose

8. It is generally regarded that Keat s’ most important and mature poems are in the form of _____.

A. ode

B. elegy

C. epic

D. sonnet

9. We can perhaps describe the west wind in Shelley’s poem Ode to the West Wind with all the following terms EXCEPT _______.

A. tamed

B. swift

C. proud

D. wild

10. William Wordsworth asserts that poetry originates from _______.

A. form

B. reason

C. artistic devices

D. emotion

11. The literary form which is fully-developed and the most flourishing during the Romantic Period is ________.

A. prose

B. drama

C. poetry

D. Novel

12. The author of Prometheus Unbound is _______.

A. Byron

B. Shelley

C. Pope

D. Coleridge

13. ______ is regarded as a “worshipper of nature”.

A. John Keats

B. William Blake

C. William Wordsworth

D. Jane Austen

14. Which of the following can NOT describe “Byronic hero”?

A. proud

B. mysterious

C. noble origin

D. progressive

15. Who is the author of Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage?

A. Byron

B. Blake

C. Keats

D. Wordsworth

16. Which of the following comments on the poem Ode to the West Wind is NOT true?
