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Would you like the steak well done or rare? 你喜欢牛排煎得透一点,还是略生一点?
lamb n. (uc)
the meat from lambs
e.g.: Do you want beef or lamb ? a lovely lamb
Beef , please . Lamb , please .
---Do you eat meat every day? 你每天都吃肉吗? --- _____________.
Lesson 49 At the butcher’s
Everyday English
1.Time flies. 时间飞逝。
2. I will pick you up.
We are husband and wife. = We are a couple [‘kʌpl] 一对. 夫妻之间的称呼: honey dear darling sweet baby What do you call your husband?
★ tell v. 过去式 told I told you something about my husband just now .
➢give a talk做报告 (talk n.报告)
➢have a talk听报告
➢talk show 脱口秀
▲tell意为“告诉,对…说”.告诉的内容 可以和to连用 作及物动词,

I can’t tell the bad news to you.
=I can’t tell you the bad news.
boyfriend fiance groom husband househusband couple 夫妇,夫妻
复数 spouses
spouse’s date of birth / 配偶出生日期
spouse’s place of birth /配偶出生地
★ husband n.老公,丈夫

They are talking about the film. 他们正谈论这部电影。
The teacher is talking with Mike. 老师正和迈克谈话。
➢I want to talk to you.
➢talk to/ with sb. about sth.
➢have a talk with 意为“与......交谈”
2. The teacher _____ us to finish the homework in time. A. tells B. speaks C. says D. talks
3.What would you like to ______ us about your hometown.
A. speak B. talk C. say D. tell
★ butcher n. a person who sells meat
e.g.: The old man is a butcher .
at the butcher's a place where you can buy meat
egg: The boy is at the butcher's . He wants to buy some meat .
chat 聊天
chat room 聊天室 chitchat闲谈,聊天 have a chitchat 闲聊 video chat 视频聊天 have a chat with sb./chat with sb. 和某人聊天
1. Did he _____ it in English? A. tell B. speak C. say D. talk
ox和bull的区别 ox指被阉割过的公牛 bull指未被阉割过的
Do you want any beef ? There isn’t any beef on the plate.
steak n. (UC) a piece of steak
---How do you like your steak?
butcher n.屠夫;刽子手(残忍的或滥杀无辜的人)
He is a real butcher!他是嗜杀成性的人。
★ meat 肉(食用)
Do you want any meat?
★ beef
★ lamb
★ steak
★ mince源自文库
beef n.(UC)
the meat from oxen [’ɔksən] or cows
4. She is ____ with her classmates.
★ either adv. My husband likes steak . I like steak, too .
=I also like steak . Do you like steak too ? My husband doesn't like chicken I don't like chicken, either .
1.▲ speak作及物动词,意为“说”“讲”,其宾语常是 某种语言。如:speak French说法语;
2.表示说到什么人或事,须用介词about/ of /on引出的 短语。如:They all spoke on folk music.

a wolf in sheep‘s clothing 披着羊皮的狼, 口 蜜腹剑的人
She's as gentle as a lamb. _______________________________.
The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb. 有活的狼就有死的羔羊。
--- Steak rare/medium/well-done.
How will you like your steak? Rare! 您要怎么做的牛排?嫩些的!
I want my steak medium rare, please. 我要半生的牛排,麻烦你。
Tell me another. 我不相信你。 You are telling me. 我早就知道这事了!
tell v.告诉,说
to tell you the truth ……说老实话 To tell you the truth , I don't want to tell you
this . To tell you the truth, we can’t lower the price again. 实话说,这个牛排不是很好。 I have been loving you for a long time! To be frank, =frankly, …
A lamb is as dear to a poor man as an ox to the rich. 穷人的一只羔羊比富人的一头牛还要珍 贵。
mince n. (UC)
I want a pound of mince. Because I want to make some dumplings .
truth n.实情,事实
true adj. 真实的 truly adv. 1. 真正地2. 忠实地, 真诚地
come true 梦想成真 come into reality true lie 真实的谎言
The truth is … 真相是/事实是…
find out the truth 找到真相
▲say是“讲,说”的意思,强调说话内容。一般作及物动词, 常用于直接引述所说的话或间接叙述所说的话。例如: Say it in Chinese please . 请 用 汉 语 说 。 He says: ″It‘s great . ″ 他 说 : “ 好 极 了 。 ” He says that he saw the man yesterday. 他说他昨 天看见这个人了。
I have to go to the butcher’s.
doctor – doctor’s
在英文表示“某一商店”的商店中,往往可以把shop省略, 如 课 文 中 的 the butcher’s (shop) 和 the greengrocer’s (shop) , 类 似 的 例 子 还 有 the hairdresser’s (shop),the stationer’s (shop),the doctor’s (office),my mother’s (house)等。
练习二:选用 say speak talk tell的适当 形式填空。
1. He ____ he is busy.
2.”What language do you __ ﹖”
″I ______ Chinese.″
3 . The teacher is _ _ _ _ loudly to the students.

The baby is learning to speak.
➢speak+ 语言
➢speak to sb.
➢speak about/ of/ on sth.
➢speak of 意为“提到、说起”
➢▲ talk 意 为 “ 讲 、 谈 论 , 谈 话 ” 是 不 及 物 动 词 , 常 和 to with
石头剪子布 Mum乖 乖 !
小么小二郎° ヽ oo晓 弄 儿 つ
肉馍馍。 这 女 子 、 娇 生惯养
寳珼、啵一个 啦 啦 啦 啦 —— 我 只 做 你 的 小傻瓜 嘀嘀^芣咻° 牛奶不加糖 -
凹凸曼 ╰ hEy ゞ 肥 肥 嘟 嘟 也 可爱 橙三吉。 带花旳蘑菇° 装萌卖傻 萌萌的夏天 咕咕嘎嘎 格洛米、 小 太 阳 、 一 抹呵护 メ iǎo〃 ━訞 嗯 哼 嗯 哼 蹦 擦擦、 小 貓 眯 —— の 小冷 ● ——乖 嚸 |▂_ 大头虾 黑猫警长 踮起脚、嘟嘴 ね 呆 到 深 处 自然萌 ほ 豹 紋 T-袖 ︼ 吃货花花
My mother tells me to buy some fruit.
➢ tell the truth 说真话 tell a lie说谎 ➢ tell the time “报时“ tell a story讲故事 ➢ tell about a person / a game / a success ➢ tell sb. sth./ tell sth. to sb. ➢ tell sb. to do sth. ➢ tell : 辨别,说出区别 tell A from B ➢ tell the differences between A and B
皱眉 哟 哟 发 Q闹
CIci微 安 大眼镜 尐兔纸乖乖 mc 梦 梦 咖 啡 .兔 萌先森。 性感ヽ小美女 ㈦個小夢想 红毛怪 盯 着 作 业 唱 征服丶
煞笔 乖萌受。 小 恋 曲 *——
小丸子 萌牛。 天 空 中 的 棉 花糖——。 坏坏ヤ小孩孓 @ 维尼美熊。 留守的马& ッ 自 卑 的 小 木偶 - Gypsophila 满 天 星 稍息立正站好 可爱的狗蛋、 〆 尛果
My English teacher always says that I’m a good student.
1. say+ 说话内容
2. say to sb.
3. It is said that... 意为“据说”。如:
It is said that he could stay under the water for a long time. 据说他能呆在水里很长时间。
chicken n.
★ chicken n.鸡,鸡肉
hen [hen] chick
[tʃik]小鸡 [kɔk]公鸡
1. 房子后面有一些鸡。 2. ---你想吃些什么? --- 我想吃些鸡肉。
girlfriend fiancée bride wife housewife spouse配偶, 夫或妻