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16 Jim is ___ at all his lessons. And I'm sure he'll do very ___ in the exams.

A. well, good

B. good, well

C. well, well

D. good, good

[答案] B.

[析] good为形容词,如:He is good. 他是个好人。而well作

为身体状况的好坏讲时是形容词,如:He is well为他身体不错,而

作为其他意思时为副词,如:He speaks English well.

17 You look ___ than before, why?

A. more thin

B. more thinner

C. much more thin

D. much thinner

[答案] D.

[析] 多音节形容词才用more或most加形容词来表示其比较级或级,而thin的比较级为thinner。

18 Let's go out for supper now. I'm very ___ .

A. hungry

B. angry

C. tired

D. thirsty

[答案] A.

[析] hungry-饿,angry-生气,tired-紧,疲劳,thirsty-口渴。要注意名词的词义。

19 - Can you understand me?

- Sorry, I can ___ understand you.

A. hardly

B. almost

C. even

D. ever

[答案] A.中华考试网

[析] hardly为一否定词,用在句中时应被看作是否定句。在答语中Sorry决定了其意为"听不明白",所以只能选 hardly。

20 "___ do you write to your penfriend?"

"About twice a month."

A. How often

B. How soon

C. How much

D. How long

[答案] A.

[析] how often用来提问某一动作经多久就要发生一次,也就是提问发生的频率。how soon是问从现在起还有多久。
