物流专业英语 第四章


Unit4 transportation and distribution物流专业英语 配送.

Unit4 transportation and distribution物流专业英语 配送.

Text 1 Transportation Mode
coal timber grain haul bulk environmental inflexibility schedule terminal
n. 煤 n. 木材 n. 粮食,谷物 n. 拖拉,运输 adj. 大批的,散装的 adj. 环境的 n. 不变性 n. 时间表 n. 终点站,终端
Text 1 Transportation Mode
vehicle pollution congestion emerge maritime canal tremendously proportion emergency
n. 车辆,交通工具 n. 污染 n. 堵塞,阻塞 v. 显现,形成 adj. 海运的,海上的 n. 运河 adv. 非常的,惊人的 n. 部分,比例 n. 紧急情况,紧急事件
Text 1 Transportation Mode
【Para 3】Road Transportation(公路运输)
Road transport is widely used in inland delivery of goods. This mode tends to be used for higher-value and lower-volume cargo over relatively short distance. It is capable of providing a door to door service. It has not any break in the journey to change from one vehicle to another. So it can be flexible enough to perform “just-in-time” delivery. Any work place in the country can be serviced by road.

物流英语unit 4 purchasing

物流英语unit 4 purchasing
Order management
• Order planning • Order transmittal • Order processing • Order picking and assembly • Order delivery
Order planning
• The problem of bunching happens when a high percentage of customers make their orders at the same time.
• If customers’ ordering schedules can be influenced, a firm can balance them out and minimize the peaks and valleys of the workloads.
customers who place orders on certain dates.
Order transmittal
• Phone or fax • Scanners and barcodes (pharmacy) • POS systems (retail chains) • Internet
The purchasing process
• Recognize a need • Select suppliers • Issue the order • Track and receive the order
Other important issues
7. The transportation dept arranges for the 2020/6/27 shipment’s transportation from the

物流英语Chapter 4 Principles of warehousing words 6

物流英语Chapter 4  Principles of warehousing words 6
Supplementary vocabulary
• • • • • • • • • • • Damage, loss, • deterioration • Stockless depots • Roll cage pallet • Cage pallet • Random location system • Fixed location system • Stock-out/out of stock • Sub-optimization • High-technology • Product integrity • Goods inward Reserve storage Replenishment Goods receipt Dispatch face Break bulk operation Postponement Seasonal fluctuation Breakdown, shutdown Gravity center Stock keeping unit Sorting system
பைடு நூலகம்
• 本公司自1951年起经营中欧航线杂货班轮运输。 半个世纪以来,公司的业务获得了巨大的发展, 在世界各地赢得了良好的信誉。 • 目前,公司拥有20条现代化多用途船舶,运力超 过425,000吨,集装箱箱位达到15,200标箱。 • 凭借50多年的航运经验,我们将以安全优质快捷 的服务宗旨,努力满足客户对运输的需要。
• This company has been running a grocery liner shipping service between China and Europe since 1951. Over half of a century , this company has achieved a great development of this business with a high reputation all over the world. • At present, this company owns a fleet of 20 modern multipurpose triple deck vessels with a total capacity of over 425 000 tones and a container capacity of over 15 200 TEU. • Under the guideline “safe, quick and reliable service” and supported with more than 50 years shipping experiences, this company is always capable of satisfying the requirement of all clients on ocean transportation service.

物流英语Chapter 4 Principles of warehousing words 8

物流英语Chapter 4  Principles of warehousing words 8

• Modern logistics industry is not only a new-rising service industry but also an elementary one. It is not only a revolution to the traditional concept of the transportation and warehousing, but also an upgrade of the functionality of modern city.
• 现代物流产业是新兴的服务产业,也是基 础产业;它既是对传统货运、仓储的一场 革命,又是对现代化城市功能的提升。
• In order to meet requirement of the international shipping market, make further development and provide our clients with higher quality services, this company is actively constructing logistics service system with support of GPS, EDI and SGA. • Service provided are as follows: • Ocean transportation, space-booking for export cargo, space-booking for import cargo, air-cargo booking, inland haulage, storage, shipping agency
• International through • railways transport • • International multimodal • transport • Land bridge transport • • Liner transport • Shipping by chartering • • Shipping agency • • International freight • forwarding agent • • International • transportation cargo • insurance • Customs declaration Customs broker Declaration for export (import) cargo Declaration for the entry (exit) of transit cargo Declaration formalities Certificate of origin Insurance policy Insurance premium Dumping duty Duty-free price Duty-paying price



Forecast error and planning horizons
Forecast error
time -
2.The concept of lead time
What’s the meaning of lead time from the customer’s viewpoint and from the supplier’s perspective respectively?
1.Order communication 订单录入及处理 2.Order entry and processing
3.Order picking or production
3 Time range 1to5days
2 Time range 1to3days
• Instead what is needed is for th其e实su作p为pl供ie应r 商to真正需
substitute responsiveness for in用v快en速to反ry应来代替大量
whenever possible.
How to achieve responsiveness? Why?
Installation Lead times
What’s the basic concern of any organization? what is rule of thumb?
Strategic lead-time management
累积的前置时间 (从采购到付款)

物流英语unit 4 cs

物流英语unit 4 cs

service 2020/12/13 will be generated from 20% of customers.
Corresponding logistics practice
• 80/20 rule provides a basis for inventory control
product category stock availability
firm 2020/12/13 deal with the problem?
2020/12/13 --Council of Logistics Management
The ultimate purpose of logistics
Logistics is to deliver - (the right product) - to the right place - at the right time - in the right quantity - at the right quality - at the right price (cost) - for the right customer
such as sales and marketing – Other sections of logistics 2020/12/13 department
What is customer service?
• CS is the collection of activities performed in a way that keeps customers happy and creates in the customers’ mind the perception of an organization that is easy to do business with.

物流英语unit 4 JIT and Lean Production

物流英语unit 4 JIT and Lean Production

Just-in-time Logistics
• Waste and Variability Reduction
– Waste is anything that does not add value from the customer point of view.
– Faster delivery, reduced work-in-process, and faster throughput all reduce waste.
Figure 4-4 A Hybrid of Push and Pull Distribution System
Just-in-time Logistics
• Just-in-time Origin
– JIT is a manufacturing/delivery process where a minimum of goods are kept in stock and items are planned to arrive precisely at the time they are required for use or dispatch.
Pull System
Figure 4-3 A Comparison of Push and Pull Systems
Pull System
• A hybrid approach of both systems requires storing slower-moving items in a smaller warehouse at the plant while pushing truckload quantities of more popular items to the DCs.

物流专业英语unit4 Logistics Strategy

物流专业英语unit4 Logistics Strategy

物流专业英语unit4 Logistics StrategyPart1 单词讲解【1】Instantaneous [ˌɪnstən'teɪniəs]1.adj. 瞬间发生的,即刻的 happening at onceEg:1.Relief was instantaneous.痛苦的消除是瞬间的事2.The reaction of the audience was instantaneous.观众即刻有了反应。

【2】proximity [prɒk'sɪməti]1.N.[U]nearness接近,附近Eg:1.Their house is in close proximity to ours.他们的房子很接近我们的。

2.The sum is in close proximity to the amount of revenue.总数接近岁入之值。

【3】foster ['fɒstə]1. vt. 培养,促进 help the growth or developmentEg:People who cannot have a baby of their own sometimes foster (a child)不能生育的人有时领养别人的(孩子).2.vt. & vi. 收养,养育 take care or bring up a child that is notlegally one's ownEg:It is very important to foster an interest.培养一种兴趣是十分重要的。

【4】variation [ˌveəri'eɪʃn]1.N. [C] [U] 变化,变动(的程度) (degree of) the fact of varying Eg:Finally, the cherry in Fujian Wuyi Mountain should be treated as a new variation of Cerasus subhirtella in taxonomy. 最后,建议在分类学关系上将福建武夷山野生早樱做为大叶早樱新变种处理。

专业英语物流与供应链管理 4

专业英语物流与供应链管理 4

Many companies still think that the only way to service customers who require just-in-time deliveries is for them, the supplier, to carry the inventory instead of the customer. Instead what is needed is for the supplier to substitute responsiveness for inventory whenever possible.

Examines the concept of lead time, the orderto-delivery cycle, its components and the need to consider the wider context of the order –tocash cycle. 分析前置时间、订单周期的概念及其构成 要素,从更大范围来考察订货变现周期。 Looks at how the reduction of lead times can impact on the goals of logistics pipeline management. 研究缩短前置时间是如何影响物流渠道管 理目标的。
is the inaccuracy of forecast.

Whilst many forecasting errors are the result
of inappropriate forecasting methodology the
root cause of these problems is that forecast

物流英语unit 4 JIT and Lean Production

物流英语unit 4 JIT and Lean Production
small area – Minimize distance – Design little space for inventory – Use u-shaped path
Just-in-time Logistics
• Setup time can be reduced through preparation prior to shutdown and changeover.
பைடு நூலகம்
Use one-touch system to eliminate adjustments (save 10 minutes)
Training operators and standardizing work procedures (save 2 minutes)
25 min —
15 min — 13 min —
– Direct shipments from the manufacturing plant to the customer
• Liabilities
– Larger on-site manufacturing warehouses
– Reduced customer satisfaction from slower order fill time
– Goals: elimination of unnecessary activities, in-plant inventory, in-transit inventory and poor suppliers
Just-in-time Logistics
• JIT Layout
– Build work cells for families of products – Include a large number of operations in a



Flow of Materials
Flow of Information
Flow of Finances
SCM can be divided into three main flows: The product flow or materials flow includes moving goods from
supplier to consumer as well as dealing with customer service needs. The information flow includes order information and delivery status. The financial flow includes payments schedules, credit terms and additional arrangements.
Step 2 重点内容
➢ 掌握核心术语 ➢ 学习时间5分钟
Step 3 难点学习
➢ 理解并背诵核心概念 ➢ 学习时间5分钟
Unit 4
How supply chains work 供应链的工作原理



以下通过一段对话了解配 送中心的功能
• What Are the Functions of Distributi on Center?(配送中心的功能有哪些?)
(Li Hai is a manager in Dalian Distributi on Center.Wang Gang is a student from
• Take orders, fill them efficiently,and
deliver goods to customers as quickly
as possible.unlike a warehouse. 和仓库不同,(配送中心的功能)是接受订 单,有效的完成(订单),以最快的速度将货 物送给客户.
No. 2 Vocational School.)
• Wang:Nice to meet you, Mr.Li. Li:Nice to meet you,too.Welcome.Can I help you? Wang:I come here to learn something about your distribution center.Will y ou please introduce its functions?
Text 1 了解配送
• Knowing Distribution(了解配送) • 1.What is Distribution?(什么是配送?) • 2.Types of Distribution(配送类型) • 3.Operation Flow of Distribution(配送
• The distribution center is built for • the moving of goods.It is located close to a


operation satisfies your customers.
Facility Layout Fundamentals
Planning analysts follow numerous facility design
fundamentals to design a warehouse or distribution facility. These fundamentals optimize the facility and minimize construction costs and include two steps: data collection and development of alternative layouts. The first step of a facility layout consists of the data collection process, data analysis, establishment of design-year parameters, and consideration of alternative material handling equipment and concepts. This step includes (1)identifying and listing existing material handling equipment and concepts;(2) measuring (width, height, and weight) and cataloging all SKUs as
Chapter Four Warehousing and Distribution


Chapter Four: Inventory
1. What is inventory?
• Inventory refers to stocks of goods and materials that are maintained for many purposes.
• Question: Could you tell the purposes of holding the inventory?
wasted and unnecessary stock
Question time
Possible solutions:
• Improving forecasting and process reliability • Reducing ordering cost • Simplifying the bill of materials • Reducing in-process inventory(在制品库存) by reducing lead time
staff cost
Risk cost
• Stock-out cost(缺货成本):
Refers to economic consequences of not being able to meet internal or external demand from the current inventory. Internal costs: delays, labor-time wastage, lostproduction, etc. External costs: loss of profit from lost sales, and loss of future profit due to loss of goodwill • Therefore, possible costs of a stock-out may include: cost of back-order(延迟交货的订单) cost of lost sales(销售损失) cost of lost customers(顾客流失)

物流专业英语 Chapter Four Shipment,Track and Delivery

物流专业英语 Chapter Four  Shipment,Track and Delivery

Lee: You can see the delivery date and other details in the delivery notice. I have sent it to you through the information system. Peter: Ok. I will check it as soon as possible.
conveyance [kənˈveɪəns] n. 传送,表达;运输工具;交通 工具; 产权转让证书 distribution [ˌdɪstrɪ'bju:ʃn] n.分配,运销,分销,散 步,分布 inventory ['ɪnvəntrɪ] n.存货,库存 transit ['trænzɪt] n.搬运,载运,通过,中转,过境 vt.vi.通过,经过 freight [freɪt] n.货运;货物 vt.运输,装货于 truckload [ˈtrʌkləʊd] n.一货车的容量 vehicles ['vi:ɪklz] n.交通工具,车辆;传播媒介,手段
Allen: Would you please give me some examples of our major clients at present? Lee: At present, one of our major client is Lee Kum Kee. Our main task is the do intensive distribution for it, that is delivering products to all wholesalers and retailers according to customer orders. Allen: It can’t imagine how heavy the workload is.


building size.
Your company warehouse layout objectives are established by your executive management team and usually include a request or requirement to: (1)maximize the space (cube) utilization or provide the maximum storage and pick positions within the building structure; (2) allow an efficient product flow the receiving area to the storage-pick areas and from the storage-pick areas to the assembly, packing, and shipping areas; (3) provide the maximum number of, and facilitate access to, SKU pick positions and proper inventory rotation; (4) reduce annual operating costs; (5) improve the
operation satisfies your customers.
Facility Layout Fundamentals
Planning analysts follow numerous facility design
fundamentals to design a warehouse or distribution facility. These fundamentals optimize the facility and minimize construction costs and include two steps: data collection and development of alternative layouts. The first step of a facility layout consists of the data collection process, data analysis, establishment of design-year parameters, and consideration of alternative material handling equipment and concepts. This step includes (1)identifying and listing existing material handling equipment and concepts;(2) measuring (width, height, and weight) and cataloging all SKUs as
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Transit inventory
… from the need to transport items or material from one location to another. goods on their way
Speculative inventory投机库存
… is in excess of their current need for a possible future event. 购入超过他 们目前实际所需数量的库存来应付未来可能 发生的事件。 Such events may include a price increase, a seasonal increase in demand. 例如价格上涨,季节性需求的增 加
goods in transit (when volume is
considerable and transport times long) 在途库存 (when it is an integrated part of the main business, such as return paper, plastics or bottles, where volume is considerable) 包装物、废弃物、可循环利用 产品
Safety (buffer) inventory
… is held in addition to cycle stock to guard against uncertainty in demand and/or lead time. 为了应对需求和提前期 的不确定性而持有的库存。 This occurs because the firm suffers fewer “stock-outs”. 缺货可能性减少。
4. Inventory Classifications
Inventory is most frequently classified as: cycle (base) stock 周转库存 safety (buffer) stock 安全库存 in-transit (pipeline) stock 在途库存 speculative stock 投机库存 dead stock 呆滞库存
CHAPTER 4 Inventory Management 库存管理
What is inventory? Do you think it is important to a company? and why? What problems may a business have if it holds too much/too little stock?
Байду номын сангаас
packaging, waste, recycled materials
Returned goods (products rejected by the customer and returned to us for repair or compensation.
Key Words
Goods/work in process (WIP) 在制品库存,半成品 maintenance/repair/ operating (MRO)维修库存 cycle (or base) stock 经常库存 safety (or buffer) stock 安全库存 in-transit (pipeline) stock 在途库存 speculative stock 投机库存 Dead stock 呆滞存货 Inventory carrying (holding) costs 库存持有成本 Inventory shrinkage 库存收缩 inventory turnover 库存周转 Stock-out 缺货
2. Categories of Inventory
Normally considered:
raw materials 原材料 purchased components and parts 零部件 work in process (WIP) 在制品 finished goods (unsold, undelivered) 成品 maintenance/repair/ operating (MRO)维 修库存
Key Words
Goods/work in process (WIP) 在制品库存,半成品 maintenance/repair/ operating (MRO)维修库存 cycle (or base) stock 经常库存 safety (or buffer) stock 安全库存 in-transit (pipeline) stock 在途库存 speculative stock 投机库存 Dead stock 呆滞存货 Inventory carrying (holding) costs 库存持有成本 Inventory shrinkage 库存收缩 inventory turnover 库存周转 Stock-out 缺货
Quantity discounts 批量折扣
- In excess of 超出,超过
Topics for discussion:
Some people believe inventory only refers to the stock company is holding inside its warehouse, do you agree? If not, what else can also be called the company’s inventory?
Learning objectives
To understand the concept of inventory 理解什么是库存 To identify the reasons of holding inventory 找出企业持有库存的原因 To understand the classification of inventory 了解库存的分类 To learn ABC analysis and JIT VMI 了解现代库存的管理方法的基本原理
Cycle (base) stock 周转库存
… is needed to satisfy normal demand during the course of an order cycle. 满足一个订货周期内正常需求 If demand and lead time is constant, only cycle stock is necessary. 当需求和提前期是不变时,只持有周转库存 已经足够。
1.What does “stock-out” mean? - When customer’s order cannot be immediately filled from existing inventory. 现 有库存无法满足顾客订单的需求。
2.How does “stock-out” affect both customers and the company itself?
What has caused the stock-outs in retailers?
Inefficiencies at any stage of the supply chain cause stock-outs. Inadequate funds for procurement of medicines 采购环节资金短缺 Inaccurate forecasting 需求预测错误 Inadequate buffer stock of essential medicines at all levels of the supply chain 安全库存水平与实际需求不相符 Inefficient distribution systems at national and regional levels.配送环节不够效率 Inadequate record-keeping 存货记录出错
What are the consequences of stock out to pharmacy?
Customer dissatisfaction.. 客户不满意 Customers turn to competitors… lost of sale 销售机会损失 Losing customer loyalty
A case of medicine stock out
When a pharmacy (a medical store) temporarily has no medicine on the shelf, it is known as a “stock-out”.
What are the consequences of stock out to patients?
Inventory acts as a buffer(缓冲) to satisfy customer needs.
2. Reasons for holding inventory
Meet demand 满足需求
Read this paragraph and answer:
The bad effects on patients are grave:
They have to travel to other health facilities or private sector which may be far away and often many times more expensive… or They may go without the medicines they need… They may get an alternative, appropriate or not, medicine… They lose confidence in the health facility to meet their needs…