
人们对网络游戏的看法英语作文English: People have varied opinions on online games. Some view them as a convenient form of relaxation and entertainment, allowing them to escape the stress of daily life and connect with friends virtually. Others, however, see online games as a waste of time and a negative influence on young people, citing concerns about addiction, violence, and antisocial behavior. Despite the differing perspectives, it is important to recognize that moderation is key when it comes to playing online games, and that individuals should be mindful of their time spent gaming to ensure a healthy balance with other aspects of their lives.中文翻译: 人们对网络游戏有不同的看法。
游戏2D技术 毕业论文外文文献翻译

毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):计算机科学与技术学院专业:网络工程姓名:学号:外文出处: AI for game developers附件: 1.外文原文;2.外文译文。
English text:Game 2 D technologyTo realize the quality of the games said animation, many people will be immediately thought DirectX, yes DirectDraw are very strong, but not have to use DirectDraw to just go. Behind the animation theory and techniques are all the same, this and end use what API not much (if the API is not too ~ ~ slow words). Is the author of the realization of the NewImage Lib testing results, internal all the pixel data storage and computation are pure software to realize, the last step output to screen use GDI performance than DirectDraw low less than 10%, in Window9X system to low 20% left and right sides, this for many software is absolutely acceptable.The application now interface more does more luxuriant, in addition to support the SKIN, a lot of people want to join in a program in some such as Sprite animation this originally used in game technology, for this reason introducing DirectX API, apparently was not worth (besides DX version to upgrade frequent, with DirectGraphic DX8 already replaced DirectDraw). In this paper the author use standard to realize commercial game GDI functions as an example, take you into the high quality 2 D animation programming domain, and ensure the equipment independence.In we have a proper time to execute the update operation, now let us try animation it. The following code will no longer provide Win32 version.In order to narrative is convenient, I need a play the animation window, it must be a derived class of CWnd, assuming this class is called CMyView, we will draw animation in the window. First we for the class add a member function "void CMyView: : RenderView ()", you can use the above mentioned method calls this function.Are now ready to work very well, our animation how to store? Don't mention animation GIF89a format (if you think only have animation GIF words, I adviseyou to do art good, don't do programs), if you just want a simple animation playback of course, but if you want to do complex point, interactive animation, I advise you still don't use that things. Assume we have a 4 frame of animation, how to store it? First thing I thought of was save four BMP file, and then read to a CBitmap object the array, but respected master Scott Meyers warned us not to use polymorphism arrays, because the compiler in some cases can't accurately calculate the size of the array object, so subscript operators will have dire effects. Then I thought of use CBitmap pointer arrays, this to is nice, but management up a little trouble. Now look at my final solution itThen use it to create a CImageList object, let us create a careful look at the method, and useBOOL CImageList: : Create (int cx, int cy, UINT nFlags, int nInitial, int nGrow); Function, the front two parameters used to specify the size of the animation to us. This created an empty ImageList, the advantage of this is extensible line is stronger. Next, we need to put the frames the document Load to a CBitmap object, you can be put into JPG or GIF files to save capacity (If you truly achieve the above code words, you will find that screen flash, very uncomfortable. Many people will blame the GDI head, and they will be called MS, said GDI is too slow. In fact not also any write directly the operation of the screen will have flash, under the video memory write directly in DOS or use DirectDraw API to write directly Primary Surface will shine, because you each update the operation of the show will be users soon see (because the reason and vertical back, may have delay).Eliminate flash the simplest and most classical approach is Double buffer (Double buffer). The so-called double buffer in fact, the truth is very simple, that is to say we in other places (simple said is not aimed at the screen, and don't show place) to open up a storage space, we put all the animation will render to this place, not the direct rendering to screen (on the screen of the storage area). In the GDI, directly to the screen is window DC, "not visible place" general canuse Memory DC. In the animation rendering all go to the backstage buffer, then a whole is copied to the buffer screen next time!In pure software 2 D graphics engine, the double buffer generally means that in memory open up a region used to store pixel data. And in the Back Surface DirectDraw can create, in all the animation rendering to Back Suface after on, and then use the Flip operation is visible, Flip operation because of just set the address of the visible Surface, so very fast中文译文:游戏2D技术说到实现游戏品质的动画,很多人会立刻想到DirectX,没错DirectDraw很强大,但是并不是必须用DirectDraw才行。

网络游戏英文调研报告Online Game Survey ReportIntroduction:This report presents the findings of a survey conducted to gather information about online gaming preferences. The purpose of this survey was to understand the habits, preferences, and opinions of online gamers. The survey was conducted online, and a total of 500 participants from different demographics and geographical locations participated in the study.Demographics:The survey participants consisted of both males and females in different age groups. The majority of participants were aged between 18 and 35, with the highest representation from the 25-30 age group. The participants were from various regions, including Asia, Europe, North America, and South America.Platform Preference:When asked about their preferred gaming platform, 60% of the participants preferred PC gaming, while 30% preferred mobile gaming. Only 10% of the participants preferred gaming consoles. This preference for PC gaming can be attributed to the availability of a wide range of games, better graphics and performance, and the ease of customizing gaming setups.Preferred Game Genre:The survey also sought to determine the most popular game genres among online gamers. Action games emerged as the top favorite among the participants, with 40% of them expressing a preferencefor this genre. Role-playing games (RPGs) were the second most popular, with 30% of the participants choosing this genre. Other popular genres included strategy games (15%), sports games (10%), and puzzle games (5%).Time Spent Gaming:The survey aimed to understand the average time spent by participants on online gaming activities. The majority of participants (45%) reported spending 1-2 hours per day playing games. About 30% of the participants spent 2-3 hours, 15% spent 3-4 hours, and the remaining 10% spent more than 4 hours per day gaming. This data highlights the growing popularity of online gaming as a means of entertainment among the surveyed population.In-Game Spending:The survey also sought to understand the participants' spending habits when it came to online games. Approximately 60% of the participants reported spending money on in-game purchases, including cosmetics, upgrades, and additional content. The remaining 40% of participants preferred not to spend any money on in-game purchases.Gaming Communities:The survey aimed to explore the importance of gaming communities among online gamers. The results showed that 80% of the participants considered gaming communities vital for their gaming experience. They appreciated the opportunity to connect with other gamers, exchange tips and strategies, and participate in multiplayer sessions. The remaining 20% of participants did notconsider gaming communities to be essential.Conclusion:The survey results provide valuable insights into the preferences and habits of online gamers. PC gaming was found to be the preferred platform, with action and RPG games being the most popular genres. The majority of participants spent 1-2 hours per day gaming and were willing to spend money on in-game purchases. Gaming communities were considered essential by a significant portion of the participants.Understanding these trends and preferences among online gamers is crucial for game developers, market researchers, and anyone involved in the online gaming industry. It helps them create games that cater to the preferences of the target audience, enhance user experience, and generate revenue.。
毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译班 级: 学号: 姓名:学专 指导教师:The Java 2 user interfaceGraphical and user interface capabilities have progressed in leaps and bounds since the early days of the Java language. The Java 2 platform contains a sophisticated cross-platform user interface architecture that consists of numerous high-level components, an advanced feature-rich device-independent graphics system, and a host of multimedia extensions. In this article, we'll explore this progression, examine the capabilities of the current version in detail, and finish by looking to the future to see what release will offer.Prior to the release of the Java 2 platform, the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) was the extent of the Java platform's graphical capabilities. Various technologies, such as Swing, were introduced as optional extensions. With the Java 2 platform, most of these extensions have found their way into the core as part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC). JFC refers to the entire set of graphical and user interface technologies included in the Java 2 platform, including AWT and Swing. In this article, we'll explore each of the major components of the JFC and then discuss some of the optional extensions.The heart of the JFC: SwingSwing, a GUI toolkit with a rich set of components, forms the heart of the JFC's user interface capabilities. It is both a replacement for the components the AWT provides and also a big step forward.When integration was the priorityIn the first releases of the JDK, integration with the native platform was considered a priority and so the AWT provided components that were implemented using the native components of each platform (in the Java programming vernacular, these are now known as heavyweight components). For example, on UNIX platforms the class was implemented with a Motif PushButton widget.The same Java application had a different appearance on each platform, but the intention was that the different implementations were functionally equivalent. Of course, this is where the problems start. For simple interfaces, the equivalence is true, but the model breaks down as complexity increases simply because the componentsare different, and they will always behave slightly differently in some situations no matter how many bugs are fixed and how many times parts of the AWT are rewritten.The other problem that cropped up by placing a priority on integration was functionality. The AWT provided only a limited set of components because of the "lowest common denominator" approach -- a particular component or function can only be provided if it is available on every platform. A classic example is mouse buttons. Back in JDK , there was no way to distinguish between mouse button presses because the Macintosh had only one mouse button, and so every other platform had to behave as if it too supported only one mouse button.As the language became more of a platform in its own right, the approach to GUIs moved toward identical appearance and behavior across all platforms. To achieve this goal, the native components have to be abandoned as much as possible. But, clearly, some native code is still required. You can't make a window appear on UNIX without X System Window calls being involved.Enter Swing, which achieved this goal by making use of a subset of the AWT, including the basic drawing operations and the certain classes in the package: Container, Window, Panel, Dialog, and Frame.Best of all possible approachesSwing does not completely follow the "Java language as a platform" route. Instead, it combines the best of both approaches by offering a bridge back to the native platforms.The mechanism for establishing this bridge is referred to as PluggableLook-and-Feels (which is pretty close to the concept of themes, popular in the Linux community). Each Swing component has a model of its functionality and a separate appearance (the look-and-feel), which can be set in advance or changed on the fly.Swing provides a Java look-and-feel (previously known as Metal), separate ones for the Windows and Motif platforms, and one for the Macintosh platform (as an extra option). The platform look-and-feels don't use the native components of the platform like the AWT does. Instead, they use lightweight components that are drawn to have the same appearance as the native components. This is good for functionality, butthere are always some differences in look or behavior, so complex interfaces will never be identical to ones that use native components.Furthermore, you can roll your own look-and-feel, which is a great ability to have when crafting one for highly specialized applications or when providing a corporate look-and-feel across a range of applications.Platform-independent drag and dropJDK added a general mechanism, found in the package, that enabled the transferring of data between and within applications, as well as the ability to manipulate the system clipboard.The package was introduced in the Java 2 version. This package builds on the data-transfer mechanism by providing drag-and-drop facilities that can operate in a platform-independent manner within a single Java application or between two Java applications. It can also behave in a platform-dependent manner in order to integrate with the drag-and-drop facilities of the native platform.The Drag and Drop (DND) API is quite challenging to use because it operates at a high level of abstraction to support the different ways in which it can work and because it is designed to operate on arbitrary datatypes, as specified by the interface. Let's take a look at an example.Enabling the disabled: AccessibilityThe JFC Accessibility API equips Java applications so they can be accessed by users of all abilities, including people with sight-, hearing-, or dexterity-related difficulties. These might include the inability to discern visible or auditory cues or to operate a pointing device.Two of the most important features of accessibility support are screen readers and magnifiers. Screen readers allow users to interact with a GUI by creating anoff-screen representation of the interface and passing this to a speech synthesizer or a Braille terminal. Screen magnifiers provide an enlarged window of the screen, typically from 2 to 16 times the normal size. They generally keep track of pointer movements and changes in input focus and adjust the enlarged view accordingly. In addition, techniques such as font smoothing may be used to create a clearer picture. The Java Accessibility BridgeSome host systems, such as Microsoft Windows, provide their own accessibility features. By default, Java applications do not fully support them. For example, with native applications the screen magnifier detects when the input focus is switched to a different user interface component, such as by using the Tab key, and it adjusts the portion of the screen that is being magnified to show the component that now has the input focus.However, Swing applications use lightweight components, which are treated as images by the operating system, instead of discrete components. This means the screen magnifier cannot track changes in input focus in the same way as with native applications.This is exactly the problem the Java Accessibility Bridge for Windows solves. It creates a map between events relating to lightweight components and native system events. By using the Bridge, Java applications that support the Accessibility API are then fully integrated with the Windows accessibility support.From primitive to advanced: Java 2DBefore the Java 2 platform, graphical capabilities in the language were rather primitive, limited to solid lines of single-pixel thickness; a few geometric shapes such as ovals, arcs, and polygons; and basic image-drawing functionality. All that changed with the introduction of the Java 2D API, which contains a substantial feature set.The core of this API is provided by the class, which is a subclass of . The remainder of the API is provided by other packages within the hierarchy, including , , and .The classThis class is a subclass of , the class that provided graphical capabilities prior to the Java 2 release. The reason for this arrangement: backwards compatibility. Components are still rendered by calling their paint() method, which takes a Graphics object.In the current version of the language, though, the object is really a Graphics2D object. This means that a paint() method can either use the Graphics object as a Graphics object (using the old drawing methods) or cast it to a Graphics2D object. Ifit uses the second option, then any of the additional capabilities of the 2D API can be used.The packageThe package provides a number of classes relating to two-dimensional geometry, such as Arc2D, Line2D, Rectangle2D, Ellipse2D, and CubicCurve2D. Each of these is an abstract class, complete with two non-abstract inner classes called Double and Float (which are subclasses of the abstract outer class).These classes allow the various geometric shapes to be constructed with coordinates of either double or float precision. For example, (x,y,w,h) will construct an ellipse bounded by a rectangle of width w and height h, at position (x,y), in which x, y, w, and h are all floating-point values.Also in this package is the AffineTransform class, which forms a core element of the 2D API. An affine transformation is one in which parallel lines remain parallel after the transformation. Examples of this type of transformation include such actions as translation, rotation, scaling, shearing, or any combination of these. Each transformation can be represented by a 3x3 matrix that specifies the mapping between source and destination points for the transformation.Instances of the AffineTransform class can be created directly from a matrix of floating-point values, although they are more usually created by specifying one or more translation, rotation, scaling, or shearing operations. Mostly double-precision values are used, and angles are measured in radians (not degrees as used by the Arc2D class).Text renderingThe text capabilities of the Java 2D API are impressive. They include:Anti-aliasing and hinting for improved output qualityThe ability to use all the system-installed fontsThe ability to apply the same operations (rotation, scaling, painting, clipping, and so on) to text as to graphic objectsSupport for adding embedded attributes to strings (such as font, size, weight, and even images)Support for bi-directional text (to enable right-to-left character runs like you would encounter in Arabic and Hebrew)Primary and secondary cursors that can navigate through text containing both right-to-left and left-to-right character runsAdvanced font-measurement capabilities, surpassing those of the old classLayout capabilities to word-wrap and justify multi-line textMultimedia options: Java Media APIsThe Java Media APIs are a set of resources covering an extensive range of multimedia technologies. Some of them, such as the 2D and sound APIs, are part of the core J2SE platform; the rest are currently optional extensions, but some of them will no doubt find their way into the core in the future. The other APIs in this area are Java 3D, Advanced Imaging, Image I/O, the Java Media Framework (JMF), and Speech.Java 3DThe Java 3D API provides a set of object-oriented interfaces that support a simple, high-level programming model, enabling developers to build, render, and control the behavior of 3D objects and visual environments.The API includes a detailed specification document and implementation for packages and .Advanced ImagingOperations covered by this specification enhance a user's ability to manipulate images. It includes such operations as contrast enhancement, cropping, scaling, geometric warping, and frequency domain processing.This type of functionality is applicable to various fields, such as astronomy, medical imaging, scientific visualization, meteorology, and photography.Image I/OThis API defines a pluggable framework for reading and writing images of various formats. This new API is being designed through the Java Community Process.Java Media Framework (JMF)The JMF is an API for incorporating audio, video, and other time-based media into Java applications and applets. This optional package extends the multimedia capabilities of the J2SE platform.SpeechThe Java Speech API allows developers to incorporate speech technology into user interfaces for Java applets and applications. The API specifies a cross-platform interface to support command-and-control recognizers, dictation systems, and speech synthesizers.This blanket API is divided into several specifications:Java Speech API Specification (JSAPI)Java Speech API Programmer's GuideJava Speech API Grammar Format Specification (JSGF)Java Speech API Markup Language Specification (JSML)There is no Sun reference implementation for this API, but there are numerous third-party implementations, including Speech for Java (available from IBM alphaWorks), which uses ViaVoice to support voice-command recognition, dictation, and text-to-speech synthesis.Java 2 用户界面自从Java语言出现的早期到现在,图形和用户界面功能已取得了飞跃式的发展。

计算机游戏英⽂⽂献,游戏程序设计外⽂⽂献.pdf Teaching Serious Game App DesignThrough Client-based ProjectsChristopher TottenGeorge Mason University4400 University DriveArt and Design Building, MSN: 1C3 Rm 2023Fairfax, VA 22030202-270-5660ctotten@ABSTRACTThis paper explores mobile game development courses conducted during the 2012/2013academic year at George Mason University. In the courses, students had to design mobilegames for clients. Each design group of five students was responsible for developing agame that would address the clients’ goals. Throughout each course students developedmobile game prototypes and, eventually, an alpha build of the proposed mobile game ona phone or tablet.This paper explores the effectiveness of studio courses in embodying the game designprocess over individual tool-based courses. It examines the effectiveness of an immersiveclient-based design project at demonstrating development issues to students. Lastly, itexplores how such courses can fit into a Game Design curriculum while still addressingspecific Serious Game issues. Through the exploration proposed, educators can considerwhether the challenges, surprises, and management issues inherent in client-basedprojects are worth wider adoption.KeywordsSerious Games, game design pedagogy, mobile games, mobile apps, client-basedprojects, curriculum developmentINTRODUCTIONAs a field of design in which a student may earn an undergraduate or graduate degree,Game Design is showing itself to be one of the more complex to study. The InternationalGame Developers Association’s 2008 Curriculum Framework for Game Design pr。

毕业设计说明书英文文献及中文翻译学生姓名:学号:学院:专业:指导教师:Java and the InternetIf Java is, in fact, yet another computer programming language, you may question why it is so important and why it is being promoted as a revolutionary step in computer programming. The answer isn’t immediately obvious if you’re coming from a traditional programming perspective. Although Java is very useful for solving traditional standalone programming problems, it is also important because it will solve programming problems on the World Wide Web.What is the Web?The Web can seem a bit of a mystery at first, with all this talk of “surfing,” “presence,” and “home pages.” It’s helpful to step back and see what it really is, but to do this you must understand client/server systems, another aspect of computing that’s full of confusing issues.Client/Server computingThe primary idea of a client/server system is that you have a central repository of information—some kind of data, often in a database—that you want to distribute on demand to some set of people or machines. A key to the client/server concept is that the repository of information is centrally located so that it can be changed and so that those changes will propagate out to the information consumers. Taken together, the information repository, the software that distributes the information, and the machine(s) where the information and software reside is called the server. The software that resides on the remote machine, communicates with the server, fetches the information, processes it, and then displays it on the remote machine is called the client.The simple idea of distributing information has so many layers of complexity that the whole problem can seem hopelessly enigmatic. And y et it’s crucial:Client/server computing accounts for roughly half of all programming activities. It’s responsible for everything from taking orders and credit-card transactions to the distribution of any kind of data—stock market, scientific, government, you name it. What we’ve come up with in the past is individual solutions to individual problems,inventing a new solution each time. These were hard to create and hard to use, and the user had to learn a new interface for each one. The entire client/server problem needs to be solved in a big way.The Web as a giant serverThe Web is actually one giant client/server system. It’s a bit worse than that, since you have all the servers and clients coexisting on a single network at once. You don’t need to know that, because all you care about is connecting to and interacting with one server at a time (even though you might be hopping around the world in your search for the correct server).The Web browser was a big step forward: the concept that one piece of information could be displayed on any type of computer without change. However, browsers were still rather primitive and rapidly bogged down by the demands placed on them. They weren’t particularly interactive, and tended to clog up both the server and the Internet because any time you needed to do something that required programming you had to send information back to the server to be processed. It could take many seconds or minutes to find out you had misspelled something in your request. Since the browser was just a viewer it couldn’t perform even the simplest computing tasks. (On the other hand, it was safe, because it couldn’t execute any programs on your local machine that might contain bugs or viruses.)To solve this problem, different approaches have been taken. To begin with, graphics standards have been enhanced to allow better animation and video within browsers. The remainder of the problem can be solved only by incorporating the ability to run programs on the client end, under the browser. This is called client-side programming.Client-side programmingMany powerful Web sites today are built strictly on CGI, and you can in fact do nearly anything with CGI. However, Web sites built on CGI programs can rapidly become overly complicated to maintain, and there is also the problem of response time. The response of a CGI program depends on how much data must be sent, as well as the load on both the server and the Internet. (On top of this, starting a CGIprogram tends to be slow.) The initial designers of the Web did not foresee how rapidly this bandwidth would be exhausted for the kinds of applications people developed. For example, any sort of dynamic graphing is nearly impossible to perform with consistency because a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) file must be created and moved from the server to the client for each version of the graph. And you’ve no doubt had direct experience with something as simple as validating the data on an input form. You press the submit button on a page; the data is shipped back to the server; the server starts a CGI program that discovers an error, formats an HTML page informing you of the error, and then sends the page back to you; you must then back up a page and try again. Not only is this slow, it’s inelegant.The solution is client-side programming. Most machines that run Web browsers are powerful engines capable of doing vast work, and with the original static HTML approach they are sitting there, just idly waiting for the server to dish up the next page. Client-side programming means that the Web browser is harnessed to do whatever work it can, and the result for the user is a much speedier and more interactive experience at your Web site.The problem with discussions of client-side programming is that they aren’t v ery different from discussions of programming in general. The parameters are almost the same, but the platform is different; a Web browser is like a limited operating system. In the end, you must still program, and this accounts for the dizzying array of problems and solutions produced by client-side programming. The rest of this section provides an overview of the issues and approaches in client-side programming.Plug-insOne of the most significant steps forward in client-side programming is the development of the plug-in. This is a way for a programmer to add new functionality to the browser by downloading a piece of code that plugs itself into the appropriate spot in the browser. It tells the browser “from now on you can perform this new activity.” (You need to download the plug-in only once.) Some fast and powerful behavior is added to browsers via plug-ins, but writing a plug-in is not a trivial task, and isn’t something you’d want to do as part of the process of building a particularsite. The value of the plug-in for client-side programming is that it allows an expert programmer to develop a new language and add that language to a browser without the permission of the browser manufacturer. Thus, plug-ins provide a “back door” that allows the creation of new client-side programming languages (although not all languages are implemented as plug-ins).JavaIf a scripting language can solve 80 percent of the client-side programming problems, what about the other 20 percent—the “really hard stuff?” Java is a popular solution for this. Not only is it a powerful programming language built to be secure, cross-platform, and international, but Java is being continually extended to provide language features and libraries that elegantly handle problems that are difficult in traditional programming languages, such as multithreading, database access, network programming, and distributed computing. Java allows client-side programming via the applet and with Java Web Start.An applet is a mini-program that will run only under a Web browser. The applet is downloaded automatically as part of a Web page (just as, for example, a graphic is automatically downloaded). When the applet is activated, it executes a program. This is part of its beauty—it provides you with a way to automatically distribute the client software from the server at the time the user needs the client software, and no sooner. The user gets the latest version of the client software without fail and without difficult reinstallation. Because of the way Java is designed, the programmer needs to create only a single program, and that program automatically works with all computers that have browsers with built-in Java interpreters. (This safely includes the vast majority of machines.) Since Java is a full-fledged programming language, you can do as much work as possible on the client before and after making requests of the server. For example, you won’t need to send a request form across the Internet to discover that you’ve gotten a date or some other parameter w rong, and your client computer can quickly do the work of plotting data instead of waiting for the server to make a plot and ship a graphic image back to you. Not only do you get the immediate win ofspeed and responsiveness, but the general network traffic and load on servers can be reduced, preventing the entire Internet from slowing down.In addition, Java Web Start is a relatively new way to easily distribute standalone programs that don’t need a web browser in which to run. This technology has the potential of solving many client side problems associated with running programs inside a browser. Web Start programs can either be signed, or they can ask the client for permission every time they are doing something potentially dangerous on the local system. Chapter 14 has a simple example and explanation of Java Web Start.The security problem brings us to one of the divisions that seems to be automatically forming in the world of client-side programming. If your program is running on the Internet, you don’t know what platform it will be working under, and you want to be extra careful that you don’t disseminate buggy code. You need something cross-platform and secure, like a scripting language or Java.If you’re running on an intranet, you might have a different set of constraints. It’s not uncommon that your machines could all be Intel/Windows platforms. On an intranet, you’re responsible for the quality of your own code and can repair bugs when they’re discovered. In addition, you might already have a bod y of legacy code that you’ve been using in a more traditional client/server approach, whereby you must physically install client programs every time you do an upgrade. The time wasted in installing upgrades is the most compelling reason to move to browsers, because upgrades are invisible and automatic (Java Web Start is also a solution to this problem). If you are involved in such an intranet, the most sensible approach to take is the shortest path that allows you to use your existing code base, rather than trying to recode your programs in a new language.When faced with this bewildering array of solutions to the client-side programming problem, the best plan of attack is a cost-benefit analysis. Consider the constraints of your problem and what would be the shortest path to your solution. Since client-side programming is still programming, it’s always a good idea to take the fastest development approach for your particular situation. This is an aggressivestance to prepare for inevitable encounters with the problems of program development.Java和因特网既然Java不过另一种类型的程序设计语言,大家可能会奇怪它为什么值得如此重视,为什么还有这么多的人认为它是计算机程序设计的一个里程碑呢?如果您来自一个传统的程序设计背景,那么答案在刚开始的时候并不是很明显。

网络游戏研究报告作文英文回答:Network Gaming Research Report: Challenges, Impacts, and Future Prospects.Network gaming, also known as online gaming or multiplayer gaming, has emerged as a significant phenomenon in the contemporary digital landscape. Characterized byreal-time interaction among multiple players over the internet, it has captivated audiences worldwide and become an integral part of the gaming industry. However, this rise in popularity has not come without its challenges.Challenges.Latency and Network Issues: One of the primary challenges faced by network games is latency, which refers to delays or lags in communication between players and the game server. These issues can disrupt gameplay and affectplayer experience. Unstable network connections can also lead to disconnections, further hindering gameplay.Security and Privacy Concerns: Network games often require players to share personal information, making them vulnerable to cyber threats such as data breaches, identity theft, and malicious software. Additionally, game companies may collect user data for analytical or marketing purposes, raising concerns about privacy侵犯.Addiction and Gaming Disorders: Excessive network gaming can pose risks to players' mental and physical health. Prolonged play can lead to addiction, sleep deprivation, and social isolation. Some players may develop gaming disorders, characterized by obsessive-compulsive behaviors and an inability to control their gaming habits.Impacts.Despite these challenges, network games have also had a profound impact on society:Socialization and Communication: Network games enable players to interact and collaborate with others from all over the world. They foster communities and provide opportunities for social connection, making themparticularly valuable during periods of isolation orlimited physical contact.Educational and Cognitive Benefits: Some network games incorporate educational elements, such as historical simulations or problem-solving puzzles. Studies have shown that certain types of games can improve cognitive skills, such as spatial reasoning, decision-making, and multitasking.Entertainment and Leisure: Network games offer a highly engaging form of entertainment, immersing players invirtual worlds and providing hours of diversion. They have become a popular pastime for individuals seeking relaxation, excitement, or a sense of community.Future Prospects.The future of network gaming holds several promising developments and advancements:Cloud Gaming: Cloud gaming allows users to stream games directly from remote servers, eliminating the need for powerful hardware or extensive downloads. This technology has the potential to make network gaming more accessible and address latency issues.Virtual and Augmented Reality: The integration of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) into network games is expected to enhance immersion and create more interactive and immersive experiences for players.Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: AI and machine learning can be utilized to optimize matchmaking, offer personalized recommendations, and improve game design through data analysis and predictive modeling.Social and Ethical Considerations: As network gaming continues to evolve, it is crucial to address social and ethical concerns related to addiction, data privacy, andthe impact of gaming on mental health. Regulators and game companies should work together to implement responsible gaming practices and ensure the well-being of players.中文回答:网络游戏研究报告,挑战、影响和未来展望。

三、生态翻译视角下手机游戏文本翻译的特点1. 多元文化交融:手机游戏作为跨文化产品,游戏文本翻译需要兼顾不同文化背景下的语义和语用差异,以及对于当地文化、历史、习俗等的理解。
2. 创新和释义:手机游戏的文本中常常出现新奇的词汇、特殊的术语和虚构的造词,翻译时需要准确传达创新和释义的意义,保留原著的独特韵味。
3. 可玩性和游戏性:手机游戏的文本不仅承载着游戏规则和必要的说明,还需要呈现出一种吸引人的语言风格,提升游戏的可玩性和游戏性。
1. 游戏角色名翻译:在游戏中,不同的角色拥有不同的名字,这些名字通常代表着角色的特点和个性。

网络游戏作文英文英文回答:In the realm of online gaming, players from diverse backgrounds and cultures converge to embark on virtual adventures and engage in thrilling competitive matches. This phenomenon has become an integral part of our digital landscape, offering unparalleled opportunities for social interaction, entertainment, and personal growth.The advent of massively multiplayer online games (MMORPGs) has revolutionized the online gaming experience. With vast virtual worlds to explore, players can interact with thousands of fellow adventurers, forming guilds, engaging in epic quests, and battling formidable foes. This immersive environment fosters a sense of community and camaraderie, providing players with a unique platform to connect and collaborate with others from around the globe.Another captivating aspect of online gaming is itscompetitive nature. Multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs), first-person shooters (FPS), and strategy gamespit players against each other in intense, high-stakes matches. These games demand quick reflexes, strategic thinking, and exceptional teamwork, offering a thrillingand adrenaline-pumping experience. Esports, the competitive side of online gaming, has gained immense popularity, with professional players competing in tournaments forsubstantial prize pools.Beyond entertainment and competition, online gaming can also be a powerful educational tool. Games likeCivilization and SimCity encourage players to learn about history, geography, and economics through engaging simulations. Educational games can enhance cognitive skills, problem-solving abilities, and creativity.However, it is important to approach online gaming responsibly. Excessive screen time, lack of physical activity, and social isolation can be potential concerns. Setting limits, engaging in other activities, and maintaining a healthy social life are crucial to enjoy thebenefits of online gaming while mitigating its potential risks.中文回答:网络游戏。

J2ME mobile games programmingJ2ME and Wireless DevicesWith the dramatic increase and sophistication of mobile communications devices such as cell phones came demand for applications that can run on those devices. Consumers and corporations want to expand mobile communications devices from voice communications to applications traditionally found on laptops and PCs. They want to send and receive email, store and retrieve personal information, perform sophisticated calculations, and play games.Developers, mobile communications device manufacturers, and mobile network providers are anxious to fill this need, but there is a serious hurdle: mobile communications devices utilize a number of different application platforms and operating systems.Without tweaking the code, an application written for one device cannot run on another device. Mobile communications devices lack a standard application platform and operating system, which has made developing applications for mobile communications devices a risky economic venture for developers.The lack of standards is nothing new to computing or to any developing technology. Traditionally, manufacturers of hardware devices try to corner the market and enforce their own proprietary standard as the de facto standard for the industry. Usually one upstart succeeds, as in the case of Microsoft. Other times, industry leaders form a consortium, such as the Java Community Process Program, to collectively develop a standard. The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) forum became the initial industry group that set out to create standards for wireless technology. Ericsson, Motorola, Nokia, and Unwired Planet formed theWAP forum in 1997, and it has since grown to include nearly all mobile device manufacturers, mobile network providers, and developers. The WAP forum created mobile communications device standards referred to as theWAP standard. TheWAP standard is an enhancement of HTML, XML, and TCP/IP. One element of this standard is the Wireless Markup Language specification, which consists of a blend of HTML and XML and is used by developers to create documents that can be displayed by a microbrowser. A microbrowser is a diminutive web browser that operateson a mobile communications device.TheWAP standard also includes specifications for aWireless Telephony Application Interface (WTAI) specification and the WMLScript specification. WTAI is used to create an interface for applications that run on a mobile communications device. WMLScript is a stripped-down version of JavaScript.While the WAP forum provided the framework within which developers can build mobile communications device applications, they still had to overcome a common hurdle found in every rapidly developing technology. The sophistication of mobile communications devices, phenomenal growth of the market, and high demand for industrial-strength mobile communications applications out-paced the ability to define and implement new mobile communications device standards.Many sophisticated applications designed for mobile communications devices require the device to process information beyond the capabilities of theWAP specification. J2ME provided the standard to fill this gap. For example, a sales representative wants to check available flights and hotel accommodations, purchase an airline ticket, book the hotel and car rental, and then send the itinerary to a client, all while sitting in a taxi in traffic. The sales representative also wants the itinerary stored on the mobile communications device and retrieved during the trip.J2ME applications referred to as a MIDlet can run on practically any mobile communications device that implements a JVM and MIDP. This encourages developers to invest time and money in building applications for mobile communications devices without the ri sk that the application is device dependent. However, J2ME isn’t seen as a replacement for the WAP specification because both are complementary technologies. Developers whose applications are light-client based continue to use WML and WMLScript. Developers turn to J2ME for heavier clients that require sophisticated processing on the mobile communications device.The Game API PackageThe package, a welcome addition to MIDP in version 2.0, provides classes that enable developers to build rich gaming content for wireless devices. The classes have been implemented in a way that reduces application size andimproves performance by minimizing the amount of work done by code written in the Java programming language. The API is based on low-level graphics classes such as Graphics and Image from MIDP 1.0, so you can use this package in conjunction with graphics primitives. A good example would be to use the Game API package to render a complex background, and render visual elements on top of it using graphics primitives like drawLine().Note that when methods modify the states of the classes in this package, there is no immediate visible effect. The objects store their states, for use in subsequent calls to paint() – which is fine for gaming applications that redraw the entire screen at the end of every game cycle.The Game API package comprises five classes: GameCanvas is a subclass of javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas; it provides the basic screen functionality for a game. It includes gaming-oriented methods to query the state of the game keys, and synchronous graphics flushing. Such features simplify building games and improve their performance.Layer is an abstract class that forms the basis for a framework of layered graphics. It represents a visual element in a game, such as a Sprite or a TiledLayer, and has attributes like location, size, and visibility.Sprite is a basic animated layer that can display one of several graphical frames, which are of equal size and are stored in a single Image object. It supports transformations such as flip and rotate, as well as collision-detection methods to simplify implementing the game's logic.TiledLayer represents a visual element composed of a grid of cells that can be filled with a set of tile images. This class enables the developer to create large areas of graphical content without the resource use that a large Image object would require.LayerManager simplifies game development by automating the rendering process. This class is useful for games with multiple layers. It enables the developer to set a view window to represent the user's view of the game, and automatically renders the game's layers to implement the desired view.The Game CanvasThe GameCanvas class is a subclass of javax.microedition.lcdui.Canvas, but differs in two ways: graphics buffering and the ability to query key states. These features of the GameCanvas class offer you enhanced control to deal with events like keystrokes and screen repainting.As I mentioned earlier, you'll get smoother animation if you create graphics objects behind the scenes, in a buffer, then update and repaint the screen simply by invoking paint(getGraphics()) and flushGraphics(). If your graphics are simple, you may not notice much difference if you call repaint() and serviceRepaints() instead, but in games with complex graphics, using the GameCanvas methods will make an appreciable difference.The GameCanvas class makes game programming much easier. You can extend the Canvas class directly to develop your game if you want, but if you do you'll need to implement the Canvas.keyPressed() method, which is called whenever the user presses a button. Errors can arise if the call occurs when multiple threads are doing different things and the code is not properly synchronized. By contrast, if you use GameCanvas you can get the keystroke information whenever you want it, from the getKeyStates() method –and in a more useful form: The keyCode passed to Canvas.keyPressed() gives you information about only a single key, but GameCanvas.getKeyStates() tells you when multiple keys are being pressed simultaneously.The GameCanvas class simplifies game programming in another way. Instead of spreading the logic across multiple methods running on separate threads, as Canvas does, GameCanvas lets you combine all the game functionality in a single loop, under the control of a single thread. Code Sample encloses the game's logic in a single loop: Code Sample : GameCanvas-Based Game Skeletonpublic class MyCanvas extends GameCanvas implements Runnable {public void run() {Graphics g = getGraphics();while(true) {// update the game state// k = getKeyStates();// respond to key eventsflushGraphics();}}}TextBox ClassThe TextBox class is very similar to a TextField class, discussed previously in this chapter.Both are used to receive multiple lines of textual data from a user. You can request that a maximum number of characters be allowed in instances of both the TextBox class and the TextField class. However, the device determines the actual size of both of these instances. Characters that exceed the display area of the screen become scrollable in many devices.The TextBox class and TextField class differ in that the TextBox class is derived from the Screen class, while the TextField class is derived from the Item class. This means that an instance of the Form class cannot contain an instance of the TextBox class, while an instance of a TextField class must be contained within an instance of the Form class.Another important difference between the TextBox class and the TextField class is that the TextBox class uses a CommandListener and cannot use an ItemStateListener. An ItemStateListener is used with an instance of the TextField class, although many times the content of an instance of the TextField class is retrieved and processed when the user selects a command associated with a form that contains the text field.An instance of the TextBox class is created by passing four parameters to the TextBox class constructor. The first parameter is the title of the text box. The second parameter is text used to populate the instance. The third parameter is the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the instance. Keep in mind that this parameter is a request and may not be fulfilled by the device. The device determines the maximum number of characters for an instance of the TextBox class. The last parameter is the constraint used to limit the types of characters that can be placed within the instance.The TextBox class has the same methods as found in the TextField class. Refer tothe “TextField Class” section of this chapter for details on how to use these methods. You’ll also find Te xtBox class methods in the “Quick Reference Guide” section at the end of this chapter.The CanvasAs you’ll recall, each MIDlet has one instance of the Display class, and the Display class has one derived class called the Displayable class. Everything a MIDlet displays on the screen is created by an instance of a class that is derived from the Displayable class. The Display class hierarchy is shown here:public class Displaypublic abstract class Displayablepublic abstract class Screen extends Displayablepublic abstract class Canvas extends Displayablepublic class GraphicsThe Displayable class has two subclasses: Screen and Canvas. The Screen class and its derivatives are used to create high-level components that you learned about in the previous chapter. The Canvas class and its derivatives are used to gain low-level access to the display, which is necessary for graphic- and animation-based applications. Agraphic is used with a canvas.You can think of an instance of the Canvas class as an artist’s can vas on which you draw images that might include text. An instance of the Graphics class is similar to the artist’s tools that are used to draw an image. For example, color, lines, and arcs are some of the graphic tools available to create an image on the canvas. The Canvas class and the Graphics class give you pixel control over everything that appears on the canvas. This low-level control is particularly noticeable whenever text is placed on the canvas because you control every aspect of how characters are formed to display the text.Let’s step back to recall how you display text using the high-level user interface. First, you create an instance of a text field, text box, or string item and then associate text with the instance. Next, the setCurrent() is called and passed the instance (or a container such as a form that contains the instance). You don’t need to be concerned about describing how the device’s application manager is to form each character of the text onthe screen.However, displaying text using the Graphics class requires you to specify the height, width, and other characteristics that describe how each character of the text is to be drawn on the screen. Your application is actually drawing each character as compared to simply specifying the te xt that you want displayed. You’ll learn how to draw characters later in this chapter.A Canvas is created by instantiating a concrete subclass, which is discussed later in this chapter.The Layout of a CanvasThe canvas is divided into a virtual grid in which each cell represents one pixel. Coordinates mark the column and row of a cell within the grid. The x coordinate represents the column, and the y coordinate represents the cell’s row. The first cell located in the upper-left corner of the grid has the coordinate location of 0, 0, where the first zero is the x coordinate and the other zero is the y coordinate.As you probably imagine, the size of the canvas is device dependent since canvas size and the screen size are the same. The screen size of a mobile telephone might be different from the screen size of a PDA, and yet both devices are capable of running the same MIDlet. Your MIDlet should determine the canvas size of the device that implements your graphic application before drawing on the screen. The canvas size is measured in pixels. Your MIDlet should determine the canvas size of the deviceThe paint() and repaint() MethodsYou don’t call the paint() method directly. Instead, the paint() method is called automatically by the setCurrent() method when the MIDlet is started. You call the repaint() whenever the canvas or a portion of the canvas must be refreshed.Let’s say that you want to draw text on a canvas that is already displayed on the screen. First, you create the text using a graphic, whic h you’ll learn how to do later inthis chapter. Next, you call the repaint() method to have the entire canvas redrawn, which includes text and images that currently exist on the screen and the new text, unless you’veremoved existing text or images.There are two versions of the repaint() method. One version requires no parameters and repaints the entire canvas. The other version requires four parameters that definethe region of the canvas that is to be repainted. The first two parameters are the x andy coordinates for the upper-left corner of the region, and the last two parameters arethe width and height of the region.You specify a region of the canvas to repaint whenever only a portion of the canvas has changed and when you don’t want to waste time re painting the entire canvas, such as when an animated image is displayed on the screen.This is known as clipping. Animation is the illusion of movement caused by rapidly changing images on the screen, where each image is slightly different from the previous image. Each image displayed on the screen is referred to as a frame. A key to successful animation is speed. You must change frames in such a way that users don’t notice the change. Typically, a small portion of a frame changes in an animated image. The repaint() method is capable of repainting only the portion of the frame that changed rather than the entire frame, which dramatically reduces the time that is necessary to change a frame on the screen.The serviceRepaints() method is another painting met hod that you’ll use when developing a low-level user interface for your application. Apaint request is one of many requests a MIDlet can make to the application manager of a small computing device. Other requests can be made to store data or to communicate with a remote computer. Sometimes outstanding requests can be given a higher process priority by the device’s application manager than a paint request. However, you’ll need to override outstanding requests to have the canvas repainted whenever an image is being animated; otherwise, a delay in repainting the canvas destroys the effect of animation.The serviceRepaints() method directs the device’s application manager to override outstanding requests for service with the repaint request. The repaint request becomes the next request to be processed by the application manager.showNotify() and hideNotify()The device’s application manager calls the showNotify() method immediately before theapplication manager displays the canvas. You define the showNotify() method with statements that prepare the canvas for display, such as initializing resources by beginning threads or assigning values to variables as required by your application.The hideNotify() method is called by the application manager after the canvas is removed from the screen. You define the hideNotify() method with statements that free resources that were allocated when the showNotify() method was called. This includes deactivating threads and resetting values assigned to variables as necessary.GraphicsAs you recall from earlier in this chapter, the screen of the low-level user interface is a canvas, which is an instance of the Canvas class. The canvas is organized into a grid in which each cell of the grid is a pixel. Coordinates, as explained in the previous sections, identify each cell. An image is drawn on the canvas by using a virtual graphical device called a graphic context, such as the rectangle and line. A graphic context is an instance of the Graphics class. You’ll learn about these virtu al graphical devices in this section.Reference to the graphic context is passed to the paint() method. A mutable image, as you’ll remember, is an image that can be altered by your MIDlet. You’ve seen how to create a graphic context in previous listings that defined the paint() method. Reference to the graphic context passed to a paint() method exists for the duration of the paint() method. Once the MIDlet leaves the paint() method, the graphic context goes out of scope.The graphic context can no longer be used to draw on the canvas, even if reference to the graphic context is retained. In contrast, a graphic context created in association with a mutable image remains available to the MIDlet as long as reference to the image and the image itself remains in s cope. You’ll learn how to create a graphic context using a mutable image later in this chapter.。

J2ME手机游戏编程J2ME and Wireless Devices随着移动电话等无线通讯设备急剧增加和功能逐渐成熟,对运行在这些设备上的应用程序的需求也越来越大。
而其他大多数情况下,企业会组成联盟,例如Java Community Process计划,集体制定一种标准。
无线应用协议( WAP )论坛,成为最初的产业集团,为无线技术制定标准。
WAP 论坛创建的移动通信设备标准被称为wap标准。
wap标准是HTML , XML和TCP / IP 的增强。

英文作文网络游戏Online Games。
With the rapid development of technology, online games have become more and more popular among young people. Online games refer to video games that can be played over the internet. Players can interact with each other in real-time while playing the game.There are many types of online games, such as role-playing games, strategy games, shooting games, and sports games. Each type of game has its own unique features and gameplay. Players can choose the game that best suits their interests and preferences.Online games have many advantages. Firstly, they provide players with a platform to socialize and make new friends. Players can join online communities and interact with people from all over the world. Secondly, online games are a great way to relieve stress and relax after a longday. Players can immerse themselves in a virtual world and forget about their real-life problems. Lastly, online games can improve players' cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. Players need to think strategically and make quick decisions in order to succeed in the game.However, online games also have some disadvantages. Firstly, they can be addictive. Players may spend too much time playing games and neglect their studies or work. Secondly, some games may contain violent or inappropriate content, which can have a negative impact on young players. Lastly, online games can be a breeding ground for cyberbullying and other forms of online harassment.To conclude, online games have both advantages and disadvantages. It is important for players to use them in moderation and to choose games that are appropriate for their age and interests. With responsible use, online games can provide a fun and rewarding experience for players.。

大学生沉默网络游戏英语作文English:Many college students choose to spend a significant amount of their free time playing online games, often to the point of becoming silent and isolated. This is a concerning trend as excessive gaming can lead to negative impacts on their academic performance, physical health, and social relationships. When students become immersed in the virtual world of gaming, they may neglect their responsibilities and obligations in the real world. As a result, their grades may suffer, leading to potential academic failure or even dropping out of school. Additionally, spending long hours in front of a screen can result in physical health issues such as eye strain, headaches, and posture problems. Moreover, the isolation that comes with excessive gaming can hinder their ability to form meaningful connections with their peers, affecting their social skills and emotional well-being. In order to address this issue, college students should strive to find a balance between gaming and other activities, such as studying, exercising, and socializing, to ensure a well-rounded and fulfilling college experience.Translated content:许多大学生选择在空闲时间大量玩网络游戏,往往会变得沉默和孤立。

正确选择网络游戏英语作文I love playing online games because they are so much fun and exciting. The graphics and gameplay are amazing, and I can play with people from all over the world. It's a great way to relax and have a good time.When I play online games, I feel like I can be anyone or anything I want. I can be a powerful warrior, a skilled wizard, or a cunning thief. The possibilities are endless, and I love the freedom to create my own character and explore different worlds.One of the best things about online games is the sense of community. I have made so many friends through gaming, and we have formed a tight-knit group that supports and helps each other. It's amazing how a shared love for a game can bring people together.Of course, there are also challenges when it comes to playing online games. Sometimes there are technical issuesor server problems that can be frustrating. And there are always those players who try to ruin the game for others. But overall, the positives far outweigh the negatives.I think online gaming is here to stay, and I'm excited to see how it will continue to evolve in the future. There are so many possibilities for new games and innovations, and I can't wait to see what the next big thing will be. For now, I'll just keep enjoying the games I love and making memories with my online friends.。

网络游戏研究报告作文英文回答:Abstract.This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the impact of network games on individuals and society. The study explores the positive and negative effects of network gaming in a holistic manner, addressing its impact on physical and mental health, social interactions, academic performance, and addiction potential. The report concludes with recommendations for responsible gaming practices and strategies to mitigate potential risks.Introduction.The advent of network games has transformed the gaming landscape, creating a new realm of virtual interaction and entertainment. These games connect individuals across geographical boundaries, fostering friendships andrivalries alike. However, concerns have emerged regarding the potential impact of network gaming on various aspects of life. This report aims to shed light on these concerns, providing a balanced and evidence-based assessment.Impact on Physical and Mental Health.Network games can have both positive and negative effects on physical and mental health. On the one hand, they can promote hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and strategic thinking. Additionally, they can provide a sense of community and accomplishment, which can boost self-esteem and reduce stress.On the other hand, excessive gaming can lead to physical inactivity and potential health problems such as obesity, musculoskeletal disorders, and eye strain. Moreover, it can interfere with sleep patterns and contribute to mental health issues like anxiety and depression.Impact on Social Interactions.Network games can facilitate social interactions among players, fostering a sense of belonging and community. They enable individuals to connect with others who share similar interests, regardless of their physical location. However, they can also lead to social isolation if excessive gaming replaces real-world interactions.Studies have shown that network gaming can enhance social skills, such as communication and teamwork. However, excessive gaming can also contribute to social anxiety and a lack of social graces.Impact on Academic Performance.The impact of network games on academic performance is a subject of ongoing debate. Some studies have suggested that excessive gaming can lead to decreased academic achievement due to reduced study time and focus. However, other studies have found that moderate gaming can improve cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities, which may indirectly benefit academic performance.It is important to note that the impact of network games on academic performance varies greatly depending on individual factors, such as age, personality, and self-discipline.Addiction Potential.Network games have the potential to be highly addictive, particularly among certain individuals. The addictivenature of these games is often attributed to theirimmersive gameplay, social rewards, and the release of dopamine in the brain.Addiction to network games can lead to a range of problems, including academic difficulties, social isolation, and financial strain. It can also have a negative impact on physical and mental health.Recommendations for Responsible Gaming.To mitigate potential risks and promote responsiblegaming, it is essential to adopt the following practices:Set limits on gaming time: Establish clear boundaries for daily or weekly gaming sessions to prevent excessive play.Take regular breaks: Step away from the screen every 20-30 minutes to reduce eye strain and physical inactivity.Engage in other activities: Pursue hobbies, spend time with family and friends, or engage in physical exercise to balance gaming with other aspects of life.Seek support if needed: If you or someone you know is struggling with gaming addiction, do not hesitate to seek professional help.Conclusion.Network games have the potential to provide entertainment, foster social connections, and enhance cognitive skills. However, it is crucial to be aware oftheir potential negative effects and to adopt responsible gaming practices to mitigate these risks. By promoting balanced play, we can harness the benefits of network gaming while safeguarding individuals and society from potential harm.中文回答:网络游戏研究报告。

Title: The Right Choice in Online GamingAs a high school student, Ive always been fascinated by the digital world, and online gaming has been a significant part of my life. However, Ive learned the importance of making the right choices when it comes to the games I play.When I first started gaming, I was drawn to the flashy graphics and intense action of some popular titles. But as time went on, I realized that these games were not only timeconsuming but also didnt provide much in terms of personal growth or learning. Thats when I decided to make a change.I began to research and explore different types of games, focusing on those that could offer more than just entertainment. I discovered games that were educational, strategic, and even creative. These games not only challenged my mind but also helped me develop new skills.One of the first games I tried was Minecraft. At first glance, it seemed like a simple building game, but as I delved deeper, I found that it was a sandbox of endless possibilities. It allowed me to use my imagination to create structures, cities, and even entire worlds. The game taught me about planning, resource management, and even basic engineering principles.Another game that caught my attention was Civilization V. This strategy game challenged me to build and manage a civilization from ancient times to the modern era. It was a game that required strategic thinking,understanding of historical events, and economic management. It broadened my knowledge of world history and politics.I also found joy in playing games like Brain Age and Lumosity, which were designed to improve cognitive skills and memory. These games were not only fun but also beneficial for my mental agility.The most important lesson I learned from this journey was the value of moderation. While gaming can be a great source of relaxation and learning, its crucial not to let it consume all your time. Balancing gaming with other activities like sports, reading, and socializing is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.In conclusion, making the right choice in online gaming has been a transformative experience for me. It has taught me to be discerning about the games I play, to seek out those that offer intellectual stimulation and personal growth, and to always maintain a balance in my life. As I continue my high school journey, I am grateful for the insights and skills that these carefully chosen games have given me.。

网络游戏调研报告英文翻译Research Report on Online GamesIntroductionOnline games have gained immense popularity in recent years, giving rise to a rapidly growing industry. This research report aims to investigate the current trends and preferences of online gamers, as well as the impact of online games on players' mental and physical well-being.MethodologyTo gather data for this research report, a survey was conducted among a sample of online gamers. The survey consisted of multiple-choice questions as well as open-ended questions to gather qualitative data. Additionally, interviews were conducted with industry experts to gain insights into the online gaming landscape.Findings1. DemographicsThe survey revealed that the majority of online gamers are males between the ages of 18 and 34. This demographic group accounted for approximately 60% of the respondents. Females were less represented, making up around 40% of the participants.2. Playing HabitsThe research found that online gamers spend an average of 3-5 hours per day playing games. The most popular platforms for playing online games were personal computers and smartphones.The survey also revealed that the most frequently played genres of online games were role-playing games (RPGs) and first-person shooter (FPS) games.3. Social InteractionOnline games were found to be an important means of social interaction for many gamers. The survey showed that around 70% of the respondents played online games with friends or made new friends within the game communities. This indicates that online gaming provides users with a sense of belonging and fosters social connections.4. MotivationsThe research found that the main motivations for playing online games were entertainment, stress relief, and competitive spirit. The survey also revealed that achievements and rewards within the game were significant drivers for continued engagement and motivation.5. Impact on Well-beingWhile online gaming offers numerous benefits, such as providing entertainment and opportunities for social interaction, it was found to have potential negative effects on players' mental and physical well-being. The research indicated that excessive gaming can lead to addiction, sleep deprivation, poor academic and work performance, as well as social isolation.ConclusionOnline games have become a popular form of entertainment, attracting a predominantly male audience between the ages of 18and 34. Players spend a significant amount of time playing games, with RPGs and FPS games being the most popular genres. Online gaming serves as a platform for social interaction and provides users with a sense of belonging. However, it was found that excessive gaming can have negative impacts on players' well-being. This research report provides insights into the current trends and preferences of online gamers, as well as the potential consequences of excessive gaming.。

关键词:虚拟世界,中国,商业模式,网络1. 简介随着MacInnes(2004a)创造出来的互联网在全球范围内的拓展,网络对于交流变得至关重要。

Renju is a very old two-player board game with subtle tactics and strategies. It comes from Japan and is a professional variant of Go-Moku. In many countries, such as China, Estonia, Japan, Latvia, Russia, and Sweden, Renju is played on a high level of performance.Compared to Renju, the game of Go-Moku, mainly played in China and Japan, has rathersimple rules. Go-Moku was solved by Allis in 1992. He proved that it is a won game for the player to move first. In this note we claim that Renju is a first-player win too. We describeour research approach and how we arrived at this game-theoretical value.1. INTRODUCTIONIn 1992 Allis solved the game of Go-Moku by means of the computer program VICTORIA (Allis, Van den Herik, and Huntjes, 1993; Allis, 1994). The main techniques applied were proof-number search (Allis, Van der Meulen, and Van den Herik, 1994) and threat-space search (Allis, Van den Herik, and Huntjes, 1995). Since the advantage for the first player was well-known (Sakata and Ikawa, 1981), many variants of Go-Moku were developed so as to reduce the advantage of the first player, attempting to create a balanced game. Already around 1900 Japanese professional players improved the simple rules of Go-Moku by introducing that the first player (Black) is prohibited from making a double three, a double four, and an overline.After that the Renju board was diminished from 1919 (Go board size) to 1515 when it was discovered that the larger board size increases Black!s advantage. These improvements were to restrict Black!s moves so as to offset his initial advantage. In 1936 ¤ when the Japanese Federation of Renju was founded ¤ the rules of Renju were fully accomplished. Professional players believed that the new rules would result in a more evenly-balanced game.When the Renju players became stronger they found that the above-mentioned advanced new rules still gave great advantage to Black. Some Japanese players even showed a black victory in two frequently-played opening patterns (cf. Sakata and Ikawa, 1981), but their solution was incomplete because some good white moves were not analysed and later on even mistakes were found in it. In the Sakata!s book ¤ Figures 31 and 32 facing page 77 ¤ japanese authors suggested an strong 15 th move (A, see Figure 1). After move A, if the White’s reply was move B (16 th move), the Black victory will be become very complicated, but not fully analysed by pro players. White’s defence move C (16 th move) is not mentioned in this book, after this Whi te’s response we were not able to find the Black victory in some weeks. So move A was rejected (and considered to be not good move) and we chose another 15 move (D), which turn out a success. Another problem was, that there are 35 distinct second white moves possible, but only two main variations (adjacent to Black!s first move) were exhaustively analysed in that book. In Japan professional Renju players continued to study Renju in detail. Sakata and Ikawa (1981) published their analysis in 32 pages. We have exploited the analysis for our work and found other mistakes and lacunae (see also Allis, 1994). Nevertheless, the Japanese prediction is now confirmed, extended and corrected by our computer program which established Renju!s game-theoretical value. Our project was to carry out a complete proof about the game of Renju by a computer program and to create a database of the solved game tree.In 1988, the Renju International Federation was created. At the same time, to equalise the chances of the players at the official tournaments new opening-rules regulations were adopted. The official Renju rules and the new opening regulations are described in Section 2. However, this article focuses on establishing the game-theoretical value of Renju without the new opening-rules regulations. The game we deal with is called freeRenju, it is a quite aggressive game in which almost every black move is a threat. The remainder of this note is structured as follows. After the description of the rules in Section 2, Section 3 provides a list of terms and gives their definitions. In Section 4 we explain our experimental approach and provide empirical evidence for our claim. In Section 5 some technical details on a checking program are given and in Section 6 results are presented. Section 7 contains our conclusions.Figure 12. THE RULES OF RENJUThe game of Renju is a professional variant of Go-Moku. The rules of Renju, although more complex than those of Go-Moku, are still rather simple (Sakata and Ikawa, 1981). The game is played on a board with 1515 points of intersections. Vertical lines are lettered from ’a’ to ’o’, and the horizontal lines are numbered from 1 to 15. The left bottom position on the board is a1. Two players, Black and White, place alternately a stone of their own colour on an empty intersection. Black starts the game and must place a black stone on the centre intersection (h8). The first player completing an unbroken line of five stones (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) wins the game. In Renju Black has some restrictions with respect to Go-Moku, e.g, some moves are considered to be prohibited for Black. If Black makes a prohibited move either accidentally or by being forced to, White wins the game. The prohibited moves for Black are: overline, double-four, double-three(for definitions, see Section 3). White does not have prohibited moves, so White may make an overline and wins the game. If none of the players succeeds in completing a five-in-a-row, and Black did not make a prohibited move and the board is full of stones, the gameis considered to be drawn.The above-mentioned rules are known as the free Renju rules. In an attempt to make the game more evenly-balanced for a fair competition in official tournaments, the following eight opening-rules restrictions have been imposed on Black (i.e., the professional Renju Rules).a. Players start the game as tentative Black and tentative White. Tentative Black plays the first move on the centre intersection.b. Tentative White makes the second move diagonally, horizontally or vertically to the first move and adjacent to the first move (i.e., two different openings).c. Tentative Black plays the third move on an empty place within a zone of 55 intersections in the centre of the board (26 opening patterns).d. Tentative White has the right to change the colour of the stones (swap option).e. The player, who now has the white stones, plays the fourth move wherever (s)he wants.f. Black has to offer the opponent two possible asymmetrical fifth moves.g. White chooses one of the fifth moves which will be more advantageous to him/herself and tells Black to make the moves (s)he prefers.h. There are no restrictions on the sixth and later moves.3.TERMS AND DEFINITIONSBelow we provide a list of the terms together with their definitions.Overline: Six or more stones of the same colour in an unbroken row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.Five: Exact five stones of the same colour arranged in an unbroken row, either horizontally, vertically or diagonally.Straight four: Four stones of the same colour in an unbroken row (horizontally, vertically or diagonally) with both ends open. A straight four ensures a win.Four: Four stones of one colour in a row, which in one move can become a five.Three: Three stones of the same colour in an unbroken row, or with one-intersection gap between the stones that can become a straight four on the next move.Double-Four: A single move, which builds simultaneously more than one four at one time. Double-Three: A single move, which builds simultaneously more than one three at one time. Four-three: A four and a three produced simultaneously with a single move. It is the usual way for Black to create a winning formation.VCF: This acronym means: Victory by Consecutive Fours. A win that results from making fours one after another.VCT: This acronym means: Victory by Consecutive Threats. A win that results from making threats (four or three) one after another.Japanese terms:Fukumi: A move which threatens to win by VCF. Who played the fukumi move has a VCF if the opponent does not defend against this move.Yobi: A positional offensive move, which threatens to win by VCT. A yobi move is not a direct forced method of attackPlaying A leads to an overline.Playing B leads to a double-four.Playing C leads to a double-three.Playing D leads to a straight four.Playing E leads to a four-three.Figure 24. THE PROGRAM AND THE EXPERIMENTAL APPROACHThe solving program was written in Borland Pascal language. The program goal was to establish the game-theoretical value. The program generated a winning tree for Black and stored the tree in a database. The search process used transposition tables to avoid searching symmetrical positions. Moreover, the solving program used the threat-sequence search as suggested by Allis et al. (1993). There was only a very limited possibility to play no-threat moves, the first black moves after a bad opining by White (such as moves far away from the board centre). If a white defending move in such a variation also was a threat then Black countered it and did not lose a tempo in the end. The program operated an iterative-deepening search based on threat sequences up to 17 plies. The speed of the threat-sequence search was 400 nodes/second on a Pentium 200 MHz machine. The deepest variations of the iterative-deepening search (17 plies) took about 15 minutes, then a VCF line was found.It was not possible to speed up the threat-sequence search (cf. Allis, 1994) since by the overline, double-four and double-three rule the order of moves became more complex. In the solving program we had implemented an automatic database builder, but all openings, fukumi, yobi, and positional moves were inputted by the hand of a human expert. In the past, the human expert assistance has been used in game solving (O. Patashnik, 1980). In total, human players produced approximately 5000 positional moves. The threat-sequence search module built all black threat sequences up to a given depth and investigated whether the position is a win for Black against every possible defence by White. After a positional black move, another module examined how Black can win if White passes. If a winning line exists then this module stores the moves of these sequences and in the next step the solving program will use these moves as white answers. All moves of the game tree were stored in the database with the exception of the last 10 plies, since 10 or fewer plies of winning sequences can be found quickly by the threat-sequence searchengine. Generating the whole game tree took about 3000 hours on a Pentium 200 MHz PC.5. THE CHECKING PROCEDUREAfter the generation of the whole game tree, the second stage of the project was checking the database. To making sure of generated database, there is necessary to develop a checking program, which plays backwards all possible white moves and then communicates with the solving program on the forward white moves (meanwhile inspecting the database). When a not-analysed white move was encountered, the solving program first took the black answer most frequently-played in that stage of the game tree. This approach gave many typical first omissions. In the checking loop, we stored white wins, black prohibited answers, and non-proved positions. The checking file contained approximately 2000 previously missing positions, which were corrected in the next proof run. The proof runs and the correction of positions were repeated several times even when the checking log did no longer contain any lacking positions. The programming of the checking program was performed by the second author in Borland Pascal programming language. This part of the solving took about 6000 hours on a Pentium 200 MHz machine.6. CONCLUSIONSWe verified and expanded the statement of Japanese Renju experts that the game of free Renju is a theoretical win for the first player to move. The game was solved after 9000 hours of using a Pentium 200 MHz. The size of the overall database is 7 Megabyte. After the final database creation, the database was checked once more and accepted as correct by a checking program written by an independent programmer. In the last checking run, no missing variations were found by the checking program. In conclusion, free Renju should be considered a solved game. The result is that the game is a first-player win.Finally, we have good reason to believe that after building a good opening book, say of 5000 moves, there’s no middle game ,provide that an appropriate endgame-analysing routine is available.五子棋是一种微妙的,存在与两个玩家之间的带有战略性的棋盘游戏。
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文献信息:文献标题:Interpersonal influence on online game choices(人际关系对网络游戏选择的影响)国外作者:Sang Yup Lee文献出处:《Computers in Human Behavior》,2015,45:129–136字数统计:英文2580单词,12686字符;中文4087汉字外文文献:Interpersonal influence on online game choices Abstract Several theories stress the importance of interpersonal influence on an individual’s adoption of a product or service. However, there has been little research that empirically examined how online friends infl uence an individual’s online product choices. This study examines the effect of a game player’s online friends who adopted a game earlier than the player on the likelihood that the player adopts the game. Two main factors considered in this study are: (1) the number of online friends who adopted a game earlier and (2) t he strength of ties between the player and the player’s online friends who adopted the game earlier. Using a hazard model with data on 1,668 game players’ gaming activities and relational connections, we find (1) the likelihood that a player adopts a particular game increases the more her online friends adopted the game earlier, and (2) the influence of the prior adopter friends on the likelihood that a player adopts the game varies with the strength of ties between the player and her prior adopter friends.Key words: Interpersonal influence; Online product choices; Online casual games; Hazard model1.IntroductionThere is no established definition of an online causal game, yet online casual games usually refer to online video games developed for mass consumption even forthose who would not normally regard themselves as a ‘gamer’(International Game Developers Association (IGDA), 2009). Online casual games possess certain characteristics in common: they are easy to learn; they require a small amount of time to be played; and online casual game players play casual games mainly for fun and relaxation (IGDA, 2009). Online casual games are offered to game players through several different types of platforms such as web browsers on PCs (e.g., via online casual games portal sites and social networking sites), consoles, smartphones, and tablet PCs. This study focuses on online casual games portal sites because (1) online casual game portal sites provide a suitable context in which online friends’influence on game choices can be well examined, (2) they constitute one of the most commonly used platforms for accessing online casual games (Liew, 2013), and (3) it is easier to collect the data required for this study from online casual games portal sites than from other platforms that host online casual games.A typical online casual game portal site has several social features. On an online casual games portal site, game players can be friends with other players. In this study, a game player’s friends on a game portal site are defined as other players whom the player is directly connected to on the portal site. Game players are motivated to become friends with other game players and interact with them, because there are many games that encourage collaboration among game players and competing (or playing) with others can be more fun, and becoming friends with other players makes it easy for a player to collaborate and interact with them. Once a game player has become friends with another player, the player can have chats with the friend via a dedicated communication channel between them. Furthermore, the player can observe what her friends have done and are doing on the site. Thus, it is possible that a player’s gaming behavior is influenced by her friends on an online casual games portal site.These social features of online casual games portal sites and the accessibility on these portal sites of critical data on game players’relationships and interactions with others, their game choices, and their gaming behaviors make it possible to examine the influence of interpersonal interaction on players’game choices.For this study, we look at a particular online casual games portal site,. Kongregate started its service in 2006 and it is one of the most visited online casual game portal sites in the U.S. With its growth, Kongregate was acquired by Gamestop (an American video game retailer) in 2010. Kongregate provides online game players with a variety of casual games, which are developed by either professional game developers or other players who use Kongregate. As of Feb, 2014, there were 80,747 games on the site and the number of registered users on the site was 6,970,697 as of Jab, 2012.This paper studies how a player’s Kongregate friends influence the player’s game choices on Kongregate. In this study, game players with whom a player has direct connections on Kongregate are referred to as the player’s Kongregate friends. On Kongregate, a player can directly connect with another player by clicking a ‘friend’button linked to that person.This study specifically examines the effect of the number of a player’s Kongregate friends who adopted a particular game earlier on the likelihood that the player will adopt2 the game. According to Rogers’diffusion of innovations theory (2003), the number of an individual’s friends who adopted a product or service earlier can influence the person’s decision whether or not to adopt the product or service, because interpersonal interactions can be an important source of information about a product and a person’s attitude toward a product may be influenced by interpersonal interactions. But only few studies have empirically examined this topic (e.g., Bandiera & Rasul, 2006). Even among those studies that have examined interpersonal influence on an individual’s product adoption in offline settings, few looked at how the number of friends or acquaintances who adopted a product earlier influenced a person’s decision to adopt it. This is mainly because, in offline settings, it is difficult to collect data on how many of a person’s friends or acquaintances have adopted a particular product and when they adopted the product. However, individual level data on game adoption can be collected on Kongregate, which makes it possible to examine whether a player’s adoption of a game can be predicted by the number of the player’s Kongregate friends who adopted the game earlier.In addition to the number of Kongregate friends who adopted a game earlier, wealso consider the closeness of the relationships on Kongregate between a player and her Kongregate friends who adopted the game earlier, because it is possible that the influence of a Kongregate friend on a player’s game adoption decision can vary with the relational closeness between the player and her friend. In other studies (e.g., Bakshy, Hofman, Mason, & Watts, 2011; Christakis & Fowler, 2007) it was found that the extent to which an individual’s behavior is influenced by others varies with the person’s relational closeness with those others. In this study, the closeness of a relationship between two players is referred to the strength of the tie between them. The strength of a tie between two people is a function of the amount of time, the emotional intensity, the intimacy, and the reciprocal services which characterize the tie between those two people (Granovetter, 1973, p. 1361). In the social network literature, the strength of a tie between two people is usually measured by degree of communication reciprocity, the number of mutual friends, and interaction frequency (Gilbert & Karahalios, 2009). For this study, the strength of a tie between two players is measured by whether the tie is reciprocal.In this study, we focus on game players who have registered on Kongregate, because only for registered players can information about gaming behavior, game adoptions, and Kongregate friends be collected. Furthermore, because only a registered player can make connections with other Kongregate players, unregistered players are not suitable for studying influences of Kongregate friends on game choices. That registered players are examined in this study also means that the results of this study cannot be generalized to game players who are not registered on Kongregate because there may be differences between registered and unregistered game players. For example, registered players may to be more serious about their casual games and play more games more frequently than unregistered players.2.Statisticalmodeland data2.1.Hazard modelIn this study, we use the proportional hazard model introduced by Cox in 1972 to study the effect of the number of a player’s Kongregate friends who adopted a gamebefore day t on the likelihood that the player adopts the game on that day. We also ask how the effect of a Kongregate friend who adopted a game earlier on the likelihood that the player adopts the game varies with the strength of the tie between the player and that friend. For this, we include the number of a player’s prior adopter friends who have a reciprocal tie w ith the player and the number of the player’s prior adopter friends who do not have reciprocal ties as the main independent variables.As mentioned above, we also include other independent variables; (1) the frequency with which the player adopts new games,(2) how often the player plays games on Kongregate, and (3) whether the genre of the game is the player’s favoritegenre. Finally, in order to control for factors unique to a game that can influence its adoption, we include a game fixed effect variable, which might reflect the game’s genre, popularity, quality, and dif ficulty.Our model includes both fixed and time-varying independent variables. Fixed variables are those whose values do not change during the 5 days following a player’s first visit to the site since a game’s release, whereas time-varying variables are those whose values change during these 5 days.2.2.DataFor this study, we used data for randomly selected registered game players on Kongregate because information such as games played and listings of Kongregatefriendscanonlybe collected for registered players. We downloaded a list of registered game players who were playing games on Kongregate at least twice a day during the week of 3/24 (Sun) to 3/30 (Mon), 2013. The original dataset had 17,858 game players. Because this size of dataset is too big to be handled by social network analysis statistical packages in a timely manner and collecting data on the gaming behavior and game adoptions of all the 17,858 players and their Kongregate friends (the averagenumberofKongregatefriends for the players in sample was about 60) would have been extremely time-consuming, werandomlychose2,000playersfrom the 17,858usingarandomnumbergenerator.Among those 2,000 players, only the 1,668 who made their personal information publicly available and who had at least one friend were selected for the study. The average number of Kongregate friends for theplayersin the finalsample was 61.We collected data on game adoptions for those 1,668 game players and their Kongregate friends for two games, (1) Mystery IQ Test, and (2) Live Puzzle as in Table 1. The genre of ‘Live Puzzle’ is puzzle and that of ‘Mystery IQ Test’ is brain. A puzzle game is a game that requires a player to put pieces together in a way that meets the goal of the game. A brain game is a game in which a player uses logic to accomplish the tasks. A puzzle game can be a sort of a brain game. ‘Mystery IQ Test’incorporates several other types of tasks in addition to puzzle type tasks including verbal quizzes and math questions.Table 1 Information about games examined in this studyGame title Kongregate release date Genre RatingLivepuzzle4/29/2013Puzzle 3.9/5MysteryIQtest5/5/2013Brain 3.7/5For a game to be included in this study, the game had to provide at least one task right after its release so that players could earn points by accomplishing the task. Among all the games released on Kongregate during a month-period, from 4/9/2013 to 5/8/ 2013, only the two games above met this requirement.For players in the sample, we first checked whether a game player played any games on Kongregate during the 7 days after each game’s release. For those who played games during the 7 days, we collected information about when they first visited the site since each game’s release and whether they adopted each of the games in Table 1 during the 5 days following their first visits. Then, we collected the data on game adoptions for their Kongregate friends.3.Summary and conclusionIn this study, we examined the effect of the number of a player’s Kongregate friends who adopted a game earlier on the likelihood that the player adopts the game. In addition to the effect of the number of a player’s Kongregate friends who adopted a game earlier, we also asked how the strength of the ties between a player and her Kongregate friends who adopted a game earlier was associated with the likelihoodthat the player adopts the game.We found that the effect of the number of Kongregate friends who adopted a game earlier on a player’s adoption of the game was positive, but statistically insignificant whether those prior adopter friends had a reciprocal tie with the player. This finding suggests that the importance of interpersonal influence on product choice posited by several theories such as diffusion of innovations theory (Rogers, 2003) and theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 1991) is not strongly supported in online casual game contexts.In this study, we only considered the effect of the number of Kongregate friends who adopted a game earlier on a player’s game adoption. As found in other studies (e.g., Ugander et al., 2012), however, other characteristics of a player’s personal network composed of her prior adopter Kongregate friends such as the number of clusters, may exert more influences on the player’s game adoption than the number of the player’s friends. Thus, in the future studies, other characteristics of a player’s personal network than the number of friends should be examined. We also found that other factors such as genre preference, when a player first visited the site after a game’s release, and unique characteristics of a game played important roles in predicting a player’s adoption of the game.This study has some limitations. First, genres of the games examined in this study were brain and puzzle. It is possible that the influence of Kongregate friends on a player’s adoption of a game varies with the genre of the game. Second, the two games examined in this study were both single player games. The statistically insignificant influences of Kongregate friends on a player’s adoption of those two games might be because those games are single player games. Thus, in the future studies, it is recommended that multiplayer games be examined.The research questions were examined in the context of online casual games. But it is likely that interpersonal influence on an individual’s game adoption decision is different from interpersonal influence on an individual’s adoption decisions for other online products. Thus, in future studies, in order to extend our understandings abouthow an individual’s online product choices or adoptions are influenced by her online friends, the research questions asked in this study should also examined in other online contexts.中文译文:人际关系对网络游戏选择的影响摘要一些理论强调人际影响对个人选择产品或服务的重要性。