
Key Contents of ISO 14001环境管理体系核心内容
Environmental Aspects 环境因素
Legal and other requirements法规和其 他要求
Significant environmental aspects重要环境 因素
ISO 14001 2015 中英文

Figure 1 — Relationship between PDCA and the framework in this International Standard
0.5 Contents of this International Standard
This International Standard conforms to ISO’s
management system standards. These requirements
level structure, identical core text, and common
definitions, designed to benefit users implementing 图1:PDCA 与本标准结构之间的关系
0.5 本标准内容
本标准符合ISO 对管理体系标准的要求。
这些要求包括一个高阶结构,相同的核心正文,以及具有核心定义的通用术语,目的是方便使用者实施多个ISO 管理体系标准。

ISO14001环保法律与其他要求程序Legal and Other Requirements Procedure1. Purpose目的This document is to identify, acquire and update the environmental legal and other requirements, and provide basis for company’s environmental management.为识别和获取环境管理所适用的法律、法规及其它要求并及时更新,为公司环境管理提供依据。
2. Scope范围This procedure applies to the identification, assessment and updating of environmental legal and other requirements among all activities, products or service in DXC. 适用于本公司在环境管理的活动、产品和服务所涉及的法律、法规及其它要求的识别、获取和更新。
3. Definition 定义Nil 无4. Reference 参考文件Document and Data Control Procedure文件与资料控制程序5. Responsibility职责5.1 EHS department is responsible for acquiring,assessing and updatingenvironmental legal and other requirements. EHS负责法律、法规及其它要求的获取和识别、更新.5.2 DCC is responsible for distributing the environmental legal and otherrequirements to related departments. 文控中心负责把相关法律法规发放到相关部门。

1. Contents1.Contents2.Scope and application3.Introduction4.Definitions and abbreviations5.Responsibilities6.Procedures7.Interacting Procedure8.Supporting form9.Flow chart of Procedure2. Scope and applicationThis procedure identifies the methods of establishing, monitoring and reviewing of environmental objectives, targets and improvement programmes according to ISO 14001 standards in ShenZhen Factory.3. IntroductionWith reference to ISO 14001 standards, Shenzhen Factory requires to establish and maintain documented environmental objectives, targets and improvement programmes, at each relevant function and level within her organization. Environmental objectives and targets are derived from, and in line with:a.Environmental policyb.Significant environmental aspects / impactsc.Corporate Environmental Programme(s) (CEP)d.Technological optionse.Financial, operational and business requirementsf.Legislative and regulatory requirementsg.Views of interested parties4. Definitions and AbbreviationsEMS Environmental Management SystemQMS Quality Management SystemCAR Corrective Action RequestMR Management RepresentativeEMP Objective and Target Programme5. ResponsibilitiesFactory Manager -to endorse the environmental objectives and related targetsSteering committee -to approve the environmental objectives, targets and relevantenvironmental improvement programmesMR -overall responsibility in establishing, maintaining andreviewing environmental objectives, targets and improvementprogramme(s)ISO 14001 working team -to propose the environmental objectives and targets accordingto this procedure and to check/track the progress ofimplementation of EMPs.EMS Officer -to prepare, renew and document the approved environmentalobjectives and targets annuallyProgramme owner -to prepare the relevant environmental improvementprogramme(s) and ensure the items outline in the programme(s)are timely completedAll employees -have the responsibility to offer their suggestions and provideadequate support to work towards the achievement of theobjectives and targets6. Procedures6.1 Formulation of Objectives and TargetsThe ISO 14001 working team shall propose the environmental objectives and targetsannually according to the following procedure. The formulation of the objectives andtargets are derived from but not limited to the followings include:a.Environmental Policyb.Environmental Aspects / Impactsc.Corporate Environmental Programme(s) (CEP)d.Technological optionse.Financial, Operational and Business Requirementsf.Legislative and Regulatory Requirementsg.Views from Interested Parties6.2 The “Environmental Objectives and Targets Summary”QKW-666-EMS0007 Form 2is then prepared to summarize all EMP in each year.6.3 The proposed Environmental Objectives and Targets Summary should be approved bysteering committee or top management in management review.6.4 Based on the defined and approved objectives and targets, the owner will be identified andthe EMP will be prepared using QJV-EMS-0019 Form 1 “Objective and Target Programme (EMP)”and approved in tracking the achievement of each defined objectives and targets. For better tracking purpose, basically, every EMP is used for one objective. It includes but not limited to the following items:-a.Objective addressedb.Ownerc.Target(s) based on the objective addressedd.Environmental Performance Indicators (EPIs) to monitor the targets if anye.Specific action(s), By whom, Tentative completion date and Actual completiondate.6.5 In the meantime, the objectives and targets shall be communicated to all employeesthrough proper media, e.g. Departmental Bulletin Board, E-mail, etc.6.6 The ISO14001 working team shall check / track the action (s) outlined in the programmeis/are timely completed . EMS officer shall check and review the progress of EMP everythree months. Should any derivation from the execution of the action (s) happen, theprogramme owner shall make necessary amendments of the programme and informEMS officer and ISO14001 working team immediately for future reference.6.7 Change of objectives and TargetsIt includes but not limits to the following conditions:-a.Product or process changeanizational Changec.Change of areas defined in 6.1d.Management Review findings6.8 EMS Officer will modify or amend the objectives and targets accordingly. The changedobjectives and targets are then approved by steering committee and top management inoperational meeting. If there is any impact in the action as defined in the EMP, the EMPwill also be amended. Meanwhile, the “Environmental Objectives and TargetsSummary” is amended accordingly to reflect the change.6.9 Management Representatives of EMS should be responsible for deployment andcoordination, keep tracking the progress of EMP to the concerned programme ownersand report the progress of those owner(s) in ISO 14001 working team meeting.6.10 CAR should be issued to concerned programme owner when there is anynon-conformance related to EMP.7. Interacting ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0001 Identification and Registration of Legal and Other EnvironmentalRequirements ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0004 Corrective and Preventive Action -Environmental Management System QKW-666-EMS0006 Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Aspects and ImpactsProcedureQKW-666-EMS0008 Internal and External Communication of Environmental ManagementSystem Procedure8. Supporting formQKW-666-EMS0007 Form 1 Objectives and Target ProgrammeQKW-666-EMS0007 Form 2 Objectives and Targets Summary9. Flow chart of procedure。

ISO14001中英文对照1 Scope1.范围This international Standard specifies requirements for an environmental management system1 to enable an organization to formulate a policy and objectives taking into account legislative requirements and information about significant environmental impacts. it applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria.本标准规定了对环境管理体系的要求,使一个组织能够根据法律要求和重大环境影响信息,制定环境方针与目标。
This international Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to本标准适用于任何有下列愿望的组织:a)implement, maintain and improve anenvironmental management system;a)实施、保持并改进环境管理体系;b)assure itself of its conformance with itsstated environmental policy;b)使自己确信能符合所声明的环境方针;c)demonstrate such conformance to others; c)向外界展示符合性;d)seek certification/registration of itsenvironmental management system by an externalorganization;d)寻求外部组织对其环境管理体系的认证/注册;e) make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international Standard.e)对符合本标准的情况进行自我鉴定和自我声明。

ISO14001管理评审程序Management Review Procedure1.0目的 Purpose:建立一份程序以将管理评审的过程及主要议程文件化,评估可改善的空间,确保持续的、稳定的、充分的和有效的DXC质量和环境管理系统。
To establish a procedure to document the process and primary agenda of issues in the Management Review, to evaluate and assess the opportunities for improvement, to ensure continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of DXC QMS and EMS.2.0范围 Scope:适用于质量和Green Partner管理体系所有部分.Apply to the entire sections of quality and Green Partner management system.3.0定义Definitions:3.1管理评审management review:由最高管理者就方针和目标,对质量和环境体系的现状和适应性进行正式的评价。
.Formal evaluation by top management of thestatus and adequacy of the quality and environment system in relation toquality and environment policy and objectives.3.2QMS:品质管理系统Quality Management System。
3.3GP: Green Partner 管理体系 Green Partner Management System3.4QS:品质系统办公室Quality System Office.4.0职责Responsibility:4.1最高管理者召开质量管理审查会议,并对会议中各项目做出决定。

文件管理与控制程序Documents management and control procedure1.目的Purpose确保环境管理体系文件、适用的外来文件(有关的法律、法规、标准、相关方提供的文件或规范)使用的有效性。
To assure the2.适用范围 scope适用于对环境管理体系相关文件及适用的外来文件的控制。
It is apply to theenvironment management system relation documents and usable external documents’ control.3.职责Responsibility3.1 环工组:负责环境管理体系文件及适用的外来文件的归口管理;负责监控文件的执行。
The environment team: to manage and be in charge of environment management documents and external documents.3.2 各部门individual department:确保各相关场所均使用现行文件的有效版本。
To ensureThe relative workplace is using the current effective documents.4.工作程序Work procedure4.1文件控制范围包括:documents control’s scopea)环境管理手册;environment management manual;b)环境管理体系程序文件;environment management system procedure documents;c)环境管理体系作业指导文件;the work instruction documents for environment management system;d)环境记录表格;environment record form;e)外来文件。

1.Contents1.Con te nts2.Scope and applicati on3.In troduct ion4.Defin iti ons and abbreviate ns5.Resp on sibilities6.Procedures7.In teract ing Procedure8.Support ing form9.Flow chart of Procedure2.Scope and applicationThis procedure ide ntifies the methods of establish ing, mon itori ng and review ing of en vir onmen tal objectives, targets and improveme nt programmes accordi ng to ISO 14001 sta ndards in Shen Zhe n Factory.3.IntroductionWith refere nee to ISO 14001 sta ndards, Shen zhe n Factory requires to establish and main ta in docume nted en vir onmen tal objectives, targets and improveme nt programmes, at each releva nt fun ctio n and level within her orga ni zati on. En viro nmental objectives and targets are derived from, and in line with:a.En vir onmen tal policyb.Sign ifica nt en vir onmen tal aspects / impactsc.Corporate En vir onmen tal Programme(s) (CEP)d.Tech no logical optio nse.Finan cial, operati onal and bus in ess requireme ntsf.Legislative and regulatory requireme ntsg.Views of in terested parties4.Definitions and AbbreviationsEMS En vir onmen tal Man ageme nt SystemQMS Quality Man ageme nt SystemCAR Corrective Actio n RequestMR Man ageme nt Represe ntativeEMP Objective and Target ProgrammePage: 2of 4 Date: 99-10-065. ResponsibilitiesFactory Man ager -to en dorse the en vir onmen tal objectives and related targetsSteeri ng committee -to approve the en vir onmen tal objectives, targetsa nd releva nt en vir onmental improveme nt programmesMR-overall resp on sibility in establishi ng, maintaining and reviewingenvironmental objectives, targets and improvement programme(s)ISO 14001 worki ng team-to propose the en vir onmen tal objectives and targets accord ing to thisprocedure and to check/track the progress of impleme ntati on of EMPs.EMS Officer -to prepare, re new and docume nt the approved en vir onmen tal objectivesand targets annu allyProgramme owner-to prepare the releva nt en vir onmen tal improveme nt programme(s) and ensure the items outl ine in the programme(s) are timely completedAll employees-have the resp on sibility to offer their suggestio ns and provide adequatesupport to work towards the achieveme nt of the objectives and targets6. Procedures6.1Formulatio n of Objectives and TargetsThe ISO 14001 worki ng team shall propose the en vir onmen tal objectives and targets annually accordingto the following procedure. The formulation of the objectives and targets are derived from but n ot limitedto the followi ngs in clude:a.En vir onmen tal Policyb.En viro nmen tal Aspects / Impactsc.Corporate En vir onmen tal Programme(s) (CEP)d.Tech no logical opti onse.Finan cial, Operati onal and Busin ess Requireme ntsf.Legislative and Regulatory Requireme ntsg.Views from In terested Parties6.2The “Environmental Objectives and Targets Summa” QKW-666-EMS0007 Form 2 is the n prepared to summarizeall EMP in each year.6.3The proposed En vir onmen tai Objectives and Targets Summary should be approved by steeri ng committee ortop man ageme nt in man ageme nt review.6.4Based on the defi ned and approved objectives and targets, the owner will be ide ntified andthe EMP will be prepared using QJV-EMS-0019 Form 1 “ Objective and TargetProgramme (EMP) ” and approved in tracking the achievement of each defined objectives and targets. For better tracking purpose, basically, every EMP is used for one objective. It includes but not limited to the following items:-a.Objective addressedb.Ownerc.Target(s) based on the objective addressedd.En vir onmen tal Performa nee In dicators (EPIs) to mon itor the targets if anye.Specific action( s), By whom, Ten tative completi on date and Actual completi on date.6.5In the mea ntime, the objectives and targets shall be com muni cated to all employees through proper media,e.g. Departmental Bulletin Board, E-mail, etc.6.6The ISO14001 working team shall check / track the action (s) outlined in the programme is/are timelycompleted . EMS officer shall check and review the progress of EMP every three mon ths. Should any derivati on from the executio n of the acti on (s) happe n, the programme owner shall make necessaryamendmentsof the programme and inform EMS officer and ISO14001 worki ng team immediately for future refere nee.6.7Change of objectives and TargetsIt includes but not limits to the following conditions:-a.Product or process cha ngea ni zati onal Changec.Change of areas defi ned in 6.1d.Man ageme nt Review findings6.8EMS Officer will modify or ame nd the objectives and targets accordi ngly. The cha nged objectives andtargets are the n approved by steeri ng committee and top man ageme nt in operati onal meet in g. If there is any impact in the actio n as defi ned in the EMP, the EMP will also be amended. Meanwhile, the“ Environmental Objectives and Targets Summary" is ame nded accord in gly to reflect the cha nge.6.9Management Representativesof EMS should be responsible for deployment and coord in atio n, keep track ingthe progress of EMP to the concerned programme owners and report the progress of those owner(s) in ISO 14001 working team meeting.P rogramme ow nersESTABLISHING, MONITORING AND REVIEWING ENVIRONMENTAL OBJECTIVES, TARGETS AND IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMMESQKW-666-EMS0007/AA Page: 4of 4 Date: 99-10-066.10 CAR should be issued to concerned programme owner when there is any non-con forma nee related to EMP.7.Interacting ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0001 Ide ntificati on and Registratio n of Legal a nd Other En viro nmental Requireme nts Procedure QKW-666-EMS0004 Corrective and Preve ntive Actio n -En viro nmental Ma nageme nt System QKW-666-EMS0006 Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Aspects and Impacts ProcedureQKW-666-EMS0008 In ternal a nd External Com mun icatio n of En viro nmental Ma nageme nt System Procedure8. Supporting form QKW-666-EMS0007 Form 1 Objectives and Target Programme QKW-666-EMS0007 Form 2Objectives and Targets Summary9. Flow chart of procedureEn vir onmen tal Objectives, Targets and Improveme nt Programmes Establishi ng ProcessResponsible byImprovement ProgrammesfEnv ironmental/--------Aspects /ImpactsLJPolicySteering CommitteeTech no logicalCorporateopti onsEnv ironmentalObjectives'Program\/ ----丿r »IFinan cial,Views ofJoperati onalTargetsISO 14000 w orking teamsiderati ons。

ISO14001中英文对照1 Scope1.范围This international Standard specifies requirements for an environmental management system1 to enable an organization to formulate a policy and objectives taking into account legislative requirements and information about significant environmental impacts. it applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria.本标准规定了对环境管理体系的要求,使一个组织能够根据法律要求和重大环境影响信息,制定环境方针与目标。
This international Standard is applicable to any organization that wishes to本标准适用于任何有下列愿望的组织:a)implement, maintain and improve an environmentalmanagement system;a)实施、保持并改进环境管理体系;b)assure itself of its conformance with its statedenvironmental policy;b)使自己确信能符合所声明的环境方针;c)demonstrate such conformance to others;c)向外界展示符合性;d)seek certification/registration of its environmentalmanagement system by an external organization;d)寻求外部组织对其环境管理体系的认证/注册;e) make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international Standard.e)对符合本标准的情况进行自我鉴定和自我声明。

管理评审控制程序Management auditing and control the procedure1.目的Purpose1.1 通过对公司环境管理体系之符合性进行评审,确保环境管理体系持续有效地满足ISO14001:2004标准的要求。
Through auditing to the according with our company environmental management,make sure that the environmental management lasts to satisfy the standard of ISO14001:2004.1.2 通过对公司环境管理体系之符合性、适宜性、有效性进行评审,确保环境方针的实现和环境管理体系的持续改进。
Through auditing the according with、suitable 、validity of company environment management,make sure the realization of the environmental police and lasting improvement of the environment management.2.范围Ranges本程序适用于公司总经理对公司环境管理体系之符合性、适宜性和有效性进行评审,以确保有效实施环境方针、目标、指针、相关的法律、法规及其他要求。
This procedure is suitable for the factory general manager auditing the according with、suitable and validity of the company environment management,so as to ensure implements environmental policy、goal 、target 、relevant regulation and the other requestment effectively.3.职责Duty3.1总经理负责主持管理评审活动,批准《管理评审报告》。

ISO14001各个部门职责中英文对照(下载后有全套文件提供)职责修订完成确认后,将涉及的程序文件中的相关职责相应修订1) Top management最高管理层Establish, approve and issue environment policy制定、批准、发行环境方针Approve environment objectives, targets and programmes 批准环境目标、指标与环境管理方案Approve the update of organization structure确定组织机构和各部门的环境职能Supplier human resources, specialized skills, technology and financial resources为环境管理体系建立、实施和维持提供必要的人力、技能、技术及财力资源Organize environmental management system review, implement the commitment of continuous improvement 组织实施环境管理体系管理评审,实现对持续改进的承诺实现对持续改进及污染预防的承诺Appoint environment management representative and defined responsibilities and authority任命环境管理者代表,并授予相应的责任和权限Approve environment manual and procedure批准环境管理手册和程序文件--------程序文件的批准职责?? 参考QMS 中”文件控制程序”中的有关规定Decide important environment issue决策公司重大环境事项Lead activities in emergency states指挥紧急事态的对应活动2) Environment Management Representative管理者代表Establish, implement and maintain environment management system according to the requirements of ISO14001:2004, and ensure itscontinuous effectiveness依据IS014001标准的要求,建立、实施和保持环境管理体系,并确保其正常运行和持续有效Ensure environment policy is understood, follow, implement by everyone确保公司的环境方针得到各级人员的理解、遵循和实施协助总经理制定环境方针,并在公司内部组织传达,确保环境方针得到各级人员的理解、遵循和实施负责环境方针对外宣传,确保环境方针被相关方所获取Organize establish documentation environment management system,review environment management system document to ensure the applicable and effectiveness负责组织文件化的ISO14001环境管理体系的建立,组织评审环境管理体系文件,并确保环境体系文件的适用性和有效性---------原来HR的职责,应该是管代职责Develop environment activities in each dept, and reported to top management on the performance of the environment managementsystem领导各部门开展各项环境活动,并向最高管理者汇报环境管理体系的运行与维护情况Monitoring and follow the environment system implementstatus对公司环境管理体系的实施与运行状况进行监督与跟踪Organize prepare, review and approve environment management system documents组织公司环境管理体系手册和程序文件的编制、审核、批准-------- 参考QMS中”文件控制程序”中的有关规定Organize establish and revise environment objectives, targets and programs, and ensure the implementation 组织制定、修改公司的环境目标、指标,环境管理方案,并确保其有效实施协助总经理组织环境管理体系评审,识别改进的机会及变更的需要Organize environment management system internal audit, and reportingthe result to top management组织环境管理体系内部审核,并将其内审结果向总经理汇报负责管理与协调与环境管理体系有关的纠正和预防措施的实施负责领导组织管理环境因素的识别及评价、重大环境因素确定的审批负责组织管理法律法规的评审及合规性评价Organize, coordinate the environment management activities of each department组织、协调各部门的环境管理活动3) HR Department 人力资源部Maintain and monitoring the implement and improvement of environment management system维护与监督环境体系的运行及推进-----------管代职责?Organize and implement internal audit and response external audit负责实施环境管理体系内部审核工作以及外部审核的对应工作Organize follow the corrective and preventive action for nonconformity负责环境管理体系不符合问题的纠正和预防措施进行跟踪协助管理者代表根据环境目标指标组织制定相关的环境管理方案Check, follow, feedback the implement status of environment objective, target and programme对环境目标、指标和管理方案的实施情况进行检查、跟踪和反馈工作Organize identify, evaluate, register, summary environment aspect组织公司环境因素的识别、评价、登记及更新、汇总Organize collect, review legal and other requirements and evaluation of compliance组织法律、法规的收集、评审及合规性评价New, enlarge project and new technology environment impact assessment , environment acceptance and be completed.新建、改建,扩建项目的环境影响评价和环境竣工“三同时”验收事务. Publicize and communicate environment information to external对外环境信息的发布与沟通Organize collect, review, communicate, handling environment information 组织公司内部环境信息的收集、评审、传递、处理工作Establish emergency preparedness and response program 制订应急反应方案Responsible for fire control, organize training and drill负责消防安全工作,组织培训及演习Organize investigate and handle environment accident组织和参与环境事故的调查及处理Contact with environmental interested party负责环境相关方的联系和交流工作Manage pollution air, waster water and noise废气、废水、噪声的监测管理Manage waster material storage, collect and handling, especially for hazardous waster materials负责废弃物的贮存、收集和处理的管理负责公司行政办公活动、办公场所的环境因素的识别和评价负责根据环境目标指标制定相关的环境管理方案Manage environment system document负责环境体系文件的管理------------质量部的职责??Ensure employee who work on significant environment impact has necessary abilities确保从事具有重大环境影响工作的人员具备相应的能力确保所有员工意识到其岗位对环境的影响Ensure the necessary environment training and test of employee, include new employee确保公司员工(包括新进员工)必要的环境培训及考核4) Quality Department 质量部负责产品检验过程及检测实验室相关活动过程中的环境因素识别负责根据环境目标指标制定相关的环境管理方案安全储存和使用所需的化学品和危险品对工作中产生的废弃物进行分类收集及存放Calibration the environment measurement equipment, and ensure the accuracy负责环境监测仪器的计量和校准,并确保其测量的准确性Implement ROHS requirement in TSS负责ROHS 指令在公司的落实5) CI &Maintenance 维修部Facility equipment use, maintain and manage动力设备及环境设施的使用、维护及管理Maintain environment protection facility负责有关环境保护设施的维护及保养负责公司动力设施、环保设施、消防设施、安全防护装置等的管理和维护负责消防、安全、警告等标识的管理对新建项目的施工方进行现场管理负责基础设施管理过程中环境因素的识别负责根据环境目标指标制定相关的环境管理方案Manage the consume of energy and resource管理工厂的能源和资源消耗Establish and implement economize resource and energy issue制订并实施节能降耗的具体事宜Participate in external environment monitor支持外部环境监测工作Manage new phase outsource party对新建项目的施工方进行现场管理6) Procurement Department 采购部Ensure supplier’s environment management accord with legal and TSS requirement确保供应商的环境管理符合环境法律法规及TSS的要求Ensure purchase product accord with legal and TSS requirement确保采购产品符合环境法律法规及TSS 的要求Communicate pollution prevention information to supplier and outsource 向供应商和外包商传递污染预防等TSS 的环境方针等相关的信息Purchase hazardous material and evaluate supplier 有关危险物品的采购,相关方调查评价Ensure obtain MSDS确保原材料、化学品有对应的MSDS负责采购过程中的环境因素识别负责根据环境目标指标制定相关的环境管理方案负责材料供应商、服务商的环境影响施加工作,包括相关资质的确认7) Production生产部Improve technology to reduce and prevent environment pollution通过改进工作方法,减少和预防环境污染Economize resource and energy节约资源、能源Reasonable use raw material, avoid waster合理使用原物料,避免浪费Control environment in produce process to prevent pollution 抓好生产现场的环境控制,防止污染Storage and use chemical and hazardous materials in line安全储存和使用现场的化学品、危险品Handle waster chemical to avoid environment pollution合理处置剩余的化学品,避免造成环境污染Environment manage in own area作业区域内的环境卫生管理工作Classify, deposited the waster material监督、管理生产过程产生的废物,进行分类收集及存放Follow operate standard, avoid environment pollution严格遵守操作规程,避免环境污染事故的发生Fire control for product line作业场所的消防安全事务Training employee for the document to specify the operation 按要求对员工进行作业文件的培训,规范其操作行为Manage, storage and extend hazardous material负责化学品的储存保管及发放作业Establish environment management system documents andwork instruction制定本部门的环境管理体系文件及相关作业指导书负责生产过程中的环境因素识别负责根据环境目标指标制定相关的环境管理方案8) Finance财务部Manage and monitoring environment activities in own department对本部门的环境活动进行日常管理、监督;Evaluate and organize the capital needed in environment management system implement对环境体系实施过程中所需的资金进行评估和组织到位识别本部门的环境因素9) Marketing & Sales 市场销售部Determine customer expectation about environment requirement了解和确定顾客对公司环境方面的期望Communicate with customer, transfer environment relative information and commitment与顾客进行沟通和交流,传递公司环境相关信息、承诺负责顾客环境要求在公司内得到沟通和实施Advise pollution prevention to customer对顾客进行污染预防的建议负责产品交付后环境因素的识别识别本部门的环境因素10) CS&Planing department 客服计划Identify environment aspect in own department识别本部门的环境因素Ensure the environment activities consistent with legal and other requirements in own department确保本部门的环境活动符合环境法律、法规的要求11)Product department 产品部Identify and control environment aspect in new product introduce负责新产品导入时环境因素的识别及控制New product research activity meet relative regulation of environment.新产品开发符合环保要求Identify environment aspect in own department识别本部门的环境因素12)SCM 供应链管理负责可循环使用的材料的回收及处置负责仓库管理产品交付等过程的环境因素识别负责根据环境目标指标制定相关的环境管理方案13)各部门Implement environment policy, instruct environment work according environment management manual and procedure.贯彻执行公司的环境方针、按照环境管理手册和程序文件指导本部门的环境管理工作Establish and implement environment objective, target and program in own department根据公司的环境目标、指标制定本部门的目标指标和环境管理方案,并严格督促执行Cooperate with environment management system audit, and implement nonconformity corrective action配合环境管理体系审核,负责落实本部门不符合项的整改措施Communicate about internal and external information 对部门内部部信息的传递与交流Identify environment aspect in own department识别本部门的环境因素Ensure the environment activities consistent with legal andother requirements in own department确保本部门的环境活动符合环境法律、法规的要求。

ISO14001环境目标与指标控制程序Environmental Objectives and Targets Control Procedure 1. Purpose目的This document is to establish company’s environmental objectives and targets according to environmental aspects, quantify the environmental aspects, disassemble as environmental objectives and targets, then assign to relevant departments. 确定公司对产品、活动或服务产生影响的环境因素制定相应的环境目标和指标,使环境因素得以量化,分解为环境目标和指标,落实到具体的责任部门。
2. Scope范围This procedure applies to ensure achievement of company’s environmental objectives and targets. 适用于确保公司的环境目标和指标得以达成。
3. Definition定义3.1 Environmental objectives环境目标:Overall environmental goal whichregulated by organization and to be implemented, is consistent withenvironmental policy. 组织规定的,与环境方针一致的,自已所要实施的总体环境目的。
3.2 Environmental targets环境指标:They are from environmental objectives orconcrete performance requirements for achieving environmental objectives, they apply to organization or part.直接来自环境目标,或为实现环境目标所需要的具体绩效要求,它们可适用于组织或局部。

环境目标、指标及方案管理程序Environment aim, target and scheme management procedure1、目的Purpose制定环境管理目标、指针、方案,幷有效实施,确保公司环境方针的实现。
To make environment management aim, target, scheme, and carry it out effectively , to ensure realize WEILUN’s environment policy.2、适用范围Scope适用于公司环境管理目标、指针、方案的制定、实施、验证、更新和改进等活动。
It is use for WEILUN’s environment management aim, target and scheme’s design , implementation, check ,updater an improve etc activity.3、职责Responsibility3.1 环境管理者代表Environment management representative:负责组织规划/修订公司的环境管理目标、指针和方案;负责审批环境管理方案;Who is responsibility for organizing plan/ updating WEILUN’s environment aim, target and scheme; also in charge of authorizing the environment management scheme.3.2 各部门负责本部门的环境管理目标、指针,实施环境管理方案,以实现本部门所策划的环境管理目标、指针;Every d epartment is in charge of their own department’s environment aim, target and scheme , so as to realize department’s environmentmanagement aim and target;3.3 环工组负责跟踪、监督、验证各部门环境目标,指针与管理方案的实施效果。

MRF Name / LogoMP08 - Environmental, legal and communicationaspects procedureApproved:Management Representative:Note:Within this manual template, red italic text should be replaced by MRF specific information and any guidance in ‘text boxes’ should be implemented.1PurposeThis procedure describes the processes to identify the environmental aspects of MRF Name activities, products and services and the determination of those aspects that have a significant impact on the environment.This procedure also includes the identification of legal and other requirements and the determination of how these apply to environmental aspects and the communication with regard to environmental aspects and the environmental management system. This includes both internal and external communication.2ScopeThis procedure contains the following sections:4.1 Environmental aspects4.2 Legal and other requirements4.3 Objectives, targets and programmes4.4 Communication3Definitions and glossaryMD - Managing DirectorMR - Management RepresentativeOM - Operations Manager4ProcedureThe MD and MR are responsible for the implementation of this procedure.The MD and MR are responsible for identifying Environmental Aspects of the business and determining those aspects that may have a significant environmental impact. The MD and OM are also responsible for identifying applicable legal and other requirements related to environmental aspects and ensuring that applicable legal requirements are taken into account in the implementation and maintenance of the environmental management system.The MD and MR is responsible for planning and overseeing Environmental Objectives, Targets and Programmes. The MD is responsible for the establishing the policy in relation to external communication of MRF Name environmental aspects.4.1Environmental aspectsIn the context of this procedure, an Environmental Aspect is an element of MRF Name activities, products or services that can interact with the environment and that MRF Name can either control or influence. These are taken into account when planning new or modified services or processes.The identification of environmental aspects in relation to the activities, products and services provided by MRF Name has been carried out as part of the environmental system implementation and will be included in the planning of any new services and processes.This will also include the determination of those environmental aspects that have (or could have) a significant environmental impact. An environmental impact is a change to the environment (adverse or beneficial) that wholly or partially results from a MRF Name environmental aspect.4.1.1Determination of significant environmental aspectsImpacts/aspects identified during the ongoing review of MRF Name activities are prioritised by an impact/risk assessment procedure, the results of which can be used for the implementation of continuous improvement.Impacts are scored and ranked to enable the significant impacts to be identified and a priority allocated in a systematic manner. In addition to ensuring that there are appropriate operational management control procedures in place, MRF Name management will set objectives and targets for continuous improvement of the significant impacts.The following procedure has been used for the ranking of significant environmental aspects and impacts. This ranking is to be recorded on form MFxx (see Appendix A).Potential harm (A)Will harm be caused to the environment as the result of the aspect?The category of ‘Potential Harm’ is intended to evaluate hazard and risk associated with the ‘control of pollution’ i.e. environmental damage that could occur. When assessing the Potential Harm of an aspect, the inherent environmental hazard of the material and the location of the ‘incident’ is considered. Aspects associated with ‘Potential Harm’ may occur under normal, abnormal and emergency conditions.A 1 to 5 rating is used as follows:1.Material that will not cause environmental damage.2.Material that could cause limited environmental damage.3.Material that could cause localised environmental damage.4.Material that could cause substantial damage.5.Material that could cause major environmental damage.Actual harm (B)Will harm be caused to the environment as a result of the consumption of resources or the disposal of waste?The category ‘Actual Harm’ is intended to evaluate environmental damage caused t hrough the consumption of resources or the disposal of wastes.Aspects associated with ‘Actual Harm’ will occur under normal and abnormal conditions. A 1 to 5 rating is used as follows:1.Consumption / disposal of a renewable / recyclable material causing no environmental damage.2.Consumption / disposal of a material / resource causing minor environmental damage.3.Consumption / disposal of a material / resource causing moderate environmental damage.4.Consumption / disposal of a material / resource making a contribution to a known global environmental problem.5.Consumption / disposal of a non-renewable material / resource making a major contribution to a known globalenvironmental problem.Scale of aspect (C)The quantity or size of the environmental aspect.This aspect could be in relation to Energy Consumption in KWh / annum or Waste to Landfill in tonnes / annum. Again a rating of 1 to 5 can be applied.1. Minimum quantity used or released.2. Minor quantity used or released.3. Moderate quantity used or released.4. Large quantity used or released.5. Major quantity used or released.Frequency of occurrence (D)Is the aspect likely to occur?When assessing the frequency that the aspect will / does occur, the effectiveness of the controls already in place should also be consider. A rating of 1 to 5 is applied as follows:1.No evidence of occurrence.2.Possible occurrence (1 x per year).3.Probable occurrence (1 x per month).4.Likely occurrence (1 x week).5.Certain to occur (daily or continuous).The sum of the ratings for A + B + C + D can therefore be used to determine those environmental aspects that have (or。

Environmental Management Programme(s) Control Procedure环境管理方案控制程序1. Purpose目的This document is to achieve the promises of environmental objectives and targets, implement environmental management system effectively, put environmental programme (s) and management into effect. 为达成对环境目标和指标的承诺,有效推动环境管理体系,落实环境方案与管理。
2. Scope范围This procedure applies to ensure the establishment of significant environmental aspects. 本程序使用于确保重要环境因素管理方案的制定。
3. Definition定义Environmental management programme (s) 环境管理方案: shall include designation of responsibility for achievingobjectives and targets at relevant functions and levels of the organization, and the means andtime-frame by whichthey are to be achieved.规定相关职能和层次实现环境目标和指标的职责及实现目标和指标的方法和时间表.4. Reference参考文件4.1 Environmental Objectives and Targets Control Procedure 环境目标与指标控制程序4.2 Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure纠正和预防措施控制程序4.3 Non-conforming Control Procedure不符合控制程序5. Responsibility职责5.1Management representative is responsible for preparing environmental management programme(s), andreporting the environmental programme(s) implementation performance to General Manager.环境管理者代表负责组织会议制订环境管理方案,向总经理汇报管理方案的实施成效。

ISO14001运行控制程序Operational control procedure1.0Purpose目的:To use effective and efficient operational controls to manage the company’s significant environmental aspects ensure consistency with its environmental policy, achieve its objectives and targets and continual improvements of environmental performance.对与公司的重要环境因素有关的运行与活动进行有效控制,确保其符合环境方针、目标与指标的要求,以实现环境效绩的改进。
2.0Scope适用范围:It is applicable to operational controls to manage environmental aspects.适用于公司环境因素的运行控制。
3.0Responsibility 职责:3.1 FM is responsible to supervise the environmental impactoccurred by the new or improvement projects.设施管理部负责新上或改进工程项目的环境影响控制。
3.2 FM is responsible to maintain the environmental equipments.设施管理部负责环境设备的维护保养。
3.3 Warehouse is responsible to manage the chemicals storage inwarehouse and transportation inside factory, M is responsibleto control use of chemical on production line.仓库部门负责管理化学物品贮存和厂内运输,生产部门负责控制生产线化学品的使用。

环境目标、指标及方案管理程序Environment aim, target and scheme management procedure1、目的Purpose制定环境管理目标、指针、方案,幷有效实施,确保公司环境方针的实现。
To make environment management aim, target, scheme, and carry it out effectively , to ensure realize WEILUN’s environment policy.2、适用范围Scope适用于公司环境管理目标、指针、方案的制定、实施、验证、更新和改进等活动。
It is use for WEILUN’s environment management aim, target and scheme’s design , implementation, check ,updater an improve etc activity.3、职责Responsibility3.1 环境管理者代表Environment management representative:负责组织规划/修订公司的环境管理目标、指针和方案;负责审批环境管理方案;Who is responsibility for organizing plan/ updating WEILUN’s environment aim, target and scheme; also in charge of authorizing the environment management scheme.3.2 各部门负责本部门的环境管理目标、指针,实施环境管理方案,以实现本部门所策划的环境管理目标、指针;Every d epartment is in charge of their own department’s environment aim, target and scheme , so as to realize department’s environment management aim and target;3.3 环工组负责跟踪、监督、验证各部门环境目标,指针与管理方案的实施效果。

ISO14001环境因素识别控制程序Environmental Aspects Identification and Evaluation Procedure文件更改历史记录Amendment HistoryISO14001环境因素识别控制程序Environmental Aspects Identification and Evaluation Procedure 1. Purpose目的This document provides a standard procedure for the identification, evaluation environmental aspects, conform significant environmental aspects and takeeffective measures to control. 识别评价环境因素,确定重大环境因素以便进行有效控制。
2. Scope范围This document applies to the identification, evaluation environmental aspects and conformation of significant environmental aspects among all activities, products and service in Arnold (Shenzhen). 适用于公司内的活动、产品和服务所涉及的所有场所和环节,及其有关的环境因素的识别和重要环境因素的评定。
3. Definition定义3.1 Environmental aspect 环境因素:The factor of an organization’s activities ,products or services that can interact with the environment. 一个组织的活动、产品或服务中能与环境发生相互作用的要素。
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Environmental Objectives and Targets Control Procedure 1. Purpose目的
This document is to establish company’s environmental objectives and targets according to environmental aspects, quantify the environmental aspects, disassemble as environmental objectives and targets, then assign to relevant departments. 确定公司对产品、活动或服务产生影响的环境因素制定相应的环境目标和指标,使环境因素得以量化,分解为环境目标和指标,落实到具体的责任部门。
2. Scope范围
This procedure applies to ensure achievement of company’s environmental objectives and targets. 适用于确保公司的环境目标和指标得以达成。
3. Definition定义
3.1 Environmental objectives环境目标:Overall environmental goal which
regulated by organization and to be implemented, is consistent with
environmental policy. 组织规定的,与环境方针一致的,自已所要实施的总体环境目的。
3.2 Environmental targets环境指标:They are from environmental objectives or
concrete performance requirements for achieving environmental objectives, they apply to organization or part.直接来自环境目标,或为实现环境目标所需要的具体绩效要求,它们可适用于组织或局部。
3.3 Environmental performance环境绩效:The result that organization manage the
environment aspects is measurable.可测量的,组织管理其环境因素的结果。
4. Reference参考文件
4.1 Environmental Management Programme(s) Control Procedure 环境管理方案控
4.2 Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure 纠正和预防措施控制程序
4.3 Non-conforming Control Procedure 不符合控制程序
5. Responsibility职责
5.1 Management representative is responsible for preparing the environmental
objectives and targets, and reporting the environmental objectives and targets implementation performance to General Manager. 管理者代表负责组织会议以制订环境目标和指标,并向总经理汇报目标和指标的实施成效。
5.2 General Manager(or Vice) is responsible for approving the environmental
objectives and targets, and providing necessary resources for the objectives and targets’ implementation. 总经理或副总经理负责环境目标和指标的核准,并为目标、指标的实现配备必要的资源.
5.3 Management representative or authorized person is responsible for track-
check on execution of environmental objective and target. 管理者代表或经授权的人负责组织环境目标和指标执行状况的追踪。
5.4 All relevant department heads are responsible for supervising the implement
of environmental objectives and targets 部门主管负责环境目标和指标的督导实施。
6. Process Description 过程描述
6.1 Environmental management representative or authorized person shall organize
all relevant department heads to establish environmental objectives and targets.环境管理者代表或经授权的人组织各部门主管进行环境目标和指标制订会议。
6.2 The establishment of environmental objectives 环境目标的制订:
6.2.1 When establish environmental objectives should consider followings: 制订环境目标时考虑下列几方面:。