杨澜访谈录 李亚鹏 王菲
苏菲·玛索:我希望能优雅地老去苏菲·玛索:我希望能优雅地老去兰小兵 2012/12/24 14:15:23 分类:天下杂侃NLP导读:当你做好了最坏的准备,那么发生的只能是最好的事情。
2、“ 我喜欢接触事物,亲身去经历事情。
以下便是她送给女性的15句金句:1. 一个女人的独立并非因为她可以自力更生,而是因为她知道自己的价值。
2. 追求自由与追求快乐是不同的事,追求前者需要付出代价,后者却可以得到快乐和释放。
3. 女人的仁慈和柔软并不代表脆弱和需要保护,女人有自己的力量和智慧。
4. 每个女人都应该有自己的人生计划,把握每一个人生阶段,付出和耐心都是成功的必要条件。
5. 生活并不是只有外在的事物,也有内在品格的塑造和内心的宁静。
6. 身为女人,我们要爱自己、尊重自己,并且学会微笑面对生活中出现的所有困难。
7. 学会面对自己的缺陷,接受自己的不足,但同时也要知道自己的优点,把握好自己的优势。
8. 任何人都会犯错,但不同的是学会了从错误中汲取教训和经验,总结和应用,变得更加强大。
9. 人生不是竞争的场地,每个人都会有不同的节奏和起点,没有必要去嫉妒别人,只需关注并发挥自己的长处。
10. 尊重家人、朋友和同事,即使他们没有做到你的期望值,也要尊重他们的个人决定和选择,这是做人的基本底线。
11. 学会从他人的角度去看待问题,这是建立互信关系的基础。
12. 只有自信的人才能激发幸福感,突破人生阶段,迎接新的挑战。
13. 学习不停止,探索不放弃,保持对知识的渴望和对未来的期待。
14. 勇敢接受自己的感觉和情感,勇敢表达自己的想法和意见,这是建立良好人际关系的重要方面。
15. 我们的人生,不只是为了完成任务和完成到达的终点,更多的是体验和享受人生的过程,流淌人性的美好,感受自我并认识自我。
杨澜访谈录——专访希拉里中英双语版(前面英文,后有中文对照)———————————————————————————————————————Dragon TV Interview: Developing a Comprehensive, Integrated Dialogue With ChinaHillary Rodham ClintonSecretary of StateInterview With Yang Lan of Dragon TVBeijing, ChinaFebruary 22, 2009 ———————————————————————————————————————MS. YANG: But this is a beautiful Embassy.SECRETARY CLINTON: Isn't it? I am so proud and impressed by it. It took a long time to build,but it is very beautiful and very functional. And the architecture isChinese-inspired, so it's really a wonderful addition to our embassycommunity.MS. YANG: And so you are going back today, right?SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes. I have to go back today.MS. YANG: And just in time to celebrate your daughter's 29th birthday.SECRETARY CLINTON: That's true. She will be 29 on Friday. And I am very much lookingforward to seeing her for a birthday dinner.MS. Y ANG: Okay. So what kind of path do you like to see her take? I know she has been studying health policy and management at Columbia.SECRETARY CLINTON: That's right. I think she is someone who charts her own path, and I amvery impressed and delighted at the choices that she has made. I just,like most mothers, want her to be happy and have a good life. And thatis really all I wish for her.MS. YANG: Does she resemble you in the ways that she does things?SECRETARY CLINTON: I think she is a good combination of both her father and me. She has avery wonderful personality, and she is a hard worker, and she is a goodfriend and a caring person. So I am just very happy to be her mother.MS. Y ANG: I know you have just had a dialogue with the Chinese women. Some of them you have known for 11 years. Well, to the younger generation of women, like your daughters, what kind of advice would you like to give to those who aspire to succeed and lead, but could be afraid of failure?SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, that's a good way of phrasing the question, because I think that overcoming your fears, whether you're a young woman or a young man, to be willing to take a risk, to try something different, to follow your heart, to pursue your dreams, takes a certain level of courage.And I just try to tell young people who ask me all the time what I think about the best wayforward is to be true to themselves, you know, to listen to their own heart, to do what gives them joy in life, and meaning in their public and professional careers. And I think if you do that, you may change, you may take a different path. But if you can keep focused on what you believe is important, I think that's the best way to proceed.MS. Y ANG: Let's get back to this trip. In your testimony to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, you suggested that U.S. should use smart power to handle international issues. How is that approach, or strategy, reflected in your Asian trip, especially your trip to China?SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, it is our goal in the Obama administration to reach out to the rest of the world using every tool at our disposal. I like to talk about the three D's of our foreign policy: defense, diplomacy, development.We want to emphasize, particularly, diplomacy and development. And what I have tried to do in the month that I have had this position is to make clear that we will represent and defend the interests and the security and the values of the United States, but we want to listen.We are different countries and different cultures. China and the United States have very different histories. And we need to understand each other better so that we can find more common ground. And I was encouraged by my talks with your leadership, that there are a number of areas we can work on together.We are constructing, and have agreed, in principle, to a strategic and economic dialogue that will not only include the economic crisis, which is very important, that China and America lead on a recovery, globally, but clean energy and climate change, and more educational exchanges, and people-to-people exchanges, more work on health care, medicine, science.I want to deepen and broaden the connections, not only between government officials, as important at that is, but between all kinds of Chinese and Americans.MS. YANG: You know, former Treasury Secretary Paulson used to champion the U.S.-Sino dialogue in the structure of the Strategic Economic Dialogue. Have you convinced President Obama to let the State Department take back the reigns? And, if so, what kind of new framework of dialogue are we talking about?SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, we are going to have a comprehensive, integrated dialogue. It will be co-chaired by myself and the Treasury Secretary, because I think there was an awareness that our prior engagement at the dialogue level, government-to-government, was very heavily dominated by economic concerns, and by traditional Treasury priorities. They are very important but that is not the only high-level dialogue that needs to occur.So, we have always had a lot of interaction at many levels of our governments. But what we want to do is to integrate those, and to have our two Presidents, when they meet at the G-20 summit in April, announce the mechanism that we will be pursuing now.MS. Y ANG: Have you found the terminology to define the relationship between our two countries? Because under your husband's administration we called it "constructive strategic partnership," and then, in the Bush administration we called it "stakeholders." Have you found the new words yet?SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I'm not as interested in the words as in the actions. I think that we have evolved dramatically in our relationship over the 30 years that we have had diplomatic relations. China has grown just exponentially in a way that is a real tribute to the people of China.But what we now need to do is demonstrate that the United States and China can work productively together, not only on those issues that we have bilateral concerns over, but to show leadership to the rest of the world.If you just take two major issues confronting the world, I don't think it's realistic to expect that we will see global recovery without Chinese and American cooperation and leadership. I know that it is not realistic to expect that we can deal with global climate change without the United States and China working together.So, what we are talking about is very concrete and specific. It is not so much the description, as the reality and the content of what we will do together that we're focusing on.MS. Y ANG: Okay. You quoted Chinese story, (speaks Chinese), which means, "We are in the same boat" to tackle economic crisis.SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes.MS. Y ANG: Yet, at the same time, the "Buy American" rhetoric triggered another round of fear of protectionism. How would the U.S. government reconcile the international responsibility with the demand of domestic constituencies?SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, President Obama was very quick to act, and to make clear that we are not going to engage in protectionism. And, with respect to the provision that was in the stimulus package, it must be compliant with our international agreements.We know that a round of protectionism is not in America's interests. It's important that we work with countries like China, and others, to establish a framework for renewed economic growth and prosperity.Now, we also have work to do at home. Not only do we have to stimulate our economy, but we have to be working to enhance our manufacturing base, work on our automobile industry. So we have a lot of internal decision-making that is important to our economic future. And I think China does, too. mean, China is stimulating your economy at the central government level. You are looking to deal with problems like migrant workers who no longer have jobs.So, we each have our own internal domestic challenges. But we cannot solve those at the expense of generating global growth again, which will benefit both of our people.MS. Y ANG: You certainly have your hands full, with all sorts of challenges and problems around the world, from Iraq to Gaza Strip, from nuclear proliferation to climate change. And then, of course, the economic crisis.How would you set an achievable target for your term, as secretary of state?SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, it's true, that we have come into office at a time of so many problems. You mentioned a few of the most well known. I don't know that we can pick and choose. It's one of the reasons why I have advocated the appointment of special envoys, because I think we need, as they say, all hands on deck. Everyone has to work hard together to try to untangle some of these problems, to look for solutions where possible.So, I don't have the luxury of saying, "I will only work on this." I have to be very conscious of everything going on in the world. But I did choose to come, for my first trip, to Asia, because I want to send a clear message that the United States is both a trans-Pacific, as well as a trans-Atlantic power, and that much of what we see as the potential for positive growth and good relations in the 21st century will come with Asian countries like China.MS. Y ANG: Thank you very much for your time, although it falls short of my questions. Well, can I squeeze just one more?SECRETARY CLINTON: Sure.MS. Y ANG: Do you think that China should further invest into American treasury bonds? Because there is a debate here - with unclear future, we should stop buying more.SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I certainly do think that the Chinese government and the central bank here in China is making a very smart decision by continuing to invest in treasury bonds for two reasons.First, because it's a good investment. It's a safe investment. Even despite the economic challenges sweeping over the world, the United States has a well-deserved financial stability reputation.And, secondly, because our economies are so intertwined. The Chinese know that, in order to start exporting again to its biggest market, namely, the United States, the United States has to take some very drastic measures with this stimulus package, which means we have to incur more debt.It would not be in China's interest if we were unable to get our economy moving again. So, by continuing to support American treasury instruments, the Chinese are recognizing our interconnection. We are truly going to rise or fall together. We are in the same boat. And, thankfully, we are rowing in the same direction, toward landfall.MS. YANG: Okay. So we have to keep rowing?SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes.MS. YANG: Thank you very much, Secretary Clinton.SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you.美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿把此次访华唯一一个电视专访的机会给了《杨澜访谈录》让我们深感荣幸。
三一文库()〔杨澜3分钟的法语演讲稿_杨澜申奥陈述发言〕在20XX年7月31日北京申奥代表陈述环节上,作为当代知性女主持人的代表杨澜,在陈述中国北京申奥的理由上,使用英文与中文交替,阐释中国经济成冬奥保障.下面是31doc 小编整理的杨澜3分钟的法语演讲全文杨澜3分钟的法语演讲稿Mr.President,LadiesandGentlemen,Goodafternoon!BeforeIintroduceourculturalprograms,Iwanttotellyouonethi ngfirstabout20XX.YouregoingtohaveagreattimeinBeijin g.主席先生,女士们,先生们,下午好!在向各位介绍我们的安排之前,我想先告诉大家,你们20XX年将在北京渡过愉快的时光。
Chinahasitsownsportlegends.BacktoSongDynasty,aboutt he11thcentury,peoplestartedtoplayagamecalledCuju,wh ichisregardedastheoriginofancientfootball.Thegamewa sverypopularandwomenwerealsoparticipating.Now,youwi llunderstandwhyourwomenfootballteamissogoodtoday.Th erearealotmorewonderfulandexcitingthingswaitingfory ouinNewBeijing,adynamicmodernmetropoliswith3,000yea rsofculturaltreasureswovenintotheurbantapestry.Alon gwiththeiconicimageryoftheForbiddenCity,theTempleof HeavenandtheGreatWall,thecityoffersanendlessmixture oftheatres,museums,discos,allkindsofrestaurantsands hoppingmallsthatwillamazeanddelightyou.北京是一座充满活力的现代都市,三千年的历史文化与都市的繁荣相呼应,除了紫禁城、天坛和万里长城这几个标志性的建筑,北京拥有无数的戏院、博物馆,各种各样的餐厅和歌舞场所,这一切的一切都会令您感到惊奇和高兴。
Charlie Rose采访杨澜英语视频双语字幕
Charlie Rose采访杨澜英语视频双语字幕-名人访谈录(双语文本)Charlie Rose采访阳光媒体集团的董事长,中国著名英语主持人杨澜,英语采访视频附双语文本,视频为双语字幕。
Host: Yang Lan is chairwoman of Sun Media Group, which has other businesses in media, online and more. I am very pleased to have her here at this table for the first time. Welcome.杨澜:谢谢查理。
Yang Lan: Thanks you, Charlie. Thank you for having me.主持人:跟我分享下你的这些经历是如何开始的?Host: Tell me how this started for you.杨澜:这一切是20年前开始,我刚刚大学毕业。
Yang Lan: It all started exactly 20 years ago, when I was graduating from college. At that time, the national television had its first open audition, for college graduates for its prime time variety show, called Zheng Da Variety Show. That was a show to introduce sightseeing around the world to the Chinese audience, who at that time, 99% of our population, didn't even have a passport. So it was a brand new exposure to the outside world, when China was opening up.主持人:你以前想过做这种工作吗?Host: Have you thought about that kind of career before that?杨澜:没有,完全没有。
” 她歌声犹如天籁。
” 这不是“你好、谢谢”之类的日常用语。
看完专访,小编好像明白了她少年成名并且一直受观众喜爱的原因,因为她懂得:情感的表达不是通过美貌而是通过心Ça passe pas forcement par la beauté. Ça passe par le coeur;必须给观众有意义、有价值的东西,否则只能是昙花一现Si vous donnez pas aux gens un vrai sens des choses, je pense que ça va s'épuiser tout doucement et ça va s'épuiser de soi-même...专访中提到的问题有:当您知道自己被邀请出席春晚的演出时,您的心情是怎么样的?有些观众觉得法国电影节奏太慢。
下文中带下划线的空格是留给沪友试着填的~Présentateur: Janvier 2014, soirée de réveillon de l'année du cheval, sur les applaudissements nourris du public, une Française monte sur la scène du gala annuel organisépar CCTV. Elle en donne en compagne du célèbre chanteur chinois LIU Huan, un classique éternel de la chanson française La vie en rose. Cette interprète Sophie MARCEAU, l'actrice française préférée des Chinois qui acceptait de s'improviser chanteuse d'un soir afin de célébrer 50 ans d'amitiéentre les deux pays. Elégant, plein de charmes, son duo avec LIU Huan va s'avérer l'un des moments forts de la soirée.意译:2014年一月春节联欢晚会上,Sophie MARCEAU与刘欢合唱法语经典歌曲《玫瑰人生》,引来观众持续不断的掌声。
杨澜访谈录——菲尔普斯英文台词第一篇:杨澜访谈录——菲尔普斯英文台词Swimming in the urchinModerator(Yang Lan): Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to “Interview with Yang Lan,” everyone has their own aspirations, a person's desire to have a little strength, when a U.S.swimmer Michael Phelps won eight people Gold, the world number of people who believe that, on August 17, he has won seven gold medals at the moment his personal desire to become the world's desire.Narration(in 2004 Athens Olympic Games, one of the world remember the name of Phelps.He was 19 years old, his six gold medals, two bronze shocked the world, this one took eight gold medals and became the most Olympic Star The bright star.Q: In general, held in the afternoon game, the Beijing Olympic Games start in the morning race, which many people fear of Phelps, for him Qizao bed is very difficult.Phelps: I drove to the school, I will look at the time, called her mother for the third time, said: it does not, to tell you upstairs.But I do in bed?Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you have a very good state of mind, so you must sleep when they sleep on.In the Olympic Games will be like this?Phelps: I can sleep anywhere.This game players, this is the biggest advantage, I love to sleep, sleep is my favorite one.I always fall asleep.This is not a problem.Q: Competition in the morning, there are many athletes have been complaints, you had a similar complain?Phelps: I Haowuyuanyan, after all, this is the Olympics, to have the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games for your country and swimming for your team and the motherland,and in what time does not matter to me.When will I be able to swim, if I have 10 o'clock in the morning, the Olympic gold medal run, I see no problem.I will get up on time, very proud to wear the clothes and make their own efforts to win glory for the country.Narration(Phelps of the mother, not the name of the most difficult to get up, the headache is that he's ADHD as a child, why would learn to swim, his mother is the treatment of ADHD in order to come up with countermeasures.)Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you learn to swim in one of the original treatment for ADHD, and through this to your mother you release excess sperm?Phelps: he was right.I said in a swimming pool in the stadium, I will feel very relaxed, free, by releasing its own strength to be happy.I am finally out of ADHD.I am all right now.I think either school as a child learning to swim, I can not be so strong, I always remember as a child to see a doctor, take medicine regularly, and finally one day I no longer need these.Moderator(Yang Lan): What makes you aware that you are swimming for health and it? Or to set up his own career as a swimmer's goal? This is the time to do what?Phelps: I would like to have been the hour, may be in 2001, when I created the first world record time.At the moment I think may be some very special things.Before I have taken part in the Olympic Games.But then, I feel a little different.Aside(although participate in the Athens Olympics, he is only 19 years old, but it is not the first time.In 2000 in Sydney, his 70 years as the youngest U.S.player, has participated in the competition.Moderator(Yang Lan): Your first Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000, then you only 15 years old, but it still got a fifth of the results for the first time you feel how the Olympicexperience?Phelps: It was the first time I have to go abroad for the first time with the national team play, I also experienced the first international match, I no more than 15 years of age.There are swimming pool 1800, Australia in the scream, as if the entire pool all in shock, the thunder sound as they scream too much, in fact I am not really ready to play.But also a kind of experience from which I know more about their own.When I get only the fifth time, I am very disappointed.But six months later, I broke my first world record, because I have the strength, I'm ready.Narration(2001 in the 200-meter butterfly race, 1 minute 54 seconds to break the world record of 58, Phelps began swimming at the world's gold on the road.Jun 29, 2003 held in California to create competition 200-meter individual medley world record, a month after the decision in the Barcelona world championships, broke his own 200m individual medley record of 41 days, he created the game 7 of World Records, he was just 18 years of age, In the world's top swimmer, he is a child, the talented juvenile began his second trip to the Olympics.Moderator(Yang Lan): A gold medal is more important than the use of it? In the Athens Olympic Games, if you do not have to adhere to Thorpe in the freestyle competition in one fell swoop, you can be a gold medal?Phelps: I like to do one of the world's best game together.In the 200-meter freestyle, almost the best players, the tour's fastest players had participated.I would like to contest them, I never give up, especially in swimming inside,Moderator(Yang Lan): This is beyond anything the gold medal?Phelps: I just want the best players and games.Moderator(Yang Lan): I think this is where you plug the Olympic spirit!Phelps: Yes,Narration(desire for a gold medal, the desire to break Spitz's record seven blocks gold medal he was looking forward with the best players in the world for the excellent and the best game.He had to overcome their own Crocker's photo hung in the bedroom, indicating there is The existence of such a rival.'s Old rival Ian Thorpe retired Phelps let a lot of disappointment.)Moderator(Yang Lan): Who is your biggest rivalry?Phelps: You can not say that a particular person, there are so many people around the world.I am doing the same with swimming, I swim in the competition, and so many people.I am in the world and the best player of the competition, this is my favorite, let me be more strong.Moderator(Yang Lan): You do not need to see them encouraged to do your fighting spirit?Phelps: I do need result, I guide the direction, I will mark out a place I can see every day.A few years ago that Thorpe can not be a race to get seven gold medals, Phelps can not do.Those words in particular have been marked out, and then note in my locker, no matter what time to open my locker, I can see them.Narration(Indeed, now is not the time Phelps will be their opponents on the bedside photograph of a child, he was very clear victory, if not enough self-confidence, than their opponents have to redouble our efforts, he likes a bow Man saying, “If you break one day, strength will be back two days”)Moderator(Yang Lan): You know you are training hard, even in the same is true of Christmas,Phelps: a price to pay for growth.I gave up.Moderator(Yang Lan): We like to describe your training, such as a day to travel long?Phelps: I swim every day 2-5 hours each training swim about 5-6 miles now.Therefore, the basic day to the upper reaches of 5-12 miles, seven days a week is so.7:30 every morning, 15 o'clock, the training twice, each time for two hours or so.Moderator(Yang Lan): how to find joy in these circumstances it?Phelps: I enjoy the view that, in addition to swimming, I want to, do I like to do.Play games or watching TV, or anything.In any case entirely on their own time, can do, can be very happy.If I could live in a swimming pool, that would be the safest.Aside(due to Phelps's Incredibles results, he studies why some people travel so fast, it was his physical condition, have concluded that the physical characteristics of the largest Yao Zhi long and short legs, so that the Is the proportion of Athlete of the devil figure, combined with powerful muscle relaxation category, to ensure continued momentum and accelerate the outbreak of the force) Moderator(Yang Lan): We all said in your arms, legs, feet, hands, your sense of water and so on, do you think is the best so why would it?Phelps: I guess because I have a gift swim in it.God gave me this talent, and gave me the will.I think from my parents, where many of the genetic characteristics of my personality, I am a very hard-working people, I am persistent and I do not words fail, to achieve our goals, I will make every effort, which is all of these together, creating I had that with my success.Aside(it can be said that Phelps warm sense of survival and swimming pools on the very obsession of many swimmers could not overcome the nature of his reasons, he also received a “aquatic animals” nickname.His rotation “under the surface ”Bluntly: his aversion boring, repetitive use of his legs around, very much perturbed by the non-stop commercial activities in the water would only be nurtured and enjoy the feeling of Qing Fu.)Moderator(Yang Lan): to leave the pool, you will feel a little awkward right?Phelps: Yes, I left the pool very clumsy, I think is the safest in the water.Moderator(Yang Lan): In the swimming pool outside what harm?Phelps: I always keep falling, the opponent and feet, I was a fish out of water, I had better return to the water, I can swim, or even to sleep, I will start things safer.Aside(because of less fame, the big kids have slowly come to understand that the success of the arrival there will be a lot of trouble, in 2004 a few weeks after the Athens Olympics, was also proved that he did not grow up.He lives in accordance with the law in Maryland He drunk driving, because he can not reach the drinking age, he was 19 years old.) Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you drink-driving incident is what's going on?Phelps: Yes, you made a mistake.It is very different from my life.This is also a lesson in life, and I now made great progress since then, when I told my friends together, because they may make mistakes, I will stop them from committing the same offense, if I can help them T o prevent other people guilty of similar mistakes.I think this is, because I can to help them.Moderator(Yang Lan): This is a growth experience Phelps: 18, 19-year-old to 22 years old, I have to live independently and have their own house, own cooking, living completely different.The life bit by bit, I do not useful.Aside(the 19-year-old age will face up to its mistakes, he returned to a conventional life back in the water, things change in the bright side.Melbourne in 2007 he created a world record 7 gold medals, so that the swimming talent Before the Olympics has become the most watched player, he early to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games.)Q host(Yang Lan): I have heard that you had to learn Chinese?Phelps: I am a school, but very difficult, very difficult to do, I'm learning a course.But also to learn the course entry Stage.Moderator(Yang Lan): Now what can be said of?Phelps: women, men.I learned are based.There are water, coffee, tea, very, very well.Narration(in Beijing to participate in eight matches, means that the opportunity to record the impact of eight.There is no doubt because they believe he has such power)Moderator(Yang Lan): The convenience of our goal to tell you?Phelps: This question has been asked numerous times.Only two people in the world, I know.Bob and I, even my mother is completely unclear,Moderator(Yang Lan): India does not intend to come out on the bed?Phelps: I can only see.Moderator(Yang Lan): Everyone you expect to break Spitz created a world record!Phelps: But I have a lot of goals.And that these goals are very high.I just want to do in the first Phelps, not the second Spitz.I do not want to do our predecessors, the sport is new.This is my goal.Narration(in the Beijing Olympics, Phelps eight gold medals from child prodigy to the evolution of the legend, his 23-year-old can one go further, we have to see if he can do in the pool and a race against time to play the game.)Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you are 12 years old to participate in a game to throw the goggles?Phelps: Yes, I threw.Moderator(Yang Lan): lost because of it?Phelps: I often get angry at that time, but I do not now the case.I learned from the mistakes committed as a child, to draw lessons.Moderator(Yang Lan): after the coach say? Phelps: He could not do so, so I changed a lot.Learned from the mistakes and change.Moderator(Yang Lan): Phelps incredible, these daysmany people use the flying fish, and even alien to describe his incredible that he has anything to do with it? He broadens the human imagination, so far, he has 14 Olympic gold medals, he also said that the participation in the 2012 London Olympics, will not terminated our imagination, Thank you for watching this edition of “Interview with Yang Lan.”第二篇:杨澜-------菲尔普斯Swimming in the urchinModerator(Yang Lan): Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to “Interview with Yang Lan,” everyone has their own aspirations, a person's desire to have a little strength, when a U.S.swimmer Michael Phelps won eight people Gold, the world number of people who believe that, on August 17, he has won seven gold medals at the moment his personal desire to become the world's desire.Narration(in 2004 Athens Olympic Games, one of the world remember the name of Phelps.He was 19 years old, his six gold medals, two bronze shocked the world, this one took eight gold medals and became the most Olympic Star The bright star.Q: In general, held in the afternoon game, the Beijing Olympic Games start in the morning race, which many people fear of Phelps, for him Qizao bed is very difficult.Phelps: I drove to the school, I will look at the time, called her mother for the third time, said: it does not, to tell you upstairs.But I do in bed?Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you have a very good state of mind, so you must sleep when they sleep on.In the Olympic Games will be like this?Phelps: I can sleep anywhere.This game players, this is the biggest advantage, I love to sleep, sleep is my favorite one.I always fall asleep.This is not a problem.Q: Competition in the morning, there are many athletes have been complaints, you hada similar complain?Phelps: I Haowuyuanyan, after all, this is the Olympics, to have the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games for your country and swimming for your team and the motherland, and in what time does not matter to me.When will I be able to swim, if I have 10 o'clock in the morning, the Olympic gold medal run, I see no problem.I will get up on time, very proud to wear the clothes and make their own efforts to win glory for the country.Narration(Phelps of the mother, not the name of the most difficult to get up, the headache is that he's ADHD as a child, why would learn to swim, his mother is the treatment of ADHD in order to come up with countermeasures.)Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you learn to swim in one of the original treatment for ADHD, and through this to your mother you release excess sperm?Phelps: he was right.I said in a swimming pool in the stadium, I will feel very relaxed, free, by releasing its own strength to be happy.I am finally out of ADHD.I am all right now.I think either school as a child learning to swim, I can not be so strong, I always remember as a child to see a doctor, take medicine regularly, and finally one day I no longer need these.Moderator(Yang Lan): What makes you aware that you are swimming for health and it? Or to set up his own career as a swimmer's goal? This is the time to do what?Phelps: I would like to have been the hour, may be in 2001, when I created the first world record time.At the moment I think may be some very special things.Before I have taken part in the Olympic Games.But then, I feel a little different.Aside(although participate in the Athens Olympics, he is only 19 years old, but it is not the first time.In 2000 in Sydney, his 70 years as theyoungest U.S.player, has participated in the competition.Moderator(Yang Lan): Your first Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000, then you only 15 years old, but it still got a fifth of the results for the first time you feel how the Olympic experience?Phelps: It was the first time I have to go abroad for the first time with the national team play, I also experienced the first international match, I no more than 15 years of age.There are swimming pool 1800, Australia in the scream, as if the entire pool all in shock, the thunder sound as they scream too much, in fact I am not really ready to play.But also a kind of experience from which I know more about their own.When I get only the fifth time, I am very disappointed.But six months later, I broke my first world record, because I have the strength, I'm ready.Narration(2001 in the 200-meter butterfly race, 1 minute 54 seconds to break the world record of 58, Phelps began swimming at the world's gold on the road.Jun 29, 2003 held in California to create competition 200-meter individual medley world record, a month after the decision in the Barcelona world championships, broke his own 200m individual medley record of 41 days, he created the game 7 of World Records, he was just 18 years of age, In the world's top swimmer, he is a child, the talented juvenile began his second trip to the Olympics.Moderator(Yang Lan): A gold medal is more important than the use of it? In the Athens Olympic Games, if you do not have to adhere to Thorpe in the freestyle competition in one fell swoop, you can be a gold medal?Phelps: I like to do one of the world's best game together.In the 200-meter freestyle, almost the best players, the tour's fastest players had participated.I would like to contest them, I never give up, especially in swimming inside,Moderator(Yang Lan): This isbeyond anything the gold medal?Phelps: I just want the best players and games.Moderator(Yang Lan): I think this is where you plug the Olympic spirit!Phelps: Yes,Narration(desire for a gold medal, the desire to break Spitz's record seven blocks gold medal he was looking forward with the best players in the world for the excellent and the best game.He had to overcome their own Crocker's photo hung in the bedroom, indicating there is The existence of such a rival.'s Old rival Ian Thorpe retired Phelps let a lot of disappointment.)Moderator(Yang Lan): Who is your biggest rivalry?Phelps: You can not say that a particular person, there are so many people around the world.I am doing the same with swimming, I swim in the competition, and so many people.I am in the world and the best player of the competition, this is my favorite, let me be more strong.Moderator(Yang Lan): You do not need to see them encouraged to do your fighting spirit?Phelps: I do need result, I guide the direction, I will mark out a place I can see every day.A few years ago that Thorpe can not be a race to get seven gold medals, Phelps can not do.Those words in particular have been marked out, and then note in my locker, no matter what time to open my locker, I can see them.Narration(Indeed, now is not the time Phelps will be their opponents on the bedside photograph of a child, he was very clear victory, if not enough self-confidence, than their opponents have to redouble our efforts, he likes a bow Man saying, “If you break one day, strength will b e back two days”)Moderator(Yang Lan): You know you are training hard, even in the same is true of Christmas,Phelps: a price to pay forgrowth.I gave up.Moderator(Yang Lan): We like to describe your training, such as a day to travel long?Phelps: I swim every day 2-5 hours each training swim about 5-6 miles now.Therefore, the basic day to the upper reaches of 5-12 miles, seven days a week is so.7:30 every morning, 15 o'clock, the training twice, each time for two hours or so.Moderator(Yang Lan): how to find joy in these circumstances it?Phelps: I enjoy the view that, in addition to swimming, I want to, do I like to do.Play games or watching TV, or anything.In any case entirely on their own time, can do, can be very happy.If I could live in a swimming pool, that would be the safest.Aside(due to Phelps's Incredibles results, he studies why some people travel so fast, it was his physical condition, have concluded that the physical characteristics of the largest Yao Zhi long and short legs, so that the Is the proportion of Athlete of the devil figure, combined with powerful muscle relaxation category, to ensure continued momentum and accelerate the outbreak of the force) Moderator(Yang Lan): We all said in your arms, legs, feet, hands, your sense of water and so on, do you think is the best so why would it?Phelps: I guess because I have a gift swim in it.God gave me this talent, and gave me the will.I think from my parents, where many of the genetic characteristics of my personality, I am a very hard-working people, I am persistent and I do not words fail, to achieve our goals, I will make every effort, which is all of these together, creating I had that with my success.Aside(it can be said that Phelps warm sense of survival and swimming pools on the very obsession of many swimmers could not overcome the nature of his reasons, he also received a “aquatic animals” nickname.His rotation “under the surface ”Bluntly: his aversionboring, repetitive use of his legs around, very much perturbed by the non-stop commercial activities in the water would only be nurtured and enjoy the feeling of Qing Fu.)Moderator(Yang Lan): to leave the pool, you will feel a little awkward right?Phelps: Yes, I left the pool very clumsy, I think is the safest in the water.Moderator(Yang Lan): In the swimming pool outside what harm?Phelps: I always keep falling, the opponent and feet, I was a fish out of water, I had better return to the water, I can swim, or even to sleep, I will start things safer.Aside(because of less fame, the big kids have slowly come to understand that the success of the arrival there will be a lot of trouble, in 2004 a few weeks after the Athens Olympics, was also proved that he did not grow up.He lives in accordance with the law in Maryland He drunk driving, because he can not reach the drinking age, he was 19 years old.) Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you drink-driving incident is what's going on? Phelps: Yes, you made a mistake.It is very different from my life.This is also a lesson in life, and I now made great progress since then, when I told my friends together, because they may make mistakes, I will stop them from committing the same offense, if I can help them T o prevent other people guilty of similar mistakes.I think this is, because I can to help them.Moderator(Yang Lan): This is a growth experience Phelps: 18, 19-year-old to 22 years old, I have to live independently and have their own house, own cooking, living completely different.The life bit by bit, I do not useful.Aside(the 19-year-old age will face up to its mistakes, he returned to a conventional life back in the water, things change in the bright side.Melbourne in 2007 he created a world record 7 gold medals,so that the swimming talent Before the Olympics has become the most watched player, he early to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games.)Q host(Yang Lan): I have heard that you had to learn Chinese?Phelps: I am a school, but very difficult, very difficult to do, I'm learning a course.But also to learn the course entry Stage.Moderator(Yang Lan): Now what can be said of?Phelps: women, men.I learned are based.There are water, coffee, tea, very, very well.Narration(in Beijing to participate in eight matches, means that the opportunity to record the impact of eight.There is no doubt because they believe he has such power)Moderator(Yang Lan): The convenience of our goal to tell you?Phelps: This question has been asked numerous times.Only two people in the world, I know.Bob and I, even my mother is completely unclear,Moderator(Yang Lan): India does not intend to come out on the bed?Phelps: I can only see.Moderator(Yang Lan): Everyone you expect to break Spitz created a world record!Phelps: But I have a lot of goals.And that these goals are very high.I just want to do in the first Phelps, not the second Spitz.I do not want to do our predecessors, the sport is new.This is my goal.Narration(in the Beijing Olympics, Phelps eight gold medals from child prodigy to the evolution of the legend, his 23-year-old can one go further, we have to see if he can do in the pool and a race against time to play the game.)Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you are 12 years old to participate in a game to throw the goggles?Phelps: Yes, I threw.Moderator(Yang Lan): lost because of it?Phelps: I often get angry at that time, but I do not now thecase.I learned from the mistakes committed as a child, to draw lessons.Moderator(Yang Lan): after the coach say?Phelps: He could not do so, so I changed a lot.Learned from the mistakes and change.Moderator(Yang Lan): Phelps incredible, these days many people use the flying fish, and even alien to describe his incredible that he has anything to do with it? He broadens the human imagination, so far, he has 14 Olympic gold medals, he also said that the participation in the 2012 London Olympics, will not terminated our imagination, Thank you for watching this edition of “Interview with Yang Lan.”--------------------------汉语翻译-------泳池里的顽童主持人(杨澜):大家好,欢迎收看《杨澜访谈录》,每个人都有自己的愿望,一个人的愿望有多大的力量呢,当美国游泳运动员菲尔普斯一人夺得八个金牌的时候,全世界有多少人相信呢,8月17日时他已经获得了七金牌,在那一刻他一个人的愿望成为了全世界的愿望。
王菲 杨澜访谈
杨澜访谈录微博实录:#王菲李亚鹏#访谈仨人表示都很紧张蜜瓜说自己是家庭的官方发言三公主是家里话语权的霸主#王菲李亚鹏#访谈《将爱情进行到底》的电影版主题曲《等你爱我》三公主曾经告别时的专辑《将爱》三公主说此爱非比爱自己的《将爱》是大爱《等你爱我》只是爱情#王菲李亚鹏#访谈面对李嫣的问题三公主说家长的心态可以影响孩子三公主和蜜瓜的心态都很好认为她很美她以后也不会有什么障碍的#王菲李亚鹏#访谈三公主说她从来没有一丝要放弃嫣儿的想法从走出医院蜜瓜问他的那一刹那开始三公主的信仰不允许她有这样的想法蜜瓜说:没有缺憾的生命才是不完美的#王菲李亚鹏#访谈蜜瓜官方发言:我们彼此赢得了对方的尊重和敬重在面对孩子和生活中面对的方方面面的问题三公主说:在李亚鹏投身慈善之前她一直的观念都是独善其身就好他影响了她#王菲李亚鹏#访谈比起很多妈妈来三公主说她对孩子说话特别少就是很难做到说:哎你看……蜜瓜说如果李嫣有围脖肯定也是妙语连珠#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨大夫问蜜瓜你也有受宠的时候吧三个女人都围着你蜜瓜答:我们家还没有形成这种氛围#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨大夫:守着家里的三个“姐”你的地位和滋味如何蜜瓜:我现在是标准已婚男人的生活忙碌并快乐着杨:有点沧桑的感觉三公主:沧桑是留胡子留的家里不止有三个女人还有母亲老中青三代我们家就是阴盛阳衰往餐桌上一座周围都是女的转来转去蜜瓜还管家里的剩菜剩饭蜜瓜表示很幸福#王菲李亚鹏#访谈蜜瓜说结婚前家里买了全套的厨具从小锅到大盆儿三公主说当时是想着说要做饭的现在就全成了装饰了#王菲李亚鹏#访谈蜜瓜说这些年家里的事情他确实没怎么管全是三公主操办鉴于不方便总是去商场三公主选择网上购物开门的阿姨被快递问:你们这是一家公司么三公主 @veggieg 说:当主妇比当歌手累多了#王菲李亚鹏#访谈蜜瓜说家里的三个女人大姐童童是哲学家二姐很淡定王菲是小妹最随心所欲#王菲李亚鹏#访谈王菲和李亚鹏结婚前李亚鹏和童童谈过结婚的话题童童问他:你会跟我妈妈结婚吗?#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨大夫:你特别倔是受你妈影响吗?三公主:我有主意是天生的吧#王菲李亚鹏#访谈三公主小时候家教特别严不能晚一分钟回家不能参加学校的歌唱活动因为妈妈本来就是歌手不希望让女儿走自己的老路#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨:环境特别容易影响人而你却似乎从来没有丢掉自己最真的那一面但是去美国的时候却想要找回自己王菲:因为香港的生活让她突然不知道自己在干嘛一切都被安排好了纽约人的自信给了她灵感找回自己原本的感觉#王菲李亚鹏#访谈三公主王菲:讨好别人不是目的那样容易弄巧成拙#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨:你在演唱会结束的时候只说了三声谢谢三公主王菲:我最不喜欢做作心里只想说谢谢我觉得演唱会多说一句都是多余的#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:你想念舞台吗三公主王菲:我上了舞台之后才觉得有点想念舞台#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:你当初想退出是什么原因呢王菲:没灵感厌倦了杨澜:李亚鹏当时什么态度呢?李亚鹏:她想唱就唱不想唱就不唱了王菲:你看他就是不担责任#王菲李亚鹏#访谈三公主王菲:我一切都是顺其自然的但是在别人看来是精心准备的蜜瓜李亚鹏:我作为一个旁观者大家很多时候会套用自己的思维在别人的事情上#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:你在什么时候找到了王菲自己的风格和声音?王菲:其实每一个阶段都代表当时的我当时的环境#王菲李亚鹏#访谈你看到现在的音乐届的新人你会担心自己的音乐会过逝么王菲:我不担心这个因为流行音乐肯定会过逝的我希望我以后的音乐更唯美#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:亚东说对于很多男人来说王菲是很难驾驭的王菲:驾驭?惊#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜问李亚鹏:你最喜欢王菲哪首个李亚鹏:《传奇》吧因为感情比较真实王菲:就潸然了#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:你也经历了诸多风雨还相信爱情这回事儿么王菲:相信#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:你有愤世嫉俗过吗王菲:没有如果只抓住爱情生活到底是会失望的走下去是靠的是爱不只是爱情#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:经过了五年的感情生活你们彼此有什么改变么心态方面?王菲和李亚鹏:沉默然后好难回答噢王菲:很踏实很安逸李亚鹏:给我留俩词儿吧#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:你们生活的光环会让你有压力吗李亚鹏:为了我自己的家庭我很乐意做一些调整当面对一些内心的压力的时候王菲的歌能够帮我缓解当面对嫣然慈善基金的压力的时候她的声音能够安慰我#王菲李亚鹏#访谈杨澜:王菲你有压力的时候怎么化解王菲:我会观察自己的压力分析从哪儿来得人有压力无非是自我的体现把“我”看的太严重才会这样做到“无我”很难但是认识到这一点就好了#王菲李亚鹏#访谈王菲:发围脖就是做游戏我的生活中一定要有游戏#王菲李亚鹏#访谈访谈结束三公主:啊太好了终于结束了签名ING2011-1-9 20:54。
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1.To me what matters is feeling.
2.How would you interpret the beauty of women?
3.I want to be healthy, I want to have a skin, I want to age as better as possible, gracefully.
4.We have one similar beauty, that is the heart’s beauty. But we are very different in life.
5.The first thing for me is to take off my make-up, and to be comfortable.
6.She is very sophisticated. She is the most natural person I know.
7.It was a huge change in my whole life.
8.It was a new world opening up to me. Because of this, I could travel, I could be independent. I
could see a lot I would never see otherwise.
9.Becoming famous at such a young age changes everything in your life.
10.I have to deal with a lot of different new things in my life.
11.When you miss something in your life, you are not going to catch it back.
12.He is truthful . He is going fine with girls.
13.What impelled you to make such a major decision?
14.I just have this terrible feeling of manipulation.
15.How much was the pressure? How hard was it to handle the pressure?
16.It was a psychological pressure, then it turned out to be a financial pressure.
17.Fear is terrible, but it is also a good challenge.
18.Once you think about the worst, only the best can happen to you.
19.You can see both innocence and suffering in someone’s young eyes.
20.It is not by chance that we met.
21.I need someone to teach me , to learn me, and to mentor me.
22.I love influences.
23.Life is shaping us anyway. Everything you do and every choice you make makes you.
24.That’s the only rationale behind it.
25.I am not somebody who likes comfort.
26.I like to be by myself, thinking, observing nature and looking at insects.
27.In a fast changing world, sometimes we need the perspective of a turtle to find interesting and
beautiful things .
28.overwhelming adj. 让人不知所措的
arre adj.希奇古怪的,不同寻常的
30.seductive adj. 吸引人的,富有魅力的
passion n. 怜悯,同情。