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Unit 1 《how to read a book》

本文的中心思想是我们读书也是有方法的,要读好书启发我们的心智,不然就是在浪费时间。 The main idea of this article is that we also have a method to read books, to read good books to enlighten our minds, or

is a waste of time.

因为人的生命时间有限,而一本好书的价值却可以流芳百世。Because time is limited, the value of a good book will last forever.

那么关于怎样读好书作者讨论了很多,其中谈到了关于文学评论和评论家的问题。 So there's a lot of talk about how to read good writers, and there's a lot of talk about literary criticism and critics.

作者认为读书不应该仅仅看这些文学评论家写的书评而忽略了这本书本身带给你的感受。 The author believes that reading should not be about reading the reviews of these literary critics and ignoring how the book makes you feel.

在你读诗的时候也会有人给你提建议,这群人自己造诣不高却喜欢批判一切,对任何事物都带有偏见。 You will also be given advice as you read the poems, a group of people who are themselves not very accomplished but like to criticize everything and have a prejudice against everything.

对待这群人的最好方式就是置之不理,当他们感觉无法劝动你的时候他们就会放弃。 The best way to deal with this group of people is to ignore them and give up when they feel unmoved.

所以读书最好先从读诗开始,诗是人类语言的最高形式。 So it is best to begin with poetry, the highest form of human language.

从那些经典作品开始读起你会收获很多感悟,这些东西为你的生活增添了真理的价值。 There are many lessons to be learned from reading classics that add value to your life.

Unit 2《Recession-proofing your career》

将威胁意识牢记于心,并为你的职业生涯采取行动是这一策略的主要思想。Keeping threat awareness in mind and taking action for your career is the main idea of this strategy.

作者将本文分为两部分:防止经济衰退的必要性和保护职业的策略。 The author divides this paper into two parts: the need to prevent recession and strategies to protect careers.

首先,了解自己,包括关键技能和能力领域。 First, know yourself, including key skills and areas of competence.

这是开始你的职业生涯前的第一步,也是必要的一步。 This is the first and necessary step before you start your career.

然后,营销自己。 Then, market yourself.

没有人会拒绝事业上的白马王子,你也一样。 No one will turn down a career prince charming, and neither will you.

找到合适的平台,你就能实现自己的价值。 Find the right platform, and you can realize your value.

作者还提出了一个问题:如果你明天失去了主要的收入来源,你能找到其他来源来替代吗? The authors also ask: if you lose your main source of income tomorrow, can you find another source to replace it?

除了追求学习和发展的机会,我们也可以创造一个后援的位置,保持文化的最新,以确保你未来的就业能力。 In addition to pursuing learning and development opportunities, we can also create a backup position to keep the culture up to date to ensure your future employability.

此外,.正如我们所知道的,我们不能没有任何障碍地从事一项事业。 In addition ,As we know, we cannot pursue a cause without any obstacles.

与其被失败打败,我们还不如从失败中吸取教训,并将其用于未来的发展。Rather than being defeated by failure, we should learn from it and apply it to our future development.

最后,行动A型,思考B型,也就是再次思考和认识自己。 Finally, action type A, thinking type B, means thinking and knowing yourself again.

在整个职业生涯中,从认识自己到重新认识自己,似乎是一个循环。Throughout your career, it seems to be a cycle from knowing yourself to rediscovering yourself.

如今,随着经济的快速变化,我们真的都生活和工作在一个临时的世界。Nowadays, with the rapid change of economy, we all really live and work in a temporary world.

未雨绸缪是不明智的。 It is unwise to plan for a rainy day.
