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1. 你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。




Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sits in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day.

I think he should take breaks away from the computer. He shouldn’t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes and go to bed early at night.

I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon.



1. 词数80左右。开头已经写好,不记入总词数;

2. 内容必须包括上表中的要点,可作必要的发挥;

3. 条理清楚、语句连贯;



The survey shows that many students have become

shortsighted at a very young age. At present, about

70% of the students are shortsighted. Here are some

main causes.

Some students may not have enough sleep. Some

students spend too much time reading or doing their

homework without a rest. Some students even like to

watch TV or use computers for a long time.

In order to have good eyesight, we should do eye

exercises every day. We can also try to do more sports

in our spare time. We should have the good habit of

using our eyes.

I think all of us should understand the importance

of protecting eyes and try our best to protect them.


Doing Housework展开调查。请根据以下调查结果,写



Name Housework How often

Wu Peng cook…sometimes

Li Ying wash…every day

Wang Lin clean……

Zhang Ming never

I …





This is the result of our survey about “Doing

housework”. Wu Peng likes cooking and helps his mother

cook meals, Li Ying washes dishes after meals every day.

Wang Lin is strong. He always does some cleaning at

home. But Zhang Ming is lazy. He never does any

housework. As for me, I do a lot of housework because

my parents are very busy with their work. We are members of our families. I think it[‘s our duty to help with the housework. Besides that, doing housework can relax us and make us healthy.


提示:1. do some chores

2. make the beds, sweep the floor

3. do the dishes

4. break a dish

5. better next time

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thanks for your e-mail. I’m glad you are getting on well with your work. Now let me tell you something about us. We are doing quite well at home. On the first day, we got up earl y. My sister made the beds and swept the floor. I made the breakfast and took out the trash.

After breakfast, we did homework together. After lunch we watched TV and played games. We played very happily. Don’t worry about us. I can look after myself and my sister well.

Have a good time!













Dear Tom,

Glad to hear from you, but I’m sorry to know that

you’re so worried. In my opinion, gifts are just

something to show our love. They can’t be measured

(衡量)by money.

I don’t think you need to buy an expensive gift,

although your classmates will buy expensive gifts for

him. If you buy one expensive gift, you will need too

much money. And if you don’t have enough money,

you have to ask your parents for money. And I don’t

think it is a good idea. Why don’t you buy some

flowers and make a beautiful birthday card for your

best friend? That’ll be enough to make him happy.




做的事情, 80词以上,

These days students have a lot of stress from

school.They are always busy even on Sundays. Last

Sunday, Mary was very busy. What about you?

Last Sunday, Mary was very busy, and so did I.When

Mary was reading English at 9:00, I was listening to the
