宾州州立 PSU CSSA 2014-2015 新生手册



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交通篇 地铁·································································16 公车及校车························································17 Taxi 和租车························································18
2013-2014年 E-Board 名单(截至2013. 8): 主席: 袁海粟 孟雅歌
副主席: 卢怡静 苏航
秘书: 王伊薇
财务: 朱士罡
职业发展部部长: 贾安亚 王岚
事务部部长: 李奥嘉 索琪 张妙璐



学校名称:美国宾夕法尼亚大学(费城) University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia)
所在位置:美国,3451 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 (215) 898-5000
1. 学生健康服务
2. 学生电话服务
3. 心理咨询服务
4. 就业服务
5. 英语语言课程
3、提供SATⅠ及SATⅡ或者ACT成绩,其中SAT Reading需达到680分,Math需达到700分,Writing 达到690分,ACT达到30-34;




大部分的非 公民可持有F-1 (非移民类)学生签证进入 学习. 这是最 常用的学生类签证. 持有此签证可以进入 的具备品质认证的 (accreditation) 大专院校学习.
如果我已经在 就读, 如何取得 The University of Arizona 的 I-20?
• 可替代托福(TOEFL)的考试 :
• 学术能力评估考试(SAT : Scholastic Aptitude Test)

语言部分分数线 : 530
• 雅思(IELTS : International English Language Testing System)

分数线 :
• 大学入学考试(ACT : American College Test)
1) 入学申请表. : . 2) 申请费$75美元. 3) 官方托福(TOEFL)成绩报告. 4) 官方中英文高中成绩单(英文翻译须经过公证). 5) 所开出的官方财力报告(Financial Guarantee Statement). 6) 学术能力评估考试(SAT)或者 大学入学考试(ACT)非入学必备条件, 但
如果我已经在 就读, 如何取得 The University of Arizona 的 I-20? 国际学生的入学申请处理时间不等,可能会需要长至八个星期.
我大一学个 入月学• 前考已试此经(A最提CT交低: 了Am入总e学ric费申an请C用,ol但l标eg是e准还Te没s会t有) 回随音消, 应费该指怎么数办?逐年调高.
我雅需思要 (IE哪•LT一S类I: I-的n2te签0rn证a(进ti如o入nal果学En习学gl?ish生La不ngu在age T境estin内g S)y.stem)










最后,祝每位即将到来的新同学旅途顺利,学业有成!西雅图华盛顿大学中国学生学者联谊会(UWCSSA)2010年8月前言 0简介 0目录 01 整装待发 (1)1.1行李准备 (1)1.2考试 (1)1.2.1Placement Test (1)1.2.2Delna (1)1.2.3Versant Test (1)1.3熟悉学校 (3)1.4临时住宿 (4)2初来乍到 (5)2.1到达 (5)2.1.1入关 (5)2.1.2交通 (5)2.2住宿 (6)2.2.1学校宿舍 (6)2.2.2校外租房 (6)2.2.3找房方式 (7)2.2.4签约注意事项 (8)2.2.5买家具 (8)2.3注册 (9)2.4银行卡 (9)2.5通讯 (10)2.5.1手机 (10)2.5.2网络和电视 (10)2.6华州ID和驾照 (11)2.7公交 (11)3安居乐业 (12)3.1学习 (12)3.2食物 (12)3.2.1学校周围 (12)3.2.2亚洲食品 (12)3.3餐馆 (13)3.3.1校内 (13)3.3.2学校附近 (13)3.3.3中餐 (13)3.4购物 (14)3.5娱乐 (14)3.5.1体育 (14)3.5.2看电影 (15)3.5.3KTV (15)3.5.4附近景点 (15)3.6就医 (15)3.7校内兼职 (16)3.8安全 (16)3.9报税 (16)3.10 回国 (17)3.11 CSSA活动 (17)4附录 (18)4.1常用网址列表 (18)简 介华盛顿大学西雅图华盛顿大学(University Of Washington, Seattle)位于美国华盛顿州的西雅图,是一所建于1861 年的公立研究型大学,美国大学协会的成员。

University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学

University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学

University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学1. 学校名称:University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学2. 官网:3. 学校地址:Philadelphia, Pennsylvania4. 招生办地址Office of Undergraduate Admissions1 College Hall, Room 1Philadelphia, PA 19104-6376(215) 898-7507info@5. 2014本科综合排名:76. 2014本科专业排名2014年USNews美国大学本科最佳商学院第1名2014年USNews美国大学本科最佳工程学院第26名7. 成立时间:1740年8. 校园面积(1acre=4047m2 =0.004km2 ):279 acres9. 学校类型:私立、四年制大学、男女合校10. 可授予的学位:本科、硕士、博士11. 学生人数及比例共有学生:19,842本科生:1,00012. 师生比:1:613. 费用总费用:$61,800 /年州外学费:$45,890 /年住宿费:$12,922 /年其他费用:$2,988 /年14. 申请截止日期ED截止日期:11月1日RD截止日期:1月1日15. 录取发放日期ED:12月9日RD:3月29日16. 要求的考试TOEFL 托福成绩要求:90SAT II 所需科目:数学、物理/化学/生物SAT居中成绩范围SAT 总分:2090-2340SAT 阅读:670-770SAT 数学:740-800SAT 写作:680–770ACT居中成绩范围ACT 总分:32-35ACT 英语:31-35ACT 数学:33-35ACT 写作:8-1017. 是否有双录取:无18. 国际学生是否有春季招生:无19. 是否有面试:非硬性要求,校友面试20. 申请费:75美元21. 录取者GPA数段新生平均GPA:3.8322. 录取相关统计申请总人数:31,283录取总人数:3,935录取率:12.5%23. 招收本科生的学院School of Arts and Sciences文理学院School of Engineering and Applied Science 工程和应用科学学院School of Nursing护理学院Wharton School沃顿商学院24. 学校的特长专业本科阶段:商科类各专业经济学25. 最受学生欢迎专业Finance, General金融Economics, General经济学History, General 历史Political Science and Government, General政治与政府Registered Nursing/Registered Nurse注册护士26. 学校评价宾夕法尼亚大学创建于1740 年,是美国第四古老的高等教育机构,以及美国第一所现代意义上的大学。

Uconn CSSA新生手册

Uconn CSSA新生手册

University of ConnecticutUconn CSSA新生手册编写:CSSA全体人员修订:CSSA主席团目录联系方式 ---------------------------------------------------- Page 3 行前准备 ---------------------------------------------------- Page 3 生活物品的准备 ---------------------------------------------- Page 4 在线信息注册------------------------------------------------ Page 11 meal plan,points 和医疗保险 ------------------------------- Page 13 Uconn CSSA Mail List, Uconntact ----------------------------- Page 14 学校机构介绍 ------------------------------------------------ Page 18 校内宿舍选择 ------------------------------------------------ Page 20 校内娱乐设施------------------------------------------------- Page 20 校内网络系统 ------------------------------------------------ Page 22 选课、学费和账单 -------------------------------------------- Page 24 校内交通、停车 ---------------------------------------------- Page 25 手机运营商 -------------------------------------------------- Page 27 银行 -------------------------------------------------------- Page 28 校外住宿选择渠道 -------------------------------------------- Page 30 校外饮食 ---------------------------------------------------- Page 32 驾照办理、买车 ---------------------------------------------- Page 33Hartford校区 ------------------------------------------------ Page 33CSSA的联系方式汇总:官方网站:/人人公共主页:留学在康涅狄格大学微博@ 康大CSSAFacebook: UConn CSSAQQ群:248179539 (研究生群)329513447 (本科生群)行前准备:1. 机票购买以及接机申请如何购买机票以下是一些实用的购票网站:纳美旅游();Expedia ()Student Universe ();Priceline ()或者各大航空公司官网上订购自己想要的机票。



NewComer FAQUCSD CSSA (2009-2010)Version: 4Date: May 10, 2009Draft Author: 靳达谦Modified by: 王思明(newcomer.cssa.ucsd@)Supplement: CSSA Committee 2009前言:大家好!在CSSA新一届Committee成立之际,欢迎同学们选择风景优美、气候宜人的San Diego。

为了帮助同学们能够顺利适应美国的生活,UCSD CSSA全体Committee Member参与整理了一份新生FAQ(Version 3),希望能够为同学们提供有针对性的建议,减少大家临行前和初到美国时不必要的麻烦。

FAQ (Version 4)在FAQ(Version 3)的基础上进行了少量修改,问题的主要来源是新生们的E-mail和一些老生以及在美华人的建议,分为8部分,分别为气候篇、住房篇、国外生活篇、学习研究篇、体检和保险篇、行前准备和转机到达篇、手机篇、财务篇。


1. 气候篇:Q: San Diego的温度怎么样,会不会经常下雨?A: San Diego位于美国加利福尼亚州南端,靠近墨西哥边界,西经117.2度,北纬32.8度, San Diego City有人口130万,是美国第六大城市;UCSD在La Jolla “Village”,西班牙语的意思是"The Jewel City",是风光和治安极好的一个地方, 属于地中海性气候,真正的冬暖夏凉,冬天最冷10度左右,夏天最热25-30度,海风格外舒适。





康奈尔大学新生手册康奈尔大学中国学生学者联谊会Chinese Students and Scholars AssociationCornell University/cssaEmail: cssa-public@2009年05月目录前 言 (1)--------到Cornell前之准备篇 (2)1. 机票 (2)2. 接机 (2)3. 行李 (3)4. 住房 (5)--------到Cornell后之精华篇 (7)5. 注册 (ISSO) (7)6. 选课 (8)7. 网络 (8)8. 地图 (9)9. 饮食 (10)10. 购物 (10)11. 交通 (12)12. 银行帐号和信用卡 (13)13. 手机办理 (14)14. 办理SSN (15)15. 体育健身 (15)16. 买车和考驾照 (16)17. 如何加入CSSA---Cornell (17)18. 国内机票和回国机票购买 (17)前言亲爱的同学、朋友们:欢迎来到Ithaca。

来到康奈尔大学, 这个美丽的校园。

愿你们能在这里度过一段美好难忘的时光!这本新生手册主要是为了帮助刚来到美国, 来到Ithaca的新同学、朋友们尽快地适应这里的生活、和学习、工作。

本手册经过康奈尔大学中国学生学者联谊会成员们的共同努力, 在原康奈尔大学新生手册《人在伊撒卡--康奈尔生存手册》的基础上加以整理而成。

这里, 我们向所有参与编写和校正的同学们表示深深的感谢!本手册中不足之处恳请大家及时指正, 我们会不断地更新和完善。


我们也真诚地希望能有更多热心的同学、朋友们加入康奈尔大学中国学生学者联谊会, 互相帮助,共同努力, 更好地为这里的中国学生学者们服务!最后, 我们特别感谢为本手册的编写和校正辛勤付出的以下同学:陈洁,房超,李浩源,卢曰瑞,莫鹏,彭松明,王晗,吴昕蔚,孙妙,谢旸,朱浩粼,赵予。



HOW TO APPLYOnce you begin your application, you may fill out portions of the application, save your information, and go back in at a later date as long as you submit the application before the deadline. Directions for uploading supporting material are included in the application, as well as in the FAQ section.Supporting MaterialThe following supporting material should be submitted through the on-line application.International ApplicantsIf you are not a US Citizen or Permanent Resident of the United States, please click here to view our guidelines for international applicants.Application FeeAn application fee of $80 must be submitted by credit card or check.TranscriptsA scanned transcript from each college or university attended for credit must be uploaded into the application. In addition, you must have one officialtranscript(sealed and stamped) from each college or university attended for credit sent directly to the PennDesign Office of Admissions, 110 Meyerson Hall, 210 South 34th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6311.Applicants completing undergraduate and/or graduate degrees from institutions outside of the United States are required to submit a course-by-course evaluation from World Education Services. /Letters of RecommendationYou must submit three letters of recommendation with at least two from college instructors. Applicants who have been out of school for several years may submit recommendations from employers or others in a position to evaluate their professional abilities and academic potential. You will need your evaluators’ e-mail addresses when you fill out the recommendation section of the application.Personal StatementYou must upload a personal statement, no more than 500 words long, describing your background, interest in your field, and your academic and career objectives.Your personal statement should describe your background, your interest in the field to which you are applying, and your academic and career objectives. You should be as specific as you can about the area in which you plan to study. If you are an MFA applicant, you should include your ideas, as well as the stylistic and conceptual priorities for your work.RésuméYou must upload a résumé including employment, activities, community service, education, and academic or professional honors.Digital PortfolioA digital portfolio must be submitted for applicants to Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Fine Arts and Urban Design programs. Applicants to the Master of City Planning with a Concentration in Urban Design are strongly encouraged to submit aportfolio of their design work although it is not required. All work in the portfolio, including images and concepts, must be original material created by you, and should be identified as academic, professional, or personal. If professional or team projects are included in the portfolio, you must clearly identify your specific role and responsibility in the production of the project. Labels and writing should clearly explain the work. Paper portfolios are not accepted.Architecture and Landscape Architecture PortfoliosEvery applicant to the Master of Architecture, Master of Environmental Building Design, Master of Landscape Architecture, Master of Science in Architecture, or PhD in Architecture program is required to submit a digital portfolio. Paper portfolios will NOT be accepted, and if submitted, will not be returned. The portfolio is a synopsis of one's creative work. As a visual essay, it tells a story of a person's interests, skills, and development over time. It should include projects that best express one's visual, spatial, and constructional abilities. These projects might include drawings, paintings, sculpture, or photography; graphic, industrial, or interior design; architectural, landscape, or urban design. The faculty who evaluate the portfolios look less for competence in architectural or landscape architectural design and more for a coherent demonstration of visual and spatial abilities expressed through a basic understanding of material and construction. Applicants to the MEBD and MArch II/PPD should include at least five fully developed projects done solely by the person submitting the portfolio; other group work can be added.The digital portfolio should be formatted as one PDF document no larger than 25 MB, with no more than 20 pages (maximum page size 10 x 12") or 10 pages (maximum 10x24") if you use spreads. Cover pages or table of contents do not count towards total pages. Once your application is submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your portfolio or upload a new one.City Planning and Urban Design PortfoliosApplicants to the Certificate in Urban Design program should submit portfolios containing reproductions of their work in the visual arts and design. Applicants to the Master of City Planning program with a concentration in Urban Design are strongly encouraged to submit a portfolio. Applicants with professional experience who wish to include examples of their professional work may do so, but are advised to limit these to projects in which they had principal design roles. If examples of collaborative projects are submitted, the applicant's contribution should be specifically described. The digital portfolio should be formatted as one PDF document no larger than 25 MB, with no more than 20 pages (maximum page size 10 x 12") or 10 pages (maximum 10x24") if you use spreads. Cover pages or table of contents do not count towards total pages. Once your application is submitted, you will not be able to make changes to your portfolio or upload a new one.Fine Arts PorfoliosA portfolio is required of all applicants to Fine Arts, Time-based and Interactive Media, and Emerging Design and Research programs. The portfolio should indicate your major interest, represent your best work, and demonstrate your abilities. At leasthalf of the portfolio should consist of work completed in the last two years. Applicants may choose to provide still images and/or video. All work in the portfolio, including images and concepts, must be original material created by you, and should be identified as academic, professional, or personal. If professional or team projects are included in the portfolio, you must clearly identify your specific role and responsibility in the production of the project. Labels and writing should clearly explain the work.For still images, a total of up to twenty (20) images should be submitted. You will need to combine your images into a single PDF to upload. The portfolio should contain a total of twenty (20) RGB JPEGs. The review panel reviews slides at 1920 x 1080 pixels. If your images are larger than this, please follow these directions:1. Resize in Photoshop, Image->Image size2. First set the Resolution to 72 Pixels/Inch3. Set the Width so it is less than 1920 and the height so it is less than 10804. Save a copy of each image as jpeg at 90% quality (or 11/12 quality) for your submission5. Each file should be just around 1 mbTo create your pdf, in Photoshop, go to File->Automate->PDF Presentation1. Add your files2. Check Presentation3. Make Background Black4. Don't include any text options5. Leave "Advance Every" unchecked6. No transitions7. Click OK8. Use the "Press Quality" Preset in the next PDF dialog box.Video formats accepted by our system include QuickTime (mov), m4v, and mp4. We will accept up to 5 video uploads. Each video can be up to 10 minutes long and no larger than 100 MB. It is acceptable to provide excerpts if videos are longer than 10 minutes. You may also submit video works by providing up to five Vimeo links; if you choose the Vimeo option, submit your links in a PDF file using the PDF upload button.Image List for Fine Arts Portfolio SubmissionsTo describe your work, whether uploaded as PDF or video, please include a list as follows: upload an additional PDF document describing the images or videos uploaded. The list should be headed with your name and list the image number, title, date, medium, and dimensions of each work. For video submissions also include the running time, intended format of presentation (for example video installation, online video, cinema screening, or not specified) for each video.Writing SampleApplicants to M.S. in Architecture, M.Arch. II, MEBD and Ph.D. programs must submit a writing sample. M.S. in Architecture and Ph.D. applicants must submit an essay or research report in English on the subject of their field of specialization. These writing samples can be examples of papers you have already written or they can be prepared new for the application. We suggest that each sample should be no more than 10 pages. Applicants to the Master of Environmental Building Design and Master of Architecture Post-Professional degrees must submit one sample of writing and a description of their computing skills and software proficiency.Research PaperApplicants to the PhD programs must submit a research paper. In a statement of no more than 500 words, describe the area or field of study you propose, and if possible the topic or kinds of topic you would like to research, explaining the importance of such a study, and the ways in which you are prepared to undertake this research and writing.Test ScoresGraduate Record Examination scores are required of all but MFA applicants regardless of whether they are from the U.S. or abroad. To register for the GRE, go to Educational Testing Service at /. Official test scores must be sent by ETS to the School of Design. The correct institution code to use when requesting scores is 2926. You do not need a departmental code.. We suggest a minimum of160 Verbal, 148 Quantitative, and 4.5 for Analytical Writing. Keep in mind that these are notcut-off scores.International applicants whose native language is not English and whose undergraduate training has not been conducted in the English language must submit satisfactory certification of adequate English proficiency sufficient to pursue graduate study, both comprehension and expression in the spoken and written word. Applicants must submit scores of either the International English Language TestingSystem (IELTS Academic) or rhw Test of English as a Foreign Language(TOEFL). We suggest a minimum score of 100 on the TOEFL and a band score of 7.5 for the IELTS, but these are not cut-off scores and we will review any complete application we receive. If you have spent a minimum of 4 years in an English-speaking institution (for your Bachelor's, for example), you will not be required to submit a TOEFL or an IELTS.Applicants may register for the IELTS at . Applicants may register for the TOEFL at /toefl. The correct institution code to use when requesting official TOEFL scores is 2926. You do not need a departmental code. Candidates admitted to the School of Design may be required to successfully complete an English Language Program prior to matriculation. They will be notified of this condition in their letter of admission.Application ChecklistDownload an application checklist here.MArch PrerequisitesTo be admitted without conditions to the three-year Master of Architecture program, an applicant is required to possess the following: an understanding of mechanics, heat,light, sound and electricity as demonstrated, for example, through the successful completion of not less than one college-level physics course; an understandingof calculus, as demonstrated, for example, through the successful completion of not less than one college-level calculus course; a general knowledge of the history of Western architecture from ancient Egyptian through the modern period, as demonstrated by the successful completion of not less than one college-level course; a basic ability to produce freehand drawings of architectural forms and spaces, as demonstrated by the successful completion of one college-leveldescriptive drawing course or by portfolio submission of appropriate work from design studios; the successful completion of a minimum of two semesters ofcollege-level design studio courses. Candidates admitted with deficiencies in any of these prerequisites must fulfill them before matriculation.Dual Degrees or Degrees Plus CertificatesFor a list of certificates and dual degrees, click here. For directions on how to apply to a dual degree or degree plus certificate program, click here.DeadlineJanuary 12Master of Environmental Building DesignMaster of City and Regional PlanningMaster of Fine ArtsMaster of Science in Historic PreservationMaster of Landscape ArchitectureMaster of Urban Spatial AnalyticsAll certificate programs。



宾夕法尼亚大学申请攻略(University of Pennsylvania)宾夕法尼亚大学创建于1740年,是一所私立研究型大学,也是8所常春藤盟校之一。








是Quaker Consortium联盟会的成员,City and Regional Planning 以及得到Penn's undergraduate Urban Studies Program 和Bryn Mawr (and Haverford) College's Program 在the Growth and Structure of Cities研究项目上的许可,允许低年级的学生在学满五年之后递交材料直接申请硕士学位。









明尼苏达大学新生手册明尼苏达大学新生手册目录[hide]∙ 1 联谊会(CSSA) 介绍∙ 2 学校介绍o 2.1 前言o 2.2 学校简介o 2.3 校园分布∙ 3 入学手续注册事项∙ 4 生活信息o 4.1 钱款▪ 4.1.1 银行▪ 4.1.2 卡▪ 4.1.3 怎样开支票。

(见附录3) ▪ 4.1.4 带多少零钱?o 4.2 健康与安全▪ 4.2.1 如何保护自己和找到援助▪ 4.2.2 街上遇到讨钱人▪ 4.2.3 应急▪ 4.2.4 法律事务o 4.3 住房▪ 4.3.1 房间类型▪ 4.3.2 找房主要途径▪ 4.3.3 选房注意事项▪ 4.3.4 临时住房▪ 4.3.5 搬家o 4.4 交通▪ 4.4.1 怎样利用公交车▪ 4.4.2 哪里取公交车时间表▪ 4.4.3 常用公交路线简介▪ 4.4.4 怎样辨认车站▪ 4.4.5 怎样上车投币▪ 4.4.6 怎样要求下车▪ 4.4.7 学期通票(U-Pass)▪ 4.4.8 买车建议o 4.5 通讯▪ 4.5.1 电话▪ 4.5.2 国际长途▪ 4.5.3 手机▪ 4.5.4 E-mail▪ 4.5.5 网络▪ 4.5.6 安装网络▪ 4.5.7 邮局分布o 4.6 购物▪ 4.6.1 环境▪ 4.6.2 乘公交购物▪ 4.6.3 价格▪ 4.6.4 如何付款▪ 4.6.5 退货o 4.7 暑假▪ 4.7.1 熟悉环境(城市及校园) 享受夏季。

▪ 4.7.2 准备学业o 4.8 文化及英语课程o 4.9 饮食▪ 4.9.1 东方菜▪ 4.9.2 其它口味▪ 4.9.3 TA、RA 带饭注意▪ 4.9.4 小费▪ 4.9.5 亚洲理发店o 4.10 个人文件管理∙ 5 文化,交际∙ 6 附录o 6.1 A1. 常备机构和电话o 6.2 A2. 住房广告常用语o 6.3 A3. Glossary of Housing Termso 6.4 A4. 支票样张联谊会(CSSA) 介绍欢迎你来到明尼苏达大学(简称”明大”),加入我们的行列–明尼苏达大学中国学生学者联谊会(Chinese Students and Scholars Association, 简称CSSA)成立于1984年,是目前全美最大的中国学生学者组织之一。



Penn新⽣⽣活指南宾⼣法尼亚⼤学中国学⽣学者联谊会新⽣⼿册Brochure for New Comers by CSSAPCopyright by CSSAPPDF by jianglai@bdwm前⾔宾⼣法尼亚⼤学中国学⽣学者联谊会简介宾⼣法尼亚⼤学(宾⼤)中国学⽣学者联谊会(Chinese Students and Scholars Association at Penn,CSSAP)是由宾⼤中国学⽣学者组成的⼀个独⽴、⾃治的⾮政治性组织。












Domanda di visto per gli Stati Schengen Schengen Visa Application form 申根签证申请表 Modulo gratuito This application form is free 此表格免费提供Consolato Generale d’Italia - Canton Consulate General of Italy in Guangzhou 意大利驻广州总领事馆nell'esercizio del loro diritto di libera circolazione. Essi presentano la documentazione comprovante il vincolo familiare e compilano lecaselle n. 34 e 35.The fields marked with * shall not be filled by family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens (spouse, child or dependent ascendant) while exercisingtheir right to free movement. Family members of EU, EEA or CH citizens shall present documents to prove this relationship and fill in fields No 34and 35.Sono a conoscenza del fatto che il rifiuto del visto non dà luogo al rimborso della tassa corrisposta.I am aware that the visa fee is not refunded if the visa is refused. / 本人知道即使签证被拒也不能退还签证费.Applicabile in caso di domanda di visto per ingressi multipli (casella n. 24)Applicable in case a multiple-entry visa is applied for (cf. field No24) / 适用于申请多次入境签证 (参照字段24)Sono a conoscenza della necessità di possedere un'adeguata assicurazione sanitaria di viaggio per il primo soggiorno e per i viaggi successivi sul territorio degli Stati membri.I am aware of the need to have an adequate travel medical insurance for my first stay and any subsequent visits to the territory of Member Status.本人知道须预备有足够保额的旅游医疗保险作为首次及其后各次出发到申根国家领域之用Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personaliLa raccolta dei dati richiesti in questo modulo, la sua fotografia e, se del caso, la rilevazione delle sue impronte digitali sono obbligatorie per l'esame della domanda di visto e i suoi dati anagrafici che figurano nel presente modulo di domanda di visto, così come le sue impronte digitali e la sua fotografia, saranno comunicati alle autorità competenti degli Stati membri e trattati dalle stesse, ai fini dell'adozione di una decisione in merito alla sua domanda.Tali dati, così come i dati riguardanti la decisione relativa alla sua domanda o un'eventuale decisione di annullamento, revoca o proroga di un visto rilasciato, saranno inseriti e conservati nel sistema d'informazione visti (VIS) per un periodo massimo di cinque anni, durante il quale essi saranno accessibili alle autorità competenti per i visti, a quelle competenti ai fini dei controlli sui visti alle frontiere esterne e negli Stati membri, alle autorità competenti in materia di immigrazione e di asilo negli Stati membri ai fini della verifica dell'adempimento delle condizioni di ingresso, soggiorno e residenza regolari sul territorio degli Stati membri, dell'identificazione delle persone che non soddisfano, o non soddisfano più, queste condizioni e dell'esame di una domanda di asilo e della designazione dell'autorità responsabile per tale esame.A determinate condizioni, i dati saranno anche accessibili alle autorità designate degli Stati membri (per l’Italia il Ministero dell’Interno e le autorità di Polizia) e a Europol ai fini della prevenzione, dell'individuazione e dell'investigazione di reati di terrorismo e altri reati gravi.Il Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (Piazzale della Farnesina 1, 00135 Roma, www.esteri.it) è l'autorità italiana responsabile (titolare) del trattamento dei dati.E’ suo diritto ottenere, in qualsiasi Stato membro, la comunicazione dei dati relativi alla sua persona registrati nel VIS e l’indicazione dello Stato membro che li ha trasmessi e chiedere che dati inesatti relativi alla sua persona vengano rettificati e che quelli relativi alla sua persona trattati illecitamente vengano cancellati. Per informazioni sull’esercizio del suo diritto a verificare i suoi dati anagrafici e a rettificarli o sopprimerli, così come sulle vie di ricorso previste a tale riguardo dalla legislazione nazionale dello Stato interessato, vedi www.esteri.it e www.vistoperitalia.esteri.it.Ulteriori informazioni saranno fornite su sua richiesta dall'autorità che esamina la sua domanda. L’autorità di controllo nazionale italiana competente in materia di tutela dei dati personali è il Garante per la Protezione dei Dati Personali (Piazza di Montecitorio 121, 00186 Roma, www.garanteprivacy.it; tel.: +39.06696771).Dichiaro che a quanto mi consta tutti i dati da me forniti sono completi ed esatti. Sono consapevole che dichiarazioni false comporteranno il respingimento della mia domanda o l'annulla mento del visto già concesso, e che possono comportare azioni giudiziarie ai sensi della legislazione dello Stato membro che tratta la domanda.Mi impegno a lasciare il territorio degli Stati membri prima dello scadere del visto, se concesso. Sono informato/a che il possesso di un visto è soltanto una delle condizioni necessarie per entrare nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri. La mera concessione del visto non mi dà diritto ad indennizzo qualora io non soddisfi le condizioni previste dall'articolo 5, paragrafo 1 del regolamento (CE) n. 562/2006 (codice frontiere Schengen) e mi venga pertanto rifiutato l'ingresso. Il rispetto delle condizioni d’ingresso sarà verificato ancora una volta all'atto dell'ingresso nel territorio europeo degli Stati membri.Information on the processing of personal dataThe collection of the data required by this application form, the taking of your photograph and, if applicable, the taking of your fingerprints, are mandatory for the examination of the visa application; and any personal data concerning you which appear on the visa application form, as well as your fingerprints and your photograph will be supplied to the relevant authorities of the Member States and processed by those authorities, for the purposes of a decision on your visa application.Such data as well as data concerning the decision taken on your application or a decision whether to annul, revoke or extend a visa issued will be entered into, and stored, in the Visa Information System (VIS) for a maximum period of five years, during which it will be accessible to the visa authorities and the authorities competent for carrying out checks on visas at external borders and within the Member States, immigration and asylum authorities in the Member States for the purposes of verifying whether the conditions for the legal entry into, stay and residence on the territory of the Member States are fulfilled, of identifying persons who do not or who no longer fulfil these conditions, of examining an asylum application and of determining responsibility for such examination. Under certain conditions the data will be also available to designated authorities of the Member States (for Italy: the Ministry of Interior and the Police authority) and to Europol for the purpose of the prevention, detection and investigation of terrorist offences and of other serious criminal offences. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Piazzale della Farnesina 1, 00135 Roma, www.esteri.it, dgit6@esteri.it) is the Italian authority responsible (controller) for processing the data.You have the right to obtain in any of the Member States communication of the data relating to you recorded in the VIS and of the Member State which transmitted the data, and to request that the data relating to you which are inaccurate be corrected, and that the data relating to you processed unlawfully be deleted. For information on the exercise of your right to check your personal data and have them corrected or deleted, as well as on legal remedies according to the national law of the State concerned, see www.esteri.it and www.vistoperitalia.esteri.it.Further information will be provided upon request by the authority examining your application. The Italian national supervisory competent authority on the protection of personal data is the Italian Authority for Data Protection (Piazza di Montecitorio 121, 00186 Roma, www.garanteprivacy.it; tel.: +39.06696771).I declare that to the best of my knowledge all particulars supplied by me are correct and complete. I am aware that any false statements involve my application being rejected or to the annulment of a visa already granted and may result in prosecution under the law of the Member State that process the application.I undertake to leave the territory of the Member States before the expiry of the visa, if granted. I am aware that possession of a visa is only one of the prerequisites for entry into the European territory of the Member States. The mere granting of a visa does not entitle me to compensation if I fail to fulfil the conditions of Article 5 , paragraph 1, of the Council Regulation n. 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code) and I am thus refused entry. The prerequisites for entry will be checked again on entry into the European territory of the Member States.个人信息管理个人信息管理说明说明该申请表中所有关于您的个人信息、照片或采集的指纹样本均为审核您的签证所需。

The University of Arizona国际学生入学指南-

The University of Arizona国际学生入学指南-

国际学生可以申请奖学金吗? 国际学生可以申请奖学金吗?
• 可以. 所有持有F1-Visa的国际学生均可参加优等生奖学金(merit based scholarship)的评审. • 什么是决定优等生奖学金额度的标准? – 高中成绩, 考试分数, 以及领导才能 – 最高奖学金额度是每学年$10,000美元(可每年延续) – 托福(TOEFL)成绩不在评审标准之列
我无法寄送证书原件,应该怎么办? 我无法寄送证书原件,应该怎么办?
您可以把证书的复印件送交证书的原发放机构或教育部公证. 这些公 证过的复印件必须有其原发放机构或教育部的原始官方签名或有色印 章. 公证必须出自原发放机构或教育部 普通公证处不符合要求 公证必须出自原发放机构或教育部, 普通公证处不符合要求.
• 入学通知书中含有转学表(SEVIS transfer form), 由转学生和转出 学校填写. • 转出学校会把填好的表格寄送给 The University of Arizona. • 转学表(SEVIS transfer form)经过SEVIS核准后, The University of Arizona 会发放新的I-20给转学生.
The University of Arizona 国际学生入学指南
1) 入学申请表. 网址: /apply. 2) 申请费$75美元. 3) 官方托福(TOEFL)成绩报告. 4) 官方中英文高中成绩单(英文翻译须经过公证). 5) 银行所开出的官方财力报告(Financial Guarantee Statement). 6) 学术能力评估考试(SAT)或者美国大学入学考试(ACT)非入学必备条件, 但是在奖学金评审时会作为考虑条件.


















2014 2015 Pearson Edexcel 英国学费信息说明书

2014 2015 Pearson Edexcel 英国学费信息说明书

General Qualifications 2014/2015Pearson Edexcel Qualifications: UK fees 1st August 2014 – 31st July 2015Entry and registration deadlines for 2014-2015Our entry deadlines and late fee dates are listed below. We have also included the date when basedata will be available on our website. This is the date you can start submitting entries on Edexcel Online at.If you are having difficulty meeting an entry deadline, please contact us before the deadline and we will support your entry submission process.If you require information on EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) or basedata, please go to/edi.The basedata and qualification sections of the Information Manual contain listings of subject availability in each exam series and should be used with this document.Late fees explainedAfter the entry deadline, you will be charged late fees for any entries you make. The late fee charged is based on the unit fee for the qualification. From the late fee date, the entry (unit or subject) fee is doubled.The entry fee is trebled after the high late fee date.Changes to EntriesY ou will not be charged a late fee for changing candidate details (such as name amendments) unless a certificate has been issued.All tier or option changes will be classified as an amendment.For these cases the amendment deadline will apply.RefundsIf you withdraw an entry before the high late fee date you will be refunded the entry fee. If you withdraw an entry after this date, you will not be issued with a refund for the entry fee unless you can providesupporting medical evidence that the candidate could not complete the unit/s.1Late cash-in feeWe will charge £3.50 for late requests for a subject award (cash-in) prior to the issue of certificates. Certifying Statement of ResultsA Certifying Statement of Results (CSOR) is an official copy of the final examination results held by Pearson. We can send a CSOR to candidates, educational institutions, professional bodies or employerswho need us to confirm results.For prices and to apply for a Certifying Statement of Results, please visit/replacementcertificates.Payment of FeesFees due within 30 days from date of invoice should be made payable by cheque, bankers draft or by bank transfer to Pearson.We request that your centre number and relevant invoice numbers are included in the detail field of thebank transfer or written on the back of the cheque or bank draft. Our bank details are outlined below:2Subject feesThese fees are accurate at the time of publication. Pearson reserves the right to alter fees at any time, although we will endeavour to give centres notice of any alterations.3456Where the price of cash-ins is not shown there is no cash-in fee for cash-in entries made before the entry deadline.Please note that late fees may still apply.789Ad Hoc Inspection FeesPlease note that all centres will be subject to periodic ad hoc inspections during the conduct of the examinations. These are to ensure that the examinations are being administered correctly. Every effort willbe made to minimise expenditure but the cost of these inspections will be re-charged to the centre by the inspecting authority as part of quality assurance.10About PearsonPearson is the world’s leading learning company, with 40,000 employees in more than 70 countries working to help people of all ages to make measurable progress in their lives through learning.We provide learning materials, technologies, world class qualifications, assessments and services to teachers and students in order to help people everywhere aim higher and fulfil their true potential.In the UK, we are the largest awarding organisation offering academic and vocational qualifications that are globally recognised and benchmarked, with educational excellence rooted in names like Edexcel, BTEC and LCCI. We’r e driving innovation through digital products such as ResultsPlus or Bug Club, and supporting skills and employability for progression in study, work and life. We put the learner at the centre of everything we do, because wherever learning flourishes, so do people.Introduction, guidance and thisedition: © Pearson 2014Website: November 2014 (first published July 2014)Pearson Education Limited, Registered in England and Wales No. 872828Registered Office: One90, High Holborn, London WC1V 7BHT662。











PSU 的本校有个还算大的机场,机场缩写是SCE,我是去PSU的Altoona校区,那儿也有个小机场,机场缩写是AOO。









PSU的学生们大多用的是PNC的Debate Card,也就是借记卡,当然也有人用M&T的。

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新生手册策划编写人员(按姓氏拼音排列)2014-2015版:顾问:蓝彬 主编:田晓副主编:傅嘉诚,方块,樊樱,吴一帆,汪剑锋,张轶凡2013-2014版:主编:赵宇副主编:方快,胡申秋,蓝彬,沈卓颖,田文建,田晓,许鑫源2012-2013版:主编: 赵宇副主编:蔡寒,蓝彬,任梦佳,邵雨君,陶丹丹,王宁,王威,吴英伟,杨逢春,张啸天,郑翼2009-2010版:邓皞,黄一帆,李寅菲,刘启昆,孙婧,杨盛庭,叶澎,朱婉怡2008-2009版:李宁,李杞秀,卢炜,刘启炜,濮娜,谢鹤,叶澎,赵康2007-2008 版:冯超,黄皆欢,王宁,严崴,张潇,周筱帆2005-2006版:郭剑锋,罗立芳,李新,马月皎,任智勇,石磊,汤莹,吴颖娴,肖小强,姚晓盼,周 鼎,张磊,张慧2004-2005版:李长缨,贺建斌,李欢,宋贝思,方伟峰,周碧亮,覃武笔,罗永华,汪琳力,汪洋,方伟峰,郭剑锋,贺建斌,胡文冲,李长缨,李欢,马月皎,宋贝思,石磊,汤莹,姚晓盼,张慧(说明:所有信息只代表编撰人员的个人看法,仅供参考,作者不承担任何责任,谢绝跨省以及跨国追捕)PSUCSSA新生QQ群:[本科]208502908 [研究生]37721056PSUCSSA微信公共平台:pennstatecssaPSUCSSA Announcement Mail List:登录常用邮箱(不限psu邮箱或其他邮件服务商),发送一封邮件到CSSA-L-subscribe-request@,无需标题和内容,系统直接检索邮件信息。

官方主页:PSUCSSA BBS:/bbsPSUCSSA人人公共主页:留学在宾州州立PSUCSSA新浪微博:/pennstatePSUCSSA Facebook主页:/cssapsuPSUCSSA LinkedIn主页:/company/chinese-students-and-scholars-association-at-penn-stateThe Pennsylvania State University欢迎你!亲爱的朋友们,欢迎你们来到宾夕法尼亚州立大学(PSU)。




宾夕法尼亚州立大学中国学生学者联合会 (PSU CSSA)希望能够给所有的中国同胞们提供更多的信息和帮助,让大家能够更快的适应美国的环境,更好地在PSU学习和生活。


最后,再次衷心祝贺大家能够得到在PSU 学习的机会。

希望大家在这里能够生活的开心,学习工作顺利,取得事业上的成功!宾州州立大学中国学生学者联合会(PSU CSSA)主席团主席:贾靖宇研究生副主席:肖高瑶本科生副主席:张若冰秘书长:谌苒财务部部长:顾予欣 副部长:朱关阳曦活动策划部部长:林子慧 副部长:赵文鹏宣传部部长:张齐亚 副部长:李灏文体娱乐部部长:李子豪 副部长:李梦帆学术发展部部长:田晓 副部长:傅嘉诚公共关系部部长:赵盼盼 副部长:陈佳人力资源部部长:杨晨艺 副部长:禹雅乔网络部部长:张显灵 副部长:陈向仁Thon正:曾令涓 副:陈佩佩2014年5月15日目录The Pennsylvania State University欢迎你! (2)中国学生学者联谊会 (CSSA) 简介 (4)来美之前 (5)签证 (5)档案 (7)体检 (8)住宿 (9)学术 (10)买机票与接机 (17)其他 (18)抵美之后 (19)餐饮 (19)通讯 (19)Orientation (20)日常生活 (24)住宿 (24)餐饮 (40)交通 (45)银行卡 (50)购物 (55)医疗 (61)考驾照及买车 (62)课余活动 (75)旅游 (75)学生组织 (62)邮政 (80)国际学生的特殊政策 (80)其他 (83)新生 FAQ (83)纽约中国留学服务中心 (89)结语 (91)宾夕法尼亚州立大学中国学生学者联合会简介I.概况CSSA 全称为Chinese Students and Scholars Association,是全美高校中最大具影响力的中国学生组织。

PSU CSSA作为全美CSSA大家庭的有机组成部分,自2001年创建至今已有13年的历史。

PSU CSSA的宗旨是服务全体中国留学生和学者, 增进团结和友谊, 丰富业余生活, 扩大中国文化在校园中的影响, 最终达到增进中美两国、以及和其他国家青年人间友谊的目的。

在CSSA存在的这13年里,我们可以自豪地说我们完美地完成了我们的任务,曾连续三年被学校评为 Penn State 最具影响力的学生组织(Outstanding Student Organization Award),2011年中秋文化节更是获得Outstanding Program of the Year,成为全校唯一获得杰出奖项的国际学生组织,更成为PSU全校唯一一个同时获得两项荣誉的学生组织。

PSU CSSA的成功是PSU华人活跃的体现,也是学校对中国学生学者整体素质的认可。


2.9个部门财务部(Treasury Department)活动策划部(Culture Events Department)宣传部(Communication Department)文体娱乐部(Recreation & Sports Department)学术发展部(Intellectual Development)公共关系部(Public Relations Department)人力资源部(Human Resources Department)网络部(Web Team Department)Thon Department每个部门由部长、副部长及Officer组成,分工协作完成各项活动。


每个热心于中国社区生存和发展的朋友们都可以以自己多种多样的形式加入到 CSSA 中来。

我们 也需要越来越多的志愿者的付出和支持, 来把 Penn State 的华人文化社区建设的更加美好和谐。


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