
Summary上册Unit 1 《how to read a book》本文的中心思想是我们读书也是有方法的,要读好书启发我们的心智,不然就是在浪费时间。
The main idea of this article is that we also have a method to read books, to read good books to enlighten our minds, oris a waste of time.因为人的生命时间有限,而一本好书的价值却可以流芳百世。
Because time is limited, the value of a good book will last forever.那么关于怎样读好书作者讨论了很多,其中谈到了关于文学评论和评论家的问题。
So there's a lot of talk about how to read good writers, and there's a lot of talk about literary criticism and critics.作者认为读书不应该仅仅看这些文学评论家写的书评而忽略了这本书本身带给你的感受。
The author believes that reading should not be about reading the reviews of these literary critics and ignoring how the book makes you feel.在你读诗的时候也会有人给你提建议,这群人自己造诣不高却喜欢批判一切,对任何事物都带有偏见。
You will also be given advice as you read the poems, a group of people who are themselves not very accomplished but like to criticize everything and have a prejudice against everything.对待这群人的最好方式就是置之不理,当他们感觉无法劝动你的时候他们就会放弃。
安徽大学研究生英语读写译 summary and comment 4个单元

------the pleasures of ignoranceThe author began this essay by telling the experience of waking in the morning and finding a fact that he knew practically nothing about any thing. The quantity of the things he knew was limited except his own experience. However he felt no depress about his ignorance,believing that ignorance would be the greatest help to one. Because sometimes memory is not reliable, ignorance does work at this time,for the ignorant man seldom make inaccurate judgment without making an investigation first. So the ignorance would lead us to learn more.As we know, the author’s attitude is solely and optimistic. But should we feel ashamed or pessimistic while realizing that we are ignoran t? Undoubtedl y,one’s knowledge can be out at elbows sometimes, but we can look up in a textbook or the encyclopedia etc. The information can be quickly accessed in various means. What’s more, there is no need toremember too much detail things,such as the mathematical formula, name s. If we always pay attention on those things,they will never be our prides but burden! So the answer of the question mentioned above is obvious.------Exercise is a state of mind“A sound mind in a sound body”,the author begins this essay by t elling a description of a happy state. And throwing out his own p erspective—body and mind healthy are linked together by exercise. Then the author exemplifies scientists’experiments as evidence to prove e xercise has great effects on our healthy. Regular exercise improves our m ood,decreases anxiety,improves sleep,improves resilience in the face of st ress and raise self-esteem. In addition, exercise may have something to do with gene in a certain degree. This may become a gentle nudge to enc ourage us to exercise. Last,the author believes that the type of exercise do esn’t matter too much,more important is the ability to sustain an ex ercise routine.I accept his view of attitude towards exercise. What we concerned is not the form,but to do or not to do. Nowadays,most of us spend too much time in doors,no willing and motivations drive us to do more exercise. As the saying goes: all roads to Rome. Any type and reasonsthat help you feel like exercise and keep you moving,you can insist on it. Besides,we should form the habit of exercise. Continuing exercise is good to our body and mind healthy.Summary and comment (unit 4)----Rags to rags,riches to richesFrom this essay,“American Dream”i s gradually fading with the development of economy,rather than opportunity as the crux, especially for the native. The idea that American is exceptional in its material opportunity is deeply lodged in the culture. And this also has brought so much motivation for the poor. But now pessimistic spirit has come to dominate the national consciousness and the stiffening of America’s economic is worse than the culture. what’s more,America’s dominant position among those western counties is also becoming unobvious, which also lead challenges among peers depend on their parents. So the real focus of an effort to restore social and economic opportunity in America is to get out of poverty. The author’s advice is paying more attention on education.A kind of culture held in esteem has its irreplaceable advantages. Such as American dream, struggle,risk ,self-determination and material progress are its representations. So the sate that rich children stay rich whereas poor children still stay poor can change. However,with the development of the society ,the change of the environment, the culture is hard to keep. What we need to do is to look for means to maintain the culture in order to be ladders out of poverty. I agree with the author’s advice——improve education.Because it’s effective although we need several generations.Summary and comment(unit 5)-----teaching our children about evilThe author began this essay by asking how to understand the definition of “evil”. In the body, creative and destructive potentials wereraised,which would effect people’s behaviors greatly.our creative potential is to enhance and enrich life,but destructive potential has the opposite result.In the end, with such what’s about evil, the author concludes the text by offering some hows as to teaching our children about evil.According to my understanding, on one hand, there is no absolute good or absolute evil. A thing can be good or evil or both at the same t ime;On the other hand, good and evil have no difference in size. We c an’t deny a thing is good just because it’s too small, such as picking up t he rubbish on the road. Or we can’t say a thing is not evil just because it is a small thing, such as spitting everywhere. Finally, I think good and evil can be transformed sometimes. We can’t say one is good or evil forever. In a word, good and evil is a complicated term. The relationship between them is so difficult to define.we should regard them from an ove rall aspect, don’t treat a thing or a person as good or evil too roughly.。

Summary----Unit 5In the new studies,researchers see creativity in the use of new or unusual elements int a way that is meaningful to others ,rather than completely idiosyncratic.The studies seek to take the study of creativity out of the laboratory and to focus not just on brilliant achievements in the arts and sciences but also on creative acts in all realms of life.One goal of the new research is better understand just what allow a person's inventiveness in certain areas to blossom at some points in life,and to identify factors that stifle or encourage inventiveness.Scientists have found that while a propensity for an exalted state of elation often does spur creative acts,it is usually not those with manic-depressive disease who are the most highly creative.Instead,it tends more often to be family members who have no overt symptoms of disorder.Researches found that people who at different levels displayed different actions based on a study of lifetime creativity.Contrary to conclusions based on earlier research by other scientists,but rather their near relatives,many of whom have very mild signs of the disorder,or who exhibit no symptoms at all.In addition,elated moods let creative people have the drive and ability to execute their ideas.Many among the most creative people are not prone to manic depression and are not related to people with the disorder,the conditionsthat can enhance a person's creativity are being found by psychologists,such as novel circumstances,being engaged in tasks, children whose parents accepting of their creative efforts.However,the pressure of competition,or being watched while one works tend to dampen creativity and competition ,evaluation and surveillance all make people prefer the safest option,hesitating to explore more creative and risky possibilities.。

Unit One力争第一那晚,我梦见了父亲,不过与其说它是个梦,倒不如说它是我对父亲的记忆。
当他大喊“第一名”时,那只中指就好像长大了,挺出来,指着我们,鞭策着我们 -—-—我姐姐,林恩,15岁,我哥哥,史丹利,13岁,我弟弟,拉夫,9岁 -—-- 做到最好,勇争第一。

安大研究生英语上册summaryUNIT1Josph Brosky puts himself very clearly in the text.how to read a book.Many books are less limited than ourselves,many writers write a good book through all their lives.therefore,in literature good is defined by its distinction from bad.our readers ought to pick up good books that bring the human predicament into its sharpest possibly focus.the man so called literary criticism all have their limit.the writer accounts poem an a way to develop good taste in literature. he think it as the supreme form of human locution .for it isconcise and offers the highest possible standards for any linguistic operation.A man who used to read poetry may have no interest in bad prose.The writer explain his opinion clearly in the text lies.the text can be divided into three parts.Although we all be taught not tu tell lies since our childhood.we can not deny the fact that people tell lies from time to time for different reason.People may tell white lies ro protect their friend, their friend,their family,or even just for themselves.Religions always tell lies to offer people the hope of life. the government may tell lies to ensure their manipulate of encomy .Lies around us everywhere ,it directs our thoughts and actions everyday and we may never doubt big lies to comfort ourselves.most people want sth moreconsoling than terrible facts.peopleneed big lies because lying disguses our morlatity,our indueques ,our fears and anxiety ,our loneliness in the midst of crowd ,we can nor live without lies. John F. kennedy is the 35th president of America.He gave this speech on his inaugural day.I think this exciting inaugural address can be divided into three parts.In the first part,K commit to do what the oath said although the world is different.Heshou his comfidence to maintain human rights and the sucdess of liberty.He speaks to many kinds of people in the second part.he pledge the loyality offairhful friend,shouws whlcome to the new states ,and pledge them besr efforts to help the struggling national,he offers a special pledge to the south of America that he hopes to convent good words into good deeds.he renews his pledge of support to the United Nations.he even speaks to their hostile state for peace.In the third pare,he calls for citizen to do sth”Ask not what Amer ica will do for you,but whar together we can do for the freedom of man”In the article ,the writer light the necessity for recession-proofing our career and gives his stratergies for recession proofing our career.he thinks our world as a TempWorle .everyone of us may be influenced by it,so all of us should be a career activist .The first strategy is to ensure our employability.he adviced us to currency ability,then create a fallback position in case we have to change our mind-set.knowing our key skills will help us to know ourselves well.being prepared for areas of competence will shorten the time we stepping in a new filed .he also advice us to build a knowledge netork and market ourselves in an opporiate way.As for our thought,we should learn to feel good about ourselves and to act ambitiousResilience is very important for every of us .At last,saty culturally current will benefits us a lot no matter in what case.。

“The End of Something", written by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story about two young people who witness how time can change the world and the people in it.Firstly, the essay describes a town which once very prosperous due to the lumbering, then as time goes by, there were no more logs to make lumber, the mill almost become ruins. Secondly, two lovers, Nick and Marjorie row along the shore. They watch the view, talk and fish to eat. Their relationship used to be flourished. But in the present of the story, Nick and Marjorie have grown apart, they cannot relate as much to each other anymore. At last, Marjorie left; leaving Nick alone, thus led to the theme “the end of something”.The broken mill represents Nick and Marjorie's broken relationship. All what has happened due to the time, things can be changed by the time while we are not aware of. So what should we do? In my opinion, we should cherish all the things around us and make the most used of them. It is not empty words, but must into action, and only in this way can we not regret it when the things leave away from us.The author began the article by telling the experience of waking in the morning and finding him practically ignorant of anything. The author felt pitiable yet not necessarily so depressed about his current store of knowledge .He began to count what he knows and what he is ignorant of. However, it suddenly occurred to him that he is not the only one who is ignorant because no one can know everything, and it is no need for doing that. He is happy that he may be the only one who can face up to the ignorance.Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn, and it is the ignorance that leads us to learn more. As it is said that he must be very ignorant for he answers every questions he is asked.,so we should continue to learn to compensate for our ignorance instead of being overwhelmed by it.Unit 3 Exercise is a state of mind “A sound mind in a sound body is a short, but full description of a happy state in this world”. Nowadays research suggests that there is deep link between body and mind health in order to achieve happy state of mind.In this way, exercise is a state of mind.The author used scientists’ experiments as evidence to show that exercise has exerted great effects on people’s mind health. Regular exercise can improve mood, decrease anxiety and relieve depression. On the other hand, exercise is under genetic control. Genes can influence people’s responses to exercise. In the end, the author advises us to form the habit of exercise. And you needn’t speed too much time on it. Continuing exercise is good to your body and mind health.From the article, we all learn that only a person with regular exercise can have a physical and spiritual health and can overcome pressure and make himself perfection. Whoever finds the starter motor, the genetic wellspring of motivation, he will have found a key to good health. So, just do it from now on.Summary and Comment (unit4)The article begins with the faith that people in American used to believe that “opportunity is the crux of the American ideal”, which makes people think that with hard work and self-determination, they are sure to succeed and realize their dreams. But in recent yearsthe traditional doctrine of “American dream”is seriously challenged, with regard to the economic development. Most important of all, the economic mobility in America is getting lower and lower as compared to any other western country. At last, the rich people stay rich while poor people stay poor, and the effective way may be to improve education, which will definitely have a great effect on economic mobility across generations.It is no doubt that America is a developed country, with its developed economy and service business, but it has many problems together, even more serious than the developing country, so we may not only see its prosperity but also should realize its defect. Everything has two sides, and we should not be confused by its surface.Summary and Comment (unit5)The article firstly questioned how to define the “evil”, and what’s the humanist understand about “evil”. Then the author distinguishes creative and destructive potentials, and then finds social forces that may activate destructive potentials. In the end, with such what’s aboutevil, the author concludes the text by offering some how as to teaching our children about evil.It is probably safe to say that language has a pair of words expressing good and evil. But what really is good, and what really is evil? The answer may vary from people to people, and culture to culture. Actually, the evil and good are relative, they could not exist without each other, there is no absolutely bad man, and also no saint. As boys and girls, we are taught to do good, not evil. To prevent evil, we cannot only attend to our self, but also think about others’feeling, always put yourself into other’s shoes, if it hurt you, it may hurt other person, too. So we should turn our destructive impulse into creativity, to help others in need.。

大学英语教材课文summaryIn the university English textbook, there are various texts that cover different topics and genres. These texts serve as valuable materials to improve students' English proficiency and broaden their knowledge. In this summary, we will take a closer look at the key points and main ideas of some selected texts in the textbook.Text 1: "A Journey to the West""A Journey to the West" is a classical Chinese novel written by Wu Cheng'en. It tells the story of a monk named Xuanzang and his disciples as they embark on a perilous journey to retrieve Buddhist scriptures from India. Throughout their adventure, they encounter numerous trials and tribulations, but also gain valuable insights and spiritual enlightenment.This text explores themes such as the power of faith, the importance of perseverance, and the significance of teamwork. It also introduces readers to Chinese mythology, folklore, and Buddhist philosophy. Through the lively and often humorous narrative, readers can gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and traditions.Text 2: "Climate Change: A Global Challenge""Climate Change: A Global Challenge" discusses the impact of climate change on our planet and the urgent need for collective action. It provides an overview of the causes and consequences of global warming, as well as measures taken to mitigate its effects.The text highlights the role of human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, in accelerating climate change. It emphasizes the importance of sustainable practices and renewable energy sources to combat global warming. Furthermore, it calls for international cooperation and policy changes to address this pressing issue.Text 3: "The Importance of Critical Thinking""The Importance of Critical Thinking" presents the significance of developing critical thinking skills in today's society. It emphasizes the ability to question, analyze, and evaluate information critically, rather than accepting it at face value.The text provides examples of how critical thinking can be applied in various aspects of life, such as decision-making, problem-solving, and evaluating arguments. It also highlights the connection between critical thinking and academic success, as well as its relevance in professional careers.Text 4: "Exploring Cultural Diversity""Exploring Cultural Diversity" delves into the concept of cultural diversity and its importance in fostering understanding and harmony in a globalized world. The text discusses the influence of culture on individuals and societies, and the need to embrace diversity rather than view it as a threat.Through examples of different cultural practices, traditions, and beliefs, the text promotes cultural tolerance and appreciation. It encourages readersto challenge stereotypes and prejudices, fostering empathy and respect for diverse perspectives.Overall, the university English textbook offers a diverse range of texts that cover various topics and themes. From exploring classical literature to addressing contemporary global challenges, these texts provide valuable insights and knowledge to students. By summarizing and understanding the main ideas and key points of these texts, students can deepen their understanding of both the English language and the world around them.。

第一单元II. Vocabularydimension paradox semblance lousy reckonStance vulnerability idiosyncrasy disciplinary debunk1.It was only later that the aesthetic of literary study became emphasized with anaccompanying concentration on the fictional genres.2.Some might think this a rather approach to a primarily theoretical topic, but it seemsappropriate to this book.3.But we now have to with the fact that the peculiar essence of a human being isrationality, that is, each human essence is some particular form of rationality.4.The that local leaderships had taken had enormous public support, expressed both inthe number prepared to take part in public meetings and in opinion polls.5.Sometimes it's difficult to separate out the consequences of abuse per se from theconsequences of ________ emotional environment, or from the consequences of neglect and deprivation.6.It is the ultimate ________ of this highly academic school of fiction that it defies all the usualrules of academic scrupulosity, as if fiction were a breaking-out, a holiday from cares.7.There are numerous ways to ________ the myths, not the least of which is to simply stop andthink carefully about them.8. A governing, advisory, or ________ body of some colleges and universities composed offaculty members and sometimes student representatives.9.In spite of efforts to give some ________ of fair treatment to the ordinary sailor, no radicalimprovement in the methods or rate of payment was made until after the mutinies of 1797. 10.People with disabilities and other ________ populations should develop their ownemergency plans as well as establish support groups at community level.III. Phrasesin more ways than one act in on the take (with) head formay (might) as well arm with to sb’s credit put on1.In a well-known British newspaper, a writer argued recently that ―industry is caught in a webof bribery‖ and that everyone is ―________‖.2.Seconds after his name was called Saturday night, he hugged everyone important in his life— coaches and family — let out a deep, deep sigh and ________ the podium.3.Woods realized the investors were mostly interested in their net worth and that any increasein their net worth would be ________ in the eyes of his benefactors.4.The cupboards are useful for ______ a reading lamp ______, and of course a dressing table isimportant, with a nice big mirror for doing your hair and ________ the make-up.nguage tests ________ involve objective tests as well as subjective tests, which can fullydemonstrate testees’ linguistic competence.6.An Air Force B-52 bomber was reported to fly across the central United States yesterday with six cruisemissiles ________ nuclear warheads.7.Venice is fragile ________; it is so unique that it requires a special kind of protection.8.The new Act also allows a director of a subsidiary to ________ the best interests of itsholding company even when it may not be in the best interests of the company.V. Clozeexpect drive unimpeachable industrial evaluateperspective shape chiefly objectivity sponsoraffiliation hierarchies acknowledgment support desperateKnowing who wrote a book helps you judge its quality and understand its full significance.Authors are people. Like anyone else, their views are ____1____ by their educations, their jobs, their early lives, and the rest of their experiences. Also like anyone else, they have prejudices, blind spots, ____2____ moments, failings, and desires --- as well as insights, brilliance, ____3____, and successes. All of this comes into play.Most authors belong to organizations: universities, corporations, governments, newspapers, magazines. These organizations each have distinct cultures, ____4____ of power, and social norms. Organizations shape both how a work is written and the content of what it says. For example, university professors are ____5____ to write books and/or journal articles in order to get tenure. These pieces of writing must meet certain standards of quality, defined ____6____ by other professors; for them, content usually matters more than good writing. Journalists, by contrast, are often ____7____ by deadlines and the need to please large audiences. Because of this, their standards of quality are often directed more toward clear and engaging writing than toward ____8____ content; their sources are usually oral rather than written.The more you know about the author and his/her organization, the better you will be able to ____9____ what you read. Try to answer quest ions like these: what shaped the author’s intellectual ____10____? What is his or her profession? Is the author an academic, a journalist, a professional (doctor, lawyer, ____11____ scientist, etc.)? Expertise? Other books and articles?Intellectual network(s)? Gender? Race? Class? Political ____12____? Why did the author decide to write this book? When? For what audience(s)? Who paid for the research work (private foundations, government grant agencies, industrial ____13____, etc.)? Who wrote ―jacket blurb s‖ in ____14_____ of the book?You can often (though not always) learn about much of this from the ____15____, the bibliography, and the author’s biographical statement.Exercise: Translate the following Chinese into English or English into Chinese.1. Why are some people argumentative and domineering, while others are shy and hesitant? … Why are some people greedy, selfish, and cynical, while others are easy to get along with?2. From the standpoint of the developing countries, the next decade should see a greatly acceleratedprogram for scientific and technological co-operation, aimed at widespread dissemination of technology for meeting the basic needs of man, such as nutrition, shelter, communications, health and sanitation.(from the United Nations documents)3. While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories, it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.4. In his autobiography, Darwin points out modestly that he always experienced much difficulty inexpressing himself clearly and concisely, but he believes that this very difficulty may have had the compensating advantage of forcing him to think long and intently about every sentence, and thus enabling him to detect errors in reasoning and in his own observation.当前,正在进行以课程教材改革为核心的教育改革,改革的中心目标是变应试教育为素质教育。
安徽大学研究生英语读写译summary and comment

2.《Recession-proofing your career》To keep a threat awareness in mind and acting for your career are the primary idea of this a rticle. The author develops this text into 2 parts: the necessity for recession-proofing your career a nd strategies for protecting your career.First, know yourself,including the key skills and the areas of competence. This is the first a nd a necessary part before embarking on entirely your career. Then, marketing yourself. No one wi lling to refuse a Mr.right in the career,so do you .Finding right platforms ,you can realize your val ue. The author also throws out a problem:if you lost main source of income tomorrow ,could you f ine an alternate source to replace it? In addition to pursue learning and development opportunities , we also can create a fallback position and stay culturally current to ensure your employability in the future. Moreover,as all we know, we could not hold one career without any obstacle. Rather th an being defeated by failure,we must learn from those setbacks and use them to your advantages i n the future.Finally ,act type A,think type B, that is thinking and recognizing yourself once again and ag ain. It seems a cycle from knowing yourself to recognize once again in the whole career life.Nowadays, with the fast-shifting of the economic, we are really all living and working in a Te mpWorld. Preparing before happening never is not a wise idea.3.《Lies》“Lies” is a typical critical article about whether we can tell lies in our daily life. The author uses abundant examples to convey the existence and necessity for lies and shows his own opinion —mankind must have lies and the bigger the better. To understand this attitude,we must look at th e way the author how writes the passage. The author began the essay by telling the fact that althou gh people usually have many negative views aboutlies,but we tell lies form time to time. Then the body gives us lots of reasons why we need lies sometimes,such as in order to maintain the stabilit y of society,ruling the religion etc. I was impressed by the sentence—“Art is a lie that tells the tr uth”.if someone is not willing to admit he/she have told lies,the facts itself is a lie. People must ha ve told lies for different reasons and in different environments in our past ages. We know the choic e between lies and truth decided mainly bases on our purposes. And we prefer to believe lies ,beca use truth may be frightening. But I just agree the author’s views in a certain degree. Because lies c an make the betterment of the world,but can never make the world.Summary and comment Unit 1------The End of Something“The End of Something", by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story about two young people w ho witness how time can change the world and the people in it. The broken mill represents Nick a nd Marjorie's broken relationship. Once, the mill was the center of the town. The town was a place full of activity. In the present of the story, as the time passed by, the mill lies deserted, as does the relationship between Nick and Marjorie. we can clearly see that time can change everything , whe n they cannot stay young forever, so the weak foundation of their relationship is torn down and lef t in pieces. Even though they will meet one day, the love is not there, because the two lovers have their own understanding of love. Just as the story says“the fish will not strike anymore, and love is not fun anymore.” The good old past feeling isn't good enough anymore, even one of the lovers d oes not want give up on catching the love, and still clings to what is left and still hopes for the best . The past has become past, only can we cherish the good memory. What one must focus on is wha t is, now, and what is to come, tomorrow. One must look beyond what was and look for the love b elongs to them.Summary and comment (unit2------the pleasures of ignoranceThe author began this essay by telling the experience of waking in the morning and finding a fact that he knew practically nothing about anything. The quantity of the things he knew was lim ited except his own experience. However he felt no depress about his ignorance,believing that ignorance would be the greatest help to one. Because sometimes memory is not reliable, ignorance does work at this time,for the ignorant man seldom make inaccurate judgment without making an investigation first. So the ignorance would lead us to learn more.As we know, the author’s attitude is solely and optimistic. But should we feel ashamed or pessimistic while realizing that we are ignorant? Undoubtedly,one’s knowledge can be out at el bows sometimes, but we can look up in a textbook or the encyclopedia etc. The information can b e quickly accessed in various means. What’s more, there is no need to remember too much detail t hings,such as the mathematical formula, names. If we always pay attention on those things,they wi ll never be our prides but burden! So the answer of the question mentioned above is obvious. Summary and comment (unit 4----Rags to rags,riches to richesFrom this essay,“America n Dream”is gradually f ading with the development of econom y,rather than opportunity as the crux, especially for the native. The idea that American is exceptio nal in its material opportunity is deeply lodged in the culture. And this also has brought so much m otivation for the poor. But now pessimistic spirit has come to dominate the national consciousness and the stiffening of America’s economic is worse than the culture. what’s more,America’s domin ant position among those western counties is also becoming unobvious, which also lead challe nges among peers depend on their parents. So the real focus of an effort to restore social and eco nomic opportunity in America is to get out of poverty. The author’s advice is paying more attention on education.A kind of culture held in esteem has its irreplaceable advantages.Such as American dream, st ruggle,risk ,self-determination and material progress are its representations. Sothe sate that rich ch ildren stay rich whereas poor children still stay poor can change. However,with the development of the society ,the change of the environment, the culture is hard to keep. What we n eed to do is to look for means to maintain the culture in order to be ladders out of poverty. I agree with the author’s advice——improve education.Because it’s ef fective although we need several ge nerations.Summary and comment(unit 5-----teaching our children about evilThe author began this essay by asking how to understand the definition of “evil”. In the body, creative and destructive potentials were raised, w hich would effect people’s behaviors greatly. our creative potential is to enhance and enrich life,but destructive potential has the opposite result. In the end, with such what’s about evil, the author concludes the text by offering some hows as to teaching our children about evil.According to my understanding, on one hand, there is no absolute good or absolute evil. A thing can be good or evil or both at the same time;On the other hand, good and evil have no differ ence in size.We can’t deny a thing is good just because it’s too small, such as picking up the rubbish on the road. Or we can’t say a thing is not evil just because it is a small thing, such as spitting everywhere. Fin ally, I think good and evil can be transformed sometimes. We can’t say one is good or evil fore ver. In a word, good and evil is a complicated term. The relationship between them is so difficult t o define.we should regard them from an overall aspect, don’t treat a thing or a person as good or evil too roughly.。

Unit One Text A How to Read A Book1. Why are some people argumentative and domineering, while others are shy and hesitant?... Why are some people greedy, selfish , and cynical ,while others are easy to get along with?1.为什么有些人强词夺理,专横跋扈,而另一些人却羞羞答答,优柔寡断?……为什么有些人贪婪自私,玩世不恭,而另一些人却平易近人?2. From the standpoint of the developing countries, the next decade should see a greatly accelerated program for scientific and technological co-operation , aimed at widespread dissemination of technology for meeting the basic needs of man ,such as nutrition ,shelter ,communications ,health and sanitation.2.从发展中国家的观点来看,下一个十年应有一个大力加速科学技术合作的纲领,旨在广泛传播技术以满足人们诸如营养、住宅、交通、卫生保健之类的基本需要。
3. While comment and reaction from lawyers may enhance stories ,it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of significance and make their own judgments.3.尽管律师的见解和反应可能会提升新闻报道的质量,但记者最好凭借自己对该新闻意义的理解做出自己的判断。

Summary-and-comment1、《How to read a book》In this passage,Joseph talks about how to read a book. He develops this article in three parts,the difficulty in finding good books,the significance of poetry and the suggestion to read poetry. The author speaks highly of reading various books. Especially ,the poetry. And he believes that the truth is literature started with poetry. Reading books is time-consuming. In order to save our time and energy,we really need to find good and suitable books.As we know, books have become necessary parts in our daily life.various worlds showed in these books,such as,the charm of Tibet, the friendship between two girls etc. But how to chose books? Taking this problem into consideration ,in my view, a right direction ,biograph or traveling is important. Of course,you can read those types in your leisure time,but not all the time.our own special fields also could not be ignored. About poetry,the author showed us lots of the hows and whys. But to be the truth,I don’t like poetry. Most of the time,the meaning of the poetry is too obscure to understand. But I’m in favor of the author’s viewpoint. If we have interests in poetry,it maybe a wise advice.2、《Recession-proofing your career》To keep a threat awareness in mind and acting for your career are the primary idea of this article. The author develops this text into 2 parts: the necessity for recession-proofing your career and strategies for protecting your career.First, know yourself,including the key skills and the areas of competence. This is the first and a necessary part before embarking on entirely your career. Then, marketing yourself. No one willing to refuse a Mr.right in the career,so do you .Finding right platforms ,you can realize your value. The author also throws out a problem:if you lost main source of income tomorrow ,could you fine an alternate source to replace it? In addition to pursue learning and development opportunities,Summary-and-commentwe also can create a fallback position and stay culturally current to ensure your employability in the future. Moreover,as all we know, we could not hold one career without any obstacle. Rather than being defeated by failure,we must learn from those setbacks and use them to your advantages in the future.Finally ,act type A,think type B, that is thinking and recognizing yourself once again and again. It seems a cycle from knowing yourself to recognize once again in the whole career life.Nowadays, with the fast-shifting of the economic, we are really all living and working in a TempWorld. Preparing before happening never is not a wise idea.3、《Lies》“Lies”is a typical critical article about whether we can tell lies in our daily life. The author uses abundant examples to convey the existence and necessity for lies and shows his own opinion —mankind must have lies and the bigger the better. To understand this attitude,we must look at the way the author how writes the passage. The author began the essay by telling the fact that although people usually have many negative views about lies,but we tell lies form time to time. Then the body gives us lots of reasons why we need lies sometimes,such as in order to maintain the stability of society,ruling the religion etc.I was impressed by the sentence—“Art is a lie that tells the truth”.if someone is not willing to admit he/she have told lies,the facts itself is a lie. People must have told lies for different reasons and in different environments in our past ages. We know the choice between lies and truth decided mainly bases on our purposes. And we prefer to believe lies ,because truth may be frightening. But I just agree the author’s views in a certain degree. Because lies can make the betterment of the world,but can never make the world.4、《Don’t let complexity stop you》The author begins his speech with the life in Harvard many years ago. It takesSummary-and-commentdecades for him to find out that the highest human achievement is reducing inequity. However,reducing inequity is a too complex task, so it is easy to surrender to complexity and quit. The author takes it as an example and tells those graduates: Don’t let complexity stop you. To understand this view,we must look at the way the author how deal with complex problems.When we come across an problem, Bill Gates shows us how to analyze and slove it. Three points: seeing a problem,finding a solution and caring the impact.Bill Gates sincerely give the young graduates a advise:everyone can take on a complex problem and become a specialist on it. Don’t let complexity stop you. This sentence also can be regarded as our motto in our life or work. There are no doubts that various difficulties occur in the future.But escaping frustrations is humanities’nature,which also gives us an explanation about those complains, that is, why i give up halfway once agin? So if you anticipate a wonderful life without any pities.we should really see a problem and cutting through complexity to find a solution.5、《The riddle of time》The author firstly questioned how to define the “time”. But body can find a good definition so far. Time remains a riddle that exists only in our minds. Then the author uses the presentation of time—clock as the main line to tell us time’s development. Clock contains all the wisdom of human beings. In the body of this article, the author lists many famous and influential clocks,such as water clock,pendulum clock,atomic clock ,nature’s clock and body clock. In the end,with such question—have we become slaves to the clock. The author concludes the text by offering david landes’opinion and his own views.What’s the real definition of time? The answer may vary from people and people. Time is a simple but complex concept for everybody. All of us contact with it all the time,which also instructs our life and work. So there is no need to spend all your life to think about it. Because finally we are still in control of how we use time and how itSummary-and-comment affects us.。


Unit One“The End of Something", by Ernest Hemingway, is a short story about two young people who witness how time can change the world and the people in it. The broken mill represents Nick and Marjorie's broken relationship. Once, the mill was the center of the town. The town was a place full of activity. In the present of the story, as the time passed by, the mill lies deserted, as does the relationship between Nick and Marjorie. we can clearly see that time can change everything , when they cannot stay young forever, so the weak foundation of their relationship is torn down and left in pieces. Even though they will meet one day, the love is not there, because the two lovers have their own understanding of love. Just as the story says“the fish wil l not strike anymore, and love is not fun anymore.” The good old past feeling isn't good enough anymore, even one of the lovers does not want give up on catching the love, and still clings to what is left and still hopes for the best. The past has become past, only can we cherish the good memory. What one must focus on is what is, now, and what is to come, tomorrow. One must look beyond what was and look for the love belongs to them.Unit twoIn a general sense, ignorance is a derogatory word. In dictionary, the mean of “ignorance” is “lack of knowledge or information”. Ignorance is a condition or state where a person ignores, disregards, or overlooks knowledge about something. It is when the person is uninformed, is uneducated aboutsomething.At the beginning of the article, the author felt sad of his current store of knowledge after many years’ expensive education. He thought a person would feel comfortable when a he was ignorant. At the end of the article, it suddenly occurred to the author when he has gone his way calm and happy, he may be the only one who is ignorant, for anyone will not admit that he is a ignorant person.No matter how hard we learn, we can’t learn to the end of knowledge. So there is no limit to knowledge, we are all ignorant in this sense. Ignorance is a two-sided coin. From the good side, if we admit our ignorance, we can learn more and improve ourselves in our jobs, ability, and other fields. If we are ignorant and we don’t admit it, we will fall behind the person who admits his ignorance. So in my point of view, whether our ignorance is good or bad, our attitude is a crucial factor.Unit three Summary and commentExercise is a state of mindA sound mind in a sound body, the author begins this essay by telling a description of a happy state. And throwing out his own perspective-body and mind healthy are linked together by exercise. then the author exemplifies scientists’ experiments as evidence to prove exercise has grate effects on our healthy. regular exercise improves our mood, decreses anxiety, improves sleep, improves resilence in the face of stress and raise self-esteem. inaddition, exercise may have something to do with gene in certain degree .this may become gentle nudge to encourage us to exercise .last the author believes that the type of exercise doesn’t matter too much, more important is the ability to sustain an exercise routine .I accept his view of attitude towards exercise. what we concerned is not the form, but to do or not to do .Nowdays , most of us spend too much time in doors, no willing and motivations drive us to do more exercise. As the saying goes :all roads to rome . Any type and reasons that help you feel like exercise and keep you moving ,you can insist on it .besides ,we should form the habit of exercise .continuing exercise is good to our body and mind healthy.UNIT FOURIn this article, the author said“Opportunity is the crux of the American ideal.” People in the American society used to think that they are sure to succeed and make their dreams come true with diligence. But in recent years, “American dream” is seriously challenged. With regard to the economic development, the author holds that America is already a middle-aged country now, and pessimistic spirit has come to dominate the national consciousness. And the economic mobility in America is getting lower and lower compared to other western country. The idea of the “American Dream” is starting to fade since rich children keep rich when poor children stay poor. And at the end ofthe article, the author think we need to get out of poverty for the sake of restoring the spirit, and one effective way is to improve education, which will have a great effect on economic mobility across generations.Because of my limited knowledge of American economics, I can’t make some powerful viewpoints to the economic mobility in USA. But I think opportunity is an important part in American ideal. In America, opportunities are more, and relatively fairer than other areas. On the basis of this, dreams in USA come true more easily than other areas. And education is a significant factor to change the state of “rags to rags”, if children in poor family get opportunity to be educated, they will master advanced skills to get a good job and have a better life. And will it have a great effect on economic mobility, as said in the article? I’m not sure.UNIT FIVEIn every language, there is a pair of words expressing good and evil, but what really is good and evil? Moral relativists think that the standards of good and evil are only products of local culture, custom, or prejudice. Someone think evil cannot exist without good, nor good without evil.We are always taught to do good, not evil, and there are relatively few ways to do good, but there are countless ways to do evil, which is named“Destructive Potentials” and can destroy our and others’ life. The author said there are usually three ways to treat destructive potentials: denial, projection,displacement. To prevent evil, the author of this article argues, we must first know what is truly “evil”, and then find social forces that may activate destructive potentials. On the basis of knowing what’s “evil”, the author offer some hows to teach our children at the end.UNIT SIXAt the beginning of the article, the author pointed out that, due to the financial crisis, economic downturn, the collapse of the banking system, and people thought that free trade would contribute to ever-greater income inequalities, there was a straw in the wind to trade protectionism, a trade war would break out.The author went on to point out that ,a threat of trade protectionism is trade frictions and reducing exports which can cause economic recession. Another threat is the possibility of competitive devaluations. Finally, the authors have some suggestions, he hope that Obama can establish a free trade policy, and face the very real problem of income inequality, and encourage Asian countries to expand domestic demand, especially to China, we should strengthen the social safety network so that consumers feel more secure about not saving so much of their income. The United States can amend the tax program to curb consumption and encourage savings, and produce more to reduce global economic and trade imbalances.The author strongly advocated free trade, and then what are the benefits of free trade? Firstly, through the international exchange of the products, consumers get a higher-level satisfaction. Secondly, through the international division of labor, the national resources can get the best configuration.。

研究生英语summary范文In the realm of academia, the art of summarizing is a crucial skill that transcends disciplines. As a graduate student, mastering the ability to distill complex information into concise summaries is essential for both academic and professional success.Summarizing an English text requires a deep understanding of the material, the ability to identify key points, and the skill to present them in a coherent and succinct manner. It's about capturing the essence without losing the integrity ofthe original content.A well-crafted summary should be objective, avoiding personal opinions or interpretations. It should reflect the author's main arguments, findings, or themes, and bestructured in a way that is easy for readers to follow.In the context of English literature, a summary might highlight the central conflict, the development of characters, and the overarching themes of a novel. It should also respect the original author's voice and style, ensuring that the summary remains true to the source material.For academic papers, the summary must encapsulate the research question, the methodology, the findings, and the implications of the study. It should be written in a neutral tone, with a focus on clarity and brevity.In the business world, a summary of a report or proposal should outline the problem, the proposed solution, and the expected outcomes. It should be persuasive, yet concise, designed to inform and influence decision-makers.The length of a summary can vary, but it's generally shorter than the original text, often by half or even more. The key is to prioritize information, ensuring that every sentence contributes to the overall understanding of the material.Lastly, a good summary is not a substitute for reading the original text. It serves as a tool for quick reference, a way to refresh one's memory, or to provide an overview for those who may not have the time to delve into the full text.In conclusion, the summary is a versatile tool in the graduate student's toolkit. Whether for academic papers, literature reviews, or professional reports, the ability to summarize effectively can enhance one's communication skills and contribute to the clarity of one's academic and professional endeavors.。

研究生英语教程summarySummary & response paper In “We Need a Dug-out Canoe to Navigate the Net,” Ben Macintyre discusses the magnitude of suggestions on how to survive the modern era when the torrent information is compelling us to transform the way of thinking.We are now on the cusp of a dawn of new digital technology that is changing the way people think. Firstly Ben Macintyre puts forward his point that People of the Internet age are fox-thinkers, since just like foxes, they feast on a variety of ready-made information and thoughts without collecting and extracting by themselves.However, the internet has both merits and demerits for human thinking. At its worst, fox-thinking tends to mistake anecdote for fact. At its best,the internet provides convenient and fast means to collect boundless information. Then the article further explains that the key for effective Internet thinking is the ability to focus and edit,to choose and sift from the abundance of information what is useful,but not to simply gather information. Finally the author concludes that what has changed is not the way we think, but the way we acquire information. Consequently, he describes two distinct methods of boat building and reminds us that we should be dug-out canoe builders discarding unnecessary information to reveal the truth and only by this way can we confidently stay afloat “in the torrent of internet information”.As the author puts it:“The internet is changing the ve ry nature of human memory”.Indeed,the ability to focus,edit,and extract information from the computer is taking the place of an individual’s knowledge.Under this circumstance,what counts are how to discover useful information by using a critical mind.I fi rmly agree with Ben Macintyre’s opinion that people should be d ug-out canoe builders.Since we receive so much information when we turn on computers in our daily life.With facing to the internet applications such as amazon,qq,weibo etc, we even can’t help clicking and browsing in spite that these things are none of our business. However, the internet makes our life much more convenient and efficient,with dramatically improved access to boundless information,the great store of the world’s kno wledge just a f ew keystrokes and clicks away, what we should do is grasp skills of collecting available information and getting rid of futile information.。

安徽师范大学研究生英语教材Introduction:The Importance of English Education in Postgraduate StudyEnglish, as an international language, plays a crucial role in today's globalized world. It is widely used across various fields such as academia, business, and communication. With the increasing importance of English proficiency, it is essential for Anhui Normal University to develop a comprehensive and effective English textbook for postgraduate students. This article aims to discuss the importance of English education in postgraduate study and propose a structure for the English textbook for Anhui Normal University's postgraduate students.Importance of English Education in Postgraduate Study:1. Global Communication: English is the primary language used for international communication, academic research, and collaboration. English proficiency enables postgraduate students to engage in discussions, conferences, and present their research on a global platform.2. Research and Publication Opportunities: Academic journals and conferences often require researchers to submit their work in English. A strong foundation in English equips postgraduate students with the necessary skills to publish their research in international journals and present at prestigious conferences.3. Mobility and Employability: English proficiency not only enhances academic pursuits but also increases career prospects. Many jobopportunities, especially in multinational companies and international organizations, require English proficiency as a fundamental skill.Structure of Anhui Normal University's Postgraduate English Textbook:1. Vocabulary Building: This section focuses on vocabulary acquisition and familiarization with essential academic and professional terminology. It encompasses word lists, exercises, and practical examples to assist postgraduate students in developing a robust vocabulary.2. Reading Comprehension: This section aims to improve postgraduate students' reading skills by providing diverse reading materials, such as research papers, academic articles, and literary works. Comprehension questions, summaries, and critical analysis activities will aid in honing their reading comprehension abilities.3. Writing and Presentation Skills: This section emphasizes the development of effective writing techniques, including academic writing, research paper structuring, and presentation skills. It will guide postgraduate students in expressing ideas clearly, organizing their thoughts logically, and delivering presentations confidently.4. Listening and Speaking: The incorporation of listening and speaking exercises will enhance postgraduate students' oral communication skills. This section will include audio materials, dialogues, and role-playing activities to improve both listening comprehension and spoken English proficiency.5. Grammar and Language Usage: This section will cover various aspects of English grammar and language usage, including sentencestructure, verb tenses, and idiomatic expressions. It will provide explanations, examples, and practice exercises to reinforce postgraduate students' understanding of English grammar rules.Conclusion:English education is of vital importance for postgraduate students at Anhui Normal University. A well-designed English textbook, as proposed above, can serve as a valuable resource in guiding postgraduate students towards achieving English proficiency. By equipping them with the necessary language skills, Anhui Normal University is empowering its postgraduate students to excel academically and professionally in an increasingly globalized society.。
安徽大学研究生英语Unit5 TextB缩写

Summary of text b unit 5In this article, the author, John F. Kennedy, calls on the Americans to support him and to sacrifice their lives for their country. He calls on the people of the whole world to unit and work for the freedom of men. He adopts clear different policy to different kind of nations. Firstly, he introduces the general statement of the basic policy of the US. Then he addresses different groups of allied nations and would-be allied nations, his friends and would-be friends. He makes clear his specific policy towards them. And he states his specific policy toward the enemy. At last, he concludes the address.From my point of view, this address is impressive and outstanding. First, this address is very inspiring owning to different rhetorical devices are used. Second, Kennedy is very particular and careful in his choice and use of words. At last, there are lots of good sentences and difficult sentences in this speech. Like the sentence: my fellow Americans ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country has been used extensively.As for the views shows in his speech, I can’t agree with some extreme views to some extent. It’s no doubt that we must try our best to oppose any foe in order to assure the success of liberty and human-rights. However, we must also realize the so-called universal values are not suitable for all the countries. Sometimes these values are abused to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries.。
研究生英语考试文章总结summary writing如何写

❖ - The thesis statement does not contain specific details discussed in the text.
Steps in Writing a Summary
❖ ►1.Read the article ❖ ►2.Reread the Article.
❖ - Divide the article into segments or sections of ideas. Each segment deals with one aspect of the central theme. A segment can comprise one or more paragraphs.
❖ Even in developed countries, they have to live with inequality in such realms as energy, education and labor division.
❖ The worsening environment and changing climate affect women negatively by increasing water scarcity,increasing the disease burden, etc. But women can help reverse the downward trend by taking public transportation more and promoting renewable energy.

安徽大学研究生英语教书用书第一册第一章:介绍1.1 研究生英语教学的重要性研究生英语教学对于提升研究生的学术能力和国际交流能力至关重要。
1.2 《安徽大学研究生英语教书用书第一册》概述《安徽大学研究生英语教书用书第一册》是安徽大学研究生英语教学的教材之一。
第二章:词汇学习2.1 词汇学习的重要性词汇是语言的基础,是进行听、说、读、写等各种语言活动的基本要素。
2.2 词汇学习的方法•词根词缀法:通过掌握一些常见的词根和词缀,可以帮助研究生理解和记忆单词的意思。
第三章:语法学习3.1 语法学习的重要性语法是语言的骨架,是研究生英语学习中不可或缺的部分。
3.2 常见的语法知识点•时态与语态:如一般现在时、过去进行时、被动语态等。
第四章:听力4.1 听力的重要性听力是研究生进行学术研究和与国际同行交流的重要技能之一。
4.2 提高听力能力的方法•多听英语材料:如听力练习录音、英语新闻等,可以提高研究生的听力理解能力。
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上册Summary of Unit 2(Recession-proofing your career)in the text, the author firstly tries to tell us that guaranteed jobs have already become history. These days,no matter what our official employment status,we are all temporary workers. But there is much that you can do to protect yourself from change and economic upheaval, by equipping yourself with the skills to manage your career more effectively. She then suggests some skills.She recommends discovering both your overt and covert talents, making sure that a wide range of positions are available to you, and never committing to any “hot job”which exceeds either your interest or talent. Moreover, you should cultivate and maintain an active network both inside and outside of your profession, to “market” yo urself, to convince the employer that you are the most suitable candidate for the job.Finally, always follow work trends.I am bound to face the work dilemma in the future sooner or later. I quite agree with the author’s opinion. There is no reason for us to stop learning when we are working. The author’s suggestions will help me much in the foreseeable future.翻译:在文中,作者首先试图告诉我们,保证工作已经成为历史,如今,不管我们在职场从事的是什么工作,我们都只是临时工。
Summary of Unit 3(Lies)People usually have very negative views regarding lies. Liars are frequently criticized, even cursed. Yet this passage exemplifies a different perspective, one which cruelly reveals the fact that everyone tells lies. We can not live without lying and the lies direct out thoughts and the truth. We need our lies to mask our fear and anxiety about life and death----about the many things we do not understand and control. Lies make us feel superior to other species. Religions abound with myths and tales, which are basically lies that provide human beings with a sense ofsafety. People need big lies, because lying disguises our mortality, our inadequacies, our fears and anxieties, our loneliness in the midst of the crowd.I just agree the author’s views in a certain degree. People say some white lies, but it is moral problems if a person always tells lies . No one would like a man who never speaks the truth. Lies can not make our life, also can not let the world better. Which can make the world better only the more beautiful heart.翻译:人们通常对谎言有很消极的看法。
下册Summary of Unit 1(When Goodness Isn’t Good Enough)In this paper, the author first gives the definition of goodness. Then he suggest that in the modern world, goodness suffer. Because the modern world has broken the limit on the needs to which i can respond. It has broken the limits on the demands that can be made upon me. But it hasn’t broken the limits on my time and my energy. So , we may put on blinders and refuse to recognize the unmet needs within ourselves,in our loved ones,and in the world at large. I need to find a way to live within those limits----shamelessly, guiltlessly, with a sense of well being and self-worth. Finally , the author proposed a new vision of the good life. It’s a vision in which each person finds her or his own special passion, makes that the center of a single open-ended commitment,and says to all other good causes:”this far and no farther.”I basically agree with the author's point of view. Now society is too busy, and in the care of others, we should first do our own thing.翻译:在文中,作者先给出了过去好人的定义。
Summary of Unit 2(The Pleasures of Ignorance)In a general sense, ignorance is a derogatory word.But in this article, the author puts forward a different point of view: ignorance also have pleasure.first,he suddenly realized that outside of the range of his immediate experience,and such deductions of cause and effect as seem to be constant when he come into contact with them,he know next to nothing----and that at the end of an elaborate and costly education. Then , he say that his ignorance dose him no harm. In fact , such a premium has our civilization put upon ignorance; he get along very comfortably indeed.No matter how hard we learn, we can’t learn to the end of knowledge. So we are all ignorant in this sense. Ignorance is not a shame, it is a shame that you do not acknowledge your ignorance.So in my opinion, whether our ignorance is good or bad, our attitude is a crucial factor.翻译:在一般意义上,无知是一个贬义词。