



1、stand:处于特定状态,定然会2、intensify:加剧3、to give way to :让位于……4、to stand reason that:是合乎情理的5、smack:含有特定意味,带有特性迹象6、dwell on:老是想着,详述,强调7、imbroglio:错综复杂的局面8、stampede:挤兑,蜂拥而至,9、gild:给镀金,使成金色10、shed:摒弃,去除,摆脱11、hall:欢迎,向……欢呼,热烈赞扬。

12、passion:热情,激情13、like to:把……比作14、jockey:耍花招,欺骗,诱使15、in the wake of :紧随而来,在……之后16、put it this way : 这样说17、lord it over:对什么称王称霸,对……摆架子18、work against:对……不利,反对19、hover:徘徊,摇摆不定20、skulk:偷偷摸摸的走,提心吊胆的走21、deal a blow to sb:给……打击22、to make no bones about:对什么毫不犹豫,对……犹豫不决23、wrench:猛扭,攫取,猛拧24、tout:吹嘘,吹捧,兜售25、off-pedaled:低调处理的26、press for:竭力主张,竭力推行27、staunch:坚定的,忠诚的28、fast track:快速成功之路,快车道29、shroud:覆盖,遮蔽30、turn down:拒绝31、crooked:不老实的,欺诈的32、embolden:鼓励,有胆量33、backlash:强烈反对,强烈抵制34、crack down on:采取严厉措施,制裁35、riddle:充满,难倒36、Rock:使震惊,使不安37、pose as:摆姿势,冒充38、ventilate:把……公开,公开讨论39、dig hard into:努力挖掘40、to sweep sth under the rug:掩盖某事,隐瞒某事41、derail:使出轨42、squeak:非常勉强的获胜,非常勉强的通过43、at issue:待解决的,有争议的44、stalk:在……蔓延45、smug:自命不凡,自满,沾沾自喜的46、tough:强硬的47、chilling:冷淡的,令人寒心的48、screen:通过屏幕监视49、leave sb in the dark about sth:使某人蒙在鼓里,不让某人了解某事50、on the verge of:濒于51、reach one‘s limit:到忍无可忍的地步52、hearing:听证会53、unhinge:扰乱,使得错乱,使不稳54、unveil:向公众透露,揭露55、sour:使……不满,使……生气56、to work on :解决,致力于57、enlist:赢得,征募58、sidestep:回避59、trigger:引发,触发60、streamline:精简,使现代化61、stall:陷入困境,拖62、to give sb rope:给某人行动自由63、prodigious:巨大的,庞大的,惊人的64、wreak:造成破坏,发脾气,泄露65、wretchedly:(用于含有贬义的事物)极大地,过度地,可怜地66、pitch in:开始使劲,努力投入工作67、harbor:心怀,停泊69、toss:掷钱币决定某事70、flatfooted:无准备的71、mammoth:巨大的,庞大的72、sleek:雅致的,豪华的73、blindside:偷袭,出其不意的打击74、acquiesce:默认,默许75、knack:妙法,诀窍76、pass for:被看作,被当作77、full- fledged:充分展开的,正式的,合格的78、backfire:发生意外,产生事与愿违的结果79、tainted:受污染的,腐坏的80、clarify:阐明,使明了,消除(头脑中的混乱)81、set the stage for:为……创造条件,使成为可能82、radically:本质上,完全地83、single out:使突出,挑选84、wind up:使结束,料理停当85、tackle:着手对付,处理86、hurdle:障碍,难点,跨栏87、lay out :安排88、weigh sb down:使某人忧心忡忡,使某人有负担88、resume:继续89、lowball:盘剥,向(顾客)虚报低价90、slamdunk:稳操胜券,91、bully sb to do sth:胁迫某人做某事92、low point:不利的因素,最差状态93、despondent:泄气的,沮丧的94、repugnant:令人厌恶的,矛盾的95、compelling:令人信服的,强制的96、count on:指望,依靠97、spur:激励,刺激98、windy:浮夸的,夸夸其谈的99、awash:冲刺的,泛滥的100、hard- boiled:强硬的,厉害的。



英文审稿人常用语大全英文审稿人在审阅稿件时常用的一些语言包括:1. "The manuscript is well-written and the arguments are clearly presented."2. "The author has effectively addressed the reviewers' comments and concerns."3. "The paper would benefit from a more thorough discussion of the methodology."4. "The conclusions drawn in the manuscript are well supported by the data."5. "The author should consider revising theintroduction to provide a clearer context for the study."6. "The language and grammar used in the manuscript need to be improved for clarity."7. "The paper would benefit from additional referencesto support the arguments."8. "The results presented in the manuscript are consistent with previous findings in the field."9. "The manuscript would benefit from a more in-depth analysis of the results."10. "The organization of the paper could be improved to enhance the flow of the arguments."这些是审稿人在审阅稿件时常用的一些语言,用于表达对文章内容、结构、语言表达等方面的评价和建议。



SCI论文准备写作投稿技巧常用英文词汇1. Introduction:- Present study: 本研究- In this paper: 在本文中- The objective of this study: 本研究的目标- To investigate: 研究- Background: 背景- Previous research: 先前的研究- Research gap: 研究空白- Methodology: 方法论- Data analysis: 数据分析- Findings: 研究结果- Conclusion: 结论2. Literature Review:- Literature review: 文献综述- Scholarly articles: 学术文章- Theoretical framework: 理论框架- Empirical evidence: 实证证据- Research methods: 研究方法- Key findings: 主要发现- Implications: 启示3. Methods:- Study design: 研究设计- Data collection: 数据收集- Sample size: 样本量- Research instruments: 研究工具- Data analysis techniques: 数据分析技术- Statistical analysis: 统计分析- Control variables: 控制变量4. Results:- Descriptive statistics: 描述性统计- Correlation analysis: 相关分析- Regression analysis: 回归分析- Significant findings: 显著性发现- Patterns and trends: 模式和趋势5. Discussion:- Implications: 启示- Limitations: 限制- Future research directions: 未来研究方向- Theoretical contributions: 理论贡献- Practical implications: 实践意义6. Conclusion:- Summary: 总结- Contributions: 贡献- Future research: 未来研究- Practical implications: 实践意义。



[转载]国外期刊投稿、审稿过程以及常用术语1. Author 作者如何在线投稿?在线投稿大致步骤:Step 1: Log In 登陆The login page gives you three options:1. Log in with your known User ID and Password 用户名和密码2. Check to see if you have an existing account 确认是否已经注册过3. Create a new account 没有就注册一个Step 2: Enter your Author Center 进入作者中心To begin a new submission, check a previous submission, continue a submission begun earlier, or submit a revised manuscript, choose Author Center. 确认是新投,还是投修改稿Step 3: Inside Your Author Center 在个人的作者中心里面Existing manuscripts are found in one of three areas: 包括三个区域(这个每个杂志可能有区别的)Manuscripts to be Revised 需修改稿Partially Submitted Manuscripts 部分上传稿Submitted Manuscripts 已上传稿To start a NEW manuscript submission, choose “Submit First Draft of New Manuscript” link. 开始上传新稿Step 4: Entering Data 输入资料The following screens ask you to enter each piece of data associated with your manuscript. Most of this data will also be included in the text of your manuscript, but needs to be entered in this format in order to make the system searchable by these fields. It is used for screen display and e-mail notifications only. You cannot enter text into the Manuscript Data Summary table – scroll down each screen to enter the required information. 按照提示一步一步输入Press “Save and Continue” at t he bottom of each screen in order to save all of your work. If you press the "Back" or "Forward" button on your browser your work will not be saved. 继续时选择保存和继续,如果点击back或者forward,原来输入的内容会消失。

journal of biological chemistry投稿模板

journal of biological chemistry投稿模板

journal of biological chemistry投稿模板《Journal of Biological Chemistry》是美国生物化学和分子生物学学会出版的期刊,以下是该期刊投稿的模板:1. Title: 使用简短而精确的标题来概括研究的主要内容。

2. Authors: 列出所有作者的姓名,按照贡献大小排序。


3. Affiliations: 提供每个作者的单位信息,包括机构名称、地址和邮编。

4. Abstract: 用一段话总结研究的背景、目的、方法、主要结果和结论。

5. Introduction: 介绍研究的背景和意义,提出研究问题和假设。

6. Results: 详细描述研究的结果,包括数据、图表和图片等。


7. Discussion: 对研究结果进行分析和解释,与已有的相关研究进行比较和讨论。

8. Conclusions: 总结研究的主要结论,并提出研究的局限性和未来的研究方向。

9. Acknowledgments: 感谢对研究提供帮助的人员和机构。

10. References: 列出引用的所有文献,按照引用的先后顺序编号。

11. Tables and Figures: 提供所有表格和图表的标题和说明,确保清晰度和准确性。

12. Supplementary Materials: 如果有补充材料,如实验方法、数据分析等,可以在这里提供。

13. Cover Letter: 一封写给编辑的信,简要介绍研究的内容和意义,说明为什么该研究适合在《Journal of Biological Chemistry》上发表。

请注意,以上是《Journal of Biological Chemistry》投稿的一般模板,具体要求可能会因不同的研究领域和文章类型而有所不同。




国外期刊投稿中常见的术语(来自小木虫)2008-01-20 11:311. Submitted to Journal,刚提交的状态2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office,就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功3. With editor,如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。

这当中就会有另两个状态:3.1. Awaiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑;Editor assigned是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。

3.2. Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。

4.随后也会有2种状态4.1. Decision Letter Being Prepared 就是编辑没找审稿人就自己决定了,那根据一般经验,对学生来说估计会挂了1)英文太差,编辑让修改。



4.2. Reviewer(s) invited 找到审稿人了,就开始审稿5. Under review,这应该是一个漫长的等待。



6. Required Reviews Completed,审稿人的意见已上传,审稿结束,等待编辑决定7. Evaluating Recommendation,评估审稿人的意见,随后你将收到编辑给你的decision8. Minor revision/Major revision这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有修改就有可能。

具体怎么改就不多说了,谦虚谨慎是不可少的(博主加:有过几次的经历,因为修改的revision会发再给审稿人看的,所以一定要细心的回答每一个审稿人的每一个问题,态度要谦逊,要让审稿人觉得他提的每个问题都是很有水准的,然后针对他的问题,一个一个的做出答复(point to point),能修改的就修改,不能修改的给出理由,而且都要列出来,文章的哪一段哪一行修改了最好都说出来,记住:给审稿人减少麻烦就是给你自己减少麻烦!由于有些审稿人对你的研究不是很熟悉,也没有用太多的时间来看,有些问题可能是错误的,在你看来是幼稚的,此时千万不要意气用事回信大骂审稿人一通,说他根本不懂啊,没有认真看什么的,除非你确实不想再在这个杂志发了。



一、投稿信1. Dear Dr. Defendi ML:I am sending a manuscript entitled “” by – which I should like to submit for possible publication in the journal of - .Yours sincerely2. Dear Dr. A:Enclosed is a manuscript entitled “” by sb, which we are submitting for pu blication in the journal of - . We have chosen this journal because it deals with - . We believe that sth would be of interest to the journal’s readers.3. Dear Dr. A:Please find enclosed for your review an original research article, “” by sb. All author s have read and approve this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. No part of this paper has published or submitted elsewhere. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and we have attached to this letter the signed letter granting us permission to use Figure 1 from another source.We appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers.二、询问有无收到稿件Dear Editors,We dispatched our manuscript to your journal on 3 August 2006 but have not, as yet, receive acknowledgement of their safe arrival. We fear that may have been lost and should be grateful if you would let us know whether or not you have received them. If not, we will send our manuscript again. Thank you in advance for your help.三、询问论文审查回音Dear Editors,It is more than 12 weeks since I submitted our manuscript (No: ) for possible publication in your journal. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I should appreciated your letting me know what you have decided as soon as possible.四、关于论文的总体审查意见1. This is a carefully done study and the findings are of considerable interest. A few minor revision are list below.2. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication. For the benefit of the reader, however, a number of points need clarifying and certain statements require further justification. There are given below.3. Although these observation are interesting, they are rather limited and do not advance our knowledge of the subject sufficiently to warrant publication in PNAS. We suggest that the authors try submitting their findings to specialist journal such as –4. Although this paper is good, it would be ever better if some extra data were added.5. This manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal of – because the main observation it describe was reported 3 years ago in a reputable journal of - .6. Please ask someone familiar with English language to help you rewrite this paper. As you will see, I have made some correction at the beginning of the paper where some syntax is not satisfactory.7. We feel that this potentially interesting study has been marred by an inability to communicate the finding correctly in English and should like to suggest that the authors seek the advice of someone with a good knowledge of English, preferable native speaker.8. The wording and style of some section, particularly those concerning HPLC, need careful editing. Attention should be paid to the wording of those parts of the Discussion of and Summary which have been underlined.9. Preliminary experiments only have been done and with exception of that summarized in Table 2, none has been repeated. This is clearly unsatisfactory, particularly when there is so much variation between assays.10. The condition of incubation are poorly defined. What is the temperature? Were antibody used?五、给编辑的回信1. In reply to the referee’s main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that –One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1. This has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3, paragraph 1 (line 3-8) and 2 (line 6-11). These do not affect our interpretation of the result.2. I have r ead the referee’s comments very carefully and conclude that the paper has been rejected on the sole grounds that it lake toxicity data. I admit that I did not include a toxicity table in my article although perhaps I should have done. This was for the sake of brevity rather than an error or omission.3. Thank you for your letter of –and for the referee’s comments concerning our manuscript entitled “”. We have studied their comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with their approval.4. I enclosed a revised manuscript which includes a report of additional experiments done at the referee’s suggestion. You will see that our original findings are confirmed.5. We are sending the revised manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers. Revised portion are underlined in red.6. We found the referee’s comments most helpful and have revised the manuscript7. We are pleased to note the favorable comments of reviewers in their opening sentence.8. Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to learn that our manuscript is acceptable for publication in Cancer Research with minor revision.9. We have therefore completed a further series of experiments, the result of which are summarized in Table 5. From this we conclude that intrinsic factor is not account.10. We deleted the relevant passage since they are not essential to the contents of the paper.11. I feel that the reviewer’s comments concerning Figures 1 and 2 result from a misinterpretation of the data.12. We would have include a non-protein inhibitor in our system, as a control, if one had been available.13. We prefer to retain the use of Table 4 for reasons that it should be clear from the new paragraph inserted at the end of the Results section.14. Although reviewer does not consider it is important to measure the temperature of the cells, we consider it essential.15. The running title has been changed to “”.16. The Materials and Methods section now includes details for measuring uptake of isotope and assaying hexokinase.17. The concentration of HAT media (page12 paragraph 2) was incorrectly stated in the original manuscript. This has been rectified. The authors are grateful to the referees for pointing out their error.18. As suggested by both referees, a discussion of the possibility of laser action on chromosome has been included (page16, paragraph 2).19. We included a new set of photographs with better definition than those originally submitted and to which a scale has been added.20. Following the suggestion of the referees, we have redraw Figure 3 and 4.21. Two further papers, published since our original submission, have been added to the text and Reference section. These are:22. We should like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and hope that we have now produced a more balance and better account of our work. We trust that the revised manuscript is acceptable for publication.23. I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvement to this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.24. I should like to express my appreciation to you and the referees for suggesting how to improve our paper.25. I apologize for the delay in revising the manuscript. This was due to our doing an additional experiment, as suggested by referees.。




1. Author 作者如何在线投稿?在线投稿大致步骤:Step 1: Log In 登陆The login page gives you three options:1. Log in with your known User ID and Password 用户名和密码2. Check to see if you have an existing account 确认是否已经注册过3. Create a new account 没有就注册一个Step 2: Enter your Author Center 进入作者中心To begin a new submission, check a previous submission, continue a submission begun earlier, or submit a revised manuscript, choose Author Center. 确认是新投,还是投修改稿Step 3: Inside Your Author Center 在个人的作者中心里面Existing manuscripts are found in one of three areas: 包括三个区域(这个每个杂志可能有区别的)Manuscripts to be Revised 需修改稿Partially Submitted Manuscripts 部分上传稿Submitted Manuscripts 已上传稿To start a NEW manuscript submission, choose “Submit First Draft of New Manuscript” link. 开始上传新稿Step 4: Entering Data 输入资料The following screens ask you to enter each piece of data associated with your manuscript. Most of this data will also be included in the text of your manuscript, but needs to be entered in this format in order to make the system searchable by these fields. It is used for screen display and e-mail notifications only. You cannot enter text into the Manuscript Data Summary table – scroll down each screen to enter the required information. 按照提示一步一步输入Press “Save and Continue” at the bottom of each screen in order to save all of your work. If you press the "Back" or "Forward" button on your browser your work will not be saved. 继续时选择保存和继续,如果点击back或者forward,原来输入的内容会消失。



投稿英文文章审稿的一些术语EIC-Editor in Chief 主编, 对稿件有最终决定权。

ADM- (可能是)Administrator 协助主编日常工作的。

相当于编辑部的执行编辑(Managing Editor),你会发现编辑部给你的信大都是他写给你的。

他是编辑部里和你最接近的人,给你分配稿件号(Edit the manuscript ID number),修改各种投稿状态和日期(Edit the submission date)。

AE-Associated Editor 副编辑(文章发表后在首页第一栏下方的contributing editor)。


一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。



Article submitted后 1、awaiting admin. procession一般3-4天后就会安排主编。

2、awaiting reviewer assignment 等待指定审稿人。




3、awaiting reviewer scores 等待审稿人审稿意见。





4、awaiting AE assignment 等待AE的指派。




awaiting AE recommendation 等待AE的推荐。

一般要求AE 三周内给结果。


awaiting EIC decision -激动人心的时刻。




投稿SCI,需经历哪些状态才发表,请看-学术期刊投稿术语解释-第一次投稿必看1. Submitted to Journal刚提交的状态2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功3. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。

这当中就会有另两个状态:3.1. Awaiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑Editor assigned是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。

3.2. technical check in progress 检查你的文章符不符合期刊投稿要求3.3. Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。

4.随后也会有2种状态4.1. Decision Letter Being Prepared 就是编辑没找审稿人就自己决定了,那根据一般经验,对学生来说估计会挂了1)英文太差,编辑让修改。



4.2. Reviewer(s) invited 找到审稿人了,就开始审稿5. Under review这应该是一个漫长的等待。



6. Required Reviews Completed审稿人的意见已上传,审稿结束,等待编辑决定7. Evaluating Recommendation评估审稿人的意见,随后你将收到编辑给你的decision8. Minor revision/Major revision这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有修改就有可能。


9. Revision Submitted to Journal又开始了一个循环。



一、先想先写最后做:1. 做研究之前,必须想清楚:结果能不能发表?发表在哪里?2. 先把文章大框写好,空出数据,等做完实验填完空就可以发了;正所谓心中有沟壑!3. 在未搞清“写什么、发哪里、自己研究与同类研究有何出色之处”之前,就不要动手做!4. 继续去看文献,去想;想不清楚就做还不如不做!5. 要想这样做,就得先看文献!要知道如何把文章架起来、要知道别人是如何讨论的、要知道自己的数据是不是说明了与别人不同的东东或别人没有做过……这个过程就是阅读文献及思考的过程,这些搞清楚了,写就简单了!6. 要是先做事,做完发现别人做过,或无法用理论来解释,岂不是冤大头?二、如何科学选题:1. 课题选择和国际接轨。





2. 课题要有可发展性。



我院被SCI收录论文最多的新民老师从事凸性理论研究,该理论兴起于20世纪7 0年代,90年代进入高峰。



3. 借助工具选题:①查阅有关领域的检索工具,这些工具各高校都有;②了解SCI收录期D分册的来源出版物目录(Lists of Source Publications)查找,还可从ISI引用期刊报告(J ournal Citation Reports,简称JCR)了解期刊信息,该文献有印刷版、网络版(JCR on the Web)和光盘版(JCR on CD-ROM);③利用ISI提供的选题工具帮助,例如,能对正在开展的工作进行量化分析以保证用户科学研究同科学发展趋向一致的(Essential Scienc e Indicators),介绍有关最杰出人物研究状况、有关领域研究热点和发展趋向的(ISI Highl y Cited.);④利用网上数据库了解国际学术研究动态及有关资料。



一、投稿时的Cover latter1). Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on "(Journal name)".The further information about the paper is in the following:The Title: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXThe Authors: XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXXXThe authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere.I am the corresponding author and my address and other information is as follows:Address: Department of XXXXXXXXX,College of Chemistry and Enviromental Science, Henan Normal UniversityXinxiang City, Henan Province, 453007,P.R.ChinaE-mail:Tel: +86-XXX-XXXXXXXFax: +86-XXX-XXXXXXXThank you very much for consideration!Sincerely Yours,Dr. XXX2). Dear Dr. A:I am sending a manuscript entitled “ ” by –which I should like to submit for possiblepublication in the journal of - .Yours sincerely3). Dear Dr. A:Enclosed is a manuscript entitled “” by sb, which we are submitting for publication in the journal of - . We have chosen this journal because it deals with - . We believe that sth would be of interest to the journal’s readers.4). Dear Dr. A:Please find enclosed for your review an original research article, “” by sb. All authors have read and approve this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. No part of this paper has published or submitted elsewhere. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and we have attached to this letter the signed letter granting us permission to use Figure 1 from another source.We appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers.二、询问有无收到稿件Dear Editors,We dispatched our manuscript to your journal on 3 August 2006 but have not, as yet, receive acknowledgement of their safe arrival. We fear that may have been lost and should be grateful if you would let us know whether or not you have received them. If not, we will send our manuscript again. Thank you in advance for your help.三、询问论文审查回音Dear Editors,It is more than 12 weeks since I submitted our manuscript (No: ) for possible publication in your journal. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whether you have reached a decision. I should appreciated your letting me know what you have decided as soon as possible.四、关于论文的总体审查意见1. This is a carefully done study and the findings are of considerable interest. A few minor revision are list below.2. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication. For the benefit of the reader, however, a number of points need clarifying and certain statements require further justification. There are given below.3. Although these observation are interesting, they are rather limited and do not advance our knowledge of the subject sufficiently to warrant publication in PNAS. We suggest that the authors try submitting their findings to specialist journal such as –4. Although this paper is good, it would be ever better if some extra data were added.5. This manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal of –because the main observation it describe was reported 3 years ago in a reputable journal of - .6. Please ask someone familiar with English language to help you rewrite this paper. As you will see, I have made some correction at the beginning of the paper where some syntax is not satisfactory.7. We feel that this potentially interesting study has been marred by an inability to communicate the finding correctly in English and should like to suggest that the authors seek the advice of someone with a good knowledge of English, preferable native speaker.8. The wording and style of some section, particularly those concerning HPLC, need careful editing. Attention should be paid to the wording of those parts of the Discussion of and Summary which have been underlined.9. Preliminary experiments only have been done and with exception of that summarized in Table 2, none has been repeated. This is clearly unsatisfactory, particularly when there is so much variation between assays.10. The condition of incubation are poorly defined. What is the temperature? Were antibody used?五、给编辑的回信1. In reply to the ref eree’s main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that –One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1. This has now been corrected. Further minor changes had been made on page 3, paragraph 1 (line 3-8) and 2 (line 6-11). These do not affect our interpretation of the result.2. I have read the referee’s comments very carefully and conclude that the paper has been rejected on the sole grounds that it lake toxicity data. I admit that I did not include a toxicity table in my article although perhaps I should have done. This was for the sake of brevity rather than an error or omission.3. Thank you for your letter of –and for the referee’s comments concerning our manuscript entitled “”. We have s tudied their comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with their approval.4. I enclosed a revised manuscript which includes a report of additional experiments done at the referee’s suggestion. You will see that our original findings are confirmed.5. We are sending the revised manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers. Revised portion are underlined in red.6. We found the referee’s comments most helpful and have revised the manuscript7. We are pleased to note the favorable comments of reviewers in their opening sentence.8. Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to learn that our manuscript is acceptable for publication in Cancer Research with minor revision.9. We have therefore completed a further series of experiments, the result of which are summarized in Table 5. From this we conclude that intrinsic factor is not account.10. We deleted the relevant passage since they are not essential to the contents of the paper.11. I feel that the reviewer’s comments concern ing Figures 1 and 2 result from a misinterpretation of the data.12. We would have include a non-protein inhibitor in our system, as a control, if one had been available.13. We prefer to retain the use of Table 4 for reasons that it should be clear from the new paragraph inserted at the end of the Results section.14. Although reviewer does not consider it is important to measure the temperature of the cells, we consider it essential.15. The running title has been changed to “”.16. The Materials and Methods section now includes details for measuring uptake of isotope and assaying hexokinase.17. The concentration of HAT media (page12 paragraph 2) was incorrectly stated in the original manuscript. This has been rectified. The authors are grateful to the referees for pointing out their error.18. As suggested by both referees, a discussion of the possibility of laser action on chromosome has been included (page16, paragraph 2).19. We included a new set of photographs with better definition than those originally submitted and to which a scale has been added.20. Following the suggestion of the referees, we have redraw Figure 3 and 4.21. Two further papers, published since our original submission, have been added to the text and Reference section. These are:22. We should like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and hope that we have now produced a more balance and better account of our work. We trust that the revised manuscript is acceptable for publication.23. I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvement to this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.24. I should like to express my appreciation to you and the referees for suggesting how to improve our paper.25. I apologize for the delay in revising the manuscript. This was due to our doing an additional experiment, as suggested by referees本贴摘自地址:/viewthread.php?tid=4708投稿SCI,需经历哪些状态才发表,请看-学术期刊投稿术语解释-第一次投稿必看★★melody(金币+2,VIP+0):3x满意不要忘记评价一下啊1. Submitted to Journal刚提交的状态2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office就是你的文章到了编辑手里了,证明投稿成功3. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。

SCI投稿 常见的英文

SCI投稿 常见的英文
11.Revision Submitted to Journal 又开始了一个循环。
12.I am sorry to have to convey this negative decision to you./ I regret to inform you that…/I am
sorry we could not be of further assistance on this occasion.很不幸!
camera-ready paper 可以付印的正式稿件
graphical abstract/illustrated synopsis图文摘要:一个能够突出你文章特色的图,配上一两句
running head 就是发表文章里显示在你页眉上的 (一般论文偶数页显示RUNNING HEAD,
13.Accepted 恭喜了,一般看到:We are pleased to inform you that…后面不看都知道是好消息
14.The manuscript is more suitable for a journal dealing with…这是很婉转的拒稿方式了。
15.Transfer copyright form 签版权协议
情况。 如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会decline,编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。
8. Required Reviews Completed 审稿人的意见已上传,审稿结束,等待编辑决定
9. Evaluating Recommendation 评估审稿人的意见,随后你将收到编辑给你的decision



SCI投稿信件的一些常用语一、投稿信1. Dear Dr. Defendi ML:I am sending a manuscript entitled “” by – which I should like to submit for possible publication in the journal of - .Yours sincerely2. Dear Dr. A:Enclosed is a manuscript entitled “” by sb, which we are submitting for publication in the journal of - . We have chosen this journal because it deals with - . We believe that sth would be of interest to the journal’s readers.3. Dear Dr. A:Plea se find enclosed for your review an original research article, “” by sb. All authors have read and approve this version of the article, and due care has been taken to ensure the integrity of the work. No part of this paper has published or submitted elsewhere. No conflict of interest exits in the submission of this manuscript, and we have attached to this letter the signed letter granting us permission to use Figure 1 from another source.We appreciate your consideration of our manuscript, and we look forward to receiving comments from the reviewers.二、询问有无收到稿件Dear Editors,We dispatched our manuscript to your journal on 3 August 2006 but have not, as yet, receive acknowledgement of their safe arrival. We fear that may have been lost and should be grateful if you would let us know whether or not you have received them. If not, we will send our manuscript again. Thank you in advance for your help.三、询问论文审查回音Dear Editors,It is more than 12 weeks since I submitted our manuscript (No: ) for possible publication in your journal. I have not yet received a reply and am wondering whetheryou have reached a decision. I should appreciated your letting me know what you have decided as soon as possible.四、关于论文的总体审查意见1. This is a carefully done study and the findings are of considerable interest. A few minor revision are list below.2. This is a well-written paper containing interesting results which merit publication. For the benefit of the reader, however, a number of points need clarifying and certain statements require further justification. There are given below.3. Although these observation are interesting, they are rather limited and do not advance our knowledge of the subject sufficiently to warrant publication in PNAS. We suggest that the authors try submitting their findings to specialist journal such as –4. Although this paper is good, it would be ever better if some extra data were added.5. This manuscript is not suitable for publication in the journal of – because the main observation it describe was reported 3 years ago in a reputable journal of - .6. Please ask someone familiar with English language to help you rewrite this paper. As you will see, I have made some correction at the beginning of the paper where some syntax is not satisfactory.7. We feel that this potentially interesting study has been marred by an inability to communicate the finding correctly in English and should like to suggest that the authors seek the advice of someone with a good knowledge of English, preferable native speaker.8. The wording and style of some section, particularly those concerning HPLC, need careful editing. Attention should be paid to the wording of those parts of the Discussion of and Summary which have been underlined.9. Preliminary experiments only have been done and with exception of that summarized in Table 2, none has been repeated. This is clearly unsatisfactory, particularly when there is so much variation between assays.10. The condition of incubation are poorly defined. What is the temperature? Were antibody used?五、给编辑的回信1. In reply to the referee’s main criticism of paper, it is possible to say that –One minor point raised by the referee concerns of the extra composition of the reaction mixture in Figure 1. This has now been corrected. Further minor changes hadbeen made on page 3, paragraph 1 (line 3-8) and 2 (line 6-11). These do not affect our interpretation of the result.2. I have read the referee’s comme nts very carefully and conclude that the paper has been rejected on the sole grounds that it lake toxicity data. I admit that I did not include a toxicity table in my article although perhaps I should have done. This was for the sake of brevity rather than an error or omission.3. Thank you for your letter of –and for the referee’s comments concerning our manuscript entitled “”. We have studied their comments carefully and have made correction which we hope meet with their approval.4. I enclosed a revised manuscript which includes a report of additional experiments done at the referee’s suggestion. You will see that our original findings are confirmed.5. We are sending the revised manuscript according to the comments of the reviewers. Revised portion are underlined in red.6. We found the referee’s comments most helpful and have revised the manuscript7. We are pleased to note the favorable comments of reviewers in their opening sentence.8. Thank you for your letter. I am very pleased to learn that our manuscript is acceptable for publication in Cancer Research with minor revision.9. We have therefore completed a further series of experiments, the result of which are summarized in Table 5. From this we conclude that intrinsic factor is not account.10. We deleted the relevant passage since they are not essential to the contents of the paper.11. I feel that the reviewer’s comments concerning Figures 1 and 2 result from a misinterpretation of the data.12. We would have include a non-protein inhibitor in our system, as a control, if one had been available.13. We prefer to retain the use of Table 4 for reasons that it should be clear from the new paragraph inserted at the end of the Results section.14. Although reviewer does not consider it is important to measure the temperature of the cells, we consider it essential.15. The running title has been changed to “”.16. The Materials and Methods section now includes details for measuring uptake of isotope and assaying hexokinase.17. The concentration of HAT media (page12 paragraph 2) was incorrectly stated in the original manuscript. This has been rectified. The authors are grateful to the referees for pointing out their error.18. As suggested by both referees, a discussion of the possibility of laser action on chromosome has been included (page16, paragraph 2).19. We included a new set of photographs with better definition than those originally submitted and to which a scale has been added.20. Following the suggestion of the referees, we have redraw Figure 3 and 4.21. Two further papers, published since our original submission, have been added to the text and Reference section. These are:22. We should like to thank the referees for their helpful comments and hope that we have now produced a more balance and better account of our work. We trust that the revised manuscript is acceptable for publication.23. I greatly appreciate both your help and that of the referees concerning improvement to this paper. I hope that the revised manuscript is now suitable for publication.24. I should like to express my appreciation to you and the referees for suggesting how to improve our paper.25. I apologize for the delay in revising the manuscript. This was due to our doing an additional experiment, as suggested by referees.。



国外期刊投稿以及常用英语术语[转载]国外期刊投稿、审稿过程以及常用术语1. Author 作者如何在线投稿?在线投稿大致步骤:Step 1: Log In 登陆The login page gives you three options:1. Log in with your known User ID and Password 用户名和密码2. Check to see if you have an existing account 确认是否已经注册过3. Create a new account 没有就注册一个Step 2: Enter your Author Center 进入作者中心To begin a new submission, check a previous submission, continue a submission begun earlier, or submit a revised manuscript, choose Author Center. 确认是新投,还是投修改稿Step 3: Inside Your Author Center 在个人的作者中心里面Existing manuscripts are found in one of three areas: 包括三个区域(这个每个杂志可能有区别的)Manuscripts to be Revised 需修改稿Partially Submitted Manuscripts 部分上传稿Submitted Manuscripts 已上传稿To sta rt a NEW manuscript submission, choose “Submit First Draft of New Manuscript” link. 开始上传新稿Step 4: Entering Data 输入资料The following screens ask you to enter each piece of data associated with your manuscript. Most of this data will also be included in the text of your manuscript, but needs to be entered in this format in order to make the system searchable by these fields. It is used for screen display and e-mail notifications only.You cannot enter text into the Manuscript Data Summary table –scroll down each screen to enter the required information. 按照提示一步一步输入Press “Save and Continue” at t he bottom of each screen in order to save all of your work. If you press the "Back" or "Forward" button on your browser your work will not be saved. 继续时选择保存和继续,如果点击back或者forward,原来输入的内容会消失。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

1. Submitted to Journal
2. Manuscript received by Editorial Office
3. With editor如果在投稿的时候没有要求选择编辑,就先到主编那,主编会分派给别的编辑。

3.1. Awaiting Editor Assignment指派责任编辑
Editor assigned是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。

3.2. Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。

4.1. Decision Letter Being Prepared 就是编辑没找审稿人就自己决定了,那根据一般经验,对学生来说估计会挂了1)英文太差,编辑让修改。



4.2. Reviewer(s) invited 找到审稿人了,就开始审稿
5. Under review



6. Required Reviews Completed
7. Evaluating Recommendation
8. Minor revision/Major revision这个时候可以稍微庆祝一下了,问题不大了,因为有


9. Revision Submitted to Journal

10.Accepted 恭喜了
11. Transfer copyright form 签版权协议
12. uncorrected proof 等待你校对样稿
13. In Press, Corrected Proof 文章在印刷中,且该清样已经过作者校对
14. Manuscript Sent to Production 排版
15 in production
