高中英语语法 现在进行时表将来 课件(共20张)

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1. 现在进行时表示将来指的是近期的、按计划 或安排要发生的动作, 通常带有一个表将来的 时间状语, 但有明确的上下文时无需指出时间。 在这种结构中常用动作动词、去向动词或表示 “移动”概念的动词。如:come, return, start, write, have, buy, go, leave, arrive, sleep, stay, play, do, take, get, travel, fly, drive, walk, reach, meet, begin等。如前8句。
England three years ago.
指离“李明说”这句话时是“三年前”,而不 是离现在三年前,故用before而不用ago。
5. We are you leave next week. leaving
从next week可知,是一般将来时,表示 近期的打算或安排,动词go, come, leave, stay等常用现在进行时表示将来。当然, 如果将are改为will也可以。
1.How many of you are coming to the party tonight?
2.The young artist is returning from Canada next week.
3.The performance is starting soon.
4.I’m writing a letter to one of my friends this evening.
1. He asked me if I was interesting in English.
表示某人“感兴趣的”,用interested。比较: interesting令人有趣的。
2. The shop assistant asked me that I wanted.
概念/用法 表示此刻或现阶段正在进行的动作
be (am, is, are)+ v-ing
肯定句 I’m going out with my friends.
否定句 I’m not going out with my friends.
疑问句 Are you going out with your friends?
因宾语从句中wanted缺宾语,要用连接代词 what。
3. Father asked Anne when she goes to bed
the night before.
4. Li Ming said that his sister had been to
二、完成句子 1. He __is_n_’_t_g_o_in_g__(将不去)to Guangzhou tomorrow.
2. We’re _m_o_v_i_n_g_t_o_a__d_if_fe_r_e_n_t _h_o_te_l (将要换一个旅馆)tomorrow.
3. The man who gave a lecture last October _i_s _c_om__in_g__(要来)to our school tomorrow.
⑵ He is always working so hard.
2. be going to 和will 都可以表示将来, 但前 者侧重指说话 _之__前__就决定要做某事, 而后 者指说话 _时__作出的决定。如Fra Baidu bibliotek ⑴ I have bought some wood because I am going to build a bookcase for my apartment.
2. 现在进行时偶尔可以表示较远的将 来要做的事情。如第9句。
3. 表示将来的现在进行时有时含有 “决心”的意思, 多用于否定结构中。 如第10句。
1. 现在进行时还可代替一般现在时, 表
_反__复__ 或习惯性的动作, 带_情__感__色__彩_。如:
⑴ He is so kind that he is always thinking of others.
3. You always _a_r_e_w__a_tc_h_i_n_g_(watch) TV. Why not do something more active?
4. Betty _is_l_e_a_v_in__g_(leave) for Guangzhou by plane at 3:00 this afternoon. Her brother Bob _is__se_e_i_n_g_ (see) her off. It’s half past one now. They a_r_e__w_a_i_ti_ng(wait) for a taxi outside the school gate.
4. When _i_s_ your program _s_ta_r_t_in_g___ (开始)?I want to know the exact time.
5.He _is__al_w_a_y_s_t_h_in_k_i_n_g_o_f_o_t_h_er_s_f_ir_s_t___ (总是先想到别人).
常用时间 now, at present, at the moment, today,this
week, this term, right now ...
特殊用法 表将来, 代替一般将来时, 但常用表位置移 动的动词作谓语。
二、表将来的用法 [熟读深思] 仔细阅读下列句子, 归纳现在进行时表将 来的用法。
5. The Browns __a_re__go_i_n_g__(go) to North China by train next week. They _ar_e__st_a_y_in_g_ (stay) in Beijing for a week. Then they a_r_e_g_o_i_n_g_(go) to Xi’an and they a_r_e_g_e_t_ti_n_g_(get) there by air.
⑵ This chair is too heavy for you to carry alone. I’ll help you.
1. Our English teacher _i_s _le_a_v_in_g__(leave) Shanghai in a few days.
2. — Is everybody here? — No. The speaker _i_s_c_o_m_i_n_g__(come)
5.As he has finished most of the book, he’s having a rest tomorrow.
6.What are you doing next Sunday?
7.My mother is buying me a bike soon. 8.I’m meeting you after class. 9.When I grow up, I’m joining the army. 10. I’m not waiting for him any longer.