HPMicroserverGen8使⽤⽅案篇⼀:硬件醉琉璃 2017-04-20 18:44HP Microserver Gen8 使⽤⽅案篇⼀:硬件HP Microserver Gen8 优点:可玩性强,性能好,做⼯好,⽤料⾜,价格便宜;缺点:什么都需要⾃⼰动⼿。
与群晖对⽐,因为没有见过真机,所以质量、做⼯不评价,群晖优点:NAS 系统做的好;缺点:扩展性差,价格⾼,性能低。
前⾔:我GEN8实现的功能为:开机后,服务⾃动搜索需要同步或备份的计算机(局域⽹、远程)、⼿机、平板内特定的⽂件夹,将⽂件夹内的东西按类型进⾏备份; DLNA软件将视频、⾳乐、图⽚三类需要在设备上观看的资源共享出来;通过远程访问服务器内的各种资源;购买有域名,花⽣壳https⽆红叉访问。
⼀、硬件配置1、HP GEN8:内存:4G原装内存+⾦⼠顿8G ECC1.5V、CPU:E3-1230V2CPU2、硬盘:4T⾦盘、1T⿊盘、1T绿盘、120G 英物尔SSD;3、其他:电源200W,⽆显卡,⼩4P公转SATA3.0 6G数据供电⼀体线1条(⽤来接光驱SATA 接⼝)。
4、路由器:华硕 A66U,原⼚固件。
一、本地日志收集1. SyslogSyslog 是一种标准的日志格式协议,可实现跨平台、跨设备的日志收集。
在 Unix 和 Linux 系统中,常用 syslogd 来充当日志代理,通过 Syslog 协议与其他 Syslog 代理通信,实现日志收集。
在Windows 环境中,可通过安装 syslog 软件使其兼容 Syslog 协议。
2. Log4jLog4j 是一个 Java 语言编写的日志管理框架,它提供了灵活的日志收集和管理功能。
通过 Log4j,可以在代码中指定需要记录的日志信息,并将日志信息以文件、数据库等方式存储起来,方便后续的分析统计和查看。
1. ELK StackELK Stack 是一个开源的日志收集和分析解决方案,包含三个核心组件:Elasticsearch、Logstash 和 Kibana。
Elasticsearch 是一个分布式搜索和分析引擎,可用于存储和检索各种类型的数据,包括文本、数值、地理位置等。
Logstash 可以收集来自各种来源的数据,并将其转换为 Elasticsearch 可以索引的格式;同时,Logstash 还可以完成一些数据转换和清洗的任务。
Kibana 提供了一种可视化的方式来查看 Elasticsearch 中的数据,包括通过图表、地图等方式展现日志数据。
2. GraylogGraylog 是一个开源的日志收集、管理和分析平台,包含一系列插件,可集成各种数据来源,并提供灵活的查询、过滤、报警等功能。
我的HP GEN8使用方案——第四章 外篇
1、在计算机1、2、3号机子上配置好webdav服务,在平板和手机上开启FTP服务;2、在GEN8上安装bestsync软件,如何配置在上篇里有简单的介绍,软件也有说明书和客服,不懂可以自行咨询;实现功能:HP GEN8我是放在家里,我按照我现在所使用的功能来叙述,:1、计算机1、2是单位的计算机,配置好webdav服务,设置好需要备份的工作文件夹及用户权限,在GEN8里选择目标文件夹及同步类型,我选择是实时完全同步,并不删除源文件,当计算机1、2里有文件新增或修改,GEN8端将立即同步备份;2、计算机3与平板是在家里,因为在同一局域网内,计算机3不需要开启webdav服务,只需要设置好需要共享的文件夹,我是将电影、音乐、照片文件夹设置为共享,在bestsync 里选择目标文件夹及同步类型,我选择是实时完全同步,并删除源文件,这里资源就到GEN8里了,不占用计算机3与平板硬盘空间;3、手机我用的是微软640,WM10系统,用的软件是easy transfer可以将手机闪存某个文件夹用FTP方式共享出来,TF卡里不行,在共享后,会给一个FTP地址,我是将我手机设置为固定IP,在备份时,手机不能切换到别界面,我只将照片共享出来,在bestsync设置为实时完全同步,并删除源文件,及时释放手机闪存。
苹果与安桌手机可以搜FTP或者webdav 软件,使用方法一样,固定IP,局域网内;4、在GEN8里设置视频、音乐、照片目录,将备份到目标文件夹里的资源,用bestsync 进行分类到相应的文件夹内;5、理论上,可以将计算机1内的文件与计算机2、计算机3内的文件进行交换,例如:同为单位计算机,想将1个文件同时分发给其他计算机,或者想将家里的文件同步到单位计算机,可以将目标目录和源目录都设置为非GEN8服务器上的目录,本人没有需要,没有测试。
hp SmartStart 获得日志方法
首先放入SmartStart CD,然后重启机器,让机器从此光盘启动,启动后的图示如下(以8.6的版本举例)
我们需要选择中间的Maintenance,进入到另一个界面,如下图,之后,我们需要选择中间的HP Insight Diagnostics
之后进入到另一个界面,如下图,最左边的是Survey,我们需要收集此报告,请确定选择View Level: Advanced; Categories: All
点击Save,提示插入USB Device,即可保存Survey报告,如下图
同时,我们还需要另一个报告,点击此界面上的Log选项,如下图,再选择Integrated Management Log,可以收集IML报告,如下图
同理,点击Save,可以将IML保存在USB Device中,如下图
我是HP售后服务器技术工程师---Ma Jie(马杰)。
详细做法:1.用tar命令解包:#tar xvf nickel.20091202.tar会产生一个nickel.sh脚本。
运行nickel.sh 脚本:#sh nicke.sh会在当前目录下产生一个nickel.sh.主机名.tar.gz文件 (注:如果系统外接的存储较多,此命令运行时间可能会需要一段时间。
)2.为了进一步诊断,需要您再收取一下crash信息:1)tar xvf crashinfo.tar # 将附件中的文件用bin的方式上传到重启的那台服务器,然后解压2)cd /var/adm/crash # 进入到文件的解压目录3)./crashinfo.exe # 执行此命令,在当前的目录里生成crashinfo命令文件(注意:生成的文件没有了.exe后缀)4)ll # 找到最新生成的crash目录是crash.0 还是crash.1 或是crash.2 ……?5)./crashinfo crash.? > crash.?.txt # 用生成的crashinfo命令解析最新的crash.? 里面的信息,重定向到crash.?.txt 文件中例如:./crashinfo crash.1 > crash.1.txt./crashinfo -H crash.1 > crash.html二、MP日志收集MP login:登录后,会出现MP>提示符。
可以输入命令收集各种日志:1.收集vfpMP:>vfp2.收集SELMP>sl -e -t3 -nc3.收集FPLMP>sl -f -t 3 -nc然后,在MP>提示符下输入CM回车,进入MP:CM>提示符,然后进行下面操作:4.收集硬件时间MP:CM>date5.收集sysrevMP:CM>sysrev6.收集psMP:CM>ps7.收集dfMP:CM> df -all -nc三、消除警报灯在MP>提示符下,输入以下命令:sl -e -ncsl -f -nc把所有日志浏览一遍之后,系统告警灯就不会再闪黄了。
IMM日志收集方法1.通过服务器板载管理口(Systems-management(Ethernet),非网口)收集日志.方法是使用直连线(此网口可自适应连接方式)将此网口连接于一台终端机(笔记本或台式机).查看此网口的IP 地址是否是192.168.70.125,可进入服务器BIOS选项查看,如IP不是192.168.70.125.可将其更改.具体信息如下:开机按F1进入BIOS选项菜单, 选择“System Settings”进入该菜单设置进入“System Settings”菜单选项后选择“Integrated Management Module”菜单进入“Integrated Management Module”菜单,选择“Network Configuration”菜单进入“Network Configuration”查看IP是否是192.168.70.125,如否.将其更改为此IP并选择“Save Network Settings”将设置保存.2.将终端机的网卡IP设置为与“”处于同网段的IP,然后在终端机的IE浏览器中输入IP“”,此时会出现以下界面:在User Name处输入帐号: USERID,Password处输入密码: PASSW0RD.完成后会出现欢迎界面. (请注意“USERID”和“PASSW0RD”照搬就可以了,这个和系统用户名密码不一样,是所有同型号机器的默认设置,并且“PASSW0RD”里面的“0”不是英文的“O”,而是数字的“0”)选择“Continue”进入以下界面.将“Monitors”下的所有选项保存 (System Status/Virtual Light Path/Event Log/Vital Product Data,Event Log下有个save 选项,其他的可以把文本copy到word文档里面).。
单击SecureCRT的”File”——“Log Session”命令。
二、使用Ftp1、把自己的笔记本配置为FTP Server把自己的笔记本架设成为一个FTP Server。
用于搭建FTP Server的软件比较多,这里以Filezilla Server为例。
Filezilla Server界面在Filezilla Server中创建FTP用户,设置密码。
为FTP用户添加可以使用的目录,并且设置好相应的权限,应该有Read、Write、Create 权限,最好为FTP 用户赋予最大的权限。
如果自己的笔记本上安装有防火墙软件(如:Windows 集成的防火墙),一定要在防火墙中允许20与21端口对外通信。
在服务器上(需要下载日志文件的主机)登录自己搭建的FTP server。
下面的操作示例中FTP Server IP Address:,用户名:heya,密码:1234,把主机上的/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log上传到我的笔记本中。
HA5-BF01:/# cd /var/adm/syslogHA5-BF01:/var/adm/syslog# ftpftp> open to Server version 0.9.40 beta220-written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@gmx.de)220 Please visit /projects/filezilla/Name ( heya331 Password required for heyaPassword:230 Logged onRemote system type is UNIX.ftp> put syslog.log200 Port command successful150 Opening data channel for file transfer.226 Transfer OK10354324 bytes sent in 0.97 seconds (10420.73 Kbytes/s)此时已经成功地把HA5-BF01上的syslog.log上传到我的笔记本内。
HP服务器-windows系统下收集硬件日志方法(Survey IML ADU)
1、Survey报告: (1)2、IML日志: (3)3、ADU报告: (6)1、Survey报告:开始菜单->程序->HP System tools->HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition for Windows:点击左上方的Survey—更改View Level 为高级;Categories为全部,点击SA VE可以保存报告:保存,然后选择路径,比如:选择到桌面上在桌面上能看到HTML格式的报告2、IML日志:收集IML日志的方法1:还是在上面打开的HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition for Windows中,点击Log->Intergrated Management Log ,显示出报告,点击save:桌面上出现名为iml的项报告,收集IML日志的方法2(如果方法1不好用的话,使用这种方法):在开始菜单-程序-HP系统工具-IML Viewer打开后界面:点击Save Log as:选择保存路径,最后会生成一个iml格式的文件:3、ADU报告:开始菜单->程序->HP System tools ->HP Array Configuration Utility-> HP Array Configuration Utility默认选项,点击OK:打开ACU选项:点击诊断(Diagnostics):勾选阵列卡信息,然后点击Generate Diagnostic Report:点击保存:选择路径:桌面上能看到报告。
HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server 数据中心标准说明书
Data sheetHP ProLiant DL380p Gen8ServerTHE no compromise data center standardAre technology advances holding you back frommaking the right investments?In the face of explosive data growth, the need for efficient data management is on aconstant rise. Data centers are being forced to continually adopt new technologies inorder to handle this exponential growth of data. How then do you channelize growthand allow your data center to move and be on par with time and technology? Doyou hold back investments for a later time? Do you strain your IT budget by makinginvestments that will have to be quickly replaced? The answer is quite simple.You could invest in servers that are efficient and flexible enough to handle today’scomputing requirements, while safeguarding the future growth of your data center.HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server is engineered to protect your server investmentand extend the life of your data center with reliability, accessibility, and serviceability.This versatile rack-optimized server balances efficiency and performance, and makesmanagement simple and effective. It is future-proof, with the HP-exclusive FlexibleLAN-On-Motherboard (FlexibleLOM), giving you a choice of 1 GB or 10 GB Networkinterface controllers (NICs), thus allowing easy upgradability for future NIC capacitiesas they become available during the Gen8 lifecycle. This adaptability allows yourserver to be future-ready, today. The HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server:• Increases performance with greater processor core count, memory capacities, andinternal storage capacities• Improves manageability with next-generation embedded HP Smart Array P420itechnology• Enhances serviceability with improved PCIe riser solutions, smart socket guides,and elegant cabling• Enables flexible network solutions with FlexibleLOM NICs• Provides embedded provisioning tools, active health monitoring, and systemmaintenance capabilities built using industry-leading HP Integrated Lights-Out (iLO)Management EngineWhether you are an enterprise-class data center, or a small or medium sizedbusiness looking to expand in the future, the HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Serverprovides configuration flexibility that can cater to your growing server needswith efficiency.21 “Intel® NDA Benchmark,” Intel, July 2011.2 A dditional internal storage capacities over G7(total LFF Storage Capacity = 36 TB SAS, 36 TBSATA, 4.8 TB SSD) (Supporting SSD/SAS/SATA inSFF/LFF)3 M ore I/O bandwidth to the processor resulting inlower latency as compared with G7 version(Gen8 = 40 lanes/processor, G7 = 24 lanes/processor)4 H P Gen8 Smart Arrays bring significantenhancement, starting with a 2x increase inperformance (final results awaited)5 “HP internal lab testing,” HP, 20116 A s compared to G7 version that has up to 384G12 DIMM x 32G 4R, whilst Gen8 has 786G24 DIMM x 32G 2R.Key features and benefitsIntel® Xeon® E5-2600 series with dual QuickPathInterconnect (QPI)Up to 80 percent more performance 14 Channels per DIMM and 24 memory DIMM slots2x the memory capacity over G7 with 768 GB max memory Up to 25 small form factor (SFF) or 12 large formfactor (LFF) hard drivesUp to two times the internal storage capacity 2Flexible Network options (FlexibleLOM)Flexibility of choice with 4x1G or 2x10G Ethernet; or 2x10G FlexFabric Up to 6 PCIe Gen3 slots200 percent more I/O capacities with PCIe-Gen33HP SmartStorage SolutionUp to 200 percent more performance with HP SmartDrives, HP Smart Array 4iLO Management Engine4th generation iLO manageability Active Health Always-on diagnostics, 5x faster root cause diagnostics 5Helps increase performance, durability, and storage capacity• Offers higher performance, better power efficiency, and more adaptability with the built-inIntel Xeon E5-2600 processor family, including Intel QuickPath, Integrated Memory Controller,Turbo Boost, Intelligent Power Technologies, and Trusted Execution Technology.• Creates greater memory bandwidth, DIMM count, and new memory health programs with lessdowntime with HP SmartMemory; new memory slots allow up to 768 GB of maximum memoryand 128 GB at maximum speeds of 1,600 MHz.• Provides complete data protection with embedded HP Smart Array P420i RAID controller,transportable Flash Back Write Cache (FBWC), and RAID 6 options.• Renders quicker access to data and increases storage bandwidth forcutting-edge storage performance with up to 25 serial-attached SCSI (SAS) drives and newembedded Smart Array RAID controllers.• Communicates with HP Intelligent power distribution unit (PDU) with high-efficiencyHP Platinum Plus common-slot power supplies (460 W, 750 W, or 1200 W) to enableredundant supplies to be plugged into redundant power PDUs.• Qualifies ENERGY STAR® ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server configurations.• Enables ambidextrous cable management arm option with cabling flexibility and management for quick access to the server.• Installs quickly with new universal tool-free sliding rails. Quick release levers allow fast server access.Enables improved application, storage, and I/O performance • Supports RDIMM, UDIMM, and LRDIMM with up to 768 GB capacity and 128 GB capacity at 1,600 MHz. HP SmartMemory delivers up to 2x more memory capacity over previous generations.6• Reduces data loss with long-term data retention with FBWC standard. New embedded HP Smart Array P420i RAID controller and support for HP SmartStorage, including PCIe 3.0, HP SmartDrives, and HP FBWC with capacity up to 2 GB. Choice of up to 25 2.5-inch SFF or 12 3.5-inch LFF SAS, Serial ATA (SATA), and Solid State (SS) drives with optical media.• Converges the ability to customize server networking today and meet future needs withFlexibleLOM. Currently, provides choice of bandwidth between 1G and 10G, with the ability toupgrade to 20G and 40G when the technology becomes available. Fabric (Ethernet, FCoE, orInfiniBand) supports Wake-On-LAN (WOL) and offers a shared iLO port for ease of use.HP ProLiant DL380p Gen8 Server unique optionsPart description SKUHP 380/385 Gen8 8-SFF Cage/Backplane Kit (Additional 8 SFF Hard Drive Cage, allowing for up to 16 SFF Drive Bays)662883-B21 HP DL380/385GN 3 slot PCIe Riser Kit (Additional PCIe Gen3 Riser Card [quantity 1x16, 1x8, 1x4] for up to 6 total PCIe slots)653206-B21 HP DL380GN 2 slot x16 Riser Kit (Additional PCIe Gen3 Riser Card [quantity 2x16] for up to 5 total PCIe slots)653208-B21 x16 PCIe slot Aux Power Cable for graphics support up to 150 W669777-B21 HP DL380p Gen8 Double Wide Graphics Riser Cage Kit (to support nVidia Q6000 graphics card)662885-B21 HP DL380p NEBS Conversion Cage Kit (to meet NEBS/ETSI certified environments)707865-B21Technical specificationsProcessor Intel Xeon E5-2600 Series (up to 8 cores, up to 3.3 GHz)Chipset Intel C6XXMemory(24) DDR3, RDIMM, up to 1,600 MHz, ECC, Online SpareMax memory768 GB (24 DIMMs x 32G 2R)Internal storage SATA, SAS, SSD(8 or 25) 2.5" hot plug bays/(8 or 12) 3.5" hot plug baysSmart Array P420i controllerOptional: +8 SFF for 8 SFF ModelMax internal storage25 TB SAS (SFF); 36 TB SATA (LFF)Networking(1) FlexibleLOMChoice of: 4x1G, 2x10G Ethernet, or 2x10G FlexFabricI/O slots(6) PCIe 3.0:Riser 1(1) x16 FL/FH; (1) x8 HL/FH; (1) x4 (PCIe 2.0) HL/FH;Riser 2(1) x16 FL/FH; (1) x8 HL/FH; (1) x8 HL/FH; or (1) x16 FL/FH; (1) x16 HL/FHPorts Front: (2) USB; Rear: (4) USB, video (1600 x 1200), network; Internal: (1) USB, (1) SD CardPower supplies460, 750, 1200 W (92 or 94%)Integrated management HP iLO Management EngineAdditional features Support for two nVidia Q4000 or one nVidia Q6000 GPUForm factor2P/2U RackQuickSpecs URL /products/quickspecs/14212_div/14212_div.html3Sign up for updates /go/getupdated © Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HPproducts and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.ENERGY STAR is a registered mark owned by the U.S. government. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries. 4AA3-9615ENW, December 2012, Rev. 1Removes tedious, time-consuming tasks with intuitive, configurable management system • Takes strengths from products like HP SmartStart, HP Smart Update Manager, and HP ProLiant Support Packs on Intelligent Provisioning and enhances them with the latest ease-of-use features as well as places them, where they can be used instantly on the system board.• Starts working the moment a power cord and an Ethernet cable are connected to the server. Agentless hardware monitoring and alerting capabilities are built into the server with HP Agentless Management (runs on iLO 4 chipset). • Provides 24x7 continuous health monitoring with HP Active Health System that logs 100 percent configuration changes, and helps quicken analysis of problems with HP Service and Support.7Redefines server experience • Automated Energy Optimization improves the server’s ability to analyze and respond to “3D sea of sensors” data within the server, as well as self-identify location and inventory through HP Insight Control for maximum workload optimization across the entire data center.• Precise control of server fans to direct cooling and reduce unnecessary fan power with the first 3D array of temperature sensors that is part of the HP-unique Thermal Discovery. • Dynamic Workload Acceleration delivers smarter data protection for ever-increasing drive capacities, real-time workload-aware analysis to optimize and adapt storage performance and6x faster solid state performance versus previous generation.• User-inspired design features—HP SmartDrive carriers, smart socket guide, “Snap and Go”rails, flat cabling design, and easy tool-less access—anticipate your needs and help eliminatecommon issues that result in downtime of all customer serviceable components.HP ServicesHP Technology Services offers a set of consultancy, deployment, and support solutions designed to meet the lifecycle needs of your IT environments. HP Care Pack Services for industry-standard servers include support for qualified options at no additional cost.HP Foundation Care services delivers scalable support packages for HP industry-standardservers and software. You can choose the type and level of service that is most suitable for yourbusiness needs. New to this portfolio is HP Collaborative Support. This service offers a singlepoint of contact for server problem diagnosis, hardware problem resolution, basic softwareproblem diagnosis, fault isolation, and resolution if available to HP. In case the issue is withHP or supported third-party software product and cannot be resolved by applying known fixes,HP will contact the third-party vendor and create a problem incident on your behalf.If you are running business-critical environments, HP offers HP Proactive Care or HP CriticalAdvantage . These services help you deliver high levels of application availability throughproactive service management.All service options include HP Insight Remote Support for secure remote monitoring, diagnosis,and problem resolution. Also included is the HP Support Center that provides access toinformation, tools, and experts to support HP business products.For more information, visit /go/services .Entry models1 Intel Xeon Processor (80 W)4G DDR3 RDIMM MemoryFlexibleLOM: 4x1G Ethernet3 PCIe slots8 SFF HD Bays1 x 460 W Power Supply (92% Efficient)Fixed Rail KitBase models1 or2 Intel Xeon Processor (95 W)16G DDR3 RDIMM MemoryFlexibleLOM: 4x1G Ethernet3 PCIe slots8 SFF HD Bays1 x 460 W Power Supply (94% Efficient)Rail Kit/CMA standardPerformance models2 Intel Xeon Processor (95 W)32G DDR3 RDIMM MemoryFlexibleLOM: 4x1G Ethernet or 2x10G Ethernet6 PCIe slots8 SFF HD Bays2 x 750 W Power Supply (94% Efficient)Rail Kit/CMA standardHP Insight Control For more informationDiscover server efficiency with technology thatis designed to integrate with the demands of thefuture. Be future-ready today and tomorrow, visit/servers/DL380p-gen87 “HP internal lab testing,” HP, 2011.Rate this document。
知RAID Smart Array Smart Storage Administrator 刘弄玉2017-12-25 发表
在Microsoft windows系统下收集HPE ProLiant刀片服务器日志
使用HPE系统工具在Microsoft windows系统下收集刀片服务器的ADU日志、Survey日志。
要实现系统下通过HPE工具收集日志,需要提前安装好HPE工具,例如HPE PSP(ProLiant Support
Pack),或者单独安装HP ACU/HPE SSA和HPE Insight Diagnostics。
一、收集ADU日志开始菜单->程序->HP System tools ->HP Array Configuration Utility-> HP Array Configuration Utility
点击诊断(Diagnostics),勾选 阵列卡信息
然后点击生成诊断报告(Generate Diagnostic Report),点击保存
开始菜单->程序->HP System tools->HP Insight Diagnostics Online Edition for Windows:
点击左上方的调查(Survey)—更改查看级别(View Level) 为 高级;类别(Categories)为全部,点击SAVE可以保存报告
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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GEN8 IP1.5收集日志
1.开机F10进入IP.选择perform maintenance选项。
4.选择register later(IRS是远程报修的一款软件,如果想注册IRS,请联系8008106966
5.选择perform maintenance。
3. 选择诊断日志。
4. 选择优盘位置存储日志。
1.返回主页,选择insight diagnosics.
2. 务必修改为advanced,all收集日志。