死亡诗社影评大全《死亡诗社》Dead Poets Society>主要演员:罗宾·威廉斯罗伯特·希·雷奥纳德埃森·霍克剧情概要:1959年,威尔顿预备学院以它凝重的风格受到了当时人们的尊敬。
John Keating 反传统的教育方法给学院带来了一丝生气:在他的课堂里,他鼓励学生站在课桌上,用一个崭新的视角去观察周围的世界;他向学生介绍了许多有思想的诗歌;他所提倡的自由发散式的思维哲学在学生中引起了巨大的反响。
不幸也在这时发生了……这部影片是Peter Weir 的上乘之作,曾得到四项学院奖的题名,并且赢得了最佳电影原创剧本奖。
死亡诗社(Dead Poets Society)PPT
The movie was shoot in 1989, 2 years after the stock market crash happened in 1987 the U.S.A. People during this time prefer to have a carpe diem time. It may be the reason why Mr`Keating said seizing the day. It was a hard time and people want some breakthrough. And this may be the spirit want to show in the movie.
• John Keating---Robern Williams
Robert L. Williams (born March 2, 1943) is an American painter, cartoonist, and founder of Juxtapoz Art & Culture Magazine. Williams was one of the group of artists who produced Zap Comix, along with other underground cartoonists, such as Robert Crumb, S. Clay Wilson, and Gilbert Shelton. His mix of California car culture, cinematic apocalypticism, and film noir helped to create a new genre of psychedelic imagery.
我记得一幕,his college asked him:“what you want them to be?”he answered:“free thinker”很简单的回答,我觉得却是回答出了教育的最终目标。
john keating最后还是被解雇了。
但从另一个方面想,john keating还是幸运的,他并没有白白牺牲,他至少感化了一些人,让他们重新认识了自我,让他们明白自己究竟想怎样去挑战将来,虽然有人为此付出了生命的代价(这算是剧中让人感到最惋惜,悲伤的一幕吧),但我觉得至少他们进步了,至少像一个完整的人了。
我不奢望自己有类似john keating的spirit leader来引导我(或许也存在,只是我还没发现)。
死亡诗社,外文名dead poets society,又译为春风化雨;暴雨骄阳,是由罗宾·威廉姆斯、伊桑·霍克以及罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德主演的一部>,故事讲述的是一个有思想的老师和一群希望突破的学生之间的故事。
告诉学生们要“把握当下”(拉丁文:carpe diem,英文:seize the day),并以该原则行事。
他的学生们甚至于反抗学校的禁令,重新成立基廷曾于该校学生时代参与过的秘密小组——死亡诗社(dead poets society,另译:古人诗社),在校外很远的山洞中探讨诗歌、人生。
《死亡诗社》经典语录!(加中文翻译)Carpe diem. Seize the day,boys. Make your lives extraordinary.人生就应该是快乐的,要抓住每一天,孩子们。
(《死亡诗社》1989)在《死亡诗社》这部教育电影中,风趣幽默的John Keating老师给学校带来的希望,也带来了恐慌。
John Keating 反传统的教育方法给学院带来了一丝生气:在他的课堂里,他鼓励学生站在课桌上,用一个崭新的视角去观察周围的世界;他向学生介绍了许多有思想的诗歌;他所提倡的自由发散式的思维哲学在学生中引起了巨大的反响。
不幸也在这时发生了……岁月已经将绝大部分教师的激情冲垮或者抵消,但John Keating老师维持了激情和梦想,他让学生和教师看到教育的另一条道路,他让所有观众看到教育的希望。
获1990年第62届奥斯卡奖最佳原著剧本奖并获最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳男主角提名,获1990年第43届英国电影学院奖最佳影片、最佳电影配乐、最佳原创歌曲奖,获1991 年第16届凯撒电影节最佳外语片奖。
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may 花开堪折直需折 Old Time is still a-flying 时光易逝 And this same flower that smiles today 今日轻绽浅笑的花朵 Tomorrow will be dying 明日便将凋零
• • • • 结 第 第 简 语 二 一 介 课 课
carpe diem——及时行乐
• 基廷老师带领孩子们站在一百多年前的优 秀校友照片前,看那些盛载着梦想和能量 的青春躯壳,然后,他轻声告诉孩子们: Seize the day! Make your lives extraordinary!把握美好时光,让生命与众 简 语 二 一 介 课 课
I went to the woods 我步入丛林 because I wanted to live deliberately, 因为我希望生活有意义 I wanted to live deep 我希望活得深刻 and suck out all the marrow of life, 吸取生命中的所有精华把非生命的一切都击溃 and not when I had come to die, 以免当我生命终结 discover that I had not lived. 却发现自己从未活过 ——梭罗
• 你的一生曾经有没有 因为什么人而改变过? 我没有。但我知道在 美国威尔顿的贵族学 校里那群学生的道路 被基汀老师改变 了 ……
• • • • 结 第 第 简 语 二 一 介 课 课
• 《死亡诗社》是一部经典的成长小说 。是奥斯卡 大奖电影《死亡诗社》(又名《春风化雨》)的 同步小说。 • 小说描绘了一个思想新锐的教师基廷向僵化的教 育模式发起挑战的经过,歌颂了文学的大美,倡 导了一种“人,诗意地栖居”的生活方式。一群 学生在最美好的青年时代遇到了激情似火、性情 张扬,热爱文学和人生、鼓舞年轻人发挥个性的 基廷老师,开始走出自己的人生。
1、基廷老师——唤醒者 托德、尼尔等——被唤醒者 校长等老师、尼尔父亲——保守势力 束缚和压抑的世界VS自由和激情的梦想的世界 故事过程:蒙昧——启蒙与解放(基廷老师出现)——镇压(尼 尔去世)——觉醒(托德挺身而出) 2、Seize the day(抓住每一天)
啊,船长,我的船长!请起来听听这钟声, 起来呀——旗帜在为你扩展——号角在为你哀鸣, 花束和花环为你赞礼,人群为你挤满了海岸, 他们向你呼唤,这些晃动的人群,朝你高仰着急切的 脸; 在这里,船长!亲爱的父亲! 请把你的头枕着这只臂膀, 在这甲板上那是一场梦, 你倒下死了,已经冰凉。
Hale Waihona Puke 接上文我的船长没有回答,他的嘴唇惨白而僵冷, 我的父亲感觉不到我的臂膀,他已经没有脉搏和神经, 船只安全而稳定地下锚了,它的航行已宣告完毕, 胜利的船只从可怕的旅途中走来,达到了目的; 欢呼啊,海岸,敲响啊,巨钟! 但是我悲痛地踉跄, 行走在甲板上,在那里我的船长躺着, 他倒下死了,已经冰凉。
死亡诗社 Dead Poets Society 又名:春风化雨
导演:彼得•威尔(Peter Weir) 代表作品:《悬崖下的晚餐》(1977)、《死亡诗 社》(1989)、《楚门的世界》(1997)、《怒海 争锋》(2003) 获奖:1990年奥斯卡最佳原著剧本奖 演员: 罗宾•威廉斯(Robin Williams),代表作品:《早 安越南》、《心灵捕手》、《窈窕奶爸》 伊桑•霍克 ,代表作品:《训练日》
其中最有代表性的就是芬兰诗人Lizett Thomesen, Alfred Szklarski 同时也是网站维护者以及洪堡和肯德雷特·米勒等,他们的诗歌有着别样的艺术魅力,体现了死亡诗社特有的主题,即冲击力,入木三分的表达技巧。
例如Lizett Thomesen的诗歌,她的诗歌把痛苦和灿烂完美地结合在一起,被誉为“极地之星”。
例如她的《夜鹰》,通过一只夜鹰飞翔的片段,表达出了一种悲伤迷茫的心情:“我们把梦境从梦醒之时残忍地离开 / 在梦境之夜,我们用黑暗遮盖自己,使痛苦无法触摸。
” Alfred Szklarski也以他独具特色的诗歌著称。
例如,他的诗《我的灵魂》中描述了一种心灵的苦闷与挣脱,使诗歌更具感染力:“我的心灵牢不可破,它从束缚中解脱出来,释放出一股隐藏的力量 / 猛烈如狂暴的怒火升腾,如伟大的海洋,彻底燃尽一切憎恨。
”洪堡和肯德雷特·米勒也给死亡诗社写出过多有意义的诗歌,其中有洪堡的诗《飞翔的思想》,描述了一种出访的情绪,表达了人们对无常的焦虑:“暗夜的空气沉重而阴沉,触摸隐藏的愁绪 / 忧郁深深地笼罩,旅途需要把自己藏起来,把梦想秘密地收藏起来。
”而肯德雷特·米勒的诗歌《乌云压城》里,则意在描绘人们在没有希望的情形下,宁愿虔诚信仰还是屈身伪装:“我担心乌云压城,昧着良心只为了挣扎 / 我担心我能否把我的担子搬得更远,把它遗忘在即将到来的乌云当中。
死亡诗社-英语简介 赏析
The teacher wanted to teach the boys to be freethinkers
The school thought the teacher was misguiding the students
the conflicts of the different ideas about teaching between Mr. Keating and Welton
➢ I went to the woods ➢ because I wished to live deliberately, ➢ I wanted to live deep and suck out all the morrow of life, ➢ and not when I had come to die, ➢ discovered that I had not lived.
➢Place: Welton Academy ➢Time: 1959 ➢Main characters: ➢ teacher: John Keating ➢ students: Neil Pretty
Todd Anderson Charllie Dalton Knox Overstreet Richard Cameron
➢He let everyone stand on a chair to watch the world.
The Third Class
➢He encouraged students' personality and ideals. ➢Students set up “Dead Poets Society” to release
➢ 我步入丛林/ ➢ 因为我希望生活得有意义/ ➢ 我希望活得深刻/吸取生命中所有的精华/ ➢ 把非生命的一切都击溃/ ➢ 以免当我生命终结/ ➢ 发现自己从没有活过
我相信大部分的孩子都会喜欢这个非传统的老师,吹着口哨进课堂,将课堂搬到教室外的连廊,鼓励学生撕掉课本的前言…… 我们能看见他真诚善良,鼓励孩子克服困难,帮助孩子超越自己。
诗歌本身所企望的自由,却被各种格律、音韵 所牵制,如同关押于牢笼的囚鸟,支不开羽翼。 流浪诗人基廷终究做不了救世主,他唯能尽力 寻求改变。尼尔死去时,他沉默得让人害怕, 他长久地盯着自己的影子,恍若整个身躯要陷 落到影子里。他是船长,但终究也是海盗。 所幸的是,终有东西被传承下来,关于自由和 希望的信仰,关于诗歌的真谛
彼得·威尔 Tom C h u l man
罗伯特·肖恩·莱纳德 128 分钟 1989年6月2日 USA:PG英语彩色.
故事发生在50年代末美国佛蒙特州的威尔顿学院,这是一所 著名的男生大学预科学校,以校风严谨著称,崇尚 “Tradition传统、Honor荣誉、Discipline纪律、Excellence卓越” 的校训。开学典礼气氛肃穆,美丽的威尔顿学院又迎来了一 批新的学员为了能考上著名大学,孩子们开始了学院里古板
给林肯的那首诗《Oh Captain, My Captain》,然后他让孩子们称他为船
基廷,这个彻头彻尾的诗人,这位 不朽的船长,是你,潜移默化、 不遗余力地启发我们,唤醒我们 沉睡的心灵。你的教育里无时无 刻不在渗透着这样一种气质:生 命的激情、独立的思想、坚持梦 想及勇气。
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Dead Poets Society scriptNow remember, keep your shoulders back.Okay. Put your arm around your brother. That's it.That's it, right there.Okay, one more.Now, just to review.You're going to follow along with the procession...until you get to the headmaster.At that point, he will indicate to you to light the candles of the boys.All right, boys, let's settle down.Banners up!Ladies and gentlemen, boys, the light of knowledge.One hundred years ago, in 1859...41 boys sat in this room...and were asked the same question...that now greets you at the start of each semester.Gentlemen, what are the four pillars?Tradition, honor...discipline, excellence.ln her first year...Welton Academy graduated five students.Last year, we graduated 51...and more than 75% of those...went on to the lvy League.This, this kind of accomplishment...is the result...of fervent dedication to the principles taught here.This is why you parents have been sending us your sons.This is why we are the best preparatory school in the United States.As you know...our beloved Mr. Portius of the English Department retired last term.You will have the opportunity later to meet his replacement Mr. John Keating... himself an honors graduate of this school.And who, for the past several years...has been teaching at the highly regarded Chester School in London.- Richard, you forgot your bag. - Hi, Johnny. Hey, how you doin'?Glad you could come by.-Thrilling ceremony as usual, Dr. Nolan. -You've been away too long.- Hello, Dr. Nolan. - Good to have you. - This is our youngest, Todd.Mr. Anderson, you have some big shoes to fill, young man.- Your brother was one of our finest. - Thank you.- Lovely ceremony. - Thank you. l'm so glad you liked it.- Gale. - Tom.- Good to see you again. - Hello, Mr. Nolan.- Neil, we expect great things from you this year. - Thank you, sir.- Well, he won't disappoint us. Right, Neil? - l'll do my best, sir.- Come on, son. - Chin up. - Okay.- Chin up. - No tears now.- l don't want to go here. - Honey, l love you.- l'll walk you over. - There, there. Do your lessons.Hey. l hear we're gonna be roommates.- l'm Neil Perry. - l'm Todd Anderson.- Why'd you leave Balincrest? - My brother went here.Oh, so you're that Anderson!This is for his sinuses. And, oh, if he, if he can't, uh, swallow, you give him one of these. - And if he has trouble breathing, you give him-- - All right, fine.And, oh, did you remember your vaporizer? And the vapor--- Hey, how's it going, Neil? - Come down here.- Neil? Study group tonight? - Yeah, sure.Business as usual, huh? Hey, l heard you got the new kid.Looks like a stiff! Oops.Listen. Don't mind Cameron. He's, uh, born with his foot in his mouth.Know what l mean?Rumor has it, you did summer school.Yep. Chemistry. My father thought l should get ahead.- How was your summer, Slick? - Keen.- Meeks, door, closed. - Yes, sir!Gentlemen, what are the four pillars?Travesty, horror, decadence, excrement.Okay, study group.Meeks aced Latin. l didn't quite flunk English.So, if you want, we got our study group.Sure. Cameron asked me too. Anyone mind including him?What's his specialty? Bootlicking?- Um, he's your roommate. - That's not my fault!Uh, l'm sorry. My name is Stephen Meeks.- Oh, this is Todd Anderson. - Nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you.Charlie Dalton.Knox Overstreet.Todd's brother was Jeffrey Anderson.- Oh, yeah, sure! - Ooh, wow.- Valedictorian, National Merit Scholar. - Oh, well!Welcome to Hell-ton!lt's every bit as tough as they say unless you're a genius like Meeks.He flatters me. That's why l help him with Latin.And English, and trig.lt's open.Father, l thought you'd gone.- Mr. Perry, sir. - Keep your seats, fellas. Keep your seats.Neil, l've just spoken to Mr. Nolan.l think that you're taking too many extracurricular activities this semester.And l've decided that you should drop school annual.-But l'm the assistant editor this year. -Well, l'm, l'm sorry, Neil.- But, Father, l can't. lt wouldn't be fair. - Fellas?Would you excuse us for a moment?- Don't you ever dispute me in public! Do you understand? - Father, l wasn't disputing you--After you've finished medical school and you're on your own, then you can do as you damn well please.But until then, you do as l tell you. ls that clear?Yes, sir. l'm sorry.You know how much this means to your mother, don't you?Yes, sir.You know me. l'm always taking on too much.Well, that's my boy.Now, listen. You need anything, you let us know, huh?Yes, sir.Why doesn't he let you do what you want?Yeah, Neil, tell him off. lt couldn't get any worse.Oh, that's rich! Like you guys tell your parents off, Mr. Future Lawyer and Mr. Future Banker?Okay, so l don't like it any more than you do.Well, just don't tell me how to talk to my father. You guys are the same way.All right, all right. Jesus. So what are you gonna do then?What l have to do. Drop the annual.Well, l wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. lt's just a bunch of jerks trying to impress Nolan.l don't care. l don't give a damn about any of it.Well, uh, Latin, 8:00 in my room?- Yes. - l guess so.- Todd, you're welcome to join us. - Yeah, come along, pal.Thanks.Slow down, boys!Slow down, you horrible phalanx of pubescence!Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list...and report on them every five weeks.The first 20 questions at the end of chapter one are due tomorrow.- Agricolam. - Agricolam.- Agricola. - Agricola.- Agricolae. - Agricolae.- Agricolarum. - Agricolarum.- Agricolis. - Agricolis.- Agricolas. - Agricolas.- Agricolis. - Agricolis.- Again, please. Agricola. - Agricola.Your study of trigonometry...requires absolute precision.Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment...will be penalized one point off their final grade.Let me urge you now not to test me on this point.Hey, Spaz! Spaz!Brain damage!Well, come on!- Let's go. - Let's go, guys.11O Captain! My captain!11Who knows where that comes from?Anybody.Not a clue?lt's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln.Now, in this class, you can either call me Mr. Keating...or if you're slightly more daring O Captain, my Captain.Now let me dispel a few rumors, so they don't fester into facts.Yes, l, too, attended Hell-ton and have survived.And, no, at that time l was not the mental giant you see before you.l was the intellectual equivalent of a 98-pound weakling.l would go to the beach, and people would kick copies of Byron in my face. Now...Mr. Pitts.That's a rather unfortunate name. Mr. Pitts, where are you?Mr. Pitts, will you open your hymnal to page 542?Read the first stanza of the poem you find there.- 11To The Virgins to Make Much of Time11? - Yes. That's the one. Somewhat appropriate, isn't it?11Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a-flying...and this same flower that smiles today, tomorrow will be dying.''Thank you, Mr. Pitts.11Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.11The Latin term for that sentiment is carpe diem.Now who knows what that means?Carpe diem. That's seize the day.- Very good, Mr.-- - Meeks.Meeks. Another unusual name.Seize the day.11Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.11- Why does the writer use these lines? - Because he's in a hurry.No! Ding!Thank you for playing anyway.Because we are food for worms, lads.Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room...is one day going to stop breathing...turn cold, and die.l would like you to step forward over here...and peruse some of the faces from the past.You've walked past them many times, but l don't think you've really looked at them. They're not that different from you, are they?Same haircuts...full of hormones just like you.lnvincible just like you feel.The world is their oyster.They believe they're destined for great things just like many of you.Their eyes are full of hope just like you.Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives...even one iota of what they were capable?Because you see, gentlemen, these boys are now fertilizing daffodils.But if you listen real close...you can hear them whisper their legacy to you.Go on, lean in. Listen.Do you hear it?Carpe.Hear it?Carpe.Carpe diem.Seize the day, boys.Make your lives extraordinary.- That was weird. - But different.Spooky, if you ask me.Think he'll test us on that stuff?Oh, come on, Cameron, don't you get anything?What? What?Let's go, boys. Hustle up in here. That means you, Dalton.All right, who's up for our trig study group tonight, guys?- Sure. - Me. - Me, me, me.Well, l can't make it, guys. l have to have dinner at the Danburrys' house tonight. - Ooh, not the Danburrys. - Who are the Danburrys?Big alums! How'd you swing that?Friends of my dad's. They're probably in their 90s or something.- Hey. - Sounds great, doesn't it? - Anything's better than Hell-ton hash.- Knox. - l'll second that. - Yeah, well, we'll see.Hey! Want to come to the study group tonight?Wha-- Uh, no. No. l've, l-l've got some history l want to do.Suit yourself.Ready, Overstreet?Ready to go, sir.- Chet, can you get that? - l can't, Mom. - l'll get it.Can l help you?Hi. K-Knox Overstreet. Uh, Dr. Hager.Hi.- This is the Danburrys', right? - Are, are you here to see Chet?- Mrs. Danburry? - No.l'm sorry. Thank you, Chris. l'm Mrs. Danburry.- You must be Knox. - Yes.Back by 9:00? Please, come on in.- Chris, come on. What are you doing? - Chet, l'm coming.- Knox! How are you? Joe Danburry. - Nice to meet you, sir.Well, he's the splitting image of his father, isn't he?- How is he? Come on in. - He's great. He just did a big case for G.M. Yeah, l know where you're headed. Like father, like son, huh?- Ooh, is that close! - Yes! - Bishop to queen six.- Another game? - What do you mean? - Boo!Replace, uh, these numbers here with X-- For X and Y.- Of course. - Of course. So what's the problem?Do you think l can get in there? You've been hogging it all day.Look, l didn't take my hand off of it, okay?- How was dinner? - Huh?How was dinner?Terrible.- Awful. - What? What happened?Tonight...l met the most beautiful girl l have ever seen in my entire life.- Are you crazy? What's wrong with that? - She's practically engaged. To Chet Danburry.- The guy could eat a football. - Too bad.Too bad? lt's worse than too bad, Pitts. lt's a tragedy.A girl this beautiful in love with such a jerk?All the good ones go for jerks. You know that.Yeah, forget her. Open your trig book and try and figure out problem five. l can't just forget her, Cameron. And l certainly can't think about trig!We got it!All right, gentlemen, five minutes. Let's go.- Did you see her naked? - Very funny, Dalton.That wouldn't be a, uh, radio in your lap, would it, Mr. Pitts?No, sir. A science experiment.Radar.Gentlemen, open your texts to page 21 of the introduction.Mr. Perry, will you read the opening paragraph of the preface...entitled 11Understanding Poetry11?11Understanding Poetry by Dr. J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D.To fully understand poetry, we must first be fluent...with its meter, rhyme and figures of speech.Then ask two questions: One, how artfully has the objective of the poem been rendered? And two, how important is that objective?Question one rates the poem's perfection.Question two rates its importance.And once these questions have been answered...determining the poem's greatness becomes a relatively simple matter.lf the poem's score for perfection is plotted on the horizontal of a graph...and its importance is plotted on the vertical...then calculating the total area of the poem...yields the measure of its greatness.A sonnet by Byron might score high...on the vertical, but only average on the horizontal.A Shakespearean sonnet on the, on the other hand would...score high both horizontally and vertically...yielding a massive total area...thereby revealing the poem to be truly great.As you proceed through the poetry in this book, practice this rating method.As your ability to evaluate poems in this manner grows...so will, so will your enjoyment and understanding of poetry.''Excrement.That's what l think of Mr. J. Evans Pritchard.We're not laying pipe. We're talking about poetry.How can you describe poetry like American Bandstand?11Oh, l like Byron. l give him a 42, but l can't dance to it.11Now, l want you to rip out that page.Go on. Rip out the entire page.You heard me. Rip it out.Rip it out!Go on. Rip it out!Thank you, Mr. Dalton.Gentlemen, tell you what. Don't just tear out that page, tear out the entire introduct ion.l want it gone. History. Leave nothing of it.Rip it out! Rip! Be gone, J. Evans Pritchard, Ph.D.Rip. Shred. Tear. Rip it out!l want to hear nothing but ripping of Mr. Pritchard.We'll perforate it, put it on a roll.lt's not the Bible. You're not gonna go to hell for this.Go on. Make a clean tear. l want nothing left of it.- We shouldn't be doing this. - Rip! Rip! Rip!Rip it out! Rip!Rip it out!What the hell is going on here?- l don't hear enough rips! - Mr. Keating.Mr. McAllister.l'm sorry. l, l didn't know you were here.l am. Ah.So you are.Excuse me.Keep ripping, gentlemen!This is a battle, a war.And the casualties could be your hearts and souls.Thank you, Mr. Dalton.Armies of academics going forward measuring poetry.No! We'll not have that here. No more Mr. J. Evans Pritchard.Now, my class, you will learn to think for yourselves again.You will learn to savor words and language.No matter what anybody tells you...words and ideas can change the world.Now l see that look in Mr. Pitts' eye, like 19th century literature...has nothing to do with going to business school or medical school.Right? Maybe.Mr. Hopkins, you may agree with him, thinking...11Yes, we should simply study our Mr. Pritchard and learn our rhyme and meter... and go quietly about the business of achieving other ambitions.''l've a little secret for you. Huddle up.Huddle up!We don't read and write poetry because it's cute.We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race...and the human race is filled with passion.And medicine, law, business, engineering...these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life.But poetry, beauty...回复12楼2009-03-06 00:28举报|j u e y u a n y u初级粉丝1romance, love...these are what we stay alive for.To quote from Whitman...11O me, O life of the questions of these recurring...of the endless trains of the faithless...of cities filled with the foolish.What good amid these O me, O life?''Answer: that you are here.That life exists, and identity.That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.That the powerful play goes on...and you may contribute a verse.What will your verse be?For what we are about to receive...may the Lord make us truly grateful.Amen.-Quite an interesting class you gave today, Mr. Keating. -Sorry if l shocked you, Mr. McAllister.Oh, there's no need to apologize. lt was very fascinating, misguided though it was. You think so?You take a big risk by encouraging them to become artists, John.When they realize that they're not Rembrandts, Shakespeares or Mozarts, they'll ha te you for it.We're not talking artists, George, we're talking freethinkers.Freethinkers at 17?Funny. l never pegged you as a cynic.Not a cynic.A realist.Show me the heart unfettered by foolish dreams...and l'll show you a happy man.But only in their dreams can men be truly free.'Twas always thus, and always thus will be.Tennyson?No. Keating.Hey, l found his senior annual in the library.Listen to this. Captain of the soccer team, editor of the school annual, Cambridge bound...thigh man, and the Dead Poets Society.11Man most likely to do anything.11Thigh man! Mr. K was a hell-raiser.- What's the Dead Poets Society? - l don't know.- ls there a picture in the annual? - No. - Nothing. No other mention of it.That boy there, see me after lunch.Mr. Keating?Mr. Keating!- Sir? - Say something.O Captain, my Captain?Gentlemen.We were just looking in your old annual.Oh, my God.No, that's not me.Stanley 11The Tool11 Wilson.- God. - What was the Dead Poets Society?l doubt the present administration would look too favorably upon that.Why? What was it?Gentlemen, can you keep a secret?The Dead Poets were dedicated to 11sucking the marrow out of life.11That's a phrase from Thoreau we would invoke at the beginning of every meeting. You see, we would gather at the old lndian cave...and take turns reading from Thoreau, Whitman, Shelley.The biggies! Even some of our own verse.And in the enchantment of the moment, we'd let poetry work its magic.You mean, it was a bunch of guys sitting around reading poetry?No, Mr. Overstreet, it wasn't just guys.We weren't a Greek organization. We were Romantics.We didn't just read poetry, we let it drip from our tongues like honey.Spirits soared, women swooned...and gods were created, gentlemen.Not a bad way to spend an evening, eh?Thank you, Mr. Perry, for this stroll down Amnesia Lane.Burn that, especially my picture.Dead Poets Society.What?- l say we go tonight. - Tonight? - Now wait a minute.回复13楼2009-03-06 00:28举报|j u e y u a n y u初级粉丝1- Where's this cave he's talking about? - lt's beyond the stream. l know where it is. That's miles!- Sounds boring to me. - Don't come.- Do you know how many demerits we're talking, Dalton? - So don't come. Please. Look, all l'm saying is that we have to be careful.- We can't get caught. - No shit, Sherlock.You boys there, hurry up!All right. Who's in?- Oh, come on, Neil, Hager's the-- - Forget Hager! No. Who's in?l'm in.- l'm warning you! Move! - Me, too.- l don't know, Neil. - What? Pitts!- Pittsie, come on! - His grades are hurting, Charlie.- You can help him, Meeks. - What is this? A midnight study group?Forget it, Pitts, you're coming. Meeks, your grades hurting, too?- l'll try anything once. - Except sex.l'm in as long as we're careful.- What about you, Knox? - l don't know, Charlie.Come on, Knox, it'll help you get Chris.Yeah? How?Women swoon!But why do they swoon? Charlie, tell me why they swoon. Charlie!You're not listening. Any questions?Look, you follow the stream to the waterfall.lt's right there. lt's gotta be like that--l don't know. lt's starting to sound dangerous.- Oh. Why don't you just stay home? - Hey, you're crazy.For God's sake, stop chattering and sit down!- Todd, are you coming tonight? - No.Why not? God, you were there. You heard Keating. Don't you want to do somethin g about--Y-Yes. But--But, but what?Keating said that everybody took turns reading and...l don't want to do that.Gosh. You really have a problem with that, don't you?N-No, l, l don't have a problem.Neil, l just-- l don't want to do it, okay?All right.What if you didn't have to read? What if you just came and listened?- T-That's not how it works. - Forget how it works!What if-- What if they said it was okay?What? What, are you gonna go up and ask 'em if--- No, no. - l'll be right back.Neil? Neil?Oh, shut up, will you?lt's my stuff for my asthma, okay? Could you give that back, please?- Could you give that back? - What's the matter? Don't you like snakes?- You're in. - Get away from me, okay?Spaz, why don't you check your pockets?- Come on, Spaz, l have to brush my teeth. - Hurry up. Get off.Cut out that racket in there.- Come on. Let's get out. - Go! Go!l'm a dead poet!- Charlie. - Guys, over here!You're funny. You're real funny.lt's too wet.God, you trying to smoke us out of here?No, no, the smoke's going right up this opening.You okay?Oh, God. Clods.- All right, all right, forget the fire. - Forget it, forget it.- Let's go, gentlemen. - Can't light a swamp.l hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society.Welton Chapter. The, uh, meetings will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present.Uh, Todd Anderson, because he prefers not to read, will keep the minutes of the meetings.l'll now read the traditional opening message...by society member Henry David Thoreau.回复14楼2009-03-06 00:28举报|j u e y u a n y u初级粉丝111l went to the woods because l wanted to live deliberately.l wanted to live deep, and suck out all the marrow of life.''l'll second that.11T o put to rout all that was not life...and not, when l had come to die, discover that l had not lived.''And, uh, Keating's marked a bunch of other pages.All right, intermission. Dig deep. Right here, right here, lay it down.On the mud? We're gonna put our food on the mud?Meeks, put your coat down. Picnic blanket.- Yes, sir! - Excuse me. - Use Meeks' coat.Don't keep anything back, either.You guys are always bumming my smokes.- Raisins? - Yeah.Wait a minute. Who gave us half a roll?- l'm eating the other half. - Come on!What? You want me to put it back?lt was a dark and rainy night.And this old lady, who had a passion for jigsaw puzzles...sat by herself in her house at her table to complete the new jigsaw puzzle. As she pieced the puzzle together...she realized to her astonishment...that the image that was formed was her very own room...and the figure in the center of the puzzle as she completed it was herself. And with trembling hands, she placed the last four pieces...and stared in horror at the face of a demented madman at the window.The last thing that this old lady ever heard was the sound of breaking glass.- No shit. - Yes. This is true. This is true.l've got one that's even better than that. l do.There's a young married couple and they're driving through the forest at night from a long trip.And they run out of gas, and there's a madman on the loose.- Oh, that thing with the hand? - This is the madman on the roof?- l love that story. - l told you that one.- You did not. l got that in, uh, camp in sixth grade. - Yeah. Were you six last ye ar?11ln a mean abode in the Shankill Road lived a man named William Bloat.Now he had a wife, the plague of his life...who continually got his goat.And one day at dawn with her night shift on...he slit her bloody throat.''- Oh, and it gets worse. - Do you wanna hear a real poem?- Want this? - All right? No, l don't need it. You take it.- What, did you bring one? - You memorized a poem?l didn't memorize a poem. Move up.- An original piece by Charlie Dalton. - An original piece.- Take center stage. - You know this is history.Right? This is history.- Oh, wow. - Where did you get that?- Where did you get that? - Whoa.11T each me to love?Go teach thyself more wit.l, chief professor, am of it.The god of love, if such a thing there be...may learn to love from me.''Wow! Did you write that?Abraham Cowley.Okay, who's next?Alfred Lord Tennyson.11Come, my friends.'Tis not too late to seek a newer world.For my purpose holds to sail beyond the sunset.And though we are not now that strength which in old days...moved earth and heaven...that which we are, we are.One equal temper of heroic hearts...made weak by time and fate, but strong in will.回复15楼2009-03-06 00:28举报|j u e y u a n y u初级粉丝1To strive, to seek, to find...and not to yield.''11Then l had religion. Then l had a vision.l could not turn from their revel in derision.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black...cutting through the forest with a golden track.''- Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black... - Meeks. Meeks. cutting through the forest with a golden track.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black...cutting through the forest with a golden track.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black...cutting through the forest with a golden track.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black...cutting through the forest with a golden track.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black...cutting through the forest with a golden track.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black...cutting through the forest with a golden track.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black...cutting through the forest with a golden track.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black...cutting through the forest with a golden track.Then l saw the Congo creeping through the black--A man is not very tired. He is exhausted!And don't use, 11very sad.11 Use--Come on, Mr. Overstreet, you twerp.- Morose? - Exactly! Morose.Now, language was developed for one endeavor, and that is? Mr. Anderson? Come on! Are you a man or an amoeba?Mr. Perry?Uh, to communicate.No! T o woo women.Today we're going to be talking about William Shakespeare.Oh, God!l know. A lot of you look forward to this about as much as you look forward to ro ot canal work.We're gonna talk about Shakespeare as someone who writes something very intere sting.Now, many of you have seen Shakespeare done very much like this.11O Titus, bring your friend hither.11But if any of you have seen Mr. Marlon Brando...you know Shakespeare can be different.11Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.11You can also imagine, maybe, John Wayne as Macbeth going...11Well, is this a dagger l see before me?1111Dogs, sir? Oh, not just now.l do enjoy a good dog once in a while, sir.You can have yourself a three-course meal from one dog.Start with your canine crudites...go to your Fido flambe for main course...and for dessert, a Pekingese parfait.And you can pick your teeth with a little paw.''Why do l stand up here? Anybody?- To feel taller. - No! Thank you for playing, Mr. Dalton.。