酒店专业术语——英语翻译中文英文英文全称酒店Hotel Hotel前台Front Desk Front Desk总服务台Front Office Front Office客房部Housekeeping Housekeeping预订部Reservations Reservations餐务部F&B Dept.Food and Beverage人事部Personnel Personnel工程部Engineering Engineering维修部Repair and Maintenance Repair and Maintenance 销售部Sales Sales宴会部Banquets Banquets财务部Accounting Accounting办公室Office Office商务中心Business Center Business Center安全保卫部Security Security综合部Miscellaneous Miscellaneous电脑中心Computer Center Computer Center 程控机房PBX / PABX Telephone Department 餐厅Restaurant Restaurant酒吧Bar Bar桑拿Sauna Sauna咖啡厅Coffee Shop Coffee Shop洗衣房laundry laundry游泳池Swimming pool Swimming pool理发厅Barber shop Barber shop美容厅Beauty Salon Beauty Salon健身俱乐部Health club Health club娱乐中心Recreation Recreation客房Room Guestroom营业点POS Point of Sale客房:单人间Single Single双人间Double Double豪华单人间Queen Queen特豪华单人间King King三人间Triple Triple四人间客房Quad Quad or Quadruple双人套间Twin-Double Twin-double or Double-Double两用套间Studio Studio小套间Mini-Suite Mini-Suite or Junior Suite 大套间Suite Suite 标准间Twin Twin室内连房Conn. Room Connecting Room室外毗连房Adjo. Room Adjoining Room海滨小舍Cabana Cabana免费房Comp Complimentary残疾人客房Handicap Rooms Handicap Rooms自用房House Use House Use迎送好客套间Hospltality Suite Hospltality Suite大厦屋顶套间Penthouse Suite Penthouse Suite维修房OOO Out-of-Order非卖房OOI Out of Inventory脏房Dirty Dirty清扫房Clearing Clearing清洁房Cleaned Cleaned已检房Ready Ready可用房V/C Vacant and Ready占用房Occupied Occupied延长停留客房Stay-over Stay-over未整理房On-Change On-Change已租用但客人未使用房Sleep-out Sleep-out 跑帐房Skipper Skipper错误占用房间Sleeper Sleeper客人暂时不能进入房Lock-out Lock-out房类Type Type房号Room No.Room No.房价代码RateCode RateCode价类Class Class房价Rate Rate门市价List Rate List Rate房数Rooms No. Rooms占用数Occupied Rooms Occupied批准出租客房数Authorized Rooms Authorized 已出租客房数Sold Rooms Sold可用房数Available Rooms Available预订数Reservation No. of Reservation其他:其他要求Other Requests Other Requests栏杆小床Crib Crib室内连房Connecting Connecting阳台Balcony Balcony折迭加床Rollaway Rollaway室外毗连房Adjacent Adjacent游泳池观景Pool overlook Pool overlook客人Guest Guest旅行社Travel Agent/TA Travel Agent代理Agency Agency团队Group Group公司pany地区经营管理总裁Director Area Director总经理Manager General manager and ownership 副总经理Assistant Mana.Assistant Manager住店经理Resident Mana.Resident Manager行政助理Admin. Assistant Administrative Assistant区域销售主任Regional Director Regional Director地区财务总监Area Controller Area Controller客房部经理Executive Housekeeper Executive Housekeeper总服务台经理Front Office Manager Front Office Manager工程部经理Chief Engineer Chief Engineer安全保卫部经理Director Security Director Security人事部经理Director Personnel Director Personnel餐务部经理F&B Director Food and Beverage Director销售部经理Director Sales Director Sales财务部经理Controller Controller部门副经理Assistant Front Office Manager Assistant Front Office Manager宴会部主任Director of Cartering Director of Cartering餐务部副经理Assistant F&B Director Assistant Foot&Beverage Director 销售部主任Sales Manager Sales Manager餐务财务主任Food&Beverage Controller Food&Beverage Controller餐厅经理Restaurant Manager Restaurant Manager财务部副经理Assistant Controller Assistant Controller预订部主任Reservations Manager Reservations Manager服务主管Superintendent of Services Superintendent of Services跑菜部主管Outlet Manager Outlet Manager厨师长Executive Chef Executive Chef服务员主管Executive Steward Executive Steward采购主管Purchasing Agent Purchasing Agent收银员Cashiers Cashiers夜班会计Night Auditor Night Auditor办公人员Clerk Clerk客房部经理Housekeeper Housekeeper领班Inspector Inspector客房服务员Housekeeping Staff Housekeeping Staff总服务台工作人员Front Desk Clerk Front Desk Clerk市场员SalesMan SalesMan审计人Auditor Auditor批准人Approved Approved审阅者Reviewed by Reviewed by操作员Operator Operator取消预订Cancellation Cancellation预订客人Reservation Reservation担保预订客人Guaranteed Guaranteed Reservation 结帐离店客人Check-outs Check-outs预订而未到客人No-shows No-shows临时来下榻的客人Walk-ins Walk-ins散客Transient Transient过夜客人S/O Stay Over将离客人Due Due to Checkout延长下榻日期的宾客Overstays Overstays提前结帐离店的客人Understays Understays贵宾V.I.P.Very Important Person 姓名Name Name 性别Sex Sex姓Last Last/Family Name名First First状态Status Status生日Birth.Birthday年龄Age Age国家Country Country电话Tel.Telephone传真Fax Fax地址Addr.Address邮政编码Zip Zip CodeEmail Email Email签名Sign.Signature班次Shift Shift团号Group No.Group No.公司号Corp No.Corporation No.组Group Group帐号Accnt Account住客卡号CardId CardId市场码Market Code Market Code联系人Coordinator Coordinator联系人电话ContractPhone ContractPhone 人数Pers No. Persons成人Adults Adults儿童Children Children男宾数Males Males女宾数Females Females房数Rooms No. Rooms结帐方式MOS Mode of Settle确认否Confirmed Confirmed确认方式Confirm Confirm确认日期Confirm Date Confirm Date接待方式Rece.Rece.信用限额Credit Limit Credit Limit来处Come From Come From目的地Destination Destination优惠原因Override Code Override Code公司帐号CorpAccnt CorpAccnt团队帐号GroupAccnt GroupAccnt旅行代理号TAAccnt TA Accnt客人历史档案号ProfileNo ProfileNo证件类型CertType Type of Certification 证件号码ID Identification 签证类型VisaType VisaType失效日期ExpireDate ExpireDate航班号Flight Flight首选房号Prefer Room Prefer Room喜爱房风格PreferStyle PreferStyle上次住店房价代码LastRateCode LastRateCode 上次住店房价LastRate LastRate特殊嗜好Habits Habits意见Opinion Opinion佣金Commision Commision佣金率Percent Percent早餐BFK Breakfast中餐Lunch Lunch晚餐Dinner Dinner客房送餐Room Service Room Service客房酒水Mini-Bar Mini-Bar客房服务Room Server Room Server酒水Beverage/BV Beverage/BV饮料Beverage Beverage。
全国酒店名称中英文对照翻译词汇武汉酒店:1. 香格里拉饭店 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL2. 东方大酒店 Oriental Hotel3. 湖滨花园酒店lake view garden hotel4. 东湖大厦 East Lake Hotel5. 港澳中心商务酒店 HK&Macao Center Business Hotel6. 亚洲大酒店 WUHAN ASIA HOTEL7. 泰华大厦 Taihua Hotel8. 白玫瑰大酒店 White Rose Hotel9. 长江大酒店 the yangtze hotel10. 国宾大酒店 Wuhan Guo Bin Grand Hotel11. 璇宫饭店 Xuangong Hotel12. 丽江饭店 Lijiang Hotel北京酒店:1. 港澳中心瑞士酒店 Swissotel Beijing Hongkong Macau Center2. 兆龙饭店 ZHAOLONG HOTEL3. 西苑饭店 Xiyuan Hotel4 . 嘉里中心饭店 The Kerry Center Hotel5. 名人国际大酒店 Celebrity International Grand Hotel6. 国际饭店 Beijing International Hotel7. 华侨大厦 Prime Hotel8. 北京和平里大酒店 Hotel in the peace of Beijing9. 北京龙城皇冠假日酒店 Imperial crown holiday inn of the city of dragon of Beijing上海酒店:1. 仁和宾馆 Benevolence hotel2. 上海圣达大酒店 Shanghai shengda hotel3. 上海鑫龙酒店 Prosperous dragon's hotels of Shanghai4. 上海申华商务大酒店 Shanghai explains the commercial hotel of China5. 上海长航宾馆 Long boat hotel of Shanghai6. 上海一百假日酒店 100 holiday inns in Shanghai7. 上海新世纪大厦酒店公寓 Apartment of mansion hotel in the new century of Shanghai8. 上海沪江宾馆 River hotel of Shanghai of Shanghai9. 上海华盈沪纺大酒店 China of Shanghai is full of Shanghai and spin the hotel10. 上海民航华茂宾馆 Luxuriant hotel of China of civil aviation of Shanghai 杭州酒店:1. 杭州流水苑宾馆 Flowing water garden hotel of Hangzhou2. 浙江饭店 Hotel of Zhejiang3. 浙江嘉海大酒店 Good sea hotel of Zhejiang4. 临平大酒店 Face the flat hotel5. 杭州宏冠大酒店 Hangzhou precededs in the hotel greatly6. 杭州龙禧大酒店 Xi hotel of dragon of Hangzhou7. 杭州中亚旅馆 Hangzhou Central Asia hotel8. 杭州商业大厦 Hangzhou Commercial Center9. 杭州凯悦大酒店 Triumphant happy hotel of Hangzhou10. 杭州百合花酒店 Lily hotels of Hangzhou合肥酒店:1. 合肥万豪大酒店 Bold hotel of ten thousand of Hefei2. 安徽金孔雀温泉度假村 Peacock's holiday village of hot spring of the money of Anhui3. 安徽万佛湖金水湾度假村 Ten thousand Buddha lake money water gulf holiday village in Anhui4. 百花宾馆 All sorts of flowers hotel5. 安徽澳瑞特酒店 Auspicious special hotels of Australia of Anhui6. 新世纪大厦 Mansion in the new century7. 和平国际大酒店 International hotel of the peace8. 合肥东怡酒店 Shut happy hotels of Feidong9. 索菲特明珠国际大酒店 Sofitel Grand Park Hefei10. 古井假日酒店 Holiday inn of ancient well福州酒店:1. 福州好运来大酒店 The good luck of Fuzhou comes to the hotel2. 福州龙祥大酒店 Auspicious hotel of dragon of Fuzhou3. 福建屏山大酒店 Hotel of Pingshan of Fujian4. 福州唐城大厦 Mansion of Tang City of Fuzhou5. 福州金仕顿大酒店 Kingston Hotel6. 华威大饭店 Majestic giant hotel of China7. 如家快捷酒店 For instance, swift hotels of home8. 邦辉大酒店 Banghui Hotel9. 成龙国际大酒店 Success Link International Hotel10. 福州美伦华美达大饭店 Ramada Plaza Fuzhou兰州酒店:1. 兰州铁道宾馆 Railway hotel of Lanzhou2. 兰州锦江阳光酒店 Sunshine hotels of Jin Jiang River of Lanzhou3. 甘肃金城旅游宾馆 Travel hotel of money city of Gansu4. 甘肃友谊宾馆 Friendship Hotel of Gansu5. 甘肃海天宾馆 Sea day hotel of Gansu6. 甘肃新世纪酒店 Hotels in new century of Gansu7. 西兰国际大酒店 Blue international hotel of the west8. 四方酒店 Hotels all sides9. 金轮宾馆 Gold hotels10. 兰州飞天大酒店 Fly sky hotel of Lanzhou深圳酒店:1. 深圳东湖宾馆 Shenzhen East Lake hotel2. 宝利来大酒店 The treasure profit comes to the hotel3. 荔花村宾馆 Hotel of colored village of litch4. 兴华宾馆 Revitalize China's hotel5. 柏豪酒店 Bold hotels of cypress6. 洪岭大酒店 Big mountain range hotel7. 华中国际酒店 International hotels of Central China8. 深运大酒店 Transport the hotel deeply9. 联城酒店 Unite city hotels10. 海山宾馆 Sea mountain hotel广州酒店:1. 龙口明珠大酒店 Pearl hotel of Longkou2. 荣威大酒店 Majestic hotel of the honour3. 广州金桥宾馆 Money bridge hotel of Guangzhou4. 广州惠福大酒店 Favor good fortune hotel of Guangzhou5. 湖天宾馆 Lake day hotel6. 东方丝绸大厦 Eastern silk mansion7. 广州富丽华大酒店 Rich hotel of China of Guangzhou8. 广州民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Guangzhou9. 白云鸿波山庄 Swan's wave mountain villa of white cloud10. 华威达酒店 China reaches hotels majestically桂林酒店:1 .桂林零点大酒店 Zero point hotel of Gui Lin2. 桂林天鹅宾馆 Hotel of swan of Gui Lin3. 南宁明园饭店 Bright garden hotel of Nanning4. 桂山大酒店 Mountain hotel of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region5. 香江饭店 Hotel of HongKong6. 桂林丹桂大酒店 Orange osmanthus hotel of Gui Lin7. 中旅大酒店 China travels in the hotel8. 桂林观光酒店 Visit hotels in Gui Lin9. 乐满地度假酒店 Resort hotel happily and fully10. 新凯悦酒店 New triumphant happy hotels北海酒店:1. 富丽华大酒店 Rich hotel of China2. 荔珠国际大酒店 International hotel of litch and pearl4. 香格里拉大饭店 Giant hotel of Shangri-la海口酒店:1. 海南华侨宾馆 Overseas Chinese in Hainan hotel2. 海口奥斯罗克大酒店 Haikou Roek hotel then3. 海南海油菜大厦 Sea rape mansion of Hainan4. 海口兴华园酒店 Revitalize garden hotels of China in Haikou5. 海口宝华海景大酒店 Seascape hotel of China of the treasure of Haikou6. 海口国际金融大酒店 Hotel of international finance of Haikou7. 海口新温泉国际大酒店 New international hotel of hot spring of Haikou8. 海南华运凯莱大饭店 China of Hainan transports the triumphant giant hotel of fields lying fallow in rotation9. 海口海润大酒店 Moisten the hotel in the sea of Haikou10. 海星云龙湾度假村 Dragon's gulf holiday village of starfish cloud石家庄酒店:1. 河北世纪饭店 Hotel of Hebei century2. 河北中国大酒店 Chinese hotel of Hebei3. 河北正定国豪大酒店 Hebei is booking the bold hotel of the country4. 河北人防大厦 People's air defense mansion of Hebei5. 石家庄国宾大酒店 State guest in Shijiazhuang hotel6. 石家庄世贸皇冠酒店 Imperial crown hotels of World Trade Organization of Shijiazhuang7. 石家庄中京大酒店 Hotel of Beijing in Shijiazhuang8. 金圆大厦 Round mansion of gold9. 石家庄国际大厦 International Building of Shijiazhuang10. 中京大酒店 Hotel of Beijing of China郑州酒店:1. 郑州天泉大酒店 Day spring hotel of Zhengzhou2. 龙门大酒店 Hotel of Longmen3. 巩义市宾馆 Hotel of Gongyi5. 中都饭店 Hotel of China6. 郑州生茂饭店 Grow the luxuriant hotel in Zhengzhou7. 河南民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Henan8. 济源雅士达酒店 The refined scholar in Jiyuan reaches hotels9. 河南民航大酒店(郑州) Hotel of civil aviation of Henan (Zhengzhou)10. 中州皇冠宾馆 Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou长沙酒店:1. 金赋大酒店 Jin composes the hotel2. 金源酒店 Hotels of gold source3. 圣得拉大酒店 So holy as to draw the hotel4. 湘汇大酒店 Gather together the hotel in Hunan5. 泰天大酒店 Hotel on safe day6. 金帝大酒店 Gold emperor's hotel7. 陋圆宾馆 Plain round hotel8. 长岛饭店 Hotel of Changdao Island9. 巨州酒店 Huge state hotels10. 麓山宾馆 Mountain hotel in the hillfoot长春酒店:1. 长春锦江花园大酒店 Garden hotel of Jin Jiang River of Changchun2. 长春吉林丽洋大酒店 Beautiful foreign hotel of Jilin of Changchun3. 长春教育宾馆 Educational hotel of Changchun4. 长春金都饭店 Money hotel of Changchun5. 交通宾馆 Traffic hotel6. 吉林亚泰饭店 Inferior safe hotel of Jilin7. 长春华侨饭店 Overseas Chinese in Changchun hotel8. 长春国际大厦酒店 Changchun International Building hotel9. 长春紫荆花饭店 Chinese redbud hotel of Changchun10. 长春国际会展中心大饭店 International giant hotel of Convention and Exhibition Center of Changchun1. 斯亚花园酒店 Hotels of inferior garden then2. 侨鸿皇冠假日酒店 Live abroad in swan's imperial crown holiday inn3. 双门楼宾馆 Hotel of one pair of arches over a gate4. 巴蜀人家大酒店 Others' hotel of SiChuan5. 南京金桥饭店 Money bridge hotel of Nanjing6. 榴园宾馆 Pomegranate garden hotel7. 江苏新世纪大酒店 Hotel in the new century of Jiangsu8. 江苏大酒店 Hotel of Jiangsu9. 南京侨鸿皇冠酒店 Live abroad in swan's imperial crown hotels in Nanjing10. 南京国际会议大酒店 International conference hotel of Nanjing南昌酒店:1. 江西民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Jiangxi2. 江西锦昌大酒店 Prosperous hotel of the silk of Jiangxi3. 南昌五湖大酒店 Five lake hotels of Nanchang4. 南昌锦锋大酒店 Silk sharp point hotel of Nanchang5. 江西七星商务酒店 Business hotel of seven stars of Jiangxi6. 锦昌大酒店 Prosperous hotel of the silk7. 吉伟宾馆 Lucky big hotel8 富豪酒店 Rich and powerful people's hotels9. 新天地酒店 Hotels of new field10. 明园大酒店 Hotel of bright garden九江酒店:1. 九江星河大酒店 Milky Way hotel of Jiujiang2. 中景假期酒店 Vacation hotels of the medium shot3. 天翔商务大酒店 It circles in the air in the commercial hotel4. 九江欧迪大酒店 Europe of Jiujiang guides the hotel5. 九江宾馆 Hotel of Jiujiang6. 其士九江大酒店 Hotel of its person's Jiujiang7. 星河大酒店 Milky Way hotel1. 新世界万怡酒店 New ten thousand world happy hotels2. 鸿翔宾馆 The swan circles in the air in the hotel3. 沈阳东湖度假村 Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang4. 兰亭宾馆 Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang5. 金碧大酒店 Hotel of blue pavilion6. 沈阳新世界大酒店 Green hotel of goldNew world hotel of Shenyang7. 沈阳皇朝万豪酒店 The emperor in Shenyang is towards Marriott Hotel8. 房地产大厦 Real estate mansion9. 世星国际饭店 Life star International Hotel10. 沈阳假日酒店 Holiday inn of Shenyang银川酒店:1. 荣源大酒店 Source hotel of the honour2. 太阳神大酒店 Sun god's hotel3. 元亨大酒店 Each hotel4. 宁夏电力大酒店 Electric hotel of Ningxia5. 虹桥大酒店 Hotel of Hongqiao6. 新华饭店 Xinhua hotel7. 长相忆宾馆 The feature recalls the hotel8. 凯达大酒店 Reach the hotel triumphantly9. 世纪大厦 Century mansion10. 宁夏青春商务酒店 Youth business hotel of Ningxia青海酒店1. 柴达木宾馆 Hotel of Qaidam2. 青海天年阁饭店 Pavilion hotel in natural span of life of Qinghai3. 青海东湖世纪大酒店 East Lake of Qinghai century hotel4. 化隆宾馆 Melt in the grand hotel5. 明珠宾馆 Pearl hotel6. 邮政宾馆 Postal hotel7. 雪山宾馆 Snow-covered mountain hotel8. 西宁化隆宾馆 Grand hotel of Xi'ning9. 鸿宇宾馆 Swan's space hotel10. 龙源宾馆 Dragon's source hotel济南酒店:1. 山东东方航空大酒店 Eastern aviation hotel of Shandong2. 金马大厦酒店 Golden Horse mansion hotel3. 济南蟠龙山大酒店 Curl in the hotel of Longshan in Jinan4. 莱钢济南大酒店 Hotel of Jinan of Laigang5. 山东大厦 Mansion of Shandong6. 济南泉景酒店 Spring scene hotels of Jinan7. 山东新闻大厦 News mansion of Shandong8. 玉泉森信大酒店 Simpson hotel of jade spring9. 济南城建宾馆 Urban construction hotel of Jinan10. 济南铁道大酒店 Railway hotel of Jinan太原酒店:1. 太航大酒店 Navigate in the hotel very much2. 太原市唐都大酒店 Tang hotel of market of Taiyuan3. 山西阳光大酒店 Sunshine hotel of Shanxi4. 晋武宾馆 Military hotel the Jin Dynasty5. 航油大酒店 Boat oil hotel6. 新纪元大酒店 Hotel in new era7. 太平洋酒店 Hotels of Pacific Ocean8. 太原湖滨饭店 Lakeside hotel of Taiyuan9. 太原田和宾馆 Field and hotel of Taiyuan10. 煤炭大厦 Coal mansion西安酒店:1. 西安五一饭店 Hotel on May Day of Xi'an2. 西安长安城堡大酒店 Castle hotel of Chang An of Xi'an3. 西安豪华美居人民大厦 Grand Mercure on Renmin Square Xi'an4. 西安建苑大厦 Build the garden mansion in Xi'an5. 西安蕾德曼酒店 Graceful hotels of Germany of flower bud of Xi'an6. 西安曲江惠宾苑宾馆 The song river in Xi'an favours guest's garden hotel7. 西安天顺大酒店 Xi'an heaven obeys the hotel8. 西安铁通商务酒店 Iron trading affair hotels of Xi'an9. 西安申鹏国际商务酒店 Explain roc's international business hotel in Xi'an10. 万年大酒店 Hotel in ten thousand years成都酒店:1. 成都峨眉山饭店 Hotel of Mount Emei of Chengdu2. 都江堰心族中旅饭店 Travel in the hotel in the heart clan of Dujiang Weir3. 成都帝殿宾馆 Hall hotel of the emperor in Chengdu4. 云龙酒店 Cloud dragon's hotels5. 锦里客栈 Inn in the silk6. 鹤翔山庄 The crane circles in the air in the mountain villa7. 寰岛鱼凫国都温泉大酒店 Fish's wild duck's hotel of hot spring of national capital of extensive region island8. 彭州金瑞大酒店 Auspicious hotel of the the Peng 's money9. 京蓉宾馆 Beijing Rong hotel10. 新光华大酒店 New brilliance hotel天津酒店:1. 天津警备区鞍山道招待所 A hostel of An'shan of garrison command in Tianjin2. 天津滨江万丽酒店 Ten thousand beautiful hotels of Binjiang in Tianjin3. 开发区大地中心酒店 Hotels of the earth centre of development zone4. 天津天波大酒店 Day wave hotel of Tianjin5. 红楼大酒店 Hotel of red building6. 天津雍阳宾馆 Open hotel of the harmony of Tianjin7. 天津会宾园大酒店 Know guest's garden hotel in Tianjin8. 皇宫酒店 Hotels of imperial palace9. 天津金皇大酒店 Emperor's hotel of the money of Tianjin10. 天津憩园宾馆 Rest garden hotel of Tianjin昆明酒店:1. 云南明都大酒店 Bright hotel of Yunnan2. 昆明佳新大酒店 Good new hotel of Kunming3. 昆明经贸宾馆 Economic and trade hotel of Kunming4. 昆明中玉酒店 Jade hotels in Kunming5. 昆明樱花假日酒店 Oriental cherry holiday inn of Kunming6. 昆明万怡酒店 Ten thousand happy hotels in Kunming7. 世博花园酒店 Hotels of rich garden generation8. 昆明国际大酒店 International hotel of Kunming9. 天和大酒店 Tianhe hotel10. 昆明石林大酒店 Shiling hotel of Kunming重庆酒店:1. 锦绣大酒店 Beautiful hotel2. 太极大酒店 Taiji hotel3. 重庆渝都大酒店 Hotel of Chongqing of Chongqing4. 南海宾馆 Hotel of the South China Sea5. 讯大酒店 Space news hotel6. 重庆云篆山宾馆 Cloud seal character mountain hotel of Chongqing7. 重庆国际大饭店 International giant hotel of Chongqing8. 重庆富安大酒店 The hotel is fitted richly in Chongqing9. 香山宾馆 Hotel of Fragrant Hills10. 天鹅湖宾馆 Swan Lake hotel英语词汇分类38:旅行journey, trip 旅行tourism 旅游pleasure trip 游览,漫游business trip 商务旅行organized tour 组团旅游circular tour 环程旅行package tour, inclusive tour 包办旅行outward journey 单程旅行return journey, round trip 往返旅行holiday 假期excursion, outing 远足expedition 远征,探险hitchhiking, hitching 搭乘itinerary 旅行指南itinerary, route 旅行路线stopover 中途下车暂停stage 停歇点,中间站departure at 10 a.m. 上午10时出发arrival at 12 p.m. 夜12点抵达stay 停留return 返回embarkation, embarcation 乘船,上船disembarkation 下船delay 延期travel agency 旅行社airline company 航空公司traveller's cheque 旅行支票ticket 票single ticket 单程票return ticket 往返票,双程票(美作:round-trip ticket)fare 价half (fare), half-price ticket 半票passage 票,票价passengers 旅客passport 护照visa 签证papers 证件identity card 身份证customs 海关safe-conduct, pass 安全通行证excursionist, tripper, hiker 旅行者tourist 旅游者traveller 旅行者,旅游者(美作:traveler)commercial traveller 旅行推销员(美作:traveling salesman)stowaway 偷乘者。
simplified Chinese 万豪 AC 酒店 雅乐轩 安纳塔拉 安达仕 悦椿 雅诗阁 悦榕庄 贝斯特韦斯特 馨乐庭 康莱德 万怡 万怡酒店 皇冠假日酒店 戴斯酒店 香港迪斯尼 希尔顿逸林 艾迪逊 Eviivo Small Hotels 费尔蒙 福朋 四季酒店 辉盛坊 辉盛阁 富丽华 盖洛德酒店 金郁金香 盛美利亚 美爵 美爵 格林豪泰 国丰酒店 海逸君绰酒店 海逸酒店 希尔顿 希尔顿花园酒店 希尔顿酒店 希尔顿国际 假日酒店
智选假日酒店 英迪格酒店 豪生 君悦酒店 宜必思 宜必思尚品 怡思得 洲际酒店 锦江 锦江之星 卓美亚 JW 万豪 凯宾斯基 金斯盖特 帝盛酒店 朗廷酒店 艾美酒店 豪华精选 美憬阁 文华东方 马哥孛罗 玛丽蒂姆 万豪 万豪行政公寓 万豪行政公寓 万豪度假会 美利亚 美居 美高梅 千禧酒店 莫泰168 瑞享酒店及度假村 新大谷酒店 NH 酒店 日航 诺富特 奥克伍德 大仓饭店 泛太平洋
English AC Hotels by Marriott aloft Anantara Andaz Angsana Ascott Banyan Tree Best Western Citadines Conrad Courtyard Courtyard by Marriott Crowne Plaza Days Inn Disney Hong Kong Doubletree EDITION Eviivo Small Hotels Fairmont Four Points Four Seasons Fraser Place Fraser Suites Furama Gaylord Hotels Golden Tulip Gran Melia Grand Mercure Grand Mercure Green Tree Inns Guoman Hotels Harbour Grand Harbour Plaza Hilton Hilton Garden Inn Hilton Hotels Hilton International Holiday Inn
国外生活必备英文词汇全搜索-住宿篇1前台:company 陪伴,同伴single room 单人房double room 双人房intend 想要,打算party (参加共同活动的)一批,一组,一组人date 日期,日子kind 种,类bath 浴室shower 淋浴suite (一套)房间deluxe 豪华的presidential 总统的,总统职务的available 可用的,合用的,可得到的,可到达的fully 完全地,彻底地name 名字,姓,姓名,名称address 地址the phone number 电话号码be able to 能,会guarantee 保证,担保,包,管occupancy 占有,占用peak 最高的,高峰的arrival 到来,到达departure 启程,离开,出发book 预定,定hotel 旅馆offer 提出,提供discount 折扣vacancy 空,空房间solid 全部地be full up 全满include 包括,包含major 较大范围的,主要的international 国际的,世界的provide with 提供mini-bar 小冰柜sort 种类,类别price 价格,价钱dollar 美元service 服务,服侍of course 当然rate 价格,费用tax extra 另加税金look forward to 期待,希望receive 接待,接见,欢迎guest 旅客,宿客welcome to 欢迎到来bellboy 行李员,旅客服务员madam 夫人,女士,太太trip 旅行,旅程take care of管理,照看baggage 行李,carry 运送,手提suitcase 手提箱,衣箱show 带领,指引,给看lead 带领,引领,领路give sb.a hand帮...的忙allow 允许,准许wish 愿,希望pleasant 令人愉快的,舒适的enjoy 享受a good time 快乐时光pleasure 快乐,愉快,高兴not at all 不用谢,没关系mention 提及,提到registration登记,注册at one's service 为...服务behind 在后面,在...背后remember 记住,记得return 送还,还归firmly 稳固地go to bed 上床睡觉check 检查,核对list 名单,一览表fill to 填写form 表格have a look 看一看passport 护照mind 介意,反对fill out 填写prepare 准备,预备key card 出入证seat 座位file 档案identification身分的证明straight 马上,立刻separately 单独地opposite 在...的对面gift 礼品,礼物elevator [美]电梯directly 直接地straight 笔直的traffic 交通distance 直接地intersection 交叉点,十字路口suggest 建议,提出(意见,计划)等popular 受欢迎的,大众(或某种人)喜爱的tourist 旅行者,游览者,观光者famous 著名的,出名的tourist attraction 旅游胜地history 历史direction 方向,方位well-known 出名的,众所周知的scene 景色,景象attractive 有吸引人的,引起兴趣的interest 兴趣dynasty 王朝,朝代classical 古典的architecture建筑风格exquisite 精致的,精巧的artistic value 艺术价值chance 机会feast one's eyes让某人一包眼福typical 典型的,代表性的pearl 珍珠The Jade Buddha Temple 玉佛寺what's more 另外construction建造,构造,结构magnificent 壮丽的,宏伟的enjoy 欣赏,喜爱stamp 邮票stick 粘贴,张贴envelope 信封,封套sticker 背后有粘胶的标签ticket 票airline 航空公司wonder 想知道consider 考虑,细想in advance 预先economy 经济time-table 时刻表flight 班机airport 机场国外生活必备英文词汇全搜索-住宿篇2 rear stalls 戏院正方后座in order 妥当,就绪suppose 猜想,料想,想象matinee 日戏dress circle戏院的二楼厅cancel 取消except 除...之外performance 演出acrobatic 杂技的prefer 更喜欢exchange 兑换,(货币)交换bill 钞票,纸币currency 货币according to根据...所说,按照equivalent 相等的,相当的note 纸币sign 签名,署名exchange memo 兑换水单counter 柜台prohibit 禁止,阻止government 政府information 信息bottom line 底线endorse 在(支票等)背面签名,背书signature 签名,署名top line 头一行receipt 收据,收条amount 数额certificate 单据purchase 买,购买,购置,所购物countersign 副署,连署in duplicate(正副)一式两份policy 政策,方针understand 懂,理解awfully 非常,很describe 描绘,叙述,形容apologize 道歉trouble 麻烦,烦恼manager 经理solve 解决carelessness粗心,疏忽,粗枝大叶advise to 劝...inconvenience 不方便toilet 洗室sincerely 真诚地,诚恳地,真挚地previous 先的,前的occupant 占有人,占用者,居住者access 进入responsible 有责任的,(应)责任的necklace 项圈,项链safety box 保险柜arrange 安排in touch with 联系,接触as soon as 一...就...try one's best 努力,尽力possible 可能的regulation 规则,规章,法规noise 噪音,嘈杂声several 几个,数个misunderstand 误会,误解explain 解释,说明relax 放松calm 使平静,使镇定in charge 主管housemaid 客房服务员release 再出租measure 措施,方法understaffed人员太少的,人员不足的accommodation cost 宿费cashier 出纳check in 入住登记check out 办理退房手续deluxe suite豪华套间dining hall 餐厅double room 双人间foreign exchange counter 外币兑换处hotel directory 旅馆指南hotel lobby 饭店大堂hotel rates 房价information desk 总台porter 行李员reservation desk 预定处room charge sheet 房价表room with bath 带有浴室的客房room with good ventilation 通风良好的客房single room 单人间suite 套间telephone operator 总机接线员in touch with 联系,接触as soon as 一...就...try one's best 努力,尽力possible 可能的regulation 规则,规章,法规noise 噪音,嘈杂声several 几个,数个misunderstand 误会,误解explain 解释,说明relax 放松calm 使平静,使镇定in charge 主管housemaid 客房服务员release 再出租measure 措施,方法understaffed人员太少的,人员不足的accommodation cost 宿费cashier 出纳check in 入住登记check out 办理退房手续deluxe suite豪华套间dining hall 餐厅double room 双人间foreign exchange counter 外币兑换处hotel directory 旅馆指南hotel lobby 饭店大堂hotel rates 房价information desk 总台porter 行李员reservation desk 预定处room charge sheet 房价表room with bath 带有浴室的客房room with good ventilation 通风良好的客房single room 单人间suite 套间telephone operator 总机接线员国外生活必备英文词汇全搜索-饮食篇1餐具:coffee pot 咖啡壶coffee cup 咖啡杯paper towel 纸巾napkin 餐巾table cloth 桌布tea -pot 茶壶tea set 茶具tea tray 茶盘caddy 茶罐dish 碟plate 盘saucer 小碟子rice bowl 饭碗chopsticks 筷子soup spoon 汤匙knife 餐刀cup 杯子glass 玻璃杯mug 马克杯picnic lunch 便当fruit plate 水果盘toothpick 牙签中餐:bear's paw 熊掌breast of deer 鹿脯beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp, seaweed 海带abalone 鲍鱼shark fin 鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster 龙虾bird's nest 燕窝roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat 腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥—noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish, fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子shao-mai 烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干西餐与日本料理:menu 菜单French cuisine 法国菜today's special 今日特餐chef's special 主厨特餐buffet 自助餐fast food 快餐specialty 招牌菜continental cuisine 欧式西餐aperitif 饭前酒dim sum 点心French fires 炸薯条baked potato 烘马铃薯mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷pudding 布丁pastries 甜点pickled vegetables 泡菜kimchi 韩国泡菜crab meat 蟹肉prawn 明虾conch 海螺escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉bacon 熏肉poached egg 荷包蛋sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋over 煎两面荷包蛋fried egg 煎蛋over easy 煎半熟蛋over hard 煎全熟蛋scramble eggs 炒蛋boiled egg 煮蛋stone fire pot 石头火锅sashi 日本竹筷sake 日本米酒miso shiru 味噌汤roast meat 铁板烤肉sashimi 生鱼片butter 奶油冷饮:beverages 饮料soya-bean milk 豆浆syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice 橘子汁coconut milk 椰子汁asparagus juice 芦荟汁grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁sarsaparilla 沙士soft drink 汽水coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐tea leaves 茶叶black tea 红茶jasmine tea 茉莉(香片) tea bag 茶包lemon tea 柠檬茶white goup tea 冬瓜茶honey 蜂蜜chlorella 绿藻soda water 苏打水artificial color 人工色素ice water 冰水mineral water 矿泉水distilled water 蒸馏水long-life milk 保久奶condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶cocoa 可可coffee mate 奶精coffee 咖啡iced coffee 冰咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡black coffee 纯咖啡ovaltine 阿华田chlorella yakult 养乐多essence of chicken 鸡精ice-cream cone 甜筒sundae 圣代; 新地ice-cream 雪糕soft ice-cream 窗淇淋vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋ice candy 冰棒milk-shake 奶昔straw 吸管国外生活必备英文词汇全搜索-饮食篇2水果:pineapple 凤梨watermelon 西瓜papaya 木瓜betelnut 槟榔chestnut 栗子coconut 椰子ponkan 碰柑tangerine 橘子mandarin orange 橘sugar-cane 甘蔗muskmelon 香瓜shaddock 文旦juice peach 水蜜桃pear 梨子peach 桃子carambola 杨桃cherry 樱桃persimmon 柿子apple 苹果mango 芒果fig 无花果water caltrop 菱角almond 杏仁plum 李子honey-dew melon 哈密瓜loquat 枇杷olive 橄榄rambutan 红毛丹durian 榴梿strawberry 草莓grape 葡萄grapefruit 葡萄柚lichee 荔枝longan 龙眼wax-apple 莲雾guava 番石榴banana 香蕉熟菜与调味品:string bean 四季豆pea 豌豆green soy bean 毛豆soybean sprout 黄豆芽mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽kale 甘蓝菜cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜broccoli 花椰菜mater convolvulus 空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜mustard leaf 芥菜celery 芹菜tarragon 蒿菜beetroot, beet 甜菜agar-agar 紫菜lettuce 生菜spinach 菠菜leek 韭菜caraway 香菜hair-like seaweed 发菜preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜salted vegetable 雪里红lettuce 莴苣asparagus 芦荟bamboo shoot 竹笋dried bamboo shoot 笋干chives 韭黄ternip 白萝卜carrot 胡萝卜water chestnut 荸荠ficus tikaua 地瓜long crooked squash 菜瓜loofah 丝瓜pumpkin 南瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜cucumber 黄瓜white gourd 冬瓜gherkin 小黄瓜yam 山芋taro 芋头beancurd sheets 百叶champignon 香菇button mushroom 草菇needle mushroom 金针菇agaricus 蘑菇dried mushroom 冬菇tomato 番茄eggplant 茄子potato, spud 马铃薯lotus root 莲藕agaric 木耳white fungus 百木耳ginger 生姜garlic 大蒜garlic bulb 蒜头green onion 葱onion 洋葱scallion, leek 青葱wheat gluten 面筋miso 味噌seasoning 调味品caviar 鱼子酱barbeque sauce 沙茶酱tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱mustard 芥茉salt 盐sugar 糖monosodium glutamate , gourmet powder 味精vinegar 醋sweet 甜sour 酸bitter 苦lard 猪油peanut oil 花生油soy sauce 酱油green pepper 青椒paprika 红椒star anise 八角cinnamon 肉挂curry 咖喱maltose 麦芽糖糖与蜜饯:jerky 牛肉干dried beef slices 牛肉片dried pork slices 猪肉片confection 糖果glace fruit 蜜饯marmalade 果酱dried persimmon 柿饼candied melon 冬瓜糖red jujube 红枣black date 黑枣glace date 蜜枣dried longan 桂圆干raisin 葡萄干chewing gum 口香糖nougat 牛乳糖mint 薄荷糖drop 水果糖marshmallow 棉花糖caramel 牛奶糖peanut brittle 花生糖castor sugar 细砂白糖granulated sugar 砂糖sugar candy 冰糖butter biscuit 奶酥rice cake 年糕moon cake 月饼green bean cake 绿豆糕popcorn 爆米花chocolate 巧克力marrons glaces 糖炒栗子国外生活必备英文词汇全搜索-饮食篇3 牛排与酒:breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐brunch 早午餐supper 晚餐late snack 宵夜dinner 正餐ham and egg 火腿肠buttered toast 奶油土司French toast 法国土司muffin 松饼cheese cake 酪饼white bread 白面包brown bread 黑面包French roll 小型法式面包appetizer 开胃菜green salad 蔬菜沙拉onion soup 洋葱汤potage 法国浓汤corn soup 玉米浓汤minestrone 蔬菜面条汤ox tail soup 牛尾汤fried chicken 炸鸡roast chicken 烤鸡steak 牛排T-bone steak 丁骨牛排filet steak 菲力牛排sirloin steak 沙朗牛排club steak 小牛排well done 全熟medium 五分熟rare 三分熟beer 啤酒draft beer 生啤酒stout beer 黑啤酒canned beer 罐装啤酒red wine 红葡萄酒gin 琴酒brandy 白兰地whisky 威士忌vodka 伏特加on the rocks 酒加冰块rum 兰酒champagne 香槟餐具:coffee pot 咖啡壶coffee cup 咖啡杯paper towel 纸巾napkin 餐巾table cloth 桌布tea -pot 茶壶tea set 茶具tea tray 茶盘caddy 茶罐dish 碟plate 盘saucer 小碟子rice bowl 饭碗chopsticks 筷子soup spoon 汤匙knife 餐刀cup 杯子glass 玻璃杯mug 马克杯picnic lunch 便当fruit plate 水果盘toothpick 牙签中餐:bear's paw 熊掌breast of deer 鹿脯beche-de-mer; sea cucumber 海参sea sturgeon 海鳝salted jelly fish 海蜇皮kelp, seaweed 海带abalone 鲍鱼shark fin 鱼翅scallops 干贝lobster 龙虾bird's nest 燕窝roast suckling pig 考乳猪pig's knuckle 猪脚boiled salted duck 盐水鸭preserved meat 腊肉barbecued pork 叉烧sausage 香肠fried pork flakes 肉松BAR-B-Q 烤肉meat diet 荤菜vegetables 素菜meat broth 肉羹local dish 地方菜Cantonese cuisine 广东菜set meal 客饭curry rice 咖喱饭fried rice 炒饭plain rice 白饭crispy rice 锅巴gruel, soft rice , porridge 粥—noodles with gravy 打卤面plain noodle 阳春面casserole 砂锅chafing dish, fire pot 火锅meat bun 肉包子shao-mai 烧麦preserved bean curd 腐乳bean curd 豆腐fermented blank bean 豆豉pickled cucumbers 酱瓜preserved egg 皮蛋salted duck egg 咸鸭蛋dried turnip 萝卜干西餐与日本料理:menu 菜单French cuisine 法国菜today's special 今日特餐chef's special 主厨特餐buffet 自助餐fast food 快餐specialty 招牌菜continental cuisine 欧式西餐aperitif 饭前酒dim sum 点心French fires 炸薯条baked potato 烘马铃薯mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥omelette 简蛋卷pudding 布丁pastries 甜点pickled vegetables 泡菜kimchi 韩国泡菜crab meat 蟹肉prawn 明虾conch 海螺escargots 田螺braised beef 炖牛肉bacon 熏肉poached egg 荷包蛋sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋over 煎两面荷包蛋fried egg 煎蛋over easy 煎半熟蛋over hard 煎全熟蛋scramble eggs 炒蛋boiled egg 煮蛋stone fire pot 石头火锅sashi 日本竹筷sake 日本米酒miso shiru 味噌汤roast meat 铁板烤肉sashimi 生鱼片butter 奶油冷饮:beverages 饮料soya-bean milk 豆浆syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice 橘子汁coconut milk 椰子汁asparagus juice 芦荟汁grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁sarsaparilla 沙士soft drink 汽水coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐tea leaves 茶叶black tea 红茶jasmine tea 茉莉(香片) tea bag 茶包lemon tea 柠檬茶white goup tea 冬瓜茶honey 蜂蜜chlorella 绿藻soda water 苏打水artificial color 人工色素ice water 冰水mineral water 矿泉水distilled water 蒸馏水long-life milk 保久奶condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶cocoa 可可coffee mate 奶精coffee 咖啡iced coffee 冰咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡black coffee 纯咖啡ovaltine 阿华田chlorella yakult 养乐多essence of chicken 鸡精ice-cream cone 甜筒sundae 圣代; 新地ice-cream 雪糕soft ice-cream 窗淇淋vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋ice candy 冰棒milk-shake 奶昔straw 吸管Hotel词汇大全2005-1-20 19:07:48information desk 问讯处reception office 接待室hotel register 旅客登记簿registration form 登记表newsstand 售报处postal service 邮局服务处shop 小卖部bar 酒吧间lounge 休息厅roof garden 屋顶花园billiard-room 球房dining-room, dining hall 餐厅men's room 男盥洗室ladies' room 女盥洗室cloak-room 存衣处basement 地下室cellar 地窖broom closet 杂物室room number 房间号码room key 房间钥匙suite 一套房间single room 单人房间double room 双人房间sitting-room, living-room 起居室sofa, settee 长沙发easy chair 安乐椅armchair 扶手椅wicker chair 藤椅folding chair 叠椅swivel chair 转椅rocking chair 摇椅stool 凳子stool 凳子bench 条凳tea table 茶几desk 书桌bookcase 书橱bookshelf 书架wardrobe 衣柜built-in wardrobe, closet 壁橱chest of drawers 五斗橱screen 屏风hat rack 帽架rug 小地毯carpet 大地毯single bed 单人床double bed 双人床twin beds 成对床mattress 褥子quilt 被blanket 毯子sheet 床单bedspread 床罩cotton terry blanket 毛巾被pillow 枕头pillow 枕头pillowcase 枕套mat 席cushion 垫子bathroom 浴室bath tub 浴盆shower bath, shower 淋浴cold and hot water taps 冷热自来水龙头sprinkle-nozzle, (shower) nozzle 喷头dressingtable 梳妆台mirror 镜子washbasin 洗脸盆towel 毛巾toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间water closet, W.C. 厕所;抽水马桶toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸bath towel 浴巾bathrobe 浴衣towel rail, towel rack 毛巾架sponge 海绵waste-paper basket 废纸篓thermometer 温度计balcony 阳台balcony 阳台sash window 上下开关窗shutters 百叶窗transom, transom window 气窗curtain 窗帘lace curtain 挑花窗帘windowsill 窗台air-conditioned 有空调设备的radiator 暖气片central heating 暖气ashtray 烟灰碟smoking set 烟具electric fan 电扇chandelier, pendant lamp 吊灯fluorescent lamp 日光灯desk lamp 台灯bedside lamp 床头灯floor lamp 落地灯wall lamp 壁灯lampshade 灯罩bulb holder 灯头bulb 灯泡screw-type bulb 罗口灯泡bayonet-type bulb 卡口灯泡frosted bulb 磨砂灯泡opal bulb, opaque bulb 乳白灯泡switch 开关socket 插座plug 插头telephone 电话electric iron 电熨斗peg, hook 衣钩clothes-hanger 衣架door-mat 门前的擦鞋棕垫manager 经理attendant 服务员desk clerk 值班服务员waiter (餐厅)服务员waitress (餐厅)女服务员rent 租金bill 账单服务台常用词汇2005-1-20 19:21:49management 经营、管理market price 市价cashier's desk 兑换处coin 硬币accounting desk 帐务处check-out time 退房时间voucher 证件price list 价目表check, cheque 支票sign (动)签字interest 利息form 表格reservation 预订reception desk 接待处tip 小费reservation desk 预订处luggage office 行李房…per thousand 千分之…spare (形)多余的postpone (动)延期cancel (动)取消traveler’s cheque 旅行支票pay (动)付款fill (动)填写administration 管理、经营note 纸币registration desk 入宿登记处lobby 前厅luggage rack 行李架visit card 名片identification card 身份证rate of exchange 兑换率conversion rate 换算率charge (动)收费bill 帐单change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序information desk 问询处luggage label 行李标签overbooking 超额订房…per cent 百分之…reasonable (形)合理的cash (动)兑换keep (动)保留、保存bank draft 汇票accept (动)接受procedure fee 手续费fill in the form 填表■电讯服务operator 电话员house phone 内部电话special line 专线dial a number 拨号码hold the line 别挂电话can't put somebody through 接不通ordinary telegram 普通电话receiver 听筒city phone 城市电话telephone number 电话号码replace the phone 挂上电话Line, please. 请接外线。
武汉酒店: 1. ⾹格⾥拉饭店 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL 2. 东⽅⼤酒店 Oriental Hotel 3. 湖滨花园酒店 lake view garden hotel 4. 东湖⼤厦 East Lake Hotel 5. 港澳中⼼商务酒店 HK&Macao Center Business Hotel 6. 亚洲⼤酒店 WUHAN ASIA HOTEL 7. 泰华⼤厦 Taihua Hotel 8. ⽩玫瑰⼤酒店 White Rose Hotel 9. 长江⼤酒店 the yangtze hotel 10. 国宾⼤酒店 Wuhan Guo Bin Grand Hotel 11. 璇宫饭店 Xuangong Hotel 12. 丽江饭店 Lijiang Hotel 北京酒店: 1. 港澳中⼼瑞⼠酒店 Swissotel Beijing Hongkong Macau Center 2. 兆龙饭店 ZHAOLONG HOTEL 3. 西苑饭店 Xiyuan Hotel 4 . 嘉⾥中⼼饭店 The Kerry Center Hotel 5. 名⼈国际⼤酒店 Celebrity International Grand Hotel 6. 国际饭店 Beijing International Hotel 7. 华侨⼤厦 Prime Hotel 8. 北京和平⾥⼤酒店 Hotel in the peace of Beijing 9. 北京龙城皇冠假⽇酒店 Imperial crown holiday inn of the city of dragon of Beijing 上海酒店: 1. 仁和宾馆 Benevolence hotel 2. 上海圣达⼤酒店 Shanghai shengda hotel 3. 上海鑫龙酒店 Prosperous dragon’’s hotels of Shanghai 4. 上海申华商务⼤酒店 Shanghai explains the commercial hotel of China 5. 上海长航宾馆 Long boat hotel of Shanghai 6. 上海⼀百假⽇酒店 100 holiday inns in Shanghai 7. 上海新世纪⼤厦酒店公寓 Apartment of mansion hotel in the new century of Shanghai 8. 上海沪江宾馆 River hotel of Shanghai of Shanghai 9. 上海华盈沪纺⼤酒店 China of Shanghai is full of Shanghai and spin the hotel 10. 上海民航华茂宾馆 Luxuriant hotel of China of civil aviation of Shanghai。
全国酒店名称中英文对照翻译武汉酒店:1. 香格里拉饭店 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL2。
东方大酒店 Oriental Hotel3. 湖滨花园酒店 lake view garden hotel4. 东湖大厦 East Lake Hotel5。
港澳中心商务酒店 HK&Macao Center Business Hotel6. 亚洲大酒店 WUHAN ASIA HOTEL7。
泰华大厦 Taihua Hotel8。
白玫瑰大酒店 White Rose Hotel9. 长江大酒店 the yangtze hotel10. 国宾大酒店 Wuhan Guo Bin Grand Hotel11. 璇宫饭店 Xuangong Hotel12. 丽江饭店 Lijiang Hotel北京酒店:1。
港澳中心瑞士酒店 Swissotel Beijing Hongkong Macau Center2。
兆龙饭店 ZHAOLONG HOTEL3. 西苑饭店 Xiyuan Hotel4 . 嘉里中心饭店 The Kerry Center Hotel5。
名人国际大酒店 Celebrity International Grand Hotel6。
国际饭店 Beijing International Hotel7。
华侨大厦 Prime Hotel8. 北京和平里大酒店 Hotel in the peace of Beijing9. 北京龙城皇冠假日酒店 Imperial crown holiday inn of the city of dragon of Beijing 上海酒店:1. 仁和宾馆 Benevolence hotel2。
上海圣达大酒店 Shanghai shengda hotel3。
上海鑫龙酒店 Prosperous dragon's hotels of Shanghai4。
上海申华商务大酒店 Shanghai explains the commercial hotel of China5. 上海长航宾馆 Long boat hotel of Shanghai6。
酒店中文菜单翻译大全1. 开胃小吃 (Appetizers)•素春卷 (Vegetable Spring Rolls)•虾饺 (Shrimp Dumplings)•炸蟹饺 (Deep-Fried Crab Dumplings)•担担面 (Dan Dan Noodles)•糖醋排骨 (Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs)2. 汤类 (Soups)•酸辣汤 (Hot and Sour Soup)•过桥米线 (Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles)•鲍汁羊肚汤 (Abalone and Sheep Stomach Soup) •鸡蓉蟹肉羹 (Chicken and Crab Soup)•宫保鸡丁 (Kung Pao Chicken)•鱼香肉丝 (Shredded Pork in Garlic Sauce)•青椒肉丝 (Stir-Fried Pork with Green Peppers)•木须肉 (Mu Shu Pork)•锅包肉 (Sweet and Sour Pork)•蚂蜂炒蛹 (Stir-Fried Bee Larva)4. 烧菜 (Brsed Dishes)•红烧肉 (Brsed Pork Belly)•东坡肉 (Dongpo Pork)•清炖牛肉面 (Brsed Beef Noodles)•卤牛肉面 (Brsed Beef Noodles with Sauce)•梅菜扣肉 (Brsed Pork Belly with Preserved Vegetables)•烤鸭 (Roast Duck)•烤鱼 (Grilled Fish)•烧鸭腿 (Roasted Duck Leg)•烤羊肉串 (Grilled Lamb Skewers)•烤牛排 (Grilled Beef Steak)6. 粥类 (Congee)•八宝粥 (Eight Treasure Porridge)•鸡蓉蟹肉粥 (Chicken and Crab Porridge)•毛肚粥 (Tripe Porridge)•鸭肉粥 (Duck Porridge)•皮蛋瘦肉粥 (Century Egg and Lean Pork Porridge)7. 面食 (Noodles)•麻辣烫 (Spicy Hot Pot)•拉面 (Pulled Noodles)•炸酱面 (Zhajiangmian)•手擀面 (Hand-Pulled Noodles)•炒米粉 (Fried Rice Vermicelli)8. 主食 (Mn Courses)•剁椒鱼头 (Chopped Chili Pepper Fish Head)•蚝油生菜 (Lettuce with Oyster Sauce)•百页豆腐 (Vegetarian Tofu Skin)•干豆腐炒肉脯 (Dry Bean Curd with Minced Meat) •皮蛋豆腐 (Century Egg Tofu)•葱油拌面 (Scallion Oil Noodles)9. 甜点 (Desserts)•红豆汤 (Red Bean Soup)•芝麻糊 (Black Sesame Soup)•杨枝甘露 (Mango Pomelo Sago)•云腿糖水 (Jujube and Pork Soup)•莲子银耳羹 (Lotus Seed and Tremella Soup) 10. 饮品 (Beverages)•茉莉花茶 (Jasmine Tea)•绿茶 (Green Tea)•热巧克力 (Hot Chocolate)•蜂蜜柚子茶 (Honey Yuzu Tea)•柠檬水 (Lemonade)以上是酒店中文菜单的翻译大全。
全国酒店名称中英文对照翻译武汉酒店:1. 香格里拉饭店 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL2. 东方大酒店 Oriental Hotel3. 湖滨花园酒店 lake view garden hotel4. 东湖大厦 East Lake Hotel5. 港澳中心商务酒店 HK&Macao Center Business Hotel6. 亚洲大酒店 WUHAN ASIA HOTEL7. 泰华大厦 Taihua Hotel8. 白玫瑰大酒店 White Rose Hotel9. 长江大酒店 the yangtze hotel10. 国宾大酒店 Wuhan Guo Bin Grand Hotel11. 璇宫饭店 Xuangong Hotel12. 丽江饭店 Lijiang Hotel北京酒店:1. 港澳中心瑞士酒店 Swissotel Beijing Hongkong Macau Center2. 兆龙饭店 ZHAOLONG HOTEL3. 西苑饭店 Xiyuan Hotel4 . 嘉里中心饭店 The Kerry Center Hotel5. 名人国际大酒店 Celebrity International Grand Hotel6. 国际饭店 Beijing International Hotel7. 华侨大厦 Prime Hotel8. 北京和平里大酒店 Hotel in the peace of Beijing9. 北京龙城皇冠假日酒店 Imperial crown holiday inn of the city of dragon of Beijing 上海酒店:1. 仁和宾馆 Benevolence hotel2. 上海圣达大酒店 Shanghai shengda hotel3. 上海鑫龙酒店 Prosperous dragon's hotels of Shanghai4. 上海申华商务大酒店 Shanghai explains the commercial hotel of China5. 上海长航宾馆 Long boat hotel of Shanghai6. 上海一百假日酒店 100 holiday inns in Shanghai7. 上海新世纪大厦酒店公寓 Apartment of mansion hotel in the new century of Shanghai8. 上海沪江宾馆 River hotel of Shanghai of Shanghai9. 上海华盈沪纺大酒店 China of Shanghai is full of Shanghai and spin the hotel10. 上海民航华茂宾馆 Luxuriant hotel of China of civil aviation of Shanghai杭州酒店:1. 杭州流水苑宾馆 Flowing water garden hotel of Hangzhou2. 浙江饭店 Hotel of Zhejiang3. 浙江嘉海大酒店 Good sea hotel of Zhejiang4. 临平大酒店 Face the flat hotel5. 杭州宏冠大酒店 Hangzhou precededs in the hotel greatly6. 杭州龙禧大酒店 Xi hotel of dragon of Hangzhou7. 杭州中亚旅馆 Hangzhou Central Asia hote8. 杭州商业大厦Hangzhou Commercial Center9. 杭州凯悦大酒店Triumphant happy hotel of Hangzhou10. 杭州百合花酒店Lily hotels of Hangzhou合肥酒店:1. 合肥万豪大酒店Bold hotel of ten thousand of Hefei2. 安徽金孔雀温泉度假村Peacock's holiday village of hot spring of the money of Anhui3. 安徽万佛湖金水湾度假村Ten thousand Buddha lake money water gulf holiday village in Anhui4. 百花宾馆All sorts of flowers hotel5. 安徽澳瑞特酒店Auspicious special hotels of Australia of Anhui6. 新世纪大厦Mansion in the new century7. 和平国际大酒店International hotel of the peace8. 合肥东怡酒店Shut happy hotels of Feidong9. 索菲特明珠国际大酒店Sofitel Grand Park Hefei10. 古井假日酒店Holiday inn of ancient well福州酒店:1. 福州好运来大酒店The good luck of Fuzhou comes to the hotel2. 福州龙祥大酒店Auspicious hotel of dragon of Fuzhou3. 福建屏山大酒店Hotel of Pingshan of Fujian4. 福州唐城大厦Mansion of Tang City of Fuzhou5. 福州金仕顿大酒店Kingston Hotel6. 华威大饭店Majestic giant hotel of China7. 如家快捷酒店For instance, swift hotels of home8. 邦辉大酒店Banghui Hotel9. 成龙国际大酒店Success Link International Hotel10. 福州美伦华美达大饭店Ramada Plaza Fuzhou兰州酒店:1. 兰州铁道宾馆Railway hotel of Lanzhou2. 兰州锦江阳光酒店Sunshine hotels of Jin Jiang River of Lanzhou3. 甘肃金城旅游宾馆Travel hotel of money city of Gansu4. 甘肃友谊宾馆Friendship Hotel of Gansu5. 甘肃海天宾馆Sea day hotel of Gansu6. 甘肃新世纪酒店Hotels in new century of Gansu7. 西兰国际大酒店Blue international hotel of the west8. 四方酒店Hotels all sides9. 金轮宾馆Gold hotels10. 兰州飞天大酒店Fly sky hotel of Lanzhou深圳酒店:1. 深圳东湖宾馆Shenzhen East Lake hotel2. 宝利来大酒店The treasure profit comes to the hotel3. 荔花村宾馆Hotel of colored village of litch4. 兴华宾馆Revitalize China's hotel5. 柏豪酒店Bold hotels of cypress6. 洪岭大酒店Big mountain range hotel7. 华中国际酒店International hotels of Central China8. 深运大酒店Transport the hotel deeply9. 联城酒店Unite city hotels10. 海山宾馆Sea mountain hotel广州酒店:1. 龙口明珠大酒店Pearl hotel of Longkou2. 荣威大酒店Majestic hotel of the honour3. 广州金桥宾馆Money bridge hotel of Guangzhou4. 广州惠福大酒店Favor good fortune hotel of Guangzhou5. 湖天宾馆Lake day hotel6. 东方丝绸大厦Eastern silk mansion7. 广州富丽华大酒店Rich hotel of China of Guangzho 8. 广州民航大酒店Hotel of civil aviation of Guangzhou9. 白云鸿波山庄Swan's wave mountain villa of white cloud10. 华威达酒店China reaches hotels majestically桂林酒店:1 .桂林零点大酒店Zero point hotel of Gui Lin2. 桂林天鹅宾馆Hotel of swan of Gui Lin3. 南宁明园饭店Bright garden hotel of Nanning4. 桂山大酒店Mountain hotel of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region5. 香江饭店Hotel of HongKong6. 桂林丹桂大酒店Orange osmanthus hotel of Gui Lin7. 中旅大酒店China travels in the hotel8. 桂林观光酒店Visit hotels in Gui Lin9. 乐满地度假酒店Resort hotel happily and fully10. 新凯悦酒店New triumphant happy hotels北海酒店:1. 富丽华大酒店Rich hotel of China2. 荔珠国际大酒店International hotel of litch and pearl3. 石林大酒店Stone forest hotel4. 香格里拉大饭店Giant hotel of Shangri-la海口酒店:1. 海南华侨宾馆Overseas Chinese in Hainan hotel2. 海口奥斯罗克大酒店Haikou Roek hotel then3. 海南海油菜大厦Sea rape mansion of Hainan4. 海口兴华园酒店Revitalize garden hotels of China in Haikou5. 海口宝华海景大酒店Seascape hotel of China of the treasure of Haikou6. 海口国际金融大酒店Hotel of international finance of Haikou7. 海口新温泉国际大酒店New international hotel of hot spring of Haikou8. 海南华运凯莱大饭店China of Hainan transports the triumphant giant hotel of fields lying fallow in rotation9. 海口海润大酒店Moisten the hotel in the sea of Haikou10. 海星云龙湾度假村Dragon's gulf holiday village of starfish cloud石家庄酒店:1. 河北世纪饭店Hotel of Hebei century2. 河北中国大酒店Chinese hotel of Hebei3. 河北正定国豪大酒店Hebei is booking the bold hotel of the country4. 河北人防大厦People's air defense mansion of Hebei5. 石家庄国宾大酒店State guest in Shijiazhuang hotel6. 石家庄世贸皇冠酒店Imperial crown hotels of World Trade Organization of Shijiazhuang7. 石家庄中京大酒店Hotel of Beijing in Shijiazhuang8. 金圆大厦Round mansion of gold9. 石家庄国际大厦International Building of Shijiazhuang10. 中京大酒店Hotel of Beijing of China郑州酒店:1. 郑州天泉大酒店Day spring hotel of Zhengzhou2. 龙门大酒店Hotel of Longmen3. 巩义市宾馆Hotel of Gongyi4. 欧亚大酒店Hotel of Eurasia5. 中都饭店Hotel of China6. 郑州生茂饭店Grow the luxuriant hotel in Zhengzhou7. 河南民航大酒店Hotel of civil aviation of Henan8. 济源雅士达酒店The refined scholar in Jiyuan reaches hotels9. 河南民航大酒店(郑州) Hotel of civil aviation of Henan (Zhengzhou)10. 中州皇冠宾馆Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou长沙酒店:1. 金赋大酒店Jin composes the hotel2. 金源酒店Hotels of gold source3. 圣得拉大酒店So holy as to draw the hotel4. 湘汇大酒店Gather together the hotel in Hunan5. 泰天大酒店Hotel on safe day6. 金帝大酒店Gold emperor's hotel7. 陋圆宾馆Plain round hotel8. 长岛饭店Hotel of Changdao Island9. 巨州酒店Huge state hotels10. 麓山宾馆Mountain hotel in the hillfoo长春酒店:1. 长春锦江花园大酒店Garden hotel of Jin Jiang River of Changchun2. 长春吉林丽洋大酒店Beautiful foreign hotel of Jilin of Changchun3. 长春教育宾馆Educational hotel of Changchun4. 长春金都饭店Money hotel of Changchun5. 交通宾馆Traffic hotel6. 吉林亚泰饭店Inferior safe hotel of Jilin7. 长春华侨饭店Overseas Chinese in Changchun hotel8. 长春国际大厦酒店Changchun International Building hotel9. 长春紫荆花饭店Chinese redbud hotel of Changchun10. 长春国际会展中心大饭店International giant hotel of Convention and Exhibition Center of Changchun南京酒店:1. 斯亚花园酒店Hotels of inferior garden then2. 侨鸿皇冠假日酒店Live abroad in swan's imperial crown holiday inn3. 双门楼宾馆Hotel of one pair of arches over a gate4. 巴蜀人家大酒店Others' hotel of SiChuan5. 南京金桥饭店Money bridge hotel of Nanjing6. 榴园宾馆Pomegranate garden hotel7. 江苏新世纪大酒店Hotel in the new century of Jiangsu8. 江苏大酒店Hotel of Jiangsu9. 南京侨鸿皇冠酒店Live abroad in swan's imperial crown hotels in Nanjing10. 南京国际会议大酒店International conference hotel of Nanjing南昌酒店:1. 江西民航大酒店Hotel of civil aviation of Jiangxi2. 江西锦昌大酒店Prosperous hotel of the silk of Jiangxi3. 南昌五湖大酒店Five lake hotels of Nanchang4. 南昌锦锋大酒店Silk sharp point hotel of Nanchang5. 江西七星商务酒店Business hotel of seven stars of Jiangxi6. 锦昌大酒店Prosperous hotel of the silk7. 吉伟宾馆Lucky big hotel8 富豪酒店Rich and powerful people's hotels9. 新天地酒店Hotels of new field10. 明园大酒店Hotel of bright garden九江酒店:1. 九江星河大酒店Milky Way hotel of Jiujiang2. 中景假期酒店V acation hotels of the medium shot3. 天翔商务大酒店It circles in the air in the commercial hotel4. 九江欧迪大酒店Europe of Jiujiang guides the hotel5. 九江宾馆Hotel of Jiujiang6. 其士九江大酒店Hotel of its person's Jiujiang7. 星河大酒店Milky Way hotel沈阳酒店:1. 新世界万怡酒店New ten thousand world happy hotels2. 鸿翔宾馆The swan circles in the air in the hotel3. 沈阳东湖度假村Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang4. 兰亭宾馆Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang5. 金碧大酒店Hotel of blue pavilion6. 沈阳新世界大酒店Green hotel of goldNew world hotel of Shenyang7. 沈阳皇朝万豪酒店The emperor in Shenyang is towards Marriott Hotel8. 房地产大厦Real estate mansion9. 世星国际饭店Life star International Hotel10. 沈阳假日酒店Holiday inn of Shenyang银川酒店:1. 荣源大酒店Source hotel of the honour2. 太阳神大酒店Sun god's hotel3. 元亨大酒店Each hotel4. 宁夏电力大酒店Electric hotel of Ningxia5. 虹桥大酒店Hotel of Hongqiao6. 新华饭店Xinhua hotel7. 长相忆宾馆The feature recalls the hotel8. 凯达大酒店Reach the hotel triumphantly9. 世纪大厦Century mansion10. 宁夏青春商务酒店Youth business hotel of Ningxia青海酒店1. 柴达木宾馆Hotel of Qaidam2. 青海天年阁饭店Pavilion hotel in natural span of life of Qinghai3. 青海东湖世纪大酒店East Lake of Qinghai century hotel4. 化隆宾馆Melt in the grand hotel5. 明珠宾馆Pearl hotel6. 邮政宾馆Postal hotel7. 雪山宾馆Snow-covered mountain hotel8. 西宁化隆宾馆Grand hotel of Xi'ning9. 鸿宇宾馆Swan's space hotel10. 龙源宾馆Dragon's source hotel济南酒店:1. 山东东方航空大酒店Eastern aviation hotel of Shandong2. 金马大厦酒店Golden Horse mansion hotel3. 济南蟠龙山大酒店Curl in the hotel of Longshan in Jinan4. 莱钢济南大酒店Hotel of Jinan of Laigang5. 山东大厦Mansion of Shandong6. 济南泉景酒店Spring scene hotels of Jinan7. 山东新闻大厦News mansion of Shandong8. 玉泉森信大酒店Simpson hotel of jade spring9. 济南城建宾馆Urban construction hotel of Jinan10. 济南铁道大酒店Railway hotel of Jinan太原酒店:1. 太航大酒店Navigate in the hotel very much2. 太原市唐都大酒店Tang hotel of market of Taiyuan3. 山西阳光大酒店Sunshine hotel of Shanxi4. 晋武宾馆Military hotel the Jin Dynasty5. 航油大酒店Boat oil hotel6. 新纪元大酒店Hotel in new era7. 太平洋酒店Hotels of Pacific Ocean8. 太原湖滨饭店Lakeside hotel of Taiyuan9. 太原田和宾馆Field and hotel of Taiyuan10. 煤炭大厦Coal mansion西安酒店:1. 西安五一饭店Hotel on May Day of Xi'an2. 西安长安城堡大酒店Castle hotel of Chang An of Xi'a3. 西安豪华美居人民大厦Grand Mercure on Renmin Square Xi'an4. 西安建苑大厦Build the garden mansion in Xi'an5. 西安蕾德曼酒店Graceful hotels of Germany of flower bud of Xi'an6. 西安曲江惠宾苑宾馆The song river in Xi'an favours guest's garden hotel7. 西安天顺大酒店Xi'an heaven obeys the hotel8. 西安铁通商务酒店Iron trading affair hotels of Xi'an9. 西安申鹏国际商务酒店Explain roc's international business hotel in Xi'an10. 万年大酒店Hotel in ten thousand years成都酒店:1. 成都峨眉山饭店Hotel of Mount Emei of Chengdu2. 都江堰心族中旅饭店Travel in the hotel in the heart clan of Dujiang Weir3. 成都帝殿宾馆Hall hotel of the emperor in Chengdu4. 云龙酒店Cloud dragon's hotels5. 锦里客栈Inn in the silk6. 鹤翔山庄The crane circles in the air in the mountain villa7. 寰岛鱼凫国都温泉大酒店Fish's wild duck's hotel of hot spring of national capital of extensive region island8. 彭州金瑞大酒店Auspicious hotel of the the Peng 's money9. 京蓉宾馆Beijing Rong hotel10. 新光华大酒店New brilliance hotel天津酒店:1. 天津警备区鞍山道招待所 A hostel of An'shan of garrison command in Tianjin2. 天津滨江万丽酒店Ten thousand beautiful hotels of Binjiang in Tianjin3. 开发区大地中心酒店Hotels of the earth centre of development zone4. 天津天波大酒店Day wave hotel of Tianjin5. 红楼大酒店Hotel of red building6. 天津雍阳宾馆Open hotel of the harmony of Tianjin7. 天津会宾园大酒店Know guest's garden hotel in Tianjin8. 皇宫酒店Hotels of imperial palace9. 天津金皇大酒店Emperor's hotel of the money of Tianjin10. 天津憩园宾馆Rest garden hotel of Tianjin昆明酒店:1. 云南明都大酒店Bright hotel of Yunnan2. 昆明佳新大酒店Good new hotel of Kunming3. 昆明经贸宾馆Economic and trade hotel of Kunming4. 昆明中玉酒店Jade hotels in Kunming5. 昆明樱花假日酒店Oriental cherry holiday inn of Kunming6. 昆明万怡酒店Ten thousand happy hotels in Kunming7. 世博花园酒店Hotels of rich garden generation8. 昆明国际大酒店International hotel of Kunming9. 天和大酒店Tianhe hotel10. 昆明石林大酒店Shiling hotel of Kunming重庆酒店:1. 锦绣大酒店Beautiful hotel2. 太极大酒店Taiji hotel3. 重庆渝都大酒店Hotel of Chongqing of Chongqing4. 南海宾馆Hotel of the South China Sea5. 讯大酒店Space news hotel6. 重庆云篆山宾馆Cloud seal character mountain hotel of Chongqin7. 重庆国际大饭店International giant hotel of Chongqing8. 重庆富安大酒店The hotel is fitted richly in Chongqing9. 香山宾馆Hotel of Fragrant Hills10. 天鹅湖宾馆Swan Lake hotel。
酒店常用英语口语1、入住酒店A:Good evening. Welcome to Mansion Hotel.早安,欢迎入住大厦饭店。
B:I have a reservation. My name is Rodgers.我有预订,我的名字是罗杰斯。
A:OK! Your room number is B307. And here is the key to your room. Here you are. 好了。
你们的房间号码是B307. 这是房门钥匙。
B:Thanks! Where can I buy some cigarette?多谢!我在哪里可以买到香烟?A:It is so lucky to follow Janice's suggestion. If not, we would have to find a hotel in streets.幸亏听了贾尼斯的建议。
B:Come on. Go straight to the reception desk and find our reserved room.快点。
2、预定酒店A:The hotel operator. Anything I can do for you?这是宾馆总机。
有什么事情需要我为您效劳吗?B:I've been trying to get through to the booking office for the last ten minutes. But the line has been engaged all the time. Why is it taking so long?过去的十分钟我一直想接通订票处,可是该线一直占线。
为什么要花这么长时间呢?A:Elegance Hotel, is there anything I can do for you?这里是雅致宾馆,有什么可以为您做的吗?B:Hello, I would like to make a reservation for four nights next week, from Tuesday to Friday.你好,我想预订一间贵宾馆的房间。
A《中文菜单英文译法》北京市人民政府外事办公室目录Table of Contents翻译的原则Principles of Translation中餐Chinese Food冷菜类Cold Dishes热菜类Hot Dishes猪肉Pork牛肉Beef羊肉Lamb禽蛋类Poultry and Eggs菇菌类Mushrooms鲍鱼类Ablone鱼翅类Shark’s Fins海鲜类Seafood蔬菜类Vegetables豆腐类Tofu燕窝类Bird’s Nest Soup羹汤煲类Soups主食、小吃Rice, Noodles and Local Snacks西餐Western Food头盘及沙拉Appetizers and Salads汤类Soups禽蛋类Poultry and Eggs牛肉类Beef猪肉类Pork羊肉类Lamb鱼和海鲜Fish and Seafood面、粉及配菜类Noodles, Pasta and Side Dishes面包类Bread and Pastries甜品及其他西点Cakes, Cookies and Other Desserts 中国酒Chinese Alcoholic Drinks黄酒类Yellow Wine白酒类Liquor啤酒Beer葡萄酒Wine洋酒Imported Wines开胃酒Aperitif白兰地Brandy威士忌Whisky金酒Gin朗姆酒Rum伏特加V odka龙舌兰Tequila利口酒Liqueurs清酒Sake啤酒Beer鸡尾酒Cocktails and Mixed Drinks餐酒Table Wine饮料Non-Alcoholic Beverages矿泉水Mineral Water咖啡Coffee茶Tea茶饮料Tea Drinks果蔬汁Juice碳酸饮料Sodas混合饮料Mixed Drinks其他饮料Other Drinks冰品Ice翻译的原则一、以主料为主、配料为辅的翻译原则1、菜肴的主料和配料主料(名称/形状)+ with + 配料如:白灵菇扣鸭掌Mushrooms with Duck Webs2、菜肴的主料和配汁主料+ with/in + 汤汁(Sauce)如:冰梅凉瓜Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce二、以烹制方法为主、原料为辅的翻译原则1、菜肴的做法和主料做法(动词过去分词)+主料(名称/形状)如:火爆腰花Sautéed Pig Kidney2、菜肴的做法、主料和配料做法(动词过去分词)+主料(名称/形状)+ 配料如:地瓜烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes3、菜肴的做法、主料和汤汁做法(动词过去分词)+主料(名称/形状)+ with/in +汤汁如:京酱肉丝Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce三、以形状、口感为主、原料为辅的翻译原则1、菜肴形状或口感以及主配料形状/口感+ 主料如:玉兔馒头Rabbit-Shaped Mantou脆皮鸡Crispy Chicken2、菜肴的做法、形状或口感、做法以及主配料做法(动词过去分词)+ 形状/口感+ 主料+ 配料如:小炒黑山羊Sautéed Sliced Lamb with Pepper and Parsley四、以人名、地名为主,原料为辅的翻译原则1、菜肴的创始人(发源地)和主料人名(地名)+ 主料如:麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu (Sautéed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce)广东点心Cantonese Dim Sum2、介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)、主配料及做法做法(动词过去式)+ 主辅料+ + 人名/地名+ Style如:北京炒肝Stewed Liver, Beijing Style北京炸酱面Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijing Style五、体现中国餐饮文化,使用汉语拼音命名或音译的翻译原则1、具有中国特色且被外国人接受的传统食品,本着推广汉语及中国餐饮文化的原则,使用汉语拼音。
酒店常用英语口语1、入住酒店A:Good evening. Welcome to Mansion Hotel.早安,欢迎入住大厦饭店。
B:I have a reservation. My name is Rodgers.我有预订,我的名字是罗杰斯。
A:OK! Your room number is B307. And here is the key to your room. Here you are. 好了。
你们的房间号码是B307. 这是房门钥匙。
B:Thanks! Where can I buy some cigarette?多谢!我在哪里可以买到香烟?A:It is so lucky to follow Janice's suggestion. If not, we would have to find a hotel in streets.幸亏听了贾尼斯的建议。
B:Come on. Go straight to the reception desk and find our reserved room.快点。
2、预定酒店A:The hotel operator. Anything I can do for you?这是宾馆总机。
有什么事情需要我为您效劳吗?B:I've been trying to get through to the booking office for the last ten minutes. But the line has been engaged all the time. Why is it taking so long?过去的十分钟我一直想接通订票处,可是该线一直占线。
为什么要花这么长时间呢?A:Elegance Hotel, is there anything I can do for you?这里是雅致宾馆,有什么可以为您做的吗?B:Hello, I would like to make a reservation for four nights next week, from Tuesday to Friday.你好,我想预订一间贵宾馆的房间。
国际酒店工作术语中英文翻译对照Part1 日常用语登记入住Check in C/I退房Check out C/O预计抵店Due in D/I预计离店Due out D/O到店、入住Arrival ARR 离店、离开Departure DEPT 房间Room RM取消Cancel CXL 贵宾Very important person VIP散客Free individual traveler FIT自来客人Walk in W/I已入住Occupy OCC 退房Vacant V AC 坏房Out of order O.O.O. 自用房House use客人Guest GST 预计抵店Expected arrival E/A预计离店Expected departure E/D延期、续住Extension EXT 入住登记单Registration card RC长包房Long staying L/S日租、当日用房Day use D/U早餐Breakfast BF折扣Discount DISC. 免费房Complimentary COMP. 账单、收据V oucher VR单独的Single SGL 双人的(大床)Double DBL 双人房(两个床)Twin TWN 与同行Travel with T/W与同住、分开付款Share with S/W加入Join in J/I免收押金Waive deposit W/D未交押金No deposit预计到达时间Expected time of arrival ETA预计离开时间Expected time departure服务Service擦鞋服务Shoes shine开夜床Turn down唤醒服务Wake up婴儿看护Infant care婴儿床Baby cot失物招领Lost and found洗衣Laundry送餐服务/送餐部Room service RMSVC 陪同房Guide Room G/R国际长途International direct dialing IDD国内长途Domestic direct dialing DDD高级的,资深的Senior SR初级的Junior JR合约价Contract rate CR要求Request REQ押金Deposit DEP已保证Guaranteed GTD客人留言或邮件Mail& information M&I备忘录Memorandum MEMO 传真Facsimile FAX电话Telephone TEL请Please PLS谢谢Thanks TKS跟办Follow up F/U请勿打扰Do not disturb DND勿查询Confidential CONF 保密入住Incognito INCO轻便行李Light baggage L/B无行李No baggage N/B大量行李Heavy baggage H/B套票Pack age PKG不做房No need service NNS预订未到No show N/S转换Change CHG换房Change room CHGRM 免收费Free of charge FOC行政的Executive EXE延迟退房Late check out L/C半日租Half day charge HDC全日租full day charge FDC信件Letter LTR有限的Limited LTD公司Company CO.已允许Permitted PER升级入住Up grade U/G预订Booking BKG尽可能快、便捷服务As soon as possible ASAP 聚会Party PTY团队Group GRP楼层Floor FL标准的Standard STD豪华的Deluxe DLX注意事项Attention ATTN 确认Confirm政策与程序Policies and procedures P & P电传Telex TLX抄送Corbin copy CC无房价No rate N/R套房Suite STE交班本Log book移动电话,手机Call phone紧急情况,突发事件Emergency津贴、补贴Allowance对外服务津贴Foreign Service Allowance年假Annual Leave任命;职务Appointment调职授权书Change of Status Authorization Form 休息Day Off换休Trade Day Off补假Compensation Day Off降职Demote纪律;惩戒Discipline开除、解雇、免职Dismiss任务、责任、职责Duty当值;上班On Duty下班Off Duty班次表Duty Roster雇佣Employ为……所雇佣In the employ雇员;雇工Employee正式雇员Permanent Employee临时雇员Temporary Employee员工手册Employ Handbook每月优秀员工Employee of the Month年度优秀员工Employee of the Year员工表现评估Employee Performance Evaluation 求职申请表Employment Application Form雇用、聘用Engage行政人员Executive福利补贴Fringe Benefits专职工作Full-time Job节假日Holiday公众假期Public Holiday面试Interview被面试者Interviewee面试者Interviewer工作职责Job Description休假、假期、离职Leave病假Sick Leave有薪假期Paid Leave无薪假期Unpaid Leave离职To leave a job管理层级Management Hierarchy经理(简称MGR)Manager经理级人员Managerial Personnel人员配备Manning人员编制Manning Guide人力Manpower犯规通知书Misconduct Notice休息Off下班Off Duty办公室Officer职员签单Officer’s Cheek组织机构图Organization Chart加班Overtime专用自动电话交换机Private automatic branch exchange 兼职工作Part-time job部分时间工作Work part-time工资、薪金Pay工资、薪金支票Paycheck出纳员Paymaster工资主任Payroll Officer养老金,退休金Pension退休金Retirement pension津贴、奖金Perquisite全体工作人员Personnel工作岗位Post晋升Promote打卡上、下班Punch in/out履历Record招聘、招工Recruit换班、替班Relief替班服务员Relief Maid换班者、替班者Reliever辞职;辞职书Resignation提出辞职To resign/To tender one’s resignation 退休;退职Retire/Retirement(工资)增长Rise工资、薪酬Salary月薪Monthly Salary年薪Annual / Yearly Salary工资调整Salary Adjustment / Review轮班;更期Shift两头班Broken早班Morning shift午班Afternoon shift夜班Overnight/Graveyard Shift工鞋Shoe员工;配备人员Staff待客员工Guest Contact Staff外籍员工Expatriate Staff本地员工Local Canteen员工餐厅Staff Canteen员工出口处Staff Entrance员工更衣室Staff Locker-room员工告示栏Staff Notice-board员工流失率Staff Turnover Percentage监督、管理Supervise/Supervision考勤卡Time Card打卡To punch time card考勤打卡机Time Clock钟卡考勤打卡机Timekeeper练习生、实习生Trainee调动工作Transfer制服Uniform空缺Vacancy辞去职位Vacate假期;休假、度假Vacation工资Wages精简员工Zero StaffingPart 2 房态术语入住房Occupied OCC 空房Vacant V AC 退房Check out C/O做房Make up M/N 外宿Slept out S/O外宿(不在本地)Out town OT封房维修Out of order O.O.O. 空房已清洁Vacant clean VC空房未打扫Vacant dirty VD住客房未清洁Occupied dirty OD住客房已清洁Occupied clean OC赶房Rush room RO Part 3 房间类型高级双人间Superior twin room ST高级单人间Superior single room SK豪华双人间Deluxe twin room DT豪华单人间Deluxe single room DK高级套间Superior suite SS豪华套间Deluxe suite DS商务套间Executive suite ES。
全国酒店名称中英⽂对照翻译(14)昆明酒店:1. 云南明都⼤酒店 bright hotel of yunnan2. 昆明佳新⼤酒店 good new hotel of kunming3. 昆明经贸宾馆 economic and trade hotel of kunming4. 昆明中⽟酒店jade hotels in kunming5. 昆明樱花假⽇酒店 oriental cherry holiday inn of kunming6. 昆明万怡酒店 ten thousand happy hotels in kunming7. 世博花园酒店 hotels of rich garden generation8. 昆明国际⼤酒店 international hotel of kunming9. 天和⼤酒店 tianhe hotel 10. 昆明⽯林⼤酒店 shiling hotel of kunming 重庆酒店: 1. 锦绣⼤酒店 beautiful hotel 2. 太极⼤酒店taiji hotel 3. 重庆渝都⼤酒店 hotel of chongqing of chongqing 4. 南海宾馆 hotel of the south china sea 5. 讯⼤酒店 space news hotel 6. 重庆云篆⼭宾馆 cloud seal character mountain hotel of chongqing 7. 重庆国际⼤饭店 international giant hotel of chongqing 8. 重庆富安⼤酒店 the hotel is fitted richly in chongqing 9. ⾹⼭宾馆 hotel of fragrant hills 10. 天鹅湖宾馆 swan lake hotel。
翻译对照词汇表Restaurant 酒店里面的称为餐厅,酒店外的可以叫饭馆或者餐馆都可以B&B 家庭式酒店Boutique hotel 精品酒店Resort 度假村King-size 特大号床Queen-size 大号床Twin beds 双床房Single bed 单床房Double room 双人间Single room 单人间Suite 套房Studio suite 公寓套房Adjoining room 相邻房Connecting room 连通房Executive Floor 行政楼层Bellboy 行李员Concierge 礼宾Receptionist 前台接待Reception/Front desk 前台Coach 旅游大巴Reservation 预订(不是预定)Doorman 门房门童Housekeeping staff 客房清洁人员Room service 客房服务,有时特指客房送餐服务Ground 花园Tip 小费Service charge 服务费Turn down 开夜床服务(指的是傍晚的时候再次整理房间,使客人晚上睡的舒服)Executive room 商务房Shuttle bus 班车Do Not Disturb Sign /DND sign请勿打扰牌Please Make Up sign /PMU sign 请收拾房间牌check-out 退房check-in 登记入住lobby 大堂Owner response: 业主回复酒店岗位:Porter门房Hotel Concierge酒店礼宾部Procurement Manager; Purchasing Manager采购部经理Food & Beverage Manager; Catering Manager餐饮部经理Table Hostess餐桌女服务员Kitchen Hand; Kitchen Help;Kitchen Worker厨工Cook; Chef厨师Head Chef厨师长Cook炊事员Assistant Manager大堂副理Lobby Manager大堂经理Tourist Guide导游Sauce Cook调味汁厨师Restaurant Manager饭店经理Rooms Division Manager房务部经理Second Chef副厨师长Second Waiter副领班Trainee Manager见习经理Receptionist接待员Bar Operative酒吧服务员Hotel Accountant酒店会计Chief Accountant; Financial Controller酒店主管会计;财务总监Housekeeping Manager客房部经理Executive Housekeeper; Head Housekeeper客房部主管Chambermaid客房女服务员Head Waiter ;Captain领班Floor Attendant楼层服务员Travel Agent 旅游中介Doorman门童Pantryman配餐员Front Desk Manager前台经理Front Office Supervisor前台领班Front Office Manager前厅经理Assistant Front Office Manager前厅副理Cleaner清洁工Food Checker食品检验员Vegetable Cook蔬菜厨师Materials Manager物料经理Western-Style Restaurant Manager西餐部经理Executive Assistant Manager行政副经理Assistant Banquet Manager宴会部副经理Banquet Manager宴会部经理Night Manager夜班经理Hotel Greeter迎宾员Reservation Manager预订部经理Chinese-Style Restaurant Manager中餐部经理Resident Manager驻店经理Front Clerk; Reception Clerk总台接待员room reservation客房预定fully booked客满types of rooms房间种类double room双人房standard room标准房twin room双床房superior room高级房deluxe room豪华房executive room商务房suite套房junior room普通套房senior suite高级套房Presidential suite总统套房a room facing south朝南的房间studio room公寓套房connecting room连通房adjoining room相邻房no show没有按预定抵店letter of confirmation确认信service charge服务费extra charge额外费用shuttle bus班车full price全价discounted price折扣价rack rate标准价special price优惠价complimentary rate免费king-size bed特大号床queen-size bed 大号床postpone 推迟Vacancy/vacant room空房cancel/cancellation取消change更改book/reserve预定automatic door自动门check in登记入住check out结帐a piece of baggage/luggage一件行李shoulder bag背包cardboard box纸箱briefcase手提箱luggage trunk汽车行李箱send up送行李fill out填写name tag名牌turn – down service夜床服务make up打扫房间tidy up稍稍整理laundry items洗衣项目express service加快服务check核对private room包间menu菜单set menu套餐fully booked定满了rent租schedule计划表recommend推举酒店内设施adapter 连接器brief ease 公文包out of order 坏了coupon奖券Food Mall食品街Ancient Culture Street古文化街fire sprinkler 灭火喷淋coat hanger 大衣架pillow 枕头heating control 加热控制ice tongs 冰夹chair 椅子bedside table 床头桌ceiling light 顶灯luggage stand 行李架swimming bag游泳袋power socket 电源插座note pad 记事簿shoe basket鞋篮ice bucket 冰桶security latch安全门dry cleaning docket 干洗单breakfast menu 早餐菜单light switch 灯开关air conditioner vent空调排风口pillow case枕套coffee table 咖啡桌wall paper 壁纸hair dryer 吹风机standing lamp 地灯valet stand 衣物架switch 开关desk chair(与书桌配套的)椅子laundry docket 洗衣单Do Not Disturb Sign 请勿打扰牌DND sign请勿打扰牌chest of drawers 带抽屉的柜厨sheer curtains 纱窗帘desk lamp 台灯television cabinet 电视柜single bed 单人床double bed 双人床desk书桌dusting 去尘toilet brush 马桶刷子refuse bag 废物袋mopping 拖地scrub 檫洗dustpan and brush 簸箕和刷子detergent 清洁剂vacuum cleaner 吸尘器mop 拖把shampoo 洗发水soap 香皂bath foam 浴液sewing kit 针线盒moisturizer 润肤露shower cap 浴帽shoehorn鞋拔shoe shine檫皮鞋Bedside lamp 床头灯smoke detector 烟感器wardrobe 衣柜television guide电视指南Please Make Up sign 请收拾房间牌PMU sign 请收拾房间牌slippers拖鞋drapes 布帘ceiling屋顶Laundry docket 洗衣单window sill 窗台shopping bag 购物袋bookshelf 书架ground floor (英)底,层,一楼cabinet 橱柜switch 开关Venetian blind 百叶窗帘curtain 窗帘wastebasket 字纸篓tea trolley 活动茶几night table 床头柜first floor (英)二楼,(美)一楼folding screen 屏风hanger 挂钩plug 插头wall plate 壁上挂盘Chinese painting 国画elevator, lift 电梯drawer 抽屉second floor (英)三楼,(美)二楼spring 弹簧cushion 靠垫,垫子socket 插座,插口sitting room 起居室voltage 电压floor 楼层,地板carpentry (总称)木器tea table 茶几bedclothes 床上用品quilt 被子mattress 床垫thermos 热水瓶transformer 变压器酒店前台用语:market price 市价cashiers desk 兑换处coin 硬币accounting desk 帐务处check-out time 退房时间voucher 证件price list 价目表check, cheque 支票sign (动)签字interest 利息form 表格reservation 预订reception desk 接待处tip 小费reservation desk 预订处luggage office 行李房spare (形)多余的postpone (动)延期cancel (动)取消travelers cheque 旅行支票pay (动)付款fill (动)填写administration 管理、经营note 纸币registration desk 入宿登记处lobby 前厅luggage rack 行李架visit card 名片identification card 身份证rate of exchange 兑换率conversion rate 换算率charge (动)收费bill 帐单change money 换钱procedure 手续、程序information desk 问询处luggage label 行李标签overbooking 超额订房reasonable (形)合理的cash (动)兑换keep (动)保留、保存bank draft 汇票accept (动)接受procedure fee 手续费fill in the form 填表酒店的种类:Designed hotel 设计酒店boutique hotel 精品酒店certified hotel for tourism 旅游定点旅馆family hotel 家庭旅馆B&B: 经济型酒店resort hotel 度假区酒店酒店部门:电脑部E.D.P.市场营销部sales & Marketing Division销售部Sales Department公关部Public Relation Department预订部Reservation Department客务部Room Division前厅部Front Office Department管家部Housekeeping Department餐饮部Food & Beverage Department康乐部Recreation and Entertainment Department 工程部Engineering Department保安部Security Department行政部Rear-Service Department商场部Shopping Arcade其他:Oriental Plaza: 东方新天地Forbidden city:故宫High-speed wireless internet: 高速无线上网Owner response: 业主回复Expatriates/ expats:外籍人士/外籍员工F&B:餐饮Mansion/ service-apartment:酒店式公寓English tea:英式红茶/英式下午茶CTS:中国旅行社Prepaid cell: 预付型手机Toiletries: 洗漱用品Morning call 唤醒服务When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire, take down this book, And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep; How many loved your moments of glad grace, And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how love fledAnd paced upon the mountains overheadAnd hid his face amid a crowd of stars.The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't know thatI love you.The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from both Yet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart. The furthest distance in the worldIs not struggling against the tidesBut using one's indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you.。
武汉酒店:1.⾹格⾥拉饭店 SHANGRI-LAHOTEL2.东⽅⼤酒店 OrientalHotel3.湖滨花园酒店 lakeviewgardenhotel4.东湖⼤厦 EastLakeHotel5.港澳中⼼商务酒店 HK&MacaoCenterBusinessHotel6.亚洲⼤酒店 WUHANASIAHOTEL7.泰华⼤厦 TaihuaHotel8.⽩玫瑰⼤酒店 WhiteRoseHotel9.长江⼤酒店 theyangtzehotel10.国宾⼤酒店 WuhanGuoBinGrandHotel11.璇宫饭店 XuangongHotel12.丽江饭店 LijiangHotel北京酒店:1.港澳中⼼瑞⼠酒店 SwissotelBeijingHongkongMacauCenter2.兆龙饭店 ZHAOLONGHOTEL3.西苑饭店 XiyuanHotel4.嘉⾥中⼼饭店 TheKerryCenterHotel5.名⼈国际⼤酒店 CelebrityInternationalGrandHotel6.国际饭店 BeijingInternationalHotel7.华侨⼤厦 PrimeHotel8.北京和平⾥⼤酒店 HotelinthepeaceofBeijing9.北京龙城皇冠假⽇酒店 ImperialcrownholidayinnofthecityofdragonofBeijing上海酒店:1.仁和宾馆 Benevolence hotel2.上海圣达⼤酒店 Shanghaishengdahotel3.上海鑫龙酒店 Prosperousdragon'shotelsofShanghai4.上海申华商务⼤酒店 ShanghaiexplainsthecommercialhotelofChina5.上海长航宾馆 LongboathotelofShanghai6.上海⼀百假⽇酒店 100holidayinnsinShanghai7.上海新世纪⼤厦酒店公寓 ApartmentofmansionhotelinthenewcenturyofShanghai8.上海沪江宾馆 RiverhotelofShanghaiofShanghai9.上海华盈沪纺⼤酒店 ChinaofShanghaiisfullofShanghaiandspinthehotel10.上海民航华茂宾馆 LuxurianthotelofChinaofcivilaviationofShanghai杭州酒店:1.杭州流⽔苑宾馆 FlowingwatergardenhotelofHangzhou2.浙江饭店 HotelofZhejiang3.浙江嘉海⼤酒店 GoodseahotelofZhejiang4.临平⼤酒店 Facetheflathotel5.杭州宏冠⼤酒店 Hangzhouprecededsinthehotelgreatly6.杭州龙禧⼤酒店 XihotelofdragonofHangzhou7.杭州中亚旅馆 HangzhouCentralAsiahotel8.杭州商业⼤厦 HangzhouCommercialCenter9.杭州凯悦⼤酒店 TriumphanthappyhotelofHangzhou10.杭州百合花酒店 LilyhotelsofHangzhou合肥酒店:1.合肥万豪⼤酒店 BoldhoteloftenthousandofHefei2.安徽⾦孔雀温泉度假村 Peacock'sholidayvillageofhotspringofthemoneyofAnhui3.安徽万佛湖⾦⽔湾度假村 TenthousandBuddhalakemoneywatergulfholidayvillageinAnhui4.百花宾馆 Allsortsofflowershotel5.安徽澳瑞特酒店 AuspiciousspecialhotelsofAustraliaofAnhui6.新世纪⼤厦 Mansioninthenewcentury7.和平国际⼤酒店 Internationalhotelofthepeace8.合肥东怡酒店 ShuthappyhotelsofFeidong9.索菲特明珠国际⼤酒店 SofitelGrandParkHefei10.古井假⽇酒店 Holidayinnofancientwell1.福州好运来⼤酒店 ThegoodluckofFuzhoucomestothehotel2.福州龙祥⼤酒店 AuspicioushotelofdragonofFuzhou3.福建屏⼭⼤酒店 HotelofPingshanofFujian4.福州唐城⼤厦 MansionofTangCityofFuzhou5.福州⾦仕顿⼤酒店 KingstonHotel6.华威⼤饭店 MajesticgianthotelofChina7.如家快捷酒店 Forinstance,swifthotelsofhome8.邦辉⼤酒店 BanghuiHotel9.成龙国际⼤酒店 SuccessLinkInternationalHotel10.福州美伦华美达⼤饭店 RamadaPlazaFuzhou兰州酒店:1.兰州铁道宾馆 RailwayhotelofLanzhou2.兰州锦江阳光酒店 SunshinehotelsofJinJiangRiverofLanzhou3.⽢肃⾦城旅游宾馆 TravelhotelofmoneycityofGansu4.⽢肃友谊宾馆 FriendshipHotelofGansu5.⽢肃海天宾馆 SeadayhotelofGansu6.⽢肃新世纪酒店 HotelsinnewcenturyofGansu7.西兰国际⼤酒店 Blueinternationalhotelofthewest8.四⽅酒店 Hotelsallsides9.⾦轮宾馆 Goldhotels10.兰州飞天⼤酒店 FlyskyhotelofLanzhou深圳酒店:1.深圳东湖宾馆 ShenzhenEastLakehotel2.宝利来⼤酒店 Thetreasureprofitcomestothehotel3.荔花村宾馆 Hotelofcoloredvillageoflitch4.兴华宾馆 RevitalizeChina'shotel5.柏豪酒店 Boldhotelsofcypress6.洪岭⼤酒店 Bigmountainrangehotel7.华中国际酒店 InternationalhotelsofCentralChina8.深运⼤酒店 Transportthehoteldeeply9.联城酒店 Unitecityhotels10.海⼭宾馆 Seamountainhotel⼴州酒店:1.龙⼝明珠⼤酒店 PearlhotelofLongkou2.荣威⼤酒店 Majestichotelofthehonour3.⼴州⾦桥宾馆 MoneybridgehotelofGuangzhou4.⼴州惠福⼤酒店 FavorgoodfortunehotelofGuangzhou5.湖天宾馆 Lakedayhotel6.东⽅丝绸⼤厦 Easternsilkmansion7.⼴州富丽华⼤酒店 RichhotelofChinaofGuangzhou8.⼴州民航⼤酒店 HotelofcivilaviationofGuangzhou9.⽩云鸿波⼭庄 Swan'swavemountainvillaofwhitecloud10.华威达酒店 Chinareacheshotelsmajestically桂林酒店:1.桂林零点⼤酒店 ZeropointhotelofGuiLin2.桂林天鹅宾馆 HotelofswanofGuiLin3.南宁明园饭店 BrightgardenhotelofNanning4.桂⼭⼤酒店 MountainhoteloftheGuangxiZhuangAutonomousRegion5.⾹江饭店 HotelofHongKong6.桂林丹桂⼤酒店 OrangeosmanthushotelofGuiLin7.中旅⼤酒店 Chinatravelsinthehotel8.桂林观光酒店 VisithotelsinGuiLin9.乐满地度假酒店 Resorthotelhappilyandfully10.新凯悦酒店 Newtriumphanthappyhotels1.富丽华⼤酒店 RichhotelofChina2.荔珠国际⼤酒店 Internationalhoteloflitchandpearl3.⽯林⼤酒店 Stoneforesthotel4.⾹格⾥拉⼤饭店 GianthotelofShangri-la海⼝酒店:1.海南华侨宾馆 OverseasChineseinHainanhotel2.海⼝奥斯罗克⼤酒店 HaikouRoekhotelthen3.海南海油菜⼤厦 SearapemansionofHainan4.海⼝兴华园酒店 RevitalizegardenhotelsofChinainHaikou5.海⼝宝华海景⼤酒店 SeascapehotelofChinaofthetreasureofHaikou6.海⼝国际⾦融⼤酒店 HotelofinternationalfinanceofHaikou7.海⼝新温泉国际⼤酒店NewinternationalhotelofhotspringofHaikou8.海南华运凯莱⼤饭店 ChinaofHainantransportsthetriumphantgianthoteloffieldslyingfallowinrotation9.海⼝海润⼤酒店 MoistenthehotelintheseaofHaikou10.海星云龙湾度假村 Dragon'sgulfholidayvillageofstarfishcloud⽯家庄酒店:1.河北世纪饭店 HotelofHebeicentury2.河北中国⼤酒店 ChinesehotelofHebei3.河北正定国豪⼤酒店 Hebeiisbookingtheboldhotelofthecountry4.河北⼈防⼤厦 People'sairdefensemansionofHebei5.⽯家庄国宾⼤酒店 StateguestinShijiazhuanghotel6.⽯家庄世贸皇冠酒店 ImperialcrownhotelsofWorldTradeOrganizationofShijiazhuang7.⽯家庄中京⼤酒店 HotelofBeijinginShijiazhuang8.⾦圆⼤厦 Roundmansionofgold9.⽯家庄国际⼤厦 InternationalBuildingofShijiazhuang10.中京⼤酒店 HotelofBeijingofChina郑州酒店:1.郑州天泉⼤酒店 DayspringhotelofZhengzhou2.龙门⼤酒店 HotelofLongmen3.巩义市宾馆 HotelofGongyi4.欧亚⼤酒店 HotelofEurasia5.中都饭店 HotelofChina6.郑州⽣茂饭店 GrowtheluxurianthotelinZhengzhou7.河南民航⼤酒店 HotelofcivilaviationofHenan8.济源雅⼠达酒店 TherefinedscholarinJiyuanreacheshotels9.河南民航⼤酒店(郑州) HotelofcivilaviationofHenan(Zhengzhou)10.中州皇冠宾馆 CrownePlazaZhengzhou长沙酒店:1.⾦赋⼤酒店 Jincomposesthehotel2.⾦源酒店 Hotelsofgoldsource3.圣得拉⼤酒店 Soholyastodrawthehotel4.湘汇⼤酒店 GathertogetherthehotelinHunan5.泰天⼤酒店 Hotelonsafeday6.⾦帝⼤酒店 Goldemperor'shotel7.陋圆宾馆 Plainroundhotel8.长岛饭店 HotelofChangdaoIsland9.巨州酒店 Hugestatehotels10.麓⼭宾馆 Mountainhotelinthehillfoot长春酒店:1.长春锦江花园⼤酒店 GardenhotelofJinJiangRiverofChangchun2.长春吉林丽洋⼤酒店 BeautifulforeignhotelofJilinofChangchun3.长春教育宾馆 EducationalhotelofChangchun4.长春⾦都饭店 MoneyhotelofChangchun5.交通宾馆 Traffichotel6.吉林亚泰饭店 InferiorsafehotelofJilin7.长春华侨饭店 OverseasChineseinChangchunhotel8.长春国际⼤厦酒店 ChangchunInternationalBuildinghotel9.长春紫荆花饭店 ChineseredbudhotelofChangchun10.长春国际会展中⼼⼤饭店 InternationalgianthotelofConventionandExhibitionCenterofChangchun 南京酒店:1.斯亚花园酒店 Hotelsofinferiorgardenthen2.侨鸿皇冠假⽇酒店 Liveabroadinswan'simperialcrownholidayinn3.双门楼宾馆 Hotelofonepairofarchesoveragate4.巴蜀⼈家⼤酒店 Others'hotelofSiChuan5.南京⾦桥饭店 MoneybridgehotelofNanjing6.榴园宾馆 Pomegranategardenhotel7.江苏新世纪⼤酒店 HotelinthenewcenturyofJiangsu8.江苏⼤酒店 HotelofJiangsu9.南京侨鸿皇冠酒店 Liveabroadinswan'simperialcrownhotelsinNanjing10.南京国际会议⼤酒店 InternationalconferencehotelofNanjing南昌酒店:1.江西民航⼤酒店 HotelofcivilaviationofJiangxi2.江西锦昌⼤酒店 ProsperoushotelofthesilkofJiangxi3.南昌五湖⼤酒店 FivelakehotelsofNanchang4.南昌锦锋⼤酒店 SilksharppointhotelofNanchang5.江西七星商务酒店 BusinesshotelofsevenstarsofJiangxi6.锦昌⼤酒店 Prosperoushotelofthesilk7.吉伟宾馆 Luckybighotel8富豪酒店 Richandpowerfulpeople'shotels9.新天地酒店 Hotelsofnewfield10.明园⼤酒店 Hotelofbrightgarden九江酒店:1.九江星河⼤酒店 MilkyWayhotelofJiujiang2.中景假期酒店 Vacationhotelsofthemediumshot3.天翔商务⼤酒店 Itcirclesintheairinthecommercialhotel4.九江欧迪⼤酒店 EuropeofJiujiangguidesthehotel5.九江宾馆 HotelofJiujiang6.其⼠九江⼤酒店 Hotelofitsperson'sJiujiang7.星河⼤酒店 MilkyWayhotel沈阳酒店:1.新世界万怡酒店 Newtenthousandworldhappyhotels2.鸿翔宾馆 Theswancirclesintheairinthehotel3.沈阳东湖度假村 HolidayvillageofEastLakeofShenyang4.兰亭宾馆 HolidayvillageofEastLakeofShenyang5.⾦碧⼤酒店 Hotelofbluepavilion6.沈阳新世界⼤酒店 GreenhotelofgoldNewworldhotelofShenyang7.沈阳皇朝万豪酒店 TheemperorinShenyangistowardsMarriottHotel8.房地产⼤厦 Realestatemansion9.世星国际饭店 LifestarInternationalHotel10.沈阳假⽇酒店 HolidayinnofShenyang银川酒店:1.荣源⼤酒店 Sourcehotelofthehonour2.太阳神⼤酒店 Sungod'shotel3.元亨⼤酒店 Eachhotel4.宁夏电⼒⼤酒店 ElectrichotelofNingxia5.虹桥⼤酒店 HotelofHongqiao6.新华饭店 Xinhuahotel7.长相忆宾馆 Thefeaturerecallsthehotel8.凯达⼤酒店 Reachthehoteltriumphantly9.世纪⼤厦 Centurymansion10.宁夏青春商务酒店 YouthbusinesshotelofNingxia青海酒店1.柴达⽊宾馆 HotelofQaidam2.青海天年阁饭店 PavilionhotelinnaturalspanoflifeofQinghai3.青海东湖世纪⼤酒店 EastLakeofQinghaicenturyhotel4.化隆宾馆 Meltinthegrandhotel5.明珠宾馆 Pearlhotel6.邮政宾馆 Postalhotel7.雪⼭宾馆 Snow-coveredmountainhotel8.西宁化隆宾馆 GrandhotelofXi'ning9.鸿宇宾馆 Swan'sspacehotel10.龙源宾馆 Dragon'ssourcehotel济南酒店:1.⼭东东⽅航空⼤酒店 EasternaviationhotelofShandong2.⾦马⼤厦酒店 GoldenHorsemansionhotel3.济南蟠龙⼭⼤酒店 CurlinthehotelofLongshaninJinan4.莱钢济南⼤酒店 HotelofJinanofLaigang5.⼭东⼤厦 MansionofShandong6.济南泉景酒店 SpringscenehotelsofJinan7.⼭东新闻⼤厦 NewsmansionofShandong8.⽟泉森信⼤酒店 Simpsonhotelofjadespring9.济南城建宾馆 UrbanconstructionhotelofJinan10.济南铁道⼤酒店 RailwayhotelofJinan太原酒店:1.太航⼤酒店 Navigateinthehotelverymuch2.太原市唐都⼤酒店 TanghotelofmarketofTaiyuan3.⼭西阳光⼤酒店 SunshinehotelofShanxi4.晋武宾馆 MilitaryhoteltheJinDynasty5.航油⼤酒店 Boatoilhotel6.新纪元⼤酒店 Hotelinnewera7.太平洋酒店 HotelsofPacificOcean8.太原湖滨饭店 LakesidehotelofTaiyuan9.太原⽥和宾馆 FieldandhotelofTaiyuan10.煤炭⼤厦 Coalmansion西安酒店:1.西安五⼀饭店 HotelonMayDayofXi'an2.西安长安城堡⼤酒店 CastlehotelofChangAnofXi'an3.西安豪华美居⼈民⼤厦 Grand MercureonRenminSquareXi'an4.西安建苑⼤厦 BuildthegardenmansioninXi'an5.西安蕾德曼酒店 GracefulhotelsofGermanyofflowerbudofXi'an6.西安曲江惠宾苑宾馆 ThesongriverinXi'anfavoursguest'sgardenhotel7.西安天顺⼤酒店 Xi'anheavenobeysthehotel8.西安铁通商务酒店 IrontradingaffairhotelsofXi'an9.西安申鹏国际商务酒店 Explainroc'sinternationalbusinesshotelinXi'an10.万年⼤酒店 Hotelintenthousandyears成都酒店:1.成都峨眉⼭饭店 HotelofMountEmeiofChengdu2.都江堰⼼族中旅饭店 TravelinthehotelintheheartclanofDujiangWeir3.成都帝殿宾馆 HallhoteloftheemperorinChengdu4.云龙酒店 Clouddragon'shotels5.锦⾥客栈 Inninthesilk6.鹤翔⼭庄 Thecranecirclesintheairinthemountainvilla7.寰岛鱼凫国都温泉⼤酒店 Fish'swildduck'shotelofhotspringofnationalcapitalofextensiveregionisland8.彭州⾦瑞⼤酒店 AuspicioushotelofthethePeng'smoney9.京蓉宾馆 BeijingRonghotel10.新光华⼤酒店 Newbrilliancehotel天津酒店:1.天津警备区鞍⼭道招待所 AhostelofAn'shanofgarrisoncommandinTianjin2.天津滨江万丽酒店 TenthousandbeautifulhotelsofBinjianginTianjin3.开发区⼤地中⼼酒店 Hotelsoftheearthcentreofdevelopmentzone4.天津天波⼤酒店 DaywavehotelofTianjin5.红楼⼤酒店 Hotelofredbuilding6.天津雍阳宾馆 OpenhoteloftheharmonyofTianjin7.天津会宾园⼤酒店 Knowguest'sgardenhotelinTianjin8.皇宫酒店 Hotelsofimperialpalace9.天津⾦皇⼤酒店 Emperor'shotelofthemoneyofTianjin10.天津憩园宾馆 RestgardenhotelofTianjin昆明酒店:1.云南明都⼤酒店 BrighthotelofYunnan2.昆明佳新⼤酒店 GoodnewhotelofKunming3.昆明经贸宾馆 EconomicandtradehotelofKunming4.昆明中⽟酒店 JadehotelsinKunming5.昆明樱花假⽇酒店 OrientalcherryholidayinnofKunming6.昆明万怡酒店 TenthousandhappyhotelsinKunming7.世博花园酒店 Hotelsofrichgardengeneration8.昆明国际⼤酒店 InternationalhotelofKunming9.天和⼤酒店 Tianhehotel10.昆明⽯林⼤酒店 ShilinghotelofKunming重庆酒店:1.锦绣⼤酒店 Beautifulhotel2.太极⼤酒店 Taijihotel3.重庆渝都⼤酒店 HotelofChongqingofChongqing4.南海宾馆 HoteloftheSouthChinaSea5.讯⼤酒店 Spacenewshotel6.重庆云篆⼭宾馆 CloudsealcharactermountainhotelofChongqing7.重庆国际⼤饭店 InternationalgianthotelofChongqing8.重庆富安⼤酒店 ThehotelisfittedrichlyinChongqing9.⾹⼭宾馆 HotelofFragrantHills10.天鹅湖宾馆 SwanLakehotel。
全国酒店名称中英文对照翻译武汉酒店:1. 香格里拉饭店 SHANGRI-LA HOTEL2. 东方大酒店 Oriental Hotel3. 湖滨花园酒店 lake view garden hotel4. 东湖大厦 East Lake Hotel5. 港澳中心商务酒店 HK&Macao Center Business Hotel6. 亚洲大酒店 WUHAN ASIA HOTEL7. 泰华大厦 Taihua Hotel8. 白玫瑰大酒店 White Rose Hotel9. 长江大酒店 the yangtze hotel10. 国宾大酒店 Wuhan Guo Bin Grand Hotel11. 璇宫饭店 Xuangong Hotel12. 丽江饭店 Lijiang Hotel北京酒店:1. 港澳中心瑞士酒店 Swissotel Beijing Hongkong Macau Center2. 兆龙饭店 ZHAOLONG HOTEL3. 西苑饭店 Xiyuan Hotel4 . 嘉里中心饭店 The Kerry Center Hotel5. 名人国际大酒店 Celebrity International Grand Hotel6. 国际饭店 Beijing International Hotel7. 华侨大厦 Prime Hotel8. 北京和平里大酒店 Hotel in the peace of Beijing9. 北京龙城皇冠假日酒店 Imperial crown holiday inn of the city of dragon of Beijing 上海酒店:1. 仁和宾馆 Benevolence hotel2. 上海圣达大酒店 Shanghai shengda hotel3. 上海鑫龙酒店 Prosperous dragon's hotels of Shanghai4. 上海申华商务大酒店 Shanghai explains the commercial hotel of China5. 上海长航宾馆 Long boat hotel of Shanghai6. 上海一百假日酒店 100 holiday inns in Shanghai7. 上海新世纪大厦酒店公寓 Apartment of mansion hotel in the new century of Shanghai8. 上海沪江宾馆 River hotel of Shanghai of Shanghai9. 上海华盈沪纺大酒店 China of Shanghai is full of Shanghai and spin the hotel10. 上海民航华茂宾馆 Luxuriant hotel of China of civil aviation of Shanghai杭州酒店:1. 杭州流水苑宾馆 Flowing water garden hotel of Hangzhou2. 浙江饭店 Hotel of Zhejiang3. 浙江嘉海大酒店 Good sea hotel of Zhejiang4. 临平大酒店 Face the flat hotel5. 杭州宏冠大酒店 Hangzhou precededs in the hotel greatly6. 杭州龙禧大酒店 Xi hotel of dragon of Hangzhou7. 杭州中亚旅馆 Hangzhou Central Asia hote8. 杭州商业大厦 Hangzhou Commercial Center9. 杭州凯悦大酒店 Triumphant happy hotel of Hangzhou10. 杭州百合花酒店 Lily hotels of Hangzhou合肥酒店:1. 合肥万豪大酒店 Bold hotel of ten thousand of Hefei2. 安徽金孔雀温泉度假村 Peacock's holiday village of hot spring of the money of Anhui3. 安徽万佛湖金水湾度假村 Ten thousand Buddha lake money water gulf holiday village in Anhui4. 百花宾馆 All sorts of flowers hotel5. 安徽澳瑞特酒店 Auspicious special hotels of Australia of Anhui6. 新世纪大厦 Mansion in the new century7. 和平国际大酒店 International hotel of the peace8. 合肥东怡酒店 Shut happy hotels of Feidong9. 索菲特明珠国际大酒店 Sofitel Grand Park Hefei10. 古井假日酒店 Holiday inn of ancient well福州酒店:1. 福州好运来大酒店 The good luck of Fuzhou comes to the hotel2. 福州龙祥大酒店 Auspicious hotel of dragon of Fuzhou3. 福建屏山大酒店 Hotel of Pingshan of Fujian4. 福州唐城大厦 Mansion of Tang City of Fuzhou5. 福州金仕顿大酒店 Kingston Hotel6. 华威大饭店 Majestic giant hotel of China7. 如家快捷酒店 For instance, swift hotels of home8. 邦辉大酒店 Banghui Hotel9. 成龙国际大酒店 Success Link International Hotel10. 福州美伦华美达大饭店 Ramada Plaza Fuzhou兰州酒店:1. 兰州铁道宾馆 Railway hotel of Lanzhou2. 兰州锦江阳光酒店 Sunshine hotels of Jin Jiang River of Lanzhou3. 甘肃金城旅游宾馆 Travel hotel of money city of Gansu4. 甘肃友谊宾馆 Friendship Hotel of Gansu5. 甘肃海天宾馆 Sea day hotel of Gansu6. 甘肃新世纪酒店 Hotels in new century of Gansu7. 西兰国际大酒店 Blue international hotel of the west8. 四方酒店 Hotels all sides9. 金轮宾馆 Gold hotels10. 兰州飞天大酒店 Fly sky hotel of Lanzhou深圳酒店:1. 深圳东湖宾馆 Shenzhen East Lake hotel2. 宝利来大酒店 The treasure profit comes to the hotel3. 荔花村宾馆 Hotel of colored village of litch4. 兴华宾馆 Revitalize China's hotel5. 柏豪酒店 Bold hotels of cypress6. 洪岭大酒店 Big mountain range hotel7. 华中国际酒店 International hotels of Central China8. 深运大酒店 Transport the hotel deeply9. 联城酒店 Unite city hotels10. 海山宾馆 Sea mountain hotel广州酒店:1. 龙口明珠大酒店 Pearl hotel of Longkou2. 荣威大酒店 Majestic hotel of the honour3. 广州金桥宾馆 Money bridge hotel of Guangzhou4. 广州惠福大酒店 Favor good fortune hotel of Guangzhou5. 湖天宾馆 Lake day hotel6. 东方丝绸大厦 Eastern silk mansion7. 广州富丽华大酒店 Rich hotel of China of Guangzho 8. 广州民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Guangzhou9. 白云鸿波山庄 Swan's wave mountain villa of white cloud10. 华威达酒店 China reaches hotels majestically桂林酒店:1 .桂林零点大酒店 Zero point hotel of Gui Lin2. 桂林天鹅宾馆 Hotel of swan of Gui Lin3. 南宁明园饭店 Bright garden hotel of Nanning4. 桂山大酒店 Mountain hotel of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region5. 香江饭店 Hotel of HongKong6. 桂林丹桂大酒店 Orange osmanthus hotel of Gui Lin7. 中旅大酒店 China travels in the hotel8. 桂林观光酒店 Visit hotels in Gui Lin9. 乐满地度假酒店 Resort hotel happily and fully10. 新凯悦酒店 New triumphant happy hotels北海酒店:1. 富丽华大酒店 Rich hotel of China2. 荔珠国际大酒店 International hotel of litch and pearl3. 石林大酒店 Stone forest hotel4. 香格里拉大饭店 Giant hotel of Shangri-la海口酒店:1. 海南华侨宾馆 Overseas Chinese in Hainan hotel2. 海口奥斯罗克大酒店 Haikou Roek hotel then3. 海南海油菜大厦 Sea rape mansion of Hainan4. 海口兴华园酒店 Revitalize garden hotels of China in Haikou5. 海口宝华海景大酒店 Seascape hotel of China of the treasure of Haikou6. 海口国际金融大酒店 Hotel of international finance of Haikou7. 海口新温泉国际大酒店New international hotel of hot spring of Haikou8. 海南华运凯莱大饭店China of Hainan transports the triumphant giant hotel of fields lying fallow in rotation9. 海口海润大酒店 Moisten the hotel in the sea of Haikou10. 海星云龙湾度假村 Dragon's gulf holiday village of starfish cloud石家庄酒店:1. 河北世纪饭店 Hotel of Hebei century2. 河北中国大酒店 Chinese hotel of Hebei3. 河北正定国豪大酒店 Hebei is booking the bold hotel of the country4. 河北人防大厦 People's air defense mansion of Hebei5. 石家庄国宾大酒店 State guest in Shijiazhuang hotel6. 石家庄世贸皇冠酒店 Imperial crown hotels of World Trade Organization of Shijiazhuang7. 石家庄中京大酒店 Hotel of Beijing in Shijiazhuang8. 金圆大厦 Round mansion of gold9. 石家庄国际大厦 International Building of Shijiazhuang10. 中京大酒店 Hotel of Beijing of China郑州酒店:1. 郑州天泉大酒店 Day spring hotel of Zhengzhou2. 龙门大酒店 Hotel of Longmen3. 巩义市宾馆 Hotel of Gongyi4. 欧亚大酒店 Hotel of Eurasia5. 中都饭店 Hotel of China6. 郑州生茂饭店 Grow the luxuriant hotel in Zhengzhou7. 河南民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Henan8. 济源雅士达酒店 The refined scholar in Jiyuan reaches hotels9. 河南民航大酒店(郑州) Hotel of civil aviation of Henan (Zhengzhou)10. 中州皇冠宾馆 Crowne Plaza Zhengzhou长沙酒店:1. 金赋大酒店 Jin composes the hotel2. 金源酒店 Hotels of gold source3. 圣得拉大酒店 So holy as to draw the hotel4. 湘汇大酒店 Gather together the hotel in Hunan5. 泰天大酒店 Hotel on safe day6. 金帝大酒店 Gold emperor's hotel7. 陋圆宾馆 Plain round hotel8. 长岛饭店 Hotel of Changdao Island9. 巨州酒店 Huge state hotels10. 麓山宾馆 Mountain hotel in the hillfoo长春酒店:1. 长春锦江花园大酒店 Garden hotel of Jin Jiang River of Changchun2. 长春吉林丽洋大酒店 Beautiful foreign hotel of Jilin of Changchun3. 长春教育宾馆 Educational hotel of Changchun4. 长春金都饭店 Money hotel of Changchun5. 交通宾馆 Traffic hotel6. 吉林亚泰饭店 Inferior safe hotel of Jilin7. 长春华侨饭店 Overseas Chinese in Changchun hotel8. 长春国际大厦酒店 Changchun International Building hotel9. 长春紫荆花饭店 Chinese redbud hotel of Changchun10. 长春国际会展中心大饭店 International giant hotel of Convention and Exhibition Center of Changchun 南京酒店:1. 斯亚花园酒店 Hotels of inferior garden then2. 侨鸿皇冠假日酒店 Live abroad in swan's imperial crown holiday inn3. 双门楼宾馆 Hotel of one pair of arches over a gate4. 巴蜀人家大酒店 Others' hotel of SiChuan5. 南京金桥饭店 Money bridge hotel of Nanjing6. 榴园宾馆 Pomegranate garden hotel7. 江苏新世纪大酒店 Hotel in the new century of Jiangsu8. 江苏大酒店 Hotel of Jiangsu9. 南京侨鸿皇冠酒店 Live abroad in swan's imperial crown hotels in Nanjing10. 南京国际会议大酒店 International conference hotel of Nanjing南昌酒店:1. 江西民航大酒店 Hotel of civil aviation of Jiangxi2. 江西锦昌大酒店 Prosperous hotel of the silk of Jiangxi3. 南昌五湖大酒店 Five lake hotels of Nanchang4. 南昌锦锋大酒店 Silk sharp point hotel of Nanchang5. 江西七星商务酒店 Business hotel of seven stars of Jiangxi6. 锦昌大酒店 Prosperous hotel of the silk7. 吉伟宾馆 Lucky big hotel8 富豪酒店 Rich and powerful people's hotels9. 新天地酒店 Hotels of new field10. 明园大酒店 Hotel of bright garden九江酒店:1. 九江星河大酒店 Milky Way hotel of Jiujiang2. 中景假期酒店 Vacation hotels of the medium shot3. 天翔商务大酒店 It circles in the air in the commercial hotel4. 九江欧迪大酒店 Europe of Jiujiang guides the hotel5. 九江宾馆 Hotel of Jiujiang6. 其士九江大酒店 Hotel of its person's Jiujiang7. 星河大酒店 Milky Way hotel沈阳酒店:1. 新世界万怡酒店 New ten thousand world happy hotels2. 鸿翔宾馆 The swan circles in the air in the hotel3. 沈阳东湖度假村 Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang4. 兰亭宾馆 Holiday village of East Lake of Shenyang5. 金碧大酒店 Hotel of blue pavilion6. 沈阳新世界大酒店 Green hotel of goldNew world hotel of Shenyang7. 沈阳皇朝万豪酒店 The emperor in Shenyang is towards Marriott Hotel8. 房地产大厦 Real estate mansion9. 世星国际饭店 Life star International Hotel10. 沈阳假日酒店 Holiday inn of Shenyang银川酒店:1. 荣源大酒店 Source hotel of the honour2. 太阳神大酒店 Sun god's hotel3. 元亨大酒店 Each hotel4. 宁夏电力大酒店 Electric hotel of Ningxia5. 虹桥大酒店 Hotel of Hongqiao6. 新华饭店 Xinhua hotel7. 长相忆宾馆 The feature recalls the hotel8. 凯达大酒店 Reach the hotel triumphantly9. 世纪大厦 Century mansion10. 宁夏青春商务酒店 Youth business hotel of Ningxia青海酒店1. 柴达木宾馆 Hotel of Qaidam2. 青海天年阁饭店 Pavilion hotel in natural span of life of Qinghai3. 青海东湖世纪大酒店 East Lake of Qinghai century hotel4. 化隆宾馆 Melt in the grand hotel5. 明珠宾馆 Pearl hotel6. 邮政宾馆 Postal hotel7. 雪山宾馆 Snow-covered mountain hotel8. 西宁化隆宾馆 Grand hotel of Xi'ning9. 鸿宇宾馆 Swan's space hotel10. 龙源宾馆 Dragon's source hotel济南酒店:1. 山东东方航空大酒店 Eastern aviation hotel of Shandong2. 金马大厦酒店 Golden Horse mansion hotel3. 济南蟠龙山大酒店 Curl in the hotel of Longshan in Jinan4. 莱钢济南大酒店 Hotel of Jinan of Laigang5. 山东大厦 Mansion of Shandong6. 济南泉景酒店 Spring scene hotels of Jinan7. 山东新闻大厦 News mansion of Shandong8. 玉泉森信大酒店 Simpson hotel of jade spring9. 济南城建宾馆 Urban construction hotel of Jinan10. 济南铁道大酒店 Railway hotel of Jinan太原酒店:1. 太航大酒店 Navigate in the hotel very much2. 太原市唐都大酒店 Tang hotel of market of Taiyuan3. 山西阳光大酒店 Sunshine hotel of Shanxi4. 晋武宾馆 Military hotel the Jin Dynasty5. 航油大酒店 Boat oil hotel6. 新纪元大酒店 Hotel in new era7. 太平洋酒店 Hotels of Pacific Ocean8. 太原湖滨饭店 Lakeside hotel of Taiyuan9. 太原田和宾馆 Field and hotel of Taiyuan10. 煤炭大厦 Coal mansion西安酒店:1. 西安五一饭店 Hotel on May Day of Xi'an2. 西安长安城堡大酒店 Castle hotel of Chang An of Xi'a3. 西安豪华美居人民大厦 Grand Mercure on Renmin Square Xi'an4. 西安建苑大厦 Build the garden mansion in Xi'an5. 西安蕾德曼酒店 Graceful hotels of Germany of flower bud of Xi'an6. 西安曲江惠宾苑宾馆 The song river in Xi'an favours guest's garden hotel7. 西安天顺大酒店 Xi'an heaven obeys the hotel8. 西安铁通商务酒店 Iron trading affair hotels of Xi'an9. 西安申鹏国际商务酒店 Explain roc's international business hotel in Xi'an10. 万年大酒店 Hotel in ten thousand years成都酒店:1. 成都峨眉山饭店 Hotel of Mount Emei of Chengdu2. 都江堰心族中旅饭店 Travel in the hotel in the heart clan of Dujiang Weir3. 成都帝殿宾馆 Hall hotel of the emperor in Chengdu4. 云龙酒店 Cloud dragon's hotels5. 锦里客栈 Inn in the silk6. 鹤翔山庄 The crane circles in the air in the mountain villa7. 寰岛鱼凫国都温泉大酒店Fish's wild duck's hotel of hot spring of national capital of extensive region island8. 彭州金瑞大酒店 Auspicious hotel of the the Peng 's money9. 京蓉宾馆 Beijing Rong hotel10. 新光华大酒店 New brilliance hotel天津酒店:1. 天津警备区鞍山道招待所 A hostel of An'shan of garrison command in Tianjin2. 天津滨江万丽酒店 Ten thousand beautiful hotels of Binjiang in Tianjin3. 开发区大地中心酒店 Hotels of the earth centre of development zone4. 天津天波大酒店 Day wave hotel of Tianjin5. 红楼大酒店 Hotel of red building6. 天津雍阳宾馆 Open hotel of the harmony of Tianjin7. 天津会宾园大酒店 Know guest's garden hotel in Tianjin8. 皇宫酒店 Hotels of imperial palace9. 天津金皇大酒店 Emperor's hotel of the money of Tianjin10. 天津憩园宾馆 Rest garden hotel of Tianjin昆明酒店:1. 云南明都大酒店 Bright hotel of Yunnan2. 昆明佳新大酒店 Good new hotel of Kunming3. 昆明经贸宾馆 Economic and trade hotel of Kunming4. 昆明中玉酒店 Jade hotels in Kunming5. 昆明樱花假日酒店 Oriental cherry holiday inn of Kunming6. 昆明万怡酒店 Ten thousand happy hotels in Kunming7. 世博花园酒店 Hotels of rich garden generation8. 昆明国际大酒店 International hotel of Kunming9. 天和大酒店 Tianhe hotel10. 昆明石林大酒店 Shiling hotel of Kunming重庆酒店:1. 锦绣大酒店 Beautiful hotel2. 太极大酒店 Taiji hotel3. 重庆渝都大酒店 Hotel of Chongqing of Chongqing4. 南海宾馆 Hotel of the South China Sea5. 讯大酒店 Space news hotel6. 重庆云篆山宾馆 Cloud seal character mountain hotel of Chongqin7. 重庆国际大饭店 International giant hotel of Chongqing8. 重庆富安大酒店 The hotel is fitted richly in Chongqing9. 香山宾馆 Hotel of Fragrant Hills10. 天鹅湖宾馆 Swan Lake hotel。
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青奥村:Youth Olympic Village
鼎业开元大酒店:Dingye New Century Hotel
中心大酒店:Central Hotel
金陵饭店:Jinling Hotel
钟山宾馆:Zhongshan Hotel
黄埔大酒店:Huangpu Hotel
御苑宾馆:Yuyuan hotel
金奥费尔蒙酒店:Fairmont Hotel
雨润涵月楼酒店:Yurun Hanyuelou Hotel
万达希尔顿酒店:Wanda Hilton Hotel
珍宝假日饭店:Zhenbao Holiday Hotel
双门楼宾馆:Shuangmenlou Hotel
方源金陵大酒店:Fangyuan Jinling Hotel
金陵晶元大酒店:Jinling Jingyuan Hotel
国际博览中心酒店:International Expo Central Hotel
金陵江滨饭店:Jinling Riverside Conference Hotel
世茂滨江希尔顿饭店:Nanjing Riverside Hilton Hotel(他的邮箱留的是nanjingriverside@...) 威斯汀大酒店:Westin Hotel
玄武饭店:Xuanwu Hotel
索菲特银河大酒店:Sofitel Galaxy Nanjing
凤凰台饭店:Jiangsu Phoenix Place Hotel
银城皇冠假日酒店:Crowne Plaza Nanjing Jiangning
苏宁银河诺富特酒店:Novotel Nanjing East Suning
阿尔卡迪亚酒店:Arcadia International Hotel
中兴和泰酒店:ZTE Hotel Nanjing
明发国际大酒店:Mingfa International Hotel
新城商务酒店:Nanjing New Town Hotel