七年级 同步课课练 参考答案

七年级 同步课课练 参考答案
七年级 同步课课练 参考答案


Module One

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 BACAC

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. Are, yours 2. Whose tapes 3. be careful with, from now on 【同步伴读】

一、听力1—5 CBABB 6—7 CB 8—10 CBA

二、单项选择1—6 BBCAAC

三、完成句子1. Welcome back to 2. First of all 3. Be careful with 4. from now on 5. Here are

四、短文填空1. First 2. lost 3. crayons 4. hers 5. his 6. wallet 7. gloves 8. Whose 9. careful

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 ABCBB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. in a hurry 2. Hundreds of 3. are looking for, many other 【同步伴读】

一、单项选择1—5 BBAAC 6—10 ACACC

二、完成句子1. in a hurry 2. Hundreds of 3. looking for 4. welcome to 5. leaves, at home

三、短文填空1. hurry 2. leave 3. planes 4. taxis 5. Hundreds 6. for 7. cameras 8. strange 9. boat 10. ducks

四、阅读理解1—5 ADACA

Unit 3


一、找出划线部分读音与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项1—5 BCCBA


1. Hundreds of

2. welcome back to

3. Be careful with

4. from now on

5. in a hurry

6. first of all

三、单项选择1—5 BCCAB 6—10 ABACC

四、完型填空1—5 CCBBC 6—10 AAABB

五、完成句子1. Here is 2. From now on 3. be careful with 4. First of all 5. in a hurry

6. (to)look for


一、单项选择1—5 ABBCB

二、完成句子1. theirs 2. yours, mine 3. my, hers 4. Whose CDs are 5. is hers

Module Two

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 CACBB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. can cook, that’s all 2. I’d like to 3. worry about


一、听力1—5 BCCAC 6—7 BC 8—10 BBC

二、单项选择1—6 ABCBAA

三、完成句子1. for this term 2. Would, like 3. What about 4. That’s all 5. worry about

四、短文填空1. clubs 2. like 3. can 4. Drink 5. all 6. can’t 7. worries 8. teach 9. tennis

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 ABCBA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. get on well with 2. am always ready to help 3. just like 【同步伴读】

一、单项选择1—5 ACAAB 6—10 ACBAB

二、完成句子1. get on well with 2. ready to help 3. just like 4. promise to help 5. am not good at(playing)

三、短文填空1. with 2. does 3. ready 4. promises 5. at 6. score 7. fit 8. cleaning 9. tidy 10. sure 11. like

四、阅读理解1—5 DCBAD

Unit 3


一、找出与所给单词划线部分读音不同的选项1—5 ACCAA


1. would like

2. worry about

3. just like

4. ready to

5. That's all

6. get on well with

三、单项选择1—5 BBBAA 6—10 BCABA

四、完型填空1—5 BAABC 6—10 CCACB

五、完成句子1. get on well with 2. Would you like to 3. just like 4. ready to help 5. worries about 6. do cleaning


一、单项选择1—6 CBCAB

二、完成句子1. can play 2. can’t swim 3. Can, ride 4. can’t go out 5. can not

Module Three

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 CBAAB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. am going to check 2. Who else 3. have a picnic


一、听力1—5 CABCC 6—7 BB 8—10 BCB

二、单项选择1—6 CCBAAB

三、完成句子1. go over 2. something else 3. helps with 4. for the weekend 5. on Sunday morning

四、短文填空1. check 2. on 3. with 4. have 5. picnic 6. meet 7. else 8. for 9. silly

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 BBAAC

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. looking forward to 2. make some new friends 3. going sightseeing, have a picnic


一、单项选择1—5 AACBB 6—10 CCBAB

二、完成句子1. looking forward to being 2. make friends 3. enjoy yourself 4. take a walk

5. go sightseeing

三、短文填空1. forward 2. fans 3. make 4. shirt 5. win 6. enjoy 7. walk 8. collect

9. camp 10. picnic

四、阅读理解1—5 BAACC

Unit 3


一、找出划线部分读音不同的选项1—5 CBBAC


1. take a walk

2. go sightseeing

3. looking forward to

4. enjoy yourself

5. go over

6. make friends

三、单项选择1—5 ABACA 6—10 BBACA

四、完型填空1—5 AACBA 6—10 BACAC

五、完成句子1. go over 2. looking forward to 3. make friends with 4. enjoy yourselves 5. take a walk 6. help with


一、单项选择1—5 CABCB

二、完成句子1. are going to 2. isn’t going to 3. How is, going to 4. What are, do 5. Where are you going to have your holiday this year

Module Four

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 CCABA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. in the future 2. In twenty years’ time 3. won’t, any more 【同步伴读】

一、听力1—5 BCABC 6—7 CB 8—10 AAC

二、单项选择1—6 ABACBA

三、完成句子1. in the future 2. can’t, any more 3. a piece of chalk 4. in three days’ time 5. be able to

四、短文填空1. future 2. years’ 3. maybe 4. questions 5. fun 6. level 7. able 8. chalk

9. more 10. free

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 ACBCB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. come true 2. as well 3. not only, but also


一、单项选择1—5 AACBC 6—10 ABCBA

二、完成句子1. come true 2. not only, but also 3. Is it, to learn 4. won't, any more 5. as well

三、短文填空1. change 2. light 3. wind 4. heavy 5. 6. rise 7. cheap 8. traffic 9. robots 10. easy

四、阅读理解1—5 BCBCA

Unit 3


一、找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项1—5 CAACC


1. in the future

2. any more

3. will come true

4. will be able to

5. not only, but also

6. as well

三、单项选择1—5 BBCAC 6—10 AACBC

四、完型填空1—5 CBACA 6—10 BACBA

五、完成句子1. in the future 2. won’t, any more 3. come true 4. not only, but also 5. It is

6. be able to


一、单项选择1—5 BABAC

二、完成句子1. will leave 2. will be 3. Will, go 4. Where will 5. is able to

Module Five

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 BACAA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. What size 2. try it on 3. Wait a minute


一、听力1—5 BCABC 6—7 BC 8—10 ABB

二、单项选择1—6 CABCAA

三、完成句子1. on Mother’s Day 2. What size 3. try on the dress 4. What is 5. look fresh

四、短文填空1. buy 2. purple 3. size 4. try 5. sale 6. price 7. take 8. market 9. fresh

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 ACACB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. one of 2. pay for 3. going out


一、单项选择1—5 ACABC 6—10 AACAB

二、完成句子 1. one of 2. compare with 3. pay for 4. go out 5. one day

三、短文填空 1. almost 2. several 3. open 4. pay 5. receive 6. post 7. compare 8. try 9. safe 10. anything

四、阅读理解 1—5 CBCAC

Unit 3


一、找出下列各组单词中含有不发音的字母的选项1—5 CABBC


1. try on

2. wait a minute

3. How much

4. try on

5. go out

6. What size

三、单项选择1—5 AABCA 6—10 CAACB

四、完型填空1—5 CBABB 6—10 CCACB

五、完成句子1. How much 2. try on 3. pay for 4. one of the famous writers 5. go out 6. one day


一、单项选择1—5 ABBCA

二、完成句子1. What size 2. What is 3. How much are 4. How much are 5. What is the


Module Six

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 ACCAA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. the way to 2. how I can get to 3. Go along


一、听力1—5 ABCBA 6—7 CB 8—10 ABC

二、单项选择1—6 CCBAAB

三、完成句子1. How can I get to 2. Go along, at/on the corner of 3. Go across, turn left

4.Why not go to

5. Show me your

四、短文填空1. across 2. street 3. left 4. opposite 5. visit 6. underground 7. Take

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 CCBBA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. go along 2. Get off 3. Turn left into


一、单项选择1—5 BAABC 6—10 BBAAC

二、完成句子1. Welcome to 2. next to 3. turn left into 4. on a clear day 5. get on, get off

三、短文填空1. short 2. middle 3. opposite 4. paintings 5. along 6. turn 7. clear 8. off

9. next

四、阅读理解1—5 BAACB

Unit 3


一、找出划线部分读音不同的选项1—5 CACCB

二、用所给词语的适当形式填空1. on a clear day 2. next to 3. Welcome to 4. get off 5. go across 6. Why not

三、单项选择1—5 BAACA 6—10 BABCC

四、完型填空1—5 ACBAC 6—10 ABAAC

五、完成句子1. how to get to 2. go along 3. next to 4. Turn right into 5. go across 6. get off



二、完成句子1. Go across 2. Go along 3. the way to 4. Go along the street and turn left at the second crossing.



1—5 BBCAA 6—10 AACAC 11—15 ABAAB 16—20 AAACA 21—25 CABAC


1. mine

2. her, hers

3. his

4. your, ours

5. are going to have

6. are going to watch

7. are, going to do

8. will be

9. won’t believe 10. will win


1. First of all

2. be careful with

3. tried on

4. in a hurry

5. worries about

6. gets on well with

7. went over

8. take a walk

9. how much 10. come true


1. makes many friends

2. takes a walk

3. will come true

4. What is

5. is mine

6. Whose storybook is

7. What else

8. went over

9. get on well with 10. wasn’t able to 11. is going to 12. how I can 13. enjoy himself 14. in a hurry 15. not only, but also 16. ready to go 17. go sightseeing 18. doesn’t, any more 19. worries about 20. do any cleaning


一、听句子,选择最佳答语1—5 CAABB

二、听力理解6—7 AC 8—9 AC 10—12 CBC 13—15. BCB

三、听取信息16. Blue Sky 17. No. 5 18. 150 19. 021- 20. shopping

四、单项选择21—25 BACAC 26—30 ABCBA

五、完形填空31—35 ACBBC 36—40 BBABC

六、阅读理解A) 31—35 DBBAD 46—50 CDABA

B) 51—55 CFADB

七、综合填空56. robots 57. clean 58. cook 59. student 60. computers 61. stay 62. shopping 63. because 64. sure 65. interesting

八、完成句子1. come true 2. get on with 3. Whose, are 4. in a hurry 5. the way to


My home town is not big, but it is beautiful and has a long history. There are many trees and flowers around the city. There are some theatres, and you can enjoy plays or movies there. If you want to study, you can go to the library. If you are tired, you can have a rest in the park. We all love this city and enjoy living here.

Module Seven

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 ACBBC

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. was born 2. were your first friends 3. What, like


一、听力1—5 BBCBA 6—7 BA 8—10 ABB

二、单项选择1—6 ABABBC

三、完成句子1. were you born 2. Were, strict with 3. What was, like 4. was kind to 5. in my past life

四、短文填空1. was 2. village 3. first 4. friendly 5. strict 6. good 7. difficult

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 BCCAB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. on the east coast 2. with fish in it 3. looking forward to seeing 【同步伴读】

一、单项选择1—5 CCBAA 6—10 CAABB

二、完成句子1. with a long history 2. on the coast 3. looking forward to seeing 4. to do 5. It was

三、短文填空1. coast 2. do 3. theaters 4. bored 5. comfortable 6. bedrooms 7. garden

8. lake

四、完型填空1—5 CBCBC 6—10 AABCC

Unit 3


一、找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的选项1—5 CCBAC


1. is strict with

2. was born

3. was like

4. on the east coast

5. look forward to

6. with a garden

三、单项选择1—5 BAABC 6—10 ACCCB

四、完型填空1—5 ABACA 6—10 BAABC

五、完成句子1. was born 2. What was, like 3. with a garden 4. on the coast 5. It was great

6. looking forward to


一、单项选择1—5 BABCA

二、完成句子1. was poor 2. There were 3. Did, read 4. What else did you do last night? 5. Who did, play

Module Eight

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 AACBA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. Did, go for a walk 2. was lost, looked around 3. picked up, didn’t like


一、听力1—5 BCBBC 6—7 AC 8—10 CAC

二、单项选择1—6 ABBCBA

三、完成句子1. go for a walk 2. pick up 3. Once upon a time 4. all alone 5. was lost

四、短文填空1. forest 2. walk 3. picked 4. lost 5. little 6. towards 7. knocked 8. pushed 9. hungry 10. bowl

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 BABAA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. in pieces 2. at first 3. out of, without


一、单项选择1—5 ACBCC 6—10 BCBAA

二、完成句子1. in pieces 2. At first 3. point at 4. hurried out of 5. walked into

三、短文填空1. comfortable 2. either 3. pieces 4. or 5. asleep 6. first 7. pointed 8. jumped 9. without

四、阅读理解1—5 DABBD

Unit 3


一、找出划线部分读音不同的选项1—5 BCABB


1. in pieces

2. At first

3. go for a walk

4. all alone

5. pick up

6. pointed at

三、单项选择1—5 ABBCC 6—10 BABAC

四、完型填空1—5 BABCC 6—10 AABCC

五、完成句子1. go for a walk 2. Pick up 3. all alone 4. in pieces 5. At first 6. point at 【语法专题】

一、单项选择1—5 CAACC

二、完成句子1. Did, marry 2. didn’t hear 3. didn’t go 4. Did, go 5. didn’t, visit

Module Nine

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 BBACA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. find out 2. at the age of 3. in the 1860s


一、听力1—5 ABCBB 6—7 CB 8—10 ACB

二、单项选择1—6 ABBCBA

三、完成句子1. find out 2. in the 1960s 3. at the age of 4. write about 5. as well

四、短文填空1. by 2. writer 3. real 4. left 5. age 6. newspaper 7. got

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 ACCCB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. Like many people, read or write 2. at the age of 3. around the world


一、单项选择1—5 BAABA 6—10 CCBAB

二、完成句子1. around the world 2. the same thing 3. decided to study 4. in his life 5. two of, works

三、短文填空1. poems 2. decided 3. married 4. successful 5. works 6. died 7. age 8. languages 9. around

四、阅读理解1—5 CBBDC

Unit 3


一、找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项1—5 CBCAC


1. around the world

2. at the age of

3. wrote about

4. in the 1970s

5. in his life

6. find out

三、单项选择1—5 AABCB 6—10 ACBAC

四、完型填空1—5 BABCB 6—10 ACACB

五、完成句子1. around the world 2. find out 3. two of, cities 4. at the age of 5. on Women’s Day 6. in the 1930s


一、单项选择1—5 CBACA

二、完成句子1. was lost 2. flew, last week 3. never wrote 4. didn’t do 5. When did, get

Module Ten

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 CCBAB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. on holiday 2. How long did 3. Who was with


一、听力1—5 BABAC 6—7 AC 8—10 CBA

二、单项选择1—6 CCBAAB

三、完成句子1. How long did 2. It takes, to go to 3. be with 4. on holiday 5. so excited

四、短文填空1. with 2. get 3. excited 4. for 5. swam

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 AABCA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. arrived by plane 2. wait in line 3. till all the lights on


一、单项选择1—5 BBBAC 6—10 CBCCA

二、完成句子1. on holiday 2. was excited 3. It took, to go 4. First of all 5. such as

三、短文填空1. arrived 2. relaxed 3. tour 4. works 5. French 6. sold 7. First 8. top 9. lights

四、阅读理解1—5 CDADB

Unit 3


一、找出划线部分读音不同的选项1—5 BBCAC


1. be with

2. First of all

3. on holiday

4. such as

5. How long

6. did some shopping

三、单项选择1—5 ABBAB 6—10 CBACB

四、完型填空1—5 ABBAC 6—10 CBCAB

五、完成句子1. it take to arrive 2. on holiday 3. How long 4. What did, buy 5. the light on

6. do any shopping


一、单项选择1—5 ABCBA

二、完成句子1. What did 2. Who went 3. When did you meet him for the first time 4. Where did, pick up 5. How many books did, borrow

Module Eleven

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 CAABC

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. shake hands 2. each other 3. That’s because


一、听力1—5 BBACC 6—7 BC 8—10 BBC

二、单项选择1—6 AACBAC

三、完成句子1. shake hands 2. each other 3. together with 4. That's because 5. three times

四、短文填空1. visitors 2. shake 3. each 4. times 5. together 6. nod 7. touch 8. smile

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 BCAAC

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. Give them 2. arm in arm 3. don’t, at all


一、单项选择1—5 BBACA 1—10 BACBA

二、完成句子1. arm in arm 2. don’t, at all 3. In fact 4. close to 5. move away

三、短文填空1. foreign 2. close 3. personal 4. hold 5. move 6. all 7. polite 8. Wave

9. rude

四、阅读理解1—5 BAACB

Unit 3


一、找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项1—5 ACBAC


1. each other

2. at all

3. In fact

4. arm in arm

5. shake hands

6. move away

三、单项选择1—5 CAABB 6—10 CABAC

四、完型填空1—5 AABCA 6—10 CCBAC

五、完成句子1. each other 2. in fact 3. at all 4. shake hands 5. Here are


一、单项选择1—5 ACCBA

二、完成句子1. Be careful 2. Be/Keep quiet 3. Don’t be late 4. Hurry up 5. Don’t stand

Module Twelve

Unit 1


一、单项选择1—5 ABCBB

二、试一试,完成下面的句子 1. What a 2. or pop music 3. goes through


一、听力1—5 CBCAC 6—7 BA 8—10 CCB

二、单项选择1—6 AACBAC

三、完成句子1. What a lovely 2. by bus or by car 3. Who, by 4. know anything about 6. goes through

四、短文填空1. by 2. through 3. both 4. pop 5. voice 6. drums

Unit 2


一、单项选择1—5 BBACA

二、试一试,完成下面的句子1. made him famous 2. not only, but also 3. took him around, gave concerts


一、单项选择1—5 ABAAC 6—10 BAACC

二、完成句子1. in the centre of 2. makes him famous 3. not only, but also 4. hundreds of

5. five pieces of music

三、短文填空1. centre https://www.360docs.net/doc/262492528.html,posers 3. elder 4. young 5. Another 6. also 7. only 8. age 9. pieces 10. died

四、阅读理解1—5 ACCDA

Unit 3


一、找出含有给出音标的发音的选项1—5 BBACC


1. all over

2. take, around

3. hundreds of

4. not only, but also

5. gave concerts

6. pieces of

三、单项选择1—5 BACCA 6—10 BCBAC

四、完型填空1—5 ACABC 6—10 BBABC

五、完成句子1. know, about 2. Not only, but also 3. made us happy 4. hundreds of 5. goes through 6. take you around


一、单项选择1—5 ACBCB

二、完成句子1. What a beautiful 2. What nice 3. What lovely 4. by bus or on foot 5. Did you go to the concert or play game at home last Sunday


一、单项选择1—5 ACCCB 6—10 BBAAC 11—15 CCABB 16—20 BBCAA 21—25 BBACA

二、用所给词的正确形式填空1.are, were 2. watched 3. went 4. did, do, rode 5. had 6. Did, write 7. didn’t tell 8. Don’t, turn 9. Don’t be 10. put


1. went for a walk

2. picked up

3. in pieces

4. around the world

5. point at

6. found out

7. at the age of 8. close to 9. shook hands 10. didn’t, at all

四、完成句子1. were not 2. Here are 3. didn’t do 4. Where did, go 5. Were there any 6. Let’s go 7. don’t close 8. or buses 9. cost me, to buy 10. What a lovely 11. Where did, travel 12. What delicious 13. Were, or 14. didn’t go, either 15. pick it up 16. wasn’t, at all 17. look around 18. spent, buying 19. all alone 20. In fact


一、听句子,选择最佳答语1—5 CCACB

二、听力理解6—7 CA 8—9 AB 10—12 CCA 13—15 BBC

三、听取信息16. Sunny and hot 17. old ships 18. City 19. Cool 20. Went hiking

四、单项选择21—25 BCBAA 26—30 ABBAC

五、完形填空31—35 ABACC 36—40 AABCA

六、阅读理解A) 41—45 BBBCC 46—50 ADBAD

B) 51—55 BCAFE

七、综合填空56. born 57. young 58. work 59. age 60. first 61. became 62. went 63. and 64. stay 65. return

八、完成句子1. pointed at 2. am not, at all 3. is able to 4. at the age of 5.Don’t tell


Li Qiang’s grandfather was born in Shunde in April 1940. He was a worker when he was young. His family was poor. He went to school when he was twelve years old. He went to school on foot. He married at the age of twenty-two. He has three children, two daughters and a son. Now he lives in Hong Kong. He is interested in playing chess and he likes reading. (68 words)


一、听句子,选择最佳答语1—5 CABCA

二、听力理解6—7 CB 8—9 CA 10—12 BBC 13—15 CCB

三、听取信息16. America 17. 1863 18. first car 19. 1903 20. Died

四、单项选择21—25 CCAAC 26—30 ACBBC

五、完形填空31—35 ABBCB 36—40 ACACB

六、阅读理解A) 41—45 BBDCC 46—50 DDBCB

B) 51—55 DAEFC

七、综合填空56. without 57. face 58. sad 59. hand 60. ask 61. no 62. stop 62. find

63. out 64. films 65. us

八、完成句子1. go for a walk 2. around the world 3. How did, go 4. Do people in England shake hands or kiss when they meet? 5. What a strange


Last weekend, I was very busy. On Saturday morning I read English and did my homework. In the afternoon I played games and did some shopping. In the evening I watched a film and went online. On Sunday morning I played basketball with some friends and went to KFC and enjoyed the delicious food there. in the afternoon I visited my grandparents with my parents. In the evening I watched TV and listened to music. (65 words)

I really had good time last weekend.


七年级英语组合训练(2) 【完型填空】 Liz Murray is an American girl. She was born in the 1980s in New York. She had a l _time as a little girl. When she was three years old, she found that her parents were taking drugs (吸毒). Her family was 2 . Sometimes she had to 3 on the streets with her sister. In 1996, her mother died. She was really sad. She decided to change her life-she went to a high school, 4 she was still homeless. She worked very hard and did well in all subjects. Finally, she finished the four-year high school studies in two years. 5 she finished her high school, she was given a chance to visit Harvard University. She was very 6 when she saw the university. Later, she decided to work hard to go to Harvard University. Then she applied for a scholarship (申请奖学金) and finally made her 7 come true. While she was studying at Harvard University, she gave a lot of public speeches about her own 8 . She wanted to 9 people like her to achieve their dreams. Her story was made into a film and she also 10 a book named Breaking Nights about it. 1. A. happy B. relaxing C. fun D. hard 2. A. big B. rich C. poor D. busy 3. A. study B. live C. work D. play 4. A. though B. but C. so D. because 5. A. Before B. After C. When D. As 6. A. puzzled B. excited C. disappointed D. nervous 7. A. plan B. idea C. words D. dream 8. A. story B. family C. parents D. jobs 9. A. ask B. tell C. make D. encourage 10. A. read B. bought C. wrote D. found 【阅读理解】 Fans often only see the good fame(名声) of famous people. They see the happy smiles and great success of famous people. But usually they cannot see the hard work or the hours of practice behind the great success. Li Yundi, a great Chinese piano talent(天才), talked with teens about his art and his job. "Of course, the job is hard work. You need to work hard to be professional. And you also have to play hundreds of concerts. meet fans, and listen to critics(评论家)." In 2000, when Li Yundi was 18, he won the top prize at the Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. Li was the youngest and the first Chinese to win the prize. Born in


七年级上册基础训练数学答案 【篇一:人教版七年级数学上册同步练习题及答案全套】 教版七年级数学上册同步练习题及答案全套 名称 (课课练) 学科 类型 大小 年级 教材 添加 时间 点击 评价数学试题|试卷 0.57 mb 初一|七年级新课标人教版 2012-08- 26 11:53 20393 ☆☆☆☆☆审核 admin 第三章一元一次方程 3.11一元一次方程(1) 知识检测 1.若4xm-1-2=0是一元一次方程,则m=______. 2.某正方形的边长为8cm,某长方形的宽为4cm,且正方形与长 方形面积相等,?则长方形长为______cm. 3.已知(2m-3)x2-(2-3m)x=1是关于x的一元一次方程, 则m=______. 4.下列方程中是一元一次方程的是() a.3x+2y=5 b.y2-6y+5=0 c.x-3=d.4x-3=0 5.已知长方形的长与宽之比为2:1?周长为20cm,?设宽为xcm,得方程:________. 7.某班外出军训,若每间房住6人,还有两间没人住,若每间住4人,恰好少了两间宿舍,设房间为x,两个式子分别为(x-2)6人,(x+2)4,得方程_______. 8.某农户2006年种植稻谷x亩,2007?年比2006增加10%,2008年比2006年减少5%,三年共种植稻谷120亩,得方程 _______.

9.一个两位数,十位上数字为a,个位数字比a大2,且十位上数 与个位上数和为6,列方程为______. 10.某幼儿园买中、小型椅子共50把,中型椅子每把8元,小型 椅子每把4?元,?买50把中型、小型椅子共花288元,问中、小型 椅子各买了多少把??若设中型椅子买了x把,则可列方程为 ______. 11.中国人民银行宣布,从2007年6月5日起,上调人民币存款 利率,一年定期存款利率上调到3.06%,某人于2007年6月5日存入定期为1年的人民币5000元(到期后银行将扣除5%的利息税).设到期后银行向储户支付现金x元,则所列方程正确的是() 12.足球比赛的计分方法为:胜一场得3分,平一场得1分,负一 场得0分,一个队共打了14场比赛,负了5场,得19分,设该队 共平x场,则得方程() a.3x+9-x=19b.2(9-x)+x=19 c.x(9-x)=19 d.3(9-x)+x=19 13.已知方程(m-2)x|m|-1+3=m-5是关于x的一元一次方程,求m的值,?并写出其方程. 拓展提高 14.小明爸爸把家里的空啤酒瓶让小明去换饮料,现有40个空啤 酒瓶,1个空啤酒瓶回收是0.5元,一瓶饮料是2元,4个饮料瓶可 换一瓶饮料,问小明可换回多少瓶饮料? 【篇二:七年级上册数学同步练习答案】 xt>1.1正数和负数(一) 一、1. d 2. b3. c 二、1. 5米 2. -8℃3. 正西面600米 4. 90 三、1. 正数有:1,2.3,68,+123;负数有:-5.5, ,-112.记作-3毫米,有1张 不合格 3. 一月份超额完成计划的吨数是-20, 二月份超额完成计划的吨数是0, 三月份超额完成计划的吨数是+102. 1.1正数和负数(二) 一、1. b2. c 3. b 二、1. 3℃ 2. 3℃ 3. -2米 4. -18m 三、1.最大不超过9.05cm, 最小不小于8.95cm; 2.甲地最高,丙地最低,最高的地方比最低的地方高50米 3. 70分 1.2.1有理数


七下英语课课练答案 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 一、单项选择 1. The old dog is kind of scary, but she is _____ to us. She is our ______. A. friendly; friendly B. friend; friend C. friendly; friend D. friend; friendly 2. You look so _____. Did you see anything _____? A. scary; scared B. scared; scary C. scare; scary D. scare; scared 3. (xx·安徽) Mrs. King put a coat _____ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. over B. with C. behind D. beside 4. ---How about having a piic with me? ---I’d love to, _____ I’m afraid I have no time. A. so B. and C. but D. because 5. ---Let’s go to the park on Sunday afternoon. ---______. A. That sounds interesting. B. Thanks a lot. C. Yes, we are. D. That’s all right. 6. (xx·贵州黔西南A. dangerous B. safe C. safely D. in danger 7. We have two _____ jobs for you. They are _____ interesting.


七年级下册英语课课练习 Module 7 检测题 (满分:120分) 第一卷(共50分) Ⅰ.选择填空(20分) ( ) 1.-__________ were you like when you were a kid? -I was quiet. A. How B. Why C. Where D. What ( ) 2. Was he at home __________? A. now B. next week C. last weekend D. next Sunday ( ) 3.-When and where__________ you born? -I__________ born in Dalian__________ November 15, 1997. A. was, were, at B. were, was, on C. was, was, on D. were, was, in ( ) 4. There__________ no time to have breakfast. A. have B. was C. had D. were ( ) 5. He enjoys__________ books. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read ( ) 6. There are two books to__________. A. look B. watch C. see D. read ( ) 7. China is a country__________ the population of 1.3 billion. A. have B. has C. with D. own ( ) 8. I’m looking forward to__________ you again. A. see B. seeing C. look D. looking ( ) 9. Do you have__________ to tell me? A. anything new B. something new C. something new D. new something ( ) 10. There are two windows__________ the wall. A. in B. on C. at D. under ( ) 11. Was Ningning born in Yangzhou? . She was born in Nanjing. A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasn’t C. Yes, she wasn’t D. No, she was ( ) 12. —When Jay Chou born? —He born 18th July, 1980. A. was, were, in B. were, was, in C. were, was, on D. was, was, on ( ) 13. He got up late this morning. There__________ no time to have breakfast. A. have B. had C. was D. were ( ) 14. Qingdao is on the ________ coast of China. A. west B. east C. south D. north ( ) 15. —was your first friend? —Jim. A. What B. How C. Who D. When ( ) 16. Our math teacher was very strict _________ us and _________ his work. A. with, in B. with, with C. in, in D. in, with ( ) 17. Three years ago, I ________in a primary school and now I _______ in a middle school. A. was, was B. am, am C. was, am D. am, was ( ) 18. My cousin was _________ with the _________ movie.


2016-2017学年上学期七年级英语组合训练(9) 【完型填空】 Do you have breakfast every day?It’s important to have a drink and eat something in the 1.All the food can give you the2to help you start a new day.Breakfast is important,3 some students do not1ike to have breakfast. What is breakfast?There are two4in“breakfast”一“break(打破)”and“fast(禁食期)”.All the night you5and don’t eat anything,so you should6something in the morning and break your fast.You can get the energy from the food and get7for the day.If you don’t have breakfast.your energy goes down and you may feel8.Then you cannot do well in your lessons and you cannot listen to the9carefully in class.It is bad for your health if you10go to school without breakfast.What do you think about breakfast now? 1.A.night B.morning C.afternoon D.evening 2.A.health B.1ight C.reason D.energy 3.A.but B.and C.so D.if 4.A.answers B.1etters C.words D.teams 5.A.drink B.sleep C.eat D.study 6.A.eat B.change C.keep D.play 7.A.good B.front C.ready D.back 8.A.happy B.excited C.strong D.hungry 9.A.students B.teachers C.parents D.uncles 10.A.never B.seldom C.often D.again 【阅读理解】 Dear Frank, In your last letter,you asked me about meals in English homes.Now let me tell you something about it. In many English homes,people eat four meals a day:breakfast,lunch,afternoon tea and dinner. People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.They eat vegetables,eggs and bread.English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast. Lunch comes at one o’clock.Afternoon tea is from four to five in the afternoon,and dinner iS at about half past seven.First,they have soup‘,then they have meat or fish with vegetables.After that,they eat some fruits like bananas,apples or oranges.But not all English people like those fruits.Some of them have their dinner in the middle of the day.Their meals are breakfast,dinner


课课练初中英语七年级上册答案 当你觉得自己满怀希望,对未来充满信心,别人看到的就是有魅力,风华绝代的你。没有人可以你的高度,只有你自己可以,学好是基础。下面就是为大家梳理归纳的内容,希望能够帮助到大家。 一.1-5.CBCCA 6-10.BACAB 11-15.ABBCC 16-20.BACCA 二.1-5.BBADC 6-10.DCADC 11-15.CBACC 16-20.DDDCC 三.1- 5.BCDAA 6-10.ADBDC 11-15.CABDC 四.1-5.DCDAB 6-10.ACBBD 11-15.CDBDB 16-20.DADCB 五.1.There used to be a river in front of my house. 2.home 3.但是现在随着村子的发展,一切都发生了很大的变化。 4.Because the trees have been cut down. 5.But now,with the development of my village,everything has changed a lot.

六.1.southern 2.impossible 3.action(s) 4.taking 5.harmful 6.have taught 7.factories 8.attraction 9.marriage 10.clapped 11.development 12.Unluckily 13.natural 14.unpleasant 15.was having 七.took excited more view wonderful theme gift also enjoyed visit 一、题目略 1、mymother 2、hissisters 3、haveagoodday 4、youruncle 5、thesefriends


英语课课练答案-初一英语课课练答 案 2016-2016学年梁丰初中初二英语第一次课堂练习(含答案) 梁丰初中15-16学年第一学期初二年级 英语学科第一次课堂练习卷姓名:得分: 一、单项选择(共15分) ()1. Shanghai is bigger than______in Jiangsu and bigger than______in China. A. any city, any city B. any city, any other city C. any other city, the other cities D. any other city, any city () have money than you, but I have friends than you. A. more; more B. less; more C. fewer; more D. more; less ()3. ______ you are, _____ mistakes you’ll make. A. The more careful, the fewer

B. More careful, the less C. The more careless, the less D. More careless, fewer ()4. Last year this piece of music ___him ______one of the most famous singers. A. makes, become B. make, become. C. made, became D. made, become ( )5. ---Would you like ______ milk in your coffee? ---Yes, just _______. A. any, a few B. some, a little C. any, a little D. some, a few ( ) had a wonderful time ___one place after another in Beijing and hehad much time _____the city. A. to visit, to enjoy B. visiting, to enjoy C. to visit, enjoying D. visiting, enjoying () 7. I think swimming is _________hiking. A. as interesting than B. as more interesting as C. as

最新人教版七年级英语下册课课练 U

Unit 12 Section A(1a-2c)同步练习 一、用所给汉语的正确形式填空 1. They __________ (扎营) in the open air last night. 2. Miss Lin is a guide at the __________ (自然的) History Museum. 3. Mom worked all day and she is very __________ (疲劳的)now. 4. She had to s __________ at home because it rained yesterday. 二、用适当的形式填空 1. There are some ___________(beach) by the sea. 2. Did you feed these ___________(sheep)? 3. Many __________(visit)came to Beijing to visit the Great Wall. 4.Jane saw many___________(butterfly)in the garden just now. 5.What _____ you _____(do) last Friday? I______(go) to the movies 6.Li Lei _______(study)geography yesterday. 三、单选 1. Tom played____badminton with his friends yesterday afternoon. A.a B. the C.\ D. an 2. I often do my homework and read books ____Saturday morning. A .on B .inC. atD .by 3.How do you study _______your test. A. at B. with C.in D.for 4.Could you tell me something about your_____?


初中语文(七年级下)阅读组合训练27 古诗词阅读 送灵澈上人 刘长卿 苍苍竹林寺, 杳杳钟声晚。 荷笠带斜阳, 青山独归远。 【作者简介】 刘长卿(约726 —约786),字文房,汉族,宣城(今属安徽)人,唐代诗人。德宗建中年间,官终随州刺史,世称刘随州。 刘长卿擅长五言诗,自称“五言长城”。名作《逢雪宿芙蓉山主人》入选语文教材。 【诗歌鉴赏】 前两句想望苍苍山林中灵澈上人的归宿处,远远传来寺院报时的钟声,点明时已黄昏,仿佛催促灵澈上人归山。后两句描写灵澈山人辞别归去的情景。灵澈上人戴着斗笠,披带夕阳余晖,独自向青山走去,越走越远。“青山”呼应首句“苍苍竹林寺”,点出寺在山林。“独归远”显出诗人伫立目送,依依不舍,结出别意。全诗表达了诗人对灵澈上人的深挚的情谊,也表现出灵澈上人归山的清寂的风度。送别往往黯然忧伤,但这首送别诗却有一种闲淡的意境。

1.请用简洁生动的语言描绘诗中送别的画面。(2分) 示例:暮色苍苍的竹林寺,晚钟阵阵,一抹斜阳下,几重青山外,灵澈上人头戴斗笠,渐行渐远。 2.“杳杳钟声晚”中的“晚”字有什么作用?(2分) “晚”字点明时已黄昏,这时的钟声仿佛在催促灵澈上人归山,渲染了诗人送别时的怅惘之情。 文言文阅读 贫俭 子犹曰:贫者,士之常也;俭者,人之性也。贫不得不俭,而俭者不必贫,故曰“性也”。然则俭不可乎:各不可耳。俭而吝,则虽堆金积玉,与乞儿何异? 郑余庆素吝。一日,忽召亲朋数人会食。众皆怪之。侵晨赴之。日高,余庆方出,呼左右曰:“吩咐厨蒸烂去毛,莫折项!”众相顾,以为必蒸鹅鸭之类。又久之,盘出,酱醋亦极香新。但见每人前粟饭一碗,葫芦一枚,皆匿笑强进。 王罴性检率。镇河东日,尝有台使至, 罴为设食,乃裂去薄饼缘。罴曰:“耕种收获,其功已深,春囊造成,用力不少。尔之择选,当是未饥!”命左右撤去之。使者愕然大惭。 (选自《古今谭概》,有删改)注释①子犹:即本文作者冯梦龙。②台使:中央最高行政机构派出的使者。③舂(chōng)用杵去谷发壳或捣碎。④爨(cuàn):生火做饭。


初一英语课课练答案 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

一用所给词的适当形式: 1.Sheliveswithherfamilyina house.(wood) 2.AllthepeopleinNanjingarevery (friend). 3.Peopleliketotalkwitheachotherinthe room.(sit) 4.Theywanttolearnabouthomesindifferent (country). 5.Ourflathastwo .(balcony) 6.Doyouknowwho’s onmybunk?(lie) 7.Iwouldliketolivenextto restaurantinBeijing.(big) 8.Frenchmencomefrom (French). 9.Inthe roomthereisabigtable.(dine) 10.Shepassedtheexam .(final) 二根据所给的汉语完成句子: 1.她和她的家人住在一条繁忙街道上的一套公寓里。 Sheandherfamily . 2.我们的老师很友好,我们在学校里很开心。 Ourteachers .We . 3.这儿环境优美安静,但经常下雨。 It’s and here,butitoften . 4.花园是做游戏最好的地方。 Agardenis . 5.他们想了解世界上一些国家的首都。 Theywantto the ofsome intheworld. Unit1Dreamhomes练习题(2) 一根据句意所给首字母: 1.Weoftenputourcleanclothesinthew inthebedroom. 2.Therearemanybooksontheb inthestudy.


初一下册英语课课练答案参考2020一用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. She lives with her family in a house .( wood 2.All the people in Nanjing are very (friend). 3.People like to talk with each other in the room. (sit 4.They want to learn about homes in different 5.Our flat has two .(balcony restaurant in Beijing.(big French). .(final) 6.Do you know who’s on my bunk?( lie) 7.I would like to live next to 8.Frenchmen come from 10.She passed the exam 二根据所给的汉语完成句子: 1.她和她的家人住在一条繁忙街道上的一套公寓里。 She and her family 2.我们的老师很友好,我们在学校里很开心。 Our teachers . We . . (country). 9.In the room there is a big table.(dine 3.这儿环境优美安静,但经常下雨。 I t’s and here, but it often . 4.花园是做游戏的地方。

A garden i 5.他们想了解世界上一些国家的首都。 They want to the of some in the world. . Unit 1 Dream homes练习题(2) 一根据句意所给首字母填空: 1.We often put our clean clothes in the w 2.There are many books on the 3.In summer we take a 4.We wash dishes in the 5.It’s dark in the study. The l in the bedroom. in the study. in the bathroom everyday.. in the kitchen. is broken. I’ll ask someone to mend it. room. 6.Mothers often use b to give their babies baths. 7.There are four chairs around the t 8.We usually put the sofa in the 9.We can’t see any w houses in the small town. 10.There are some c on the sofa. 二根据句意,用适当的介词填空: 1.There is a lamp the desk my study. 2. Her printer is her computer. 3. He is shorter than Bob and Peter. He sits them. 4.The shelf i


2019-2020年七年级上英语组合训练(VII)含答案 【完型填空】 Linda is our new classmate.She is a left—behind child(留守儿童).Her parents 1 in another city.She lives 2 her grandparents. It’s November 8th and it is Linda’s thirteenth 3 .My classmates and I want to have a 4 for her.In the morning,we decorate(装饰)the 5 with some beautiful paper and balloons.Judy and I 6 a big birthday cake and thirteen candles for her.On the cake,there 7 a red flower and the sentence“Happy Birthday to you,Linda”. The party begins 8 half past nine.Tony lights(点燃)the candles,and then we 9 the song Happy Birthday to You to her.Linda is very happy. After 10 the cake,we dance and play games in the classroom.All of us have a good time.( )1.A.work B.think C.sleep D.miss ( )2.A.to B.by C.with D.in ( )3.A.school B.time C.class D.birthday ( )4.A.wish B.party C.card D.smile ( )5.A.hall B.playground C.classroom D.1ibrary ( )6.A.buy B.give C.sell D.go ( )7.A.are B.is C.am D.be ( )8.A.at B.for C.on D.of ( )9.A.write B.sing C.speak D.hear ( )10.A.playing B.joining C.eating D.cooking 【阅读理解】 My name is Peter.I’m from New York and I am in Qingdao with my parents and my sister,Lily now.My sister is ten and I am twelve.We are in the same sch001.We go to school from Monday to Friday.We have four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.We can’t speak Chinese very well and we want to learn it.We think Chinese is interesting.But my favourite subject is Maths.Science is my sister’s favourite. I like sports.I like playing football and basketball very much.But I don’t have much time to play them on weekdays.I help my sister with Maths on Mondays,go shopping with my mother on Wednesdays,and practise Chinese on Friday afternoons.My Chinese friends help me with my Chinese.But on Saturdays and Sundays I can play sports.watch TV and surf the Internet.( )1.Peter has________classes every day. A.four B.five C.six D.seven ( )2.Peter likes playing_________very much. A.tennis and volleyball B.table tennis and basketball C.football and baseball D.basketball and football


新课程课堂七年级英语下册同步练习参考答案(转载) Unit 1 Section A I. 1. dance 2. sing 3. swim 4. paint 5. pay chess 6. play the guitar 7. play the piano 8. English club 9. swimming club 10. want to join a club 11. be good at Ⅱ. 1. Can 2. want 3. join; swimming 4. do 5. or 6. in Ⅲ. 1-5 CBAAC 6-9 BCBB Section B I. 1. speak 2. violin 3. club 4. tell 5. does Ⅱ.1. tell stories 2. play chess 3. play the drums 4. play the violin 5. play the piano 6. play basketball 7. sing and dance 8. English-speaking students 9. make friends 10. can do kung fu 11. call sb at 12. musicians wanted 13. come and show us 14. help with sports 15. music festival Ⅲ.1-5 BBCBB 6-8 ACC Self Check 1 I. 1. singing 2. piano 3. chess 4. painting 5. musician Ⅱ.1. do 2. to 3. want 4. club 5. play 6. can’t Ⅲ. 1. with my 2. Is; with; is 3. Can I help you? 4. can’t do 5. What can; do 6. What; does; want IV. sing; Can; do; play; the violin Self Check 2 I. 1-5 CAABC II. 1.students 2.swimming 3. Chinese 4. musicians 5. stories III. 1-5 ACABB 6-10 CBACA IV. 1-5 CDBEA V. 1-5 BACCA 6-8 ABC VI. 1-5 BBCCB VII. One possible version: There are six musicians in our school band. They are very talented. My favorite musician is Li Hua. She is the best. She can sing and dance well. She can play the piano, too. Wang Hai can play the trumpet. Li Jun can play the violin. Cai Ming can sing and play the violin. Chen Hui and Chen Yang can play the drums. Unit 2 Section A I. 1. go to school 2. get up 3. eat/ have breakfast 4. take a shower 5. get dressed 6. go to work 7. brush teeth 8. radio station 9. be late for work 10. at eleven 0’clock II. 1-5 CACCA 6-10 CCCCB

七年级英语上册课课练 Unit 7

七年级英语上册课课练 Unit 7 主备人刘彦平审核人王爱琴第 1 课时 Ⅰ.单词检测 1.毛衣______ 2.裙子______ 3.颜色_______ 4. 价格______ 5.任何人______ 6.每个_______ Ⅱ.用划线词的反义词填空 7.Bring your math book here and ________ away your exercise books. 8.I like short hair. I don’t lik e ________ hair. 9.My shoes are too old. I want to buy ________ ones. 10.The store sells school things. You can ________ some coloured pencils there. 11.I think this book is very easy and that book is very ________. 12.Watching TV is too boring. But playing sports is very ________. 13.His first name is John and his ________ name is Green. 14.The shirt is too big for me. Give me a ________ one, please. 15.The blackboard is black. The words on it are ________. Ⅲ.用英文数字填空 16.four + eight = ___________ 17.seven + eight= ___________ 18.thirteen + seven = __________ _ 19.fourteen + sixteen = ___________ 20.seventy - fourteen = ___________ 21.eighty - sixteen = ___________ 22.sixty - thirteen = ___________ 23.eighty - forty= ___________ 24.forty-eight - twelve= ___________ 25.ninety + five = ___________ Ⅳ.将下列短语译成英语 26.各种颜色的___________ 27.运动包___________ 28.亲自___________ 29.看一看___________ 30.出售___________ 31.价格合理___________ 32.服装店___________ 33.到达___________ 34.愿意……便宜___________ 35.不只这些___________
