Enlightenment 英国文学史启蒙运动



讽刺小说家,代表作《格列佛游记》。 理查生
英国家庭小说的开创者,其作品以 《帕米拉》、《克拉丽莎》最为著名。 谢立敦
把英国戏剧推向高峰,其代表作《造 谣学校》。
菲尔丁(1707——1754) 是18世纪英国杰出的小说家和 戏剧家。他与笛福和理查生一 起成为英国近代小说的创始人, 特别是他那些被称为“散文滑 稽史诗”的小说,成为英国现 实主义小说的奠基作,而《汤 姆·琼斯》则是其中的典范之作。
18世纪法国作家伏尔泰创立的 一种新型小说。作家借小说形式表 现自己的哲学思想和政治观点,具 有鲜明的议论性、分析性和批判性。 人物形象缺少鲜明的个性,具有纯 理性的特点,成为作家哲学思想的 代言人。
感伤主义的特点是崇尚感 情,把情感放在理性之上,重 视个性和个人精神生活,描写 自然风景,留恋宗法社会。强 调表现善良人的不幸,在充满 伤感情愫的描写中,唤起读者 对人物命运的同情与怜悯,在 涩泪涟涟中表现美和崇高,以 激起读者的强烈反响。
感伤主义得名于英国作家 斯泰恩的游记《感伤旅行》(A Sentimental Journey 1768)。
万能的上帝啊!我的内心完全暴露出来了,和 你亲自看到的完全一样,请你把那无数的众生叫到 我跟前来!让他们听听我的忏悔,让他们为我的种 种堕落而叹息,让他们为我的种种恶行而羞愧。然 后,让我们每一个人在您的宝座前面,同样真诚地 披露自己的心灵,看看有谁敢于对您说:‘我比这 个人好!’”
(《忏悔录》第1部第2页,人民文学出版社, 1950年版)
席勒(1795—— 1805)诗人、美学理 论家和剧作家。

Age of Enlightenment 启蒙运动

Age of Enlightenment 启蒙运动

Like the French Revolution, the Enlightenment has “long been hailed as the foundation of modern Western political and intellectual culture”.[83] Not surprisingly then, it has been frequently linked to the Revolution of 1789. However, as Roger Chartier points out, it was perhaps the Revolution that “invented the Enlightenment by attempting to root its legitimacy in a corpus of texts and founding authors reconciled and united ... by their preparation of a rupture with the old world”.[84] In other words, the revolutionaries elevated to heroic status those philosophers, such as Voltaire and Rousseau, who could be used to justify their radical break with the Old Regime. In any case, two nineteenth-century historians of the Enlightenment, Hippolyte Taine and Alexis de Tocqueville, did much to solidly this link of Enlightenment causing revolution and the intellectual perception of the Enlightenment itself.In his l Régime (1876), Hippolyte Taine traced the roots of the French Revolution back to French Classicism. However, this was not without the help of the “scientific view of the world *of the Enlightenment+”, which wore down the “monarchical and religious dogma o f the old regime”.[85] In other words then, Taine was only interested in the Enlightenment insofar as it advanced scientific discourse and transmitted what he perceived to be the intellectual legacy of French classicism. Alexis de Tocqueville painted a more elaborate picture of the Enlightenment inL'Ancien Régime et la Révolution (1850). For de Tocqueville, the Revolution was the inevitable result of the radical opposition created in the eighteenth century between the monarchy and the men of letters of the Enlightenment. These men of letters constituted a sort of “substitute aristocracy that was both all-powerful and without real power”. This illusory power came from the rise of “public opinion”, born when absolutist centralization removed the nobility and the bourgeosie from the political sphere. The “literary politics” that resulted pr omoted a discourse of equality and was hence in fundamental opposition to the monarchical regime.[86]From a historiographical point of view, de Tocqueville presents an interesting case. He was primarily concerned with the workings of political power under the Old Regime and the philosophical principles of the men of letters. However, there is a distinctly social quality to his analysis. In the words of Chartier, de Tocqueville “clearly designates ... the cultural effects of transformation in the forms of the exercise of power”.[87] Nevertheless, for a serious cultural approach, one has to wait another century for the work of historians such as Robert Darnton (The Business of Enlightenment: A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie, 1775-1800 – published in 1979).In the meantime, though, intellectual history remained the dominant historiographical trend. Ernst Cassirer is a perfect example, writing in his The Philosophy of the Enlightenment (1932 – English translation 1951) that the Enlightenment was “ a part and a special phase of that whole intellectual development through which modern philosophic thought gained its characteristicself-confidence and self-consciousness”. Borrowing from Kant, he states that Enlightenment was/is the process by which the spirit “achieves cla rity and depth in its understanding of its own nature and destiny, and of its own fundamental character and mission”.[88] In short, the Enlightenment was a series of philosophical, scientific and otherwise intellectual developments that took place mostly in the eighteenth century – the birthplace of intellectual modernity.Only in the 1970s did interpretation of the Enlightenment allow for a more heterogeneous and even extra-European vision. A. Owen Aldridge demonstrated how Enlightenment ideas spread to Spanish colonies and how they interacted with indigenous cultures, while Franco Venturi explored how the Enlightenment took place in normally unstudied areas – Italy, Greece, the Balkans, Poland, Hungary, and Russia.[89]More than any other, however it is Robert Darnton who most radically changed Enlightenment historiography.[citation needed] Consider, for example, the following citation from The Literary Underground of the Old Regime (1982) :“Perhaps the Enlightenment was a more down-to-earth affair than the rarefied climate of opinion described by textbook writers, and we should question the overly highbrow, overly metaphysical view of intellectual life in the eighteenth century.”[90]Indeed, in this book, Darnton examines the underbelly of the French book industry in the eighteenth century, examining the world of book smuggling and the lives of those writers (the “Grub Street Hacks”) who never met the success of their philosophe cousins. In short, rather than concerning himself with Enlightenment canon, Darnton studies “what Frenchmen wanted to read”, and who wrote, published and distributed it.[91] Similarly, in The Business of Enlightenment. A Publishing History of the Encyclopédie 1775-1800, Darnton states that there is no need to further study the encyclopedia itself, as “the book has been analyzed and anthologized dozen of times: to recapitulate all the studies of its intellectual content would be redundant”.[92] He instead, as the title of the book suggests, examines the social conditions that brought about the production of the Encyclopédie. This is representative of the social interpretation as a whole – an examination of the social conditions that brought about Enlightenment ideas rather than a study of the ideas themselves.The work of Jürgen Habermas was central to this emerging social interpretation, although his seminal work The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere (published under the title Strukturwandel der Öffentlicheit in 1962) was only translated into English in 1989. The book outlines the creation of the “bourgeois public sphere” in eighteenth century Europe. Essentially, this public sphere describes the new venues and modes of communication allowing for rational exchange that appeared in the eighteenth century. Habermas argued that the public sphere was bourgeois, egalitarian, rational, and independent from the state, making it the idealvenue for intellectuals to critically examine contemporary politics and society, away from the interference of established authority.Habermas's work, though influential, has come under criticism on all fronts. While the public sphere is generally an integral component of social interpretations of the Enlightenment, numerous historians have brought into question whether the public sphere was bourgeois, oppositional to the state, independent from the state, or egalitarian.[93]These historiographical developments have done much to open up the study of Enlightenment to a multiplicity of interpretations. In A Social History of Truth (1994), for example, Steven Shapin makes the largely sociological argument that, in seventeenth-century England, the mode of sociability known as civility became the primary discourse of truth; for a statement to have the potential to be considered true, it had to be expressed according to the rules of civil society.Feminist interpretations have also appeared, with Dena Goodman being one notable example. In The Republic of Letters: A Cultural History of the French Enlightenment (1994), Goodman argues that many women in fact played an essential part in the French Enlightenment, due to the role they played as salonnières in Parisians salons. These salons “became the civil working spaces of the project of Enlightenment” and women, as salonnières, were “the legitimate governors of *the+ potentially unruly discourse” that t ook place within.[94] On the other hand, Carla Hesse, in The Other Enlightenment: How French Women Became Modern(2001), argues that “female participation in the public cultural life of the Old Regime was ... relatively marginal”.[95] It was instead the French Revolution, by destroying the old cultural and economic restraints of patronage and corporatism (guilds), that opened French society to female participation, particularly in the literary sphere.All this is not to say that intellectual interpretations no longer exist. Jonathan Israel, for example, in Enlightenment Contested: Philosophy, Modernity, and the Emancipation of Man, 1670-1752 (2006), constructs an argument that is primarily intellectual in scope. Like many historians before him, he sets the Enlightenment within the context of the French Revolution to follow. Israel argues that only an intellectual interpretation can adequately explain the radical break with Old Regime society.[96]。



英美文学史标准版复习4(启蒙运动)The Age of Enlightenment(18century)启蒙运动----reason理性的年代,prose散文的年代,novel小说为主一.背景1.时间:发源于意大利,鼎盛于18c法国2.观点:(对宗教与以往不同的见解)The Enlighteners fought against class inequality,stagnation,prejudice and other survivals of feudalism.反封建、反教会的思想比文艺复兴人文主义文学具有更强烈的政治和革命性。

3.口号:Liberty自由、equality平等、fraternity博爱、natural rights天赋人权。


(struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism)4.Purpose目的:to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical&artistic ideas.5.背景:the liberal Whigs辉格党、the conservation Tories托利党争夺政权Public coffeehouses and private clubs appeared.公共咖啡馆和私人俱乐部出现。


补充了解:7.The writers of the Enlightenment attached great importance to molding of character and to education through the influence of varied environment.启蒙运动时期的作家重视已成型的性格和受不同环境影响的教育。

补充(了解): 1. Emphasized formality or correctness of style, to write prose like Addison, or verse like Pope.强调正确的格式和写作规范,像艾迪生一样创作散文,和蒲柏一样创作诗歌。


– Smith supported laissez faire, but also believed that a government had a duty to protect society, administer justice, and provide public works.
• His ideas lead to very productive economies
• Early 1700’s: If people used reason to find laws that governed the physical world, why not use reason to discover natural laws?
– Laws that govern human nature – Reformers begin studying human nature and
Separation of Powers
• Baron de Montesquieu: Criticized absolute monarchy and admired British government
– British protected themselves from tyranny by dividing powers of government between three branches: legislative, executive and judicial (misconception)
Who believed that people are naturally cruel and greedy? a) Montesquieu b) Hobbes c) Rousseau d) Voltaire



●启蒙运动的思想核心:“理性崇拜” 启蒙学者认为,社会的黑暗腐败是由于源自自然法则的“理性 ”被教会和封建专制的偏见阻塞,人们的头脑变得愚昧混乱。 要改造社会就要用“理性”和符合理性的科学知识照亮人们的 头脑,启迪人们的蒙昧无知。
●启蒙运动之“理性”vs 古典主义之“理性” 经验真理(自然神论)、科学的归纳方式、资产阶级树立科学 和理性的权威、启蒙文学的新特点
●启蒙运动的内涵: →用光明驱散黑暗,以理性代替蒙昧:用理性的人代替全能的 上帝 →理性是衡量一切的标准:树立理性至高无上的权威 →理性指的是思维的悟性和人性:以理性为工具开始西方的现 代化进程
●启蒙运动的的本质:资产阶级意识形态的启蒙 →为资产阶级革命提供理论指导:“程度表” 。
第三步是真正而恰当的归纳,它的首要工作,就是拒绝和排 斥偶然相关的性质,把这些性质排斥之后,最后遗留下来一 个肯定的、坚固的、真实的和定义明确的显示。
二. 启蒙运动发生的背景 1.文艺复兴的遗产为启蒙运动的兴起奠定了科学基础。
(文艺复兴提倡通过观察和实验来研究自然,为自然科学的发展打下了基础 。Eg: 哥白尼的日心说,伽利略的铁球实验)
2. 17世纪科学的发展为启蒙运动的诞生起了重要的催化作用。
( Eg: 牛顿的万有引力定律,英国的第一次工业革命)
3. 新教改革打破了基督教世界的统一和削弱了教会的权威,为启 蒙运动奠定了思想基础。
我们先找到一些磨擦发热的现象。例如用布磨擦手,用铁丝磨擦石头,或者 用纸磨擦木板等等,这些都会生热。 把以上这些现象一一陈列起来,就构成了“本质和具有表”。即:有磨擦, 就有热。

Lecture 4 18th Century

Lecture 4 18th Century

II. Thomas Gray (1716 -1771)
Sentimentalism The graveyard school墓园派 school墓园派
Gray’s Masterpiece Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard
Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 墓畔哀歌》 《墓畔哀歌》 a mode of sentimentalist poetry a keen interest in the English countryside and a sincere feeling for the life of common people
主 谓 结 构
耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄, 耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄,
And leaves the world to darkness and to me.

The beginning of modern novel
• Smollett: First important sea novelist • Laurence Sterne斯泰恩 : Sentimentalism Sterne斯泰恩 • Samuel Richardson 理查生: • Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded 《帕美拉》 帕美拉》
the people to be their chief objective. ⑶ They believed in the power of reason (the age of reason ) ⑷two groups: ① the moderate (Pope, Defoe, Addison)(温和派) (Pope, Addison)(温和派) → support the principles of the existing social order) ②the radical (Swift, Fielding, Sheridan)(激进派) (Swift, Sheridan)(激进派)

第十章 启蒙运动:欧洲理性时代的到来

第十章  启蒙运动:欧洲理性时代的到来

• B.君主和行政官同人民的关系 • 君主和行政官都不是人民的主人,而都是为人民服务的,君主和 行政官都不能代替法律,只有人民才能制定法律,只有人民能够 立法的地方才有民主和自由。他认为“行政权力的受任者绝不是 人民的主人,而只是人民的官吏;只要人民愿意就可以委任他们 ,也可以撤换他们。对于这些官吏来说,绝不是什么订约的问题 ,而只是服从的问题;而且在承担国家所赋予他们的职务时,他 们只不过是在履行自己的公民义务,而并没有以任何方式来争论 条件的权利。只有人民才是主权者,任何个人都不是主权者,政 府只不过是主权者的执行人。掌握行政权力的人绝不是人民的主 人,而是人民的官吏。人民既可以委任他们也可以撤换他们。” • C.革命的权利 • 卢梭说,国家成立后,“一切都被妖魔吞噬了,人民再也没有首 领,再也没有法律,而只有一些暴君了。从那个时刻起,也就再 也没有风化与美德的问题了。”在这种情况下,人民成了奴隶般 的被压迫者,官员成了暴君般的统治者,国家到了毁灭的边缘。 • 怎么办?解决这个问题的最好办法就是运用暴力手段把这个政府 完全消灭:“政府的契约被专制制度彻底粉碎。以绞死或废除一 个暴君为目的的暴动,乃是一件如他昨天处置臣民生命财产的那 些暴行同样合法的行为。支持他的只有暴力,推翻他的也也只有 暴力。”
• (2)环境气候对人类的影响 • 孟氏认为,在各种地理因素当中,气候最为重要,对民族特性、 政治制度和婚姻制度产生重要影响。 • (3)宗教观 • 孟氏是有神论者,声称宗教有好坏之分,一方面宗教是虚伪骗人 的,另一方面其主张和做法却符合社会利益,例如宗教通过说教 可以使人变得仁爱、控制情欲、调解婚姻,也可以消除政治制度 的弊害、解救国家,同时还可以约束君主过于放肆的行为。 • (4)政体论和三权分立说 • 孟氏把政体分为三类:共和、君主和专制。其中共和政体又分 全体人民执掌最高权力(民主政治)和部分人执掌权力(贵族政治) 两种。孟氏心目中的理想政体是有政治自由,实行三权分立的英 国君主立宪制。其中心是自由论和三权分立说。他认为,政治自 由仅仅是“一个人能够做他应该做的事情”。这个“应该”与 “不应该”要以法律为标准来衡量,一个人只能在法律范围内行 事,否则自由和安全都不能得到保障。那么如何才能得到这种自 由呢?他认为必须在三权分立的国家里才能实现。



② With the development of modern science, rationalism, as an asset Anti-feudal class provides the ideological and theoretical weapon.
Representative figures
The Enlightenment usually refers to a period between the early 18th century and the French Revolution in1789, in which new thougts were emerging . The Age of Enlightenment (or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to use the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state.
He was famous for his wit and for his advocacy (提倡) of civil liberties (公民自由), including freedom of religion, free trade, and separation of church and state. Voltaire was a prolific(多产的) writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poetry, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets.



启蒙运动(法文:Siècle des Lumières,英文:The Enlightenment,德文:die Aufklärung)通常是指在17世纪至18世纪法国大革命之间的一个新思维不断涌现的时代,与理性主义等一起构成一个较长的文化运动时期。





与专制制度严重衰败景象形成鲜明对照的是新兴进步力量的壮大,他们强烈要求冲破旧制度,在政治、经济、思想方面的束缚[1] 。










学习必备欢迎下载英美文学史名词翻译Neoclassicism (新古典主义) Renaissance (文艺复兴) Metaphysical poetry (玄学派诗歌) Classism (古典主义)Enlightenment (启蒙运动) Romanticism (浪漫主义)Byronic Hero (拜伦式英雄) Aestheticism(美学主义)Stream of consciousness (意识流)the Age of Realism (现实主义时期) Naturalism (自然主义)Local Colorist (乡土文学)Imagism (意象主义)The Lost Generation (迷惘的一代) Surrealism (超现实主义)The Beat Generation (垮掉的一代) Metaphysical poets (玄学派诗人)New Criticism (新批评主义) Feminism(女权主义)Hemingway Code Hero (海明威式英雄) Impressionism (印象主义)Post modernity (后现代主义) Realism (现实主义)Allegory (寓言)Romance (传奇)epic(史诗)Blank Verse (无韵诗或素体广义地说Essay (随笔)Masques or Masks (假面剧) Spenserian Stanza (斯宾塞诗节) Three Unities (三一.原则)Meter (格律)Soliloquy (独白)Cavalier poets (骑士派诗人)Elegy (挽歌) .Action/plot (情节)Atmosphere (基调)Epigram (警句)The Heroic Couplet (英雄对偶句) Sentimentalism (感伤主义文学)Aside (旁白)Denouement (戏剧结局) [deɪnuː'mɒŋ] parable (寓言) Genre (流派)Irony (反讽)Satire (讽刺)Lyric (抒情诗)Ode (颂歌)Pastoral (田园诗)Canto (诗章)Lake Poets (湖畔诗人)Image (意象)Dramatic monologue(戏剧独白Psychological novel (心理小说)Allusion (典故)Protagonist and Antagonist (正面人物与反面人物)Symbolism (象征主义)Existentialism (存在主义)Anti-hero (反面人物)Round Character (丰满的人物)Flat character (平淡的人物)Oedipus complex (俄狄浦斯情结/蛮母厌父情结) ['i:dipəs; 'e-]Rhyme (押韵)Iambic pentameter (五音步诗)Poetic license (诗的破格)Legend (传说)Myth (神话)Pessimism (悲观主义)Tragicomedy (悲喜剧)Comedy of manners (风俗喜剧)Free Verse (自由体诗歌)Magic realism (魔幻现实主义) Autobiography (自传)Biography (传记)Foot (脚注)Protagonist (正面人物)Psychological Realism (心理现实主义) Setting (背景)。

Enlightenment 英国文学史启蒙运动

Enlightenment 英国文学史启蒙运动

The 18th century1.Enlightenment Intellectual movementan expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism.against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism.They attempted to place all branches of science at the service of mankind by connecting them with the actual needs and requirements of people.2. Classicismbalance, proportion, decorum and restraint attributed to the major works of ancient Greek and Roman literature3.Difference 17th and 18th Classicism17 please the declining aristocracy18 for the rising bourgeoisie to tidy up the capitalist social order.4.Joseph Addison and Richard Steele essayistsRichard Steele and The Tatler"The Tatler", to enlighten, as well as to entertain, his fellow coffeehouse-goers. contained several essays. in a conversational styleJoseph Addison and “The Spectator“"The Spectator", a daily paper, was a collaborative project by Addison and Steele together.it contained a gallery of vivid portraits of the members of the so-called "Spectator Club". supposed to be edited by a small club headed by Mr. SpectatorThe most striking features of the paper are the character sketches of Mr. Spectator and the members of his club,and these sketches become the forerunner of the modern English novel. They attempted to improve manners and moralcontribution1. new code of social morality for the bourgeoisie.2. picture of the social life3. the English essay had completely established itself as a literary genre. Using it as a form of character sketching and story-telling, they ushered in the dawn of modern English novel.5.Alexander Popemost important English poet,representative of the Enlightenment,one of the first to introduce rationalism to England,master in satiric and didactic verseAn Essay on Criticismheroic couplet, aesthetic theories. a comprehensive study of theories of literary criticism. .Essay on Manheroic couplet, indicates political and philosophical viewpointThe Rape of the Lockmock-heroic poem, in which he satirized the triviality and silliness of the high society with a delicate wit.The Dunciad the Iliad of DuncesPope was also an editor of Shakespeare's plays.the poet laureate桂冠诗人an outstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of the classical school6、Jonathan Swift master satiristThe Battle of the Books satirical dialogue on the comparative merits of ancient and modernwriters. Thought ancient writers were better than the modern ones.A Tale of a Tub(木桶的故事)a prose satire and a sharp attack on the disputes among the different sects of the Christian religion.Gulliver's Travels (fiction work) Lillipu,Brobdingnag,Flying Island,Houyhnhnmparticular voyage of the hero and his extraordinary adventures on some remote islandfloating island of Laputa . absent-minded philosophers and astronomers.satirizes the scientists who keep themselves aloof from practical life.island of Sorcerers. satire against all kinds of English social institutions.Pamphlets on Ireland:denounced the cruel and unjust treatment of Ireland by the English government.The Drapier’s Letters A Modest Proposal7.Defoe forerunner of the English realistic novel.all take the form of memoirs or pretended historical narratives, everything in them gives the impression of reality.jack-of-all-trades great in journalism and authorshipMoll FlandersRobinson Crusoe based on a real factPlot:It praise the fortitude of the human labor and the Puritan. Robinson grew from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man,tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life. It is an adventure story, Robinson, narrates how he goes to sea, gets shipwrecked and marooned on a lonely island, struggles to live for 24-years there and finally gets relieved and returns to England. Meaning:realistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson alone against the pitiless forces of nature on the island,representative of the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stages of its development. best qualities: his marvellous capacity for work, his boundless energy and persistence in overcoming obstacles. He struggles hard against nature and makes her bend before his will. Defoe glorifies human labour and the hero of bourgeoisie and defends the policy of colonialism of British government.8.Samuel Richardson Pamela the first modern novelnoted as a storyteller, letter-writer and moralizer.Pamela a series of letters from the heroine to her parentsgirl of virtue, bear the burden of a profligate放荡的husband and how she does all her best to reform him.意义a.pictured the life and love of ordinary people. b. moral instruction.c. secret thoughts and feelings. the first English psycho-analytical novel.9.Henry Fielding father of the English novel, comic epic in prose,first to give the modern novel its structure and stylenovelist, dramatist, essayist, pamphleteer, indeed a versatile man.began by attacking Richardson’s Pamela .criticized for its excessive sentimentality and its utilitarian moralityher secret pleasure in the temptations and her dexterous熟练的manoeuvring to secure the rewards of virtue(把贞操当作商品待价而沽)ridiculing Pamela’s brother, Joseph Andrews, under the same temptationsthis novel called “a.”散文滑稽史诗Other works:Joseph Andrews.The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great.The History of Tom Jones,a Foundlingfrom the "great" thief Jonathan Wild to the "great" minister Robert Walpole to all the "great" men of the ruling classes.Tom Jones is Fielding's masterpiece, a pano’ramic全景的picture of England10.Tobias Smollett "Roderick Random"Laurence Sterne The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy11. English Drama not reach the same high level as novelRichard Brinsley SheridanThe RivalsThe School for Scandal best English comedy since shakespeare12.Samuel Johnson lexicographer, critic and poetA Dictionary of the English LanguageBoswell's "Life of Johnson" become a classic of English biography.13.Edward Gibbon 吉朋The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empirehis classical and elevated style a model for succeeding historians and prose-writers.14.Sentimentalism prized feeling over thinking, passion over reasonsincere sympathy for the poverty-stricken, expropriated peasantscriticized the cruelty of the capitalist relations and the social injustices brought about by the bourgeois revolutions.15.Oliver Goldsmith poet, novelist, dramatist and essayistPoems: “The Traveller”“The Deserted Village”(best) in the heroic couplet.Novel The Vicar of Wakefield16.Thomas Gray“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”which is a model of sentimentalist poetry.17.Pre-romanticismstrong protest against the bondage of Classicism, by a recognition of the claims of passion and emotion, and by a renewed interest in medieval literature.18.Robert Burns poor Scotch peasant family passion for Scottish folk songsPoems Chiefly in the Scottish DialectPoetry several groups to the subject matterA. love and friendship. "A Red, Red Rose"and "Auld Long Syne".B. hate for the oppression of the ruling class and his love for freedom "A Man's A Man for A'That"C. patriotic poems "My Heart's in the Highlands".D. verse-tales which he based on old Scottish legends.19.William BlakeSongs of Innocence A happy and innocent world from children’s eye.Songs of Experience A word of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone from men eyes.Include: The Chimney Sweeper、London、The Tiger Lamb is a symbol of peace and purity Tiger is a symbol of dread and oiolenceThe Marriage of Heaven and Hell。



英国文学史(启蒙运动时期)这个部分讲启蒙运动(The Enlightenment Movement)时期的文学,还是照常,先提历史和文学背景,看看英国什么情况。


当然,18世纪初期古典主义还是在的,但是受启蒙思想的影响,古典主义变成了新古典主义(Neo-classicism),代表人物就是亚历山大·蒲伯(Alexander Pope),这货受德莱顿影响很大,后面具体说。


这个时期的小说一般是现实主义小说,这些玩意都具有启蒙性质,初期的现实注意小说流浪汉题材(Picaresque Novel)很流行90,诗歌方面就是依旧是英雄双行体(heroic couplet)这种诗歌形式,始于乔叟,中间又经马洛、斯宾塞发展,最后到蒲伯手里有个完善。





名词解释1.Romance: a long composition, in verse or in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero, especially for the knight. The most popular theme employed was the legend of King Arthur and the round table knight.2.Renaissance: a revival or rebirth of the artistic and scientific revival which originated in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. It has two features: a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature and keen interest in activities of humanity.3.Sonnet: 14-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. 4.Enlightenment: a revival of interest in the old classical works, logic, order, restrained emotion and accuracy.5.Neoclassicism: the Enlightenment brought about a revival of interest in Greek and Roman works. This tendency is known as Neoclassicism.6.Romanticism: imagination, emotion and freedom are certainly the focal points of romanticism. The particular characteristics of the literature of romanticism include: subjectivity and an emphasis on individualism; freedom from rules; solitary life rather then life in society; the beliefs that imagination is superior to reason; and love of and worship of nature.7.Byronic Heroes: a variant of the Romantic heroes as a type of character( enthusiasm, persistence, pursuing freedom), named after the English Romantic Poet Gordon Byron. 8.Realism: seeks to portray familiar characters, situations, and settings in a realistic manner. This is done primarily by using an objective narrative point of view and through the buildup of accurate detail.9.Aestheticism: an art movement supporting the emphasis of aesthetic values more than socio-political themes for literature, fine art, music and other arts.10.Stream-of-Consciousness: it is a literary technique that presents the thoughts and feelings of a character as they occur without any clarification by the author. It is a narrative mode. 11.Epic: a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated.一、The Anglo-Saxon period (449-1066)1、这个时期的文学作品分类:pagan(异教徒) Christian(基督徒)2、代表作:The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》( national epic 民族史诗) 采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration 押头韵(写作手法)例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved,To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、The Anglo-Norman period (1066-1350)Canto 诗章1、romance 传奇文学2、代表作:Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (高文爵士和绿衣骑士) 是一首押头韵的长诗三、Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-1400) 杰弗里.乔叟时期1、the father of English poetry 英国诗歌之父2、heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵) lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)3、代表作:the Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事(英国文学史的开端)大致内容:the pilgrims are people from various parts of England, representatives of various walks of life and social groups.朝圣者都是来自英国的各地的人,代表着社会的各个不同阶层和社会团体小说特点:each of the narrators tells his tale in a peculiar manner, thus revealing his own views and character.这些叙述者以自己特色的方式讲述自己的故事,无形中表明了各自的观点,展示了各自的性格。



The EnlightenmentThe Enlightenment is mankind‘s final coming of age, the emancipation of the human consciousness from an immature state of ignorance and error.-Immanuel KantThe Enlightenment usually refers to a period between the early 18th century and the French Revolution in1789, in which new thougts were emerging . The Age of Enlightenment (or Age of Reason) was an elite cultural movement of intellectuals in 18th century Europe that sought to use the power of reason in order to reform society and advance knowledge. It promoted intellectual interchange and opposed intolerance and abuses in Church and state.EvolutionThe enlightenment originated in England in 17th century,it was sparked by philosophers such as John Locke (1632-1704), mathematician Newton (1643-1727) and others. The Enlightenment flourished in late 18th century. The enlightenment met its climax in France. After that, it extended to Germany, the Netherland and North America.1. Feudalism suppressed the bourgeois political rights, so they carry out anti-feudal and antichurch propaganda ideologically, to prepare for the struggle for power.2.With the Capitalist economic development, the bourgeoisie‘s economic strength surges ,so they required their own interests ideologically.3. ①The Renaissance and religious reform promoted the people's ideological emancipation;②With the development of modern science, rationalism, as an asset Anti-feudal class provides the ideological and theoretical weapon.Representative figuresDenis DiderotHe was a French philosopher, art critic, and writer. He was a prominent person during the Enlightenment and is best known for serving as co-founder and chief editor of the Encyclopedie.EncyclopedieThe first Encyclopedia is considered to be the pinnacle of the Enlightenment period. It was compiled by Denis Diderot in 1751-1772.VoltaireHe was famous for his wit and for his advocacy of civil liberties , including freedom of religion, free trade, and separation of church and state. Voltaire was a prolific writer, producing works in almost every literary form, including plays, poetry, novels, essays, and historical and scientific works. He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets.He was an outspoken supporter of social reform, despite strict censorship laws and harsh penalties for those who broke them. As a satirical polemicist , he frequently made use of his works to criticize intolerance, religious dogma and the French institutions of his day. His most famous work is Candide.RousseauJean-Jacques Rousseau was a philosopher, writer, and composer. His political philosophy heavily influenced the Fench Revolution,as well as the overall development of modern political,sociological,and educational thought.The Industrial Revolution in Great BritainThe ground was prepared by the voyages of discovery from Western Eur ope in the 15th and 16th cent., which led to a vast influx of precious metals from the New World, raising prices, stimulating industry, and fostering a mon ey economy. Expansion of trade and the money economy stimulated the dev elopment of new institutions of finance and credit (see commercial revolutio n). In the 17th cent. the Dutch were in the forefront financially, but with the establishment (1694) of the Bank of England, their supremacy was effectively challenged. Capitalism appeared on a large scale, and a new type of commer cial entrepreneur developed from the old class of merchant adventurers. Man y machines were already known, and there were sizable factories using them, but these were the exceptions rather than the rule. Wood was the only fuel, water and wind the power of these early factories. As the 18th cent. began, an expanding and wealthier population demanded more and better goods. In the productive process, coal came to replace wood. Early-model steam engin es were introduced to drain water and raise coal from the mines. The crucial development of the Industrial Revolution was the use of steam for power, an d the greatly improved engine (1769) of James Watt marked the high point i n this development. Cotton textiles was the key industry early in the Industria l Revolution. John Kay's fly shuttle (1733), James Hargreaves's spinning jenny(patented 1770), Richard Arkwright's water frame (1769), Samuel Crompton's mule (1779), which combined the features of the jenny and the frame, and E dmund Cartwright's power loom (patented 1783) facilitated a tremendous incr ease in output. The presence of large quantities of coal and iron in close pro ximity in Britain was a decisive factor in its rapid industrial growth. The use o f coke in iron production had far-reaching effects. The coal mines from the e arly 1700s had become paramount in importance, and the Black Country app eared in England at the same time that Lancashire and Yorkshire were being transformed into the greatest textile centers of the world. Factories and indus trial towns sprang up. Canals and roads were built, and the advent of the rail road and the steamship widened the market for manufactured goods. The Be ssemer process made a gigantic contribution, for it was largely responsible fo r the extension of the use of steam and steel that were the two chief feature s of industry in the middle of the 19th cent. Chemical innovations and, most important of all, perhaps, machines for making machines played an important part in the vast changes. The Industrial Revolution did not in fact end in Brit ain in the mid-1800s. New periods came in with electricity and the gasoline e ngine. By 1850, however, the transformation wrought by the revolution was a ccomplished, in that industry had become a dominant factor in the nation's li fe.。



The 18th centu‎ry1.Enlig‎h tenm‎e nt Intel‎lectu‎a l movem‎e ntan expre‎s sion‎of strug‎g le of the bourg‎e oisi‎e again‎s t feuda‎l ism.again‎s t class‎inequ‎a lity‎, stagn‎a tion‎, preju‎d ices‎and other‎survi‎v als of feuda‎l ism.They attem‎p ted to place‎all branc‎h es of scien‎c e at the servi‎c e of manki‎n d by conne‎c ting‎them with the actua‎l needs‎and requi‎r emen‎t s of peopl‎e.2. Class‎i cism‎balan‎ce, propo‎rtion‎, decor‎u m and restr‎a i nt attri‎b u ted‎to the major‎ works‎of ancie‎n t Greek‎and Roman‎liter‎a ture‎3.Diffe‎r ence‎17th and 18th Class‎i cism‎17 pleas‎e the decli‎n ing arist‎o crac‎y18 for the risin‎g bourg‎e oisi‎e to tidy up the capit‎a list‎socia‎l order‎.4.Josep‎h Addis‎o n and Richa‎r d Steel‎e essay‎i stsRicha‎rd Steel‎e and The Tatle‎r"The Tatle‎r", to enlig‎h ten, as well as to enter‎t ain, his fello‎w coffe‎e hous‎e-goers‎. conta‎i ned sever‎a l essay‎s. in a conve‎r sati‎o nal style‎Josep‎h Addis‎o n and “The Spect‎a tor“"The Spect‎a tor", a daily‎paper‎, was a colla‎b orat‎i ve proje‎c t by Addis‎o n and Steel‎e toget‎h er.it conta‎i ned a galle‎r y of vivid‎portr‎a its of the membe‎r s of the so-calle‎d "Spect‎a tor Club".suppo‎s ed to be edite‎d by a small‎club heade‎d by Mr. Spect‎a torThe most strik‎i ng featu‎res of the paper‎ are the chara‎cter sketc‎hes of Mr. Spect‎a tor and the membe‎rs of his club,and these‎sketc‎h es becom‎e the forer‎u nner‎ of the moder‎n Engli‎s h novel‎.They attem‎p ted to impro‎v e manne‎r s and moral‎contr‎i buti‎o n1. new code of socia‎l moral‎i ty for the bourg‎e oisi‎e.2. pictu‎r e of the socia‎l life3. the Engli‎s h essay‎had compl‎e tely‎estab‎l ishe‎d itsel‎f as a liter‎a ry genre‎.Using‎it as a form of chara‎c ter sketc‎h ing and story‎-telli‎n g, they usher‎e d in the dawn of moder‎n Engli‎s h novel‎.5.Alexa‎n der Popemost impor‎t ant Engli‎s h poet,repre‎senta‎ti ve of the Enlig‎h tenm‎e nt,one of the first‎ to intro‎d uce ratio‎nalis‎m to Engla‎n d,maste‎r in satir‎i c and didac‎t ic verse‎An Essay‎on Criti‎ci s mheroi‎c coupl‎e t, aesth‎e ti c theor‎i es. a compr‎e hens‎i ve study‎of theor‎i es of liter‎a ry criti‎ci sm. . Essay‎on Manheroi‎c coupl‎e t, indic‎a tes polit‎i cal and philo‎s ophi‎c al viewp‎o intThe Rape of the Lockmock-heroi‎c poem, in which‎he satir‎i zed the trivi‎a lity‎and silli‎n e ss of the high socie‎t y with a delic‎a te wit.The Dunci‎a d the Iliad‎of Dunce‎sPope was also an edito‎r of Shake‎s pear‎e's plays‎.the poet laure‎a te桂冠‎诗人an outst‎a ndin‎g enlig‎h tene‎r and the great‎e st Engli‎s h poet of the class‎i cal schoo‎l6、Jonat‎h an Swift‎maste‎r satir‎i s tThe Battl‎e of the Books‎satir‎i c al dialo‎g ue on the compa‎rativ‎e merit‎s of ancie‎n t and moder‎nwrite‎rs. Thoug‎h t ancie‎n t write‎rs were bette‎r t han the moder‎n ones.A Tale of a Tub(木桶的故事‎)a prose‎satir‎e and a sharp‎attac‎k on the dispu‎t es among‎the diffe‎r ent sects‎of the Chris‎t ian relig‎i on.Gulli‎v er's Trave‎l s (ficti‎o n work) Lilli‎p u,Brobd‎i ngna‎g,Flyin‎g Islan‎d,Houyh‎n hnmparti‎c ular‎voyag‎e of the hero and his extra‎o rdin‎a ry adven‎t ures‎on some remot‎e islan‎dfloat‎i ng islan‎d of Laput‎a . absen‎t-minde‎d philo‎sophe‎rs and astro‎n omer‎s.satir‎i zes the scien‎t ists‎who keep thems‎e lves‎aloof‎from pract‎i cal life.islan‎d of Sorce‎rers. satir‎e again‎st all kinds‎of Engli‎s h socia‎l insti‎t utio‎n s.Pamph‎l ets on Irela‎n d:denou‎n ced the cruel‎ and unjus‎t treat‎m ent of Irela‎n d by the Engli‎s h gover‎nment‎.The Drapi‎e r’s Lette‎r s A Modes‎t Propo‎sal7.Defoe‎ forer‎u nner‎of the Engli‎s h reali‎s tic novel‎.all take the form of memoi‎r s or prete‎n ded histo‎r ical‎narra‎t ives‎,every‎t hing‎in them gives‎the impre‎s sion‎of reali‎t y.jack-of-all-trade‎s great‎in journ‎a lism‎and autho‎r ship‎Moll Fland‎e rsRobin‎s on Cruso‎e based‎on a real factPlot:It prais‎e the forti‎t ude of the human‎l abor‎ and the Purit‎a n. Robin‎son grew from a naive‎and artle‎ss youth‎i nto a shrew‎d and harde‎n ed man,tempe‎red by numer‎o u s trial‎s i n his event‎ful life. It is an adven‎t ure story‎, Robin‎son, narra‎tes how he goes to sea, gets shipw‎recke‎d and maroo‎ned on a lonel‎y i slan‎d, strug‎gl es to live for 24-years‎there‎and final‎l y gets relie‎v ed and retur‎n s to Engla‎n d. Meani‎n g:reali‎s tic accou‎n t of the succe‎s sful‎strug‎g le of Robin‎s on alone‎again‎s t the pitil‎e ss force‎s of natur‎e on the islan‎d,repre‎s enta‎t ive of the Engli‎s h bourg‎e oisi‎e at the earli‎e r stage‎s of its devel‎o pmen‎t. best quali‎t ies: his marve‎l lous‎capac‎i ty for work, his bound‎l ess energ‎y and persi‎s tenc‎e in overc‎o ming‎obsta‎c les. He strug‎g les hard again‎s t natur‎e and makes‎her bend befor‎e his will. Defoe‎glori‎f ies human‎labou‎r and the hero of bourg‎e oisi‎e and defen‎d s the polic‎y of colon‎i alis‎m of Briti‎s h gover‎n ment‎.8.Samue‎l Richa‎r dson‎Pamel‎a the first‎moder‎n novel‎noted‎as a story‎t elle‎r, lette‎r-write‎r and moral‎i zer.Pamel‎a a serie‎s of lette‎r s from the heroi‎n e to her paren‎t sgirl of virtu‎e, bear the burde‎n of a profl‎i gate‎放荡的husba‎n d and how she does all her best to refor‎m hi m.意义a.pictu‎r ed the life and love of ordin‎a ry peopl‎e. b. moral‎instr‎u ctio‎n.c. secre‎t thoug‎h ts and feeli‎n gs. the first‎Engli‎s h psych‎o-analy‎t ical‎novel‎.9.Henry‎Field‎i ng fathe‎r of the Engli‎s h novel‎, comic‎epic in prose‎,first‎ to give the moder‎n novel‎its struc‎t ure and style‎novel‎i st, drama‎t ist, essay‎i st, pamph‎l etee‎r, indee‎d a versa‎t ile man.began‎by attac‎k i ng Richa‎rdson‎’s Pamel‎a .criti‎ci zed‎for its exces‎si ve senti‎m enta‎l i ty and its utili‎t aria‎n moral‎i tyher secre‎t pleas‎u re in the tempt‎a tion‎s and her dexte‎rous熟‎练的manoe‎u vrin‎g to secur‎e the rewar‎ds of virtu‎e(把贞操当作‎商品待价而‎沽)ridic‎uling‎ Pamel‎a’s broth‎e r, Josep‎h Andre‎w s, under‎ the same tempt‎a tion‎sthis novel‎ calle‎d“a.”散文滑稽史‎诗Other‎ works‎:Josep‎h Andre‎ws.The Life of Mr. Jonat‎h an Wild the Great‎.The Histo‎ry of Tom Jones‎,a Found‎l ingfrom the "great‎" thief‎Jonat‎h an Wild to the "great‎" minis‎t er Rober‎t Walpo‎l e to all the "great‎" men of the rulin‎g class‎e s.Tom Jones‎is Field‎i ng's maste‎rpiec‎e, a pano’ramic‎全景的pictu‎re of Engla‎n d10.Tobia‎s Smoll‎e tt "Roder‎i ck Rando‎m"Laure‎n ce Stern‎e The Life and Opini‎o ns of Trist‎ram Shand‎y11. Engli‎s h Drama‎not reach‎the same high level‎as novel‎Richa‎rd Brins‎l ey Sheri‎d anThe Rival‎sThe Schoo‎l for Scand‎a l best Engli‎s h comed‎y since‎shake‎spear‎e12.Samue‎l Johns‎o n lexic‎o grap‎h er, criti‎c and poetA Dicti‎o nary‎of the Engli‎s h Langu‎a geBoswe‎l l's "Life of Johns‎o n" becom‎e a class‎i c of Engli‎s h biogr‎a phy.13.Edwar‎d Gibbo‎n吉朋The Decli‎n e and Fall of the Roman‎Empir‎ehis class‎i c al and eleva‎t ed style‎ a model‎ for succe‎e ding‎histo‎ri ans‎and prose‎-write‎rs.14.Senti‎m enta‎l i sm prize‎d feeli‎n g over think‎i ng, passi‎o n over reaso‎nsince‎r e sympa‎t hy for the pover‎t y-stric‎k en, expro‎p riat‎e d peasa‎n tscriti‎c ized‎the cruel‎t y of the capit‎a list‎relat‎i ons and the socia‎l injus‎t ices‎broug‎h t about‎by the bourg‎e ois revol‎u tion‎s.15.Olive‎r Golds‎m i th poet, novel‎i st, drama‎t ist and essay‎i stPoems‎:“The Trave‎l ler”“The Deser‎t ed V illa‎g e”(best) in the heroi‎c coupl‎e t.Novel‎The V icar‎o f Wakef‎i eld16.Thoma‎s Gray“Elegy‎W ritt‎e n in a Count‎ry Churc‎h yard‎”which‎i s a model‎ of senti‎m enta‎l i st poetr‎y.17.Pre-roman‎t icis‎mstron‎g prote‎st again‎st the bonda‎g e of Class‎i cism‎, by a recog‎ni tio‎n of the claim‎s of passi‎o n and emoti‎o n, and by a renew‎e d inter‎e st in medie‎val liter‎a ture‎.18.Rober‎t Burns‎ poor Scotc‎h peasa‎n t famil‎y passi‎o n for Scott‎i sh folk songs‎Poems‎Chief‎l y in the Scott‎i s h Diale‎ctPoetr‎y sever‎a l group‎s to the subje‎c t matte‎rA. love and frien‎d ship‎. "A Red, Red Rose"and "Auld Long Syne".B. hate for the oppre‎ssi on‎of the rulin‎g class‎and his love for freed‎o m "A Man's A Man for A'That"C. patri‎o tic poems‎"My Heart‎'s in the Highl‎a nds".D. verse‎-tales‎which‎he based‎on old Scott‎i sh legen‎d s.19.Willi‎a m Blake‎Songs‎of Innoc‎e nce A happy‎and innoc‎e nt world‎from child‎ren’s eye.Songs‎of Exper‎i ence‎A word of miser‎y, pover‎t y, disea‎se, war and repre‎s sion‎ with a melan‎chol y‎tone from men eyes.Inclu‎d e: The Chimn‎e y Sweep‎e r、Londo‎n、The Tiger‎Lamb is a symbo‎l of peace‎and purit‎y Tiger‎i s a symbo‎l of dread‎and oiole‎n ceThe Marri‎a ge of Heave‎n and Hell。



塞缪尔·理查逊(SamuelRichardson,16891761),18世纪英国著名小说家,保守派作家。 书信体作品有《帕米拉—美德有报》 (Pamela) 、《克拉丽莎》(Clarissa Pamela Clarissa Harlowe) 等。他的小说完全摆脱了以主人公 多种多样的见闻经历为主线的传统写法,而是 集中描写一件事的始末,不用靠奇闻异事来吸 引读者,而是以日常生活中的婚姻、道德等问 题为内容,逐一分析描写人物的情感和心理, 在英国和欧洲小说发展史上占有重要的地位。
雅克·卢梭 让-雅克 卢梭( Jean-Jacques Rousseau 雅克 卢梭( 1712—1778)他的作品着重描写自然,刻画激 他的作品着重描写自然, 他的作品着重描写自然 动的内心生活,愤世嫉俗,向往孤独的生活, 动的内心生活,愤世嫉俗,向往孤独的生活, 成为法国伤感主义的杰出代表人物, 成为法国伤感主义的杰出代表人物,也对后来 伤感主义和浪漫主义有巨大影响。 伤感主义和浪漫主义有巨大影响。他赞赏普通 人和穷人的深刻感觉能力,鄙视有产阶级的干 人和穷人的深刻感觉能力, 硬冷酷。他在欧洲文学史上占有重要地位。 硬冷酷。他在欧洲文学史上占有重要地位。
《新爱洛伊丝》 新爱洛伊丝》
《新爱洛伊丝》 “New Heloise” 新爱洛伊丝》 在此著作中, 在此著作中,细致的描述了恋爱中男女的感 情和自然生活,表现了“自然道德” 情和自然生活,表现了“自然道德”与陷入偏 见的社会道德之间的冲突。 见的社会道德之间e enlightenment of French literature
皮埃尔·高乃依 皮埃尔 高乃依(Pierre Corneille, 高乃依 1606年6月6日-1684年10月1日), 法国剧作家,诗人。1636年他的5幕韵 文剧《熙德》(El Cid Campeador) 描写理性与感情的强烈冲突,表明悲 剧英雄的坚强意志总是最终克制住个 人,理性的到最后胜利。公演,轰动 巴黎,为法国古典主义戏剧的建立奠 定了基础 。该剧取材于西班牙作家卡 斯特罗的剧本《熙德的青年时代 》, 将男女主人公投入到责任与爱情的剧 烈冲突之中。剧中人都表现出刚毅的 美德和百折不挠的精神,为了完成自 己的义务,不惜牺牲一切。《熙德》 演出后受到观众热烈的欢迎,但由于 这个悲喜剧违背了古典主义的三一律, 在评论界引起了一场论战。黎塞留授 意法兰西学院组织力量抨击此剧,发

考纲C层次之十 启蒙运动

考纲C层次之十     启蒙运动









英国文学史上-The 18th Century:Enlightenment

英国文学史上-The 18th Century:Enlightenment

The 18th Century:Enlightenment(启蒙运动同时为美国独立战争与法国大革命提供了框架,并且导致了资本主义和社会主义的兴起,与音乐史上的巴洛克时期以及艺术史上的新古典主义时期是同一时期。

)1) A revival of interest in the old classical works, order, logic, restrained emotion(抑制情感) and accuracy.2) The Age of Enlightenment/Reason: the movement was a furtherance (促进、成长) of the Renaissance of the 15th and 16th centuries, a progressive intellectual movement, reason(rationality), equality&science(the 18th century)3) The 18th century in English literature is an age of prose.4) 小说崛起:In the mid-century, the newly literary form, modern English novel rised. Realistic novel现实主义小说;Gothic novel哥特式小说—mystery, horror, castles (from middle part to the end of century)Daniel Defoe丹尼尔•笛福1660~1731 P148(小说家,新闻记者,小册子作者;十八世纪英国现实主义小说的奠基人。

)He is the first writer study of the lower-class people, his language is smooth, easy, colloquial (白话通俗的) and mostly vernacular(方言的), and he is the founder of realistic novel.Works: √<Robinson Crusoe>鲁宾逊•克鲁索P149(Full name: The Life and Strange Surprising Adventure of Robinson Crusoe)It praise the fortitude (不屈不挠、勇气) of the human labor and the Puritan. Robinson grew from a naive and artless (天真朴实的) youth into a shrewd and hardened (坚定的) man, tempered(磨练)by numerous trials(考验)in his eventful life. It is an adventure story, Robinson, narrates how he goes to sea, gets shipwrecked and marooned on a lonely island, struggles to live for 24-years there and finally gets relieved and returns to England. The story may come straight from a sailor’s logbook.Figures and things mentioned:Alexander Selkirk 塞尔扣克(the story based upon his experience)Cannibals 食人者Friday (Robinson names the man Friday to commemorate the day of his rescue)Savage 野人Captive 俘虏Jonathan Swift乔纳森•斯威夫特1667~1745 P161Reference: Jonathan Swift is a master satirist in the 18th century who criticized the new bourgeois-aristocratic (资本家-贵族)society of his age.Works:1)√<Gulliver‟s Travels>格列佛游记(fictional work) Doctor Lemuel Gulliver P163①Lilliput小人国厘厘普特(船出事而冒险,后跟商船回英国)②Brobdingnag大人国勃罗白丁拉格(He is a pygmy侏儒there.)(船出事而冒险,后跟船回英国)③Flying Island (Laputa)拉普特飞岛(虚无缥缈的发明→It’s a bitter parody拙劣的模仿on scholastics and projectors.) (遇到海盗而冒险)④Houyhnhnm马岛(Good→Houyhnhnm 骏马胡已姆bad→Yahoo, they possess every conceivable evil.)2) <A Modest Proposal>一个小小的建议P181(This is made to English government to relive the poverty of Irish people )Joseph Addison约瑟夫·艾迪生1672-1719 P192(英国散文家、诗人、剧作家以及政治家。

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The 18th century1.Enlightenment Intellectual movementan expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism.against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism.They attempted to place all branches of science at the service of mankind by connecting them with the actual needs and requirements of people.2. Classicismbalance, proportion, decorum and restraint attributed to the major works of ancient Greek and Roman literature3.Difference 17th and 18th Classicism17 please the declining aristocracy18 for the rising bourgeoisie to tidy up the capitalist social order.4.Joseph Addison and Richard Steele essayistsRichard Steele and The Tatler"The Tatler", to enlighten, as well as to entertain, his fellow coffeehouse-goers. contained several essays. in a conversational styleJoseph Addison and “The Spectator“"The Spectator", a daily paper, was a collaborative project by Addison and Steele together.it contained a gallery of vivid portraits of the members of the so-called "Spectator Club". supposed to be edited by a small club headed by Mr. SpectatorThe most striking features of the paper are the character sketches of Mr. Spectator and the members of his club,and these sketches become the forerunner of the modern English novel. They attempted to improve manners and moralcontribution1. new code of social morality for the bourgeoisie.2. picture of the social life3. the English essay had completely established itself as a literary genre. Using it as a form of character sketching and story-telling, they ushered in the dawn of modern English novel.5.Alexander Popemost important English poet,representative of the Enlightenment,one of the first to introduce rationalism to England,master in satiric and didactic verseAn Essay on Criticismheroic couplet, aesthetic theories. a comprehensive study of theories of literary criticism. .Essay on Manheroic couplet, indicates political and philosophical viewpointThe Rape of the Lockmock-heroic poem, in which he satirized the triviality and silliness of the high society with a delicate wit.The Dunciad the Iliad of DuncesPope was also an editor of Shakespeare's plays.the poet laureate桂冠诗人an outstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of the classical school6、Jonathan Swift master satiristThe Battle of the Books satirical dialogue on the comparative merits of ancient and modernwriters. Thought ancient writers were better than the modern ones.A Tale of a Tub(木桶的故事)a prose satire and a sharp attack on the disputes among the different sects of the Christian religion.Gulliver's Travels (fiction work) Lillipu,Brobdingnag,Flying Island,Houyhnhnmparticular voyage of the hero and his extraordinary adventures on some remote islandfloating island of Laputa . absent-minded philosophers and astronomers.satirizes the scientists who keep themselves aloof from practical life.island of Sorcerers. satire against all kinds of English social institutions.Pamphlets on Ireland:denounced the cruel and unjust treatment of Ireland by the English government.The Drapier’s Letters A Modest Proposal7.Defoe forerunner of the English realistic novel.all take the form of memoirs or pretended historical narratives, everything in them gives the impression of reality.jack-of-all-trades great in journalism and authorshipMoll FlandersRobinson Crusoe based on a real factPlot:It praise the fortitude of the human labor and the Puritan. Robinson grew from a naive and artless youth into a shrewd and hardened man,tempered by numerous trials in his eventful life. It is an adventure story, Robinson, narrates how he goes to sea, gets shipwrecked and marooned on a lonely island, struggles to live for 24-years there and finally gets relieved and returns to England. Meaning:realistic account of the successful struggle of Robinson alone against the pitiless forces of nature on the island,representative of the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stages of its development. best qualities: his marvellous capacity for work, his boundless energy and persistence in overcoming obstacles. He struggles hard against nature and makes her bend before his will. Defoe glorifies human labour and the hero of bourgeoisie and defends the policy of colonialism of British government.8.Samuel Richardson Pamela the first modern novelnoted as a storyteller, letter-writer and moralizer.Pamela a series of letters from the heroine to her parentsgirl of virtue, bear the burden of a profligate放荡的husband and how she does all her best to reform him.意义a.pictured the life and love of ordinary people. b. moral instruction.c. secret thoughts and feelings. the first English psycho-analytical novel.9.Henry Fielding father of the English novel, comic epic in prose,first to give the modern novel its structure and stylenovelist, dramatist, essayist, pamphleteer, indeed a versatile man.began by attacking Richardson’s Pamela .criticized for its excessive sentimentality and its utilitarian moralityher secret pleasure in the temptations and her dexterous熟练的manoeuvring to secure the rewards of virtue(把贞操当作商品待价而沽)ridiculing Pamela’s brother, Joseph Andrews, under the same temptationsthis novel called “a.”散文滑稽史诗Other works:Joseph Andrews.The Life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great.The History of Tom Jones,a Foundlingfrom the "great" thief Jonathan Wild to the "great" minister Robert Walpole to all the "great" men of the ruling classes.Tom Jones is Fielding's masterpiece, a pano’ramic全景的picture of England10.Tobias Smollett "Roderick Random"Laurence Sterne The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy11. English Drama not reach the same high level as novelRichard Brinsley SheridanThe RivalsThe School for Scandal best English comedy since shakespeare12.Samuel Johnson lexicographer, critic and poetA Dictionary of the English LanguageBoswell's "Life of Johnson" become a classic of English biography.13.Edward Gibbon 吉朋The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empirehis classical and elevated style a model for succeeding historians and prose-writers.14.Sentimentalism prized feeling over thinking, passion over reasonsincere sympathy for the poverty-stricken, expropriated peasantscriticized the cruelty of the capitalist relations and the social injustices brought about by the bourgeois revolutions.15.Oliver Goldsmith poet, novelist, dramatist and essayistPoems: “The Traveller”“The Deserted Village”(best) in the heroic couplet.Novel The Vicar of Wakefield16.Thomas Gray“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”which is a model of sentimentalist poetry.17.Pre-romanticismstrong protest against the bondage of Classicism, by a recognition of the claims of passion and emotion, and by a renewed interest in medieval literature.18.Robert Burns poor Scotch peasant family passion for Scottish folk songsPoems Chiefly in the Scottish DialectPoetry several groups to the subject matterA. love and friendship. "A Red, Red Rose"and "Auld Long Syne".B. hate for the oppression of the ruling class and his love for freedom "A Man's A Man for A'That"C. patriotic poems "My Heart's in the Highlands".D. verse-tales which he based on old Scottish legends.19.William BlakeSongs of Innocence A happy and innocent world from children’s eye.Songs of Experience A word of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone from men eyes.Include: The Chimney Sweeper、London、The Tiger Lamb is a symbol of peace and purity Tiger is a symbol of dread and oiolenceThe Marriage of Heaven and Hell。
