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John Keati ng —O Captai n!My Capta in!

The image of Keati ng:

Unconven ti onal , imag in ative, passi on ate, amiable(和蔼可亲的,亲切的),

knowledgeable, idealistic(理想主义的)

Motivati on :.

He wan ted the boys to be free thin kers, which the school thought was misguid ing

the stude nts.

An alysis :

Mr.Keati ng is a quite special teacher in Welt on. He uses his own way to teach,

and challe nges the traditi on way of teach ing in Welt on .(eg: in the movie, he required

the boys to rip out the entire introduction of their textbooks)

He en lighte ns stude nts ' gift, driv ing stude nts to liste n the voice of death so as to

in spire them to seize the day in the first class.

Telling them to find their own steps to trust their own beliefs are unique and

en couragi ng them to sta nd on the desk to con sta ntly look at thi ngs in differe nt ways.

All in all, he does his best to en courage every one to love life and realise what

their hearts are. He was their in spirati on. He made their lives extraord in ary.

However, the reality is cruel. He wan ted to teach the boys to be freeth in kers, this

is his motivati on but the school thought he was misguidi ng the stude nts. Because of

the con flicts of the differe nt ideas about teach ing betwee n Mr.Keat ing and Welt on, the

school forced Mr.Keating to be the scapegoat for Neil ' s death and quit his teaching in Welt on.

The ideal was beated by the reality, and the capta in was expeled. Although

Mr.Keating was fired by the school in the end, what he taught to the students has been remembered by those young boys forever. Once in the En glish class, Mr.Keat ing said ” In my class you will learn to think for yourselves again. ” and I think if he asl

the boys whether they have met his requirement, the answer must be” Yesmy

capta in! ”

Knox Overstreet —The Love Runner deep in the throes of first love, tries to get the girl of his dreams

Knox might be the one who gets most ben efits from the word seize the day
