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I. Choose the best answer for each blank.

1. John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress is a religious .

A. allegory

B. romance

C. comedy

D. novel

2. “Some books are to be tasted, others are to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested” is taken from ’s work.

A. Thomas More

B. Francis Bacon

C. John Bunyan

D. Matthew Arnold

3. Hamlet, ______, King Lear and Macbeth are generally regarded as Shakespeare's four great tragedies.

A. Romeo and Juliet

B. Timon of Athens

C. A Lover's Complaint

D. Othello

4. In Paradise Lost the author eulogizes the spirit of ______ that is though lost, but the

______cannot be conquered, and the pursuit of revenge, immortal hate towards god will never be overcome.

A. pessimism, knowledge

B. optimism, ideal

C. rebellion, will

D. cynicism, concept

5. Donne’s poetry is full of metaphors, original images, wit and______, except ingenuity, dexterous

use of colloquial speech, considerable flexibility of rhythm and meter, complex themes and caustic humor.

A. conceits

B. Petrarchen images

C. rhetorics

D. brevity

6. The Merchant of Venice belongs to Shakespearian plays of_______.

A. comedy

B. sequence of sonnets

C. tragedy

D. historical play

7. The principal elements of novel are mystery, horror and suspense.

A. Gothic

B. Romantic

C. Sentimental

D. Realistic

8. Which of the following is a Gothic novel?

A. Northanger Abbey

B. The Mysteries of Udolpho

C. Gulliver’s Travel

D. Robinson Crusoe

9. “To be, or not to be: that is the question”expresses Hamlet’s ______ character.

A. resolute

B. resolute and hesitant

C. stubborn

D. indecisive and hesitant

10. Paradise Lost is a (n)________.

A. lyrical poem

B. hymn

C. epic

D. narrative poem

11. The English Renaissance began during the reign of _________.

A. Henry VIII

B. Charles II

C. Elizabeth I

D. James I

12. The four Greatest Tragedies of Shakespeare’s do NOT include __________.

A. Othello

B. King Lear

C. Romeo and Juliet

D. Macbeth

13. Which of the following comments on the Elizabethan Age is NOT true?

A. It is the age of translation.

B. It is the age of bourgeois revolution.

C. It is the age of the protestant reformation.

D. It is the age of exploration.

14. Which of the following does NOT describe metaphysical poetry best represented by John Donne’s works?

A. Elegant language.

B. Conceit.

C. Argument

D. Common speech

15. Paradise Lost by Milton took its material from_______.

A. Greek mythology

B. The Bible

C. Roman mythology

D. French romance

16. _______ is the leading figure of the metaphysical school.

A. John Milton

B. John Donne

C. John Bunyan

D. John Keats

17. Donne’s famous analogy of parting lovers to a drawing compass provides a prime example of _______.

A. conceit

B. dramatic monologue

C. exaggeration

D. paradox

18. Humanists of the Renaissance turned to the spirit of ______ culture for inspiration.

A. Greek and Roman

B. Anglo-Saxon

C. Celtic

D. Medieval

19. The Elizabethan ______, in its totality, is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.

A. poetry

B. novel

C. drama

D. essay

20. _________, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons.

A. Beowulf

B. The Faerie Queene

C. Robin Hood

D. Piers the Plowman

21. Francis Bacon’s achievements mainly lie in the following fields EXCEPT ____.

A. poem writing

B. science

C. essay writing

D. philosophy

22. The Enlightenment Movement did not advocate ________.

A. Rationality, reason, order and rules

B. return to the ancient classical works

C. inner feelings of individuals

D. universal education

23. ________ is not written by Alexander Pope.

A. An Essay on Criticism

B. The Essays
