女首富 简介
NO.4 史晓燕:北京伊力诺依投资有限公司董事长
拉里金访谈与杨澜 访谈录
• 拉里·金的采访属于安静的一类,“对我的采访对象而言, 我只是一个好奇心旺盛的平凡人罢了。”他说。美国电台 和电视台的头牌访谈明星拉里·金(LarryKing)1990年8月 初在接受笔者采访时说,“我的成功钥匙只有一把,那就 是好奇。” • 在访谈前,他从来不做准备,一切话题都是即兴的。他总 在开播前5分钟才知道访谈对象的名字和职业的。”当有人 问:“你的访谈对象各行各业都有,有的需要较深的专业知 识,而你无须任何准备却能在一小时或三小时的访谈节目 里,谈得头头是道,你觉得你掌握着某种诀窍么?”他 说:“我不需要任何准备。如果说我有什么诀窍,那么这个 诀窍就是兴趣广泛,对什么都感兴趣,对什么都知道一些, 而且知道听众的一般要求。”访谈节目主持人成功的要诀 在于:知识积累、个人魅力以及聆听和分享。 • 他用丰富的人生阅历、洞达人性的经验智慧和被时间考验 过的职业素养重新定义了“主持人”的涵义。
• 杨澜的访谈温和而不乏睿智与犀利。 • 访谈前,杨澜会阅读大量有关采访 对象的材料,精心设计提问环节; 访谈中,杨澜通过逻辑严密的采访 段落和富有哲理而高度凝练的解说 词使访谈层层深入。确保节目的高 端化、人文化和国际化。 • 有人称其风格为“绵里藏针”。 “观众要看的是内容,而不是两个 人吵架。”杨澜认为自己向来的重 点不在风格,而在内涵:“风格是 你在具备一定内涵后才体现出来的 东西。”
《杨澜访谈录》是“阳光传媒 集团”旗下的一档名牌访谈节 目,由著名节目主持人杨澜于 2001年创办并亲自主持。
节目定位锐意求新,突出人文化和国际化特色。 节目就政治、经济、社会、文化等不同方面的 热门话题,与世界各地的知名人士进行广泛探 讨,关注人的性格特征和独到见解,以历史的 深度和广度,表现个体与社会的相互作用,寻 找人类智慧的光芒,折射出特有的历史瞬间和 社会背景。 畅谈的话题不仅紧紧围绕时事或专业,更以人 的经历、感受和智慧为中心,抽丝剥茧地讲述 人的故事,以成败得失、人生百味体现人的智 慧和感悟,让更多观众通过节目去感受那些平 常可望而不可及的世界名人,拉近距离,沟通 彼此。
万的观众群,发行到美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、马来西亚、新加坡 等地的华人社区,全球观众超过三亿人。自节目创立以来,收视表 现始终骄人。由于节目品质富于人文气息,特别在社会中高阶层的 精英人群中有着相当的美誉度和影响力。
杨澜,1968年3月31日生于北京。中 国电视节目主持人、媒体人、传媒企 业家、慈善家。阳光媒体集团主席和 阳光文化基金会主席。第十届、十一 届、十二届全国政协委员。 1990年至1994年担任中央电视台 《正大综艺》节目主持人,并于1994 年获中国第一届主持人"金话筒奖" 2008年应邀出任北京申办奥运会 的形象大使,代表中国做申奥陈述, 亦被聘为2010年上海世博会形象大使。 现还担任联合国儿童基金会首位中国 形象大使、国际特殊奥林匹克全球形 象大使和美国林肯中心中国顾问委员 会主席、中国慈善联合会副会长。
目。秉承着“记录时代的精神印迹”的节目理念,主持人杨澜女士 邀请政治、经济、文化等各领域精英翘楚,坐而论道。节目力图穿 越风云际会的有限时空,将嘉宾的人格力量和社会价值作为节目的 终极呈现。
短发、淡妆、职业套装 充满自信的现代职业女性 会根据嘉宾的不同调整自己的形象
比如;第一期,采访刘少奇夫人王光美时,杨澜 知道老人喜欢蓝色,上节目时就特意穿淡蓝色的 毛衣
锐意求新,突出人文和国际化特色 曾经对话多国政要及国家领导人,也有一些在国际政坛上曾发挥重要影响 力的政治人物。栏目曾在希拉里· 克林顿作为国务卿首次访华时独家专访她,也 曾经就莱温斯基弹劾案追问美国前总统比尔· 克林顿。在潘基文连任联合国秘书 长后首次访华时对其进行了访问。 记录时代的精神印迹 节目就政治、经济、社会、文化等众多领域的热点话题,与世界各国的 知名人士进行广泛探讨。畅谈的话题不仅紧紧围绕时事或专业,更以人的 经历、感受和智慧为中心,抽丝剥茧地讲述人的故事,以成败得失、人生 百味来体现人的智慧和感悟。
品牌中国特别对话—CCTV2经济频道品牌中国特别对话第一集:经典传承 (1)品牌中国特别对话第二集:激情岁月 (19)品牌中国特别对话第三集:弄潮一代 (36)品牌中国特别对话第四集:创新世纪 (55)品牌中国特别对话第五集:走向世界 (73)品牌中国特别对话第一集:经典传承主持人:陈伟鸿谈话嘉宾:姜俊贤全聚德股份有限公司董事长范德宽五粮液集团有限公司总经理杨德炎商务印书馆总经理梅群北京同仁堂集团有限责任公司总经理特约嘉宾:乔羽词作家舒乙作家王滨华 1+1大于2拓展培训学校校长陶雷奥美广告公司副总裁王志刚北京财智战略研究院院长陈伟鸿说道:“观众朋友大家好,欢迎各位收看中央电视台第二套节目经济频道为各位制作的《品牌中国》特别节目。
杨澜访谈录——菲尔普斯英文台词第一篇:杨澜访谈录——菲尔普斯英文台词Swimming in the urchinModerator(Yang Lan): Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to “Interview with Yang Lan,” everyone has their own aspirations, a person's desire to have a little strength, when a U.S.swimmer Michael Phelps won eight people Gold, the world number of people who believe that, on August 17, he has won seven gold medals at the moment his personal desire to become the world's desire.Narration(in 2004 Athens Olympic Games, one of the world remember the name of Phelps.He was 19 years old, his six gold medals, two bronze shocked the world, this one took eight gold medals and became the most Olympic Star The bright star.Q: In general, held in the afternoon game, the Beijing Olympic Games start in the morning race, which many people fear of Phelps, for him Qizao bed is very difficult.Phelps: I drove to the school, I will look at the time, called her mother for the third time, said: it does not, to tell you upstairs.But I do in bed?Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you have a very good state of mind, so you must sleep when they sleep on.In the Olympic Games will be like this?Phelps: I can sleep anywhere.This game players, this is the biggest advantage, I love to sleep, sleep is my favorite one.I always fall asleep.This is not a problem.Q: Competition in the morning, there are many athletes have been complaints, you had a similar complain?Phelps: I Haowuyuanyan, after all, this is the Olympics, to have the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games for your country and swimming for your team and the motherland,and in what time does not matter to me.When will I be able to swim, if I have 10 o'clock in the morning, the Olympic gold medal run, I see no problem.I will get up on time, very proud to wear the clothes and make their own efforts to win glory for the country.Narration(Phelps of the mother, not the name of the most difficult to get up, the headache is that he's ADHD as a child, why would learn to swim, his mother is the treatment of ADHD in order to come up with countermeasures.)Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you learn to swim in one of the original treatment for ADHD, and through this to your mother you release excess sperm?Phelps: he was right.I said in a swimming pool in the stadium, I will feel very relaxed, free, by releasing its own strength to be happy.I am finally out of ADHD.I am all right now.I think either school as a child learning to swim, I can not be so strong, I always remember as a child to see a doctor, take medicine regularly, and finally one day I no longer need these.Moderator(Yang Lan): What makes you aware that you are swimming for health and it? Or to set up his own career as a swimmer's goal? This is the time to do what?Phelps: I would like to have been the hour, may be in 2001, when I created the first world record time.At the moment I think may be some very special things.Before I have taken part in the Olympic Games.But then, I feel a little different.Aside(although participate in the Athens Olympics, he is only 19 years old, but it is not the first time.In 2000 in Sydney, his 70 years as the youngest U.S.player, has participated in the competition.Moderator(Yang Lan): Your first Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000, then you only 15 years old, but it still got a fifth of the results for the first time you feel how the Olympicexperience?Phelps: It was the first time I have to go abroad for the first time with the national team play, I also experienced the first international match, I no more than 15 years of age.There are swimming pool 1800, Australia in the scream, as if the entire pool all in shock, the thunder sound as they scream too much, in fact I am not really ready to play.But also a kind of experience from which I know more about their own.When I get only the fifth time, I am very disappointed.But six months later, I broke my first world record, because I have the strength, I'm ready.Narration(2001 in the 200-meter butterfly race, 1 minute 54 seconds to break the world record of 58, Phelps began swimming at the world's gold on the road.Jun 29, 2003 held in California to create competition 200-meter individual medley world record, a month after the decision in the Barcelona world championships, broke his own 200m individual medley record of 41 days, he created the game 7 of World Records, he was just 18 years of age, In the world's top swimmer, he is a child, the talented juvenile began his second trip to the Olympics.Moderator(Yang Lan): A gold medal is more important than the use of it? In the Athens Olympic Games, if you do not have to adhere to Thorpe in the freestyle competition in one fell swoop, you can be a gold medal?Phelps: I like to do one of the world's best game together.In the 200-meter freestyle, almost the best players, the tour's fastest players had participated.I would like to contest them, I never give up, especially in swimming inside,Moderator(Yang Lan): This is beyond anything the gold medal?Phelps: I just want the best players and games.Moderator(Yang Lan): I think this is where you plug the Olympic spirit!Phelps: Yes,Narration(desire for a gold medal, the desire to break Spitz's record seven blocks gold medal he was looking forward with the best players in the world for the excellent and the best game.He had to overcome their own Crocker's photo hung in the bedroom, indicating there is The existence of such a rival.'s Old rival Ian Thorpe retired Phelps let a lot of disappointment.)Moderator(Yang Lan): Who is your biggest rivalry?Phelps: You can not say that a particular person, there are so many people around the world.I am doing the same with swimming, I swim in the competition, and so many people.I am in the world and the best player of the competition, this is my favorite, let me be more strong.Moderator(Yang Lan): You do not need to see them encouraged to do your fighting spirit?Phelps: I do need result, I guide the direction, I will mark out a place I can see every day.A few years ago that Thorpe can not be a race to get seven gold medals, Phelps can not do.Those words in particular have been marked out, and then note in my locker, no matter what time to open my locker, I can see them.Narration(Indeed, now is not the time Phelps will be their opponents on the bedside photograph of a child, he was very clear victory, if not enough self-confidence, than their opponents have to redouble our efforts, he likes a bow Man saying, “If you break one day, strength will be back two days”)Moderator(Yang Lan): You know you are training hard, even in the same is true of Christmas,Phelps: a price to pay for growth.I gave up.Moderator(Yang Lan): We like to describe your training, such as a day to travel long?Phelps: I swim every day 2-5 hours each training swim about 5-6 miles now.Therefore, the basic day to the upper reaches of 5-12 miles, seven days a week is so.7:30 every morning, 15 o'clock, the training twice, each time for two hours or so.Moderator(Yang Lan): how to find joy in these circumstances it?Phelps: I enjoy the view that, in addition to swimming, I want to, do I like to do.Play games or watching TV, or anything.In any case entirely on their own time, can do, can be very happy.If I could live in a swimming pool, that would be the safest.Aside(due to Phelps's Incredibles results, he studies why some people travel so fast, it was his physical condition, have concluded that the physical characteristics of the largest Yao Zhi long and short legs, so that the Is the proportion of Athlete of the devil figure, combined with powerful muscle relaxation category, to ensure continued momentum and accelerate the outbreak of the force) Moderator(Yang Lan): We all said in your arms, legs, feet, hands, your sense of water and so on, do you think is the best so why would it?Phelps: I guess because I have a gift swim in it.God gave me this talent, and gave me the will.I think from my parents, where many of the genetic characteristics of my personality, I am a very hard-working people, I am persistent and I do not words fail, to achieve our goals, I will make every effort, which is all of these together, creating I had that with my success.Aside(it can be said that Phelps warm sense of survival and swimming pools on the very obsession of many swimmers could not overcome the nature of his reasons, he also received a “aquatic animals” nickname.His rotation “under the surface ”Bluntly: his aversion boring, repetitive use of his legs around, very much perturbed by the non-stop commercial activities in the water would only be nurtured and enjoy the feeling of Qing Fu.)Moderator(Yang Lan): to leave the pool, you will feel a little awkward right?Phelps: Yes, I left the pool very clumsy, I think is the safest in the water.Moderator(Yang Lan): In the swimming pool outside what harm?Phelps: I always keep falling, the opponent and feet, I was a fish out of water, I had better return to the water, I can swim, or even to sleep, I will start things safer.Aside(because of less fame, the big kids have slowly come to understand that the success of the arrival there will be a lot of trouble, in 2004 a few weeks after the Athens Olympics, was also proved that he did not grow up.He lives in accordance with the law in Maryland He drunk driving, because he can not reach the drinking age, he was 19 years old.) Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you drink-driving incident is what's going on?Phelps: Yes, you made a mistake.It is very different from my life.This is also a lesson in life, and I now made great progress since then, when I told my friends together, because they may make mistakes, I will stop them from committing the same offense, if I can help them T o prevent other people guilty of similar mistakes.I think this is, because I can to help them.Moderator(Yang Lan): This is a growth experience Phelps: 18, 19-year-old to 22 years old, I have to live independently and have their own house, own cooking, living completely different.The life bit by bit, I do not useful.Aside(the 19-year-old age will face up to its mistakes, he returned to a conventional life back in the water, things change in the bright side.Melbourne in 2007 he created a world record 7 gold medals, so that the swimming talent Before the Olympics has become the most watched player, he early to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games.)Q host(Yang Lan): I have heard that you had to learn Chinese?Phelps: I am a school, but very difficult, very difficult to do, I'm learning a course.But also to learn the course entry Stage.Moderator(Yang Lan): Now what can be said of?Phelps: women, men.I learned are based.There are water, coffee, tea, very, very well.Narration(in Beijing to participate in eight matches, means that the opportunity to record the impact of eight.There is no doubt because they believe he has such power)Moderator(Yang Lan): The convenience of our goal to tell you?Phelps: This question has been asked numerous times.Only two people in the world, I know.Bob and I, even my mother is completely unclear,Moderator(Yang Lan): India does not intend to come out on the bed?Phelps: I can only see.Moderator(Yang Lan): Everyone you expect to break Spitz created a world record!Phelps: But I have a lot of goals.And that these goals are very high.I just want to do in the first Phelps, not the second Spitz.I do not want to do our predecessors, the sport is new.This is my goal.Narration(in the Beijing Olympics, Phelps eight gold medals from child prodigy to the evolution of the legend, his 23-year-old can one go further, we have to see if he can do in the pool and a race against time to play the game.)Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you are 12 years old to participate in a game to throw the goggles?Phelps: Yes, I threw.Moderator(Yang Lan): lost because of it?Phelps: I often get angry at that time, but I do not now the case.I learned from the mistakes committed as a child, to draw lessons.Moderator(Yang Lan): after the coach say? Phelps: He could not do so, so I changed a lot.Learned from the mistakes and change.Moderator(Yang Lan): Phelps incredible, these daysmany people use the flying fish, and even alien to describe his incredible that he has anything to do with it? He broadens the human imagination, so far, he has 14 Olympic gold medals, he also said that the participation in the 2012 London Olympics, will not terminated our imagination, Thank you for watching this edition of “Interview with Yang Lan.”第二篇:杨澜-------菲尔普斯Swimming in the urchinModerator(Yang Lan): Good morning ladies and gentlemen, welcome to “Interview with Yang Lan,” everyone has their own aspirations, a person's desire to have a little strength, when a U.S.swimmer Michael Phelps won eight people Gold, the world number of people who believe that, on August 17, he has won seven gold medals at the moment his personal desire to become the world's desire.Narration(in 2004 Athens Olympic Games, one of the world remember the name of Phelps.He was 19 years old, his six gold medals, two bronze shocked the world, this one took eight gold medals and became the most Olympic Star The bright star.Q: In general, held in the afternoon game, the Beijing Olympic Games start in the morning race, which many people fear of Phelps, for him Qizao bed is very difficult.Phelps: I drove to the school, I will look at the time, called her mother for the third time, said: it does not, to tell you upstairs.But I do in bed?Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you have a very good state of mind, so you must sleep when they sleep on.In the Olympic Games will be like this?Phelps: I can sleep anywhere.This game players, this is the biggest advantage, I love to sleep, sleep is my favorite one.I always fall asleep.This is not a problem.Q: Competition in the morning, there are many athletes have been complaints, you hada similar complain?Phelps: I Haowuyuanyan, after all, this is the Olympics, to have the opportunity to participate in the Olympic Games for your country and swimming for your team and the motherland, and in what time does not matter to me.When will I be able to swim, if I have 10 o'clock in the morning, the Olympic gold medal run, I see no problem.I will get up on time, very proud to wear the clothes and make their own efforts to win glory for the country.Narration(Phelps of the mother, not the name of the most difficult to get up, the headache is that he's ADHD as a child, why would learn to swim, his mother is the treatment of ADHD in order to come up with countermeasures.)Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you learn to swim in one of the original treatment for ADHD, and through this to your mother you release excess sperm?Phelps: he was right.I said in a swimming pool in the stadium, I will feel very relaxed, free, by releasing its own strength to be happy.I am finally out of ADHD.I am all right now.I think either school as a child learning to swim, I can not be so strong, I always remember as a child to see a doctor, take medicine regularly, and finally one day I no longer need these.Moderator(Yang Lan): What makes you aware that you are swimming for health and it? Or to set up his own career as a swimmer's goal? This is the time to do what?Phelps: I would like to have been the hour, may be in 2001, when I created the first world record time.At the moment I think may be some very special things.Before I have taken part in the Olympic Games.But then, I feel a little different.Aside(although participate in the Athens Olympics, he is only 19 years old, but it is not the first time.In 2000 in Sydney, his 70 years as theyoungest U.S.player, has participated in the competition.Moderator(Yang Lan): Your first Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000, then you only 15 years old, but it still got a fifth of the results for the first time you feel how the Olympic experience?Phelps: It was the first time I have to go abroad for the first time with the national team play, I also experienced the first international match, I no more than 15 years of age.There are swimming pool 1800, Australia in the scream, as if the entire pool all in shock, the thunder sound as they scream too much, in fact I am not really ready to play.But also a kind of experience from which I know more about their own.When I get only the fifth time, I am very disappointed.But six months later, I broke my first world record, because I have the strength, I'm ready.Narration(2001 in the 200-meter butterfly race, 1 minute 54 seconds to break the world record of 58, Phelps began swimming at the world's gold on the road.Jun 29, 2003 held in California to create competition 200-meter individual medley world record, a month after the decision in the Barcelona world championships, broke his own 200m individual medley record of 41 days, he created the game 7 of World Records, he was just 18 years of age, In the world's top swimmer, he is a child, the talented juvenile began his second trip to the Olympics.Moderator(Yang Lan): A gold medal is more important than the use of it? In the Athens Olympic Games, if you do not have to adhere to Thorpe in the freestyle competition in one fell swoop, you can be a gold medal?Phelps: I like to do one of the world's best game together.In the 200-meter freestyle, almost the best players, the tour's fastest players had participated.I would like to contest them, I never give up, especially in swimming inside,Moderator(Yang Lan): This isbeyond anything the gold medal?Phelps: I just want the best players and games.Moderator(Yang Lan): I think this is where you plug the Olympic spirit!Phelps: Yes,Narration(desire for a gold medal, the desire to break Spitz's record seven blocks gold medal he was looking forward with the best players in the world for the excellent and the best game.He had to overcome their own Crocker's photo hung in the bedroom, indicating there is The existence of such a rival.'s Old rival Ian Thorpe retired Phelps let a lot of disappointment.)Moderator(Yang Lan): Who is your biggest rivalry?Phelps: You can not say that a particular person, there are so many people around the world.I am doing the same with swimming, I swim in the competition, and so many people.I am in the world and the best player of the competition, this is my favorite, let me be more strong.Moderator(Yang Lan): You do not need to see them encouraged to do your fighting spirit?Phelps: I do need result, I guide the direction, I will mark out a place I can see every day.A few years ago that Thorpe can not be a race to get seven gold medals, Phelps can not do.Those words in particular have been marked out, and then note in my locker, no matter what time to open my locker, I can see them.Narration(Indeed, now is not the time Phelps will be their opponents on the bedside photograph of a child, he was very clear victory, if not enough self-confidence, than their opponents have to redouble our efforts, he likes a bow Man saying, “If you break one day, strength will b e back two days”)Moderator(Yang Lan): You know you are training hard, even in the same is true of Christmas,Phelps: a price to pay forgrowth.I gave up.Moderator(Yang Lan): We like to describe your training, such as a day to travel long?Phelps: I swim every day 2-5 hours each training swim about 5-6 miles now.Therefore, the basic day to the upper reaches of 5-12 miles, seven days a week is so.7:30 every morning, 15 o'clock, the training twice, each time for two hours or so.Moderator(Yang Lan): how to find joy in these circumstances it?Phelps: I enjoy the view that, in addition to swimming, I want to, do I like to do.Play games or watching TV, or anything.In any case entirely on their own time, can do, can be very happy.If I could live in a swimming pool, that would be the safest.Aside(due to Phelps's Incredibles results, he studies why some people travel so fast, it was his physical condition, have concluded that the physical characteristics of the largest Yao Zhi long and short legs, so that the Is the proportion of Athlete of the devil figure, combined with powerful muscle relaxation category, to ensure continued momentum and accelerate the outbreak of the force) Moderator(Yang Lan): We all said in your arms, legs, feet, hands, your sense of water and so on, do you think is the best so why would it?Phelps: I guess because I have a gift swim in it.God gave me this talent, and gave me the will.I think from my parents, where many of the genetic characteristics of my personality, I am a very hard-working people, I am persistent and I do not words fail, to achieve our goals, I will make every effort, which is all of these together, creating I had that with my success.Aside(it can be said that Phelps warm sense of survival and swimming pools on the very obsession of many swimmers could not overcome the nature of his reasons, he also received a “aquatic animals” nickname.His rotation “under the surface ”Bluntly: his aversionboring, repetitive use of his legs around, very much perturbed by the non-stop commercial activities in the water would only be nurtured and enjoy the feeling of Qing Fu.)Moderator(Yang Lan): to leave the pool, you will feel a little awkward right?Phelps: Yes, I left the pool very clumsy, I think is the safest in the water.Moderator(Yang Lan): In the swimming pool outside what harm?Phelps: I always keep falling, the opponent and feet, I was a fish out of water, I had better return to the water, I can swim, or even to sleep, I will start things safer.Aside(because of less fame, the big kids have slowly come to understand that the success of the arrival there will be a lot of trouble, in 2004 a few weeks after the Athens Olympics, was also proved that he did not grow up.He lives in accordance with the law in Maryland He drunk driving, because he can not reach the drinking age, he was 19 years old.) Moderator(Yang Lan): Do you drink-driving incident is what's going on? Phelps: Yes, you made a mistake.It is very different from my life.This is also a lesson in life, and I now made great progress since then, when I told my friends together, because they may make mistakes, I will stop them from committing the same offense, if I can help them T o prevent other people guilty of similar mistakes.I think this is, because I can to help them.Moderator(Yang Lan): This is a growth experience Phelps: 18, 19-year-old to 22 years old, I have to live independently and have their own house, own cooking, living completely different.The life bit by bit, I do not useful.Aside(the 19-year-old age will face up to its mistakes, he returned to a conventional life back in the water, things change in the bright side.Melbourne in 2007 he created a world record 7 gold medals,so that the swimming talent Before the Olympics has become the most watched player, he early to prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games.)Q host(Yang Lan): I have heard that you had to learn Chinese?Phelps: I am a school, but very difficult, very difficult to do, I'm learning a course.But also to learn the course entry Stage.Moderator(Yang Lan): Now what can be said of?Phelps: women, men.I learned are based.There are water, coffee, tea, very, very well.Narration(in Beijing to participate in eight matches, means that the opportunity to record the impact of eight.There is no doubt because they believe he has such power)Moderator(Yang Lan): The convenience of our goal to tell you?Phelps: This question has been asked numerous times.Only two people in the world, I know.Bob and I, even my mother is completely unclear,Moderator(Yang Lan): India does not intend to come out on the bed?Phelps: I can only see.Moderator(Yang Lan): Everyone you expect to break Spitz created a world record!Phelps: But I have a lot of goals.And that these goals are very high.I just want to do in the first Phelps, not the second Spitz.I do not want to do our predecessors, the sport is new.This is my goal.Narration(in the Beijing Olympics, Phelps eight gold medals from child prodigy to the evolution of the legend, his 23-year-old can one go further, we have to see if he can do in the pool and a race against time to play the game.)Moderator(Yang Lan): I have heard that you are 12 years old to participate in a game to throw the goggles?Phelps: Yes, I threw.Moderator(Yang Lan): lost because of it?Phelps: I often get angry at that time, but I do not now thecase.I learned from the mistakes committed as a child, to draw lessons.Moderator(Yang Lan): after the coach say?Phelps: He could not do so, so I changed a lot.Learned from the mistakes and change.Moderator(Yang Lan): Phelps incredible, these days many people use the flying fish, and even alien to describe his incredible that he has anything to do with it? He broadens the human imagination, so far, he has 14 Olympic gold medals, he also said that the participation in the 2012 London Olympics, will not terminated our imagination, Thank you for watching this edition of “Interview with Yang Lan.”--------------------------汉语翻译-------泳池里的顽童主持人(杨澜):大家好,欢迎收看《杨澜访谈录》,每个人都有自己的愿望,一个人的愿望有多大的力量呢,当美国游泳运动员菲尔普斯一人夺得八个金牌的时候,全世界有多少人相信呢,8月17日时他已经获得了七金牌,在那一刻他一个人的愿望成为了全世界的愿望。
Cultural Programs and the 2008 Olympic GamesYang Lan1 Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon! Before I introduce our cultural programs, I want to tell you one thing first about 2008. You're going to have a great time in Beijing.2 Many people are fascinated by China’s sport legends. For example, back to Song Dynasty, which was the 11th century, people in our country started to play a game called Cuju, which is regarded as the origin of ancient football. The game was so popular that women were also participating. So now you will probably understand why our women’s football team is so well today.3 There are a lot more wonderful and exciting things waiting for you in New Beijing, a modern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into the urban tapestry. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven and the Great Wall, the city also offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums, discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls, which will amaze and delight you.4 But beyond all of that, this is a city of millions of friendly people who love to meet people from around the world. They believe that if the 2008 Olympics is held in Beijing, it will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world. And I guarantee, their gratitude will pour out in open expressions of affection for you and the great movement that you guide.5 Within our cultural programs, education and communication will receive the highest priority. We seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy by broadening the understanding of the Olympic ideals throughout the country.6 Cultural events will unfold each year from 2005 to 2008. We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, including concerts, exhibitions, art competitions, and camps, which will involve young people from around the world. During the Olympics, these activities will also be held in the Olympic Village, and in the city, for the benefit of the athletes.7 Our ceremonies will give China's greatest—and the world's greatest —artists a chance to celebrate the common aspirations of humanity and the unique heritage ofChinese culture and that of the Olympic movement.8 With a concept inspired by the famed Silk Road, our Torch Relay will break new ground, traveling from Olympia through some of the oldest civilizations known to man —Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantine, Mesopotamian, Persian, Arabian, Indian and Chinese. Carrying the message "Share the Peace, Share the Olympics," the eternal flame will reach new heights as it crosses the Himalayas over the world's highest summit, Mount Qomolangma, which is known to many of you as Mount Everest. In China, the torch will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, travel the Great Wall and visit Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the 56 ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by and inspire more human beings than any previous relay.9 I am afraid I cannot give you the full picture of our cultural programs within sucha short period of time. Before I end, let me share with you one story. Seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible descriptions of a faraway land of great beauty, people asked Marco Polo whether his stories about China were true. He answered: What I have told you was not even half of what I saw. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you.10 Ladies and gentlemen, I believe Beijing will prove to be a land of wonders to all of you—to athletes, spectators, and the worldwide television audience alike. Come and join us.11 Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all. Now, I would like to give the floor back to Mr. He.。
CCTV-2 “华尔街风云”之二(2008年10月20日):华尔街危机是如何孕育的?李小加,摩根大通中国区主席李小加:非常高兴今天能够和大家一起探讨大家现在都非常关心的内容,因为我们不断地问我们自己,到底发生了什么,怎么会这样,为什么依稀之内、一个月之内我们经济就经历如此大的变化,谈到华尔街,华尔街有很多传奇的故事,最早的时候大家认为是冒险家的乐园,但现在的含义和当时完全不一样了。
前 言在现在激烈的媒体竞争环境之下,100期对于周播节目来说是一个记录,象征着这档节目顽强的生命力和巨大的社会影响力,《论道》栏目顺利开播两年以来,在中国全社会、政界、商界、学界以及全国媒体业内取得非常显著的成就,栏目连续在国内外重要媒介机构中获得奖项;同时近百位国内外各界知名人士的加盟使得《论道》栏目真正实现了从省级卫视高端对话节目向国家级高端对话节目的转变。
一、《论道》栏目介绍1. 栏目概述2007年5月16日,博鳌亚洲论坛秘书长龙永图以嘉宾主持的身份走进贵州电视台演播厅,掀开大型高端对话节目——《论道》的序幕,主打“时事颠峰对话,风口浪尖人物,社会热点话题”,邀请政界名流、商界明星、学界名家,在国际风云变幻间探理寻规。
2. 栏目影响力媒介影响面广、渗透度高《论道》自开播以来,影响力持续攀升。
杨澜访谈录---虎妈战歌谁和谁的较量(下)Yang Lan---Y; Amy Chua-AY: In the end of the book, you have a sense of reflection, so I didn't read any regret.A: well, I have some regrets, some regrets, but you said it right, if I could do it all right again, I could do the same thing.Y: why, you have seen it that it would work to your young daughter...A: no, I think it did work. Because I came up to a point of crisis, if I kept pushing more and more, then it wouldn't work. But then I realize, when children are still very young, I like the traditional Chinese way, you know, because, when children are 5 or 6 or 7 years old, they are too young to make their choices, and this is for me where I didn't agree with the Western way, you knew the Western gives you so many choices, but I think you told your child when they are at 5, do whatever you want, they would just watch TV all day, and you know, you know, I still happy that I like the way of hard work and self-discipline and don't give up your children. You know, when the children like Lulu, when she grows up to 12-13 year old teenager, then I think the children they have to give them more to the children.Y: so what are the rebellings when you at your teenage years old, what is your dream at home? A: you knew, my parents are more traditional than me, because they come from Asian to US, they didn't know anything about the US culture. For example, my father says, then you go to college, you have to live at home, stay at home and ...Y: so you don't mess around with the other boys.A: yes, exactly. You just stay at home with your family, so I secretly applied to Harvard at the other side of the country. We lived in California. So I applied a school five thousand miles away, and when I got in, I said to him, Dad, I was accepted by Harvard , and I had to go there. I thought he would be very angry, and then, he found out and said, oh, Harvard, that's a good school, not bad. Later he was proud, and he had said that I should be scientist or doctor, when I was young, my parents did more narrow, they just think the best thing to do is to be a scientist, so when I went to law school, they said what, what is this. Again, that was a kind of rebelling, but now, they are very proud, I did a lot of thing from my, too.Y: because you are a minority, and sometimes you are faced with some kind of discrimination. This was very much in the blood of the first generation of migrants,A: I agree, you know, my parents, you know, the first generation, they have to survive, that was many parents generation, you know they have no time to think about the luxury, and they are thinking about how can I prepare well for my children, and I think, each generation, you may lose it, you know the Jewish...Y: you don't have the survive crisis any more.A: exactly.Y: you know, you, in the book, you said that you are so afraid of the fact in Chinese 富不过三代.So you are so afraid if I inerprete it right. You children would lose the motivation to excel themselves and to be the best of themselves.A: Yes, I'm very afraid of that.Y: is that what you afraid of?A: yes. I'm fearful about that, but not only afraid of success, that was only half of it. Because Ithink it's no good for the children, too be very spoiled, you know the third generation, they are more wealthy, they are more comfortable. You know, this children in America, maybe also in China, the children are becoming more spoiled, they are very materialistic, in kind of selfish, buy me this, I want this.Y: because they take it for granted.A: yes, they take it for granted, and I don't think that's the recipe for happiness, so it's not just success they may have not such a good marriage late on. Selfish people are not the happiness people. I think, I'd like them to take responsibilities, to be appreciative, you know, not just buy me more things, I was also told them, it's very hard for me, my first pair of nice shoes, I'd worked so hard for them, so I don't just let them think that they can have everything. You know, that's why I don't let them shopping all the time, you know, I want them to have some more depth, some more culture.Y: what was the role of education of your husband,A: my husband always bought balance to the family, and this is something I think...Y: I think, he has been driven crazy, you know, by those words, you know from the book, you and your daughters were very fierce words with your daughters, and it must be a devastating experience for your husband.A: no, not really.Y:no?A: no, nor really. There are many Western families, believe it or not, their parents are very ...just do whatever you want, but these children got to blame these parents later on, and my husband was wish his parent was to be restricted with him,Y: you are kidding me? I don't believe that.A: that's true. He wishes, he wishes that, he remember that when his mom give him a choice when he was 6 years old. Jed, do you want to play your violin or play with your friends. Of course, at your 6 years old , you choose to play with your friends, and now he regrets, he wishes that there was someone who force him to play the instrument he likes.Y: but there got to be a moment that he got disagree with you.A: oh, yes, of course there many moments . But he...we didn't give up the disagree when they are young. Because he just insisted, at weekends, oh, that's enough violin, we are going now to have fun at the park, or we are going to playing PingPong, to a baseball game. So you know, my children are raised half Western way comparing with me. They have a lot of fun, because my husband always insisted on bringing balance. When Lulu was 13, we really got angry, I and my husband had more conflict and I listen to him. And he was really unhappy about that, and he said that look, you have changed, and that's when I pulled back and changed.Y: in your book, what you used to describe tiger mothers was tiger are lonely animals, are you lonely yourself? Especially in the way, you know, in many other American Mothers, will you lonely?A: yeah, I was a little lonely only when it came to difficult moments when I was with my children, because I thought I couldn't find nobody to talk to. You know, because I was very much want to raise my children the way my parents, they raise me, but all around me, we had Western friends, Western culture and Western school, I think it's hard for the a Chinese audience to understand howdifferent America is.Y: how do you describe the pressure on you? It could be another way, you know, in China, if youdidn't get your children into, you know, 奥数班,the special training for mathematics, she is lonely,because she is alone, it's the other way in America. So it drives you to think of the press just the different, describe to us.A: you know, other parents are saying don't put too much press on grade, a B+ would be, not all the America families, but it would be enough. But don't make you kids feels too bad, everything they do is great, just try your best, so, when I say to her that you have to try to play violin at least two hours every day, many people think that's abusive, it was some kind of lonely, especially, when she said why, why you are the only Mum that makes me do this, and it sometimes makes me question.Y: what has been change?A: those rules at the beginning of the book are in English,you can tell it's to be a kind of funs, the rules, only As, the only pianos or violin, that's the rules my parents applied to me, but because my husband was Western, those rules are never applied to my children so restrictly, just compare to Western kids, but now, they for example in America, when children has sleepovers, you know several weekends, kids went through the night at theirs friends to sleep,Y:it's still forbidden in your home,A: No, Lulu, had four in the last two months, and I'm not happy about it,Y: it destroy your rules...A: yeah, and sometimes I was always compromising, well it's what I would give up was schools, I'm still very restrict,Y: straight As.A: yes, I don't always criticize. When she got back a 96 percent of 100, I praise her, but let's see, what's the missing 4 points,Y: you are too restrict.A: but it's only a sign of I believing in you. I think you can do better, actually both girls agree with me, I think they are happy, they are happy that they are both good students, because it give them confidence, because it gives them also a some kind of happiness and more choices,Y: you knew, a lot of excuse when Chinese students are pushed to do their exersizes and their homework. Good grade, a lot of examinations, good grades, and so on so forth. But they all have a excuse that I'm doing for your best interests, and the reasons you are suffering now is one day you would go to college. There is a survey recently, among the tens of thousand of college students, which find out that a lot of students didn't understand the meaning of learning at all, because, even in the kindergarten years, all these are about going to college, you know, that's why you are suffering, suffering for a purpose.A: i'm really disagree with that mentality. I think people have to realize the fact that I wrote the book in the America, America is exactly the opposite, in the America systems, it's never about preparing for the future, it's when you at your 7 or 8 years, you are certain to find your passion, it's the opposite here, that's why I still have to ask my children better for the future. If I were in China, in that kind of system, I think I might be the opposite way, because I think your have to experience the fun of learning, you have to have the joy, and this is interesting that I am studying fullybecause I alike it, not just tocher and not just memorizing, you know teaching at Yale for a year, I realize the problem with some of my Asian student, some of them, and they just study so hard and miserable, they don't really like it, they don't have the joy of that.Y:now that there are so many people talking about the PISA test, you know, during the test, you know Chinese students rank number one in language, maths, and science, you know, what's you idea about that?A: I agree, I don't think we should think black or white, which is better, memorizing or creativety, that's not the way we should think about it, we should think about how we can combine, you know, even in the science and maths, if you want to be very inventive and science creativity, if you want to come up with the Einstein theory, you need to be able to plus and be able to multiply, you still have to lay the basic foundation for it, US did that so badly, can you imagine that formed a superpower, and that's why I think they are a bitter of upset.Y: because the training is different, in China, children are trained to do well.A: but I have to tell you, a lot of Chinese students who come to college in US and they still do very well, so you can take that basic skills and you can learn better in a better environment, also to be more creative, but US college are really fantastic, and it's not just memorizing, it's the opposite. Y: do you think what's the reason why it raise so much attention is that there is a underlying fear or anxiety that China and other nations in Asian are emerging in the raising to challenge the authority of America.A: I think that's definitely part of the reason.Y: they are raising their children in such a competitive way, that we may lose our future competitiveness in the future, so they.. Look at the tiger mother, yes, you know...A: yes, i think that's the reason of this issue for sure, you know, a lot of my friends also called it of Battle Hymnof the Italy mother, or BattleHymnof the Mexican Mother, nobody will care it. OK, I think there is a lot of anxiety and worry in the US that, and my book was actually published at the same week when the that of PISA result came out, with all the Shanghai kinds are NO. One, and the US are ranking so embarrassing, and I think that's definitely part of it.。
中文名:杨澜外文名:Y ang Lan国籍:中国民族:汉出生地:北京出生日期:1968年3月30日职业:电视节目主持人、企业董事局主席毕业院校:北京外国语大学代表作品:《天下女人》、《杨澜视线》、《杨澜访谈录》、《正大综艺》语言:普通话、吴语祖籍:江苏省丹阳市身高:168cm血型:AB型鞋码:37目录展开编辑本段人杨澜个人写真(18张)1990年,杨澜成为中国中央电视台《正大综艺》节目女主持人。
深度访谈 杨澜:我不是中国的华莱士
深度访谈杨澜:我不是中国的华莱士深度访谈杨澜:我不是中国的华莱士创业商机 qyue 深度访谈杨澜:我不是中国的华莱士上海的繁华地段,有幢古色古香的老式洋房。
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本书为大型电视访谈节目《杨澜访谈录》的实体书,是继《杨澜访谈录》2007 Ⅰ、Ⅱ之后的2008年度巨献。
《杨澜访谈录》2008 Ⅰ,甄选当前热点人物入册,有美丽典雅的约旦王后拉尼娅·阿卜杜拉、法国国宝级大导演吕克·贝松、世界功夫巨星李连杰、篮球明星王治郅、音乐大师谭盾等等;在特为母亲节制作的特辑里,诚邀沈冰、张悦然和洪瑛三位嘉宾,听她们讲述女性心目中能够让人勇敢的爱是什么;而在与嘉宾柳传志的对谈中,则深入浅出且颇具趣味地揭示了联想集团“蛇是怎样吞象的”……