英语爱情海PPT 精品 PPT课件

Greece in January
• Weather: cold wet windy • Prices :low • Hotels :closed • Transportation: Cruise
ships may be cancelled . • Events: Greek
aficionados[ə,fisjə'nɑ:dəu] (兴趣者) of the arts
forever! 一个古老的传说,只要 情侣绕小岛漫步一周就
• honeymoon Honeymoon travel
local culture
• normal people`s life
• vacation \go fishing
The Parthenon ['pɑ:θinən] Temple
常听见这样的感叹:要是当初2018年 中国大 学毕业 生薪酬 排行榜 通过对 280多 万以及 多届毕 业生调 研后, 计算出 了各高 校毕业 生的薪 酬状况 。 虽然我们都知道名校毕业生的收入会普 遍比较 高,但 这份榜 单告诉 我们, 清华北 大毕业 生的月 薪,平 均近万 ,而普 通院校 的只有 两三千 。
• 帕特农神庙
• On the inside of the temple there is a thirty-five to forty foot statue of Athena which was created by the famous Greek sculptor [skʌlptə] (雕刻家) Phidias.
Greece in July
• Weather: very hot. • Prices : the highest of the year • Hotels :open • Events: full swing 、sound and light shows

2. Paris, France
Known as the "City of Love," Paris is a timeless destination for couples. From the iconic Eiffel Tower to the charming streets of Montmartre, this city exudes romance at every turn.
5. Bora Bora, French Polynesia
This tropical paradise boasts crystal-clear waters, overwater bungalows, and stunning sunsets. It's the perfect destination for couples looking for a secluded and romantic getaway.
In conclusion, there are countless romantic scenery around the world waiting to be explored. Whether it's a charming European city or a tropical island paradise, there are endless opportunities for couples to create unforgettable memories together. No matter where you choose to go, the most important thing is to cherish the time spent with your loved one and create beautiful moments that will last a lifetime.
人教版音乐六年级下册第十四课时《圣里托尼》 课件

圣托里尼(希腊文:Σαντορίνη)是在希腊大陆东南200 公里的爱琴海上由一群火山组成的岛环,位于北纬 36.40° —东经 25.40°。
圣托里尼岛是爱琴海诸岛中较有名气的岛屿,距雅典 110海里,是基克拉泽斯群岛中最南边的一座岛。
圣托里尼(希腊文:Σαντορίνη)是在希腊大陆东南200 公里的爱琴海上由一群火山组成的岛环,位于北纬 36.40° —东经 25.40°。圣托里尼岛环上最大的一个岛 也叫圣托里尼岛,
岛上建筑蓝白相间,衬以蔚蓝大海,美不胜收,是著名 旅游胜地。
• 请同学们说一说这首歌中蕴含的情感,并分组进行练 习,进行舞台展示。
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世界上最值得去的地方 (英文)

Phuket Island
• Phuket Island(普吉岛),the southern of the Thailand Islands, is known as a pearl on the Andaman Sea, Phuket has rich natural resources, which is called "treasure island" and "gold silver island" reputation. Business and industry, the tourism industry on the island are also developed.
• Today I will introduce some places where you can go if you want to travel
• Santorini(圣托里尼)is the most popular island located in Thera, Some tourists choose to live in Thera in order to enjoy scenery at night, • other live on seaside to enjoy the sunset. Santorini have a unique sunset scenery. Absolutely beyond your imagination.
• Istanbul(伊斯坦布尔) is the largest city and port. To see the real Turkey barbecue, know in the country of the Turkey barbecue understanding is so poor. Spectacular barbecue column, overflowing fragrance filled the streets and shopping malls, has become a beautiful landscape of Europe and the United States on the streets. Its unfailing hot scene is as the acme of perfection, enjoy it so much and forget to go home.

The Parthenon has stood atop the Acropolis of Athens for nearly 2,500 years and was built to give thanks to Athena, the city's patron goddess, for the salvation of Athens and Greece in the Persian Wars. The building was officially called the Temple of Athena the Virgin; "Parthenon" comes from the Greek word parthenos, "virgin."
It is one of the most famous island in Aegean Sea, about
200 km southeast of Greece’s mainland.
Santorini has the most beautiful sunset in the world. It is the paradise in my heart.
It is the most active volcanic centre in the South Aegean Volcanic Arc(南爱琴海 弧火山), The island is the site of one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recorded history

希腊圣托里尼岛Santorini希腊圣托里尼岛 Santorini伊亚小镇OIA伊亚被称为拥有世界上最美日落的地方,位于圣岛北边。
笔者建议的是,喝什么也不要喝希腊咖啡,会令你大失所望的……笔者和朋友为了能在雅典的路边小店的帐篷下歇息一下,买了一杯价值1.7欧元的冰冻咖啡,发现店员是用咖啡粉冲的.....费拉小镇费拉 FIRA费拉镇和其他小镇一样都是建立在悬崖边上的镇子,在这里集中了银行、商店以及很多酒店和餐馆。
(PS:有一个弊端,就是无论你想去哪里,费拉小镇的巴士总站都是首发站,举个例子,若行程为:1.黑沙滩卡玛里Kamari ——2.阿科罗提利遗址,不能直接从黑沙滩搭车到遗址,只能黑沙滩—费拉小镇巴士总站—遗址。
镇上主要的菜市场,很小很小……购物中心费拉小镇的主要道路道路两旁的小吃店,很多小店的店面都找不到价格牌,这叫我们这些穷学生如何是好,走进去问价钱,如果承受不了价格,退出来不买总觉得有点不好意思……还是觉得明码标价,让穷游的人心中有个底会比较好o(╯□╰)o小岛上可租借帅爆的越野摩托车小镇主要道路,值得一提的是,在圣托里尼,是没有交通灯和红绿灯的,司机可以享受奔放的开车节奏……购物中心当地特色小吃,一间貌似叫着“Meat Bar”小店,小吃的名字忘了,店里的服务超好的!一开始因为沟通存在误解,店员以为我们只要组合套餐中的kebab,端上桌子后,我发现和菜单有出入,跟他们再次沟通,他们二话不说,重做这个小吃,还不断道歉。

Santorini is abundant with more than 250 churches of all shapes and sizes. One of the most famous is the church of Saint Maria, the perfect combination of blue and white, looks very delicate and holiness.
Attractive places
SSaannttoorrinini i
Santorini Information
Santorini is a small, circular archipelago of volcanic islands located in the southern Aegean Sea, about 200 km southeast from Greece's mainland. |
Santorini has a dramatic beauty as opposed to lush and green islands. The locals live mainly off agriculture and tourism.
• The climate in Santorini is typical of the Mediterranean climate: generally extended periods of sunshine throughout most of the year, relatively warm and dry summers and mild and rainy winters.

这座遗址可追溯到公元前16世纪,考古学家在这里 发现了二三层楼高的建筑群,墙壁分隔成许多房间。发 现有仕女房,故认为当时已有男女不同房的观念。还有 复杂的水渠系统。阿科罗提丽遗址被挖掘出来时,考古 学家找不道任何骨骸和珠宝,出土的大酒瓶中有葡萄酒 渍遗址中最精彩的是墙上的壁画。由于大量火山灰的覆 盖,3000多年前的阿科罗提利壁画表现了该城居民当时 的生活情景,具有高度的艺术水平,其中有“春之图”、 “打拳少年”、“渔夫”、“航海图”等作品。这些最 具历史价值的真迹原作保存在雅典的国立考古博物馆。 纳亚·卡美尼岛 Nea Kameni Island是位于圣托里 尼岛旁的小岛,由黑色的泥土堆积而成。1570~1950年 间,这里的火山曾数次爆发。 前往火山岛的轮船码头位于费拉市巴士站后面的悬 崖下。可参加旅行社组织的火山岛半日旅行团。该岛满 地火山岩,凹凸不平,游客来此岛最好穿便鞋。 在这座岛的山丘上可看到几个小火山口,现仍散发 着硫磺气味,有80~85℃的硫磺气体喷出。该岛全是黑 色的火山岩,但令人奇怪的是这里还能长出一簇簇黄色 的小花,十分美丽。 纳亚·卡美尼岛被因火山喷发而分开的小岛所包围, 从这里四面望去,可以看到其它小岛。该岛附近的海水 是绿色的,非常漂亮。船开往附近的Palea Kameni,那 里就是著名的海水温泉,游客可以从中感受海水从冰凉 到温暖的变化,愈往里温泉水色渐变成橘色。
伊亚商店出售的也是艺术气息浓厚的商品。纪念品商店﹑艺廊﹑银饰精品店都表现出不俗的 格调。伊亚被称为“艺术家的村落”,确实名不虚传。
伊亚的旅馆多面海而建,景观好,价格较高,如果有泳池设施,通常是五星级宾馆的入宿价 格。游客也可以不在伊亚的夏 天充满了田园诗歌般的意境,是游 客来这里观光旅游的最热门季节。 虽然是夏天,但却很少下雨,气温 也不象地中海其他地区那样高,天 气并不是很热。春节和夏季天空经 常是碧空万里,没有云彩。但在秋 季和冬季的天气变化多端。 从夏季到冬季的平均气温从 29°C-12°C,但湿度很大。由于 湿度大的原因,周围的一切都显得 雾气蒙蒙的,很难透过大海看到克 里特岛的景致。但在夏季经常有海 风吹散雾气和湿热,使人感到清爽 舒适。冬季的夜间气温会降到零度 以下,冬季刮的寒风也使人感到寒 冷刺骨。 购物:菲拉是圣托里尼的首府, 小小的城,极其繁华。曲曲折折上 上下下走不完台阶的窄街里,有无 数的小餐馆咖啡馆珠宝店礼品店。 独特的建筑和景观:岛上的白 色教堂既多又美,那种居高临下的 气势令人神往.岛上有一座建与于 1840年的圆柱形的圣十字教堂,外 形非常独特。

圣托里尼岛上没有溪流,因此水源短缺。 直到20世纪90年代,岛上居民用水 主要靠收集降到房顶和天井的雨水、小泉水甚至从其他地方进口。如今岛上 装备了一个海水淡化厂,向居民和游客提供日常用水。岛上的主要经济是旅 游业,为了保护破火山口,岛上的浮石场已经于1986年关闭。
圣托里尼还拥有一个小型的葡萄酒工业,依靠当地特有的葡萄品种“阿西尔 提可”而小有名气。阿西尔提可葡萄枝都极为古老,因为它们对葡萄根瘤蚜 免疫,从而在20世纪早期该病大流行的时候免于被移除。根据它们的习性, 植株之间的间隔很大,靠露水润湿,它们被植成篮子状,将葡萄悬于内部以 保护它们不受风害。当地还特产红润甘美但极烈的圣桑托酒。
希腊酸奶是蘸酱中不可或缺的成分,受到希腊人的喜爱,并在其他地方广受欢迎。当您 使用希腊品种而不是更标准的美国酸奶时,将酸奶与香料,黄瓜和大蒜相结合的传统 Tzatziki蘸酱要好得多。您甚至可以在市场上找到一些以传统方式制成的预制Tzatziki蘸 料,尽管也很容易制作自己的蘸料。
阿科罗提利遗址的历史可追溯到前16世纪,考古学家在这里发现了二三层楼高的建筑群, 墙壁分隔成许多房间。发现有仕女房,故认为当时已有男女不同房的观念。还有复杂的 水渠系统。阿科罗提丽遗址被挖掘出来时,考古学家找不道任何骨骸和珠宝,出土的大 酒瓶中有葡萄酒渍。遗址中最精彩的是墙上的壁画。由于大量火山灰的覆盖,3000多 年前的阿科罗提利壁画表现了该城居民当时的生活情景,具有高度的艺术水平,其中有 “春之图”、“打拳少年”、“渔夫”、“航海图”等作品。这些最具历史价值的真迹 原作保存在雅典的国立考古博物馆。
叁 希腊美食
希腊酸奶是一种因其浓稠和乳脂状而闻名的酸奶。制作过程包括增加厚度的额外步骤。 它具有与酸奶油相同的奶油质地,并提供了极好的替代品。

圣托里尼旅游作文英文英文:Santorini is a beautiful island located in the Aegean Sea. It is a popular tourist destination because of its stunning views, unique architecture, and rich history. Ihad the opportunity to visit Santorini last summer, and it was an unforgettable experience.One of the things that impressed me the most about Santorini was its breathtaking scenery. The island is famous for its white-washed buildings and blue domes, which contrast perfectly with the deep blue sea and the black volcanic rocks. I remember standing on the edge of the caldera, watching the sunset and feeling completely mesmerized by the beauty of the place.Another thing that I loved about Santorini was its food. The island has a rich culinary tradition, and you can find delicious local dishes in every corner. I tried the famousSantorinian tomato fritters, the grilled octopus, and the traditional Greek salad with feta cheese and olives. Everything was so fresh and flavorful!Finally, I was impressed by the friendliness and hospitality of the locals. They were always willing to help and make me feel at home. I remember having a conversation with a local shop owner who told me about the history of the island and recommended some hidden gems that I wouldn't have found otherwise.Overall, I had an amazing time in Santorini and would recommend it to anyone who loves beautiful scenery, delicious food, and friendly people.中文:圣托里尼是位于爱琴海的一座美丽的岛屿。

纳亚·卡美尼岛被因火山喷发而分开的小岛所包围,从 这里四面望去,可以看到其它小岛。该岛附近的海水是绿色 的,非常漂亮。船开往附近的Palea Kameni,那里就是著名 的海水温泉,游客可以从中感受海水从冰凉到温暖的变化, 愈往里温泉水色渐变成橘色。
伊亚镇建立在海边的悬崖上,是圣托里尼岛第二大镇,被认为是世界上观看落日最美的地方。每 天都会有成千上万的来自世界各地的游客聚集在这里享受落日落的余晖,在太阳落下的那一瞬间, 时间仿佛停滞了,太阳慢慢消失在地平线,镇上却突然变得宁静安详。每个人脸上都突然带上微笑, 安静的送走夕阳的最后一抹余晖,每个人都陶醉在这人间美景中,大家都会情不自禁的鼓掌,他们 被大自然的美景折服了。
纳亚·卡美尼岛 Nea Kameni Island是位于圣托里尼岛 旁的小岛,由黑色的泥土堆积而成。1570~1950年间,这里 的火山曾数次爆发。
前往火山岛的轮船码头位于费拉市巴士站后面的悬崖下。 可参加旅行社组织的火山岛半日旅行团。该岛满地火山岩, 凹凸不平,游客来此岛最好穿便鞋。

圣托里尼是在希腊大陆东南200公里的爱琴海上 由一群火山组成的岛环,位于北纬36.40°—东经 25.40°,在世界两大大陆板块最深的海沟之间。圣 托里尼岛环上最大的一个岛也叫圣托里尼岛,别名锡 拉岛。圣托里尼岛位于基克拉泽斯群岛的最南端,岛 屿面积为96平方公里,海岸线长69公里,人口约一万 四千余人,多为希腊人。“圣托里尼”是十三世纪时 威尼斯人所命名的,起源于圣·爱莲;在此前这个岛 称为锡拉岛、卡利斯提或斯特隆基里圣托里尼岛位于 基克拉德斯群岛最南端,虽然面积不大,却是希腊最 著名的岛屿之一。3500年前这里发生一次几千年来最 猛烈的火山爆发,留下一个大火山口和几百米厚的火 山灰,间接地导致了克里特岛米诺斯文明的消亡。 圣托里尼有着特别的黑砾滩和黑沙滩。 圣托里尼由三个小岛组成。岛的一边紧靠火山 口有四个小镇锡拉(Thira),Imerovigli, Firastefani以及伊亚(Oia)。

6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。——笛卡儿
Thank you
旅游英语作业圣托里尼 岛介绍
6、纪律是自由的第一条件。——黑格 尔 7、纪律是集体的面貌,集体的声音, 集体的 动作, 集体的 表情, 集体的 信念。 ——马 卡连柯
8、我们现在必须完全保持党的纪律, 否则一 切都会 陷入污 泥中。 ——马 克思 9、学校没有纪律便如磨坊没有水。— —夸美 纽斯
10、一个人应该:活泼而守纪律,天 真而不 幼稚, 勇敢而 鲁莽, 倔强而 有原则 ,热情 而不冲 动,乐 观而不 盲目。 ——马 克思
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SSaannttoorrinini i
Santorini Information
Santorini is a small, circular archipelago of volcanic islands located in the southern Aegean Sea, about 200 km southeast from Greece's mainland. |
Local food
Santorini's diet as the Mediterranean diet, mainly is the staple food with meat and fish, vegetables are Fried tomatoes, Puree and white eggplant .
Building style
Oia is a beautiful town of santorini and the most attractive building of there is stone house. The roof and the wall is white, navy is blue, sea andsky hand in photograph reflect become a unique lands|cape to the Mediterranean.
night scene →
Santorini is considered to be the best place to watch the sunset. Every day there are thousands of visitors from around the world gathered here to enjoy the sunset glow.
Fried tomatoes Octopus barbecue
One of the most famous is octopus barbecue and Fried tomatoes .
Байду номын сангаас
Perissa is the most famous beaches of Santorini, lies in the south of the island. Perissa beach’s sand are all black.In fact, the island's beach sand is black ash grain, santorini unique volcanic geology created her unique black sand.
Santorini has a
dramatic beauty as
opposed to lush and green
islands. The locals live
mainly off agriculture
and tourism.
• The climate in Santorini is typical of the Mediterranean climate: generally extended periods of sunshine throughout most of the year, relatively warm and dry summers and mild and rainy winters.
Going out in the evening in Santorini is like a fairy tale.
Twinkling lights over the Caldera and the reflection of the full
moon in the dark waters make for a magical atmosphere.
Santorini is abundant with more than 250 churches of all shapes and sizes. One of the most famous is the church of Saint Maria, the perfect combination of blue and white, looks very delicate and holiness.