

character, characteristic, trait, personality,

feature, attribute, property

一、character n. 性格,品质,人物,角色;[计]字符;指个人、社会、民


(1)All the characters in this book are imaginary. 这本书中的人物都是虚构的。(2)Dr. Watson is a character in the Sherlock Holmes stories.


(3)What's your most special characters? 你个性上最大的特点是什么?

(4)That man has a firm character now, but in his youth, his charater was weak.


(5)Indeed, he is a very kind man at heart. What you know about him is not his real character.


(6)A man’s character can be measured by the types of men with whom he associates. 一个人的性格可从他交往何种类型的人加以判断。

(7)He seems to be a man of good character. 看来他是一个品格优良的人。(8)I'd like to use small characters of this essay. 这个作文我想用小号字符。

二、characteristic 指“特征,特点,规格参数表”,指某人或某物恒定


(1)What characteristics distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese?


(2)She united with herself the characteristics of two distinct persons.


(3)She has Asiatic characteristics. 她具有亚洲人的特点。

(4)Reaction to strong stimuli from the outside world is a characteristic of all animals. 对外界的刺激产生反应是所有动物的一个特性。

(5)This town has all the characteristics of a typical seaside resort.


(6)a characteristic of Western/Chinese civilization

(7)women''s physiological characteristics

(8)The nationalities in China have all retained their special national characteristics.

三、trait与character一样,指人的具体性格的特征, 侧重于指先天行为模式或性格特征。

(1)Enthusiasm and honesty are the chief traits / characteristics of his character. 热情和诚实是他的性格的两个主要特征。

(2)The world discriminates one on the basis of clearly genetic traits, such as physical beauty and musical talent.




(1)My father is a man with a strong personality. 我父亲是个个性很强的人。

(2)He has a pleasing personality, which makes him popular.



1. 相貌[容貌] 的一部分(指眼、鼻、口、耳、额、颚等的任一部分);

a man of fine features 美貌的男子,美男子

(1)I haven’t seen him for ages, but I can recall his features very distinctly.


(2)Her dancing eyes are her most attractive features.

2. 显著的特征,特色;要点[of]

the geographical features of a district 某地区的地理特征

(3)The magazine makes a feature of children's stories.


(4)The most fruitful approach to a problem is the one which reveals the fundamental features of the problem.


An important feature of our work is students'' involvement.

The most outstanding national feature is the language.

(5)The mountains are certainly the most important feature of this area's landscape. 这群山脉显然是这一地区地貌的最大特色。

3. 电影、舞台表演等的精彩部分,号召物(第二个意思的引申)

(6)The main feature on the program is her song.



(1)A certain degree of ruthlessness is a necessary attribute for any successful CEO or president. 某种程度的残酷对任何一个成功的首席执行官或董事长来说是一种必需要具备的特性。

(2)Credibility is an essentail attribute that is build on the elements of integrity, reliability, competence and commitment.


(3)Heavy rain is a distinctive attribute of the weather near the equator.


七、property 多指物的物理或化学特性,或同类事物所共有的特性,一般


(1)The two elementary forms of carbon have very different properties.


(2)We may not be able to identify a substance from a single property.



可数名词与不可数名词 名词分可数名词与不可数名词。 1.有些名词总是用作可数名词的,如: leg,dog,pen.有些名词总是用作不可数名词,如: pork,gold,honesty.有些则有时用作可数名词,有时用作不可数名词,如:It is made of glass.(不可数) He held a glass.(可数) 与5类名词的关系 区分5类名词对决定一个名词是可数还是不可数有极其重要的意义。C代表可数(Countable),用U代表不可数(Uncountable)。1.大多数普通名词为可数名词,如: a chair,another car,dogs. 2.多数集体名词也是可数名词,如:(a)family,(each)class,(all) parties,(different) nations。 3.专有名词,多数作不可数名词,如:London,China,Ham-bet,Neptune;但有些为可数名词,如 Communists,English-men。4.物质名词一般不可数,如:milk,gold,coffee,beer.但有些可用作可数名词,表示特殊意义,如:an ice-cream(一份冰淇淋),a light rain(一阵小雨)。 5.多数的抽象名词既可作不可数名词,也可作可数名词(这时意思有些变化),如: 不可数可数beauty 美 a beauty 美人 disappointment 失望 a disappointment 失望的事 C.普通名词和物质名词 不过一个名词的可数与不可数问题最终还是靠习惯决定,习惯用法是自然形成的,不能靠简单的条文来推断。虽说表示可数的东西为可数名词,否则为不可数名词,但总有些特殊情况。在表示定形之物时,物质名词也可用作可数名词,在强调某种特性时,普通名词也可变成不可数名词。 1.气体名称通常作不可数名词,如:oxygen(氧气),hydrogen(氢气)。但odour(气味),flavor(味道),cloud(云)是可数名词;而fire则既可作不可数名词,也可作可数名词。 2.液体名称一般为不可数名词,如:milk,water;但beverage(饮料),cocktail(鸡尾酒)为可数名词,而juice(汁)、sauce (调味液)、liquor(酒)既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。 3.药品名称通常不可数,如: codeine;但antibiotic(抗生素),insecticide(杀虫剂),vitamin(维生素)都是可数的。4.植物中有些的名称既作可数名词,也可作不可数名词,如: 可数不可数 a pine 松树 pine 松木 a pepper 青椒 pepper 胡椒粉 5.表示天气的名词多作不可数名词,如:lightning(闪电),thunder(雷),snow,但有些为可数名词,如: comet(慧星),sunbean(阳光),ray(光线)。有些可用作两类,如: mist(浓雾),dew(露水),rain。 6.表示动物的名词一般为可数名词,如: monkey,elephant,shrimp(虾),但有些可用于两类情况,如: 可数不可数 a chicken鸡 chicken鸡肉 a duck 鸭 duck鸭肉 a fish鱼 fish 鱼(肉) 7.物质名词一般不可数,如: iron,plaster(石膏),mercury(水银)。有些两者都可以,如:chalk(粉笔),brick(砖),coal(煤)。 D.集体名词 26 有个别集体名词可用作不可数名词,如: police(警察总称),cattle(牲口),produce(农产品),vegetation(植物),clothing(衣服),furniture(家具),pottery(陶器)。 E.抽象名词 27 1.在一万个抽象名词中约有 72%(约7 200字)常常或有时既作不可数名词,又作可数名词,如: belief,beliefs; birth,births; hope,hopes;fear,fears。

property、character、characteristic、trait、attribute、feature 区别

【英语词汇】 property、character、characteristic、 trait、attribute、feature 佳中 这组词常用于表示人或物的特征。 property 多指物的物理或化学特性,或同类事物所共有的特性,一般不用于指人。 1)The two elementary forms of carbon have very different properties. 碳的这两个基本形式的性质大不相同。 2)We may not be able to identify a substance from a single property. 凭单一特性我们也许不能别出一种物质。 character泛指人的性格特征,或指人的独特的典型的特征。 1) Indeed, he is a very kind man at heart. What you know about him is not his real character. 确实他是一个非常心地善良的人。你对他的了解并不是他的真正品格。 2)A man’s character can be measured by the types of men with whom he associates. 一个人的性格可从他交往何种类型的人加以判断。 characteristic可指人或事物所具有的、不同于其他人或物的个性或性质。指人时是character 中的具体特征或特点。 1)She united with herself the characteristics of two distinct persons. 她身上具有两个截然不同的人的特点。 2)Reaction to strong stimuli from the outside world is a characteristic of all animals. 对外界的刺激产生反应是所有动物的一个特性。 3) This town has all the characteristics of a typical seaside resort. 这个小城镇具有所有典型的的海滨特色。 trait 与character一样,指人的具体性格的特征, 侧重于指先天行为模式或性格特征。 1)Enthusiasm and honesty are the chief traits / characteristics of his character. 热情和诚实是的他的性格的两个主要特征。 2) The world discriminates one on the basis of clearly genetic traits, such as physical beauty and musical talent. 世界常根据显著遗传特点区分人,如长相美和音乐天赋等。


不可数名词和可数名词 不能按照个数计算的普通名词叫不可数名词;如:juice, milk, water, beef, chicken 等。 能按照个数计算的普通名词叫可数名词。可数名词有单复数两种形式。指一个人或一件事用单数形式a/an ;指两个人及多个人或事物时用复数形式。可数名词由单数形式变为复数形式的规则如下: ①一般情况,加-s。 女口:books, dogs, days, trees 等。 ②单词以s, x, ch, sh 结尾的,加-es。 女口:classes, watches ,boxes, brushes 等。 ③单词以“辅音字母+y”结尾,将y变i,加-es。 女口:stories, cities, families, babies 等。 ④以o结尾有生命的名词加-es ;无生命的名词加-s。 女口:有生命:heroes, potatoes, tomatoes, man goes 等。 无生命:photos, pia nos, radios, zoos 等。 ⑤一些以f或fe结尾的单词,把f、fe变成ve加-s。 女口:life-lives, knife-knives 等。 ⑥不规则变化。 女口:man-men, woman-women, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth 等。 ⑦单复数同形。 女口:deer, sheep, fish, Chinese, Japanese 等。 一、根据句意填空。 1. Look at those ______ ild) 2.1 can see a ___________ ding n ear the door. (policema n) 3. Do you want some ________ f or dinner? (potato) 4. In autu mn, you can see a lot of ______ ound. (leaf) 5. He has two ______ ne is blue, the other is yellow. (box) 6. Two ________ live in this build ing. ( family )


英语中可数名词与不可数名词的区别 西永安小学王爱芳 在英语中很多名词既可以用作可数,也可以作不可数,判断其可数与不可数时,依据就是其意思的变化.不可能有名词在作同一词义时既可数又不可数的情况. (1)表示动物的一些词一般可数,但指肉时是不可数. 如:fish, chicken, lamb 等. (2)物质名词不可数,如rubber, glass, iron. 用作可数名词时词义有变化,如 a rubber(一块橡皮擦), a glass (一个玻璃杯), a pair of glasses (一副眼镜)an iron(一个慰斗). (3)抽象名词显然不可数,但指具体的意义时又是可数,如: success(成功,不可数) ——a success( 一件成功的事,可数) experience (经验,不可数) —experiences (经历,可数) in surprise 中surprise 指一种情感,是抽象名词不可数.It’s a surprise...中surprise 是指一件事情,是具体名词可数. 即:有些词通常既可数又不可数,最简单的判断方法是:判断其所指的是“具体的”还是“抽象的”。举例子: Lactose, A (a) sugar B(present) in milk, is one C(of simple sugars) used in D(food) preparations for infants. 前面的sugar是指“牛奶”中的糖分(物质的一种属性),此时为不可数名词,在句中作同位语,不需要仍何冠词。如:Lactose is sugar,not salt. present 为形容词作定语。one of 指特定群体中的一部分,必须接定冠词,此时sugar为可数名词指不同形式的糖类。food就是不数名词。 例如:Experience 是可数名词时是经历 不可数名词时是经验 experience n. 1. 经验,体验[U][(+of/in)] She had no experience of life at all. 她毫无生活经验。 Have you had any experience of teaching English? 你有过教英语的经验吗? 2. 经历,阅历[C] Please tell us about your experiences in Africa. 请跟我们谈谈你在非洲的经历。 I had a rather odd experience the other day. 前些天我有过一次相当奇怪的经历。 vt. 1. 经历;体验 The city experienced over 2,000 such incidents last year. 去年这座城市发生过二千次以上这类事件。 2. 感受;遭受

新一代大学英语(1)第三单元 Characteristic of science

Characteristics of science Charles Van Doren 1.Science, in our common everyday sense of the word, is a human activity characterized by three things. 2.First, science is practiced by special people with a specific view of the world. Scientists try to be objective, unsentimental and unemotional. They do not let their feelings get in the way of their observations of real things, facts, as they call them. They often work in laboratories or in other areas where they can carefully control what they are working on. They do not just wander out onto the dock at sunset and look at the world with wonder, as a poet might. Ideally, they are also both honest and check them out and then utilize them in their findings so others can check them out and then utilize them in their own work. They do not claim more than they can prove, and often even less. But they are very proud of their calling and prefer to talk to other scientists rather than anybody else, especially poets, who tend to make them feel uncomfortable, to put them down.(Of course poets also feel scientists return the favor.) 3.Second, science deals almost exclusively with things, not ideas or feelings, and with the external world and its workings, not inner states and their workings, despite the effort of some psychologists to be or seem scientific. The human body is considered to be or seem scientific. The human body is considered to be a part of the external world; the soul is not. Therefore, scientists work to understand the body but not the soul. Most scientists doubt the soul exists. The solar system and the universe are also part of the external world, although we have little enough direct evidence of their mode of existence. Scientists tend to assume the basic conditions of nature on Earth are the same everywhere in the cosmos. 4.Mankind is only questionably part of the external world in this sense. Scientists are generally reluctant to deal with the behavior of large groups of men and women. Thus economists, for example, struggle to be considered scientists, but usually in vain. The external world of scientists contains some things, like quanta, quarks and quasars, that are as mysterious as angels and normally as invisible. But this does not trouble them, as they believe they can deal effectively with the elementary particles that they cannot see and according to the uncertainty principle never can see, but not with angels, which will probably never appear to scientists because scientists do not believe in them. 5.When you come right down to it, the external world is anything that scientists can measure and describe in mathematical terms, and it excludes everything they cannot. This means the external world is a rather hazy notion, but the idea behind it is not hazy at all. 6.Third, science deals with whatever it deals with in a special way, employing special methods and a language for reporting results that is unique to it. The best-known method, but not necessarily the most often employed, consists of experiment, Which involves getting an idea – from where, most scientists do not question – framing it in a testable hypothesis, and then testing the hypothesis in a


如何区分可数与不可数名词 具体名词可数,抽象名词不可数。 具体名词: 看得见的某种人、某样东西、某个地方的名称,你可以把它拆分成很多独立而分离的个体去看待。 an offender,most offenders;an English learner,English learners;one product,different products;his computer,their computers; a museum,virtual museums;this area,those areas 抽象名词: 看不见摸不着, 只可意会不可言传,只存在你脑里的概念,需要你用心去感受的,不是一个有形的物体。 advice,anger,assistance,courage,damage,evidence,happiness,harm,health,hospitality,information,knowledge,luck,music,patience,progress,permission,safety,traffic,travel,violence,wealth,work 但抽象不可数名词中有些虽然不是可拆分的个体,有时候却需要去量化它,那么可以通过数“单位词”来显示这些名词的数量。如: a piece of advice,a piece of evidence,a stroke of luck,a form of travel,an act of violence 有些具体名词,虽然真真实实看到了它是存在的物体,却是不可数名词,因为把它们看做了一个整体的类别。如: (an item of)baggage,(a loaf of)bread,cash,coffee,coal, (a piece of )furniture,garbage,(a slice of)meat, scenery, (a dish of)spaghetti (具体不可数名词,如果不看做一个种类,而是要指一部分,去量化这些物品,也是可以用量词来表示数量的。) 有些抽象名词,虽然也是透明不可见的,却也是可数的。因为它们虽是无形的存在,但却可以有具体的分类和特征。如 skill(s),industry(-ies),system(s),factor(s),government(s),situation(s),j ob(s),rate(s),brand(s),salary(-ies). 双性名词 experience 1.They want someone with experience for this job. 统称“经验”这种个人能力/履历,是一个人的内在—>不可数


character, characteristic, trait, personality, feature, attribute, property 一、character n. 性格,品质,人物,角色;[计]字符;指个人、社会、民 族等的“特性,性格”,或指人的独特的典型的特征或性格。通常是自身素质的体现,强调后天培养的结果。例如: (1)All the characters in this book are imaginary. 这本书中的人物都是虚构的。(2)Dr. Watson is a character in the Sherlock Holmes stories. 华生医生是福尔摩斯探案故事中的一个人物。 (3)What's your most special characters? 你个性上最大的特点是什么? (4)That man has a firm character now, but in his youth, his charater was weak. 那个人现在性格坚强,但是在少年时代,他性格软弱。 (5)Indeed, he is a very kind man at heart. What you know about him is not his real character. 确实他是一个非常心地善良的人。你对他的了解并不是他的真正品格。 (6)A man’s character can be measured by the types of men with whom he associates. 一个人的性格可从他交往何种类型的人加以判断。 (7)He seems to be a man of good character. 看来他是一个品格优良的人。(8)I'd like to use small characters of this essay. 这个作文我想用小号字符。 二、characteristic 指“特征,特点,规格参数表”,指某人或某物恒定 的、先天有别于他人或他物的内部或外部属性和特征,并非性格。可指人或事物所具有的、不同于其他人或物的个性或性质。指人时是character(性格)中的具体特征或特点。例如: (1)What characteristics distinguish the Chinese from the Japanese? 中国人不同与日本人的特征是什么? (2)She united with herself the characteristics of two distinct persons. 她身上具有两个截然不同的人的特点。 (3)She has Asiatic characteristics. 她具有亚洲人的特点。 (4)Reaction to strong stimuli from the outside world is a characteristic of all animals. 对外界的刺激产生反应是所有动物的一个特性。

Communication skill is the most important characteristic of successful leadership

Communication skill is the most important characteristic of successful leadership A successful leadership can never fail to attract people’s eyes with some special characteristics. Communication skill has been considered the key to success to leadership. From my personal perspective, whether it is the most important characteristic depends on what kind of leadership to talk about. For business leadership, it is no exaggeration to say that communication is the crucial quality, since it can attract more clients and customers. A good leadership of a big company always consults his or her employees before making a decision for the company. For example, a famous entrepreneur in my hometown decided to open a supermarket in my hometown many years ago during the financial crises. The employees and the residents in our hometown had no doubt that the supermarket would be a success. Because the leader of that company is gregarious, he appeased his stuffs when they lose confidences and talk with other people to let them believe in him to get their support. His good communication skills help him gain a good reputation both from employees and customers. This example validated my assumption that communication is extremely vital to the business leaders. However, communication skills can be less necessary for political


可数名词与不可数名词的区别 普通名词所表示的人或事物是可以按个数计算的,这类名词叫可数名词。可数名词分为个体名词(表示某类人或事物中的个体,如worker, farmer, desk, factory等)和集体名词(表示作为一个整体来看的一群人或一些事物,如people, family 等)。如果普通名词所表示的事物是不能按个数来计算的,这类名词就叫不可数名词。不可数名词分为物质名词(表示无法分为个体的物质,如meat, rice, water, milk, orange 等)和抽象名词(表示动作、状态、情况、品质等抽象概念,如work, homework, time, health, friendship等)。 二、关于可数名词 名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词两部分。其中,可数名词是表示能够计算的人或物的名称,他们通常有单数和复数的形式。 单数通常用a,an或者是one来表示。an用在元音字母的前面。如:a desk, an apple, one boy. 1、直接在单词的后面加-s. photo---photos book---books egg---eggs student---students pen---pens village---villages building---buildings cloud---clouds flower---flowers hand---hands map---maps girl---girls 2、如果单词以s,x,ch,sh结尾,通常要在单词后面加-es. bus---buses class---classes box---box dress---dresses peach---peaches watch---watches fish---fishes 3、以辅音字母+y结尾的单数名词要把y变为i,再加-es.如果y的前面是元音字母,则直接加上-s. family---families story---stories baby---babies day---days toy---toys boy---boys 4、以f,fe结尾的单词,要把f,fe变为v,再加-es. knife---knives wolf---wolves shelf---shelves 5、以o结尾的单词一般加-s构成复数,但potato, tomato,hero等词要加-es构成复数。 radio---radios photo---photos piano---pianos zoo---zoos studio---studios potato---potatoes tomato---tomatoes hero---heroes 6、一些特殊的不规则名词的复数。 goose---geese foot---feet tooth---teeth woman---women man---men sheep---sheep fish---fish deer---deer people---people child---children ox---oxen mouse---mice 7、be和指示代词的复数。 is---are am---are this---these that---those it---they 8、有些名词是通常以复数形式出现的,如:shoes, pants, boots, glasses等。三、关于不可数名词 1. 不可数名词没有复数,当它作句子的主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 如:The food is very fresh. 食品很新鲜。 2. 有的不可数名词也可以作可数名词,有复数形式,但他们的意义往往发生变化。 如:water (水) → waters (水域) orange (橘汁) → oranges (橘子) 3. 很多的不可数名词表示泛指时为不可数,表示种类时就可数,但意义大多不发生变化。 如:fruit → fruits food → foods fish → fishes hair → hairs 一、不可数名词的概念 1. 一般来说,不可数名词主要是以物质名词与抽象名词为主。它们通常没有复数形式,也不能与a ,an 连用。在表示“一”或“几”的数量概念时,不可数名词必须与相应的量词连用。如果时表示复数的数量关系时,则把量词变化,不可数名词不变。修饰不可数名词的数量词语有:some, any, much, a lot of, a little等。

Good communication skills is the most important characteristic of people who want to succeed.

Good communication skill is the most important characteristics for a person who wants to become successful How to achieve success is such a complicated question that may have various answers. The answer has been “good education”or “high degree”before. But as economic and cultural exchanges become increasingly frequent, good communication skill has become a rather important social quality. Books with the title like “Teach You How to Make Public Speech”or “Being a talkative social queen”become popular for a time. Many people even holds that good communication skill is the most important characteristics for people who are eager to succeed. Meanwhile many people still believe that there some other important aspects that lead to success. In my opinion, I am inclined to take the later view for the following reasons. Indeed, the position of good communication skill can not be denied. Good communication skill can help people to build a good personal image. A polite and talkative person often leaves a good impression to others. Good communication skill also plays an essential role in maintaining a good cooperative relationship between working partners, which is of great importance on the way towards success. Even though there appears some misunderstanding between two sides, people with good communication skill can quickly calm down and tackle the problems. Therefore, if one has a talent of communicating with others, he or she will be welcomed in the workplace, thus bring themselves more opportunities. However, to be successful requires multiple qualities. Apart from good communication skill, other skills are of great importance, too. For example, there are a lot of geniuses who are in lack of good communication skill, such as V an Gogh. This great painter suffered a lot from isolated mental state and difficulty in interpersonal communication. For those great artists like Van Gogh, their outstanding aptitude, extraordinary imagination and exquisite painting skill are more important than communication skill. It is not good communication skill, but their great talent that earns them the reputation of successful painting master. Reversely, if Van Gogh was a charming eloquent social star, he would not have such a great aptitude in painting. Take scientific researchers as another example. What they need most is not a silvery tongue, but a golden mind. They need to have a profound understanding of their profession and superior concentration and perseverance. If they spend most of their time dealing with others, their attention will be distracted and can not concentrate on the study continuously. To sum up, good communication skill is only one important characteristic people who want to be successful should possess. Outstanding aptitude, solid knowledge foundation, and strong mental power are also decisive factors contributing to one’s success. Further more, due to different fields, different qualities are required. Good communication skill can not account for all the cases of successful people, thus it is not the most important characteristics for people who want to achieve success.


Unit 7 How do you make a banana smoothie?知识解析 I. 学习目标 1.学会描述混合饮料、沙拉、三明治等食品的制作程序。 2.学会区分可数名词和不可数名词及如何表示量。 3.学会写菜谱。4.学会描述某个过程。 II. 学习向导 III.疑点、难点解析 1.cut:切,割,剪,割破;cut up:切碎,粉碎,捣毁。如: I cut my finger when I cooked dinner yesterday. 昨天我做晚饭时割破了手指。 The butcher cut up the meat. 屠夫把肉切碎. 2.可数名词和不可数名词量的表示方法。特别注意不可数名词要加表示容器或体积大小的名词,与of构成短语才能表示量。 如: a piece of paper,two teaspoons of cinnamon,a cup of yogurt,a bar of chocolate 3.add…to 把…加到…上。 如: If you add 5 to 6, you get 11. 五加六得十一。 4.在描述一件事情的先后顺序时,恰当地使用副词first、next、then 和finally,既能使说话人喘口气,又能使听话者感到句子的连贯性。 IV. 补充的词汇 1.碟子dish7. 苏打水soda13. 酱油sauce 2.盘子plate8. 奶油cream14. 香油sesame oil 3.汤匙spoon 9. 桃peach15. 黄油butter 4.刀子knife10. 梨pear16. 色拉油salad oil 5.叉子fork11. 葡萄grape17. 花生酱peanut butter 6.打蛋器egg beater12. 草莓strawberry 18. 芝麻酱sesame paste


特征函数(Characteristic Function )的性质 1.;1)0(|)(|=≤??t ).0(11|||||)(|??==≤≤=E e E Ee t itX itX 2. )()(t t ??=-. )()(t Ee e E Ee t itX itX itX ??====--. 3. 若Y=aX+b, 其中a 和b 为常数,则 ).()(at e t X ibt Y ??= 4. 若X 的l 阶矩存在,则 .1,|)(0l k EX i t dt d k k t k k ≤≤==? k k t itX k k t itX k k t k k EX i e X E i Ee dt d t dt d ======000|)(||)(?. 注意求导和期望可交换的条件. 可利用特征函数求随机变量的各阶矩. 5. 特征函数具有一致连续性. ? ><>?>?M x dx x p t s M ||)(..,0,0εε ?∞ ∞ =-=-+|)()1(||)()(|x dF e e t h t itx ihx ?? ? ∞∞ --≤)(|1|x dF e ihx ?? ->-+-=M M M x ihx ihx x dF e x dF e ||)(|1|)(|1|

|||2 sin |2)(||1|2 /2 /2 /hx hx e e e e ihx ihx ihx ihx ≤=-=-- x hx e e e e ihx ihx ihx ihx ?≤=-=--,2|2 sin |2)(||1|2 /2 /2 / ? ? >-+≤-+M x M M x dF x dF x h t h t ||)(2)(|||)()(|?? ?-+≤+≤M M hM x dF hM εε22)(. 取,/M εδ =则 对 任意实数t ,和),0(δ∈h 有 .3|)()(|ε??≤-+t h t 所以,特征函数是一致连续的. 引理:狄利克雷积分 ). (2 1 21 00 02 1)sin(1)(0a sign a a a dt t at a I =??? ? ???<-=>==?∞+π 证明: ? ∞ = sin )(1 )(dt t t a sign a I π 以下证明 ? +∞ =0 2 sin π du u u .
