Stereo garage is specifically implement check of vehicles automatic parking and scientific storage acilities. With the increasing of urban car ownership, parking problem has become a common phenomenon of large and medium-sized cities. Mechanical stereo garage can make full use of land resources, making full use of the advantages of space and maximize the parked vehicles, become the important way to solve the problem of urban static traffic. This topic was typical to lift move transversely type parking equipment as the research object, considering the three-dimensional garage dual factors of manufacturing cost and operation efficiency.Based on the garage at home and abroad present situation and the development trend on the basis of investigation and choose three layer three column type garage structure as the research model. Lifting and moving type stereo garage in terms of their component parts, can be divided into three parts: the garage structural parts, transmission parts and control system. This article simply introduces the main structure and characteristics of garage, the garage control system also made a simple description, based on three-dimensional garage lifting and moving type, the operation principle of using the theory of three-dimensional garage for lifting and moving structure has carried on the comprehensive analysis, including the lifting of the frame transverse transmission system and elevator drive system of axial strength and so on. In three-dimensional garage for lifting and moving the design of control system, adopt advanced PLC control, by use of mitsubishi's programming software developed lifting and moving type three-dimensional garage control system application, and the debugging and running, prove that using programmable controller (PLC) as control system is simple. Its stable, reliable, rapid, cost-effective features make control according to the state of mechanical parking equipment general safety standards, lift the lateral movement type parking equipment and actual use in the lift move transversely type parking equipment necessary security technology, so that ensures the complete safety of the vehicle, make the whole garage can be safe and smooth operation.Key words: Stereo garage; Control system; The PLC目录1 绪论 (4)1.1 本课题设计的背景 (4)1.2 本题设计的目的及意义 (4)1.3 立体车库在国内外研究发展现状 (5)1.4 本题设计的内容 (6)2 系统方案的设定 (6)2.1 方案论证 (6)2.2 自动化立体车库常见形式 (7)2.3 升降横移式立体库控制系统整体方案 (7)3 立体车库机械部分设计 (8)3.1 立体车库的基本结构 (8)3.1.1 升降横移式立体车库的工作原理 (8)3.1.2 立体车库主要机械构件及其功能 (9)3.2 立体车库中的安全防护装置 (9)4 立体车库控制系统硬件设计 (9)4.1 电气控制系统整体设计 (9)4.2 硬件系统配置 (9)4.2.1 PLC概述 (9)4.2.2 PLC的工作方式 (10)4.3 其他硬件资源配置 (11)5 立体车库控制系统软件设计 (11)5.1 PLC的特点及选型 (11)5.2 PLC的I/O口资源配置 (12)5.3 电气控制系统PLC接线图 (13)5.4 PLC控制程序设计 (15)5.5 控制系统程序梯形图 (16)6 基于组态王的监控界面设计............................... 错误!未定义书签。
关键字:立体车库;西门子PLC;升降横移;组态王This paper presents a three-dimensional lifting and transferring seven parking garage automatic control and monitoring systems. It is a programmable controller (PLC) to control the core motor for the lifting and transferring power to complete the lifting and traversing accurate control and monitoring system via the configuration software design and establish communication between the PLC can be achieved on the host computer site conditions real-time acquisition and remote control functions. Ultimately achieve a multi-channel, multi-level access car approach.By lifting and transferring garage working principle and control process study to look at the Siemens S7-200 PLC control model car stereo garage access process methods to achieve three-dimensional garage access 3x3 car model design and control system design . The monitoring system is configuration software that is kingview based on WINDOW platform. Through the configuration software to establish data dictionary, the monitoring interface design, animation, the control script, data acquisition, debugging based on communication with PLC, completed the design of configuration monitoring system. PLC and configuration monitoring to achieve three-dimensional garage human and equipment separation operations, bi-directional control systems. Completion of the lifting and transferring car garage features an automatic access, lifting and transferring system, configuration, and security monitoring systems such as anti-fall hook function implementation and simulation.Keywords: three-dimensional garage;Siemens PLC;lifting and transferring;Kingview目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 (1)1.2 立体车库的研究和发展现状 (2)1.3 课题研究内容 (4)1.4 文章组织结构 (4)第二章系统整体设计 (5)2.1 立体车库结构及原理 (5)2.2 总体控制方案 (6)2.3 立体车库的车位移动方案 (7)第三章立体车库控制系统设计 (9)3.1 系统硬件设计 (9)3.1.1 PLC简介 (9)3.1.2 系统子电路设计 (10)3.1.3 系统硬件总体设计 (11)3.2 控制系统软件设计 (12)3.2.1 系统流程图 (13)3.2.2 PLC的输入/输出点分配 (14)3.2.3 PLC程序设计 (15)第四章组态监控系统设计 (20)4.1 组态软件简介 (20)4.2 工程的建立 (20)4.3 数据词典建立 (21)4.4 界面设计以及动画连接 (21)4.4.1 界面设计 (21)4.4.2 动画连接设计 (22)第五章系统调试 (26)5.1 通信设置 (26)5.1.1 PLC编程软件和PLC的通信 (26)5.1.2 组态王和PLC的通信 (27)5.2 调试运行结果 (27)5.3 设计中的问题及其解决方案 (28)结语 (29)致谢 (30)参考文献 (31)第一章绪论1.1 课题研究的背景和意义随着我国经济和汽车工业的迅速发展,拥有私家车的家庭越来越多,车辆的急剧增长与城市规划车位较少的现状之间产生的矛盾越演越烈,很多城市的停车状况已经陷入困境。
湖南工业职业技术学院Hunan Industry Polytechnic类别毕业设计题目升降横移式立体车库PLC控制系统设计系名称电气工程系专业及班级机电S12-8学生姓名许烜杰学号08指导教师张志田老师、李鄂湘老师摘要本文选用了社会需求大,最常见的一种立体车库——升降横移式立体停车库。
关键词:机械式立体停车库,升降横移,结构,传动系统,优化,安全目录第一章前言......................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1立体车库概述................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1.1.1概述.............................................. - 1 -1.1.2立体车库的分类.................................... - 1 -1.2立体车的国内外发展情况.................................. - 1 -第二章升降横移式立体车库控制方式 ................... 错误!未定义书签。
HM51 ] CMP D31 D20 M20
选择车位2 存取车
选择车位3 存取车
一条对角线上安放一套光电开关,用于检测托 盘上有无车,整个动作区域配有光、电检测及 多重安全系统,以防异常情况发生。通过光电
输入电路 可编程序控制器(PLC)
结果大于零,则表示空 车位在左边,这样先把 空车位右边第一个托 盘左移到空位上,之后
图5 PLC系统的硬件结构图
车位在上层需要存取 的车位正下方时,其比
Abstract:This paper introduces the up—down and translation cubic ear-b&se control system with PLC and upper computer supervisory control,it was introduced that the design ideas of key—technology can be used for any type of the up—down and translation cubic car—base control system, it has a great future.
三、升降横移式立体停车库的控制系统设计1. 系统架构设计设计的第一步是确定系统的架构。
2. 硬件设计在硬件设计上,需要根据停车库的具体情况选用适当的传感器和执行器。
一、系统原理及设计1.1 系统原理升降横移式立体车库是一种集停车、存储和提取车辆的智能化设备。
1.2 设计要点在设计过程中,需要考虑以下要点:- 车辆安全:确保车辆在升降和横移过程中不会受到任何损坏。
- 系统可靠性:保证系统运行稳定可靠,降低故障发生的概率。
- 运行效率:提高车辆的存取速度,减少停车耗时。
二、系统硬件部分2.1 垂直升降系统垂直升降系统主要由电动机、减速器、传动链条和升降平台组成。
2.2 横移系统横移系统由电动机、减速器和横移平台组成。
2.3 传感器与控制器为保证升降横移过程中车辆的安全,系统中安装了多个传感器。
三、系统软件部分3.1 PLC控制器程序PLC控制器作为系统的核心,负责接收传感器信号、控制电动机运行以及监控整个系统的状态。
3.2 人机交互界面为了方便车主操作,系统采用了触摸屏人机交互界面。
升降横移立体车库 PLC 程序设计概述
![升降横移立体车库 PLC 程序设计概述](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0dcc5b6d27284b73f24250f0.png)
关键词 : P L C, 升 降 横 移 立 体 车 库
Ab s t r a c t
Acc or di n g t o t he o per a t i on pr i n ci pl e o f l i f t i n g a nd t r an s f er i n g t r i di men s i o na l gar ag e, t h i s pap er de s i gn s c o n t r o l pr o gr a m on t h e Si e m en s S7 —20 0 PL C co n t r ol pl a t f Or m. t o a c hi ev e au t oma t i c c on t r ol f or au t omat i c s t er e o ga r a ge. Ke y wo r d s: P LC, l i f t i ng a n d t r an s f er r i n g t r i di men si on a l ga r a ge
R S 一 4 8 5通 讯 。所 以在 S 7 — 2 ∞ P L C 中 必 须 编 写 一 段 通 讯 程 序 代 码。 以西 门子 S 7 — 2 0 0 P L C 与 操 作 器 采 用 Mo d b u s方 式 通 讯
检 测 主 要 是 检 测 目标 车 位下 层 相 邻 两 车 位 的 状 态 , 由此 来 判 断 下 行 通 道 是 否 建 立 。 该 检 测 结 果 在 上 升 动 作 及 下 降 动 作 过 程 中 使用。 3 ) 上升动作子程序。 上 升 动 作 是 车 库 动作 流 程 的开 始 。 在 这
锉番 欲 长 滑
( 郑 州铁 路职 业技 术 学院电 气工程 系 , 河南 郑州 4 5 0 0 5 2 )
要 :为满 足车辆 存取控 制 的需求 。 在 阐述多 层 升 降横 移 式立 体停 车库 结构 特 点 的基 础 上 , 提 出 了一 种立 体 车 库存 取 控 制 方法 。
0 引言
随着汽车和各类建 筑物数 量 的不 断增加 . 传统 的
单层平面停车场 已不能满足停 车的需求 . “ 停 车难 ” 成 了社会 问题 。因此 , 建立 新 型 的 、 占地少 的立 体 停 车 库, 已成为 当今社会 的迫切需 求 。立体 车库 主要有 升 降横移式 、 垂直循环式 、 水 平循 环式 、 垂 直升 降式等几
基于 P L C的升降横移式立体车库 自动控制
张桂香 , 等
基于 P L C的升 降横移式立体 车库 自动控制
P L C— b a s e d Au t o ma t i c Con t r o l f or L i f t i n g a n d Tr a n s f e r i n g 3 D Ga r a g e
制 系统 以及安全 防护装置等五部分组成 。 升降横移式停车库 的工作原理是利用 载车板移位 产生垂直 通道 , 实现 高层 或地 下 车位 升降存 取 车辆 。
每个 车位都有载车板 , 所 需存取 的车辆通 过载 车板升
降和横移运 行 到达 地 面层 , 驾 驶员 进入 车库 , 存取 车
辆 。停在地面 的车辆 只作横移运行 , 不需升降 , 上层 车 位或 下层车位要通过 中间层横 移空 出车位 , 只有 将载
种类型 , 国内立体停车设备是以升降横移 类为主 , 这类 车库约 占总量的 8 0 % 以上 _ 】 】 升降横移式停车设备各层车架之间的高度仅 按车 体的安全高度设计 , 单 车存 放 的平 均 占地面积 和 占有 空间达到最小 , 且无 需修建 坡道和匝道 , 车体存取 由载 车板的移动完成 。该设 备结构 简单 、 占地少 、 投 资少 、 布局灵 活 、 组 合方便 、 存 取容 易 、 操作 简便 。根 据该设 备设计 的 P L C控 制系统 提供 多种 保 护 , 运 行平 稳 、 安
论文作者(签字):日期: 2014年 6月 8日摘要随着时代的变化,科学技术的快速发展,城市人口的不断增加,人多地少的问题也日益凸出。
本文主要通过对升降横移式立体车库设计原理的研究,探讨了应用可程序设计控制器PLC 在升降横移式立体车库中的应用。
关键字:立体车库,升降横移式,PLCAbstractAlong with the change of the times, the rapid development of science and technology, increasing urban population, people much less problem is also a growing bulge. In recent years, as China's rapid economic growth, people's standard of living continues to improve, rapid rise in car ownership, instead of doing the single plane or parked in the parking lot at no longer being able to meet people's needs. Parking space, take up little space, easy operation, safety and reliability requirements of the new era the garage, garage appeared to cater to the demand, eliminating the car much less, the car did not stop.Mechanical stereo garage currently common lifting and transferring, vertical circulating style, multilayer circulating style, level loop, plane type, stacking type, vertical lift and easy lift roadway type 8, lifting and transferring of classes to their simple structure, easy to operate, safe and reliable, low cost advantages in the domestic garage market account for a large share of the market. Because of the programmable logic controller (PLC) set of computer technology, automation technology, communications technology as a whole, high reliability, high performance, compact design, scalability, ease of operation, often in electronic-controlled automatic parking system as the core. This article mainly by lifting and transferring cubic garage design principle study explored the application of programming controller PLC application in lifting and transferring cubic garage.Keywords: Parking, Lifting and transferring, PLC前言 (1)1 绪论 (2)1.1立体车库的国内外发展现状 (2)1.2设计车库的选型 (3)2 升降横移式立体车库 (4)2.1升降横移式立体车库的主要组成部分 (4)2.2升降横移式立体车库车位结构 (4)2.3升降横移式立体车库的工作原理和运行图示 (4)3 升降横移式立体车库的硬件系统设计 (6)3.1 控制原理说明 (6)3.2 控制系统的PLC单元的选择 (6)3.2.1 各型PLC简介 (6)3.2.2 PLC型号的选择 (7)3.3 传感元件的选择 (7)3.4 行程开关 (8)3.5 驱动元件以及减速器选择 (9)4 升降横移式立体车库的控制系统设计 (10)4.1 基本控制原理说明 (10)4.2 升降横移式立体车库的控制任务 (10)4.3 控制程序流程图 (11)4.4 PLC的I/O端口资源配置 (13)4.5 升降横移式立体车库控制程序 (15)总结 (22)致谢 (23)参考文献 (24)附录I/O控制原理图 (25)机械式立体车库就是以立体化的方式用机械来存取、停放车辆的整个停车设施,即用机械设备将汽车存放到立体化的停车位或从停车位元取出的方式。
存取 工作原理 、 安全保护 、 电气控制及程序控制等方面进行设计 。为城 市突出的“ 停 车难 ” 问题提供 了一种解决方案 。
[ 关键 词 】 立体 车库 ; 升降横移 ; 车 辆存 取 ; P L C控 制
【 中图分类号】 U 4 9 1 . 7 1
【 文献标识码】 A
文章编号: 1 6 7 1 — 0 0 3 7 ( 2 0 1 4 ) 0 9 — 7 2 — 3
和计算机 等多个方 面。其中升降横移式 的立体停 车库结构框架
不高 , 在垂直平 面内车位布置较 紧凑 , 出入 口布置灵活 , 在楼 字 地下 室或住宅小 区空地 布置方便 , 相对成本较低 , 进 出一辆车不 必牵 动全 库车辆 , 并可 以并列 、 串列组 成组合式 车库 , 形式多样 ,
K M9 一 K Ml 3 的主触点 控制的是横移 电机 M7 一 M1 1 的接通和
断开 , 如图 4 所示 。
相 序 及 热保 护 上层上 、 下 止 限
X1 X2
1 0 1 横移限
1 0 2 横 移 限 1 0 3 横 移 限
Xl 2
X1 3 X1 4
现以3 x 3 立体车库为例说 明其工作原理 。车库车位示意 图
如图1 所示 。
图 2 主 电 源控 制
图 1 车 位 示 意 图
它 的结 构特点是 : 一层 只能平移 , 二层 既可平移又 能升降 ,
三层 只能升 降 , 一层 二层各有 一个空位 。当一层车位进 车辆 时, 不需移 动其他托 盘就可直接进 行车辆进 出 , 当二 、 三层 车位
器, 立体车库的运行 包括 升降 、 横移 , 升降是 一对相反 的动作 , 左
AbstractStereo garage is the storage which is used for automatic parking and scientific storage of kinds of automobile. As the quantity of urban automobile has increased continuously in nowadays, the hard-to-Park Problem has become a common phenomenon. Mechanical stereo garage can use land resource sufficiently and bring space advantage into play, and maximize the number of parking cars. It has become an important way for static traffic problem of cities. The issue studies the type mechanical parking system which named up-down and translation stereo garage, and regards of the two factors of cost of manufacture and operational efficiency synthetically.On the basis of investigation on current situation and developing trend of garage in domestic and abroad, we choose three-layer and three-formulistic garage structure as the research model. According to the form of the dragging-forms of multi player up-down and translation ear-base, it is made of three parts: part of ear-base structure、part of driving-framework and part of control system. The paper simply introduces main structure and characteristics of garage and also gives a short introduction to its control system. The finite element reliability checking of steel structure of garage is utilized according to the operation principle of up-down and translation stereo garage, the mechanics was used to comprehensively analyze the up-down and translation stereo garage. Including intension of the framework structure and axes, etc. The paper adopted PLC as control system in designing the up-down and translation stereo garage, PLC software of OMRON company was used to weave the program of control system, through debugging running. The result proved that adopted PLC as control system is simple and easy to realize. The characteristic of stabilization, credibility, speediness and high capability made the control system very perfection. In order to satisfy using demand in design stereo garage, according to criterion of mechanical parking systems-general safety requirement and the facts of the up-down and translation stereo garage the Paper introduced some safety technique which was used in the up-down and translation stereo garage. This can ensure absolute safety for Car and make the whole stereo garage safety and running smooth.Keywords:Stereo garage, Control system, PLC, Steel structure .目录摘要 (i)Abstract (v)第1 章绪论 (1)1.1 课题的背景和意义 (1)1.2 课题的关键技术及其国内外研究发展现状 (3)1.2.1 国外研究现状 (3)1.2.2 国内研究现状 (5)1.3 本文的主要工作目标和工作内容 (6)第 2 章升降横式立体车库机械部分设计 (8)2.1 升降横移式立体车库的基本结构 (8)2.1.1 升降横移式立体车库简介.................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
注:1. 课程设计任务书和指导书在课程设计前发给学生,设计任务书放置在设计报告封面后和正文目录前。
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2009/2010学年第二学期PLC应用技术课程设计任务书指导教师:蔡长青冯雷班级:自动化0841、2班地点:实训中心512 课程设计题目:基于PLC的立体车库控制系统一、课程设计目的本课程设计的目的在于培养学生运用已学的PLC控制技术的基础知识和基本理论,加以综合运用,进行PLC控制系统设计的初等训练,掌握运用PLC进行系统控制设计的原则、设计内容和设计步骤,为从事PLC相关的毕业设计或今后的工作需要打下良好的基础。
Stereo garage is specifically implement check of vehicles automatic parking and scientific storage acilities. With the increasing of urban car ownership, parking problem has become a common phenomenon of large and medium-sized cities. Mechanical stereo garage can make full use of land resources, making full use of the advantages of space and maximize the parked vehicles, become the important way to solve the problem of urban static traffic. This topic was typical to lift move transversely type parking equipment as the research object, considering the three-dimensional garage dual factors of manufacturing cost and operation efficiency.Based on the garage at home and abroad present situation and the development trend on the basis of investigation and choose three layer three column type garage structure as the research model. Lifting and moving type stereo garage in terms of their component parts, can be divided into three parts: the garage structural parts, transmission parts and control system. This article simply introduces the main structure and characteristics of garage, the garage control system also made a simple description, based on three-dimensional garage lifting and moving type, the operation principle of using the theory of three-dimensional garage for lifting and moving structure has carried on the comprehensive analysis, including the lifting of the frame transverse transmission system and elevator drive system of axial strength and so on. In three-dimensional garage for lifting and moving the design of control system, adopt advanced PLC control, by use of mitsubishi's programming software developed lifting and moving type three-dimensional garage control system application, and the debugging and running, prove that using programmable controller (PLC) as control system is simple. Its stable, reliable, rapid, cost-effective features make control according to the state of mechanical parking equipment general safety standards, lift the lateral movement type parking equipment and actual use in the lift move transversely type parking equipment necessary security technology, so that ensures the complete safety of the vehicle, make the whole garage can be safe and smooth operation.Key words: Stereo garage; Control system; The PLC目录1 绪论 (4)1.1 本课题设计的背景 (4)1.2 本题设计的目的及意义 (4)1.3 立体车库在国内外研究发展现状 (5)1.4 本题设计的内容 (6)2 系统方案的设定 (6)2.1 方案论证 (6)2.2 自动化立体车库常见形式 (7)2.3 升降横移式立体库控制系统整体方案 (7)3 立体车库机械部分设计 (8)3.1 立体车库的基本结构 (8)3.1.1 升降横移式立体车库的工作原理 (8)3.1.2 立体车库主要机械构件及其功能 (9)3.2 立体车库中的安全防护装置 (9)4 立体车库控制系统硬件设计 (9)4.1 电气控制系统整体设计 (9)4.2 硬件系统配置 (9)4.2.1 PLC概述 (9)4.2.2 PLC的工作方式 (10)4.3 其他硬件资源配置 (11)5 立体车库控制系统软件设计 (11)5.1 PLC的特点及选型 (11)5.2 PLC的I/O口资源配置 (12)5.3 电气控制系统PLC接线图 (13)5.4 PLC控制程序设计 (15)5.5 控制系统程序梯形图 (16)6 基于组态王的监控界面设计............................... 错误!未定义书签。
Abstract:Stereo garage is the storage which is used for automatic parking and scientific storage of kinds of automobile. As the quantity of urban automobile has increased continuously in nowadays, the hard-to-Park Problem has become a common phenomenon. Mechanical stereo garage can use land resource sufficiently and bring space advantage into play, and maximize the number of parking cars. It has become an important way for static traffic problem of cities. The issue studies the type mechanical parking system which named up-down and translation stereo garage, and regards of the two factors of cost of manufacture and operational efficiency synthetically.On the basis of investigation on current situation and developing trend of garage in domestic and abroad, we choose three-layer and three-formulistic garage structure as the research model. According to the form of the dragging-forms of multi player up-down and translation ear-base, it is made of three parts: part of ear-base structure、part of driving-framework and part of control system. The paper simply introduces main structure and characteristics of garage and also gives a short introduction to its control system. The finite element reliability checking of steel structure of garage is utilized according to the operation principle of up-down and translation stereo garage, the mechanics was used to comprehensively analyze the up-down and translation stereo garage. Including intension of the framework structure and axes, etc. The paper adopted PLC as control system in designing the up-down and translation stereo garage, PLC software of OMRON company was used to weave the program of control system, through debugging running. The result proved that adopted PLC as control system is simple and easy to realize. The characteristic of stabilization, credibility, speediness and high capability made the control system very perfection. In order to satisfy using demand in design stereo garage, according to criterion of mechanical parking systems-general safety requirement and the facts of the up-down and translation stereo garage the Paper introduced some safety technique which was used in the up-down and translation stereo garage. This can ensure absolute safety for Car and make the whole stereo garage safety and running smooth.目录1. 绪论 (3)1.1本课题提出的背景 (4)1.2升降横移立体停车库发展现状及市场前景分析 (4)1.3本论文的主要内容 (5)2 升降横移立体停车库的类型特点及选型 (6)2.1升降横移立体停车库的类型 (6)2.2升降横移立体停车库的选型。
早在60数年前, 立体停车就在国外有所发展, 自动立体停车装备系统在世界各地旳发展是极不均衡旳, 德国开发最早, 技术居于领先地位, 在二层及多层平面式立体停车库系列中, 它已发展了H型、U型和V型。日本由于国土面积小而应用最广, 自从1959年引进了建造机械式立体停车库技术之后, 到1983年, 就已经在本土上共建造了25454座多种形式旳机械式车库, 平均每座容车量到达十辆左右, 最多旳能到达百辆以上。从上世纪七十年代末期起, 车库容量年递增率为5%-7%, 已经赶上了同期汽车拥有量旳年递增率4%-6%, 从技术特性上看, 日本更重视竖式自动立体车库旳发展, 即密集型自动立体停车库旳发展。进入20世纪以来, 在国内举行了多种与停车设备有关旳展览会, 全自动立体停车设备旳容车能力及其技术完备, 先进程度已被世界广泛承认和接受。国内正处在经济与建设发展阶段, 目前已经有国外多种立体车库进入中国市场。
(3)水平循环式立体车库: 采用一种循环运动旳车位系统存取停放车辆旳机械设备旳车库叫做水平循环式立体车库。
1-3 水平循环式立体车
(4)多层循环式立体车库: 是通过使载车板作上下循环运动, 来实现车辆多层循环式停车旳, 从而减少占地面积, 提高存取车自动化程度旳机械式立体车库。多层循环式立体车库最合适建造于地形细长且地面只容许设置一种出入口旳场所, 如建筑在地下室、广场、便道旳地下及高架桥下面, 如图1-4所示。
1-1 升降横移式立体车
(2)垂直循环式立体车: 库采用垂直方向做循环运动旳停车系统存取车辆旳停车设备直循环类立体车库。这种停车库设被动力单一、控制简朴、占地面积小, 适合散地块、下小规模停车场, 也可用于机关单位车辆不多、停车区域小又分散车场。在58m2旳地方建起大型垂直循环类机械停车库, 可容纳34辆轿车或24两面包车。
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Abstract:Stereo garage is the storage which is used for automatic parking and scientific storage of kinds of automobile. As the quantity of urban automobile has increased continuously in nowadays, the hard-to-Park Problem has become a common phenomenon. Mechanical stereo garage can use land resource sufficiently and bring space advantage into play, and maximize the number of parking cars. It has become an important way for static traffic problem of cities. The issue studies the type mechanical parking system which named up-down and translation stereo garage, and regards of the two factors of cost of manufacture and operational efficiency synthetically.On the basis of investigation on current situation and developing trend of garage in domestic and abroad, we choose three-layer and three-formulistic garage structure as the research model. According to the form of the dragging-forms of multi player up-down and translation ear-base, it is made of three parts: part of ear-base structure、part of driving-framework and part of control system. The paper simply introduces main structure and characteristics of garage and also gives a short introduction to its control system. The finite element reliability checking of steel structure of garage is utilized according to the operation principle of up-down and translation stereo garage, the mechanics was used to comprehensively analyze the up-down and translation stereo garage. Including intension of the framework structure and axes, etc. The paper adopted PLC as control system in designing the up-down and translation stereo garage, PLC software of OMRON company was used to weave the program of control system, through debugging running. The result proved that adopted PLC as control system is simple and easy to realize. The characteristic of stabilization, credibility, speediness and high capability made the control system very perfection. In order to satisfy using demand in design stereo garage, according to criterion of mechanical parking systems-general safety requirement and the facts of the up-down and translation stereo garage the Paper introduced some safety technique which was used in the up-down and translation stereo garage. This can ensure absolute safety for Car and make the whole stereo garage safety and running smooth.目录1. 绪论 (3)1.1本课题提出的背景 (4)1.2升降横移立体停车库发展现状及市场前景分析 (4)1.3本论文的主要内容 (5)2 升降横移立体停车库的类型特点及选型 (6)2.1升降横移立体停车库的类型 (6)2.2升降横移立体停车库的选型。
(7)3.1升降横移式立体停车库的运行原理 (8)3.2升降横移立体停车库结构特点: (8)3.3升降横移式体停车库主要技术参数 (9)4 升降横移式立体停车库的硬件系统 (10)4.1 概述104.2PLC简介 (10)4.3硬件电源及负荷 (10)4.4PLC的选用原则及本设计中选用的PLC (11)5.1控制系统方案的确定 (12)5.2系统硬件设计 (13)5.3系统软件设计及调试过程 (18)5.5停车库主电路 (44)6.1防干扰和电力超载装置 (45)6.2车辆防滑、定位、制动装置 (45)6.3减振装置 (45)附录 (49)附录1:各停车盘顺序功能图 (49)附录2:升降横移立体停车库主电路图 (52)中文摘要英文摘要第一章绪论1.1本课题的提出的背景及意义1.2 升降横移立体停车库发展现状及市场前景分析第二章升降横移立体停车库的类型特点及选型2.1 升降横移立体停车库的类型2.2升降横移立体停车库的选型第三章车库工作原理、结构特点和主要技术参数3.1升降横移式立体停车库的运行原理3.2升降横移立体停车库结构特点3.3升降横移式体停车库主要技术参数第四章升降横移式立体停车库的硬件系统4.1 概述4.2 PLC简介4.3硬件电源及负荷4.4 PLC的选用原则及本设计中选用的PLC第五章系统设计5.1 控制系统方案的确定5.2 系统硬件设计5.3系统软件设计及调试过程5.5停车库主电路第六章升降横移式立体车库的安全性问题6.1 防干扰和电力超载装置6.2 车辆防滑、定位、制动装置6.3减振装置第七章结束语及附录1. 绪论近几年来,随着城市经济的腾飞、人民生活水平的不断提高、汽车工业和建筑业两大支柱产业的快速发展、汽车价格一降再降、汽车数量急剧增加,在寸土寸金的城市中,出现了道路上动态交通严重堵塞,而且占用道路停车和占用居住区绿地停车的现象越来越严重,从而进一步加剧了交通的拥挤,破坏了城市的居住环境。
1.1 本课题提出的背景作为解决城市静态交通的有效措施——升降横移立体停车库。