
下面由出口沙特saso 认证服务中心港易质量认证公司为您介绍下沙特saso认证的相关内容,希望能带来帮助。
港易质量认证公司致力于为客户提供海关联盟CU-TR认证、俄罗斯GOST认证、尼日利亚SONCAP认证、沙特SASO认证、肯尼亚PVOC认证、乌干达PVOC认证、坦桑尼亚PVOC认证、南非LOA 认证,埃及COI认证、欧盟CE认证、CB认证、加纳CTN,科威特KUCAS认证、伊拉克COC认证、澳洲SAA认证、美国DOT认证、美国FDA认证、日本PSE认证、印尼SNI认证、泰国TISI认证、印度BIS认证、BSCI认证、加拿大CSA认证等等、提供安全、电磁兼容、化学、性能测试、环境测试等全方位的技术服务。

中、英、阿拉伯语对照表汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译) 汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译) 汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)1 one 瓦海德100 One hundred 米呀谢谢thanks 休库伦2 two 意提林110 米亚阿下拉不客气阿富汗3 three 达拉达121 米亚瓦海德衣西林对不起sorry 马莱西4 four 阿乐把200 米吞早上morning 萨巴5 five 哈木撒300 土木土米亚下午afternoon 阿苏拉6 six 习达400 阿乐吧米亚晚上evening 弥撒7 seven 撒把500 哈姆松米娅今天today 阿莱莱8 eight 达吗你也600 吸毒米娅明天tomorrow 不苦辣9 nine 地撒700 苏步米娅后天after tomorrow 巴德不苦辣10 ten 阿下拉800 杜姆鲁米娅昨天yesterday 厄米斯11 eleven 意大下拉900 毒素米娅吃饭dining 发堵路12 twelve 阿德那下拉1000 Oen thousand 爱里富吃eat 亚古楼13 thirteen 达拉达下拉1001 爱礼服瓦海德喝水todrinkwater 希拉不摩亚14 fourteen 阿乐吧达下拉1010 爱礼服阿下拉水water 摩崖15 fifteen 哈穆萨下拉1100 爱礼服米亚睡觉sleep 农牧16 sixteen 西大下拉2000 爱里纷有have 非17 seventeen 撒把大下拉3000 达拉达爱礼服没有Not to have 吗啡18 eighteen 达马达下来10000 Ten thousand 阿下拉爱礼服没问题No problem 姆西格拉马斐19 nineteen 的撒大下拉20000 衣西林爱礼服一样The same 萨瓦20 twenty 衣隙林100000 米亚爱礼服给吉普30 thirty 达拉地恩1000000 Oen million 瓦海德米列岸你叫什么名字Whats your name 易斯马迷农40 forty 阿乐巴因问好hello 撒拉马累工什么what 戏弄50 fifty 哈母新回答阿雷公撒拉木多(很多)much 课题拉60 sixty 习地恩早上好Good morning 撒把孩儿少(慢,小…)Few, slow ,small 效也70 seventy 撒把因午安Good afternoon 弥撒孩儿知道know 埃里富80 eighty 达吗尼恩晚安Good evening 不知道Don’t know 马埃里富90 ninety 的撒因再见Good bye 马撒拉马看see 休夫香烟somke 赛加拉长long 达维拉短short 各色拉汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)年year 散那春天spring 芮别耳朵ear 阿但月month 夏哈拉秋天autumn 哈芮府头head 格入阿斯日day 由木夏天summer 色服脚foot 古拉小时hour 萨东East 协力可说To speak 嘎拉木分钟minute 地给卡西west 哈芮普鼻nose 安努弗秒second 三亚南sauth 基诺普馒头Steamed bread 埃希黎明dawn 法纪诺北方north 香马拉大米rice 户如斯星期week 藕丝不左left 香马拉西红柿tomato 大马队目星期日sunday 阿哈德右right 冶民苦菜Bitter dish 叶利津儿星期一monday 厄斯尼前front 达瓦莱土豆murphy 马达迪斯星期二tuesday 埃里塔拉特后back 我拉洋葱onion 波色拉星期三wednesday 埃里阿拉比阿以前before 若满辣椒(青椒)capsicum 下达星期四thursday 埃利哈米以后After 八点茄子aubergine 阿斯湾星期五friday 埃里九马白色white 爱比压的黄瓜cucumber 阿九路星期六saturday 瑟比的黑色black 阿思外的大蒜garlic 夺目一月January 亚娜也红色red 阿哈马拉萝卜radish 叶色拉二月February 佛伯瑞绿色green 阿哈德拉花生earthpea 服鲁三月march 玛丽丝黄色yellow 阿思发拉面粉flour 达给四月April 诶婆蓝色blue 热哈拉花生油热地五月may 麻油粉红色pink 格软福利蜜枣date 扒拉哈六月june 较尼奥玫瑰色rose 挖拉得牙tooth 啊司南七月July 友丽奥橙色orange 薄弱土哈里牙刷toothbrush 佛的写八月August 奥古斯特金色golden 热哈比香皂soap 撒蹦九月September 森婆特们卜紫罗兰色violet 比乃副色几香水scent 异地儿十月October 奥可土卜眼睛eye 偶有你洗发精shampoo 香波十一月November 恼问卜儿手hand 野地工鞋shoes 布十二月December 道客们播嘴mouth 哈朽木皮鞋Shoe leather 接丝满冬天winter 喜大脸face 沃谢衬衣Shirt 哥密斯汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)地瓜pachyrhizus 蹦被笔pen 阿拉木出去Go out 巴德拉肉meat 拉汗木笔记本notebook 嘎拉斯太阳sun 夏米西鱼fish 洒吗哥纸袋paper 热力弗月亮moon 伽马拉鸡chicken 卡他口的(鸡大大)自行车bicycle 阿加拉朋友friend 洒地哥鸡蛋egg 摆的录音机dictaphone 惹阿丢可以Ok can may 够意思绵羊sheep 伙楼副磁带tape 谢里特饱Eat full 家安山羊goat 得撒计算器calculator 阿拉哈斯伯饥饿hunger 下巴安牛Bull cattle cow 剥割拉印盒Seal box 口吐穆满full 马里延那奶粉milk 来班猫cat 嘎第斯全部full 咕噜驴donkey 侯吗拉耗子rat 伐拉多少How mach 纲目蚂蚱locust 杰拉特糖sugar 苏格水壶canteen 撒把拉番茄酱Tomato catchup 大吗对木扫司火柴match 各布里塔芝麻Gingeli 色米色模淀粉starch 四大里火fire 纳拉柠檬lemon 来蒙果冻粉嘎司的拉打火机lighter 人纳特高粱broomcom 艾西蚕豆horsebean 腐卢萨风wind 埃里瑞河river 纳哈拉盐salt 米列下雨rain 马达拉山mountains 杰白拉味精Monosodium glutamate 马吉电池battery 哈加拉远far 百一地商店shop 度甘手电筒Electric torch 巴达利亚近near 哥利巴司机driver 每看尼可纸夹Paper clip 摩萨男孩boy 我来的厨师cook 大巴哈订书机stapler 马拉巴女孩Gal girl 宾特学校school 马达拉萨闹钟Alarm clock 萨妇女women 莫大姆教师teacher 欧斯达斯信封envelop 热力副老人gaffer 阿舅子学生student 达拉巴女教师欧斯打热小孩babe 贝贝教室classroom 非森听To listen 阿斯曼洗澡bath 哈麻木照相机camera 盖米拉生病sicken 阿亚娜洗浴室bathroom 哈马姆照片picture 索拉手套glove 教研忒宿舍hostel 霍拉法快quick 苏拉唱歌sing 凡南尼厨房cookroom 妈的巴哈慢slow 摆哈拉进来Come in 就阿库房depot 马格热恩我I,We,me 俺那你Y ou,your 恩德他,她He,she 胡阿,黑呀汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)汉语英语阿拉伯语(音译)谁who 米努药品medicine 哈卜,达瓦凳子stool 倒戈多嘎茶tea 侠易姓名name 爱思姆桌子teble 呆莱白热咖啡coffee 来版纳丈夫husband 柔家塑料壶Plastic pot 也烈感狗dog 戈理不妻子wife 柔嘉哈油桶Can,jerrican 北来米骆驼camel 杰办那新郎bridegroom 阿瑞斯钳子pliers 热那地鸽子pigeon 哈马马新娘bride 阿如洒床bed 色里热爸爸Dada,father 阿布树tree 下加拉清洗clean 哈洗礼妈妈Mama, 欧姆通行证pass 我来哥椅子chair 谷莉萨哥哥Elder brother 阿赫冰箱icebox 萨拉加电话telephone 泰勒风弟弟Cousin-german 阿胡糖果candy 哈老窝手机handset 莫拜伊姐姐sister 欧户的雇员employee 阿米有扳手spanner 莫夫他妹妹sis 欧户地空调Air-condition 康迪甚钥匙key 莫夫他爷爷granddad 基的电焊机Electric welding 吗嘎那来汗木切割机incise奶奶grandma 家的电焊条来汗木苏巴砂轮机Grinding wheel是yes 萨,艾汽油benzine 本贼氧气oxygen不是no 哈德,啦,柴油Diesel oil 价子乙炔acetylene碗Bowl 萨哈尼润滑油Lubricating oil 热的钢板、铁皮Sheet iron勺子scoop 果木下黄油butter 下哈木铁丝Iron silk 塞力克锅Cooking pot 塞依其台钳Dais clamp 梯子ladder 塞里木桶bucket 杰来的力风扇fan 马路杯子cup 高司竹筐Bamboo basket 果富阿钢锯hacksaw 梦下拉钉子nail 木丝马拉盆Tub basin 钢锹怪来哥螺丝snail 木丝马拉刀knife 塞肯电electricity 嘎哈拉巴混合电解液Mix electrlyse 巴达列磨牙汽车truck 阿罗比亚门锁Door lock 巴普拉油漆Oil paint 不也医院hospital 姆斯塔下发剪子shears 马格斯灯泡bulb 朗巴医生doctor 塔比不胶布Adhesive plaster 下力子扑克Pounce on 国喜地那护士nurse 姆吗瑞德接头Tie-in 及力巴暖壶撒把拉生病sicken 阿亚那起子木筏可透明胶带拉斯哥手术operation 阿吗里亚轮胎勒斯迪克我爱你I love you 俺那吼伯克黑胡椒费力费树胶萨摩哥外科医生继内阿合同阿格德蚕豆俘虏马斯里证人侍户德皮带塞亚勒地址玛提伽腰带伽西日期他瑞哈高压油泵凸轮钵经理莫迪拉车门锁盖鲁纳床瑟里路床垫米莱亚枕套给丝圆珠笔嘎拉姆比克记号笔嘎拉姆古北炉灶幅度届四菜瓜阿九路西葫芦哥热蓄电池巴达列钢管马苏拉在哪里哼哪克加法热特减法那格斯乘法飞除法阿拉等号伊萨维陆龟木疙瘩因为比马安娜所以伊人路下了翻过来马拉拔毛毯巴达尼亚停止格服撒尿布鲁帽子阿洛布。

中东目前实施符合性认证的国家有:沙特、伊拉克、阿尔及利亚、卡塔尔、科威特、黎巴嫩、叙利亚、等广电计量检测具备如下标准的检测认证能力(以下以沙特SASO为例)SASO 443/2003,SASO 2203/2003,SASO 2204/2003插头插座IEC 61058器具开关IEC 60669家用和类似用途固定式电气装置的开关、电子开关、遥控开关(RCS)IEC 60670家用和类似用途固定式电气装置电器附件安装盒和外壳IEC 60884转换器/电线加长组件/固定式有联锁带开关插座、固定式无联锁带开关插座IEC 60320家用和类似设备用互连耦合器IEC 60799家用和类似用途电缆卷盘/电线组件和互连电线组件IEC 61984连接器IEC 60998家用和类似用途低压电路用的连接器/作为独立单元的带无螺纹型夹紧件的连接器件IEC 60730家用和类似用途电自动控制器/定时器和定时开关BS 1363-2 :插座BS 5733:电气产品通用要求BS 546:插座广电计量检测的优势拥有CNAS/ILAC和CBTL的实验室资质,与验货发证机构保持多年良好的合作关系,出具的报告能够直接被验货发证机构认可。
验货发证周期:提前一周提交相关资料,以便排单验货,约十个工作天左右申请SASO COC流程1、填写申请表2、样品送样测试3、出具报告4、报告资料审核(测试报告、装箱单、形式发票及申请表)5、安排验货[验货主要是目测,检查产品的包装、标签等是否符合沙特标准。

一、评定方案介绍SASO是沙特阿拉伯标准组织“Saudi Arabian Standards Organization”的缩写,即沙特阿拉伯标准组织。
ICCP是国际符合性认证计划“International Conformity Certification”的缩写;该计划适用于所有出口到沙特阿拉伯,或本地生产的消费类产品。
根据沙特内阁法令Nº.213,原SASO ICCP已与2003年9月份终止。
依照沙特内阁法令Nº.6386,一项新的针对出口沙特王国的产品评定方案已获得批准,并将取代原SASO ICCP方案。

SASO认证是沙特认证的代名词,是沙特阿拉伯国家最有影响力的一个认证,不管法规如何变迁,不管认证制度任何变迁,沙特人民心目中的认证,都是叫SASO认证,比如最开始的ICCP认证制度,就是最开始SASO认证的原型,因为最开始执行ICCP 认证制度的时候,负责实施这项认证的沙特政府部门是沙特标准局,英文名称:Saudi Arabian Standards Organization,我们简称SASO。
因为这个认证执行了将近10年,可以说是深入人心了,不管是沙特国内,还是世界各地,只要说起沙特那边的认证制度,人们都会不约而同的叫SASO认证,直到现在还是,这期间,沙特经过了好什么认证制度的变更,比如COCP(Conformity Certification Program)符合性计划,MOCI(Ministry of Commerce and Industry)沙特贸工部符合性认证计划等等。

塞浦路斯共和国 The Republic of Cyprus
沙特阿拉伯王国 The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
斯里兰卡民主社会主义共和国 The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
塔吉克斯坦共和国 The Republic of Tajikistan
安哥拉共和国 The Republic of Angola
贝宁共和国 The Republic of Benin
博茨瓦纳共和国 The Republic of Botswana
布基纳法索 The Burkina Faso
布隆迪共和国 The Republic of Burundi
俄罗斯联邦 The Russia Federation
法兰西共和国 The Republic of France
梵蒂冈城国 The Vatican City State
芬兰共和国 The Republic of Finland
荷兰王国 Kingdom of the Netherlands
阿富汗伊斯兰国 The Islamic State of Afghanistan
阿拉伯联合酋长国 The United Arab Emirates
阿曼苏丹国 The Sultanate of Oman
阿塞拜疆共和国 The Republic of Azerbaijan
巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国 The Islamic Republic of Pakistan
卢旺达共和国 The Rwandese Republic
马达加斯加共和国 The Republic of Madagascar

SASO,则是沙特国家标准组织Saudi Arabian Standards Organization的英文简称。
SABER是新推出的基于原有的SASO认证的升级版,也是即将取代SASO 认证的新的认证认可计划。
杭州沙锁商务信息咨询有限公司,这是一家专业代理各种出口认证及CCC 认证咨询的技术服务公司。
内勤部负责CCC中国强制性产品认证咨询、QS 食品市场准入认证咨询、工业产品生产许可证业务咨询。
体系部负责ISO9001、ISO14001、SA8000、QHAS18001、SA8000、HACCP、ISO22000、TS16949、ISO13485 等体系认证咨询业务。

同时沙特也对安培数对的电线铜丝的截面积有要求0.5平方--3A,0.75平方--5A, 1.0平方--10A,1.5平方--13A。

SASO 2204家用或者类似通用127伏插头和插座ICS:SASO董事会的批准日期正式公告的发布日期本标准的执行日期目录细目页码1.应用范围和领域 22.补充参考 23.定义 24.材质、设计、构造 25.额定值和特征 56.抽样77.测试78.技术合格标准89.标记8附注10家用或者类似通用127伏插头和插座1.应用范围和标准本标准是有关插头、插座的标准,插座主要用于住宅以及类似以下级别15安/127伏(相对中性点电压)用于127伏交流电路。
2. 补充参考本标准须通过SASO有关“家用或者相似通用插头插座的测试方法”的要求。
3. 定义3.1 额定电流在未超出许可温升的情况下,额定电流为厂方指定的插头或插座可持续携带的电流。
3.2 额定电压额定电压为厂方指定的有关插头、插座最高可持续正常运行的电压。
3.3 插头插头为一种有两个或者三个金属插脚用于接触相应插座以及接有软电线或电缆的设备。
3.4 插座一种有两个或者三个金属节点用于接触相应插头插脚的以及连接到固定布线上的设备。
3.5 安全插头一种在线性插脚与其端子之间电路有熔断丝的插头。
3.6 弹性插头一种底座、外壳或者这些组件中都是橡胶或者其他合适的弹性材料的插头。
3.7 不可再接线插头一种与软电线形成结构性部件,在除非永久功能失效的情况下与弹性软电线不可分离的插头。
3.8 开关插座一种与单级开关相连的插座。
3.9 插脚平整或者U型平截面的金属部件。
3.10 端子通过一个螺丝钉在一个孔或者槽中固定导体的金属部件。
4.材质、设计和结构在插头、插座中应该满足以下要求4.1 材质和结构4.1.1 组件中的材质应该遵照表1的要求表一:材质和组件4.1.2模制材质和玻璃陶瓷物质应该为非吸湿性且对耐碳化现象。
4.2 端子4.2.1在端子应该提供可接线的附件,在没有特别准备的情况下,应该对导体进行正确的连接。

PRODUCT SAFETY TRAINING FORnew draftsman所有信息均来源于安规Refer to Product Safety Folder in Lotus Notes.Inlets器具输入插座34Cable standards and approvals电线标准和认证3Plug standards and approvals插头标准和认证32Basic Rules of Power cords 电源线基本规则1ContentsTypes of Power Supply CordsClassifications & DefinitionsClass 1 -cord set or power cord intended for appliance with Earth Leak Protection (with earth pin)Class 2 -cord set or power cord intended for appliance with double-insulated protection (without earth pin)Cord set -Assembly consisting of one flexible cable fitted with one plug and one single connector, intended for the connection of an electrical appliance to the electrical supply (IEC60884-1:2006) Rewritable plug/connector -Plug/connector so constructed that the flexible cable can be replaced (IEC60884-1 / IEC60320-1)Non-rewirable plug/connector -Plug/connector so constructed that it forms a complete unit with the flexible cable afterconnection and assembly by the manufacturer of the plug orconnector (IEC60884-1 / IEC60320-1)Types of Power cordNon-detachable Power Cord Power Cord with customized end treatment and is meant to be joint to the appliance electric circuit board permanently. Theconsumers are not ableto remove the powercord from the appliancesDetachablePower CordPower Cord withappliance connectorand can be removedfrom the appliances bythe consumers.TypesPower Supply Cords A jumper cord is a detachable cord set. It is a cable fitted at end with a plug connector. This is often used to supply power from the computer Central Processing Unit (CPU) to the monitor.Free ends for direct soldering to aPrinted circuit boardTerminal and GrommetCLASSIFICATIONClass 1A Class 1 power cord is one which has an earth pin or earthconnection in addition to the usual live and neutral pins.(with earth pin) Class 2A Class 2power cord has the live and neutral pins only. Typically it isa 2 pins plug(without earth pin)Types of cable PVC电线橡胶线棉纱线Process of connector打端穿套注塑12345Strip outer jacket Crimp blades to wire Neutral / Earth / Live Insert crimped terminal intohousing Conn. over moldStrip inner insulation 脱皮Process of plug5Strip outer jacket Strip inner insulationCrimp blades to wireNeutral / Earth / Live Insert crimped terminal into housingPlug over mold1342General rules for cord setGeneral rules for cord set (Plug + Connector) Current rating of cable same or greater than connectorCurrent rating of plug same or greater than connectorClass 1 plug with Class 1 connector (Class 2 connector possible under some countries example UK, SG, MAL, SA, HK)Class 2 plug only with Class 2 connector (Exception Japan)Cord sets with 10A C13, C15 or C17 connectors shall not exceed 2m in length if fitted with conductor size of 0.75mm2Cord sets with 2.5A C7 connector shall not exceed 2m in length if fitted with conductor size of 0.5mm2Cord sets with 16A C19 connector shall not exceed 2m in length if fitted with conductor size of 1.0mm2Tinning 和SolderingCompare Tinning Soldering TinningSoldering pot返回目录Australia/New Zealand –AS/NZS 3112 (SAA)澳大利亚/新西兰-AS/NZS 3112(SAA)Austria –ONORM E 6623/6624 (OVE)澳地利-ONORM E6623/6624(OVE)Argentina –IRAM 2063, IRAM 2073 &IEC60884-1 (IRAM)阿根廷-IRAM 2063,IRAM 2073&IEC60884-1(IRAM)Belgium –NBN C 61-112-1 (SGS-CEBEC)比利时-NBN C61-112-1 (SGS-CEBEC)Brazil –NBR 14136 & NBR 6147 (TUV, UL & BV)巴西-NBR 14136&NBR 6147 (TUV,UL&BV)Cambodia –CS0017 (ISC)柬埔寨-CS0017(ISC)Canada –CSA 22.2 #42 (CSA or cUL)加拿大-CSA 22.2#42(CSA或UL)Chile (non-mandatory) –CEI 23-50 (IMQ or CESMEC)智利(不强制)-CEI 23-50(IMQ或CESMEC)China –GB1022 & GB2099.1 (CCC)中国-GB1022&GB2099.1(CCC)Certification is mandatory for plugs, cables and connectors as well as the whole cord set by CCCDenmark –SB 107-2-D1 (UL-DEMKO)丹麦-SB 107-2-D1(UL-DEMKO)Finland –SFS 5610 (FIMKO)芬兰-SFS 5610(FIMKO) France (non-mandatory) –NF C61-307 & NF EN50075 (LCIE)法国(不强制)-NF C61-307&NF EN50075(LCIE)Germany –DIN VDE 0620-101 (VDE)德国-DIN VDE 0620-101(VDE)Hong Kong (compliance) –BS 1363-1, BS 546 or EN50075 (Intertek, BSI, KEMA etc…)香港(符合性)-BS 1363-1,BS546或EN 50075(Intertek,BSI,KEMA等) India (non-mandatory) –IS1293 (BIS)印度(不强制)-IS1293(BIS)Israel –SI 32 (SII)以色列-SI 32(SII)Italy –CEI 23-50 (IMQ)意大利-CEI 23-50(IMQ)Korea –K60884-1 & KS C 8305 (KSA or KETI)韩国-K60884-1&KSC 8305(KSA或KETI)Malaysia (non-mandatory) –MS 589, MS 1577 or MS 1578 (SIRIM)马来西亚(不强制)-MS 589,MS 1577或MS1578(SIRIM)Mexico –NOM-003-SCFI-2000 (NOM or UL)墨西哥-NOM-003-SCFI-2000(NOM或UL)Netherlands –NEN 1020 (KEMA)荷兰-NEN 1020(KEMA)Norway –NEK 502 (NEMKO)挪威-NEK 502(NEMKO)Philippines –PNS 1486-1 & PNS 1572 (BPS)菲利宾-PNS 1486-1&PNS 1572(BPS)Russia (non-mandatory) –GOST R5132(GOST)俄罗斯(不强制)-GOST R5132(GOST)Saudi Arabia (non-mandatory) –SASO 2203 or SASO 2204 (CoC from ICCP)沙特阿拉伯(不强制)-SASO 2203或SASO 2204(由ICCP发出的CoC)Singapore –SS 145-1 or SS 472 (SPRING) 新加坡-SS 145-1或SS 472(SPRING)South Africa (non-mandatory) –SANS 164-1 & SANS 60799 (SABS)南非(不强制)-SANS 164-1&SANS 60799(SABS)Spain (non-mandatory) –UNE 20315 or UNE EN 50075 (AENOR)西班牙(不强制)-UNE 20315或UNE EN 50075(AENOR)Sweden –SS 428 08 34 (Intertek SEMKO)瑞典-SS 428 08 34(Intertek SEMKO)Switzerland –SN SEV 101 (SEV)瑞士-SN SEV 101(SEV)Thailand (non-mandatory) –TIS 166 (TISI)泰国(不强制)-TIS 166(TISI)Turkey (non-mandatory) –TS 40 (TSE)土耳其(不强制)-TS40(TSE)Uruguay (non-mandatory) –UNIT 821 & UNIT-IEC 884 (UNIT)乌拉圭(不强制)-UNIT 821&UNIT-IEC 884(UNIT)USA –UL498 & UL817 (UL, CSA-NRTL or Intertek)United Kingdom –BS 1363-1 or BS546 (BSI, Asta-Intertek, KEMA-BS or NEMKO-BS)英国-BS 1363-1或BS546(BSI,ASTA-Intertek,KEMA-BS 或NEMKO-BS)All EU countries may also use EN50075 (2.5A class 2) plug with ENEC mark issued by any EU test houses.欧洲各国对适用EN50075标准的2.5A插头可使用由欧洲认可测试机构发出的ENEC 标志.Connectors and EN50075 plug may use ENEC mark for whole of EU (including UK).Cable may use HAR mark for whole of EU (including UK) but this can only be obtained by EU manufacturers. ◄HAR►Japanese:Certification is mandatory for plug, cable and connector by PSE.Certification for plug is mandatory for UK and Singapore.Hong Kong will accept certification from any recognized laboratory.Certification is mandatory for cord set and cable by UL or CSA in the US and Canada.SAA Certification is mandatory for plug, cable and connector.Countries requiring whole cord set certification are US, Canada, South Africa, China, South KoreaAustralia/New Zealand –AS/NZS 3191, AS/NZS 60227 or AS/NZS 60245 (SAA)澳大利亚/新西兰-AS/NZS 3191,AS/NZS 60227或AS/NZS 60245(SAA)Argentina –HD21, HD22, IEC 60227 or IEC 60245 (EU)阿根廷-HD21,HD22, IEC 60227 或IEC 60245(EU)Brazil –NBR 13249, NBR 14833 (rubber),IEC60227 or IEC60245 (INMETRO or any RCB)巴西-NBR 13249, NBR 14833(橡胶) IEC 60227 或IEC60245(INMETRO或任一RCB)Cambodia –CS0024 (ISC)柬埔寨-CS0024(ISC)返回目录Canada –UL62 or CSA 22.2 # 49 (CSA or cUL) 加拿大-UL62或CSA22.2#49(CSA或cUL)Chile (non-mandatory) –HD21, HD22,IEC60227 or IEC60245 (any RCB)智利(不强制)-HD21,HD22,IEC 60227或IEC 60245(或任一RCB)Europe –HD21 or HD22 (any HAR signatory lab)欧洲-HD21或HD22(任一由HAR认可实验室)Hong Kong (compliance) –BS6500, HD21,HD22, IEC60227 or IEC60245 (any RCB)香港(符合性认证)-BS6500,HD21,HD22,IEC60227或IEC60245(任一RCB)India –IS695 (BIS)印度-IS695(BIS)Israel –EU以色列-EUJapan –Electrical Appliance日本-电子设备Korea –K60227 or K60245 (KSA or KETI)韩国-K60227或60245(KSA或KETI)Malaysia (not mandatory) –MS136, BS6500, IEC60227 or IEC60245.马来西亚(不强制)-MS136,BS6500,IEC 60227或IEC 60245。

伊拉克共和 国
230 V
50 Hz
220 V
50 Hz
230 V
50 Hz
220 V
50 Hz
220 V
50 Hz
Pakistan 巴基斯坦 220 V
50 Hz
220 V
开曼群岛 120 V
中非共和国 220 V
220 V
海峡群岛 230 V
220 V
50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 60 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
50 Hz
50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz 50 Hz
格林纳达 瓜德罗普岛
关岛 几内亚 几内亚比绍 共和国 圭亚那
海地 洪都拉斯
冰岛 马恩岛 以色列 象牙海岸 牙买加 肯尼亚
230 V 230 V 110 V 220 V
220 V
240 V* 110 V 110 V 220 V 240 V 220 V
50 Hz
Australia 澳大利亚 240 V

2008年起,该计划由沙特标准局(SASO)下属的“实验室和质量控制部” 负责,名称也由ICCP改为PCP。这是一项对规定产品进行包含测试、装船前核 查及认证的综合计划,以保证进口的商品出运前能全面符合沙特的产品标准。 PCP要求每批到达沙特口岸的货物均须附有统一的符合性认证证书(CoC: Certificate of Conformity),无证载运到沙特进口港的货物将被拒绝入 港。
近年来,沙特阿拉伯等中东国家是宁波重点开拓的出口市场之一,宁波地 区与沙特阿拉伯的经贸往来正日渐升温。为帮助辖区企业扫除产品出口沙特 阿拉伯的障碍,宁波电气安检中心余姚实验室利用自身良好的技术条件,与 多家国外认证集团开展合作,确保企业能够在本地完成去往沙特阿拉伯的认 证检测。(张 新) 《中国国门时报》
像很多其他的国家一样,沙特阿拉伯根据自己国家的民用及 工业电压,地理及气候环境,民族宗教习惯等在标准中添加了一 些特有的项目。
为了实现保护消费者的目的,SASO标准不只针对从国外进口 的产品,对于在沙特阿拉伯本土生产的产品也同样适用。
自2006年起,中国已成为沙特第二大进口贸易伙伴,双边贸易往来 频繁。中国向沙出口的主要商品有机电产品、服装鞋帽、纺织品和家电 等。
SASO是英文Saudi Arabian Standards Organization的缩 写 ,即沙特阿拉伯标准组织。
SASO负责为所有的日用品及产品制定国家标准,标准中还 涉及度量制度,标识等。事实上,SASO标准中有很多是在相关 的国际电工委员会(IEC)等国际组织的的安全标准基础上建立 的。

SASO是英文Saudi Arabian Standards Organization的缩写,即沙特阿拉伯标准组织。

您好!附件是关于SASO认证的一些要求,请参考:沙特参数要求SASO 220V,380V 60HZ BS1363 说明书、警示语阿拉伯文,标签必须是印的,冰箱,空调,洗衣机要能效认证有关出口至沙特的基本要求:a) 标签语言:英文或阿拉伯文b) 说明书,警示语:阿拉伯文或阿拉伯文+英文;c) 产品及包装上需印有MADE IN CHINA 字样;d) 电压:220V-240V或220V; 电流: 60Hz或50/60Hz;e) 插头:220V-240V需用英式三脚插f) 所有手持电动工具和家庭用品都必须有阿拉伯文说明指导书.g) 不允许任何的未经SASO注册授权许可的SASO LOGO 显示在产品或者包装上,避免货物因此在目的港被沙特海关拒绝清关。
这个标签有要求的,标签字一定要印刷上去或模压上去或喷上去,或刻上去,甚至可以工整的写上去,就是不能贴纸,或者很简单的贴一张不干胶,如果是不干胶做的标签,看起来要是成批印刷的,不能是随便应付的那一种,就这一条,非常让出口商头疼,因为要求太严了,产品的标签定要有:品名、型号规格、电压、频率、功率,电流,产地(made in china)、制造商名称或进口商名称或他们的商标这些信息。
包装的标签上一定要有:品名、型号规格、电压、频率、功率、电流、产地(made in china)、制造商名称或进口商名称或他们的商标、净重、毛重、小心轻放图标或防淋雨图标这些信息。
SASO 2203_2003

SASO 2203PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS FOR HOUSEHOLD AND SIMILARGENERAL USE 220 VPLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS FORHOUSEHOLD AND SIMILARGENERAL USE 220 VICS:Date of SASO Board of Directors' Approval : 1424(H)-09-07 (2003-11-01) Date of Publication in the Official Gazette :Date of Enforcement of this Standard :CONTENTSPage 1. Scope and Field of Application (2)References (2)2. Supplementary3. Definitions (2)4. Materials, Design and Construction (3)Characteristics (6)5. Ratingand6. Sampling (9)15 (9)7. Tests8. Criteria for Technical Conformity (10)9. Marking (11)PLUGS AND SOCKET-OUTLETS FORHOUSEHOLD AND SIMILARGENERAL USE 220 V1.0SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATIONThis standard is concerned with 13 A plugs, socket outlets mainly used inresidential buildings and the like designed for use in AC circuits of 220 V(Phase to Phase).2.0SUPPLEMENTARY REFERENCESThe standard to be approved by SASO concerned with “Methods of Test forPlugs and Socket Outlets for Household and Similar General Use for ratedVoltages up to 220 V”.3.0DEFINITIONS3.1 Rated currentThe current assigned by the manufacturer as that current which the plug orsocket outlet will carry continuously without exceeding the permissibletemperature rise.3.2 Rated voltageThe voltage assigned by the manufacturer as the highest continuously operatedvoltage normally associated with the plug, socket outlet.3.3 PlugA device having two or three metallic pins designed to engage with the contactsof a corresponding socket outlet and arranged for attachment to a flexible cordor cable.3.4 Socket-outletA device having three metallic contacts designed for engagement withcorresponding plug pins and arranged for connection to fixed wiring. Thesocket outlet shall have provisions for screening the current carrying socketcontacts automatically with the shutter, when they are not in engagement withcorresponding plugs.3.5 Fused plugA plug having a fuse link in the circuit between the line plug pin and itsterminal.3.6 Resilient plugA plug in which the base and cover or either of these components areconstructed of rubber or other suitable resilient material.3.7 Non-rewireable plugA plug so constructed that it forms a constructional unit with the flexible cordsuch that the flexible cord cannot be separated from the plug without making itpermanently useless.3.8 Switched socket outletA socket-outlet combined with a double pole switch.3.9 PinA metal part having a rectangular section for plug.3.10 TerminalA metal part for securing the conductor in a hole or slot or between plates bymeans of a screw.4.0MATERIALS, DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONThe following requirements shall be met for the plugs, and socket outlets:4.1 Materials and construction4.1.1 The materials used in the component parts shall be in accordance with Table-1.Table – 1Materials and Component PartsPART MATERIALNon resilient base and cover of a plug, socket outlet plate (non-metallic). Moulded, tough, non ignitable insulating material.Resilient base or resilient covers of a plug. Rubber or other insulating materials free from blisters, cracks, embedded impurities and defects likely to affect insulating and mechanical protecting properties.Socket outlet plates (metallic). Sheet metal, cast metal or die-cast metal.Provision shall be made for the effective earthingof all metal parts that may become live in theevent of failure of insulation of the socket outletand are being touched during normal operation. Socket-outlet base. Urea, or any other suitable equivalent such asvitrified ceramic material or other tough non-flame propagating insulating material.Brass, phosphor-bronze, and/or suitableequivalent material.Current carrying parts. Moulded, tough, non-ignitable insulatingmaterial.Shutter.4.1.2 Moulded insulating material and the vitrified ceramic material shall benonhygroscopic and shall be resistant to the formation of carbonized paths.4.1.3 Parts made of ferrous material shall be treated to resist rusting.4.2 Terminals4.2.1 Rewireable accessories shall be provided with the terminals and shall permit theproper connection of conductors without special preparation.4.2.2 The means for clamping the conductors in the terminals shall not serve to fixany other component although they may hold the terminals in position orprevent them from turning.4.2.3 Terminals in the plug shall be provided with screws of sufficient size foreffective clamping of the conductors of the flexible cord or cable. The end ofthe screw shall be slightly rounded so as to minimize damage to the conductors.Screwless terminals shall not be used.4.3 Plugs4.3.1 Plugs shall comply with the relevant dimensions of figure Plug pins shall be of brass and of solid construction and shall have a chamferedend to facilitate entry into the corresponding socket contacts.4.3.3 Plug pins shall be secured to the body of the plug and shall not be removablefrom the plug once the plug is assembled for use.4.3.4 The plug shall be provided with a single hole, for the entry of a flexible cord orcable with its protective cover or sheath and shall be such that the outer coveror sheath at the place of entry is not damaged. The cord shall enter the sideopposite to the earth pin.4.3.5 The rewireable plug shall be provided with a cord grip to hold the outer sheathand to ensure that the conductors are relieved from strain where they areconnected to the terminals. The cord grip shall either be of insulating materialor if of metal shall be provided with an insulating lining fixed to the metal parts.4.3.6 Insulating barriers forming an integral part of the plug shall be provided so as toseparate metallic parts at different potentials.4.3.7 A finger grip or other suitable means shall be provided for inserting andwithdrawing plugs without subjecting the flexible cord or cable to any stress.Such grip shall be so designed as to discourage gripping the plug by the fingersat the point of entry of the flexible cord or cable.4.3.8 FusesThe plug shall be provided with a fuse link inside it. This fuse link shall fulfillthe following: The fuse link shall be provided within the body of the plug and the fuse-linkshall be mounted in the appropriate contacts, only between the live terminal andthe corresponding plug-pin in such a way that it cannot be displaced when theplug is in use. It shall be impossible to replace a fuse-link in a fused plug unless the plug iscompletely withdrawn from the socket-outlet. Fuse links shall have rating not exceeding 13A. Fuse-links shall be in accordance with the standard which will be adopted bythe organization in this regard.4.4 Socket-outlets4.4.1 Socket-outlets shall comply with the relevant dimensions of figure There shall be no projection on the engagement surface of a socket outlet suchas would prevent the full insertion of a plug. The spacing of socket contactsshall correspond to that of the plug pins.4.4.3 Socket contacts shall be so shaped at the point of entry as to provide access forappropriate plug pins. They shall be self adjusting so as to make effectiveelectrical and mechanical contact with the corresponding plug pins.4.4.4 Each socket contact shall be connected to a terminal securely fixed to it in sucha way that it cannot work loose under normal service conditions. Each terminalshall provide an adequate number of screw threads for clamping the appropriateconductor.4.4.5 Switches4.4.5.1 If the socket outlet is provided with a switch, the switch shall be a double pole. The actuating member of a switch shall not remain at rest in the “OFF” positionwhilst the switch contacts remain closed. Switches shall be so constructed that undue arcing cannot occur when theswitch actuating member is operated slowly.4.4.6 Shutters4.4.6.1 Socket outlets shall be provided with shutters. The construction of the shuttered socket outlets shall be such that when the plugis withdrawn from it the current carrying socket contacts are automaticallyscreened by shutters. The shutters shall be operated either by the insertion ofthe earthing plug pin or by the simultaneous insertion of two or more pins of theplugs.4.4.7 BoxesSocket-outlets shall be put in use by fixing them on a suitable surface usingsuitable boxes, these boxes shall be in accordance with the standard which willbe adopted by the organization.4.5 Clearance and creepage distances4.5.1 When the accessory is correctly assembled and wired with the appropriate cableor flexible cord the minimum clearance through the air and the minimumcreepage distance shall be 2.5 mm. Between the live parts of opposite polarity (the value of the 2.5 mm is reducedto 1 mm for the distance between the lead wires in the pinch of a neon indicatorlamp with external resistor). Between live parts and any other metal parts. Between live parts and the accessible external surface of the accessory. Between component parts in the fused link circuit which are separated by theremoval of the fuse-link.4.5.2 Any metal parts of the plugs, other than the pins which are exposed on theengagement faces of a plug or in contact with live parts shall be recessed atleast 3 mm below the engagement face.4.5.3 When detachable fuse carriers are used on plugs there shall be a minimumclearance of 3 mm between live metal and the engagement face of the plug,measured with the fuse in position and the carrier removed.4.5.4 The minimum clearance between switch contacts in the open position forsocket-outlets shall be 1.2 mm.4.5.5 In the shell of insulator to be touched by human hand, the insulation thicknessof the part to which live metal contacts shall not be less than 0.8 mm.5.0RATING AND CHARACTERISTICS5.1 Rating shape and dimensionsThe rating, shape and dimensions of plugs and socket outlets shall be asfollows:5.1.1 13A two-pin plugs with earthing pin (figure 1).5.1.2 13A two pin shuttered socket-outlet with earthing contact (figure 1).5.2 Protection against electric shock5.2.1 Plugs and socket outlet shall be so constructed that when they are mounted andwired as in normal use, live parts are not accessible.5.2.2 The earthing pin shall be prevented from making contact with a current carryingpart in normal use.5.2.3 A current carrying pin shall be prevented from making contact with currentcarrying contact while either or both of the other pins are completely exposed.5.2.4 The earthing pin shall make and break contact with the corresponding earthingsocket part respectively before and after the current carrying plug pins makeand break contact with the corresponding current socket contacts.5.2.5 The current carrying socket-outlet contacts shall be sunk below the surface insuch a way as to make it impossible during normal use for them to be touchedaccidentally.5.2.6 The mechanism for screening the current carrying contacts shall ensure that theshutter is returned to its normal position when the plug is withdrawn from thesocket outlet.5.2.7 The force necessary to withdraw a plug from the corresponding socket outletshall be within the limits laid out in table 2.Table – 2Withdrawal ForceRatings No. of pin Force in Newtons Force in NewtonsMaximum Minimum 13A-220V 3 54 95.3 Insulation resistance5.3.1 The insulation resistance for the plugs and socket outlets shall be not less than 5megohms and shall be not less than 2 megohms across switch contacts withswitch open where applicable, when measured after one minute of applicationof a DC voltage of 500 V between the following parts:- Current carrying terminals.- Current carrying terminals connected together and any other parts insulated therefrom, including earthing terminals.5.3.2 For resilient and non rewireable plugs the insulation resistance shall not be lessthan 50 megohms.5.4 Electrical strength5.4.1 Plugs and socket outlets shall withstand a high voltage of 2000 ± 60 V (r.m.s.)of approximately sinusoidal wave form at a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz appliedfor one minute between the following parts.- Current carrying terminals.- Current carrying terminals connected together and any other parts insulated therefrom, including earthing terminals.5.4.2 Each switched socket outlet shall pass a momentary high voltage of 750 V(r.m.s.) applied across the switch contacts with the switch open without anyflash over or breakdown of insulation.5.5 Temperature riseThe temperature rise of any terminal shall not exceed 35 degree C aftersufficient time has elapsed for the temperature to become steady.5.6 Contact resistanceThe contact resistance between the earthing pin of a plug and the earthingterminal of a socket outlet and each earth accessible metallic part shall notexceed 0.05 ohm.5.7 Current breaking capacity of socket contactsSocket-outlets shall be capable of breaking a current of 130% of the rated value(in substantially non inductive AC circuit) at rated voltage ten times insuccession at intervals of 30 s, the plugs being withdrawn from the socket-outlet at a speed of approximately 15 cm/s immediately after insertion, withoutsuffering permanent damage to any part.5.8 Current breaking capacity of switchesSwitches (if any) shall be capable of making and breaking a current of 130% ofthe rated value (in substantially non-inductive AC circuits at 110% of the ratedvoltage, ten times in succession at intervals of 30 seconds, without causingpermanent damage to any parts.5.9 Electrical endurance of socket-contactsSocket outlets shall be capable of making and breaking the rated current 15000times in a substantially non-inductive a.c. circuit.5.10 Electrical endurance of switchesSwitches (for switched socket-outlets) shall be capable of making and breakingthe rated current 15000 times, in a non-inductive a.c. circuit, at a rate notexceeding six complete cycles per minute at regular intervals.5.11 Resistance to heatPlugs and socket outlets shall withstand a temperature of 100 degrees C for aperiod of 1 hour, without showing any marked deformation, softening of theinsulator or other defects harmful to service.5.12 Mechanical strength5.12.1 Plugs and socket outlet shall be so constructed as to withstand such handling asmay be expected in normal use.5.12.2 After the mechanical strength test is carried out, no external damage whichmight affect the safety is shown on the plugs and sockets and the componentsshall not have become detached.5.13 Resistance to abnormal heat and fire5.13.1 Units shall be proof against abnormal heat and fire. Compliance shall bechecked by the test given in SASO ..... “Methods of testing plugs and socketoutlets for voltages up to 220 V for household and similar general use.5.13.2 The glow-wire test shall be applied to ensure that an electrically heated testwire under defined test conditions does not cause ignition of insulating parts, orto ensure that a part of insulating material which might be ignited by the heatedtest wire under defined conditions has a limited time to burn without spreadingfire by flame or burning parts.5.14 Resistance to ageing and humidity5.14.1 Plugs and socket-outlets shall be proof against humid condition which mayoccur in normal use.5.14.2 The insulation resistance after humidity treatment shall not be less than 5megohms, except across switch contacts (if any) where it shall be not less than2 megohms.5.14.3 Units shall be resistant to ageing.5.15 Resistance to excessive residual stresses and to rusting5.15.1 Press-formed or similar current-carrying parts of copper alloy containing lessthan 80% of copper shall be resistant to failure in use due to stress corrosion. 5.15.2 Ferrous parts, the rusting of which might cause the unit to become unsafe, shallbe adequately protected against rusting.Compliance shall be checked by the test given in SASO standard ..... “Methodsof testing plugs and socket outlets (for voltages up to 220 V), for household andsimilar general use.6.0SAMPLINGFor all types of plugs and socket outlets which are newly produced or deliveredfor the first time, a sample shall be selected at random for type approval asdetailed below:unitsPlug15Switched socket outlets 27 unitsUnswitched socket outlets 21 units(The selected sample provides 3 units for each test or series of tests plus 3 unitsin case of retest).7.0TESTSThe following type tests shall be carried out on the samples selected inaccordance with item 6 taking a set of 3 units for each test. Each unit testedshall pass visual inspection test, an insulation resistance test and an electricalstrength test before being subjected to the relevant test according to table 3.Table – 3Table Device Measurement of dimensions P, SO, SSWithdrawal force test SO, SSContact resistance test SO, SSTemperature rise test P, SO, SSCurrent breaking capacity of socket contacts SO, SSCurrent breaking capacity of switches SSElectrical endurance of socket contacts SO, SSElectrical endurance of switches SSHeat resistance P, SO, SSMechanical strength P, SO, SSResistance to abnormal heat and fire P, SO, SSResistance to humidity P, SO, SSResistance to ageing P, SO, SSResistance to excessive residual stresses to rusting P, SO, SSPlugsP :SS : Switched socket outletsocket-outletSO : UnswitchedThe first four tests shall be carried out in the order given on one set of threeunits.8.0CRITERIA FOR TECHNICAL CONFORMITY8.1 Each consignment of plugs and socket-outlets covered by this standard shall beaccompanied with a certificate stating its compliance with this standard.8.2 For a sample subjected to type tests (type approval).8.2.1 The product shall be considered conforming to this standard if all the sampleunits pass the type tests.8.2.2 Should more than one unit in any one sample fail in any one of the tests, theproduct shall be considered non-conforming.8.2.3 Should one unit fail a test, a second set of 3 units shall be subjected to the test,which the previous unit failed. The product shall be considered conforming ifall the units in the second set pass the repeated tests otherwise it will beconsidered non-conforming.9.0MARKINGEach plug or socket-outlet shall have the following information clearly anddurably marked on it, in Arabic or English.9.1 Country of origin.9.2 Manufacturer’s name or purchaser’s name or trade-mark or both.9.3 Rated current in amperes.9.4 Rated voltage in volts.9.5 Identification of each of the live, the neutral and the earthed pole.9.6 For fused plugs, the word “Fuse” or “Fused” or symbol.9.7 The number of this Saudi standard.9.8 If symbols are used they shall be as follows:- Amperes :AV- Volts :- Fuse :- Neutral or live : N or L- Earth : G or E orL- Fusedlive :(1) No part of the current carrying pins shall be less than 9.50 mm from the periphery of the faceof the plug.(2) The current-carrying socket-contacts shall be automatically screened by shutters when theplug is withdrawn.(3) Provision for a cartridge fuse-link of rating 13A shall be made within the body of the plug.(4) Plugs shall be marked “fused”Socket-outlets shall be marked “13 amp”Socket-outlet terminals shall be indicated with the letters “E” or G or for earth which shall be at the top, Plug terminals shall also be indicated with the letters “E”, “L” and “N”.(5) The cord shall enter the side opposite the earth pin, and be effectively gripped.(6) The socket-outlet shall be of such size that it is impossible to insert one or two pins into thecurrent-carrying contacts, leaving the other or others exposed.Fig. 113A/220V Two-Pole Socket-Outlet and Plug with Earthing ContactThe preliminary draft of this standard has been developed by the work team composed of :Name Agency1. Eng. Walid M. Hilal Omrania and Associated2. Dr. Salah Hussein Elawagy King Abdulaziz City for Science3. Eng. Mohamed M. Sameery Ministry of Municipal & Rural AffairsThe draft standard was studied and the comments received from concerned bodies discussed. It has been adopted, in its present from, by the following members of Technical Committee No. ( 5 ).Name Agency1. Dr. Abdul-Hameed A. Al-Ohaly King Saud University2. Dr. Yousef Al-Tourky King Abdulaziz University3. Eng. Mohamed M. Sameery Ministry of Municipal & Rural Affairs4. Eng. Walid M. Hilal Omrania and Associated5. Eng. Hammoud Al-Depaiy Ministry of Public Works and Housing6. Eng. Nagi Lotfi Abdel-Hadi Schneider Electric7. Dr. Saleh Al-Amr College of Technology – Riyadh8. Eng. Mahmoud. G Mustafa AFEP9. Eng. Mohamed Tabbakh Al-Inmaa Company10. Eng. Munir El-Said SASO11. Eng. Mohamed El-Sawy SASO。

关于出口沙特电器电子器具的插头要求简要内容:1.沙特阿拉伯标准委员会(SASO)于2010年1月5日、6日,在首都利雅得总部举办了为期两天的研讨会,会上宣布将不再推迟插头、插座标准的实施日期,并正式规定自2010年2月23日起,所有在沙特市场销售的电气产品插头插座部分必须符合沙特标准:SASO 2203,SASO 2204或SASO 443。
如果相关产品, 客人提供的是BS1363, UL498的测试报告或证书,出口沙特前夕都必须对应SASO 2203 或 SASO 2204做相关差异测试以符合沙特最新要求. 否则, 货物到沙特港口时,都会被沙特海关要求加做相关差异测试.2. KSA – CD479 – R7/Issue date: Oct. 7, 2009. 依据CD479的要求,凡是出口沙特的电器电子器具的plug从2010年2月23日开始,必须符合沙特标准:SASO 2203:2003或SASO 2204: 2003.总结内容如下:A.双重绝缘器具:a)如果器具额定电压是127V,额定电流小于等于15A,那器具的插头必须符合figure 1(similar to 1-15P) of SASO 2204, or figure 2(similar to 5-15P)of SASO 2204-接地脚虚接。
b)如果器具额定电压是220V,额定电流小于等于13A,那器具的插头必须符合figure 1(similar to BS1363-1)of 2203-接地脚虚接。
c)如果器具额定电压是dual voltage(127V and 220V),额定电流应该不大于各匹配电压下的允许最大电流,那器具连接的插头可以符合figure 1(similar to 1-15P) of SASO 2204, or figure 2(similar to 5-15P)of SASO 2204-接地脚虚接;连接的插头也可以符合figure 1(similar to BS1363-1) of SASO 2203-接地脚虚接。
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SASO 2204家用或者类似通用127伏插头和插座ICS:SASO董事会的批准日期正式公告的发布日期本标准的执行日期目录细目页码1.应用范围和领域 22.补充参考 23.定义 24.材质、设计、构造 25.额定值和特征 56.抽样77.测试78.技术合格标准89.标记8附注10家用或者类似通用127伏插头和插座1.应用范围和标准本标准是有关插头、插座的标准,插座主要用于住宅以及类似以下级别15安/127伏(相对中性点电压)用于127伏交流电路。
2. 补充参考本标准须通过SASO有关“家用或者相似通用插头插座的测试方法”的要求。
3. 定义3.1 额定电流在未超出许可温升的情况下,额定电流为厂方指定的插头或插座可持续携带的电流。
3.2 额定电压额定电压为厂方指定的有关插头、插座最高可持续正常运行的电压。
3.3 插头插头为一种有两个或者三个金属插脚用于接触相应插座以及接有软电线或电缆的设备。
3.4 插座一种有两个或者三个金属节点用于接触相应插头插脚的以及连接到固定布线上的设备。
3.5 安全插头一种在线性插脚与其端子之间电路有熔断丝的插头。
3.6 弹性插头一种底座、外壳或者这些组件中都是橡胶或者其他合适的弹性材料的插头。
3.7 不可再接线插头一种与软电线形成结构性部件,在除非永久功能失效的情况下与弹性软电线不可分离的插头。
3.8 开关插座一种与单级开关相连的插座。
3.9 插脚平整或者U型平截面的金属部件。
3.10 端子通过一个螺丝钉在一个孔或者槽中固定导体的金属部件。
4.材质、设计和结构在插头、插座中应该满足以下要求4.1 材质和结构4.1.1 组件中的材质应该遵照表1的要求表一:材质和组件4.1.2模制材质和玻璃陶瓷物质应该为非吸湿性且对耐碳化现象。
4.2 端子4.2.1在端子应该提供可接线的附件,在没有特别准备的情况下,应该对导体进行正确的连接。
螺丝钉的末端应该磨圆点以把其对导线的损害减少到最低.4.3 插头4.3.1插头应该符合附录图1或图2的相关尺寸4.3.2插脚应该为黄铜和牢固的结构,且应该有斜切的末端以方便插头插入相应的插孔接口中。
4.4.6 保护门4.4.6.1插座应该配备保护门4.4.6.2闭合的插座结构应该是这样的:当插头从插座上拔出的时候,带电插座接点自动被保护门屏蔽。
4.4.7 接线盒通过采用合适的接线盒把插座到墙上使用插座,这些接线盒应该按照符合本组织在接线盒方面即将采用的标准要求。
4.5间隙和爬电距离4.5.1 在附件正确装配并且用合适的电缆或者弹性电线接线的时,空中的最少间隙和最少的爬电距离应该为2.5毫米4.5.1.1在相反极性的带电体之间(在带外部电阻器氖指示灯引线之间的要求2.5毫米值下降到1毫米值。
5.额定值和特征5.1 额定值、形状和尺寸插头和插座的额定值、形状和尺寸应该如下。
5.1.1两极插头、15安(附件图1)5.1.2带接地的两极闭合插座和插头(附件图2)5.2 触电保护5.2.1插头和插座的设计必须保证在正常使用安装时候,带电部分不可可接触。
5.4 电气强度5.4.1 插头和插座应承受近似正弦波60赫兹1500V(有效值)高压在下述零件之间:–载流端子;–把载流端子连接到一起和其他绝缘部件,包括地线端子5.4.2 对于带开关插座,在开关打开状态于开关接触点之间施加瞬间750V(有效值)高压,试验时不得出现闪烁或击穿现象。
5.5 温升一段时间温度稳定后任一端子的温升不得超过35摄氏度。
5.6 接触电阻插头或转换器的地线和插座的地线端子以及任何接地的可接触的金属部件之间的接触电压不可超过0.05欧姆。
5.7 插座的电流通断能力插座应能承受下述测试:非感性交流电路中130%的额定电流下,每次间隔30秒连续10次拔插测试,插头拔插速度在15cm/s。
5.8 开关的电流通断能力开关(如果有),应能承受下述测试:130%额定电流,110%额定电压下连续10次以间隔30秒的通断测试。
5.9 插座的带电寿命测试插座应能够承受在非感性电路中通断15,000次。
5.10 开关的带电寿命测试开关(对于带开关插座产品)应能够承受非感性电路的15,000次的额定电流下通断测试,通断次数不超过每分钟六个通断次数。
5.11 耐热插头、插座和插头转换器应能承受温度为100摄氏度1小时测试,测试结束后,产品绝缘部分应无任何明显变形,软化现象以及任何影响使用的缺陷。
5.12 机械强度5.12.1 插头插座和插座转换器应能承受正常使用预期的处理。
5.12.2 相关的测试做完之后,产品应无可影响安全性的外部损伤且部件不得有脱落。
5.13 耐非正常热和耐燃5.13.1 产品应能满足SASO的《家用和类似用途的插头和插座(127V,250V)的测试方法》相关测试。
5.13.2 灼热丝测试:为确保电加热丝不会在试验条件下不会引起绝缘材料的燃烧,或者灼热丝在实验条件下在有限时间内不会导致火焰蔓延或燃烧部件。
5.14 耐潮5.14.1 插头插座和插座转换器应能耐受正常使用情况下可能出现的潮湿。
5.14.2 在潮湿处理后绝缘电阻应不得小于5兆欧,而开关接触片处(如果有)应不得小于2兆欧。
5.14.3 产品应能耐老化5.15 耐过分残留应力及防生锈5.15.1含有少于80%红铜的红铜合金的模压成型或类似载流部件应能耐正常使用时出现的应力腐蚀。
相关的验证测试确认是否合格,测试相关要求见SASO有关“家用或者相似通用插头插座的测试方法6. 抽样对于所有第一次生产的插头,插座以及插座转换器,须按照下述要求随机抽样做型式确认:插头15个开关插座27个无开关插座21个(选择的样品每个测试提供三个样品以及3个备用样品以供重新测试)7.测试下表3规定的型式测试必须针对条款6选取的样品分三个为一组进行每项测试。
8. 技术合格的判定标准8.1本标准覆盖的每批次的插头和插座产品应提供标明符合标准的证书。
9. 标记插头和插座应清晰及可靠的以阿拉伯文或者英文标记下列内容:9.1原产国9.2生产商或责任销售商的名称或商标或两者具备9.3以安培数标记额定电流9.4以伏特数标记的额定电压9.5火线,中线和地线(如果有)的标记9.6对于带保险丝插头,须有“Fuse”或“Fused”或9.7的符号9.7应采用下述标识:*安培: A*伏特:V*保险丝:*中线:N or W*地线: G or E or*带保险丝火线: L孔可选单位:毫米图1 两脚插头15A/127V备注:a)插脚孔的倒角可以在插脚的两面。