第一讲 Avid操作入门
非线性编辑只要上传一次就可以多次的编辑, 信号质量始终不会变低,所以节省了设备、人 力,提高了效率。非线性编辑需要专用的编辑 软件、硬件,在现在绝大多数的电视电影制作 机构都采用了非线性编辑系统。
二. 影视制作的基本流程
(1)前期准备 当创意部门完全确认方案并获准进入实际制作阶 段后,创意部门会将创意的文案、画面说明以及 故事版全部呈递给制作部门。制作部门将在创意 部门的帮助下,区分拍摄部分与数字制作部分, 并对镜头脚本、导演阐述、灯光影调、音乐样本、 布景方案、演员造型、道具及服装等一切有关拍 摄的所有细节进行全方位的准备工作。 (2)拍摄 依照前期准备的拍摄计划,由摄制组进行拍摄工 作。根据一般的作业习惯,为了提高工作效率, 往往会将机位、景深相似的镜头一起拍摄,而并 非按照镜头脚本的顺序进行。并且,为了保证拍 摄的镜头足够用于剪辑,每个镜头都会尽量拍摄 不止一遍。
(3)数字制作 有些创意内容是实际拍摄工作无法实现的,比如卡 通角色的融合等。数字制作组会根据创意部门提供 的资料进行这些内容的制作工作,为后期制作提供 足够的素材。 (4)后期制作 初剪:初剪,也叫粗剪。一般会按照最初的故事版 中的顺序将拍摄素材与数字素材一并顺接起来,进 行简单的视觉修正,形成一个没有视觉特效、没有 配音和配乐的版本。 (5)特效合成 依照脚本的描述,将需要的特效部分合成到影片中。
考核(以作品考核为主) 考核(以作品考核为主)
50%: 10% 出勤和纪律、学习主动性 20% 笔记、课堂任务、课堂练习 20% 阶段测验 50%:期末考试(包括基本技能和短片制作)
一、 数字视频的基本知识
电视是目前世界上利用最广泛的传播媒体, 是传送声音和活动图像的传播方式,是应 用电子技术对静止或活动的自然景物影像 进行转换、记录、传送和重现的技术工程。 电视系统主要由信号获取、记录、传送和 接收重现四大部分组成,如图 所示。
Avid Media Composer 操作手册目录1. 登陆 --------------------- 32.Avid操作界面 --------------------- 63.设置 ---------------------- 74.采集 --------------------- 95.导入文件 --------------------- 106.编辑 --------------------- 117.声音处理 --------------------- 168.特技 --------------------- 18过渡特技:叠画、闪白、淡入淡出画中画、遮罩、马赛克、模糊、调色、速度等简单效果:照片、黑白处理等9.字幕 --------------------- 27同期唱词、歌曲唱词调侃字幕人名条10.保存 --------------------- 3212.下载 --------------------- 3213.退出 --------------------- 3213.快捷键 --------------------- 33一、.登陆1.登陆ISIS,默认的是打开电脑会自动启动,如果没有就点击“开始/程序/启动/Clentmanager”,就会弹出ISIS界面,输入用户名和密码后点击connect,并保证在Online下边有个绿色的圆点,如果没有,则需要点击一下Online下边的mount处,让它有绿点出现。
AviSynth 入门与应用指南[转]AviSynth 入门与应用指南目录 [隐藏]1 AviSynth 的一些基本概念 2 基本认识 3 基本代码o o o o o o o o o o3.1 1. LoadPlugin(),加载插件 3.2 2.源媒体读取 3.3 3.crop()、LanczosResize()裁黑边和调整大小 3.4 4.亮度滤镜 3.5 5.字幕滤镜 3.6 6.其它虑镜介绍 3.7 7.常用音频处理脚本 3.8 8.色彩模式的转换 3.9 9.截图 3.10 10.合成4 压制 DVDo o o o o o o4.1 1.以 avi 文件为例 4.2 2.直接将多 CD 的压制成一个 rmvb 4.3 3.双语的 vcd 分成单语来做 4.4 4.制作成单音轨双语 4.5 5.将双语的 rmvb 制作成单语双声道的方法 4.6 6.用 rmvb 直接压制 DVD 4.7 7.120fps 的 avi 压制成 RM/RMVB[编辑]AviSynth 的一些基本概念AviSynth 是 AVI synthesizer 的缩写,也经常称之为 avs,简单来说就是个合 成平台!在媒体文件和压缩软件之间担任“桥梁”的角色。
这座桥梁不是简单 的独 木桥、而是有栏杆、有台阶(比喻其提供的大量虑镜)。
因此比较灵活!如对 于压制 real 格式来说,源媒体文件是 vob、d2v(DVD 处理过程中的中间文件)、 ac3、mp3、avi、DAT/mpge 等,而应用程序是各种 real 压缩软件如 Helix real producer、BatchRealProducer144 和 EasyRealProducer14,它们都支持 avs 的导入。
当然 avs 并不只是用于 real 压缩。
它是媒体文件和压缩软件之间的 “桥梁”,只要 avs 支持你所需要处理的媒体文件,压缩软件也支持导入 avs 文件,你 都可以通过 avs 对视频进行处理,然后让压缩软件输出你所需要的格式的文 件。
然后,我们来看看针对3:2 pulldown片源只反交错,不删除重复帧的处理:LoadPlugin("decomb.dll")AVISource("film.avi")Telecide(order=1)#使用Telecide函数进行场匹配反交错接下来,我们来看看IVTC(在场匹配反交错的同时删除重复帧)的做法:LoadPlugin("decomb.dll")AVISource("film.avi")Telecide(order=1)Decimate(cycle=5)#用Decimate每五帧删一帧禁用Postprocessing:LoadPlugin("decomb.dll")AVISource("mixed.avi")Telecide(order=1,post=0)#post=0为禁用PostprocessingDecimate(cycle=5)对3:2 pulldown含量很大的影片进行IVTC:LoadPlugin("decomb.dll")AVISource("mixed.avi")Telecide(order=1,guide=1)#使用guide=1对3:2 pulldown的片源处理进行优化Decimate(cycle=5)处理hybird片源:LoadPlugin("decomb.dll")AVISource("hybrid.avi")Telecide(order=1,guide=1)Decimate(mode=3,threshold=2.0)#使用Decimate的mode参数对hybird影片的处理进行优化,具体配制方法请见上一节。
IVTC/Deinterlace无论如何都是一个值得大书特书的过程,DVDRip 一半的质量都是取决于IVTC/Deinterlace的好坏。
注意,是“显得不再交错”而不是“还原”,经过Deinterlace 的画面与原本的画面是有很大差别的。
24p(也叫Film、3:2 pulldown型)有些影片,讯源是24fps,拍摄的时候是用胶片以24fps拍摄的,每一张都没有交错,例如大部分的电影。
为了要能在NTSC 的电视上播放,电影胶卷过带(telecine)的时候必须转成30fps(即前面说过的3:2 pulldown)。
这种影片,其原始画面其实是 24fps无交错的,可以作IVTC,经过场匹配反交错、删除多余的画面,还原回原本的24fps。
大部分的电影,无庸置疑,其讯源一定是 24fps无交错,可以作 IVTC。
电影转成PAL(25fps)的时候,用的是2:2 pulldown,画面还是无交错的,只是加快播放速度,变成每秒播放 25 张。
Avigilon Control Center 7 软件:高级分析和自学习视频分析说明书
Avigilon Control Center™ 7 SoftwareNext-Generation Analytics and Self-Learning Video AnalyticsACC™ video management software enables analytic events and alarms to be viewed andsearched through an intuitive user interface. Real-time events and forensic capabilities detectand notify operators of scene changes and rules violations.Avigilon Control Center (ACC) software is an easy-to-use video management software that is designed to optimize the way security professionals manage and interact with high-definition video. It efficiently captures and stores HD video, while intelligently managing bandwidth and storage using our patented High Definition Stream Management (HDSM) technology. Version 7 of the software introduces an entirely new way to monitor live video through its Focus of Attention interface, enabling operators to see at a glance what is happening across the entire site and more effectively triage and respond to the most important events.person or vehicle of interest by entering a physical description, by uploading a photo, or by findingan example in recorded video.Preinstalled on Avigilon Recorders and AppliancesACC software is pre-installed and configured on Avigilon HD Video Appliances, Network VideoRecorders (NVRs), NVR Workstations, ACC ES Recorders, ACC ES Analytics Appliances, ACC ES8-Port Appliances and the H4ES camera line. You can also install the stand-alone ACC software tomeet the needs of a wide variety of projects. Our NVRs come pre-installed with the NVR AnalyticsKit to enable our patented Avigilon Appearance Search technology.Unusual Activity and Unusual Motion Detection (UAD & UMD)Advanced AI technology highlights the unanticipated by automatically flagging unusual activityand motion. Without any configuration, UMD detects atypical movement while UAD is object-aware and detects anomalous behavior (speed and location) of people and vehicles.H5AScalable Integration with External SystemsDistributed architecture features .NET-based and REST-based APIs that can easily be integrated with other systems, such asaccess control and building management.S imple Camera and Server Installation Plug-and-play capabilities for NVRs and cameras that automatically identify themselves on the network, without manual configuration or searching.A vigilon Presence Detector Support The Avigilon Presence Detector™ sensor is a small form factor impulse radar device with self-learning radar analytics that accurately detects the presence of a person even if they have stopped moving or are hidden. It has the ability to detect presence through blankets, cardboard, wood and drywall.Avigilon Control Center Advanced FeaturesSpecialty DevicesHDSM™ TechnologyIntelligently manages HD image communications to optimize network bandwidth and workstation performance for even thehighest resolution Avigilon cameras.HDSM SmartCodec™ Technology SupportAutomatically adjusts compression levels for regions in a scene, to optimize bandwidth while still maintaining imagequality.Avigilon Appearance Search TechnologyQuickly search recorded video to find instances of a person or vehicle across all sites using cameras with Avigilon self-learning analytics. Search for a person by physical description, including clothing color, hair color, gender and age group. Search for a vehicle by physical description, including color and category - car, truck, bus, bicycle, and motorcycle. Searchfor a person or vehicle by uploading a photo.Intelligent SearchPowerful search tools enable you to quickly search recorded video for motion, the presence of classified objects (people or vehicles), background changes in the scene (thumbnail search), and for events.H4 Video Intercom SupportVideo Intercom support provides operators with visual and audio verification of visitors. The H4 Video Intercom integration uses wide dynamic range and echo canceling technologies for clear viewing and two-waycommunication with visitors.ACC Mobile SoftwarePush alarm notifications, live and recorded video, two-way audio, self-learning video analytics overlays, digital output triggers, and PTZ control for Android™ and iOS mobile ing Avigilon Cloud Services, log in to connected ACC siteswithout any complicated firewall configuration.Detailed Management, Monitoring, and Reporting of System Status and SecurityDetailed logs of storage, network, and overall system status to help ensure the highest possible system uptime for criticalapplications.Point-of-Sale Transaction EngineLink HD security recorded video (viewed instantly) withtransaction data to address compliance requirements and help reduce shrinkage and theft.Unusual Motion DetectionU MD technology enables fast video search and is designed to reduce hours of work to minutes by narrowing potentially thousands of motion events to a handful. This allows operators to focus their attention on recorded video needing furtherinvestigation.License Plate Recognition (LPR) AnalyticsSecond generation LPR analytics engine with easy configuration and improved accuracy for faster securityresponse. Multiple license watch lists can trigger unique ACCrules when detecting a match.ACM-ACC InteroperabilityThe Access Control Manager (ACM) system receives, processes, and acts on ACM™ door events, hardware input events, and access grants, enabling operators to unlock access doors directly from a camera view. Identity Verification enables users to see ACM system credentials dynamically displayed with ACC camera views. Identity Search enables users to visually verify access events, and initiate an Avigilon Appearance Search across the entire site for the same person.Avigilon Cloud Services Web ClientSecurely stream live and recorded video from firewall-protected ACC sites using a Chrome or Safari web browser. With no client installation required, this solution leverages Avigilon Cloud Services to support secure peer-to-peer connections to ACC servers.ONVIF ® Profile S, T and G Compliant VMSEnsures interoperability between IP based ONVIF conformant security devices regardless of manufacturer. Allows video and audio recovery from SD cards installed in Profile G cameras incase of network failure.Video ArchiveRetain and manage large amounts of video for on-demand retrieval and review. Extend your storage beyond NVRs using the Avigilon Video Archive for reliable and scalable storage.Unusual Activity DetectionUAD technology enables object-level detection of atypicalactivity. This edge-based intelligence uses advanced AI technology and is designed to be object-aware, enabling operators to know when a person or vehicle is in an unusual location in the scene or moving at an unusual speed.Federal Government Compliance with FIPS 140-2 Certified EncryptionTo comply with policies, Federal Government and other customers can enable FIPS 140-2 certified cryptography on ACC software and on supported Avigilon cameras. Required camera cryptography licenses are centrally managed in ACC.Within ACC, optionally turn on licensed FIPS cryptography on Avigilon cameras. ACC inventories the number of FIPS camera licenses being used and determines whether customers have the required number of licenses within a facility.Facial Recognition TechnologyAI-powered facial recognition algorithms notify operators when a person of interest returns to a facility. Add a person to a face watch list by uploading a photo or from recorded video. Create watch list alarms, monitor the Focus of Attention interface to detect matches, or start an Appearance Search for a person on a watch list.AvigilonCloud ServicesACC SiteAnalog Camera with Encoder MultisensorCameraPro Camera Analytics CameraThird-party integrationACC Virtual MatrixACC ClientACC Mobile 3ACC Site ACC Site ACM Appliance ACM -ACC interoperability AI ApplianceLicense Plate Capture Camera Mini-Dome CameraVideo IntercomACS Web ClientSOLID STATE DRIVE AvigilonPresence DetectorSystem ArchitectureSoftware EditionsVideo Analytics overlays(Next-Generation Video Analytics, Self-Learning Video Analytics, UAD and UMD)Y es Y es Y es Joystick supportY es Y es Y es ACC Mobile 3 app / Web Endpoint including mobile alarm notifications Y es Y es Y es Avigilon Cloud Services Web Client Y es Y es Y es FIPS 140-2 EncryptionY es Y es Y es Certificate management between ACC Client and Server Y es Y es Y es Emergency privilege override Y es Y es Y es Two-factor authentication Y es Y es Y es Password strength meter Y es Y es Y es Light and dark interface themes Y es Y es Y es Editable Site ViewY es Y es Y es Multi-camera export with optional password protection Y es Y es Y es Hourly configurable recording schedule Y es Y es Y es Saved viewsNo Y es Y es Maps with configurable icons and camera thumbnail previews No Y es Y es Integrated web page bookmarking and display No Y es Y es Focus of Attention interface No No Y es Active Directory integration No No Y es Intelligent Virtual Matrix No No Y es Collaborative investigationsNo No Y es Multi-camera privacy blurred export from Avigilon Appearance Search resultsNoNoY esAutomatic device discoveryY es Y es Y es Third-party IP cameras and encoders Y es Y es Y es ONVIF compliant cameras and encodersY es Y es Y es H5A cameras with Next-Generation Video Analytics Y es Y es Y es H4A cameras with Self-Learning Video AnalyticsY es Y es Y es H5SL, H5M, H4SL, H4 Multisensor, H4 PTZ, H4 IR PTZ, H4 Fisheye, H4 Mini Dome,H4ES, and H4 Thermal camerasY es Y es Y es H4 Thermal Elevated Temperature Detection (ETD) cameras Y es Y es Y es Avigilon H3, HD and earlier cameras Y es Y es Y es Fisheye dewarpingY es Y es Y es Avigilon analog video encoderY es Y es Y es Avigilon Presence Detector (APD) sensor No Y es Y es H4 Video Intercom No Y es Y es H4 Pro cameras No No Y es Avigilon AI Appliance No NoY esThe Avigilon Control Center software is offered in three editions: Core, Standard and Enterprise. The Core edition is an entry-level version of our award-winning software that delivers advanced high definition video security capabilities, ease of use, and superior image quality to smaller implementations. The Standard edition is a cost-effective security solution that meets the vital and focused needs of mid-size operations. The Enterprise edition includes all of the Core and Standard features, plus advanced features to make it a powerful, open platform for large-scale video security needs.Cameras per server 2475300+*Cameras per site 247510 000+*Servers per site11100+*Client licenses per server 210Unlimited Rule triggers051Unlimited HDSM technology supportY es Y es Y es HDSM SmartCodec technology support Y es Y es Y es Dual Streaming for ONVIF compliant camerasY esY esY es H.265, H.264, MPEG4, MJPEG, JPEG2000 video compression Y es Y es Y es* Actual limits will depend on the hardware environment. Please review Avigilon server and appliance datasheets for applicable limits.UAD and UMD timeline filtering wtih Skip Play Y es Y es Y es Intelligent motion search Y es Y es Y es Thumbnail search Y es Y es Y es Event search Y es Y es Y es Point-of-sale (POS) transaction search No Y es Y es Avigilon Appearance Search technology No No Y es Alarm search No No Y es License plate event search No No Y esDoor and panel input event triggers No Y es Y es Door access grants No Y es Y es Shared operator access No Y es Y es ACM Identity Verification No Y es Y es ACM Identity Search No Y es Y esPOS transaction engine No Y es Y es Avigilon developed and supported integrations No Y es* Y es Third party system integrations No Y es Y es License Plate Recognition with multiple match lists No No Y es Face Recognition with multiple watch lists No No Y es*CommScope® iPatch®, RS2 Access It!®, DDS Amadeus 5 and DSX onlySystem and motion event e-mail notifications Y es Y es Y es Two person authenticated recorded video viewing Y es Y es Y es Camera replacement Y es Y es Y es Central station notifications including ANSI/SIA DC-09-2013 No Y es Y es Digital input email trigger No Y es Y es Manual digital output trigger No Y es Y es Audio recording and output No Y es Y es APD™ event trigger No Y es Y es Next-Generation Video Analytics and Self-Learning Video Analytics event configuration No Y es Y es Camera standby / privacy mode No Y es Y es Avigilon AI Appliance analytics configuration No No Y es Redundant recording No No Y es Failover connections No No Y es ACC Client alarm notifications and escalation No No Y es One-time Video Archive No Y es Y es Tiered Storage Management with Continuous Archive No No Y esFor the latest list of integrations and add-ons supported by Avigilon Control Center software, visit .System RequirementsACC Client SoftwareACC Server SoftwareNote:• Run Windows Update before launching Avigilon Control Center (ACC) software.• NVR recording throughput and retention times can vary according to the number of cameras, camera resolution, estimated percent of motion, continuous recording settings and predefined retention period. •For best-in-class performance, choose an Avigilon Certified Solution .AVIGILON CERTIFIED SOLUTIONSAVIGILON CERTIFIED SOLUTIONSACC Server WorkstationACC Mobile 3 SoftwareACC Mobile version 3 is available for the listed device platforms and requires the ACC Web Endpoint service. The ACC Web Endpoint service comes pre-installed on the AI NVR, ACC ES HD Recorder, ACC ES Analytics Appliance and ACC ES 8-PortAppliance. For NVR systems and HD Video Appliances, it should be installed on the same server as the ACC Server software.Avigilon Appearance Search Technology and Face RecognitionAvigilon Appearance Search technology and Face Recognition require the ACC Analytics Service to be installed on the same computer as the ACC Server software and must meet the listed system requirements:AVIGILON CERTIFIED SOLUTIONSAVIGILON CERTIFIED SOLUTIONSDec 2020 — Rev 7© 2016 - 2020 Avigilon Corporation. All rights reserved. AVIGILON, the AVIGILON logo, ACC, AVIGILON CONTROL CENTER, ACM, ACCESS CONTROL MANAGER, APD, AVIGILON PRESENCE DETECTOR, AVIGILONAPPEARANCE SEARCH, HDSM, HSDM SmartCodec and HIGH DEFINITION STREAM MANAGEMENT are trademarks of Avigilon Corporation. ONVIF is a trademark of Onvif, Inc. Celeron, Intel, Intel Core and Intel Xeon are trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and/or other countries. Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Apple, Safari, iPad, iPhone and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countrires. Other names or logos mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. The absence of the symbols ™ and ® in proximity to each trademark in this document or at all is not a disclaimer of Some images of the product interface have been simulated for illustrative purposes.。
VCB-Studio教程07: AviSynth基础与入门0. 前言这篇教程需要教程6:VS基础与入门作为前置尽管avs早于vs存在了十几年,上手写一个hello world级别的脚本也比vs容易,但是avs混乱的参数传递机制,使得想深入学习avs的使用,比vs其实来的困难。
AviSynth主页和文档:AviSynth+主页和文档:在线词典:avs目前最新版是avs 2.6.0,只有32bit;avs+是avs的一个改良mod,优势在于,有官方64bit版本。
尽管以vcb-s对于avs+的使用,全局64bit化是可行的,但是因为懒,所以直到转vs之前,vcb-s一直使用32bit 版本的avs。
1. 简单的avs脚本以下是一个简单的脚本,以YUV420P16的格式读入一个mkv,并转为RGB32显示:SetMemoryMax(1000)a = ""LWLibavVideoSource(a,format="yuv420p16",stacked=true)dither_convert_yuv_to_rgb(chromak="lanczos",taps=4,noring=true,lsb_in=true)avs原生不支持多线程,但是支持设置最大使用内存。
VCB-Studio教程03:基础工具的安装和调试本教程讲述如何安装并调试avisynth+, avspmod, VapourSynth, VapourSynth Editor, MeGUI, mkvtoolnix和MediaInfo. 调试的方法中顺道介绍常见的源-成品对比手段。
1. avisynth+ 和avspmod 的安装avisynth是一直以来滤镜处理的传统工具,后来分裂成avisynth 2.6.0(简称avs 2.6) 和avisynth+(简称avs+),两者大同小异。
本系列教程如无例外,均以avs+ 32bit为准。
avs+只允许标准安装,不像avs 2.6允许标准安装和绿色安装,容易造成版本和滤镜目录的混乱。
SVP(Smooth Video Project)依赖avs运行。
然后安装avisynth plus的本体:https:///AviSynth/AviSynthPlus/releases/download/Rel-r1576/AviSynthPlus-r1576.ex eLanguage选English。
Aviva 用户操作手册Ver0.8
Aviva 用户操作手册Ver0.8 2011-1-1历史版本版本. 日期描述草稿Ver0.1 6/30/2009修改截图及添加部分功能Ver0.2 11/10/2009Ver0.3 3/1/2010 增加新的功能(音轨)并修改FTP设置,软件版本0.9.9.6 Ver0.4 5/1/2010 增加新的功能(模版,随机特效,定时开关机等)软件1.0.3.9增加新的功能(排程功能优化,属性设置更改等)软件1.0.5.1 Ver0.5 6/11/2010增加新的功能(部分命令等)软件1.0.5.2Ver0.6 11/11/2010完善优化软件功能 Ver1.0.5.8Ver0.7 12/1/2010Ver0.8 1/1/2011 完善优化软件功能 Ver1.0.5.8目录目录 .................................................................................................................... - 3 - 第一章: 软件概述 .................................................................................................... - 4 -1. 简介 ..................................................................................................... - 4 -2. 软件安装................................................................................................ - 5 - 第二章:软件操作入门 ............................................................................................. - 10 -1. 软件用户界面 ......................................................................................... - 10 -2. 向资源管理器中导入素材 ........................................................................... - 11 -3. 新建节目............................................................................................... - 12 -3.1节目属性配置................................................................................... - 13 -3.2 布局编辑 ....................................................................................... - 14 -3.3 将素材拖放至轨道区.......................................................................... - 15 -3.4 渲染节目 ....................................................................................... - 16 -3.5 发布节目 ....................................................................................... - 16 - 第三章:更多功能................................................................................................... - 19 -1.资源管理器 ............................................................................................. - 19 -2.素材属性 ................................................................................................ - 19 -3.预览功能 ................................................................................................ - 20 -4.排程功能 ................................................................................................ - 21 -5.视频输入功能........................................................................................... - 26 -6.添加图片切换特效 ..................................................................................... - 27 -7.背景音乐 ................................................................................................ - 28 -8.变更FTP根目录 ....................................................................................... - 28 -9.添加场景功能........................................................................................... - 29 -10. 利用标尺功能等比例播放素材..................................................................... - 30 -11. 插播节目、插播紧急信息(公告栏)、更新天气信息........................................... - 30 -12. 设置定时开关机 ..................................................................................... - 31 -13. 电视墙功能........................................................................................... - 31 -FAQ .............................................................................................................. - 33 -1.通过网络上传节目进度显示 1% 后不动,提示“命令发送失败” ............................... - 33 -B更新不成功,插上U盘后无响应.............................................................. - 33 -3.无法在发布窗口找到想要发布的节目 ............................................................... - 33 -4.变更FTP根目录后无法找到文档字体文件 ......................................................... - 33 -5.软件注册授权码........................................................................................ - 33 -6.关于aviva.conf与diva_twin.img与CodecConfig.exe .................................... - 34 -7.DiVA-200的快速配置指南 .......................................................................... - 34 -8.正确使用USB更新节目,操作不当会导致什么状况? .......................................... - 36 -9.怎样通过网络更新固件? ............................................................................. - 36 -10. 为什么第一次上传天气预报没显示? ............................................................ - 36 -11. DiVA-200支持的码流有多大? ................................................................... - 36 -第一章: 软件概述1. 简介感谢使用Aviva信息发布系统软件!Aviva信息发布系统,是北京卡拉威视科技公司推出的一款多媒体编辑软件,该软件全新构筑在高性能的高标清非线性图文视频编辑引擎之上,侧重于灵活丰富快速的节目编辑播出,同时具备节目复杂合成能力。
【应用】AviSynth(AVS)滤镜参考手册【应用】AviSynth(AVS)滤镜参考手册一、加载插件1、LoadPlugin() 加载插件如:LoadPlugin("VSFilter.dll") 加载字幕插件LoadPlugin("mpeg2dec3.dll") 加载DVD的mpeg2编码器插件LoadPlugin("mpasource.dll") 加载mp3插件请下载以上提到的滤镜!并解压制到plugin目录里(当然目录可以自己选定),如果avs 文件和滤镜不再同一个目录下,记得要把加载滤镜的路径名写全了。
2、SetWorkingDir() 指定插件路径SetWorkingDir("d:\GORDIA~1\") 设定AVS 脚本调用dll 插件文件的工作路径这样设置好后,就可以在下面直接写调用语句了,不需要再一个一个的写滤镜的路径了,但前提是.dll的滤镜文件已经复制到设置的文件夹下了。
例:SetWorkingDir("D:\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\") 设置滤镜的目录LoadPlugin("VSFilter.dll") 调用字幕滤镜插件二、源媒体读取1、DirectShowSource() 万能调用如:DirectShowSource("e:\vob\ss.VOB")DirectShowSource()在高版本avisnyth中显得更万能些,常用的媒体格式,如avi、mpge1/dat、mpge2/vob/bin都可以加载,另外可以不用分离视频和音频,而直接压缩!想要直接压制vob请使用高版本的avisynth,如目前的2.54 。
AxioVision 用 户 指 南
AxioVision 用户指南4.X 版手册序号:B 48-0038 e 10.2003发布日期:10.2003Carl Zeiss Vision敬请用户注意,由于Carl Zeiss Vision产品的不断发展,本文档所含信息和参考文献可能会作一定的技术修改。
所附文档不包含任何Carl Zeiss Vision关于本文档所描述的技术流程或产品特性的保证书。
此外,除非能证明Carl Zeiss Vision已经知道这些错误或者是由于Carl Zeiss Vision的故意忽视造成,否则Carl Zeiss Vision 不对本文档中任何印刷错误或其它不确之处负责。
Carl Zeiss Vision 再次提请用户注意,本手册仅包含相关信息和技术流程的一般描述,并不适用于所有情形下。
如有疑问,建议咨询Carl Zeiss Vision。
Carl Zeiss Vision保留对本手册的所有权利。
本手册仅反映了印刷当时Carl Zeiss Vision的工艺情况。
© Copyright 2003 by Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH对本手册的重印发、复制和摘录都必须经过Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH的明确允许。
Carl Zeiss Vision GmbHZeppelinstraße 485399 München-Hallbergmoos Germany http://www.zeiss.de czv_support@zeiss.de安全警告在安装或使用软件之前请先仔细阅读所有设备(如显微镜外设、照相机、计算机及附件等)手册中的安全注意事项和说明。
目录1 导言···················································································································1-11.1 概念·········································································································1-1图像获取··································································································1-1显微镜控制······························································································1-1图像处理和注解······················································································1-1图像分析··································································································1-2存档·········································································································1-2配置·········································································································1-21.2 模块·········································································································1-3图像获取模块··························································································1-3图像处理模块··························································································1-4图像分析模块··························································································1-5存档模块··································································································1-6配置模块··································································································1-61.3 AxioVision和Windows···········································································1-61.4 用户手册和在线帮助··············································································1-71.5 复制备份··································································································1-72 AxioVision第四版新特性··················································································2-12.1 图像获取··································································································2-12.2 视图·········································································································2-12.3 显微镜控制······························································································2-22.4 图像处理和注解······················································································2-22.5 图像分析··································································································2-32.6 文档管理··································································································2-32.7 处理/配置·································································································2-4工作区(Workarea)···············································································2-4工作流(Workflow)··············································································2-4调整用户界面/配置·················································································2-42.8 AxioVision模块·······················································································2-53 概览与操作·······································································································3-13.1 概览·········································································································3-13.2 工作区·····································································································3-23.3 工作流程··································································································3-43.4 自定义工具栏和对话··············································································3-53.5 快捷菜单··································································································3-73.6 属性(Properties)窗口··········································································3-84 图像获取···········································································································4-14.1 概述·········································································································4-14.2 初始步骤··································································································4-24.3条件··········································································································4-2标准工作流程··························································································4-3获取图像的快速指南··············································································4-44.4 AxioVision具体注意事项········································································4-8实时图像速度··························································································4-9最佳色彩重现························································································4-10 5 显微镜控制·······································································································5-15.1 概述·········································································································5-15.2 显微镜对话窗口······················································································5-2一般属性页······························································································5-2透射光属性页··························································································5-6反射光属性页·························································································5-11镜台属性页····························································································5-16外部设备属性页····················································································5-175.3 设定编辑器····························································································5-18如何生成硬件设定················································································5-18 6 图像处理···········································································································6-16.1 概述·········································································································6-1处理图像的不同途径··············································································6-1图像格式··································································································6-26.2 注解·········································································································6-36.3 运用图像处理功能··················································································6-4概述·········································································································6-4平滑图像(基本)··················································································6-5阴影校正(基本)··················································································6-8。
AVI视频压缩软件《WisMencoder》使用方法WisMencoder是目前最快的AVI压缩软件.论坛有下载最新版1.32. 能够把电脑上的所有视频格式,包括avi,mpg,rmvb,wmv,mp4,mov,dat等格式以最快的速度和最高的质量转换为AVI格式。
音频的设置单声道通常选编码率24 采样率16000或22050均可.立体声试过128 44100的码率(VBR)此点在压制MV时特别有用.小P用TCPMP播放很流畅.更高的码率我还没试过.应该没问题.另外只能选MP3.其它选项小P不支持。
视频的设置根据源文件的不同编码率在240~300均可.帧率:动作片18~20 生活片12~13.推荐动态XIVD编码,添五即可。
FadeOut(15, ReduceBy2(Version))
a = 10 – 5 – 5 结果为 10- (5 – 5 ) = 10 而不是 (10 – 5 ) – 5 = 0 !
+ 加
>= 大于等于(大小写敏感)
<= 小于等于(大小写敏感)
AudioDub(AVISource(”d:capture.00.avi”)+AVISource(”d:capture.01.avi”)+AVISource(”d:capture.02.avi”), WAVSource(”d:audio.wav”))(筝儿:上面的例子应该写成一行)
这些滤镜能被用来读/写多媒体文件. 通常他们产生用于处理的片源.
这些滤镜能被用来改变图像的尺寸, 加工剪辑的边缘或其它几何变形.
这些滤镜能被用来修复剪辑的图像细节(像素).如去噪, 锐化.
这些滤镜能被用来在时间上排列帧(视频切割, 合并和其他操作).
以下滤镜用于创建和处理基于场格式的视频素材(由于基于帧格式的素材被拆成了场格式而产生的).虽然AviSynth能处理逐行和交错视频,但主要问题是它经常不能分辨从源滤镜获得视频剪辑的形式.这就是场标志(Field-based Flag)存在并被用于处理交错视频素材的原因.
4、制作流程-复杂流程 1 拍摄前准备 2 第一次制作准备会 3 第二次制作准备会 4 拍片前最后检查 5 拍摄 6 冲洗作业 7 转磁
Avid 操作入门
1、Avid软件安装及汉化 2、Avid简单编辑 3、添加转场 4、简单字幕 5、视频特效 6、音频应用
1、素材采集与输入 2、素材编辑 3、特技处理 4、字幕制作 5、输出与生成
二、Avid Media Composer 概述
全球最佳编辑器Media Composer编辑系统
独立艺术Байду номын сангаас、新媒体开拓者和后期制作工作室的喜
可以像Media Composer这样,提供完整的创造
材摄录到HD日常媒体数据,Media Composer系
3、 简单流程 1、撰写方案:全面、概括的介绍企业。 2、写脚本:将方案内容进行分镜头,
3、根据脚本进行拍摄内容。 4、设计制作片头。 5、后期编辑:剪辑、配音、配乐、字 幕、特技转场,全成VCD或DVD。
逐行扫描:每一贞图象由电子束顺序地、一 行接一行连续扫描而成。
隔行扫描:每贞被分为两场,先扫奇数行得 一场,后扫偶数行得第二场。
在电视的标准显示模式中,i表示隔行扫描, p表示连续扫描。
AVID简易使用说明B302、B303、B305、B306进入AVID剪辑软体的程式后,首先必须要先设定一个新的Project,设定Project的用意在于新增或选择使用者的专案设定,可以选择所要使用的专案性质为Private(私人)或Shared (共用),但是若非在私人电脑上使用AVID程式,例如使用学校的电脑,选择私人或共用便没有差别,其他人还是可以使用你的专案进行剪辑。
1. Audio Project:确定此选项中的Sample Rate(声音取样率)为48Khz;Sync Model为DV;Import Source为OHCI(视情况也有可能选择CD或Mic)2. Bin:在此可以设定档案自动储存的时间。
3. Deck Configuration:用来侦测剪辑时用来撷取影像的器材(过带机或DV摄影机)是否与电脑连结成功,若未连结,便须将过带机或DV摄影机的电源重新启动,并按下选单中的Auto-Configuration来重新连结。
4. Deck Preference:在此选单中上方的撷取方式选择Drop Frame(丢格),让电脑自行将影像的撷取形式套用为NTSC系统所用的一秒30格画面。
5. General:可以自行设定影片起点的时码为何,预设值为00:00:30:00。
Avigilon Control Center 7 软件:不寻常运动与活动检测说明书
AVIGILON CONTROL CENTER ™7 SOFTWAREUNUSUAL MOTION & ACTIVITY DETECTIONAdvanced AI technology that highlights the unanticipated byautomatically flagging unusual motion and activity. This edge-based intelligence technology distinguishes between typical and atypical events by continuously learning from observation of scenes over time. Unusual Motion Detection (UMD) detects atypical movement, while Unusual Activity Detection (UAD) is object-aware and detects the anomalous speed and location of people and vehicles.UMD is available on H5SL, H5M, H4SL, H4A and H4 Mini Dome cameras. UAD is available on our H5A camera line.FACIAL RECOGNITIONAI-powered facial recognition technology that helps organizations accelerate response times by identifying people of interest. People of interest are identified based on one or more secure watch lists managed by authorized users at the organization. Populate watch lists easily by either uploading images or finding a face from recorded video. A set of configurable controls are available to support the management of the various watch lists.Avigilon cameras licensed for facial recognition will search the configured face watch lists for potential matches. If a match is found, operators can be notified either using the FoA interface or through ACC alarms using armed panels or the alarm view. ACC will display the video image that triggered the alarm along with the reference image from the watch list, enabling operators to verify the match and act quickly.Avigilon Control Center (ACC) 7, our latest and most advanced version of ACC ™video management software, is designed to revolutionize how operators interact with and gain situational awareness from their video security systems.FOCUS OF ATTENTION (FOA) INTERFACEA cutting-edge user interface for live video monitoring that leverages AI and video analytics technologies to determine what information is important and should be presented to security operators.AVIGILON APPEARANCE SEARCH ™ TECHNOLOGYSophisticated AI-powered video search engine that sorts through hours of video with ease to help quickly locate a specific person or vehicle of interest across an entire site or multiple sites running the same version of ACC software. Search for a person or vehicle of interest by entering a physical description, or by finding an example in recorded video.CLOUD-CONNECTED ACCAvigilon Cloud Services (ACS) connects existing ACC sites to the cloud for easy and secure remote access to video from a standard web browser. Operators can leverage centralized System Health Monitoring to assess the operational state of cameras and servers from a central location. Benefit from future enhancements of ACS by updating to the latest versions of ACC software.CYBERSECURITY & PRIVACY PROTECTIONACC security measures include strong password enforcement, connection authentication and data encryption, as well as strict user permissions to access search functionality that uses personally-identifiable information.Blurred Export helps support compliance with new data protection and privacy requirements of GDPR by allowing you to export Appearance Search results in ACC software while blurring the background of the camera view to feature only the person of interest in the video.For U.S. government agencies and enterprises that require FIPS-compliant cryptography, ACC software offers an option to use Microsoft Windows’ FIPS 140-2 certified cryptographic libraries to comply with IT policies.LICENSE PLATE RECOGNITION ANALYTICSAutomatically reads license plate information from vehicles, linking it to both live and recorded video. Create and import multiple vehicle license plate watch lists for instant alarm notification when a license plate match is detected, or search and quickly find specific captured license plate video for verification and investigation.COVID-19 RESPONSE TECHNOLOGYOperate safely and comply with local health and safety guidelines with the help of powerful video analytics – natively available to operators on ACC 7 software with no additional licenses required:Occupancy Counting: Automate the manual counting of peopleentering and exiting a facility or area. Use real-time dashboards on mobile tablets to instruct customers on when to enter or queue.Social Distancing: Run reports in ACS to proactively identify where and when social distancing guidelines are not being followed for corrective action.No Face Mask Detection: Automate the detection of people not wearing face masks, complete with alarms to flag violations in real-time. Run reports in ACS to identify where corrective action is required.FEDERAL GOVERNMENT COMPLIANCE WITH FIPS 140-2 CERTIFIED ENCRYPTIONWithin ACC, there is now the ability to optionally turn on licensed FIPS cryptography on Avigilon cameras. ACC will inventory the number of FIPS camera licenses being used and determine whether customers have the required number of licenses within a facility.AVIGILON H4 THERMAL ELEVATED TEMPERATURE DETECTION (ETD)ACC is built to work seamlessly with the new Avigilon H4 Thermal ETD solution, which offers a low friction, contactless alternative to traditional screening methods.ACCESS CONTROL UNIFICATIONACC software works together with the Access Control Manager (ACM) system to receive and act on ACM ™door events, hardware input events and access grants, empowering operators to unlock access doors directly from a camera view. Identity Verification dynamically displays ACM credentials with ACC camera views. Identity Search can help find a person of interest using their ACM cardholder information.© 2020, Avigilon Corporation. All rights reserved. AVIGILON, the AVIGILON logo, AVIGILON CONTROL CENTER, ACC, AVIGILON APPEARANCE SEARCH, ACCESS CONTROL MANAGER, and ACM are trademarks of Avigilon Corporation. MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 08-2020For more information visit /acc*Images of product features and/or interfaces have been simulated for illustrative purposes.。
【应用】AviSynth(A VS)滤镜参考手册一、加载插件1、LoadPlugin() 加载插件如:LoadPlugin("VSFilter.dll") 加载字幕插件LoadPlugin("mpeg2dec3.dll") 加载DVD的mpeg2编码器插件LoadPlugin("mpasource.dll") 加载mp3插件请下载以上提到的滤镜!并解压制到plugin目录里(当然目录可以自己选定),如果avs 文件和滤镜不再同一个目录下,记得要把加载滤镜的路径名写全了。
2、SetWorkingDir() 指定插件路径SetWorkingDir("d:\GORDIA~1\") 设定AVS 脚本调用dll 插件文件的工作路径这样设置好后,就可以在下面直接写调用语句了,不需要再一个一个的写滤镜的路径了,但前提是.dll的滤镜文件已经复制到设置的文件夹下了。
例:SetWorkingDir("D:\AviSynth 2.5\plugins\") 设置滤镜的目录LoadPlugin("VSFilter.dll") 调用字幕滤镜插件二、源媒体读取1、DirectShowSource() 万能调用如:DirectShowSource("e:\vob\ss.VOB")DirectShowSource()在高版本avisnyth中显得更万能些,常用的媒体格式,如avi、mpge1/dat、mpge2/vob/bin都可以加载,另外可以不用分离视频和音频,而直接压缩!想要直接压制vob请使用高版本的avisynth,如目前的2.54 。
5261A Video Amplifier操作与维护说明书
ErrataTitle & Document Type: 5261A Video Amplifier Operating and Service Manual Manual Part Number: 05261-9012Revision Date: December 1973About this ManualWe’ve added this manual to the Agilent website in an effort to help you support your product. This manual provides the best information we could find. It may be incompleteor contain dated information, and the scan quality may not be ideal. If we find a bettercopy in the future, we will add it to the Agilent website.HP References in this ManualThis manual may contain references to HP or Hewlett-Packard. Please note that Hewlett- Packard's former test and measurement, life sciences, and chemical analysisbusinesses are now part of Agilent Technologies. The HP XXXX referred to in this document is now the Agilent XXXX. For example, model number HP8648A is now model number Agilent 8648A. We have made no changes to this manual copy.Support for Your ProductAgilent no longer sells or supports this product. You will find any other availableproduct information on the Agilent Test & Measurement website:Search for the model number of this product, and the resulting product page will guideyou to any available information. Our service centers may be able to perform calibrationif no repair parts are needed, but no other support from Agilent is available.。
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AviSynth 入门与应用指南[转]AviSynth 入门与应用指南目录 [隐藏]1 AviSynth 的一些基本概念 2 基本认识 3 基本代码o o o o o o o o o o3.1 1. LoadPlugin(),加载插件 3.2 2.源媒体读取 3.3 3.crop()、LanczosResize()裁黑边和调整大小 3.4 4.亮度滤镜 3.5 5.字幕滤镜 3.6 6.其它虑镜介绍 3.7 7.常用音频处理脚本 3.8 8.色彩模式的转换 3.9 9.截图 3.10 10.合成4 压制 DVDo o o o o o o4.1 1.以 avi 文件为例 4.2 2.直接将多 CD 的压制成一个 rmvb 4.3 3.双语的 vcd 分成单语来做 4.4 4.制作成单音轨双语 4.5 5.将双语的 rmvb 制作成单语双声道的方法 4.6 6.用 rmvb 直接压制 DVD 4.7 7.120fps 的 avi 压制成 RM/RMVB[编辑]AviSynth 的一些基本概念AviSynth 是 AVI synthesizer 的缩写,也经常称之为 avs,简单来说就是个合 成平台!在媒体文件和压缩软件之间担任“桥梁”的角色。
这座桥梁不是简单 的独 木桥、而是有栏杆、有台阶(比喻其提供的大量虑镜)。
因此比较灵活!如对 于压制 real 格式来说,源媒体文件是 vob、d2v(DVD 处理过程中的中间文件)、 ac3、mp3、avi、DAT/mpge 等,而应用程序是各种 real 压缩软件如 Helix real producer、BatchRealProducer144 和 EasyRealProducer14,它们都支持 avs 的导入。
当然 avs 并不只是用于 real 压缩。
它是媒体文件和压缩软件之间的 “桥梁”,只要 avs 支持你所需要处理的媒体文件,压缩软件也支持导入 avs 文件,你 都可以通过 avs 对视频进行处理,然后让压缩软件输出你所需要的格式的文 件。
也许你还是不明白 AviSynth 能做什么,举些简单的例子,你需要对 一段 avi 进行处理。
你想把画面尺寸缩小,你可以用 avs;你想把画面上的杂点消除, 你可以用 avs;你想把画面处理得锐利些,你还是可以用 avs;AviSynth 是桥 梁,位 于媒体文件和压缩软件之间,压缩软件可以通过 AviSynth 调用和处理媒体文 件。
而且不仅仅是压缩软件,甚至是播放器也能调用 avs,对播放的文件进行 处理, 得要需要的播放效果。
AviSynth 首先要编写建立一个包含特定命令的文本。
注意这里的文本,简 单的说就是 windows 的写字板写出来的文件,你可以用任何一种文本编辑器打 开进行 编辑。
这一特定命令的文本称之为"脚本"(文件后缀名为 avs),这些命令指定 要运行处理的媒体文件和滤镜! AviSynth 的平台和相关滤镜更新比较快,功能不断增加,编辑 avs 脚本也更简 单。
至于滤镜可以到得到 /warpenterprises/ 下载,至于 doom9 论坛,大家知 道有这么个乌合的巢穴就可以了![编辑]基本认识上面简单介绍了 AviSynth 的一些基本概念作为引子,在正文开始前,我想首先 交待很重要的一点:avs 脚本及其各种滤镜主要适用于大码率媒体文件的处 理,也 即我们经常接触的 DVDRIP/TVRIP avi 的制作优化。
而对于高度压缩格式的 rmvb 来说,我们利用的 avs 滤镜更应该持慎重态度(如亮虑镜、字幕虑镜、画 面调整等 少数几个)!也就是说 avs 在 rmvb 压制方面,我们需要的是利用 avs 灵活的 “中间人”的角色(看下面的例子)!而不是为了 avs 而去压制!我看到好多 朋友初步接触 rmvb 压制,就在用 avs 压制 DVDRIP-rmvb,完全套用个别论坛给出的 avs 脚本,里面全是各种滤镜,如 3D 增强、柔化、去丝等!这些滤镜如果制作 DVDRIP 的 avi 那是会获得肯定的画质效果,但是用于 rmvb 压制,仿佛就是东施效颦, 忠言逆耳!real 压制的原理和高码率的 mpge4 编码是不同的,后者有视频上层 的概念 ,因此滤镜的修饰作用可以体现。
我看 Doom9 讨论 avs 时,主要还是处理各种 大数据量影像媒体为主。
如处理自己 DV 录制的影视、电视卡录制的视频源之类 的等。
而众所周知的影响 real 媒体压缩效果就是片源效果。
VCD 片源的再怎么处理也 不可能达到 DVD 的效果,而 DVD 片源,再怎么胡乱压制也不会差到哪里。
因此 avs 直接 在 rmvb 的压制中需要适当选择,而不能盲从,特别是对于各种滤镜的选择更要 注意。
一句话 AviSynth 非常灵活,要按具体情况具体分析。
第二,需要认识 avs 的桥梁作用。
修饰之余尽可能的使用压缩软件本身的功 能。
对于 real 压缩,如 rmvb 压制中帧率的改变就可以在压缩软件中进行设 置,而不 要在 avs 中写入相关的语句。
另外各种压缩软件使用的是 real 的压缩内核,而 real 压缩一般以 YV12 的快速处理环境为主。
这也是在使用 avs 压制 rmvb 时需 要注意 的问题。
自己觉得上文对 avs 的介绍及应用范围要比下面的内容来的更重要!这是我 直到现在才撰写完毕这篇小文的良苦之处。
下面先简单的介绍些基本方法和常用滤镜,滤镜可以理解为各种处理视频的 工具。
首先安装 avisynth,并将常用虑镜插件 dll 文件拷贝到安装目录的 plugin 目录里。
[编辑]基本代码LoadPlugin(),加载插件[编辑]1.如: LoadPlugin("VSFilter.dll") 加载字幕插件 LoadPlugin("mpeg2dec3.dll") 加载 DVD 的 mpeg2 编码器插件 LoadPlugin("mpasource.dll") 加载 mp3 插件请下载以上提到的滤镜!并解压制到 plugin 目录里(当然目录可以自己选 定),如果 avs 文件和滤镜不再同一个目录下,记得要把加载滤镜的路径名写 全了。
有些 滤镜或者脚本是 avisynth 核心的滤镜或脚本,也就是 avisynth 本身提供的功 能,这些就不需要加载,其它的都需要加载。
你也可以用 SetWorkingDir 设定 插件 文件的工作路径 SetWorkingDir("d:\GORDIA~1\") # 设定 AVS 脚本调用 dll 插件文件的工作路 径[编辑]2.源媒体读取DirectShowSource("e:\vob\ss.VOB") DirectShowSource()在高版本 avisnyth 中显得更万能些,常用的媒体格式,如 avi、mpge1/dat、mpge2/vob/bin 都可以加载,另外可以不用分离视频和音频 ,而直接压缩!想要直接压制 vob 请使用高版本的 avisynth,如目前的 2.54 。
如果遇到打不开的媒体格式你大都可以试试看 DirectShowSource。
AVISource(e:\avi\1.avi,false) 这个对于 DVDRIP 压制者来说可能更常用些.false 表示禁止音频! mpeg2source("XXX.d2v") 这个用于解码 DVD 的 mpeg2 格式的视频 WAVSource("e:\vob\ss.wav") 读取 wave 音频 AC3SOUECE("e:\vob\ss.ac3") 读取 ac3 音频 MPASOURCE("e:\vob\ss.MP3") 读取 mp3 音频 注:WAVSOURCE 和 AVISOURCE 是属于核心脚本,无须读取插件,但 AC3SOURCE 和 MPASOURCE 需要读取 AC3SOURCE 和 MPASOURCE 插件。
DirectShowSource 的读 取 需要安装各种音频和视频的解码器[编辑]3.crop()、LanczosResize()裁黑边和调整大小vob 文件画面大小一般 720×480。
16:9 宽银幕的都带了很大的黑边,需要裁 减掉。
也是 avs 用于 vob 压制的关键因素之一 裁减黑边和缩放画面是 vob 文件压制中很重要的因素,一般连用。
对于本身就 无黑边的文件直接用 LanczosResize() 16:9 画面的有 2 种情况,请记住这几个数值,在 rmvb 压制中直接套用即可!DVD 变形宽银幕:640×352,608×336 电影宽银幕: 640×272 如要将电影宽银幕的画面比列调整到 640×272,avs 里可以这么写 Crop(8,90,704,300) LanczosResize(640,272) 如要将 DVD 变形宽银幕的画面比列调整到 608×336,avs 里可以这么写 Crop(8,64,704,352) LanczosResize(608,336) 无黑边的画面的直接用 LanczosResize(512,384) 缩小同时画面强制到标准 4:3 请直接记住这几句就可以了得到最佳的 rmvb 画面大小了![编辑]4.亮度滤镜亮度滤镜是使用 avs 压制 vob-rmvb vcd-rmvb 的又一关键因素。
画面太暗的 rmvb 是失败之作 介绍 2 个 Levels(0,1.5,255,0,255) 改第二个,我感觉数值在 1.3-2 之间比较合适,一般 1.5 比较合适 Tweak(0,1,20,1) 4 个浮点数分别表示:调节色度,饱和度,亮度,对比度。
一般将第三个调节 在 0-30 之间,以 15-20 为宜 个人感觉 level()比较好,主要调背景为主,而 vob 文件主要是背景暗。
注意 Tweak 的其他调节可能和颜色控制环境有关,如 YUY2,因此其它的最好不要再 改动 注:ffdshow 目前的版本还是不能支持 mpge2 唉!否则可以利用它来调节亮度 了[编辑]5.字幕滤镜TextSub("h:\avs\jrvs.ssa") 加载水印文本 VobSub("e:\vob\ss.idx") 加载影片字幕[编辑]6.其它虑镜介绍FluxSmooth(5,7) 柔化滤镜 Convolution3d("moviehq") 3D 优化滤镜 2 者需要加载相应的滤镜插件[编辑]7.常用音频处理脚本ResampleAudio(44100) DELAYAUDIO(XXX,30) AmplifydB(wavsource(“XXX.WAV”),3,3) 例子: DelayAudio(wavsource(”XXX.WAV“),-30)30 的单位是毫秒,经典的解 决音画同步问题; 又如: WAVSOURCE(“xxx.wav”).ResampleAudio(48000) 音频重新采样,采样率 48 再如: AmplifydB(wavsource(“xxx.wav”),3,3) 左右声道放大 3DB[编辑]8.色彩模式的转换有些压缩软件不支持某些色彩模式,例如默认情况下 Helix 不能在 YV12 环境下 工作,需要将 DVD 的 YV12 转为 YUY2 video=ConvertToYUY2(video),当然如果你装了 Xvid,Helix 也是可以在 YV12 下工作的 有如下的转换: ConvertToRGB32()、ConvertToRGB24、ConvertToRGB() ConvertToYUY2()、ConvertToYV12() 简单例子: AVISOURCE(“xxx.avi”) ConvertToYUY2() 等价于 AVISOURCE(“xxx.avi”,“YUY2”)或者 AVISOURCE (“xxx.avi”).ConvertToYUY2() 其他的也类似[编辑]9.截图没有想到用 avs 来截图吧,只要用 wmp6.4 或 mpc6468 播放一下写好的 avs 文 件,截图就产生了 directshowsource("C:\1.rmvb",fps=23.976).ConvertToRGB24 trim(0,19) ImageWriter("C:\",0,0,"jpg") 这里我们假设的是要截取的 rmvb 为 C:\的 1.rmvb,要截取的 frame(幅)从第 1 到 20 共 20 幅(trim 是以 0 为第一幅) 保存路径为 C:\,格式为 jpg(支持 bmp, dds,jpg/jpe/jpeg, pal, pcx 格式) 连续截图 Avisource("C:\test,avi",false).ConvertToRGB24 trim(0,19) ImageWriter("C:\",0,0,"jpg") 截取特定的 frame Avisource("C:\test,avi",false).ConvertToRGB24 trim(1920,1920) ImageWriter("C:\",0,0,"jpg")[编辑]10.合成AudioDub(video, audio) 合成常用于 real 格式的压制,制作 rmvb 的时候就需要把视频和音频合成后交 给 real 压缩软件,而制作 avi 则不需要合成视音频。