大学英语综合教程5课文翻译One Writer's Beginnings1 I learned from the age of two or three that any room in our house, at any time of day,was there to read in, or to be read to. My mother read to me. She'd read to me in the big bedroom in the mornings, when we were in her rocker together, which ticked in rhythmas we rocked, as though we had a cricket accompanying the story. She'd read to me inthe dining room on winter afternoons in front of the coal fire, with our cuckoo clockending the story with "Cuckoo", and at night when I'd got in my own bed. I must havegiven her no peace. Sometimes she read to me in the kitchen while she sat churning,and the churning sobbed along with any story. It was my ambition to have her read tome while I churned; once she granted my wish, but she read off my story before Ibrought her butter. She was an expressive reader. When she was reading "Puss in Boots," for instance, it was impossible not to know that she distrusted all cats.作家起步时我从两三岁起就知道,家中随便在哪个房间里,白天无论在什么时间,都可以念书或听人念书。
1-We’ve been hitAdam Mayblum过去很享受看着暴风雨抽打他办公室窗户的场景:你认为这就是权力吗?Mayblum可能会讥笑。
虽然它是在距离地面1,040 英尺的高空中,但是世贸中心还是相当稳固的。
在9 月的那个早上,当Mayblum感觉到毁灭性的隆隆声时,他瞥了一眼拉绳。
他们被疯狂坠入3 英尺的任一方向。
尽管多达25,000人找到了他们安全逃生的方式,但另外的5,000 人却没有逃脱得了这场灾难。
在名为戴维斯的金融服务公司里,Adam Mayblum办公室内的混乱持续了几秒钟。
Mayblum曾与拉莫斯断断续续一起工作了14 年之久。
Mayblum又冲下楼梯,成功到达了78 楼,这里恰好是有一部电梯和一个楼梯的中转大厅。
这个男的说自己需要帮助,Adam Mayblum答应了。
THE FOURTH OF JULYAudre Lorde1The first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposedto stop being a child. At least that's what they said to us all at graduation from theeighth grade. My sister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school. I don’ t know what she was supposed to stop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took aFourth of July trip to Washington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.Detailed Reading2It was the first time I'd ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and weused to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train , because it was cheaper.3.Preparations were in the air around our house before school was even over. We packed for aweek. There were two very large suitcases that my father carried, and a box filled with food. In fact,my first trip to Washington was a mobile feast; I started eating as soon as we were comfortablyensconced in our seats, and did not stop until somewhere after Philadelphia. I remember it was Philadelphia because I was disappointed not to have passed by the Liberty Bell.4.My mother had roasted two chickens and cut them up into dainty bite-size pieces. Shepacked slices of brown bread and butter, and green pepper and carrot sticks. There were littleviolently yellow iced cakes with scalloped edges called " marigolds ," that came from Cushman'sBakery. There was a spice bun and rock-cakes from Newton's, the West Indian bakery across Lenox Avenue from St. Mark's school, and iced tea in a wrapped mayonnaise jar. There were sweet picklesfor us and dill pickles for my father, and peaches with the fuzz still on them, individually wrapped tokeep them from bruising. And, for neatness, there were piles of napkins and a little tin box with awashcloth dampened with rosewater and glycerine for wiping sticky mouths.5.I wanted to eat in the dining car because I had read all about them, but my motherreminded me for the umpteenth time that dining car food always cost too much money and besides,you never could tell whose hands had been playing all over that food, nor where those same handshad been just before. My mother never mentioned that Black people were not allowed into railroaddining cars headed south in 1947. As usual, whatever my mother did not like and could not change,she ignored. Perhaps it would go away, deprived of her attention.6.I learned later that Phyllis's high school senior class trip had been to Washington, but thenuns had given her back her deposit in private , explaining to her that the class, all of whom werewhite, except Phyllis, would be staying in a hotel where Phyllis "would not be happy," meaning,Daddy explained to her, also in private, that they did not rent rooms to Negroes. "We still takeamong-you to Washington, ourselves, "my father had avowed , "and not just for an overnight insome measly fleabag hotel ."7. In Washington D.C., we had one large room with two double beds and an extra cot for me. Itwas a back-street hotel that belonged to a friend of my father's who was in real estate, and I spentthe whole next day after Mass squinting up at the Lincoln Memorial where Marian Anderson hadsung after the D.A.R. refused to allow her to sing in their auditorium because she was Black. Orbecause she was "Colored", my father said as he told us the story. Except that what he probablysaid was "Negro", because for his times, my father was quite progressive.8.I was squinting because I was in that silent agony that characterized all of my childhood summers, from the time school let out in June to the end of July, brought about by my dilatedand vulnerable eyes exposed to the summer brightness.9.I viewed Julys through an agonizing corolla of dazzling whiteness and I always hated the Fourth of July, even before I came to realize the travesty such a celebration was for Black peoplein this country.10.My parents did not approve of sunglasses, nor of their expense.11.I spent the afternoon squinting up at monuments to freedom and past presidencies and democracy, and wondering why the light and heat were both so much stronger in Washington D.C., than back home in New York City. Even the pavement on the streets was a shade lighter in color than back home.te that Washington afternoon my family and I walked back down Pennsylvania Avenue.We were a proper caravan, mother bright and father brown, the three of us girls step-standards in-between. Moved by our historical surroundings and the heat of early evening, my father decreed yet another treat. He had a great sense of history, a flair for the quietly dramatic and the sense of specialness of an occasion and a trip.13."Shall we stop and have a little something to cool off, Lin? "14.Two blocks away from our hotel, the family stopped for a dish of vanilla ice cream at a Breyer's ice cream and soda fountain . Indoors, the soda fountain was dim and fan-cooled , deliciously relieving to my scorched eyes.15.Corded and crisp and pinafored , the five of us seated ourselves one by one at the counter. There was I between my mother and father, and my two sisters on the other side of my mother.We settled ourselves along the white mottled marble counter, and when the waitress spoke at first no one understood what she was saying, and so the five of us just sat there.16. The waitress moved along the line of us closer to my father and spoke again. "I said I kin give you to take out, but you can't eat here, sorry." Then she dropped her eyes looking very embarrassed, and suddenly we heard what it was she was saying all at the same time, loudand clear.17.Straight-backed and indignant , one by one, my family and I got down from the counter stools and turned around and marched out of the store, quiet and outraged, as if we had never been Black before. No one would answer my emphatic questions with anything other than a guilty silence. "But we hadn't done anything!" This wasn't right or fair! Hadn't I written poemsabout freedom and democracy for all?18.My parents wouldn't speak of this injustice, not because they had contributed to it, but because they felt they should have anticipated it and avoided it. This made me even angrier. My fury was not going to be acknowledged by a like fury. Even my two sisters copied my parents' pretense that nothing unusual and anti-American had occurred. I was left to write my angry letterto the president of the United States all by myself, although my father did promise I could type itout on the office typewriter next week, after I showed it to him in my copybook diary.19.The waitress was white, and the counter was white, and the ice cream I never ate in Washington D.C., that summer I left childhood was white, and the white heat and the white pavement and the white stone monuments of my first Washington summer made me sick to my stomach for the whole rest of that trip and it wasn't much of a graduation present after all.我第一次去华盛顿是在那年刚入夏,这个夏天也是我从此告别孩提时代的开始。
大学英语综合教程5 课文翻译
One Writer's Beginnings1 I learned from the age of two or three that any room in our house, at any time of day, was there to read in, or to be read to. My mother read to me. She'd read to me in thebig bedroom in the mornings, when we were in her rocker together, which ticked in rhythm as we rocked, as though we had a cricket accompanying the story. She'd read to me in the dining room on winter afternoons in front of the coal fire, with our cuckoo clock ending the story with "Cuckoo", and at night when I'd got in my own bed. I must have given her no peace. Sometimes she read to me in the kitchen while she sat churning, and the churning sobbed along with any story. It was my ambition to have her read to me while I churned; once she granted my wish, but she read off my story before I brought her butter. She was an expressive reader. When she was reading "Puss in Boots," for instance, it was impossible not to know that she distrusted all cats.作家起步时我从两三岁起就知道,家中随便在哪个房间里,白天无论在什么时间,都可以念书或听人念书。
One Writer's Beginnings1 I learned from the age of two or three that any room in our house, at any time of day, was there to read in, or to be read to. My mother read to me.She'd read to me in the big bedroom in the mornings, when we were in her rocker together, which ticked in rhythm as we rocked, as though we had a cricket accompanying the story. She'd read to me in the dining room on winterafternoons in front of the coal fire, with our cuckoo clock ending the story with "Cuckoo", and at night when I'd got in my own bed. I must have given herno peace. Sometimes she read to me in the kitchen while she sat churning, and the churning sobbed along with any story. It was my ambition to have her readto me while I churned; once she granted my wish, but she read off my story before I brought her butter. She was an expressive reader. When she was reading "Puss in Boots," for instance, it was impossible not to know that shedistrusted all cats.作家起步时我从两三岁起就知道,家中随便在哪个房间里,白天无论在什么时间,都可以念书或听人念书。
综合英语教程第五册 课文翻译(珍贵资料)
Integrated Skills of English 综合英语教程第五册Subject 1 Family Matters 家庭Reading For FunA Cornucopia of Thanks道不尽的感激之情在我成年后,发现“感恩节”所蕴涵的意味再也不是像从前一样了。
综合教程第五册课文翻译Unit1 The Fourth of July我第一次到华盛顿的时候是初夏那时我想我不应该再当一个孩子。
我想要在餐车吃饭,因为我已经从书上读到过关于它们的一切,但母亲提醒了我无数次,餐车食品太贵,而且,你根本没法辨别那些食物上有谁的手在上面动过,也不知道, 之前他们的手碰过什么地方。
综合英语教程第五册 课文翻译(珍贵资料)
Integrated Skills of English 综合英语教程第五册Subject 1 Family Matters 家庭Reading For FunA Cornucopia of Thanks道不尽的感激之情在我成年后,发现“感恩节”所蕴涵的意味再也不是像从前一样了。
Unit1The Fourth of JulyThe first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed tostop being a child. At least that’s what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. Mysister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school. I don’t know what she was supposed tostop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Forth of July trip toWashington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.我第一次到华盛顿的时候是初夏 那时我想我不应该再当一个孩子。
It was the first time I’d ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper.这是我第一次真正意义上在白天时乘坐火车。
THE FOURTH OF JULYAudre Lorde1 The first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed to stop being a child. At least that's what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. My sister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school. I don’t know what she was supposed to stop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Fourth of July trip to Washington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.Detailed Reading2 It was the first time I'd ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper.3. Preparations were in the air around our house before school was even over. We packed for a week. There were two very large suitcases that my father carried, and a box filled with food. In fact, my first trip to Washington was a mobile feast; I started eating as soon as we were comfortably ensconced in our seats, and did not stop until somewhere after Philadelphia. I remember it was Philadelphia because I was disappointed not to have passed by the Liberty Bell.4. My mother had roasted two chickens and cut them up into dainty bite-size pieces. She packed slices of brown bread and butter, and green pepper and carrot sticks. There were little violently yellow iced cakes with scalloped edges called "marigolds," that came from Cushman's Bakery. There was a spice bun and rock-cakes from Newton's, the West Indian bakery across Lenox Avenue from St. Mark's school, and iced tea in a wrapped mayonnaise jar. There were sweet pickles for us and dill pickles for my father, and peaches with the fuzz still on them, individually wrapped to keep them from bruising. And, for neatness, there were piles of napkins and a little tin box with a washcloth dampened with rosewater and glycerine for wiping sticky mouths.5. I wanted to eat in the dining car because I had read all about them, but my mother reminded me for the umpteenth time that dining car food always cost too much money and besides, you never could tell whose hands had been playing all over that food, nor where those same hands had been just before. My mother never mentioned that Black people were not allowed into railroad dining cars headed south in 1947. As usual, whatever my mother did not like and could not change, she ignored. Perhaps it would go away, deprived of her attention.6. I learned later that Phyllis's high school senior class trip had been to Washington, but the nuns had given her back her deposit in private, explaining to her that the class, all of whom were white, except Phyllis, would be staying in a hotel where Phyllis "would not be happy," meaning, Daddy explained to her, also in private, that they did not rent rooms to Negroes. "We still take among-you to Washington, ourselves, "my father had avowed, "and not just for an overnight in some measly fleabag hotel."7. In Washington D.C., we had one large room with two double beds and an extra cot for me. It was a back-street hotel that belonged to a friend of my father's who was in real estate, and I spent the whole next day after Mass squinting up at the Lincoln Memorial where Marian Anderson had sung after the D.A.R. refused to allow her to sing in their auditorium because she was Black. Or because she was "Colored", my father said as he told us the story. Except that what he probably said was "Negro", because for his times, my father was quite progressive.8. I was squinting because I was in that silent agony that characterized all of my childhoodsummers, from the time school let out in June to the end of July, brought about by my dilated and vulnerable eyes exposed to the summer brightness.9. I viewed Julys through an agonizing corolla of dazzling whiteness and I always hated the Fourth of July, even before I came to realize the travesty such a celebration was for Black people in this country.10. My parents did not approve of sunglasses, nor of their expense.11. I spent the afternoon squinting up at monuments to freedom and past presidencies and democracy, and wondering why the light and heat were both so much stronger in Washington D.C., than back home in New York City. Even the pavement on the streets was a shade lighter in color than back home.12. Late that Washington afternoon my family and I walked back down Pennsylvania Avenue. We were a proper caravan, mother bright and father brown, the three of us girls step-standards in-between. Moved by our historical surroundings and the heat of early evening, my father decreed yet another treat. He had a great sense of history, a flair for the quietly dramatic and the sense of specialness of an occasion and a trip.13. "Shall we stop and have a little something to cool off, Lin? "14. Two blocks away from our hotel, the family stopped for a dish of vanilla ice cream at a Breyer's ice cream and soda fountain. Indoors, the soda fountain was dim and fan-cooled, deliciously relieving to my scorched eyes.15. Corded and crisp and pinafored, the five of us seated ourselves one by one at the counter. There was I between my mother and father, and my two sisters on the other side of my mother. We settled ourselves along the white mottled marble counter, and when the waitress spoke at first no one understood what she was saying, and so the five of us just sat there.16. The waitress moved along the line of us closer to my father and spoke again. "I said I kin give you to take out, but you can't eat here, sorry." Then she dropped her eyes looking very embarrassed, and suddenly we heard what it was she was saying all at the same time, loud and clear.17. Straight-backed and indignant, one by one, my family and I got down from the counter stools and turned around and marched out of the store, quiet and outraged, as if we had never been Black before. No one would answer my emphatic questions with anything other than a guilty silence. "But we hadn't done anything!" This wasn't right or fair! Hadn't I written poems about freedom and democracy for all?18. My parents wouldn't speak of this injustice, not because they had contributed to it, but because they felt they should have anticipated it and avoided it. This made me even angrier. My fury was not going to be acknowledged by a like fury. Even my two sisters copied my parents' pretense that nothing unusual and anti-American had occurred. I was left to write my angry letter to the president of the United States all by myself, although my father did promise I could type it out on the office typewriter next week, after I showed it to him in my copybook diary.19. The waitress was white, and the counter was white, and the ice cream I never ate in Washington D.C., that summer I left childhood was white, and the white heat and the white pavement and the white stone monuments of my first Washington summer made me sick to my stomach for the whole rest of that trip and it wasn't much of a graduation present after all.我第一次去华盛顿是在那年刚入夏,这个夏天也是我从此告别孩提时代的开始。
我的祖母不识字, 可是她有一箩筐的神话和传奇故事。
Although my grandmother was illiterate, she had a good stock of myths and legends.小时候我总是缠着她,一直要她给我讲故事。
When I was young I gave her no peace, constantly asking her to tell me stories.而她在忙完家务之后,总会把我抱到膝上,一边讲故事一边有节奏地晃动我。
After she had finished her housework, she would lift me onto her lap and tell stories, all the while rocking me in rhythm.我父母发现了我对故事的浓厚兴趣后,不失时机地引导我进行阅读。
Having noticed my interest in stories, my parents lost no time in initiating me into reading.他们给我买了许多带插图的故事书,有空的时候就一遍遍地读给我听。
They bought many storybooks with illustrations, and whenever free, they would read these stories to me over and over again.慢慢地我认识了很多字,能够自行阅读了。
By and by I had a vocabulary large enough to read on my own.Unit2一项又一项的研究发现,食物和一些慢性病之间有密切关系。
Study after study has uncovered the fact that there is a close correlation between food and a number of chronic diseases.某些慢性病危险的降低和多吃以植物为基本成分的食物是相联系的。
One Wr iter's Beg innin gs 1 Ilearn ed fr om th e age of t wo or thre e tha t any room in o ur ho use,at an y tim e ofday,was t hereto re ad in, orto be read to.My mo therreadto me. She'd re ad to me i n the bigbedro om in themorni ngs,whenwe we re in herrocke r tog ether, whi ch ti ckedin rh ythmas we rock ed, a s tho ugh w e had a cr icket acco mpany ing t he st ory.She'd read to m e inthe d ining room on w inter afte rnoon s infront of t he co al fi re, w ith o ur c uckoo cloc kend ing t he st ory w ith "Cucko o", a nd at nigh t whe n I'd gotin my ownbed.I mus t hav egiv en he r nopeace. Som etime s she read to m e inthe k itche n whi le sh e sat chur ning, andthe c hurni ng so bbedalong with anystory. Itwas m y amb ition to h ave h er re ad tome w hileI chu rned; once shegrant ed my wish, but shereadoff m y sto ry be foreI bro ughther b utter. She wasan ex press ive r eader. Whe n she wasreadi ng "P uss i n Boo ts,"for i nstan ce, i t was impo ssibl e not to k now t hat s he di strus ted a ll ca ts.作家起步时我从两三岁起就知道,家中随便在哪个房间里,白天无论在什么时间,都可以念书或听人念书。
综合英语第五册_何兆熊_ 课后翻译
综合英语第五册_何兆熊_ 课后翻译1. I haven't seen it myself, but it is supposed to be a really good movie.2. The hostess cut the cheese into bite-size pieces.3. No one can function properly if they are deprived of adequate sleep.4. He carefully copied my pretense that nothing unusual had occurred.5. It was scorching outside; all the tourists escaped into the fan-cooled hut.6. I've come to see his fabled footwork that people talk so much about.7. I'm not a teacher proper, since I haven't been trained, but I've had a lot of teaching experience.8. Students tend to anticipate what questions they will be asked on the exa mination.II. Translate the following into Chinese.如果美国对此时此刻的迫切性视而不见,低估黑人的决心,那么这对美国的命运将是休戚相关的。
Unit1The Fourth of JulyThe first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed to stop being a child. At least that’s what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. My sister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school. I don’t know what she was supposed to stop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Forth of July trip to Washington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.我第一次到华盛顿的时候是初夏那时我想我不应该再当一个孩子。
It was the first time I’d ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper.这是我第一次真正意义上在白天时乘坐火车。
全新版大学英语综合教程5课文翻译1Unit1 One Writer's Beginnings作家起步时1.我从两三岁起就知道,家中随便在哪个房间里,白天无论在什么时间,都可以念书或听人念书。
2 当我得知故事书原来是人写出来的,书本原来不是什么大自然的奇迹,不像草那样自生自长时,真是又震惊又失望。
3 我的父母都不是来自那种买得起许多书的家庭。
4 除了客厅里有一向被称作“图书室”的书橱,餐厅的窗子下还有几张摆放百科全书的桌子和一个字典架。
THE FOURTH OF JULYAudre Lorde1 The first time I went to Washington D。
was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed to stop being a child。
At least that's what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. My sister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school。
I don’t know what she was supposed to stop being. But as graduation presents for us both,the whole family took a Fourth of July trip to Washington D.C。
,the fabled and famous capital of our country。
Detailed Reading2 It was the first time I'd ever been on a railroad train during the day。
When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper。
3. Preparations were in the air around our house before school was even over. We packed for a week。
There were two very large suitcases that my father carried,and a box filled with food. In fact, my first trip to Washington was a mobile feast;I started eating as soon as we were comfortably ensconced in our seats, and did not stop until somewhere after Philadelphia. I remember it was Philadelphia because I was disappointed not to have passed by the Liberty Bell. 4。
THE FOURTH OF JULYAudre Lorde1 The first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed to stop being a child. At least that's what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. My sister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school. I don’t know what she was supposed to stop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Fourth of July trip to Washington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.Detailed Reading2 It was the first time I'd ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper.3. Preparations were in the air around our house before school was even over. We packed for a week. There were two very large suitcases that my father carried, and a box filled with food. In fact, my first trip to Washington was a mobile feast; I started eating as soon as we were comfortably ensconced in our seats, and did not stop until somewhere after Philadelphia. I remember it was Philadelphia because I was disappointed not to have passed by the Liberty Bell.4. My mother had roasted two chickens and cut them up into dainty bite-size pieces. She packed slices of brown bread and butter, and green pepper and carrot sticks. There were little violently yellow iced cakes with scalloped edges called "marigolds," that came from Cushman's Bakery. There was a spice bun and rock-cakes from Newton's, the West Indian bakery across Lenox Avenue from St. Mark's school, and iced tea in a wrapped mayonnaise jar. There were sweet pickles for us and dill pickles for my father, and peaches with the fuzz still on them, individually wrapped to keep them from bruising. And, for neatness, there were piles of napkins and a little tin box with a washcloth dampened with rosewater and glycerine for wiping sticky mouths.5. I wanted to eat in the dining car because I had read all about them, but my mother reminded me for the umpteenth time that dining car food always cost too much money and besides, you never could tell whose hands had been playing all over that food, nor where those same hands had been just before. My mother never mentioned that Black people were not allowed into railroad dining cars headed south in 1947. As usual, whatever my mother did not like and could not change, she ignored. Perhaps it would go away, deprived of her attention.6. I learned later that Phyllis's high school senior class trip had been to Washington, but the nuns had given her back her deposit in private, explaining to her that the class, all of whom were white, except Phyllis, would be staying in a hotel where Phyllis "would not be happy," meaning, Daddy explained to her, also in private, that they did not rent rooms to Negroes. "We still take among-you to Washington, ourselves, "my father had avowed, "and not just for an overnight in some measly fleabag hotel."7. In Washington D.C., we had one large room with two double beds and an extra cot for me. It was a back-street hotel that belonged to a friend of my father's who was in real estate, and I spent the whole next day after Mass squinting up at the Lincoln Memorial where Marian Anderson had sung after the D.A.R. refused to allow her to sing in their auditorium because she was Black. Or because she was "Colored", my father said as he told us the story. Except that what he probably said was "Negro", because for his times, my father was quite progressive.8. I was squinting because I was in that silent agony that characterized all of my childhood summers, from the time school let out in June to the end of July, brought about by my dilated and vulnerable eyes exposed to the summer brightness.9. I viewed Julys through an agonizing corolla of dazzling whiteness and I always hated the Fourth of July, even before I came to realize the travesty such a celebration was for Black people in this country.10. My parents did not approve of sunglasses, nor of their expense.11. I spent the afternoon squinting up at monuments to freedom and past presidencies and democracy, and wondering why the light and heat were both so much stronger in Washington D.C., than back home in New York City. Even the pavement on the streets was a shade lighter in color than back home.12. Late that Washington afternoon my family and I walked back down Pennsylvania Avenue. We were a proper caravan, mother bright and father brown, the three of us girls step-standards in-between. Moved by our historical surroundings and the heat of early evening, my father decreed yet another treat. He had a great sense of history, a flair for the quietly dramatic and the sense of specialness of an occasion and a trip.13. "Shall we stop and have a little something to cool off, Lin? "14. Two blocks away from our hotel, the family stopped for a dish of vanilla ice cream at a Breyer's ice cream and soda fountain. Indoors, the soda fountain was dim and fan-cooled, deliciously relieving to my scorched eyes.15. Corded and crisp and pinafored, the five of us seated ourselves one by one at the counter. There was I between my mother and father, and my two sisters on the other side of my mother. We settled ourselves along the white mottled marble counter, and when the waitress spoke at first no one understood what she was saying, and so the five of us just sat there.16. The waitress moved along the line of us closer to my father and spoke again. "I said I kin give you to take out, but you can't eat here, sorry." Then she dropped her eyes looking very embarrassed, and suddenly we heard what it was she was saying all at the same time, loud and clear.17. Straight-backed and indignant, one by one, my family and I got down from the counter stools and turned around and marched out of the store, quiet and outraged, as if we had never been Black before. No one would answer my emphatic questions with anything other than a guilty silence. "But we hadn't done anything!" This wasn't right or fair! Hadn't I written poems about freedom and democracy for all?18. My parents wouldn't speak of this injustice, not because they had contributed to it, but because they felt they should have anticipated it and avoided it. This made me even angrier. My fury was not going to be acknowledged by a like fury. Even my two sisters copied my parents' pretense that nothing unusual and anti-American had occurred. I was left to write my angry letter to the president of the United States all by myself, although my father did promise I could type it out on the office typewriter next week, after I showed it to him in my copybook diary.19. The waitress was white, and the counter was white, and the ice cream I never ate in Washington D.C., that summer I left childhood was white, and the white heat and the white pavement and the white stone monuments of my first Washington summer made me sick to my stomach for the whole rest of that trip and it wasn't much of a graduation present after all.我第一次去华盛顿是在那年刚入夏,这个夏天也是我从此告别孩提时代的开始。
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Unit1The Fourth of JulyThe first time I went to Washington D.C. was on the edge of the summer when I was supposed to stop being a child. At least that’s what they said to us all at graduation from the eighth grade. My sister Phyllis graduated at the same time from high school. I don’t know what she was supposed to stop being. But as graduation presents for us both, the whole family took a Forth of July trip to Washington D.C., the fabled and famous capital of our country.我第一次到华盛顿的时候是初夏那时我想我不应该再当一个孩子。
It was the first time I’d ever been on a railroad train during the day. When I was little, and we used to go to the Connecticut shore, we always went at night on the milk train, because it was cheaper.这是我第一次真正意义上在白天时乘坐火车。
Preparations were in the air around our house before school was over. We packed for two weeks. There were two large suitcases that my father carried, and a box filled with food. In fact, my first trip to Washington was a mobile feast; I started eating as soon as we were ensconced in our seats, and did not stop until somewhere after Philadelphia. I remember it was Philadelphia because I was disappointed not to have passed by the Liberty Bell.学期还没结束前家里就开始忙着准备旅行的事。
My mother had roasted two chickens and cut them into dainty bite-size pieces. She packed slices of brown bread and butter, and green pepper and carrot sticks. There were little violently yellow iced cakes with scalloped edges called “marigolds,” that came from Cushman’s Bakery. There was a spice bun and rock- cakes from Newton’s, the West Indian bakery across Lenox Avenue from St. Mark’s school, and iced tea in a wrapped mayonnaise jar. There were sweet peaches for us and dill pickles for my father, and peaches with the fuzz still on them, individually wrapped to keep them from bruising. And, for neatness, there were piles of napkins and a little tin box with a washcloth dampened with rosewater and glycerine for wiping sticky mouths.母亲烤了两只鸡,然后把它们切成恰好一口一片的大小。
I wanted to eat in the dinning car because I had read all about them, but my mother reminded me of umpteenth time that dinning car food always cost too much money and besides, you never could tell whose hands had been playing all over that food, nor where those same hands had beenjust before. My mother never mentioned that Black people were not allowed into dining cars headed south in 1947. As usual, whatever my mother did not like and could not change, she ignored. Perhaps it would go away, deprived of her attention.我想要在餐车吃饭,因为我已经从书上读到过关于它们的一切,但母亲提醒了我无数次,餐车食品太贵,而且,你根本没法辨别那些食物上有谁的手在上面动过,也不知道, 之前他们的手碰过什么地方。
I learned latter that Phyllis’s high school senior class trip had been to Washington, but the nuns had given her back her deposit in private, explaining to her that the class, all of whom were white, except Phyllis, would be staying in a hotel where Phyllis “would not be happy,” meaning, Daddy explained to her, also in private, that they did not rent rooms to Negroes. “We still take among-you to Washington, ourselves,” my father had avowed, “and not just for an overnight in some measly fleabag hotel.后来我知道菲利斯的高中班级旅行去的就是华盛顿,但老师们私底下又把费用还回给了她,跟她解释说,班上的孩子除了菲利斯都是白人他们将住的那家旅馆会让菲利斯不高兴。
“In Washington D.C., we had one large room with two double beds and an extra cot for me. It was a back-street hotel that belonged to a friend of my father’s who was in real estate, and I spent the whole next day after Mass squinting up at the Lincoln Memorial where Marian Anderson had sung after D.A.R. refused to allow her to sing in their auditorium because she was black. Or becauseshe was “Colored”, my father said as he told us the story. Except that what he probably saidwas ”Negro”, because for his times, my father was quite progressive.在华盛顿,我们住一间有两张双人床的房间我还有一张额外的小床。