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5. Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. — Helen Keller, American writer
Unit 6

广 东 省 江 门市 礼乐镇 产一种 本地番 石榴。 大小比 一般的 番石榴 要小, 颜色白 里 透 红 , 香 气浓郁 ,于百 米外可 闻到, 味道甜 而不腻 ,口感 又绵又 糯,我 们把它 叫 “ 胭 脂 红 ”花稔 。“花 稔”在 广东话 就是番 石榴的 意思。 没想到 ,远在 万里的 温 哥 华 , 在 一家小 型蔬菜 店里, 那熟悉 的花稔 香味竟 再次扑 鼻而来 ,它将 我的思 绪 带 回 了 十 多年前 的家乡 …… 我 镇 里 的一 位亲戚 有一片 花稔林 ,初中 时代, 连 续 几 年 的 夏天, 我和表 姐妹们 都去那 里摘花 稔。时 隔多年 ,我的 记忆已 经很模 糊 了 , 只 记 得花稔 树长得 并不很 高大, 但粗壮 葱郁、 交错成 林,林 间放养 着鸡和 鸭 子 , 每 两 排树之 间是条 浅水河 冲。即 便在七 月的大 暑天, 花稔林 的树阴 足以遮 挡 烈 日 , 还 透着丝 丝凉风 。大人 们在林 间悠然 地抽着 水烟、 喝着茶 ;我和 姐妹们 摘 着 新 鲜 的 果实, 往水里 一洗, 坐在矮 树杈上 ,大口 大口地 吃了起 来;就 这样度 过 整 个 下 午 。后来 ,亲戚 的花稔 林被工 业征地 去了, 镇里越 来越多 的农田 也被用 作 征 地 , 自 此之后 ,市场 再难见 到花稔 的踪影 ,我也 再没有 吃过…… 在 我 的 脑 海里, 没有任 何一种 食物的 香气和 味道能 与之相 比,除 了因为 果实的 粉嫩香 甜, 它 还 象 征 着 我那些 清凉和 愉快的 年少。 如今, 温哥华 的“花 稔”, 香气和 大小形
Those who are involved in this kind of analysis are called
i_n_d_u_s_tr_ia_l_e_n_g_i_n_e_e_rs_ .
Engineers can be classified into many types, such as _c_o_ns_t_r_u_ct_io_n_engineer, _p_ro_d_u_c_t_io_n_ engineer, _d_e_s_ig_n_ engineer and _in_d_u_s_t_ri_a_l engineer.
状 极 像 , 吃 起来却
Sam Adams, Industrial Engineer
Blank-filling Directions: Listen to the information and fill in the blanks by using the
background informati来自百度文库n you have just heard.
The American Educational System
In the United States, education is the responsibility of individual states, not of the federal government, so requirements may vary from one state to another. The following is a generalization: Kindergarten: before 5 years old
1. Shirts are often missing buttons, collars or even sleeves.
2. The working tables are high and uncomfortable.
A. Mr. Hobbs himself should check the boxes of shirts before shipment.
A. Those who do not work hard should be fired. B. assembly line redesigned C. pay increase D. promotion
• 1) In what ways was Sam an efficiency expert as a boy ? • 2) What qualities did Sam possess which give him a good foundation for
When a graduate, Sam was asked to work as a “consultant” in a shirt factory. Sam was greatly surprised by the degree of disorder. Sam put forward some suggestions for the improvement of production and was rewarded by the boss.
— 美国作家 海伦•凯勒
6. Happiness, I have discovered, is nearly always a rebound from hard work. — David Grayson, American journalist
— 美国记者 D. 格雷森
Group discussion:
• 1) Try to find the words and sentences that describe the characters of Sam Adams
• 2) Discuss the relationship between your blood type and characters
Elementary school: 6-11 years old (Grades 1~6)
The American Educational System Junior middle school: 12-13 years old (Grades 7~8) Senior middle school: 14-17 years old (Grades 9~12)
Industrial Engineering (工业管理) and Industrial Engineers
Industrial engineering is the detailed analysis of the use and the cost of _m_e_n_, m__a_t_e_ri_a_l and _e_q_u_ip_m__e_n_t in an organization, with a view to increasing its _p_ro_d_u_c_t_iv_it_y, _p_ro_f_it_ and _e_ff_ic_ie_n_c_y_.
The American Educational System College: 4 years for a B.A. or B.S. degree University: 2~3 years for an M.A. or M.S.; 2~8 years for an Ph.D.
Proverbs and Quotations 1. Work has a bitter root but sweet fruit.
4. The work flow is irregular; some young workers do not work hard enough; some even daydream while working.
A. provide background music B. beautify the dull setting C. have a 15-minute break
An industrial engineer’s duties are to coordinate personnel, _m_a_t_e_ri_a_ls_ and _m_a_c_h_i_n_e_ry_ and to determine the most _p_ro_d_u_c_t_iv_e_ and e_f_fi_c_ie_n_t_ use of each. He
2. A work ill done must be twice done.
3. Whatever I do, I will do in my power.
4. Opportunity, sooner or later, comes to all who work and wish.
a career in industrial engineering? • 3) Who was Mr.Hobbs? Why did he want Sam’s advice? • 4) What did Sam do during his week in the shirt factory? • 5) How was it that sleeveless shirts were sometimes sent from the factory? • 6) Why did Sam want to change the height of the worktables? • 7) What did Sam suggest to make the work less boring? • 8) Who was “Big Jim”? Why was Sam surprised that he wasn’t fired ? • 9) Why did Sam want to have the assembly line redesigned? • 10) Do you agree with Sam that coffee breaks are important for factory
helps plan the production _lin_e_ and designs or adapts details essential to the
manufacturing of a p_r_o_d_u_c_t .

Industrial Engineering
• Industrial engineering is the detailed analysis of the use and cost of men, materials and equipment in an organization, with a view to increasing its productivity, profit and efficiency. Those who are involved in this kind of analysis are called industrial engineers
• 3) How to improve your study efficiency?
Part Division of the Text
Part Lines 1 1 — 12 2 13 — 20 3 21 — 38 4 39 — 56
Main Idea
When a boy, Sam was the “efficient expert” for the family.
Industrial Engineer
• Engineers in the proper sense of the word can be classified into many types, such as construction engineer, production engineer ,design engineer and industrial engineer. An engineer may work in any one or a variety of these jobs for a career.
B. quality control
The working tables should be redesigned.
3. The walls of the workroom are a dull gray color; there are no breaks in the day; there is no music; the workers easily get bored.