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Water is very important to u 1 .

We must d 2 water every day.We c 3 live without water.

Water is everywhere around us. At

home, we use water to wash clothes, to wash dishes, to cook m 4 , to make drinks, to c

5 our teeth, to have a bath and so on.

A 6 work, people use water to put out fires, to g 7 vegetables, to make things in factorie s and so on. However, there isn’t m 8 water on the earth. It is very valuable(珍贵

的).We must s 9 it.If we waste too much water, one day in the future, the last drop(滴)

of w 10 on the planet will be our tears.



4. meals

5. clean


7. grow


9.save 10.water


There are t_1 _ many accidents(事故) in cities. Accidents often happen when people c_2_ the roads or streets. Read the passage c_ 3 __ and learn to be careful later on. Be careful when it is r_4 __. Many accidents happen on rainy days. People are in a h____5___ because they don't want to get w_6 _. They often cross the roads quickly. Often they can't see c_7 _ because they hold their umbrellas in front of t_8_. Remember that cars take longer time to stop when the roads are w__9___. When it is raining, we must be more and more careful, not less c_10 _.









9.wet 10.careful


In the USA, there are many fast restaurants. Fast food is one kind of take-away f_1____. It is very p__2____. The famous r___3____ are Kentucky Fried Chicken and McDonald’s. You only give m___4___ to the person in the restaurant and then take the food a___5___ to eat outside, in the park or on the street, at work or in your own h__6___. Of c___7___, you can eat in the restaurant. M___8_ children like to go to KFC and McDonald’s b____9__ they can get gifts for their coming there. Today there are more and more A__10___ take-away food restaurants in China.

1. food

2. popular

3. restaurants

4. money

5. away

6. home

7. course


9. because 10. American


A train stopped at a small station. A man looked out of the window and saw a woman. She was

selling cakes. People from the t 1 were buying them. The man wanted to buy a cake for h 2 ,

but the woman was standing far from the window. It was raining h 3 and the man didn't want to

go out of the train. Suddenly(突然) he saw a boy. The boy was walking on the platform(站台) not

far from him. "Come here, boy." The man said."Do you know how much the cakes cost?"

"Five cents(分) for e 4 , " the boy answered.

The man gave the boy ten cents and asked him to buy two cakes. "One is for me and the other

is for you. " The man told him. A few minutes later, the boy came back. He was eating a cake. He gave the man five cents and said, "There was only one cake l 5 ."







Most people go to school for an e (1).They learn languages,historys,physics,chemistry and maths.O (2) go to school to learn a s (3) so that they can make a living l (4) on. School learning is very important and u (5). But no one can learn e (6) from school. A teacher's j (7) is to show his students how to t (8). So the students t (9) must learn much more o (10) school.

(1) education (2) Others (3) skill (4) later (5) useful (6) everything (7) job (8) think (9) themselves (10) outside


Every year many people from different countries come to America to l (1) English. Most of t (2) are young. They learn the language a (3) school. Why do they want to learn English? Because English is a very u (4) language.Many books,n (5) and magazines are published in English.If they k (6)English,they can read them a (7)learn more things in t (8) world. And why do they want to come to America to learn this language? They think if they are in that English-speaking c (9) , they can learn good English q (10).

(1) learn (2) them (3) at (4) useful (5) newspapers (6) know (7) and (8) the (9) country (10) quickly


Mrs Smith had a small son. His name was Billy. Mrs Smith loved her son very much. As he was

not a strong c (1) and she was always afraid that he might get ill, she took him to the best d (2) in the town four times a year to be examined.

During one of these v (3), the doctor gave Billy various(各种各样的)tests and then said to him,"Have you had any t (4) with your nose or ears recently?"

Billy t (5) for a moment and then answered "Yes, I have."

Mrs Smith was very w (6),"But I'm sure you've never told me that, Billy!" she said anxiously.

(1) child (2) doctor (3) visits (4) trouble (5) thought (6) worried
