NOAANational Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service(NESDIS)Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System(CLASS)Quality Management PlanCLASS-1006-CLS-PLN-QMFebruary 1, 2005Document History Quality Management Plan Document HistoryReview and Approval Quality Management Plan Review HistoryContentsDOCUMENT HISTORY (II)REVIEW AND APPROVAL (III)CONTENTS ................................................................................................................... I V LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ................................................................................. V ISECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION (1)1.1Purpose (1)1.2Scope (1)1.3Document Organization (1)1.4References and Related Documents (2)1.5Document Maintenance (3)SECTION 2 - QUALITY MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITIES (4)2.1 Quality Objectives (4)2.2Quality Management Organization (4)2.3Quality Management Office Functions and Responsibilities (5)2.4Quality Management Responsibilities of Others (6)2.4.1CLASS Project Management Team (CPMT) (7)2.4.2Technical Area Leads (7)2.4.3Lead Integrator (7)2.4.4Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) (7)2.4.5Project Technical Staff (7)2.4.6CSC Federal Sector Group Quality Responsibilities (8)SECTION 3 - QUALITY MANAGEMENT APPROACH (9)3.1Key Quality Management Concepts (9)3.2Overview of Quality Management Methods and Activities (9)3.3Life Cycle Activities (10)3.4Process Assurance Cycle (10)3.5Evaluation Criteria and Standards (12)3.6Standards and Procedures (S&Ps) (13)3.7Product Reviews (13)3.7.1Peer Reviews (13)3.7.2QMO Deliverable Reviews (14)3.8Process Audits (14)3.9Training (15)SECTION 4 - CLASS QUALITY RECORDS AND REPORTS (17)4.1Project File Records (17)4.2Monthly Status Reports (17)4.3Audit Reports (17)4.3.1General Audit Reports (17)4.3.2PAC Reports (18)4.4Non-Conformance Reporting and Corrective Action (18)4.5Quality Measurement (19)4.5.1Software Quality Goals (19)4.5.2Measurement and Analysis (19)APPENDIX A - QM SCHEDULE AND METRICS (21)APPENDIX B – DISTRIBUTION OF QUALITY RESPONSIBILITIES (22)APPENDIX C – GLOSSARY (27)APPENDIX D - ACRONYMS (29)List of Figures and TablesFiguresFigure 2-1. Quality Management Relationships (5)TablesTable 3-1. Quality Activity Schedule Form (10)Table 4-1. Quality Metrics (20)Table A-1. Quality Management Schedule of Activities (21)Table B-1. Distribution of Quality Responsibilities (23)Section 1 - Introduction1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this Quality Management Plan (QMP) is to establish the goals, processes, and responsibilities required to implement effective quality management functions for theNOAA/NESDIS Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System (CLASS) project. Quality Management (QM) identifies both the underlying concepts on which the plan is based and the specific activities conducted to ensure:∙The business solution activities, such as functional requirements, technical constraints, system development, and maintenance activities, are accomplished in accordance withthe approved methodology, supporting standards and procedures, and ∙The products and services produced conform to applicable CLASS project requirements.1.2 ScopeThis QM Plan applies to all system development and maintenance efforts, including those tasks performed by subcontractors, and covers all applicable life cycle phases.This plan is intended for use by all CLASS personnel to understand and perform the quality activities applicable to their responsibilities. Quality management requires the project to identify quality activities for its currently planned work phase and related releases.. CLASS project management and the QMO is accountable for quality and the responsibilities and actions that determine and implement policies. Quality management includes obtaining the commitment of the organization, marshaling resources, and ensuring quality objectives and processes are used and supported effectively.Quality management for the project is planned along with other project tasks and initiatives. Implementation of and compliance with the QMP is the shared responsibility of all project personnel. Both project management and technical staff are thus integrated with and committed to the success of overall Quality Management.1.3 Document OrganizationThis project quality management planning document is organized as follows:∙Section 1, Introduction, outlines the purpose and scope of quality activities and responsibilities, as well as the purpose, scope, organization, and relationship of thisdocument to other pertinent documents.∙Section 2, Quality Management Responsibilities, explains the responsibilities for quality management on the CLASS Project.∙Section 3, Quality Management Approach, defines the QM approach to assure compliance with the key concepts of CLASS QM.∙Section 4, Quality Management Records and Reports, describes the records and reports prepared and maintained by the Quality Function.∙Appendix A, QM Schedule and Metrics, outlines the proposed QM schedule and metrics report template.∙Appendix B, Distribution of Quality Responsibilities, reflects the distribution of quality effort between the QMO and CLASS project personnel.∙Appendix C contains a glossary of definitions.∙Appendix D contains acronyms used in this document.1.4 References and Related DocumentsThe CLASS Master Project Management Plan (MPMP) is the primary document describing the management processes and strategies for the overall CLASS Project. The MPMP directs the overall project planning function and defines the organization, resources, and methodology for meeting customer requirements.The CLASS QMP supplements the MPMP and documents the quality management function. The management approach, policies, and procedures described in this plan are derived from CLASS process baseline documents and CSC Federal Sector policies and procedures. The QMP was developed in accordance with the following documents and resources of which the CLASS QMO follows:∙Master Project Management Plan (MPMP), CLASS-1028-CLS-PLN-MPMP∙CSDPC Activity Plan (AP), CLASS-1003-CLS-PLN-CSDPC∙TMC Activity Plan (AP), CLASS-1073-CLS-PLN-TMCAP∙Configuration Management Plan (CMP), CLASS-1001-CLS-PLN-CM∙Software Development Guide (SDG), CLASS-1002-CLS-PRO-Guide∙Software Development Measurement Plan (SDMP), CLASS-1054-CLAS-PLN-MA ∙CSC FED Civil Group Quality Assurance Policy, SP 611, Revision 01, July 2000∙Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) Catalyst, Quality Management, R4.0, Version1.0.2, 2003The QMP refers to the following supporting documents:∙Process Assurance Cycle procedure, CLASS-1021-CLS-PRO-QM∙QMO Process Audits, CLASS-1023-CLS-PRO-QM∙QMO Product Reviews, CLASS-1019-CLS-PRO-QM∙Waiver Requests, CLASS-1020-CLS-PRO-QM∙Corrective and Preventive Actions, CLASS-1022-CLS-PRO-QM∙Peer Reviews procedure, CLASS-1018-CLS-PRO-QM∙Configuration Audits procedure, CLASS-1025-CLS-PRO-CM∙Operational Readiness Review procedure, CLASS-1049-CLS-PRO-SIT1.5 Document MaintenanceThe QMP has been reviewed and approved through independent review by the CSC Federal Sector (FED) Civil Group (CIV) Quality Director, by the CLASS Project Management Team (CPMT), and is under baseline control. During the course of the CLASS project, the QM organization will continually make improvements to its internal processes to ensure accuracy, then review and update this document on a yearly cycle to reflect process improvements. In this way, the QM organization remains efficient and responsive to the customer and project quality needs and requirements. Any changes to this QMP will be submitted to the QM manager and then to the CLASS Project Management Team (CPMT) for authorization and approval.Section 2 - Quality Management ResponsibilitiesThis section identifies the QM responsibilities and relationships at all levels of the CLASS project, and describes the quality responsibilities of the QMO, CLASS project management, and technical personnel.2.1 Quality ObjectivesThe CLASS quality objectives support CLASS goals and objectives, and establish the framework for planning and performing quality management activities reflected in project plans. The CLASS quality objectives are to:∙Deliver products and services that meet customer needs and business objectives∙Deliver products that are compliant with applicable contract and project requirements ∙Empower CLASS personnel to take responsibility for the quality of their products and services∙Prevent and resolve problems by implementing effective work processes∙Promote continuous improvement in work processes to improve quality, timeliness, and cost-effectiveness∙Improve the effectiveness of CLASS processes and their supporting tools, techniques, standards, and proceduresAll CLASS personnel are responsible for supporting the objectives while performing assigned duties. The CLASS Quality Management Office (QMO) is responsible for monitoring CLASS performance against the objectives and for supporting personnel in meeting the objectives.2.2 Quality Management OrganizationThe QMO is independent of the CLASS project management organization. The basic tenet for Quality Management is to make all employees responsible for the quality of their work. As implemented on the CLASS project, this means quality management is the responsibility not only of management, but also of all project personnel who perform work for, and provide services and products to NOAA.The Quality Management Office (QMO) is responsible for monitoring the implementation of quality management throughout the project and supporting all levels of project management. The QMO reviews formal project deliverables and monitors project activities for compliance with CLASS policies, and with methods, processes and associated standards and procedures. The QM Manager coordinates ongoing support activities with CLASS management, but reports administratively to the Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) Federal Sector (FED) Civil Group (CIV) Quality Director. The CLASS QM manager is assigned to the project by their mutual agreement. Issues identified by the QMO that cannot be resolved by the CPMT are escalated to the NESDIS OSD PM or to CSC CIV QM. This relationship is depicted in Figure 2-1, Quality Management Relationships.Figure 2-1. Quality Management Relationships2.3 Quality Management Office Functions and ResponsibilitiesThe primary functions and responsibilities of the CLASS QMO are:∙Maintain awareness of the project product and service quality∙Provide management with the visibility of the processes used in project performance ∙Notify the appropriate manager or the CPMT in a timely manner about existing or potential quality-related problems∙Develop and implement a quality program to ensure the project’s s ystem, products, and services meet requirements∙Make recommendations regarding policies, methodology, processes, procedures, and standards∙Develop supplemental quality management procedures and standards, as needed∙Administer a quality-focused problem management process, including monitoring and reporting on the problem resolution process∙Plan, conduct, and monitor the performance of activities in accordance with both the Master Project Management Plan (MPMP), the team activity plans (APs) and this Quality Management Plan (QMP)∙Review project deliverables, and conduct reviews on delivered project documentation ∙Conduct project process audits∙Support configuration audits∙Participate in release operational readiness reviews∙Train project personnel on quality procedures, and baseline procedure, as requested∙Assist the appropriate manager in planning and, if necessary, interpreting requirements and applying guidance and associated standards and procedures∙Provide project staff with orientation and training in quality management responsibilities and processes∙Monitor project activities for compliance with policies, processes and procedures, guidance for business solution activities, and guidance for software developmentactivities that are defined in support of specific tasking∙Participate on the Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)The QMO supports the implementation and related training for the Quality management program as defined by this QMP.The QMO is responsible for monitoring implementation of the quality program throughout the project and supports all levels of management. The QM Manager supports the implementation and related training of CLASS personnel in basic QM processes, including system development and maintenance methodologies, related standards and procedures, inspections and reviews, and auditing. QMO monitors project activities to ensure compliance with the policies reflected in this QMP and the related standards and procedures (S&Ps) throughout all system phases and maintenance activities.The QM Manager supports the CLASS Project Management Team (CPMT) in defining and overseeing implementation of the QM program. Responsibilities in this capacity include:∙Develop and maintain the project QMP∙Ensure the QMP addresses the quality goals and priorities of the project and client organization, and satisfies all organization requirements and expectations∙Ensure the QMP is put under configuration management (CM) control and made available to all affected groups and individuals∙Ensure audits of activities for compliance with the QMP and other applicable requirements∙Establish processes and procedures to perform QM activities∙Report findings to CLASS project and QMO management, and identify corrective actions related to the product and process verifications.2.4 Quality Management Responsibilities of OthersThis subsection describes the quality-related responsibilities allocated to all CLASS personnel. Both the QM Manager and the CLASS project personnel perform quality functions. Appendix B,Distribution of Quality Responsibilities, reflects the distribution of effort between the QMO and CLASS project personnel.2.4.1 CLASS Project Management Team (CPMT)The CLASS Project Management Team (CPMT) is responsible for providing direction in implementation of the QM program defined by this QMP and for ensuring adequate resources are allocated to accomplish the implementation. The project management team is responsible for meeting the quality goals and objectives of the project and for the implementation of quality management throughout the project.2.4.2 Technical Area LeadsThe Technical Area Leads (TAL), or management designee, interface with the QM Manager regularly to review the status of quality activities and to address any related issues identified by the QMO. TALs are responsible for establishing quality goals and objectives for their organization consistent with those of the project.2.4.3 Lead IntegratorThe Lead Integrator (LI) is responsible for integration testing. The LI develops project plans and reports for systems integration and test activities, defines requirements for, develops, and implements test plans for systems integration.2.4.4 Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)The focus of the Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG) is to conduct and ensure quality-related intergroup coordination throughout CLASS. The members of the SEPG are responsible for identifying the processes and corresponding standards and procedures (S&Ps) to guide project performance. They are further responsible for ensuring work activities are performed in compliance with these processes and S&Ps.2.4.5 Project Technical StaffTechnical personnel play a major role in implementing the CLASS QM program. It is their responsibility to build quality into the products they develop or support. It is also their responsibility to propose process improvements based on their application of the methodology. Technical personnel may be matrixed to the QMO to perform QM activities. During their performance of these activities, they report activity status and discrepancies to the QM manager on an event driven basis. The QM manager periodically reviews the resulting reports of these activities.Technical personnel are also participants in the inspection and certification (I&C) and review processes applied to intermediate products resulting from project work activities. Serving as inspectors or reviewers, they examine the products of their peers to ensure technical soundness and overall quality before proceeding to the next phase of development.Another significant QM-related responsibility is the performance of independent testing. All systems developed or modified under the Program must be adequately tested before they are delivered or made available for use. Personnel familiar with the products being validated, butnot the developer of the product, typically perform testing. The tests ensure new and revised systems meet allocated requirements as well as establish their overall quality and delivery readiness.2.4.6 CSC Federal Sector Group Quality ResponsibilitiesWithin the CSC Federal Sector (FED) group, responsibility for quality management activities is vested in the Civil Group (CIV) Quality Director, who is organizationally part of the Federal Sector Business Process Management Office (BPMO). The CLASS QMO reports to the CSC Quality Director. The CSC Quality Director is responsible for ensuring quality management programs are established for FED’s organizational elements. The quality management programs are impleme nted to support CSC’s mission to provide customers in industry and governmentwith solutions crafted to meet their specific challenges and enable them to profit from the advanced use of technology goals. The CSC Quality Director regularly reviews the various quality management programs. Refer to Figure 2-1 for more information.The Federal Sector BPMO is responsible for ensuring CSC processes and systems are regularly reviewed. The CSC processes are updated, as necessary, to meet evolving quality program needs. The Federal Sector BPMO also oversees measurement programs to support FED’s quality improvement initiatives and ensure FED’s quality program is consistent with the overall CSC corporate goals of excellence in delivered products and services.Section 3 - Quality Management ApproachThe QMO monitors the system development and maintenance processes and the products of those processes for conformance with the agreed upon standards and procedures.3.1 Key Quality Management ConceptsThis QMP is desig ned to be compliant with the project’s contractual requirements. The CLASS MPMP, CMP, other project-related documents, and industry best practices provided much of the information needed for preparation of this plan. The CLASS quality program defined in this plan is based on the following key concepts:∙The program is an active, rather than passive, endeavor. Implementation of, and compliance with, it is the shared responsibility of all personnel; both management andthe technical staff are fully committed to the success of the program.∙The program is administered by QMO, organizationally independent of the CLASS Project, to ensure full objectivity in assessing and reporting all quality-related aspects of CLASS performance.∙The program fully supports the objectives and goals of the CLASS project management and process improvement initiatives.∙Quality is designed early into products using defined processes and procedures, which are monitored and updated to improve their efficiency, to prevent problems before theyoccur, and to maintain the desired quality of resulting products.∙The methods used for analysis, design, implementation, and testing activities during system development and maintenance result in intermediate products that can bereviewed and/or tested for correctness and compliance with applicable S&Ps as a basisfor assessing quality and measuring work progress through the system life cycle. CLASS quality management activities are reviewed regularly with the CPMT to enable early modification and revision of work products in recognition of changes and improved or new processes and technologies.3.2 Overview of Quality Management Methods and ActivitiesThe QMO develops and maintains procedures for performing quality activities. Standards and procedures to meet needs related to unique activities or to customer requirements will be created. The specific standards and procedures to be followed are determined during the planning process and constitute the basis for the QMO to monitor and assess work products and processes for compliance. The following sections describe key quality management activities, strategies, and tools to implement quality activities on CLASS.3.3 Life Cycle ActivitiesIntegral to the Quality Management program are the activities implemented to monitor the processes and products of CLASS for compliance with requirements. Quality activities are planned and monitored through the use of a Quality Activity Schedule (QAS) and reflect quality through all release-specific life cycle phases of the project. The QAS reflects the planned and actual dates for work product (WP) reviews and specific quality audits and activities. The planned dates reflected in the QAS are based on agreements after consultation with the CLASS Technical Area Leads. Table 3-1 depicts the form used to document, plan, and track quality activities. Dates for planning and conducting quality management activities correspond to each key activity in the project schedule. A project quality activity schedule is completed by the QMO. The actual dates are captured monthly by the project control office (PCO).Table 3-1. Quality Activity Schedule FormDuring planning for the project, the QM Manager interfaces with the appropriate manager to ensure adequate planning for quality activities leading to successful fulfillment of the Project’s requirements and goals. Using the Quality Activity Schedule form, the QM Manager documents the schedule for performing the quality activities.3.4 Process Assurance CycleThe Process Assurance Cycle (PAC) is a process that will promote consistent application and use of approved processes across the project. It includes mechanisms to support accomplishment of basic QM-related activities:∙Identify and document the specific development approach to be followed in performing system development or enhancement activities,∙Facilitate project team understanding of the approach and the process by which it is to be implemented,∙Verify compliance with the approach throughout project performance, and∙Report and monitor action items to address problems identified by the QMO in accomplishing the PAC process.The PAC process consists of three major activities. These activities are jointly planned between the CLASS Technical Area Lead (TAL), or management designee, and the QM Manager. The implementation of the PAC is the responsibility of the QM Manager.∙Process Evaluation - The purpose of the process evaluation is to provide assurance that the processes, including standards and procedures, needed for executing the plannedactivities for a release are in place and are compliant with CLASS requirements. Thisprocess evaluation ensures that the processes are documented, the required artifacts areidentified, and the processes are verifiable. The process evaluation also identifies needed or missing procedures or standards, providing the opportunity to bring identified process gaps to the attention of the Technical Area Lead so associated issues may be rectifiedprior to process execution.During process evaluation, the Quality Manager reviews the planned project activities as documented in the appropriate Project or Organization Management Plan and thetailoring plan (if applicable). The Quality Manager ensures processes are documented for the executions of the planned activities, verifiable artifacts are identified for the planned activities, and any gaps in the documented process approach are identified and resolved.The Quality Manager also ensures a mechanism is in place for recovery of artifacts forsubsequent verification.For CLASS, this process evaluation is conducted at least once per year, or otherwisespecifically scheduled during a release, to ensure the processes used are compliant withthe project requirements.∙Process Orientation - The purpose of process orientation is to ensure the documented processes for execution of planned activities are communicated and understood by theproject team. Process orientation is accomplished by conducting QMO Orientationtraining, including presentation of the CLASS process baseline. For CLASS, thisprocess orientation is conducted at least once per year, or otherwise specificallyscheduled during a release, to ensure all personnel understand and are trained to use theartifacts of the CLASS process baseline.The QMO orientation training focuses on the processes that are to be executed toaccomplish the work, the project activities and process artifacts that will be assessed bythe QMO, and the schedule for accomplishing the work. At the QMO orientation training, the Quality Manager presents the quality activities as described in the CLASS QualityManagement Plan. This includes the planned schedule for performing product reviews,QMO audits, lessons learned, and other quality activities as applicable. The QualityManager discusses standards to be followed for the products produced, documentedprocedures for conducting the activities, and the artifacts produced for the activities. The location of standards and procedures is provided, and the mechanism for archiving project artifacts is described. Defect Prevention initiatives are also discussed in the context ofprocess improvements incorporated for the project. Quality goals are presented with adescription of measurement data that will be collected and analyzed.∙Process Verification - The purpose of process verification is to provide assurance that the approved processes identified for the project are implemented and followed as intended.Process verification ensures products are produced as required and in accordance withspecified standards and planned activities are performed as required and in accordancewith specified procedures.Process verification is accomplished by conducting In Progress Process Audits (IPPAs),Life Cycle Phase Audits (LCPAs), and other assessments as planned and executed by the QMO based on project initiatives. An IPPA determines whether planned activities arebeing performed, designated products are being developed, and specified standards andprocedures are being followed. At an intermediate point in the release, the QMO conducts the IPPA and reports the findings to project management. An LCPA is conducted toverify applicable activities and products are completed, metrics are collected, relevantaction items are resolved, discrepancies are documented, and lessons learned are captured.At or near the completion of the release, the QMO conducts the LCPA and reports thefindings to project management.The CLASS QMO performs process verification activities as described in the CLASS Quality Management Plan and associated CLASS QMO procedures.3.5 Evaluation Criteria and StandardsThe QM Manager also ensures:∙Process tailoring is appropriately addressed and documented∙Approved procedures and standards for performing activities are in place∙Training needs for the activities are considered and addressed∙Artifacts for the planned activities are understood and a structured repository is in place for archival∙Quality goals are defined and documented∙Measurement data is identified for subsequent collection and analysis∙Defect prevention initiatives are incorporated into planned activitiesThe next subsections describe the following features of the CLASS QM program: ∙Standards and Procedures (S&Ps)。
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英文要求:托福79分;或者雅思6分;或者CET6过Master of Science in Accountancy 会计学(有一年或以上工作经验者优先,学制1.5年,学费114,000港币)Master of Science in Applied Mathematics for Science and Technology (Actuarial and Investment Science/Decision Science )科技应用数学(精算及投资科学/决策科学,学制两年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Automotive Engineering Design 汽车工程设计(学制一年,学费110,055港币)Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering 生物医学工程(学制一年,学费110,055港币)Master of Science in Building Services Engineering 屋宇设备工程(有相关工作经验者优先,学制一年,学费81,000港币)Master of Arts in Chinese Culture 中国文化(学制1年,需要电话面试,学费100,050港币)Master of Arts in Chinese Language and Literature 中国语文(学制1.5年,需要面试或笔试,学费100,050港币)Master of Arts in Chinese Linguistics 中国语言学(学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Civil Engineering 土木工程(学制1年,学费81,000港币)Master of Science in Construction Law and Dispute Resolution 建筑法与争议解决学(有两年或以上工作经验者优先,学制1年,学费81,000港币)Master of Science in Construction and Real Estate 建筑及房地产学(有相关工作经验者优先,学制一年,学费81,000港币)Master of Corporate Governance 公司管治学(需要面试,学制2年,学费114,000港币)Master of Arts in Design 设计学(需要面试,学制一年,学费115,500港币)Master of Science in E-Commerce 电子商务(学制1.5年,学费88500港币)Master of Educational and Child Psychology 教育及儿童心理学(心理学背景,学制2年,学费100,000港币)Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 电机工程(学制一年,学费115,500港币)Master of Science in Electronic and Information Engineering 电子与信息工程(学制一年,学费115,500港币)Master of Science in Engineering Business Management 工程商业管理(需要相关工作经验,学制一年,学费100,000港币)Master of Arts in English Language Arts 英语语言艺术(专业不限,相关专业优先,托福96分或雅思7分,或专八,可能需要面试或笔试,学制一年,学费115,500港币)Master of Arts in English Language Studies 英语语言(专业不限,相关专业优先,托福96分或雅思7分,或专八,学制一年,学费115,500港币)Master of Arts in English Language Teaching 英语教学(托福96分或雅思7分,或专八,可能需要面试或笔试,学制一年,学费115,500港币)Master of Arts in English for the Professions 专业英语(英语托福96分或雅思7分,或专八,至少2年相关工作经验,可能需要面试或笔试,学制一年,学费115,500港币)Master of Science in Environmental Management and Engineering 环境管理及工程学(学制一年,学费81,000港币)Master of Science in Facility Management 设施管理(有两年或以上工作经验者优先,学制一年,学费81,000港币)Master of Arts in Fashion and Textile Design 服装及纺织品设计(可能需要面试或笔试,学制一年,学费100,050港币)Master of Arts in Fashion and Textiles 服装及纺织学(可能需要面试或笔试,学制一年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Fire and Safety Engineering 消防及安全工程(有相关工作经验者优先,学制一年,学费81,000港币)Master of Science in Geometrics (Geographic Information Systems)测绘及地理资讯学-地理资讯(理工科背景,学制一年,学费81,000港币)Master of Science in Geometrics (Surveying)测绘及地理资讯学-测量(理工科背景,学制一年,学费81,000港币)Master of Arts in Guidance and Counseling 咨商与辅导(学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Health Care (Infection Control)医疗护理学-感染控制(相关背景及工作经验,学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Health Informatics 健康信息科技(学制一年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Industrial Logistics Systems 工业物流系统(理工、商科、管理类背景,可能需要面试或笔试,学制1年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Information Systems 资讯系统(学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Information Technology 资讯科技(学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Integrated Engineering 综合工程学(学制1年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in International Shipping and Transport Logistics 国际航运及物流管理(相关专业,英语托福79,写作20,学制2年,学费115,500港币)Master of Arts in Japanese Studies for the Professions 专业日语文学(日语2级,至少一年相关经验,需要参加英语测试,学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Knowledge Management 知识管理(有相关工作经验者优先,学制1年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 机械工程学(可能需要面试或笔试,学制一年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Medical Imaging and Radiation Science 医学影像及放射科学(相关专业,有相关工作经验者优先,学制一年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science 医疗化验科学(有相关工作经验者优先,学制一年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Multimedia and Entertainment Technology 多媒体科艺(学制一年,学费120,060港币)Master of Science in Project Management 项目管理(学制一年,有两年工作经验者优先,学费81,000港币)Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development 社会政策及社会发展(有相关工作经验者优先,学制一年,学费100,050港币)Master of Arts in Social Work (Family-centered Practice and Family Therapy)家庭本位服务及家庭治疗(需要相关工作经验,学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Software Technology 软件科技(学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Sustainable Urban Development 可持续城市发展学(学制一年,学费81,000港币)Master of Arts in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language 对外汉语教学(有两年对外汉语教学经验者优先,学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)Master of Science in Technology Management 科技管理(学制一年,可能需要面试或笔试,学费100,050港币)Master of Arts in Translating and Interpreting 翻译与传译(托福96分或雅思7分,或C专八,学制1.5年,学费100,050港币)。
香港理工大学——课程式研究生课程(所有院系)太傻留学整理2008年07月10日我要说两句责任编辑:Adola 我要说两句:香港中文大学——研究式课程(博士,硕士)课程表太傻留学整理2008年07月09日我要说两句1. 只限全日制2. 只限兼读制3. 包括肿瘤学系、内科及药物治疗学系、儿科学系及精神科学系4. 自负盈亏课程香港科技大学——研究式研究生学位及课程太傻留学整理2008年07月10日我要说两句香港大学——经济与工商管理学院研究式研究生太傻留学整理2008年07月13日我要说两句Department Research Areas Departmental Requirements Postgraduate Admissions AdvisorSchool of BusinessManagementAsian/Chinese businessorganization andmanagement practice;organizationallearning; human resourcestrategies;organizational behaviorof employees;entrepreneurship;leading change andgrowth in Chinese firms;network organizations;cross-culturalmanagement; leadership.ContactPersonDr S. LamTel:28591008Fax: 2858 5614Email:simonlam@business.hku.hk1. GMAT or GRE scoreobtained within five years.(The GMAT and GRE codes forthe MPhil/PhD programmesare FS2-WL-48 and 2482respectively.)2. Only PhDStudents will beadmitted.Dr D. ChanTel No: 2857 8357Fax No: 2858 5614Email address:derekchan@business.hku.hkAccounting Production and use of accounting information; relationship between financial information and stock prices; voluntary disclosure and earnings management behaviour of corporate managers; enterprise governance, performance measurement, inventory and supply chain management,internationalaccounting and auditing related issues.ContactProf. A. Lau PersonTel:2857Fax: 2858 5614 8369Email:ahlau@business.hku.hkFinanceCorporate finance; asset pricing theories; portfolio analysis; financial institutions; fixed-incomesecurities; derivative securities; exotic options; international finance; risk management; capital market microstructure; Asian financial markets; econometricapplications in finance.China Marketing and Services MarketingChina MarketingHigh performance firms in China: marketing orientation, product innovation and channel capabilities.;Diversification and strategies of global brands in China; globalization of Chinese firms; branding strategies and icons; consumer aspirations; consumption fantasy and consumers in transition.Contact Person Professor D.K.C. TseTel:28591010Fax: 2858 5614Email:davidtse@business.hku.hkServices Marketing High Performance Service System: Design, quality and key processes. Firm orientations, innovations in services, and channel capabilities.Branding and Growth: service as brands, operational competence, growth and globalization of Hong Kong firms. Consumer Satisfaction and Service Delivery Systems: customer学院及部门建筑学院 文学院 经济及工商管理学院 牙医学院 教育学院 工程学院 法律学院 李嘉诚医学院 理学院 社会科学院 研究生院 专业进修学院 数码港学院 不属于任何院系的研究中心内地本科生入学计划 (2008)招生名额:250-300人;截止日期:2008年4月30日(书面申请);2008年6月15日(网上申请);申请费:书面申请人HK$400;逾期报名HK$500; 学费:HK$10万/年;奖学金:最高HK$14万/年,连续3年。
Union Society
University College (Castle)
Ushaw College
Ustinov College
Van Mildert College
D4 D3 n/a B10/C10 B8/C8
Church Street
Quarryheads Lane
Stockton Road
13 41 40
The Graham
Sports Centre at
Maiden Castle
South Road
Health and Safety Office
Number Building
Grid reference
House of Sport
Institute of Advanced Study
Institute of Hazard, Risk and Resilience
Durham Students' Union (Dunelm House) E4
Earth Sciences, e-Science Research
Economics and Finance
Innovation tower 扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所
• 破碎而抽象的形式,超理性,各层次流动空间 • 根据景观、地形和人流(而非周围建筑形式)
• 场地上的焦点
• 对校园意义:在创新的环境中,人聚到一起,实现新 的想法。对香港的发展,和维持香港作为一个领先的 设计和创意中心的地位在该地区的地位是一个伟大的 贡献。有了这个宏伟的新的创新大厦,香港理工大学 可以看向前成为一个知名的创意设计和创新中心。
• 76m 倾斜大厦 建造开始于2009年 净建筑面积1200m2 容纳1500人 演讲厅,10个教室, 设计室和工作坊, 博物馆。
• 整个校园北侧 • 北临立交桥 • 校园的亮点
道路 体育场
综艺楼 护理实验室
1. 宿舍食堂(大家乐公司)例:宿舍早餐比较好~,价格在14-18 HKD。
2. 旧can学校两个大一点的食堂之一,在邵逸夫楼底下,方树泉堂,和著名的大家乐是一个公司。
3. 新can学校两个大一点的食堂之一,由美心经营的,在文康大楼3层。
4. Coffee Lounge在邵逸夫楼底下,方树泉旧can里面,是一个西餐厅,主要提供西式食物,例如:薯条、炸鱼柳,东西不错。
5. 南北小厨在文康大楼4层。
这个需要教工定位子,去的次数很少,一般都是老师请客~ 这个食堂提供小点心,比如说水晶虾饺,奶黄包,叉烧包,凤爪,水晶饺。
6. Oliver’s Supe r Sandwiches西式速食,在N座的地下及一楼,主要提供三文治、热狗等食物,味道不错,稍贵。
7. Theatre Lounge-剧院茶座位于鐘士元楼地下,近蒋震剧院。
★经典饭菜烧味饭:16-22 HKD一份,米饭可换成米粉/河粉肉扒饭(鸡/猪/牛肉):17 HKD两餸套饭:20.5 HKD,带汤/热饮/汽水一餸饭:14.5-16 HKD焗饭/焗意粉:19 HKD日式大碗饭:23.5 HKD,带饮品+甜品炒饭:17-20HKD,需要等10-15分鐘炒意粉:23-25 HKD,现炒,带饮品三明治:8.5 HKD国际都会去国都吃车仔面,日本料理,素食轩,仙桃园什么的。
一、香港理工大学简称“理大”(The Hong Kong PolytechnicUniversity,缩写“PolyU”),创立于1937年,是一所以工为主,兼有管、经、文、理的多科性大学,学校在追求卓越学术水平的同时,不断推陈出新,提供富实用性专业课程、培训、应用研究及专业顾问等服务,支持工商企业长远发展。
香港理工大学是全港学生人数最多的由教育资助委员会(University GrantsCommittee)资助的大学,其毕业生的实用价值被雇主视为同侪之冠。
100Conference Auditorium
101The Edge, Sports Centre
102Food Science BuildingLOCATION NAMEMAP REF . No.
MAP REF . No. LOCATION NAMEUniversity of LeedsMap references for the campus
35Clothworkers South Building
36Geography East
37Psychology Building
38Geography Building
44Henry Price Hall of Residence
48Engineering Building
49Civil Engineering
50Mechanical Engineering
51Electronic & Electrical Engineering
53Old Mining Building
56Clothworkers Building North
57Great Hall
58Baines Wing
59Brotherton Library
60Parkinson Building
61Workshop Theatre
62Emmanuel Centre
65Theology & Religious Studies, Hopewell House
70Hillary Place (School of Education
73EC Stoner
75Clothworkers Centenary Hall
3、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。 21.4.10 0:51:53 00:51A pr-211-Apr-21
4、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的 错儿。 00:51:5 300:51: 5300:5 1Thursday, A力 ,自胜 者强。 21.4.12 1.4.100 :51:530 0:51:53 April 1, 2021
• 76m 倾斜大厦 建造开始于2009年 净建筑面积1200m2 容纳1500人 演讲厅,10个教室, 设计室和工作坊, 博物馆。
• 整个校园北侧 • 北临立交桥 • 校园的亮点
道路 体育场
综艺楼 护理实验室
9、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自 强不息 。上午 12时51 分53秒 上午12 时51分 00:51:5 321.4.1
• 10、你要做多大的事情,就该承受多大的压力。4/1/20
21 12:51:53 AM00:51:532021/4/1
• 11、自己要先看得起自己,别人才会看得起你。4/1/20
6、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像 泥块一 样任意 揉捏。 2021年 4月1日 星期四 上午12 时51分 53秒00 :51:532 1.4.1
7、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我 。。20 21年4 月上午1 2时51 分21.4.1 00:51A pril 1, 2021
8、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。20 21年4 月1日星 期四12 时51分 53秒00 :51:531 April 2021
Innovation tower 扎哈·哈迪德建筑事务所
香港理工大学 香港理工大学
香港理工大学土地测量及地理资讯学系简介香港理工大学土地测量及地理资讯学系简介香港理工大学土地测量与地理资讯学系是香港唯一的提供测绘与GIS 高等教育的学系。
近五年,SCI 学术论文发表及引用国际排名均为第一。
该学系有GIS 实验室、制图实验室、计算机实验室、导航实验室、测量科学实验室、水道测量实验室、地籍测量实验室,拥有一系列先进的GIS 与测绘有关的设备与计算机软件。
相关信息相关信息【培养目标培养目标】】地理信息系统(GIS)、测量(Surveying)硕士研究生培养旨在为GIS、测量及其它相关领域的大学毕业生和专业人士提供GIS 和测量专业的核心知识及最新发展技术,使学生能掌握、运用最新GIS 和测量知识。
香港理工大學物業管理處助理技工 (水務/木工/油漆/泥水) (兩個職位空缺) (編號:19041632-E12)[實任職位為技術助理]職責包括:(一)負責校園或校園以外物業之日常維修工作,例如水喉、渠務、木工、油漆及小型泥水工作;(二)協助監管本校工程承辦商進行之小型工程及維修事項;(三)處理臨時停止供水、臨時供水、水浸或執行緊急水務相關維修之工作;(四)協助安排校內活動之準備工作;(五)定時巡查校內公共地方並紀錄及報告一切違規或問題事項;(六)協助籌辦大型活動及場地佈置;(七)執行部門主管或其指定代表所委派之其他工作;及(八)如有需要,或需輪班當值(包括星期六、日及公眾假期)。
具備不同類型之建築維修經驗,持有相關牌照或完成細木工技工 / 泥水技工 / 水喉或渠務系統相關課程者將獲優先考慮。
有意者請:(一)於辦公時間內 (上午九時至下午五時三十分) 致電或WhatsApp招聘熱線5461 6535;或(二)將填妥之申請表格寄回香港九龍紅磡香港理工大學李嘉誠樓十三樓人力資源處或電郵至。
申請表格可從 .hk/hro/job/en/guide_forms/forms.php 下載或從人力資源處索取。
副學士課程 可兼備教育及職業導向
訓練同學的一般技能和知識 提供專業學科知識和實用技能的訓練 申請的學生須於新高中文憑試取得五科二級或以上成績,包 括中文及英文 具備自行評審資格的大學開辦之副學位課程,須通過校內質 素保證機制的評審 較多通識教育科目 (一般性) 較注重專業知識 (專業性)
級別 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
博士學位 碩士學位、研究生文憑 / 證書 學士學位 副學士 、高級文憑 文憑 證書 證書
政府資助 / 貸款計劃
專上學生資助計劃 (FASP)
專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃 (NLSPS)
往外地升學133名 (1.5%)
申請者或需參加入學面試及 / 或筆試。
2003-2011年 HKCC畢業生升學總覽
升學率 九年平均: 2011:
回覆率 升讀學士學位人數
87.7% 9,036
工商業副學士 (中國商業) 工商業副學士 (國際商業)
應用社會科學副學士 (心理學)
應用社會科學副學士 (社會學及文化)
應用社會科學副學士 (社會政策及行政) 應用社會科學副學士 (社會福利)
理科副學士 工程學副學士