PFC3D 学习记录5-COMMAND REFERENCE通用规定和特征命令语法默认情况下,命令行忽略大小写,然而可以通过SET case命令激活区别大小写情况。
斜体字代表数字,以i, j, m n 为开头的字母代表整数,其他情况为实数命令词,关键字和数值可用空格,以及(),=分隔。
而& 表示续行Range 语法定义一定限制范围的物体可运用Range的命令:Change/ initial/ property Clump Fix/ Free Group JsetModel Plot ( 运用于不同输出项目) PrintRange( 创建一个命名的范围)一个Range 定义一系列物体。
即求合集除此之外,通过在定义范围单元后接关键词not确定所有不在指定范围的单元通常还可以用定义group 方式定义复杂的range。
内置范围单元:Annulus center ( x, y, z) radius = r1, r2球形空心区域中心在(x, y, z )内径r1, 外径r2Color il < iu >球体或墙体在间隔(il, iu )内颜色索引。
若无iu 则iu = il球体颜色索引列表通过property命令建立。
墙体颜色索引列表必须用FISH 内置的w_color设置Cylinder end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) radius = r圆柱范围。
圆柱中心轴过end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) 半径为r.Fish fname调用用户定义的范围单元。
通过FISH函数fname 执行。
“设备设置”包括:设备编号、变比、有功电度、无功电度。如图 13 所示。 该界面中所有参数均按位设置。
“补偿设置”包括:投入系数、切除系数、投入延时、切除延时。如图 14 所 示。
“电容设置”包括:设备中△型、Y 型电容器的组数、容量及电容器的配置方 案。如图 15 所示。
PFC 无功补偿控制器采用全数字化设计、交流采样、四象限分析,人机界面 为 12864 点阵大屏幕液晶显示器,监测配电变压器、配电线路运行状态和补偿电网 无功。集实时数据采集、历史数据存储、通讯、无功补偿、谐波分析、故障报警、 配电综合监测等功能于一体的新型配电监控设备,适用于三相四线制配电网的综合 监测及无功补偿控制。也可单独作为配电负荷综合监测仪使用。具有 232/485 通讯 接口;支持 GPRS 网络远程通讯;支持短距离(1000 米以内)无限抄表,配套手持式 数据抄表器。可以直接连接电脑,进行联机操作。
广州阿珂法电器 Tel:020-82029012 / 82051945 Fax:82051079
4.2 电压信号线兼作监控终端电源输入,所以安3 电流信号线宜选用大于 1.5MM 平方的单股铜导线,且导线尽可能短。 4.4 带电采集、设置数据时,均不得接触带电部分、以确保人身设备安全。
图 17
图 18
按键操作说明: 在设置界面下(图 12 所示),操作“▲”键、“▼”键:可选
择不同的修改设置项,在图 13——图 18 所示的界面中,对当前的参数(反显的参
广州阿珂法电器 Tel:020-82029012 / 82051945 Fax:82051079
罗姆解决方案模拟器电源器件用户指南 (PFC 篇)说明书
![罗姆解决方案模拟器电源器件用户指南 (PFC 篇)说明书](
ROHM Solution Simulator Power Device用户指南(PFC篇)User’s Guide ROHM Solution SimulatorPower Device 用户指南(PFC篇)前言本用户指南是为了便于充分灵活运用「Power Device Solution circuit」的PFC电路,对各参数的基本调整方法和知识的总结。
目次■ 1. PFC电路一览・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・p.1■ 2. 电感值L的调整・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・p.2■ 3. Switching频率fsw的调整・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・p.4■ 4. 栅极驱动电圧Vgs值的检讨・・・・・・・・・・・p.6■ 5. 栅极电阻Rg的变更・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・p.8■ 6. Dead time最佳值的检讨・・・・・・・・・・・・・p.101. PFC电路一览Table 1.是「Power Device Solution circuit」的PFC电路的总结。
Table 1. Power Device Solution Circuit PFC电路一览2. 电感值L的调整这里介绍的是通过调整线圈电感值来调整电感电流的波动率的方法。
2-1. 电路举例这里以Figure 1.的电路「A-4 PFC CCM Vin=200V Iin=2.5A」为例,变更黄色方框内的条件,并针对变更后的条件来调整L值。
Richtek RT7313GS PFC控制器商品说明书
![Richtek RT7313GS PFC控制器商品说明书](
RT7313GSRT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 20161PFC Controller with Critical Conduction ModeGeneral DescriptionThe RT7313 is an active Power Factor Correction (PFC) controller with critical conduction mode (CRM) operation that is designed to meet line current harmonic regulations for the applications of AC/DC adapters, electronic ballasts and medium off-line power converters (<300W). The CRM and Feed-Forward schemes provide near unity power factor across a wide range of input voltages and output powers.The totem-pole gate driver with 600mA sourcing current and 800mA sinking current provides powerful driving capability for power MOSFET to improve conversion efficiency. The RT7313 features an extra low start-up current (≤20μA) and supports a disable function to reduce power consumption in standby mode, which makes it easy to comply with energy saving regulations such as Blue Angel, Energy Star and Energy 2000.This controller integrates comprehensive safety protection functions for robust designs including input under-voltage lockout, output over-voltage protection, under-voltage protection and cycle-by-cycle current limit.The RT7313 is a cost-effective solution for PFC power converter with minimum external components. It is available in the SOP-8 package.Features● Critical Conduction Mode (CRM) Operation ● Constant On-Time Control (Voltage Mode) ● Near Unity Power Factor● Ultra Low Start-up Current (≤20μA)● Input Voltage Feed-Forward Compensation ● Wide Supply Voltage Range from 12V to 25V ● Totem Pole Gate Driver with 600mA/-800mA ● Maximum Frequency Clamping (120kHz) ● DCM THD Optimization ● Fast Dynamic Response● Light Load Burst Mode Operation ● Disable Function● Maximum/Minimum On-Time Limit ● Cycle-by-Cycle Current Limit● Output Over-Voltage Protection (OVP) ● Under-Voltage Lockout (UVLO) ●RoHS Compliant and Halogen FreeApplications● Electrical Lamp Ballast ● LED Lighting●AC/DC Adapter/Charger for Desktop PC, NB, TV, Monitor, Etc.●Entry-Level Server, Web ServerSimplified Application CircuitPSR ConverterOUT +OUT -SSR ConverterOUT +OUT -OUT1OUT2RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation. DS7313-01 July 20162Ordering InformationRT7313G : Green (Halogen Free and Pb Free)Note :Richtek products are :④ RoHScompliant and compatible with the currentrequirements of IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.④ Suitable for use in SnPb or Pb-free soldering processes.Marking InformationRT7313GS : Product Number YMDNN : Date CodePin Configuration(TOP VIEW)INV COMPFF CSVDD GD ZCDGNDSOP-8Functional Pin DescriptionFunctional Block DiagramRT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 20163OperationCritical Conduction Mode (CRM)The Critical Conduction Mode is also called Transition Mode or Boundary Mode. Figure 1 shows the CRM operating at the boundary between Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) and Discontinuous Conduction Mode (DCM).In CRM, the power switch turns on immediately when the inductor current decreases to zero. The CRM is the preferred control method for medium power (<300W) applications due to the features of zero current switching and lower peak current than that in DCM.Figure 1. Inductor Current of DCM, CRM and CCM Constant On-Time Voltage Mode ControlFigure 2 shows a typical flyback converter. When the MOSFET turns on with a fixed on-time (t ON ), the inductor current can be calculated by the following equation (1).TX1OUTV OUTFigure 2. Typical flyback ConverterIN L_PK ON PFCVI = t (1)L⨯If the input voltage is a sinusoidal waveform and rectified by a bridge rectifier, the inductor current can be expressed with equation (2). When the converter operates in CRM with constant on-time voltage modecontrol, the envelope of inductor peak current will follow the input voltage waveform with in-phase. The average inductor current will be half of the peak current shown as Figure 3. Therefore, the near unity power factor is easy to be achieved by this control scheme.||||IN_pk ONL_pk PFCV sin θt I sin θ=(2)L ⨯⨯⨯I L_PK I Q1I in_avg I DOUTPeak Inductor Current MOSFET Current Average Input Current Output Diode CurrentV IN Input Voltage V Q1_GATE MOSFET Gate VoltageFigure 3. Inductor Current of CRM with ConstantOn-Time Voltage Mode Control Under-Voltage LockoutThe controller will be enabled when VDD exceeds V ON_TH (16V typ.) and disabled when VDD decreases lower than V OFF_TH (9V typ.).The maximum VDD voltage is set at 27V typically forover-voltage protection shown as Figure 4. An internal 29V zener diode is also used to avoid over voltage stress for the internal circuits.When the VDD is available, the precise reference is generated for internal circuitries such as Error Amplifier, Current Sense, OVP, UVP. The internal reference equips with excellent temperature coefficient performance so that the RT7313 can be operated in varied environments.RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 20164Figure 4. VDD and UVLOFeedback Voltage DetectionFigure 5 shows the feedback voltage detection circuit. The INV pin is the inverting input of the Error Amplifier with 1.5V reference voltage. Over-voltage protection is provided with threshold voltage 1.65V. If the INV voltage is over 1.65V, the gate driver will be disabled to prevent output over voltage condition or feedback open condition. Although the INV is an input pin with high impedance, it is suggested that the bias current of the potential divider should be over 30µA for noise immunity.Figure 5. Feedback Voltage DetectionTransconductance Error AmplifierThe RT7313 implements transconductance error amplifier with non-linear GM design to regulate the Flyback output voltage and provide fast dynamic response. The transconductance value is 100µA/V in normal operation. When the INV voltage increases over 1.65V or decreases under 1.35V, the output of error amplifier will source or sink 1.5mA(typ.) maximum current at COMP pin respectively shown as Figure 6. Thus, the non-linear GM design can provide fast response for the dynamic load of PFC converters even though the bandwidth of control loop is lower than linefrequency.Figure 6. Non-linear GMFeed-Forward CompensationThe FF pin is an input pin with high impedance to detect the line input voltage shown as Figure 7. A proper voltage divider should be applied to sense the line voltage after bridge diode rectifier. Since the FF voltage is proportional to the line input voltage, it provides a feed-forward signal to compensate the loop bandwidth for high line and low line input conditions.Figure 7. FF Detection CircuitThe constant on-time, t ON , can be derived from the following equations.()2)ON IN_pk ON IN IN_pk L_pk L_pk ONS PFC2IN_pk IN_pk ON ON IN IN_pk ON ON PFC S PFC SIN PFCON IN_pk S V t1P V I I t 4t L V (V t t 11P V t t 4L t 4L t 4P L t (3)t V t =⨯⨯⨯=⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯=⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⇒=⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 20165In RT7313, the t ON is implemented by a constant current charging a capacitor till V COMP threshold voltage is reached. Therefore, the t ON is a function of V COMP .()ramp COMP D ON ramp C V V t = 4I ()⨯-Then, the V COMP can be derived from equation (3) and (4).()()()22ramp COMP D IN PFCramp ON IN_pk S ramp IN PFCCOMP D rampON IN_pk S C V V 4P L I t V t I 4P L V + V (5)C t V t ⨯-⨯⨯=⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭⨯⨯=⨯⎛⎫⨯ ⎪⎝⎭According to equation (5), the V COMP is reversely proportional to the input voltage so that the V COMP has a large variation for the change of line voltage between high and low input voltages. This variation will impact t ON , Burst mode entry level and loop bandwidth. In order to compensate the variation, the I ramp is designed to be proportional to the input voltage shown as equation (6).()2ONramp IN_pk FF ramp S2ON FF2IN_RMS ramp FF1FF2S 2FF2ramp IN PFC FF1FF2Comp D 2rampt I (V )k V gm t t R = k V gm (6)R + R t V 8gm P L R + R V (FF) + V C π=⨯⨯⨯⎡⎤⎛⎫⨯⨯⨯⎪⎢⎥⎝⎭⎣⎦⎛⎫⨯⨯⨯⨯ ⎪⎝⎭=⨯ (7)in which k, gm ramp , C ramp , and V D are fixed parameters in the RT7313, and the typical values are : k = 0.5, gm ramp = 10μA/V, C ramp = 4.5pF, and V D = 1V. Ramp GeneratorThe RT7313 provides constant on-time voltage mode control to achieve near unity power factor for the CRM Flyback converters. Figure 8 shows the Ramp Generator with Feed-Forward compensation and THD optimization circuit for the constant on-time operation.Figure 8. Ramp GeneratorThe charging current of ramp generator is modulated following the squared FF voltage with line voltage compensation and the THD optimization scheme is implemented to compensate the harmonic distortion. ZCD and Enable FunctionIn CRM operation, when the power switch turns on, the inductor current increases linearly to the peak value. When the power switch turns off, the inductor current decreases linearly to zero. The zero current can be detected by the ZCD pin with the auxiliary winding of Flyback inductor.Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the ZCD block diagram and related waveforms. The ZCD block diagram provides zero current detection, voltage clamp and shutdown control functions. When the inductor current decreases to zero, the auxiliary winding voltage will turn from high to low. Once the ZCD voltage decreases to the threshold V ZCDT (1V, typ.), the controller will generate a signal for gate driver. The hysteresis voltage between the threshold V ZCDA (1.6V, typ.) and V ZCDT is designed to avoid mis-triggering. In order to prevent over voltage stress, the ZCD pin voltage is clamped at V ZCDH (4.8V, typ.) if the input voltage is too high from the auxiliary winding and the ZCD pin voltage is clamped at V ZCDL (0.6V, typ.) if the input voltage is lower than V ZCDL .RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation. DS7313-01 July 20166R ZCDFigure 9.ZCD Block DiagramThe RT7313 provides shutdown function to save power consumption in standby mode. When the ZCD pin is pulled lower than 250mV, the gate driver will be turned off and operate in standby mode with low quiescent current less than 600µA. Once the ZCD pin is released, the controller will be activated.The RT7313 also provides ZCD time-out detection function. If the controller runs at maximum frequency and there is no ZCD signal being detected after 4µs delay time, the PWM will be turned on for ZCD time-out detection.V V I V V V VFigure 10. ZCD Related Waveforms.RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 20167Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)● Supply Voltage, VDD --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3 to 30V ● Gate Driver Output, GD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -0.3V to 20V ● Other Pins ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -0.3V to 6V ●Power Dissipation, P D @ T A = 25°CSOP-8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0.625W ●Package Thermal Resistance (Note 2)SOP-8, θJA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 160°C/W ● Junction Temperature -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150°C ● Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 sec.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 260°C● Storage Temperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -65°C to 150°C ● ESD Susceptibility (Note 3)●HBM (Human Body Model) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2kVRecommended Operating Conditions (Note 4)● Supply Voltage, VDD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12V to 25V ●Junction Temperature Range ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -40°C to 125°CElectrical Characteristics(V DD = 15V, T A = 25︒C, unless otherwise specification)RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation. DS7313-01 July 20168Note 1. Stresses beyond those listed “Absolute Maximum Ratings ” may cause permanent damage to the device. These arestress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliabilityNote 2. θJA is measured under natural convection (still air) at T A = 25︒C with the component mounted on a loweffective-thermal-conductivity single-layer test board on a JEDEC 51-3 thermal measurement standard. θJC is measured at the exposed pad of the package.Note 3. Devices are ESD sensitive. Handling precaution is recommendedNote 4. The device is not guaranteed to function outside its operating conditions. Note 5. Guaranteed by Design.Note 6. Leading edge blanking time and internal propagation delay time is guaranteed by design.RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 20169Typical Application CircuitTypical PSR Application CircuitOUT +OUT -CTypical SSR Application CircuitOUT +OUT -C OUT1OUT2RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 201610Typical Operating CharacteristicsNon-inverting Input Reference vs. VDD1.471.481.491.501.511.521.53914192429VDD (V)N o n -i n v e r t i n g R e f e r e n c e (V )Transconduction vs. Temperature889092949698100102-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)T r a n s c o n d u c t i o n (µA /V )Transconduction vs. Temperature9092949698100102-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)T r a n s c o n d u c t i o n (µA /V )I COMP vs. V COMP (Sourcing)-2500-2000-1500-1000-50012345V COMP (V)I C O M P(µA ) I COMP vs. V COMP (Sinking)0300600900120015001800012345V COMP (V)I C O MP (µA )Maximum COMP Voltage vs. VDD4.4104.4154.4204.4254.4304.4354.440810.51315.51820.52325.528VDD (V)M a x i m u m C O M P V o l t a g e (V )RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 201611Maximum COMP Voltage vs. Temperature4.364.374.384.394.404.414.424.43-50-25255075100125Temperature (°C)M a x i m u m C O M P V o l t a g e (V )RT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation. DS7313-01 July 201612Application InformationStart-Up Circuit DesignFigure 11. Start-Up CircuitV V IFigure 12. Start-Up Waveforms of VDD and I DD Figure 11 and Figure 12 show the equivalent start-up circuit and VDD waveform during start-up. In general, the start-up time (t start ) is required from system specification. The charging current (Ich VDD ) can be estimated by the following equation.VDD ON_THVDD startC V Ich = (8)t ⨯where C VDD is the capacitor connected between VDD and GND, V ON_TH is the power on threshold (16V typ.). The start-up resistor (R start ) connected between V CSIN and VDD should be able to support the charging current (Ich VDD ), start-up current (I DD_ST ) and leakage current (I leakage ) of C VDD before the VDD is supported by the auxiliary winding. The maximum start-up resistance can be calculated by the equation (9).Start DD_ST VDD leakageRwhere V IN ac_min is the minimum input voltage. Note that the start-up resistor must have adequate voltage rating for reliability. 2 resistors in series can be applied for most of applications.For example, the system required start-up time is 3sec, V IN ac_min = 75V and maximum I DD_ST = 20μA. If C VDD = 22μF is selected and the leakage current of C VDD can be ignored, the start-up resistor should be less than 772k Ω.The capacitor C FF is applied to filter out the input ripplevoltage. The corner frequency should be lower than line frequency (f line ). If the FF pin voltage is not flat, the PF and THD performance will be degraded.line FF1FF2FF1 < 0.1f (10)2(R // R )C π⨯⨯⨯Thermal ConsiderationsFor continuous operation, do not exceed absolutemaximum junction temperature. The maximum power dissipation depends on the thermal resistance of the IC package, PCB layout, rate of surrounding airflow, and difference between junction and ambient temperature. The maximum power dissipation can be calculated by the following formula : P D(MAX) = (T J(MAX) - T A ) / θJAwhere T J(MAX) is the maximum junction temperature, T A is the ambient temperature, and θJA is the junction to ambient thermal resistance.For recommended operating condition specifications, the maximum junction temperature is 125︒C. The junction to ambient thermal resistance, θJA , is layout dependent. For SOP-8 package, the thermal resistance, θJA , is 160︒C/W on a standard JEDEC 51-3 single-layer thermal test board. The maximum power dissipation at T A = 25︒C can be calculated by the following formula :P D(MAX) = (125︒C - 25︒C) / (160︒C/W) = 0.625W for SOP-8 packageThe maximum power dissipation depends on the operating ambient temperature for fixed T J(MAX) and thermal resistance, θJA . The derating curve in FigureRT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation.DS7313-01 July 20161313 allows the designer to see the effect of rising ambient temperature on the maximum power dissipation.Figure 13. Derating Curve of Maximum PowerDissipation Layout ConsiderationsA proper PCB layout can abate unknown noise interference and EMI issue in the switching power supply. Please refer to the guidelines when designing a PCB layout for switching power supply.④The current path(1) from input capacitor, transformer, MOSFET, R CS return to input capacitor is a high frequency current loop. The path(2) from GD pin,MOSFET, R CS return to input capacitor is also a high frequency current loop. They must be as short as possible to decrease noise coupling and kept a space to other low voltage traces, such as IC control circuit paths, especially. Besides, the path(3) between MOSFET ground(b) and IC ground(d) is recommended to be as short as possible, too.④It is good for reducing noise, output ripple and EMI issue to separate ground traces of input capacitor(a), MOSFET(b), auxiliary winding(c) and IC control circuit(d). Finally, connect them together on input capacitor ground(a). The areas of these ground traces should be kept large.④Placing bypass capacitor for abating noise on IC is highly recommended. The capacitors C INV and C CS should be placed as close to controller as possible. ④In addition, apply sufficient copper area at the anode and cathode terminal of the diode for heat-sinking. It is recommended to apply a larger area at the quiet cathode terminal. A large anode area will induce high-frequency radiated EMI.NeutralFigure 14. PCB Layout GuideRT7313Copyright © 2016 Richtek Technology Corporation. All rights reserved. is a registered trademark of Richtek Technology Corporation. DS7313-01 July 201614Outline Dimension8-Lead SOP Plastic PackageRichtek Technology Corporation14F, No. 8, Tai Yuen 1st Street, Chupei City Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: (8863)5526789Richtek products are sold by description only. Richtek reserves the right to change the circuitry and/or specifications without notice at any time. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information and data sheets before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. Richtek cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Richtek product. Information furnished by Richtek is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by Richtek or its subsidiaries for its use; nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Richtek or its subsidiaries.RT7313GS。
使用说明书智能型高压无功补偿控制器VPFCG -6F天津威斯康电能补偿系统有限公司地址:天津市西青经济开发区赛达国际工业城榕城二支路电话:400-6117000 022-********邮编:300385 E-mail:*************目 录1、介绍 (1)2、功能特点 (1)3、使用条件 (1)4、技术数据 (1)5、型号命名 (1)6、面板功能 (2)6.1 按键和指示灯 (2)7、接线图 (4)8、参数预置 (5)8.1 工作模式的预置 (5)8.2 目标功率因数的预置 (5)8.3 投切延时时间的预置 (6)8.4 电容器组延时时间的预置 (6)8.5 保护电压的预置 (6)8.6 电压畸变率保护门限的预置 (7)8.7 电流互感器变比的预置 (7)8.8 C1电容器容量的预置 (7)8.9 输出编码的预置 (8)8.10 输出回路的预置 (8)8.11 通讯地址的预置 (8)8.12 通讯速率的预置 (8)9、 电网参数的显示 (9)10、怎样判断电压电流信号是否处在同名端 (9)11、报警原因 (10)11.1 过压欠压报警 (10)11.2 过畸变率报警 (10)11.3 过补偿报警 (10)11.3 欠补偿报警 (10)12、关于输出编码的应用举例 (10)13、VPFCG-6投切原理 (11)14、出厂控制参数 (12)15、VPFCG-6F外形尺寸及安装 (12)16、VPFCG-6外形尺寸及安装 (12)17、VPFCG-6通讯功能测试软件界面 (13)18、包装清单............................................................................131、介绍1.1 关于使用说明书本说明书详细的介绍了VPFCG-6型高压无功功率自动补偿控制器的安装、调试、工作参数、菜单操作等内容,用户在使用之前必须仔细阅读此说明书。
PFC3D 学习记录5-COMMAND REFERENCE通用规定和特征命令语法默认情况下,命令行忽略大小写,然而可以通过SET case命令激活区别大小写情况。
斜体字代表数字,以i, j, m n 为开头的字母代表整数,其他情况为实数命令词,关键字和数值可用空格,以及(),=分隔。
而&表示续行Range 语法定义一定限制范围的物体可运用Range的命令:Change/ initial/ property Clump Fix/ Free Group JsetModel Plot ( 运用于不同输出项目)PrintRange( 创建一个命名的范围)一个Range 定义一系列物体。
即求合集除此之外,通过在定义范围单元后接关键词not确定所有不在指定范围的单元通常还可以用定义group 方式定义复杂的range。
内置范围单元:Annulus center ( x, y, z) radius = r1, r2球形空心区域中心在(x, y, z )内径r1, 外径r2Color il < iu >球体或墙体在间隔(il, iu )内颜色索引。
若无iu 则iu = il球体颜色索引列表通过property命令建立。
墙体颜色索引列表必须用FISH 内置的w_color设置Cylinder end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) radius = r圆柱范围。
圆柱中心轴过end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) 半径为r.Fish fname调用用户定义的范围单元。
通过FISH函数fname 执行。
SAP信息化项目权限处理操作手册文档修改记录1.创建与分配权限操作1.1 维护用户(SU01)1.1.1 增加用户1)进入事务码SU01,先填入自定义的用户编码,再点击创建按钮进入下一屏。
1.1.2 修改用户1)修改用户和创建用户都是事务码SU01,可在此界面给用户赋予角色。
1.2 维护角色(PFCG)1.2.1 增加角色1)进入事务码PFCG,先填入自定义角色编码,再点击“单一角色”按钮。
1.2.2 给角色分配事务码1)角色简历完成后,给它赋事务码权限。
操作如下图:2)分配后的效果如下图:1.2.3 设置“权限”参数文件1)点击到“权限”页签,2)点击:“参数文件名称”栏目右边的按钮后,再点击“更改权限数据按钮”进入下一屏。
上图只是把操作过程表述出来了,下面将“定义组织级别”对话框详细的配置截图如下:1.2.4 手动配置权限在配置好组织级别后,有时还需要手动调整部分权限,通过界面上方的按钮来完成。
1.2.5 保存并生成“权限”参数文件1)将权限的黄色点绿。
PFCG管理员权限配置手册目录●目的: (2)●实现方法: (2)●配置步骤: (2)1.创建角色 (2)2.添加事务代码 (3)3.更改授权数据。
(5)3)对各公司的Company Code进行限制。
(5)4)对USER GROUP进行限制。
3.对Company Code进行限制通过对Company Code进行限制可以实现对分公司的限制,允许分公司管理员只能添加或管理该公司的权限及具体操作。
4.对USER GROUP进行限制通过对USER GROUP进行限制,可以实现分公司的管理员对用户管理进行限制,允许分公司管理员只能添加或修改允许范围内USER GROUP的用户。
IVCC1102 应用手册AN-0003IVCC1102是一款高速、精确和紧凑的图腾柱PFC控制器。
它有SOIC-16引脚封装和QFN 4x4 20L引脚封装两种封装形式,也是工业界首款全功能连续导通模式(CCM)控制的图腾柱PFC 模拟控制器。
该电流不仅使PFC消耗掉系统掉电保持时间(hold-up time)所需的能量,极端情况下还可能损坏开关管。
IVCC1102 采用了自主专利中的过零点控制技术,缩短了过零死区的时间,同时提高了过零区软启的开关频率,从而能够减小慢管换流时产生的电流尖峰,使交流电流可以平滑过零。
同时IVCC1102 釆用了自主专利中的混合控制技术,在稳态运行时,仅在AC过零点时对输出电压釆样,从而消除输出电压二次谐波对环路的影响,减小THD;而在动态时,IVCC1102会对输出电压的反馈信号进行实时采样,并引入非线性控制,来加快电压环的响应以减小输出电压的波动。
IVCC1102 采用快速的模拟检测电路和固化的控制逻辑,能稳定而有效地应对这种特殊场景,减小或消除雷电波对开关管的冲击。
pfc类库使用说明PB6.5类库使用规范1.0版目录1 PB类库说明: (3)1.1 类库结构: (3)1.1.1 系统基类 (3)1.1.2 公共业务类 (3)1.1.3 拓展业务类 (4)1.2 类库具体说明: (4)1.2.1 基本应用层服务(bcappsvr.pbl) (4)1.2.2 数据窗口层服务(bcdwsvr.pbl) (5)1.2.3 应用对象服务(bcuserobject.pbl) (5)1.2.4 权限控制(bcright.pbl) (6)1.2.5 公共业务类用到的最原始窗口(pubwin.pbl) (6)1.2.6 公共的全局结构、菜单、全局函数等(pubother.pbl) (7) 1.2.7 公共的用户服务对象(pubuserobject.pbl) (7)1.2.8 公共业务基类:数据维护类(pubdataedit.pbl) (8)1.2.9 公共业务基类:数据打印类(pubdataprint.pbl) (9)1.2.10 公共业务基类:通用数据查询类(pubdatasearch.pbl) (9) 1.2.11 公共业务基类:数据报表类(pubdatareport.pbl) (9)1.2.12 公共业务基类:通用分组查询类(pubquerygroup) (10)2 PB类库使用规范: (10)2.1 使用总则 (10)2.2 详细使用说明 (11)2.2.1 sheet窗口 (11)2.2.2 response窗口 (11)2.2.3 数据维护查询窗口 (11)1 PB类库说明:1.1 类库结构:类库由三个部分组成:系统基类、公共业务类、拓展业务类1.1.1 系统基类系统基类是在PowerBuilder内建的控件的基础之上对其功能进行了扩展,并封装了一些常用功能。
它包括以下三个文件:bcappsvr.pbl 基本应用层服务bcdwsvr.pbl 数据窗口层服务bcuserobject.pbl 应用对象服务bcright.pbl 权限控制1.1.2 公共业务类公共业务类是将在MIS系统的建设中常用的功能进行归类实现。
PFC(潮流计算)软件使用说明一.程序简介:1.运行flowen50_2000_1.exe,进入起始界面(如图1-1):图1-1:PFC起始界面2.主菜单/Begin,进入Password界面(如图1-2):图1-2:Password界面3.输入:wgd 123456,按Enter,进入主程序界面(如图1-3):图1-3:主程序界面3.1.Calculate condition /Select…(计算环境/选择)按Calculate condition /Select进入如图3.1.1所示的计算环境设置窗口。
图3.1.1:计算环境设置窗口Select origin data /选择原始数据L YS /显示原始数据SP /考虑负荷特性Select(intermediate result)/选择(中间结果)F0[] /输出节点出线数数组ETL /输出过渡ETL数组YA D0 /输出第一导纳矩阵DDGC /输出迭代过程Calculation Data/计算数据OLD /用老数据计算NEW /用新数据计算Re-select Cal. /重新选择Return /返回3.2.Data prepare(数据准备)3.2.1.Data prepare /DATAEDIT(数据准备/数据编辑)按Data prepare /DATAEDIT进入图3.2.1所示的数据编辑窗口图3.2.1 数据编辑窗口填写数据卡:需要填写“91卡”(约束条件卡),“01卡”(支路数据卡)和“02卡”(节点、发电机、负荷卡),数据第一项以卡号开头,(即:约束条件,填91,支路数据,填01,节点、发电机、负荷数据,填02),最后以“99”结束。
PFC3D 学习记录5-COMMAND REFERENCE通用规定和特征命令语法默认情况下,命令行忽略大小写,然而可以通过SET case命令激活区别大小写情况。
斜体字代表数字,以i, j, m n 为开头的字母代表整数,其他情况为实数命令词,关键字和数值可用空格,以及(),=分隔。
而&表示续行Range 语法定义一定限制范围的物体可运用Range的命令:Change/ initial/ property Clump Fix/ Free Group JsetModel Plot ( 运用于不同输出项目)PrintRange( 创建一个命名的范围)一个Range 定义一系列物体。
即求合集除此之外,通过在定义范围单元后接关键词not确定所有不在指定范围的单元通常还可以用定义group 方式定义复杂的range。
内置范围单元:Annulus center ( x, y, z) radius = r1, r2球形空心区域中心在(x, y, z )内径r1, 外径r2Color il < iu >球体或墙体在间隔(il, iu )内颜色索引。
若无iu 则iu = il球体颜色索引列表通过property命令建立。
墙体颜色索引列表必须用FISH 内置的w_color设置Cylinder end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) radius = r圆柱范围。
圆柱中心轴过end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) 半径为r.Fish fname调用用户定义的范围单元。
通过FISH函数fname 执行。
1.创立角色....................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.添加事务代码............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1) 限制二级管理员可以添加旳T-CODE。
................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2) 限制二级管理员可以创立及修改旳角色名称。
................... 错误!未定义书签。
3) 对各企业旳Company Code进行限制。
................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4) 对USER GROUP进行限制。
................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
文档更动历史1 权限管理框架徐祥2006年9月18日目旳:为了使各级分企业管理员可以只能管理该企业旳权限和顾客而不能对其他企业旳权限和顾客作修改,现将管理员权限旳管理分为两层:1.最高管理员权限。
PFC3d手册命令中文详解72253预览说明:预览图片所展示的格式为文档的源格式展示,下载源文件没有水印,内容可编辑和复制PFC3D 学习记录5-COMMAND REFERENCE通用规定和特征命令语法默认情况下,命令行忽略大小写,然而可以通过SET case命令激活区别大小写情况。
斜体字代表数字,以i, j, m n 为开头的字母代表整数,其他情况为实数命令词,关键字和数值可用空格,以及(),=分隔。
而& 表示续行Range 语法定义一定限制范围的物体可运用Range的命令:Change/ initial/ property Clump Fix/ Free Group JsetModel Plot ( 运用于不同输出项目) PrintRange( 创建一个命名的范围)一个Range 定义一系列物体。
即求合集除此之外,通过在定义范围单元后接关键词not确定所有不在指定范围的单元通常还可以用定义group 方式定义复杂的range。
内置范围单元:Annulus center ( x, y, z) radius = r1, r2球形空心区域中心在(x, y, z )内径r1, 外径r2Color il < iu >球体或墙体在间隔(il, iu )内颜色索引。
若无iu 则iu = il球体颜色索引列表通过property命令建立。
墙体颜色索引列表必须用FISH 内置的w_color设置Cylinder end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) radius = r圆柱范围。
圆柱中心轴过end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) 半径为r.Fish fname调用用户定义的范围单元。
PFC3D 学习记录5-COMMAND REFERENCE通用规定和特征命令语法默认情况下,命令行忽略大小写,然而可以通过SET case命令激活区别大小写情况。
斜体字代表数字,以i, j, m n 为开头的字母代表整数,其他情况为实数命令词,关键字和数值可用空格,以及(),=分隔。
而&表示续行Range 语法定义一定限制范围的物体可运用Range的命令:Change/ initial/ property Clump Fix/ Free Group JsetModel Plot ( 运用于不同输出项目)PrintRange( 创建一个命名的范围)一个Range 定义一系列物体。
即求合集除此之外,通过在定义范围单元后接关键词not确定所有不在指定范围的单元通常还可以用定义group 方式定义复杂的range。
内置范围单元:Annulus center ( x, y, z) radius = r1, r2球形空心区域中心在(x, y, z )内径r1, 外径r2Color il < iu >球体或墙体在间隔(il, iu )内颜色索引。
若无iu 则iu = il球体颜色索引列表通过property命令建立。
墙体颜色索引列表必须用FISH 内置的w_color设置Cylinder end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) radius = r圆柱范围。
圆柱中心轴过end1( x1, y1, z1 ) end2( x2, y2, z2 ) 半径为r.Fish fname调用用户定义的范围单元。
通过FISH函数fname 执行。
Getting started1 导言1.1背景与概述PFC2D 是利用离散单元法(DEM:1979年由Cundall和Strack提出)模拟球形颗粒的运动和相互作用的软件。
首先,对于particle assemblies而言,从测试结果中得到本构关系定律是非常困难的;再则,随着电子计算机运算速度及存储量的飞速发展,使得利用大量颗粒模拟整个问题成为可能;本构关系则自动在模型中体现出来了。
利用两个或更多的颗粒来组成一个任意形状的物体也是可能的,因此这样捏合起来的每组颗粒则可以代表各自的物体(可利用clump logic,理论与背景,section 4). PFC2D也可以用来模拟易碎的“固体”,即把每个颗粒与他周围的颗粒粘结(bond)起来;得到的assembly就可以被看作“固体”,它具有弹性而且当键(bond)在加工过程中被损坏时能够“fractuing”。
PFC2D包括大量的logic供用户使用,它们可被当作是bonded particles的一个大软件包来模拟“固体”(其中很多的logic在augmented FishTank 中被执行过,FishTank是由FISH编写的一套公式,FISH是PFC2D的一种嵌入式语言,见section3 in the fish volume);“固体”可以使各项同性的,也可能被分割成不同的区域或块。
这种系统也可由离散元程序UDEC(Itasca2004)和3DEC(Itasca2003)模拟,但是它们多用来模拟angular block。
SAP PFCG 使用手册1 2 3 4总体描述 (2)创建普通角色: (2)创建继承角色: (17)案例 (20)1总体描述本文旨在描述SAP 权限管理员使用PFCG 工具对角色的建立和分配,以及对授权对象的增加和修改,本文的主要读者包括中石化ERP 项目组的技术小组成员和权限管理员。
2创建普通角色:2.1运行PFCG,输入角色名,例如:Z:TEST角色名称创建角色2.2点“创建角色”菜单2.3点“菜单”,给该角色分配事务码、报表等事务2.4点“事务”输入要添加的事务代码,点“分配交易”来自SAP菜单2.5如果从SAP 菜单选择一类事务,则点“来自SAP 菜单”选择相应的权限后,点“传输”2.6 点“权限”,详细设置该角色的授权对象、组织级别及参数值权限2.7更改授权数据点“更改授权数据”第四个菜单:实用程序-设置“显示技术名称”打勾,点“设置”,则可显示授权对象名称和参数名称等技术名称单击此处或双击此处2.8点BC_A->S_USER_GRP->CLASS 前面的铅笔,或者双击其值的区域点此选择权限值选择值打勾选择保存2.9点BC_A->S_USER_GRP->CLASS 前面的铅笔,或者双击其值的区域选择相应的权限值,保存2.10 把所有的权限都做正确设置,去掉黄色(参数)和红色(组织级别)点“生成”2.11 点“生成”,生成参数文件若仍有黄色或红色则会出现如下提示:点“生成”即可若该角色第一次生成则出现如下提示:生成完成后:点“人工的”手工添加授权对象2.12 如果需要手工添加授权对象,则点“人工的”组织级别2.13 点“组织级别”输入相应值,例如:输入*或点“完全授权”;这里可以输入单个值或者一个(或多个)范围值黄色表示参数值未维护2.14 维护黄色2.15 点“生成”,生成参数文件表示已成功生成退出用户2.16 点“用户”,可将该角色分配给用户,以及做角色比较2.17 输入用户ID,点“用户比较”点“完成比较”3创建继承角色:3.1运行PFCG,输入角色名例如:Z:TEST13.2点“创建角色”输入要继承的角色名3.3点“菜单”“事务”等按钮消失“来自SAP菜单”等按钮消失这里不能再添加事务码或者程序等,只能从被继承的角色中添加,这里会自动增加。
PFC手册fish翻译中英文.讲义2 FISH REFERENCE2.1 Introduction and Overview简介和概述This section contains a detailed reference to the FISH language. Following the introduction, Section2.2 describes the rules of the language and how variables and functions are used. Section 2.3explains FISH statements and Section 2.4 describes how the FISH language links with PFC2D. Pre-defined FISH variables, functions and arrays are described in Section 2.5.这部分包含FISH语言的详细参考。
2.3解释FISH 陈述。
FISH is a programming language embedded within PFC2D that enables the user to define new variables and functions. These functions may be used to extend PFC2D’s us efulness or add use r defined features. For example, new variables may be plotted or printed, special particle generators may be implemented, servo-control may be applied to a numerical test, unusual distributions of properties may be specified, and parameter studies may be automated.FISH是PFC内置的一种编程语言,用户可以自定义变量和函数。
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1总体描述 (3)
2创建普通角色: (3)
3创建继承角色: (18)
4案例 (21)
2.8 点BC_A->S_USER_GRP->CLASS 前面的铅笔,或者双击其值的区域
单击此处 技术名称