viewing controls on the dashboard easy even in a
low light environment in the home.
8 Choice of GreenSmart Split-Flow Burners:
Dancing-Fyre™ Split-Flow Burner:
1 Choice of Pilots
Continuous Pilot or GreenSmart Pilot: This switch allows you to run your fireplace in either standing pilot mode - where the pilot flame continually stays on, ideal during periods of extreme cold when a draft is needed for safe, reliable operation – or for maximum efficiency use the GreenSmart mode, where the pilot flame ignites via an intermittent pilot (IPI) spark that does not run continually and thus conserves energy when the fireplace is not being operated. The GreenSmart system includes a battery back-up, ensuring proper ignition even during power outages.
用来接通或截断点火线圈中初级线圈的电流,使 次级线圈产生高压,控制点火时刻。触点间隙为 0.35—0.45mm 将点火线圈产生的高压电按发火次序分送给各缸
热敏电阻 火花塞 离心提前点火调节装臵 真空提前点火调节装臵
保持初级电流的基本稳定 将高压电引进汽油机燃烧室,在火花塞电极间产 生电火花, 以点燃混合气 调节点火提前角
点火提前的概念及其后果 配电器 断电器 电容器 火提前角调节装臵
(2)闭磁路点火线圈 闭磁路点火线圈,将初级绕阻和次级绕组都绕在口 字形或日字形的铁芯上。初级绕组在铁芯中产生的磁通,
结构:用带气隙的“日”形或“口”形铁芯。初级绕 组230-370匝,0.5-1.0mm漆包线绕制,次级绕组1100026000匝,0.06-0.10mm漆包线绕制。 特点:漏磁小,转换效率高(从60%提到70%),无外 壳,无绝缘盖,故易散热、结构简单、体积小、质量轻。
一、 点火系统功用、要求与分类 二、 传统点火系统 三、 半导体点火系统 四、 微电脑点火控制系统
一、 点火系统功用、要求与分类
1.离心式点火提前调节装臵: 根据发动机转速变化自动调整凸轮与分电器轴的相位。 2.真空式点火提前调节装臵:
第十章点火系统190天然气发动机采用德国MOTORTECH公司生产的点火控制系统,G12V190Z L T天然气机采用IC500型,8V190Z L T天然气机采用IC100型,主要由点火控制器、点火线圈、火花塞、低压线、高压线、信号传感器及导线等组成。
*复位信号传感器可按以下步骤调节:首先盘车至一缸压缩上止点前220度处(8V190Z L T天然气机为235度),旋入传感器使其与复位螺钉接触,再逆时针旋出1/2~2/3圈,然后用螺母锁紧,注意保证传感器不随锁紧螺母一起转动,以免引起间隙的变化。
燃气设备操作说明书操作说明书1. 引言燃气设备是一种常见的能源和热力设备,具有广泛的应用领域。
2. 设备概览燃气设备由以下几个主要部分组成:2.1 燃气供应系统:包括燃气管道、阀门、压力调节器等;2.2 热交换器:用于将燃气的能量转换为热能;2.3 控制系统:包括燃气控制阀、温度控制器、传感器等。
3. 操作流程3.1 准备工作在操作燃气设备之前,确保以下几点:- 设备安装完好且连接正确;- 燃气供应系统正常运行;- 环境通风良好。
3.2 启动设备3.2.1 打开燃气供应将燃气供应系统的主阀门缓慢打开,确保正常供气。
3.2.2 启动点火将点火源靠近燃气喷射器,并打开点火开关,点火器点燃燃气,同时观察火焰是否正常。
3.2.3 等待预热在启动后,等待设备达到预定的工作温度,这将需要一定的时间。
3.3 调节温度使用温度控制器,根据需要设定所需工作温度。
3.4 关闭设备在使用完毕后,按照以下步骤关闭燃气设备:3.4.1 关闭燃气供应将燃气供应系统的主阀门缓慢关闭,停止供气。
3.4.2 熄灭火焰关闭点火开关,并等待设备冷却后彻底熄灭火焰。
3.4.3 断开电源关闭设备的电源开关。
4. 注意事项4.1 安全操作- 在操作燃气设备时,确保操作环境通风良好,避免气体积聚引发安全事故。
- 遵循使用说明书提供的操作步骤,不得随意调节设备参数。
- 注意设备工作温度和压力的变化,确保设备在正常范围内运行。
4.2 定期维护- 定期对燃气设备进行维护,保持设备的正常运行状态。
- 清洁燃气喷射器等关键部件,确保其通畅无堵塞。
- 检查燃气供应系统的安全阀等关键部件,确保其正常工作。
5. 故障排除在使用燃气设备过程中,可能会遇到以下故障情况:- 火焰异常:如果看到火焰颜色异常或火焰不稳定,应立即关闭设备,并联系售后服务人员进行检修。
火控制器使用说明书版本V1.01一、概述 ........二、系统组成 ....2.1、 系统组成 (4)2.1.1、 点火控制模块 (4)2.1.2、 导线束 (4)2.1.3、 vI-口寸 42.1.4、 动机转速传感器 (5)2.1.5、 动机冷却液温度传感器(ECTS ) (6)2.1.6、 歧管绝对压力(MAP )传感器 (6)2.1.8 点火线和火花塞 (7)2.1.9 燃油切断电磁阀继电器(可选) (7)二、外形图 (8)三、应用 (8)3.1、 端口定义 (8)3.2、 典型应用电路 (9)... 3 ••••••3.3、软件界面 (10)3.4、实物 (12)二、系统组成2.1、系统组成本系统由点火控制模块、导线束、一个多齿发动机转速计时盘、磁电转速传感器、发动机冷却液温度传感器(ECTS)、歧管绝对压力(MAP)传感器、点火线圈、高压线、火花塞组成。
2.1.1.火控制模块可配置为4或6缸发动机,自动电压感应12或24 V应用具有过压保护功能。
圆孔为1缸点火上止点,4 冲程发动机,定时盘应安装在凸轮轴上。
正常工作间隙L0毫米(0.5-L 25毫米),电阻值应在0.91KQ左右。
䘀䄀䜀伀刀㈀ 㤀Igniters1202480712044573Piezoelectric igniter INECO with water protectionmounting hole Ø 18 mm; connection Ø 2,4 mm; Tmax 120°C; with rubber cover435438Piezoelectric igniter INECOmounting hole Ø 22 mm; connectin Ø 2,4 mm; Tmax 120°C5838271203312512043897FX40100130S113034000Piezoelectric igniter VERNITRONmounting hole Ø 22 mm; connection Ø 2,4 mm; Tmax 120°C3379791202434712123413X163014000Igniter unit 2-ways220/240V 50/60Hz; operating frequency 1Hz43551512010418U963001000Igniter unit 6-ways220/240V 50/60Hz; operating frequency 3Hz43524912005968H505700000Burner L=400 mm Ltot.=650 mm37271112006405R905702000Burnerdim: 500x150x48mm32441712009491T035700000T035702000Burner 2 branches 530x200 mm BG-705; BG-71037297512009503T055700000T055701000T055703000Burner 2 branches 220x540 mm BG9-05; BG9-1037297912007248X155710000Burner 6 branches 530x650 mm37272112007339X285710000Burner 10 branches 1075x530 mm43026412150612Burner Ø 100 mm 5,25 kW58538512150615Burner Ø 120 mm 8 kW58538612008502U025710000Burner Ø 110 mm 8000 kcal/h37278512009292U445730000Burner Ø 100 mm 4,6 kW37293812008492U025709000Burner Ø 100 mm - 4000 kcal/H37278312008445U915701000Burner Ø 100 mm - 5000 kcal/h43370912009326U025702000Burner Ø 110 mm - 8000kcal/h37294212008471U915702000Burner Ø 120 mm - 7000 kcal/h58217512009325U025711000Burner Ø 120 mm - 10000kcal/h4331741200852512013457U025703000U235700000Burner Ø 130 mm 12 kW3727871200768412040161U265701000U565701000SBurner Ø 120 mm 7kW31733312009433X015700000Burner for fryerdim. 340x60x58 mm; FG9-05, FG9-05 S, FG9-103729621200812412039162U445731000U445731500Flame spreader Ø 100 mm37276112154471Flame spreader Ø 100 mm 5,25kW42657912009109U135702000U135702500U445732000Flame spreader Ø 120 mm 9,3kW3173311200917212091667U195701500Flame spreader Ø 120 mm37292112154473Flame spreader Ø 120 mm 8kW426580120076821200936712047137U235701000U235701500Flame spreader Ø 130 mm 10,5 kW37294812154475Burner cap Ø 138 mm 10,2kW42657812009400U125720000Venturi for burner Ø 11 mm L= 90 mm37295612008429U565700000Venturi for burner Ø 20 mm L= 90 mm3727791200801912008611U235702000U235707000Venturi for burner Ø 29,5 mm L= 160 mm37274912009357U105701000Burner Ø 40x500/550 mm43323212044878S225701000Burner Ø 50x442 mm58267012007927Q301323000Bush Ø 17x25x7 mm37274012023506Z608410000Bush Ø 7x11x7,8 mm37372412010033Q153002000Screw M4x7 mm - Ltot. 12,3 mm CH637307912008635X505724000Nozzle support 1/2"Ltot.48 mm; CH2745942112009031U265027000Nozzle support gas Ø 12 mm - 3/8" - L=62 mm37289712008105U265033000Nozzle support gas Ø 10 mm43329312006449U025473000Basin for burner 347x395x65 mm G900 (2008)37271412006761U915407000Basin for burner 623x320x55 mm G70043369012008071U265702000Air regulatorØ40 mm - H= 55 mm3727551200807312019997U025706000U235704000Air regulator 10.000 Kcal Ø46 mm - H= 55 mm37275612008047U325707000Air regulator Øint. 18x41 mm372752X012101Spark plug - insul. Ø 6x44 mm electrode L=13,0x2 mmconnection M4x1 mm - L=65 mm337983120089941200906012131758X012101000X022131000Spark plug - insul. Ø 7x44 mm - electrode L=14x2 mmfaston connection Ø 2,4 mm338110Ignition Cables12023555612105000U333003000Ignition cable L=1000 mm faston F2,8-F6,3 mm31207812017372U262109000U323007000Ignition cable L=900 mm faston F2,8-Ø 2,4 mm31208612039113R613030000Ignition cable L=520 mm faston Ø 2,4-Ø 2,4 mm37446712024305U323030000Ignition cable L=1000 mm faston Ø 2,4-Ø 2,4 mm33817312009161U962109000Pilot burner 1-way Target31024412008829U912107000Pilot pipe 1 flame holes Ø 3,6 mm37285011U912121012005260Pilot burner 1-waytype multigas with nozzle Ø 0,20 mm; with 2 position bracket; connection for Ø 6 mm pipe33812912125823Pilot burner 2-waytype multigas with nozzle Ø 0,20 mm; with 3 position bracket; connection for Ø 6 mm pipe34747311U442134012004905U442134000Pilot burner 2-waytype multigas with nozzle Ø 0,25 mm; with 2 position bracket; connection for Ø 6 mm pipe37447101000621200916612032648U322118000Pilot burner 3-waytype multigas with nozzle Ø 0,25; with 3 position bracket37291912001371R202100000Pilot burner 3-waytype multigas with nozzle Ø 0,25; with 3 position bracket aand flange 90°37267112009076X012126000Pilot burner body with nozzle Ø 0,25 mm without pipe fitting connection37290412009075U442136000Pilot burner body with nozzle Ø 0,40 mm without pipe fitting connection33831112008730U912112000Pilot burner body58348312008510X012122000Air regulator for pilot burner Ø 9 mm450145702500000S312108000X205028000Double cone for hose Ø 6 mm H=6,2 mm32557812131761Double cone Ø 6 mm7004031200861812008619U442130000U442131000Burner bracket 2 position584473X012113000X012114000Burner bracket 3 positions34741912009152X012117000Pilot head L=52 mm H=42 mm41562412004518U025712000Pilot burner protection Ø 100x180x26 mm43317512008802U122407000Gas nozzle M10x1 CH13 Ø 1,05 mm37283412008800X312400000Gas nozzle M10x1 CH12 Ø 1,10 mm37283212039112R422400000Gas nozzle M10x1 CH12 Ø 1,25 mm37446512008809R612400000Gas nozzle M10x1 CH12 Ø 1,35 mm GN37284112008805631000000Gas nozzle M10x1 CH13 Ø 1,40 mm37283712017204X102401000Gas nozzle M10x1 CH12 Ø 1,60 mm37332612021165S012400000Gas nozzle M14x1 CH17 Ø 2,20 mm37359612021203S114401000Gas nozzle M14x1 CH17 Ø 3,65 mm373604Nozzles12021187U442138000Pilot burner nozzle Ø 0,25 mm GPL L=28 mm33798612008938U442137000Pilot burner nozzle Ø 0,40 mm GN L=28 mm33835412008344U262130000Thermocouple M8x1 L=1000 mmmounting sleeve smooth S332 - serie 20058221212125806Thermocouple M8x1 L=600 mm mounting sleeve M6x1347468U222100000Thermocouple QUICK M8x1 L=600 mm mounting sleeve smooth S332 - serie 290517549U322130000Thermocouple QUICK M8x1 L=1500 mm mounting sleeve smooth S332 - serie 29033809012009768U222130000Thermocouple M9x1 L=600 mmmounting sleeve smooth S332 - serie 20033808812009208U742131000Thermocouple M9x1 L=1500 mmmounting sleeve smooth S332 - serie 20033801112034982FX40400110Thermocouple QUICK M9x1 L=850 mm mounting sleeve smooth S332 - serie 290 -aluminum tip338308U562130000X152120000X162120000Thermocouple QUICK M9x1 L=850 mm mounting sleeve smooth S332 - serie 290512563Thermocouples12008273S042106000Interrupted thermocouple M9x1 L=1000 mmwithout cable; standard tip337952F12009969U264301000Slotted fitting for thermocouple M9x1CH937305312125829Interrupted thermocouple fitting M9x1 - F9x133808512008058U962102000Thermocouple QUICK M8x1 L=600 mm mounting sleeve smooth43377012008211U962101000Thermocouple QUICK M8x1 L=1000 mm mounting sleeve smooth43376912017435T032101000Valved gas tap PEL 22SO with safety devicewith pilot flame and horizontal flange; connections M20x1,5 mm; thermocouple connection M9x1 mm; D-shaft Ø 10x8 mm L=25 mm526807S312101000Valved gas tap PEL 23SV with safety devicewith pilot flame and vertical flange; inlet M28x1,5 mm - outlet M24x1,5 mm; thermocouple connection M10x1 mm; D-shaft Ø 10x8 mm L=25 mm45021812003894S312115000Valved gas tap PEL 23SV with safety devicewith pilot flame and vertical flange; inlet M28x1,5 mm - outlet M24x1,5 mm; thermocouple connection M10x1 mm; D-shaft Ø 10x8 mm L=25 mm; min screw Ø2,20 mm43288912009463U249401000Valved gas tap CAL-3200inlet gas M18x1,5; thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 10x8 mm; min screw Ø 0,55 mm31552212009464U249402000Valved gas tap CAL-3200inlet gas M18x1,5; thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 10x8 mm; min screw 0,90 mm31552612012263U222101000Valved gas tap CAL-3200inlet gas M18x1,5; thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 10x8 mm; min screw Ø 1,20 mm31552812009462U702101000Valved gas tap CAL-3200inlet gas M18x1,5; thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 10x8 mm; min screw Ø 1,30 mm37297012009457U912102000Valved gas tap CAL-3200outlet gas 3/8" hose Ø 10 mm;thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm; min screw Ø 1,00 mm37296812011431U022108000Valved gas tap CAL-3200thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 10x8 mm; min screw Ø 1,30 mm37322412009411U912101000Valved gas tap CPMM 18700/821inlet Ø 7 mm - outlet M16x1,5;thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm3729581200372712038506U912115000Valved gas tap CPMM 18700inlet Ø 21 mm - outlet 3/8''; thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm; min screw Ø 0,75 mm31868111R90210201200372412038522R902102000Valved gas tap CPMM 18700/821thermocouple connection M8x1; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm L=12/41 mm; min screw Ø 0,90 mm43340611U91210901200372612038507U912109000Valved gas tap CPMM 18700/821thermocouple connection M8x1; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm L=12/41 mm; min screw Ø 1,15 mm45959011U91211701200372812038505U912117000Valved gas tap CPMM 18700inlet Ø 7 mm - outlet M16x1,5;thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm, by pass Ø 1,45 mm31963011H122103012038526Valved gas tap CPMM 18700/821thermocouple connection M8x1; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm L=12/41 mm; (shaft flat: upper)58357812009271J012101000Valved gas tap CAL-20703outlet gas M13; thermocouple fitting M8x1; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm37293712009479U742130000Valved gas tap with safety device capillar L=1050 mm; bulbo Ø 4x82 mm; D-shaft Ø 8x6,6 mm37297412017288R612101000Valved gas tap with safety device capillar L=1100 mm - bulb Ø 4x82 mm; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm L=12/33 mm;thermocouple fitting M8x137333212017423R202104000R402108000R432102000Valved gas tap with safety device capillar L=1000 mm; bulb Ø 6x135 mm; D-shaft Ø 8x6,5 mm L=12/33 mm;thermocouple fitting M8x1373348U055043000Double cone for hose Ø 12 mm PEL 22H=9,6 mm43838912008775S312106000Double cone for hose Ø 16 mm PEL 2341032512008828S312104000Double cone for hose Ø 20 mm PEL 2344149312018994U265026000Double cone Ø 4/2,9 mm37346512008865S312105000Nut M24x1,5 mm for gas pipe Ø 16 mm PEL 2341022112008921S312103000Nut M28x1,5 mm for gas pipe Ø 20 mm PEL 23H=17 mm; CH3041032412017406U322109000Pipe fitting 1/8" for gas pipe Ø 4 mm L=11 mm; CH1037334612008740S312107000Pipe fitting M10x1 for gas pipe Ø 6 mm PEL 21-2541028612008758J022103000Minimum screw Ø 0,7 mm - 720043081412008834U912116000Minimum screw Ø 0,75 mm - 1870043363412008837R902101000Minimum screw Ø 0,9 mm43210012008835U912108000Minimum screw Ø 1,15 mm M6x0,543362612008840Minimum screw Ø 1,20 mm42585512008839U022118000Minimum screw Ø 1,30 mm43311312008836U912118000Minimum screw Ø 1,45 mm M6x0,5433635U134323000Pipe fitting M10x1 L=16 mm with doubble coin Ø 6 mm33808012008081Fitting 3/8" for pipe Ø 12 mm L=20 mm45014212125847Gas valve EUROSIT 80÷320°Cconnections Ø 3/8"FF; thermocoupleconnection M9x1 mm; work temperature0÷120°C; capillary L= 1070 mm - bulb Ø4x72 mm33812812023415R152102000Gas valve EUROSIT 100÷340°Cpipe fitting Ø 3/8"FF; thermocoupleconnection M9x1 mm; capillary L=1050mm - bulb Ø 4x72 mm - with brass knob -RoHS certifications31150812009504T98210000T982100000Gas valve EUROSIT 100÷340°Cconnections Ø 3/8"FF; thermocoupleconnection M9x1 mm; capillary L=1050mm - bulb Ø 4x72 mm; work temperature0÷120°C; without flow adjuster55223212009510J142105000Gas valve EUROSIT 110÷190°Cconnections Ø 3/8"FF; thermocoupleconnection M9x1 mm; work temperature0÷120°C; capillary L=1050 mm - bulb Ø4x202 mm in AISI 31633796812125824Gas valve EUROSIT 110÷190°C [KIT]34747112009530U134316000U134324000Gas valve MINISIT 100÷340°Cconnections inlet Ø 1/2"F - outlet Ø 3/8"F ;thermocouple connections M9x1; nikelcapillary L=1050 mm; bulb 4x72 mm63000111U264315012007319U264315000Gas valve MINISIT 100÷340°C [KIT]connections inlet Ø 1/2"F - outlet Ø 3/8"F;thermocouple connection M9x1; nikelcapillary L=1050 mm; bulb Ø 4x70 mm33831312017711X012198000Thermostatic element 110÷190°Ccapillary L=960 mm; bulb Ø 10,5x26 mmthread 1/4"37336712019677U264399U264399000Magnetic block M9x1 for MINISITcap Ø 11 mm - thread M22 - L=55 mm - VR833832212097292Gas valve 820 NOVA Ø 1/2"FF - 230V 50Hzthermocouple connection M9x1 mm; Pmax entrata gas 60 mBar; P-uscita 5÷50 mBar31297612024768X163000000Gas valve 820 NOVA Ø 1/2"FF - 230V 50Hzthermocouple connection M9x1 mm; max gas inlet pressure 60 mBar; max outlet pressure 3÷30 mBar; with step opening ignition device33810512024777X163025000Gas valve 820 NOVA Ø 1/2"FF - 220V 60Hzthermocouple connection M9x1 mm; max gas inlet pressure 60 mBar; max outlet pressure 3÷30 mBar; slow ignition device 3÷5 mBar338166R275027000Electric ignition contact with cables L=880 mmsuitable for 820 NOVA and ELETTROSIT S23380441200977412020879R062101000R062102000Extension for gas valve L=41 mm D-shaft Ø 8x6,3 mm37299612049349Extension for gas valve L=74 mm D-shaft Ø 8x6,3 mm58538412041835Extension for gas valve L=67 mm D-shaft Ø 8x6,3 mm42809712009064X262100000knob extension L=87 mm suitable for NOVASIT37290212093409Support for gas valve dim. 200x145x130 mm42712712125825Flange for EUROSIT gas valve33822212018959X163099000Magnetic coil EV2 220-240V 50Hz - for 820 NOVA gas valve33804112002638R905016000Pilot gas pipeline ftg-710 v-750q g Ø5x6 mm; dim. 175x108 mm43211112019498U565034000Left front pilot gas pipeline Ø 4 mm37349312003316S565012000Pilot gas pipelineØint. 4,5/est. 6 mm; dim. 530x225x105 mm45943512003185U264304000Pilot gas pipeline37269312006656S025023000Gas pipe Øest. 14 mm45942312008297H125009000Gas pipe58272512008215R905028000Gas pipe Øext.10 mm43211412038963S565002000Gas pipe45943412003160S225042000S265012000Gas pilot pipe Ø20xLtot. 195 mm459422Switches, Push Buttons, Selectors12025094Z513022000Momentary push switch double-pole black 22x30 mm16(4)A 250V; faston 6,35x0,8 mm37426112024804X022109000Push button 16A 250V - ROLD43817012009956X022106000Button Ø 23 mm37304812008785X022137000Protecting cover for button 60x35 mm37282112008786X022136000Protecting cover for button 22x30 mm37282212023599X143017000Green pilot lamp Ø 10 mm 240V - self-lockinglens Ø 13,5 mm, L=60 mm - faston 6,3x0,8 mm Tmax 120°C31698112023806_12024669_X143018000_Orange pilot lamp Ø 10 mm 240V - self-lockinglens Ø 13,5 mm, L=60 mm - faston 6,3x0,8 mm Tmax 120°C316575Lamps and Lamp Holders120252111203632412047390R693055000Green pilot lamp Ø 12 mm 230V lens Ø 14 mm374306120238061202425412024669R693056000X143018000Orange pilot lamp Ø 10 mm 230V - self-lockinglens Ø 13,5 mm, L=60 mm - faston 6,3x0,8 mm Tmax 120°C58445212125853Fluorescent white lamp Ø 9 mm 240V L=55 mm, faston 6,3x0,8 mm34039612125854Lens Ø 10 mm white lens Ø 14,5 mm31719112024040120299111203108112111795R663031000RT30280551Z203050000Contactor K3-10ND10 190R TX4kW 3P; 200-240V 50-60Hz 400V - 3 cont.NO + 1 aux NO51717012024011Z213007000Mini contactor B7-30-10-F220-240V 40-450Hz; dim. 47x48x42,5 mm37388312024075X183011000Contactor 3RT2024-1AL205,5kW 3P; 230V 50-60Hz 400V cont. 3 NO dim. 45x91x88 mm37573612024209R343072000Level control 230/400V 50/60Hz dim. 75x37x67 mm37395712031875EU929115Relay 2 contacts 230V 50/60Hz 16A 250V Faston 6.3x0.8 mm3525431202900012029617121491711DI12326DO1DI12320DO1DI12322Timer 1P 1COdim. 65x17,5x90 mm; time 1s-10s, 1min.-10min., 1h-10h, 1d-10d374358Microswitches12037963DO1DK13002GMP831318Snap action microswitch 16A 250VT125°Cthread M10x1, H=14 mm43526212009033X960501000Door magnet Ø 32xh7 mm M4372898U183046000Terminal board 3-poles 6 mmqcapacity 450V 40A; Tmin-max -5/+150°C; faston 6,3x0.8 mm33655412025183R253044000Terminal board 6-poles cable sq.mm 6 with bypass installedcapacity 450V 40A; Tmin-max -5/+150°C; faston 6,3x0,8 mm43998212024188S093000000Water pressure switch 300÷200 mbarG1/4", Pmax 1 bar3739461203006612049916DO1DL13315Timer3743641202386212031028120334726021050008RT31011008Z103066000Compact fan 120x120x38 mm - 20W 230V 50/60Hzno cable; faston connection 2,8x0,5 mm; 2550 rpm; ball bearing531364Electric Hot Plates12024602U803002000Electric hot plate Ø 145 mm - 1500W 230V with protector with 8 mm spill ring43232812125797Electric hot plate Ø 180 mm - 2000W 230V with protector with 8 mm spill ring34745012024076U803000000Electric hot plate Ø 220 mm - 2600W 230V432330U673011000Electric hot plate 300x300 mm - 3000W 230V with protector43227012024803U673012000Electric hot plate 300x300 mm - 3000W 400V with protector427475U673010000Electric hot plate 300x300 mm - 4000W 230V with protector43233512024802U673013000Electric hot plate 300x300 mm - 4000W 400V with protector43232012024774X343020000Gear motor 30W 24V 48rpmcable L=300 mm; shaft Ø 9,5x28 mm374186120449266021250084Heating element 480W 220V dim. 160x160 mm31882312034811K009B43303Heating element 260W 230Vdim. Ø 6x335, Ltot.=380 mm; connection M432372812024617X143010000Heating element 2000W 230Vdim. 525x95x45 mm; connection M437412112024610U183401000U803004000Heating element 1000W 230Vdim. 512x120 mm; flange 77x21 mm; faston 6,3 mm37411812024747T323038000Boiler heating element 9000W 230V L=275 mm; flange 105x60 mm; faston 6,3 mm31681712023494R143000000Boiler heating element 9000W 230VL=385 mm; flangia 105x55 mm; faston 6,3 mm37371912024707X323002000X323010000Left heating element 4000W 230Vdim. 310x60x290 mm; connections M4 - for fryer37415912024704X323001000X323009000Heating element 4000W 230V right/centraldim. 310x60x290 mm; connections M4 - for fryer37415712024757X183021X183068000Heating element 6000W 230Vdim. 370x70x300/345 mm; connection M4 -for fryer37418312024626R573010000Heating element 2000W 230Vdim. 580x80 mm; connection M4 - Fry-top37412712125796Infrared heating element 650W 230V dim. 240x60 mm; for chip scuttle34688312024951R223005000Tank heating element 2000W 230Vdim. 285x97x23 mm; flangia 81,4x28 mm; connessione M437423012024645Z203601000Tank heating element 2800W 230V dim. 365x102 mm; flange 70x18 mm37413312024715H063002000Tank heating element 4000W 230V dim. 348x65 mm; flange 70x18 mm; faston 6,3x0,8 mm37416312023680T323007000Heating element gasket 105x60x3 mm for 316816/31681731682112024416X183070000Cable for heating element 4mmq L=1400 mmring Ø 4,3 mm37405512005743X182633000Support for heating element fe9-00Ltot=370 mm43035012004900X182634000Support for heating element dim. 418x110x95 mm43076312125782Commutator 0-1 positions 16A 250V; D-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm4322931202445912125263X163007000Commutator 0-1 positions16A 250V; Tmax 150°C; D shaft Ø 6X4,6 mm700402Commutators, Energy Regulators1202446512025105T343008000Z213003000Commutator 0-2 positions16A 250V; D-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm; 0-1-237426312023800R693004000Commutator 0-4 positions 16A 250V; D-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm37383312023918U673006000Commutator 0-4 positions 16A 250V; D-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm37386512024405U673007000Commutator 0-6 positions 16A 250V; D-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm37405312125798Commutator 0-7 positions16A 250V; D-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm Tmax 150°C42907312125844Energy regulator double circuit 13A 230V 50HzD-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm; Tmax 125°C31597412125843S333001000Energy regulator 13A 230VD-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm; Tmax 125°C53301812152982Transformer 230V 50/60Hzinput 100-240V 2.1A; output 24V 4.5A429541Cables12024230Z203020000Cable holder3739681202457312040858Z203014000Operating thermostat 1P 32÷90°Ccoated capillary L=700 mm; bulb Ø 6x130 mm37410712024662X033000000Operating thermostat 1P 60÷200°Ccoated capillary L=2300 mm; bulb Ø 6x80 mm; D-shaft 6x4,6 mm37414212024623X163010000Operating thermostat 1P 60÷215°Ccoated capillary L=850 mm; bulb Ø 3x200 mm; D-axe Ø 6x4,6 mm; 16A 250V31192512024549X153000000Operating thermostat 1P 50-310°C - 16A 400Vbulb Ø 3x165 mm, axe Ø 6x4,6 mm37409912125791Operating thermostat 3P 100÷185°C coated capillary L=2600 mm; bulb Ø 4x236 mm; D-shaft Ø 6x4,6 mm4321291213056112161299Safety thermostat 1P 60°Ccoated capillary L=850 mm; bulb Ø 6,20x80 mm; 16A 400V42799812023830Z213014000Safety thermostat 1P 125°Ccoated capillary L=870 mm; bulb Ø 6,5x68 mm3738441202460712048400X163001000X163040000Safety thermostat 1P 245°Ccapillare ricoperto L=850 mm; bulb Ø 3x200 mm; with manual reset; 16A 250V311927Thermostats120246001202986612044749Safety thermostat 1P 245°Ccapillary L=1500 mm; bulb Ø 6x52 mm; with manual reset; 20A 250V42902112024691R612103000Safety thermostat 1P 400°Ccoated capillary L=1100 mm; bulb Ø 4x230mm37415212029156FX40100041Safety thermostat 3P 190°Ccoated capillary L=3000 mm; bulb Ø 4x125 mm37435412020538X166113000Connection for bulb FE M14x1 FI M9x137355812024729R662662000Thermostat bulb holder Ø 7,4xH6,6 mm374172Level Gauges12008327S042102000Water gauge in glass L=138 mm Ø13 mm - with blue vertical line37277712009374S052100000Water delivery spout 1/2" M L=100 mm; H=125 mm37295012009120S102109000Black knob bleu symbol shaft 7x7 mm347733Solenoid Valves and Reducers1070312025161Z701135000Solenoid valve 180° - 1 way - 220/240V 50/60Hz - Ø 10,5 mmwith fastons; inlet Ø 3/4" with filter; Tmax 90°C43540912023794P255001000Solenoid valve 180° - 2 way - 220/240V 50/60Hz - Ø 10,5 mmwith fastons; inlet Ø 3/4" with filter and reducer 14 lt/min; Tmax 90°C3738311202408312097038P443042000Outlet pressure reducer 2,5 lt/min [brown-Inv]20011812023921_12115418_P443018000_Solenoid valve 180° - 3 way - 220/240V 50/60Hz - Ø 10,5 mmwith fastons; inlet Ø 3/4" with filter; Tmax 90°C58381312008914S102125000Drain tap 2" TECNO - O-ring seal - plastic coverrotating female connector310019S112150000Drain tap 2"F TECNO - O-ring seal rotating female connector37557312008907S205023000Nipple 1/2"÷1/2" - L=27 mm - brass51924912009102Pipe fitting 90° 1/2"M58231412008966S042101000Level viewer adapter 90° 3/8" - Brass hole Ø 13,5 mm372875Z103077000Z201106000Y-connection Ø 10-10-10 mm - brass410244Ball valves, Pipe fittings12023511Y-connection Ø 12-12-12 mm L=75 mm37372712009294S102111000Water load tap Ø 1/2"MBrass body L=54 mm Htot=92,5 mm, squared handle housing 7x7 mm37293912009132S012102000Chrome cover Øext 62 mm37290912009417S102124000Water level tap G 1/2"M37295912009231X036107000Gas ball valve1"FF - PN20 - L=83 mm - DIN-DVGWaluminium leverage61085912009278H405004000Drain pipe 1/2"dim. 625x180x80 mm582315110000833676900003676900000S102121000Z271101000Z631121000Hose EPDM Ø 10x17 mm (sold by meter)Pmax 10 bar; working temp. -35°C÷110°C61236011000083_3676900000_S102121000_Z271101000_Z631121000_Hose EPDM Ø 10x17 mm - blue -(sold by meter)Pmax 10 bar; working temp. -35°C÷110°C; FDA approved346280110000063714100000Silicone hose Ø 31x38 mm581895Hoses12024115Z602121000Rubber feeder hose 3/4" L=1500 mm straight connection + 90° plasticconnection; ring nut in nickel-plated brass Ø3/4"F; pipe Ø 13x19 mm; Pmax 10 bar;Tmax 90°C; WRC/WRAS/VDE approved52432412023666Z220903000Drain pipe PPE Ø 19 mm 90°+ Ø 22 mm 180° L=2000 mmmuffs 180° Ø int/ext 19/24 mm, muffs 90° Øint/ext 22/27 mm, Øext hose 24 mm37072312009898H216109000Drain plate H=37 mm Øint 15,5 mm37302812008529H405012000Inlet pipe58231212008044H216111000Overflow pipe Ø 16x172 mm37275112008004H216110000Hexagonal nut 1/2" - H=13,5 mm CH2737274712024093Water filter 3/4" - L=68 mm bronze body and filter in INOX44126912001990H506111000Drain filter Ø 33 mm372676Transmission components12009467120107841201776712046631X146136000X146138000Worm screw Ø 26xLtot.621 mm37297212008106X156115000Coupling Ø 18x30x45 mm holes Ø 8 mm37275912007683R205425000Grill 420x100 mm37272712038138Side platedim. 108x94x2 mm58257512005674U502835000Lower front panel dim. 690x200 mm43332112023881Z720504000Door handle L=560 mm42209012009225U020528000Oven hinge - left / rightmounting distance H=173 mm - leverlenght L=119 mm - spring thickness Ø 3,5 mm37292912041846U010512000Wheel supportdim.118x17 mm - mounting distance 94 mm; hole M6450125。
第十章点火系统190天然气发动机采用德国MOTORTEC公司生产的点火控制系统,G12V190Z L T天然气机采用IC500型,8V190Z L T天然气机采用IC100型,主要由点火控制器、点火线圈、火花塞、低压线、高压线、信号传感器及导线等组成。
*复位信号传感器可按以下步骤调节:首先盘车至一缸压缩上止点前230度处(8V190Z L T天然气机为235度),旋入传感器使其与复位螺钉接触,再逆时针旋出1/2~2/3圈,然后用螺母锁紧,注意保证传感器不随锁紧螺母一起转动,以免引起间隙的变化。
19 进气管螺栓、螺母
30±5 38 排气歧管螺栓
拧紧力矩 Nm
125±12 80±10 24±3 8±1 12±2 320±10 30±5 40±5 24±3 24±3 80±8 24±3 33±3 36±3 80±10 40±5 24±3 24±3 45±5
序 号
39 排气歧管螺栓
6 后油封座螺栓
10±1 25 扭振减振器螺栓
7 机油收集器螺栓
24±3 26 惰轮螺栓
8 油底壳螺栓
24±3 27 摇臂轴支座螺栓
9 正时销座螺栓
5±1 28 气阀调整螺母
10 油底壳放油螺塞
75±7 29 气阀室罩盖螺栓
11 齿轮室盖螺栓
24±3 30 调压阀堵塞
12 飞轮壳螺栓 13 飞轮螺栓 14 推杆室盖螺栓
3.2 发动机起动前的检查
1) 各部位是否正常,各附件连接是否可靠,各燃气管路有无破损或磨擦,有无漏气。 2) 冷却水(冬季要按冬季使用技术保养)是否加满及有无漏水现象。 3) 检查电路系统连接是否正确可靠,蓄电池是否充足。 4) 机油(冬季要按冬季使用技术保养)油面是否处于机油标尺花纹区间,不足时应添 加机油。
1.3.27 风扇 可选装多种风扇。 1.3.28 曲轴箱通风 敞开式,装在后挺杆室侧盖上,用胶管与大气相通,侧盖内装有挡油板,防止 油气直接流入通风盒,减少漏气带油量。 1.3.29 发电机 交流 28V,选装 45A/70A/90A; 1.3.30 起动机 9 齿;24V;4.5kW;,三点固定,安装在发动机右侧。 1.3.31 减压器 安装在发动机进气管支架上。 1.3.32 混合器 混合器由美国 impco 公司生产,为比例式,带压力调整阀及怠速阀。 1.3.33 发动机管理系统(ECU) 采用 EMS 电控系统。
在这个阶段,带动发动机转子加速的驱动力来自涡 轮转子,也就是由涡轮转子单独带动发动机转子加速。 这时发动机获得的加速力矩为:
M a MT M f
二、特征转速 1. 转速n1 (涡轮开始发出功率)
一般在n=n1时,起动机的扭矩Ms比发动机 转子的阻力矩Mf 大1.0~1.5倍。如果将n1 值提 高,对燃烧室的点燃与稳定燃烧有利,但起动 机的功率要求较高;反之,起动机的功率可以 较小,但不利于燃烧室的点燃与稳定燃烧。
图10-9 晶体管式直流点火器
交流高能点火器由变压器、整流器、储能电容、 扼流线圈、放电间隙、放电电阻和安全电阻等组成。 如图10-10所示。图10-11所示是其工作过程方框图。
交流高能点火器的输入是115伏400Hz交流电。 低压交流电经过变压器变为高压交流电,再经高压整 流器给储能电容器充电。当电容器中的电压升高到密 封放电间隙的击穿值时,点火电嘴端面即发生放电, 产生电火花。同直流点火器一样,在交流点火器中也 装有放电电阻和安全电阻。
第 10 章
第10.1节 起动系统 第10.2节 点火系统
第10.3节 典型的起动和点火系统
为了保证航空燃气涡轮发动机能顺利起动,需要有两个相互 协调工作的系统:起动系统和点火系统。
发动机在地面正常起动时,两个系统必须同时工作:首先由 起动系统将发动机转子带转到一定转速,使适量空气进入燃烧 室并与燃油喷嘴喷出的燃油相混合;其次再由点火系统点燃燃 烧室内的油气混合气。起动过程中两个系统的工作相互协调, 并在循环开始后,由起动控制电路自动调节两个系统的工作。 点火系统还应能单独工作,以实现空中再点火以及恶劣天气 情况下为防止发动机熄火而进行的常明灯式的持续点火;起动 系统也应能单独工作,以实现“干冷转”和“湿冷转”,用于 发动机检查、维修后的试车。
一、技术规格和主要参数发动机技术规格和主要参数名称单位V6144ZLDT型式增压、中冷、电子控制四冲程、火花塞点火、水冷气缸排列直列气缸数 6气缸直径mm 144活塞行程mm 165活塞总排量L 16压缩比12:1发火顺序1-5-3-6-2-4点火提前角°CA(BTDC)30±1稳定调速率% 0~5可调空载最低稳定转速r/min 750标定转速r/min 1500标定功率12小时功率Kw 330 持续功率kW 310活塞平均速度m/s 7.6燃气压力kPa 80-200(调压器前)热耗率KJ/kW²h ≤11000机油消耗率L/h ≤0.24排气温度(涡轮前) ℃≤690净重kg 1550二、发动机主要结构主要传感器位置三、主要附件技术规格1.点火控制器铭牌Altronic型号CD1型式电子模块式2.点火线圈铭牌Altronic型号501061型式非屏蔽3.火花塞铭牌STITT型号PF-408EX12-2型式冷型4.混合器铭牌HEINZMANN型号GM140型式文丘里式5压力调节阀铭牌恒良型号Z-50/0.4FQ型式直接作用式6.电子调速器铭牌HEINZMANN型号DC9型式模拟式第二章发动机主要系统的结构和调整要求一、活塞连杆总成活塞连杆总成由活塞、活塞环、活塞销、连杆、连杆轴瓦、连杆衬套、连杆螺栓等组成。
1.1 定义天然气发动机是一种利用天然气作为燃料的内燃机,通过燃烧天然气产生的能量来驱动发动机的工作。
1.2 组成部分天然气发动机主要包括以下组成部分:- 进气系统:负责将天然气引入发动机进行混合,并控制混合气的比例和压力。
- 燃烧室:在燃烧室中发生天然气的燃烧反应,产生高温和高压气体。
- 活塞和气缸:活塞在气缸内上下运动,将燃烧产生的能量转换为机械能。
- 曲轴和连杆:将活塞的上下运动转换为旋转运动,驱动发动机的输出轴。
- 排气系统:将燃烧产生的废气排放到大气中。
1.3 工作原理天然气发动机的工作原理如下:- 进气阶段:进气门打开,天然气通过进气管道进入燃烧室,在活塞的下行过程中与空气混合。
- 压缩阶段:进气门关闭,活塞开始向上运动,压缩混合气体。
- 燃烧阶段:当活塞接近最高点时,点火系统触发点火,点燃混合气体,产生高温和高压气体。
- 排气阶段:活塞向下运动,废气被排出燃烧室,准备进行下一次循环。
2.1 使用方法- 开启发动机:按照启动程序,依次启动点火系统、供气系统和操作系统。
- 驾驶操作:根据道路情况和需要调节油门、刹车和方向盘等操作。
- 关闭发动机:停车后,依次关闭操作系统、供气系统和点火系统。
2.2 操作注意事项- 定期检查天然气供应系统的压力和泄漏情况。
- 避免长期低负载运行,以免对发动机造成损害。
- 严格按照保养手册进行发动机的定期保养。
2.3 故障排除方法- 发动机无法启动:检查点火系统是否正常、天然气供应系统是否有问题。
- 发动机功率下降:检查供气系统和进气系统是否正常、清洁空气滤清器。
- 发动机排放异常:检查排气系统和排放控制器是否正常。
1. 产品概述燃气发电机组是一种利用燃气燃料发电的设备。
2. 技术参数燃气发电机组的核心技术参数如下:- 额定功率:用来表示发电机组的标准输出功率,单位为千瓦(kW)或兆瓦(MW)。
- 频率:用来表示发电机组的输出电力频率,常见的有50Hz和60Hz。
- 电压:用来表示发电机组的输出电压,常见的有220V、380V和415V等。
- 排放标准:用来评估发电机组的环境友好性,符合国家相关排放标准的要求。
3. 使用方法燃气发电机组的使用方法如下:- 准备工作:将燃气发电机组放置在通风良好的地方,确保燃气供应通畅。
- 燃料供应:连接燃气供应管道,并确保燃气压力和供应稳定。
- 启动操作:按照操作手册中的步骤进行启动,确保设备正常运行。
- 发电操作:根据需要设定输出功率和电压,并监控设备的运行状态。
- 停机操作:根据操作手册中的步骤进行停机,并进行必要的维护和检查。
4. 维护保养燃气发电机组的维护保养包括日常维护和定期维护两部分。
- 日常维护:包括定期检查设备的运行状态、燃气供应的稳定性,清洁设备的外壳等。
- 定期维护:包括更换机油、空气滤清器、火花塞等易损件,检查电池状态,进行必要的润滑和紧固等。
5. 安全注意事项在操作和维护燃气发电机组时,请注意以下安全事项:- 燃气发电机组应远离易燃物品,保持良好的通风条件。
- 在操作过程中,严禁将易燃物品靠近发电机组。
- 注意保持机组平稳运行,防止机组倾覆。
- 在维护和检修机组时,务必切断电源,并确保设备停止运行。
- 不得私自更改燃气发电机组的参数和配置。
燃气燃烧器运行操作、维护说明书目录目录 (1)1.概述 (2)2.投运准备 (2)3.点火 (2)4.运行 (3)5.维护 (4)附1 燃烧器安装图 (6)1.概述该说明书适用于我公司生产的LB-BPY150型普通燃气燃烧器,其中内容对不同规格产品可能略有不同,如果出入较大,请向我公司提出咨询。
1.1 设计基础条件如下:正常操作炉膛负压:-5—-20mmH2O过剩空气系数:1.10~1.20助燃空气温度:常温~261℃通风形式:自然通风、强制通风通风压力:0~25mmHO2燃料:燃料气密度:0.83~0.884kg/Nm3温度:常温压力:~ 0.12Mpa1.2 热负荷单个燃烧器发热量:最大(MW)2.0正常(MW)1.6最小(MW)0.41.3 要求:1.3.1 燃料气必须过滤,以防堵塞喷孔。
1.3.2 燃料气压力必须稳定,防止造成熄火。
1.3.3 燃料气中不可携带残液。
2.投运准备2.1 投运前,必须将炉前有关工艺管道清理、吹扫干净,再将瓦斯枪和长明灯安装连接就位。
2.2 对于新安装燃烧器,投运前应对燃烧器筒体、喷嘴、连接软管进行全面吹扫、清理、试漏等开工准备工作,以确认无堵塞、泄漏。
3.点火3.1点火准备3.1.1确认该炉燃料系统具备开工条件;3.1.2确认引风机运行正常;3.1.3确认炉膛负压正常、稳定;3.1.4确认燃料气压力正常、稳定;3.1.5 吹扫炉膛5~10分钟,取样分析以确保炉内无任何可燃气体成分,并即时点燃长明灯;3.2点火3.2.1点火时首先关小一、二次风门,而后将点火器(或火把)从点火孔或看火孔插入,点燃长明灯;也可将长明灯卸下,点燃后安装就位。
3.3 如果同时投运多台燃烧器,应依以上程序逐个点火。
CPU-XL VariSpark高级数字燃气大型发动机点火系统说明书
CPU-XL VariSpark ADVANCED DIGITAL IGNITION SYSTEM FOR LARGE GAS ENGINESn State-of-the-art, crankshaft-referenced digital ignition system for natural-gas fueled integral compressor enginesn Innovative and patented (U.S. Patent 7,401,603) Directed Energy spark control capability optimizes performance on emissions-controlled engines as well as on applications experiencing wide variations in operating and ambient conditionsn Incorporates an engine-specific ignition coil/EZRail system rail for cost-effective installation and operationn Comprehensive system and spark discharge diagnostics help to insure the swift identification of operating issues and to minimize associated engine downtimen Spark discharge diagnostics indicate the required breakdown voltage in kV, enabling operators to better understand in-cylinder conditionsn System timing, spark profile, and access to all other system options and diagnostics are available from the system keypad and graphical display, as well as remotely via Modbus RTU communications The Altronic CPU-XL VariSpark is a 24-VDC-powered digital ignition system for large gas engines and integral compressors. It combines the reliability and operating simplicity of first- and second-generation ignition systems such as the II-CPU and CPU-2000, with Altronic’s newly-patented spark control capability and system diagnostics. Combustion assurance across a wide range of operating and in-cylinder conditions is the goal of the CPU-XL system. The CPU-XL system stretches the envelope of successful operation, allowing combustion to take place under difficult circumstances, such as operating near the lean misfire limit for emissions, under lighter loads, or on engines that mix the air/fuel charge poorly. This is pos-sible through the introduction of a controllable, selectable spark profile, optimized for those conditions, a Directed Energy spark. By choosing one of eight waveforms, including several which can deliver secondary current levels as much as twenty times that of a conventional capacitive discharge spark, the secondary voltage and current delivered to the spark plug and air/fuel mixture can be matched—and dynamically adjusted—to meet the operating requirements and conditions of the engine, thus assuring combus-tion. Supported by Altronic’s discharge diagnostics, the CPU-XL VariSpark system delivers an unparalleled combination of features and capabilities.To insure a high level of convenience and a minimum level of new product training, the operating philosophy and functionality is very similar to other Altronic digital ignitions, including the CPU-2000. The CPU-XL VariSpark incorporates modular system construction, including standard system harnesses with a unique ignition coil/ EZRail combination. The availability of all of these components as purchased parts limits on-engine fabrication and allows for simpler system troubleshooting.CERTIFIED CLASSI, DIVISION 2,GROUPS C & DThe capacity of a conventional capacitive-discharge (CD) ignition system to deliver voltage and current to the spark plug and air/fuel mixture has traditionally been governed by the design of the ignition system and the associated ignition coil (transformer). The standard CD ignition system uses a capacitor charged to full voltage. When triggered, it is fully discharged during each spark event. This spark is characterized by a peak of both voltage and current during the breakdown phase with both declining through the ionization, dura-tion, and ring-down phases.Diagram A depicts a conventional CD spark breakdown event. A duration of approximately 300µsec is determined largely by the coil characteristics. The energy in the ring-out pattern following the breakdown phase represents lost energy. If additional energy is sup-plied from the ignition driver in the form of a higher primary voltage, some additional duration is achieved but the conversion efficiency is increasingly lower.A Directed Energy System takes a different approach. Instead of fully discharging the (very large) capacitor, a measured amount of current and voltage is discharged into the ignition coil/spark plug during each spark event. This allows for a specified, pre-fabricated spark profile—inclusive of both delivered voltage and current, as well as multiple strikes. The result: delivered energy (voltage, cur-rent, and number of strikes) to the air/fuel mixture in the cylinderthat assures combustion.Diagram B illustrates that the rules associated with a CD spark no longer apply with a Directed Energy System—including the tradi-tional peak of current registered during the breakdown phase and a general decline in the delivered current through the duration por-tion of the spark event. Through a modulation of the applied spark energy, the realizable spark voltage can reach 50,000 volts and the delivered energy per spark event can reach as high as twenty times that provided in a conventional spark. The concept of “shaping the spark” to dynamically optimize the performance of the engine and to provide Combustion Assurance for fuel economy, emissions, and operating reliability is a reality. Multiple strikes of varying duration, single strikes with escalating current, long duration single strikes and combinations of all of the above are made possible by the Directed Energy technology.The Directed Energy Difference: Moving Beyond Conventional CD Ignition TechnologyHow a Directed Energy Ignition System impacts the operation of your engineA directed energy ignition system is a misfire reduction tool designed and manufactured to assure combustion under difficult engine op-erating and ambient conditions. Eliminating misfire as a means of meeting any number of operating goals is the key to the technology and represents the core operating benefit of the CPU-XL Varispark system.n The CPU-XL Varispark plays a critical role in optimizing an emissions control strategy. Operating alone in an open-chamber lean-burn environment (or in concert with other misfire reduction technologies such as pre-combustion chambers, high pressure fuel injection, port fuel injection, etc.), a controlled, high-energy spark or multi-spark event extends the lean misfire limit significantly and assures the user of reliable operation even under strict environmental permitting requirements.The diagram above demonstrates the combustion stability made possible by a directed energy spark profile (extended duration with increasing current). Note that the COV of IMEP (the percent of misfire) for the long duration, high-current directed reliable operation. (Source: Combustion Performance Test on a Cooper GMV Engine: Altronic DEIS vs. CPU-2000, Prometheus Applied Technologies, LLC, 2011)n The CPU-XL Varispark delivers improved fuel consumption performance. A high-current and/or multi-strike directed energy spark delivers misfire reduction and the associated reduction in brake specific fuel consumption at heavy loads and high boost pressures. Selection of one of the pumped current spark profiles has also demonstrated particular success in addressing light-load-related misfire/fuel requirements in both open-chamber and pre-combustion chamber equipped applications.n Lower misfire = more reliable, smoother operation. As noted above, the directed energy spark technology within the CPU-XL Varispark reduces engine misfire. While positively impacting engine emissions and fuel consumption, the system also provides the associated benefits of enhanced stability and reliability in engine operation, as well as reduced mechanical stresses on the engine—particularly related to misfire-induced engine detonation (knock).Diagram A V = VOLTAGE I = CURRENTDiagram B V = VOLTAGE I = CURRENTSYSTEM STATUSSPARK PROFILE ENGINE RPM ENGINE TIMING4-20mA STATUS IGNITION The CPU-XL VariSpark system consists of four modules:Logic/Display Module – Typically mounted in the engine control panel, the Logic/Display Module includes the operator keypad and graphical display. It is the primary interface and manages all inputs, control, display, and communications functions. Its menu structure is similar to the CPU-2000 and CPU-95 systems.Junction/Diagnostic Module – The Junction/Diagnostic M odule replaces the traditional on-engine junction box in addition to housing all of the spark discharge diagnostic logic. All cylinder assignment for the engine firing order is accomplished in this module utilizing low-voltage wiring between pluggable connectors.Output Module(s) – Connected by harness to the Junction/Diag-nostic Module, an Output Module is installed on each bank of the engine. The function of this device is to accept logic-level firing signals and to generate the high energy electrical pulse (of the ap-propriate design as selected by the user for delivery to the Ignition Coil/EZRail Modules.Ignition Coil/EZRail Module(s) – The CPU-XL VariSpark igni-tion coils and primary wiring are integrated into a series of engine-specific EZRail modules. These coil/rail modules are con-nected by harness to the Output M odule and deliver a factory-certified and tested mounting and on-engine wiring solution. Primary cables and associated connectors are eliminated in the high-current portion of the system, thereby enhancing reliability.Note: When incorporating an appropriate secondary lead and spark plug, the standard system is fully certified by CSA for use in Class I,Division 2, Group C and D hazardous areas.The CPU-XL VariSpark determines the position of the engine crank-shaft through the use of a magnetic pickup, sensing holes drilled into the flywheel or starting ring-gear teeth. This approach delivers a very accurate and reliable means of angular position indication and, when matched to the firing pattern and angles of the engine programmed within the system, allows for the delivery of the spark energy to eachignition output at precisely the right moment. A second flywheel-based pickup is used to generate a once-per revolution reset pulse. Four-cycle applications also utilize a Hall-effect pickup sensing a magnet turning at camshaft speed as a means of determining the compression cycle of the engine.The timing and nature of the Directed Energy spark event delivered to each output is determined by the user and the application. All of the control information, including the timing adjustments and desired Directed Energy spark profile and characteristics directly influences the engine ignition timing and the voltage/current characteristics of the spark itself. Adjustments to both parameters can be made via the system keypad or via the Modbus RTU communication port resident within the Logic Module. Additionally, the engine ignition timing can be adjusted utilizing an external 4-20mA signal, an on-board RPM map, or through the Miscellaneous Input Switch.A typical running message:CPU-XL VariSpark Directed Energy Spark ProfilesEight pre-configured spark profiles are embedded within the standard CPU-XL Varispark system. While other profiles can be achieved, these eight have been selected as representative of those that have proven effective on the range of CPU-XL applications. Individual performance testing of each during the commissioning process will be required to determine which of these profiles deliver the mostbenefit to operation. All are configured to provide enhanced combustion assurance.An expanded current spark profile. Unachievable with any other ignition system, this unique, specially-designed spark current profile features a high breakdown capability and the ability to enable movement of the spark along the spark plug ground electrode. The effect is minimized spark plug wear and improved performance, particularly on low emissions engines and on those 2- and 4-stroke cycle engines modified for en-hanced combustion.A rapid, multi-strike spark event consisting of five (5) distinct, CD-style spark discharges. This profile optimizes the advan-tages of a multi-strike approach as it maintains the desired peak pressure angle after top dead center (TDC). Doing so ensures optimum engine performance and has proven particularly beneficial on pre-combustion chamber-equipped engines.An enhanced, capacitive-discharge (CD) style spark profile. A long duration spark event featuring increasing current.Similar in construction to the spark profile shown at left but incorporating lower duration.Profile features many of the same characteristics of the spark profile shown at right in the above row, but with lower applied energy.A multi-strike profile incorporating three (3) inde-pendent spark discharges with each featuring longer duration and increasing current.A long duration, lower-current spark profile that also offers maximized spark plug life.V = VOLTAGE I = CURRENTTo assist operators of gas engines in properly locat-ing and diagnosing the source of ignition-related problems, a suite of comprehensive, easy-to-use, troubleshooting diagnostics have been developed and imbedded into the CPU-XL VariSpark system. The goal of these diagnostics is simple: reduce engine downtime and all of the costs associated with it.CPU-XL VariSpark diagnostics are split into two separate groups. System diagnostics are those that relate primarily to the operation of the ignition sys-tem itself or to the inputs into the system (pickups, control inputs, etc.). The second group encompasses powerful spark discharge diagnostics. These powerful, non-intrusive diagnostics are unique in the industry for their reliability and the fact that they do not require any add-on probes or clamps, or any other special equipment. Instead, Altronic spark discharge diag-nostics utilize the CPU-XL ignition coils in assessing secondary voltage demand. This valuable capabil-ity assists users in determining the proper point at which to change their spark plugs, in troubleshooting problematic primary and secondary connections, and in detecting combustion anomalies in the cylinder (such as air/fuel ratio or imbalance conditions). The diagnostic functions also assist the user selecting the appropriate point at which to manually or automati-cally adjust the spark profile to assure maximum sparkplug life and reliable combustion.CPU-XL VariSpark DiagnosticsZero gear-tooth pulses are seen between tworeset pulses.Too many gear-tooth pulses are seen without areset pulse.No Hall-effect pickup pulses, or the pickups arenot synchronized.between reset pulses. The received number ofpulses is displayed.Low spark demand condition on cylinder 5R; often caused by a shorted spark plug or shortedsecondary wire.High spark demand condition on cylinders 1R, 2R, 4L, 4R, and 5L ; often caused by wornspark plugs.Condition detected where the average value of 2L and 2R is significantly lower than the aver-age of other cylinders on the engine. HI FROMENGINE diagnostic is also available.Outputs 2R and 3L are firing with significantcycle-to-cycle variation.Enhanced display allows the user to monitor allcylinders simultaneously.Spark diagnostics directly indicate breakdown voltage required. In this case, the cylinder aver-age breakdown voltage (CAVG) required is 78, which indicates that the demand is 7.8kVAltronic, LLC712 Trumbull Avenue, Girard, Ohio 44420Phone (330) 545-9768 FAX (330) SpecificationsINPUTSMagnetic Pickups (2)1 – flywheel holes or ring gear teeth 1 – reset (1/engine revolution)Hall-effect pickup for compression stroke reference (4-cycle applications only)Timing Control InputsAnalog: ........................4–20mA control signal Digital:.........................Modbus RTU, misc.input terminalManual:........................Logic Module keypadRS-485 serial and USB communications — ModBus RTU communications protocol supported Spark Profile ControlAutomatic: .....................High COVAnalog: ........................4-20mA signal Digital:.........................Modbus RTUManual:........................Logic Module keypadOUTPUTSUp to 20 cylinders, 2 coils per cylinderRS-485 serial communications — ModBus RTU communica-tions protocol supportedOutput characteristicsSelectable spark duration ........50-2500µsec Selectable multistrike............IncludedDISPLAYBacklit, enhanced graphic displayPOWER REQUIREMENTS24Vdc, 10 to 30 Amps, current consumption varies by applicationTEMPERATURE–40°F to +158°F –40°C to +70°COrdering InformationCPU-XL Logic/Display Module ........291400–1CPU-XL Output Module10-output ..................291410–1CPU-XL Junction/Diagnostic Module ..291405–2NOTE: All new installations must use the 291405-2 Junction/Diagnostic Module and the 791401-2 Coil. The -1 versions of these parts are for replacement applications only.See CPU-XL VariSpark Application List for further details.Logic/Display Module DimensionsOutput Module DimensionsJunction/Diagnostic Module Dimensions。
燃烧炮筒长度165mm重量 Nhomakorabea15KG
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初级电感:5 - 10 mH的
次级电阻:2 - 15千欧
次级电感:5 - 50 H
次级电压:35 - 41千伏
低压侧电气连接:密封防水连接器有明确的极性标记。工作环境温度范围:-40°C +121°C。
火花塞和点火线必须使用电阻型的,使用非电阻型火花塞和点火导线将导致系统故障。带电阻的火花塞通常会有一个“R”的标识在零件型号上可看出,例如;电阻式火花塞(即NGK BP,R 6 ES)。
发动机冷却液温度传感器可以让模块检测发动机是否处于冷态或热态。便可以使发动机在冷启动时提高点火成功率。传感器选用负温度系数(NTC)热敏电阻设计,传感器从稳压5 V电源电压取电工作,当电阻低时电压高,此时发动机水温高,电阻高时电压低,此时温度低。
MAP传感器是用来测量发动机的进气歧管绝对压力。这是一个很重要的传感器,它可以使发动机在不同负载得到最佳点火时间。使用此传感器在油耗,废气排放,响应,功率,扭矩和耐用性到最佳性能。传感器参数;进气歧管压力20〜115Kpa绝对值,模拟输出信号;在稳压5 V电源取电压工作;3针密封防水连接器;温度范围-40°C +121°C。安装角度不大于60,以防止水进入插孔。
可配置为4或6缸发动机,自动电压感应12或24 V应用具有过压保护功能。
联系电话:158259967Fra bibliotek1提供柴油改天然气控制系统和匹配。