NORSOK 标准简介[最新]
NORSOK 标准简介[最新]NORSOK 标准简介挪威石油工业技术法规挪威现为西欧最大产油国、世界第三大石油出口国,近海石油工业已成为国民经济重要支柱。
2001年8月31日皇家议会通过了5个石油工业技术法规,2001年9月3日由挪威石油安全机构(PSA)、?挪威污)联合颁布、实施了这5个新染控制机构(SFT)、挪威社会健康理事会(NSHD 的法规(表1)。
RULES FORCLASSIFICATION OFD ET N ORSKE V ERITASVeritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11SHIPS / HIGH SPEED, LIGHT CRAFT ANDNAVAL SURFACE CRAFTNEWBUILDINGSMACHINERY AND SYSTEMSMAIN CLASSPART 4 CHAPTER 7BOILERS, PRESSURE VESSELS, THERMAL-OIL INSTALLATIONS AND INCINERATORSJANUARY 2003This booklet includes the relevant amendments and corrections shown in the January 2007 version of Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3.CONTENTSPAGESec.1General Requirements................................................................................................................5Sec.2Materials.....................................................................................................................................8Sec.3Arrangement...............................................................................................................................9Sec.4General Design Requirements..................................................................................................12Sec.5Particular Design Requirements for Boilers.............................................................................24Sec.6Mountings and Fittings ............................................................................................................39Sec.7Instrumentation and Automation .............................................................................................42Sec.8Manufacture, Workmanship and Testing.................................................................................45App.ATypes and Minimum Dimensions of the Inspection Openings in Boilers andPressure Vessels (51)CHANGES IN THE RULESComments to the rules may be sent by e-mail to rules@For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use distribution@Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site © Det Norske VeritasComputer Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas Printed in NorwayIf any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.GeneralThis booklet is a reprint of the previous edition and apart from clari-fications of text and the inclusion of amendments and corrections,published in the July 2002 edition of Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3, no other chang-es have been made.This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter. Supple-ments will not be issued except for an updated list of minor amend-ments and corrections presented in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3. Pt.0 Ch.1 is normally revised in January and July each year.Revised chapters will be forwarded to all subscribers to the rules.Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of rule chap-ters printed in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.1 to ensure that the chapter is current.Amended,Rules for Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2003see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3, January 2007 Pt.4 Ch.7 Contents – Page 3D ET N ORSKE V ERITASCONTENTSSEC. 1GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.......................... 5A.Classification.. (5)A 100Application........................................................................5A 200Cross-references. (5)B.Definitions (5)B 100Terms................................................................................5B 200Symbols.............................................................................5B 300Units..................................................................................5B 400Grading (5)C.Documentation (6)C 100General..............................................................................6C 200Boilers and pressure vessels..............................................6C 300Thermal-oil installations...................................................6C 400Incinerators (7)D.Seamless Gas Cylinders (7)D 100Certification......................................................................7E.Signboards.. (7)E 100General (7)SEC. 2MATERIALS........................................................ 8A.Material Requirements (8)A 100General..............................................................................8A 200Boilers and pressure vessels..............................................8A 300Valves and fittings............................................................8A 400Thermal-oil installations (8)SEC. 3ARRANGEMENT................................................ 9A.Boilers and Pressure Vessels .. (9)A 100Instruments........................................................................9A 200Inspection openings ..........................................................9A 300Drains................................................................................9A 400Fuel oil supply...................................................................9A 500Combustion air supply......................................................9A 600Positioning (9)B.Thermal-oil Installations (9)B 100Installation.........................................................................9B 200Circulation system ............................................................9B 300Control and monitoring system.......................................10B 400Safety arrangements........................................................10B 500Insulation and shielding..................................................10B 600Exhaust-fired thermal-oil heaters....................................10B 700Test equipment and signboards.......................................10C.Incinerators.. (10)C 100General............................................................................10D.Exhaust Gas Boiler or Economisers. (11)D 100Circulation systems.........................................................11D 200Soot-cleaning arrangement (11)SEC. 4GENERAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS........ 12A.General (12)A 100Application (12)B.Design Criteria (12)B 100Design pressure...............................................................12B 200Calculating pressure........................................................12B 300Other loadings.................................................................12B 400Design material temperature...........................................12B 500Nominal design stress.....................................................13B 600Shell thickness ................................................................13B 700Corrosion allowance.......................................................13B800Tolerance and fabrication allowance (13)C.Scantlings of Shells and Flat and Dished Ends (14)C 100Conditions.......................................................................14C 200Cylindrical shells ............................................................14C 300Spherical shells (14)C 400Conical shells of circular sections...................................14C 500Dished ends.....................................................................15C 600Unstayed flat end plates..................................................17D.Openings and Compensations. (18)D 100General............................................................................18D 200Openings not requiring reinforcement............................18D 300Openings requiring reinforcement..................................18D 400Minimum thickness of standpipes and branches............19D 500Welded branch connections............................................19E.Covers for Inspection Openings and Manholes .. (22)E 100General (22)F.Heat Exchanger Tubes (22)F 100General (22)SEC. 5PARTICULAR DESIGN REQUIREMENTSFOR BOILERS................................................... 24A.Shells and Headers of Cylindrical Sections (24)A 100Scantlings........................................................................24A 200Efficiency of ligaments between tube holes...................24A 300Compensating effect of tube stubs..................................26B.Headers of Rectangular or Irregular Sections. (28)B 100Headers of rectangular section........................................28B 200Headers of irregular form................................................29C.Dished Ends (29)C 100Dished ends subject to pressure on the concave side......29C 200Dished ends subject to pressure on the convex side. (29)D.Flat Plates Supported by Stays (29)D 100General............................................................................29D 200Scantlings........................................................................30D 300Stay tubes and tube plates within tube nests ..................30D 400Vertical tube plates in vertical boilers............................31D 500Firebox plates under compression..................................33D 600Openings in flat plates (33)E.Furnaces and Fireboxes of Cylindrical Form, Uptakes, Cross-tubes and Ogee Rings (35)E 100Plain furnaces .................................................................35E 200Corrugated furnaces........................................................35E 300Stiffeners.........................................................................36E 400Fireboxes for vertical boilers..........................................36E 500Openings in furnaces.......................................................36E 600Dished ends for vertical boiler fireboxes........................36E 700Internal uptakes in vertical boilers..................................36E 800Cross-tubes in vertical boilers.........................................37E 900Connection of firebox to shell in vertical boilers............37F.Stays. (37)F 100Stay tubes and bar stays .................................................37F 200Girders for flat firebox and reversal chambers'top plates.........................................................................37G.Tubes.. (37)G 100Boiler tubes subjected to internal pressure.....................37G 200Boiler tubes subjected to external pressure (38)H.Access and Inspection Openings (38)H 100General (38)SEC. 6MOUNTINGS AND FITTINGS ...................... 39A.General.. (39)A 100Construction (39)B.Safety Valves (39)B 100Valves on boilers and steam-heated steam generators....39B 200Valves on pressure vessels other than boilers and steam-heated steam generators..................................................40B 300Protection of condensers against overpressure (40)Rules for Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2003Amended,Pt.4 Ch.7 Contents – Page 4 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3, January 2007D ET N ORSKE V ERITASC.Stop Valves and Check Valves (40)C 100Valves on boilers and steam-heated steam generators....40C 200Valves on pressure vessels other than boilers and steam-heated steam generators (40)D.Blow-down Valves and Test Valves for Boiler Water (41)D 100Blow-down valves...........................................................41D 200Test valves.......................................................................41E.Gauges. (41)E 100Water gauges...................................................................41E 200Pressure gauges (41)SEC. 7INSTRUMENTATION ANDAUTOMATION ................................................. 42A.General.. (42)A 100Cross reference................................................................42A 200Oil burner control system (42)B.Boilers (42)B 100Automatic control ...........................................................42B 200Monitoring......................................................................42C.Exhaust Gas Boilers or Economisers.. (42)C 100Instruments and Monitoring (42)D.Water Heaters (42)D 100Monitoring (42)E.Thermal-oil Heaters (43)E 100Automatic control ...........................................................43E 200Monitoring......................................................................43E 300Indication ........................................................................43F.Incinerators. (43)F 100Monitoring (43)SEC. 8MANUFACTURE, WORKMANSHIP ANDTESTING............................................................ 45A.Manufacture (45)A 100General............................................................................45B.Workmanship. (45)B 100Cutting of plates..............................................................45B 200Welded joints..................................................................45B 300Tolerances for shells.......................................................45B 400Fitting of tubes................................................................46B500Doors and plugs (46)C.Heat Treatment (46)C 100Post-weld heat treatment.................................................46C 200Heat treatment of plates after hot or cold forming..........46C 300Heat treatment of tubes after bending (47)D.Testing (47)D 100Extent of non-destructive testing (NDT)........................47D 200Performance of non-destructive testing (NDT)..............47D 300Acceptance criteria for non-destructive testing and repair of defects.........................................................................48D 400Welding production test (WPT)......................................49D 500Hydraulic test..................................................................50D 600Performance test..............................................................50E.Marking. (50)E 100General (50)APP. A TYPES AND MINIMUM DIMENSIONS OF THE INSPECTION OPENINGS IN BOILERS ANDPRESSURE VESSELS ..................................................... 51A.Definitions and Dimensions.. (51)A 100Examination holes...........................................................51A 200Man-holes (51)Amended,Rules for Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2003see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3, January 2007 Pt.4 Ch.7 Sec.1 – Page 5D ET N ORSKE V ERITASSECTION 1GENERAL REQUIREMENTSA. ClassificationA 100Application101 The rules in this chapter apply to:—boilers, including mountings—pressure vessels, including mountings, necessary for per-forming the main functions listed in Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.2 of the Rules for Classification of Ships —other pressure vessels containing:—toxic fluids—fluids with flash point below 100°C —fluids with temperature above 220°C —fluids with pressure above 40 bar —compressed gases where pV ≥ 1.5p =design pressure in bar V =volume in m 3—thermal-oil installations—permanently installed incinerators.102 Boilers and pressure vessels according to 101 are subject to certification by the Society.103 The control and monitoring systems shall be certified according to Ch.9 for the following:—boilers—thermal-oil installations —incinerators—oil fired water heaters.A 200Cross-references201 Pressure vessels for liquefied gases are to meet the re-quirements in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5Sec.5.Cargo process pressure vessels, as defined in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.1, are to be graded as class I pressure vessels. However, the selections of materials,qualification of welding procedures and production weld tests are to be according to the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5Ch.5 Sec.2 and Sec.5. Non-cargo process pressure vessels, as defined in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5Sec.1, are to meet the requirements of Ch.7.Boiler installations on liquefied gas carriers with gas operated machinery are to meet the requirements in the Rules for Clas-sification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.16.202 Pressure vessels for refrigerating plants are, in addition to the requirements in this chapter, to meet the requirements of the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.10.B. DefinitionsB 100Terms101 A boiler is defined as a welded container or a pipe ar-rangement in which steam or hot water with a temperature ex-ceeding 120°C is generated by the application of heat,resulting from the combusting of fuel (solid, liquid or gaseous)or from hot combustion gases.Superheaters, economisers, reheaters and other pressure parts including valves and fittings, connected directly to the boiler without intervening valves, are to be considered as parts of the boiler.102 A thermal-oil installation is defined as an arrangement in which thermal-oil is heated and circulated for the purpose of heating cargo- or fuel oil or for production of steam and hot water for auxiliary purposes.103 An incinerator is defined as a permanently installed ar-rangement for the purpose of burning products such as sludgeoil with flash point above 60°C and other waste products which do not cause danger of explosion.B 200Symbols201 The symbols used are as given below in addition to those specifically stated in the relevant sections.p =calculating pressure, in bar D =nominal diameter, in mm T =design temperature, in °Cc =corrosion margin, see Sec.4 B700σt=nominal design stress at design metal tempera-ture, in N/mm 2R m =specified minimum tensile strength at room tem-perature, in N/mm 2R mt =specified minimum tensile strength at designmaterial temperature in N/mm 2R eH =specified minimum upper yield stress at roomtemperature, in N/mm 2. If the stress-strain curve does not show a defined yield stress, the 0.2%proof stress is to be appliedR et =specified minimum lower yield stress at designmaterial temperature in N/mm 2. If the stress-strain curve does not show a defined yield stress,the 0.2% proof stress is to be appliedR m/100000 =average stress to produce rupture in 100 000hours at design material temperature in N/mm 2R p1.0 = 1.0% proof stress in N/mm 2.B 300Units301 Unless otherwise specified the following units are used in this chapter:—dimensions (lengths, diameters, thicknesses etc.): mm —areas: mm 2—pressures: bar—mechanical properties of materials (ultimate tensile strength, yield strength etc.): N/mm 2.B 400Grading 401 For rule purposes, boilers and pressure vessels are grad-ed in classes as shown in Table B1.It may be required that a pressure vessel is manufactured in ac-cordance with the requirements of a superior class when con-sidering material, temperature, type of fluid, etc.Pressure vessels containing toxic fluids are to be graded as class I pressure vessels.402 Requirements for manufacturers, material certificates,testing and heat treatment for the different classes are indicatedRules for Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2003Amended,Pt.4 Ch.7 Sec.1 – Page 6 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3, January 2007D ET N ORSKE V ERITASin Table B2.C. DocumentationC 100General101 The control and monitoring system for the following shall be submitted for approval by the Society:—boilers—thermal-oil installations —incinerators—oil fired water heaters.For requirements to documentation, see Ch.9.C 200Boilers and pressure vessels201 The following plans are to be submitted for approval:—arrangement plan including arrangement of valves and fit-tings—dimensional drawings.202 The plans are, as far as applicable, to give particulars on:—scantlings—grade ofmaterial—welding procedure specification —welded connections—attachments and supports—design pressure and temperature —calculating pressure—heating surface of boiler and superheater —estimated pressure drop through superheater—estimated evaporation—proposed setting pressure of safety valves on steam drumsuperheater, and economiser —pressure vessel class—information on heat treatment and testing of welds —hydraulic test pressure—overpressure protection for condensers.203 Together with the plans strength calculations are to be forwarded for information.204 For class III pressure vessels intended for water and lu-bricating oil, plans need not be submitted for approval if the temperature of the fluid is less than 95°C.In such cases, certification is to be based on visual inspection,review of materials certificates and pressure testing.C 300Thermal-oil installations301 The following plans are to be submitted for approval:—schematic piping diagram—arrangement for fire protection and fire extinguishing inthe heater furnace and in the heater vicinity.The following plans are to be submitted on request:—calculations of maximum temperature of oil film in thefurnace tubes (the calculations are to be in accordance with a recognised standard, for example DIN 4754)—material for evaluation of test results.Table B1 Grading of pressure vesselsClass BoilersSteam heatedsteam generators Other pressure vesselsMaterial limitations Ip > 3.5p > 50 1) or t > 38All grades permittedII 2)p ≤ 3.5or 16 < t ≤ 38or material design temperature > 150°C Carbon and carbon-manganeseand austenitic stainless steels 3) are to have a specified minimum tensile strength ≤ 520 N/mm 2III 2)Pressure vessels not included in class I and IICondensers, vacuum and atmosphericCarbon and carbon-manganeseand austenitic stainless steels 3) are to have a specified minimum tensile strength < 460 N/mm 2p = design pressure in bar, D i = internal diameter in mm, t = shell thickness in mm.Cargo process vessels for liquefied gas carriers are graded as class I pressure vessels.1)Pressure vessels not containing compressible fluids, fluids with flashpoint below 100°C or fluids with temperature above 220°C may be graded as class II pressure vessels even if p > 50 bar.2)Pressure vessels of class II and III which are calculated with higher joint efficiency factor for welds than the values listed for the class of vessels, and have scantlings appropriate to a superior class, may be approved for the superior class if the manufacturing and testing are carried out according to the require-ments of that class.3)For materials other than carbon and carbon-manganese and austenitic stainless steels, the limitations for use in class II and III pressure vessels will be specially considered, taking into account the weldability of the materials.Table B2 Requirements to different classes of pressure vessels.Class Approved manufacturer Sec.8 A101Material certificates Visual anddimensionalinspectionWeldingprocedurequalificationSec.8 A102Non-destructive testing Sec.8 D100Heat treatment Welding production tests Sec.8 D400Hydraulic test Sec.8 D500I Required SeeSec.2 A103Required RequiredRequired See Sec.8 C Required Required II RequiredSee Sec.2 A103Required RequiredSpot requiredSee Sec.8 CRequired for t ≥ 16 mmRequired IIISee Sec.2 A103RequiredRequiredp 15000D i 1000+----------------------->p 15000D i 1000+-----------------------≤20000D i 1000+-----------------------p 50≤<Amended,Rules for Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2003see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3, January 2007 Pt.4 Ch.7 Sec.1 – Page 7D ET N ORSKE V ERITAS302 The plans are to give particulars on:—design pressure and design temperature—materials used—specification with all relevant data for the applicable ther-mal-oils—details of flange connections with gaskets and packing ar-rangements for valve spindles and pump shaft seals—details of welded connections, welding procedures andfiller materials.303 The following plans are to be submitted for information:—cross section of the heater—arrangement plan of the heater showing valves and fittings —manuals for operation and maintenance of the plant, alsoincluding detail instructions for starting up, emptying, de-humidifying and recharging.C 400Incinerators401 The following plans are to be submitted for approval:—arrangement showing location of incinerator and smoke-uptake—cross sections of incinerator —schematic piping diagram.D. Seamless Gas CylindersD 100Certification101 Seamless gas cylinders are to be certified by the Society.Certification can be based on a standard recognised by the So-ciety when the cylinder is designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the standard.Guidance note:Some of the standards recognised by the Society are BS 5045/Part 1, JIS B 8241, TRG 801, 84/525/EEC or ISO 4705.---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---The following information or documentation is to be submit-ted:—fully dimensioned drawings of cylinders and fittings —design calculations —name of gases—volumetric capacity—filling pressure at 15°C for permanent gases —filling ratio for liquefied gases—test pressure, corrosion allowance and heat treatment —material specification (steel making process, chemical composition and mechanical properties)—copies of prototype test reports as required by standard —service application.E. SignboardsE 100General101 Signboards are required by the rules in:Sec.3 A500 — Purging of boilers before firing.Sec.3 B700 — Thermal-oil installations.Rules for Ships / High Speed, Light Craft and Naval Surface Craft, January 2003Amended,Pt.4 Ch.7 Sec.2 – Page 8 see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3, January 2007D ET N ORSKE V ERITASSECTION 2 MATERIALSA. Material RequirementsA 100General101 Materials for boilers and pressure vessels and thermal-oil heaters together with their valves, fittings, etc. are to meet the requirements given in the relevant chapters and sections of Pt.2.102 Materials used in cargo process pressure vessels on liq-uefied gas carriers are in addition to meet the requirements in the Rules for Classification of Ships Pt.5 Ch.5 Sec.2.103 The materials used are to have certificates according to Table A1. For definition of the different types of certificates,see Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.3 A900 of the Rules for Classification of Ships.104 For valves and fittings, requirements for certificates and certification are specified in Ch.6 Sec.6 C300 of the Rules for Classification of Ships.A 200Boilers and pressure vessels201 Rolled steels for boilers and pressure vessels designed for material temperatures not lower than 0°C are to comply with the specifications given in Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.2 B.Semi-killed, fully killed and fine grain, normal strength struc-tural steels complying with the specifications given in Pt.2Ch.2 Sec.1 will, however, be accepted for the following class III pressure vessels:—pressure vessels intended for water or lubricating oil if thefluid temperature is less than 95°C —other pressure vessels where202 The steel grades NV 360-0A, 410-0A and 460-0A will be accepted only for class II and III pressure vessels with ma-terial thickness maximum 25 mm.203 Steel grades complying with recognised national or pro-prietary standards with chemical composition and mechanical properties differing from the specifications referred to above,and with minimum specified tensile strength not exceeding 520 N/mm 2, may be accepted subject to approval in each case.In such cases the values of the mechanical properties used for deriving the allowable stress are to be subject to agreement by the Society.204 Materials for pressure vessels designed for material tem-peratures below 0°C are subject to approval in each case.205 Grey cast iron is in general not to be used for the follow-ing:—class I and II pressure vessels —class III pressure vessels where:—pressure vessels containing toxic fluids and fluids with aflash point below 100°C.However, for bolted heads, covers or closures not forming a major part of the pressure vessel, grey cast iron may be used for p ≤10 bar.The use of grey cast iron in economisers will be subject to spe-cial consideration.206 Nodular cast iron for ordinary use, Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.8, Ta-ble B1, is in general subject to the limitation of use as grey cast iron as specified in 205.207 Nodular cast iron with special requirements, Pt.2 Ch.2Sec.8, Table B1, is not to be used for temperatures exceeding 350°C.A 300Valves and fittings301 Valves and fittings made of cast and forged carbon and carbon-manganese steel may be used for temperatures up to 400°C. Application for higher temperatures may be approved if metallurgical behaviour and time-dependent strength,R m/100000, are in accordance with national or international standards and if such values are guaranteed by the steel manu-facturer. Otherwise, special heat-resisting alloy steels are to be used.302 Valves and fittings in grey cast iron may be used when the design pressure does not exceed 2 bar and the design tem-perature does not exceed 120°C.303 Nodular cast iron for ordinary use, Pt.2 Ch.2 Sec.8, Ta-ble B1, is in general subject to the limitation of use as grey cast iron specified in 302.304 Nodular cast iron with special requirements, Pt.2 Ch.2Sec.8, Table B1, is not to be used for temperatures exceeding 350°C.305 Valves and fittings made of bronze are in general not to be used for temperatures exceeding 220°C. However, special bronze suitable for high temperature service may be consid-ered for use at temperatures up to 260°C.A 400Thermal-oil installations401 Tubes and pipes for thermal-oil are to be seamless steel tubes and pipes or welded steel tubes and pipes which are ap-proved as equivalent to seamless types.402 Pump housings, valves and fittings are to be of steel or nodular cast iron, grade 1 or 2.Table A1 Certificates for materialsPressure vessel class I and II IIIPlates NV 1)W Pipes and flanges W W Bolts TR TR1)For plate heat exchangers, the end plates can be accepted with mate-rial works certificates (W).p 15000D i 2000+-----------------------<p 15000D i 2000+----------------------->。
NORSOK 标准简介挪威石油工业技术法规挪威现为西欧最大产油国、世界第三大石油出口国,近海石油工业已成为国民经济重要支柱。
NORSOK_L-005 (译文)
挪威标准化机构电话:+4767838600挪威传真+4767838601Lysaker市1326号电子邮箱:petroleum@standard.noStrandveien18号242信箱网址:www.standard.no/petroleum版权所有前言2简介21范围4 2参考标准和资料42.1参考标准42.2参考资料4 3术语、定义和缩略语53.1定义53.2缩略语64基本设计要求64.1概述64.2材料74.3强度74.4抗腐蚀性84.5温度84.6泄漏84.7供应商特定CFC的信息要求84.8型号和标记85产品标准95.1概述95.2第5条中所采用的参考标准95.3法兰设计和特征的总体说明105.4标准组件115.5型号135.6一般要求135.7尺寸145.8法兰重量145.9法兰表面155.10表面加工155.11容差165.12标记165.13IX型密封圈165.14搬运、安装及组装18附录A(规范性)法兰尺寸和重量27附录B(规范性)密封件尺寸和重量59附录C(规范性)螺栓尺寸和重量64附录D(规范性)压力温度等级70附录E(资料性)材料72附录F(资料性)公制螺栓74附录G(资料性)规定事项说明76附录H(规范性)整体法兰角的选择77参考文献86前言本NORSOK标准由挪威石油工业制定,以确保挪威石油工业的发展和运行足够安全、增值(附加价值)和资金的有效使用。
英国标准规范于燃气器具、设备密封件和膜片用橡胶材料欧洲标准EN549 :1994年以来的英国标准未经BSI允许不得拷贝此英国标准责任委员会此英国标准委托GSE/22技术委员会进行编辑,燃气具的安全与控制如下所诉:控制器制造商协会(TAMCA(BEAMA有限公司英国电器制造厂商协会));英国燃气公司(英国)贸工部(消费者安全协会,加利福利亚分部)液化石油气协会英国燃气工业协会修订后出版发行委员会指导编辑,标准委员会权威发行,于1995年5月15日实施。
此后BSI条款涉及工作标准:GSE/22 标准委员会92/82881 DC 征求意见稿前言此英国标准委托GSE/22技术委员会进行编辑,EN 549:1994为英文版,燃气器具、设备密封件和膜片用橡胶材料,由欧洲标准化委员会(CEN)出版。
此标准替代BS 6505。
互相参照出版物对应英国标准BS(英国国家标准)903 橡胶物性测试ISO48 A26. 硬度确定ISO188 A19. 耐热性与加速老化试验ISO247 BS 7164 原材料与硫化橡胶的化学测试5. 灰分含量的确定方法BS 903 橡胶物性ISO471 A35. 试验片的测试时间、温度、湿度的调节ISO815 A6. 压缩变形的环境、高低温的确定方法ISO1400 A26. 硬度确定ISO1407 BS 1673 橡胶原材料及未加硫复合橡胶的测试方法2.橡胶原材料的化学分析BS 903 橡胶物性测试ISO1431-1 A43. 抗臭氧开裂性确定方法(静态应变测试)ISO1817:1985 A16.1987 液体中效果确定BS 903 橡胶物性测试ISO4648 A38. 用于测试的试验片及产品的尺寸确定方法ISO4650 BS 4181 橡胶红外光谱鉴定1.碳化氢、氯丁二烯、丁腈及氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶的确定方法遵守英国标准,本身并不赋予法律义务的豁免权。
4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 20 22 23 23 23 25 25 25 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 31 34
Annex A (Informative) Acoustic fatigue in piping systems Annex B (Informative) Acoustic resonance with flexible riser as initiating source
NORSOK standard L-002
Edition 3, July 2009
Foreword 1 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 Scope Normative and informative references Normative references Informative references Terms, definitions and abbreviations Terms and definitions Abbreviations Layout General Miscellaneous requirements Material handling requirements Safety and work environment Piping design General Numbering systems Arrangement Clearance and accessibility Provisions for easy maintenance, testing and cleaning operations Valves Vents, drains and sample connections Equipment piping Additional requirements related to piping systems Fittings Hook-up piping Hoses and flexible pipes Instrumentation Welding Structural analysis of piping systems General Analysis Selection criteria Calculation models Design temperature Environmental temperature Pressures Explosion loads Fire, heat and noise insulation Vessel/deck deflections Vessel accelerations Dynamic loads Other loads Fatigue Loads from piping systems on equipment Flanges Pipe supports
世界主要石油组织对油船检查要求介绍世界主要石油组织对油船检查要求介绍目录编写说明第1部分综述——石油组织对油船检查的特性1、目的2、定义与缩写3、石油组织对油船检查的目的4、石油组织对油船检查的机构5、石油组织对油船检查的特点6、石油组织对油船检查的程序7、对石油组织检查缺陷的分析8、石油组织对有关公约规定的具体要求9、石油组织对油船的附加要求第2部分港口国控制对油船的检查1、澳大利亚港口国控制对油船的检查2、英国港口国控制对油船的检查3、美国港口国控制对油船的检查第3部分世界主要石油组织对油船的检查1、石油公司国际海事论坛(OCIMF)2、独立油船船东国际协会(INTERTANKO)3、欧洲化学品分类协会(CDI)4、船舶检查调查表(VIQ)(中英)5、船舶检查调查表(VIQ)应用说明6、船舶概况调查表(VPQ)(中英)7、船舶概况调查表(VPQ)应用说明第4部分世界主要石油公司对油船的检查1、意大利AGIP System2、美国加利福尼亚州(California)ARCO Marine Service3、美国加利福尼亚州(California)Chevron (谢夫隆)Shipp ing Company LLC4、美国俄克拉何马州(Oklahoma)CITGO Petroleum Corpo ration5、美国得克萨斯州(Texas)TEXACO(得斯古)Oil Trading and Transport, MaritimeInspection and Consulting Service6、法国TOTALFINA7、法国SOMARELF8、英国BP Amoco Group Ship Vetting Service9、英国CONOCO INC.10、英国Exxon Mobile Corporation(埃克森-莫比尔)11、英国SHELL International Trading and Shipping Co. Limited(STASCO)(英国壳牌)12、澳大利亚BHP Transport & Logistics Limited13、新加坡CALTEX Marine Service14、日本IDEMITSU Ship Vetting Service15、委内瑞拉Petroleos de Venezuela S.A.(PDVSA)16、马来西亚PETRONAS Maritime Services Sdn Bhd17、西班牙REPSOL Vetting Services (RVS)18、挪威Statoil/Norsk Hydro ASA/Philips Petroleum Co. (U K)/Preem PetroleumAB19、沙特阿拉伯VELA International Marine Ltd第1部分综述——石油组织对油船检查的特性1、目的世界主要石油组织和石油公司,对其租船、停靠其码头、载运其货物、以及载运与其利益相关的货物时,均要对第三方的油船、化学品船及液化气船进行检查。
石油行业的行业标准与规范了解石油行业的标准和合规要求石油行业的行业标准与规范: 了解石油行业的标准和合规要求石油行业作为全球能源行业的重要组成部分,扮演着至关重要的角色。
石油行业标准的种类繁多,包括但不限于以下几个方面:1.1. 石油勘探与开发标准石油勘探与开发标准主要涉及石油资源储量评估方法、勘探技术、钻井与完井工艺、油藏改造与提高采收率等方面。
1.2. 石油生产加工标准石油生产加工标准涵盖了从油井开采到炼油等生产流程中的各个环节。
1.3. 石油环境保护标准石油行业对环境的影响较大,因此环境保护标准显得尤为重要。
以下是石油行业常见的合规要求:2.1. 安全生产合规作为高风险行业,石油行业的安全生产合规至关重要。
ISO简介:国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)简称ISO,是一个全球性的非政府组织,是国际标准化领域中一个十分重要的组织。
其他技术领域的工作原先有成立于1926年的国家标准化协会的国际联盟(International Federation of the National Standardizing Associations,简称ISA)承担,重点在于机械工程方面。
许多人注意到国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization)的全名与缩写之间存在差异,为什么不是“IOS”呢?其实,“ISO”并不是首字母缩写,而是一个词,它来源于希腊语,意为“相等”,现在有一系列用它作前缀的词,诸如“isometric”(意为“尺寸相等”)“isonomy”(意为“法律平等”)。
挪威船级社船板规范(DNV:2005)第二部分第二章第一节结构用轧制钢材A通则A100 适用范围101本节规定了可焊接普通强度、高强度和超高强度结构用轧制钢板和型钢的要求,这些要求也适用于结构用无缝钢管。
本节包含了IACS UR W11和W16的规定。
A200 钢材等级符号201本节钢材等级按强度等级划分为三组----普通强度钢(NS)----高强度钢(HS)----超强度钢(EHS)202钢材等级的字母数字标记为NV xy。
02 NORSOK M501 Edition 6-2012 表面处理和防护涂层 C
前言-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 介绍-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 1.范围------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 2.标准和信息参考---------------------------------------------------------------------------------5
Standard Norway Strandveien 18, P.O.Box 242 N-1326 Lysaker 挪威 保留版权
电话:+47 67 83 86 00 传真:+47 67 83 86 01 E-mail: petroleum@standard.no www.standard.no/petroleum
第 6 版, 2012 年 2 月
挪威标准电话:+ 47 67 83 86 00Strandveien 18个,邮政信箱242传真:+ 47 67 83 86 01的N - 1326利萨克电子邮件:*********************挪威网址:www.standard.no /石油版权保留NORSOK标准的M - 501致5,2004年6月表面处理和防护涂料NORSOK标准的M - 501致5,2004年6月NORSOK标准第1页20前言2介绍2一范围32规范性和内容丰富的参考资料32.1规范性引用文件32.2信息化参考43术语,定义和缩略语43.1术语和定义43.2缩略语54一般要求54.1一般54.2规划54.3设备的保护和清理54.4环境条件54.5涂层材料54.6钢材64.7车间底漆64.8没有油漆的表面64.9处理和产品的运输涂层64.10资格预审的产品,人员和程序 74.11金属涂层74.12记录和报告75健康,安全和环境76表面处理76.1预爆破准备工作 76.2喷射清洗76.3最后的表面状况 87涂料的应用87.1一般87.2应用设备87.3应用88热喷涂金属涂层98.1一般98.2涂层材料98.3热喷涂涂层的应用 98.4维修,现场填写管道钢涂料和涂层中, 99喷洒被动防火99.1一般99.2物料99.3应用109.4维修1010资格要求1010.1资格预审的产品1010.2资格的公司和人员1210.3资格的程序1311检验和测试14附录A(规范性)涂料系统15附件B(信息)颜色20NORSOK标准的M - 501致5,2004年6月NORSOK标准第2页20前言制定标准的NORSOK由挪威石油工业,以确保足够的安全,增值和成本效益为石油工业的发展和运营。
DNV挪威船级社规范2003版 中文 4.3柴油机1
第4篇第3章船舶/高速、轻型船舶和水面舰船入级规范新造船舶机械与系统主船级第4篇第3章旋转机械,驱动装置2003年1月目录..............................................................................页码第一节柴油机 (2)第二节燃气轮机(略) (33)第三节蒸汽轮机(略) (33)船舶入级规范2003-目录目录第一节. 柴油机 (2)A. 通则 (2)B. 设计 (8)C. 检查和试验 (16)D.车间试验.........................................18E 控制、报警、安全功能和指示. (20)F.布置 (24)G.振动 (25)H.安装检查 (30)I.船上试验 (31)第一节柴油机A. 通则A 100 适用范围101本节包含的要求适用于需要认证的柴油机、汽油机、燃气和混合燃料发动机,见第2章第1节,也适用于柴油机的安装和船上试验。
但是,对于功率小于200KW的柴油机,本节要求仅限于:—高压油管的套式冷却和含易燃液体的管路中管接头的接地,见B700和B1100—发热表面的隔热,见B1100— B1507中规定的型式试验的要求— D107中规定的车间试验的要求—应急发电机的监测要求(如适用),见E700。
额定功率小于200kw的柴油机,NV证书仅以B 设计认可和D车间试验中的适用要求为依据,见101。
RP-F10X RP-F108 RP-F201 RP-F202
Slide 2
DNV Pipeline Committee Meeting January 2002
Will be issued bi-annually (October/March) Will give an overview of all DNV Offshore Codes with
– – – – Date of issue Date of Amendments and corrections Is downloadable and printable from internet FOC Will not be printed
4: "Pipeline Systems"
Initial purchase price: NOK 2000, update service fee: NOK 1000
5: "DNV Offshore Standards"
Initial purchase price: NOK 7000, update service fee: NOK 2000
DNV Offshore Codes -
CD package; Pipeline Systems (April -02)
Offshore Service Specifications
DNV-OSS-301 Certification and Verification of Pipelines
DNV挪威船级社规范2003版 中文 1.1总则3
第1篇第1章船舶入级规范船舶总则第1篇第1章总则2003年1月目录页码第一节入级原则 (2)第二节规范和船级符号的范围 (5)第三节入级程序 (11)第四节法律条款 (17)船舶入级规范-目录目录第一节入级原则 (2)A.定义 (2)A 100 一般要求 (2)A 200 规范 (2)A 300 审核 (2)B.入级概念 (2)B 100 一般要求 (2)B 200 规范的生效和实施 (2)B 300 授予船级的依据 (3)B 400 保留船级的依据 (3)B 500 文件的提供 (3)B 600 信息的公开 (3)B 700 本社责任的限度 (4)B 800 垂直的合同审核和国家海事主管机关的审核 (4)第二节规范和船级符号的范围 (5)A.规范的范围 (5)A 100 一般要求 (5)A 200 规范的应用 (5)A 300 规范的要点 (5)B.船级符号 (5)B 100 一般要求 (5)B 200 建造符号 (5)B 300 船级主字符 (5)B 400 航区船级符号 (5)B 500 其他的航行限制 (5)B 600 附加船级:服务和类型船级符号 (5)B 700 附加船级:设备和系统船级符号 (8)B 800 附加船级:特征船级符号 (9)B 900 国家规则 (9)B 1000 附加船级:NAUTICUS (9)第三节入级程序 (11)A.船级的授予 (11)A 100 入级申请 (11)A 200 对车间和船厂的要求 (11)A 300 对制造厂的要求...........................11 A 400 对提供服务者的要求 (11)A 500 对设备校准的要求 (11)A 600 图纸认可 (11)A 700 检验 (11)A 800 功能试验 (12)A 900 材料、部件和系统的证书 (12)A 1000 制造检验安排 (13)A 1100 船型认可 (13)A 1200 国家主管机关检验的接受 (13)A 1300 临时船级证书 (13)A 1400入级证书 (13)A 1500 入级证书附录 (13)A 1600 以DNV分级的船舶录的记入 (14)A 1700 入级申请的降低 (14)B.船级的保留 (14)B 100 一般要求 (14)B 200 定期检验和换证检验 (14)B 300 破损检验 (14)B 400 修理检验 (14)B 500 保留程序 (14)B 600 改建和改装 (14)B 700 产权的变更 (15)B 800 船级条件和备忘录 (15)B 900 检验报告和检验状态 (15)B 1000 新造船舶规范适用于营运中船舶 (15)C.船级的中止和取消 (16)C 100 一般要求 (16)C 200 船级的中止 (16)C 300 船级的取消 (16)C 400 重新入级 (16)D.申诉 (16)D 100 本社所作的决定 (16)第四节法律条款 (17)A.责任和权限 (17)A 100 有限责任 (17)A 200 管辖法律 (17)A 300 审判地点 (17)第一节入级原则A.定义A 100 一般要求101 本规范所采用一般术语的定义,见第0篇第2章第1节A200。
tema c标准
tema c标准全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Tema C标准是一种用于油气工业设备设计与制造的标准规范,其主要目的是为了保证设备在正常运行及高压、高温等极端工况下的安全可靠性。
该标准由挪威石油协会(Norwegian Petroleum Directorate)与挪威斯塔万格斯石油公司(Statoil)联合开发,逐渐成为国际上广泛应用的标准之一。
Tema C标准包括了许多方面的规范,主要涉及到设备设计、材料选用、制造工艺、安装与维护等方面的内容。
设备设计是Tema C标准的核心之一,它要求设备设计应满足所需的强度、刚度、密封性等要求,并考虑到设备在操作过程中可能受到的各种外力影响。
Tema C标准还要求设备在设计中应考虑到对环境的适应性,比如耐腐蚀、耐高温等特性。
在材料选择方面,Tema C标准要求使用高质量的材料,如碳钢、不锈钢、镍基合金等,以确保设备在长期使用中不发生腐蚀、疲劳等问题。
Tema C标准还规定了材料的质量控制要求,包括材料的化学成分、机械性能、表面处理等方面。
在制造工艺方面,Tema C标准要求制造过程中应严格遵守相关工艺规范,确保设备的工艺性能与设计要求相符。
在安装与维护方面,Tema C标准也提出了具体的要求。
Tema C标准是一种为油气工业设备设计与制造提供指导的标准规范,它通过严格的要求和规定,保障了设备的安全可靠性。
在实际应用中,企业应充分理解Tema C标准的内容,严格遵守相关规定,确保设备的设计、制造、安装与维护都符合标准要求,最大程度地提高设备的可靠性和安全性。
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(3)物理屏障: 被动防火、防火分界线、生活区的防火分界线、火与气探测系统、紧急关停系统、过程安全系统、气体释放系统、防火供水系统、固定防火系统、紧急供能和紧急照明、稳定系统、户外排水系统等;
(4)紧急情况预防: 人员急救设备、防止突发污染的材料、备用船只、疏散方法、救生衣、人工灭火和消防人员装备等;
第五章实施电子工程协会的法律,包括简单压力容器、个人防护设备、气雾剂、电磁兼容性、 EMC、压力设备、机床和安全成分。
(3) 挪威石油工业技术法规非常注意健康、安全、环保(HSE)工作,将这一法规作为第一层次的技术法规,对其它法规起到统领作用,在其它法规中贯穿着HSE的思想。