BS ISO 16750-2-2010 道路车辆.电气和电子设备的环境条件和试验.第2部分电力负载
电子设备可靠性测试标准1、ISO国际标准化组织中,ISO/TC22/SC3 负责汽车电气和电子技术领域的标准化工作。
目前ISO 制订的汽车电子标准环境条件和试验标准主要包含如下方面:ISO16750-1:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:总则ISO16750-2:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:供电环境ISO16750-3:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:机械环境ISO16750-4:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:气候环境ISO16750-5:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:化学环境ISO20653 汽车电子设备防护外物、水、接触的等级ISO21848 道路车辆-供电电压42V 的电气和电子装备电源环境国内目前汽车电子产品的环境试验标准主要还是按照产品的技术条件来规定。
全国汽车标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC114)正在参照ISO 标准制订相应的国家和行业标准。
ISO 的标准在欧美车系的车厂中得到了广泛采用,而日系车厂的要求相对ISO 标准来说偏离较大。
为了确保达到标准的限值,各汽车车厂的内控的环境条件标准一般比ISO 的要求要苛刻。
2、AEC 系列标准上个世纪九十年代,克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车为建立一套通用的零件资质及质量系统标准而设立了汽车电子委员会(AEC),AEC 建立了质量控制的标准。
AEC-Q-100 芯片应力测试的认证规范是AEC 的第一个标准。
AEC-Q-100 于1994 年首次发表,由于符合AEC 规范的零部件均可被上述三家车厂同时采用,促进了零部件制造商交换其产品特性数据的意愿,并推动了汽车零件通用性的实施,使得AEC 标准逐渐成为汽车电子零部件的通用测试规范。
经过10 多年的发展,AEC-Q-100 已经成为汽车电子系统的通用标准。
在AEC-Q-100 之后又陆续制定了针对离散组件的AEC-Q-101 和针对被动组件的AEC-Q-200 等规范,以及AEC-Q001/Q002/Q003/Q004 等指导性原则。
ISO16750-1 道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验 第1 部分:总则
道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第1部分:总则ISO16750.1全文连载于《环境技术》2007年1期引言ISO 16750旨在按设备样品生存周期内预期将要承受的真实环境,系统地向用户提供一组国际公认的环境条件、试验和运行要求。
ISO 16750在使用中应首先考虑下列因素:- 世界地理和气候道路车辆几乎世界所有的陆地区域使用和运行。
- 车辆的类型车辆的设计属性决定了道路车辆的环境条件,如发动机的类型、发动机的排量、悬挂的特性、车辆的自重、车辆的尺寸、供电电压等。
- 车辆的使用条件和运行方式道路的质量、路面的类型、道路的地形、车辆的使用(连续、牵引、货运,等等)和驾驶习惯都是非常值得重视的道路交通工具的环境条件。
- 设备(样品)生存周期有经验的生产、装运、操作、储存、车辆装配、车辆维护和修理,电子设备(样品)应能抵御同样的环境条件。
ISO 16750的范围包括了这些条件和试验(如操作跌落试验)。
- 车辆的供电电压运行方式、分配系统设计和相应的气候环境将导致车辆使用中的电压变化。
ISO 16750的范围包括了这些条件。
- 在车辆中的安装位置流行的或在未来的概念中,系统/组件是安装在车辆的任何位置。
4.6.4抛负载测试 Test B-集中抛负载抑制 判据 Class C
4.7 电压反极性测试 判据 Class C
情况 1 DUT应用于车辆中不带保险丝及交流整流电路中时, 用4V电压来做12V系统反极性测试,历时60s;24V系统不适用
情况2 除了情况1以外的时,反极性测试用下面电压测试,历 时60s
4.8 接地参考及电源偏移测试 判据 Class A DUT所有接口带上相应负载或网络,以1V偏移电压应用于
所有接地及电源电压上判断,3次测试;测试后,偏移反 极性再测试3次
4.9开路测试 判据 Class C 4.9.1 单路开路测试,一个回路一个回路断路后
10S±10% 重新恢复检查功能
Sweep duration (see Figure 3): 120 s;
Number of sweeps: 5 (continuously).
判据 Class C 在表1和表2内 判据 Class D 在表1和表2外
信号同时作用于相关所有输入连接,判据 Class B
4.11耐压测试 在进行ISO 16750-4.湿热循环后室温条件下放置半小时,
进行500V交流(50-60Hz)耐压1分钟测试; 镀锌隔离端子之间 端子与含有带电体的壳体之间 端子与壳体的电极间
© ISO 2010
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 16750-5:2003), which has been technically revised. ISO 16750 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment: ⎯ Part 1: General ⎯ Part 2: Electrical loads ⎯ Part 3: Mechanical loads ⎯ Part 4: Climatic loads ⎯ Part 5: Chemical loads
Part 5: Chemical loads
道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第2部分 电源环境ISO16750.2
道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第2部分:电源环境ISO16750.2作者:卢兆明, LU Zhou-ming作者单位:上海市质量监督检验技术研究院刊名:环境技术英文刊名:ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY年,卷(期):2007,25(2)1.ISO 7637(all parts),道路车辆-传导及耦合电干扰2.ISO/TR 10305(all parts).道路车辆-电磁场强度测量装置的校准3.ISO 10605,道路车辆-静电放电干扰测量方法4.ISO 11451(all parts).道路车辆-窄带辐射电磁能量干扰的车辆试验方法5.ISO 11452(all parts).道路车辆-窄带辐射电磁能量干扰的组件试验方法6.CISPR 12车辆,船舶和内燃机驱动的装置-无线电干扰特性-除安装在车辆/船舶和/装置内或靠近车辆/船舶和/装置外的接收防护测量限制和方法7.CISPR 25,乘用车使用的无线电接收的防护干扰特性的测量的限制和方法1.道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第4部分:气候环境(ISO16750-4:2003)(续上一期)[期刊论文]-环境技术2007,25(5)2.卢兆明.林嘉怡.Lu Zhao-ming.LIN Jia-yi道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第3部分:机械环境(ISO16750-3:2003)[期刊论文]-环境技术2007,25(3)3.卢兆明道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第1部分:总则 ISO16750.1[期刊论文]-环境技术2007,25(1)4.卢兆明.LU Zhao-ming道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第5部分:化学环境(ISO16750.5)[期刊论文]-环境技术2007,25(5)5.刘晓华瑞士EM测试有限公司[会议论文]-20046.李波大众途观转向柱电子装置控制单元引起的故障[期刊论文]-汽车维修技师2011(5)7.机车车辆检验站电磁兼容实验室简介[期刊论文]-铁道技术监督2008,36(10)8.李巍宝马740Li雨刮器失效[期刊论文]-汽车维修技师2006(3)9.周涌电机应用第一讲电机在汽车零部件上的应用(3)[期刊论文]-微电机2001,34(3)10.国内外汽车电磁兼容试验室简介[期刊论文]-安全与电磁兼容2002(4)本文链接:/Periodical_hjjs200702015.aspx。
40℃/95%RH 48小时,测试电机与控制器的绝缘电阻值
绝缘电阻按照GB/T 12665的规定进行
组 的 地形 、车 辆 的使 用 ( 续 、牵 引 、 上 的系统/ 件 引伸 到其 他车 辆成 为可 商有 责任提 供必 要 的环境 防护 。 连 b 线 扎 ,电缆和 电气 连接器 ) 货 运 ,等 等 )和 驾驶 习惯 都 是非 常值 能 。此 外 ,精 确 的量 值要 求 常常 在 设 得 重 视 的道 路 交 通 工 具 的环 境 条 件 。 计未 来概 念 车 的组 件 时是 未 知 的。 预 运 行 方式 如储 存 、起 动 、驾驶 、停车 等都 应 予 以考 虑 。 尽管I O 1 7 0 S 6 5 的一些环 境条 件和 期 的环境 负荷往 往 来 自于 其 他概 念车 试验 与 车辆 的线 扎 ,电缆 和 电气连 接
DT安 振动 ,而安装 在发动机上 的系统/ 组件 , 解 受试 样 品 ( U ) 装位 置 所处 的热 、
经 给 出车辆 的典型 类 型 ,包括 商用 车 应考 虑 附加来 自于发 动机 的正 弦振动 。 机 械环 境 、气 候 环 境和 化 学环 境负 荷 的情 况 。 辆 ( 重 型载 货车 ),乘 用车和 货 运 此 外 ,在 门上 安装 的装 置 ,因受 车 门 含 车 , 以及柴 油 发动机和 汽 油发动 机 。
的断路 。I O 1 7 0 S 6 5 的范 围包括 了这些
若 干等 级 。每 一 等级 用一 个 字 母代码 定 义 。完 整 的环 境要 求 由一 组 定义代
码表 达 。代码 由I O 1 7 0 S 6 5 其他 的有关 部分 定义 。I O 1 7 0 S 6 5 其他有 关 部分 的
世界 地理和 气候
道路 车 辆 几 乎世 界所 有 的陆地 区 域使 用和 运 行 。值得 注 意气 候环 境 条
1范 围
IO 1 7 0 S 6 5 的本部 分 规定 了可
4 总 则
可 能接 触规 定化 学试剂 的元件
棉布 : 刷子 :
浸没 :
以影 响直接 安装在车 辆上或车 辆里 和部件 应 能抵御这 些试剂 。应该经 的 电气和 电子系统和组件化学环境 , 受可 能接触 的所有试 剂 的试 验 ,除
化 学试 剂
柴 油 机 燃 料 b 0 柴 油 机 燃 料 i 汽 油 / 铅 汽 油 无 含 1 % 醇 的 汽 油 5甲
F M 试 验 燃 料 A
按 I O 3 7 (N 5 0 S 10 E 9 ) 按 D N 56 6 I 1 0 按 I O 3 7 (N 2 8 S 10 E 2 ) 按D N5 2 5 I 3 4
1 章 保持C 。 ,6 级 应 没 有 有 损 正 常 工 作 的 变 化
进 行裸眼视 觉检 查 。视觉 检查应 能
D N V 5 6 6 体 燃料 : 甲基 按有 关规 范关于识 别 、外表 、工 艺 I 10 液 脂 植物 油柴 油 机燃 料 ( M ) :要 和 抛光 等要 求条 款 的检 查 。 PE
和 电子装 备 的环 境条件 和试验 第4 部 分 :气候 环境
早地在 材 料选 择过 程 中进 行 。
5 1 4视 觉检 查 ..
老化后对D T U 进行视觉检查 ( 见
5.1 ) .1 。
I 0 3 7 液 体石 油 一样 品 指 5 试 验 和 要 求 s 1 0
每 个样 品进 行 一种 污染 。
生产 商和 用户可 以协议增 加额 件和 要求 的命 名 。
S E J 1 0 欧 洲 刹 车 油 技 术 外 的 试 验 。 A 9 7
汽车电子可靠性测试及相关标准————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:二、电子设备可靠性测试标准1、ISO国际标准化组织中,ISO/TC22/SC3 负责汽车电气和电子技术领域的标准化工作。
目前ISO 制订的汽车电子标准环境条件和试验标准主要包含如下方面:ISO16750-1:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:总则ISO16750-2:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:供电环境ISO16750-3:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:机械环境ISO16750-4:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:气候环境ISO16750-5:道路车辆-电子电气产品的环境条件和试验:化学环境ISO20653 汽车电子设备防护外物、水、接触的等级ISO21848 道路车辆-供电电压42V 的电气和电子装备电源环境国内目前汽车电子产品的环境试验标准主要还是按照产品的技术条件来规定。
全国汽车标准化技术委员会(SAC/TC114)正在参照ISO 标准制订相应的国家和行业标准。
ISO 的标准在欧美车系的车厂中得到了广泛采用,而日系车厂的要求相对ISO 标准来说偏离较大。
为了确保达到标准的限值,各汽车车厂的内控的环境条件标准一般比ISO 的要求要苛刻。
2、AEC 系列标准上个世纪九十年代,克莱斯勒、福特和通用汽车为建立一套通用的零件资质及质量系统标准而设立了汽车电子委员会(AEC),AEC 建立了质量控制的标准。
AEC-Q-100 芯片应力测试的认证规范是AEC 的第一个标准。
AEC-Q-100 于1994 年首次发表,由于符合AEC 规范的零部件均可被上述三家车厂同时采用,促进了零部件制造商交换其产品特性数据的意愿,并推动了汽车零件通用性的实施,使得AEC 标准逐渐成为汽车电子零部件的通用测试规范。
ISO-16750 是一个如何面对汽车电子安全性随着各种环境条件所产生的品质因素,以确保道路车辆行车安全的规范。
ISO-16750 涵盖测试范围ISO-16750-2 (电力负载)主要环境条件为直流电压,过电压等12项测试此部分并无安装位置区分,适用于任何道路车辆之电子装置ISO-16750-3(机械负载)主要环境条件为引擎产生的正弦震动,行驶于道路的随机震动,搬运或凹凸路面所产生的机械冲击,磨耗强度,碎石冲击以及表面强度……等6项测试ISO-16750-4(气候负载)此负载测试条件共16项:归纳其主要环境条件分别为:高低温,温度变化,冰水冲击,温度冲击,防尘防水,盐雾,气体腐蚀,湿执,太阳辐射…………ISO-16750-5(化学负载)此负载测试包含26种液体:包括机油,汽油,清洁剂,液压油…………以下重点分析ISO-16750-2 电力负载。
ISO 道路车辆 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验 第 部分 总则
根据安装位置分别给出了代码的示例。对一般应用,可用这些代码。如果某应用非常特殊,这些代码组 合无法表达时,可创建新的代码。当新的要求量值没有适用的代码时,可以用“Z”代码创建。在此情 况下,规定的要求应单独定义,而且不应改变试验方法。
ISO 16750 的用户至少应该非常了解受试样品(DUT)安装位置所处的热、机械环境、气候环境和化 学环境负荷的情况。
- 运行模式 3.2:系统/组件用电运行并控制在典型运行模式。
表1 -运行模式 2 和运行模式 3 的试验电压值(见 5 章)
12 V 系统
24 V 系统
UA = 发动机/交流发电机(运行模式 3)
UB = 蓄电池电压(运行模式 2)
6 按功能状态分类
1 范围
ISO 16750的本部分给出了安装在道路车辆上电气和电子系统/组件可能存在的环境应力的定义、 一般规定和通用的试验和要求。用于模拟电气和电子设备直接在安装车辆上的环境条件和试验。不包括 电磁兼容性(EMC)。
2 规范性引用文件
ISO 16750-2 ISO 16750-3 ISO 16750-4 ISO 16750-5 DIN 40050-9
除在 ISO 16750 其他部分另有规定值,试验电压应按照表 1 给出的规定值。用户同意采用高于 ISO 16750 的值时,所采用的试验电压值应记录在试验报告中。
7.3 试验顺序 试验前应制定合适的试验顺序方案,确定型号、数量、组合和个性化试验顺序。 应规定产品的寿命试验并在试验顺序方案中说明。 示例见附录 A。
c) 应用于部件或装配于设备 ISO 16750 规定了直接安装在车辆上的电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验。一方面,不是直接用于
BS ISO 16750-2-2010 道路车辆.电气和电子设备的环境条件和试验.第2部分电力负载
BS ISO16750-2:2010ICS 43.040.10BRITISH STANDARDRoad vehicles —Environmentalconditions and testing for electrical andelectronic equipmentPart 2: Electrical loadsThis British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 March 2010© BSI 2010ISBN 978 0 580 60871 1Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date CommentsBS ISO 16750-2:2010National forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 16750-2:2010. Itsupersedes BS ISO 16750-2:2006 which is withdrawn.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to TechnicalCommittee AUE/16, Electrical and electronic equipment.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained onrequest to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisionsof a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunityfrom legal obligations.标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010Reference numberISO 16750-2:2010(E)© ISO 2010 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO16750-2Third edition2010-03-15Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electricaland electronic equipment —Part 2:Electrical loadsVéhicules routiers — Spécifications d'environnement et essaisde l'équipement électrique et électronique —Partie 2: Contraintes électriquesBS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed butshall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2010All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3Terms and definitions (1)4Tests and requirements (1)4.1General (1)4.2Direct current supply voltage (2)4.3Overvoltage (3)4.4Superimposed alternating voltage (4)4.5Slow decrease and increase of supply voltage (6)4.6Discontinuities in supply voltage (6)4.7Reversed voltage (14)4.8Ground reference and supply offset (15)4.9Open circuit tests (15)4.10Short circuit protection (16)4.11Withstand voltage (17)4.12Insulation resistance (18)4.13Electromagnetic compatibility (18)5Documentation (18)Bibliography (19)© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved iiiBS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 16750-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical and electronic equipment.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 16750-2:2006), which has been technically revised.ISO 16750 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment:⎯Part 1: General⎯Part 2: Electrical loads⎯Part 3: Mechanical loads⎯Part 4: Climatic loads⎯Part 5: Chemical loadsiv © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16750-2:2010(E)Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testingfor electrical and electronic equipment —Part 2:Electrical loads1 ScopeThis part of ISO 16750 applies to electric and electronic systems/components for road vehicles. This part of ISO 16750 describes the potential environmental stresses and specifies tests and requirements recommended for the specific mounting location on/in the road vehicle.This part of ISO 16750 describes the electrical loads. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is not covered by this part of ISO 16750. Electrical loads are independent from the mounting location, but can vary due to the electrical resistance in the vehicle wiring harness and connection system.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 8820 (all parts), Road vehicles — Fuse-linksISO 16750-1, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 1: GeneralISO 16750-4, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 4: Climatic loads3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 16750-1 apply.4 Tests and requirements4.1 GeneralIf not otherwise specified, the following tolerances shall apply:⎯frequency and time: ±5 %;⎯ voltages: ±0,2 V;⎯ resistance: ±10 %.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved1BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)2© ISO 2010 – All rights reservedIf not otherwise specified, measure all voltages at the relevant terminals of the device under test (DUT).4.2 Direct current supply voltage4.2.1 PurposeThe purpose of this test is to verify equipment functionality at minimum and maximum supply voltage. 4.2.2 Test methodSet the supply voltage as specified in Table 1 or Table 2 to all relevant inputs of the DUT. Operating modes are specified in ISO 16750-1.The voltages listed in Table 1 or Table 2 are relevant within the operating temperature range as specified in ISO 16750-4, without time limits.Table 1 — Supply voltage for system devices with 12 V nominal voltageCodeMinimum supply voltageU Smin VMaximum supply voltageU Smax VA 6 16B 8 16C 916 D 10,516Table 2 — Supply voltage for system devices with 24 V nominal voltageCodeMinimum supply voltageU Smin VMaximum supply voltageU Smax VE 10 32F 16 32G 22 32H 18324.2.3 RequirementAll DUT functions shall remain class A as defined in ISO 16750-1 when tested in the supply voltage ranges given in Table 1 or Table 2 respectively.标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved34.3 Overvoltage4.3.1 Systems with 12 V nominal voltage at a temperature of T max − 20 °C4. PurposeThis test simulates the condition where the generator regulator fails, so that the output voltage of the generator rises above normal values. Test methodHeat the DUT in a hot air oven to a temperature that is 20 °C below the maximum operating temperature, T max . Apply a voltage of 18 V for 60 min to all relevant inputs of the DUT. RequirementThe functional status for the DUT shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1. Functional status shall be class A where more stringent requirements are necessary. at room temperature4. Purpose This test simulates a jump start. Test methodEnsure that the DUT has stabilized at room temperature. Apply a voltage of 24 V for (60 ± 6) s to all relevant inputs of the DUT. RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class D as defined in ISO 16750-1. Functional status shall be class C where more stringent requirements are necessary. 4.3.2 Systems with 24 V nominal voltage PurposeThis test simulates the condition where the generator regulator fails, so that the output voltage of the generator rises above normal values. at a temperature of T max − 20 °CHeat the DUT in a hot air oven to a temperature that is 20 °C below the maximum operating temperature, T max . Apply a voltage of 36 V for 60 min to all relevant inputs of the DUT. RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1. Functional status shall be class A where more stringent requirements are necessary.BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)4© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved4.4 Superimposed alternating voltage4.4.1 PurposeThis test simulates a residual alternating current on the direct current supply. 4.4.2 Test methodConnect the DUT as shown in Figure 1. Apply the following test simultaneously to all applicable inputs (connections) of the DUT; the severity level (1, 2, 3 or 4) shall be chosen in accordance with the application: ⎯ maximum supply voltage, U Smax (see Figure 2):⎯ 16 V for systems with nominal voltage, U N , of 12 V; ⎯ 32 V for systems with nominal voltage, U N , of 24 V; ⎯ a.c. voltage (sinusoidal):⎯ severity 1: peak to peak voltage, U PP , of 1 V, for U N = 12 V and U N = 24 V; ⎯ severity 2: peak to peak voltage, U PP , of 4 V, for U N = 12 V and U N = 24 V; ⎯ severity 3: peak to peak voltage, U PP , of 10 V, for U N = 24 V only; ⎯ severity 4: peak to peak voltage, U PP , of 2 V, for U N = 12 V; ⎯ internal resistance of the power supply: 50 m Ω to 100 m Ω; ⎯ frequency range (see Figure 3): 50 Hz to 25 kHz;⎯ type of frequency sweep (see Figure 3): triangular, logarithmic; ⎯ sweep duration (see Figure 3): 120 s; ⎯ number of sweeps: 5 (continuously).Key1 sweep generator 2power supply unit capable of being modulated 3 DUT 4 positive 5ground or returnFigure 1 — Test set-up to superimpose a.c. voltage on component power supply lines标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved5Keyt time U test voltage U PPpeak to peak voltageU Smax maximum supply voltageFigure 2 — Test voltage with superimposed sinusoidal a.c. voltageKeyt time, in seconds ffrequency, logarithmic scale, in hertz1 one cycleFigure 3 — Frequency sweep6© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved4.4.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be class A as defined in ISO 16750-1.4.5 Slow decrease and increase of supply voltage4.5.1 PurposeThis test simulates a gradual discharge and recharge of the battery. 4.5.2 Test methodApply the following test simultaneously to all applicable inputs (connections) of the DUT.Decrease the supply voltage from the minimum supply voltage, U Smin , to 0 V, then increase it from 0 V to U Smin , applying a change rate of (0,5 ± 0,1) V/min linear, or in equal steps of not more than 25 mV. 4.5.3 RequirementThe functional status inside the supply voltage range (see Table 1 or Table 2) shall be as specified in 4.2.3. Outside that range, it shall be minimum class D as defined in ISO 16750-1. The functional status of class C may be specified where more stringent requirements are necessary.4.6 Discontinuities in supply voltage4.6.1 Momentary drop in supply voltage PurposeThis test simulates the effect when a conventional fuse element melts in another circuit. Test methodApply the test pulse (see Figures 4 and 5) simultaneously to all relevant inputs (connections) of the DUT. The rise time and fall time shall be not more than 10 ms.Keyt time, in seconds Utest voltage, in voltsU Smin minimum supply voltageFigure 4 — Short voltage drop for systems with 12 V nominal voltage标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved7Keyt time, in seconds Utest voltage, in voltsU Smin minimum supply voltageFigure 5 — Short voltage drop for systems with 24 V nominal voltage4.6.1.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class B as defined in ISO 16750-1. Reset is permitted upon agreement.4.6.2 Reset behaviour at voltage drop PurposeThis test verifies the reset behaviour of the DUT at different voltage drops. This test is applicable to equipment with reset function, e.g. equipment containing microcontroller (s). TestApply the test pulse simultaneously in Figure 6 to all relevant inputs (connections) and check the reset behaviour of the DUT.Decrease the supply voltage by 5 % from the minimum supply voltage, U Smin , to 0,95U Smin . Hold this voltage for 5 s. Raise the voltage to U Smin . Hold U Smin for at least 10 s and perform a functional test. Then decrease the voltage to 0,9U Smin . Continue with steps of 5 % of U Smin , as shown in Figure 6, until the lower value has reached 0 V. Then raise the voltage to U Smin again.8© ISO 2010 – All rights reservedKeyt time Utest voltage measured as a percentage of U SminU Smin minimum supply voltageFigure 6 — Supply voltage profile for the reset test4.6.2.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1. 4.6.3 Starting profile PurposeThis test verifies the behaviour of a DUT during and after cranking. Test methodApply the starting profile ten times, as specified in Figure 7 and Table 3 or Table 4, simultaneously to all relevant inputs (connections) of the DUT. A break of 1 s to 2 s between the starting cycles is recommended. One or more profiles as described in Tables 3 and 4 shall be chosen in accordance with the application.标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved9Keyt time U test voltage t f falling slope t r rising slope t 6, t 7, t 8 duration parameters (in accordance with Table 3) U A supply voltage for generator in operation (see ISO 16750-1)U S supply voltageU S6supply voltage at t 6 af = 2 Hz.Figure 7 — Starting profile10© ISO 2010 – All rights reservedTable 3 — Starting profile values for systems with 12 V nominal voltage (U N )LevelParameter I II III IVU S6 8 (−0,2) 4,5 (−0,2) 3 (−0,2) 6 (−0,2) Voltage VU S9,5 (−0,2) 6,5 (−0,2) 5 (−0,2) 6,5 (−0,2)t f 5 (± 0,5)5 (± 0,5)5 (± 0,5) 5 (± 0,5) t6 15 (±1,5) 15 (± 1,5)15 (± 1,5) 15 (± 1,5) t 7 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) t 8 1 000 (± 100) 10 000 (± 1 000) 1 000 (± 100) 10 000 (± 1 000) Duration mst r 40(± 4) 100 (± 10)100 (± 10)100 (± 10)A aB a B a A a A b B bC b B b B c C c C c C c Minimum functionalstatusB dC dC dC da U Smin = 6 V; U Smax = 16 V (see Table 1, Code A).b U Smin = 8 V; U Smax = 16 V (see Table 1, Code B).c U Smin = 9 V; U Smax = 16 V (see Table 1, Code C). dU Smin = 10,5 V; U Smax = 16 V (see Table 1, Code D).Table 4 — Values systems with 24 V nominal voltage (U N )LevelParameter I II IIIU S6 10 (−0,2) 8 (−0,2) 6 (−0,2) Voltage VU S20 (−0,2) 15 (−0,2) 10 (−0,2)t f 10 (± 1)10 (± 1) 10 (± 1) t 6 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) t 7 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) t 8 1 000 (± 100) 1 000 (± 100) 1 000 (± 100) Duration mst r 40(± 4) 100 (± 10)40 (± 10) A aB a B a B bC b C b B c C c C c Minimum functionalstatusB dC dC da U Smin = 10 V; U Smax = 32 V (see Table 2, Code E).b U Smin = 16 V; U Smax = 32 V (see Table 2, Code F).c U Smin = 22 V; U Smax = 32 V (see Table 2, Code G). dU Smin = 18 V; U Smax = 32 V (see Table 2, Code H).标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved114.6.3.3 RequirementFunctions of the DUT that are relevant to vehicle operation during cranking shall be class A, all other functions of the DUT shall be in accordance with Table 3 or Table 4. 4.6.4 Load dump PurposeThis test is a simulation of load dump transient occurring in the event of a discharged battery being disconnected while the alternator is generating charging current with other loads remaining on the alternator circuit at this moment. Test method A – without centralized load dump suppressionThe pulse shape and parameters for an alternator without centralized load dump suppression are given in Figure 8 and Table 5. For the test voltage, U A , see ISO 16750-1.Keyt time U test voltage t d duration of pulset r rising slope U Asupply voltage for generator in operation (see ISO 16750-1) U S supply voltageFigure 8 — Test without centralized load dump suppression12© ISO 2010 – All rights reservedTable 5 — Pulse for test A in systems with 12 V and 24 V nominal voltageType of systemParameterU N = 12 V U N = 24 V Minimum test requirementsU S a V 79 u U S u 101 151 u U S u 202 VR i a Ω 0,5 u R i u 4 1 u R i u 8 t d ms 40 u t d u 400 100 u t d u 350t r ms()0510−()0510−10 pulses at intervalsof 1 minaIf not otherwise agreed, use the higher voltage level with the higher value for internal resistance, or use the lower voltage level with the lower value for internal resistance.NOTEThe internal resistance, R i , of the load dump test pulse generator can be obtained as follows:nom act i 1rated 100,812000minU N R I −××=××whereU nom is the specified voltage of the alternator;I rated is the specified current at an alternator speed of 6 000 min –1, as given in ISO 8854; N actis the actual alternator speed, in reciprocal minutes. Test B – with centralized load dump suppressionThe pulse shape and parameters for an alternator with centralized load dump suppression are given in Figure 9 and Table 6. For the test voltage, U A , see ISO 16750-1.标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved13Key t time U test voltage t dduration of pulse t r rising slopeU A supply voltage for generator in operation (see ISO 16750-1) U S supply voltageU S * supply voltage with load dump surpressionFigure 9 — Test with centralized load dump suppressionTable 6 — Pulse for test B in systems with 12 V and 24 V nominal voltageType of systemParameterU N = 12 V U N = 24 V Minimum test requirementsU S a V 79 u U S u 101151 u U S u 202 VU S * V 35 65R i a Ω 0,5 u R i u 4 1 u R i u 8 t d ms 40 u t d u 400 100 u t d u 350t r ms()0510−()0510−5 pulses at intervals of 1 minaIf not otherwise agreed, use the higher voltage level with the higher value for internal resistance, or use the lower voltage level with the lower value for internal resistance.14© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved4.6.4.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1.4.7 Reversed voltage4.7.1 PurposeThis test checks the ability of a DUT to withstand against the connection of a reversed battery in case of using an auxiliary starting device. This test is not applicable to: ⎯ generators, and⎯ terminals with clamping diodes without external reverse polarity protection device. 4.7.2 Test method GeneralConnect and fuse the DUT as in the real vehicle, but without generator and battery. Choose the applicable voltages from the following cases and apply them simultaneously to all relevant power terminals with reversed polarity. Case 1If the DUT is used in a vehicle in which the alternator circuit is not fused and the rectifier diodes withstand a reversed voltage for 60 s, for systems with 12 V nominal voltage with reversed polarity, apply a test voltage of 4 V simultaneously to all relevant inputs (terminals) of the DUT for a duration of (60 ± 6) s. This test is not applicable for systems with 24 V nominal voltage. Case 2In all other cases, apply the test voltage, U A (see ISO16750-1 and Table 7), with reversed polarity simultaneously to all relevant inputs (terminals) of the DUT for a duration of (60 ± 6) s.Table 7 — Test voltageNominal voltageU N VTest voltageU A V12 14 24 284.7.3 RequirementAfter replacing all blown fuse links, the functional status shall be class A as defined in ISO 16750-1.标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E) © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 154.8 Ground reference and supply offset4.8.1 PurposeThis test shall be agreed between customer and supplier.This test serves to verify reliable operation of a component if two or more power supply paths exist. For instance, a component may have a power ground and a signal ground that are outputs on different circuits.4.8.2 Test methodAll inputs and outputs shall be connected to representative loads or networks to simulate the in-vehicle configuration. Apply U A to the DUT and confirm normal operation.The ground/supply offset test applies to ground/supply lines. The offset shall be applied to each ground/supply line and between each ground/supply line separately in sequence.For all DUTs, the offset voltage shall be (1,0 ± 0,1) V.a) Apply U A to the DUT.b) Subject ground/supply line to the offset voltage relative to the DUT ground/supply line.c) Perform a functional test under this condition.d) Repeat step c) for each next ground/supply line combination.Repeat the test with reverse offset voltage.4.8.3 RequirementWith regard to the functional performance status class A for all functional groups, there shall be no malfunction or latch up of the DUT.4.9 Open circuit tests4.9.1 Single line interruption4.9.1.1 PurposeThis test simulates an open contact condition.NOTE This is not a test for connectors. Test methodConnect and operate the DUT as intended. Open one circuit of the DUT/system interface, then restore the connection. Observe the device behaviour during and after the interruption.Repeat for each circuit of the DUT/system interface.⎯ Interruption time: (10 ± 1) s;⎯ Open circuit resistance: W 10 M Ω.BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E) 16 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved4.9.1.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750- Multiple line interruption4.9.2.1 PurposeThe purpose of this test to ensure functional status as defined in the specification of the DUT when the DUT is subjected to a rapid multiple line interruption.NOTE This is not a test for connectors. Test methodDisconnect the DUT, then restore the connection. Observe the device behaviour during and after the interruption.⎯ Interruption time: (10 ± 1) s;⎯ Open circuit resistance: W 10 M Ω.For multi-connector devices, each possible connection shall be tested. RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1.4.10 Short circuit protection4.10.1 PurposeThese tests simulate short circuits to the inputs and outputs of a device.4.10.2 Signal circuits4.10.2.1 Test methodConnect all relevant inputs and outputs of the DUT in sequence for a duration of (60 ± 6) s to U Smax (see Tables 1 and 2) and to ground. All other inputs and outputs remain open or as agreed upon.Perform this test with:⎯ connected supply voltage and ground terminals:⎯ outputs active,⎯ outputs inactive;⎯ disconnected supply voltage terminals;⎯ disconnected ground terminals.All unused inputs remain open unless otherwise agreed between customer and supplier.标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E) RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750- Load circuits4.10.3.1 Test methodConnect the DUT to the power supply. The load circuits shall be in operation. For test duration, the specifications of the appropriate part of ISO 8820 (operating time rating) shall be used, considering the upper tolerance plus 10 %. If protection other than fuses is used (e.g. electronic protection), the test duration shall be agreed between manufacturer and user. This test is applicable only for systems/components with load circuits. RequirementsAll electronically protected outputs shall withstand the currents as ensured by the corresponding protection and shall return to normal operation upon removal of the short circuit current (the functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1).All conventional fuse protected outputs shall withstand the currents as ensured by the corresponding protection and shall return to normal operation upon replacement of the conventional fuse (the functional status shall be minimum class D as defined in ISO 16750-1).All unprotected outputs may be damaged by the test current (the functional status shall be class E as defined in ISO 16750-1) provided that the materials in the DUT are compliant with the flammability requirements of UL94-V0 (see Reference [7]).4.11 Withstand voltage4.11.1 PurposeThis test ensures the dielectric withstand voltage capability of circuits with galvanic isolation. This test is required only for systems/components which contain inductive elements (e.g. relays, motors, coils) or are connected to circuits with inductive load.The deliberate overvoltage between the galvanically isolated current carrying parts of the DUT could have a negative effect on insulation performance caused by the electrical field. This test stresses the insulation system and checks the ability of the dielectric material to withstand a higher voltage caused by switching off inductive loads.4.11.2 Test methodPerform a damp heat cyclic test in accordance with ISO 16750-4.The system/components shall remain at room temperature for 0,5 h after the damp heat cyclic test.Apply a sinusoidal test voltage of 500 V rms (50 Hz to 60 Hz) to devices in systems with 12 V and 24 V nominal voltage for a duration of 60 s, as follows, between:⎯terminals with galvanic isolation;⎯terminals and housing with electrically conductive surface with galvanic isolation;⎯terminals and an electrode wrapped around the housing (e.g. metal foil, sphere bath) in the case of plastic housing.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved17。
1.卢兆明.林嘉怡.Lu Zhao-ming.LIN Jia-yi道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第3部分:机械环境(ISO16750-3:2003)[期刊论文]-环境技术2007,25(3)
2.卢兆明.LU Zhao-ming道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第5部分:化学环境(ISO16750.5)[期刊论文]-环境技术2007,25(5)
4.卢兆明.LU Zhou-ming道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第2部分:电源环境ISO16750.2[期刊论文]-环境技术2007,25(2)
道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第2部分:电源环境ISO16750.2ISO16750 1Ed英文版 上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 卢兆明 译全文连载于《环境技术》2007年2期1 范围ISO 16750的本部分描述了可以影响直接安装在车辆上或车辆里的电气和电子系统和组件供电环境。
注: 供电环境并不受安装位置的约束,但线束和连接系统会存在电阻。
2 规范性引用文件ISO 8820 (all pads) 道路车辆-熔断器-连接;ISO 16750-1 道路车辆- 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第1部分:总则;ISO 16750-4 道路车辆- 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第4部分:气候环境;UL 94 装置和器具塑料零件材料可燃性试验。
3 术语和定义ISO 16750 -1给出的术语和定义适用于本部分。
4 供电电压4.1 直流4.1.1 目的本试验在最小供电电压和最大供电电压范围内证实设备功能。
4.1.2 试验按表1和表2设置所有受试装置(DUT)相关输入的供电电压。
见ISO 16750 –1运行模式2和3的供电电压。
表1和表2给出的电压相关的工作温度范围,除时间限制外按ISO 16750-4 表1。
表1 U N = 12 V 供电电压的装置系统代码供电电压VU min U maxA 6 16B 8 16C 9 16D 10.5 16表2 U N = 24 V 供电电压的装置系统代码供电电压VU min U maxE 10 32F 16 32G 22 32注: U= 42 V供电电压的装置系统见ISO 21484。
4.1.3 要求当试验按表1和表2给出的电压范围供电时,所有DUT的功能应按ISO 16750-1, 6章保持A级。
4.2 过电压4.2.1 U N = 12 V 系统4.2.1.1 在T= (T max -20 o C)试验4. 目的本试验模拟发电机调节器失效引起发电机输出电压上升到高于常规供电电压。
= 1V
本试 验模拟发 电机调节器 失效
≤1 0 m 0 5 z至 2 H 0H 0k z
的条件 。
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确定D T U 处于稳 定的室温温度 。 用2 V . V U 的所有相 关输入 4 ±0 2 向D T
标准 推荐
ISO16750-4 道路车辆 - 电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验 第4 部分气候环境
功能状态按ISO 16750-1:2003,6章规定 A 级。 5.2 温度变化 5.2.1 目的
本试验模拟系统/组件在不通电的状态下的低温暴露,如装运期间。失效模式为不能承受霜冻(例 如液晶显示器的冷冻)。 试验 按IEC 60068-2-1进行试验,除DUT说明书另有规定,低温,温度-40 oC持续24 h。按ISO 16750-1,
5章,使用运行模式1.1。 要求 功能状态按ISO 16750-1,6章规定 C 级。
见图 4,5 和 6。
循环数 稳定时间 th 在 Tmax
过渡持续时间 试验用液体 水温
表4 水飞溅试验
100 1h 或已知 DUT 温度达到稳定。 < 20 s (DUT 的手动在温度储存和喷溅间转换) 按 ISO 12103-1 去离子水加 3% Arizona 尘土;5% NaCl 。
0oC to+4oC 试验 温度循环按IEC 60068-2-14,试验Na进行。
在≤ 30 s中温度从Tmin上升到Tmax。在20 min,40 min,60 min 或 90 min,DUT应保持其尺寸和 其他性质。试验按ISO 16750-1,5章,使用运行模式1.1进行。要求的循环数见表6。
表3 热吸收期间温度循环的温度和持续时间(见图 3)- 代码 E 为例(见表 1)
道路车辆电器及电子设备供电环境条件标准的抛负载试验剖析卢兆明;许毅【摘要】新版ISO标准已将车载电器及电子设备的抛负载瞬间脉冲试验归入道路车辆电器电子的供电环境条件和试验范畴.本文通过介绍一些标准起草中的技术背景和标准文字中的末尽之言,以及一些试验实践中应予把握的要点,从而对于国家标准的制定、相关检测部门的检测能力提升,以及车辆电器及电子设备品质的监控质量的提升有所帮助.【期刊名称】《质量与标准化》【年(卷),期】2010(000)012【总页数】5页(P39-43)【关键词】电器及电子设备;抛负载;供电环境条件;抗扰度;瞬态;道路车辆【作者】卢兆明;许毅【作者单位】上海市质量监督检验技术研究院;上海市质量监督检验技术研究院【正文语种】中文ISO 16750-2:2010 Ed3《道路车辆电气及电子设备的环境条件和试验第2部分:电气负荷》对12 V/24 V供电系统的电器及电子设备增加了抛负载试验,包括了交流发电机有/无集中抛负载抑制两种情况的试验和要求。
ISO 21848:2005 Ed 《道路车辆42 V供电电压的电气和电子设备电气负荷》包括了交流发电机有集中抛负载抑制的试验和要求。
ISO 16750-2新版的翻译和验证工作已经完成。
由于GB/T 21437.2并不包括42 V系统,在ISO 21848转化为国家标准时,还可以认为抛负载试验归于电磁兼容(EMC)范畴;现在ISO 16750-2也增加了抛负载试验,作为专业基础标准对基础标准的引用,而且给出了脉冲次数等细节。
ISO 16750-2是一项国际标准,用于评估汽车电子系统的可靠
其中,"抛负载"是ISO 16750-2标
在ISO 16750-2标准中,抛负载测试会模拟车辆启动、发动机
总的来说,ISO 16750-2标准中的抛负载测试是为了确保汽车电子系统在各种电源条件下都能够正常工作,从而提高汽车的可靠性和耐久性。
【摘要】ISO 16750的本部分规定了可以影响直接安装在车辆上或车辆里的电气和电子系统和组件化学环境,以及相应的试验和要求。
1.道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第2部分:电源环境ISO16750.2 [J], 卢兆明
3:2003) [J], 卢兆明;林嘉怡
3:2003) (续上一期) [J],
4:2003) [J], 卢兆明;林嘉怡
5.道路车辆-电气和电子装备的环境条件和试验第4部分:气候环境(ISO16750-4:2003)(续上一期) [J],
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BS ISO16750-2:2010ICS 43.040.10BRITISH STANDARDRoad vehicles —Environmentalconditions and testing for electrical andelectronic equipmentPart 2: Electrical loadsThis British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 March 2010© BSI 2010ISBN 978 0 580 60871 1Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date CommentsBS ISO 16750-2:2010National forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of ISO 16750-2:2010. Itsupersedes BS ISO 16750-2:2006 which is withdrawn.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to TechnicalCommittee AUE/16, Electrical and electronic equipment.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained onrequest to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisionsof a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunityfrom legal obligations.标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010Reference numberISO 16750-2:2010(E)© ISO 2010 INTERNATIONAL STANDARDISO16750-2Third edition2010-03-15Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electricaland electronic equipment —Part 2:Electrical loadsVéhicules routiers — Spécifications d'environnement et essaisde l'équipement électrique et électronique —Partie 2: Contraintes électriquesBS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed butshall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2010All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerlandii © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3Terms and definitions (1)4Tests and requirements (1)4.1General (1)4.2Direct current supply voltage (2)4.3Overvoltage (3)4.4Superimposed alternating voltage (4)4.5Slow decrease and increase of supply voltage (6)4.6Discontinuities in supply voltage (6)4.7Reversed voltage (14)4.8Ground reference and supply offset (15)4.9Open circuit tests (15)4.10Short circuit protection (16)4.11Withstand voltage (17)4.12Insulation resistance (18)4.13Electromagnetic compatibility (18)5Documentation (18)Bibliography (19)© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved iiiBS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 16750-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3, Electrical and electronic equipment.This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 16750-2:2006), which has been technically revised.ISO 16750 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment:⎯Part 1: General⎯Part 2: Electrical loads⎯Part 3: Mechanical loads⎯Part 4: Climatic loads⎯Part 5: Chemical loadsiv © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 16750-2:2010(E)Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testingfor electrical and electronic equipment —Part 2:Electrical loads1 ScopeThis part of ISO 16750 applies to electric and electronic systems/components for road vehicles. This part of ISO 16750 describes the potential environmental stresses and specifies tests and requirements recommended for the specific mounting location on/in the road vehicle.This part of ISO 16750 describes the electrical loads. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is not covered by this part of ISO 16750. Electrical loads are independent from the mounting location, but can vary due to the electrical resistance in the vehicle wiring harness and connection system.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 8820 (all parts), Road vehicles — Fuse-linksISO 16750-1, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 1: GeneralISO 16750-4, Road vehicles — Environmental conditions and testing for electrical and electronic equipment — Part 4: Climatic loads3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 16750-1 apply.4 Tests and requirements4.1 GeneralIf not otherwise specified, the following tolerances shall apply:⎯frequency and time: ±5 %;⎯ voltages: ±0,2 V;⎯ resistance: ±10 %.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved1BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)2© ISO 2010 – All rights reservedIf not otherwise specified, measure all voltages at the relevant terminals of the device under test (DUT).4.2 Direct current supply voltage4.2.1 PurposeThe purpose of this test is to verify equipment functionality at minimum and maximum supply voltage. 4.2.2 Test methodSet the supply voltage as specified in Table 1 or Table 2 to all relevant inputs of the DUT. Operating modes are specified in ISO 16750-1.The voltages listed in Table 1 or Table 2 are relevant within the operating temperature range as specified in ISO 16750-4, without time limits.Table 1 — Supply voltage for system devices with 12 V nominal voltageCodeMinimum supply voltageU Smin VMaximum supply voltageU Smax VA 6 16B 8 16C 916 D 10,516Table 2 — Supply voltage for system devices with 24 V nominal voltageCodeMinimum supply voltageU Smin VMaximum supply voltageU Smax VE 10 32F 16 32G 22 32H 18324.2.3 RequirementAll DUT functions shall remain class A as defined in ISO 16750-1 when tested in the supply voltage ranges given in Table 1 or Table 2 respectively.标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved34.3 Overvoltage4.3.1 Systems with 12 V nominal voltage at a temperature of T max − 20 °C4. PurposeThis test simulates the condition where the generator regulator fails, so that the output voltage of the generator rises above normal values. Test methodHeat the DUT in a hot air oven to a temperature that is 20 °C below the maximum operating temperature, T max . Apply a voltage of 18 V for 60 min to all relevant inputs of the DUT. RequirementThe functional status for the DUT shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1. Functional status shall be class A where more stringent requirements are necessary. at room temperature4. Purpose This test simulates a jump start. Test methodEnsure that the DUT has stabilized at room temperature. Apply a voltage of 24 V for (60 ± 6) s to all relevant inputs of the DUT. RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class D as defined in ISO 16750-1. Functional status shall be class C where more stringent requirements are necessary. 4.3.2 Systems with 24 V nominal voltage PurposeThis test simulates the condition where the generator regulator fails, so that the output voltage of the generator rises above normal values. at a temperature of T max − 20 °CHeat the DUT in a hot air oven to a temperature that is 20 °C below the maximum operating temperature, T max . Apply a voltage of 36 V for 60 min to all relevant inputs of the DUT. RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1. Functional status shall be class A where more stringent requirements are necessary.BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E)4© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved4.4 Superimposed alternating voltage4.4.1 PurposeThis test simulates a residual alternating current on the direct current supply. 4.4.2 Test methodConnect the DUT as shown in Figure 1. Apply the following test simultaneously to all applicable inputs (connections) of the DUT; the severity level (1, 2, 3 or 4) shall be chosen in accordance with the application: ⎯ maximum supply voltage, U Smax (see Figure 2):⎯ 16 V for systems with nominal voltage, U N , of 12 V; ⎯ 32 V for systems with nominal voltage, U N , of 24 V; ⎯ a.c. voltage (sinusoidal):⎯ severity 1: peak to peak voltage, U PP , of 1 V, for U N = 12 V and U N = 24 V; ⎯ severity 2: peak to peak voltage, U PP , of 4 V, for U N = 12 V and U N = 24 V; ⎯ severity 3: peak to peak voltage, U PP , of 10 V, for U N = 24 V only; ⎯ severity 4: peak to peak voltage, U PP , of 2 V, for U N = 12 V; ⎯ internal resistance of the power supply: 50 m Ω to 100 m Ω; ⎯ frequency range (see Figure 3): 50 Hz to 25 kHz;⎯ type of frequency sweep (see Figure 3): triangular, logarithmic; ⎯ sweep duration (see Figure 3): 120 s; ⎯ number of sweeps: 5 (continuously).Key1 sweep generator 2power supply unit capable of being modulated 3 DUT 4 positive 5ground or returnFigure 1 — Test set-up to superimpose a.c. voltage on component power supply lines标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved5Keyt time U test voltage U PPpeak to peak voltageU Smax maximum supply voltageFigure 2 — Test voltage with superimposed sinusoidal a.c. voltageKeyt time, in seconds ffrequency, logarithmic scale, in hertz1 one cycleFigure 3 — Frequency sweep6© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved4.4.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be class A as defined in ISO 16750-1.4.5 Slow decrease and increase of supply voltage4.5.1 PurposeThis test simulates a gradual discharge and recharge of the battery. 4.5.2 Test methodApply the following test simultaneously to all applicable inputs (connections) of the DUT.Decrease the supply voltage from the minimum supply voltage, U Smin , to 0 V, then increase it from 0 V to U Smin , applying a change rate of (0,5 ± 0,1) V/min linear, or in equal steps of not more than 25 mV. 4.5.3 RequirementThe functional status inside the supply voltage range (see Table 1 or Table 2) shall be as specified in 4.2.3. Outside that range, it shall be minimum class D as defined in ISO 16750-1. The functional status of class C may be specified where more stringent requirements are necessary.4.6 Discontinuities in supply voltage4.6.1 Momentary drop in supply voltage PurposeThis test simulates the effect when a conventional fuse element melts in another circuit. Test methodApply the test pulse (see Figures 4 and 5) simultaneously to all relevant inputs (connections) of the DUT. The rise time and fall time shall be not more than 10 ms.Keyt time, in seconds Utest voltage, in voltsU Smin minimum supply voltageFigure 4 — Short voltage drop for systems with 12 V nominal voltage标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved7Keyt time, in seconds Utest voltage, in voltsU Smin minimum supply voltageFigure 5 — Short voltage drop for systems with 24 V nominal voltage4.6.1.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class B as defined in ISO 16750-1. Reset is permitted upon agreement.4.6.2 Reset behaviour at voltage drop PurposeThis test verifies the reset behaviour of the DUT at different voltage drops. This test is applicable to equipment with reset function, e.g. equipment containing microcontroller (s). TestApply the test pulse simultaneously in Figure 6 to all relevant inputs (connections) and check the reset behaviour of the DUT.Decrease the supply voltage by 5 % from the minimum supply voltage, U Smin , to 0,95U Smin . Hold this voltage for 5 s. Raise the voltage to U Smin . Hold U Smin for at least 10 s and perform a functional test. Then decrease the voltage to 0,9U Smin . Continue with steps of 5 % of U Smin , as shown in Figure 6, until the lower value has reached 0 V. Then raise the voltage to U Smin again.8© ISO 2010 – All rights reservedKeyt time Utest voltage measured as a percentage of U SminU Smin minimum supply voltageFigure 6 — Supply voltage profile for the reset test4.6.2.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1. 4.6.3 Starting profile PurposeThis test verifies the behaviour of a DUT during and after cranking. Test methodApply the starting profile ten times, as specified in Figure 7 and Table 3 or Table 4, simultaneously to all relevant inputs (connections) of the DUT. A break of 1 s to 2 s between the starting cycles is recommended. One or more profiles as described in Tables 3 and 4 shall be chosen in accordance with the application.标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved9Keyt time U test voltage t f falling slope t r rising slope t 6, t 7, t 8 duration parameters (in accordance with Table 3) U A supply voltage for generator in operation (see ISO 16750-1)U S supply voltageU S6supply voltage at t 6 af = 2 Hz.Figure 7 — Starting profile10© ISO 2010 – All rights reservedTable 3 — Starting profile values for systems with 12 V nominal voltage (U N )LevelParameter I II III IVU S6 8 (−0,2) 4,5 (−0,2) 3 (−0,2) 6 (−0,2) Voltage VU S9,5 (−0,2) 6,5 (−0,2) 5 (−0,2) 6,5 (−0,2)t f 5 (± 0,5)5 (± 0,5)5 (± 0,5) 5 (± 0,5) t6 15 (±1,5) 15 (± 1,5)15 (± 1,5) 15 (± 1,5) t 7 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) t 8 1 000 (± 100) 10 000 (± 1 000) 1 000 (± 100) 10 000 (± 1 000) Duration mst r 40(± 4) 100 (± 10)100 (± 10)100 (± 10)A aB a B a A a A b B bC b B b B c C c C c C c Minimum functionalstatusB dC dC dC da U Smin = 6 V; U Smax = 16 V (see Table 1, Code A).b U Smin = 8 V; U Smax = 16 V (see Table 1, Code B).c U Smin = 9 V; U Smax = 16 V (see Table 1, Code C). dU Smin = 10,5 V; U Smax = 16 V (see Table 1, Code D).Table 4 — Values systems with 24 V nominal voltage (U N )LevelParameter I II IIIU S6 10 (−0,2) 8 (−0,2) 6 (−0,2) Voltage VU S20 (−0,2) 15 (−0,2) 10 (−0,2)t f 10 (± 1)10 (± 1) 10 (± 1) t 6 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) t 7 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) 50 (± 5) t 8 1 000 (± 100) 1 000 (± 100) 1 000 (± 100) Duration mst r 40(± 4) 100 (± 10)40 (± 10) A aB a B a B bC b C b B c C c C c Minimum functionalstatusB dC dC da U Smin = 10 V; U Smax = 32 V (see Table 2, Code E).b U Smin = 16 V; U Smax = 32 V (see Table 2, Code F).c U Smin = 22 V; U Smax = 32 V (see Table 2, Code G). dU Smin = 18 V; U Smax = 32 V (see Table 2, Code H).标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved114.6.3.3 RequirementFunctions of the DUT that are relevant to vehicle operation during cranking shall be class A, all other functions of the DUT shall be in accordance with Table 3 or Table 4. 4.6.4 Load dump PurposeThis test is a simulation of load dump transient occurring in the event of a discharged battery being disconnected while the alternator is generating charging current with other loads remaining on the alternator circuit at this moment. Test method A – without centralized load dump suppressionThe pulse shape and parameters for an alternator without centralized load dump suppression are given in Figure 8 and Table 5. For the test voltage, U A , see ISO 16750-1.Keyt time U test voltage t d duration of pulset r rising slope U Asupply voltage for generator in operation (see ISO 16750-1) U S supply voltageFigure 8 — Test without centralized load dump suppression12© ISO 2010 – All rights reservedTable 5 — Pulse for test A in systems with 12 V and 24 V nominal voltageType of systemParameterU N = 12 V U N = 24 V Minimum test requirementsU S a V 79 u U S u 101 151 u U S u 202 VR i a Ω 0,5 u R i u 4 1 u R i u 8 t d ms 40 u t d u 400 100 u t d u 350t r ms()0510−()0510−10 pulses at intervalsof 1 minaIf not otherwise agreed, use the higher voltage level with the higher value for internal resistance, or use the lower voltage level with the lower value for internal resistance.NOTEThe internal resistance, R i , of the load dump test pulse generator can be obtained as follows:nom act i 1rated 100,812000minU N R I −××=××whereU nom is the specified voltage of the alternator;I rated is the specified current at an alternator speed of 6 000 min –1, as given in ISO 8854; N actis the actual alternator speed, in reciprocal minutes. Test B – with centralized load dump suppressionThe pulse shape and parameters for an alternator with centralized load dump suppression are given in Figure 9 and Table 6. For the test voltage, U A , see ISO 16750-1.标准分享网 免费下载© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved13Key t time U test voltage t dduration of pulse t r rising slopeU A supply voltage for generator in operation (see ISO 16750-1) U S supply voltageU S * supply voltage with load dump surpressionFigure 9 — Test with centralized load dump suppressionTable 6 — Pulse for test B in systems with 12 V and 24 V nominal voltageType of systemParameterU N = 12 V U N = 24 V Minimum test requirementsU S a V 79 u U S u 101151 u U S u 202 VU S * V 35 65R i a Ω 0,5 u R i u 4 1 u R i u 8 t d ms 40 u t d u 400 100 u t d u 350t r ms()0510−()0510−5 pulses at intervals of 1 minaIf not otherwise agreed, use the higher voltage level with the higher value for internal resistance, or use the lower voltage level with the lower value for internal resistance.14© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved4.6.4.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1.4.7 Reversed voltage4.7.1 PurposeThis test checks the ability of a DUT to withstand against the connection of a reversed battery in case of using an auxiliary starting device. This test is not applicable to: ⎯ generators, and⎯ terminals with clamping diodes without external reverse polarity protection device. 4.7.2 Test method GeneralConnect and fuse the DUT as in the real vehicle, but without generator and battery. Choose the applicable voltages from the following cases and apply them simultaneously to all relevant power terminals with reversed polarity. Case 1If the DUT is used in a vehicle in which the alternator circuit is not fused and the rectifier diodes withstand a reversed voltage for 60 s, for systems with 12 V nominal voltage with reversed polarity, apply a test voltage of 4 V simultaneously to all relevant inputs (terminals) of the DUT for a duration of (60 ± 6) s. This test is not applicable for systems with 24 V nominal voltage. Case 2In all other cases, apply the test voltage, U A (see ISO16750-1 and Table 7), with reversed polarity simultaneously to all relevant inputs (terminals) of the DUT for a duration of (60 ± 6) s.Table 7 — Test voltageNominal voltageU N VTest voltageU A V12 14 24 284.7.3 RequirementAfter replacing all blown fuse links, the functional status shall be class A as defined in ISO 16750-1.标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E) © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved 154.8 Ground reference and supply offset4.8.1 PurposeThis test shall be agreed between customer and supplier.This test serves to verify reliable operation of a component if two or more power supply paths exist. For instance, a component may have a power ground and a signal ground that are outputs on different circuits.4.8.2 Test methodAll inputs and outputs shall be connected to representative loads or networks to simulate the in-vehicle configuration. Apply U A to the DUT and confirm normal operation.The ground/supply offset test applies to ground/supply lines. The offset shall be applied to each ground/supply line and between each ground/supply line separately in sequence.For all DUTs, the offset voltage shall be (1,0 ± 0,1) V.a) Apply U A to the DUT.b) Subject ground/supply line to the offset voltage relative to the DUT ground/supply line.c) Perform a functional test under this condition.d) Repeat step c) for each next ground/supply line combination.Repeat the test with reverse offset voltage.4.8.3 RequirementWith regard to the functional performance status class A for all functional groups, there shall be no malfunction or latch up of the DUT.4.9 Open circuit tests4.9.1 Single line interruption4.9.1.1 PurposeThis test simulates an open contact condition.NOTE This is not a test for connectors. Test methodConnect and operate the DUT as intended. Open one circuit of the DUT/system interface, then restore the connection. Observe the device behaviour during and after the interruption.Repeat for each circuit of the DUT/system interface.⎯ Interruption time: (10 ± 1) s;⎯ Open circuit resistance: W 10 M Ω.BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E) 16 © ISO 2010 – All rights reserved4.9.1.3 RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750- Multiple line interruption4.9.2.1 PurposeThe purpose of this test to ensure functional status as defined in the specification of the DUT when the DUT is subjected to a rapid multiple line interruption.NOTE This is not a test for connectors. Test methodDisconnect the DUT, then restore the connection. Observe the device behaviour during and after the interruption.⎯ Interruption time: (10 ± 1) s;⎯ Open circuit resistance: W 10 M Ω.For multi-connector devices, each possible connection shall be tested. RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1.4.10 Short circuit protection4.10.1 PurposeThese tests simulate short circuits to the inputs and outputs of a device.4.10.2 Signal circuits4.10.2.1 Test methodConnect all relevant inputs and outputs of the DUT in sequence for a duration of (60 ± 6) s to U Smax (see Tables 1 and 2) and to ground. All other inputs and outputs remain open or as agreed upon.Perform this test with:⎯ connected supply voltage and ground terminals:⎯ outputs active,⎯ outputs inactive;⎯ disconnected supply voltage terminals;⎯ disconnected ground terminals.All unused inputs remain open unless otherwise agreed between customer and supplier.标准分享网 免费下载BS ISO 16750-2:2010ISO 16750-2:2010(E) RequirementThe functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750- Load circuits4.10.3.1 Test methodConnect the DUT to the power supply. The load circuits shall be in operation. For test duration, the specifications of the appropriate part of ISO 8820 (operating time rating) shall be used, considering the upper tolerance plus 10 %. If protection other than fuses is used (e.g. electronic protection), the test duration shall be agreed between manufacturer and user. This test is applicable only for systems/components with load circuits. RequirementsAll electronically protected outputs shall withstand the currents as ensured by the corresponding protection and shall return to normal operation upon removal of the short circuit current (the functional status shall be minimum class C as defined in ISO 16750-1).All conventional fuse protected outputs shall withstand the currents as ensured by the corresponding protection and shall return to normal operation upon replacement of the conventional fuse (the functional status shall be minimum class D as defined in ISO 16750-1).All unprotected outputs may be damaged by the test current (the functional status shall be class E as defined in ISO 16750-1) provided that the materials in the DUT are compliant with the flammability requirements of UL94-V0 (see Reference [7]).4.11 Withstand voltage4.11.1 PurposeThis test ensures the dielectric withstand voltage capability of circuits with galvanic isolation. This test is required only for systems/components which contain inductive elements (e.g. relays, motors, coils) or are connected to circuits with inductive load.The deliberate overvoltage between the galvanically isolated current carrying parts of the DUT could have a negative effect on insulation performance caused by the electrical field. This test stresses the insulation system and checks the ability of the dielectric material to withstand a higher voltage caused by switching off inductive loads.4.11.2 Test methodPerform a damp heat cyclic test in accordance with ISO 16750-4.The system/components shall remain at room temperature for 0,5 h after the damp heat cyclic test.Apply a sinusoidal test voltage of 500 V rms (50 Hz to 60 Hz) to devices in systems with 12 V and 24 V nominal voltage for a duration of 60 s, as follows, between:⎯terminals with galvanic isolation;⎯terminals and housing with electrically conductive surface with galvanic isolation;⎯terminals and an electrode wrapped around the housing (e.g. metal foil, sphere bath) in the case of plastic housing.© ISO 2010 – All rights reserved17。