Book 4 Unit 4 重点短语和句子

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Book 4 Unit 4 重点短语和句子

1.state his problem 把问题叙述清楚 a solid/ liquid/gaseous state 固态、液态、气态

be in a state of poor /good health= be in a poor/good /fit state 健康状况不佳、良好

make a (public ) statement to发表公开声明issue a statement发表声明

get a bank statement 受到银行的一份结算单a state visit/ railways 国事访问/ 国营铁路women’s social status=women’s status in society 女人的社会地位

1) It’s stated that (据说) the fire started in a cottage.

2)Under no circumastances (在任何情况下都不)should we give up our dreams.

3) The government has taken proper measures to improve the housingconditions(改善住房条

件)of families with low incomes.

2.greet a friend with a smile 笑迎朋友

greet guests at the airport/ New Year 在机场迎接客人/ 迎新年

greet sth with sth. 某事做出某种反应

(常用于被动语态be greeted with bursts of laughter报以阵阵欢声)

a greeting card贺卡 a New Year greeting 新年的祝贺Christmas greetings 圣诞祝词

1). The news was greeted with cheering ,booing.(对这消息欢呼喝彩,嘘声四起)

2).When he finished his speech,he was affected to see his speech was greeted with cheers and

applauses (观众对。。。报以欢呼声和掌声)。

3.choose a committee to represent us 选一个委员会来代表我们

represent herself as/ to be a victim/an expert自称是受害者、专家

represent the president as a devil把总统描绘成恶魔

represent sth to sb.向某人陈述某事

be representive of sb./sth有代表性的、是。。。的典型特点

1).She represented herself as /to be a victim (自称是受害者)of the hotel and complained

about the bad service

2).Living in the suburbs but working in the city is repesentive of (是。。。。。的典型特点)

modern people. /feel curious about everything 对一切都感到好奇out of curiousity处于好奇心

be curious to know很想知道,渴望知道。It’s curious that……..。。。。真奇怪

1)The reporter is curious to know(很想知道)whether the official is involved in the case

2)It’s curious that (真奇怪)she left without saying goodbye。

5.associate sth with sth把…与….联系在一起

be associated with sb /sth 与某人、某事有联系、有关

associate with sb 与某人打交道、与某人交往

in associattion with sb /sth 与。。。。联合、联系/ 与某人为伍

an associate judge/ professor陪审法官/ 副教授

one’s business associate 业务合伙人

1).A healthy life is frequently thought to be in close association with /to be associated

with同。。。密切相关)the open countryside and homegrown food.

2).Ther has always been close association(一向有密切联系) between the two schools.

3).I benefited much from my association with her (与她的交往)。

4). I’m very selective about the people I associate (我与之交往的)。

5) It’s wise for the girl to associate happiness with money. (把幸福与金钱联系在一起)

6. Summmer is approaching (即将来临)

approach sb for information向某人了解情况

approach sb with a suggestion向某人建议

approach the manger about taking a day off 同经理谈请一天假的事

approach to sth/ doing sth 做。。。的方法、途径

adopt effective approaches采用有效的方法

all the approaches to the palace通向宫殿的所有道路

be easy of approach 容易到达,容易接近

on the approach of death 临死的时候

be good at making approaches to strangers 擅长与陌生人交往

1). The best approach to learning English(学习英语的最佳途径)is to expose yourself

to an English environment.

2). Having found the approach to solving the problem(找到了解决问题的方法后),we

were so excited and cheered up.

3).We heard the approach of the train.(火车开过来了)。

4.)He approached the problem(处理这一问题)as a scientist.

7. one of the major aims 其中一个主要目的 a mathemitica major 主修数学的学生

major traffic problem 严重交通问题major in economics 主修经济学

8 defend her against the accusation 为她辩护,驳斥对她的职指责

defend their children from attack from the tiger 保护他们的孩子免受老虎的袭击

defend our country against enemies 抵御敌人来保卫我们的国家

leave us defenseless against any disease 对任何疾病都无抵抗能力

adopt/take defensive measures 采取防御措施

fight in defence of our country 为保卫国家而战

a defenseless child 没有自我保护能力的孩子

9. one of our major tasks/aims 我们的主要任务、目的之一

a mathemtics major 主修数学的学生

major in economics 主修经济学

10. misunderstand your meaning 误解你的意思

clear up a misunderstanding 澄清误会

avoid misunderstanding 避免误会

Ther must be something misunderstandng(一定有什么事误会了). I do n’t know what you are talking about.

11. dash a vase to bits/ pieces

I’m afraid Imust dash (off)

Dashing into the dinning
