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1. 科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案;

2. 各类科技情报和文字资料;

3. 科技实用手册(Operative Means,包括仪器、仪表、机械、工具等)的结构描述和操作规程;

4. 有关科技问题的会谈、会议、交谈的用语;

5. 有关科技的影片、录像等有声资料的解说词,等等。

1. 科技著述、科技论文和报告、实验报告和方案;

2. 各类科技情报和文字资料;

•这两项科技英语,在文体学上统称为科学散文。(scientific prose)




•(1) 无人称(Impersonal)

•(2) 语气正式(Formal in Mode of


•(3) 陈述客观、准确(Objective and

Accurate in Statement)

•(4) 语言规范(Standard in Language)

•(5) 文体质朴(Unadorned in stylistics)

•(6) 逻辑性强(Strict in Logic)

•(7) 专业术语性强(Concentrated in

Technical Terms)





•The general layout of the illumination system and lenses of the microscope corresponds to the layout of the light microscope. The electron “gun” which produces the electrons is equivalent to the light source of the optical microscope. The electrons are accelerated by a high-voltage potential (usually 40,000 to 100 000 volts), and pass through a condenser lens system usually composed of two magnetic lenses. The system concentrates the beam on to the specimen, and the objective lens provides the primary magnification. The final images in the electron microscope must be projected on to a phosphor-coated screen so that it can be seen. For this reason, the lenses that are equivalent of the eyepiece in an optical microscope are called “projector” lenses.

(From Thornley G C, Further Scientific English Practice)


A Talk about Corrosion

Dr. Brown: Good Morning, Mr. Smith. Can I take your coat? Awful weather, isn‟t it? Sit down. Cigarette?

Mr. Smith: No, I don‟t smoke, thanks very much.

Dr. Brown: Well, I‟ve been looking into your enquiry about the corrosion trouble you‟ve been getting in the control valve. I‟m sorry you‟ve had trouble --- quite unexpected --- but I think we have the answer. The most probable cause of corrosion at a metal-to-metal junction immersed in an ionized fluid is electrolytic.

(From BBC, Scientifically Speaking )







•在修辞手段上,科技文章以交际修辞为主(Dominated in communicative rhetoric), 文风质朴、描述准确,不像文学文体那样富于美学修辞(Aesthetic rhetoric)手段和艺术色彩。



•根据现代修辞学的观点,修辞的目的在于提高语言的表达效果(Brooks & Warren 1979)
