

迅瘦师功能需求说明书最后一次修改时间:2016-3-1用户确认修订记录目录1引言 (5)1.1目的和范围 (5)1.2方法 (5)1.3参考材料 (5)1.4术语、缩略语 (5)2工作范围细节 (6)2.1总体需求描述 (6)2.2大概功能介绍 (7)2.2.1手机APP (7)2.2.2顾客信息管理 (7)2.2.3生成餐单 (7)2.2.4提交体检报告 (7)2.2.5跟踪记录 (8)3功能规范 (8)3.1首页 (9)3.1.1今日贵宾健康指标查看 (9)3.1.2贵宾健康指标趋势图 (10)3.1.3健康指标异常贵宾预警通知 (11)3.1.4指标异常贵宾餐单修改(高级教练角色) (12)3.2贵宾管理 (13)3.2.1贵宾信息查询浏览 (14)3.2.2贵宾信息新增 (15)3.2.3贵宾信息修改 (16)3.2.4贵宾信息记录跟踪 (17)3.2.5贵宾基本信息查看 (18)3.2.6 协议管理 (19) 协议查询 (20) 协议新增 (21) 协议查看 (25) 协议修改 (26)3.2.7餐单管理 (27)餐单查看浏览 (28)餐单修改 (29)3.3方案管理 (31)3.3.1首页栏目 (31)3.3.2方案查询 (31)3.3.3方案查看 (32)3.3.4方案新增 (32)3.3.5方案修改 (33)3.3.6方案删除 (34)3.4统计分析 (34)3.4.1教练分析 (34)教练统计分析 (34)教练统计分析查询 (34)3.4.2贵宾分析 (35)今日贵宾健康指标 (35)贵宾分析查询 (35)趋势图 (36)提醒 (36)3.5系统管理 (37)3.5.1用户管理 (37)用户信息查询 (37)用户新增 (38)用户信息修改 (39)用户信息查看 (40)用户信息删除 (41)3.5.2角色管理 (42)角色查询 (42)角色新增 (43)角色修改 (44)角色查看 (45)角色删除 (46)3.5.3班级管理 (47)首页栏目 (47)查询班级 (47)查看班级 (48)新增班级 (48)修改班级 (49)删除班级 (49)3.5.4食物管理 (49)首页栏目 (50)食物查询 (50)食物查看 (50)食物新增 (51)食物修改 (52)3.5.5营养品管理 (53)首页栏目 (53)营养品查询 (53)营养品查看 (54)营养品新增 (54)营养品修改 (55)营养品删除 (55)1 引言1.1 目的和范围本文档是《迅瘦师》的系统需求说明,用于阐述迅瘦师的需求和功能结构。

HiTUST TrustPay Solution
HAP简介 HAP特点与功能 HAP相关项目
HiTUST TrustPay Solution
Hitrust Application Platform(简称HAP)是一个 开放的,扩展性强的开发支持框架,基于Java平 台,遵循J2EE规范,采纳Spring为核心技术组件, 为项目或产品的设计和开发提供快速便捷式解决 方案,适用于Web和SOA系统。
输入数据格式为html表单控件或URL中的参数。 参数名 functionCode actionCode locale currentPage allRecordCount 其他 参数说明 业务功能代码 业务操作代码 本地化语言参数 分页查询参数-第几页 分页查询参数-记录总数 html表单控件中的数据, text,textarea,radio,chec kbox,select,file等
HiTUST TrustPay Solution
– 简介,特点,功能等
– 层次,组件,处理流程等
HAP快速入门(实例) HAP主要机制
– 项目关注的事务,异常,国际化等机制 – 项目需求扩展的事务,异常等处理机制
dispatcher multipartResolver handlerMapping viewResolver
controller requestHandler methodNameResolver exceptionHandler interceptors
Endress+Hauser Levelflex FMP54 FMP57产品说明说明书

Products Solutions ServicesSpecial documentation Levelflex FMP54/FMP57Guided wave radarRod extension / Centering HMP40SD01002F/00/EN/13.1571283493Usage Levelflex FMP54/FMP572Endress+Hauser1 UsageWhen the Levelflex is installed in nozzles DN40-250 (1-1/2" - 10") with a nozzle height > 150mm/6", there is the risk of the probe touching the bottom edge of the nozzle due to material movement in the container and this can result in malfunctioning. For this reason it is necessary to use an extension rod with or without a centering disk to avoid the contact.This accessory consists of the extension rod (2) corresponding to the nozzle height (1), on which a centering disk (3) is also mounted if the nozzles are narrow orwhen working in bulk solids.A0013597When ordering Levelflex please note that the probe length minus the length of theextension rod is ordered as otherwise the rope would have to be shortened.Only use centering diks withs small diameters (DN40/DN50) if there is no significant build-up in the nozzle above the disk. The nozzle must not become clogged.2 Technical data Admissible temperature range (without center washer)no restrictionsAdmissible temperature range (with center washer)–40 to 150 °C (–40 to 302 °F) at the lower edge of the nozzle. 1)Material of extension rod 1.4404 (316L)Material of centering diskPPS GF401)There may be further restrictions depending on the process seal of the Levelflex. Please refer to the corresponding Technical Information: TI01001F (FMP54), TI01004F (FMP57).Levelflex FMP54/FMP57Ordering information Endress+Hauser 33Ordering information 3.1 Scope of delivery•1 extension rod with 2 internal threads M10x1 (with or without center disk, depending on the order)•1 setwcrew M10x1•2 sets of Nord-Lock washers •Mounting instructions (this document)Mounting Levelflex FMP54/FMP574Endress+Hauser4 MountingAWithout rod extension/centering HMP40BWith rod extension/centering HMP401Counter nut 2Rope connection 3Nord-Lock washers (two sets containing two washers each)4Extension rod (with or without center disk, depending on the order)5Setscrew M10x14.1 Required tools•1 open-end wrench SW14 (14 AF)•1 torque wrench SW14 (14 AF)Levelflex FMP54/FMP57MountingEndress+Hauser 54.2 Unmounting the rope probe 1.Open the setscrew connection between the counter nut (1) and the rope connection (2)using two wrenches (AF14).2.Unscrew the probe with the rope connection (2) from the setscrew of the device.4.3 Mounting the extension rod 1.Carefully tighten the counter nut (1) until the stop at the setscrew of the device.2.Screw the extension rod (4) with a set of Nord-Lock washers (3) into the setscrew of the device and tighten firmly using an open-end wrench and a torque wrench. The maximum torque of 15 Nm must be observed!3.Screw the setscrew (5) into the extension rod (4) until the stop.4.Use the second set of Nord-Lock washers (3) to screw down the rope connection (2) at the setscrew (5) of the extension rod and tighten the screw connection with the aid of an open-end wrench AF14 and a torque wrench. The maximuim torque of 15 Nm must be observed!4.4 If required: Shorten the rope probeInstructions for shortening the rope probe can be found in the Levelflex Operating Instructions:•FMP54: BA01001F (HART); BA01006F (PROFIBUS PA); BA01052F (FOUNDATION Fieldbus)•FMP57: BA01004F (HART); BA01009F (PROFIBUS PA); BA01055F (FOUNDATION Fieldbus)Commissioning of the Levelflex Levelflex FMP54/FMP576Endress+Hauser5Commissioning of the Levelflex 5.1 Probe length correctionAfter mounting the extension rod, an automatic or manual probe length correction must be performed. This is done with the aid of the following submenu in the operating menu of the Levelflex.Setup → Advanced setup → Probe length correctionFor details refer to the Levelflex Operating Instructions:•FMP54: BA01001F (HART); BA01006F (PROFIBUS PA); BA01052F (FOUNDATION Fieldbus)•FMP57: BA01004F (HART); BA01009F (PROFIBUS PA); BA01055F (FOUNDATION Fieldbus)5.2 SetupAfter mounting the extension rod, a new calibration of the measuring point is required in any case. This is performed by means of the Setup submenu.When doing so, it is especially important that the full distance F (Parameter Full calibration )does not range into the nozzle.For details refer to the Levelflex Operating Instructions:•FMP54: BA01001F (HART); BA01006F (PROFIBUS PA); BA01052F (FOUNDATION Fieldbus)•FMP57: BA01004F (HART); BA01009F (PROFIBUS PA); BA01055F (FOUNDATION Fieldbus)5.3 Interference echo suppression (mapping)After mounting the extension rod, a mapping curve must also be recoreded again. This is performed by the Setup → Mapping submenu. The mapping distance (Parameter Mapping end point ) must at least be the nozzle height plus 20 cm (8").5.4 Setting the upper blocking distanceThe upper blocking distance must be equal to or longer than the nozzle height. It is defined in the follwing parameter:•For level measurements:Setup → Advanced setup → Level → Blocking distance •Bei Trennschichtmessungen:Setup → Advanced setup → Interface → Blocking distance*71283493*71283493。
AURIX SafeTpack 安全框架说明书

AURIX TM Knowledge Lab 2022 SafeTpack–Safety Framework for AURIX TMAURIX TM Knowledge Lab 2022Agenda1.AURIX Project Basics2. AURIX Safety and Security3. Software Quality and Test4. Wrap-up 2.3« Functional Safety with the Hitex AURIX SafeTpack »Michael WeißHitex⏹SafeTpack is the safety solution for the AURIX TC3xx microcontroller family⏹SafeTpack is designed to cover the most common AURIX TMsafety manual requirements for a lot of applications in automotive and industryWhat ist the Hitex SafeTpack?Copyright: Infineon… a lot of effort to implement all necessary internal and external safetymechanisms!1000+ pages of documentationThis seems tobe…Reduce complexity with SafeTpack Save time and moneyCopyright © Infineon Technologies AG 2021.⏹Concentrate on your application knowhow⏹…Reinventing the wheel“ costs time and money …with SafeTpack, we cover a lot of AURIX TM knowhow for you⏹SafeTpack is PRO-SIL TM ready and provides a rapid way to achieve your ASIL goals⏹SafeTpack saves time, money and your nervesWhy do you need a SafeTpack ?•••SIL 2At a glance: what does the SafeTpack offer?✓Provides interfaces to execute and evaluate the startup tests✓Supports the necessary Safety Mechanisms (SM), External Safety Mechanisms (ESM) and Safety Mechanism Configurations (SMC)✓Provides cyclic tests that ensure the correct operation of the AURIX TM TC3xx CPU and internal busses through a mixture of hardware and software modules✓Manages the watchdog system and an optional combined watchdog and power controller (eg. TLF35584 or TLF35585)Definition of Safety MechanismSafety Mechanisms Identifiers as per TC3xx Safety Manual:▪Safety Mechanism(SM):technical solution internal to the MCU by HW or SW▪External Safety Mechanism(ESM):technical solution either in HW or SW,implemented at System level by the system integrator Additionally the following term is used in the manual for describing the required actions for correctly configuring a safety mechanism:▪Safety Mechanism Configuration(SMC):Initialization or configuration that the Application SW shall perform for enabling a safety mechanism used in the application→TC3xx Safety Manual:More than120Assumptions of Use(ESM&SMC)Yes, several safety features and test capabilities are realized in hardware.Yes, some tests (e.g., PBIST, LBIST) are implemented in hardware.But still a lot Assumptions of Use (ESM/SMC) needs to be implemented!▪You have to implement, configure, trigger and to evaluate startup tests.▪You have to implement, configure, execute and evaluate runtime tests (SFR & Die Temperature Sensor tests etc.).▪You have to implement, configure and handle functional and window watchdog like external TLF35584 and the AURIX TM internal Safety Watchdog.▪You have to follow the development process given by your Safety Standard.▪… and much moreAnd that’s what the SafeTpack is designed for …How to implement these TC3xx Safety Mechanisms?APPLICATION SW STARTUP:During Application SW startup, the user is responsible for executing a number of operations for ensuring the absence of latent faults and correctly initialize the MCU before starting the runtime execution.Application SW startupcould contain a bootloader / boot-manager.Application SW continuecould contain the customer application startupwith driver initialization and so on.[Derived from TC3xx Safety Manual v1.10 Figure 7]Overview TC3xx Startup Safety Mechanisms⏹SafeTpack provides services for internal and external Watchdog⏹Support of Saftey Mechanisms (SM) at runtime like☐die temperature sensor (DTS) or ☐special function registers (SFR)Overview TC3xx Watchdog Safety Mechanisms Application Application Run PhaseInit WD activate Cyclic Task Test handler WD Serviceinternal or external WD Signature Run-time tests DTS_RESULT_TEST SFT_TEST_CMPSafeTpack Architecture / Two Main PackagesSafeTpack BasicStartup and ESM-SupportSafeTpack WDWatchdog Suppport⏹SafeTpack‘s modular system makes it easy to customize andsupplement individual functions⏹Depending on your precise requirements, different SafeTpackpackages can be selectedModules OverviewSafeTpack with and withoutAUTOSARSafeTpack Interface⏹A2G SafeTpack can be used in AUTOSAR environments →SafeTpack acts as an AUTOSAR complex device driver⏹SafeTpack is 100% compatible with the Infineon MCAL⏹In Non-AUTOSAR environments SafeTpack can still be used independently →For PXROS HR environments SafeTpack implementations are available.Learn more about PXROS in next presentation⏹SafeTpack is fully configurable with Elektrobit Tresos Studio ⏹That‘s the same configuration Tool as for MCAL drivers⏹Individual tests and the test sequences are configurable using EB Tresos tool⏹EB Tresos Studio is part of the delivery packageFully configurable with TresosStudio (included)⏹Package delivery☐Source Code of SafeTpack ☐Demo Workspace ☐EB Tresos & plug-ins☐Example Tresos configuration ☐Democode⏹Documents for SafeTpack☐User Manual ☐Release Notes☐Configuration Verification Manual ☐Demo Description☐SafeTpack Validation Report (on request)☐Safety Case Report (on request)SafeTpack -Documents& ResourcesMost of AURIX TM TC3xx devices and derivatives are supportedsupported devicesNot supported yetplease contact usSafeTpack: future ready–what`s coming⏹NXP FS45/65 PMIC Support available now⏹Maintenance Release in Q4/22☐Feature Enhancements☐TLF35585 Support⏹IEC 61508 / SIL 2 Certification☐Planned for mid 2023☐Safety Solution for Industry in Context 61508 with AURIXTM certified for 61508 as well ⏹AURIX TM TC4xx support on roadmap⏹Web based training for SafeTpack integrators:☐first-hand information andvaluable hints on safe and reliable integration ☐Highly recommended for fast implementation⏹Project-related consulting☐AURIX TM related☐Functional Safety & Security⏹SafeTpack integration into your application as a full service ⏹SafeTpack customizing⏹Hard-and software development in the context of AURIX TM and functional safety ⏹Embedded Testing & VerificationOur services around SafeTpackand Functional SafetySummary: Main advantages of SafeTpackDeveloped according to ISO 26262-2018 und will be certified for IEC 61508/SIL-2 in 2023Similar to the AURIX TM TC2xx SafeTLib: Easy handling, no changeoverModular: Only pay what is usedComes with a demo applicationIncludes Elektrobit’s Tresos tool to configure SafeTpackCan be used either with or without AUTOSAR100% compatible with the Infineon MCAL but can still be used independentlyProvides drivers and watchdog interface for Infineon TLF35584/85 and AURIX TM Internal Safety Watchdog including signature handling. NXP FS45/65 supported as well.SafeTpack saves time, money and nervesAURIX TM Knowledge Lab 2022Thank you for your attention!Any questions?。
MPLAB Harmony v3 软件开发框架说明书

SummaryA unified and powerful content development and delivery environment, MPLAB ® Harmony Software Framework v3 together with MPLAB X Integrated Develop -ment Environment (IDE), enhances your application development experience with a set of optimized peripheral libraries, simplified drivers and modular software downloads.MPLAB Harmony v3 provides a unified platform with flexible choices spanning architectures, performance and application focus. It enables development of ro -bust, interoperable, RTOS-friendly applications with quick and extensive support for third-party software integration. The improved MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC), now with a modular download manager, alleviates you from non-differentiating tasks to select and configure all MPLAB Harmony components in a graphical way, including middleware, system services and peripherals.Development ToolsMPLAB ® Harmony v3Unified Software Development Framework for 32-bit MCUs and MPUsC: 100 M: 10 Y: 35 K: 15Key Highlights• Unified Development Platform supports both PIC® and SAM 32-bit microcontrollers and microprocessors•MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC) enables easy setup configurators for clock, I/O pin, ADC, interrupt, DMA, MPU, Event, QTouch®, as well as Harmony Graphics Composer and Display Manager• FreeRTOS integration optional available• MPLAB Harmony is delivered via GitHub to streamline ap -plication development:• Optimized peripheral libraries for size and performance • Simplified drivers supporting development at silicon level• Smaller/Modular downloads of software or services•Powerful Middleware• TCP/IP , Wi-Fi ®•TLS (wolfSSL TLS), Crypto • USB Device and Host• Audio and Bluetooth ®: USB Audio, Hardware Codec, Software Codec, BT/BLE• Graphics: MPLAB Harmony Graphics Composer, Screen Designer, Display Manager• Many more: Motor Control, QTouch, Bootloaders, DSP/Math, etc.The Microchip name and logo, the Microchip logo, MPLAB and PIC are registered trademarks of Microchip Technology Incorporated in the U.S.A. and other countries. Arm and Cortex are registered trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the EU and other countries. All other trademarks mentioned herein are property of their respective companies. © 2019, Microchip Technology Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 7/19 DS00003024BTools and Demo ExamplesDevelopment KitsAvailable Resources• MPLAB Harmony v3 Landing Page: https:///mplab/mplab-harmony/mplab-harmony-v3• MPLAB Harmony v3 Device Support: https:///Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony/Micro -chip-MPLAB-Harmony.github.io/wiki/device_support• GitHub MPLAB Harmony v3 WiKi Page: https:///Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony/Microchip-MPLAB-Harmony.github.io/wiki• GitHub MPLAB Harmony v3 User Guide: https://microchip-mplab-harmony.github.io/Complementary Devices• Wireless Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Blue -tooth, BLE, LoRa, IEEE 802.15.4, Sub-G• Wired Connectivity and Interface: CAN Transceivers, Ethernt PHY • Industrial Networking: EtherCAT • CryptoAuthentication Device: ATECC608A, ATSHA204A• Clock and Timing: MEMs Oscillator • Analog: Op Amp, Motor Driver • Power Management: Linear and Switching RegulatorsServices and Third Party• Microchip Training: https:///training/• Third Party Solutions: https:///mplab/mplab-harmony/premium-products/third-party-solutions• ExpressLogic, FreeRTOS, Micrium, Segger and wolfSSL• Integrated Development Environment: IARATSAMC21N-XPRO/ATSAMD21-XPROThe SAMC21N/SAMD21 Xplained Pro Evaluation KitsATSAME54-XPRO/DM320113The SAM E54 Xplained Pro/The SAM E70 Explained Ultra Evaluation KitsDM320007-C/DM320010-CPIC32MZ EF (Connectivity)/PIC32MZ DA (Graphics) Starter KitsDM320104*The Curiosity PIC32MZEF Development Board, including on board Wi-Fi moduleATSAMV71-XULTThe SAM V71 Xplained Ultra evaluation kit is ideal for evaluating and prototyping with the SAM V71, SAM V70, SAM S70 and SAM E70 Arm ® Cortex ®-M7 based microcontrollers.ATSAMA5D2C-XULT*/SAMA5D27-SoM-EK1*The SAMA5D2 Xplained Ultra Evaluation Kit, including eMMC and DDR3/SoM and SiP Evaluation Kit*Harmony support coming soon。
MPLAB Harmony 微控制器软件框架说明书

2017 Microchip Technology Inc.page 1STANDARD FEATURES•MPLAB ® Harmony is a flexible, abstracted, fully integrated firmware development platform for PIC32 microcontrollers•Broad range of Middleware Stack/Libraries, including: USB, TCP/IP , Wi-Fi™, File System, Graphics, Bootloaders, Bluetooth™, Audio, DSP , Math, Cryptography, Drivers, System Services, and more•Over 160 Application Demonstrations with up to 600 application configurations to accelerate application development•Seamlessly integrates third-party solutions (RTOS, Middleware, Drivers, etc.) into the software frame-work•RTOS support, which includes: FreeRTOS™, OPENRTOS, Express Logic Thread X, SEGGER embOS ®, Micriµm ® µC/OS-II™, Micriµm µC/OS-III™ •Middleware support, which includes: SEGGERemWin ®, InterNiche T echnologies, Inc., wolfSSL, and PubNub ®•Both free and enabling license terms provided For a detailed list of features, please visit the MPLAB Harmony Web page at:/harmonyFrom the landing page, scroll down and select the Features tab.DESCRIPTIONMPLAB Harmony is a flexible, abstracted, fully integrated firmware development platform for PIC32microcontrollers. MPLAB Harmony's modular architec-ture allows drivers and libraries to work together with minimal effort. It is scalable across PIC32 Microchip devices to custom fit customers’ requirements.MPLAB Harmony takes key elements of modular and object oriented design, adding an Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL) that provides the flexibility to use a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) or work without one, and provides a framework of software modules that are easy to use, configurable for your specific needs, and that work together in complete har-mony.In addition, the MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC)and code development format allows for maximum reuse and reduces time to market.COMPLIANCECompliant with MISRA-C:2012 Mandatory Standards:•MPLAB Harmony Peripheral LibrariesDEVELOPMENT TOOLS•MPLAB X IDE v3.40 or later is required•MPLAB XC32 C/C++ Compiler v1.42 (ISO 26262)•MPLAB X IDE plug-ins:-MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC) v2.01.xxTHIRD-PARTY DEVELOPERSMicrochip offers a range of documentation to assist you with the design of your own software offerings for MPLAB® Harmony. These documents, which are pro-vided with the installation Help, are also available for download from the MPLAB Harmony website (see “Download Information” for details). •MPLAB Harmony Overview•MPLAB Harmony Compatibility Guide •MPLAB Harmony Tutorial•MPLAB Harmony Driver Development Guide •MPLAB Harmony Configurator User's Guide•MPLAB Harmony Configurator Developer's Guide •MPLAB Harmony Graphics Composer User's Guide •MPLAB Harmony Test Harness User's Guide•MPLAB Harmony Compatibility Checklist WorksheetS o f t w a r e F r a m e w o r kIntegrated Software Framework v1.10MPLAB HARMONY v1.10page 2 2017 Microchip Technology Inc.v1.10FEATURE UPDATES AND ADDITIONSMPLAB Harmony v1.10 includes the following updates and additions:•Performed various bug fixes.Utilities:•MHC and MPLAB Harmony Graphics Composer -Configuration Import/Export/Move/Copy -Updated pin management features Please refer to the v1.10 Release Notes for additional information (see “Download Information”).DOWNLOAD INFORMATIONMPLAB Harmony, including the current release notes and Software License Agreement, is available for download by visiting:/mplabharmonyADDITIONAL RESOURCESMPLAB Harmony TV offers a wide range of getting started and training videos. The video content is avail-able by scrolling to the bottom of the MPLAB Harmony webpage at:/mplabharmony The Microchip Developer Site provides short introductory videos, self-paced training modules, and answers to frequently asked questions./harmony:startNote the following details of the code protection feature on Microchip devices:•Microchip products meet the specification contained in their particular Microchip Data Sheet.•Microchip believes that its family of products is one of the most secure families of its kind on the market today, when used in the intended manner and under normal conditions.•There are dishonest and possibly illegal methods used to breach the code protection feature. All of these methods, to our knowledge, require using the Microchip products in a manner outside the operating specifications contained in Microchip’s Data Sheets. Most likely, the person doing so is engaged in theft of intellectual property.•Microchip is willing to work with the customer who is concerned about the integrity of their code.•Neither Microchip nor any other semiconductor manufacturer can guarantee the security of their code. Code protection does not mean that we are guaranteeing the product as “unbreakable.”Code protection is constantly evolving. We at Microchip are committed to continuously improving the code protection features of our products. Attempts to break Microchip’s code protection feature may be a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. If such acts allow unauthorized access to your software or other copyrighted work, you may have a right to sue for relief under that Act.。

Haploview 软件使用方法图解Haploview 是一个进行单倍型分析的一个软件,该软件具有如下功能: 1.连锁不平衡与单倍型分析 2.单倍型人群频率估算 3.SNP 与单倍型关系分析 4.相互关系的排列测验 5.可以从 HapMap 上直接下载基因型信息 网址:/haploview 下载:Windows 版: HapInstall.exe Mac / Unix / Linux Haploview.jar (安装:java -jar Haploview.jar) JAVA 下载在安装该软件之前,必须先安装一个“JAVA” ,Haploview 必须在 JAVA 环境下才能运行。
首先要选择要分析数据的类型, 包括 Linkage format 、Haps format 、Hapmap format、 Phase format 等 。
我 们 主 要 选 Hapmap format 这 种 类 型 。
这 种 类 型 的 数 据 可 以 直 接 从 Hapmap 网 站 ()中直接下载。
1,进入 Hapmap 网站。
依次:Data/Generic Genome Browser(数据/通用基因组浏览器)。
输入要查 询的基因名称,如 xrcc1,在右面选择“显示 SNP genotype data”, 点击配置 根据需要选择 CHB(中国汉族人群)。
Output format 打开格式) ( 选择 Open directly in HaploView (输 出后的文件可直接导入 Haploview 软件) 。
点击“执行” ,将文件保存到指定位置比如桌面。
打开 haploview 软件,选择 Hapmap format,点 击 browse,选择刚刚下载下来的文件。
左边的 LD Plot 表示该基因所以 snp 的的连锁情况,各个方块的颜色由浅至深(白——红) ,表示 连锁程度由低到高,深红色表示完全连锁。

HAPSEX程序操作方法及功能介绍国家统计局广西调查总队农村住户处编二〇一一年五月目录(一)程序及参数安装 (1)程序的初次安装 (1)参数目录的初次建立 (2)程序的更新 (3)参数的更新 (4)分机录入需注意的事项 (5)(二)基本功能模块及其操作 (6)维护菜单 (6)选择菜单 (11)帐页菜单 (11)报表菜单 (15)输出菜单 (16)转换菜单 (18)查看菜单 (20)工具菜单 (20)(三)换户操作 (22)(四)两年对比操作 (27)HAPSEX程序操作方法及功能介绍程序及参数安装一、程序的初次安装(一)安装原则1.同一台电脑中只能有一个HAPSEX安装目录。
在本说明中,将程序安装目录设在D:\Program Files\2011住户程序。
5. 电脑如果安装了360安全卫士等杀毒软件,点击“确定”后会弹出如下提示,点击“保留图标,不处理”,桌面出现图标,程序即安装完毕。
二、参数的初次安装(一)安装原则1. 参数文件夹与程序目录文件夹必须分开。
2. 同一台电脑中程序只能有一个,但参数目录可以有多个,不同年度参数不同;季报与年报参数也不同。

目录第一章操作流程 (9)1.1 安装程序 (9)1.2 确认工作目录 (9)1.3 确认处理单位 (9)1.4 确认报告期 (9)1.5 管理样本 (10)1.6 录入数据 (10)1.7 审核数据 (10)1.8 计算生成分户表 (11)1.9 分户表汇总分组 (11)1.10 出表打印 (11)1.11 上报 (12)1.12 常用术语 (13)第二章功能概述与安装 (14)2.1功能概述 (14)2.2文件构成和功能 (14)2.2.1程序文件构成 (14)2.2.2参数文件构成 (15)2.2.3参数及数据文件的目录结构 (16)2.3安装iHAPS程序 (17)2.3.2安装iHAPS (17)2.3.3安装参数文件 (17)2.4启动iHAPS (18)2.5 iHAPS初始化 (19)2.5.1 运行环境初始化 (19)2.5.2 参数文件初始化 (19)2.5.3 数据文件初始化 (20)第三章选择模块 (21)3.1选择工作目录 (21)3.2选择处理单位 (22)3.3选择处理年度 (23)3.4选择处理任务 (24)3.5设置系统参数 (25)3.5.1通用(参数) (26)3.5.2单位(参数) (27)3.5.3 任务(列表) (28)3.5.4账页(参数) (30)3.5.5 问卷(列表) (31)3.5.6 报表(参数) (33)3.6设置当前任务 (34)第四章摸底模块 (38)4.2 建筑物清查表 (38)4.3 录入摸底数据 (38)4.4 审核摸底数据 (39)4.5 检索摸底数据 (40)4.6 导出摸底数据 (41)4.7 导入摸底数据 (42)4.8 生成住宅抽样框 (43)4.9 完成抽户结果的标记 (44)第五章账页模块 (46)5.1选择本期样本 (46)5.2管理本期样本 (49)5.2.1 修订样本管理表 (49)5.2.2 迁入迁出 (52)5.2.3 换小区换住宅 (52)5.2.4 样本显示范围 (54)5.3录入问卷数据 (55)5.3.1 选择问卷 (56)5.5.2 选择样本 (58)5.3.3 问卷录入界面 (60)5.3.4 问卷录入顺序 (61)5.3.5 光标控制 (61)5.3.7 转录上期数据 (63)5.3.8 删除数据 (63)5.3.9 保存数据 (64)5.3.10 分机录入 (64)5.4审核问卷数据 (66)5.5录入账页数据 (67)5.5.1选择月份 (67)5.5.2 选择样本 (69)5.5.3 账页录入界面 (69)5.5.4 账页录入顺序 (71)5.3.5 光标控制 (71)5.5.6 编辑选项 (72)5.5.7 删除数据 (74)5.5.8主要功能键 (75)5.4.9 保存数据 (76)5.4.10 分机录入 (76)5.6审核账页数据 (76)5.6.1 审核奇异值 (76)5.6.2 审核控制范围 (77)5.6.3 审核逻辑关系 (78)5.7归并同类账页 (78)第六章报表模块 (82)6.1录入报表数据 (82)6.1.1 参数设置 (83)6.1.2 数据录入 (83)6.1.3 快捷键 (84)6.2审核报表数据 (84)6.3分户表快速汇总 (86)6.4分户表分组汇总 (87)6.5汇总表目录 (88)6.6汇总表叠加 (89)6.7汇总表计算 (90)6.8累计生成分户表 (93)6.9累计生成汇总表 (94)第七章输出模块 (96)7.1 账页数据输出 (96)7.2 问卷数据输出 (97)7.3 常规报表输出 (98)7.3.1 模板文件的组织管理 (99)7.3.2 报表输出模板的文件格式 (100)7.4 自定报表输出 (105)7.4.1 常用设置 (106)7.5 分块报表输出 (108)7.6 过录报表输出 (110)7.6.1 过录表头文件格式: (111)7.6.2 取数公式举例: (113)7.7 HITS制表输出 (114)7.8 两年对比表输出 (122)第八章转换模块 (125)8.1检索账页数据 (125)8.2导出账页数据 (127)8.3导入账页数据 (128)8.4检索问卷数据 (129)8.5导出问卷数据 (130)8.6导入问卷数据 (132)8.7检索报表数据 (133)8.8导出报表数据 (135)8.9导入报表数据 (135)8.9.1 导入分户表数据 (135)8.9.2 导入汇总表数据 (136)8.9.3 检索结果的格式 (136)第九章工具模块 (138)9.1数据文件排错 (138)9.2转录上期样本/问卷 (138)9.3计算样本权数 (139)9.4上报/备份数据 (139)9.5接收/合并数据 (140)9.6报表数据排序 (142)9.6.1分户表排序 (142)9.6.2汇总表排序 (142)9.7计算基尼系数 (143)9.8应用数据字典 (144)9.9预制录入模板 (144)9.10拆分错误清单 (144)第十章维护模块 (145)10.1 单位名录库 (146)10.2 住宅名录库 (147)10.2.1 导出住宅名录库 (148)10.2.2 导入住宅名录库 (149)10.2.3 编辑住宅名录 (150)10.2.4保存方式 (151)10.3 样本权数库 (151)10.4 账页数据字典 (152)10.4.1 账目指标编码 (152)10.4.2 录入控制码 (154)10.4.3 数据边界 (154)10.4.4 计量单位 (154)10.4.5 账目指标名称 (155)10.5 收支账简码库 (155)10.6 价格数据字典 (156)10.7 问卷数据字典 (157)10.8 报表数据字典 (157)10.9 系统参数库 (158)10.9.1 系统参数文件(txt) (158)10.9.2 任务参数文件(ini) (160)10.10 公式语法规则 (160)10.9.1 通用公式语法规则 (161)10.9.2 制表公式文件 (169)10.9.3 账页审核公式文件 (171)10.9.4 问卷审核公式文件 (171)10.9.5 报表审核公式文件 (172)10.9.6 汇总分组公式文件 (173)10.11 数据录入模板 (174)10.12 数据输出模板 (175)第一章操作流程iIHAPS由摸底、账页、报表、转换和输出等功能模块组成,各功能模块既相对独立,又相互联系,使用时必须遵循一定的操作次序,称之为操作流程。

hap框架和-开发指导手册一、Hap框架介绍Hap框架是基于Spring Boot开发的一款轻量级Java Web框架,它提供了一系列的快速开发工具和基础设施,使得开发者可以更加高效地开发Web应用程序。
Hap框架的主要特点包括:1. 快速开发:Hap框架提供了一系列的快速开发工具和基础设施,使得开发者可以更加高效地开发Web应用程序。
2. 易于扩展:Hap框架采用了基于模块化的设计,使得开发者可以很方便地扩展框架的功能。
3. 高性能:Hap框架采用了一系列的优化措施,使得应用程序可以获得更好的性能。
4. 易于部署:Hap框架提供了一系列的部署工具和基础设施,使得应用程序可以很方便地部署到各种环境中。
下面是Hap开发指导手册的主要内容:1. Hap框架介绍:介绍Hap框架的主要特点和优势。
2. 快速入门:介绍如何使用Hap框架快速开发一个Web应用程序。
3. 模块开发:介绍如何使用Hap框架进行模块开发,包括模块的设计、开发、测试和部署等内容。
4. 数据库开发:介绍如何使用Hap框架进行数据库开发,包括数据库的设计、开发、测试和部署等内容。
5. 前端开发:介绍如何使用Hap框架进行前端开发,包括前端框架的选择、开发、测试和部署等内容。
6. 安全管理:介绍如何使用Hap框架进行安全管理,包括用户认证、权限管理、数据加密等内容。
7. 性能优化:介绍如何使用Hap框架进行性能优化,包括代码优化、数据库优化、缓存优化等内容。
8. 部署指南:介绍如何使用Hap框架进行部署,包括应用程序的打包、发布、部署和监控等内容。

安装方法如下:1、安装条件1) 硬件CPU为P166+, 硬盘1G+, 内存32M+。


,<HAP框架>定式调度器开发入门Author: HuojianpingCreation Date: 2016-07-03Last Updated: 2021-11-18Document Ref: Hap框架定时调度器入门Version: 1.0文档控制更改记录内容目录文档控制 (2)更改记录 (2)内容目录 (3)一、基本概念 (4)1.Quartz的基本认知 (4)2.Quartz Job接口概述 (4)3.Quartz中的Schedule,Trigger,JobDetail (5)二、HelloWorld实例 (11)三、总结 (16)1.任务状态 (16)2.触发器 (16)3.Quartz表 (16)四、常见问题 (18)1.任务触发 (18)2.存在同一个Job被多个Trigger触发的情况 (18)问题统计 (19)未结问题 (19)已结问题 (19)一、基本概念1.Quartz的基本认知Quartz是一个完全由Java编写的开源作业调度框架,为在Java应用程序中进行作业调度提供了简单却强大的机制。
2.Quartz Job接口概述2.1org.quartz.Job接口Quartz虽然整合了很多额外的功能,但就其本质的作业调度功能来看,使用起来相当的便捷,只需简单的创建一个实现org.quartz.Job接口的Java类。
Job接口包含的唯一方法:public void execute(JobExecutionContext context)throws JobExecutionException;在你的Job接口实现类里面,添加一些逻辑到execute()方法。

Package‘HaploSim’October12,2022Type PackageTitle Functions to Simulate HaplotypesVersion1.8.4.2Date2022-08-13Depends methods,utilsSuggests pedigree(>=1.4)Description Simulate haplotypes through meioses.Allows specificationof population parameters.License GPL(>=2)Author Albart Coster[aut,cre],John Bastiaansen[aut]Maintainer Albart Coster<**********************>NeedsCompilation noRepository CRANDate/Publication2022-08-1321:10:01UTCR topics documented:AssignQTL (2)buildhPedigree (3)getAll (4)haploList (5)haploList-class (6)haplotype-class (7)hPed2Ped (7)RemoveHomozygotes (8)SampleBaseHaplotype (9)SampleHaplotype (10)SampleHaplotypes (11)SamplePedigree (12)validhaploListObject (13)Index1412AssignQTL AssignQTL Assigns QTL to a list of HaplotypesDescriptionAssignQTL assigns QTL to the qtl of objects of class haplotype.ListQTL returns a list of qtl which for the object of class haploList.UsageAssignQTL(hList,nqtl=NA,frqtl=NA,sigma2qtl=NULL,shQTL=1,scQTL=1,nTraits=1,overlap=0,MAF=0.1,rmCausSNP= TRUE)ListQTL(hList,nqtl=NA,frqtl=NA,sigma2qtl=NULL,shQTL=1,scQTL=1,nTraits=1,overlap=0,MAF=0.1)ArgumentshList List of haplotype objects.nqtl If specified,the number of qtl which are placed on the genome.frqtl If specified,the fraction of heterozygous SNP loci which become QTL.sigma2qtl If specified,the qtl variance.If length(sigma2qtl)<nqtl,sigma2qtl is repli-cated until obtaining a vector of appropriate length.Can be specified as a list oflength equal to nTraits.shQTL If alpha is not specified,shQTL specifies the shape parameter of the gamma distribution from which allele substitution effects are sampled.scQTL If alpha is not specified,scQTL specifies the scale parameter of the gamma distribution from which allele substitution effects are sampled.nTraits The number of traits.overlap Numeric between0and1.Specifies the percantage of pleiotropic QTL.MAF Minor Allele Frequency.Loci with maf below MAF are not considered to be-come QTL.Do not count for frqtl.rmCausSNP Remove causative SNPs.ValueA list of length nHaplotpes.See AlsoSampleHaplotypebuildhPedigree3 ExampleshList<-SampleHaplotypes(nHaplotypes=20,nLoc=100,genDist=1,nDec=3)##create objectshListd<-SampleHaplotypes(orig=hList,genDist=1,nDec=3)hListQTL<-AssignQTL(hList,frqtl=0.1,MAF=0.0)hListd<-SampleHaplotypes(orig=hListQTL,genDist=1,nDec=3,QTL=TRUE)qtlList<-ListQTL(hList,frqtl=0.1,MAF=0.0)buildhPedigree Build a haplotype pedrigree from a haplotype listDescriptionBuilds a haplotype pedigree from a list of objects of class haplotype.Objects have attributes hIDand phID0,phID1,the last two refer to the two haplotypes in the parent.Function can constructa new pedigree or continue a given pedigree.Simulate a list of haplotypes,either sampling usingpopulation parameters or from a previous list of haplotypes through a series of meioses.UsagebuildhPedigree(hPedigree=NULL,hList)ArgumentshPedigree If unspecified,the previous haplotype pedigree upon which buildhPed builds theadditional haplotypes.hList A list with objects of class haplotype.DetailsThe function buildhPedigree uses the attributes hID,phID0,phID1of objects of class haplotypeto build a pedigree of haplotypes.Each haplotype originates from a pair of parental haplotypes between which the meiosis event occured or has no known parental haplotypes.ValueA data.frame.See AlsoSampleHaplotypes4getAllExamplesexample(SampleHaplotypes)hPedigree<-buildhPedigree(hList=hList)for(g in1:10){hList<-SampleHaplotypes(orig=hList,genDist=1,roundDec=3)hPedigree<-buildhPedigree(hPedigree=hPedigree,hList=hList)}getAll Get allelesDescriptionExtract the sequence of snp alleles from a list of objects of class haplotype.UsagegetAll(hList,what=c("snp","qtl"),removeHomozygotes=FALSE,translatePos=TRUE)ArgumentshList List of objects of class haplotype.what Specifies if snp or qtl alleles are extracted from haplotype objects.removeHomozygotesIf TRUE,homozygote genotypes are removed from the marker data.translatePos Translates marker positions to positions in Morgan,else keeps the positions as integers.DetailsFunction removes homozygous snp loci before extracting these.ValueMatrix.Examplesexample(AssignQTL)hh<-getAll(hList=hList)qq<-getAll(hList=hList,what= qtl )haploList5 haploList Function to create objects of class’haploList’DescriptionFunction to create objects of class haploList .Can eiter copy the attributes of an earlier object of class haploList or create a new haploList object.Function mostly used within other functions.UsagehaploList(list=NULL,hList=NULL,nDec,genDist,nChrom=1)Argumentslist List of objects of class haplotype .hList Object of class haploList .nDec Number of decimal positions of new object.genDist Genome size of new object measured in Morgan.nChrom Number of chromosomes.ValueAn object of class haploList .If list is not NULL,object offilled with objects of class haplotype .See Alsohaplotype,haploListExampleshList<-haploList(nDec=1,genDist=1)validhaploListObject(hList)6haploList-class haploList-class Class"haploList"DescriptionClass definition of haploList.Extends lists to contian objects of class haplotype.Attributes are nDec,the number of decimal positions and genDist,the genome size measured in Morgan. Objects from the ClassObjects can be created by calls of the form new("haploList",...).Slots.Data:Object of class"list"containing objects of class haplotypegenDist:Object of class"numeric"expressing the genome size in Morgan.nDec:Object of class"integer"expressing the number of decimal positions of the haplotypes.nChrom:Object of class"integer"expressing the number of chromosomes.ExtendsClass"list",from data part.Class"vector",by class"list",distance2.Methods[signature(x="haploList",i="ANY",j="missing"):subset and extract from object of class haploListc signature(x="haploList"):concatenate object of class haploList .See AlsoSampleHaplotypes,haplotypeExamplesshowClass("haploList")haplotype-class7 haplotype-class Class"haplotype"~~~DescriptionDefinition of haplotype class.Objects from the ClassObjects can be created by calls of the form new("haplotype",...).Slotssnp:Object of class"integer"containing the positions on the genome where the haplotype has a1allele.The number of snp positions is the genome size in Morgan times the number of decimal positions,both stored in haploList objects.qtl:Object of class"list".Names of the list are the QTL positions,on the same scale as snp positions.Objects in the list are the QTL alleles.hID:Object of class"numeric"identifying the current object of class haplotype .phID0:Object of class"numeric"pointing to thefirst parental haplotype.phID1:Object of class"numeric"pointing to the second parental haplotype.MethodsNo methods defined with class"haplotype"in the signature.See AlsoSampleHaplotype,SampleHaplotypes,haploListExamplesshowClass("haplotype")hPed2Ped Transform a haplotype pedigree into a pedigree.DescriptionTransforms a haplotype pedigree into a pedigree.Individuals in a haplotype pedigree are identified through meiosis.The number of rows of the pedigree equals the number of unique combinations of haplotypes plus the number of haplotypes which did not’participate’in a meiosis event.The latter haplotypes form individuals with only one haplotype and thus only one parent.Row number of the pedigree identifies individuals.The pedigree has four columns.Columns3and4identify the haplotypes of the individual.Columns1and2identify parental individuals of the individuals by their row number in the pedigree.8RemoveHomozygotesUsagehPed2Ped(hPed)ArgumentshPed The haplotype pedigree from which the pedigree is build.ValueA data.frame.See AlsoSampleHaplotype,buildhPedigreeExamplesexample(buildhPedigree)ped<-hPed2Ped(hPedigree)RemoveHomozygotes Remove the homozygotic snp loci from a list of haplotypesDescriptionFinds homozygotic marker loci in a list of haplotypes and removes these from all haplotypes. UsageRemoveHomozygotes(hList)ArgumentshList List of objects of class haplotypeValueA list of objects of class haplotype.See AlsoSampleHaplotypes,SampleHaplotype.ExampleshList<-SampleHaplotypes(nHaplotypes=20,nLoc=100,genDist=1,nDec=3)##create objectshList<-RemoveHomozygotes(hList)SampleBaseHaplotype Simulate a base population haplotypeDescriptionSimulates a base population haplotype.UsageSampleBaseHaplotype(genDist,nDec,nLoc,pSnp=seq(0,1,length.out=nLoc))ArgumentsgenDist Map size of the simulated genome in Morgan.nDec Number of decimals until which marker positions are rounded.Partially speci-fies marker density on the chromosome.nLoc Maximal number of snp loci on genome,default is number of available positions on genome.pSnp Optional,if specified the snp positions.Default:uniform distribution of loci over the whole genome.Consequence will be that loci have allele frequency equal toone.If NULL,positions will be randomly sampled for each haplotype and allelefrequencies will be close to0,depending on nLoc/(genDist∗10nDec). DetailsGenerally called by function SampleHaplotypes.ValueAn object of class haplotype.See AlsoSampleHaplotypes,SampleBaseHaplotypeExampleshList<-sapply(1:10,function(x)SampleBaseHaplotype(genDist=1,nDec=2,nLoc=50))SampleHaplotype Simulate a haplotypeDescriptionSimulates a haplotype,either sampling using population parameters or through a meiosis event withtwo parental haplotypes.UsageSampleHaplotype(H0=NULL,H1=NULL,genDist,nDec,nChrom=1,prMut=1E-5,QTL=F,checkValidity=TRUE)ArgumentsH0If specified,thefirst parental haplotype.H1If specified,the second parental haplotype.If neither H0nor H1are specified,anew haplotype is sampled from a base population.Errors message is displayedwhen only one haplotype is provided as meiosis occurs between two haplotypes.genDist Map size of the simulated genome in Morgan.nDec Number of decimals until which marker positions are rounded.Partially speci-fies marker density on the chromosome.nChrom Number of chromosomes,default at1prMut Probability of marker bp mutation.QTL If TRUE,qtl alleles are inherited to the next generation.See function AssignQTLfor assigning qtl to a list of haplotypes.checkValidity If TRUE,tests if a pair of haplotypes is compatible;e.g.if the number of traitsin both is equal(or0)and if the sizes are equal.DetailsMarkers are continually spaced over the whole genome.Marker density is specified in SampleBaseHaplotype.Position of1alleles is recorded and stored in@snp attribute of the object of class haplotype.IfQTL is TRUE,haplotypes with QTL’s need to be provided.If not,nothing happens apart frommutations(same prob.as for single basepairs).Function SampleHaplotype is generally called byfunction SampleHaplotypes.ValueAn object of class haplotype.See AlsoSampleHaplotypes,SampleBaseHaplotypeSampleHaplotypes11ExampleshList<-SampleHaplotypes(nHaplotypes=20,genDist=1,nDec=3,nLoc=20)##create objectsh<-SampleHaplotype(H0=hList[[1]],H1=hList[[2]],genDist=1,nDec=3)SampleHaplotypes Simulate a list of haplotypesDescriptionSimulate a list of haplotypes,either sampling using population parameters or from a previous list of haplotypes through a series of meioses.UsageSampleHaplotypes(orig=NULL,nHaplotypes=10,nMeioses=2,gg=NULL,...) Argumentsorig If unspecified,the function samples base population haplotypes.If specified,the function requests a list containing objects of class haplotype.nHaplotypes The requested number of haplotypes.nMeioses The number of offspring from each individual.For details see below.gg If specified,the combinations of haplotypes in individuals.Meiosis only occur within individuals.If not specified,individuals are sampled as random combi-nations of haplotypes....Additional arguments to be passed to function SampleHaplotype,haploList and SampleBaseHaplotype.DetailsThe function SampleHaplotypes creates individuals by randomly combining haplotypes from the list.Meiosis events in individuals create new haplotypes.Argument nOff sets the number of meiosis events within each individual.Argument nHaplotypes has only effect when sampling a base population.See SampleBaseHaplotype for sampling base haplotypes and for arguments of this function.ValueA list of length nHaplotpes or nOff*length(orig)of objects of class haplotype.See AlsoSampleHaplotype,SampleBaseHaplotype12SamplePedigreeExampleshList<-SampleHaplotypes(nHaplotypes=20,nLoc=100,genDist=1,nDec=3)##create objectsfor(g in1:10)hList<-SampleHaplotypes(orig=hList,genDist=1,nDec=3)SamplePedigree Simulate a haplotypes in a pedigreeDescriptionSimulates haplotypes within a given pedigree.Haplotypes for a base individual are sampled from a list of base haplotypes.Parameters for sampling haplotypes are passed to function SampleHaplotype.UsageSamplePedigree(orig,ped,...)Argumentsorig List of objects of class haplotype.Haplotypes for base individuals are the result of a meiosis event between two haplotypes in this list.ped data.frame of three columns.Column1contains id’s,column two and three id’s of parental individuals.Pedigree isfirst ordered with function orderPedfrom the package pedigree....Arguments to be passed to function SampleHaplotype.DetailsSamples haplotypes for individuals in a pedigree and returns a pedigree with two additional columns which identify the two haplotypes of an individual together with a list of es function SampleHaplotype to sample a meiosis event between two parental haplotypes.ValueA list with a pedigree and a list of objects of class haplotype.See AlsoSampleHaplotype,orderPedExamplesexample(SampleHaplotypes)ID<-1:10pID0<-c(rep(0,5),1,1,3,3,5)pID1<-c(rep(0,4),2,2,2,4,4,6)ped<-data.frame(ID,pID0,pID1)phList<-SamplePedigree(orig=hList,ped=ped)validhaploListObject13 validhaploListObject Function to validate an object of class’haploList’DescriptionChecks of object is of class haploList and checks if all entries in object@.Data are of class haplotype .UsagevalidhaploListObject(object)Argumentsobject Any object.ValueLogicalSee AlsohaploList,haplotypeIndex∗SimulationbuildhPedigree,3hPed2Ped,7∗datagenAssignQTL,2buildhPedigree,3getAll,4haploList,5haploList-class,6haplotype-class,7hPed2Ped,7RemoveHomozygotes,8SampleBaseHaplotype,9SampleHaplotype,10SampleHaplotypes,11SamplePedigree,12validhaploListObject,13∗simulationAssignQTL,2RemoveHomozygotes,8SampleBaseHaplotype,9SampleHaplotype,10SampleHaplotypes,11SamplePedigree,12[,haploList,ANY,missing-method(haploList-class),6 AssignQTL,2,10buildhPedigree,3,8c,haploList-method(haploList-class),6 getAll,4haploList,5,5,7,13haploList-class,6haplotype,5,6,13haplotype-class,7hPed2Ped,7list,6ListQTL(AssignQTL),2orderPed,12print,haploList-method(haploList-class),6 print,haplotype-method(haplotype-class),7 RemoveHomozygotes,8SampleBaseHaplotype,9,9,10,11SampleHaplotype,2,7,8,10,11,12SampleHaplotypes,3,6–10,11SamplePedigree,12show,haploList-method(haploList-class),6 show,haplotype-method(haplotype-class),7 validhaploListObject,13vector,614。

住户、农民工年、季报主程序和参数文件 必须放在不同的目录下。明年农村住户调 查季报、农民工监测调查开户表和季报必 须使用新Haps程序。
县级上报内容为样本字典库、帐页数据、 问卷数据三类文件。 样本字典库、帐页数据文件、问卷数据文 件、报表数据文件都存放在工作/专业目录 下的“数据文件”子目录中。
// 单位编码,单位名称,调查点数,各点户数 640104,兴庆区,6,10,10,10,10,10,10 640105,西夏区,5,10,10,10,10,10 640106,金凤区,5,10,10,10,10,10
在新的程序下,必须首选建立样本库。 在建立样本字典库之前,haps会根据单位字典 库自动创建一个虚拟的样本字典库。 建立样本库时,先进入haps“维护”模块,在 “样本字典库”维护界面,可直接录入村居样本、 住户样本和访问员名录;也可执行导出操作,得 到一个excel样本名录框架。然后将需要的样本 信息填报到这个框架中。最后,在“样本字典库” 维护界面,执行导入操作。 操作:haps主菜单菜-->维护-->样本字典库。
首先将当前年份设置成“2010年”,再从任务选择 窗口将当前任务改选为“2010开户”。 从帐页菜单的“录入问卷数据”子菜单,或从主窗 口底部的问卷选择窗口,点击“问卷A:2010开户 调查问卷”,进行数据录入。 录入完成后,选择对应的审核公式,点击帐页菜单 的“审核问卷数据”子菜单,进行数据审核。
在新程序下,分机录入数据的用户,不宜 继续采用旧的导出与导入的方式,而应通 过工具菜单的上报和接收两个功能来实现。 要顺利实现分机录入和数据合并,必须使 用规范和统一的样本字典库。 由于数据文件格式做了改动,新程序无法 导入旧程序导出的数据,旧程序也无法导 入新程序导出的数据。
Endress+Hauser FMP5x Heartbeat模块说明书

Products Solutions ServicesSpecial DocumentationLevelflex FMP5xHeartbeat DiagnosticsHeartbeat VerificationHeartbeat Monitoring SD01872F/00/EN/01.1671348468Table of contents Endress+Hauser 3Table of contents1Document information (4)1.1Document function .....................41.2Symbols used ..........................41.3Documentation (5)2Heartbeat modules (6)2.1Overview .............................62.2Short description of the modules ...........62.3Module availability .....................92.4Subsequent activation of the modules .. (9)3Heartbeat Diagnostics (10)4Heartbeat Verification (11)4.1Verification report .....................114.2Proof test for SIL or WHG applications (14)5Heartbeat Monitoring (16)5.1Monitoring parameters in the verification report ..............................165.2Foam detection .......................175.3Buildup detection . (20)Document information Levelflex FMP5x 4Endress+Hauser1 Document information 1.1 Document function This Special Documentation contains a description of the additional parameters and technical data that are available with the Heartbeat Verification and Heartbeat Monitoringapplication packages.This manual is Special Documentation. It is not a substitute for the Operating Instructions supplied with the device as indicated in the following table:1.2 Symbols used 1.2.1 Symbols for certain types of informationLevelflex FMP5x Document information Endress+Hauser 51.2.2 Symbols in graphics 1.3 Documentation For an overview of the scope of the associated Technical Documentation, refer to the following:•The W@M Device Viewer : enter the serial number from the nameplate (/deviceviewer )•The Endress+Hauser Operations App : Enter the serial number from the nameplate or scan the 2-D matrix code (QR code) on the nameplate.Heartbeat modules Levelflex FMP5x 6Endress+Hauser2 Heartbeat modules 2.1 Overview1Heartbeat modules 2.2 Short description of the modules 2.2.1 "Heartbeat Diagnostics" module Function •Continuous self-monitoring of the device.•Diagnostic messages output to –the local display.–an asset management system (e.g. FieldCare/DeviceCare).–an automation system (e.g. PLC).Advantages •Device condition information is available immediately and processed in time.•The status signals are classified in accordance with VDI/VDE 2650 and NAMUR recommendation NE 107 and contain information about the cause of the error and remedial action.Detailed description → 10Levelflex FMP5x Heartbeat modulesEndress+Hauser 72.2.2 "Heartbeat Verification" moduleDevice functionality checked on demand•Verification of the correct functioning of the measuring device within specifications.•The verification result provides information about the condition of the device: Passed or Failed .•The results are documented in a verification report.•The automatically generated report supports the obligation to demonstrate compliance with internal and external regulations, laws and standards.•Verification is possible without interrupting the process.Advantages•No onsite presence is required to use the function.•The DTM 1) triggers verification in the device and interprets the results. No specific knowledge is required on the part of the user.•The verification report can be used to prove quality measures to a third party.•Heartbeat Verification can replace other maintenance tasks (e.g. periodic check) or extend the test intervals.SIL/WHG-locked devices 2)•The Heartbeat Verification module contains a wizard for the proof test which must be performed at appropriate intervals for the following applications:–SIL (IEC61508/IEC61511)–WHG (German Water Resources Act)•To perform a proof test, the device must be locked (SIL/WHG locking).•The wizard can be used via FieldCare, DeviceCare or a DTM-based process controlsystem.In the case of SIL-locked and WHG-locked devices, it is not possible to perform verification without interrupting the process because the output current must be simulated (Increased safety mode) or the level must be approached manually (Expert mode) during subsequent re-locking (SIL/WHG locking).Detailed description → 111)DTM: Device Type Manager; controls device operation via DeviceCare, FieldCare or a DTM-based process control system.2)Only relevant for devices with SIL or WHG approval: order code 590 ("Additional approval"), option LA ("SIL") or LC ("WHG").Heartbeat modules Levelflex FMP5x 8Endress+Hauser2.2.3 "Heartbeat Monitoring" module Function •In addition to the verification parameters, the corresponding parameter values are also logged.•Existing measured variables, such as the echo amplitude, are used in the Foam detection and Build-up detectionwizards.The Foam detection and Build-up detection wizards cannot be used together."Foam detection" wizard •The Heartbeat Monitoring module contains the Foam detection wizard.•This wizard is used to configure automatic foam detection, which detects foam on the product surface on the basis of the reduced signal amplitude. Foam detection can be linked to a switch output in order to control a sprinkler system, for example, which dissolves the foam.•This wizard can be used via FieldCare, DeviceCare or a DTM-based process control system."Build-up detection" wizard •The Heartbeat Monitoring module contains the Build-up detection wizard.•The wizard is used to configure automatic buildup detection, which detects the buildup of deposits on the probe on the basis of the reduced signal amplitude.•This wizard can be used via FieldCare, DeviceCare or a DTM-based process control system.Advantages •Early detection of changes (trends) to ensure plant availability and product quality.•Use of information for the proactive planning of measures (e.g. cleaning/maintenance).•Identification of undesirable process conditions as the basis to optimizing the facility and the processes.•Automated control of measures to remove foam or buildup.Detailed description → 16Levelflex FMP5x Heartbeat modules Endress+Hauser 92.3 Module availability Heartbeat Diagnostics is available in all device versions with Heartbeat Technology.Feature 540 in the product structure determines whether Heartbeat Verification and Heartbeat Monitoring are available:If the device was ordered with one of these options, the corresponding Heartbeat modules are available on delivery.2.4 Subsequent activation of the modules If a Heartbeat module was not selected when the device was ordered, it is possible to activate the module subsequently depending on the firmware version. An Endress+Hauser retrofit kit is required for this purpose. This kit contains an activation code that must be entered via the operating menu. The relevant Heartbeat module is then permanently available in the device afterwards.2.4.1 Menu path for the activation code Navigation "Setup" → Advanced setup → Enter access code 2.4.2 Firmware versions that support subsequent module activationHeartbeat Diagnostics Levelflex FMP5x10Endress+Hauser 3 Heartbeat DiagnosticsDevice diagnostic messages, along with remedial measures, are displayed:•on the local display of the device •in the operating tool (FieldCare/DeviceCare)For information about using the diagnostic messages, see the "Diagnostics and troubleshooting" section of the Operating Instructions.Operating Instructions: → 4Levelflex FMP5x Heartbeat Verification4 Heartbeat Verification4.1 Verification report4.1.1 Creating the verification report using the wizardThe wizard to create a verification report is only available if the device is operated viaFieldCare, DeviceCare or a DTM-based process control system.1.A0032409Click the Heartbeat button on the dashboard.A choice of heartbeat wizards is displayed.2.A0032551Select the Heartbeat Verification wizard.Heartbeat Verification Levelflex FMP5x3.A00324032First page of the "Heartbeat Verification" wizard ("Heartbeat Verification").Follow the instructions given by the wizard.The wizard guides you through the entire process for creating the verificationreport. The verification report can be saved as a PDF file.4.1.2 Content of the verification report•The verification report contains the results of the test objects: Passed or Failed isindicated as the result.•If the Heartbeat Monitoring module is available, additional pages with the test objectsand associated parameter values are displayed in addition to the verification report.Verification report: general informationLevelflex FMP5x Heartbeat VerificationVerification report: verification resultsThe test result for all the test objects is given on the subsequent pages. The followingresults are possible:•: Passed•: FailedVerification criteria for the test objectsMonitoring parameters (for "Heartbeat Monitoring")In the case of devices with the "Heartbeat Monitoring" module, the verification reportcontains additional monitoring parameters → 16.Heartbeat Verification Levelflex FMP5x4.2 Proof test for SIL or WHG applications1.A0032409Click the Heartbeat button on the dashboard.A choice of heartbeat wizards is displayed.2.A0032552Select the Proof test wizard ("Proof test").Levelflex FMP5x Heartbeat Verification3.A0032411If the button SIL/WHG confirmation ("SIL/WHG confirmation") is active:The device must first be locked (SIL/WHG locking). To lock the device, click theSIL/WHG confirmation button and then follow the instructions. Then start theProof test wizard once more.4.A00324103First page of the "Proof test" wizard ("Proof test").Follow the instructions given by the wizard.The wizard guides you through the entire proof test.Heartbeat Monitoring Levelflex FMP5x5 Heartbeat Monitoring5.1 Monitoring parameters in the verification reportIn the case of devices with the "Heartbeat Monitoring" module, the verification reportcontains a table with the monitoring parameters. The measured value is indicated for eachparameter.Monitoring parameters of the test objectsAdditional monitoring parametersLevelflex FMP5x Heartbeat Monitoring5.2 Foam detection5.2.1 Operating principle4Foam detection operating principle. The 75% and 85% limits are sample values. Values that suit thespecific application must be selected in each case.A Amplitude threshold for foam detectionFoam reduces the echo amplitude and can therefore be detected automatically. Given thatthe echo amplitude also depends on the measured distance, foam detection should only beactive if the level is in a user-defined range (75 to 85 % in the example indicated). Foamdetection can be linked to a switch output in order to control a sprinkler system, forexample, which dissolves the foam.Heartbeat Monitoring Levelflex FMP5x5.2.2 ConfigurationThe Foam detection wizard is only available if the device is operated via FieldCare,DeviceCare or a DTM-based process control system.1.A0032409Click the Heartbeat button on the dashboard.A choice of heartbeat wizards is displayed.2.A0032553Select the Foam detection wizard ("Foam detection").Levelflex FMP5x Heartbeat Monitoring3.A00324225First page of the "Foam detection" wizard ("Foam detection")Follow the instructions given by the wizard.The wizard guides you through the entire configuration of the foam detectionfunction.Heartbeat Monitoring Levelflex FMP5x5.3 Buildup detection5.3.1 Operating principle6Buildup detection operating principleBuildup reduces the echo amplitude and can therefore be detected automatically. Giventhat the echo amplitude also depends on the measured distance, buildup detection shouldonly be active if the level is in a user-defined range.Levelflex FMP5x Heartbeat Monitoring Endress+Hauser 215.3.2Configuration The Build-up detection wizard is only available if the device is operated via FieldCare,DeviceCare or a DTM-based process control system.1. A0032409Click the Heartbeat button on the dashboard. A choice of heartbeat wizards is displayed.2. A0032554Select the Build-up detection wizard ("Build-up detection").Heartbeat Monitoring Levelflex FMP5x 22Endress+Hauser3.A0032424 7First page of the "Build-up detection" wizard ("Build-up detection")Follow the instructions given by the wizard. The wizard guides you through the entire configuration of the buildup detection function.*71348468*71348468。

<HAP框架>附件上传下载开发总结Author: HuchengyeCreation Date: 2016-07-04Last Updated: 2016-07-04Document Ref: Hap附件上传下载开发总结Version: 1.0文档控制更改记录内容目录文档控制 ................................................................................................................................... i i 1.文档说明 (1)适用框架及前端技术 (1)2.操作界面 (2)2.1.目录管理界面 (2)2.2.目录管理新增弹出界面 (3)2.3.文件管理界面 (3)2.4.上传界面 (4)3.相关数据表 (5)3.1.目录信息表 (5)1.2文件目录关系表 (5)2.3.文件信息表 (5)3.基于项目的简单应用 (6)3.1.功能界面 (6)3.2.功能代码 (6)3.3.上传跳转界面 (7)3.4.下载跳转界面 (8)1.未结与已结问 (9)未结问题 (9)已结问题 (9)1.文档说明在使用本文档操作实现Tab页和头行结构前,请先详细了解本章节的内容.1.适用框架及前端技术2.使用jQueryLigerUI引用条件适用框架及前端技术1.1.1.适用框架Hap框架1.1.2.前端技术1.jQueryLigerUI2.操作界面sys_attach_category_manage.html----→目录管理界面sys_attach_category_edit.html-----→目录管理新增弹出界面sys_file_manage.html----→文件管理界面sys_attachment_create.html-----→上传界面2.1.目录管理界面1.储存路径:上传文件时文件的储存路径,如果不存在此路径,储存时会自动创建2.文件类型:所能上传文件的类型,数据库中对应存的是后缀名,对应着此列中的后缀名,我们在当前来源类型下只能上传相对应后缀名格式的文件,不然就会报如下错误:1.来源类型:每一个附件都不是单独存在的,附件是依附于我们的业务数据存在的,来源类型就是附件所从属的业务数据表的表名或者和表名同一级别的一个东西。
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Author: Huchengye
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Hap.setFormDefaultBtn(closeUploadDialog, function(){
if(Hap.validateForm(attForm)) {
uploader.option('formData', {
//sourceType: '${RequestParameters.sourceType!}',
sourceType: form.getData().sourceType,
sourceKey: '${RequestParameters.bookId!}'