
词汇汉译英:各种“店”的英文翻译书店 books store粮店 grain store食品点 food store煤店 coal store食品杂货(副食品)店 grocery酱园 sauce and pickles shop肉店 meat (butcher"s) shop酒店 wine shop水产店 aquatic products shop家禽店 fowl shop豆腐店 beancurd shop烤肉店 roast meat shop卤味店 sauced meat shop饮食店 food and drink shop小吃店 eating house (snack bar)饭店 restaurant冷饮店 cold drinks shop蔬菜店水果店 green grocery (green grocer"s)蔬菜店 vegetables shop鞋帽店 shoes and hats store百货公司 department store百货商场 general merchandise market服装店 clothing store成衣店 ready-made clothes shop呢绒绸布店 wool, silk and cotton fabrics store药店(美:杂货店) drug store (pharmacy)儿童用品商店 children"s goods shop妇女用品商店 women"s goods shop钟表店 watch and clock ship文具店 stationer"s (stationery shop)日用杂货店 daily-use sundry goods shop炊事用具商店 cooking utensils shop家用器具商店 household utensils shop五金商店 metal products shop家具店 furniture shop眼镜店 eyeglasses store玻璃礼品店 glass gifts store爆竹鞭炮店 fireworks shop电器商店 electrical appliance shop油漆店 paint shop化工油漆染料店 chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop地产建材商店 native building materials store照相馆(摄影室) photographic studio (photographer"s)旧货店 second-hand goods store (used goods store) 寄卖商店 commission shop综合修理店 general repair shop (service)工艺美术服务社 arts and crafts shop花店 flower shop古玩珠宝店 antiques and jewelry shop香烟店(摊) cigarette shop (stall)售报亭 newspaper and magazine stand茶馆 tea house理发店 barber"s shop (hairdresser"s)洗澡堂 bath house旅店/旅馆 inn/ hotel邮局 post office。

Lesson 7 What would you like?第七课你想要点什么?单词表shop [ʃɔp] 商店buy [bai] 买drink [driŋk] 喝;饮料tea [ti:] 茶juice [dʒu:s] 果汁feel [fi:l] 感觉much [mʌtʃ] 对,非常something ['sʌmθiŋ] 某事(物)would [wud] 将要bottle ['bɔtl] 瓶子carrot ['kærət] 胡萝卜would like 想要a cup of 一杯a bottle of 一瓶课文翻译Let's talk 大家一起说Look!It's a shop.看!有个商店!Yes.Let's buy something to drink.是的,我们去买些喝的东西吧。
I'd like some tea.What would you like?我想喝点茶。
你想要什么?I'd like a cold drink. 我想喝冷饮。
Can I help you? 请问要些什么?Yes,I'd like a cup of tea and a bottle of coke.是的,我想要一杯茶和一瓶可乐。
Sorry,we don't have coke.Would you like a bottle of orange juice? 抱歉,我们没有可乐。
你想要一瓶橙汁吗?OK,a bottle of orange juice and a cup of tea,please.好吧,请给我一瓶橙汁和一杯茶。
OK.Here you are.好的。
Let's learn 大家一起学习What would you like? 你想喝点儿什么?I'd like a cup of tea. 我想喝一杯茶。

购物常用英语词汇短语shopping centre 商业中心区department store 百货商店children''s goods store 儿童用品商店antique shop 古玩店second-hand store 旧货店counter 柜台stall, stand 售货摊show window 橱窗show case 玻璃柜台shelf 货架cash desk, cashier''s desk 收银处price tag 标价签prices are fixed, fixed prices 有定价discount 打折扣change 零钱购物常用的英语短语to keep the bill 留发票to wrap up 包装free of charge 不收费 to deliver 送be al sold out, out of stock 售空shop assistant, salesman 售货员saleswoman 女售货员glassware counter 玻璃器皿部enamel ware 搪瓷器皿haberdashery 男子服饰用品confectionery 糖果糕点cosmetics 化妆用品stationery 文具fabrics 纺织品dry goods 服装ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear 成衣,现成服装men''s wear 男服购物相关英语词汇带翻译商业广场shopping mall /business plaza;购物中心shopping center;百货商场department store;连锁店chain store;特许专卖店franchised store;名牌直销店outlets;服饰精品店boutique;食品杂货店grocery;便利店convenience store;超市supermarket;货摊vendor's stand。

各种“店”的翻译书店 books store粮店 grain store食品点 food store煤店 coal store食品杂货(副食品)店 grocery酱园 sauce and pickles shop肉店 meat (butcher"s) shop酒店 wine shop水产店 aquatic products shop家禽店 fowl shop豆腐店 beancurd shop烤肉店 roast meat shop卤味店 sauced meat shop饮食店 food and drink shop小吃店 eating house (snack bar)饭店 restaurant冷饮店 cold drinks shop蔬菜店水果店 green grocery (green grocer"s) 蔬菜店 vegetables shop鞋帽店 shoes and hats store百货公司 department store百货商场 general merchandise market服装店 clothing store成衣店 ready-made clothes shop呢绒绸布店 wool, silk and cotton fabrics store 药店(美:杂货店) drug store (pharmacy) 儿童用品商店 children"s goods shop妇女用品商店 women"s goods shop钟表店 watch and clock ship文具店 stationer"s (stationery shop)日用杂货店 daily-use sundry goods shop炊事用具商店 cooking utensils shop家用器具商店 household utensils shop五金商店 metal products shop家具店 furniture shop眼镜店 eyeglasses store玻璃礼品店 glass gifts store爆竹鞭炮店 fireworks shop电器商店 electrical appliance shop油漆店 paint shop化工油漆染料店 chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop地产建材商店 native building materials store照相馆(摄影室) photographic studio (photographer"s) 旧货店 second-hand goods store (used goods store)寄卖商店 commission shop综合修理店 general repair shop (service)工艺美术服务社 arts and crafts shop花店 flower shop古玩珠宝店 antiques and jewelry shop香烟店(摊) cigarette shop (stall)售报亭 newspaper and magazine stand茶馆 tea house理发店 barber"s shop (hairdresser"s)洗澡堂 bath house旅店/旅馆 inn/ hotel邮局 post office。

(有歌舞表演的)餐馆或酒吧;卡巴莱cabaret白腊杆商店tool-handle store百货公司department store百货棉布商店cotton department store包装副食品商店packing grocery store笔墨庄writting brush & ink-stick store便宜货市场;廉价品市场bargain center; fleamarket玻璃店glass store不锈钢商店stainless steel shop布店cloth store; drygoods store裁缝店tailor's参茸补品商店ginseng & pilose antler shop参行;参店ginseng broker's store house; ginseng dry store; ginseng shop 参药店ginseng & Chinese traditional medicine store茶室tea room茶叶店tea shop超级市场supermarket; superstore衬衫商店shirts shop绸布商店cloth store; silk & cotton shop船舶五金综合商店vessel's hardware comprehensive shop床上用品商店bedclothes tore炊事清洁机械用品商店kitchenware & cleaning machinery store瓷器商店chinaware store; porcelain store打字机、复印机商店typewriter & copying machine store代销店commission agent当店pawn shop刀剪商店scissors & knives store; scissors & hair-cut appliance shop刀具铸锻件商店cutting tools, castings & forgings store灯具商店lamp store灯具总店lamp & lanterns general store电工产品门市部electrical products sales department电料电讯商店electrical materials & equipment shop电脑商店computer store电器店;电料商店electric appliances shop电器修配商店electric appliances shop电视机商店TV sets shop电讯电器商店telecommunication & electrical equipment store电讯器材商店electric communication equipment shop电子元件综合门市部electronic components sales department动物合作商店animal co-op. shop阀门水暖商店valve & pipefitting store饭店;餐馆restaurant; hotel纺织品零料商店textile fabric odds & ends shop纺织器商店textile store分销处sale agency分行;分店;支店;分部branch; branch store缝纫机商店sewing machine store缝纫用品商店sewing-ware shop服务部service服装店clothing store; garment shop; clothes shop服装鞋帽商店clothing, shoes and hats shop妇女儿童用品商店women and children articles shop妇女用品商店women's articles shop副食品门市部subsidiary food sales department感光胶片材料商店sensitive film materials shop工艺美术品商店arts & crafts store公司company; corporation供销合作社supply and marketing cooperative购物中心shopping center; shopping complex古玩店curios shop果品商店fruit & food shop焊接材料商店weld material shop焊接器材五金商店welding material hardware shop合作商场co-operative trading market花店florist; floral shop花木商店flowers and plants house花鸟商店flowers & birds shop化工塑料制品商店chemical & plastic products shop化工油漆商店chemical industry oil painting shop化纤棉席商店synthetic cotton & mats shop化学试剂商店chemical reagents store货摊;书摊;棚店stand; stall; booth机电商店machinery & electric motor shop集市fair寄卖店;寄售店commission shop; secondhand shop家具店furniture shop家用电器商店husehold electrical appliances store; family-use electrical equipment shop 建筑装璜材料商店building decoration material store胶鞋商店rubber-soled shoes store; rubber shoes store金银饰品商店jewellery shop金银珠宝饰品商店gold & silver jewellery store金属材料机械配件商店metal material & machinery spare parts store金属机电商店metal material & machinery spare parts store经理部management department经销部sales department经销店agency经营部business department酒吧bar; winevault酒店wineshop; public house酒家;餐馆wineshop; restaurant旧货店;日用品调剂店secondhand shop; junk shop; old ware store咖啡馆coffee house; café烤鸭店roasted duck shop劳动防护用品商店labour protection goods store; labour protection articles shop 乐器店musical instrument shop礼品店gift shop理发店barbershop; barber's shop利用布商店utilization cloth supply station联购分销站joint purchase & sale substation廉价商店;廉价商场budget store; five & ten; thrift shop粮店grain shop粮油商店cereals & oils store粮油食品商店grain & cooking-oil food shop粮油杂品商店food & oil grocery shop两用车商店motorcycle and bicycle shop料瓶商店glass bottle raw material shop零售店;分销店;下伸店retail shop垄断市场corner market露天市场open market旅店inn; pub; cantina旅社hotel旅游用品商店tourist commodity store; travelling articles shop螺丝商店screw shop贸易货栈trade warehouse贸易集市village fair贸易信托商店trade & trust shop贸易中心trade center帽店hatter's shop; milliner's shop煤炭供应站coal supply department; domestic fuel service美容院beauty parlor美术用品商店art supplies store棉布商店cotton clothe store面包店bakery; bake house; bake shop庙会temple fair摩托车商店motorcycle shop墨苑ink-sticks gathering house木材商店wood store奶品商店creamery南货商店southern food shop; southern native delicacies store呢绒绸缎商店woollen clothe & silk shop钮扣商店button store女装店dress shop; boutique; fashion house批发市场wholesale market皮货服装商店fur store皮件店;皮革制品商店leather ware shop皮件商店leather shop; leather goods shop皮塑鞋料五金商店leather-plastic shoe materials & hardware store 皮鞋店leather shoes shop啤酒店beer house; brasserie汽车装璜配件商店automotive decorations & components store禽蛋综合商店poultry & egg store清真食品商店moslem food shop全国土产食品商店national native product provissions shop日夜商店day and night store日夜食品商店day and night food store日用工艺品商店daily use artware shop日用杂品商店house hold appliances store; daily-use necessities store 绒线编结商店wool- knitting shop绒线商店wool shop绒线羊毛衫商店woolen & sweater store肉店butcher's shop; butchery肉食品商店butcher shop纱绳五金商店cotton thread & hardware store纱头商店yarn ends shop筛网商店sifter & netting shop扇庄fan store商场;市场market; shopping arcade; mart商店shop; store商品交易会trade fair商品交易所commodity exchange house商厦consumer's cooperative association商行;商号business establish; firm; commercial firm商业中心emporium; mart生物化学试剂商店biochemical reagents shop绳线利用商店string & hard wire store时装公司garments corporation; fashion company食品门市部food supply retail department食品商场food products market食品商店foodstuff store; food store; provision shop; grocery食品杂货自选商场self-service grocery书店bookstore熟食店delicatessen水果店green grocery; fruit shop搪瓷商店enamel ware shop糖果店sweet shop; cand store; confectionery陶瓷杂品商店ceramics & sundry goods store陶器商店pottery store特大百货中心hypermarket特约商店contractor体育用品商店sports goods store跳蚤市场fleamarket铜响器商店copper percussion instrument store童装商店children's clothes shop土产食品商店native products & food shop土产杂品商店natie products & groceries store土产综合商店native products shop土特产品商店local food product shop外向兑换商店foreign money exchange shop玩具商店toys store万国博览会a World's fair卫生建筑陶瓷装璜材料商店toilet & building porcelainware & decoration materials store 文化体育用品商店culture & sports goods shop文化用品批发商店stationary wholesale store文具店;文化用品店stationer's; stationary shop文物商店antique & curio store无线电修理部radio reairing department五金店hardware store五金机械商店metals machinery store五金交电商店hardware & electric material shop五香豆商店spiced beans store物资回收利用商店materials recovery & utilization store物资交流会commodity fair西服公司suit company; west-style clothes company西装店;西服店tailor shop洗染材料商店laundering & dyeing materials shop洗染店cleaners and dyers; laundering and dyeing shop洗衣店laundry橡塑五金商店bubber & lplastic hard ware shop小吃店snack bar; lunchroom小酒店;小饭店inn; pub; cantina小卖部canteen; buffet; snack counter鞋店shoes shop鞋帽商店shoe & hat store; shoe and cap store信托店commission shop(or house, agent); secondehand shop信托公司trust company胸罩商店brassiere store修理店repair shop修配商店repair and spare parts shop烟店divan烟酒商店cigarette & wine store烟杂合作商店co-operative grocery烟杂商店grocery眼镜店optical shop; glasses store; spectacles shop眼镜光学器材商店glasses & optical instruments shop羊毛衫公司woolen sweater co样品陈列室sample room; show-room药店chemist's shop; pharmacy; drugstore; dispensary夜总会bistro; neghtclub银楼jewelry shop饮食店eating house油酱商店oil & sauce grocery油漆商店paint store友谊商店friendship store有限公司company limited (Ltd)浴室;澡堂bath; bath house; bath room杂货店grocery; variety shop展览会;交易会display; exhibit; show展销门市部combined exhibition and sale department照相材料商店photographic supplies store; photo supply store照相馆studio针织品商店knit's store纸行paper company纸张商店paper store纸张原料供应站paper raw-material supplying center; paper material supply centr中式服装商店Chinese traditional clothes store中央商场central market中药店Chinese medicines shop; traditional Chinese medicines shop钟表、眼镜照相器材商店clocks, watches, optical & photographic instruments store 钟表店watchmaker's shop; clock & watch store钟表眼镜商店watchmaker & spectacles shop轴承商店bearing shop珠宝店jeweler's shop装璜五金玻璃商店upholstery, hardware & glassware store自行车零件商店bicycle component shop自行车商店;车行bicycle shop; cycle & motor company自助餐厅cafeteria综合贸易商店(公司)comprehensive trade store(coporation); multiple-trading shop 总店head shop。

购物英语不同说法1.我们去(商店)逛逛吧!Lets go window-shopping.Im flat broke. (我身无分文。
)Lets go window-shopping anyway. (不管怎么说,我们去逛逛吧。
)Why dont we go window-shoppingShall we go window-shopping (去逛商店吗)2.人多得要命!What a crowd!Its so crowded!What a big crowd!3.商店几点开门When does the store openWhen does the store open (商店几点开门)Its closed today. (今天休息。
)When do you openWhat time do you openHow soon does it openWhat time does the store openWhen do the doors open4.商店几点关门When does the store closeWhen does the store close (商店几点关门)We close at seven. (7点。
)What time does the store closeWhen is closing time (几点打烊)5.我们11点才开门呢。
We wont open until eleven.We wont open until eleven. (11点才开门。
)That late (那么晚)It opens at eleven. (11点开门。
)From eleven. (11点开始。
)Our business hours begin at eleven. (我们11点开始上班。
)6.你找什么呢What are you looking forWhat are you looking for (你找什么呢)The shoe department. (我找卖鞋的柜台。

百货商店英语说法:department store百货商店英语例句:1.There's a department store next to the hotel.饭店旁边有个百货商店。
2.I shopped several department stores.我光顾了几家百货商店。
3.My house stands cheek by jowl with a department store.我家紧靠一家百货商店。
4.The cosmetic shop in a department store百货商店的美容品专柜5.The department store was thronged with people.百货商店挤满了人。
6.Oh, the department store is over there.噢,百货商店在那边。
7.The bazar is not barren of trade .这百货商店生意兴拢8.I got a job in a department store .我曾在百货商店工作过。
9.He manages a large department store.他经营一家大百货商店。
10.It's called Chungyo Department Stone.它叫中友百货商店。
11.You'd want to move the entire department store here!你想把百货商店搬来呀!12.Department stores in the United States are very large.美国的百货商店很大,13.Fortnum & Mason, Ltd.福特南-梅逊百货商店14.He is a clerk of that department store.他是那家百货商店的店员。

各种“店”的英语表达方式书店books store粮店grain store食品点food store煤店coal store食品杂货(副食品)店grocery 酱园sauce and pickles shop 肉店meat (butcher"s) shop酒店wine shop水产店aquatic products shop 家禽店fowl shop豆腐店beancurd shop烤肉店roast meat shop卤味店sauced meat shop饮食店food and drink shop小吃店eating house (snack bar)饭店restaurant冷饮店cold drinks shop蔬菜店水果店green grocery (green grocer"s) 蔬菜店vegetables shop鞋帽店shoes and hats store百货公司department store百货商场general merchandise market服装店clothing store成衣店ready-made clothes shop呢绒绸布店wool, silk and cotton fabrics store 药店(美:杂货店)drug store (pharmacy)儿童用品商店children"s goods shop妇女用品商店women"s goods shop钟表店watch and clock ship文具店stationer"s (stationery shop)日用杂货店daily-use sundry goods shop炊事用具商店cooking utensils shop家用器具商店household utensils shop五金商店metal products shop家具店furniture shop眼镜店eyeglasses store玻璃礼品店glass gifts store爆竹鞭炮店fireworks shop电器商店electrical appliance shop油漆店paint shop化工油漆染料店chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop地产建材商店native building materials store照相馆(摄影室)photographic studio (photographer"s) 旧货店second-hand goods store (used goods store)寄卖商店commission shop综合修理店general repair shop (service) 工艺美术服务社arts and crafts shop花店flower shop古玩珠宝店antiques and jewelry shop 香烟店(摊)cigarette shop (stall)售报亭newspaper and magazine stand 茶馆tea house理发店barber"s shop (hairdresser"s)洗澡堂bath house旅店/旅馆inn/ hotel邮局post office商店发展到现在,已经具备多种形态,大小不一,货物自然也是不同,所以不同的商店有不同的名字,对应的英文说法也不同。

关于shop的英语单词单词:shop1. 定义与释义1.1词性:名词、动词1.2释义:作为名词时表示商店、店铺;作为动词时表示购物、买东西。
1.3英文解释:As a noun, it refers to a building or part of a building where goods are sold; as a verb, it means to buy things.1.4相关词汇:名词同义词:store;派生词:shopper(购物者)、shopkeeper(店主)。
---2. 起源与背景2.1词源:shop源自古英语“scoppa”,其原始意义与货摊或者小棚屋有关,在那里人们进行商品的交换和买卖。
---3. 常用搭配与短语3.1短语:(1) book shop:书店例句:I bought a very interesting novel at the book shop yesterday.翻译:我昨天在书店买了一本非常有趣的小说。
(2) coffee shop:咖啡店例句:Let's meet at the coffee shop around the corner.翻译:我们在街角的咖啡店见面吧。
(3) shop around:货比三家例句:If you want to buy a new TV, you should shop around to get the best price.翻译:如果你想买一台新电视,你应该货比三家以获得最优惠的价格。
(4) gift shop:礼品店例句:She found a beautiful necklace in the gift shop.翻译:她在礼品店里发现了一条漂亮的项链。

各种“店”的英文翻译书店 books store粮店 grain store食品点 food store煤店 coal store食品杂货(副食品)店 grocery酱园 sauce and pickles shop肉店 meat (butcher"s) shop酒店 wine shop水产店 aquatic products shop家禽店 fowl shop豆腐店 beancurd shop烤肉店 roast meat shop卤味店 sauced meat shop饮食店 food and drink shop小吃店 eating house (snack bar)饭店 restaurant冷饮店 cold drinks shop蔬菜店水果店 green grocery (green grocer"s)蔬菜店 vegetables shop鞋帽店 shoes and hats store百货公司 department store百货商场 general merchandise market服装店 clothing store成衣店 ready-made clothes shop呢绒绸布店 wool, silk and cotton fabrics store药店(美:杂货店) drug store (pharmacy)儿童用品商店 children"s goods shop妇女用品商店 women"s goods shop钟表店 watch and clock ship文具店 stationer"s (stationery shop)日用杂货店 daily-use sundry goods shop炊事用具商店 cooking utensils shop家用器具商店 household utensils shop五金商店 metal products shop家具店 furniture shop眼镜店 eyeglasses store玻璃礼品店 glass gifts store爆竹鞭炮店 fireworks shop电器商店 electrical appliance shop油漆店 paint shop化工油漆染料店 chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop地产建材商店 native building materials store照相馆(摄影室) photographic studio (photographer"s) 旧货店 second-hand goods store (used goods store)寄卖商店 commission shop综合修理店 general repair shop (service)工艺美术服务社 arts and crafts shop花店 flower shop古玩珠宝店 antiques and jewelry shop香烟店(摊) cigarette shop (stall)售报亭 newspaper and magazine stand茶馆 tea house理发店 barber"s shop (hairdresser"s)洗澡堂 bath house旅店/旅馆 inn/ hotel邮局 post office。



商店英语说法1:store商店英语说法2:shop商店的相关短语:折扣商店discount stores ; rebate store ; Discount house ; discounter寄卖商店 commission shop ; commission shop; secondhand shop礼品商店 Gift Shop ; Gift Store ; gift shop邮购商店 mail-order store ; order store ; mail-order house ; Catalog stores巧克力商店 The Great Chocolate Chase在线商店 Online store features ; Online Store ; active未来商店 Future store ; Future Shop ; Smart Helves ; Future Store Initiative流动商店mobile shop ; pop-up shops ; travelling shop ; a mobile shop商店的英语例句:1. Shops in Ho Chi Minh City are stacked with goods.胡志明市的商店里堆满了商品。
2. My boyfriend and I robbed a store and were caught red-handed.我和男朋友去抢劫一家商店,被当场逮到了。
3. They wandered off in the direction of the nearest store.他们信步朝最近的商店走去。

I bought a pint of milk in the store.这家商店因公平交易而获好名声。
This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.这个商店专门出售巧克力。
This shop specializes in chocolates.附近的时装店正在大拍卖。
The local dress shop is having a sale.这家商店概不赊欠。
No credit is given at this shop.我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包。
I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.武汉慕丹花店是一家专业的集实体店与网上店为一体的鲜花店。
Our flist is a professional entities set shop and online flower shop into a shop.我们的花店是一家专业的集实体店与网上店为一体的鲜花店。
Our florist is a professional entities set shop and onlineflower shop into a shop.从这里可以进入贺卡店和美发店,是个分支,我选的是贺卡店。
This area co ects to the gift card shop and the salon.他们经营着杂货店和农场的乳品店。
They ran the general store and the farm dairy.咖啡店的广播中播放着猫王的歌。
Elvis comes on the coffee shop PA system.我母亲经营着几家布料店。

以下是关于"sale"的一些用法和中英文对照例句:1. The store is having a big sale this weekend. 这家商店本周末有大型特卖活动。
2. The summer sale is the perfect time to buy new clothes. 夏季折扣是购买新衣服的最佳时机。
3. They are offering a 50% discount on all furniture during the sale. 特卖期间,所有家具都享受五折优惠。
4. The company achieved record sales last year. 公司去年实现了创纪录的销售额。
5. The sales team is responsible for meeting monthly targets. 销售团队负责达成每月的销售目标。
6. She works in sales and is responsible for building relationships with clients. 她在销售部门工作,负责与客户建立关系。
7. The sales representative gave a presentation to potential customers. 销售代表向潜在客户做了一次演示。
8. The online store offers free shipping on all sale items. 这家在线商店对所有特价商品提供免费送货服务。
9. The sales figures for the new product exceededexpectations. 这款新产品的销售额超出了预期。

各种商店名称汇总书店book store粮店grain store食品点food store煤店coal store食品杂货(副食品)店grocery酱园sauce and pickles shop肉店meat (butcher's) shop酒店wine shop水产店aquatic products shop家禽店fowl shop豆腐店beancurd shop烤肉店roast meat shop卤味店sauced meat shop饮食店food and drink shop小吃店eating house (snack bar)饭店restaurant冷饮店cold drinks shop蔬菜店水果店green grocery (green grocer's)蔬菜店vegetables shop鞋帽店shoes and hats store百货公司department store百货商场general merchandise market服装店clothing store成衣店ready-made clothes shop呢绒绸布店wool, silk and cotton fabrics store药店(美:杂货店)drug store (pharmacy)儿童用品商店children's goods shop妇女用品商店women's goods shop钟表店watch and clock ship文具店stationer's (stationery shop)日用杂货店daily-use sundry goods shop炊事用具商店cooking utensils shop家用器具商店household utensils shop五金商店metal products shop家具店furniture shop眼镜店eyeglasses store玻璃礼品店glass gifts store爆竹鞭炮店fireworks shop电器商店electrical appliance shop油漆店paint shop化工油漆染料店chemicals, paint and dyestuffs shop地产建材商店native building materials store照相馆(摄影室)photographic studio (photographer's) 旧货店second-hand goods store (used goods store)寄卖商店commission shop综合修理店general repair shop (service)工艺美术服务社arts and crafts shop花店flower shop古玩珠宝店antiques and jewelry shop香烟店(摊)cigarette shop (stall)售报亭newspaper and magazine stand茶馆tea house理发店barber's shop (hairdresser's)洗澡堂bath house旅店/旅馆inn/ hotel邮局post office用餐词汇feeding 供养to feed 供养to nourish 养育to maintain 赡养nutrition 营养to eat 吃to drink 喝to chew 嚼to swallow 吞咽to nibble, to peck 细嚼appetite 胃口hunger 饥饿thirst 口渴to be hungry 饿to be thirsty 渴gluttony 暴食greed 贪嘴overfeeding 吃得过多fasting 禁食diet 通常所吃的食物banquet 宴会中国小吃(2)来源:/hangye/201110/158050.shtml 面类馄饨面Wonton & noodles刀削面Sliced noodles麻辣面Spicy hot noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles鴨肉面Duck with noodles鱔魚面Eel noodles乌龙面Seafood noodles榨菜肉丝面Pork, pickled mustard green noodles牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles 板条Flat noodles米粉Rice noodles炒米粉Fried rice noodles冬粉Green bean noodle饭类稀饭Rice porridge白饭Plain white rice油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭Glutinous rice卤肉饭Braised pork rice蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg地瓜粥Sweet potato congee 中式早點烧饼Clay oven rolls油条Fried bread stick韭菜盒Fried leek dumplings 水饺Boiled dumplings蒸饺Steamed dumplings馒头Steamed buns割包Steamed sandwich饭团Rice and vegetable roll蛋饼Egg cakes皮蛋100-year egg咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg豆浆Soybean milk中国小吃(1)来源:/hangye/201110/157861.shtml 碗糕Salty rice pudding筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding红豆糕Red bean cake绿豆糕Bean paste cake糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes萝卜糕Fried white radish patty芋头糕Taro cake肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs水晶饺Pyramid dumplings肉丸Rice-meat dumplings豆干Dried tofu其他当归鸭Angelica duck槟榔Betel nut火锅Hot pot果汁甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice酸梅汁Plum juice杨桃汁Star fruit juice青草茶Herb juice点心牡蛎煎Oyster omelet臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)油豆腐Oily bean curd麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd虾片Prawn cracker虾球Shrimp balls春卷Spring rolls蛋卷Chicken rolls甜点爱玉Vegetarian gelatin糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks长寿桃Longevity Peaches芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers双胞胎Horse hooves冰类绵绵冰Mein mein ice麦角冰Oatmeal ice地瓜冰Sweet potato ice紅豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice八宝冰Eight treasures ice豆花Tofu pudding汤类鱼丸汤Fish ball soup貢丸汤Meat ball soup蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup蛤蜊汤Clams soup牡蛎汤Oyster soup紫菜汤Seaweed soup酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup馄饨汤Wonton soup猪肠汤Pork intestine soup肉羹汤Pork thick soup鱿鱼汤Squid soup花枝羹Squid thick soup你不可不知的英文中和"厕所"相关的词一个外宾想上厕所,便对翻译说:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?”(我可以方便一下吗?)而翻译却把somewhere误解为“某处”,因而回答道“Yes, you can go anywhere in China.”(行,中国你哪儿都可以去。
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Department Store 百货商店
Confectioner’s Shop, Candy Shop 糖果店Grocery 食品杂货店
Supermarket 超级市场
Shopping Center 购物中心
Book Store 书店
Grain Store 粮店
Food Store 食品店
Food and Drink Shop 饮食店
Eating House 小吃店
Snack Bar 快餐店
Cold Drink Shop 冷饮店
Sauced Meat Shop 卤味店
Cured Meat Shop 腊味店
Roast Meat Shop 烤肉店
Beancurd Shop 豆腐店
Aquatic Products Shop 水产店
Meat Shop, Butcher’s Shop 肉店
Vegetables Shop 蔬菜店
Green Grocery 蔬菜水果店
Fowl Shop 家禽店
Coal Shop 煤店
Clothing Store 服装店
Ready-made Clothes Shop 成衣店
Drug Store, Pharmacy 药店
Watch and Clock Shop 钟表店
Children’s (Women’s) Shop 儿童(妇女)商店Stationer’s Shop 文具店
Daily-use Sundry Goods shop 日用杂货店Cooking Utensils Store 炊具店
Furniture Shop 家具店
Eyeglasses Store 眼镜店
Gift Store 礼品店
Friendship Store 友谊商店
Electric Appliance Shop 电器商店
Flower Shop 花店
Antiques Shop 古玩店
Jewelry Shop 珠宝店
Second-hand Goods Store 旧货店
Paint Shop 油漆店
Hardware Store 五金店
shopping mall 大型购物中心
bottled shop 卖酒的小商店(澳洲这样用)boutique 精品店(专卖流行服饰)
franchise house 专卖店
convenience store 便利店(24小时营业) chain store 连锁店
varity store:杂货店
discount store:折扣店
general-merchandise store:杂货、日用品店
eating and drinking establishment: 餐饮店
men's clothing store:男装店
women's apparel and accessories store:女装和饰品店boutique:时装礼品店
housewares store:家庭用品店(尤指厨房用品和小电器)furniture and home-furnishings store:家具店。