物流英语 unit1

Dell’s assembly plant in Xiamen, Fujian Province, to end customers across China, omitting(忽略) links as distributors,
wholesalers and retailers. Its distribution cost is minimized
Ideally an organization may engage in(从事) both production and distribution. However, owing to(由于) the complexity of distribution, few companies perform well if they engage in both. There is a new trend of outsourcing(外 包) the distribution business to specialized companies, namely third party logistics (3PL) companies, so that the manufacturers can concentrate(更专注于) more on core(核 心) production operation while the logistics companies can handle distribution more professionally(专业地).
The typical supply chain model of movements of goods
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商

UNIT I LOGISTICS第一单元物流PART I The Definition of LogisticsPART I 物流的定义The introduction of Logistics物流简介[Para1] “Logistics” is a term, which originates from both the army an d French. According to the French, the Baron of Jomini, who of Swiss origin who had served in Napoleon,s army before joining the Russians and who later founded the Military Academy of St. Petersburg, first used the term in the early 19th century. So in a military sense, the term ‘logistics, encompasses transport organization, army replenishments and material maintenance.“物流”或“后勤”一词其实源于军队,对其词义解释亦有多个不同版本,根据法国人阐述之词义,该词早于十九世纪初被祖文尼男爵率先采用。
[Para2] In the business world however, the concept of “logistics” was applied solely to “Material Replenishment Programs” (MRP) and was confined to the manufacturing sector at the beginning. Therefore the extension of the concept to involve company operations is a relatively new one and the earliest usage dates back to the 1950s in the USA.然而在商务界中,“物流管理”的概念仅仅用于“物料需求计划”,并且最初是在制造业的部门开始使用。
Unit 1Overview of Logistics 《物流英语》教学课件

Ⅱ. Listen to the dialogues and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.
1. A: The development of logistics can date back to ancient times in China.
一般来说,物流是指为了满足客户需求而对起源地到 消费地的原材料、在制品库存、产成品及相关信息的快速、 高效流动和储存进行计划、执行和控制的全过程。
3. Sometimes logistics creates distribution processing value, which changes the length, thickness and packages of the goods.
The Modern Logistics
Modern logistics adopts containerization techniques.
Information technologies are most important for modern logistics.
1. Logistics is considered to have originated in the military field, where the army needed to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position.
4. Modern logistics is related to the efficient flow of materials and information.

go to a supermarket and buy it at retail price (e.g. 2.50 Yuan) with minimal time cost
物流 “
对产品、服务和相关信息从原产地 到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动 及存储进行规划、实施和控制,以
Step 1 单词领读
➢ 由教师当堂领读生词 ➢ 纠正学生的发音 ➢ 领读完之后给学生留出5分钟的
Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.
狭义上讲,物流是商品的高效流 动与存储。
“Logistics is that part of the
supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.”
从更加广泛的视角来看, 我们可以得出结论, 物流是或者是关于…

Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain
飞机在天上飞,供应链来支配,这就是物流; 流水线、各部件,准点到、守时间,这就是物流; 把成本来控制,好利润天天增,这就是物流; 碳足迹要缩减,树环保新观念,这就是物流; 将业务来拓展,让世界心相连,这就是物流; 该去哪就去哪,高科技来实现,这就是物流; 门铃响,响叮铛~响叮铛~响叮铛~这就是物流; 让烦恼都抛遍,全交给UPS,这就是物流。
• 特点:课文短,专业性强,视野广阔。 • 共32个单元,计划学习1-24单元,每个单元用
• 本课程分为形成性考核和终结性考核两部分
• 其中形成性考核占60% 包括:出勤10% 课堂表现10% 作业10% 笔记10% 小组PPT展示20%
• Bells will ring, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, that's logistics.
• There will be no more stress 'cause you've called UPS,

Unit 1 What is Logistics?
4.The key issue is to decide how and when raw materials, semi-finished and finished goods should be acquired, moved and stored. 关键的问题是要决定应当如何并且在什么时候来获得、 关键的问题是要决定应当如何并且在什么时候来获得、移 动和贮存原材料、半成品及成品。 动和贮存原材料、半成品及成品。 语法分析: 语法分析 1) to decide 是一个动词不定式短语,在句中做系动词 是一个动词不定式短语, be的表语。 的表语。 的表语 2) how and when raw materials…should be acquired…是由 是由how和when所引导的宾语从句,做动 所引导的宾语从句, 是由 和 所引导的宾语从句 的宾语。 词decide的宾语。 的宾语 注意下列短语的译文: 注意下列短语的译文 1) raw materials: 原材料 2) semi-finished goods: 半成品。亦作 semi半成品。亦作: finished products. 3) finished goods: 成品。亦作 finished 成品。亦作: products.
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Unit 1 What is Logistics?
7.All product-oriented businesses have logistics as a cost of doing business. 所有以产品 为导向的买卖都把物流当成做生意的一项成本。 为导向的买卖都把物流当成做生意的一项成本。 1) product-oriented: 以产品为导向的,以产品为中 以产品为导向的, 心的。 是动词后缀, 为导向, 心的。-oriented是动词后缀,意为 “以…为导向,以… 是动词后缀 为导向 为中心” 为中心”。如: business-oriented: 以业务为导向的 export以业务为导向的; oriented economy: 外向型经济 外向型经济; human-oriented: 以人为本的。 以人为本的。 2) to have…as….: 把…当成是 当成是…, 把…作为 。如: 作为…。 当成是 作为 Companies now have quality and pricing systems as a weapon to fight competition. 现在一些公司把质量和定价机制看成是应对竞争的武器。 现在一些公司把质量和定价机制看成是应对竞争的武器。

Reference KeysChapter OneUnit One What is Logistics?Listeningt PracticeⅠ. Listen to the sentences three times and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard.1. logistics potential, benefit, advantage2. improve, efficiency, locating3. process, flow, consumers4. view, unseen5. part, supply chain, efficient, effective, origin, consumption Ⅱ.Listen to the passage three times and fill in the blanks with what you exactly heard. deal with logistics department. around the world the point of origin deal with suppliers. located inⅢ.Listen to the dialogues three times and choose the right answer to each question. 1. A. 2. C. 3. A. 4. C 5. DVocabulary BuildingⅡ.Now combine the words in Column A with Column B to make right collocations. Example : supply chain.A Bconsumer collectingmaterial controllinginventory handlinginformation routingtransport responseComprehension ExercisesⅠ.Comprehension questions.1 For examples, transportation, distribution, warehousing and so on.2.Yes, it is. For example, everything we buy from retail stores is moved by all modes of transport.3. Transportation, warehousing, order processing, inventory controlling, routing, information collecting, material handling and so on.4.No, they are interrelated to each other. We should integrate them to achieve maximum profit.Ⅱ. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.我认为现代物流是世界上最令人兴奋的领域之一。
《物流专业英语》 PPT Unit Logistics packaging in

Before modern logistics concepts were formulated, packaging had long been an activity in the production sector, and packaging designing focused on the requirements of end production. Therefore it often failed to meet the requirements of distribution. Logistics studies show that the packaging-logistics relationship is much closer than the packaging-production relationship. Packaging as the origin of logistics is far more significant than packaging as end of production. Consequently packaging should enter the logistics category, which is a new concept of modern logistics.
日本企业在包装、包装废弃物再利用、环境保护等方面有着最 前沿的技术和理念,值得中国同行学习和借鉴。
Sony’s New packaging for electronic products 索尼公司电子产品的新包装
Sony adopts four principles to promote product packaging. Not only do they follow the “3R principles” of reduction, reuse and recycle, but they also invent new approaches in replacing, making renovations in product packaging. The following are practical examples.

Text 2
Activities in Logistical System
Components (functions) of logistics system
Components include but not limit to: demand forecasting order management procurement production planning packaging material handling transportation warehousing inventory control customer service returned products handling part and service support salvage and scrap disposal
③Logistics greatly impacts our quality of life. The logistics industry employs people worldwide,providing a cost-effective means of distributing goods locally and globally.The more affordable the goods,the higher the standard of living for you.
The U.S. military relies on logistics to determine the feasibility of a mission.Logistics also provides the flexibility to move personnel,equipment,and supplies wherever they are needed in the world.

1.1.2 Origins and Definition of Logistics
(1) In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the physical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receiver point. Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, package, distribution and information management, etc. (Other activities such as waste disposal, return goods handling, etc. are also important.)
from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirement.” So far, many definitions of logistics have been proposed. The flowing basic definition will be extended and developed as the logistics practice progress, but it makes and adequate starting point.

四、教学内容及学时安排序号单元主要内容教学要求学时理论教学Text 1: What Is Logistics?Text 2: The Definition of Logistics掌握本单元的主要词汇21Chapter 1 Logistics实践项目Role-Play 1: Introduction to LogisticsCompanyRole Play 2: Visiting a LogisticsCompany通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学Text 1: Role of Logistics in the SupplyChainText 2: What is Supply ChainManagement?掌握本单元的主要词汇22Chapter 2 Supply ChainManagement实践项目Role Play 1: Developing a Supply ChainRole Play 2: The Possibility of Creating aSupply Chain通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学Text 1: The Purpose of TransportationText 2: The Definition of Transportation掌握本单元的主要词汇23Chapter 3 Transportation实践项目Role Play 1: Negotiating about theTransportation ExercitationRole Play 2: Partial Shipment andTransportation通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学Text 1: What is Outsourcing?Text 2: Definition of Third PartyLogistics掌握本单元的主要词汇24Chapter 4 A Third PartyLogistics Provider实践项目Role Play 1: Searching the 3PLCompaniesRole play 2: Evaluating 3PL companies通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学Text 1: Retail Supply Chains Text 2:Retailing Logistics in UK掌握本单元的主要词汇25Chapter 5 Retailing Logistics实践项目Role Play 1: The Retail LogisticsLandscape Is so DiverseRole Play 2: We Are Totally Convincedabout the Potential of RFID通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学Text 1: Standardization of the Operationof Chain Stores OpinionText 2: The Definition of Chain Stores掌握本单元的主要词汇26Chapter 6 Chain Store实践项目Role Play 1: The Office in Paisley ofUniversityRole Play 2: The Office in Paisley ofUniversity通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2号时理论教学Text 1: What Is a Distribution Center?Text 2: Distribution Center Organization掌握本单元的主要词汇27Chapter 7 DistributionCenter实践项目Role Play 1: Talking about TargetDistribution CenterRole Play 2: Here is an edited version ofhis interview with The Seattle Times通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学Text 1: Containerization- Past, Presentand FutureText 2: The Nature of Intermodalism掌握本单元的主要词汇28Chapter 8 IntermodalTransportation实践项目Role Play 1: Talking about the UnloadingPortRole Play 2: Change the Port ofDestination通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学Text 1: What is Purchasing ManagementText 2: The Definition of Procurement掌握本单元的主要词汇29Chapter 9 PurchasingManagement实践项目Role Play: What is PurchasingRole Play 2: Ordering Equipment通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学I. Text 1: The Role of LogisticsInformation and CommunicationTechnologies in Promoting CompetitiveAdvantages of the FirmText 2: Information and CommunicationTechnologies and E-Business Models掌握本单元的主要词汇210Chapter 10 InformationManagement实践项目Role Play 1: Difference between LegacySystem and Present SystemRole Play 2: Introduction to SupplyChain Management Information System通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2理论教学Text 1: What is Customer Service?Text 2: Developing a Logistics ServiceQuality Scale掌握本单元的主要词汇211Chapter 11 Customer Service实践项目Role Play 1: Delay of DeliveringRole Play 2: Making a Complaint通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2号时理论教学Text 1: Introduction of PackagingText 2: Packaging Types掌握本单元的主要词汇212Chapter 12 Packaging实践项目Role Play 1: Packaging of Silk StockingsRole Play 2: The Packaging of Beer通过练习掌握主要词汇、重要句型2(最后要安排综合性实践项目,如做大型作业、课程设计等)理论教学24学时合计48课时实践教学24三、课程教学内容Chapter 1 Logistics主要讲授:the introduction of logistics, what’s logistics, evolution of the logistics management concept, components of a logistics system, five key issues for logistics effectiveness重点:the introduction of logistics, what’s logistics, evolution of the logistics management concept, components of a logistics system, five key issues for logistics effectiveness难点:five key issues for logistics effectivenessChapter 2 Supply Chain Management主要讲授:Role of Logistics in the Supply Chain,What is Supply Chain Management?重点:Developing a Supply Chain, The Possibility of Creating a Supply Chain,难点:How to set up a supply chain management.Chapter 3 Transportation主要讲授:transportation facility , the transportation modes(rail network ,motor carriers, water transport ,pipelines, air transport) ,transportation management 重点:transportation facility , the transportation modes, transportation management难点:water transport, the economic factors of transportationChapter 4 A Third Party Logistics Provider主要讲授:What is Outsourcing? , Definition of Third Party Logistics重点:Searching the 3PL Companies, Evaluating 3PL companies难点:How to Select a Third Party Logistics ProviderChapter 5 Retailing Logistics主要讲授:Retail Supply Chains, Retailing Logistics in UK重点:The Retail Logistics Landscape Is so Diverse, We Are Totaly Convinced about the Potential of RFID难点:How to understand retail supply chainChapter 6 Chain Store主要讲授:Standardization of the Operation of Chain Stores Opinion, The Definition of Chain Stores重点:The conception about chain stores难点:How to understand a chain storeChapter 7 Distribution Center主要讲授:distribution center, the ABC catering services ltd., an integrated system of DC重点:distribution center, the ABC catering services ltd., an integrated system of DC难点:distribution center, the ABC catering services ltd., an integrated system of DCChapter 8 Intermodal Transportation主要讲授:container system, containerization, containerized traffic, marine technology; container , container logistics(Danish container supply ,mfc, socl)重点:container system , container, container logistics难点:containerization, marine technology ,Danish container supplyChapter 9 Purchasing Management主要讲授:What is Purchasing Management, The Definition of Procurement重点:What is Purchasing , Ordering Equipment难点:Procurement MethodsChapter 10 Information Management主要讲授:the importance of information in logistics management ,logistics dynamics; background information, information requirements determination overview, prototype review ; information technology重点:information logistics ,information work , information system, information technology难点:the importance of information in logistics management , information requirements determination overview, prototype reviewChapter 11 Customer Service主要讲授:What is Customer Service?; Developing a Logistics Service Quality Scale重点:Back-to-back Supply Chain Services Is More Than just Logistics难点:Understand and apply the conception about customer servicesChapter 12 Packaging主要讲授:packaging materials(plastic materials, multilayer’s, aluminum, glass, steel, paper)packaging technique, packaging methods, a trend toward innovation ,strategic implications重点:packaging materials, packaging technology, packagign innovative难点:packaging materials, packaging technique五、课程教学的基本要求教学环节包括:课堂讲授及习题课、课外作业、考试考查等。
物流专业英语UNIT 1

– the definition of logistics – components of a logistics system – five key issues for logistics effectiveness
Key words: logiestics systematic mangement internally Integrated logistics externally integrated logistics global supply chain management
New Words
logistcs container disposition provision acquisition evacuation procurement implement n. n. n. n. n. n. n. vt. 后勤学,后勤 容器,集装箱 部署 供应 获得,采集 撤退,走开 获得,采购 贯彻,实现
The Definition of Logistics
The article introduces various definitions of different editions and the evolution of the logiesitics management concept.
agent unprecedented sophisticated commodity significantly linkage reshape framework MNC
n. 代理(商) adj. 空前的 adj. 诡辩的 n. 日用品 adv. 有意义地,重大地 n. 联接 vt. 改造,再成形 n. 构架,框架,结构 multi-national company / corporation 跨国公司
物流英语unit 1

• 遇到某些词一时无法确定词义,如: Average ,常用的词义是“平均的”,但 是在海洋运输中它有海损的意思,如 general average 共同海损,average clause 海损条款。
of logistics management?
New Words and Phrases
1.new words Logistics ; evolve ; integrate ;
2.构词法:a.名词后缀-tion,-sion b.动词后缀-ize:表示使成为;表示使…化
• Realize,organize,popularize,finalize,econo mize,industrialize,centrlize,modernize,reco lutionize,mechanize,cognize,capitalize.civil ize,criticize,advertize and so.
• Container number list= list of container number集装 箱号码单
• 五、广用缩略词
• 每个领域、行业、学科都有自己的一套特定的缩 写词,甚至在同一个行业中同样的缩写词也会代 表不同的含义,物流专业英语也不例外。
• CRP:continuous replenishment program,连续 库存补充计划
Text 1 What is Logistics
【Para 1】The Definition of Logistics(物 流的概念) 1. There are various definitions of different edition. But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.

What is Logistics? The importance of Logistics Development of Logistics Management
Logistics management has evolved over the last three decades from the narrowly defined distribution management to the integrated management and to the global supply chains.
What is Logistics? The importancห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ of Logistics Development of Logistics Management
What is Logistics?
The Definition of Logistics(物流的概念) There are various definitions of different
edition. But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.
1.In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the pgysical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point. Based on practical need, integrated organically (有机结合)the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, package, distribution and information management, etc.

Originally, logistics is a military term, first used in the Napoleonic era. Logistics, as a military term, is defined as the art of moving armies and keeping them supplied. There are various definitions of different edition afterwards But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice.
organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, package, distribution and information management, etc. (Other activities such as waste disposal, return goods handling, etc. are also important.)

Logistics (military definition):
The science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces… Those aspects of military operations that deal with the design and development, acquisition, storage, movement, distribution, maintenance, evacuation and disposition of material; movement, evacuation, and hospitalization of personnel; acquisition of construction, maintenance, operation and disposition of facilities; and acquisition of furnishing of services.
Logistics English
Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics
Text 1 What is Logistics Text 2 Activities in Logistics System
Text 1 What is Logistics
New Words and Phrases
container transportation warehouse consolidation freight forward
n. 集装箱 n. 运输 v. 仓储,储存 n. 集货,配货 n. 运输,运费 v. 发送,递送

consumption for the purpose of conforming to customers requirements. Note that this definition includes inbound,outbound,internal, and external movements, and return of materials for environmental purposes.
information and providing quality services.
Hale Waihona Puke Functions of Logistics
6The modern conception of logistics consists of several functions, which relate with each other, as follows: 7Procurement deals with the buying of goods and services that keep the organization functioning. Since these inputs have a direct impact on both the cost and quality of the final product/service offered to the consumer, this activity is vital to the success of the logistics effort. The objective is to secure optimal supplier performance with respect to quality, timely delivery,

Unit 1 What Is the Logistics?
1. Logistics is the management of the flow of the goods, information and other resources in a repair cycle between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of customers. 本句虽然很长,但为 简单句;句中in order to引导出目的状语。全句可译为:物流是从原产地到消费地之 间,在维修周期内对产品、信息和其他资源的一种管理流程,其目的是满足消费者 的需要。 2. Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer and legal requirements. 本句为定语从句; 由which引导的定语从句修饰supply chain。全句可译为:物流管理是供给链中负责 规划。执行和控制往返物品迅速有效地流动和储存,提供原产地及消费地之间的服 务及相关信息,以满足顾客需要并符合法律规定。
The term logistics comes from the Greek logos (λόγος), meaning "speech, reason, ratio, rationality, language, phrase", and more specifically from the Greek word logistiki (λογιστική), meaning accounting and financial organization. lodge Its original use was to describe the science of movement, supplying & maintenance of military forces in the field. Later on it was used to describe the management of materials flow through an organization, from raw materials through to finished goods.
1.What is Logistics 物流概论

Pre-text learning1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.2.Every company that sells products will need the service of logistics.3.Logistics is part of a supply chain.4. A bonded warehouse(保税仓库) is a warehouse in which goods are storedwithout excise or customs duties being paid until and unless they are removed from the warehouse to enter country5.Transport is done by railroads ,trucks, ships planes and pipes.6.Our work is mainly to move goods and transmit/receive information at thelowest possible cost .rmation is a key to the process of logistics.8.Warehousing is not a new term ,but it has gained new functions in modernlogistics.9.Inventory control can effectively reduce logistics cost .10.Packaging and sorting are two factors that are included in logistics ..Text what is logistics?Logistics is a unique global “pipeline” that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52weeks a year , planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and service to customers the world over .物流作为一种独特的全球“输送管道”,一天24小时、一周7天、一年52 周、不间断地运营着,计划和协调全球产品和服务的运输和交付。
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What are the scopes of logistics activities 物流活动的范围是什么? As shown in the Figure 3, logistics activities are extensive and consist of various components. 如图3所示,物流活动是广泛的并且包括了多种构成成份。
流通是把商品/产品(半成品或成品)移动到不同地点或客户的 行为或过程。通常来说,制造厂商把重心放在生产上,而 物流公司则从事商品的流通。
What is logistics? 什么是物流? Logistics, in a narrow sense, is the flow and storage of goods.
狭义上讲,物流是r, the Council of Logistics Management of USA has given an authoritative definition which is widely accepted by the logistics professionals. 然而,美国物流管理协会给出了一个权威的定义,该定义受到 物流专业人士的广泛接受。
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
Figure 1 A typical supply chain 图1 典型的供应链
The Coca Cola soft drink product moves by the typical supply chain. The retail price is higher because value is added to the product as it passes through each node in the supply chain (Figure 2). 可口可乐软饮料产品就是依照典型的供应链来移动的,其零售 价更高,是因为当产品经过供应链的每个节点时增加了价 值(图2)。
A选择是极少出现的情况,因为从 厂家直接购买的总物流成本 对于个人而言是极其昂贵的 (在上述的情况中,达到了 零售价的2.6倍),虽然其采 购价要比零售价低得多。
Choice B is the most popular for individual consumers, in which the customer pays a higher retail price in exchange for ease of shopping and exemption of the timeconsuming travel to the manufacturer, in addition to a lower total cost. B选择是个人零散客户最常用的选择,在此种方式下,客户支付 较高的零售价,在享有较低的总成本的同时,还可以换取 购物的轻松并免除到厂家取货的耗时旅程。
Production is the act or process of converting raw materials into semi-finished goods or finished goods ready for sale/delivery. For instance, a flour mill buys wheat (raw materials) from farmers, processes it into flour (semi-finished products) and sells it to a bakery, who then turns it into bread (finished products) ready for sale to end consumers (Figure 4). 生产是把原材料转换成半成品或成品供销售或交货的行为或过 程。譬如,一家面粉厂从农民处购买小麦(原材料)、加 工成面粉(半成品)并将面粉出售给面包店,面包店用面 粉做成面包(成品),用于出售给最终消费者(图4)。
Reading materials 阅读材料
Production vs distribution 生产 vs 流通
There are two types of primary activities concerning the production of products: production and distribution. 关于产品的生产,有两类基本的活动:生产与流通。
1.5 1.6 1.7
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Wholesaler 批发商
End consumer 最终客户
Figure 2 A presumptive value-added model 图2 推定增值模型
Retailer (Supermarket) 零售商(超市)
All facets of logistics 物流面面观 From a wider perspective, we can conclude that logistics is or is about: 从更加广泛的视角来看, 我们可以得出结论, 物流是或者是关于…
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the flow and storage of goods, people, finance, services and related information physical distribution or distribution of physical goods an integral part of the supply chain 商品、人员、资金、服务和相关信息的流动与存储 实体配送或实体物资的配送 供应链的整体部分
Generally speaking, movements of goods/product observe the typical supply chain model (See Figure 1). 一般来说,商品/产品的流转需遵循典型的供应链模式(见图 1)。
Manufacturer 厂家
Distributor 配送商
Sourcing 采办 Purchasing 采购 Transport 运输
Warehousing 仓储 Financing Support 融资支持
Logistics activities 物流活动
Inventory Management 库存管理 Customer Support 客户支持
Figure 3 Scope of logistics activities 图3 物流活动的范围
Distribution is the act or process of moving goods/product (semifinished or finished) to various locations/customers. Usually manufacturers focus on production, while logistics companies engage in distribution of goods.
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Choice A is rarely the case because the total logistics cost of direct purchase from the manufacturer is prohibitive for any individual (2.6 times as much as the retail price in the above case), though its purchase price is much lower than the retail price.
go straight to the manufacturer, buy it at ex-factory price (e.g. 1.50 Yuan/bottle) but pay extra costs for bus fare (e.g. 5 Yuan or more) , totaling 6.50 Yuan plus time cost (hours of bus travel), or 直接到厂家以出厂价(如1.50元/瓶)购买,但要支付额外的 公共汽车费(如5元或更多),总计6.50元,还要另加时间成 本(数小时的巴士乘坐),或者 go to a supermarket and buy it at retail price (e.g. 2.50 Yuan) with minimal time cost 去超市以零售价购买(如2.50元/瓶),时间成本最低。
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integration and optimization of resources a value-added process efficiency increase and cost reduction Innovation 资源的整合与优化 一个增值过程 提高效率与降低成本 创新
“Logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective flow and storage of goods, service and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption to meet customers’ requirements.” “物流是供应链的一部分,它对产品、服务和相关信息从原产 地到消费地的高效率和高效力的流动及存储进行规划、实 施和控制,以满足客户的要求。”
It is worth noting that there is a wide-spread misleading concept about logistics, especially among amateurs, that logistics is transport. True, transport is the core component of logistics and without it nothing can move. Nevertheless logistics means far more than transport alone can convey. 值得注意的是,人们,尤其是非专业人士,对物流有一种广泛 的误导性概念,即认为物流就是运输。的确,运输是物流 的核心构成部分,没有运输什么也动不起来。即使如此, 物流仍然比单独的运输所能传达的意义要深远得多。