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2010-01-01 09:50



例如:Have you any red ink?你有一点儿红墨水吗?

If you have any(red ink),please give me some(red ink).有的话,请给我一点儿。

Sorry,I haven't any(red ink)left.抱歉。我没有剩下什么(红墨水)了。

比较:“Have you any red ink?”—“No,I haven't any(red ink)left”.


“Have you any red ink?”—“Yes,I have some(red ink)left”.



例如:Have you some tea?你要不要再喝些茶?

Would you like some tea?来点儿茶喝喝,怎么样?

比较:Have you some tea?你要不要喝些茶?(= You havesome tea,haven't you?)

Will you have some tea?你是不是想喝点儿茶?(= You will have some tea,won't you?)

Will you please give me some tea?请你给我一点儿茶喝喝,好吗?(形式上是句疑问句,但实质上是提出一种请求,所以要用some)Would you like more tea?你还要再来点茶吗?(说话者正期待对方肯定回答,所以也要用some)

Are there any more reference books in the reading-room?阅览室里有没有更多一些参考书呢?(说话者不一定有把握对方如何回答)

Are there some more reference books in the reading-room?阅览室里不是已有好些参考书了吗?(说话者期待对方回答“Yes”或“Yes,but…”)

If you need any help,just let me know.你如需要帮忙,尽管对我讲好了。(说话者不知道对方需要什么,只是表示自己的意愿)If you need some help,just let me know.你如需要我帮点儿忙,尽管对我讲好了。(说话者知道对方需要他帮忙,希望对方提出肯定的要求)


例如:If we had any/some money,we could buy it.有钱的话,我们就能把它买下来。

If we find any/some good one,we'll share them with you.如能找到好一些的,我们就和你们分分。

比较:If you ever have any difficulty,just let me know.你如有什么困难,尽管对我讲好了。

I won't let you know,unless something unforeseen happens.




例如:But Harry denied he had done anything wrong.可是哈里否认他曾做过什么错事。

It is a pity that we have forgot to ask any change.可惜,我们忘了请求变动了。

Please try your best to prevent any loss.请你尽力避免遭到什么损失。

比较:He denied I had offered him any help.他否认我曾帮过他什么忙。

He admitted I had offered him some help.他承认我曾帮过他一些忙。

1e.同样,同那些含有否定意义的形容词如 unaware、unwise,副词如hardly、seldom、too和介词against、without 等搭配,也要使用前者,不用后者。

例如:Sid knew from the expression on Tom's face that it would be unwise to ask him any questions.锡特从汤姆的脸色就已看出,向他提出什么疑问是不明智的。

We have hardly any leisure nowadays.如今,我们难得有什么空闲了。

Being told things for our good seldom does any.道听途说的好话往往是靠不住的。

No one is against any proposal beneficial to health.有益于健康的建议是没有人会反对的。

If you slip up a second time they kick you out without any hesitation.要是你再不小心出了差错,他们会毫不客气地把你开除的。

比较:She's too old to do any work.她年事已高,干不了什么活了。

She's old enough to do some work.她已长大了,可以干些活了。

Tommy can answer your question without any difficulty,Isuppose.我看,汤米回答你的问题没啥困难。

But Robert answers your question with some difficulty,I suppose.我看,罗伯特回答你的问题不无困难。


例如:Since Broddingnag is far away from any other country I was surprised that it should have any army.既然大人国离别的国家如此遥远,我真不明白还要军队干啥。(表示怀疑)

I doubt whether you have any money left.我不信你还会有钱
