成长的烦恼第一集1 英文台词

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Growing Pains 101 Pilot


Jason: Hi, I'm Jason Seaver. I am a psychiatrist. I spent last 15 years helping people with the problems. Maggie: And I'm Maggie Seaver. I’ve spent last 15 years helping our kid s with problems, even Jason wouldn't believe.

Jason: Now Maggie has gone back to work as a reporter for the local Newspaper.

Maggie: And Jason has moved his practice into the house so we can be there for the kids.

Jason: They’re great kids.

Maggie: Most of the time.

Jason: And the rest of the time……

Maggie: We love them , anyway

Jason: Yeah.

Ben: Unbelievable.

Jason: Alright lady drop that spatula . or you're scrambled

Maggie: Go ahead, make my day. Well, I guess I showed you.

Jason: Show me more

Maggie: Oh Jason, the kids.

Jason: I can kiss the kids later. You know I read an article that said that two career couples should really make a special effort to always remain...frisky .

Maggie: At breakfast?

Jason: At all meals.

Mike: What's the matter? You guys aren't gettin' enough?

Jason: Michael, a lot of kids would get smacked for a remark like that.

Mike: Come on dad, you can't hit me you're a liberal humanist .

Jason: Could be an accident.

Carol: Could be a dream come true.

Mike: Mom, can't we sell Carol and get a tape deck磁带放送机for the Volvo?

Carol: Mike, you give new meaning to the word vacuous空的;空虚的;空洞的.

Mike: Oh yeah? What was the old meaning?

Carol: I rest my case我的话就到此为止了。.

Jason: Ben! Ben! What's so funny, Ben?

Ben: That Phyllis George, she's screwed up 弄砸了again.

Maggie: Hey, what's that you're reading about?

Carol: Well it says here that as the universe expands 扩张, all matter is degenerating into 退化为;蜕化成a state of total disorganization 混乱;瓦解.

Maggie: Thank god, I thought it was just me.

(Mike is on the phone)

Mike: So what are you guys朋友们doing tonight? " The House of Sweat", yeah, great! Hey, look can I talk to you guys later, yeah, bye.

Maggie: Mike, what is "The House of Sweat"?

Carol: It's that new under twenty dance club on Geravo Turnpike.

Mike: Yeah, and it sounds like a great idea, mom. It's a safe, wholesome健全的;有益健康的place for teens to congregate聚集.

Maggie: And the larger the group, the smaller their brains get. 团体越大,那些人的脑子越小。

Jason: Oh, come on, Maggie!

Mike: Yeah, come on, Maggie! Yes, well, time to go wait for that school bus; you know if I hurry I can still get a seat in the non-smoking section地区.

Maggie: Good day! Bye, sweetheart 甜心. Bye, Ben, love you!

Jason: Catch you later, Ben! I still have some paper work to do before my nine o' clock gets here, and if you start feeling frisky活泼的;欢闹的and you have eight or ten seconds before work, you know where to find me. Maggie: Ben, what are you doing here you'll miss the bus. What's the matter, honey宝贝?

Ben: Dad didn't know how to do my elbow 肘部.

Maggie: Oh? Let me see. Oh, dad, did a great job on these cuts 切口...Superman Band-Aids创可贴- the works. Oh,

I get it, he didn't kiss it better... and say I love you little pumpkin head南瓜头.

Ben: It was all so clinical 临床的;诊所的. Mom, how come怎么办you had to go back to work?

Maggie: I didn't have to, Ben, I wanted to. Come here. Ben, imagine you had to spend fifteen years in this house, without ever going out to play. You'd go crazy, wouldn't you? Well , believe it or not, a lot of grown-ups feel the same way about work.

Ben: That's sick厌恶的;病态的, mom.

Maggie: Ben, I know this has been a big change for all of us, and I worry about not being here for you. Because...

well..., you're the youngest. And I worry about not being here for Carol because she's a girl, and she

needs her mother. And I worry about not being here for Mike, to keep him from accidentally 意外地

blowing something up炸掉某物. And believe me I worry about leaving your father here to cope with all you monsters怪物.

Ben: You shouldn't worry so much mom, you'll make yourself crazy.

Maggie: I love you.

Patient: It's always the same dream Doc. I on a subway, and this woman sits across from me...beautiful woman!

And I look at her, she looks at me. I lick my lips, she licks her lips. This goes on, and finally she leans (斜靠) across and she whispers低声地说to me: "you have huge knees巨大的膝盖". Does that mean anything, Doctor? Mike: I should be good for about five bucks元a piece.

Jason: Good visit, Waller, and hey, don't worry too much about this thing, ok? See you next week. Bye bye!

Mike: Can I talk with you for a second, dad?

Jason: Sure.

Mike: In your office. Kids!

Jason: So, you wanted to talk about something...

Mike: Yeah, erm, mostly I just wanted to mention how smoothly things have been running, since the wife went back to work, and you moved your practice back into the house.

Jason: Well thank you.

Mike: Dad, we've been friends now for a long time...right?

Jason: Off and on断断续续地, yes

Mike: I know, I love that. See, dad, you know that dance hall place I mentioned提到,谈到this morning... Jason: "The House of Sweat".

Mike: Yeah, yeah. Jerry and I were talking and we decided...

Jason: Jerry?

Mike: Yeah, Jerry Delish. He's an older friend of mine, an excellent driver, with two years of drivers A.

Jason: Two years of drivers A?

Mike: Yeah, you see in his first class he ran over压过a dog...but he drove beautifully after that, and we're talking
