
Chapter One: Understanding the Culture of the United States1. Who established the dominant American culture?Immigrants, most immigrants were from northern Europe, and the majority were from England. Their values and traditions became the dominant, traditional culture of the United States.Chapter Two: Traditional American Values and Beliefs2. What are the six traditional American values and beliefs?Individual freedom and self-reliance,equality of opportunity and competition,material wealth and hard work。
Chapter Three: The American Religious Heritage3. What is the most important heritage of Protestantism in the United States?Self-improvement(p54)。
Material success,hard work。
Volunteerism and humanitarianism(人道主义)Chapter Three: The American Religious Heritage4. What is the “Protestant work ethic” according to our textbook?The belief in hard work and self-discipline in pursuit of material gain and other goals is often referred to as …the Protestant work ethic‟.(p55 13)Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage5. What does "frontier" refer to in American history?American macho heroes. Inventiveness and the can-do spirit.Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage6. What are the two new values derived from the American frontier?Inventiveness and the can-do spirit. (p77)Chapter Four: The Frontier Heritage7. Why did the sale of guns rise after 9/11?How Americans reacted to 911 reveals another legacy of the frontier: Americans‟ willingness to take the law into their own hands to protect themselves and their families. This tendency usually appears when Americans believe the police cannot adequately protect them.Chapter Six: The World of American Business8. Which values are reinforced(加强) in the American business?Individual freedom, equality of opportunity, and hard work.Chapter Seven: Government and Politics in the United States9. What are the three branches of the American government? What are their powers respectively?(p142)Congress is the legislative or lawmaking branch of the government.The president, or chief executive, heads the executive branch, which has responsibility to carry out the laws.The Supreme Court and lower national courts make up the judicial branch. The judicial branch settles disputes about the exact meaning of the law through court cases.Chapter Nine: Education in the United States10. Could you explain the sentence “American universities look for well-rounded students when they admit”?(p195)Grades in high school courses and scores on tests like the sat are very important, but so are the students‟extracurricular activities. It is by participating in these activities that students demonstrate their special talents, their level of maturity and responsibility, their leadership qualities, and their ability to get along with others.。

《英美文学》考试大纲学院(盖章):负责人(签字):专业代码: 050201 专业名称:英语语言文学专业考试科目代码:考试科目名称:英美文学根据教育部和国家各专业学位教育指导委员会相关文件精神,我校文法学院英语语言文学专业的研究生,除应具有坚实的英语基础外,还应掌握英美文学基本概念、理论、知识,具有一定的应用分析能力。
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英美⽂化概况试题1⼭东经济学院2010--2011学年第 1学期期末试题英美⽂化概况(110126)试卷(1)注意事项:所有的答案都必须写在答题纸上,答在试卷上⼀律⽆效Ⅰ. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)1. Sinn Fein is not a legal political party in Northern Ireland.2. Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations, but is quite well-known:in the world for its endless political problems.3. The purpose of British education is not only to provide children withliteracy and the other basic skills but also to socialize children.4. Sputniks are man-made satellites made by the Soviet Union.5. Edinburgh is the largest city in Scotland.6. In the seventeenth century, the English government encouraged people fromScotland and Northern England to emigrate to the north of Ireland, because they wanted to increase its control over Ireland.7. When George W. Bush became president, his foreign strategy has twoprominent elements: isolationism and faith in military strength.8. Britain, like Israel, has a written constitution of the sort which mostcountries have.9. Today, the United States has two major political parties. One is theDemocratic Party and the other is the Republican Party.10. The oldest institution of government in Britain is the Monarchy.11. There are about 60 members of the Commonwealth.12. Americans have to join a political party in order to vote or to be a candidatefor public office.13. The Servicemen's Readjustment Act, or GI Bill of Rights, gave veteranspriority in finding better jobs.14. Pax Americana indicates American policy to create a world orderdominated by the United States.15. Most people in Scotland speak the old Celtic language, called “Gaelic”16. The UK was awarded a seat on the UN Security Council in recognition ofits continuing importance in world politics.- 1 - (共4 页)17. Easter is the biggest and best loved British holiday.18. Northern Ireland today is governed by separate jurisdictions: that ofRepublic of Ireland and that of Great Britain.19. It is commonly believed that Boxing Day involves the sport of boxing.20. Harvard College was originally founded to train government officials. Ⅱ. Choose the answer that best completes the statement or answers the question. (本⼤题共20⼩题,每⼩题1分,共20分)21. Who were the ancestors of the English and the founders of England?A. The Anglo-Saxons.B. The Normans.C. The Vikings.D. The Romans.22. Which of the following was NOT one of the three forces that led to the modern development of Europe?A. The growth of capitalism.B. The Renaissance.C. The Religious Reformation.D. The Spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.23. Which countries are the permanent members of the UN Security Council?A. France, China, Germany, Russia and Britain.B. The United States, France, Britain, Germany and Russia.C. China, Russia, France, Britain and the United States.D. China, Britain, France, the United States and Japan.24. What did the US mean by Containment?A. It would use whatever means to prevent the Soviet Union from breaking out of its sphere of influence.B. It wanted to reverse the situation in which the Soviet Union reached parity with the US in nuclear forceC. It planned to drag the Soviet Union into another round of arms raceD. It intended to shift the balance of terror25. Nowadays the British foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in ____.A. the CommonwealthB. the European Economic CommunityC. the United Nations, the EU, NATO, etcD. a European federal government26. Which of the following sports was NOT invented in Britain?A. Football.B. Tennis.C. Basketball.D. Cricket.27. After the WWII, the United States became a stronger country, proved by- 2 -the following facts except__.A. the US suffered no losses in the war.B. the US was the sole possessor of atomic bombs.C. the US had over 70% of the gold reserve of the world in its coffers.D. the US had over 50% of industrial production of the world in its hand.28. Lord Baltimore’s feudal plan failed NOT because _____.A. there were more Protestant than Catholics in Maryland.B. the wilderness of the continent made the plan impossible.C. there was plenty of land while labor was scarce.D. the English king did not like the plan.29. Of which people is Robert Burns a national poet?A. the Welsh peopleB. the Irish peopleC. the Scottish peopleD. the English people30. Which of the following is the only branch that can make federal laws, and levy federal taxes?A. the executiveB. the legislativeC. the judicialD. the president31. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?A. There are no legal restraints upon Parliament.B. Strictly speaking, the Queen is part of the Parliament.C. Parliament has no power to change the terms of the Constitution.D. Parliament has the supreme power of passing laws.32. The Norman Conquest in English history happened in ___.A. 1035B. 1042C. 1066D. 160633. Which of the following can not be found in London?A. teahousesB. art galleriesC. museumsD. theatres34. “No taxation without representation” was the rallying cry of ____.A. the settlers of VirginiaB. the people of PennsylvaniaC. the colonists in New EnglandD. the people of the 13 colonies on the eve of the American Revolution35. Where do the majority of people in Scotland live?A. in the HighlandsB. in the LowlandsC. in the UplandsD. in the west of Scotland36. Which of the following was not an activity in Shakespeare’s time?A. attending the Grand NationalB. having a drink at a pubC. working the landD. playing football- 3 -37. Which of the following is NOT a true description of the Queen’s role?A. The Queen selects the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.B. The Queen symbolizes the tradition and unity of the British state.C. The Queen acts as a confidante to the Prime Minister.D. The Queen is the temporal head of the Church of England.38. Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of ___.A. EasterB. ChristmasC. ValentineD. New Year’s Day39. Which of the following is a privately funded university in Britain?A. the University of CambridgeB. the University of OxfordC. the University of EdinburghD. the University of Buckingham40. Where is the international tennis championship held?A. WembleyB. WimbledonC. LondonD. EdinburghⅢ.Tell what you know about the following in your own words. (本⼤题共5⼩题,每⼩题8分,共40分)41. The Functions of Parliament42. Puritanism43. Grammar School44. The declaration of Independence45. The strategy of PreemptionⅣ. Answer one of the following two questions. (本⼤题任选⼀题,20分)46. What are the purposes of the British education system? Please commenton these purposes.47. What are the foundations of Britain’s foreign policy?- 4 -。

一、单项选择题〔题数:50,共50.0 分〕1Why did the French consortium gave up to build the canal?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Because it was too expensive.B、Because many people died.C、Because the topography in Panama was difficult to build a canal.D、Because the American government decidded to buld it by themselves.正确答案:C 我的答案:C2The most popular pets in America is ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、DogB、FishC、BirdD、Cat正确答案:D 我的答案:D31 kilogram is ( ) pounds.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、0.6B、1.7C、2.1D、2.2正确答案:D 我的答案:DWhich one of following is polite in western culture?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Throwing paper on the groundB、Smoking in restaurantC、Spitting in the streetD、Waiting bus in a queue正确答案:D 我的答案:D5Which car company has the most market in America?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、GMB、FordC、ToyotaD、Honda正确答案:A 我的答案:A6According to the 2010 Pew Survey, ( ) of Chinese believe folk religion.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、18.2%B、5.1%C、13.8%D、21.9%正确答案:D 我的答案:D7Which one of following is wrong about the GFC Recession? ( )〔1.0分〕A、Banks stopped lending.B、Companies cut jobs.C、Stock market crashed.D、People got more job opportunity.正确答案:D 我的答案:D8( ) was the state with the highest crime rate in America.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、FloridaB、TexasC、New YorkD、Georgia正确答案:A 我的答案:A9( ), Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma and California have the most farms in the USA.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、ArizonaB、MarylandC、TexasD、Nevada正确答案:C 我的答案:C10Which one is right about George Washington?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分He was graduated from college.B、He had three children.C、He had no experience in military action.D、He was revered as the "Father of the United States".正确答案:D 我的答案:D11The Great Depression started in ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、1929B、1932C、1933D、1939正确答案:A 我的答案:A12Which one is wrong about 9/11?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、About 3000 people were killed.B、It happened in 2002.C、The World Trade Centre and Pentagon were attacked.D、It was the first attack on mainland USA since 1812.正确答案:B 我的答案:B13Which was wrong about the Civil War?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、America was kept as one country.Slavery was abolished.C、After the Battle of Gettysburg, the North started to win.D、The South was strong in "hard power".正确答案:D 我的答案:D14The Democratic Party is also called ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Enlightened PartyB、Judicial PartyC、Conservative PartyD、Liberal Party正确答案:D 我的答案:D15Bernie Madoff's clients lost about ( ) billion dollars.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、10B、20C、30D、40正确答案:A 我的答案:A16Which one is wrong about the American political system?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、The government is small.B、Leaders are educated.There are many traditions.D、The society is classless.正确答案:C 我的答案:C17Which is right about American college?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Many American college students have part time jobs.B、There is only one chance to do college entrance exam.C、There are many classed even at night.D、Friends and classmates will help you to study.正确答案:A 我的答案:A18Voting can not be ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、In personB、AbsenteeC、Making a phone callD、By mail正确答案:C 我的答案:C19Which is not the major environment issues of America?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Air pollutionB、Water shortageC、Loss of agricultural landdesertification正确答案:C 我的答案:C2068% of the 79 inventors with more than 300 utility paten families are from ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、AustraliaB、JapanC、GermanyD、USA正确答案:D 我的答案:D21The biggest religion by followers is ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、IslamB、HinduismC、ChristianityD、Buddhism正确答案:C 我的答案:C22Which one of following is not an American company?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、GoogleB、CocaColaC、FacebookD、Airbus正确答案:D 我的答案:D23Which one is wrong about Franklin Delano Roosevelt?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、He was also known as FDR.B、He give American people confidence during the Great Depression.C、He was elected as president for 3 times.D、He started many government programs to provide work to people.正确答案:C 我的答案:C24Why don't many people in New York City want a car?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Because car is expensive in New York City.B、Because traffic is bad in New York City.C、Because there is no place to park cars in New York City.D、Because the number of cars is limited by government.正确答案:C 我的答案:C25World Series is held in ( ) every year.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、JulyB、AugustC、SeptemberD、October正确答案:D 我的答案:D26Who is the most powerful person according to the 2013 Forbes List?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Vladimir PutinB、Barack ObamaC、Xi JinpingD、Pope Francis正确答案:A 我的答案:A27Which one is wrong about Benjamin Franklin?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、He was also a Doctor.B、He loved reading.C、He started the first public library in Philadelphia.D、He was 81 when he went to the Constitutional Convention.正确答案:A 我的答案:A28In ( ), Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the USA.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、2006B、2007C、2008D、2009正确答案:C 我的答案:C29Which one of following is wrong about Abraham Lincoln?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、He was the 16th president of America.B、He was killed in 1865 when the Civil War was just finished.C、He was a businessman and then became politician.D、He was born in a poor farm family.正确答案:C 我的答案:C30In American countries, ( ) has the highest homicide rate.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、USAB、BrazilC、JamaicaD、Honduras正确答案:D 我的答案:D31The amendments to the Constitution must be supported by ( ) of the States.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、72%B、73%C、74%D、75%正确答案:D 我的答案:D32Christopher Columbus was the first person to cross the ( ) Ocean.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、B、IndianC、ArcticD、Atlantic正确答案:D 我的答案:D33George Washington declared ( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Thanksgiving DayB、ChristmasC、HalloweenD、New Year's Day正确答案:A 我的答案:A34( ) is most used for the electricity production in the USA and China.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、WaterB、NuclearC、WindD、Coal正确答案:D 我的答案:D35The new Constitution was singed in ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、1787B、C、1785D、1784正确答案:A 我的答案:A36Michael Phelps won ( ) Olympic medals.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、18B、20C、22D、25正确答案:C 我的答案:C37Which one is wrong, about the geography of America and China?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、China has more railways than America.B、America has two neighbour countries, Canada and Mexico.C、Both America and China's climates vary greatly.D、America's land is less than China's, but water in America is more than China.正确答案:A 我的答案:A38Which statement of following is wrong?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、There were many cold conflicts in the cold war, such as weapon competition and spying.B、Germany reunited in 1990.C、The USSR was dissolved in 1990.D、After the USSR dissovled, 15 new countries were created.正确答案:C 我的答案:C39Which one is wrong about housing in western countries?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、Apartment is preferred by young and old people.B、Couples get mortgage from bank to buy a house or an apartment.C、Real estate is cheap in Australia.D、More people live in houses than in high buildings.正确答案:C 我的答案:C40The New York magzine called Bernie Madoff ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、VillainB、HeroC、MonsterD、Saviour正确答案:C 我的答案:C41Registering to vote costs ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、$5B、$10C、$20D、No cost正确答案:D 我的答案:D42In ( ), the first humans walked on the moon.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、1967B、1968C、1969D、1970正确答案:C 我的答案:C43The Panama Canal was finally built by a ( ) consortium.〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、FranceB、ItalyC、BritainD、America正确答案:D 我的答案:D44The American Bill of Rights was effective in ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、1787B、1786C、1791D、1792正确答案:C 我的答案:C45Which one is wrong about Thomas Edison?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、He was educated in school.B、His first job is telegraph operator.C、He had many patents.D、He invented electric light bulb.正确答案:A 我的答案:A46Bill is the short version of ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、WilliamB、StevenC、RobertD、Richard正确答案:A 我的答案:A47The capital city of Australia is ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、SydneyB、CanberraC、MelbourneD、Brisbane正确答案:B 我的答案:B48What does "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." mean?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、When travelling in Rome, do what the Roman people do.B、When you are staying in another place, you should respect local culture.C、If you are in another place, you should act like the local people.D、When living in Rome, you should do what the Roman people do.正确答案:C 我的答案:C49The Super Bowl is usually held ( ).〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、AT the end of JanuaryB、In MarchC、In MayD、In November正确答案:A 我的答案:A50Which is the largest states by population?( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分A、TexasB、New YorkC、CaliforniaD、Florida正确答案:C 我的答案:C二、判断题〔题数:50,共50.0 分〕1There is only one given name in western name.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×2Each State has the same Constitution.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×3"Tiger Woods" is the real name of Woods.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×4The British Parliamentary System, the Legislative Branch, Executive Branch and Judicial Branch are separated.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×5There is no Christianity in China.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×6Now services in China grows very fast.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√7Over the lasr few years, guns are becoming more and more popular in America.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×8British people migrated to America with the ship called Mayflower in 1620.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√9In America, president can not veto legislation.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×10Henry Ford was the first man in the world using moving assembly line in factory.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√11Senators are elected for 5 year.( )〔1.0分〕正确答案:×我的答案:×12The first telephone line was built in 1877.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√13Only the north tower of the World Trade Centre was attacked.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×14Warren Buffett was born in a rich family.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×15Boston is on the West Coast of America.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×16In 2008, most of American agriculture imports were from China.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×1710% of people in America use left hand.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√18Thomas Paine was born in France.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×192014 AD means 2014 Before the Birth of Jesus Christ.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×20Before America purchased it,Alaska was belong to Mexico.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×21In 2013, the Seattle Seahawks was the best defensive team during the season.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√22Agnostic is 100% certain that there is no god.( )〔1.0分〕正确答案:×我的答案:×23In America and Australia, people prefer to big motorbikes.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√24The Declaration of Independence was made in 1775.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×25American president can be elected for 3 terms.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×26It's expensive to have a horse.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√27The Constituional Convention was held in Philadelphia.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√28The total area of China is bigger than America.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×29Many western students go on a gap year after finishing high school.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√30In western countries, people don't always say thank you to other people.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×31The Communist Party in the USA is not legal.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×32The Cold War continued for only a few years.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×33Both American and Chinese governments have significant direct involvement in the economy.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×34Because the northern America is cold, James Naismith invented basketball which is a good sport for winter.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√35The Great Depression only happened in America.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×36America's population growth rate is lower than China's.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×37The aim to build the Panama Canal was to connect America and Panama.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×3896% of the farmers are black people.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×39Benjamin Franklin was born in a rich family and well educated.〔〕〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×40The Pew Global Attitudes Project shows that rich countries have stronger belief in religion, but the poor countries have lower belief in religion.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×41Because many West Germans fled to the East, the West Germany government built the Berlin Wall.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×42In western countries, eye contact is important.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√43Per capita means a person.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√44Gambling is legal in western countries.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√45Women never won the Nobel Prize.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×46The membership of the Democratic Party is hard.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×47There are no catholics in China.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×48China was not affected much by the GFC Recession.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√49Originally, the Christians were called Catholics.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:√我的答案:√50A senator and a representative can only be elected for two times.( )〔1.0分〕1.0 分正确答案:×我的答案:×学习文档仅供参考。

一、语言知识方面:1. 词汇:考试重点考查学生对常用词汇的理解和运用能力,包括词义辨析、词性转换、词语配搭等。
2. 语法:考试重点考查学生对语法规则的掌握和运用能力,包括句子结构、时态语态、虚拟语气、非谓语动词、倒装句等。
3. 语音:考试重点考查学生的语音识别和发音能力。
4. 语篇:考试重点考查学生对语篇结构和逻辑关系的理解能力,包括段落构成、篇章结构、词语衔接等。
二、语言技能方面:1. 阅读理解:考试重点考查学生对不同类型文章的理解和分析能力,包括理解文章大意、提取最重要的信息、推断作者意图等。
2. 写作:考试重点考查学生运用英语进行写作的能力,包括写作格式、结构、内容、词汇和语法等。
3. 听力:考试重点考查学生对不同口音和语速的英语听力理解能力,以及理解对话内容、提取关键信息等。
4. 口语:考试重点考查学生用英语参与口头表达的能力,包括语法、词汇、发音、语音语调等。
三、文化意识方面:1. 英美文化:考试重点考查学生对英美文化的基本常识和理解能力,包括风俗习惯、节日庆典、人物典故等。

(20%)要求:必须写作家全名且不能写错,如Charles Dickens。
三、名词解释(20%)transcendentalism,超越论,先验论naturalism,自然主义,本能行动,自然论romanticism,浪漫主义,浪漫精神sonnet,十四行诗,商籁诗renaissance, 文艺复兴the Byronic Hero,拜伦式英雄lyrical ballad,抒情歌谣the lost generation,迷惘的一代beat generation,垮了的一代local color,乡土特色,地域色彩critical realism批判现实主义,批判实在论四、诗歌评论与翻译(20%)The Road Not Taken五、小说评论(20%)Tess of the D’urbervilles.Two days ago, I have read Tess of the d’Urbervilles. Tess is so miserable. She is really a tragic figure in the book TESS of the d’Urberwilles.She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec. And from then on her life totally changed. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was justa girl when she first met that terrible man. She was forced by thegossips and the church to blame herself for this accident. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm. Maybe God didn’t agree with t hat, because Angel Chare came into her life. Angel is the man Tess loved with her whole heart and life. After their wedding, Tess told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven .But she was wrong. She was not forgiven. Angel left her.Tragedy didn’t stop. Alec found her again. Tess was deceivedagain. She lost Angel for the second time!She forgot the difference between right and wrong. The only thing in her mind is her love to Angel. She lost control! She killed Alec!I was so sad to read the tragic ending. I wanted to ask why the ending is that.Tess’s whole character was honest and faithful. She was always hurt by those people who said they love her. She was so unsophisticated that she trusted everyone else.She loved Angel very much. And she trusted Angel. So she was on her mettle to tell her husband her past. Why didn’t she get Angel’s forgive?It’s unfair. Men are always easy to get forgive. Women are always easy to be hurt.In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer “yes” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are not included!” People gave birth to many girls in order to ha ve only one boy to keep the family name going. They thought girls had no use for the family.Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization.Just let those poor painful women like TESS be just a memory. 《德伯家的苔丝》是哈代著称于世的“威塞克斯系列”中的一部力作。

英美文化概论试卷真题Title: An Overview of English and American Culture: Exam PaperIntroductionEnglish and American culture are two of the most influential and widely studied cultures in the world. From literature and art to music and film, these cultures have made a significant impact on global society. In this exam paper, we will delve into the key aspects of English and American culture, exploring their similarities, differences, and the ways in which they have shaped the world we live in today.Language and LiteratureOne of the most prominent features of both English and American culture is the English language itself. As the lingua franca of the world, English has become a symbol of global communication and cultural exchange. Both English and American literature have produced some of the most celebrated works in history, from Shakespeare’s plays to the novels of Mark Twain and F. Scott Fitzgerald. The rich literary traditions of these cultures continue to inspire and influence writers and readers around the world.Arts and EntertainmentEnglish and American culture have also made significant contributions to the world of art and entertainment. From the works of English painters like J.M.W. Turner and John Constable to the iconic American art of Andy Warhol and Jackson Pollock, these cultures have produced some of the most influentialartists in history. In addition, the film and music industries of both countries have had a profound impact on global popular culture, with Hollywood and the British Invasion being just two examples of their far-reaching influence.Social and Political ValuesWhile English and American culture share many similarities, they also have distinct social and political values that have shaped their respective societies. The idea of individualism and freedom is central to American culture, while the British tradition of monarchy and class structure has had a lasting impact on English society. These values have influenced everything from the legal systems of these countries to their attitudes towards education and healthcare. ConclusionIn conclusion, English and American culture are rich and diverse, with a long history of influencing the world in a myriad of ways. From their language and literature to their arts and entertainment, these cultures continue to shape our global society. By understanding the key aspects of English and American culture, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the impact they have had on the world we live in today.。


1. Reading Comprehension阅读4篇,20个题目,每题1.5分,共30分。
2. Cloze(课外,6级以上难度)
3. 文化知识填空(根据课本课后题改编),共10分。
4. 判断对错(课本课后题)20个题目,每个0.5分,共10分。
5. 选择(课本课后题)20个题,每个0.5分,共10分。
6. 简答(课本课后题) 5个题,每个4分,共20分。
7. 写作(雅思大作文或托福作文)1个,共10分。

试题命题的参照教材为An Outline Introduction to Britain and America(来安方等编著),参考资料包括Survey of Britain and America(张奎武主编)、Understanding the US and the UK(许鲁之编著)、English-speaking Countries: A Survey(余志远主编)。
第二部分基本概念Explain the following terms in English1. the Thames River2. Alfred the Great3. Open University4. the Glorious Revolution5. the British Commonwealth.6. the Black Death.7. Constitutional Monarchy. 8. the welfare state.9. the Magna Carta 10. the Wars of Roses11. the National Healthy Service 12. Public school13. Keynesianism 14. grammar school15. National Eisteddfod 16. the Jury System17. Bloody Mary 18. the People's Charter of 183819. Agribusiness 20. the Open Structure21. the dissenters 22. New Scotland Yard23. Sto nehenge 24. Hadrian’s Wall25. the open-field farming system 26. Heptarchy27. the Witan 28. Vikings29. the Danelaw 30. crusades31. Joan of Arc 32. the Lollards33. Enclosures 34. Star Chamber35. Renaissance 36. humanists37. the Divine Right of Kings 38. The Gunpowder Plot of 160539. the Grand Remonstrance 40. The Commonwealth41. Diggers 42. Levelers43. farmer George基本知识Ⅰ、Read the following unfinished statement on question carefully. For each unfinished statement on question foursuggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Chose the one which you think best completes the statement or answers the questions1. There are three natural Zones in Scotland. Which is the exception?A) Highlands in the north B) the Central LowlandsC) the Easters Uplands D) the Southern Uplands2. River is the most important river in ScotlandA)Tweed B)Tyne C)Thames D)Clyde3. The British Empire gradually disappeared and it was replaced by the British Commonwealth in _______A) 1931 B)1991 C)1923 D)19304. The first known settlers of Britain wereA) the Iberians B) the Celts C) the Beaker Folk D) the Romans5. , the great Roman general, invaded Britain for the first time in 55 BC.A) Emperor Claudius B)Julius Caesar C) Alfred D) William6. At the time of the Norman Conquest, Anglo-Saxon English was headed byA) Tostig B)Godwin C) Eudemon D) Harold7. For nearly years, Britain was under the Roman occupation.A) 300 B) 400 C) 500 D) 6008. When the Hundred Years War ended in 1453, was the only part of France that was still in the hands of English.A) Flanders B) Slugs C) Calais D) Potion9 was the founder of Angevin(or Plantagenet) Dynasty.A) HenryⅠB) HenryⅡC) King John D) Edward Ⅵ10. CharlesⅠcalled his third parliament in 1628, at this parliament he was forced to accept the Petition of Right, regarded as the SecondA) Magna Carta B) Bill of Rights C) Long ParliamentD)Provisions of Oxford11. is generally regarded as the beginning of modem world history.A) The Puritan Revolution B) The RenaissanceC) The Great Charter D) The English Reformation12. The restoration of the House of Stuart happened in the year The monarch who restored wasA)1660, Charles II B)1685, James II C)1660, James IID)1685,Charles II13. is the best known of the "metaphysical poets".A)Edmund Spenser B) Philip Sidney C) John Done D) Ben Jonson14. The Tories were the forerunners of the which still bears the nickname today.A) the Liberty Party B)the Labor PartyC) the Conservative Party D)the Communist Party15. The English Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century started with the __ industry.A) coal-mining B) textile C) shipbuilding D)iron and steal16. By Britain had built up a big empire "on which the sun never set".A)1839 B)1799 C) 1900 D)190517. The Labor Party had its origins in __, which was formed in 1893 and led by Kin Hardin.A) the Labor Representation Committee B) the Independent Labor PartyC) the Conservative Party D) the Trades Union Congress18. is often referred to as the "Silicon Glen" in Britain.A) The area between London and South Wales B) Liverpooland Merseyside RegionC) The area between Glasgow and Edinburgh D) The Cambridge areas of East Anglia19. The main textile producing region of Britain are the following exceptA) Yorkshire B) Northern Ireland C) West Midlands D) Humberside20. An outstanding feature of British economic recovery in the 1803 was its .A) inflation B) length C) unemployment D) privatization21. Natural gas was discovered in 1965 and oil in 1970 underA) the Atlantic Ocean B) the North SeaC) the English Channel D) the Pacific Ocean22. The monarchy is the oldest institution of government, going back to at leastA) the 9th century B) the 8th century C) 1649 D) 168923. The main functions of Parliament are following exceptA) to pass laws B) to debate the major issues of the dayC) to advise the Sovereign to approve certain government decreesD) to examine government policy and administration24. The beginning of the Second Civil War in England was the yearA) 1645 B) 1646 C) 1647 D) 164825.The House of Commons is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of members of Parliament.A) 524 B) 651 C) 336 D) 61026. are the two major political parties in Britain today.A) The Labor Party and the Conservation PartyB) The Conservation Party and the Liberal PartyC) The Liberal Party and the RepublicansD) The Liberal Party and the Labor Party27. Appeals in criminal cases in English and Wales can be heard by the following courts exceptA) the Court of Appeal B) the Magistrate CourtC) the Crown Court D) the High Court28. The High Court has 3 divisions, which is the exceptA) Family Division B) Commercial DivisionC) Chancery Division D) Queen's Bench Division29. London's Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control ofA) the Lord Chancellor B) the Home SecretaryC) the Prime Minister D) the Ministry of Defence30. is the ultimate court of appeal in civil cases of U. K.A) The House of Commons B) The Court of ApealC) The High Court D) The House of Lords31. of the following is not the non-contributory Social Security benefits.A) War pensions B) Maternity allowance and widow's benefitC) Child benefit D) Family credit32. The religions leader of the Church of England isA) Archbishop of Canterbury B) Archbishop of York C) Lord chancellor D) Queen33. Education is compulsory for all between the ages of and __ in Great Britain except in Northern Ireland.A) 5, 18 B) 4, 18 C) 5, 16 D) 4, 1634. National newspapers are popularly divided into 3 groups, is the exception.A) quality papers B) popular papers C) Sunday papers D) mid-market papers.35. The State-run BBC is financed from theA) commercial B) the sale of TV set C) the public funding D) the sale of TV licenses36. is the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe.A) Football B) Cricket C) Horse racing D) Snooker37. Under the old Selective System, English children who have marks in the "eleven plus"examination go on toA) grammar schools B) public school C) technical schools D) secondary modern schools38. The Puritans were originally an extreme sect.A) Catholic B) Jewish C) Orthodox D) Protestant39. Christianity was introduced into Britain byA) the Anglo-Saxons B) the Celts C) the Romans D) the Norman-French40. About percent of the state secondary school population in Great Britain attend comprehensive schools.A) 60 B) 70 C) 80 D) 9041. is the official name of the United Kingdom.A) Great Britain B) The Britain Isles C) EnglandD) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland42. There are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain, is the exception.A) England B) Wales C) Northern Ireland D) Scotland43. Britain is surrounded by the sea which lies in the north Atlantic Ocean off ofEurope.A) the south coast B) the west coast C) the east coast D) the north coast44. The commonest English name "Smith" comes from thename "Schmidt".A) German B) France C) Spain D) Gaelic45. brought the new religion, Christianity to Britain.A) The Anglo-Saxons B) The Romans C) The Normans D) The Celts46. When the Northumbrians submitted to the King Egbert and took him for their master in 829actually became an overlord of all the English.A) Offa B) Egbert C) Kent D) William47. Which of the following is Not true about the Anglo-Saxons?A) They divided the country into countiesB) They divided the narrow-trip 3-field farming systemC) They established the manorial systemD) They laid the foundation of the English State48. The Canterbury Tales, which describes a group of traveling into Canterbury to visitThomas Backer's tomb.A) Protestants B) Catholics C) Pilgrims D) Puritans49. The Hundred Year's War is given to the intermittent war between and that lasted from 1337 to 1453.A) France … England B) the U. S … BritainC) Germany … England D) French … Germany50. By 1453 was the only part of France that was still in the hands of the English.A) Slugs B) Flanders C) Poiton D) Calais51. The name Wars of the Roses was coined by the great 19th century novelistA) Sir Walter Scott B) Ben JonsonC) Edmund Spenser D) Christopher Marlowe52. Three of the following were characteristic of the Elizabethan age. Which is the exception? __A) Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith.B) Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with Parliament.C) This was the age of the adventure on the sea.D) This was the age of literature when Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed.53. The Renaissance began in in the early 14th century.A) Britain B) Greece C) Italy D) France54. The English Renaissance was largelyA) political B) economical C) social D) literary55. greatly influenced the early works of Shakespeare.A) Marlowe B) John Donne C) Roger Ascham D) Francis Bacon56. The most famous of the Catholic conspiracies was the Gunpowder plot of .A) 1742 B) 1605 C) 1615 D) 161157. was condemned to death and executed on a scaffold outside the windows of the Banqueting House at Whitehall on January 30, 1649.A) James I B) Charles I C) James VI D) Charles VI58. is generally regarded as the beginning of modem world history.A) The English Civil War B) The RenaissanceC) The English Reformation D) The Wars of Roses59. In the Parliament Act was passed, severely limiting the power of the lords andestablishing the Commons as the Supreme legislative body.A) 1910 B) 1911 C) 1912 D) 191360. There are mainly fanning types in Britain. And most are reared in factoryfanning.A) 5, sheep B) 6, sheep C) 5, chickens D) 6, chickens61. British motor industry is now dominated by four firms which is the exception?A) Ford B) Peugeot C) the Rover group D) Volkswagen62. Britain is the largest trading nation in the world.A) fifth B) first C) third D) fourth63. A General Election takes place at least years and MPs are elected.A) 3, 650 B) 4, 651 C) 5, 651 D) 6, 65064. The Britain Parliament consists of three parts exceptA) the Sovereign B) the CabinetC) the House of Lords D) the House of Commons65. Succession to the throne is founded on the in Britain.A) hereditary principle B) Common Law C) Statute Law D) Conventions66. The U. K is a state.A) republic B) federal C) unitary D) none of above67. The National Health Service was established in the U. K inA) 1928 B) 1938 C) 1948 D) 195868. Nearly a of government expenditure is devoted to the social security prograrm.A) 1/2 B) l/3 C)1/4 D) l/569. Except that may not be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinctionto member of all churches or of none.A) the Lord Chancellor B) the Prime Minister C) the HomeSecretary D) the Attorney General70. is not the Christian festival.A) Christmas B) Good Friday C) Easter D) Whit Sunday71. Unestablished churches in Britain includeA) the Anglican churches B) the Free churchesC) the Roman Catholic church D) all of the above72. Which of the following belongs to the popular papers?A) The Times B) The Guardian C) The Daily Telegraph D) The Daily Express73. The Chartist Movement was the first nation-wide __ and drew attention to serious problems.A) farmers' movement. B) trader's movementC) literature campaign D) working class movement.74. was the first king to bring all Ireland under English control.A) Henry II B) James VI C) Henry D) James I75. is the chief Christian festival.A) Easter B) Christmas C) New Year's Day D) Guy Fawkes Day76. The Queen is the centre of much ofA) the nation's ceremonial B) the ancient traditionC) the leader of society D) all of the above77. The Thatcher government adopted an economic programme known as" "A) Keynesianism B) MonetarismC) Medium-term Financial Strategy D) Long-term Financial Strategy78. The Norman Conquest refers to the Conquest of England by the Normans under in .A) William of Orange/1660 B) William of Normandy/1066C) William the Conqueror/1660 D) William III/106679. In England and Wales __ recommends the High Court andcircuit judges.A) the Secretary of State. B) the Home Secretary.C) the Attorney General. D) the Lord Chancellor.80. Which of the following is a tragedy written by Shakespeare?A) Twelfth Night B) Othello. C) The Tempest D) Richard II81. is a mountain chain know as the "Backbone of Northern England''.A) The Pennies B) Ben Nevis C) Scafell D) None of above82. The largest lake in Britain is Longh Neagh, it is located inA) England B) Scotland C) Northern Ireland D) Wales83. part of Britain has the most rainfall.A) The northwestern B) The southeastern C) The western D) The eastern84. The most important historical monument left to us by the ancient Iberians was .A) mound B) Stonehenge C) stronghold D) the Hadrian's Wall85. The successful Roman invasion of Britain happened in A.D.A) 25 B) 35 C) 45 D) 4386. Beginning from the mid-5th century, the three most powerful tribes came to Britainexcept .A) Angles B) Saxons C) Celts D) Jutes87. William I replaced the Witan, the council of the Anglo-Saxons Kings, withA) the Grand Council B) the Great CouncilC) the Private Council D) the Privy Council88. The Canterbury Tales was written byA) Geoffrey B) T. S. Eliot C) Sir Thomas Wyatt D) Sir ThomasMore89. English Parliament began to come into being in the century.A) 11th B) 12th C) 13th D) 14th90. The end of the Wars of the Roses in 1485 marked the beginning of the Dynasty.A) Plantagenet B) Tudor C) Angevin D) none of above91. The Act of union in the year 1707 united andA) England, Wales B) Wales, ScotlandC) England, Scotland D) Scotland , Northern Ireland92. The most famous of the Catholic Conspiracies against King was the Gunpowder Plotin .A) James I, 1603 B) Charles I, 1603 C) Charles I, 1605 D) James I, 160593. The protestant Reformation in England was led by King .A) Henry VIII B) Henry VII C) Edward VI D) Henry II94. was the first country of the world in which the Industrial Revolution took place.A) France B) Britain C) Germany D) the U. S. A.95. The Chartist Movement ended in the yearA) 1830 B) 1848 C) 1832 D) 185196. In Britain only __ of the population are farmers but they manage of the land area.A) 3%, 70% B) 4%, 72% C) 5%, 68% D) 6%, 74%97. There are farming types in Britain.A) 4 B) 5 C) 6 D) 898. The Britain Constitution is made up of three laws exceptA) Statute law B) Land law C) Common law D) Conventions99. The Constitutional monarchy has been established inBritain sinceA) the Glorious Revolution of 1688 B) the Christ MovementC) the Wars of the Roses D) the Hundred Years War100. The real source of power in Parliament isA) the House of Lords B) the House of CommonsC) the Cabinet D) the King of QueenII. Give an one-sentence answer to each of the following questions.1. Who is the ancestor of the English?2. When did England begin to be Christianized?3. What was signed by King John in 1215?4. What marked the beginning of the Tudor Dynasty?5. What is the Lloyd's?6. What does the Cabinet consist of?7. What is the jury's job?8. What festival is the greatest in Britain?9. Which sport is regarded as typically English?10. Who established completely the feudal system in England?11. What is the largest lake in Britain?12. Who created the Witan, the basis of the Privy council?13. When was the Great Charter signed by King John?14. Where were oil and natural gas found in Britain?15. What are the two major Parties in Britain?16. When did the constitutional monarchy begin in Britain?17. Which types of criminal Procedure has in Scotland?18. What is the largest single employer of labor in U. K?19. At what age do men and women generally retire?21. What is the longest river in Britain?22. What is the highest mountain in Britain?23. What were the first known settlers of Britain?24. What were the Vikings?25. What was the transitional Period between the Middle Ages and Modern times?26. What was the Puritanism?27. What were the two events which most alarmed the Britain ruling classes in the closing decades of the 18th century?28. What were the three period of the evolution of the British economy since the WWⅡ?29. What is the main function of the House of Lords?30. What agency is the most important news agency in Britain?31. What are three political divisions on the island of Great Britain?32. What is the official name of the U. K.?33. When did the peasant uprising happen in the U. K?34. What is the English Civil War also called?35. Which two groups were the Chartists divided into?36. What was Keynesianism?37. Who are the members of the House of Lords?38. What are the common features of all systems of law in Britain?39. What is the most important established church in Britain?40. Where is the home of golf?41. Which part of Britain is always fighting?42. What type of climate does Britain has?43. Who was the first Christian Emperor?44. Whose grave became a place of Pilgrimage in and beyond Chaucer's time after he wasmurdered?45. What did James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in?46. Where are the main textile producing regions in Britain?47. How is the BBC radio financed?48. What is the most famous art festival in Britain?49. What are the Christian festivals in Britain?50. What is the Character of the Scots?51. What are the principal non-Christian communities in Britain?52. Who was the first Archbishop of Canterbury?53. When was Parliament born in England?54. Who was the first Prince of Wales in English history?55. What were the Hundred Year’s War?56. Who was the greatest humanists in English history?57. Who wrote the classical work "Utopia“?58. Who was the first prime minister in English history?59. When was the cabinet system of government created?60. Who is the first female prime minister in English history?基本技能Questions for discussion:1. What do you know about the Roman invasion of Britain?2. How was the British Empire established in the 19th Century?3. What measures did the Thatcher government take to improve the nation's economy?4. What are the Periods of the evolution of British economy since the Second World War?5. What made the Beatles so different from other pop groups?6. Why and how did the Reformation happen in England?7. What do you know about the nature and consequences of the Wars of the Roses?8. What do you know about State Schools and public schools in the United Kingdom?9. How does a general election take place in Britain?10. What are the consequences of the Norman Conquest?11. What do you know about HenryⅡ?12. What are the main contents of Magna Carta?13. What do you know about Henry VII?14. How did Elizabeth I deal with the religious problem when she became Queen of England?15. What are the Historic Significance of the Bourgeois Revolution?Keys:基本知识Ⅱ.1. The Anglo-Saxons is the ancestor of the English.2. England began to be Christianized in the year of 597.3. The Great Charter was signed by King John in 1215.4. The end of the War of Roses in 1485 marked the beginning of the Tudor Dynasty.5. The Lloyd's refers to a famous insurance company in Britain.6. The cabinet consists of usually 20 most senior ministers.7. In criminal eases, the jury decides the issues of guilt or innocence.8. Christmas Day is the greatest Christian festival.9. Cricket is the most typically English sport.10. William established completely the feudal system in England.11. The Laugh Neagh is the largest lake in Britain.12.The Anglo-Saxons created the Witan.13. The Great Charter was signed by King John in 1215.14. Oil and natural gas are found under the North Sea in Britain .15. The Labor Party and the Conservative Party are the two major parties in Britain.16. The Constitutional monarchy began in 1689 when King William and Queen Mary accepted the Bill of Rights.17. There are Solemn Procedure and Summary Procedure in Scotland.18. The National Health Service is the largest single employer of labor in U.K.19. Generally , men retire at the age of 65 and women at the age of 60.20. Cricket is regarded as typically in English.21. The Severn River is the longest river in Britain.22. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain of Britain.23. The Iberians is the first known Settlers of Britain.24. The Vikings were the ancient people living in North Europe.25. Renaissance was the transitional period between the Middle age and modern age26. The Puritinism noted for simple dress, high moral standards and very egalitarian attitudes27. The two events were the American War of Independence and French Revolution.28. The three periods were:(1)Steady development in the 50s and 60s. (2)Economic recession in the 70s. (3)Economic recovery in the 80s.29. The main function of the House of Lords is to bring wide experience of its member into the process of law-making.30. Reuters is the most important news agency in Britain.31. The three political divisions on the island of Great Britain are England, Scotland and Wales.32. The official name of the U.K. is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.33. The peasant uprising happened in 138134. The English Civil War is also called the Puritan Revolution.35. The Chartists was divided into the Moral Force Chartists and the physical Force Chartists36. Keynesianism was John M. Keynes(John Maynard Keynes) economic theory.37. The House of Lords is made up of the Lords spiritual and the Lords Temporal38. One is that there is no complete code and other is the distinction made between criminal law and civil law.39. The church of England and the church of Scotland are the most important established church in Britain.40. Scotland is the home of golf.41. Northern Ireland is always fighting.42. Britain has a maritime Climate.43. Constantine was the first Christian Emperor.44. Thomas Becket's grave became a place of Pilgrimage in and beyond Chaucer' s time after he was murdered45. James I and his son Charles I both believed firmly in the Divine Right of Kings.46. They are the East Midlands, Yorkshire, and Humberside and Northern Ireland.47. The BBC radio broadcast is funded totally by the government.48. The most famous art festival in Britain is the EdinburghInternational Festival of Music andDrama.49. They are Christmas, Easter and Whit Sunday.50. The Character of the Scots is hospitable and generous.51. The principal non-Christian communities in Britain are the Jews, the Moslems and the Buddhists.52. St. Augustine was the first Archbishop of Canterbury53. Parliament was born in 1265.54. Edward II55. It refers to the war between England and France which lasted from 1337 to 1453.56. Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)57. "Utopia“ was written by Thomas More.58. Walpole was usually considered as the first prime minister in English history.59. During GeorgeⅠ’s reign.60. Margaret Thatcher。

英美文学史考试试题一、选择题(每题 3 分,共 30 分)1、以下哪部作品是英国浪漫主义诗人威廉·华兹华斯的代表作?()A 《唐璜》B 《抒情歌谣集》C 《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》D 《西风颂》2、美国作家海明威的作品常常体现出“冰山理论”,以下哪部作品最能体现这一理论?()A 《永别了,武器》B 《老人与海》C 《太阳照样升起》D 《丧钟为谁而鸣》3、英国作家简·奥斯汀的小说以细腻的人物刻画和对婚姻爱情的探讨著称,她的哪部作品被多次改编成电影?()A 《爱玛》B 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》C 《傲慢与偏见》D 《理智与情感》4、以下哪一位是美国浪漫主义时期的重要作家?()A 马克·吐温B 爱伦·坡C 惠特曼D 以上都是5、英国诗人 TS艾略特的《荒原》属于哪种文学流派?()A 象征主义B 表现主义C 意识流D 荒诞派6、以下哪部作品是英国批判现实主义作家狄更斯的代表作?()A 《大卫·科波菲尔》B 《呼啸山庄》C 《简·爱》D 《名利场》7、美国作家福克纳的作品多以南方为背景,他的哪部作品讲述了一个家族的兴衰?()A 《喧哗与骚动》B 《我弥留之际》C 《押沙龙,押沙龙!》D 以上都是8、英国诗人约翰·弥尔顿的哪部作品取材于《圣经》?()A 《失乐园》B 《复乐园》C 《力士参孙》D 以上都是9、以下哪一位是美国现代主义作家?()A 菲茨杰拉德B 德莱塞C 斯坦贝克D 以上都是10、英国女作家勃朗特姐妹的作品包括()A 《简·爱》和《呼啸山庄》B 《爱玛》和《傲慢与偏见》C 《理智与情感》和《曼斯菲尔德庄园》D 《名利场》和《大卫·科波菲尔》二、简答题(每题 10 分,共 30 分)1、请简要分析莎士比亚悲剧作品的艺术特色。
814- 英语语言文学综合考试

(三)试卷内容结构各部分内容所占分值为:英美文学 70分(其中,英国文学35分,美国文学35分)英美文化 40分语言学 40分(四)试卷题型结构1. 英美文学题型(共70分,其中,英国文学35分,美国文学35分)(1)英国文学部分题型(共35分)作家与作品相匹配约5分判断所给作品选段的出处约10分小论文写作约20分(2)美国文学部分题型文学常识(多种形式)约20分论述题约15分2. 英美文化部分题型(共40分)正误判断题或选择题约10分名词解释约10分论述题约20分3.语言学部分题型(共40分)正误判断题或选择题约10分分析题约10分论述题约20分三、考查范围英国文学英国文学部分的考察范围分为英国文学史和英国文学作品选读两个部分。
英国文学史考察范围The Anglo-Saxon Period: BeowulfThe Anglo-Norman Period: Chaucer; Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The Renaissance: More; Bacon; Sidney; Spenser; Marlowe; Shakespeare The 17th Century: Donne; Jonson; Milton; Dryden; BunyanThe 18th Century: Defoe; Swift; Addison and Steele; Pope; Johnson;Gray; Goldsmith; Fielding; Sheridan; Blake; Burns The Romantic Period: Wordsworth; Coleridge; Byron; Shelley; Keats;Scott; Austen; LambThe Victorian Age: E. B. Browning; Tennyson; Robert Browning; TheBronte Sisters; Dickens; Thackeray; EliotThe 20th Century: Hardy; Shaw; Conrad; Yeats; Forster; Woolf; Joyce;Lawrence; T. S. Eliot; Orwell英国文学作品选读考查范围Popular ballads: Robin Hood and Allin-a-Dale; Get Up and Bar theDoorChaucer: The Canterbury Tales (General Prologue)Shakespeare: Hamlet(Act III, Scene I); Sonnets 18, 29, and 106 Bacon: Of StudiesDonne: Song; A Valediction: Forbidding MourningMilton: Paradise Lost (Book I)Swift: Gulliver’s Travels (Part IV)Gray: Elegy Written in a Country ChurchyardBlake: London; The Chimney SweeperBurns: John Anderson, My Jo; A Red, Red RoseWordsworth: I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud; The Solitary Reaper Lord Byron: Don Juan (The Isles of Greece)Shelley: Ozymandias; Ode to the West WindKeats: On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer; Ode on a Grecian Urn Emily Bronte: Wuthering HeightsLord Tennyson: UlyssesRobert Browning: My Last Duchess美国文学Chapter 1 Before the Revolution of Independence1.1 Native American Literature1.2 Colonial AmericaChapter 2 Around the Revolution of IndependenceChapter 3 American Romanticism/Renaissance3.1 Pre-Romanticism3.2 The Peak of Romanticism3.3 Post-RomanticismChapter 4 The Age of RealismChapter 5 The Age of ModernismChapter 6 American Literature since 1945英美文化1. British Society & Culture1.1 Land and People1.2 History1.3 Economy1.4 Politics and Society1.5 Education2. American Society & Culture2.1 Land and People2.2 History2.3 Economy2.4 Politics and Law2.5 Family2.6 Society2.7 Education2.8 Beliefs and Values语言学Chapter 1 Language and Linguistics1.1The nature of language1.2The functions of language1.3Language families1.4Some important distinctions in linguistics1.5The scope of linguisticsChapter 2 Phonetics and phonology2.1 Production of sounds2.2 Phonemes2.3 Sound patterns2.4 Suprasegmental featuresChapter 3 Morphology and lexicon3.1 Word and word class3.2 Morpheme3.3 Inflection and word-formation3.4 LexiconChapter 4 Syntax4.1 Sentence structure4.2 Syntactic function and category4.3 Transformational rulesChapter 5 Semantics5.1 Approaches to meaning5.2 Semantic field and semantic relations5.3 Semantic analysisChapter 6 Pragmatics and text analysis6.1 Speech act theory6.2 The Cooperative principle and the politeness principle6.3 Presupposition and the structure of spoken text6.4 Cohesion6.5 Thematic structure ad information unitChapter 7 Language and social culture7.1 Language varieties7.2 Language and culture7.3 Language change7.4 Language planningChapter 8 Language acquisition and thought8.1 First language acquisition8.2 Second language acquisition8.3 Language and thoughtChapter 9 Linguistics and Language teaching9.1 Approaches to language teaching9.2 Syllabus design9.3 Language testing9.4 Error analysis。

英美文化知识竞赛试题第一部分(客观题,共60分)PART ONERead the following unfinished statements or questions carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked [A], [B], [C] and [D] are given. Choose the one which you think best completes the statement or answers the questions . (60 points, 2 point for each)1. The British Isles are made up of _____ .A. three large islands and hundreds of small onesB. three large islands and dozens of small onesC. two large islands and hundreds of small onesD. two large islands and dozens of small ones2. In Britain,____ formally appoints important government ministers, judges, _____A. the QueenB. the Prime MinisterC. the Lord President of the CouncilD. the Speaker of the House of Commons3. Christianity was first brought to England by ____.A. the RomansB. the CeltsC. the Anglo-SaxonsD. the Danes4. ______ is the oldest of all the parties in Ireland.A. The Irish Labour PartyB. The Progressive DemocratsC. Fianna FailD. Fine Gael5. The Romans led by Julius Caesar launched their first invasion on Britain in ______.A. 200B.C. B. 55 B.C. C. 55 A.D. D. 410 A.D.6. When Wales was brought under the English Crown, the title of “Prince of Wales” was borne by _____, the eldest son of the reigning monarch.A. Richard IB. Henry IIIC. Edward ID. Edward II7. Christmas Day, December 25th, celebrates the ____ of Christ, and is the great Christian festivals.A. birthB. deathC. CrucifixionD. Resurrection8. British recorded history begins with the ___ invasion. A. Roman B. Viking C. Anglo-Saxon D. Norman9. In the United Kingdom, ministers are appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of ___. A. the Speaker C. the Duke of Edinburgh10. In England no females were allowed to vote in national elections before ___. A. 1918 B. 1920 C. 1928D. 1945B. the Lord Chancellor D. the Prime Minister11. The two very important crops in Britain are ___. A. barley and corn B. wheat and riceC. barley and oatsD. wheat and barley12. In Britain, a ____ is held when a Member of Parliament dies, retires or resigns. A. civic electionB. by-election D. general electionC. popular election13. The eldest son of Queen Elizabeth Ⅱ——Prince Charles, Prince of _____, is the heir to the throne. A. England C. WalesB. Scotland D. Northern Ireland14. In Britain, the Speaker is a member who is acceptable to all shades of opinion in _______. A. the Privy Council B. the House of Lords C. the Supreme Court D. the House of Commons15. Australia, which is one of the world's developed countries, has become rich through _____. A. manufacturing industries B. farming and mining C. service industries D. forestry and fishing16. With regard to its size, Australia is _____ country in the world. A. the third largest B. the fourth largest C. the fifth largestD. the sixth largest17. Australia is the world's largest exporter of _____. A. wheatB. woolC. meatD. dairy products18. The main feature of Australia's trade is that ______.A. it is mainly with developing countries and Great BritainB. it has had a deficit on visible tradeC. it has had a surplus on invisible tradeD. it has involved the exchange of raw materials for finished products19. It is assumed that the first Europeans who reached Australia’s shores were _____. A. the Dutch B. the English C. the GermansD. the Spanish and Portugese20. The head of state of Australia is ______. A. the Governor B. the President C. the Prime Minister D. the Queen of England21. Politically, Australia is divided into _____states and twoterritories. A. four B. five C. six D. seven22. Among the five Australian cities with a population of overa million only ___ lies on the Western coast.A. SydneyB. BrisbaneC. MelbourneD. Perth23. Apart from Britain, the Queen is also the head of state of the following countries EXCEPT______. A.Australia B.Canada C.New Zealand D.South Africa24. In New Zealand, nearly three-quarters of the population (including more than 95 percent of the Maori) live in ____. A. South Island B. North Island C. Stwart IslandD. the Chatham Islands25. The natural disasters in New Zealand may include ______.A.earthquakes, volcanoes and floodingB.volcanoes, flooding and heavy snowsC.earthquakes, flooding, and heavy snowsD.volcanoes, heavy snows and earthquakes26. New Zealand’s highest peak is ___ in the mountain range called the central Southern Alps. A. Mount Ngauruhoe B. Mount Tongariro C. Mount Cook D. Mount T aranaki27. ______ is the capital of New Zealand. A.AucklandB.WellingtonC.T orontoD.Montreal28. New Zealand consists of two main islands: _______. A. North Island and South island B. Steward Island and Long Island C. West Island and East Island D. Victorian island and Tasman Island29. New Zealand’s climate is generally _____ and seasonal differences are not so great. A. dry and cold B. mild and moist C. hot and wet D. windy and cold30. Colored eggs and bunny are traditional symbols of _____.A. EasterB. ChristmasC. ValentineD. New Year's DayPART TWODecide whether the following statements are true (T) or false(F). (10 points, 2 point for each)31.( )Britain is no longer an imperial country.32.( )The capital of Belfast is a larger city with half a million people.33.( )Most British people are Protestants while most Irish people are Catholics.34.( )In the UK, a government cannot stand for longer than five years except in exceptional circumstances.35.( )The Prime Minister and Cabinet decide on the general direction of Britain’s foreign policy.36.( )Ireland is a republic with a government headed by a Prime Minister, elected directly by the people.37.( )The attitude of Ireland toward Britain is dislike or even hatred because of the colonial past.38.( )The European settlement in Australian started in 1788 in Sydney.39.( )Victoria and South Australian were established as convict colonies.40.( )Convict transportation to Australian continent was stopped in 1852.第二部分(主观题,共20分)Given an one-sentence answer to each of the following questions. Write your answer on the answer sheet. (20 points,4 points for each)41. How long was Britain under the Roman occupation?42. What does the British Parliament consist of?43. Who is the most well-known Irish writer of the modern period?44. Who is the writer of A Midsummer Night’s Dream?45. Who is the first female Prime Minister in Australia?英美文化知识竞赛试题参考答案1-5 C A A A B 6-10 D A A D A 11-15 D B C D B 16-20 D B D DD 21-25 C D D B A 26-30 C B A B A 31-35 T F T T T 36-40 F F TF F Ⅱ.41. Britain was under the Roman occupation for nearly 400 years.42. The British Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.43. James Joyce is the most well-known Irish writer of the modern period. 44. William Shakespeare 45. Julia Gillard。
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英美文化考试范围(加强版)题型一、选择题55分二、填空题15分三、简答题20分(4问)四、问答题10分(2选1)具体范围一、选择题第1、3、5、10章课后选择题补充:Unit 11. The ancestors of the Welsh are ___A__.A. the CeltsB. the RomansC. the AnglesD. the Normans2. Which of the following is not one of the three Germanic tribes that came to be the basis of modern English race?AA. the Viking DanesB. the AnglesC. the SaxonsD. the Jutes3. The historical Arthur is believed by most historians as a _A__ warrior.A. Celtic B Anglo C Saxon D Norman4. For much of the Middle Ages, Britain was ruled by a(n) ___B___-speaking aristocracy.A. EnglishB. FrenchC. GermanD. GaelicUnit 21. One of the following took place during the Elizabethan age:BA. the making of the Magna CartaB. the defeat of the Spanish Armada by the English navyC. the rule of Alfred the GreatD. the defeat of King Harold by France2. In England, the monarch, D , declared that the Pope was no longer head of the Church of England.A. Bloody Mary C. King Henry VB. Queen Elizabeth I. D. King Henry VIII3. Three of the following were characteristics of the Elizabethan age. Which of the four is the exception? AA. Queen Elizabeth advocated the Divine Right and quarreled with Parliament.B. Protestantism gradually became the dominant faith.C. This was the age of literature when Shakespeare lived and when English literature blossomed.D. This was the age of adventure on the sea.4. Victorianism was characterized by the following except DA. It was in an age of imperialismB. It saw the great progress in sciences with Charles Darwin as a prominent figure.C. It was the age when the great progress was made in the field of communications.D. It was an age when the Battle of Hastings was won by the Duke of Wellington.Unit521. Which of the following states is called “the Old Colony State”? BA. PennsylvaniaB. MassachusettsC. DelawareD. Georgia22. The term “Father of Waters” is used to refer to _____C_____.A. the Amazon River C. the Mississippi RiverB. the Nile River D. the Hudson River23. Which of the following was not first grown by Native Americans? BA. potato C. pumpkinB. cabbage D. corn24. The first colony at Jamestown in Virginia survived because the colonists discovered a way to earn money. Which of the following was discovered by the Virginians? BA. shipping cotton to EuropeB. growing tobacco in VirginiaC. making a profit by fishingD. growing cotton25. Three of the following were the motives of the English Puritans who went to New England as immigrants. Which was the exception? AA. They believed that the Church of England was not Catholic enough.B. They believed that the Church of England was too Catholic in religious practices.C. They were persecuted in England.D. They wanted to established a colony based on their own religious ideals.26. Thanksgiving Day is originally celebrated by people for __D___.A. healthB. safetyC. freedomD. harvest27. __C___ was the only Founding Father to sign the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, the Treaty of Alliance with France, and the Treaty of Paris.A. George WashingtonB. Thomas JeffersonC. Benjamin FranklinD. John Adams28. The following words of wisdom were given by Benjamin Franklin except __B___A. A penny saved is a penny earned.B. All for one, one for all. ([法] Dumas pére大仲马)C. Time is money.D. Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.29. George Washington served _B____ term(s) as US President.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four30. The author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin was ______C______.A. Thomas PaineB. Barbara SmithC. Harriet Beecher StoweD. Mark Twain判断会变为选择题型39. The first English colony was set in (Jamestown in Virginia).40. The (bald eagle) was chosen as the representative of the United States.41. Geographically the United States can be roughly divided into three parts— the western part, the southern part and New England. (X)42. The (Rocky Mountains) are the backbone of North America.45. Pilgrim Fathers settled at Plymouth in (1620).46. The purpose of the First Continental Congress was to (放宽高压政策)47. (Benjamin Franklin) was the first to celebrate the American Dream.50. The Bill of Rights ensured the (individual liberties)51. Mount Rushmore is famous for the faces of four American Presidents, who are G. Washington, T. Jefferson, A. Lincoln, and T. Roosevelt. (此处有改动,原版为F.Roosevelt,是错误的)52. The Battle of Gettysburg was fought on July 1 and 2, 1863 and is considered the turning point in the (Civil War.)二、填空题Unit15. Normans under William the Conqueror invaded England from France, defeating the Saxon king Harold at the Battle of ___ ____ Hastings ____ in 1066.6.The full name of the United Kingdom is _ The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ___.6. The two largest islands of the British Isles are _ England ___ and __ Ireland.__. (此处有改动)7. All the kings of the Middle Ages in Britain spoke __ French ___ as their mother tongue, and after the Hundred Years’ War, the __ English ____ langu age took its place.8. What are the main consequences of the Norman Conquest? The significance of Norman Conquest lies in the following aspects: the foundation of aristocracy, the final unification of England, the great administrative process, and a link to France.Unit 25. The Origin of Species was written by _____ Charles Darwin _________.6. All English official documents bear the initials OHMS which stands for ____ On Her Majesty’s Service ______.7 In Britain, the executive power is in the hands of __cabinet________.8. ____ Queen Victoria _____ takes the credit of the longest reign in British history.9. In the “Grab for Africa” (Britain) got the lion’s share, which confirmed its supremacy.Unit 51. The nickname for the USA national flag is “_____ Old Glory ________________”.2. The state of _____ Virginia _____ was named in honor of Queen Elizabeth I.3. As US national motto, “E Pluribus Unum” means ___ out of many, one ____________5. As pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Mark Twain means _Mark number two_________.6. The largest state in terms of area is __Alaska ________ and the largest state in terms of population is _California_________.7. The meaning of Mississippi is “_great waters_______”.8. Some _Puritans__________, called the Pilgrims, crossed the Atlantic in the ship Mayflower and settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.9. The writer O. Henry called ___Thanksgiving________ the one holiday that is purely American.10. The first shot in the American War of Independence was heard at the village of__Lexington_________ on April 19, 1775.11. In May, 1775, ___the second Continental Congress_________ met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government.12. On June 14, 1776, the second Continental Congress officially appointed _George Washington____ as commander-in-chief of the Continental Army.13. _Thomas Jefferson____ was instructed by the Committee of Five to write the Declaration ofIndependence.14. The Independence Day of the United States is on __July 4th___________.16. The famous “that this government of the people, by the people, for the people” was from _the Gettysburg Address_________17. The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights granted the American people the right to keep and bear__arms________.三、简答题Unit18. What are the main consequences of the Norman Conquest?The significance of Norman Conquest lies in the following aspects: the foundation of aristocracy, the final unification of England, the great administrative process, a link to France, a great influence of French on English.(此处有改动,原版共四点,现改为五点)Unit210. What were the main features of the Elizabethan age?The Elizabethan age is often remmembered by two things. The first is literature, especially the William Shakespeare’s play. The second is marine adventure and the Establishment of maritime hegemony(不好意思,这个没记全,是我自己结合着写的)11. Explain the atmosphere of Victorianism.Victorianism was an age of national development and national optimism. Tremendous social reform took place. The greatist one of all was made in the field of communications. Victorianism family life had the quality of stability and the victorians were extremely religious. It was also an age of imperialism.Unit 535. What is the significance of the Second Continental Congress?In May 1775, the second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia and began to assume the functions of a national government. It founded a Continental Army and Navy under the commond of George WashingtonOn June 11th, 1776, the second Continental Congress appointed a committee of five men to draft a Declaration of Independence,The young Thomas Jefferson was chosen by the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence, which the congress adopted on July 4th, 1776.37. What social problems did the American Civil War solve?The war resolved two fundamental questions that had divided the United States since 1776.It put an end to slavery, which was completely abolished by the 13th Amendment to the constitution in 1865.It also decided, once and for all, that American was not a collection of semi-independent states, but a single indivisible nation.四、问答题(2选1作答,不少于100字)1、美国枪支泛滥what do you think of the wide spread of gun in the US?2、君主立宪制新视野读写教程第三册Unit 1XI1. No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.2. Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.3. Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.4. If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more.5. Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.6. Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company.XII1. 每当有人帮了你,无论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应该对他说声“谢谢”。