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Australian Government responsibilities
• Provides the bulk of public funding to universities • Ensures providers meet quality and accountability requirements, including: – financial viability requirements; – quality requirements; – fairness requirements; – compliance requirements; and – contribution and fee requirements. • These apply to Australian universities, overseas universities operating in Australia and other higher education providers that receive Australian Government funding under the Higher Education Support Act 2003.
• • • • • Overview of Australia’s Higher Education system Role of Government Funding the system Ensuring quality Recent developments
– 2008-09 Budget measures – Review of Australian Higher Education
Funding cluster rates in 2007 and 2008
Disciplines in new clusters Law Accounting, Administration, Economics, Commerce Humanities Mathematics and Statistics Behavioural Science and Social Studies Education Computing, Built Environment, other Health Clinical Psychology Allied Health Foreign Languages, Visual and Performing Arts Nursing Engineering, Science, Surveying Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Science Agriculture Funding in 2007 $1,642 $2,703 $4,556 $5,381 $7,233 $7,950 $8,057 $7,233 $8,057 $9,908 $10,953 $13,411 $16,810 $17,870 $11,280 $14,363 $18,227 Funding in 2008 $1,674 $4,647
• Loan scheme to help eligible students pay for: – student contributions (HECS-HELP) – tuition fees (FEE-HELP) – overseas study expenses (OS-HELP) • No interest
• Demand
• What does the Australian higher education system look like?
Size and shape of the sector
• Diverse higher education sector, including:
– 37 public universities
Australian Higher Education
3、 美国25所最受欢迎的大学:凭借各自的特点 4、怎样创办特色?
Today’s presentation

Student numbers:
– ≈ 756,000 domestic students* – ≈ 273,000 overseas students*
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*2007 latest data
Higher education enrolments, 1949 to present
Support for Students
Commonwealth supported students: Maximum student contribution amounts
Student contribution band
Band 3 Law, dentistry, medicine, veterinary science, accounting, administration, economics, commerce Mathematics, statistics, computing, built environment, health, engineering, science, surveying, agriculture Humanities, behavioural science, social studies, foreign languages, visual and performing arts Education, nursing
Fees and C harges 22%
Upfront Student C ontributions 3%
State and Local Government Financial Assistance 4%
FEE-HELP - Australian Government Payments 2%
HEC S-HELP - Australian Government Payments 11%
• How do we maintain quality?
Australian Higher Education Quality Assurance Framework
Role of Government in Quality Assurance
• Australian Government: funding, external monitoring, information provision, accreditation and approval, policy frameworks and provision of tools and incentives to enhance quality of outcomes. • State and Territory Governments: accreditation and approval of higher education institutions and courses (National Protocols for Higher Education Approval Processes: http://www.mceetya.edu.au/pdf/protocols.pdf). • These governments are jointly represented through the Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs (MCEETYA).
Location of institutions
• What is the Government’s role?
Two levels of government
• State and Territory governments have major legislative responsibilities • Australian Government has significant financial and policy responsibility
institutions: funding student places
• Key elements in funding of undergraduate and postgraduate non-research places: – Commonwealth Grant Scheme – Student contributions and fees – Higher Education Loan Programme (HELP) • HECS-HELP • FEE-HELP • OS-HELP • Other funding for specific purposes – eg. Higher Education Endowment Fund, Capital Development Pool, Diversity and Structural Adjustment Fund, Learning and Teaching Performance Fund.
Funding provided to institutions: Commonwealth Grant Scheme • Major source of Australian Government funding – in 2007,
$3.5 billion. • Provides transparency and fairness by funding all higher education providers for student places on the same basis. • Australian Government provides a contribution, set by discipline, towards the cost of an agreed number of Commonwealth supported places. • Includes: Regional loading Enabling loading Medical student loading
• How is the system funded?
Higher education sector revenue 2006
C onsultancy and C ontracts 5% Investment Revenue 4% Other Income ** 7% Australian Government Grants 42%
19 49 19 51 19 53 19 55 19 57 19 59 19 61 19 63 19 65 19 67 19 69 19 71 19 73 19 75 19 77 19 79 19 81 19 83 19 85 19 87 19 89 19 91 19 93 19 95 19 97 19 99 20 01 20 01 20 03 20 05 20 07
Full Year Data for 2001 to 2006 842,183 (2001) 1,029,846 ( 2007)
221,281 includes teacher colleges (1973)
110,250 includes colleges of advanced education (1965) 31,753 (1949)
Range (per EFTSL) (For students commencing on or after 1 January 2008)
$0 – $8,499
Band 2
$0 – $7,260
Band 1
$0 – $5,095
National priorities
$0 – $4,077
Higher Education Loan Program (HELP)
– indexed annually in line with the Consumer Price Index
• Income contingent – repay when income meets the income threshold through the taxation system
– 2 private universities, and one branch of an overseas university
– 3 self accrediting providers – ≈ 150 other higher education providers approved by State and territory legislation