ACCA P3知识要点汇总(上)
2014年ACCA考试(p3商务分析)考前总结1本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处COMMUNICATING CORE VALUES AND MISSIONThis article focuses on the syllabus area relating to an organisation’s core values and mission to the public, shareholders and employees. This is an objective which can easily get overlooked in the rush to master environmental analyses, strategic choice and outsourcing decisionsLearning objective 6(g) of the Paper P3, Business Analysis syllabus relates to how an organisation communicates its core values and mission to the public, shareholders and employees. This is an objective that can easily get overlooked in the rush to master environmental analyses, strategic choice and outsourcing decisions. However, it is important in practice and it is a challenge that many organisations take very seriously. This article will:· briefly describe what the terms ‘mission’, ‘mission statement’ and ‘core values’ mean · suggest why their communication to stakeholders is important· describe a commonly used model of communication· briefly describe communication methods that are available· describe and give examples of how organisations might undertake the communication process.TERMINOLOGYAn organisation’s mission is its basic purpose: What is it for? Why does it e xist? What is its ‘raison d’être’?A mission statement formalises the organisation’s mission by writing it down. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington define a mission statement as ‘a statement of the overriding direction and purpose of an organisation’. Some companies refer to ‘vision statements’ instead of mission statements; some writers and textbooks wring their hands attempting to distinguish between the terms ‘vision’ and ‘mission’. However, the distinction does not achieve much and the Paper P3 exam will treat the terms as meaning the same.Many other writers attempt to expand the definition of a mission statement by adding detail to it. In summary, mission statements are usually assumed to address: · what business is the company in?· whom does the organisation serve?· what benefits are to be delivered?· what are the organisation’s values and ethics?The final line above introduces the concept of values or core values. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington define core values as ‘principles that guide an organisation’s actions’.Remember, there is no standard format or list of contents for mission statements, and organisations are completely free to write their own. However, for most purposes, it is worth distinguishing between a mission stateme nt and a slogan. Nike’s ‘Just do it’ is a powerful advertising slogan, but under most definitions does not qualify as a mission statement. Here are several examples of mission statements and core values:TESCO (A UK SUPERMARKET CHAIN):Our vision To be the most highly valued by:The customers we serve Our core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. This objective sits right at the heart of our business as one part of our Values –‘No one tries harder for customers’.The communities in which we operate For Tesco to be considered a force for good, we must be a good neighbour and a responsible member of society.Our loyal and committed staff We know that if we look after our staff, they will look after our customers. Work can be a large part of our lives so our people deserve an employer who cares. That’s why one of our values is ‘Treat people how we like to be treated’. We are committed to providing opportunities for our people to get on and turn their jobs into careers, and across all of our markets we offer a wide range of competitive benefits.Our shareholders As the owners of the business, it’s crucial that our shareholders value Tesco highly. Shareholders want a good return on their investment and that’s what we will continue to deliver for them. … We offer sustainable, profitable growth from a combination of a strong core UK business and exposure to rapidly growing emerging markets.更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。
ACCA P3知识点:PESTEL分析模型在ACCA P3考试中分析企业外部环境时,常用PESTEL模型,PESTEL分析模型又称大环境分析,是分析宏观环境的有效工具,不仅能够分析外部环境,而且能够识别一切对组织有冲击作用的力量。
The PESTEL framework (sometimes also called "SLEPT" framework) analyses external forces under the headings:·Political;·Economic;·Socio-Cultural;·Technological;·Environmental; and·Legal.(1)政治因素(Political):是指对组织经营活动具有实际与潜在影响的政治力量和有关的政策、法律及法规等因素。
ACCA P3考试经验分享:了解这些acca考试经验助你备战6月考季
中公财经培训网:/ ACCA考试经验非常重要,了解这些考试经验对于小伙伴们的考试非常重要。
想想就让人心痛!为了帮助大家把握住最后一次机会,中公财经网小编(zgacca)总结整理了ACCA P3考试经验,分享给大家!ACCA P3考试经验:正确理解分析模型P3是很多中国考生比较害怕的一科,靠死记硬背或是刷题是不能理解掌握这些模型的。
ACCA P3考试经验:多做练习练习的目的是为了掌握重点模型,熟悉答题技巧。
ACCA P3考试经验:注意答案中的给分点不要去背练习题的答案,要看答案进行分析和推理。
记住,P3不是靠背,而是靠想!ACCA P3考试经验:考前整理模型在考试中,如果题目没有明确要求用哪个模型作答,我们就可以按照自己的思路来回答。
(比如:Value chain中的inbound logistics是什么意思?它包括了原材料的采购、运送、等等)2)借助历年真题的Case study对模型强化理解。
如果时间不允许的话,应该重点挑薄弱、甚至理解无能的部分学习,比如Culture、Project initial document、Organization configuration这些相对比较难以把握的知识点。
3)多问“why?”如“BCG和Ash ridge两个矩阵存在什么联系吗?”、“为什么说这家公司有core competence但缺钱?”,理解性地学习模型中蕴含的商业逻辑。
5)对于考试的少量计算financial analysis,是通过考试的关键,应当引起重视。
起码你要知道Project核心知识点在Project initial、benefit和review;Marketing主要在于Supply chain的理解和6I、7P的脑洞大开等等。
ACCA P1P2P3复习以及答题技巧汇总
ACCA P1P2P3复习以及答题技巧汇总ACCA P1《公司治理,风险和道德》是ACCA专业核心模块的第一门课程,它总共分为四个部分。
ACCA P1学习方法首先大家注意公司治理来自于F4中的agency thoery也就是我们经常说的代理理论。
再次,我请同学们关注TURNBULL REPORT和COMBINED CODE中对internal control和risk management的要求。
什么样的internal control system是完善而且有效的,如何进行risk assessment以及如何进行风险处理。
需要强调的五点:第一、考官的历年考题中只有两种格式:Memo 和letter。
烦请大家注意这两种格式第二、大家注意自己写出来的句子要专业,比如有效的内部控制要写sound internal control system, risk embedded等等第三、答题要有逻辑性,适当的通过分段,分层次来讲述自己的观点第四、要注意senario中引号的句子,这些句子一般是考点最后,希望大家多动笔,少用眼睛考虑问题。
ACCA P3 重点+考试技巧
Section B——三选二,每题 25 分 一般就某一专题出题 主要模型 Strategic Position: SWOTanalysis Environmental analysis PESTEL analysis Porter’s diamond The five forces model Market Mix Market Segments/Strategic clock Internal assessment Resource audit Value chain Product life cycle BCG matrix (Product portfolio model) Benchmarking/balance scorecard Strategic Choices
5)5 个 core job characteristics:Skill variety、Task identity、Task significance、Autonomy (responsibility)、Feedback 最后,给大家总结一些应试技巧: 先读 requirement,再读题目部分,读题目时对重点词语进行标注; 或先读题干第一部分,了解基本信息,如:公司的行业背景、对考生的身份设定 等;再读 requirement;然后是题干全部内容,并对重点词语进行标注。 答题结构: Shortparagraphs with heading above each, Each heading (point)followed with author’s name, or studies, or examples. Point + example +others Mark: 1+1(+1) 写多长? 3—4 lines per paragraph 1—1.5 page per 10 marks Don’t repeat the wording from the case, try tofind a way link the situation with model/s. Time Control 运用模型提供的思路答题,主体模型主要内容的每个方面都要涉及 保证充足的睡眠,应对 P3 大篇幅的题目不要慌,沉着应对,控制好时间,把握答 题速度,切勿在考试的时候分心,祝大学学习愉快,考试顺利!
ACCAP3重要知识点Value Chain
1.FrameworkThe value chain describes the activities within and around an organisation that create a product or service.The value chain provides a framework for analysing an organisation by breaking it down into"strategically significant"activities that add value to the product or service in the eyes of the customer.2.Activities2.1.Primary Activities*Primary activities directly create or deliver a product or service.(a)Inbound logistics are activities concerned with receiving,storing and distributing inputs to the product or service including materials handling, inventory control,transport,etc.(b)Operations transform these inputs into the final product or service (e.g.machining,packaging,assembly,testing,etc)。
(c)Outbound logistics collect,store and distribute the product to customers(e.g.warehousing,materials handling,distribution,etc)。
2015年ACCA P3商务分析考点总结(1)
2015年ACCA P3商务分析考点总结(1)COMMUNICATING CORE VALUES AND MISSIONThis article focuses on the syllabus area relating to an organisation’s core values and mission to the public, shareholders and employees. This is an objective which can easily get overlooked in the rush to master environmental analyses, strategic choice and outsourcing decisionsLearning objective 6(g) of the Paper P3, Business Analysis syllabus relates to how an organisation communicates its core values and mission to the public, shareholders and employees. This is an objective that can easily get overlooked in the rush to master environmental analyses, strategic choice and outsourcing decisions. However, it is important in practice and it is a challenge that many organisations take very seriously. This article will:· briefly describe what the terms ‘mission’, ‘mission statement’ and ‘core values’ mean· suggest why their communication to stakeholders is important· describe a commonly used model of communication· b riefly describe communication methods that are available· describe and give examples of how organisations might undertake the communication process.TERMINOLOGYAn organisation’s mission is its basic purpose: What is it for? Why does it exist? What is its ‘raison d’être’?A mission statement formalises the organisation’s mission by writing it down. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington define a mission statement as ‘a statement of the overriding direction and purpose of an organisation’. Some co mpanies refer to ‘vision statements’ instead of mission statements; some writers and textbooks wring their hands attempting to distinguish between the terms ‘vision’ and ‘mission’. However, thedistinction does not achieve much and the Paper P3 exam will treat the terms as meaning the same.Many other writers attempt to expand the definition of a mission statement by adding detail to it. In summary, mission statements are usually assumed to address:· what business is the company in?· whom does the organisation serve?· what benefits are to be delivered?· what are the organisation’s values and ethics?The final line above introduces the concept of values or core values. Johnson, Scholes and Whittington define core values as ‘princip les that guide an organisation’s actions’.Remember, there is no standard format or list of contents for mission statements, and organisations are completely free to write their own. However, for most purposes, it is worth distinguishing between a mission statement and a slogan. Nike’s ‘Just do it’ is a powerful advertising slogan, but under most definitions does not qualify as a mission statement. Here are several examples of mission statements and core values:TESCO (A UK SUPERMARKET CHAIN):Our vision To be the most highly valued by:The customers we serve Our core purpose is to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. This objective sits right at the heart of our business as one part of our Values –‘No one tries harder for customers’.The communities in which we operate For Tesco to be considered a force for good, we must be a good neighbour and a responsible member of society.Our loyal and committed staff We know that if we look after our staff, they will look after our customers. Work can be a large part of our lives so our people deserve an employer who cares. That’s why one of our values is ‘Treat people how we like to be treated’. We are committed to providing opportunities for our people to get on and turn their jobs intocareers, and across all of our markets we offer a wide range of competitive benefits.Our shareholders As the owners of the business, it’s crucial that our shareholders value Tesco highly. Shareholders want a good return on their invest ment and that’s what we will continue to deliver for them. … We offer sustainable, profitable growth from a combination of a strong core UK business and exposure to rapidly growing emerging markets.INTEL (A MANUFACTURER OF COMPUTER CHIPS):Our missionThis decade we will create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth.Our values Customer orientation Results orientation Great place to work Quality Discipline Risk taking。
ACCA P3 考试知识点:Strategy
ACCA P3 考试知识点:StrategyACCA P3 考试:Strategy企业战略是对企业各种战略的统称;企业战略是层出不穷的,例如信息化就是一个全新的战略。
市场营销学对企业战略的定义是企业在市场经济竞争激烈的环境中,在总结历史经验、调查现状、预测未来的基础上,为谋求生存和发展而做出的长远性、全局性的谋划或方案,常见的战略类型如下:1. Do nothing2. Withdrawal3. Market penetration4. Product development5. Market development6. DiversificationDo nothing This involves following the current strategy while events around change and can often prove to be a successful short-term strategy. Basically, if an organisation is exposed to some form of competitive threat, itsshort-term objective is to not react and, hence, get involved in what could be an expensive decision.Sell out/withdraw from the market This may be followed so as to maximise the return on a business that may be at the top of its cycle and, hence, will be in line with the goal of maximisation of cash flows. Withdrawal from a business sector may be chosen to give the business more focus - for example, Richard Branson's decision to sell his original business Virgin Records to concentrate on the airlines business.Market penetration This involves increasing the market share in the current market with the current product. Market share can be enhanced by such techniques as improved quality, productivity or increased marketing activity.Product development This involves introducing a new product into the current market. The product change is often the result of changes and modifications to an existing successful product - for example, Mars ice cream. This is an alternative to the present product and builds on present knowledge and skills.Market development In this case the organisation keeps its tried and tested products but aims to apply them to different market segments. This strategy maintains the security of the present product while enabling extra revenue to be generated from new segments - for example, McDonald's and its geographic market development.Diversification This is the most risky of the product market strategies as it involves the introduction of a totally new product in a new market. Diversification can either be related or unrelated.Related diversification This involves development of the product and market but still remaining within the broad confines of the industry. There are three main types.1. Backward. A development into the business that inputs into the present business - for example, move up the supply chain into raw material inputs.2. Forward. A development into activities concerned with a company's outputs also called downstream integration - for example, move down the supply chain into distribution activities.3. Horizontal. Movement into activities that are competitive with existing activities - for example, to benefit access to market or technology.Unrelated diversification This involves movement into industries that bear little relationship to the present one and is often the result of a profit motive.。
ACCA P3 考点总结极简版
P3 走近60分 ( Final review of knowledge & Skill Part)1.Strategy can be defined as:‘the direction and scope of an organisation over the long-term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations’.CAI’s selection 12. Major TypesStrategic planning involves formal analysis of each of the stages of strategic position before a final strategic choice is made. Strategic planning is useful because:•It forces managers to consider each stage of the strategic process•It forces managers to justify their actions•It forces managers to consider the effect of a strategy on all aspects of the business•It allows managers to be proactive rather than reactive.Emergent strategies involve no long-term strategic plan – in effect, making up the strategy as the organisation goes along. An emergent strategy is useful because:•It allows managers to quickly exploit changing circumstances•It is quicker and cheaper than strategic planning.CAI’s selection 23.Position,Choice,and actionUnder the rational planning model, there are a number of stages. Each of these will be discussed in more detail later in the notes.Stage 1 – Strategic Position1 Identify key stakeholders and their expectations.2 Develop long-term objectives to satisfy these stakeholder expectations.3 Calculate financial and nonfinancial ratios to show position of organisation.4 Identify core resources and competences within the organisation.5 Identify key factors changing the environment outside the organisation.6 Use SWOT analysis (also known as a corporate appraisal) to summarise the strategic position.Stage 2 – Strategic Choices1 Consider possible exit from existing industries.2 Consider diversification into new industries.3 Consider developing new competitive advantages.4 Consider entry into new markets.5 Consider development of new products.Stage 3 – Strategy into Action1. Evaluate above options and choose strategy to be followed.2. Implement any necessary changes in the organisation.3.This might involve changing processes, people etc.CAI’s selection 34.Model Johnson and Scholes – three lensesThis model argues that strategy can be set in different ways:•Strategy as experience.Here the strategy is basically repeating what has been done in the past.•Strategy as ideas.Here the strategy aims to encourage innovation. Culture will be very important here.•Strategy as design.Here the strategy is driven from the top in order to meet the objectives of the organisation. The process is very similar to that given earlier in this chapter.5.MODEL – Mendelow stakeholder mappingThere will always be a conflict of interest between what different groups want. For example giving employees better pay levels reduces the profit available for shareholders. Stakeholders can be divided into:•High Interest with High Power = Key players•Low Interest with High Power = Keep satisfied•High Interest with Low Power = Keep informed•Low Interest with Low Power = Minimal effort.Stakeholders matter because objectives should be geared towards the needs of those with high power. Stakeholders matter because any strategy followed will need to be acceptable to the key players and keep satisfied.CAI’s selection 46.Corporate governanceJohnson and Scholes suggest that corporate governance is about answering two questions:1. Who is the organisation there to serve (i.e. who are the key stakeholders?)?2. How should the priorities of the organisation be decided (i.e. should strategy e planned or should the organisation be opportunistic?)?Johnson and Scholes define the main ethical position for a company as: The extent to which an organisation will exceed its minimum obligations toshareholders.The four main ethical positions are:1. Short-term shareholder interest.2. Longer-term shareholder interest.3. Multiple stakeholder obligations.4. Shaper of society.7.Core values are the principles that guide the behaviour of an organisation.A mission statement explains to the external world and to those managers making strategic decisions inside the organisation, the basic principles theorganisation should be following.A mission statement will commonly contain the following:•Purpose of the organisation.•Overall strategy of the organisation.•The core values of the organisation.Supporters of mission statements claim they help:•Resolve stakeholder conflict.•To guide managers when setting strategy.•Communicate the values of the organisation to employees.•Help with marketing the organisation.CAI’s selection 58.MODEL – Charles Handy types of cultureOrganisational culture consists of the beliefs, attitudes, practices and customs to which people are exposed during their interaction with the organisation.•Power – Heavily centralised with few decision-makers. Allows quick responses to changes in the environment.•Role – Lots of formalised procedures. Can be very useful in an environment that is stable.•Task – Emphasis on getting the job done rather than following rules. Works well in complex, unstable environments.•Person – Purpose is purely to look after the individuals (found where self-employed people are the norm).This may impact on whether a strategy chosen by the Directors is likely to be accepted by the employees.9.MODEL – Miles and Snow – Strategic cultures•Defenders – like strategic options that have worked in the past / low risks / secure markets.•Prospectors – like options that could deliver results even if they entail high risk.•Analysers – will move into new areas but only after someone else has proved they work.•Reactors – do not plan ahead.•The above may impact on the type of decisions made by the organisation.10.MODEL – Johnson and Scholes the cultural web•Rituals and routines – Which procedures are emphasised?•Symbols – Are status symbols used within the organisation as rewards?•Control systems – What is most closely monitored?•Organisational structures – How tall / flat is the organisation?•Power structures – How much centralisation is there?•Stories – Does news within the organisation focus on successes or failures?•The paradigm – What assumptions are taken for granted?CAI’s selection 611.Model – Johnson and Scholes Key drivers of change•Market globalisation•Cost globalisation•Global competition.In addition to the above, if you have a UK company, use:•Economic – conditions as they are at the time of the exam.•Environmental – the move towards more environmentally friendly products (this includes things like materials and packaging).•Legal – minimum wage for unskilled labour.12. MODEL – PESTEL•Political – includes government policies on education and infrastructure.•Economic – includes the state of the economy, interest rates and tax levels.•Social – includes attitudes, demographics and household structure.•Technological – includes new technologies making current products obsolete.•Environmental – includes the move towards environmentally cleaner products.•Legal – includes changes in law making it e.g. harder / more expensive to operate.CAI’s selection 713.Scenario planning•These methods look at what might happen (scenarios) and then decide what the organisation should do if they occur.14.Time Series AnalysisTime Series Analysis is used when sales tend to be seasonal. The time series is made up of two parts:•The long-term trend (calculated using moving averages).•The seasonal variation (calculated as the average of actual figures against the trend).Regression Analysis is used when sales tend to be steady throughout the year.15.MODEL – Porter’s national diamondCompanies based in certain countries seem to be more competitive than companies from other countries. Porter’s diamond looks at why.Porter comes up with 4 reasons for this:•Factor conditions•Firm strategy, structure and rivalry•Demand conditions•Related and supporting industries.CAI’s selection 816.Industries LifecycleIndustries grow and then shrink over time. It is important for a company to consider which industries it is involved in so that it can deliver profits to shareholders over the long-term. The stages the industry goes through are:Introduction•The industry is only just being established.•The industry may be seen as a niche.•At this point there may be only a few competitors (or maybe only one).•Customers may not be entirely sure why they need the product.Growth•An increasing number of customers start to buy the product and reasonable profits can be made.•The industry becomes more attractive and new competitors attempt to join.Maturity•The industry typically goes through a period of consolidation.•Weaker companies might leave.Decline•Customers are buying different products and so total sales are falling.•The industry may again become a niche.•As part of its corporate strategy, a company should regularly review the industries it is in to decide whether to:•Exit from existing industries.•Enter into new ones.CAI’s selection 917.Porter’s 5 forcesPorter’s 5 forces model looks at why some industries might be more profitable than others. In general the more of the forces that are favourable within an industry the more profits will be earned. Unfortunately as the industry becomes more attractive then more rivals will want to enter it.The 5 forces are:•Competitors (new)•Competitors (existing)•Customers•Suppliers•Substitutes.18.MODEL – The marketing mix•Product – What the customer receives•Price – the Cost to the customer•Place – the convenience to the customer•Promotion – how does the company Communicates with the customer19.CSF & KPICritical success factors are those elements that an organisation must perform properly in order to succeed. These often link with competences.•Threshol d competence•Core competen ces.CAI’s selection 10A common way of thinking about KPI’s is to group them into various categories. One common approach is to use:•Econo my – the amount spent on inputs (materials, labour, marketing etc).•Effectiveness – whether customers are satisfied with the products / services provided (customer satisfaction, repeat customers etc).•Efficiency – how good the organisation is at turning inputs into outputs (wastage, idle time etc).20.MODEL – the nine M’s modelThis model gives nine possible areas an organisation might be strong in•Machinery•Money•Materials•Men and Women•Makeup (culture)•Markets (products)•Management information•Management•Methods (processes).In the exam, look at the numbers that the Examiner gives you (particularly ones that do not fit into Financial Accounting areas). These often indicate weaknesses. Examples could include:•Sales per employee•Age of machinery•Time taken to process orders.CAI’s selection 1121.Cost controlOne common threshold competence in the exam is cost control.This is important to public sector organisations as they may have a fixed income.This is important to companies as they are trying to make a profit. If costs increase then either they have to accept lower profits or attempt to pass this on to customers through higher prices. The likelihood of costs rising will be affected by the power of the organisation’s suppliers.The possibility of raising sales prices will be affected by the power of customers. Costs could be reduced through:•Economies of scale•Low supply costs•Sensible design•Experience.CAI’s selection 1222.Sustainable competitive advantageSustainable competitive advantage is about the reasons a customer buys from one firm rather than another.The key word here is “sustainable”, a resource may give an organisation an advantage in the short-term but this will not be sustainable if it is easy for competitors to acquire as well.Similarly a competence that can easily be copied by others will only give a short-term advantage.Sustainable competitive advantage will need to focus on resources and capabilities which are:•Rare (this could include patents or a skill).•Robust (things that are difficult to imitate). Examples include:o Complex procedureso Uncertainty to outsiders.•Difficult for a customer to substitute with somethi• A final thing to remember is that the customer must be willing to pay for this unique resource or core competence.CAI’s selection 1323.MODEL – Porter’s value chainPorter divides a business into nine different areas. The five primary activities are:•Inbound logistics•Operations•Outbound logistics•Marketing and sales•Service.The four secondary activities are:•Firm infrastructure•Human Resource Management•Technology Development•Procurement.Porter argues that each cost in the business is one of two types.•Value-adding – the extra cost is outweighed by the extra the customer is willing to pay•Non value-adding – the extra cost is not valued by the customer.CAI’s selection 1424.Knowledge managementThe knowledge that an organisation has is a resource that may be difficult for other organisations to acquire and so can be a source of competitive advantage.For this to happen the organisation must record the knowledge of its employees and make it available to others.Knowledge management is the collective and shared experience accumulated through systems, routines and activities of sharing across the organisation.25.MODEL – Nonaka and Takeuchi on tacit and explicit knowledgeTacit knowledge is knowledge that staff possess. They are often unaware of how important this knowledge is. Explicit knowledge is knowledge that has been recorded by the organisation.Nonaka and Takeuchi say knowledge can be transferred by:•Socialisation•Externalisation•Internalisation•Combination.CAI’s selection 1526.SWOTOnce the organisation has analysed the external and internal environments it should be able to identify:•Strengths•Weaknesses•Opportunities•Threats.It is important to remember that strengths and weaknesses are in the eye of the customer not the company.It is important to remember in the exam that opportunities and strengths need to match up. If there is an opportunity for which the organisation does not have a matching strength – then the organisation will not be able to exploit the opportunity.Strategic capability can be improved by:•Extending competences•Ceasing nonessential activities•Extending best practices•Adding or improving activities•Remedying weaknesses.CAI’s selection 1627.Benchmarking•Historical comparisons are made between actual and past figure to see if the organisation is improving / deteriorating.•Strategic– comparisons are made between actual and budget (note that the budget should be set at a level so that meeting the budget should mean the critical success factor is achieved).•Industry – comparisons are made between actual and performance of others to see if we are performing better or worse than our rivals (this will identify strengths and weaknesses).28.Balanced scorecardAll processes must be as efficient and effective as possible in order to support the strategy. This means the organisation will need some method of measuring performance. One common method is to use the balanced scorecard. Processes can be measured to see if they are helping the following perspectives:•Financial•Customers•Internal business•Innovation and learning.CAI’s selection 1729.MODEL – Ansoff’s growth vector matrixIgor Ansoff came up with a simple method of identifying strategic options. The areas for a business to consider are:•Should they carry on selling their existing products?•Should they carry on selling to their existing market (this means the types of customer they already target)?Ansoff comes up with four possibilities:•Market penetration – existing products and existing markets•Market development – existing products and a new market•Product development – new products and an existing market•Diversification – new products to a new market.30.Methods?We will look at all of these in turn in this sectioWhichever of these is chosen there is an additional decision to be made. Should the organisation:•Grow organically – should the organisation launch a new product / go into a new market themselves?•Grow by acquisition – should the organisation buy another company that sells a new product / operates in a different market?A company can attempt to enter a foreign market in a number of ways. The main ones for a manufacturer are:Direct exporting – selling directly to overseas customers.•Advantages – the company gets to know the needs of the final customer•Disadvantages – it may be costly to build up customer awareness.Indirect exporting – selling to intermediaries such as retailers who then sell to final consumer.CAI’s selection 18•Advantages – the company gets access to the local company’s knowledge•Disadvantages – the company will not see all of the profits.Overseas production– the company manufactures and sells the products in the target country.•Advantages – distribution costs will be reduced•Disadvantages – may require a large capital investment.Contract manufacture (licensing) – the product is made abroad by another company.•Advantages – lower risk since no need to build manufacturing plant•Disadvantages – may lose control over areas such as quality.Joint ventures – the company goes into partnership with a local company.•Advantages – lower risk since local knowledge gained and costs shared•Disadvantages – lower returns since profits shared.CAI’s selection 1931.MODEL – Porter’s generic strategiesA further possibility would be to change HOW the company competes (the business strategy). This means changing the reason why customers should buy theproduct. Porter comes up with three possibilities:•Cost leadership•Product differentiation•Focussing on a particular type of customer.32.MODEL – The BCG matrixIn the exam you may have to calculate the market share of a product. If the information is available it would also be useful to calculate profit margins for each product.•Cash cows are in the mature or decline stage of the life cycle:o The threat of new competitors is low and the high market share makes the threats from substitutes and existing competitors low as well.o This product should be earning reasonable profits.o The product cannot grow any further (since the market is already mature).•Stars also have a high market share:o The market is growing (introduction or growth stage of the lifecycle) so new competitors will be attracted into the marketo Prices may need to be kept low to maintain market shareo Marketing costs might also need to be high to keep sales upo Profits may not be high.•Question marks have a lot of potential due to the high growth. Decision is whether to:o Spend money to build up market shareCAI’s selection 20o Spend money to hold market shareo Leave market.•Dogs have low market share and low growth. They should be closed unless needed by one of the other products.33.Related diversificationRelated diversification (also known as concentric diversification) means moving into areas that are similar to those the business already operates in.The idea is use the current strengths of the company to exploit new opportunities. In the exam look for examples of:•Horizontal integration – e.g. a shirt manufacturer that starts manufacturing shoes•Backwards integration – e.g. a shirt manufacture that starts manufacturing cloth•Forwards integration – e.g. a shirt manufacturer that starts retailing clothes.CAI’s selection 2134.Model Johnson and Scholes strategic rationale•P ortfolio Managers•Synergy managers•Parental developers35.Ashridge ModelThe four groups are:•High Feel / High BenefitHeartland businesses which gain most benefit from the attention of the parent (concentrate on these).•High Feel / Low BenefitBallast businesses which would be just as viable if they were independent businesses (so leave these ones alone to run themselves).•Low Feel / High BenefitValue Trap businesses which do not have much overlap with the skills of the parent (these may have been acquired as a method of unrelateddiversification). Unless the parent can develop these skills the business may not be of much benefit.•Low / Feel / Low BenefitAlien businesses which should be sold off.From this follows the idea that the amount of cost being spent by the parent should reflect the value it adds to the divisions.CAI’s selection 2236.Model – Johnson and Scholes SFA testJohnson and Scholes suggest that for any option to be considered seriously it must pass three tests. The option must be:•Suitable•Feasible•Acceptable.A strategic option is suitable if:•It builds on strengths/ reduces weaknesses / exploits opportunities / avoids threats.•Gives a new competitive advantage / maintains an existing one.•Suits the organisation’s culture .•It fits with the current strategies already being aA strategic option is feasible if:•The organisation has enough finance to pursue it.•The organisation has the rights skills / knowledge / experience to pursue it.•The company will be able to deal with any responses from competitors.•The company has enough time to follow the strategy.A strategic option is acceptable if:•The additional reward if the strategy is successful is greater than the risk if it is unsuccessful.•The additional risk is acceptable to shareholders / banks etc.•It helps the company to meet its financial objectives (ROCE etc) – shareholders.•Any interest payments will be maintained – banks.•It does not break any regulations – government.•It does not adversely affect connected stakeholders – customers / suppliers.CAI’s selection 2337.Financial RatiosThe following are common causes for ADVERSE variances;•Materials price Powerful supplier Change of supplier•Materials usage Poor quality material•Labour rate Powerful supplier•Labour usage Poor quality labour•Overhead efficiency Poor levels of maintenance•Sales price Powerful customersMany substitutes•Sales volume Sales lost to new entrantsMany competitorsCAI’s selection 2438.Decision treeA decision tree is another quantitative method for looking at uncertainty.A decision tree is a diagrammatic approach to solving problems involving probabilities and decision making.MethodStep1: Draw the tree from left to right showing appropriate decisions andUsefor a decision point,and an outcome point.Label tree and cash inflows/outflows and probabilities associated with outcomes.Step2: Evaluate the tree from right to left.•Calculate an expected value at each outcome point.•Select the option to maximise expected payoff at each decision point.Step3: Recommend a course of action to management.CAI’s selection 2539.Model Harmon’s process-strategy matrixThere are four approaches to change depending on:•Is the pro cess strategically important? (does it tie up with SWOT); and•Is the proces s complex?This leads to•High importance / complex Improve processes focusing on staff•High importance / simple Use an automated ERP solution•Low importance / complex Outsource•Low import ance / simple Automate.40.OutsourcingIt will often be more efficient to outsource these since the outsourcing company can obtain economies of scale.Problems with outsourcing processes include:•Fragmentat ion of complex processes (outsourcers can only do part of the process).•Concerns with relying on others for key business processes.•Concerns about quality.•Unwillingness to be locked into long-term contracts.41.Evaluating Business ProcessesProcess improvement methods•Lean proce sses – eliminate nonvalue adding activities or time between activities.CAI’s selection 26•Human perfor mance analysis – redesign incentives, improve training.Process redesign methods•Automa te activities.•Integrate processes – to reduce gaps and disconnects.•Process Measu rement schemes – develop or redesign the way performance ids measured.42.Model – Skidmore and Eva – stages in selecting software package•The company may decide to have a software package written especially (known as a bespoke package). There are five stages the company goes through:•Obtain tenders•First pass selection•Second pass selection•Implementation•Managing long-term relationship.CAI’s selection 2743.6C- the benefits of E-businessThe above definition does NOT mean that goods / services have to be sold to customers over the internet – this is referred to as ecommerce. Benefits of adopting e-business include:•Cost reduction•Capability•Communication•Control•Customer service•Competitive.44.Model – McFarlan’s gridMcFarlan’s grid looks at how important IT is to the organisation, in particular, how it can help with the organisation’s strategy.•The impact of current IT systems on gaining an advantage.•The potential impact of future IT systems on gaining an advantage.1. Current Low / Future low SupportIT is useful but no advantage is being achieved (e.g. payroll).2. Current High / Future low FactoryIT is crucial to the current operations but it is unlikely that it can be developed further to give an advantage in the future( e.g. a JIT system).CAI’s selection 283. Current Low / Future High TurnaroundIT can be used to develop new advantages over the long-term (e.g. Amazon’s Kindle e-reader and store).4. Current High / Future High StrategicIT will be fundamental to the ongoing success of the business.45.Model 6i’s for emarketing1 Interactivity – Customers can be asked for contact details.2 Integration – Adverts on the web can be clicked to go straight to purchasing.3 Intelligence – websites can record how many visitors they have and what they do on the website.4 Industry structure – Websites can change distribution channels (by cutting out intermediaries and selling direct).5 Independence of location.6 Individualisation – if a customer regularly visits a website it can be tailored to that individual.46.Model – Adcock’s guide to CRMCRM is the establishment, development, maintenance and optimisation of long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and organisations.CRM has many benefits including:•Improved retention•Improved cross-sellingCAI’s selection 29Improved profitability.In order to build relationships with customers, businesses need to:•Build a customer database•Develop customer oriented service systems•Have more direct contacts with customers.As part of this process, businesses should think about their long-term relationship with customers and what that is likely to be worth over the customer’s lifetime. CAI’s selection 30。
ACCA P3 知识点总结
environmental and legal. It describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the environmental scanning component of strategic management.Political factors are basically how the government intervenes in the economy. Specifically, political factors has areas including tax policy, labourlaw, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and politicalstability.Economic factors include economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates, the inflation rate. These factors greatly affect how businesses operate and make decisions. (Interest rates impacts company's cost of capital, business growth and expands. Exchange rate impacts the cost, supply and price of imported goods.) Social factors include the cultural aspects and health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Technological factors include technological aspectslike R&D activity, automation, technology incentives and the rateof technological change. These can determine barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence the outsourcing decisions. Technological shifts would affect costs, quality, and lead to innovation.Legal factors include discrimination law, consumer law, antitrustlaw, employment law, and health and safety law. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products.Environmental factors include ecological and environmental aspects such as weather, climate, and climate change, which may especially affect industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance.Porter's five forces analysis is a framework for analyzing the level of competitionwithin an industry and business strategy development.Threat of new entrants:The existence of barriers to entry (patents, rights, etc.). Government disadvantages independent of of of product costs or sunk to loyalty to established profitability (the more profitable the industry the more attractive it will be to new competitors).Network effect.Threat of substitutes:Buyer propensity to price performance of switching level of product of substitute products available in the of of close substitute. Bargaining power of customers:Buyer concentration to firm concentration of dependency upon existing channels of leverage, particularly in industries with high fixed switching costs relative to firm switching information down of existing substitute price advantage (uniqueness) of industry (customer value) total amount of trading.Bargaining power of suppliers:Supplier switching costs relative to firm switching of differentiation of of inputs on cost and of substitute of distribution concentration to firm concentration solidarity . labor unions).Supplier competition: the ability to forward vertically integrate and cut out the buyer. Industry rivalry:Sustainable competitive advantage through between online and offline of advertising competitive concentration of transparency.The National Diamond is a tool for analyzing the organization’s task environment. The National Diamond highlights that strategic choices should not only be a function of industry structure and a firm’s resources. And this model states fou r principal determinants of national competitive advantage: a. Factor conditions b. Firm strategy structure and rivalry c. Demand conditions d. Related and supporting industriesa. Factor conditionsHuman Resources(skill,price)/ physical resources(land,climate,location relative)/knowledge (科技, educational institution)/capital(investment)/infrastructure(transport, communication, housing)b. Firm strategy structure and rivalryNational performance in particular sectors is inevitably related to the strategies and the structure of the firms in that sector. Competition plays a big role in driving innovation and the subsequent upgradation of competitive advantage. Since domestic competition is more direct and impacts earlier than steps taken by foreign competitors, the stimulus provided by them is higher in terms of innovation and efficiency.c. Demand conditionsDemand conditions in the domestic market provide the primary driver of growth, innovation and quality improvement.d. Related and supporting industriesFor many firms, the presence of related and supporting industries is of critical importance to the growth of that particular industry. A critical concept here is that national competitive strengths tend to be associated with "clusters" of industries.Besides above four factors, chance and government always are the essential elements impacting on four principal determinants of national competitive advantage. OpportunitiesOpportunities always are hard to come by and uncontrollable, hence once facing a chance, we will firmly grasp. Under this new era, polity, economy and various factors bring a great deal of opportunities, and the more fierce competition also bring more chances.Government"acting as a catalyst and challenger; it is to encourage - or even push - companies to raise their aspirations and move to higher levels of competitive performance …" . They must encourage companies to raise their performance, stimulate early demand for advanced products, focus on specialized factor creation and to stimulate local rivalry by limiting direct cooperation and enforcing anti-trust regulations.The Boston classification classifies business units in terms of their capacity for growth within the market and the market's capacity for growth as a whole. Assessing rate of market growth as high or low depends on the conditions in the market. High market growth rate can indicate good opportunities for profitable operations. Relative market share is assessed as a ratio: it is market share compared with the market share of the largest competitor.Stars require capital expenditure in excess of the cash they generate, in order to maintain their position in their competitive growth market, but promise high returns in the future. Strategy: buildCash cows need very little capital expenditure, since mature markets are likely to be quite stable, and they generate high level of cash income. Cash cows can be used to finance the stars. Strategy: hold or harvest if weak.Question marks must be assessed as to whether they justify considerable capital expenditure in the hope of increasing their market share. Strategy: build or harvestDogs: may be ex-cash cows that have now fallen on hard times. Although they will show only a modest net cash outflow, or even a modest net cash inflow, they are cash traps which tie up funds and provide a poor return on investment. Strategy: divest or holdSWOT analysis(alternatively SWOT matrix) is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and is a structured planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project or business venture.Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others.Weaknesses: characteristics of the business that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to others.Opportunities: elements in the environment that the business or project could exploit to its advantage.Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project.Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company's interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers' history with a company and to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth.The CAGE Distance Framework identifies Cultural, Administrative, Geographic andEconomic differences or distances between countries that companies should address when crafting international strategies.。
ACCA P3,P4考前重点公布,赶快收藏!
ACCA P3/P4考前重点公布,赶快收藏!来源:浦江财经ACCA P3 Exam TipsKaplanEmbed your knowledge on the core models from Johnson and Scholes (the examiner based this paper on their work).When answering questions, write answers like you are writing to your senior management. Make it as professional as possible. Marks are allocated to this in section A.Do not start writing answers straightaway. Take a minute to think about the structure and presentation of the answers.It is important with this level to remember that writing lots of knowledge and theory will not get you through the exam. The key is application to the material and expanding the relevance to the scenario.We suggest watching the news / reading the papers, but with a critical eye. For instance when you see that a business has launched a new product or moved into a new market think about the theories you have learnt that may be relevant. In this case it could be:-Porter’s generic strategies-Ansoff-Bowman’s clockThen apply those theories to the real life situation –understand why they have created this product/why they have gone into this market. With practice you will find it easier to apply the theories to the scenario.And of course you can do this for other areas of the syllabus.There is nothing worse for a marker than getting a script which is just a page of writing. Try to think about making your script easier to read for the marker. Headings and Sub-headings along with a bit of space will help. Then use your paragraph to explain the point you are making.If it is easy for the marker to see the points being made this can make the difference between pass and fail for a borderline script, include application, plus relevance within your statement, avoid listing.If you use the word ‘and’in your answer, are you making two separate points? If yes, maybe you need to split your paragraph into two headings / sub-headings.There are 3 professional marks which will constitute professionalism, presentation and layout.-Know the theory and apply it.-Create mind maps of the key knowledge, then learn these.-Do practice questions under timed conditions and if possible, get them marked.-Make sure you’ve read all the current examiner articles, available on the ACCA website.-Get good business awareness –read a quality newspaper.-Use the reading time to select questions, and get frameworks for answer plans.-Do a section B question first.-Don’t focus on the numbers –do not spend more than 15 minutes on them per question. -Watch the clock –allocate your time efficiently –don’t overrun.-Layout your answers in a way that the marker can clearly read and understand.-Read the question carefully!ACCA P4 Exam TipsKaplanP4 is a technical paper with some complex calculations sometimes but DO NOT think of the exam as numbers-only. There are plenty of discursive parts which are usually easier than the calculations and easy marks can be picked up by applying commercial awareness and common sense.Analyse the individual requirements of the question. If you can do the wordy bits first then do so as you will not get bogged down in them like you will with the calculation elements.Do not expect to finish a question. You must stick to time, especially on the calculations which are very easy to over-run on. The exam is extremely time pressured and the secret to passing is to have a go at every part of every question, not to try and get 100% on every question –to do that you would need about 7 hours!If you are not sure what to do with a particular figure in a question, ignore it and move on –state assumptions, you haven’t got time to worry about it!If you get a Black-Scholes question, always list out the input variables as your first stage and assign the relevant values to them –there will be about 2-3 marks usually for doing this.Practice as many questions as possible but do as many as possible to time. You must get used to doing the questions in the time available and not spending too long on them.Practice as many questions as possible across the syllabus, and don’t only concentrate on what you consider to be the core areas.Choose carefully on section B of the paper –it is very limited choice but nonetheless it will becritical.Do not put down unnecessary workings; because as it will cost you heavily in lost time.If there is a calculation that you are unable to complete –for e.g. a WACC which prevents you from going on to do the NPV, then just make a reasonable assumption and estimate a WACC which you have been unable to calculate, this will then allow you to progress the calculation and get on to the often more generously rewarded discursive parts of the question.Look out for examinable articles –two in particular for June 2011:-24 August –The new examiner Shishir Malde gives his approach for the P4 paper-23 September –Another article by the new examiner Shishir Malde on Risk Management January/February articleTwo key topics are always NPV appraisal and capital structure, particularly CAPM and Betas. You will not pass if that is all you know but you will struggle to pass if you do not know them!欲知后续P5-P7详情,敬请听下回浦江财经分解~各科目重要考点汇总:ACCA F5/F6考前重点公布请戳这里!ACCA F7/F8考前重点公布请戳这里!ACCA F9考前重点公布请戳这里!ACCA P1/P2考前重点公布请戳这里!浦江财经创立财经培训新标准,专业师资团队打造专业财经培训!。
ACCA知识点:P3-Equity Share Capital
ACCA知识点:P3-Equity Share Capital本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处1. Types1.1. Ordinary shares—this represents the permanent capital and is most common.Ordinary shares normally have a nominal value, which is the limit of the shareholder's liability to contribute to the debts of the company on an insolvent liquidation.As initial costs for issuing shares are relatively low, companies will seek to obtain as much share capital as possible.An existing company can increase its share capital through a rights issue. Where applicable, pre-emptive rights allow existing shareholders first refusal to acquire new shares issued by a company in a rights issue.1.2. Preference shares—these shares pay a fixed dividend:They were popular with UK "building societies" (but most of them are now listed on the London Stock Exchange).There is great diversity in the preferred share market but two key categories are cumulative and non-cumulative preference shares.1.3. Convertible loan stock—these are fixed-return securities, either secured or unsecured, which may be converted into ordinary shares at a later date:Prior to conversion, the holders have creditor status;Sometimes conversion price is increased to stimulate early conversion; andPart conversion is also possible, whereby only a portion of the stock is converted into shares, normally 50%.Advantages of convertible loan stock include:Obtaining finance at a lower rate than a debenture;Encourage investors with the prospect of future profits;and Deferred equity with a tax break.2 Raising Equity FinanceEquity finance can be raised by two general methods:a. Issuing new share capital.b. Reinvesting profits (retaining earnings) rather than paying out dividends.3 Issuing Share CapitalFor large companies, whose shares are listed on a stock market, new shares can be issued using a rights issue (i.e. to existing shareholders in proportion to their existing shareholdings). The rights issue is usually organised by an investment bank or other authorised financial institution.*4. Retained EarningsFew organisations pay out all of their profits as dividends, and retained profits are the most important source of equity finance. The decision about how much capital to retain is the complement of the dividend decision.5.Advantages and Disadvantages of Share CapitalShare capital is a low-risk source of finance as there is no legal requirement to pay dividends if profits are insufficient to do so. The higher the portion of share capital in a company's capital structure, the lower its gearing (i.e. less financial risk).Because share capital is a low-risk source of finance to the company, it is of high risk to shareholders. They will, therefore, expect a higher return in terms of dividends and growth in share price. It is an expensive source of finance. If shareholders do not obtain the returnthey require, they will sell their shares, which will push down the market price of the company. This may lead to dissatisfaction with the management of the company.更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。
ACCA P3超级重点解析
ACCA P3超级重点解析
今天为大家推送的是P3:商务分析Business Analysis (BA)。
P3 商务分析Business Analysis (BA)中,战略份三个层面:
PESTEL analysis?is based on political, economic, social-cultural, technological environmental and legal. It describes a framework of macro-environmental factors used in the?environmental scanning?component of?strategic management.?Political?factors are basically how the?government?intervenes in the economy. Specifically, political factors has areas including?tax policy,?labourlaw,?environmental law,?trade restrictions,?tariffs, and political stability.? Economic?factors include?economic growth,?interest rates,?exchange rates,the?inflation rate. These factors greatly affect how businesses operate and make decisions. (Interest rates impacts company's cost of capital, business growth and expands. Exchange rate impacts the cost, supply and price of imported goods.) Social?factors include the cultural aspects and health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on safety. Technological?factors include technological aspects like?R&D?activity,?automation, technology incentives and the rate of?technological change. These can determine?barriers to entry, minimum efficient production level and influence the?outsourcing?decisions.?Technological shifts would affect costs, quality, and lead to?innovation.Legal?factors include?discrimination law,?consumer law,?antitrust law,?employment law, and?health and safety law. These factors can affect how a company operates, its costs, and the demand for its products.Environmental?factors include ecological and environmental aspects such as weather, climate, and?climate change, which may especially affect industries such as tourism, farming, and insurance.Porter's five forces analysis is a framework for analyzing the level of competition within an industry and business strategy development.Threat of new entrants:The existence of barriers to entry (patents, rights, etc.). Government disadvantages independent of of of product costs or sunk to loyalty to established profitability (the more profitable the industry the more attractive it will be to new competitors).Network effect.Threat of substitutes:Buyer propensity to price performance of switching level of product of substitute products available in the of of close substitute. Bargaining power of customers:Buyer concentration to firm concentration of dependency upon existing channels of leverage, particularly in industries with high fixed switching costs relative to firm switching information down of existing substitute price advantage (uniqueness) of industry (customer value) total amount of trading.Bargaining power of suppliers:Supplier switching costs relative to firm switching of differentiation of of inputs on cost and of substitute of distribution concentration to firm concentration solidarity . labor unions).Supplier competition: the ability to forward vertically integrate and cut out the buyer. Industry rivalry:Sustainable competitive advantage through between online and offline of advertising competitive concentration of transparency.The National Diamond is a tool for analyzing the organization’s task environment. The National Diamond highlights that strategic choices should not only be a function of industry structure and a firm’s resources. And this model states fou r principal determinants of national competitive advantage: a. Factor conditions b. Firm strategy structure and rivalry c. Demand conditions d. Related and supporting industriesa. Factor conditionsHuman Resources(skill,price)/ physical resources(land,climate,location relative)/knowledge (科技, educational institution)/capital(investment)/infrastructure(transport, communication, housing)b. Firm strategy structure and rivalryNational performance in particular sectors is inevitably related to the strategies and the structure of the firms in that sector. Competition plays a big role in driving innovation and the subsequent upgradation of?competitive advantage. Since domestic competition is more direct and impacts earlier than steps taken by foreign competitors, the stimulus provided by them is higher in terms of innovation and efficiency.c. Demand conditionsDemand conditions in the domestic market provide the primary driver of growth, innovation and quality improvement.d. Related and supporting industriesFor many firms, the presence of related and supporting industries is of critical importance to the growth of that particular industry. A critical concept here is that national competitive strengths tend to be associated with "clusters" of industries.Besides above four factors, chance and government always are the essential elements impacting on four principal determinants of national competitive advantage. OpportunitiesOpportunities always are hard to come by and uncontrollable, hence once facing a chance, we will firmly grasp. Under this new era, polity, economy and various factors bring a great deal of opportunities, and the more fierce competition also bring more chances.Government"acting as a catalyst and challenger; it is to encourage - or even push - companies to raise their aspirations and move to higher levels of competitive performance …" . They must encourage companies to raise their performance, stimulate early demandfor advanced products, focus on specialized factor creation and to stimulate local rivalry by limiting direct cooperation and enforcing anti-trust regulations.SWOT analysis(alternatively SWOT matrix) is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and is a structured planning method that evaluates those four elements of an organization, project or business venture.Strengths: characteristics of the business or project that give it an advantage over others.Weaknesses: characteristics of the business that place the business or project at a disadvantage relative to others.Opportunities: elements in the environment that the business or project could exploit to its advantage.Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business or project.Customer relationship management (CRM) is an approach to managing a company's interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data analysis aboutcustomers' history with a company and to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth.The CAGE Distance Framework identifies Cultural, Administrative, Geographic and Economic differences or distances between countries that companies should address。
内部资料请勿外传ACCA P3 关键模型汇总汇编:詹也浙江财经大学2014年快速浏览法Part A(战略位势)1.1The strategy lenses(战略维度)2.Strategy as design.The design lens views strategy as the deliberate positioning of an organisation asthe result of some ‘rational, analytical, structured and directive process’.responsibility of top management to plan the destiny of the organisation. Lowerlevels of management carry out the operational actions required by the strategy.The design lens is associated with objective setting and a plan for moving theorganisation towards these objectives.1Strategy as experience.The experience lens views strategy development as the combination of individualand collective experience together with the taken-for-granted assumptions ofcultural influences. Strategy as experience seems innately conservative. It couldwork well when a small incremental change is required within a stableenvironment. However, this view may become a major barrier to developinginnovative strategies as experience may become rigid.2Strategy as ideas.It has a central role for innovation and new ideas. It sees s trategy as emergingfrom the variety and diversity in an organisation. It is as likely to come from the bottom of the organisation as from the top. Consequently, the organization should foster conditions that allow ideas to emerge and to be considered for inclusion ina ‘mainstream strategy’.1.2PESTEL应用范围:当题目要求做“environmental analysis”、“analysis of the macro-environmental”或“analysis of the position of company,都可以用这个模型。
中公财经培训网:/ ACCA考试知识点:P3必考知识热点介绍
有段时间没考这个知识点了,但是这个知识点最简单,一般考Adv & Disadv (organic growth,acquisition, franchise, strategic alliance, license )。
另外strategic alliance, license,franchise 是如何运作的要知道。
Section B Q3 25marks
精选必做题:Machine shop (Dec 2013) , Graft off (Dec 2012), IISA (b), Pilot paper Q2
热点:Pricing + Variable cost
pricing 是marketing mix 中唯一和financial 相关的,因此比较重要,虽然2016 年3 月刚考过,但是也有可能和variable cost 一起考,请在官网下载2016 年11 月有关variable cost 的考官文章。
Section B Q4 25 marks
精选必做题:iTTrain (Jun 2014)(a) ;HC (Jun 2016 )(b)
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P3 Business Analysis背诵:★★★ 理解:★★ 知道:★Part A. Strategic position1.Strategy根据Johnson, Scholes & Whittington ("JSW"),战略就是公司着眼长期的发展方向和范畴,通过整合内部资源和能力,在变化的环境中获得优势,目标是满足利益相关者的预期。
“The direction and scope of an organisation over the long term, which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competences with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations.”(目前的潮流:顾客第一,员工第二,股东第三)✓Long‐term direction:通常考虑了若干年✓Scope:决定公司到底做什么行当✓Achieving advantage over competitors获得竞争优势✓External changes (the environment) 外部变化(行业大环境)✓Resources & competences:挖掘企业自身的资源,做得更好✓Stakeholders:了解利益相关者的诉求,取得好结果✓Corporate strategy: 公司整体的overall 目标和范畴,关于如何增加企业不同业务单元的价值✓Business‐level strategy: 关于在特定市场如何成功竞争particular markets✓Operational strategy: 关于公司的不同部门parts of an organisation,如市场部,财务部,IT部门是怎样支持整体战略的有序进行●The strategy lenses战略棱镜✓Design: 战略的设计应该是理性的rational,自上而下的top‐down process,中级管理层根据战略设定来分析信息,确认一个清晰的行动方案。
一个流行的战略设定方法是“合理规划模型rational planning model”。
✓Experience: 战略是基于过去的经验建立起来的,会在很大程度上,受公司过去的经历,对未来的假设的影响,所以战略包含了“trial and error" ‐ 尝试和犯错。
✓Ideas: 关注于创新innovation和发散性思维diversity of ideas. 目的是激发许多新的想法new ideas to emerge,从中筛选出最好的金点子。
公司在实践过程中需要平衡鼓励创新encouraging ideas and creativity和维持一定程度的控制。
●其他战略的观点strategic concepts✓Mintzberg’s Theory of “Crafting Emergent Strategies” 制定应急策略适用于:有点规模,成长性比较高的行业。
特点:有一个计划的雏形,会随进展而修正计划,允许加入计划初期不曾考虑的机遇newly emerging opportunities,也会踢掉原计划中多余的想法intentions which have become redundant。
该理论意识到了即使战略是深思熟虑的deliberately planned,仍旧会因为一些因素的变化而变化,诸如客户需求或工序的改变strategies can “emerge” from factors such as customer requests or process changes。
✓Freewheeling Opportunism 随心所欲的机会主义者适用于:小型企业,家族企业,拍脑袋做决定的。
特点:包含了最少的计划minimal planning,只是简简单单的在机会出现时抓住它。
2.PESTEL★★★●外部环境环境是所有在公司边界外的事物,可以分成3个层面:global全球环境, national国内环境& industry or sector行业环境。
环境变化,即可能damage business,也可能exploit advantage。
PESTEL模型是分析整体环境的框架analysing the general environment,和预测未来anticipating the future.Political Government action such as changes in competition policy or consumer protection 政府行为,诸如竞争条款的变更或消费者保护。
e.g.: License, 或pressure group orlobby group游说政客,反垄断antimonopolyEconomic Factors such as GDP changes, inflation, interest rates and foreign exchange rates GDP变化,通货膨胀,利率变化和汇率变化(宏观经济大环境)Social Factors in society such as demographics and changes in tastes or culture社会的人口结构变化,品味变化,或文化变化。
e.g.: 王老吉,电影行业的蓬勃发展Technological Changes in technology that affect ways of working or the types of products andservices demanded科技改变了工作的方式,产品类型和服务需求e.g.: 苹果触屏技术 Environmental “Green” issues such as pollution, climate change, wastage and biodiversity绿色环保概念,关注污染,气候变化,浪费和物种多元性Legal and regulatory Legal issues such as changes in employment law, health & safety and data protection, or industry‐specific regulations立法问题包括劳动法,健康安全法,数据保护法等变化,以及特定行业监管条例补充信息:y=A∙f(k,L),其中A=技术,k=资本,L=劳动力PESTEL实战篇‐MIKE的选股炒股经验与PESTEL模型的结合。
3.Porter's competitive advantage of nations(Diamond钻石模型)★★Porter关于国家的竞争优势,解释了为什么某些国家在某些行业比其他国家更有竞争优势,提出了哪些因素提升了企业的竞争性conditions within a country may help certain firms to compete.相互关of ext a) F B l A 沟b) D 提c) R 增d) F a 表● 课F Facto Dema Relate Firm s4. I ● 5受c a) U 盈关联的因素I tremely comp Factor condit Basic factors 基labour 廉价劳Advanced fac 沟通能力, ed Demand con 提高和成本降Related and 增进了质量和Firm strategy attitude 也能表现来维持生课堂案例:硅Facebook, etc or conditionand condition ed and suppo strategy, stru Industry or se Forces mod 5股竞争因close compet Understandin 盈利能力。
nter ‐related petitive firms tions 要素‐ 基本要素 ‐ 劳动力ctors 高级要素ducation of th ditions 需求:降低,通过规supporting in 和价格优势y , structure , r 导致某些行业生存,也鼓励硅谷Silicon V c...norting industr ucture, rivalry ector environ del 波特五力因素影响。
它titors 的情况,ng the inhere elements ,共s.因地制宜而 e.g. natural 素 ‐ 发展而he workforce 强烈的需求规模经济eco ndustries 相关rivalry 公司的业的优势。
激励了这些企业alley ,坐落于riesy nment力模型 ‐ 分析它结构上分析,该模型具体ent attractive 共同创造了一享有的资源T l resources 自来的要素fac e 员工受教育程求和复杂的客nomies scale 关和支持的行的战略,结构激烈的国内竞业的出口,开于北加州,为‐ 靠近St ‐ 靠近海‐ USA 本身‐ 很多V ‐ 当地律‐ 加州的‐ 这么多析行业竞争性了整个行业e 体用途:ness of profit 一系列在全球These can be 自然资源, clim ctors requirin 程度, researc 客户品味sophi e 和学习曲线行业:提供一构和竞争格局竞争格局inte 开拓海外市场为什么有这么tanford ,有许海军基地,有身就是最大的C 公司坐落于律所很多,可的创新性文化多成功公司在性industry com entire indust tability 理解了球范围内都极 categorised mate 气候, sem g developme ch capability 研isticated cust learning curv 一个比较好的局:国家的文ense domestic 场。
么多高科技公许多高科技人有大量政府投的高科技市场于此 可以帮助快速化在直接竞争,mpetition ,盈ry 和主要竞争了某些市场或极具竞争力的as:miskilled or u ent, e.g. comm 研发能力tomers tastes ve 的方式的供应链local 文化culture 和社c rivalry 推动公司,诸如Ap 人员/毕业生 投资 场 速成立公司 彼此推动盈利能力prof 争对手strateg 或行业固有的企业’cluster’unskilledmunicationss 会推动质量supply chain 社会的态度企业的杰出pple, Google,fitability 主要gic group of 的吸引力或’ 量n ,,要b)Identifying actions辨识那些关于单股力量的行动,是危险还是机遇Mitigate their damaging effects (threats), and/or 缓和威胁Promote the beneficial effects (opportunities). 促进机遇a)Threat of new entrants壁垒 ‐ barriers to entry进入壁垒会降低竞争性,阻止了新的公司进入这个领域,包括规模经济,资金壁垒。