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2.0 2.0 2.0
32 32 32
32 32 32
32 32 32
FR116 工程师文化(3)
FR306 工程师文化(4)
FR418 人文社科与经管 (1)
Humanities, social science and management - 1 Humanities, social science and management - 2 Humanities, social science and management - 3
3.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 6.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 2.0
48 8 16 32 32 32 8 32 32 48 8 32 32 96 8 32 32 8 32 8 32
48 8 16 32 32 32 8 32 32 32 8 32 32 48 8 32 32 8 32 8 32
29.0 2.0 4.0 6.0
FR205 中级法语语法(1) FR219 中级综合法语 (1)
Intermediate French Grammar (1) Intermediate Comprehensive French 1 Advanced Mathematics Ⅲ
MA172 高等数学Ⅲ
MA173 高等数学Ⅳ
选修课 Optional Courses
332 32 32 64 64 60 52 16 320 32 32 32 48 16 160 32
16 16 16
16 16 20 12
Foundations of Engineering Physics and Chemistry 5 Foundations of Engineering Physics PH366 工程物理与化学基础(6) and Chemistry 6 C Programming and Algorithm CS139 C程序与算法分析 Analysis 总 FR311 高级法语听说 FR312 论文写作指导 PH370 量子物理学导论 MA365 概率论、统计与最优化理论 CS137 数据结构 Advanced listening and conversation Methodology of dissertation Introduction to quantum physics Probabilities, statistics and optimization Data structure
Advanced Mathematics Ⅳ Foundations of Engineering Physics and Chemistry 1 Foundations of Engineering Physics and Chemistry 2 总
6.0 4.0 6.0 28.0 2.0 4.0
96 320 64 64 32 32 32 48 32 72 304 32 64 64 16 16 48 120 16 16 16 16 16 16 0 0
FR126 初级法语语法(2) FR129 初级综合法语(2) FR134 科技法语 (2) MA159 高等数学Ⅰ
Elementary French Grammar (2) Elementary Comprehensive French 2 French for Sciences (2) Advanced Mathematics I
巴黎高科卓越工程师学院能源与动力工程专业培养计划 SPEIT Curriculum for EPE Majo
课程 代码 Code
C r e d i t
Course name
总 学 分
C 排 T 总 l 课 H学 a 学 r 时 s 时 s
L e c t .
理 论 教 学
实 验
MA157 高等数学 Ⅴ MA158 高等数学 Ⅵ PH249 工程物理与化学基础(3)
Advanced mathematics Ⅴ Advanced mathematics Ⅵ
6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 30.0 2.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 28.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 2.0
I n t e r n
实 习
O t h e r
其 他
通识教育课程 General Education Courses 公共课程类 Public Courses 必修课Compulsory Courses
须修满全部 all need to be completed
TH000 思想道德修养与法律基础 TH020 形势与政策 TH004 军事理论 PE001 体育(1) EN040 大学英语(1) TH021 中国近现代史纲要 TH020 形势与政策 PE002 体育(2) EN041 大学英语(2) TH007 马克思主义基本原理 TH020 形势与政策 PE003 体育(3) EN046 大学英语(3) TH012
5.0 6.0 3.0 6.0
80 96 48 96
80 96 48 96
80 96 48 96
FR128 初级综合法语(1)-B
6.0 20.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 4.0
96 320 64 64 32 64 64 80 32 72 472 32 64 96
96 320 64 64 32 64 64 80 32 72 472 32 64 96
Practice Activities for General Education
2.0 2.0
32 32
0 0
32 32
专业教育课程 Core Courses
基础类 Basic Courses
必修课 Compulsory Courses
须修满全部 all need to be completed
48 8 16 32 32 32 8 32 32 32 8 32 32 48 8 32 32 8 32 8 32 48 16
毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主 theoretical system of socialism with 义理论体系
TH020 形势与政策 PE004 体育(4) EN047 大学英语(4) TH020 形势与政策 EN436 出国实用英语 TH020 形势与政策 EN242 英语演讲与技巧
Moral Cultivation and Basic Laws Circumstances and Policy Military Theory Pysical Education(1) College English (1) Chinese Modern History Circumstances and Policy Physical Education(2) College English(2) Maxism Basic Theory Circumstances and Policy Pysical Education(3) College English(3) Introduction to Mao's thought and Chinese characteristics
32 16 592 64
通识教育课程 General Education Courses 人文学科Humanity Science 必修课 Compulsory Courses
须修满全部 all need to be completed
FR107 工程师文化(1) FR110 工程师文化(2)
Intercultural Engineering Module (1) Intercultural Engineering Module (2) Intercultural Engineering Module (3) Intercultural Engineering Module (4)
Circumstances and Policy Pysical Education(4) College English(4) Circumstances and Policy International Studies Preparation Circumstances and Policy English Speech and Presentation Skills
96 64 96 448 32 64
96 64 96 448 32 64
64 42 56 322 32 64
16 10 20 62
16 12 20 64
PH247 工程物理与化学基础(1) PH248 工程物理与化学基础(2)
FR208 中级法语语法(2) FR220 中级综合法语 (2)
Intermediate French Grammar (2) Intermediate Comprehensive French 2
16 64 64
64 96 32 256 32
64 96 32 256 32
32 48 16 16 80
16.0 2.0
FR409 商务法语(1)
Business French (1) 总计
153.0 2458 ### 1790
专业教育课程 Core Courses
基础类 Basic Courses

FR419 人文社科与经管 (2) FR420 人文社科与经管 (3)
2.0 2.0 13.0
32 32 208
32 32 208
32 32 208
通识教育实践 General Education Practice 必修课Compulsory Courses 须修满全部 all need to be completed XP000
MA160 高等数学Ⅱ PH124 大学基础物理 CA041 物质结构导论 FR142 跨学科数值方法实践
Advanced Mathematics II Fundamental physics Introduction to the Structure of Matter Multidisciplinary Project 总
FR108 法语入门 FR103 初级法语语法(1) FR133 科技法语(1) FR127 初级综合法语(1)-A
French for Beginners Elementary French Grammar (1) French for Sciences (1) Elementary Comprehensive French 1 -A Elementary Comprehensive French 1 -B 总

96 96 96 64 34 482 32 32 96 96 96 64 32 448 32 32
96 96 96 64 34 482 32 32 96 96 96 64 32 448 32 32
64 64 66 42
16 16 10 10
16 16 20 12 34
Foundations of Engineering Physics and Chemistry 3 Foundations of Engineering Physics PH250 工程物理与化学基础(4) and Chemistry 4 FR141 跨学科高级模拟与数据处理 Advanced multidisciplinary project 总 FR314 法语写作 FR315 法语辩论技巧 MA184 高等数学 Ⅶ MA185 高等数学 Ⅷ PH365 工程物理与化学基础(5) Academic French Writing French Debate Advanced mathematics Ⅶ Advanced mathematics Ⅷ
EN241 英语科技文献分析与写作 EN437 信函写作与社交英语
English Scientific Report Analysis English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing 总
2.0 1.0 37.0
32Байду номын сангаас16 656
32 16 592