组合式干燥机使用说明书目录安全总则 (4)使用前注意事项 (4)1 概述 (5)1.1工作原理 (5)1.2工艺流程 (5)1.3特点 (6)2 型号编制说明 (7)3 配置及安装 (7)3.1配置建议 (7)3.2安装要求 (7)3.3排水器的安装 (8)3.4配电要求及方法 (8)3.5安全使用注意事项 (8)3.6干燥机日常保养注意事项 (9)4 操作方法 (10)4.1开机前检查 (10)4.2控制面板说明 (10)4.3显示器操作说明 (12)4.4干燥机的开/停机程序 (14)5 故障原因及排除 (15)5.1全部不能运转 (15)5.2启动后不良 (16)5.3自动排水系统不良 (16)5.4运转正常,但效果不佳 (16)5.5干燥机除水情况不良 (17)5.6压力降太大 (17)5.7控制器及吸附系统 (18)技术性能保证....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
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西安厚德科技发展有限公司地址:西安市朱雀大街3号伟丰花园7-0101邮编:710061电话:86-29-85402530 85402531 85402532 85402533传真:86-29-85402536E-mail:holdtech@您关注了吗?请注意:1、安装或维修时一定要仔细阅读说明书并按要求接线,切忌产生外部短路;2、为了安全其间,维修人员必须先切断电源,才能检查输出线路,因为输出端子是带电的。
目录第一章技术条件一、功能概述二、技术指标三、控制仪型号命名第二章安装与接线一、安装二、接线第三章控制面板一、控制面板说明二、按键功能说明第四章系统环境设置一、时间控制程序图二、程序输入第五章运行与维护一、运行二、掉电保护三、通讯协议四、故障现象及其处理方法附图一:四阀结构电气接线图(三相加热)附图二:四阀结构电气接线图(单相加热)附图三:两阀结构电气接线图(三相加热)附图四:两阀结构电气接线图(单相加热)附图五:四阀结构电气接线图(直流输出三相加热) 附图六:两阀结构电气接线图(直流输出单相加热) 附图七:柜内外布局图第一章技术条件一、功能概述:HD26E2/Th1是为两阀或四阀微热再生干燥器而设计的。
XJK-XG1E.3 型微热再生吸干机控制器
设置露点仪 下限 下限参数
设置露点工 上限 作参数 下限
设置露点工作温度上限值 设置露点工作温度下限值
表 1 中的参数按次序分 6 屏分别显示。如图 2 所示。
-99 ~ 99℃ -99 ~ 99℃ -99 ~ 99℃ -99 ~ 99℃
图3 按下“=”键,重新进入设置状态,修改参数值。 2. 一级口令参数设置 z 进入一级口令显示屏 在设置状态下,先按下“=”键不放,然后再按下“△”键,则进入一级密码显示屏,屏幕显示如图 4 所示。一级口令出厂设置为 666(不可更改),按“△”或“▽”输入密码,输入完毕,按“=”确定,如密 码正确,进入一级口令参数设置屏幕,如图 5 所示。如密码错误,则进入图 2 显示屏(设置状态)。
XJK-XG1E.3 型微热再生吸干机控制器
z 可设置参数如表 2 所示
设置温度 修正
再生气 进气 露点
设置再生气温度修正值(不用) 设置进气温度修正值(不用) 设置露点温度修正值
-9 ~ 9℃ -9 ~ 9℃ -9 ~ 9℃
z 待机状态: 上电后,正常情况下,液晶显示如图 1 所示,等待启动命令。
z 运行状态: ① 本地运行:
露 点0℃ A塔 无 热 吸 附 30秒
图8 控制器控制四个电磁阀及加热器按时序图一(或时序图二)的次序工作。如图 17,表示 A 塔吸附,吸附 时间倒计时显示。第一行则显示露点温度。 ② 正常停机: 在处于运行状态时,按“启动/停止”键,主机停止工作。 z 远程控制: 将“本地/远控”开关拨至“远控”,远控状态干接点接通,本地控制不起作用。 ① 远程启动: 远控状态下,启动/停止受“远控启动”开关控制。如果加热器正常,即加热器温度没有超过加热器超 温报警值时,允许主机工作。将“远控启动”接通,主机进入运行状态。 ② 远控停机: 远控状态下,在运行状态下,将“远控启动”断开,主机停止工作。 ③ 远控运行指示: 远控运行时,“运行”指示灯闪动显示。
2、 动作时序图
EDH-4 自动压缩空气干燥器 使用说明书
The EDH–4 dehydrator addresses the need for a low volume, non-regenerating air dehydrator for automatically pressurizing small volume waveguides and coax. It is especially suited for C, X, Ku, and Ka band applications.The output pressure is 0.87 psig (59.9 mbar) with a maximum flow rate of 6.0 scfh (2.8 lpm). It is intended for use in systems smaller than 18 cubic feet (510 liters).The EDH–4 indicates pressure and status on a bright red LED display. Display parameters are user selectable in English or SI units.A cut out in the front panel allows for easy inspection of the color indicating desiccant, which begins bright orange when dry and transitions to white over time. Additionally, the dehydrator will alarm after a preset number of compressor hours to indicate that the desiccant should be inspected and possibly changed.When the time comes to change the desiccant, the front panel is easilyDESCRIPTIONopened exposing the desiccant canister and allowing for simple removal for replacement, or optionally, manual regeneration. No special tools are required.For complete information describing theETI NETCOM EDH–4 dehydrator's applications, installation, and features, or for information about ETI dehydrators for other applications—please contactCustomer Service or check on the web atnetworketi. com.DATA SHEET | PART NO. 17980 REV A.3R E V -A A I R D E H Y D R AT O RMODEL EDH-4NETCOM Automatic pressurization of systemProvides cost effective dry air at 0.87 psig (59.9 mbar)Prevents vapor, dust, and small particles from entering small systemsImproves transmission reliability by protecting against reflection Dry, clean, positive pressure extends equipment lifetime International capability:– Selectable English or SI units display– Auto-switching 100 – 240 VAC 50/60 Hz power supplyFEATURES & BENEFITS••••••Simple to install and operate Brackets supplied for rack mounting, wall mounting, and feet for shelf or bench top use Convenient front panel access for easy replacement of desiccant canisterLow energy usage Quiet•••••2DATA SHEET | PART NO. 17980 REV A.3ETI’s two year limited warranty covering defects in workmanship and materials applies. Contact Customer Service for complete warranty information.LIMITED WARRANTYETI makes no representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the contents of this publication or the products that it describes, and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. ETI reserves the right to revise this publication, and to make changes and improvements to the products described in this publication, without the obligation of ETI to notify any person or organization of such revisions, changesor improvements.DISCLAIMERThe ETI logo, Snow Switch, We Manage Heat, Sno-Test and LCD are registered trademarks of ETI. Copyright © 2013 ETI. All rights reserved.ORDER NUMBER 180212501618138DESCRIPTIONEDH–4 REV A - Small System Air Dehydrator Replacement Desiccant Canister for EDH-4 (Revision A)Replacement Desiccant, 32 ounces (0.95 liters)ORDERING INFORMATIONOPERATION Dehydrator Type Regeneration Method Regeneration Indication Outlet Dew PointOutput Pressure Flow Rate Capacity, Standard Capacity, Max Discharge portPower Requirement Supply Voltage ReliabilitySPECIFICATIONSNon-Programmable, Single Canister, Desiccant DehydratorManual Regeneration or ReplacementDesiccant Color Change and Compres- sor Run Time-40°C (New or newly regenerated desiccant)to -10°C (Desiccant requiring regenera- tion or replacement)0.1 - 0.87 psig (59.9 mbar)6.0 scfh (2.8 lpm)18 scf (510 liters)45 scf (1,274 liters)Single Port: 1/8" NPT Female (1/4" Hose Barb supplied)@120 VAC: 22 watts maximum; 8.3 watts minimum 100 – 240 VAC 50/60 Hz, Auto-select MTBF: 100,000 hoursINTERFACEAir Pressure Indication Data DisplayCommunications Port Alarm Relay Capacity Relay Connection Digital Display (English or SI)Pressure, Estimated Desiccant Capacity Remaining,Error CodesAlarm Relay2 Amp @ 30 VDC6-position terminal blockENCLOSURE Dimensions WeightMounting5.22" × 11.63" × 7.0"(133 mm × 295 mm × 178 mm)7.8 pounds (3.54 kg)19" or 13 1/2" Rack (3U space required), wall mount,shelf or table topENVIRONMENTAL Storage Temp Operating Temp-40°C to 60°C0°C to 55°C。
┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊装┊┊┊┊┊订┊┊┊┊┊线┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊┊第一章干燥技术的概述1 干燥技术的发展及趋势1.1干燥技术的发展干燥通常是指利用热能使物料中的湿分汽化,并将产生的蒸汽排出的过程,其本质为除去固相湿分,固相为被干燥的物料,气相为干燥介质。
目录安全总则 (2)1.0工作原理及流程 (3)2.0安装 (4)2.1位置 (4)2.2配管 (4)2.3电源及配线 (4)3.0运行 (5)3.1冷冻部分 (5)3.2吸附部分 (7)3.3电器及控制部分 (7)4.0维护 (9)4.1冷冻部分 (9)4.2吸附部分 (10)5.0常见故障及处理方法 (12)5.1冷冻部分 (12)5.2吸附部分 (14)安全总则◆组合式干燥器是带有压力容器的设备,工作压力必须在铭牌上标明的工作压力范围之内。
1.0 工作原理及流程组合式干燥器是合理的将冷冻干燥器和吸附干燥器结合在一起,通过冷干器处理后的压缩空气,压力露点在5℃左右,含水量相当少约5.6 g/m3,温度比进口温度低约10℃,此时进吸附干燥器继续进行深层吸附。
2.0 安装2.1位置1.组合式干燥器应安装在环境温度为2~40℃,四周通风良好、空气洁净的建筑物内。
当室内通风条件不良时,需在机房内安装换气排风设备;2.组合式干燥器与空压机之间应保持一定距离,以防止空压机产生的振动影响组合式压缩空气干燥器的正常运行;3.组合式干燥器应水平安装在平整的水泥地面上; 4.组合式干燥器在压缩空气系统中的布置可参考下图固体尘<μ1m≤./01P P M w w 残余含油量固体尘<μ2m ≤ /P P M w w2残余含油量组合式干燥器2.2 配管1. 注意压缩空气接入口和出口的接口位置是否正确;2. 组合式干燥器串接在气源系统中,最好在空气入口和出口之间并联旁路管道,中间设截止阀以供调试、维修时使用;3. 管径配置不要太小,尽量减少管路弯头,选用全开型阀门等,皆可减少压降,避免引起大的压降;4. 管道安装完毕后,最好能通入压缩空气,检查空气管道、法兰接口和排水器有无空气泄漏,若有泄漏,及时排除故障; 2.3 电源及配线1.应按铭牌上标定之电压、相数、容量配置电源,电源线勿使用太细; 2.电压波动范围不得超过额定电压的10%,其值如下:220V 时,电压的范围208-230V ; 380V 时,电压的范围342-418V 。
CONTINUOUS BATCH PASS-THROUGH DRYES STURDY AND EFFICIENTThe ST-100 dryer has the patented SPIROTILT-GIRBAU a revolutionary system which optimizes the drying process and facilitates the unloading of the laundry.With the slight drum inclination of only 2.5° and the incorporations of inclined blades, ensure the best drying process along withthe best unloading system.During the drying process, the dryer drum rotates on an incline ina clockwise direction. Blades inside the drum force laundry at theback of the cylinder toward the front (fig.1), achieving proper loadseparation and even airflow through the load. The load is balancedalong the length of the drum resulting in unmatched drying. Spirotiltdoes not use gaskets to facilitate the drying process.Fig. 1Fig. 2INCLINED DRUM GIRBAU ST-100 DRYERDuring the unloading process, the dryer drum rotates counterclockwise on the same incline. The incline of the drum works with the interior drum blades to move the load toward the bottom of the cylinder for automated unloading, with the fan stopped and without tilting (fig.2).Other manufacturersThe GIRBAU ST-100 batch dryer is available in three heating versions:Steam heating and hot oil heating:The steam or hot oil systems of the ST-100 ensure high output and excellent efficiency. Their cleaning is simple and easy with very low maintenance.Gas heating:The experience of GIRBAU in gas heated machines has been applied to this version of the ST-100 dryer to optimise its output to the utmost.The burner system designed by GIRBAU assures a high degree of efficiency. Thanks to its modulating system, the flameself-adjusts to the appropriate heating demand, which makes the energy consumption cost-effective and makes the best advantage of the possibilities of gas.It includes cool-down and thermostatic control of the drying temperature. In addition, it has a process thermostat and one for maximum safety.It incorporates an anti-fire water sprinkler (optional in steam and hot oil heating) which will prevent the spread of llames in the hypothetical case of a fire being produced.Dryer-Separator:The ST-100D separator is a dryer (without heating system or fan) which does the separating functions of the laundry after exiting a batch washer, in a truly low time.HEATING SYSTEMSGREAT VERSATILITYA WIDE RANGE OF OPTIONSAUTOMATIC FILTER CLEANINGThe ST-100 batch dryer has an effective automatic cleaning system of thelint filter. The periodic cleaning of the filter is one of the keys in maintainingthe high output of the dryer.When it detects that the filter is saturated, after finishing the unloadingcycle (without interrupting any drying process), the automatic filtercleaning process is activated, removing the fibre to the exterior.THERMOSTATIC SPRINKLERA thermostatic safety sprinkler acts when temperature surpasses the260ºC / 500ºF limit, spraying water in the dryer interior. Before thesprinkler starts, two safety thermostats proceed to stop the machine anddisconnect the electrical feed.TEFLON COVERING OF THE DRUM INTERIORThe Teflon covering of the drum interior avoids that any plastic materialsmixed in with the laundry adhere to the drum as a result of the hightemperature.COOL-DOWN CYCLE AND TEMPERATURE CONTROLIn the steam and hot oil heating versions, the cool-down is optional.The opening of a large flap introduces air from the exterior to cool thelaundry.The control of the drying temperature (optional in the steam and hot oilversions) is complemented with the previous option. The opening andclosing movements of the flap are regulated by thermostat.PEDESTALS ACCORDING TO THE HEIGHT NECESSARYThe ST-100 dryer has five pedestal versions with different heights to assurethe best adaptation to the installation space. The tallest height makes thebest use of the unloading process.Automatic filter cleaningBATCH WASHING SYSTEMGirbau has a full range of products for configuring the Washing System that best matches your needs.Different batch washers, depending on production needs and types of linen, and a full range of dryers together with the SPR-50press, make up the Girbau washing system.ST-100 DRYERGIRBAU ST-I00 dryer incorporates a suction loading system, which permits the machine to function in a totally independent manner. Once the linen is loaded, the drying program selected should be validated. When the dryer is prepared, admit the pre-loaded laundry which proceeds to its drying. To finish the drying cycle, the laundry is unloaded automatically into the cart previously located at its unloading point. A microprocessor control with an integrated keyboard allows the selecting and configuring of 16 drying programs.The ST-100 with suction loading system is able to integrate in an installation with the TBS BATCH WASHER SYSTEM.Suction loadingP00823 12/16 ST-100 BATCH PASS-TROUGH DRYERGIRBAU S.A. reserves the right to change specifications without noticeSee videoHEADQUARTERSGIRBAU, S.A. Ctra de Manlleu, km. 1 - 08500 Vic (Barcelona) Spain - T el.(+34)938862219-Fax(+34)**************************BRANCHESArgentina - Buenos Aires -T el.+****************************************.arAustralia - Sydney - T el.+****************************.auBrazil - Sao Paulo - T el.+***************************************.brCancún (Mex.) - T el.(+52)******************************************China - Shenzhen & Hong Kong - T el.+86-755-82111330–***************.cnCuba - La Habana - T el.(+53-7)****************************.cuDominican Rep. - Punta Cana - T el.+***************************************France - Roissy (Paris) - T el.+**********************************Germany - Ratingen - T el.+**************************************Italy - Marcon (VE) - T el.+*********************************Portugal - Porto - T el.+*************************************U.A.E. - Dubai - T el.+****************************U.K. - Hitchin - T el.+44(0)**************************.ukU.S.A. - Oshkosh, Wi & Los Angeles, Ca - T el.+1(920)**********************************。
123456Emptying condensationEmpty container after each drying operation!1.Pull out condensate container keeping it horizontal.2.Pour out condensation.3.Always push container in fully until it clicks into place.If Í (Container) flashes in the display panel a What to do if..., Page 10.Cleaning the fluff filterClean the fluff filter after each drying operation.1.Open the door, remove fluff from door/door area.2.Pull out and fold open the fluff filter.3.Remove the fluff (by wiping the filter with your hand).If the fluff filter is very dirty or blocked, rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.4.Close and reinsert the fluff filter.Switching off the dryerTurn the programme selector to Off .Do not leave laundry in the dryer.Removing the laundryThe automatic anti-crease function causes the drum to move at specific intervals, the washing remains loose and fluffy for an hour (two hours if the additional S Reduced Ironing function is also selected-depending on model ).... and adapt to individual requirementsNever start the dryer if it is damaged!Inform your after-sales service.Inspecting thedryer Sorting and loading laundryRemove all items from pockets.Check for cigarette lighters.The drum must be empty prior to loading.See programme overview on page 7.See also separate instructions for “Woollens basket” (depending on model)Your new dryerCongratulations - You have chosen a modern, high-quality Bosch Intended usePreparing for installation, see Page 8Selecting and adjusting the programmeDryingCondensate container Control panelʋfor domestic use only,ʋonly to be used for drying fabrics that have beenwashed with water.Keep children younger than 3 years old away from the dryer.Do not let children make the cleaning andmaintenance work on the dryer without supervision.Do not leave children unsupervised near the dryer.Keep pets away from the dryer.The dryer can be operated by children 8 years old and older, by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities and by persons with insufficient experience or knowledge if they are supervised or have been instructed in its use by a responsible adult.This appliance is intended for use up to a maximum height of 4000 metres above sea level.Select the drying programme ...123Make sure your hands are dry. Hold the plug only.Connecting themains plugDryingInformation on laundry ...Labelling of fabricsFollow the manufacturer's care information.(c Drying at normal temperature.'c Drying at low temperature a also select V (Low Heat).)c Do not machine dry.Observe safety instructions without fail a Page 11!Do not tumble-dry the following fabrics for example:–Impermeable fabrics (e.g. rubber-coated fabrics).–Delicate materials (silk or curtains made from synthetic material) a they may crease.–Laundry contaminated with oil.Drying tips–To ensure a consistent result, sort the laundry by fabric type and drying programme.–Always dry very small items (e.g. baby socks) together with large items of laundry (e.g. hand towel).–Close zips, hooks and eyelets, and button up covers. Tie fabric belts, apron strings, etc. together.–Do not over-dry easy-care laundry a risk of creasing! Allow laundry to finish drying in the air.–Do not dry woolens in the dryer, only use to freshen them up a Page 7, Woollens finish Programme (depending on model).–Do not iron laundry immediately after drying, fold items up and leave for a while a the remaining moisture will then be distributed evenly.–The drying result depends on the type of water used during washing. a Fine adjustment of the drying result a Page 5/6.–Machine-knitted fabrics (e.g. T-shirts or jerseys) often shrink the first time they are dried a do not use the Extra Dry programme.–Starched laundry is not always suitable for dryers a starch leaves behind a coating that adversely affects the drying operation.–Use the correct dosage of fabric softener as per the manufacturer's instructions when washing the laundry to be dried.–Use the timer programme for small loads a this improves the drying result.Environmental protection / Energy-saving tips–Before drying, spin the laundry thoroughly in the washing machine a the higher the spin speed the shorter the drying time will be (consumes less energy), also spin easy-care laundry.–Put in, but do not exceed, the maximum recommended quantity of laundry a programme overview a Page 7.–Make sure the room is well ventilated during drying.–Do not obstruct or seal up the air inlet.–Keep the air cooler clean a Page 6 “Care and cleaning”.Fine adjustment of the drying resultAdjustment of the levels of dryness1 x to the rightPress and hold V (Low Heat) and turn 5 x to the rightPress V (Low Heat) until the required level is reached Turn to OffTurn toOff DrumAll buttons are sensitive and only need to be touched lightly.Only operate the dryer with the fluff filter inserted!Air inletFluff filterDrum interior light (depending on model)Maintenance flapProgramme end once lights up in the display. Interrupt programme removing or adding laundry.The drying cycle can be interrupted for a brief period so that laundry may be added or removed. The programme selected must then be resumed and completed.Never switch the dryer off before the drying process has ended.Drum and door may be hot!1.Open door, the drying process is interrupted.2.Load or remove laundry and close door.3.If required, select a new programme and additional functions.4.Press the (Start /Stop) button.Programme selectorDisplay panelService indicatorsÍ (Container)n (Clean) Clean the fluff filter and/or air cooler under running water. a Page 4/6.Fineadjustment of the drying resultThe drying result (e.g. Cupboard Dry) can be adjusted over three levels (1 - max. 3) and Super 40’ programmespresetting = 0. After one of these programmes has been finely adjusted, the setting is retained for the others. Further information a Page 5/6.0, 1, 2, 3 Fine adjustment of the drying resultCare and cleaningDryer housing, control panel, air cooler, moisture sensors–Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.–Do not use harsh cleaning agents and solvents.–Remove detergent and cleaning agent residue immediately.Clean the protective filter 5 - 6 times a yearor if n (Clean) flashes after cleaning the fluff filter.Air cooler / Protective filterWhen cleaning, only remove the protective filter. Clean the air cooler behind the protective filter once a year.–Allow the dryer to cool.–Residual water may leak out, so place an absorbent towel underneath the maintenance door.1.Unlock the maintenance door.2.Open the maintenance door fully.3.Turn both locking levers towards each another.4.Pull out the protective filter/air cooler.Do not damage the protective filter or air cooler.Clean with warm water only. Do not use any hard or sharp-edged objects.5.Clean the protective filter/air cooler thoroughly,Allow to drip dry.6.Clean the seals.7.Re-insert the protective filter/air cooler,with the handle facing down.8.Turn back both locking levers.9.Close the maintenance door until the lock clicks into place.Moisture sensorsThe dryer is fitted with stainless steel moisture sensors. The sensors measure the level of moisture in the laundry. After a long period of operation, a fine layer of limescale may form on the sensors.1.Open the door and clean the moisture sensors with a damp spongewhich has a rough surface.Do not use steel wool or abrasive materials.Drying , Iron Dry , Cupboard Dry , Anti-Crease/End are displayed in sequence.Short signal when changing from level 3 to 0, otherwise long signal.Only when switched off!Press the (Start/Stop) button*f o r L C o t t o n s a n d I E as y -C a r e p r o g r a m m e s o n l y .**D r y n e s s l e v e l s c a n b e s e l e c t e d i n d i v i d u a l l y a E x t r a D r y , +c C u p b o a r d D r y a n d | I r o n D r y (d e p e n d i n g o n t h e m o d e l ).D e g r e e o f d r y n e s s c a n b e f i n e l y a d j u s t e d ; m u l t i -l a y e r e d t ex t i l e s r e q u i r e a l o n g e r d r y i n g t i m e t h a n s i n g l e -l a y e r e d i t e m s o f c l o t h i n g . R e c o m m e n d a t i o n : D r y s e p a r a t e l y .Page 11.Connect to an AC earthed socket. If in doubt have the socket checked by an expert.The mains voltage and the voltage shown on the rating plate (a Page 9) must correspond.The connected load and necessary fuse protection are specified on the rating plate.Note the fuse protection of the socket.Make sure that the air inlet remains unobstructedClean and level press and hold selection then turn 3 x to the rightturn to Offsetamperageoff flashesDo not operate the dryer if there is a danger of frost.en Instruction manualDryerWTE84102ME12Remove all items from pockets.Check for cigarette lighters.The drum must be empty prior to loading.See programme overview on page 7.See also separate instructions for “Woollens ba (depending on model)domestic appliance.The condensation dryer is distinguished by its economical energy consumption.Every dryer which leaves our factory is carefully checked to ensure that it functions correctly and is in perfect condition.Should you have any questions, our after-sales service will be pleased to help.Disposal in an environmentally-responsible manner This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU concerning used electrical and electronic appliances (waste electrical and electronic equipment - WEEE). The guideline determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the EU.For further information about our products, accessories, spare parts and services, please visit: All buttons are need to be touProgramme selector34Emptying condensationEmpty container after each drying operation!1.Pull out condensate container keeping it horizontal.2.Pour out condensation.3.Always push container in fully until it clicks into place.If Í (Container) flashes in the display panel a What to do if..., Page 10.Cleaning the fluff filterClean the fluff filter after each drying operation.1.Open the door, remove fluff from door/door area.2.Pull out and fold open the fluff filter.3.Remove the fluff (by wiping the filter with your hand).If the fluff filter is very dirty or blocked, rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.4.Close and reinsert the fluff filter.Switching off the dryerTurn the programme selector to Off .Do not leave laundry in the dryer.Removing the laundryThe automatic anti-crease function causes the drum to move at specific intervals, the washing remains loose and fluffy for an hour (two hours if the additional S Reduced Ironing function is also selected-depending on model ).idual requirementsspecting thedryeroading laundryasket”he programmeDryingCondensate container Control paneldrying programme ...123nnecting the mains plugDryingDrume sensitive and only uched lightly.the dryer with nserted!Air inletFluff filterDrum interior light (depending on model)Maintenance flapProgramme end once lights up in the display. Interrupt programme removing or adding laundry.The drying cycle can be interrupted for a brief period so that laundry may be added or removed. The programme selected must then be resumed and completed.Never switch the dryer off before the drying process has ended.Drum and door may be hot!1.Open door, the drying process is interrupted.2.Load or remove laundry and close door.(Start/Stop) buttonInformation on laundry ...Labelling of fabricsFollow the manufacturer's care information.(c Drying at normal temperature.'c Drying at low temperature a also select V(Low Heat).)c Do not machine dry.Observe safety instructions without fail a Page 11!Do not tumble-dry the following fabrics for example:–Impermeable fabrics (e.g. rubber-coated fabrics).–Delicate materials (silk or curtains made from synthetic material) a they may crease.–Laundry contaminated with oil.Drying tips–To ensure a consistent result, sort the laundry by fabric type and drying programme.–Always dry very small items (e.g. baby socks) together with large items of laundry(e.g. hand towel).–Close zips, hooks and eyelets, and button up covers. Tie fabric belts, apron strings, etc.together.–Do not over-dry easy-care laundry a risk of creasing! Allow laundry to finish drying inthe air.–Do not dry woolens in the dryer, only use to freshen them up a Page 7, Woollens finish Programme (depending on model).–Do not iron laundry immediately after drying, fold items up and leave for a whilea the remaining moisture will then be distributed evenly.–The drying result depends on the type of water used during washing. a Fine adjustment of the drying result a Page 5/6.–Machine-knitted fabrics (e.g. T-shirts or jerseys) often shrink the first time they are drieda do not use the Extra Dry programme.–Starched laundry is not always suitable for dryers a starch leaves behind a coating that adversely affects the drying operation.–Use the correct dosage of fabric softener as per the manufacturer's instructions whenwashing the laundry to be dried.–Use the timer programme for small loads a this improves the drying result.Environmental protection / Energy-saving tips–Before drying, spin the laundry thoroughly in the washing machine a the higher the spin speed the shorter the drying time will be (consumes less energy), also spin easy-carelaundry.–Put in, but do not exceed, the maximum recommended quantity of laundry a programme overview a Page 7.–Make sure the room is well ventilated during drying.–Do not obstruct or seal up the air inlet.–Keep the air cooler clean a Page 6 “Care and cleaning”.Fine adjustment of the drying resultAdjustment of the levels of dryness1 x to the right Press and hold V(Low Heat)and turn 5 x to the right Press V(Low Heat) until the required level is reachedTurn to Off Turn toOffFine adjustment of the drying resultCare and cleaningDryer housing, control panel, air cooler, moisture sensors–Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.–Do not use harsh cleaning agents and solvents.–Remove detergent and cleaning agent residue immediately.Clean the protective filter 5 - 6 times a yearor if n(Clean) flashes after cleaning the fluff filter.Air cooler / Protective filterWhen cleaning, only remove the protective filter. Clean the air coolerbehind the protective filter once a year.–Allow the dryer to cool.–Residual water may leak out, so place an absorbent towelunderneath the maintenance door.1.Unlock the maintenance door.2.Open the maintenance door fully.3.Turn both locking levers towards each another.4.Pull out the protective filter/air cooler.Do not damage the protective filter or air cooler.Clean with warm water only. Do not use any hard or sharp-edgedobjects.5.Clean the protective filter/air cooler thoroughly,Allow to drip dry.6.Clean the seals.7.Re-insert the protective filter/air cooler,with the handle facing down.8.Turn back both locking levers.9.Close the maintenance door until the lock clicks into place.Moisture sensorsThe dryer is fitted with stainless steel moisture sensors. The sensorsmeasure the level of moisture in the laundry. After a long period ofoperation, a fine layer of limescale may form on the sensors.1.Open the door and clean the moisture sensors with a damp spongewhich has a rough surface.Do not use steel wool or abrasive materials.Drying, Iron Dry, Cupboard Dry, Anti-Crease/Endare displayed in sequence.Short signal when changing from level 3 to 0,otherwise long signal.Only when switched off!56*f o r L C o t t o n s a n d I E a s y -C a r e p r o g r a m m e s o n l y .**D r y n e s s l e v e l s c a n b e s e l e c t e d i n d i v i d u a l l y a E x t r a D r y , +c C u p b o a r d D r y a n d | I r o n D r y (d e p e n d i n g o n t h e m o d e l ).D e g r e e o f d r y n e s s c a n b e f i n e l y a d j u s t e d ; m u l t i -l a y e r e d t e x t i l e s r e q u i r e a l o n g e r d r y i n g t i m e t h a n s i n g l e -l a y e r e d i t e m s o f c l o t h i n g . R e c o m m e n d a t i o n : D r y s e p a r a t e l y .Page 11.Connect to an AC earthed socket. If in doubt have the socket checked by an expert.The mains voltage and the voltage shown on the rating plate (a Page 9) must correspond.The connected load and necessary fuse protection are specified on the rating plate.Note the fuse protection of the socket.Make sure that the air inlet remains unobstructedClean and level press and hold selection then turn 3 x to the rightturn to Offsetamperageoff flashesDo not operate the dryer if there is a danger of frost.en Instruction manualDryerWTE84102ME。
日常维护要点:Daily maintenance:1.新设备投入运行一个月后,应检查并填补一次吸附剂,视实际情况(6-12月)全部更换吸附剂。
The absorbent should be checked and added after one month operation of the new equipment. The absorbent should be completely changed after 6-12 months, depending on the actual situation of the equipment.2.定期清洗、吹扫电磁切换阀,并检查阀门运动情况。
The electro-magnetic switch should be regularly cleaned, and the valve should be checked.3.前置过滤器上的自动排水器应定期清洗,确保滤筒体内不积液体。
To make sure that liquid will not be trapped in the cylinder, the automatic water drainer on the pre-filter should be regularly cleaned.4.前置过滤器滤芯寿命为8000H,到时(或滤芯压力降达0.07MPa时)就更换滤芯。
The life time of the core of the pre-filter is 8000 hours, the core should be changed after 8000 hours (or when the pressure drop reaches 0.07MPa).5.定期检查管线接头、法兰、阀门有无泄气现象。
Regularly check the joints, flange and valves for leakage.6.干燥器停用期间,请半闭好所有阀门,防止泄漏,以免吸附剂受潮。
SLAD系列操作使用说明书目录1.组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机原理 (2)2.组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机零部件图解 (3)3.设备安装注意事项 (5)4.电子排水器的安装和使用 (7)5.SLAD系列组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机操作方法 (8)6.组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机的常规控制仪表板说明 (9)7.组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机的吸干机部分参数设置说明 (10)8.组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机的启动过程 (11)9.组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机的停机过程 (11)10.组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机的保养要求 (12)11.组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机的典型故障分析和处理 (15)组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机工艺流程组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机配置流程组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机吸干机部分主要零部件图解组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机冷干机部分主要零部件图解设备安装注意事项一、组合式低露点压缩空气干燥机安装标准要求:无须安装地脚螺栓,但要求基础水平坚固,并要顾及排水系统的高度和设置排水地沟。
Becker FD系列空气干燥器产品说明书
Refrigerant airdryersFD series (6-4000 l/s, 13-8480 cfm)Why dry your compressed air?Compressed air is used in a wide variety of industrialapplications. Wherever it is used, compressed air must be clean and dry. Containing solid, liquid and gaseous contaminants, untreated compressed air poses a substantial risk as it can damage your air system and end product. Moisture, one ofthe main components of untreated air can cause corrosion inpipe work, premature failure of pneumatic equipment, productspoilage and more. An air dryer is therefore essential to protectyour systems and processes.Limit the risks of moistureWhen the air that surrounds us is compressed, its watervapor and particle concentration increases dramatically.For example, compressing ambient room air to 7 bar(e)/100 psig increases the vapor content or humidity by a factorof around 8, and subsequent cooling forms liquid water.The amount of water depends on the specific application.Compressed air can actually contain three forms of water:liquid water, aerosol (mist) and vapor (gas). An efficient meansof removing water from compressed air is therefore vital.Moisture in the air can be particularly problematic, causing:• Corrosion of compressed air piping.• Damages & malfunction of air powered equipment.• Compressed air leakages due to corroded pipes.• Poor paint quality, deterioration of electrostatic painting processes.• Deteriorated end product quality.Protecting your reputationand productionRemoving moisture from compressed air with a dewpointas low as +3°C/+37.4°F, FD refrigerant dryers provide the clean, dry air you need to expand the life of your equipment and ensure the quality of your end product.Keeping your production upand runningFD dryers are designed in-house, tested using the most stringent methods (at ambient temperatures up to 50°C/122°F) and manufactured on a very advanced production line.FD dryers meet or exceed the international standardsfor compressed air purity and are tested according toISO 7183:2007.Driving down energy costsOur FD dryers incorporate a range of energy-saving features that will cut your carbon footprint and reduce costs. Incorporating unique heat exchanger technology and Saver Cycle Control, the FD ensures a low pressure drop of typically below 0.2 bar/2.9 psi and minimal energy consumption.The integrated Variable Speed Drive (VSD) technology offers extra energy savings by automatically tuning the energy input to the precise demand.Easy installation and long maintenance intervalsFD dryers have a small footprint thanks to an innovativeall-in-one design. Delivered ready for use, installation is straightforward, minimizing costly production downtime.FD dryers come as all-in-one packages including an electronic no-loss drain and spin-on DD/PD filters (optional).Low environmental impactFully compliant with ISO 14001 standards and Montreal Protocol regulations, FD dryers use CFC-free refrigerants (R134A, R410A, R404A) to prevent any damage to the earth’s ozone layer.FD dryers have an ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero and are enclosed in a sound suppression canopy to reduce the noise levels, making FD dryers among the most environmentallyfriendly and quietest in their class.How does the FD dryer work?A refrigerant dryer uses a refrigerant circuit and heat exchanger(s) to pre-cool air, refrigerate it to condense out moisture vapor, and then re-heat the air to prevent pipe sweating downstream. Refrigerant dryers canlead to a pressure dewpoint (PDP) as low as+3°C/+37.4°F for many applications where there is a need for dryair.They can be used at different pressures and consume no processed compressed air.Air circuit1 Air-to-air heat exchanger: Incoming air is cooled down by the outgoing dry cold air2Air-to-refrigerant heat exchanger: T he air is cooled to the required dewpoint by the refrigerant circuit. T he water vapor condenses into water droplets 3Integrated water separator: T he moisture is collected and evacuated by the electronic drainRefrigerant circuitThe refrigerant removes the heat from the compressed air and cools down to the desired dewpoint.4 Refrigerant compressor: Compresses the gaseous refrigerant to a higher pressure5 Regulation device: T he hot gas bypass valve regulates the dryer to prevent freezing at lower load conditions6 Refrigerant condenser: Cools the refrigerant so that it changes from a gas to a liquid7 Refrigerant filter: Protects the expansion device from harmful particles8 Thermostatic expansion valve: T he expansion process reduces the pressure and cools the refrigerant further 9Liquid separator: Ensures that only refrigerant gas enters the compressorT gasAtlas Copco’s FD refrigerant dryersBased on years of experience in the industry, we have chosen to incorporate direct expansion technologywith cycling, non-cycling and Variable Speed variants in its range.Direct expansion dryers without Saver Cycle Control (non-cycling)• Applications: stable dewpoint, full load applications.• Key advantage: fixed speed dryers run continuously to ensure a stable dewpoint by design (irrespective of varying load conditions).• Range: FD 5-1010.Direct expansion dryers with Saver Cycle Control (cycling)• Applications: varying temperatures, varying flows.• Key advantage: cycling dryers shut down the refrigerantcompressor at lower load conditions which leads to significant energy savings.• Range: FD 5-1010.Variable speed dryers(VSD = Variable Speed Drive)• Applications: varying temperatures, varying flows.• Key advantage: VSD dryers match the energy consumed to the actual compressed air used. T his ensures supremeenergy savings as well as a stable dewpoint across the whole spectrum of temperature and flow.• FD 760-4000 VSD.Direct energy costsDirect energy costs are related to the power that the dryer consumes.Atlas Copco's FD dryers incorporate a variety of state-of-the-art technologies such as Saver Cycle Control and Variable Speed Drive. T hese features result in further savings on energy costs, depending on your air consumption profile.Saver Cycle ControlTo help you save energy, Atlas Copco FD dryers are able to adapt their working cycle to the real load by continuously monitoring and comparing the ambient temperature and the pressure dewpoint. When there is less heat load, the refrigerant compressor stops and power consumption is significantly reduced.Variable Speed Drive (VSD)The VSD controller incorporated in certain FD refrigerant dryers matches the energy consumed to the actual compressed air used. T his significantly reduces energy consumption – by as much as 70% compared to conventional dryers.It works by varying the speed of the compressor and ensuring a stable dewpoint. In this way the speed of the refrigeration compressor can be matched to inlet conditions, resulting in lower energy consumption at reduced loads.Flow switchIf the compressor is unloaded for some time, the flow switch shuts down the refrigerant compressor automatically, typically after ten minutes, saving energy.Lifecycle cost Direct energy costsInvestmentIndirect energy costsMaintenanceInstallationOptimum performance and safety in all conditions• Hot gas bypass valve prevents freezing at lower loads.• R134A piston compressor with high coefficient of performance (FD 5-50) or extremely reliable R410A rotary compressor (FD 60-285) provide the best performance for each size while having minimum environmental impact. Capillary tubes cope with all conditions – no moving parts for extra reliability.• FD 120-285 also offer condenser with louvered fin technology for improved performance in dusty environments.Electronic no-loss condensate drain• Level sensor senses the level of the condensate and opens the drain, preventing any loss of compressed air when condensate is drained.• Equipped with backup manual drain as standard and drain alarm (FD 120-285).High-efficiency heat exchangerCounter-flow compact brazed plate (FD 5-50) or aluminum (FD 60-285) heat exchanger, with air-to-air side for optimum cooling efficiency.* T he type of controller may varydepending on the model.Robust and compact design• Forklift opening for easy transport.• Easily removed front and side panels for full access.• Optional: IP54, oil-coalescing filters (with pressure drop monitoring for FD 120-285)Advanced control and monitoring system• The controller displays the pressure dewpoint (PDP) and relative humidity.• Setting allows dryer to cycle or not (Saver Cycle Control algorithm) and restart or not after power failure. • Remote alarm and start/stop control through voltage-free contact.• The controller offers additional features such as energy-saving flow switch algorithm, alarm history, standard remote visualization (Ethernet plug) and communication extension possibility (FD 120-4000).Fan switchReduces energy consumption and optimizes the pressure dewpoint at very low temperatures.Incoming wet airOutgoing dry airElectronic no-loss condensate drainLevel sensor senses the level of the condensate and opens the drain, preventing any loss of compressed air when condensate is drained, which is the case with timer-based drains.High-efficiency heat exchanger• Counter-flow on both air-to-air and air-to-refrigerant sides for efficient heat transfer. As the outgoing air is reheated, it protects the outlet piping against pipe sweating.• Unlike some other dryer designs, a separate pre-filter is not required. This results in a low pressure drop. T he design ensures a smooth air flow which makes the dryer less sensitive to contamination.Integrated water separator• Low velocity condensateseparator with high separation efficiency even in low flow conditions.• Reliable and effectivecondensate evacuation from the separation chamber viathe no-loss condensate drain.Hot gas bypass valvePrevents freezing at lower loads.FiltersFor processes requiring higherlevels of filtration, Atlas Copcooffers integrated DD and PDfilters (optional on FD 310-510).User-friendly state-of-the-artElektronikon® controller• Monitoring of all parameters to ensure maximumreliability for your installation.• Fitted inside a real IP54 cubicle for easy cablingand safety.* T he type of controller may vary depending on the model.Internet-based visualization*The Elektronikon ® system monitors and displays key parameters such as dewpoint and inlet temperature, etc. Internet-based visualization of your dryer is possible byusing a simple Ethernet connection.SMART LINK*: Data Monitoring Program• A remote monitoring system that helps you optimize your compressed air system and save you energy and cost.• It offers you a complete insight in your compressed air network and anticipates on potential problems by warning you up-front.* Please contact your local sales representative for more information.A step ahead inmonitoring and controlsAtlas Copco's Elektronikon ® controls and monitors your FD refrigerant dryers to ensure optimal productivity and efficiency at your site.User-friendly interfaceAvailable in 32 languages, this graphical 3.5-inch high-definition color display with pictograms and LED indicators for key events is easy to use.The keyboard is durable to resist tough treatment in demanding environments.Comprehensive maintenance displayValuable items of information displayed include the ServicePlan indicator and preventive maintenance warnings.Optimize your systemWith the FD, Atlas Copco provides an all-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technologyin a built-to-last design. T o further optimize your FD’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific production environment, optional features are available.Scope of supplyAvoid risk of corrosion and system leaks, and ensure the effective safe disposal of untreated condensate – all within ISO 14001 standards.Refrigerant content- : Not available : Standard• : Optional(1) FD 5-50: spin-on filters - FD 60-95: integrated filters(2) Integrated filters(3) Spin-on filters(4) Except FD 610(1) 20 bar(g)/290 psi(g) variant availableReference conditions:Performance data per ISO 7183:2007• Ambient temperature: 25°C, 77°F• Inlet compressed air temperature: 35°C, 95°F • Inlet pressure: 7 bar(e)/102 psigRefrigerant types:FD 5-95: R134AFD 120-1010: R410A FD 4000 VSD: R404A(1) 20 bar(g)/290 psi(g) variant available Reference conditions:• Ambient temperature: 38°C, 100°F• Inlet compressed air temperature: 38°C, 100°F • Inlet pressure: 7 bar(e)/102 psig Refrigerant types: FD 5-95: R134AFD 120-1010: R410A FD 4000 VSD: R404ACOMMITTED TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTIVITY2935 0582 12 © 2017, A t l a s C o p c o , B e l g i u m . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . D e s i g n s a n d s p e c i fi c a t i We stand by our responsibilities towards our customers, towards the environment and the people around us. We make performance stand the test of time. T his is what we call – Sustainable Productivity.。
Franke 手动干燥器 ARTW410 使用说明书
Montage- und Betriebsanleitung Mounting instruction and ManualEA-Nr.: 7612210050411 - ARTW410((268x230x177 mm) H än detrock n erHand DryerALGSarl BFIX GroupeRésidence Chaabani, Val d‘Hydra 16000 Alger / Algeria t: +213-(0)21 60 13 60e:***********************AUTFranke GmbHOberer Achdamm 526971 Hard / Austria t: +43-(0)5574-6735-0e:*********************BELFranke N.V.Ring 10, PB 1179400 Ninove / Belgium t: +32-(0)54-310130e:*********************CANFranke Kindred Canada Limited 1000 Franke Kindred RoadL4R 4K9 Midland, Ontario / Canada t: +1-705-526-5427e:*********************CZEFranke s.r.o.Kolbenova 1719000 Praha 9 / Czech Republic t: +420-281-090-429e:*********************EGYFranke Kitchen Systems Egypt S.A.E. 1st Industrial Zone6th October City, Cairo / Egypt t: +20-(0)2-828-0000e:*********************ESPFranke WS IberiaAvda. Puente Cultural, 10, 1º- 6San Sebastian de los Reyes, 28703 Madrid t: +34-(0)91-659-3197e:*********************FIN / SWE / NOR / DEN Franke Finland Oy Vartiokuja 176850 Naarajaervi / Finland t: +358-(0)15-3411-1e:*********************FRAFranke GmbHOberer Achdamm 526971 Hard / Austriche t: 0800 909 216e:*********************GBR / IRLFranke Sissons Ltd.Carrwood Road, SheepbridgeChesterfield S41 9QB / United Kingdom t: +44-(0)1246-450-255e:*********************GERFranke Aquarotter GmbH Parkstrasse 1 - 514974 Ludwigsfelde / Germany t: +49-(0)3378-818-0e:*********************GEOFranke Caucasus Ltd.7, Agladze StreetTbilisi, 0154 / Georgia t: +995-(0)32-351672e:******************GREG Style S.A.119, Kifissias Ave.GR-151 24 Maroussi, Athens / Greece t: +30 210 614 1196e:***************HUNFranke GmbHOberer Achdamm 526971 Hard / Austria t: +36-(0)1-313-84-84e:*********************ITAFranke GmbHOberer Achdamm 526971 Hard / Austria t: 800-789233e:*********************NEDFranke N.V.Ring 10, PB 1179400 Ninove / Belgium t: +31-(0)88-0027-368e:*********************POLFranke Polska Sp. z o.o.Aleja Krakowska 6305-090 Raszyn, Sekocin Nowy / Poland t: +48-(0)22-711-6717e:*********************PORFranke Portugal S.A.Estrada de Talaíde, Edificio 3, Cruzamento de Sao Marcos, 2735-531 Cacém / Portugal t: +351-(0)21-426-9670e:*********************ROUFranke Romania SRL 98, Blvd. Biruintei077145 Bucharest - Pantelimon / Romania t: +40-(0)21-350-1550 e:*********************RSAFranke Kitchen Systems (Pty) Ltd.1194 South Coast Road4060 Mobeni / South Africa ZAF t: +27-(0)31-450-6300e:*********************RUSFranke Russia Ilya Klestovul. Novorossiiskaya 32-44195156 St. Petersburg / Russia t: +7-(0)921-315-35-36e:********************* SLOBarjans d.o.o.Pod Hruševco 201360 Vrhnika / Slovenia t: +386-(0)1-750-66-40e:***************SUIFranke Washroom Systems AG Franke-Strasse 9, Postfach 2374663 Aarburg / Switzerland t: +41-(0)62-787-3131e:*********************SVKINGEMA s.r.o.Močarianska 1071 01 Michalovce / Slovakia t: +421-(0)56-640-36-12e:****************TUNHANDASSA GROUP48 Av. Taieb Mhiri Imm. Les Jasmins apt. n°5.2080 Ariana / Tunisia t : +216-(0)71-702-272e:**********************.tnTURFranke Mutfak ve Banyo Sistemleri San. ve Tic. A.SGebze Organize Sanayi BölgesiTembelova Alanı 3500 sokak No: 3503 Gebze, Kocaeli / Turkiye t: +90-(0)262-644-6595e:*********************UAEFranke L.L.C P .O. Box 14511Ras Al Khaimah / United Arab Emirates t: +971-(0)7-244-4940 e:*********************UKRFranke Ukraina LLC 7D, Zdolbunivska Str.Kyiv 02081 / Ukraine t: +380-(0)44-492-0015e:*********************Other Countries:Franke GmbHOberer Achdamm 526971 Hard / Austria t: +43-(0)5574-6735-0e:**********************A R T W 410/30.11.2012。
CKD SDM4000 Series超级干燥器 说明书
SDM4000 Series
■ 1 台可对应 75W 以下的压缩机 ■ 连接集管方式 , 各种各样使用条件都能通用。 ■ 最适合于防爆地区用
处理空气流量 :1.36 ʙ 12.4m3/min(ANR)(0.7MPa 时大气压露点为- 20℃)
4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%. 4%.
着座ɾ密合 确认开关
紧固用 压力开关 小型流量 传感器
流量 传感器
全空压系统 ʢ全空压系统ʣ
全空压系统 ʢγʣ
适用压缩机 LX 大气压露点
ʔˆ 进口空气流量
进口空气压力ɹ.1B 进口空气温度ɹˆʢ饱和ʣ
ʔˆ 进口空气流量
进口空气压力.1B 进口空气温度ˆʢ饱和ʣ
口 空
气 大
ʢˆ ʣ
出口空气流量NNJO "/3
电子式 压力开关
露点 露点 露点 ˆˆ ˆ
电子差压 开关
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干燥后的空气经F腔,过斜孔G后一部分气体经单向阀H后直接由22口输出到四回路保护阀;另一部分气体经节流孔J作用于膜片K,使膜片K向下拱起,气体经回流孔L到达22口.同时一部分气体通过滤网M,打开阀门N,进入O 腔.
排气活塞W有压力释放阀的作用,在任何压力过高的情况下,排气活塞W 将自动打开阀门B。
自动关闭温度:+29°C±3°C 回流阀:△P=30KPa